Oracle 11g r2 Installation On Windows 7 Home Premium
Oracle 11g r2 Installation On Windows 7 Home Premium
Oracle 11g r2 Installation On Windows 7 Home Premium
1. Download relevant files from Oracle Site
2. Pre-requisites for the installation
Disable firewall and antivirus s/w
Install all OS security patches (if any).
Windows7 Service pack 1 installed( unable to install without SP)
Considerable memory, swap & storage
Note: I have seen some people saying without SP they are
able to install without any problem.
3. Extract the two zip files you got from the oracle site into Folder1 & Folder2
respectively Before installing copy all the folders in
Folder2\database\stage\Components to Folder1\database\stage\components
Otherwise you will encounter with the following error File not found :
C:\app\product\\ WFMLRSVCApp.ear during the installation.
4. Once everything is ready run the installer program located in
5. Provide your Metalink details
6. Choose the Installation Option I got to choose the second option Install database
software only My setup terminated when choosed the first option Dont know why,
need to investigate that ( My Assumption is its a JVM crash)
7. Choose the options either for Single instance or for RAC Ofcourse ours is desktop
edition and so choose Single Instance Database Installation.
8. Select the Language on which the product will run English our case
9. Choose the kind of Edition you want to install In our case we are left with the last
option Personal Edition
10. Specify Oracle_Base and software location
11. Now it checks for Prerequisities for the installation -
Every time i use to get up to this point and then the installer terminates after this step
.. leaving an error file(hs_err_pidxxxx.log) in users TEMP directory .
# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
pc=0x000007fefde82b2a, pid=6648, tid=5076
VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None...
To my surprise, when tried again for second attempt it worked fine and able to see the
next screen I came to know that this is a known bug , that has been fixed in JDK 6.0
(b92). Since Oracle11g packed with the JDK5 version, so we will encounter with this bug
So another workaround is installing the latest JDK6 (b92) and pointing JAVA_ARGS
to the latest JRE location
JAVA_ARGS : -Doracle.installer.jre_loc=C:\new_jdk6_loc\jre6\bin
( i didnt tried this ..)
13. If everything goes well it starts installing Oracle software .
14. Finish the setup .
15. Once the setup is finished create the database using the DBCA tool ..
So, Oracle11g Release2 on Windows7 installation is almost easy except that JDK bug
Need to test this on Some Linux flavours as well.