Star Trek Fate RPG
Star Trek Fate RPG
Star Trek Fate RPG
by Aaron M. Sturgill
Version 2013.02.09
For personal use only. No copyright infringement intended.
. Introduction 03 .
. Setting 04 .
. Characters 06 .
. Away Missions 17 .
. Starship Operations 20 .
. Starship Combat 24 .
. Stories 32 .
. Miscellaneous Ideas 34 .
. Appendix A: Sample Characters 37 .
. Appendix B: Sample Starships 40 .
December, 2012. Its almost Cristmas !or te en" o# te $orl",
"e%en"ing on $o you tal& to', an" te Fate Core (ic&starter is in #ull
s$ing. )ea"ing te %re*ie$ +D, is getting a lot o# %eo%le e-cite".
Concurrently, my $i#e starte" $atcing Deep Space Nine, re&in"ling my
li#elong lo*e #or !nearly' all tings Trek.
Im e-cite" to see $at as%ects an" #ate %oints $ill bring to te Trek
uni*erse. Maybe $e can tac&le some o# te issues tat ma&e .ene
)o""enberrys *ision so "i##icult to com%el at te gaming table.
A Few Assumptions
Experience with the setting. I $ill not ma&e any e##ort to
e-%lain te conce%ts o# Star Trek. I# youre rea"ing tis, Ill
assume you alrea"y a*e a %assion #or te setting, an" $ant to see
o$ it migt $or& $it Fate.
Experience with the system. I# you "ont &no$ about Fate, tis
isnt te %lace to start.
Starfleet and the UFP. I# you $ant to %lay %ri*ateers, tere are
oter settings tat %robably "o it better. In my o%inion, Star#leet
an" te ,e"eration are cornerstones o# te setting/ tey re%resent
an i"eology o# %rogress an" inclusion 0 a sare" goal o# $or&ing
togeter to a""ress %roblems #rom an enligtene" %ers%ecti*e.
Aliens an" outcasts are *itally im%ortant 0 but i# being on te
#ringes o# society is $at brings you to te table, $ell1 tats
$y .o" ma"e Firefly.
A storytelling bent. 2is "ocument re%resents an e##ort to use
te Fate engine to tell stories in te Star Trek uni*erse. 3nless Im
$ay o## te mar&, Fate isnt %articularly suite" to ac&4an"4slas,
min4ma-, rules4la$yering, or similarly %e"antic %laying styles.
Time Frame and Tone
Star Trek is more tan one ting. It can be cam%y, or sel#4serious5
com%elling, or bloate"5 blan"ly morose, or #ull o# t$o4#iste", #our4color
action. Many o# tese traits are strongly embo"ie" $itin in"i*i"ual
6generations o# te #rancise.
Coosing te $en an" $ere o# your Star Trek story says a lot about te
tone tat youre a#ter.
The Original Series (and its related films) embrace" a sense o#
$on"er an" e-uberance at e-%loring te "e%ts o# s%ace an" te
uman s%irit. Ca%tain (ir& coul" %unc an"7or &iss a #emale
su%%orting caracter $itout blin&ing an eye, an" Dr. McCoy
coul" ma&e "erisi*e comments about Vulcans $ile *oicing sel#4
rigteous %latitu"es, all $it a com%lete absence o# irony. I also
got te im%ression tat tere $asnt a lot o# %a%er$or& associate"
$it #iring te %oton tor%e"oes.
The Next Generation $as a %roce"ural $it a strong sense o#
res%onsibility an" enligtene" etics. +icar" $as te strong #ater
#igure, Data te marionette and $un"er&in" !not 8esley' $o
ser*e" to remin" us o# our #railty an" brilliance. 8en gi*ing te
or"er to 9,ire,: you coul" see te $eigt o# te gala-y on +icar"s
!or )i&ers' #ace.
Deep Space Nine ma"e e*eryting more con#licte". Sis&o nurse"
a gru"ge against +icar" an", by association, te rest o# Star#leet.
;is best #rien" became a traitor, an" is son a $riter !gas%'. DS9
ga*e us te Car"assians !s%ace <a=is', te >a?orans !s%ace @e$s',
te Dominion 8ar, Section 31, an" a sense o# e%ic, seriali=e"
narrati*e %re*iously #oreign to Star Trek.
Enterprise %resente" te baby ste%s o# a yout#ul, o%timistic, %re4
,e"eration Aart, as it attem%te" to come to gri%s $it te
%olitics o# ol"er s%ace4#aring races suc as te Vulcans, (lingons,
an" Bin"i.
Asce$ing any %ersonal o%inions on its $riting, acting, etc., I "ont #eel
tat Voyager a""e" anyting "istincti*e in te $ay o# setting or tone.
Maing a !etting
Im betting you "ont $ant to a*e your caracters on anyting name"
Enterprise, DS9, or Voyager. I# you "o, youll en" u% eiter %laying secon"
#i""le to te establise" caracters, or %ussy#ooting aroun" tem to a*e
your o$n a"*entures in te margins.
Cou !te .M' or te grou% as a $ole soul" come to some consensus
about your setting. 2e setting $ill a*e a lot to "o $it te starsi%,
installation, etc. to $ic te +Cs are assigne". ;ere are some i"eas to get
you going.
A starship on an ongoing mission o# e-%loration at te e"ge o#
&no$n s%ace.
A patrol ship, assigne" to &ee% $atc o*er a con#licte" area o#
s%ace !e.g., te )omulan or (lingon <eutral Done'.
A small escort vessel attace" to a starbase or %lanetary station.
A starbase or %lanetary station.
A cloa&e" observatory on a ne$ly4"isco*ere" $orl" inabite" by
a lo$4tec ci*ili=ation.
A clan"estine sEua" o# ndercover operatives, assigne" to
collect intelligence #rom a ostile go*ernment.
As mentione" in te intro"uction, Star#leet is ta&en as a gi*en. Coull
%robably $ant your stories to re*ol*e aroun" te bri"ge o# a starsi%, or
te o%erations center o# a starbase or out%ost. A*en i# tats not tat case
0 say, te trou%e is a team o# s%ecial o%erati*es on co*ert assignment
"ee% in Car"assian territory 0 te structure o# Star#leet is still in %lay.
Roles "#pstairs$ %ownstairs&
FetGs tal& about $at te caracters "o/ since te stories $ill %retty muc
ta&e %lace on !a' te bri"ge or !b' an a$ay mission !to a %lanet, s%ace
station, etc.', youGll $ant to ma&e sure tat eac %layer as someting to
"o. 2$o o%tions a*e come u% in our %lay tests/
Aac %layer creates t$o
caracters/ one #or te bri"ge,
one #or a$ay missions.
Ma&e sure your caracter as a
$i"e range o# s&ills an"
interests !not ?ust mecanical
s!ills' so tat se can be an
asset in a *ariety o# situations.
+ersonally, I %re#er te latter o%tion. In any gi*en Trek e%iso"e, itGs not
"i##icult to come u% $it a reason to get e*erybo"y on te %lanet !Sulu is
su""enly goo" at botanyH'. IGm not a big #an o# %layers a*ing t$o
caracters, e*en in a system as sim%le as Fate Core5 o$e*er, IG*e a"
%layers $o canGt seem to "o $itout, so tere you go.
8en assembling te #i*e as%ects %rescribe" by Fate Core, consi"er using
te #ollo$ing structure #or ins%iration. I# it "oesnGt #it your conce%t,
#orget it.
"igh #oncept
%ast Assignment
2ese as%ects can an" soul" be use" #or s%ecies "istinctions, co*ere" in4
"e%t on %. BB.
2e "e#ault s&ill list in Fate Core is an e-cellent starting %oint #or any
setting. 2e e-tensi*e selection in Diaspora, $ile inten"e" #or gritty, ar"
sci #i, $as my oter main ins%iration. I*e attem%te" to streamline tese
into someting cinematic an" accessible, $ile %ro*i"ing enoug o%tions
tat tere soul"nt be muc o*erla% in +C s%ecialties.
3se te %yrami" meto" outline" in ,ate Core/ one s&ill at IJ, t$o at I3,
tree at I2, an" #our at I1.
!tar(leet Training
;a*ing gone troug te rigors o# te Aca"emy, Star#leet o##icers
%ossess an im%ressi*ely broa" base o# abilities !es%ecially tose "ealing
$it s%ace tra*el'. ,or instance, its sa#e to assume tat any cre$ member
as AVA at I1, e*en i# te caracter "oesnt a*e te s&ill liste". .Ms/
"ont ma&e too big a "eal o# tis, but be generous $en %layers $ant teir
caracters to be com%etent $it stu## li&e Com%uters an"
Communications5 let tem roll at I1 instea" o# 0.
Skill List
1. Athletics
. Combat: Brawl ! Melee
". Combat: #nergy ! $ro%ectile
&. Command'(eadership
). Communications
*. Computers ! Sensors
+. ,eceit
-. ,iplomacy'.apport
/. #mpathy
10. #ngineering'.epair
11. #spionage
1. #1A
1". 2istory ! Cultures
1&. Intimidation
1). In3estigation
1*. Medical
1+. 4a3igation
1-. 4otice
1/. $hysi5ue
0. $ilot $lanetary 1ehicles
1. $ilot Spacecra6t
. $ro6ession 7choice8
". .esources
&. Sciences
). Stealth'Snea9
*. Sur3i3al
+. :actical
-. ;ill
!ill %es'riptions
Athletics& K*erall %ysical agility an" control. K#ten use" #or "o"ging.
#ombat& 'rawl ( )elee& Martial arts an" arme" combat !blunt, bla"es,
#ombat& Energy ( Pro*ectile& All #irearms !%asers L energy $ea%ons,
as $ell as ancient slug tro$ers'.
#ommand ( %eadership& 8at it ta&es to $ear te gol" !or re"' sirt.
Moti*ating %eo%le, an" $or&ing $it te cain o# comman".
#ommnications& Subs%ace an" stan"ar" comm. systems. Co"es an"
ci%ers, t$ea&ing te 3ni*ersal 2ranslator, etc.
#ompters ( Sensors& Ma&ing te most out o# "ata storage an"
transmission. Also, utili=ing *arious sensor eEui%ment an" inter%reting
"ata. !3se tis s&ill #or a"*ance" tricor"er o%erations.'
+eceit& A##ecti*ely mislea"ing oters !an" "etecting $en teyre "oing it
to you'.
+iplomacy,-apport& Astablising %ositi*e relations $it oters,
es%ecially across a battle#iel"7*ie$screen7negotiating table.
Empathy& )elating to oters5 sensing moti*es an" moo"s. !A classic
coice #or certain racially4s%eci#ic abilities.'
Engineering ( -epair& A"*ance" &no$le"ge o# starsi% "esign an"
maintenance, inclu"ing %ro%ulsion teory !at ig le*els'.
Espionage& Co*ert intelligence on a galactic scale. Also burglary, etc.
E.A& K%erations in lo$ gra*ity.
"istory ( #ltres& Catc4all #or galactic istory, arceology,
antro%ology, an" cultural %luralism.
/ntimidation& Feaning on an in#ormant, etc.
/nvestigation& .etting to te bottom o# tings.
)edical& ,irst ai" at lo$ le*els5 "octor status aroun" IJ. Inclu"es alien
%ysiology, but a%%ly "i##iculty i# treating an uncommon s%ecies.
0avigation& Fan", sea, air an" s%ace tra*el. Does not im%ly te same
ran& in +iloting !a%%ly "i##iculty i# use" as suc'.
0otice& S%ot i""en5 "iscern realities.
Physi1e& >o"ily stur"iness. 3se" to calculate "amage ca%acity !%ysical
stress bo-es5 see Fate Core, %. BB'.
Pilot Planetary .ehicles& Fan", sea an" air. !3se tis s&ill i# %iloting a
s%acecra#t $itin an atmos%ere, or a%%ly "i##iculty.'
Pilot Spacecraft& ,igters, suttles, runabouts, #reigters, #rigates,
starsi%s, battle cruisers1 you name it.
Profession 2choice3& De#ine your o$n %ersonal e-%ertise, an" $at its
use#ul #or !sub?ect to grou% an"7or .M consensus'.
-esorces& Material $ealt5 bartering strengt !uncommon #or Star#leet
Sciences& All brances, inclu"ing -enobiology, $ar% teory, astrometrics,
etc. May "e#ine s%ecialty, or lea*e broa".
Stealth ( Snea!& .etting in an" out Euietly.
Srvival& Doing $itout te com#orts o# a starsi%/ unting L gatering,
#irst ai", %lant lore, cra#ting selter, etc.
$actical& 2actics an" $ea%ons systems5 %rimarily use" in starsi% combat.
K#ten inclu"es on4boar" security o%erations.
4ill& Strengt o# resol*e. 3se" to calculate mental stress ca%acity !mental
stress bo-es5 see Fate Core, %. BB'.
Alien !pe'ies
,or better or $orse, many Star Trek aliens are ?ust bum%y #oreea"s $it
a ea*y4an"e" allegorical social structure. In tis case, no mecanical
canges are necessary 0 sim%ly tro$ in some setting as%ects suc as
Matriarcal ;ierarcy, or Con"ones Sla*ery on )acial .roun"s, or
someting o# tat nature.
;o$e*er, some s%ecies !es%ecially tose suitable as +Cs' are "istinguise"
#rom te uman GnormG by certain s%ecial abilities or %re"ilections. !K#
course, tere are e-ce%tions to e*ery racial stereoty%e e*en in Star Trek, so
"onGt #eel too boun" to tese.' Kb*ious e-am%les/
.lcans& Logical Nature an" Telepathy !ind !eld"
5lingons& #arrior Spirit an" $onor%&ound Society
'a*orans& Spiritually De'out
-omlans& De'ious and Sinister
Ferengi& (rofit !oti'e
1 An", te list goes on. In te s%irit o# Fate, I belie*e tere are t$o $ays
to an"le s%ecies "istinctions/ aspects an" stnts.
As $e &no$, caracter as%ects e-ist to %romote com%etence !in*o&e #or
I2 bonus or re4roll', %ro*i"e o%%osition or con#lict !com%el to gain a #ate
%oint', an" %ro*i"e #lags #or role%laying an" narrati*e.
S%ea&ing to .Ms an" %layers/ i# you #eel tat a s%eciesG "istinct
attribute!s' can be bot !a' summari=e" e##ecti*ely an" !b' re%resente"
su##iciently $itin te system by using a sim%le as%ect, ten ?ust use tat.
Cou can incor%orate tis into any o# te #i*e caracter as%ects !ig
conce%t, trouble, cil"oo", aca"emy, or last assignment'1 altoug,
%era%s te #irst tree $or& best.
Alien Traits as Aspects (Example
)ou*re 'reating a 1ulcan !tar(leet o((i'er + a woman w,o ,olds strongly to
,er people*s tradition o( logi'. As a ,at-tip to .ommander !po' ,imsel($
you de'ide to 'all t,is aspe't Logic Dictates.
/,i', aspe't slot does t,is (ill0 )ou de'ide t,at t,is is simply part o( w,o
s,e is$ not ,er primary de(ining ',ara'teristi' + so$ you opt (or t,is as ,er
childhood aspect. T,e des'ription o( ,er ',ild,ood s,ould now in'lude
some details on ,ow s,e was nurtured in an en1ironment t,at taug,t ,er
t,is trait.
0ote& IG" %robably use te cil"oo" as%ect most o#ten #or s%ecies4
s%eci#ic as%ects. I# you "e#ine it as your ig conce%t, te caracter migt
turn out to be a cartoonis caricature o# tat s%ecies. I# you "e#ine it as
te trouble, ten it coul" be seen as "emeaning. !Altoug, >elanna
2orresG trouble as%ect $as %robably At War With the Warrior Spirit,
$ic $as #airly com%elling 0 so, maybe ignore my a"*ice.'
Stunts can be use" instea" o#, or in a""ition to, as%ects #or "e%icting
s%ecies traits. 2o reiterate, #rom Fate Core/ stunts enance te abilities o#
s%eci#ic s&ills in or"er to "i##erentiate caractersG abilities.
I# you $is to re%resent a trait $it a stunt, be sure you #irst select its
%arent s&ill "uring caracter creation. A.g., i# you $ant your VulcanGs
Min" Mel" to be a stunt, you must #irst ta&e te Am%aty s&ill. Kr, i# you
en*ision a (lingonGs 8arrior S%irit as a stunt, #irst ta&e Combat/ >ra$l L
As $it all stunts, te %recise "etails are u% to you, your .M, an" your
grou% as a $ole.
;ereGs a list o# stunts a*ailable to certain s%ecies.
Consi"er tese a*ailable an" recommen"e" i# your
caracter claims ancestry #rom tat race. 2e cost o#
stunts still a%%lies/ ta&e one #or #ree5 #or eac
a""itional stunt, subtract one #rom your re#res o#
#ate %oints. !Cour .M may "eci"e to ma&e one or
more s%ecies4relate" stunts #ree 0 not sub?ect to te
abo*e re#res cost.'
Alien Traits as St!nts (Examples
Warrior Spirit (Combat: Brawl & Melee): 2ain 32 to
.om4at5 6rawl 7 Melee rolls w,en using traditional 8lingon
weapons "4at*let,$ me*let,$ et'.&.
Honor-Bound Society (Intimidation$ Investigation$ or
Notice): 32 to sill roll w,en any opposing ',ara'ter is using
Logic Dictates (Intimidation$ Investigation$ Notice$ or Will):
32 to sill roll w,en logi'al prin'iples 'an 4e applied$ or
w,en an opponent is ',allenging your intelle't.
Honor-Bound Society (Intimidation, Investigation, or
Notice): 32 to sill roll w,en any opposing ',ara'ter is using
Spiritually Devout (Will or Empat!): 32 to sill roll w,en
you 'all upon t,e 9rop,ets or re'all sa'red trut,s.
Profit Motive ("eceit or #eso$rces): 32 to all %e'eit or
Resour'es rolls w,en maing a deal.
2ese are ?ust e-am%les, an" tereGs a goo" cance
your *ision is "i##erent #rom mine. ,eel #ree to ma&e
u% your o$n s%ecies4s%eci#ic stunts, or let your
%layers "o it.
!tar(leet Ran !tru'ture
Star#leet a"eres to 3.S. na*al ran& structure !#or con*enience, I su%%ose'.
Fla" O##icers
Admiral "1arious&
Line O##icers
:ieutenant ;unior 2rade
<nsign ;unior 2rade
Enliste$ (N%n&C%mmissi%ne$
Master .,ie( 9etty =((i'er
!enior .,ie( 9etty =((i'er
.,ie( 9etty =((i'er
9etty =((i'er 1
9etty =((i'er 2
<on4commissione" o##icers !cre$men' "o not bene#it #rom #ull Aca"emy
training or o##icers res%onsibilities, but o#ten #orm te bac&bone o# te
o%erations sta## o# a Star#leet si% or #acility. Distinguising bet$een
tese ran&s is rarely crucial !Senior Cie# +etty K##icer Miles K>rien $as
te only non4commissione" main caracter in any Star Trek series'.
%etermining Ran
2ere are t$o $ays to "etermine ran&/ roll, or "ont roll.
-oll. This option must )e used after the players ha'e selected their skill* see
p. ++." 3se te Comman" L Fea"ersi% s&ill, an" "o a sim%le
contest. !Caracters $itout tis s&ill must roll at 0.' 2en, ran&
eac roll #rom igest to lo$est, start $it Ca%tain or
Comman"er, an" going "o$n. 2eres no strict relation bet$een
rolle" result an" actual ran&, but i# someone rolle" iger tan
you, you cant outran& tem.
Rank R%ll Example
Four 9.s are rolling t,e .ommand 7 :eaders,ip sill to determine ran.
"Andrea$ 6illy$ .ynt,ia$ and %amon.& T,eir sill rans are5 Andrea 32$ 6illy 0$
.ynt,ia 34$ and %amon 31. A(ter rolling$ t,eir results are5 Andrea 0$ 6illy 31$
.ynt,ia 33$ and %amon 32. As a result$ .ynt,ia "end result 34& will 4e t,e
.aptain> %amon "32& t,e .ommander and First =((i'er> 6illy "31& de'ides to
sti' wit, :ieutenant$ and Andrea settles (or t,e lowly <nsign "0&.
+on6t roll. This option can )e used at any time during character creation."
I# somebo"y $ants to be Ca%tain, an" nobo"y as a %roblem
$it it, let tem. Alternately, i# you tin& tat a %articular +C
$oul" be $ell4suite" to a %articular role or ran&, #eel #ree to
suggest it.
8it ran& comes res%onsibilities, a realm o# ty%ical "uties, an" some
common relationsi% roles. ,or instance/
2e Comman"ing an" ,irst K##icers o#ten ma&e "ecisions *ery
closely, as it is o#ten te Comman"ers res%onsibility to
communicate te Ca%tains $ises to te cre$, an" %era%s to
callenge te Ca%tain on Euestionable "ecisions.
Fieutenants an" Fieutenant4Comman"ers o#ten ser*e as
"e%artment ea"s/ Cie# Angineer, Cie# 2actical7Security
K##icer, Cie# o# K%erations, etc.
Ansigns ty%ically ser*e to su%%ort te oter ran&s. Kccasionally,
tey $ill be assigne" to te elm o# a starsi%.
Non-!tar(leet 9.s
All tis is not to say tat e*ery +C must be a ran&ing member o# Star#leet.
8e a*e all &in"s o# %rece"ents in te *arious Trek series #or outsi"ers
ma&ing temsel*es use#ul/
4esley #rsher. Kstensibly gi#te" son o# a ran&ing o##icer5
occasionally goo" at stu##5 mostly an un$ante" liability #or te
)a*or 5ira ( #onstable 7do. )an&ing members o# a regional
military, go*ernment, or oter organi=ation tat is $or&ing closely
$it te ,e"eration.
"alf the crew of Voyager. 8en you get tra%%e" on te oter
si"e o# te gala-y $it a cre$ o# $ante" #ugiti*es an" an
annoying 2ala-ian, sometimes te rules ?ust "ont %re%are youH
2o summari=e, you coul" a*e/
Consulting s%ecialists assigne" #or certain missions.
A"?unct o##icers #rom allie" go*ernments.
K%erati*es #rom some ne#arious organi=ation tat Star#leet barely
tolerates !suc as Section 31'.
Fonely %ri*ateers #or $om you ?ust cant el% #eeling sorry !see
Voyagers <eeli-'.
All manner o# enemies #rom $itin Star#leet or $itout, tro$n
togeter by "es%erate circumstances !see Voyager'.
+layer caracters $ill %retty muc "i*i"e teir time bet$een si%boar"
acti*ities an" a$ay missions. A$ay missions can ta&e %lace any$ere o##4
si%. ,or e-am%le/
A %lanetGs sur#ace.
>eneat a %lanetGs sur#ace.
In orbit o# a %lanet !on an orbital station, #or e-am%le'.
A s%ace station.
Anoter starsi%.
A$ay missions $ill call #or a *ariety
o# s&ills, as te +Cs %ursue a $i"e
range o# goals an" #ace all manner
o# obstacles. ;ereGs a smattering o#
situations in $ic s&ill rolls can be
ma"e !ta&en #rom te s&ill list in te
%re*ious ca%ter'.
2ese e-am%les are *ery broa", an" are not meant to be sol*e" by a
single s&ill roll. <ot e*ery s&ill is re%resente" ere 0 ta&e tat as a
callenge to come u% $it situations #or using tose s&ills.
.omputers 7 !ensors
A cre$ member tries to ma&e sense o# an ancient %iece o# macinery tat
may tell tem $y a ci*ili=ation became e-tinct.
As te ,e"erationGs re%resentati*e, te ca%tain is or"ere" to o*ersee
negotiations bet$een t$o $arring #actions on a ne$ly4"isco*ere" %lanet.
2e cre$ is or"ere" to assist a recently4#oun"e" colony5 te cie#
engineer must el% tem re%air te termal siel"ing aroun" teir
com%oun" be#ore te #ire storms reac tem.
2e cre$ is or"ere" to con"uct long4term intelligence4gatering on a
neutral s%ace station near te )omulan <eutral Done. 2ey $ill %ose as
arms mercants in or"er to ma&e contacts in te 2al Siar !)omulan
intelligence agency'.
2e cre$ must "isco*er $o or $at is res%onsible #or a series o#
mur"ers aboar" a starbase.
2e cie# me"ical o##icer must "isco*er $at is causing te ra%i"ly4
gro$ing tumors in#ecting a %lanetGs %o%ulation.
9ilot 9lanetary Be,i'les
Stran"e" on a $orl" $it a %re4$ar% ci*ili=ation, te cre$ is #orce" to use
teir %rimiti*e combustion4%ro%elle" *eicles to esca%e #rom a ro*ing
gang o# tugs bent on stealing teir a"*ance" tecnology.
As a rule, members o# Star#leet !an" many ,e"eration societies' "o not
"eal $it or carry currency or *aluables #or tra"e. 8at a%%ens $en a
critical in#ormant as&s #or a bribeM
2e cre$ must "isco*er $o or $at is res%onsible #or a series o#
mur"ers aboar" a starbase.
Cut o## #rom teir si% by atmos%eric "isturbances, te cre$ must #in"
selter an" $ater in a *ast "essert.
+layers $ill use s&ills to carry out assignments an" or"ers using bri"ge
stations !elm, sensors, tactical' or "e%artmental locations !engineering,
sic&bay, stellar cartogra%y'. 3sually tese $ill be o*ercome or create
a"*antage actions, but also occasionally attac& an" "e#en" !as %er te
%rece"ing combat gui"elines'.
;ere are some e-am%les o# $en tese tas&s may come into %lay. Aac
o# te common "e%artments is liste" $it ty%ical "ay4to4"ay "uties, as
$ell as a"*ance" tas&s tat $ill reEuire s&ill rolls, as%ect in*ocations
an"7or team$or& to accom%lis. <ote tat eac "e%artment as a
s%eci#ic s&ill $ic corres%on"s to it5 unless oter$ise note", tis s&ill is
te one use" #or all "e%artmentally4rele*ant actions.
K%en a communications cannel to a nearby *essel or %lanet.
)ecei*e subs%ace transmissions !#rom Star#leet Comman", #or
2$ea&ing te uni*ersal translator to analy=e a %articularly "i##icult
Scrambling a transmission to %re*ent it #rom being "eco"e" by
@amming te transmissions o# a ostile si%, suc tat tey cannot
communicate $it teir coorts.
2ese actions can certainly be use" in combat to create a"*antages an"
scene as%ects.
.omputers 7 !ensors
8or&ing in tan"em $it elm7na*igation to %lot sa#e routes o#
2rac&ing an" stu"ying s%atial %enomena suc as comets an"
Focating an in"i*i"ualGs li#e signs $itin a si%, or on a %lanetGs
)esearcing ,e"eration "atabases #or istorical or scienti#ic "ata.
2e abo*e tas&s can o#ten be com%licate" by natural or arti#icial
"isturbances suc as nebulous gases, "ense asteroi" belts, ion storms,
atmos%eric anomalies, etc.
<ngineering@%amage .ontrol "<ngineering@Repair&
(ee%ing a starsi%s systems running troug "aily maintenance
an" "iagnostic %roce"ures.
Mitigating te e##ects o# strenuous acti*ities, suc as constant use
o# ig $ar% s%ee"s, "amage #rom combat, etc.
Medi'al "!i'4ay&
Maintaining a ig le*el o# cre$ ealt troug regular
2reating $oun"e" "uring a battle.
,in"ing a treatment #or an alien *iral in#ection.
!'ien'e :a4s@!tellar .artograp,y "!'ien'es&
>asic carting o# star clusters an" oter cosmic %enomena.
Culti*ating biological organisms !y"ro%onics, etc.'.
2rac&ing a Euasi4mystical energy ne-us as it cuts a ser%entine %at
troug te gala-y.
Fearning about te istorical e*olution o# a %lanetGs biological
Flig,t "!,uttles 7 Au?iliary .ra(t& "9ilot5 !pa'e'ra(t&
+lease note tat tese are Euic& an" loose suggestions 0 oter games suc
as Diaspora contain #ar more intricate mini4games centere" aroun" tings
li&e si%4to4si% combat. 2ats not te #ocus o# tis a"a%tation. ;ere,
$e $ill %ut te %layer caracters an" teir abilities #ront an" center,
esce$ing a lot o# boo&&ee%ing in te %rocess.
Kne more ca*eat/ i# your grou% uses te "e#ault setting o# a Star#leet
cre$ on4boar" a Star#leet *essel, combat is sally a last resort.
<otably, tis a##ects initiati*e/ on a mission o# e-%loration, te Enterprise
$ill not #ire #irst, e*en i# seGs outgunne" !see e*ery e%iso"e o# TN,'.
K# course, i# your story is set "uring te Dominion 8ar, tis "oesnGt
a%%ly as muc. 2is is merely a remin"er to te .M an" %layers to be
circums%ect $en "ealing $it *iolence, "ue to te %eculiarities o#
$or&ing #or te ,e"eration.
+Cs use teir s&ills in starsi% combat, mo"i#ie" by teir si%Gs s&ills an"
as%ects. A.g., Da- is %iloting te De#iant. ;er +ilot S%acecra#t s&ill is I3,
an" te De#iant as IJ Maneu*er, $ic gi*es er a I2 to te roll,
ma&ing er le*el IN.
Kb*iously, te elm an"7or tactical o##icer!s' $ill be getting te s%otligt
in combat scenes. ;o$e*er, te oter +Cs can assist by creating
a"*antages #or elm an" tactical to use. A.g., Ca%tain Sis&o rolls is
Comman"7Fea"ersi% s&ill to create an a"*antage in te #orm o# a #ree
in*ocation on te DefiantGs Se ;as 2eet as%ect !$ic Da- can use on
er ne-t action'.
Starsi%s a*e te same stats as caracters 0 as%ects, s&ills, stunts, stress
an" conseEuences !"etermine" by a *ariety o# #actors'. 2is is "iscusse"
in te ne-t section.
%e(ining !,ips
See te #ollo$ing %ages #or e-am%les o# tese elements.
FetGs use tree le*els !small, me"ium, large'. Smaller si%s are more
maneu*erable, an" a*e less #ire%o$er an" ull7siel" strengt5 larger
si%s are less maneu*erable, but a*e greater #ire%o$er an" ull7siel"
strengt. 2is is o$ scale in#luences "amage ca%acity. !See Stress and
#onse1ences on te #ollo$ing %age #or actual "amage ca%acity, $ic
is #airly static.'
Scale )ane!+erin" Dealin"
Small >?@
"MaCuis (ig,ters$
s,uttle'ra(t$ runa4outs&
32 against medium s,ips
34 against large s,ips.
-2 against medium s,ips
-4 against large s,ips
Medium >0@
"#.!.!. "e%iant$ 8lingon
6irds o( 9rey&
-2 against small s,ips
32 against large s,ips
32 against small s,ips
-2 against large s,ips
(arge >A@
"&ala'!-'lass #.!.!.
Enterprise$ a Romulan
"(deride'-'lass /ar4ird$
a ;em*Dadar 6attles,ip&
-4 against small s,ips
-2 against medium s,ips
34 against small s,ips
32 against medium s,ips
.i*e a si% t$o to tree as%ects, an" youGre goo". )emember to ma&e
tem "ouble4si"e" !%ros an" cons'. ,or e-am%le/ te 3.S.S. E-celsior #rom
te #ilms migt a*e 9>y .o", 2atGs a >ig Si%: an" 92e .reat
A-%eriment:, or oters. !See %. BB #or more e-am%les.'
All si%s a*e #i*e s&ills, mostly use" in contests an" con#licts.
Stars,ip Skill List
1. Maximum ;arp
. Maneu3erability
". :actical Systems
&. Sensors
). Computer
<o$, in "etail/
)aximm 4arp& 8eGll use bot #ictional *alues !$ar% #actor O-P', an"
te Fate la""er.
#arp .%/0 0
#arp 1%20 I1
#arp 3%40 I2
#arp 5%60 I3
#arp 9%9.30 IJ
#arp 9.40 IN
#arp 9.50 IQ
#arp 9.60 IR
#arp 9.90 IS
In con#licts an" contests, si%s soul" only roll i# teyGre on te same
le*el !I3 *s. I3'. I.e., a si% tatGs "e#initely #aster tan anoter $ill
usually outrun it.
K# course, you can boost your $ay u% !or conseEuence your $ay "o$n'
to matc le*els tem%orarily. A.g., an engineer coul" create an a"*antage in
te #orm o# a tem%orary boost li&e Focused Dilithium Tuning to raise
is $ar% Q si% !I2' to $ar% R !I3', but only #or a sort time.
I# a si% maintains ma-imum $ar% #or more tan once scene, it incurs a
scene as%ect along te lines o# Subspace Fluctuations or Deuterium
)aneverability& Mostly use" to e*a"e enemy #ire.
89 or 8:& a"" I1 to %iloting rolls
8; or 8<& a"" I2 to %iloting rolls
8= or 8>& a"" I3 to %iloting rolls !etc.'
In con#lict, maneu*erability is #urter mo"i#ie" by "i##erences in scale !see
%re*ious %age'.
$actical Systems& 2e o*erall e##ecti*eness o# targeting sensors an"
$ea%on systems.
89 or 8:& a"" I1 to tactical rolls.
8; or 8<& a"" I2 to tactical rolls !etc.'.
In con#lict, tactical is #urter mo"i#ie" by "i##erences in scale !see
%re*ious %age'.
Sensors& )e%resents te range an" e##ecti*eness o# all si% sensors.
#ompter& >ot %rocessing s%ee" an" "e%t7brea"t o# &no$le"ge
!tunts and <?tras
Si%s can a*e stunts, too/ uniEue ca%abilities tat set tem a%art #rom
oter si%s. 3se stunts $en you $ant a s%eci#ic system7$ea%on7etc. to
a*e uniEue rules e##ects. !See e-am%les on %%. BB4BB.'
!tress 6o?es "!,ields&
Stress bo-es are siel"s 0 sim%le as tat. Most Star#leet *essels a*e 2
bo-es5 %oor siel"s $oul" be 1, a"*ance" $oul" be 3, etc. 3se" bo-es are
cleare" $en te si% as a #e$ minutes to reco*er te energy use"
!bet$een con#licts'.
.onseCuen'es "%amage&
ConseEuence slots re%resent ull "amage ca%acity. 2e "e#ault s%rea" is
17171, ?ust li&e caracters1 o$e*er, #eel #ree to a"" a mil" slot i# it te
si% is %articularly stur"y, or as ablati*e armor !#or instance'. At most, a
si% coul" a*e 27271.
)emember/ "amage is also an"le" troug scale an" attac& rolls !see
%re*ious %age'.
As %er Fate Core, si#ts o# success on an attac& roll must be absorbe" by
te "e#en"er using teir a*ailable conseEuences. I# tis is im%ossible, te
"e#en"er is ta&en out !"estroye" or "isable"'.
Cou can totally combine stress bo-es an" conseEuences to absorb its,
until teyGre gone.
!ample !tars,ips
+lease see %. BB #or Appendix '& Sample Starships.
.on(li't =1er1iew
Muc li&e %ersonal con#lict1
Set the scene !create scene as%ects'
+etermine trn order !$ic si% acts #irstM'
Exchange(s) !eac cre$ %er#orms teir actions'
End the conflict !$en someone ce"es or is ta&en out'
!et t,e s'ene
Many times, starsi% battles occur in o%en s%ace 0 in $ic case, tereGs
not muc to say, as%ect4$ise. ;o$e*er, sometimes tere are interesting
#eatures suc as %lanetoi"s, nebulae, an asteroi" belt, a Euasi4mystical
energy ne-us1 te s&y is no longer te limit. 3se tese elements to
"e#ine scene as%ects, as "iscuss as a grou% o$ tey migt come into %lay.
Turn =rder + !,ips
,or te +CsG si%, ta!e the highest of three relevant s!ills #rom among
te bri"ge o##icers/ Comman"7Fea"ersi%, 2actical, an" +ilot S%acecra#t.
!<ote tat tese usually come #rom "i##erent caracters.' 3se te igest
o# tese s&ills as te initiati*e le*el to "etermine turn or"er $itin te
e-cange. !+layers can in*o&e as%ects Osuc as te Ca%tainGs oyalty o"
the #re$P to mo"i#y tese *alues.'
,or <+C4controlle" *essels, you %robably "onGt a*e all te <+CsG s&ills
naile" "o$n, $ic is #ine. @ust %ic& a le*el tat ma&es sense, an" tin& o#
it as a "i##iculty le*el !I2 is %robably easy, IJ is e*enly matce", etc.'.
T!rn Or$er Example
.aptain !iso ,as 2reat "34& .ommand@:eaders,ip$ w,i', is t,e ,ig,est
rele1ant sill present on t,e "e%iant*s 4ridge. T,e atta'ing ;em*Dadar s,ip
is 'ontrolled 4y a 'rew wit, 32 piloting@ta'ti'al a4ilities. T,us$ t,e "e%iant
will a't (irst.
<?',ange"s& and .,ara'ters* Turn =rder
Caracters roll teir in"i*i"ual s&ills "uring teir si%Gs action. !I.e., i# te
Defiant is acting #irst, ten er cre$ $ill roll er s&ills as %art o# tat
o*erarcing action.'
2o e*o&e a na*al7military style, start $it te comman"ing o##icerGs
or"ers !9,ire %asers,: etc.', #ollo$e" by te o##icer!s' res%onsible #or
carrying out te or"ers !elm an" tactical, %rimarily', #ollo$e" by anyone
$o can mitigate "amage or oter$ise in"irectly a##ect te con#lict
!"amage control, me"ical, etc.'. <ote tat tis e##ecti*ely %laces te +Cs
in te roles o# "e%artment ea"s, e*en i# tey "onGt o##icially occu%y
tose %ositions in te #iction.
Resol1ing Atta's
3%on a success#ul attac& roll !te tactical o##icer #ires $ea%ons', eac si#t
o# success o*er te "e#en"erGs maneu*er7"e#en" roll incurs si#ts o#
"amage, $ic must be absorbe" by te targetGs conseEuence slots. I# tis
canGt be "one, te target is ta&en out. 2is can mean tat te si% is
"isable", "estroye", or oter$ise unable to ta&e any meaning#ul action.
<nding .on(li't
Caracters recei*e #ate %oints #or com%elle" as%ects, ?ust as i# it $ere a
%erson4to4%erson con#lict.
Also, ma&e sure you note te conseEuences o# combat. Assign "amage
control teams to "o $at tey can !a 9;ull >reac on Dec& N: can be
cange" to 9A##ecting ;ull )e%airs on Dec& N: once "amage control is
Stars,ip C%m-at Example
=ne 2M$ (our players. T,e 2M will portray t,e ;em*Dadar atta'er$ w,ile
t,e players will tae on t,e roles o( .aptain !iso "'ommand&$ :ieutenant
;adEia %a? ",elm 7 weapons&$ .,ie( =*6rien "engineering and damage
'ontrol&$ and %o'tor 6as,ir "medi'al&. %a? will mae most o( t,e 'om4at
rolls$ using ,er 2ood "33& Ta'ti'al sill$ w,ile t,e 2M deems t,e
;em*Dadar*s Ta'ti'al sill to 4e Fair "32&.
:urn Order
!in'e t,e "e%iant is 'oming out o( 'loa to am4us, t,e lone ;em*Dadar
(ig,ter$ its stunt allows it to a't (irst in t,e (irst e?',ange. "Normally you*d
'ompare Ta'ti'al sills to determine order o( a'tion.& !iso will gi1e t,e
orders$ %a? will 'arry t,em out$ and =*6rien and 6as,ir will mitigate t,e
'onseCuen'es "in t,at order&. A(ter
=irst #xchange
!iso orders %a? to (ire pulse p,asers$ and ,is player wants to 'reate a (ree
in1o'ation on t,e aspe't !,e Das Teet, (or %a? to use. "Note t,at !iso
,imsel( doesn*t per(orm t,e atta' + ,e*s 'reating an ad1antage.& De
attempts a Fair "32& o1er'ome a'tion$ using ,is 2reat "34&
.ommand@:eaders,ip sill$ and s'ores a 3F + t,ree s,i(ts o( su''ess a4o1e
t,e target.
<pisodes or Films0
)ole%laying games usually o%erate as one o# tree tings/
A con*ention one?shot o# 34N ours.
A mini?campaign o# 24J sessions.
A long campaign o# N, 10, or many more sessions.
Similarly, canonical Star Trek stories are #rame" as eiter/
A%iso"ic one4our "ramas.
A%ic #ilm4lengt sagas.
>e#ore you sit "o$n $it your grou% !or start to $rite your story notes',
en*ision your goal. 2e $ay I see it, e%iso"ic "ramas #it Euite $ell $itin
te #irst an" tir" role%laying #ormats !one4sots or long cam%aign %lay',
$ile #ilm4lengt e%ics are more suite" to a mini4cam%aign !24J sessions'.
A single session is only enoug time to con#ront an" resol*e one
or, at te most, t$o ma?or con#licts. 2eres room #or e-%loring
eac caracters %ersonality an" abilities, but not muc time #or
gro$t an" cange.
A an"#ul o# sessions !or, mini?campaign' is enoug time to see
te +Cs cange, an" to see te macinations o# teir antagonist!s'
#lese" out o*er a longer %erio".
In a long campaign, +Cs an" antagonists may come an" go.
Most im%ortantly, te grou% as te time to e-%lore an" resol*e
ma?or temes or e*ents o# galactic im%ort !suc as te Bin"i %lot
#rom Enterprise, or te Dominion in*asion #rom Deep Space Nine'.
Consi"er a long cam%aign to be analogous to a season o#
/,at A4out Missions0
Since Star#leet ostensibly #ollo$s a military o%erati*e structure, mission
assignments #rom Comman" are a matter o# "aily li#e #or a starsi%s
o##icers an" cre$. As te .M, you can use tese to structure your gaming
7ne?shot. A mission #or a single session o# %lay soul" be #airly
straigt#or$ar". 2e cre$ is assigne" to a""ress a single issue,
$it little nuance or grey area. 2is issue is meant to be resol*e"
$itin a an"#ul o# scenes, an" nee" not tie into any larger %lot.
)ini?campaign. A mission assignment can &ic&4start an e%ic
story, but noting goes as %lanne". 2e cre$ $ill #in" a situation
*ery "i##erent #rom te one #or $ic tey $ere %re%are". 2eres
%lenty o# room #or "i*i"e" loyalties, long4lost #rien"s or enemies,
an" layers o# %lot to unra*el.
%ong campaign. Start small, but tin& about te big %icture.
Missions tat seem sim%le migt a*e long4reacing
conseEuences. +Cs are li&ely to cange teir as%ects an" s&ills, an"
may acEuire %ermanent #allout #rom te con#licts tey #ace. As te
.M, ne*er #orget to loo& #or te +Cs flags !As%ects'/ $at "o te
%layers $ant to see #or teir caracters, an" o$ can you el%
tem #ace itM
Mission Adeas
5eeping the Peace. Starsi% is recalle" #rom scouting mission to
arbitrate !EuellM' an u%rising on BB, a ,e"eration $orl".
8at "o te rebels $antM
8y is te stance o# te %o$ers4tat4be goo", or at least easy
to relate toM
8o is in %lay tat is closely tie" $it one !or more' o# te
+CsM !Kne or t$o <+Cs tat can %ro*i"e "ubious
moti*ations #or bot si"es.'
T,e 6ridge on t,e Ta4le
A#ter you*e "etermine" $ere te cre$ is assigne", s&etc or %rint out a
roug schematic o# te bri"ge layout. A %age si=e o# 11: - 1R: is
%robably su##icient.
;a*e te +Cs create table tents #or teir caracters !note car"s #ol"e" in
al# $it name, ran&, an" assigne" %osition'. 2en, %osition tese tents at
teir res%ecti*e control stations !comman" cair, tactical,
communications, sensors, elm, science, engineering, etc.'. (ee% in min"
tat teres %lenty o# $iggle room in regar"s to tese !on te 1R014D, te
tactical o##icer $as also res%onsible #or communications an" internal
I# you a*e a selection o# note car"s in *arious colors, you can color
code by "e%artment !gol"7blue7re"'. Kr, it migt be e*en more use#ul to
use one color #or +Cs, an" one #or <+Cs, to establis a consistent cast on
te bri"ge.
Star#leetGs stoc& armament is a
"e*astating %iece o# game4
brea&ing #iction, i# $iel"e"
in?u"iciously. FetGs brea& it "o$n
into tree #unctions/ stn, !ill,
an" vapori@e.
+asers come in tree general mo"els, "i##ering by time %erio"/
$ype / is a mini4%aser tat, in 2KS an" te early #ilms, "etaces
#rom te 2y%e II. It can only stn an" !ill.
$ype // is te stan"ar" armament $orn on te belts o# security
o##icers. 2is one can stn, !ill, an" vapori@e.
$ype /// is te %aser ri#le. It can stn, !ill, an" vapori@e, but
can "o so at muc longer ranges, an" as a muc larger %o$er
Kb*iously, I "onGt recommen" tat you try to trac& o$ many sots eac
ty%e o# %aser can #ire be#ore itGs out o# ?uice. I also "onGt recommen"
tat you get too %articular $it o$ many si#ts o# stress an"
conseEuence eac granular setting in#licts. ;ereGs o$ IG" "o it !tese
i"eas %resu%%ose a sentient enemy, rater tan sooting at roc&s'.
!tun "!ettings 1-3&
Firing& Kn a success#ul stun roll !Combat/ Anergy L +ro?ectile',
te target1
Is &noc&e" unconscious #or an un"etermine" %erio", and
Absorbs stress7conseEuences eEual to te success si#ts o#
te attac&erGs roll.
8en you succee" $it style, your caracter can ma&e an
e"ucate" guess as to o$ long until se $a&es u%.
+efending& I# it by a stun blast, te target can roll +ysiEue or
8ill to sa&e o## te e##ects o# a stun blast, but itGs a .reat !IJ'
o*ercome action. As%ects suc as co*er, or s%ecies attributes can
el% $it tis. Stress an" conseEuences still a%%ly.
8ill "!ettings 4-14&
I# a Star#leet o##icer e*er &no$ingly &ills or *a%ori=es a sentient being,
tey are sub?ect to #ull in*estigation by Star#leet Comman" !e-ce%t "uring
$artime engagement'. I cannot stress o$ serious tis is 0 any o##icer
using a %aser to &ill or *a%ori=e $itout a really, really goo" reason is
liable to be tro$n in te brig.
Firing& Kn a success#ul &ill roll, te target1
Is eiter "ea" outrigt, or nearly "ea" !.MsG coice', and
Must absorb stress7conseEuences eEual to te success si#ts
o# te attac&erGs roll.
8en you succee" $it style, you !te %layer' can "etermine te
"ea"7nearly "ea" outcome.
+efending& I# it by a &ill blast, te target can roll +ysiEue or
8ill to re"uce te e##ects to tose o# a stun blast, but itGs a .reat
!IJ' o*ercome action. As%ects suc as co*er or s%ecies attributes
can be use" to el% $it tis. Stress an" conseEuences still a%%ly.
BaporiEe "!ettings 1F-16&
Firing& Kn a success#ul *a%ori=e roll, te target1
Is *a%ori=e".
+efending& I# it by a *a%ori=e blast !assuming any "o"ge
attem%t as #aile"', te target is $ell an" truly *a%ori=e".
;ere youll #in" se*eral sam%le caracters, bot canon an" non4, bot
uman an" alien.
4ame ! ,escription "2ender$ !pe'ies$ Ran$ Assigned !tation& .e6resh
#aptain %ean&uc 'icard7 Captain of the 8.S.S. Anter%rise7
Federation flagship. $uman male. &rings age and e-perience to )ear.
Dig, .on'ept Trou4le .,ild,ood A'ademy :ast Assignment
Traditionalist Trou)led
Family Life
9isk :s :ts ;<n
The (icard
2reat "34& 2ood "33& Fair "32& A1erage "31&
.. Diplomacy=
.. Command=
/. (ilot Spacecraft
.. Com)at0 Energy
> (ro?ectile
/. Tactical > Security
1. #ill
.. $istory >
/. Communications
1. ++
2. ++
.. 9eno<ned Diplomat Diplomacy=9apport"0 ++
Stress Conse5uences
9,ysi'al Mental Mild "2 pts.& Moderate "4 pts.& !e1ere "6 pts.&
1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4
4ame ! ,escription "2ender$ !pe'ies$ Ran$ Assigned !tation& .e6resh
#ommander Spoc!7 Vulcan male* Science ;fficer of the 8.S.S.
Dig, .on'ept Trou4le .,ild,ood A'ademy :ast Assignment
Logic Dictates :n'ol'ed #ith
Lt. 8hura
Career Scientist Designed the
@o)yashi !aru
2reat "34& 2ood "33& Fair "32& A1erage "31&
.. Sciences .. Computers
/. Empathy
.. :n'estigation
/. Notice
1. #ill
.. Com)at0 &ra<l >
/. Command=Leadership
1. Contacts
2. Na'igation
.. Logic Dictates :n'estigation"0 ++
/. !ind !eld Empathy"0 ++
Stress Conse5uences
9,ysi'al Mental Mild "2 pts.& Moderate "4 pts.& !e1ere "6 pts.&
1 2
3 4
1 2
3 4
A**ENDI. 0/
;ere youll #in" se*eral sam%le s%ace *essels #rom *arious eras.
AemB$adar Fighter !edium
AS$#C:S S<I((S S:C4:S A4, #D:.AS
T ight and (uic!
polaron )eam7
torpedoes7 minimal
T Energy Dissipator
T )ax* Warp+ C2 9"
T )aneu,er+ C/
T Tactical+ C/
T Sensors+ C/
T #omputer+ D
T Energy Dissipator+ on
a successful hit7 the target
'esselBs po<er systems are
drained for one e-change no
<eapons or propulsion". ;n a
success <ith style7 t<o
S:.#SS "!,ields& CO4S#EC#4C#S
Mil" !2'
Mil" !2'
Mo"erate !J'
Mo"erate !J'
Se*ere !Q'
8.S.S. De#iant !edium
AS$#C:S S<I((S S:C4:S A4, #D:.AS
T She -as Teeth
pulse phasers7 Euantum
T Nimble. /ut it
T )ax* Warp+ C3 9.4"
T )aneu,er+ C2
T Tactical+ C2
T Sensors+ C1
T #omputer+ C/
T /orro$ed #loa!ing
De,ice+ :f decloaking at
the )eginning of a conflict7
the Defiant can act first in
the first e-change.
S:.#SS "!,ields& CO4S#EC#4C#S
Mil" !2'
Mil" !2'
Mo"erate !J'
Mo"erate !J'
Se*ere !Q'
8.S.S. Anter%rise NCC%.5D.%D Large
AS$#C:S S<I((S S:C4:S A4, #D:.AS
T )assi,e
T Fearsome
Type + phaser
)anks7 photon
T )ax* Warp+ IQ !9.R'
T )aneu,er+ I1
T Tactical+ I3
T Sensors+ IJ
T #omputer+ IJ
T Saucer Separation+ :f already
in conflict7 this takes t<o full
actions=e-changes. This creates t<o
independent 'essels=targets7 although
the saucer lacks )oth <arp dri'e
and photon torpedoes.
T 0otating Shield Fre1uency+
,ain . stress )o- 1" <hen in
conflict <ith the &org.
S:.#SS "!,ields& CO4S#EC#4C#S
Mil" !2'
Mil" !2'
Mo"erate !J'
Mo"erate !J'
Se*ere !Q'
@renim #eapon Ship Large
AS$#C:S S<I((S S:C4:S A4, #D:.AS
T )assi,e Temporal
T 'hased Out o"
Normal Time
imper'ious to normal
<eapons* limited
T Slo$ #arp 4"
T )ax* Warp+ I2 !Q'
T )aneu,er+ 42
T Tactical+ 0
T Sensors+ IN
T #omputer+ IN
T Temporal #ore+ Ship is
designed to remo'e @renim
enemies from time entirely.
This is its only effecti'e
<eapon. Ship and cre< are
protected from changes in the
timeline7 and are effecti'ely
S:.#SS "!,ields& CO4S#EC#4C#S
Mil" !2'
Mil" !2'
Mo"erate !J'
Mo"erate !J'
Se*ere !Q'