1. The dual boot feature allows installing alternative operating systems by partitioning the device and installing a modified bootloader.
2. Advanced features like ADB sideloading are not yet implemented. This would allow flashing ROMs and kernels without copying files to the SD card.
3. More features will be added in the future.
1. The dual boot feature allows installing alternative operating systems by partitioning the device and installing a modified bootloader.
2. Advanced features like ADB sideloading are not yet implemented. This would allow flashing ROMs and kernels without copying files to the SD card.
3. More features will be added in the future.
Original Description:
A quick document that tells you the utility features that come with a dual boot system.
1. The dual boot feature allows installing alternative operating systems by partitioning the device and installing a modified bootloader.
2. Advanced features like ADB sideloading are not yet implemented. This would allow flashing ROMs and kernels without copying files to the SD card.
3. More features will be added in the future.
1. The dual boot feature allows installing alternative operating systems by partitioning the device and installing a modified bootloader.
2. Advanced features like ADB sideloading are not yet implemented. This would allow flashing ROMs and kernels without copying files to the SD card.
3. More features will be added in the future.
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Aspects of the Dialogical Self: Extended proceedings of a symposium on the Second International Conference on the Dialogical Self (Ghent, Oct. 2002), including psycholonguistical, conversational, and educational contributions