The document provides standards for electronic equipment enclosures used by AT&T outside of buildings. It details requirements for construction, testing, approvals and changes. Key requirements include compliance with Telcordia standards, safety, environmental hardening, alarms, grounding and more. Product suppliers must submit equipment for evaluation and approval.
The document provides standards for electronic equipment enclosures used by AT&T outside of buildings. It details requirements for construction, testing, approvals and changes. Key requirements include compliance with Telcordia standards, safety, environmental hardening, alarms, grounding and more. Product suppliers must submit equipment for evaluation and approval.
Original Description:
AT&T Electronic Equipment Enclosure / Cabinet (EEE/C) Standard
The document provides standards for electronic equipment enclosures used by AT&T outside of buildings. It details requirements for construction, testing, approvals and changes. Key requirements include compliance with Telcordia standards, safety, environmental hardening, alarms, grounding and more. Product suppliers must submit equipment for evaluation and approval.
The document provides standards for electronic equipment enclosures used by AT&T outside of buildings. It details requirements for construction, testing, approvals and changes. Key requirements include compliance with Telcordia standards, safety, environmental hardening, alarms, grounding and more. Product suppliers must submit equipment for evaluation and approval.
ENCLOSURE / CABINET (EEE/C) STANDARD. Abstract: AT&T ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE / CABINET (EEE/C) STANDARD for use by Original Equipment Manufactures (OEM) and others. Audience: Telecommunications Equipment Suppliers, Original Equipment Manufactures (OEM). Region(s): All AT&T Networks Wireline, Core and Mobility. Effective Date: 08/26/09 Published : Issue 0, 08/26/09 Expires On: NA Related Documents: Telcordia GR3108 issue 2, GR487 issue 3, GR950 issue 1, GR-3142 Issue 1, AT&T-TP-76200 Canceled Documents: N/A Issuing Department: 22 State, Network C&E Staff Business Unit: AT&T OPERATIONS Inc. Points Of Contact: See Contact List . Author(s): Jeffrey Smith, js4394
Table Of Contents INTRODUCTION Reason For Current Issue 1. General 1 1.1. Requirements and Objectives 1 1.2. Purpose 1 1.3. Scope 1 1.4. Definitions 2 1.5. AT&T-TP76205 Internet Web Site 2 1.6. Product Evaluation Process 2 1.7. Requirement Levels 3 1.8. Product Change Notices (PCNs) 3 1.8.1. Letter of Attestation. 3 1.8.2. Retesting Requirement. 3 2. AT&T OPERATIONS Requirements 4 2.1. Basic Test Lab safety requirements 4 2.2. Controlled Environmental Remote Terminal Structures (CEVs, Huts, CECs, CUEs, etc) and Customer Premise. 4 2.3. Manual Transfer Switches (MTS) Requirements 4 2.3.1. Code Standards Compliance 4 2.3.2. Configuration 5 2.3.3. Construction 5 Branch Breakers 5 Finish 5 Security 6 Access 6 Mounting 6 Size 6 2.3.4. Service Entrance - Conduit Access 6 2.3.5. Bonding 6 2.3.6. Convenience Outlet 7 2.3.7. Generator Receptacle 7 2.3.8. Indicator Lights 7 2.4. Permanent Generator Requirements 7 2.4.1. Code Standards Compliance 7 National Standards Bodies 7 NFPA-110 7 NFPA 37 7 UL 2200 8 UL 1008 8 2.4.2. Housing Standards 8 Impact 8 Corrosion 8 Wind Resistance 8 Paint 8 2.4.3. Noise Standards 9 Sound Pressure Level 9 2.5. EEE / C Requirements. 9 2.6. Generic Outside Building Mounted Electronic Equipment Enclosures (iNID, H-ONT, ONT) 9 2.7. Laboratory Accreditation Requirements 9 2.8. Additional AT&T Operations Requirements 10 2.9. Alarms Requirements for EEE / C. 10 2.9.1. AT&T Operations Alarm Standards Technical Manual 10 2.9.2. TP76450 11 2.9.3. Alarm Panel Capacity 11 2.9.4. Generator Retrieval Alarm 11 2.10. Bonding and grounding requirements for EEE / C 11 2.10.1. AT&T Grounding Positions 11 2.10.2. Auxiliary Ground Buss Bars 11 2.10.3. Number 2 Ground Leads Terminations. 11 2.10.4. Method and Procedures Documentation. 11 2.11. Battery requirements for EEE / C. 12 2.11.1. Battery Technology 12 2.11.2. Battery Cable Requirements 12 2.11.3. Battery Circuit Breaker Location. 12 2.11.4. Battery Backup 12 2.12. Wire and cable Bend radii requirement. 12 2.13. Network Elements, DC Power feeds requirements for EEE / C 12 2.13.1. DC Powered Equipment Voltage. 13 2.14. Fiber cable terminations for EEE / C. 13 2.14.1. Fiber Termination Panels Sizing. 13 2.14.2. Pre-Terminated OSP fiber cables 13 2.14.3. Fusion Splices 13 2.15. Conduit plate access for EEE / C 13 2.16. Air Filters within EEE / C 13 2.17. Acoustic Noise 13 2.18. Equipment Racks 14 2.19. Over Voltage Protection 14 2.19.1. Gas Tube Design 14 2.19.2. High Density Over Voltage Protection Blocks 14 2.20. EEE / C DC Fuse Requirements 14 2.20.1. Fuse Installation 14 2.20.2. Dummy Fuses 14 2.20.3. Spare Fuse Position Label 14 2.21. Fan Access 14 2.22. Annual Commercial Power Usage 15 2.23. EEE / C M&P and Drawings. 15 2.23.1. Mounting Applications and Alarm Verification 15 2.23.2. Torque Values 15 2.23.3. Wiring Schematics 15 2.23.4. Elevation Drawings 15 2.23.5. Computer Generated Thermal Analyses 15 2.23.6. DC Power Consumption 15 2.24. EEE / C Photographs 16 2.24.1. Doors Closed 16 2.24.2. Doors Open 16 2.24.3. Format 16 2.25. Product suppliers Explosion sheet. 16 2.26. RETROFIT NETWORK ELEMENTS 16 2.26.1. Thermal Analyses 16 2.26.2. Data Gathering 16 2.27. Reasons for Reissue 17 2.28. Effective Date of this Issue 17 2.29. Comments 17 3. GR Tests Checklist 17 3.1. Product Suppliers Responsibilities. 17 3.2. GR Checklist Summary 17 3.3. GR3108 issue II Checklist 17 3.4. GR487 issue III Checklist 21 3.5. GR950 Issue II Checklist 23 4. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DECLARATION 29 4.1. Form HSD, Page 2 30 4.1.1. Product Declaration 30 4.2. Form HSD, Page 3 32 4.2.1. Hazardous Material #1 32 5. AT&T-TP-76205 PRODUCT EVALUATION PROCESS 32 5.1. EEE / C Approval Process, 32 5.2. Documentation 32 5.2.1. Test Report Documentation Package (most preferred) 33 5.2.2. Letter of Attestation (only with prior AT&T approval, normally used with legacy vendors), 34 5.2.3. Product Change Notice Statement 35 6. APPENDIX B: AT&T-TP-76205 PRODUCT CHANGE TEST GUIDELINES 35 6.1. Purpose 35 6.2. 5.2. General 36 6.3. Approval by Similarity 36 6.3.1. Acceptance of a new EEE/C by similarity as compared with a previously Approved Product. 37 7. Acknowledgements 37 8. Contact List 37 A.1. Document Specific Acronyms 38 A.2. Acronyms Dictionary 38 Revision Log 38 ACRONYMS 38 Reason for Current Issue
Issue Number 1 Date 08/26/09 Description Published By Jeffrey Smith
Date 08/26/09 ATTUID js4394
INTRODUCTION 1. General AT&T is issuing this document to assist OEM and Product Suppliers in there effort to bring new products to market at AT&T. 1.1. Requirements and Objectives The objective of this AT&T TP76205 is to provide the basic standards for product suppliers to follow for the configuration and construction of EEE / Cs. The following Telcordia documents are considered the basic standards: Telcordia GR3108 issue 2, GR487 issue 3, GR950 issue 1 GR-3142 Issue 1. In addition to the Telcordia standards mentioned above, the electronics equipment, Network Elements, and hardware contained within such EEE / Cs must also meet AT&T TP76200 and/or other applicable AT&T TP documents. 1.2. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide product suppliers with the Telcordia documents, standards, and AT&T requirements that may differ from or exceed Telcordia Generic Requirements (GR). A product's compliance with the requirements and objectives of this document will not be the sole basis for the acceptance of the product. However, noncompliance with one or more of the requirements or objectives of this document may be the basis for a product's denial of approval for use. 1.3. Scope Unless otherwise stated, the requirements contained herein apply to EEE / C systems, and their supporting equipment intended for installation in all of AT&T network outside of the Telecom Central Office (CO) and not within the customers building. This includes AT&T mobility. Requirements for network electronics that may be deployed within the EEE/C are covered by ATT-TP-76200 and are excluded from this document. This excludes equipment buildings, equipment areas within buildings, controlled environmental vaults and customer locations.
1.4. Definitions A. The term product supplier / vendor / OEM as used throughout this document refers to the equipment manufacturer or agent of the equipment manufacturer, whichever is appropriate for the product being considered. B. The term company representative / AT&T as used throughout this document refers to the AT&T OPERATIONS, employee representing AT&T OPERATIONS. C. The term Electronic Equipment Enclosures / Cabinet (EEE/C) as used throughout this document refers to the AT&T metallic or non metallic containers suitable for use outside the four walls of a telecommunication building that may contain Network and/or Mobility electronic elements that provide but are not limited to Voice, Data, and Entertainment services. D. Requirements are those product features that must be provided by the equipment manufacturer. The words "shall" and "must" are used throughout this document to identify requirements. E. Objectives are product features that are desired for the long term use or application. The word should is used throughout this document to identify objectives. F. The term Network as used throughout this document refers to the AT&T Telecom network that provides but is not limited to Voice, Data, and Entertainment. G. The term Mobility as used throughout this document refers to the AT&T wireless network or cellular equipment that provides but is not limited to Voice, Data, and Entertainment. H. The term Radio Frequency (RF) Backhaul as used throughout this document refers to the AT&T wireless network backhaul equipment that provides but is not limited to Voice, and Data. 1.5. AT&T-TP76205 Internet Web Site Copies of this document and general information about AT&T OPERATIONSs environmental equipment standards may be found at. 1.6. Product Evaluation Process AT&T requires GR test reports be forwarded to AT&T OPERATIONS for review before the product will be approved for use. To meet the needs of the business, AT&T may authorize an exception, with the submission of a Letter Of Attestation from the OEM for incomplete test results. Completed test reports are still required to be submitted in a time frame negotiated with the AT&T SME, see list in item 8.
1.7. Requirement Levels Equipment must demonstrate conformance to subsets of requirements contained in AT&T TP76205 depending on the intended application and deployment environments of the equipment. The Product Supplier shall provide GR3108 or GR950 test results for the electronics and service effecting components intended for use within GR487 or GR950 structure and or any requirements that exceed GR3108. Equipment must conform to requirements (R) for each location and/or application for which it is intended. OUTSIDE PLANT (OSP) Typically OSP network locations are between the outside of the four walls of the COs, Non-CO buildings and Customer Premises. There are four levels of OSP environments: OSP Class One refers to Controlled protected environments typically OSP Huts, CEVs, and other OSP enclosures with active HVAC environment per Telcordia GR-3108-CORE ISSUE 2. OSP Class Two refers to Protected equipment in outside environment, per Telcordia GR-3108-CORE ISSUE 2. OSP Class Three refers to Protected equipment in outside severe environment per Telcordia GR- 3108-CORE ISSUE 2. OSP Class Four refers to Unprotected environment directly exposed to the weather, per Telcordia GR-3108-CORE ISSUE 2.
1.8. Product Change Notices (PCNs) Reference GR-209-CORE Issue 5, February 2006. PCNs must be evaluated for their effect on the equipments AT&TTP-76205 compliance. 1.8.1. Letter of Attestation. When it is determined by the manufacturer, using sound engineering judgment that a hardware or software change does not impact the equipments AT&T-TP-76205 compliance, the manufacturer may submit a letter of attestation to this effect. NOTE: Except when it is obvious that the PCN will not affect the equipments compliance. AT&T OPERATIONS recommends that an accredited, third party, independent laboratory evaluate whether testing is required to verify compliance. 1.8.2. Retesting Requirement. When the manufacturer, a test lab or AT&T OPERATIONS determines that the PCN may affect the equipments AT&TTP- 76205 compliance, the modified equipment must be tested per AT&T-TP-76205 NOTE: Depending on engineering judgment, not all requirements may need to be tested. 2. AT&T OPERATIONS Requirements 2.1. Basic Test Lab safety requirements The equipment under test shall provide for the safety of personnel and property. However, due to needs of the business and the fact that the lab is staffed by personnel trained to work with prototype equipment, there are times when it may be necessary for equipment to be placed into labs that has not been verified in compliance to safety standards. In those cases, it is incumbent upon the manufacturer to assure the equipment is safe to operate. If equipment does not meet the above objective, the manufacturer shall submit a notarized Letter of Attestation (LOA) that the equipment meets industry electrical safety, electromagnetic emissions and fire safety standards. NOTE: All applicable AT&T-TP-76205, TP76200 and AT&T-TP-76450 requirements must be evaluated as in conformance prior to deployment into the network. 2.2. Controlled Environmental Remote Terminal Structures (CEVs, Huts, CECs, CUEs, etc) and Customer Premise. This document does not cover technical requirements for RT structures (CEVs, Huts, CECs, CUEs, etc) or network equipment installed at customer premise locations. Technical requirements for relay racks, indoor customer premise cabinet enclosures, indoor wall-mount cabinet configurations and the network equipment installed therein are covered within AT&T-TP-76200 2.3. Manual Transfer Switches (MTS) Requirements 2.3.1. Code Standards Compliance All proposed MTS shall adhere to all applicable national and local safety codes and standards including: 1. UL 891 or UL 67, Manual Transfer Switches; listed for use as service entrance equipment. 2. MTS should be constructed of Aluminum and conform to UL 3R rainproof criteria. Aluminum shall be no less than 0.125 thick. Stainless steel hardware shall be 316 alloys. The cabinet shall meet GR487 issue III Corrosion Resistance-salt fog test section. The cabinet shall meet UL 891 3R weatherproof rating. 2.3.2. Configuration The MTS will have a main service entrance feed from commercial power. The MTS will have branch breakers designed to feed collocated EEE/C. The MTS shall be designed for installation as wall, cabinet, pad, pole, or H-frame mountable by use of optional mounting hardware that meets GR 487 issue III or UL 891 3R. All protection devices shall consist of circuit breakers; fuses shall not be permitted. 2.3.3. Construction The MTS cabinets shall consist of a single enclosure equipped with a dead front design and hinged access door. The cabinet shall be completely factory assembled with circuit breakers, generator circuit breaker, interlock (slide bar), wire connectors, and accessories. The interior shall be designed to permit circuit breaker replacement without disturbing adjacent components and without removing the main bus connectors. Branch Breakers Branch circuit breakers shall be provided as part of the AC service entrance panel. These breakers shall be plug-on, molded case, circuit breakers equipped with thermal-magnetic, quick-break, trip free on faults, thermal-inverse time delay element and magnetic instantaneous trip coil in each ungrounded phase conductor, or approved equivalent. The preference would be a Square D breaker QO type. Branch circuits shall be arranged using double row construction and shall be numbered by the manufacturer. The breaker circuit numbers on the dead front panel shall be odd umbers on the left and even numbers on the right. All circuit breaker connections shall be suitable for use of 75C wire. The circuit breakers configurations shall be available as separately purchasable kits (if required for replacement). All load breakers shall have a minimum interrupt rating of 22kAIC. Unused breaker positions shall be covered with blanks. Finish The paint shall be a powder coat with a color of almond or Bell system green. It is a requirement to meet GR487 issue III, the Paint section of GR487 issue III or, at a minimum UL 3R. Security The cabinet door shall be equipped with a three-point latch and have provision to accept a padlock mechanism. Access All access to the internal components of the cabinet shall be via the front hinged door. Mounting All cabinets shall be provided with mounting holes and weather tight plugs. Size The cabinet shall have sufficient gutter (internal cable routing paths) space to meet the minimum bend radius code requirements. Over all outside measurements may vary to best accommodate the needs of the business. 2.3.4. Service Entrance - Conduit Access The MTS shall be listed for use as service entrance panel and / or load center. The service entrance conductors shall be capable of entering from the top or bottom of the cabinet. The cabinet shall be equipped with internal or external steel or schedule 40 PVC conduit no less than 2.5 inches no more than 3 inches in diameter for commercial power feeder cable. AC service from the commercial power company to the meter base may enter from the bottom of the cabinet via this conduit or it may enter directly into the meter base. The cabinet shall have provisions for mounting a power meter base either on the top or on a side. The commercial power meter base may need to be covered and locked for security but equipped with a viewing port for the meter. Service entry from the meter base may be from the top or from the side. The cabinet shall permit external conduit access on the top, bottom, left and right sides. Preformed concentric knockouts are preferable but not mandatory. Where provided, knockouts shall support sufficient variations in conduit size to preclude the need to drill or punch additional holes to accommodate conventional size conduit. A knockout should be available to allow for pulling the retrieve engine alarm wiring from the MTS into the associated EEE/C. 2.3.5. Bonding All cabinets shall be factory bonded for service entrance applications. The internal ground bar should be sized to accept a #2 gauge ground wire from the site ground ring. 2.3.6. Convenience Outlet There may be an optional single 20A GFCI (NEMA 5-20R) duplex outlet and associated branch circuit breaker. This outlet must be rated for indoor and outdoor use. 2.3.7. Generator Receptacle A generator receptacle and associated interlocked circuit breaker shall be required. This receptacle shall be capable of being located on the top left side, top right side, or bottom. These receptacles may have the additional requirement of being recessed and covered. The single phase 100A and 200A Hubbell connectors are the most prevalent in the current network and their configuration will be regionally specific. 2.3.8. Indicator Lights Lights to indicate the presence of commercial and generator power are required. 2.4. Permanent Generator Requirements 2.4.1. Code Standards Compliance All proposed power systems shall adhere to all applicable national and local safety codes and standards including: National Standards Bodies NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC); NFPA-110 NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems; NFPA 37 NFPA 37, Standard for Stationary Combustion Engines; UL 2200 UL 2200, Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies; UL 1008 UL 1008, Automatic Transfer Switches. 2.4.2. Housing Standards NOTE: The following four requirements are from Telcordia GR-487-CORE Issue 3, Detailed Requirements for Electronic Equipment Cabinets. AT&T may consider alternative methods for meeting the intent of these requirements. Impact The housing shall meet the impact requirement, RE3-199, specified in GR-487, Issue 3. Corrosion The housing shall meet the corrosion resistance requirement, RE3-203, specified in GR-487, Issue 3. [The vendor may choose to provide different levels of corrosion resistance including one for a coastal/salt environment.] Wind Resistance The housing shall meet the wind resistance requirement, RE3-197, specified in GR-487, Issue 3. The manufacturer shall define the mounting pad dimensions and composition necessary to meet this requirement. Paint The housing paint (or other protective covering) shall meet the requirements specified in Section 3.6 of GR-487, Issue 3. 2.4.3. Noise Standards These generators will be deployed in a variety of environments from rural to suburban residential areas. The units must comply with any local noise ordinances. They should be quiet enough so as not to be perceived as a nuisance by neighbors. Sound Pressure Level With the generator operating at full load in its enclosure, the sound pressure level, measured in dB with an a weighting, shall not exceed 70 dBA. NOTE: [Measurement to be made at a distance of 7 meters from the exhaust orifice and 1.5 meters above ground level at eight equally spaced intervals around the generator and averaged to provide this level.] 2.5. EEE / C Requirements. EEE / C shall meet the basic required (R) sections of AT&T-TP-76200, Telcordia GR3108 issue 2, GR487 issue 3, GR950 issue 2. AT&T reserves the right to add specific conditional requirements (CR) or wave requirements to meet the needs of AT&T business. See section 3 for GR Tests Checklists. 2.6. Generic Outside Building Mounted Electronic Equipment Enclosures (iNID, H-ONT, ONT) Unless otherwise stated in this section, OSP electronic equipment enclosures mounted on the outside of single family residences, MDUs, and small business shall meet the applicable requirements: Intelligent Network Interface Devices (iNIDs) and Home Optical Network Terminal (H-ONT) All INID and H-ONT type products shall meet the requirements set forth in Telcordia GR-3142-CORE Issue 1, June 2008 Generic Requirements for Intelligent Network Interface Devices (iNIDs) Optical Network Terminal (ONT)- All ONT type products shall meet the requirements set forth in Telcordia GR-950-CORE Issue 2, December 1998 Generic Requirements for Optical Network Unit (ONU) Closures 2.7. Laboratory Accreditation Requirements AT&T OPERATIONS will only accept test reports submitted by testing laboratories that are accredited by an accreditation agency (e.g., the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation or the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) that is recognized by the National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation. The scope of accreditation must include the test standards referenced in test reports. AT&T OPERATIONS will accept test reports that include test data generated at non-accredited test laboratories if the tests are witnessed and verified by a representative from a company that operates an accredited test laboratory. Records shall be retained that clearly demonstrate that the individual who witnessed the test has the appropriate expertise and competence. Submitted test reports shall clearly distinguish test data generated in-house at an accredited laboratory from witnessed and verified test data. The test report shall also contain a statement attesting to the compliance of the testing to applicable standards. Test laboratories located outside of the United States shall be accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 25 or ISO/IEC 17025. This accreditation must be performed by a nationally recognized accrediting body operating in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 58. Testing performed outside of the United States by a non-accredited laboratory or manufacturers performed testing may be accepted if witnessed by a U.S. Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. Each test report submitted to AT&T Operations shall contain accreditation and scope information or a letter containing this information may be forwarded for our files. 2.8. Additional AT&T Operations Requirements The following is for notification purposes only. Refer to the directions given by AT&T to obtain further information on these subjects. 2.9. Alarms Requirements for EEE / C. 2.9.1. ATT TP-76450 All manufacturers submitting network equipment for review and consideration should pay specific attention to TP76450 for minimum alarm and interconnection requirements. 2.9.2. Alarm Panel Capacity EEE / C alarm panel should provide a means to terminate and cross connect up to sixteen Housekeeping / Environmental alarm contact points. 2.9.3. Generator Retrieval Alarm All EEE / C fed by commercial power via a Power Transfer Switch (PTS) shall have provisions for a separate conduit run and termination point for a Generator Retrieval Alarm. 2.10. Bonding and grounding requirements for EEE / C 2.10.1. AT&T Grounding Positions In the Network, EEE / C six of the eight positions on the dual lug Principle Ground Buss bar shall be left for Telco use. These shall be vacant from the factory. 2.10.2. Auxiliary Ground Buss Bars If additional grounding positions are necessary to maintain six vacant positions, a second or larger Ground Buss Bar must be installed. It is preferred to be located in the same general area. 2.10.3. Number 2 Ground Leads Terminations. The EEE / C eight position dual lug Principle Ground Buss bar shall accommodate terminating two # 2 solid tinned copper grounds leads. Consideration of the placement of PGBB to accommodate a minimum bend radius for the installation of the # 2 GRD leads. 2.10.4. Method and Procedures Documentation. All pad or pole mounted EEE / C installation method and procedures shall include text referring to the construction and use of a ground ring system as called for in AT&T-TP-76416 2.11. Battery requirements for EEE / C. 2.11.1. Battery Technology All EEE / C shall accommodate Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) or Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cad) battery technologies. 2.11.2. Battery Cable Requirements All EEE / C shall have epoxy sealed, nickel plated, no inspection hole battery cable terminations to prevent migration of battery salts and corrosion. 2.11.3. Battery Circuit Breaker Location. All EEE / C shall have battery circuit breakers located within the electronic equipment or splice chambers. (GR3108 class 2 environment) 2.11.4. Battery Backup The battery backup standard shall be a minimum 8 hours of backup power under full load for telephony services. AT&T reserves the right to alter this requirement on a case by case basis. 2.12. Wire and cable Bend radii requirement. All wiring and cabling must adhere to the wire and cabling manufactures bend radius specifications 2.13. Network Elements, DC Power feeds requirements for EEE / C All Network Elements that carry customer service that require A and B power feeds shall have A and B DC power feeds from the NE to the DC power source. AT&T reserves the right to alter this requirement on a case by case basis. Dual A and B primary and secondary DC power feed circuits are required for dual input Network Elements carrying customer service installed in CEV, HUT, and Customer Premise Remote Terminal applications regardless of whether single or dual DC power sources are employed. 2.13.1. DC Powered Equipment Voltage. All DC powered equipment within EEE / C shall operate on -48V power feeds. AT&T reserves the right to alter this requirement on a case by case base. (Example +/- 24 VDC) 2.14. Fiber cable terminations for EEE / C. 2.14.1. Fiber Termination Panels Sizing. All EEE / C fiber termination panels shall accommodate a minimum of 24 fibers. AT&T SME will provide approved fiber termination panel information. AT&T reserves the right to adjust this requirement for the needs of the business. 2.14.2. Pre-Terminated OSP fiber cables Fiber panels shall be set up for pre-terminated OSP fiber cables. 2.14.3. Fusion Splices Fiber panels and racking shall accommodate fusion splices as an in the field option. 2.15. Conduit plate access for EEE / C Conduit access plates shall be split so the cabinet can slide into place. The seam must be seal and installation documentation shall reflect the proper procedure. 2.16. Air Filters within EEE / C For air filter information refer to TP76200 Fan Filter Requirements section. 2.17. Acoustic Noise All EEE / C should meet GR487 Issue 3 R3-222 with a Conditional Requirement of CR3-223 at ATTs request. 2.18. Equipment Racks All EEE / C internal equipment racking shall meet 23 telcom standard footprint with an option of 19 per an AT&T request. 2.19. Over Voltage Protection 2.19.1. Gas Tube Design All Over voltage protection shall be of the Gas tube design. 2.19.2. High Density Over Voltage Protection Blocks AT&T has an objective to move towards high density over voltage protection blocks. 2.20. EEE / C DC Fuse Requirements 2.20.1. Fuse Installation All active DC Voltage fuse positions shall have fuses install by the Product Supplier. 2.20.2. Dummy Fuses All inactive but reserved for future use DC fuse positions shall have Dummy fuses installed by Product Supplier 2.20.3. Spare Fuse Position Label Any DC fuse positions provided as spare fuses holders shall be labeled as spare fuse and have fuses installed by Product Supplier. 2.21. Fan Access All heat exchanger fans shall be accessible for replacement without the removal and or disconnection of service effecting, Network Elements. 2.22. Annual Commercial Power Usage All product supplier provided EEE / C method and procedures shall contain worst and typical case AC power consumption in kWh/yr. All vendor provided EEE / C method and procedures shall contain the recommended portable AC generator size in kW required for temporary powering of the EEE / C 2.23. EEE / C M&P and Drawings. 2.23.1. Mounting Applications and Alarm Verification Product supplier shall provide EEE / C installation Method and Procedure for all mounting applications and alarm verification (M&P on how to simulate an alarm). 2.23.2. Torque Values M&P and wiring schematics must contain torque values for all fasteners. 2.23.3. Wiring Schematics Product supplier shall provide EEE / C wiring schematics in a separate PDF formatted documents. 2.23.4. Elevation Drawings Product supplier shall provide EEE / C equipment layout, front, rear and side elevation drawings as applicable in separate PDF formatted documents. 2.23.5. Computer Generated Thermal Analyses Product suppliers shall provide computer generated thermal analyses of the EEE / C at maximum load configuration at the time of approval. Soft copies of thermal reports shall be in PDF or other universal read only format. 2.23.6. DC Power Consumption Product suppliers shall provide the power consumption for each DC powered device within the fully configured cabinet in a spreadsheet format i.e. watts or amps. The spreadsheet shall include a grand total for the configuration. 2.24. EEE / C Photographs 2.24.1. Doors Closed Product suppliers shall provide 2 dimensional photographs of all sides of the EEE / C with all doors closed for use in an internal AT&T on line catalog. 2.24.2. Doors Open Product suppliers shall provide photographs of all sides of the EEE / C with all doors open, showing the equipment configuration. These photographs will be of sufficient quality and size to identify the major components inside the EEE / C. 2.24.3. Format All Photos shall be submitted in .jpg format. 2.25. Product suppliers Explosion sheet. Product suppliers shall complete ATT Procurement detail major, and minor material explosion worksheets provided by ATT SME. 2.26. RETROFIT NETWORK ELEMENTS 2.26.1. Thermal Analyses All Product suppliers offering retrofit Network Elements shall have the ability to provide Thermal analyses of third party Remote Terminals currently deployed. Note: some EEE / C are Manufacture Discontinued which may require an onsite field visit by the NE OEM engineering representative. 2.26.2. Data Gathering It is the Product Suppliers responsibility, with AT&T permission, to gather data on retrofit EEE / C candidates. 2.27. Reasons for Reissue 2.28. Effective Date of this Issue Compliance to new or modified requirements added to this issue of AT&T-TP-76205 will be required immediately 2.29. Comments Comments or questions regarding the content of this section should be directed to: Jeffrey Smith, Sr Tech Support Analysis Network / Local Network, 240 N. Meridian Street, Room 1788 Indianapolis, IN.46240 317.685.2864, 3. GR Tests Checklist Product Suppliers may be required to complete multiple GR Checklists depending on equipment being offered and its application. At an entry level AT&T requires all Requirements (R) per GR to be met. AT&T reserves the right to require Optional (O) or Conditional Requirements (CR) be met. 3.1. Product Suppliers Responsibilities. Product Suppliers shall complete the GR checklist as required by AT&T SME 3.2. GR Checklist Summary Product Suppliers shall provide a GR Checklist results summary in a spreadsheet format in addition to the Lab reports. 3.3. GR3108 issue II Checklist GR-3108 issue II Testing Checklist Note; GR3108 reports are required for components and sub-components within in the EEE/C not subject to ATT-TP-76200. Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet
3.4. GR487 issue III Checklist GR 487 issue III Testing Checklist Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet
3.5. GR950 Issue II Checklist GR-950 issue II Testing Checklist Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Worksheet
Supplier: Product Name: Product ID: Nomenclature (Acronym): The supplier declares that it complies with all laws and regulations that apply to this product. Specifically, the supplier shall declare if this product contains any hazardous substances listed by the regulatory agencies (USEPA, US OSHA, state and local regulatory bodies) in excess of the allowabe maximum level of content listed
The supplier shall complete Page 2 and Page 3 of this form to declare: 1. If the product contains hazardous substances as defined by the regulatory agencies (USEPA, US OSHA, state and local regulatory bodies) and, if so, the supplier shall identify the material and the steps that should be taken to mitigate it toxicity. 2. If the product contains any of the following hazardous substances, why the substances cannot be removed. Lead Mercury Cadmium Hexavalent Chromium Polybromonated biphenyls (PBBs) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE). Please circle the correct answer. (Company name) has caused this Letter of Declaration to be executed by its duly authorized representative as of the date written below. By: Title: Date: NOTE: This affidavit must be signed in front of a notary and notarized.
4.1. Form HSD, Page 2 4.1.1. Product Declaration
NOTE: Answer No if no hazardous substance present per each directive, yes if present: Should the suppliers products contain any of substances listed above, the supplier shall declare the restricted substance and whether that the product falls into one of the following categories: . A. The product contains the listed hazardous substances because no environmentally preferable alternative exists for the banned chemical. The alternative is technically or scientifically impracticable. [and] the negative environmental, health and/or consumer safety impacts outweigh the benefits of alternative or does not meet AT&T OPERATIONS requirements of health and safety or network reliability. The supplier has provided sufficient documentation based on comprehensive environmental life cycle assessment (ISO 14040-ISO 14043) and reliability data. B. Other: Explain (i.e the product contains the listed hazardous substance in excess of the maximum concentration level. The supplier has provided separate corrective action plan regarding the chemicals replacement. This action plan shall include the specific actions and time lines required to replace or eliminate the use of the restricted hazardous substance.) E. 5. Description of component. F. 6. Reasons for non-compliance G. 7. If EPA hazardous materials are identified, complete Page 3 4.2. Form HSD, Page 3 Declaration of EPA Hazardous Materials Mitigation Procedures Manufacturer Product Name 4.2.1. Hazardous Material #1 Identify steps to Avoid Exposure Avoid injury or further physical damage, if accidentally exposed: Properly dispose of substance Where are these steps identified in manufacturers documentation? For each hazardous material identified for the product on Form HSD Page 2 complete the following (add more as necessary): NOTE: Repeat as needed to list all Hazardous Material. 5. AT&T-TP-76205 PRODUCT EVALUATION PROCESS 5.1. EEE / C Approval Process, ATT SME will provide details on the approval process to be followed. 5.2. Documentation Documentation verifying that the product has been tested and conforms to applicable AT&T-TP-76205 requirements must be submitted to the company representative. There are two acceptable processes, for supplying documentation verifying conformance, they are (1) Test Report Documentation Package and (2) Letter of Attestation (only with prior AT&T approval). 5.2.1. Test Report Documentation Package (most preferred) Product information shall be in an organized fashion and provided to the company representative. A cover memo identifying included documentation should be included as a matter of convenience to facilitate the evaluation process. If available, informative product awareness brochures should also be provided but are not required. Test Report Details Test report must be submitted on the Testing facility stationary with points of contact information. Photos of equipment under test are encouraged. Test report number Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT), including specific test configurations. Location and date of test Description of test equipment Calibration dates of test equipment Test case description with stated pass/fail/compliance criteria Test result data Assessment of whether equipment passed or failed the test Detailed notes on any anomalies during test procedure Detailed notes on any modifications made to the equipment in order to pass the test and detailed plans to incorporate the modifications into the final product The lab shall include a signed certification letter with the test report. ATT reserves the right to require a Professional Engineer to certify the EEE/C structure in some locations. NOTE: If the documentation is being submitted electronically the file name or file folder shall clearly identify the files contents (e.g. GR-487 or 950 test data). Reference the file name in the Doc cell for applicable requirements. 5.2.2. Letter of Attestation (only with prior AT&T approval, normally used with legacy vendors) AT&T OPERATIONS LETTER OF ATTESTATION Network and Mobility Remote Terminal Electronic Equipment Cabinets / Enclosures Compliance to AT&T Operations Technical Publication AT&T-TP-76205 Requirements (Company name) hereby asserts, to the best of its knowledge, using good engineering judgment attests the following EEE/C are compliant to ALL applicable AT&T OPERATIONS LEC Technical Publication AT&T-TP-76205, TP76200 any and all applicable AT&T-TP documents. Products will also meet Telecordia GR3108, 487 or 950 requirements. Product supplier shall also provide Compliance test data in a timely manner. Equipment vendor name: Equipment model: Name of test Facility/internal organization performing tests: Date of test report(s): Test report number(s): Mark the AT&T-TP-76205 Requirements to which the equipment conforms. Network Element GR3108 Requirement Level: Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 or Class 4 Cabinet and or Enclosures: GR487, or GR950. (Company name) agrees that statements made in this letter may be audited by AT&T Operations via a review of compliance confirmation data (the reports listed above), and that this data will be made available to AT&T Operations within 20 business days of request. If the above equipment is determined to not meet AT&T Operations requirements as attested to, __ (company name) __ acknowledges and agrees that, at its expense, it will remedy any such non-compliance in accordance with the terms of the contract under which the equipment was evaluated/purchased and/or licensed. (Company name) has caused this Letter of attestation to be executed by its duly authorized representative as of the date written below. (Company name) By: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________ NOTE: This affidavit must be signed in front of a notary and notarized Contact information to request test reports Name: _________________________________ Phone number: _________________________ NOTE: Information describing the product must accompany the Letter of Attestation (e.g., brochures, pamphlets etc.)Disclosure of modifications used to this equipment which are necessary to meet AT&T-TP-76205 requirements: 5.2.3. Product Change Notice Statement LETTER OF ATTESTATION - PCN Equipment Compliance to AT&T Operations Technical Publication AT&T-TP-76205 Requirements (Company name) hereby asserts, to the best of its knowledge, and pursuant conclusions drawn from sound engineering judgment, that the PCN described below has been evaluated as having no significant impact to the compliance of the equipment listed below to ALL applicable AT&T OPERATIONS LEC Technical Publication AT&T-TP-76200 requirements, except as noted below Equipment vendor name: Equipment model PCN is for: PCN Number: Description of PCN: AT&T-TP-76205 requirements NOT COVERED by this document (Describe the engineering justification for concluding the PCN will not affect AT&T-TP-76205 compliance: (Company name) has caused this Letter of Attestation to be executed by its duly authorized representative as of the date written below. By: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Phone number: ________________________ 6. APPENDIX B: AT&T-TP-76205 PRODUCT CHANGE TEST GUIDELINES 6.1. Purpose The purpose of this appendix is to provide product suppliers a guide to help determine what tests may not need to be performed on a product enhancement to verify conformance to AT&T-TP-76205 Ancillary requirements. 6.2. 5.2. General Some product enhancements are so minor that a complete retest of the product may not be necessary. Typically, when a product supplier requests a re-test waiver to run tests on product enhancements, data comparing the new product to the existing product is submitted to the company representative for evaluation by AT&T Operations. Depending on the product under review, this data may include pictures, descriptions of electrical components, etc. Each AT&T Operations product evaluation subject matter expert (SME) then reviews this data and responds with an assessment of what tests are required. This Appendix is a guideline only. It is the product suppliers responsibility to satisfactorily document that the new product conforms to applicable requirements. This Appendix only applies to product enhancements to equipment previously evaluated as in conformance to applicable AT&T-TP-76205 requirements and approved for use in AT&T OPERATIONS. Hardware upgrades/changes shall be revaluated if it involves: Additional or revised hardware. Activation of previously unused hardware An increase in the amount of power (AC or DC) consumed. Changes in increase of thermal load. Changes to the internal or external air flows. Changes that raise the over all cabinet or enclosure acoustic levels. Changes to the cabinet or enclosures exterior that would affect solar loading (i.e change in paint color or third party wrapping or applications). Changes that would affect the weather tightness of the cabinet or enclosure. Changes that would affect the EMI or FCC part 15 rating of the cabinet or enclosure. Changes that would affect the original internal equipment layout. Creating non factory authorized openings in the outer protective layer of material that protects the electronic equipment from the environment. 6.3. Approval by Similarity 6.3.1. Acceptance of a new EEE/C by similarity as compared with a previously Approved Product. Generally, if a EEE /C having the same function, size, weight, physical and electrical properties as well as possessing the same or similar material components to that of a product(s) that has been previously tested and passed, the configuration need not be tested again. ATT reserves the right to determine if the proposed product meets the criteria below or if additional testing is required. A written statement is required from an approved testing lab and/or OEM validating the following 1. The material is indeed same or similar to an ATT approved product. 2. Product A contains the same or similar material as Product B 3. Product A has the same or similar physical and electrical characteristics as product B 4. Product A has the same or similar power and thermal characteristics as Product B. 5. Any dissimilarity between Product A and Product B. 7. Acknowledgements BIJO ABRAHAM, B DUANE ARNOLD, MORGAN F BARNES, PAUL FEARN, MIKE KARSAS, KIM A MALKOWSKI, JACK B. SPENCER JR., Steve Area 8. Contact List Name ATTUID Phone # Department / Title BIJO ABRAHAM ba2157 (214) 320-7919 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK B. DUANE ARNOLD ba5811 (817) 370-4002 AREA MGR NETWORK OPS CTR MORGAN F. BARNES mb0442 (205) 977-2790 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK PAUL FEARN hf4977 (214) 486-8228 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK MIKE KARSAS mk2428 (317) 265-2337 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK KIM A. MALKOWSK km3526 (614) 856-4405 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK JEFFREY A. SMITH js4394 (317) 685-2864 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK JACK B. SPENCER JR. js9082 (214) 486-8414 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK Steve Area sa7823 (785) 276-8024 SR TECH SUPPORT ANALYSIS NTWK Revision Log Issue Number Date Description Published By Date ATTUID Acronyms A.1. Document Specific Acronyms A.2. Acronyms Dictionary Refer to ATT-000-000-020, Acronyms Dictionary.
Challenges and Approaches for Selecting, Assessing and Qualifying Commercial Industrial Digital Instrumentation and Control Equipment for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Applications
Challenges and Approaches for Selecting, Assessing and Qualifying Commercial Industrial Digital Instrumentation and Control Equipment for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Applications