Power Point Rubric
Power Point Rubric
Power Point Rubric
Graphics The graphics, sounds and/or The graphics, sounds and/or Some of the graphics, sounds The graphics, sounds and/or
animation assist in animation visually depict and/or animation seem animation are unrelated to
presenting an overall theme material and assist the unrelated to the theme/topic the theme/topic and do not
and enhance understanding audience in understanding and do not enhance the enhance the overall concepts.
of concepts and ideas. the flow of information or overall concepts.
Writing The text is written with no The text is clearly written Spelling, capitalization, Errors in spelling,
Mechanic errors in grammar, with little or no editing punctuation and grammar capitalization, punctuation,
capitalization, punctuation required for grammar, errors distract or impair usage and grammar
s and spelling. capitalization, punctuation, readability. repeatedly distract the reader
and spelling. and major editing and
revision is required.