Pointer 2

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1. Describe C++ memory map when a program is executing. Highlight the role and use of Heap area.
Ans. When a program is executed, C++ creates four logically distinct regions of memory:
(i) area to hold the compiled program code
(ii) area to hold global variable
(iii) the stack are to hold the return addresses of function calls, arguments passes to the functions, local
variables for functions, and the current state of the CPU.
(iv) the heap area from which the memory is dynamically allocated to the program.
2. What is pointer arithmetic? How is it performed? Support your answer with example.
Ans. Only two arithmetic operations, addition ad subtraction, may be performed on pointers. In pointer
arithmetic, all pointers increase and decrease by the length of the data type they point to.For example,
int *p; p++;
If address of p is 1000, then p++ statement will increase p to 1002, not 1001.
3. Given the following definitions:
int ival=2048; int *iptr; double *dptr;
which of the following assignment, if any, are illegal? Explain why.
(a) ival=*iptr (b) *iptr=ival;
(c) *iptr=&ival (d) dptr=iptr;
(e) ival=iptr; (f) iptr=ival;'
(g) iptr=&ival; (h) dptr=*iptr;
Ans. (a)legal assignment.
(b) legal assignment.
(c)illegal assignment, cannot assign a address of normal variable to pointer variable.
(d) illegal assignment, cannot assign a integer pointer to a double pointer.
(e) illegal assignment, cannot assign pointer variable to a normal variable.
(f) illegal assignment, cannot assign normal variable to a pointer variable.
(g) legal assignment.
(h) illegal assignment, cannot assign a integer pointer to a double pointer.
4. Given the following set of variable definitions:
int *ip1,ip2;
char ch,*cp;
which of the following assignment are type violations? Explain why.
(a) ip1="Smile Always"; (b) cp=0;
(c) ip1=0; (d) cp=&'a';
(e) ip1=ip2; (f) cp='\0';
(g) ip1='\0'; (h) cp=&ch;
(i) *ip=ip2;
Ans. (a) Type violation, cannot assign string to integer pointer.
(b) Correct
(c) Correct
(d) Type violation, cannot assign string with & operator.
(e) Type violation, cannot assign normal variable to a pointer variable.
(f) Correct
(g) Correct
(h) Correct
(i) Type violation, variable *ip is undefined.
5. What is the problem with the following code fragment? How might you fix it?
char buf[]="Hi there";
int main()

{ char *ptr;
for(int i=0;buf[i]!='\0';++i)
return 0;
Ans. There is no problem in above code.
6. What will be the output of the following program? Give proper explanation for this output.
int main()
{ int a,*b,**c,***d;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
Explanation: While executing the program, it prints value of variable a which is 12. After that it prints a+*b
which is 24 as b stores the address of a, and at last it prints **c+**d which is again 24 as d store the
address of c and c store the address of b.
7. Predict and explain the output of the following program:
void swap(int *,int *);
void exchange(int **,int *);
int main()
{ int a=5,b=15;
cout<<"Before Swap, a="<<a<<"and b="<<b<<"\n";
cout<<"\n After Swap, a="<<a<<"and b="<<b<<"\n";
return 0;
void swap(int *aa,int *bb)
{ exchange(&aa,bb);
void exchange(int **cc,int *dd)
{ int t;
Ans. Output:
Before Swap, a=5 and b=15
After Swap, a=15 and b=5
Explanation: The program contains two functions namely exchange and swap which call the exchange
function. In main function swap function is called, which actually call the exchange function. In call of
exchange function first argument is a address of variable and second argument is value of the variable. In call
of the swap function both argument contains the address of the variable. After the execution of program the
value of a is 15 and value of b is 5.
8. Predict and explain the output of the following program:

void change(int *);
int main()
{ int a[5]={4,5,6,7,8};
for(int i=4;i>=0;i--)
return 0;
void change(int *b)
{ for(int i=0;i<=4;i++)
{ *b=*b+1;
Ans. Output:
Explanation: This program contains one function called change() having one argument which is integer
pointer. A change() function increment the pointer variable b by 1. In main() function change() function is
called and prints the array element from end which is incremented by 1 in change() function that is 98765.
9. Predict and explain the output of the following program:
int main()
{ int iarr[]={10,12,14,16,18};
int *ip;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
Explanation: This program contains integer pointer *ip which is initialized by address of first array element in
for loop. A for is continued until variable ip is less than or equal to address of last array element and prints
actual value of array elements that is 1012141618.
10. Predict and explain the output of the following program:
int main()
{ int iarr[]={10,11,12.13.14};
int i,*p;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
Explanation: This program contains one integer variable i and integer pointer *p. In for loop p is initialized
by integer array iarr and i is initialized with 0. A for loop is continued until p+i is less than or equal to
iarr+4 and prints addition of pointer variable p and integer variable i that is 10,12,14.
11. Find the output of the following program:
int main()
{ int *Queen,Moves[]={11,22,33,44};

cout<<"Queen @"<<*Queen<<endl;
cout<<"Next @"<<*Queen<<endl;
cout<<"Finally @"<<*Queen<<endl;
cout<<"New Origin @"<<Moves[0]<<endl;
Ans. Output:
Queen @11
Next @55
Finally @44
New Origin @0
12. Find the output of the following program:
int main()
{ int Numbers[]={2,4,8,10};
int *ptr=Numbers;
for(int C=0;C<3;C++)
{ cout<<*ptr<<"@";
{ (*ptr)*=2;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
13. Find the output of the following program:
class state
{ char *state_name;
int size;
{ size=0;state_name=new char[size+1];
state(char *s)
{ size=strlen(s);
state_name=new char[size+1];
void display()
{ cout<<state_name<<endl; }

void Replace(state &a,state &b)
{ size=a.size+b.size;
delete state_name;
state_name=new char[size+1];
int main()
{ char *temp="Delhi";
state state1(temp),state2("Mumbai"),state3("Nagpur"),S1,S2;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
14. Find the output of the following program:
class student
{ char *name;
int I;
student() { I=0;name=new char[I+1]; }
student(char *s)
{ I=strlen(s); name=new char[I+1];
void display() { cout<<name<<endl; }
void manipulate(student &a,student &b)
{ I=a.I+b.I;
delete name;
name=new char[I+1];
int main()
{ char *temp="Jack";
student name1(temp),name2("Jill"),name3("John"),S1,S2;
S2.manipulate (S1,name3);
return 0;
Ans. Output:
15. Why is it said that it is faster to use an element pointer rather than an index when scanning arrays?
Support your answer with an example.

Ans. The index version would:
i nt i = 0;
whi l e( i < 100 ) {
i nt * t emp_pt r = number _seq + i ; / / equi val ent t o:
*t emp_pt r = i ; / / number _seq[ i ] = i ;
i += 1; / / or ++i

While the pointer version is:

i nt * p = number _seq;
whi l e( p ! = number _seq + 100 ) {
*p = ( p - number _seq) ;
p += 1; / / or ++p

The index version adds one line of code, which is to compute the pointer to the element you are accessing
before dereferencing that pointer. But most compilers will be able to see that the two lines (increment index,
and add index to start-pointer) can be replace by just incrementing the pointer, which is why it ends up
performing the same.
16. Write a function that takes one string argument and returns a reversed string.
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
i nt st r i ng_l engt h( char *) ;
voi d r ever se( char *) ;
voi d mai n( )
{ char st r i ng[ 100] ;
cout <<" Ent er a st r i ng\ n" ;
get s( st r i ng) ;
r ever se( st r i ng) ;
cout <<" Rever se of ent er ed st r i ng i s \ n" << st r i ng;
r et ur n 0;
voi d r ever se( char *st r i ng)
{ i nt l engt h, c;
char *begi n, *end, t emp;
l engt h = st r i ng_l engt h( st r i ng) ;
begi n = st r i ng;
end = st r i ng;
f or ( c = 0 ; c < ( l engt h - 1 ) ; c++ )
f or ( c = 0 ; c < l engt h/ 2 ; c++ )
{ t emp = *end;
*end = *begi n;
*begi n = t emp;
begi n++;
end- - ; }
i nt st r i ng_l engt h( char *poi nt er )
{ i nt c = 0;
whi l e( *( poi nt er +c) ! = ' \ 0' )
r et ur n c;
17. Write a function that takes one string argument and returns 1 if the given string is a palindrome otherwise
returns 0. (Note: Palindrome string reads the same from both sides. For example, madam, level, malayalam

are palindromes)
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<pr ocess. h>
#i ncl ude<st di o. h>
#i ncl ude<st r i ng. h>
voi d pal i ndr ome( char a[ ] )
i nt l =st r l en( a) ;
char *a1, *b1;
f or ( a1=a, b1=&a[ l - 1] ; a1<=b1; a1++, b1- - )
i f ( *a1! =*b1)
cout <<" No, i t i s not a Pal i ndr ome: " ;
exi t ( 0) ;
cout <<" Yes, i t i s a Pal i ndr ome: " ;
voi d mai n( )
char c[ 30] ;
cout <<" Ent er t he st r i ng: " ;
get s( c) ;
cout <<endl ;
pal i ndr ome( c) ;
18. What will be the output of the following program?
int main()
{ char a[]="able was I ere I saw elba";
char *t,*s,*b;
{ cout<<*s;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
aabbl l ee wwaass I I ee
19. Write a function to encode a string that is passed to it. The string should get converted into an
unrecognizable form.
[Hint: You may change the ASCII code of the constituent character by adding or subtraction a constant
number from the original ASCII value of the constituent characters.]
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<coni o. h>
#i ncl ude<st r i ng. h>
#i ncl ude<st di o. h>
voi d encode( char st r 1[ ] , i nt l ) ;
voi d mai n( )

char st r [ 30] ;
cl r scr ( ) ;
cout <<" Ent er an st r i ng: " ;
get s( st r ) ;
i nt l en=st r l en( st r ) ;
encode( st r , l en) ;
get ch( ) ;
voi d encode( char st r 1[ ] , i nt l )
i nt i ;
f or ( i =0; i <l ; i ++)
st r 1[ i ] =st r 1[ i ] +10;
cout <<" \ nThe encoded st r i ng i s: " <<endl ;
f or ( i =0; i <l ; i ++)
cout <<st r 1[ i ] ;
cout <<" \ nThe pr oper st r i ng i s: " <<endl ;
f or ( i =0; i <l ; i ++)
st r 1[ i ] =st r 1[ i ] - 10;
f or ( i =0; i <l ; i ++)
cout <<st r 1[ i ] ;
20. Predict and explain the output of the following program:
int main()
{ float *retpt(float *r);
float p=22.6,*q;
cout<<"q before call="<<q<<"\n";
return 0;
float *retpt(float *r)
{ r+=1;
(Assume that q before call is 4004.)
Ans. Output:
q bef or e cal l =0x8f 64f f f 2
Explanation: This program contains one function namely retpt() which has floating pointer as argument and
increment *r by 1. A main() function contains one float variable p which is initialized with 22.6 and floating
pointer *q which is initialized with address of variable p. After that it prints the value of q before call to the
function retpt() which is 0x8f 64f f f 2.
21. Write a function search() which scans a string from beginning is to end in search of a character. If the
character is found it should return a pointer to the first occurrence of the given character in the string. If
the given character is not found in the string, the function should return a NULL. The prototype of the
function would be:
char *search(char *,char);
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<coni o. h>

#i ncl ude<st r i ng. h>
#i ncl ude<st di o. h>
char *sear ch( char *, char ) ;
i nt l en;
voi d mai n( )
char st r [ 20] , ch, *f ;
cl r scr ( ) ;
cout <<" Ent er a st r i ng: " ;
get s( st r ) ;
cout <<" Ent er t he char act er t o be sear ched f or : " ;
ci n>>ch;
l en=st r l en( st r ) ;
f =sear ch( st r , ch) ;
i f ( f ! =NULL)
cout <<" Char act er i s f ound. " ;
el se
cout <<" Char act er i s not f ound. " ;
get ch( ) ;
char *sear ch( char *x, char d)
i nt i ;
f or ( i =0; i <l en; i ++)
i f ( *x==d)
r et ur n x;
r et ur n NULL;
22. Write a function to compress any given string such that the multiple blanks preset in it are eliminated. The
function should return the compressed string.
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
voi d r emoveSpaces( char * s)
char * sour ce = s;
char * dest = s;
whi l e( *sour ce) {
i f ( *sour ce == ' ' )
sour ce++;
el se
*dest ++ = *sour ce++;
*dest = 0;
i nt mai n( )
char i nput [ 50] = " I l i ke mi l k" ;
r emoveSpaces( i nput ) ;
cout <<i nput ;

r et ur n 0;
23 Predict and explain the output of the following program:
int main()
{ struct S{ char carr[10];
int a;
float b;
//assume that the first structure begins at address 1004
return 0;
Ans. Students can you do this... Try...
24. C++ lets you pass a structure by value and it lets you pass the address of a structure. If sample is a structure
variable, how would you pass it by value? How would you pass its address? Which method do you think is
Ans. I f we assume st r uct ur e var i abl e name as sampl e and f unct i on name as
sampl e_f unct i on( ) t hen:
Pass a structure by value Pass a structure by address
st r uct SAMPLE sampl e;
sampl e_f unct i on( sample) ;

voi d sampl e_f unct i on( st r uct SAMPLE
st r uct SAMPLE sampl e;
sampl e_f unct i on( &sample) ;

voi d sampl e_f unct i on( st r uct SAMPLE
Bot h t he met hod have t hei r own i mpor t ance, so as per t he pr ogr am
r equi r ement we can use any of t hem.
25. Write a function having this prototype:
int replace(char *s,char c1,char c2);
Have the function replace every occurrence of c1 in the string s with c2, ad have the function return the
number of replacements it makes.
Ans. i nt r epl ace( char * st r , char c1, char c2)
i nt count = 0;
whi l e ( *st r ) / / whi l e not at end of st r i ng
i f ( *st r == c1)
*st r = c2;
count ++;
st r ++; / / advance t o next char act er
r et ur n count ;
26. Given here is a structure defilation:
struct Box { char maker[21];
float height,width,length,volume;
Write a function that passes the address of a Box structure and that sets the volume member to the

product of the other three dimensions.
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
st r uct box
char maker [ 40] ;
f l oat hei ght ;
f l oat wi dt h;
f l oat l engt h;
f l oat vol ume;
box your s;
f l oat boxer _di mensi ons ( const box * comput e ) ;
voi d di spl ay_box ( const box make) ;
i nt mai n( )
box your s ={" Appl e" , 10. 0, 5. 0, 7. 5}; / / t o i ni t i al i ze a r ecor d
char name[ 40] ;
f l oat di a;
di a= boxer _di mensi ons ( &your s) ; / / f unct i on cal l
your s. vol ume = di a; / / assi gni ng r esul t s t o vol ume member r ecor d
di spl ay_box ( your s) ; / / f unct i on cal l
r et ur n 0;
f l oat boxer _di mensi ons ( const box *comput e ) / / specs cal l s f or passi ng
addr ess of t he st r uct ur e
f l oat Vol ;
Vol = ( ( comput e- >hei ght ) *( comput e- >l engt h) *( comput e- >wi dt h) ) ;
/ / comput at i on f or vol ume her e
r et ur n Vol ;
voi d di spl ay_box ( const box make) / / / di spl ay al l r esul t s her e
cout << make. maker <<endl ;
cout << make. hei ght <<endl ;
cout << make. wi dt h <<endl ;
cout << make. l engt h<< endl ;
cout << make. vol ume<<endl ;
27. What is the advantage of passing arguments by reference? When and why is passing an object by reference
Ans. In passing arguments by reference method, the called function does not create its own copy of original
values; rather, it refers to the original values only by different names i.e., the references. Thus the called
function works with the original data and any change in the values gets reflected to the data.
The passing an object by reference method is preferable in situations where we want the called function to
work with the original object so that there is no need to create and destroy the copy of it.
28. Write a function fibonacci() that takes an int argument n and prints first n elements of Fibonacci series.
(A function series is where each successive number is the sum of preceding two elements. For example, 0 1
1 2 3 5 8 .. is a Fibonacci series)
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<st di o. h>
#i ncl ude<coni o. h>
i nt Fi bonacci ( i nt ) ;
voi d mai n( )

i nt n, i = 0, c;
cl r scr ( ) ;
cout <<" ent er number : " ;
ci n>>n;
cout <<" Fi bonacci ser i es\ n" ;
f or ( c = 1 ; c <= n ; c++ )
cout <<Fi bonacci ( i ) <<endl ;
i ++;
get ch( ) ;
i nt Fi bonacci ( i nt n)
i f ( n == 0 )
r et ur n 0;
el se i f ( n == 1 )
r et ur n 1;
el se
r et ur n ( Fi bonacci ( n- 1) + Fi bonacci ( n- 2) ) ;
29. Correct the errors in the following program
class Sample { private:
int x;
void getdata(void)
{ cout<<"Enter number: ";
void display(void)
{ cout<<x;
int main()
{ Sample S;
Sample *p;
p=new Sample;
return 0;
Ans. cl ass Sampl e { pr i vat e:
i nt x;
publ i c:
voi d get dat a( voi d)
{ cout <<" Ent er number : " ;
ci n>>x;
voi d di spl ay( voi d)
{ cout <<x;

i nt mai n( )
{ Sampl e S;
S. get dat a( ) ;
S. di spl ay( ) ;
Sampl e *p;
p=new Sampl e;
p- >get dat a( ) ;
( *p) . di spl ay( ) ;
r et ur n 0;
30. What will be the output of the following program? Run this program and find out:
struct Book { char *name;
char *author;
float royalty;
int main()
{ Book b1={"Computers","DBA",10.5};
Book *p;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
31. Write a function that takes two string arguments and return the concatenated string.
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
voi d st cat ( char *st r 1, char *st r 2) ;
voi d mai n( )
char *st r 1, *st r 2;
cl r scr ( ) ;
cout <<" \ n\ n\ t ENTER THE FI RST STRI NG: " ;
get s( st r 1) ;
cout <<" \ n\ n\ t ENTER THE FI RST STRI NG: " ;
get s( st r 2) ;
st cat ( st r 1, st r 2) ;
cout <<" \ n\ t THE CONCATENATED STRI NG I S: " ;
put s( st r 1) ;
get ch( ) ;
voi d st cat ( char *st r 1, char *st r 2)
i nt i = 0, l en = 0;
whi l e( *( st r 1+l en) ! =' \ 0' )
l en++;
whi l e( *( st r 2+i ) ! =' \ 0' )
*( st r 1+l en) = *( st r 2+i ) ;
i ++;
l en++;
*( st r 1+l en) = ' \ 0' ;

32. What are this and *this? How are these two different?
Ans. this is a pointer to the object whose member function is being executed. It is a pointer to the object itself
while *this is an object pointed by the pointer this.
33. What will be the output of the following program?
int main()
{ int x[3][5]={ {18,20,13,24,35},
{19,22,30,21,15} };
int *n=&x[0][0];
cout<<"1.(*(n+3)+1) \t="<<(*(n+3)+1)<<endl;
cout<<"2. *(n+2) \t="<<*(n+2)<<endl;
cout<<"3. *(*x+2)+5 \t="<<*(*x+2)+5<<endl;
cout<<"4. ++*n \t="<<++*n<<endl;
cout<<"5. *(*(x)+2)+1 \t="<<*(*(x)+2)+1<<endl;
cout<<"6. *n \t\t="<<*n<<endl;
cout<<"7. *(*(x+2)+1) \t="<<*(*(x+2)+1)<<endl;
cout<<"8. *(*(x+1)+3) \t="<<*(*(x+1)+3)<<endl;
cout<<"9. *(*(x+1)) \t="<<*(*(x+1))<<endl;
cout<<"10. *(n+5)+1 \t="<<*(n+5)+1<<endl;
return 0;
Ans. Output:
1. ( *( n+3) +1) = 25
2. *( n+2) = 13
3. *( *x+2) +5 = 18
4. ++*n = 19
5. *( *( x) +2) +1 = 14
6. *n = 19
7. *( *( x+2) +1) = 22
8. *( *( x+1) +3) = 19
9. *( *( x+1) ) = 7
10. *( n+5) +1 = 8
34. What will be the output of the following program?
int main()
{ system("cls");
char string[]="Pointers and Strings";
return 0;
Ans. Output:
er s and St r i ngs
Poi nt er s and St r i ngs

Write a function substr() that will scan a string for the occurrence of a give substring. the prototype of the
function would be:
char *substr(char *string1,char string2);
The function should return a pointer to the element in string1 where strig2 begins. If string2 doesn't occur in
string1 then substr() should return a NULL.
For example, if string1 is "Ena Meena Deeka", and string2 is "Meena" the substr() should return address of 'M'
in string1.
Write main() function also that uses the function substr().
Ans. #i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<st di o. h>
char *get _subst r ( char *sub, char *st r ) ;
i nt mai n( )
char *subst r , *st r ;
cout <<" Ent er t he st r i ng : " ;
get s( st r ) ;
cout <<" \ nEnt er t he subst r i ng : " ;
get s( subst r ) ;
subst r = get _subst r ( subst r , st r ) ;
i f ( subst r ! =' \ 0' )
cout << " subst r i ng f ound: " <<subst r ;
el se
cout << " subst r i ng not f ound" ;
r et ur n 0;

char *get _subst r ( char *sub, char *st r ) / / Ret ur n poi nt er t o subst r i ng or
nul l i f not f ound.
i nt t ;
char *p, *p2, *st ar t ;

f or ( t =0; st r [ t ] ! =' \ 0' ; t ++)
p = &st r [ t ] ;
st ar t = p;
p2 = sub;
whi l e( *p2! =' \ 0' && *p2==*p) / / check f or subst r i ng
/ * I f at end of p2 ( i . e. , subst r i ng) , t hen a mat ch has been f ound. */
i f ( ! *p2)
r et ur n st ar t ; / / r et ur n poi nt er t o begi nni ng of subst r i ng
r et ur n 0;

2. Suppose 7 names are stored in a array of pointers names[] as shown below:
char *names[]= { "Anand","Naureen","Banjot","Wahid","sheena" };
Write a program to reverse the order of these names.
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<coni o. h>
#i ncl ude<st r i ng. h>

voi d mai n( )
cl r scr ( ) ;
char *name[ ] ={" anand" , " naur een" , " banj ot " , " wahi d" , " sheena" };
i nt i , j ;
cout <<" \ nOr i gi nal st r i ng\ n" ;
f or ( i =0; i <5; i ++)
cout <<name[ i ] <<endl ;
char *t ;
f or ( i =0, j =4; i <5/ 2; i ++, j - - )
t =name[ i ] ;
name[ i ] =name[ j ] ;
name[ j ] =t ;
cout <<" \ nRever sed st r i ng: \ n" ;
f or ( i =0; i <5; i ++)
cout <<name[ i ] <<endl ;
get ch( ) ;
3. Imagine a publishing company that markets both books and audio-cassette versions of its works. Create a class
called Publication that stores the title (a string) and price of a publication. From this class derive two classes:
Book, which adds a page count (type int); and Tape, which adds a playing time in minutes (type float). Each of
the three class should have a getdata() function to get its data from the user at the keyboard, and a putdata()
function to display the data.
Write a main() program that creates an array of pointers to Publication. In a loop, ask the user for data about a
particular book or Tape, and use new to create a object of type Book or Tape to hold the data. Put the pointer
to the object in the data for all books and tapes, display the resulting data for all the books and taps entered,
using a for loop and a single statement such as
to display the data from each object in the array.
Ans. #i ncl ude<i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude<st r i ng. h>
cl ass Publ i cat i on
pr i vat e:
char t i t l e[ 20] ;
f l oat pr i ce;
publ i c:
voi d get Name( )
cout <<" Ent er Ti t l e: " ; ci n>>t i t l e;
cout <<" Ent er Pr i ce: $" ; ci n>>pr i ce;
voi d put Name( )
cout <<" \ nTi t l e: " <<t i t l e;
cout <<" , Pr i ce: $" <<pr i ce;
vi r t ual voi d get Dat a( ) = 0;
cl ass Book : publ i c Publ i cat i on
pr i vat e:
i nt pages;

publ i c:
voi d get Dat a( )
Publ i cat i on: : get Name( ) ;
cout <<" Ent er Pages: " ; ci n>>pages;
voi d put Dat a( )
Publ i cat i on: : put Name( ) ;
cout <<" , Pages: " <<pages<<endl ;

cl ass Tape : publ i c Publ i cat i on
pr i vat e:
f l oat mi nut es;
publ i c:
voi d get Dat a( )
Publ i cat i on: : get Name( ) ;
cout <<" Ent er Mi nut es: " ; ci n>>mi nut es;
voi d put Dat a( )
Publ i cat i on: : put Name( ) ;
cout <<" , Mi nut es: " <<mi nut es<<endl ;
i nt mai n( )
Publ i cat i on* pt r Pub[ 100] ;
i nt n = 0;
char choi ce;
cout <<" Book or Tape? ( b/ t ) : " ; ci n>>choi ce;
i f ( choi ce == ' b' )
{ pt r Pub[ n] = new Book; pt r Pub[ n] - >get Dat a( ) ; }
el se
{ pt r Pub[ n] = new Tape; pt r Pub[ n] - >get Dat a( ) ; }
n++; cout <<" Ent er anot her ? ( y/ n) : " ; ci n>>choi ce;
} whi l e( choi ce == ' y' ) ;

f or ( i nt i =0; i <n; i ++)
pt r Pub[ i ] - >put Name( ) ;
cout <<endl ;
r et ur n 0;
4. Given the following incomplete class definition:
class Player
{ char firstname[15],surname[15];
int runs,sixes,fours;
float strike-rate;

Player(); //constructor
~Player(); //Destruct
char *getname();
{ return strcat(firstname,lastname); }
int getruns()
{ rerurn runs; }
int getsix()
{ rerurn sixes; }
int getfours()
{ rerurn fours; }
float getst_rate()
{ rerurn strike-rate; }
Write a program that uses array of pointers to object to store the details of various Players. Get details of the
players from the user at the keyboard and print the details of the Player who has made maximum runs.
5. Create some objects of the Player class (of question 4), and put them on a List, an array of pointers to objects.
Display the contents of the resulting list in two ways:
(i) Use println() to print an entire list.
(ii) Using a while loop ask for the Players name and display his details and then remove this Player from the
Ans. Students take help of answer number 4


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