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This document was uploaded via RecordTrac in response to a public records request for the City of Oakland. You can view the original request here:
This document was uploaded via RecordTrac in response to a public records request for the City of Oakland. You can view the original request here:
This document was uploaded via RecordTrac in response to a public records request for the City of Oakland. You can view the original request here:
iJ ?+K 1 AND 02 HAY - 2 Pt4 I! 32 OAKLAND CITY COUNCIL C.M.S. 12425 ORDINANCE No. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17 (PLANNING CODE) AND TITLE 14 (SIGN CODE) OF THE OAKLAND MUNICIPAL CODE TO PERMIT ADVERTISING SIGNS PURSUANT TO FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS OR RELOCATION AGREEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE OAKLAND CITY COUNCIL. WHEREAS, on September 18,2001, the Oakland City Council (via Ordinance No. 12355 C.M.S.) awarded a franchise agreement to Clear Channel Adshel, Inc. to provide 256 bus shelters and 22 static information kiosks at no cost to the City in exchange for advertising rights. The franchise agreement provides, in part, that Clear Channel Adshel, Inc. will (a) install, maintain, and replace the kiosks and the bus shelters, (b) permanently remove 12 eight-sheet billboards at specified locations, (c) provide space on kiosks for City designated materials, and (d) pay a franchise fee to the City; and WHEREAS, in J uly 2001, the Oakland City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1235 1 C.M.S., which directed the City Attorney to execute a relocatiodsettlement agreement with Clear Channel Outdoor (formerly Eller Media Company) to allow relocation and reconstruction of an existing advertising billboard near Oakport Street and Hassler Way wherein the City would share revenue and advertising space, pursuant to a 66-year lease between Clear Channel Outdoor and the City of Oakland. Relocation of the billboard was made necessary by the sale of the currently underutilized site at 7273 Oakport Street for a Lexus Dealership; and WHEREAS, over the past five years, the City of Oakland has increased restrictions on advertising signs throughout the City, and, as a result, the advertising signs associated with the aforementioned franchise and relocation agreements are not allowed under existing regulations in the Planning and Sign Codes,; and WHEREAS, the Planning Code and Sign Code amendments would permit advertising signs that are included in the current franchise agreement for bus shelters and kiosks throughout Oakland and would allow the relocation and reconstruction of an advertising billboard at Oakport Street and Hassler Way, consistent with City Council direction; and 1 WHEREAS, the proposed Planning Code and Sign Code amendments provide flexibility for the City to allow advertising signage where appropriate while still maintaining strict controls over the placement of new and relocated advertising signs and the proposed amendments will also assist in the elimination of blight, provide public amenities and facilitate economic development; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments would permit these advertising signs, without requiring land use permits unless the franchise agreements or relocation agreements exoresslv require such land use permits and such permits are required by the underlying zoning district and moreover, unless land use permits are expressly required, the advertising signs would not be subject to compliance other provisions of the Planning Code such as height, setbacks, etc.; and WHEREAS, on April 18,2002, the proposed Planning Code amendment came before the City Planning Commission at a duly noticed meeting and the Commission found that the existing regulations were inadequate and otherwise not in the public interest and voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that the Planning Code be amended; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance came before the City Council at a duly noticed meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council does hereby find and declare that the above recitals are true and correct and hereby makes them part of this Ordinance. Section 2. Amend Title 17 of the Oakland Municipal Code (entitled Planning Code) to read as follows (additions are shown in bold italics, deleted text in strikeout and Chapter headings are shown underlined): 17.1 04.060 General Limitations on Advertising Sipns. Notwithstanding anv orovisions to the contraw contained within the Planning Code. advertising signs are not oermitted in Oakland exceot (1) as otherwise orovided for in this Code. or (2) pursuant to a franchise agreement or relocation agreement authorized bv the Oakland Citv Council. which exoresslv allows advertising signs and then onlv under the terms and conditions of such agreements. L 17.72.060 The following facilities, as described in the use classifications in Chapter 17.10, may be permitted upon the granting of a conditional use permit pursuant to the conditional use permit procedures in Chapter 17.134: Conditionallv oermitted facilities in the M-40 Zone A. Non-Residential Facilities: Drive-Through I f the agreement referenced under Section 17.104.060 exoresslv reauires a conditional use nermit then a conditional use nermit shall be rewired for the followinp: B. Signs: Advertising 17.72.090 Limitations on Sims in the M-40 Zone A. General Limitations. All signs shall he subject to the applicable limitations set forth in Section 17.104.020 and 17.104.060. Section 3. Section of the Oakland Municipal Code (entitled Sign Code) is added to read as follows: Section 14.04.270 Sims Adjacent to Freewavs 6. Relocated or whollv reconstructed advertisinp signs Dursuant to a franchise agreement or relocation agreement authorized bv the Citv Council. which exuresslv allows advertisinp signs and then onlv under the terms and conditions of such apreements. Section 4. If any provision of this Ordinmcc or thc application thereof to any pcrson or circurnstancc is held invalid, thc remainder of this Ordinance and thc application shall not bc affected thereby. 3 Section 5. This Ordinance is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines and the City Manager is directed to cause to be filed a Notice of Exemption. JUN 1 1 2002 IN COUNCIL, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, ,2002 PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES- BRUNNER, CHANG, MAYNE, NADEL, REID, SPEES, WAN, AND PRESIDENT DE LA FUENTE - NOES- -& ABSENT- (8 ABSTENTION- & CEDA FLOYD City Clerk and Clerk of the Council of the City of Oakland, California ATTEST. &+ 4
Recent Developments in Zoning, Land Use and Building Controls "Navigating A Development Project Through Multiple Land Use Approvals" Presented by Howard S. Weiss, Esq. Davidoff Malito & Hutcher LLP