Executive Producer :enables the making of a commercial entertament product
2. Producer:oversees the making of films 3. Screenwriter:ius awriter who practice the crafts of screenwriting . !nit Production "anager #s the $irectors %uild of &merica'approed title for the top below'the'line staff. (. $irector :a person who is in charge of an activity, department, or organization. ). 1st &ssistant $irector*1st &$ :a person who is in charge of an activity, department, or organization. +. 2nd &ssistant $irector*2nd &$:creates the daily call sheets from the production schedule,[citation needed] in cooperation with the production coordinator. ,. -asting $irector :the person responsible for assigning roles in a movie, play, or other production. .. Script supervisor :is the editor's and writer's representative on set, as well as being the right hand aide to the director and the director of photography. 1/. $irector of Photograph0 :is the chief over the camera and lighting crews working on a film, television production or other live action piece and is responsible for achieving artistic and technical decisions related to the image. 11. -amera 1perator*2ideographer : is part of a film crew consisting of the director of photography and one or more camera assistants. 12. 1st &ssistant -amera*1st &- :1st A or !ocus "uller, is responsible for keeping the camera in focus as it is shooting, as well as building thecamera at the beginning of the day and taking it apart at the end. 13. 2nd &ssistant -amera*-lapper*3oader : is also known as the loader. 1. Sound "ixer :#n professional audio, a mi$ing console, or audio mi$er, also called a sound board, mi$ing desk, audio production console, or mi$er is an electronic device for combining, routing, and changing the level, timbre and%or dynamics of audio signals. ... 1(. 4oom 1perator :is an assistant of the production sound mi$er. 1). Production $esigner :are the visual artists and storytellers, who, in consultation primarily with the director, create and develop the overall look, atmosphere and emotion that move the story. 1+. &rt $irector :is the title for a variety of similar &ob functions in theater, advertising, marketing, publishing, film and television, the #nternet, and video games. 1,. Set $resser :items sometimes often overlap but are provided by different departments. 1.. Props "aster :is an artistic and organizational employee in a film, television or theatrical production who is responsible for purchasing, ac'uiring and%or manufacturing any props needed for a production. 2/. %affer :the chief electrician in a motion(picture or television production unit. 21. 4est 4o0 Electrician :The best boy is the lead electrician on set and is in charge of all the other electricians, similar to how the key grip is in charge of all the grips. The best boy usually operates, adjusts and balances the electrical load on the generator where required. This person is also responsible for distributing the electrical cabling properly providing the required power to each of the lights. 22. 5e0 %rip :the person in a film crew who is in charge of the camera e'uipment. 23. $oll0 %rip :is a dedicated technician trained to operate the camera dolly. 2. Special Effects &rtist :unusual visual and sound effects beyond the range of normal photography or recording, as simulated fires or earthquakes, explosions, thunder and lightning, miniaturized or enlarged images, or other optical or electronic distortions. 2(. 2isual Effects &rtist :are the processes by which imagery is created and%or manipulated outside the conte$t of a live action shot. 2). Editor :a computer program enabling the user to enter or alter te$t. 2+. Production "anager: )he "roduction *anager of a band is in charge of the technical crew. 2,. Sound 6ecordist :*ember of the sound crew responsible for operating the audio recording e'uipment on a set. 3/. "ake'up*-ostumes:to dress; furnish with a costume; provide appropriate dress for: to costume a play.