FFT Spectrum Analyzers Iind wide applications in vibration analysis, speech analysis, harmonic measurement, etc. The soItware has been implemented by interIacing a microcontroller based data acquisition system to PC through parallel port. The spectrum oI the sampled data is computed using LabVIEW built-in Iunction and it is displayed on the screen.
FFT Spectrum Analyzers Iind wide applications in vibration analysis, speech analysis, harmonic measurement, etc. The soItware has been implemented by interIacing a microcontroller based data acquisition system to PC through parallel port. The spectrum oI the sampled data is computed using LabVIEW built-in Iunction and it is displayed on the screen.
FFT Spectrum Analyzers Iind wide applications in vibration analysis, speech analysis, harmonic measurement, etc. The soItware has been implemented by interIacing a microcontroller based data acquisition system to PC through parallel port. The spectrum oI the sampled data is computed using LabVIEW built-in Iunction and it is displayed on the screen.
FFT Spectrum Analyzers Iind wide applications in vibration analysis, speech analysis, harmonic measurement, etc. The soItware has been implemented by interIacing a microcontroller based data acquisition system to PC through parallel port. The spectrum oI the sampled data is computed using LabVIEW built-in Iunction and it is displayed on the screen.