Gour Govinda Swami - Radha Prema Makes Krishna Mad
Gour Govinda Swami - Radha Prema Makes Krishna Mad
Gour Govinda Swami - Radha Prema Makes Krishna Mad
The Glories of Lord Gaurga
Kothya Go Prema-May
gaurgera du-pada, jra dhana sampada,
se jne bhakati rasa sra
gaurgera madhura ll, jra kare praveil,
hdoya nirmala bhelo tra
Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord
Caitanya can understand the true essence of devotional service.
If one is captivated by the pleasing pastimes of Lord Caitanya,
the dirty things in his heart will all become cleansed.
je gaurgera nma loya, tra hoya premodoya,
tre mui ji bolihr
gaurga guete jhure, nitya-ll tra sphure,
se jana bhakati adhikr
One who simply takes the holy name of Gaurasundara,
r Ka Caitanya, will immediately develop love of God.
To such a person I say, Bravo. Very nice. Excellent. If one
appreciates the merciful pastimes of Lord Caitanya and feels
ecstasy and sometimes cries, this process will immediately help
him to understand the eternal pastimes of Rdh-Ka.
gaurgera sag gae, nitya-siddha kori mne,
se jya vrajendra-suta pa
r gaua-maala bhmi, jeb jne cintmai,
tra hoya vraja-bhme vsa
Simply by understanding that the associates of Lord
Gaurga are eternally free from material contamination, one
can immediately be promoted to the transcendental abode
of Lord Ka. If one simply understands that the land of
Navadvpa is not different from Vndvana, then he actually
lives in Vndvana.
gaura prema rasrave, se tarage jeb be,
se rdh-mdhava-antaraga
ghe v vanete thke, h gaurga bole ke,
narottama mge tra saga
If one says, Let me dive deep into the waves of the
nectarean ocean of the transcendental loving movement
introduced by Lord Caitanya, he immediately becomes one
of the confidential devotees of Rdh and Ka. It does
not matter whether one is a householder living at home or
a vnaprastha or sannys living in the forest, if he chants O
Gaurga, and becomes a devotee of Lord Caitanya, then
Narottama dsa begs to have his association.
sthpita yena bh-tale
svaya rpa kad mahya
dadti sva-padntikam
When will rla Rpa Gosvm Prabhupda, who has
established within this material world the mission to fulfill the
desire of Lord Caitanya, give me shelter under his lotus feet?
vande ha r-guro r-yuta-pada-kamala r-gurn vaiav ca
r-rpa sgrajta saha-gaa-raghunthnvita ta sa-jvam
sdvaita svadhta parijana-sahita ka-caitanya-deva
r-rdh-ka-pdn saha-gaa-lalit-r-vikhnvit ca
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my
spiritual master and unto the feet of all Vaiavas. I offer my
respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of rla Rpa Gosvm
along with his elder brother Santana Gosvm, as well as
Raghuntha Dsa and Raghuntha Bhaa, Gopla Bhaa,
and rla Jva Gosvm. I offer my respectful obeisances to
Lord Ka Caitanya and Lord Nitynanda along with Advaita
crya, Gaddhara, rvsa, and other associates. I offer my
respectful obeisances to rmat Rdhr and r Ka
along with Their associates r Lalit and Vikh.
he ka karu-sindho
dna-bandho jagat-pate
gopea gopik-knta
rdh-knta namo stu te
O my dear Ka, You are the friend of the distressed and
the source of creation. You are the master of the gops and the
lover of Rdhr. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.
rdhe vndvanevari
vabhnu-sute devi
praammi hari-priye
I offer my respects to Rdhr, whose bodily complexion
is like molten gold and who is the Queen of Vndvana. You
are the daughter of King Vabhnu, and You are very dear to
Lord Ka.
vch-kalpatarubhya ca
kp-sindhubhya eva ca
patitn pvanebhyo
vaiavebhyo namo nama
I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaiava
devotees of the Lord. They can fulfill the desires of everyone,
just like desire trees, and they are full of compassion for the
fallen souls.
namo mah-vadnyya
ka-prema-pradya te
kya ka-caitanyanmne gaura-tvie nama
jnu-lambita-bhujau kanakvadtau
sakrtanaika-pitarau kamalyatksau
visvambharau dvija-varau yuga-dharma-plau
vande jagat priya-karau karuvatrau
I worship Their Lordships r Caitanya Mahprabhu and
Nitynanda Prabhu, whose long arms extend down to Their
knees, whose beautiful complexions are radiant yellow like
molten gold and whose elongated eyes are like red lotuses.
They are the topmost brhmaas, the guardians of religious
principles for this age, the most munificent benefactors of all
living entities, and the most compassionate incarnations of
Godhead. They initiated the congregational chanting of the
names of Lord Ka. (Caitanya-bhgavata, di-khaa 1.1)
r-vraja-rja-nandana rdhik-jvana-dhana
aparpa ei saba kath
O brother, always worship r Ka Caitanya-deva who is
the great philanthropist giving away the treasure of the desire
tree of pure love for Ka. This Lord Caitanya is actually Lord
Ka, the prince of Vraja and the life of rmat Rdhr.
Descriptions of Him are spiritual sounds. They are not at all
material. (Prema-bhakti-candrik, 10.12)
tasmai mah-prema-rasa-pradya
caitanya-candrya namo namas te
O Lord Caitanya-candra, O Lord whose form is full of
blissful pastimes, O Lord whose complexion is as splendid as
gold, O Lord who gives in charity the nectar of pure love for
Lord Ka. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. (r
Caitanya-candrmta, text 11)
yan npta karma-nihair na ca samadhi-gata yat tapo dhyna-yogair
vairgyais tyga-tattva-stutibhir api na yat tarkita cpi kaicit
govinda-prema-bhjm api na ca kalita yad rahasya svaya tan
nmnaiva prdursd avatarati pare yatra ta naumi gauram
Not attainable by the faithful performers of pious deeds, not
understood by those engaged in austerity, meditation, and yoga,
not guessed by those absorbed in detachment, renunciation
of the fruits of work, philosophical speculation or recitation
of prayers, and unknown even to the devotees full of love for
Lord Govinda, the secret of pure devotional service has been
revealed by the holy name during Lord Gauras advent. Let me
glorify that Lord Gaura. (r Caitanya-candrmta, text 3)
Kothya Go Prema-May
kothya go prema-may rdhe rdhe
rdhe, rdhe go, jaya rdhe rdhe
dekh diye pra rkho rdhe rdhe
tomra kgla tomya ke rdhe rdhe
niyama kore sad ke, rdhe rdhe
eka-br ke ke-ghte br ke vam-vae
eka-br ke nidhu-vane br ke kuja-vane
eka-br ke rdh-kue br ke yma-kue
eka-br ke kusuma-vane br ke govardhane
eka-br ke tla-vane br ke tamla-vane
Where is the incarnation of love, Rdhe Rdhe! All
glories to r Rdh. Show Yourself to Me, Rdh, give Me
back My life. I have become a beggar for You, O Rdh, and
I am always calling You, Rdhe! Rdhe! Sometimes at Kegha, sometimes at Va-vaa. Sometimes in Nidhuvana,
sometimes in Sev-kuja. Sometimes at Rdh-kua,
sometimes at yma-kua. Sometimes at Kusuma Sarovara,
sometimes at Girirja Govardhana. Sometimes at Tlavan,
sometimes at Tamlvan. (Adapted from Kothya Go PremaMay by rla Gaura Kiora dsa Bbj Mahrja)
Makes Ka Mad
For the last two days, and this will be the third day, we have
been discussing the causes for the advent of prema-puruottama
acnandana Gaurga. There are two types of causes: one is
external, and another is internal. I have already discussed what
the external causes are; yuga-dharma pravartana, and prema-dna.
These external causes are meant for the living entities of Kaliyuga. The internal cause is for Himself. The external cause is the
need of others, whereas the internal cause is Kas own need,
and those are three.
r-rdhy praaya-mahim kdo vnayaivsvdyo yendbhuta-madhurim kdo v madya
saukhya csy mad-anubhavata kda veti lobht
tad-bhvhya samajani ac-garbha-sindhau harndu
not fulfilled in ka-ll. These three desires are fulfilled in gaurall. Therefore Ka has appeared as Gaura.
These are Kas thoughts. Ka thinks, prnanda-prarasa-rpa kahe more All say that I am supremely complete and a
reservoir of all mellows. There is no incompleteness or deficiency
in Me. I am supremely nanda, paramnanda, supremely nandamaya. The tribhuvana, three planetary systems become nandamaya, blissful, on account of Me. Is there anyone who can give
Me pleasure? I give pleasure to one and all throughout the three
planetary systems. I am paramnanda, supreme nanda. Is there
anyone who can give Me pleasure, nanda?
Rdh-Prema Is My Guru
Thus the three reasons for becoming mad are not applicable to
Ka. Still He becomes mad. This is very wonderful. So what is
it that makes Ka mad? It is rdh-prema that makes Ka mad.
That rdh-prema is incomparable. It cannot be compared to any
rla Kavirja Gosvm has written Kas own statement in
ka kahe,mi ha-i rasera nidna
take shelter at His lotus feet. That Ka begs the lotus feet of
Rdhr, dehi-pda-pallavam udram, Rdhr, please give
Me Your lotus feet. Rdh-prema becomes the guru and Ka
becomes the disciple. Sad m nn ntye ncya udbhaa, As
guru can make his disciple go up and down, and up and down,
in the same way rdh-prema makes Me go up and down, up and
down. I am dancing.
prema I dont know what I do. Because a madman does not know
what he is doing.
Me Your garments. Ill wash them so nicely that they will be more
blazing than sunlight. Please give Me Your garments. Ill wash
them very nicely. Is it not madness?
Sometimes He disguises Himself as the wife of someone who
makes sandalwood paste, gandhi. Taking some very nicely
scented sandalwood paste He says, Rdhr, I have brought
this nice scented sandalwood. Please come. Ill decorate Your
forehead with some nice scented sandalwood paste. Please come.
So is it not madness?
Because Rdhrs bodily hue is like molten gold, He
Sometimes embraces a golden creeper thinking that it is
Rdhr, and cries. Is it not madness?
These are all the symptoms of madness. It is rdh-prema that
has made Him mad.
Sometimes He takes some dust from the path that Rdhr
has trodden upon, and smears it all over His body. Is it not
Is He Not a Madman?
Sometimes, when Rdhr is taking bath upstream in the
Yamun, at the same time He takes bath downstream because the
kukum and flowers from Rdhrs braid will float downstream
and touch Kas body. Is it not madness?
A madman is always fickle, running hither and thither.
Sometimes, becoming so mad, Ka runs hither and thither
crying for Rdh.
kothya go prema-may rdhe rdhe
rdhe, rdhe go, jaya rdhe, rdhe
Ka Becomes raya
tabe ei premnandera anubhava haya
kabhu yadi ei premra ha-iye raya
Ka thinks, If I become raya of this rdh-prema then I
can relish it, otherwise there is no possibility. Eta cinti rahe ka
parama-kautuk, with such a very deep, intense thought Ka was
Rdhr has said, I have no love for Ka. I am far, far away
from it.
nhi ka-prema-dhana, daridra mora jvana
dehendriya vth mora saba
(Caitanya-caritmta, Madhya-ll 2.40)
Rdhr said, I do not have that ka-prema dhana, the
invaluable asset of ka-prema. I am devoid of that asset; therefore
I am poor. It is useless for My body to survive, because I have no
ka-prema. She talks like that. Is it not two opposites?