2005 Magnetom Flash 2 1
2005 Magnetom Flash 2 1
2005 Magnetom Flash 2 1
Price 10,- EUR
New Perspectives and
Challenges in Abdominal
Imaging with the
MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System
Page 12
Advances in Cardiac MRI
at 3T – Benefits of
Multi-Channel MR Systems
Page 30
An Overview of
Three Dimensional
Contrast-Enhanced MRA
at 3.0 Tesla
Page 40
Neuroimaging at
MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System
Page 54
Tim at 3T: Highlights
Page 96
Lisa Reid, Dagmar Thomsik-Schröpfer, Ph.D. Antje Hellwich A. Nejat Bengi, M.D.
US Installed Base Manager, MR Marketing-Products, Erlangen Associate Editor Editor in Chief
Malvern, PA
Heike Weh, Bernhard Baden, Tony Enright, Ph.D. Milind Dhamankar, M.D.
Clinical Data Manager, Clinical Data Manager, Asia Pacific Collaborations, Manager Clinical MR
Erlangen Erlangen Australia Research Collaborations,
Siemens Medical
Solutions USA
MR Cholangiopancreatography at 3.0 Tesla –
Initial Experience and Future Outlook
New Perspectives and Challenges in Abdominal Imaging
with the MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System
Accurate Prostate Cancer Staging with MR
Accurate Staging of Prostate Cancer with MR
Advances in Cardiac MRI at 3T –
Benefits of Multi-Channel MR Systems
Comparison of Intracranial 3D-ToF-MRA with and without
Parallel Acquisition Techniques at 1.5T and 3.0T: Preliminary Results
An Overview of Three Dimensional
Contrast-Enhanced MRA at 3.0 Tesla
CSI-Measurements of the Human Brain at 3T
Neuroimaging at MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System
SPACE Case Reports: Brain Imaging with MAGNETOM Trio
3T Cartilage Imaging in the Knee Joint
3T Imaging in the Hip
3T MRI in Orthopedics
from the T2
Page 30
3D Neuro taskcard showing functional
activation. Page 58
Whole Body
Imaging at 3T
Page 100
Case Report: Comparision of Acetabular Labrum Lesion
and Corresponding Cartilage
3T Neuropediatric Imaging, Initial Experience at the
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
SPACE (Clinical Practice)
Multinuclear MR Spectroscopy at 3 Tesla
University of Utah uses Siemens MAGNETOM Open Architecture for
Applications from Carotid Wall Imaging to Image Guided Thermal Therapy
SPACE: An Innovative Solution to Rapid, Low SAR,
T2-Weighted Contrast in 3D Spin Echo Imaging
96 TIM@3T
Tim at 3T: Highlights
Initial Results from MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System
in Asia Pacific Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital
The information presented in MAGNETOM Flash is for illustration only and is not intended to be relied upon by the reader for instruction as to the practice of medicine.
Any health care practitioner reading this information is reminded that they must use their own learning, training and expertise in dealing with their individual patients.
This material does not substitute for that duty and is not intended by Siemens Medical Solutions to be used for any purpose in that regard. The drugs and doses
mentioned in MAGNETOM Flash are consistent with the approval labeling for uses and/or indications of the drug. The treating physician bears the sole responsibility for
the diagnosis and treatment of patients, including drugs and doses prescribed in connection with such use. The Operating Instructions must always be strictly followed
when operating the MR System. The source for the technical data is the corresponding data sheets.
proves it.
We see a way to do MRI with an increased signal-to-noise of up to100%
Proven Outcomes with Tim (Total imaging Ensuring no detail is lost — from the smallest lesions
matrix technology). In hundreds and to a large organ or extended anatomical region.
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102 Matrix coil elements, you can combine coils in
any way, for multi-organ exams, all in a single patient
set-up. Offering incredible flexibility and accuracy.
MR Cholangiopancreatography
at 3.0 Tesla – Initial Experience and
Future Outlook
Elmar M. Merkle, M.D.1 and Brian M. Dale, Ph.D.2
Duke University Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Durham, NC, USA
Siemens Medical Solutions, Cary, NC, USA
Since its original description in 1991 by Wallner et al. [1], pancreas with a high level of confidence even for inexperi-
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) has enced MR technologists due to the chemical shift artifact of
gained general acceptance along with transabdominal ultra- the second kind (also known as India ink artifact). The dedi-
sound as the non-invasive imaging method of choice for dis- cated MRCP sequences include single-slice breath hold
eases of the biliary system. It has replaced endoscopic retro- RARE* (Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement) in
grade cholangiography (ERC), particularly in those cases in various angulations, multi-slice breath hold HASTE (Half
which an endoscopic intervention seems unlikely at the out- Fourier Acquisition Single-Shot Turbo Spin Echo), and a respi-
set [2]. While transabdominal ultrasound seems to be supe- ratory triggered 3D Turbo Spin Echo sequence. A more
rior for gallbladder imaging, MRC is favored for evaluation of detailed description is provided as follows:
extrahepatic biliary ductal disease [3]. Unfortunately, both Sequence 1: Triplanar localizer
imaging modalities are of limited use for evaluating the intra- TR/TE/FA/NSA = 15/5/40/1, 96 x 192 matrix, ST 10 mm
hepatic biliary anatomy, particularly if the biliary system is Sequence 2: Coronal T2-weighted HASTE
not dilated. The underlying reasons are mainly limitations TR/TE/FA/NSA = 1000/83/136/1, 256 x 256 matrix,
in spatial resolution and/or signal-to-noise. However, a 17 slices, ST 8 mm
detailed anatomical depiction of the ‘non-distended’ intra-
hepatic biliary ductal system is occasionally needed, e.g. for
the preoperative evaluation of potential living liver donors.
The introduction of whole body 3.0-Tesla MR systems in
combination with a dedicated receive-only torso coil array is
an appealing concept with the potential to overcome these
[ Figure 2 ] Maximum intensity projections of a SPACE (A) and a respiratory triggered coronal 3D T2-weighted TSE
(B) dataset showing two normal variants of the biliary ductal anatomy. (A), Trifurcation variant where the right posterior
segmental branch (arrow), the right anterior segmental branch and left hepatic duct join at the same point. (B),
Cross-over variant where the right posterior segmental branch (arrow) drains into the left hepatic duct. Note ghosting
artifacts (dashed arrow) from fluid filled small bowel loops (large arrow) obscuring the area of the papilla of Vater.
Sequence 3: Axial T1-weighted gradient recalled echo sent the most challenging part of the preoperative evalua-
in- and opposed phase tion with variants in as many as 45% of cases [4]. A correct
TR/TE1/TE2/FA/NSA = 216/1.52/4.9/71/1, iPAT 2, understanding of the biliary anatomy is crucial in order to
192 x 256 matrix, 2 x 19 slices, ST 8 mm achieve safe hepatic resections and to minimize biliary com-
Sequence 4–6: Coronal single slice T2-weighted RARE plications [5].
with fat saturation, coronal and ± 20 oblique coronal The ‘classic’ biliary anatomy is known as a left hepatic duct
TR/TE/FA/NSA = 2120/964/150/1, 256 x2 56 matrix, and a short right hepatic duct which together form the com-
ST 50 mm, 30 x 30 cm2 FoV, TA 2 s mon hepatic duct. The right hepatic duct itself is formed by
Sequence 7: Coronal T2-weighted HASTE with fat satura- the anterior and posterior right hepatic segmental branches
tion TR/TE/FA/NSA = 3000/106/123/1, 256 x 256 matrix, (Figure 1). Unfortunately, this classic anatomy is seen in only
16 slices, ST 3 mm, 35 x 35 cm2 FoV, 2 concatenations , two-thirds of all cases. The most common variants are
TA 2 x 24 s so-called cross-over anomalies where the right posterior
Sequence 8: Respiratory triggered coronal 3D T2-weighted segmental branch either joins together with the right anteri-
TSE with fat saturation utilizing a navigator technique or segmental branch the left hepatic duct or the right poste-
for detection of the diaphragm position TR/TE/FA/NSA = rior segmental branch crosses over to drain into the left
1 x respiratory cycle/645/180/1, 240 x 256 matrix, 60 slices, hepatic duct. These cross-over variants are seen in approxi-
ST 1 mm, 30 x 30 cm2 FoV, TA 3 – 6 min depending on mately 30% of cases (Figure 2). Depiction of these variants is
the respiratory frequency important for the hepatic surgeon to optimize patient out-
come. Preliminary data suggest that MRCP at 3.0 Tesla offers
Normal biliary anatomy improved CNR and a higher level of confidence for depicting
Accurate preoperative radiological imaging with a high level intrahepatic variants compared to MRCP at 1.5 Tesla [6].
of confidence is essential in order to assess the vascular and
biliary anatomy of patients prior to liver resection or poten- Remaining challenges at ultra-high
tial living related liver donors. It is the unique ability of MR field MRCP
imaging to delineate the biliary system without the need for The RARE and HASTE sequences are very robust and reliable.
biliary excreted contrast agents. This allows a fast preopera- However, they are orientation-dependent and have a rela-
tive workup using a single imaging approach. Visualization tively coarse through-plane resolution. The respiratory trig-
and classification of the intrahepatic biliary variants repre- gered sequence, on the other hand, is a nearly isotropic 3D
high resolution sequence. It can be used to generate a high dashed and large arrows) because each partition is acquired
resolution MIP in any orientation and detect small structures over two separate respiratory cycles. Additionally, this
with a high degree of confidence [6], but it is less robust and sequence is quite long, requiring 3 –6 minutes depending on
occasionally suffers from certain artifacts. In particular, it is the respiratory cycle of the patient.
common to see a FoV/2 ghost (Figure 1 arrows and Figure 2B
[ Figure 3 ] Plots of signal evolution during the echo train with a standard TSE sequence (top) and the
SPACE sequence (bottom). In each case the flip angles used during the echo train are shown (left), as well
as the resulting MR signal during the echo train (right). The standard TSE sequence uses a constant train
of 180º pulses while the SPACE sequence varies the flip angle during the echo train. Due to SAR restrictions,
the 180º train is oftentimes not possible at 3.0T leading to degraded contrast and signal properties. With
the SPACE sequence SAR is dramatically reduced and the desirable signal properties, especially late in the
train, are maintained. Because longer echo trains can be used, an entire partition is acquired in a single TR
with SPACE, which effectively eliminates the FoV/2 ghosts present with the standard sequence.
MRCP is an important and effective imaging technique that
benefits significantly from the additional SNR available at
3.0T. A state of the art protocol is presented including RARE,
HASTE, and respiratory triggered 3D T2-weighted TSE. The
new SPACE sequence can eliminate some of the artifacts
encountered with the suggested TSE sequence without
compromising resolution or contrast.
In general, the challenges for abdominal magnetic reso- same scan (mSENSE, GRAPPA) [Griswold et al., 2004]. The
nance imaging (MRI) are confined to the three-fold issues of latter implementation is known as integrated parallel acqui-
spatial resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and artifacts from sition techniques (iPAT).
respiratory motion or vascular pulsation. Within the last few
years, a number of strategies have been developed to over- Current state-of-the-art imaging at 1.5 Tesla
come these limitations. The use of parallel acquisition tech- With 1.5T state-of-the-art scanners, a slice thickness for
niques on MRI systems with multiple receiver channels now abdominal imaging of 4 to 6 mm can be routinely applied
allows the increase of the spatial resolution at almost no cost with 2D-sequences and 2 to 4 mm with 3D-sequences.
in scan time [Heidemann RM et al., 2003; Zech et al., JMRI Acquisition of a (320)2 matrix at a (350 mm)2 field-of-view
2004]. Motion artifacts can be successfully avoided by the allows the routine obtaining of an in-plane resolution of
application of navigator-based correction techniques thereby approximately 1 mm2. By the combination of parallel acquisi-
synchronizing the image acquisition with the position of tion techniques with prospective navigator correction e.g. in
the diaphragm [Zech et al., JMRI 2004; Pauleit et al., 2001]. T2-weighted (w) turbo-spin-echo (TSE) sequences, the
Lastly, signal-to-noise constraints can now be effectively image acquisition of larger organs such as the liver is feasible
overcome by the introduction of 3 Tesla (T) MRI systems into in three breath-holds with a breath-hold time of only 13 sec-
the clinical routine. To truly assess the additional value of 3T onds [Zech et al., JMRI 2004]. For free-breathing acquisi-
systems for abdominal MR imaging one has to ensure that a tions, the total acquisition time can be effectively reduced by
fair comparison is made to current state-of-the-art 1.5T MRI parallel acquisition techniques to around 4 minutes. Studies
systems, in order to evaluate the benefit of 3T in view of the have shown that the use of PAT does not result in a substan-
higher hardware costs . tially larger number of artifacts from aliasing, while at the
At the present time, state-of-the-art 1.5T MRI scanners are same time motion artifacts are decreased due to the shorter
equipped with between 8 and 32 independent receiver overall scan times [Zech et al., JMRI 2004]. With these tech-
channels allowing the use of parallel acquisition techniques niques liver lesions can now be reliably detected with T2-w
(PAT) in all three directions with acceleration factors of up to sequences at a size of 4 to 5 mm or less after administration
16. For PAT, essentially two different algorithms are applied, of superparamagnetic iron oxides (SPIO). It has been shown
which perform the reconstruction either in the image that the combination of dynamic gadolinium-enhanced
domain (SENSE-based algorithms) [Pruessmann et al., 1999] imaging using thin-slice 3D T1-w gradient-echo (GRE)
or k-space domain (SMASH-based algorithms) [Sodickson et sequences with SPIO-imaging further improves the detec-
Manning, 1997; Jakob et al., 1998; Griswold et al., 2000; Gris- tion of small lesions < 10 mm [Kwak et al, 2004].
wold et al., 2002]. Dependent on the vendor-specific imple- In sequence types that have an intrinsically high signal-to-
mentation, the information of the coil sensitivity profiles is noise ratio (SNR), such as steady-state free precession tech-
either acquired within a separate breath-hold-scan (SENSE) niques (TrueFISP, balanced FFE, FIESTA), higher PAT accelera-
or by acquisition of additional reference lines within the tion factors can be applied. These techniques are particularly
[ Figure A-1 ] Comparison of a navigator-triggered T2-weighted TSE sequence of the liver on a 3T system
(MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions). The time of acquisition is decreased from 1:52 min without (A)
parallel imaging to 1:11 min with (B) parallel imaging with an acceleration factor of 2. Same parameter settings
were used for both sequences: TR: > 1900 ms, depending on the respiratory cycle; TE: 109 ms; 27 slices with
6 mm thickness; (384)2 matrix with a rectangular field of view (360 x 270 mm2).
[ Figure A-2 ] Transversal (A) and coronal (B) VIBE fat-sat T1-weighted 3D GRE images acquired on a 3T system
(MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions) with a novel whole-body coil concept (total imaging matrix) and parallel
imaging with an acceleration factor of 2 for the transversal study and 3 for the coronal study. Note the excellent image
homogeneity and fat suppression. The whole liver can be covered with 2 mm slices within a single breath-hold of 18 s.
[ Figure B ] Comparison of a navigator-triggered T2-weighted TSE sequence of the liver on a 3T system using the
hyper-echo technique (MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions). Each two sections at different levels with a
flip angle of 60° (A) and 120° (B). The other parameter settings were the same for both sequences: TR: > 1900 ms,
depending on the respiratory cycle; TE: 109 ms; 27 slices with 6 mm thickness; (384)2 matrix with a rectangular
field of view (360 x 270 mm2).
favorable for single-breath-hold 3D imaging of the small and The problem is that there are a number of challenges for
large bowel after intra-luminal water distension with accel- abdominal MRI at 3T despite the obvious advantage of a
eration in two phase-encoding directions. A total PAT factor higher SNR. First, the specific absorption rate (SAR) increases
of six allows the acquisition of an entire data set with 1.5 mm quadratically with field strength, resulting in a major limita-
isotropic voxel length in a single breath-hold of less than 20 tion particularly for turbo-spin-echo sequences [Kangarlu et
seconds. This data can be individually reformatted to show al, 1999]. The shorter wavelength at 3T results in substantial
the exact extent of small or large bowel pathology. Imaging dielectric resonance-effects, causing significant signal inho-
of the pancreas can nowadays also be done at very high res- mogeneities due to eddy currents in the tissue with the
olution by the use of PAT, (320)2 to (384)2 matrix size and a result of focal field cancellation [Kangarlu et al, 1999]. Relax-
slice thickness of 4 mm after administration of manganese- ation times are substantially longer, which necessitates the
containing contrast agents such as TeslascanTM (Amersham adjustment of several imaging parameters (e.g. TR, TE).
Health, Ismaning, Germany) [Schima et al., 2002]. Similarly, The second step for abdominal imaging at 3T has therefore
the advent of PAT has revolutionized the use of contrast- been to effectively address these limitations by new technical
enhanced 3D MR-angiography (MRA) in the abdomen. Voxel strategies. The signal inhomogeneities due to the dielectric
sizes of less than 1 mm3 are now achievable within a single resonance effects can be substantially reduced by the appli-
breath-hold [Schoenberg et al., SemUltrasCTMR 2003; cation of external gel pads placed on the surface of the patient.
Schoenberg et al., NDT 2003; Schoenberg et al., Radiology These RF homogenisation pads are not visible in the images,
2005]. These isotropic data sets can also be reformatted in but nevertheless alter the dielectric properties of the imag-
any plane, which offers the possibility of assessing the area ing volume, improving signal homogeneity [Schmitt M et al.,
stenosis rather than only the diameter stenosis. These area 2004]. The SAR can be effectively reduced by new techniques
stenosis measurements have shown good correlation to such as the hyper-echo technique and the variable flip angle
intravascular ultrasound in preliminary studies on renal technique [Mugler JP et al., 1992; Hennig et Scheffler, 2001;
arteries and appear to be significantly more accurate in Hennig et al., 2003], or parallel imaging [Pruessmann, 2004].
terms of the measurement of the true degree of stenosis In the third step, these new techniques have been effectively
[Schoenberg et al., Radiology 2005]. implemented on clinical scanners to extend the limits even
further. Currently, matrix sizes of (512)2 and slice thicknesses
Capabilities at 3 Tesla of less than 4 mm appear feasible, while at the same time
As already outlined, the current achievements at 1.5T apply a breath-hold scans of less than 12 seconds or total scan times
high standard in abdominal MRI. Thus, the initial step at 3T for free-breathing acquisitions of less than 2 minutes can be
was to reproduce similar image parameters to those at 1.5T. achieved using PAT.
Image optimization advantageous for the use of spectral fat suppression and
In the following, the individual steps for the optimization of for MR spectroscopy or chemical shift imaging; however,
image acquisition for abdominal MRI at 3T are discussed: chemical-shift artifacts are also more pronounced at
■ Optimization of image contrast: As the T1 relaxation fat/water interfaces. This increase of chemical-shift arti-
time increases with the field strength B0 (with a typical facts can be addressed by using a higher receiver band-
increase of 30% to 50% of T1 at 3T compared to 1.5T), the width with the consequence of losing some of the SNR
sequence parameters, particularly the repetition time (TR) advantages gained by 3T.
has to be adapted [de Bazelaire et al, 2004]. The effects on ■ Reduction of specific absorption rate (SAR): As men-
the T2 relaxation are less prominent; T2 is effectively tioned earlier the three most important techniques for
unchanged at 3T, but T2* is shortened [Norris DG, 2003]. reduction of SAR are new pulse sequences applying the
The adjustment of the TR strongly depends on the flip variable flip angle-technique (VFA) or the hyper-echo
angle. Therefore, GRE sequences with small flip angles technique, which is a modification of the former, and par-
might require only minor changes in TR compared to allel imaging that is discussed below. The VFA technique
sequences with a full 90° flip angle [de Bazelaire et al, was initially described by Mugler et al. [Mugler JP et al, 1992]
2004]. and is particularly used for SSFP sequences that offer high
■ Changes of echo times for in-phase/opposed-phase SNR efficiency, if large flip angles are applied (␣= 60°).
imaging at 3 Tesla: Due to the change of the resonance However, the SAR also increases quadratically with the flip
frequency the echo times for in-phase and opposed-phase angle. Since the image contrast is mainly affected by the
conditions at 3T have to be adjusted accordingly. The center of k-space, the flip angle is varied along the phase-
values are almost inverted compared to the conditions at encoding direction ensuring a large flip angle in the cen-
1.5T. In-phase conditions are found at echo times of 2.3 ms tral parts of k-space, while for the other segments of
and 4.6 ms, while opposed-phase conditions are present k-space the flip angle is continuously decreased. This
at 1.1 ms, 3.5 ms and 5.75 ms. Therefore, dual echo results in a reduction of SAR by at least 50%. The main dis-
sequences are problematic, since the echo spacing advantage of this technique is that SNR is also reduced by
between the initial opposed-phase echo at 1.1 ms and the approximately 30%, thus limiting the benefit of the nor-
following in-phase echo of 2.3 ms are too close for acqui- mally two-fold SNR gain at 3T compared to 1.5T. A further
sition within a single read-out. refinement of the VFA technique is the so-called hyper-
■ Optimization of fat suppression at 3 Tesla: There are echo technique, which is used for multi-echo sequences
opposite effects at 3T that improve as well as deteriorate such as TSE sequences with long echo trains or single-shot
the quality of fat suppression. The different resonance fre- acquisitions (HASTE, RARE). In this technique magnetiza-
quency at 3T produces a stronger chemical shift between tion can be completely rewound after any arbitrary
fat and water, thus facilitating the use of spectral fat sup- sequence of RF pulses [Henning et Scheffler, 2001; Hen-
pression. At the same time B1 homogeneity decreases ning et al, 2003]. Only the echoes encoding for the center
with B0 field strength, which results in a more pronounced of k-space are refocused by 180° RF pulses. Due to a series
variation of the flip angle over the field-of-view. This might of RF pulses with low flip angles stimulated echoes are
result in a less optimal fat suppression, which is particularly also obtained, which are used for the image reconstruc-
problematic for TSE sequences, while this effect is less tion together with the conventional echoes as long as they
problematic with GRE techniques. In addition, as the field are in-phase with the latter. This technique results in the
increases stronger eddy currents are generated, that reduction of SAR by 60% to 80%, while the reduction of
further reduce the quality of fat suppression. Solutions SNR is virtually negligible. Simpler techniques to reduce
for these limitations are improved gradient-coil design the SAR include the global decrease of the refocusing flip
(generating less eddy currents) as well as an alternative, angle in TSE sequences from 180° to a value between 120°
non-radiofrequency-dependent type of fat suppression. and 160°; however, compared to the hyper-echo
This includes, for example, the Dixon method, using approach, a larger SNR decrease must be accepted. In fast
several in-phase and opposed-phase images or inversion GRE sequences, the SAR can be reduced by choosing a
recovery-type techniques [Wang Y et al, 1998]. longer RF pulse, since the RF pulse power scales inversely
■ Increased chemical shift at 3 Tesla: As mentioned above, with the square of the pulse length.
the different resonance frequency at 3T produces a ■ Reduction of dielectric resonance effects: Dielectric res-
stronger chemical shift between fat and water. This can be onance effects are caused by local eddy currents because
of the increased conductivity of the tissue. These effects single breath-hold with a (384)2 matrix without exceeding
are more enhanced at 3T, since the radio-frequency waves the SAR limitations. Slice thicknesses of down to 4 mm are
have a shorter length as compared to 1.5T. This causes feasible even when PAT is used. The overall results for high-
local inhomogeneities particularly in larger anatomic areas resolution images with a decreased amount of blurring
such as the abdomen, where the wavelength is approxi- is better with the hyper-echo technique, as it allows
mately only half the diameter of the body, particularly for the use of higher flip angles compared to the standard
patients with low fat content. In the MR images dielectric VFA technique with reduced flip angles (down to 60°) for
effects are predominantly noticeable in the ventral aspects the refocusing pulse and, therefore, alternated image
of the abdomen as focal areas of varied signal intensity. contrast (Figure B). For free-breathing techniques, the
They can be effectively reduced by placement of an exter- use of PAT for high resolution images with matrix sizes
nal dielectric gel pad (see above) on the anterior body sur- of (384)2 allows for total acquisition times of less than
face, which increases the resistance for focal eddy currents 1.5 minutes (Figure A).
[Schmitt M et al., 2004]. For standard abdominal imaging The combination of several of these described techniques
this improvement is usually sufficient; however there are can be used to optimize dedicated techniques for abdominal
certain conditions, in which substantial artifacts with non- imaging such as 3D-TSE MRCP. For this type of sequence a
diagnostic image quality are virtually unavoidable. These free-breathing acquisition is performed with navigator cor-
include physiologic or pathologic conditions with large rection. To effectively reduce SAR in view of the long echo
amounts of intraabdominal or intrapelvic fluid, such as trains, a variable flip angle technique is applied. For main-
pregnancy with a large amount of amniotic fluid or taining high SNR, the remaining magnetization after the read-
intraabdominal ascites. In those cases, images can be out is restored into the longitudinal direction by a dedicated
almost non-diagnostic due to focal signal intensity drop- 90° restore pulse. The SNR gain from those restore-pulses in
outs [von Falkenhausen et al, 2004]. combination with the higher field-strengths allows to apply
■ Parallel acquisition techniques: With PAT, the SNR is PAT factors of up to 4. Thus three-dimensional data-sets with
reduced by the square root of the acceleration factor times an isotropic voxel size of (0.9 mm)3 can be acquired in only
the so-called g-factor, which represents a measure of the 2 minutes, allowing 3D-assessment of the entire biliary tree
local noise amplification, mostly related to array coil by a variety of post-processing possibilities such as multi-
design characteristics [Pruessmann et al., 1999; Griswold et planar reformats (MPR), maximum intensity projections
al., 2000 and 2002]. Thus with higher acceleration factors (MIP), surface-shading techniques (SSD) or volume-rendering
of e.g. three, the SNR is reduced to at least 58% of the techniques (VRT).
original value. This causes a visible increase of image noise For high-resolution MRA at 3T, voxel sizes of 0.7x0.7x0.7 mm3
in the images at 1.5T. Due to the higher SNR at 3T, image are now feasible with a PAT acceleration factor of 3 within a
noise at comparable acceleration factors is barely visible breath-hold of less than 20 seconds. Despite the small voxel
in the images. Further development can be expected sizes and the use of PAT, sufficient SNR is still present due to
from dedicated multi-channel MR systems such as the the higher field strength [Leiner et al, 2003]. The problems
MAGNETOM TRIO, A Tim System (Siemens Medical Solutions, for MRA at 3T are two-fold: first the typically short TRs of less
Erlangen). Initial results with new multi element array than 4 ms result in a high RF power deposition, which easily
(matrix) coils allow to apply acceleration factors of up to exceeds the SAR limits. One approach is to lengthen the RF
four without noticeable loss of image quality from pulse and the TR and to use PAT to compensate for the con-
increased image noise [Pruessmann, 2004]. secutive increase in scan time; however, this changes the
With all these optimization strategies at 3T, a robust image contrast of the image since a longer repetition time increases
quality can be obtained in the majority of patients with slice the background signal. An increased background signal might
thickness between 4 and 6 mm, matrix sizes between (320)2 limit the use of MIPs for the diagnostic evaluation of the MRA.
and (384)2 and PAT acceleration factors between 2 and 3. A second problem is the decrease of the flip angle, which is
With multi-breath-hold imaging the larger abdominal necessary to stay within the SAR limits, which also increases
organs, such as the liver, can be covered in 3 breath-holds the background signal. Nevertheless in the clinical routine a
each lasting 11 seconds using PAT. For single-shot TSE tech- compromise can usually be found by carefully adjusting
niques such as HASTE the effective reduction of SAR by the these parameters, such that high resolution sub-millimeter
hyper-echo technique allows to acquire 15 to 20 slices in a MRA is feasible with good image quality [Leiner et al, 2003].
[ Figure E ] T1-weighted FLASH 2D sequence with fat-saturation on a 3T system (MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens Medical
Solutions) in a healthy volunteer. The sequence with 5 mm slice thickness and a 320 x 256 matrix shows already a
very good visualization of the anatomical area of the pancreatic head. However, on the 3T system a substantial increase
in spatial resolution with 3 mm slice thickness and a 384 x 320 matrix is still possible without a visible loss of signal (B).
Note the superior visualization of the pancreatic head in (B).
[ Figure F ] Submillimeter (0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 mm3) T2-weighted 3D TSE sequence with variable flip angle technique on
a MAGNETOM Trio in a patient with PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis), suffering from a severe stenosis at the con-
fluence of the left and right hepatic duct. Due to the high SNR at 3T there is no significant difference of image quality
between A (parallel imaging; acceleration factor 2) and B (parallel imaging; acceleration factor 4), although the time
of acquisition of the respiratory triggered sequence in free-breathing is decreased from around four (A) to two (B)
matrix size of 5122 [Branagan et al, 2004; Beets-Tan et al, progress to cirrhosis and liver failure [Porayko et al, 1990].
2001]. Recent publications do also report that increased spa- Moreover, in these patients, ERCP for initial diagnosis can
tial resolution is helpful for the evaluation of the nodal stag- lead to substantial side effects such as pancreatitis or com-
ing in colorectal cancer, because of the better visualization of mon bile duct perforation, which is observed more frequently
morphologic features that help to distinguish malignant than in other patients undergoing ERCP [Beuers et al, 1992].
from benign lymph-nodes [Kim et al, 2004]. With voxel sizes of 0.9x0.9x0.9 mm3 spatial resolution and
Probably one of the most promising applications is high-res- images free of motion artifacts with scan times of about
olution 3D MRCP for diseases of the biliary tree that predom- 2 minutes, 3D MRCP at 3T now allows the detection of high-
inantly manifest in the high-order branches in their early order branches of the biliary tree already in volunteers with-
stages, such as primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) [Schmitz out biliary disease. Preliminary results show that focal dilata-
S et al., 2004]. Reliable visualization of the biliary tree with tions and stenoses of third and fourth-order branches, which
MRCP at 1.5T is only possible up to the second order branch- are often the early manifestation of PSC, can be well detected
es with current techniques [Fulcher et al., 2000]. Therefore, with good correlation to ERCP [own preliminary data]. The
despite proven cost effectiveness of MRCP compared to acceleration of the acquisition by a PAT factor up to 4 makes
ERCP due to its lack of any side effects and complete non- this an easily feasible technique for these patients (Figure F).
invasiveness, it has not established its role for the initial MRCP can be also combined with high-resolution liver imag-
detection of PSC disease manifestation [Talwalkar et al, ing at 3T with a slice thickness of only 3 mm, which may hold
2004]. However this patient group particularly benefits from out the promise of earlier detection of malignant tumors of
the non-invasive techniques, since they are frequently the bile duct such as cholangiocarcinoma.
young patients and early treatment can substantially affect Ultrahigh-resolution contrast-enhanced breath-hold MRA
the course of their disease. Untreated patients may experi- with 0.7 to 0.8 mm isotropic resolution might eliminate the
ence severe complications such as multiple strictures of the need for diagnostic DSA of the mesenteric and renal arteries
intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts, which ultimately may (Figure C). A recent publication in the Annals of Internal
[ Figure G ] T2*-weighted 2D GRE sequence in the liver-specific phase after injection of ferucarbotran (Resovist®,
Schering Germany, Berlin) in a 68-year-old female patient after liver transplantation. The examination was able to
rule out a focal liver lesion (e.g. a hepatocellular carcinoma) with high confidence due to the excellent signal loss in
the normal liver parenchyma after injection of the SPIO-contrast agent and due to the high spatial resolution.
Sequence parameters are TR/TE/␣ 132/7.32/30 with 5 mm slice thickness and a 320 x 256 matrix. The whole liver
with 37 slices was covered in 4 x 17 seconds breathhold.
Medicine has shown that MRA at 1.5T with a current spatial 3D-TSE MRCP, ultra high-resolution submillimeter studies
resolution of only 1.5 mm or even worse is not sufficient to with minimal acquisition times are feasible and may also
accurately diagnose and stage the degree of renal artery eliminate the use of diagnostic ERCP for diseases such as pri-
stenosis [Vasbinder et al., 2004]. Initial results at 1.5T with mary sclerosing cholangitis in the future. No larger system-
submillimeter (0.8 x 0.8 x 0.9 mm3) isotropic spatial reso- atic studies have been yet performed for the detection and
lution and reformats of the vessel area perpendicular to characterization of small focal liver lesions. It appears, how-
the vessel axis show that assessment of the area stenosis ever, that there is improvement at 3T, since in MRI the lesion
is a much more reliable parameter for exact grading of delineation is primarily limited by the spatial resolution
the degree of stenosis than grading the diameter stenosis rather than by the liver-to-lesion contrast because of the
in-plane [Schoenberg et al, 2005]. It is expected that this excellent soft-tissue contrast. The resolution of contrast-
improvement will further increase at 3T. enhanced 3D MRA approximates that of DSA for the first
time, which should eliminate the use of diagnostic renal or
Conclusion mesenteric DSA other than for rare diseases such as small
One has to accept that imaging of the abdomen at 1.5T on a vessel vasculitis. In the pelvis ultra high-resolution imaging
state-of-the-art-system with parallel imaging, navigator cor- with SE and TSE sequences might further improve the stag-
rection, and an advanced sequence design is a tough com- ing of early T1 and T2 tumors of the cervix, uterus and rectum.
petitor for the evolving field of 3T. Nevertheless, it is now However, it needs to be pointed out the true gain in clinical
clearly feasible to acquire single-shot TSE images with PAT value is still speculative at the present time, since no large
and hyper-echo technique at a very high resolution with comparative studies have yet been performed or published.
minimal blurring and within the SAR limits. Those images
appear to be superior to those currently acquired at 1.5T. PAT
is generally applicable without major SNR constraints allow-
ing the use of higher acceleration factors for shorter breath-
holds. The fat suppression appears acceptable despite prob-
lematic dielectric resonance effects. For techniques such as
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Patient History
A 65-year-old patient with prostate cancer was referred to MR for clinical staging of the disease. The PSA level was 25 µg/l and
the biopsy of the prostate had shown a Gleason grade 5.
[ Figure 1 ] T2-weighted axial images of the prostate of a 65-year-old patient with prostate cancer. The complete
prostate is visualized from apex to base. The large tumor is visible in the right base of the prostate extending into the
seminal vesicles (arrows).
[ Figure 2 ] Four out of 13 T2-weighted coronal images of the prostate. As the images move towards the endorectal
coil (from ventral to dorsal) the SNR of the images increases. Again the tumor with seminal vesicle invasion is indicated
with the arrows.
[ Figure 3 ] T1-weighted
images of the base
of the prostate and the
seminal vesicles after
contrast administration.
The lesion of figure 1 is
indicated with the arrows
as enhancing tissue.
[ Figure 4 ] Histopathology of four cuts through the base of the resected prostate. The tumor is indicated with
a blue line. Extra capsular extension is indicated as CP+ and CP++, seminal vesicle invasion is indicated as VS++.
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Proven Outcomes with Tim (Total imaging just a single body region. You can scan the smallest
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has become the new standard in MRI. With hundreds a detail lost. And you can do it all at the highest speed
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mouse click you can change Tim’s coils and perform a
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Accurate Staging of
Prostate Cancer with MR
Tom Scheenen, Ph.D.; Stijn Heijmink, M.D.; Jelle Barentsz, M.D., Ph.D.
Patient History
51 year old patient with prostate cancer. Clinical stage T2 based on digital rectal examination. For accurate staging of the
disease, this patient was called for an MRI exam at 3T. With his stage, PSA and Gleason score (PSA =1.0 µg/l Biopsy: Gleason 6/10)
the pretest probability of having limited disease (confined to the prostate) is between 52 and 64%, according to the Partin
coefficient tables.
Measurement Details
■ A prototype of an endorectal coil and interface for 3T ■ T1-weighted 3D sequence:
(Medrad, Pittsburgh, USA) was used for signal reception. Axial reconstruction of 32 partitions, TR 8.6 ms, TE 4.0 ms,
The body coil was used for signal excitation. flip angle 15 degrees, FOV 130 x 65 x 48 mm, matrix 256 x
128 x 32, slice thickness 2.5 mm.
■ Multislice T2-weighted TSE sequence:
15 axial slices, TR 4490 ms, TE 153 ms, turbo factor 17, FOV ■ MAGNETOM Trio, software syngo MR 2004A
200 x 100 mm, matrix 768 x 384, slice thickness 2.5 mm.
Hyperechoes were used to decrease SAR.
CMR particularly benefits from the high SNR of MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System.
Applications like myocardial viability and cardiac perfusion improve significantly.
This is also due to synergies between new advanced parallel imaging techniques
like T-SENSE and the high element density of the MAGNETOM Trio Matrix coils.
The challenges for cardiac MR imaging are three-fold: spatial equivalent to a full k-space acquisition without increase in
and temporal resolution, signal-to-noise ratio and the limita- acquisition time and without aliasing artifacts caused by under-
tions induced by the need for breath-hold imaging (Figure 1). sampling. Parallel imaging and 3T have a unique synergistic
With the advance of multi-channel whole-body MRI systems effect. One limitation of 3T MRI is the higher specific absorp-
at 3T, all these limitations can now be effectively overcome. tion rate (SAR) induced by the higher Larmor frequency of
Parallel acquisition techniques (PAT) allow increasing tempo- the RF pulses, which is effectively compensated by parallel
ral or spatial resolution at virtually no costs in acquisition imaging where fewer RF pulses are required to sample an
time. The higher field strength at 3T makes up for the loss of equivalent data set. Nevertheless, the lower SNR induced by
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) induced by fast scanning with the use of PAT which decreases the SNR by at least a factor of
PAT. With the combination of PAT and 3T, real-time acquisi- one over the square root of the acceleration factor (1/冑苳 R ) is
tions have now become feasible without obviating the need nicely compensated by the higher SNR at 3T. Looking at the
for breath-hold cardiac MRI (Figure 1). performance of PAT at 3T compared to 1.5T, it is easy to see
that the loss of SNR introduced by an acceleration factor of
R=4 with parallel imaging is approximately compensated by
Different Aspects of MR imaging the SNR increase of a factor of 2 from 1.5 to 3.0T. Therefore a
four-fold gain in acquisition speed is feasible at 3 Tesla with
virtually no penalty in SNR compared to 1.5T.
[ Figure 2 ] Comparison of (a) segmented CINE TrueFSIP acquiring a single slice per breath-hold and (b) fourfold
(R=4) TSENSE accelerated CINE TrueFISP with whole short axis data acquired in just 2 breath-holds on a MAGNETOM
Trio, A Tim System. Note that the slightly increased noise does not interfere with depictability of subtle details.
studies typically an acceleration factor of R=2 was used with cardiac MRI compared to 1.5T, since it has been shown earlier
a GRAPPA (generalized auto-calibrating partially parallel that with real-time CINE regional function analysis is not reli-
acquisition) reconstruction algorithm. A limitation of the ably feasible at 1.5T due to the limits in spatial resolution.
integrated auto-calibration in the GRAPPA algorithm in CINE Another advantage of the combination of parallel imaging
imaging is caused by the fact that within each image frame with a multi-channel MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System com-
additional central lines in k-space (reference lines) have to be pared to conventional 3T MRI scanner is that the under-sam-
acquired for auto-calibration of the coil sensitivity profiles. pling of k-space with parallel acquisition techniques results in
This results in a net loss of the effective acceleration factor R the possible use of higher flip angles for TrueFISP imaging.
which is typically reduced by approximately 20–40%, Due to the square relationship between the excitation angle
depending on the number of reference lines. More recent and the specific absorption rate (SAR), cardiac MRI at 3T was
reconstruction algorithms such as TSENSE or TGRAPPA effec- traditionally limited to lower flip angles within the range of
tively overcome this limitation by eliminating the need for ~40° to 50°. Using TSENSE in combination with a MAGNETOM
additional reference line or ACS (auto-calibration signal) Trio, A Tim System, flip angles of 60° or even higher could be
measurements by exploiting the data of an interleaved realized resulting in a better blood-to-myocardium contrast.
k-space line sampling covering the full k-space in subsequent The contrast of multi-slice acquisitions at 3T accelerated by
dynamic CINE frames (3, 4). These techniques allow for a T-SENSE is therefore comparable to unaccelerated images at
marked acceleration of CINE TrueFISP imaging as already 1.5T.
shown at 1.5T by Reeder et al. with no significant loss in
image quality and accuracy for cardiac functional analysis at A B
R=3 (5). The combination of the TSENSE algorithm with higher
field strengths and multi-channel MRI at 3T exceeds this per-
formance by far.
On a MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System, four-fold faster cardiac
acquisitions at full 256 matrix size with no loss in diagnostic
accuracy compared to the unaccelerated images have been
successfully demonstrated in clinical applications. In a study
of 10 patients with myocardial infarction, an excellent visual-
ization of regional wall motion abnormalities and evaluation [ Figure 3 ] PSIR single-shot TrueFISP in a patient with
extensive LAD infarction; while this technique at 1.5T
of global ventricular function was possible due to the high
(a) comes along with a considerable level of noise, at
spatial and temporal resolution of a full 256 matrix and 50 ms
3T (b) image quality improves also based on the sub-
temporal resolution in a multi-slice approach (Figure 2). This stantial lower noise level.
is a clear gain in diagnostic accuracy for single breath-hold
[ Figure 4 ] MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System short axis data set acquired in multiple breath-holds using a segmented
PSIR TrueFISP technique showing the whole extent of the LAD infarction in the same patient as shown in figure 3.
Delayed Enhancement* @ MAGNETOM If TSENSE TrueFISP acquisitions of cardiac function and PSIR
Trio, A Tim System TrueFISP acquisition of delayed contrast enhancements are
Additionally, for use in delayed enhancement (DE) imaging combined at multi-channel 3T MRI, a complete assessment
assessing myocardial infarction and viability, multi-channel of function and viability with high temporal and spatial reso-
3T MRI allow for new possibilities and options. Despite all the lution is feasible with only a few breath-holds.
effectiveness and value of DE imaging for assessment of At 3T the contrast-to-noise ratio of the TrueFISP based PSIR
myocardial infarction, this technique remains quite time- technique even exceeds the SNR of the best technique at
intensive in clinical routine due to the need for inversion time hand used 1.5T, e.g. segmented TurboFLASH magnitude
adjustments to allow optimized contrast between the reconstruction. Comparing the accuracy of single breath-
infarcted and normal myocardium. Already at 1.5T it had hold multi-slice acquisitions to time intensive multi-breath-
been shown that a new technique termed phase sensitive IR hold single slice acquisitions, it has been shown that the
(PSIR) reconstruction obviates the need for exact optimiza- limits of agreement between both are smaller at 3T com-
tion of the inversion time (6). pared to 1.5T.
Huber et al. demonstrated that PSIR allows an accurate
assessment of the area of infarcted myocardium at virtually Myocardial Perfusion* @ MAGNETOM
any arbitrary chosen inversion time (7). The combination Trio with Tim
with TrueFISP based acquisition speeds up data sampling While CINE MRI and viability imaging have already been daily
allowing single breath-hold multi-slice coverage of the clinical routine techniques on 1.5T with sufficient high SNR
entire left ventricle for the exact assessment of the extent of levels, myocardial perfusion imaging has been a promising
myocardial infarction (8). However at 1.5T these images are tool for the evaluation of coronary artery disease for years
somewhat noisy and sometimes influenced by artifacts due but never really took off for widespread use. This has been
to the ambiguousness of the phase information at low mainly based on limited SNR performance, artifacts and vari-
signal-to-noise ratios (Figure 3). At 3T the higher SNR allows able coexisting sequence techniques. At 3T one can envision
for excellent multi-slice single breath-holds TrueFISP PSIR that due the higher SNR the quality of TurboFLASH tech-
imaging of the entire left ventricle with high image quality niques, the best evaluated standard in myocardial perfusion
(Figure 4). The combination with PAT techniques like GRAPPA imaging, will dramatically improve therefore enabling a
again allows preventing possible SAR limitations using True- reliable time-signal analysis and accurate assessment of
FISP at 3T. myocardial perfusion (Figure 5). The gain in SNR could par-
[ Figure 5 ] IR TurboFLASH myocardial perfusion imaging: (a) four slice data set acquired at 1.5T shows a considerable
high noise level possibly interfering with quantitative analysis. (b) Data set of same patient acquired with MAGNETOM
Trio, A Tim System using the same technique shows markedly reduced noise and allows better delineation of the
hypoperfusion in the infarcted anterior wall (arrows).
[ Figure 6 ] T-SENSE CINE data set show- [ Figure 7 ] The data sampling acceleration in CINE imaging
ing the automated contouring of the endo- of the heart by PAT (T-SENSE) allows not only for fast acquisition
and epicardial border in multiple planes. of short axis data but also multiplanar data sets without the
This technique allows for better detection need of data registration to avoid mismatch of the data.
of valve planes and therefore increased
accuracy. Functional Information of the
circumferential contraction though is main-
tained by incorporated short axis images.
*The information about this product is preliminary. The product is under developement and is not commercially available in the US.
and its future availability cannot be assured.
tially be invested in even higher spatial/temporal resolution strategies such as TSENSE and TGRAPPA now has vastly over-
using higher acceleration factors with PAT (e.g. TENSE) or come these limitations and even shown new possibilities for
enabling coverage of the entire short axis during first pass improved diagnosis of cardiac diseases at higher field
perfusion. strengths.
MR Angiography
1024 image acquisition matrix for Time of Flight (TOF) angiography in the head in
a few minutes acquisition time as well as submillimeter isotropic resolution for
contrast enhanced angiography in all body parts in less than 20 s is now everyday
reality with MAGNETOM Trio, A Tim System.
Comparison of Intracranial
3D-ToF-MRA with and without Parallel
Acquisition Techniques at 1.5T
and 3.0T: Preliminary Results
Jochen Gaa1, Stefan Weidauer2, Martin Requardt3, Berthold Kiefer3, Heinrich Lanfermann2, Friedhelm E. Zanella2
Department of Radiology, Technische Universität München, Germany
Department of Neuroradiology, University of Frankfurt, Germany
Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) has undergone sig- Images were analyzed quantitatively by calculating signal-
nificant developments over the past decade. For imaging to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratios of proxi-
intracranial vessels, time-of-flight (ToF) MRA sequences mal M2 segments and qualitatively by using a 5-point scale.
have been widely used (5, 6, 11). With this technique the ves-
sels give high signal intensity related to the inflow effect of Results
blood during its passage through the acquisition volume, All patients tolerated the MR examination well. No sensory-
whereas the background tissue appears dark because a short motor stimulations or signs related to the increased RF dep-
repetition time prevents relaxation of stationary tissue. osition (such as increased sweating) particularly at 3.0T were
Present available pulse sequences are well optimized for ToF- reported. Analysis of the vessel SNR and CNR is summarized
MRA at 1.5T. However, one of the principal limitations inher- in Table 1. The results indicate a significant increase in both
ent to ToF-MRA is that they remain signal limited when vessel SNR and CNR at 3.0T. ToF-MRA without iPAT at 3.0T
pushed to the limits of higher resolution and shorter acquisi- showed a higher, statistically insignificant SNR and CNR com-
tion times. The main advantage of high B-field imaging is a pared with MRA at 3.0T with iPAT. Both SNR and CNR were
significant improvement in the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), significantly higher at 3.0T compared with 1.5T.
which increases in an approximately linear fashion with field Overall vessel visualization was rated more highly at both
strength in the range of 1.5T to 3.0T. Thus, the gain in SNR at MRA sequences with 3T (Table 2). A slightly higher, statisti-
3.0T can be used for either a reduction in imaging time or an cally not significant overall score was obtained for the MRA
increase in resolution. ToF-MRA is a technique that can ben- with iPAT at 3.0T compared with the 3.0T MRA without iPAT.
efit from the increased SNR available at 3.0T by decreasing In particular, visualization of smaller vessel segments, such
voxel size, resulting in improved spatial resolution compared
to 1.5T. In addition, advances in coil technology have result-
ed in further signal gains and multichannel technology has Table 1
allowed for novel acquisition strategies such as integrated
Field Strength SNR CNR
parallel acquisition techniques (iPAT); (3, 4, 7, 8).
3.0T no iPAT 122,6 ± 31,4** 88,9± 27,4**
Material and Methods 3.0T with iPAT 107,8 ± 26,6* 75,9± 24,4**
Seven volunteers and 5 patients (4 aneurysms, 1 AVM) 1.5T no iPAT 67,3±14,2 39,7±13,5
underwent 3D-ToF-MRA at 1.5T (MAGNETOM Sonata) and 3.0T 1.5T with iPAT 50,3 ±10,7 31,6 ± 11,1
(MAGNETOM Trio) with and without parallel acquisition tech- *P<0.005, **P<0.001
niques (iPAT) using similarly designed 8-channel phased-
SNR and CNR values obtained at 1.5T and 3.0T with
array head coils. Imaging time of the pulse sequences was and without iPAT. Blood measurements were made on
set to 7.15 and 7.35 min, respectively. The pulse sequence the proximal M2 segments of the MCA.
parameters for both 1.5T and 3.0T are listed in Table 1.
as M3 and P3 segments as well as delineation of PICA and especially at air-bone interfaces along the floor of the anterior
AICA, was rated significantly superior compared to both cranial fossa and adjacent to the petrous portions of the tem-
MRA sequences at 1.5T (Fig. 1). poral bones had no noticeable effects on the image quality
Wrap around artifacts in the MRAs with iPAT were minor at of ToF MRA at 3.0T. Delineation of a left temporal AVM in one
both 1.5T and 3.0T and had no noticeable influence on patient was slightly better at both MRAs at 3.0T (Fig. 2). One
image analysis. The increased susceptibility effects at 3.0T, aneurysm of the right MCA (Fig. 3) with a size of 2.8 mm was
Table 2 Headline
Field Strength A2 M2 M3 P2 P3 PICA AICA SCA Overall
3.0T no iPAT 4,8 4,4 3,3* 4,2 3,7** 4,0** 3,8** 4,2** 4,1± 0,5**
3.0T with iPAT 4,8 4,8 3,7** 4,6 4,0** 4,0** 4,0** 4,6** 4,3 ± 0,4**
1.5T no iPAT 4,0 3,0 1,3 2,9 1,0 2,3 1,7 2,3 2,3± 0,1
1.5T with iPAT 4,0 3,4 1,3 2,9 1,0 1,7 1,3 2,3 2,1± 0,1
*P<0.005, **P<0.001
Tabel 3 ] of
Confidence of vessel visualization
vessel visualization at 1.5T
at 1.5T and 3.0T and
with 3.0T
and with and
without iPAT.without iPat.scale
Five-point Five-point scale with
with scores of scores of
1== unsatisfactory,
unsatisfactory, 2
2== fair,
fair, 3
3== average,
average, 4
4== good,
good, and
and 55== exellent.
1.5T DSA
[ Figure 2 ] One aneurysm of the right MCA with a size of 2.8 mm was reliably detected only at 3.0T.
reliably detected only at 3.0T, while the other aneurysms – ToFMRAat 3.0T with smaller flip angles, decreasing satura-
sized between 6 and 10 mm – were detected at both field tion effects within in-plane blood. Since high resolution
strengths. scanning increases the total number of phase encoding- and
3D-encoding steps, a prolongation of measurement time
Discussion will result. Owing to the prolonged T1-relaxation constants it
ToF-MRA is commonly used in the evaluation of intracranial was useful to remove the MT pulse in our measurement pro-
vascular pathology. Present available pulse sequences are tocol. MT pulses increase the TR of a measurement protocol
well optimized for ToF-MRA at 1.5T. However, one of the prin- by typically 8-12 ms, depending on field strength. Therefore,
cipal limitations inherent to ToF-MRA is that they remain signal by removing the MT pulse, a 30% higher resolution within
limited when pushed to the limits of higher resolution and the same total measurement time can be achieved. In addi-
shorter acquisition times. tion, the field strength of 3.0T allows an echo time of 3.8 ms
There are various factors which enhance the overall image to be used as the opposed phase condition. This echo time is
quality in ToF-MRA at 3.0T compared with MRA at lower field shorter than the corresponding 7 ms at 1.5T, which will result
strengths. The increased SNR available at 3.0T was used in in decreased intravoxel dephasing.
our study to increase spatial resolution, which reduces the In our study, a significantly higher confidence of small vessel
amount of partial volume artifact. Smaller voxels are less visualization was obtained with both ToF-MRA sequences at
subject to intravoxel dephasing because they contain a 3.0T. Despite a lower SNR and CNR, small vessel conspicuity
smaller heterogeneity of spins, providing further improve- was rated best at 3.0T with iPAT, which was the result of a
ments in MRA. In addition, the effects of magnetic-field higher resolution matrix (512 x 640 vs. 296 x 512) and smaller
strength-related T1-lengthening of brain parenchyma and voxel sizes (0.08 vs. 013 mm3) compared with the MRA at
background tissue are beneficial for ToF-MRA at 3.0T, provid- 3.0T without iPAT.
ing better suppression of background signal. Furthermore, Main applications of iPAT are the reduction of examination
there is little change in the T1 relaxation of blood, making in- time by faster imaging or the increase of spatial resolution in
plane saturation effects similar at 1.5T and 3.0T for ToF tech- a given acquisition time. However, the trade-off for reducing
niques (2). The lengthened T1 of background tissue allows the number of acquired k-space lines using iPAT is a decreased
[ Figure 3 ] Patient with left temporal AVM. Note the superior image quality as well as the superior
small vessel delineation at 3.0T (left) compared to 1.5T (right).
Over the past decade, thanks to steady advances in pulse the performance of CE-MRA at 3.0T, where the higher base-
sequences and scanner design, contrast-enhanced MR line SNR provides a firmer base to support aggressive accel-
angiography (CE-MRA) has made significant advances in eration factors. Precise contrast administration is an essential
image quality and reliability. For a variety of applications, 3D prerequisite for CE-MRA, where the center of k-space should
CE-MRA has advantages over other modalities such as CTA, be aligned with the peak vascular enhancement. Timing can
or digital subtraction angiography (DSA), and in many insti- be easily optimized by use of a test bolus, but real-time
tutions it is often the imaging test of first choice. triggering algorithms provide an alternative, if less flexible,
Recently, whole body, 3.0T MR systems have become avail- method. Contrast doses between 0.1 and 0.2 mmol/kg body
able, with the promise of greatly improved signal-to-noise weight Gd-based contrast agent have been reported to be
ratio (SNR) in comparison to 1.5T. Also, since the longitudinal sufficient for most single-station MRA examinations.
relaxation time (T1) of background increases with field
strength, sensitivity to injected gadolinium agents for CE-MRA 2. Time-resolved CE-MRA:
is heightened, so that smaller contrast doses may be used. Advances in ultrafast MR techniques can now generate tem-
Whilst there are also challenges and disadvantages to 3.0T porally resolved 3D MRA, which depict the transit of the
imaging, such as SAR limitations, dielectric resonances and paramagnetic contrast agent through the vascular system.
radiofrequency (RF) eddy currents, nevertheless, CE-MRA at Time resolved MRA has the ability to provide supplemental
3.0T can often generate spectacular studies, providing very functional information about cardiovascular hemodynamics.
high spatial resolution 3D data over a large field of view (FoV). Other strengths of time resolved MRA include relative insen-
This article describes existing 3D CE-MRA techniques at 3.0T, sitivity to motion and the requirement for only very small
as implemented on the Siemens MAGNETOM Trio scanner. doses of contrast.
We also summarize clinical experience with CE-MRA to date A general limitation of all time-resolved MRA techniques is
over a variety of vascular territories. that the spatial resolution of the individual 3D data set is
limited when compared to single-phase MRA acquisitions.
Background Nonetheless, for many applications, in-plane resolution can
1. Conventional CE-MRA: be preserved while through-plane resolution is traded for
CE-MRA relies on the T1 shortening effect of paramagnetic rapid temporal sampling. Unless off-axis reconstruction of
contrast agents and is performed with a T1-weighted fast the time-resolved data is required (in our experience an
spoiled 3D gradient echo (GRE) pulse sequence. The sequence uncommon requirement), there is little to be gained from
parameters and the contrast administration scheme should spending a lot of time on through-plane phase-encoding.
be carefully planned, to achieve the best compromise The MIP images are then viewed in a cine format in the plane
between the expendable signal-to-noise (SNR) and the of acquisition. Temporal resolution of one second or better is
required spatial and temporal resolution. With gradient slew readily achieved with this approach.
rates of up to 200 mT/m/s and up to 45 mT/m gradient ampli-
tudes, TRs of the order of 2.5–3 ms and TE of the order of Recent advances:
1.2 ms are achievable, for 512 matrix acquisitions. Pulse The introduction of parallel imaging is one of the most prom-
sequence features such as asymmetric echo and different ising recent advances in MR imaging, and it has significantly
k-space sampling schemes have also improved the perform- improved the performance of MRA applications by changing
ance of CE-MRA. Parallel acquisition has greatly increased the way that data are acquired and processed. In these tech-
niques, component coil signals in a radiofrequency coil array performance can be used in any combination to increase
are used to partially encode spatial information by substitut- coverage, speed or spatial resolution.
ing for phase-encoding gradient steps that have been omitted.
Therefore only a subset of the k-space data, defined by the The clinical application of CE-MRA in
‘acceleration factor’ is sampled and then the whole dataset is different vascular territories:
reconstructed afterward. The major drawback to parallel Head & Neck
acquisition is that SNR is diminished, and this represents a 3D CE-MRA in craniocervical vasculature is useful for athero-
fundamental challenge as acceleration factors are increased. sclerotic arterial disease (Fig.1), aneurysms (Fig.2), AVMs,
Among the strategies to counteract the SNR loss of parallel and pre-operational assessment of tumors.
imaging are the use of higher magnetic field, improvement
and adjustment in array coil geometry and sensitivity, and [ Figure 1 ]
the optimal infusion of contrast agent. Coronal MIP
The availability of whole body 3.0T MR systems with higher from CE-MRA
baseline SNR, promises more efficient use of parallel acquisi- shows severe
tion. Recently integrated multicoil technology has also become stenosis of the
available at 3.0T (Tim, Siemens). Appropriately designed left carotid
bifurcation and
array coils with more optimal sensitivity profiles and more
right vertebral
channels, will improve overall SNR and CE-MRA perform- artery (arrows)
ance. 32-channel MR systems are now available at 3.0T, with (voxel: 0.8 x
102 coil elements which can be sited simultaneously, if 0.7 x 0.7 mm in
required. These multiple RF receiver coils, with associated a 21 second
multi-RF receiver channel electronics, combine for more breath hold).
effective parallel acquisition strategies. The improved CE-MRA
[ Figure 2 ]
Coronal MIP
and VR from
CE-MRA show
an arterial
aneurysm at
the level of the
right cavernous
ICA (voxel: 0.8 x
0.7 x 0.7 mm in
a 21 seconds
breath hold).
Clinical applications for pulmonary CE-MRA
include the evaluation of pulmonary embolism,
pulmonary perfusion (Fig. 5), pulmonary
hypertension (Fig. 6), pulmonary AVM, con-
genital heart disease, lung tumors, and pul-
monary venous mapping (Fig. 7).
[ Figure 3 ] MIP images from time resolved CE-MRA show subcla- [ Figure 4 ] Coronal partial thickness
vian steal syndrome (left side) (voxel: 1 x 1.2 x 3 mm over a 500 mm MIP from high spatial resolution pul-
FOV, 3D volume was updated every 2 seconds, after injection of 6 ml monary CE-MRA at 3.0T, acquired during
of contrast). a 20 seconds breath hold, showing up to
5th order pulmonary arterial branches
(voxels 0.8 x 0.9 x 1 mm over a 450 mm
[ Figure 7 ] 3D VR image from CE-MRA defines pulmonary [ Figure 8 ] Coronal [ Figure 9 ] Sagittal
venous anatomy, which can improve pre-procedural plan- MIP from CE-MRA at oblique 3D VR from
ning and fluoroscopic procedural time during the ablation 3.0T showing the irreg- CE-MRA at 3.0T
treatment for patients with atrial arrhythmias. ularity and tortuosity shows aneurysmal
of the abdominal aorta dilatation of the
and bilateral renal superior mesenteric
artery stenosis due to artery (voxel size:
atherosclerosis. 0.8 x 0.8 x 1mm;
21 second breath
hold). The origin of
the celiac artery is
[ Figure 10 ] Coronal MIP (A) and 3D VR (B) from CE-MRA at 3.0T demonstrate widely patent transplant renal artery
(voxel size: 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.9, FOV: 440, time: 21 s). Time resolved MRA (C) shows an AV-fistula between the right
common iliac artery and vein results in early filling of the inferior vena cava. Metal in the right inguinal region from
prior surgery causes focal signal loss.
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CSI-Measurements of the
Human Brain at 3T
U. Klose1,2, E. Bültmann2, F. Jiru1,2, T. Nägele 2
Section on experimental MR of the CNS, 2Department for Neuroradiology, University Hospital Tübingen
One of the advantages of using MR scanners working at PRESS CSI sequence with a repetition time of 1.6 s and an
higher field strengths is the improvement in MR spec- echo time of 30 ms was used in all examinations. For the
troscopy. In proton spectroscopy, the relevant frequency data acquisition, a 16 x16 matrix size was used covering a
range for analysis of spectra is increased. In addition, an field of view of 15 cm x 15 cm. The exited cubical volume had a
increased signal-to-noise ratio can be expected if appropri- slice thickness of 1.5 cm and in-plane dimensions as adjusted
ate coils are used. Since both effects contribute to a more to the brain anatomy, varying between 8 cm x 9 cm and
reliable data analysis, high field systems are of great interest 6 cm x 10.5 cm. Four averages were acquired combined with
for the clinical MR spectroscopy. In the systems equipped an elliptic weighted data acquisition [7] (omitting the
with a multi-channel receiver, the sensitivity of the measure- k-space corners and averaging only data in the center of the
ment can be additionally improved by the use of multi-array k-space). Measurement time was 7.5 minutes for each meas-
coils [1] and by the subsequent combination of the signals urement. The delta frequency (the excitation frequency
from particular channels [2]. A disadvantage of a higher field expressed as a difference from the water frequency) for the
is, however, the decreased value of T2*-relaxation time spatial selective rf pulses was 2.7 ppm, corresponding to the
compared to the lower field strengths [3, 4]. This fact com- chemical shift of NAA.
promises the signal-to-noise ratio, especially when long A first evaluation of the acquired data was performed with
echo times are used. Also, more pronounced susceptibility the spectroscopy software at the host computer of the MR
effects in higher field strengths lead to a worse field homo- scanner. In a second step, the measured time signals from all
geneity in the examined volume. To evaluate benefits of a 3T calculated voxels were transferred to a separate workstation
MR scanner for the diagnosis of brain diseases, a short echo and evaluated with an own software CULICH [8]. Within this
time proton spectroscopic imaging at a whole body 3T scan- evaluation, the spectral fitting by means of LC Model pro-
ner of the newest generation was performed. Spectroscopic gram [9] was performed. The LC Model decomposed the
imaging (CSI) enables the measurement of both spectral analysed spectra using 15 base spectra of water solutions of
information and a spatial distribution of the spectra. To pre- particular metabolites measured in vitro. The base spectra
vent a contamination of the spectra by unwanted signals were obtained from the single voxel measurements at 3 T,
originating mainly in the subcutaneous fat tissue, a combi- using a PRESS sequence with an echo time of 30 ms. In addi-
nation of volume pre-selection (PRESS) and an outer volume tion, calculated base spectra from lipids were included in the
saturation [5, 6] was used. Since spatial selective saturation evaluation as proposed by Seeger et al. [10].
pulses used in outer volume saturation technique may inter- Measurements were performed in a healthy volunteer
fere with the measured signal , the advantages and dis- (female, 29-years-old) to examine the benefit of the outer
advantages of using outer volume saturation was evaluated volume saturation by spatial selective pulses and in a
in a volunteer examination. The quality and the significance 45-year-old patient, who was examined routinely at 1.5T and
of the short echo CSI spectra for clinical diagnostics at 3T are was transferred to a spectroscopic examination at 3T for a
shown in an exemplary patient examination. further characterization of an unclear diagnostic finding.
[ Figure 1 ] Spectra of corresponding voxels in two hemispheres of a healthy subject from a measurement with-
out saturation pulses. The measured spectrum (black), the fitted signal (blue) and the residuum (red) is shown.
[ Figure 2 ] Spectra from measurements from the same voxel of a healthy subject without (A) and with (B)
additional outer volume saturation pulses. Without saturation pulses, artifacts from lipids occur in the frequency
range of 1 to 2 ppm. The measured spectrum (black), the fitted signal (blue) and the residuum (red) is shown.
tional spatial saturation pulses (outer volume suppression, amplitude of the signal was used as a hint indicating the
OVS, [5]). Even in the measurement without OVS, spectra contamination. In the measurement with OVS (Fig. 2B) the
without any signal contamination in the spectral range of erroneous lipid signals are diminished, but the NAA signal is
lipids were obtained in most voxels of the CSI data set. As an also reduced compared to the measurement without OVS.
example, two spectra from the left and right basal ganglia An additional negative side effect of the measurement with
are shown in Fig. 1. In both cases, a very good fit was OVS was significantly inferior water saturation in some areas
achieved and both spectra showed a very good congruence. of the excited volume. This effect caused problems with
In the frequency range of lipids, only minor signal variations the automatic spectrum evaluation using the LC Model. For
were observed in these spectra. Lipid signals with a higher these reasons, the measurement without OVS was per-
intensity were found near the edges of the excited volume formed in the patient. The patient was examined due to
(Fig. 2A) in the measurement without OVS. The negative vertigo and unspecific headache within the last three months.
A B [ Figure 3 ]
Images acquired
with a FLAIR (A)
and a T1-weight-
ed spin-echo
sequence (B)
from a slice
through the
lesion of the
In the MR image examination at 1.5T, a tumorous lesion was for all voxels, the fitting of a sum of adjusted base spectra to
found right parietal with a large edema. In the T1-weighted the measured spectra was possible. Evaluated spectra from
image no differentiation was possible within the lesion, the unaffected hemisphere and from the lesion measured
whereas in the FLAIR-image (TR 8,8 s TI 2,5 s, TE 118 ms) the with and without outer volume suppression are shown
lesion was slightly hyperintense in the posterior part. (Fig. 3). together with the fitted spectrum and the residuum in Fig. 5.
For further specification of the lesion, two CSI measurements The quantitative evaluation of single metabolites in all voxels
at 3T were performed, which differed in the extent of the excit- of the excited slice could be used for the calculation of para-
ed volume. To avoid an excitation of the extra cranial lipids in meter maps showing the relative concentration of selected
both measurements, the shape of the exited volume was metabolites as well as of the chosen metabolite ratios.
nearly quadratic in first case and had the shape of a narrower The metabolite maps of creatine and NAA as well as the
rectangle in the second. The extension of both volumes and ratios Creatine to NAA and Choline to Creatine are shown in
the position of the excited slice are shown in Fig. 4A and 4B. Fig. 6. Within the lesion, they reveal a decreased NAA, a
Results of both measurements were consistent in the spec- slightly decreased creatine and interestingly also a strong
tral range of the main metabolites, but differences were decrease of Choline. This pattern of metabolite changes
observed in the frequency range of lipids (0.5–1.8 ppm). leads the Choline to Creatine ratio to be seen as the most
Examples of the similarity of spectra from the non affected relevant parameter for the characterization of the lesion.
brain hemisphere and from the lesion are shown in Fig. 4B–E. Accordingly, a biopsy was planned under special considera-
The signal variations within the frequency of lipids in Fig. 4C tion of the map of this ratio (Fig. 6D) . A prominent peak of
and 4D with partly negative peak amplitudes indicate, that the Creatine to Choline ratio was found in the posterior part
these signals most probably represent erroneous contami- of the lesion, which seems to mark the central part of the
nations from areas outside the field of view, which are excited lesion. This location was used as a guidance for the biopsy.
in a different way in both measurements. The variable lipid The histological result of the biopsy was a low-grade glioma.
signal also influenced the automatic phase correction and This finding correlates with the large lipid signals within the
therefore the signal variation at the edge of the NAA peak lesion, but the decreased intensity of the Choline signal com-
can be seen. On the opposite side of the slice the lipid signals pared with the Creatine signal is an atypical pattern for this
within the lesion (Fig. 4E,F) are much more intensive and tumor type.
largely consistent in both measurements. This suggests that
the major part of the lipid signals within the lesion originated Discussion
from the examined voxel. The acquisition of proton spectra at a field strength of 3T
As a consequence of these findings, the quantitative evalua- offers the advantage of larger frequency range in the spectra
tion was limited to the spectral range of the main metabo- enabling separation of metabolites such as glutamate and
lites. All spectra within the excited volumes could be success- glutamine [11] and brings an increased sensitivity allowing
fully evaluated with the automatic evaluation procedure and an increase of the spatial resolution of CSI measurement.
[ Figure 4 ] Spectra and locations (blue quadrates) from voxels of the not affected hemisphere (A,C,E) and
from the lesion (B,D,F), acquired with a more rectangular (C,E) and with a more quadratic (D,F) excitation volume
(white rectangle). In A) the more rectangular, in B) the more quadratic volume is depicted.
The signal-to-noise ratio can be further improved by the use The acquisition of such reference data would take extremely
of multi-channel coils. In this work it was shown that the long measurement times, since generally the different size
combination of both technical improvements allows to per- of the PRESS voxel is used in each examination. Therefore,
form CSI measurements with the high spatial resolution and reference spectra from single volume measurements were
good signal-to-noise ratio and to evaluate the results with a used in this study. Sequence type (PRESS), a repetition time
high level of reliability. and an echo time were the same as in the CSI measurement.
The quantitative evaluation of the CSI spectra was per- Nevertheless, the differences between single voxel and CSI
formed using the LC Model program. This technique is used measurements can lead to errors of the fitting procedure. In
for the calculation of absolute metabolite concentrations in single voxel measurements the whole excited volume
single voxel spectroscopy. The absolute concentrations are including the edges of the voxel, where flip angle is lower
calculated based on the known concentrations of the model than the nominal flip angle value, contribute to the meas-
solutions in the basis set. A prerequisite of this calculation is the ured signal, whereas in 2D-CSI measurements, the non-ideal
identical measurement technique used both for the acquisi- excitation profiles of the rf pulses lead to variable flip angles
tion of spectra in the subject and in the model solutions. among particular voxels. Due to this effect the spectra from
For a correct fitting procedure of CSI spectra, CSI measure- the voxels in the CSI grid are not identical to the base spectra.
ments of metabolite solutions with exactly the same spatial This behavior is pronounced mainly in metabolites with
excitation as in the patient examination would be required. coupled resonances. As a consequence, the evaluation tech-