Admin Notes
Admin Notes
Admin Notes
- Part time appointments Longer,
fixed appointments
- Appointed at pleasure of Full
time appointments
Minister or executive Process
for determining workload
- Remuneration may be discretionary
Remuneration guarantees
Bells Challenges to the Tribunal
(1) The Guideline Power: Bell alleges that the Commissions power to issue binding
guidelines regarding proper interpretation of the Act undermines the Tribunals
impartiality by raising a reasonable apprehension of bias (in Bells words, that it usurps
the power of the Tribunal to make its own decisions concerning the interpretation and
application of the Act):
(a) Guideline Power fetters the Tribunal in its application of the Act: Bells argument
assumes that the sole mandate of the Tribunal is to apply the Act, and not also to apply
an other forms of law that the legislature has deemed relevant such as
guidelines. Court says guidelines are like legislation and therefore valid
considerations. A functional and purposive approach of the nature of the guidelines
reveals that they are a form of law (akin to regulations). Their argument also conflates
impartiality w/ a complete freedom to decide a case in any manner one wishes.
(b) Tribunal is more likely to favour the Commission during a hearing b/c of
guidelines: When the Commission appears before the Tribunal, it is in no different a
position from any representative of government who appears before a court, and in that
context, there is no argument for lack of impartiality in that context.
(c) Parliament has placed in the same body the function of formulating guidelines,
investigating complaints, and acting as a prosecutor before the Tribunal (Institutional
Bias): Court responds while in some cases it may, it doesnt in this case: (1) This
overlapping of functions in a single administrative agency is not unusual and doesnt on
its own give rise to bias; (2) The legislature clearly intended the overlap and when there
isclear legislative intent, this limits the court to read in bias, unless there is a
violation of Charter;
(3) Benefit of overlap = guideline power may have been way of ensuring the Act would
have been interpreted in a way that was sensitive to the needs of the public/country, and
thus, that it would be interpreted by the Tribunal in a manner that furthered the aims of
the Act as a whole (thus, PURPOSIVE reasons why there is an overlap)
(d) Placing the guideline power and prosecutorial function in a single agency allows
the Commission to manipulate the outcome of a hearing: Problem w/ argument: (1)
Bell didnt provide any evidence of this practice; (2) Since the guidelines that apply to
Bell were introduced years before the complaints arose, it is difficult to see how they
could have been formulated w/ the aim of unduly influencing the Tribunal against Bell;
(3) The guideline power cannot be used retrospectively
(2) The Chairpersons Power to Extend Appointments: Bell challenges the
Chairpersons power to extend appointments of Tribunal members in ongoing inquiries,
saying that it threatens members impartiality (e.g. members may feel pressure to adopt
the views of the Chairperson in order to remain on a panel beyond the expiry of their
appointment). Court says that there is an obvious need for flexibility in allowing
members of the Tribunal to continue beyond the expiry of their tenure, in light of the
potential length of hearings and the difficulty of enlisting a new member of a panel in
middle of lengthy hearing. It would not be practicable to suggest that members simply
retire upon expiry of their appointment
The independence of the judiciary is a firmly entrenched concept. An issue in the
following case is whether there should be a parallel requirement for admin tribunals:
Canadian Pacific Ltd v Matsqui Indian Band (Requirements for independence
listed, e.g. security of tenure, security of remuneration and administrative
FACTS: M is a first nation band, and in 1988 they were given power to assess and
collect property taxes. One of the first parts of assessment is to determine what land
falls in assessment and what doesnt. CP argued they dont have jurisdiction to put them
on assessment.
They point to a lack of certainty of tenure of tribunal members and the uncertainty as to
whether they will receive remuneration and that the members of the Band determine
the tax liabilities of the people who appoint them (independence question)
Independence of Tribunal Members:
- Respondents alleged that a reasonable apprehension of bias exists b/c tribunal
members may not be paid, lack of security of tenure and are appointed by the ban chiefs
and councils.
- In Valente, the court pointed to 3 factors which must be satisfied in order for
independence to be established (in context of s 11(d) where person charged w/
offence):security of tenure, security of remuneration and administrative
(a) Security of Tenure: The pay one makes shouldnt be based on the decision one
makes. What are we looking at: is it an appointment at pleasure (if high degree of
independence needed, must be a fixed term the high water mark is fixed term for
length); who looks at whether someone has been dismissed w/ cause (is it a judge,
minister etc);
(b) Security of Remuneration (Financial security): The right salary and pension
should be established by law and not be subject to arbitrary interference by the
Executive in a manner that could affect judicial independence.
(c) Administrative Control: If administrative decision maker makes a decision, they
shouldnt be stripped of administrative power. What are the guarantees of
administrative support to hire staff, are there guarantees of resources they have; if
they need to higher staff, do they need to go to a minster?
- Note that the REQUIREMENTS of institutional independence (i.e security
of tenure, financial security and administrative control) will depend on the
LEVEL of independence (see Bell Canada case above): THE GREATER THE
CRITERIA MUST BE ABIDED BY. And note that when analysing, look
Independence Concern
- It is alleged that a reasonable apprehension existed because tribunal members may
not be paid, lack security of tenure and are appointed by the band chiefs and councils,
there is nothing stopping arbitrary dismissal mid-term:
(i) There is nothing preventing band chiefs and councils from paying members
onlyAFTER they have reached a decision in a particular case, or stopping them from
not paying at all (this could lead to members being re-fused members who reached
conclusions contrary to interests of band)
(ii) Chiefs and band councils select members of their tribunals, in addition to controlling
their remuneration and tenure, which suggests a dependency relationship b/w the
tribunal and band;
(iii) While members of the appeal tribunals are required to take an oath of office that
they will be impartial, the fact that an oath is taken cannot act as a substitute for
financial security or security of tenure.
HELD Based on a flexible application of the Valente principles (b/c of the
issue is merely taxation), a reasonable and right minded person, viewing the
whole procedure in the assessment by laws, would have a reasonable
apprehension that members of the appeal tribunals are not sufficiently
independent. Three main factors are:
(1) Complete absence of financial security
(2) Security of tenure is either completely absent or ambiguous
(3) The Tribunals are being asked to adjudicate a dispute pitting the interests of the
bands against outside
IT IS THESE FACTORS IN COMBINATION which lead to conclusion of bias
not each on their own.
Ocean Port Hotel v British Columbia (General Manager, Liquor Control and
Licensing)(When Statute is silent or ambiguous, can assume intention of
independence. But if legislation shows intention to allow lack of
independence, and intention is CLEAR, courts cannot interfere with it,
unless there is a valid constitutional restraint)
FACTS: Liquor licence violations occurred. OP claimed that appeal panel didnt have
requisite amount of independence. CoA held that panel adjudicated claims and imposed
penalties so required high degree of independence. CoA concluded that at pleasure
appointments to administrative agencies which impose sanctions for violations of
statutes cannot satisfy security of tenure. Thus, the board lacked necessary degree of
ISSUE: Whether members of the Liquor Appeal Board are sufficiently independent to
render decisions on violations of the Act and impose penalties it provides.
(1) Absent constitutional constraints, the degree of independence required of a
particular government decision maker is determined by its enabling statute. Confronted
w/ silent or ambiguous legislation, courts infer that Parliament intended the tribunals
process to comport w/ principles of natural justice. Must defer to the legislators
intention in assessing the degree of independence required. Legislation
allowed service at pleasure (no security of tenure) and part time positions.
B/c the intention is clear, there is no room for importing common law
doctrines of independence.
(2) Administrative tribunals dont have the same level of independence of executive as
(3) When legislation is silent or ambiguous, courts will infer that legislators intended
the tribunal to be as independent and impartial as required by principles of natural
justice [*Note, there is room to argue whether the statute is ambiguous/clear]
(4) Qualification: If there are any relevant constitutional constraints, the enabling
statute can be attacked even if its intentions are clear.
(5) Constitutional law arguments (which the Court rejected): (1) Judicial independence
is at root an unwritten constitutional principle recognized and affirmed by the preamble
to the Constitution Act 1867 (2) Constitutional guarantee of independence extends as a
matter of principle to administrative tribunals, given the preambles reference to a
constitution similar in principle to that of the UK
(6) Application: The statute specifically said members will hold office at pleasure and
part time positions, and therefore overrides common law security of tenure
COMMENT: Re: constitutional attacks on clear legislative provisions, it is possible to
also raise s 7 arguments when the circumstances are appropriate (i.e. Suresh). What
about s 11(d) (i.e. right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial
tribunal)? Elle v Alberta says it only applies to criminal offences; Reference re
Remuneration of Judges of the Provincial Court of PEI says that 11(d) is limited to
offences, and likely only applies to criminal offences.
Crevier v A.G. (Quebec) et al (Constitutional duty of court to ensure that public
authorities do not overreach their lawful powers enabled by statute):
FACTS: Tribunal set up to supervise all self-governing professions. Professional
tribunal to be appeal mechanism. Challenge by C who was subject to one of these
decisions, and then decided to challenge jurisdiction to be final. Privative clause
existed. Normally, courts look at clause and shows clear legislative intent admin
tribunal not subject to interference by the courts.
ANALYSIS: Why doesnt that clear privative clause prevent courts from looking at
(1) Putting together this provincial tribunal whose only function was to review [.] was
tantamount to a provincial government setting up a s 96 court which, however, is the
function of the federal government.
(2) Superior courts can always review administrative tribunal for matters related to
JURISDICITON, b/c if admin tribunal has last word on jurisdiction, then it would have
completely supplanted the courts
(3) Therefore, there is a CONSTITUTIONAL REASON why there is judicial
review. Courts have the inherent function that the laws are complied with. So when it
comes to an area of jurisdiction, tribunal can express an opinion (i.e. to the tribunal
first), but that decision can always be reviewed and changed by our courts, b/c thats a
question of law that the court supervises.
(4) Privative clauses indicate level of deference but in the end, that doesnt prevent the
court from supervising the jurisdiction from the admin decision maker.
Comment: Court has an indirect authority to review decisions of statutory delegate as
a result of presumption that admin decision maker has limited jurisdiction, and superior
courts have inherent jurisdiction to ensure that admin body is within its
jurisdiction. When the legislature gives power to an admin tribunal, if the legislature
gives them too much of the wrong kind of power, they can start to look like superior
courts and that infringes on the entrenchment of s 96 courts
Bell v Ontario Human Rights Commission (Jurisdictional Question): Idea
developed that any question can be turned into a preliminary question (namely a
jurisdictional question); and once its turned into a jurisdictional question, tribunal only
retains jurisdiction when its right
CUPE v NB Liquor Corporation (Not every question is a jurisdictional one
Courts can interfere only where the admins decision was PATENTLY
UNREASONABLE and if no convincing reasons can be put forward):
FACTS: The main controversy was the interpretation of s 102(3) of the Public Service
Labour Relations Act, which says that during a strike, employer shall not replace
striking e/ees or fill their position w/ another e/ee and no e/ee shall picket, parade or
in any manner demonstrate in or near any place of business of the e/or. Can managers
fill in/hire replacement workers? Union said they cannot.
- Traditional approach was to apply a correctness std to a decision of a tribunal on
what they call a jurisdictional question. This meant that lawyers were debating over
what a jurisdictional question was. Labelling something as jurisdictional just isnt clear
and its impractical
- Court here said that when youre interpreting legislative provisions, there will often be
more than one reasonable answer:
(1) Privative clause in this case showed clear statutory direction that public sector labour
matters be promptly and finally decided by the Board. This ties into the special
knowledge of the Board in dealing with collective bargaining issues. The interpretation
of s 102(3) logically lies at the heart of the specialized jurisdiction given to the
Board. The Board isnt required to be correct in its interpretation, and if it
erred, such an error would be protected by the privative clause.
(2) Argument was made, however, that the interpretation of s 102(3) was so
unreasonable that it took the exercise of its powers outside the protection of the
privative clause. In Nipawin, court noted examples of such error would include acting
in bad faith, breaching provisions of natural justice and misinterpreting the provisions
of the Act so as to embark on an inquiry or answer a question it was not remitted to;
(3) Was the Boards interpretation so patently unreasonable that its
construction cannot be rationally supported by the relevant legislation and
demands intervention by the court upon review? In short, court held no.
In this case, the statute was very badly drafted. The fact that the board could
choose between various competing interpretations means we cant really
define whether it is patently unreasonable because they did actually choose a
logical interpretation of the statute.
Thus, a high level of deference must be paid to courts. Only when the
interpretation is patetently unreasonable does the court have the authority
to intervene and change the tribunals decision; Tribunal has right to be wrong
about certain questions as long as there are several reasonable
interpretations. If there are no convincing reasons that can be put forward, it
becomes patently unreasonable
What did and didnt CUPE do here? A beginning of a shift (like Nicholson).
- Abandoned the categorical approach to determining std of review.
- More deferential approach in later cases.
- Some of the same concerns articulated in new type of language. Looking at privative
what was the board set up to do, what is its purpose?
We havent left the categories of jurisdiction out completely as we will see
they creep
in different aspects of the analysis, but the analysis is better it seems.
UES v Bibeault (Rejects preliminary question entirely; issue is LEGISLATIVE
INTENT; Pragmatic and functional analysis/Contextual analysis):
- Preliminary question phase no longer needed
- Main question: Did legislature intend the question to be within the jurisdiction
conferred on the tribunal?
- In answering this question, engage in a pragmatic and functional analysis, and
determining the level of deference to be paid to tribunal, and look at:
(1) What are the context and purpose of the legislation in question? What are the
reasons for its existence?
(2) Presence or absence of privative clauses
(3) What are the area of expertise of its members and the nature of the problem before
the tribunal?
(4) What significance is to be attributed to the language in which a grant of statutory
power is worded?
- The above approach, as opposed to the preliminary or collateral question inquiry,
offers advantages, e.g., it focuses inquiry directly on the intent of the legislator
- Role of court is guardian of jurisdiction, and standing against bad faith/natural justice
it isnt to intervene at every point. So these are the goals we are trying to meet by
moving to a contextual analysis
Canada v Southam Inc (Creates 3
Standard = Standard of
FACTS: It was found that Southams ownership of three different newspaper
publications substantially lessened competition in the newspaper business. The decision
maker here was interested in dismantling the anti-competitive situation (Southam had
somewhat of a monopoly in the newspaper business) and ordered Southam to sell one of
its newspaper publications. There was an appeal by Southam to the Fed Ct of Ap, and
the Fed Ct of Ap did its own analysis and wanted to send it back to the decision maker
to re-assess the situation. CoA overturns tribunal decision, saying they didnt consider
expert evidence properly and substituted opinion in part. This is appealed to SCC.
- Two issues raided: First, whether the Fed Court erred in concluding that it owed no
deference to the Tribunals finding about the dimensions of the relevant market and
substituting one of its findings for its own (standard of review); Second, whether the
Fed Court erred in refusing to set aside the Tribunals remedial order.
(1) Pragmatic and Functional Analysis: The legislative intent of statutory right of
appeal is clear. The issue is what limits an appellate court should observe in exercise of
its statutorily mandated appellate function. Appellate courts must have regard to: the
nature of the problem, the applicable law properly interpreted in light of its
purpose and the expertise of the tribunal
(a) Nature of the Problem before Tribunal:
- Fact? Law? Mixed law and fact?
- Questions of law are questions about what the correct legal test is. Questions of
fact are questions about what actually took place b/w the parties (very specific to
case). Questions of mixed law and fact are questions about whether the facts satisfy
the legal tests
- The question is whether the Tribunal erred in the way the respondent says it erred,
namely in law.
- Iacabucci sets out tests to examine these: Questions of law are those which have
precedential value in future cases. Questions of fact is who, what, when, where and
how, b/c answers to these will be useless in future cases. Mixed fact and law are not
easily distinguishable, but basically, you look at whether the facts in this particular case
satisfy a legal requirement.
- In this case, Court said Tribunal was in applying the law to the facts, which
is a matter of mixed law and fact. But b/c the decision depended so fully on the facts of
this case, the decision is too particular to have any great value as a general
precedent. And as the level of generality of the challenged proposition approaches
particularity, the matter approaches pure application, and becomes a question of mixed
law and fact (this suggests some deference)
(b) Purpose of the Statute and the Tribunal Administers: The aims of the Act are more
economic than strictl legal, and some of its concepts are matters which business woman
and men/economists are better able to understand than a judge. Given such expertise,
it is suggested that the purpose of the act is better fulfilled by appellate deference to the
Tribunals decisions
(c) Privative clause: Absence of privative clause was important here
(d) Area of Expertise: Expertise which in this case overlaps with the purpose of the
statute is the most important to the factors the courts must consider on setting the
standard of review. Here, the Tribunal comprises 4 judicial members and 8 lay
members who are learned in economics/commerce etc. Looking at the dispute, its more
about economics than law (i.e. looking at indirect evidence).
(2) The Standard of Review:
- Considerations which suggest deference: (i) The dispute is over a mixed law and fact;
the purpose of the Act is broadly economic, and is better served by exercise of economic
judgment; application of competition law falls squarely w/in expertise of Tribunal
- Considerations which suggest a more exacting form of review: (i) Existence of
unfettered statutory right of appeal; (ii) presence of judges on the Tribunal
- On balance, proper standard of review fits somewhere between the ends of
the spectrum. B/c the expertise of the Tribunal, which is most important
consideration suggests deference, a posture more deferential than exacting is warranted.
1. Standard of Correctness
2. Standard of Unreasonableness (simplicitor):
- An unreasonable decision is on that, in the main, is not supported by any reasons that
can stand up to somewhat probing examination.
- Must look to see whether any reasons support it. The defect, if noted, could be in the
evidentiary foundation (i.e. an assumption that had no basis in evidence or is contrary
to overwhelming evidence) or logical process (contradiction in premises or invalid
Pushpanathan v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) (If human rights
at issue (e.g. deportation), then courts will owe less deference):
FACTS: P (refugee) convicted of offence. After released, P renewed his refugee
claim. B/c he was convicted of offence, a conditional deportation was ordered, the
condition of which was that he must not be a Convention Refugee. The question was
whether the conviction disqualified him from having a Convention Refugee status.
- Clear statement that preliminary question is not the issue. Jurisdiction by itself no
longer determines the standard of review.
- Bibeault 4 Factors in determining the proper standard of review:
1. Presence or absence of privative Clauses: Evidence this clause shows that a
court ought to show deference to the tribunals decision, unless other factors
strongly indicate the contrary. Even a full privative clause is not determinative of
the standard of review.
2. Expertise: Most important factor; Making an evaluation of expertise has 3
dimensions: (a) Characterize the expertise of the tribunal (look at the source of
their expertise, i.e. specific knowledge, specific procedure that is non court
related, non-adversarial) (b) Consider courts expertise relatively (i.e is this
something the courts do all the time?) (c) Identify the nature of the issue in
question relative to the expertise (does the tribunals expertise relate to the issue
in question)?
E.g.: (i) Human rights commissions expertise relative to courts is not greater, b/c courts
deal with these issues; (ii) Securities commissions (interpreting provisions of securities
act) have greater expertise its not drawing on legal principles, and is drawing on
technical info; if its more statutory interpretation in general, than not expertise).
1. Purpose of Act as whole, and relevant provision in particular: Is the
purpose to adjudicate on a legal standard, or to balance on many issues; is the
purpose legal, or economic (or policy related); is the purpose to protect the public,
or is it based on 2 interests: (a) Where legal principles are vague, open textured,
or involve a multi factored balancing test, then lower standard of review;
basically, existence of polycentricity a polycentric issue is one which involves a
large number of interlocking and interacting interests/considerations; its not
within the courts realm to deal with polycentric issues; (b) Consider the effect of
the court supervising and substituting their view on the overall purpose of the
act. So, what is the purpose, and does the decision fit within this purpose?
1. Nature of the problem (Question of law or fact?): Generally, less
deferential of decisions which are questions of pure law. But even pure questions
of law may be granted wide degree of deference where other factors suggest that
such deference is in the legislative intent
HELD Board should be subjected to the correctness standard for the following
(i) The key to the legislative intention as to the standard of review is the use of the
words a serious question of general importance; the general importance of the
question, that is, its applicability to numerous future cases, warrants judicial review by
court; and that review wouldnt serve any purpose if court could defer to incorrect
decisions of the Board.
(ii) No privative clause
(iii) Not a question necessarily w/in expertise of board. The court is just as qualified to
answer questions about human
rights law
Comment: The overall aim of the pragmatic and functional approach is to
discernlegislative intent and ultimately determine the degree to which deference may
be given
Dr. Q v College of Physicians and Surgeons (Even if right of appeal, court must
still apply pragmatic and functional analyis, even though an appeal
provision will direct strongly toward correctness standard):
FACTS: The inquiry committee of the appellants College found that the respondent
physician had taken physical and emotional advantage of one of his female patients and
was guilty of infamous conduct. In reaching its conclusion that sexual acts had occurred,
the committee stated that it accepted the patients evidence and disbelieved that of the
respondent. On an appeal under the Act the reviewing judge set aside the committees
decision disagreeing with the finding with respect to credibility. The CA dismissed the
Colleges appeal as it could not conclude that the reviewing judge had erred.
- Right of Appeal: Opposite of privative clause; Even where appeal provision exists,
the need for a pragmatic and functional analysis is necessary. While an appeal provision
may direct strongly to a correctness standard, court still needs to go through the
assessment of the 4 factors.
- Review and update of the 4 contextual factors (remember, as court clearly states,
overall goal is to decipher legislative intent through these factors):
(1) Statutory scheme: A statute may afford a broad right of appeal to a superior court or
provide for a certified question to be posed to the reviewing court (suggesting a more
searching standard of review). Further, may contain a privative clause, the more
deference may be due.
(2) Relative expertise: Remember, relative concept; greater deference may be called for
only where decision making body is more expert than the courts and the question is one
that falls within the scope of the greater expertise. Three dimension analysis: (a) Court
must characterize the expertise of the tribunal in question; (b) consider its own
expertise relative to the tribunal; (c) identify the nature of the specific issue before the
decision maker relative to this expertise
(3) Purpose of statute: (a) A statutory purpose that requires a tribunal to select from a
range of remedial choices or administrative responses, is concerned with the protection
of the public, engages policy issues, or involves the balancing of multiple sets of interests
or considerations will demand greater deference. E.g. provisions which require decision
maker to have regard to all such circumstances as it considers relevant will generally
suggest policy-laden purposes;
(b) Courts should also consider the breadth, specialization and technical/scientific
nature of the issues that are being asked to consider;
(4) Nature of problem: Pure fact = deference; Pure law = less deference (particularly
where the decision will be one of great precedential value); Mixed fact and law = if fact
intensive, more deference and if law intensive, less deference
Comment: Court also notes difference b/w role of reviewing court and role of court of
appeal; When application for judicial review comes at first instance, then its purely
administrative law principles; when youre doing an appeal of the first instance
decision, its going to be an appellate standard (question of law/fact etc appellate
standard of correctness).
Chamberlain v Surrey School District:
Facts: School Board (the administrative decision maker) passed resolution banning
books which depicted same sex parenting. Parents were outraged based on their
religious beliefs. Resolution was challenged as being outside their mandate (note that
the decision was also challenged on constitutional grounds but court said b/c
administrative law principles are applicable, no need to go into that)
Majoritys Judgement
- First look at standard of review analysis:
1. Privative clause: No privative clause = less deference.
2. Expertise: Its an elected Board balancing multiple concerns (such searching for
bests interests of different groups with different moral outlooks) and human
rights aspects = some deference
3. Purpose of the legislation: Purpose was to allow for local input on choosing
supplementary classroom materials. As a result, Board was in best position to
know what types of families and children fall within its district and what materials
will best serve their needs. But, the School Acts requirement that the discretion
to approve supplementary material conform to norms of tolerance, respect for
diversity, mutual understanding and acceptance suggest little different is owed,
b/c courts must exercise a fairly high level of supervision over decisions involving
tolerance and diversity.
4. Nature of the problem: Accommodating community concerns and tolerance
less deference
- The 4 factors suggest a reasonableness simpliciter standard
HELD The Boards decision not to approve the proposed books depecting same sex
parented familes was unreasonable, b/c the Board failed to act in accordance w/ the
School Act.
Dissent (Gonthier and Bastarache JJ) They agree w/ the standard of review,
and that we get a standard reasonableness standard. They disagree on the
application. They thought the decision was reasonable.
Dissent (Lebel) Held that we are concerned with is whether its a legal decision or
not, given that it is an elected body who has political accountability. You wouldnt
expect to see privative clause, b/c they are separate from the Courts, so doesnt make
sense of speaking of the effect of a lack of one: The insulation of the judicial and
political spheres from each other does not only protect our independent judiciary from
political interference, it also protects political bodies from excessive interference by
courts. It is beyond the scope of legitimate judicial review to apply a reasonableness
standard to the actions of local policy making entities like municipalities or school
boards. So, judgment important for questioning level of deference for an elected
decision maker.
Barrie Public Utilities v CCTA:
Facts: CCTA wanted to use Utilities power poles to transmit television. Utilities
disagreed, and CCTA appealed to the CRTC to grant order. It found that the relevant
statute granted it authority over the Utilities poles (since it found that the phrase the
supporting structure of a transmission line was broad enough to include the Utilities
power poles). On appeal, this authority was rejected.
Majority judgment
- Standard of Review Analysis (on a correctness standard):
(1) Presence/absence of privative clause/statutory right of appeal: Presence of a
statutory right of appeal in this case suggests a more searching standard of review
(2) Relative expertise: (a) Remember that in determining the standard of review, the
focus is on the particular provision (i.e. its purpose) being invoked/interpreted by the
tribunal; In this case, the issue is the meaning of the phrase the supporting structure of
a transmission line. No technical meaning simply stat interpretation; (b) CRTCs
expertise lies in the regulation and supervision of Canadian broadcasting and
telecommunications in this case, its expertise is not required to answer this problem
(3) Purposes of the legislation and provision: No polycentric questions; its a question of
proper construction of provision
Dissenting judgment
- There were two questions the majority dealt with: one is constitutional and the other is
a general question of CRTCs interpretation of s 43(5).
- Reasons for separating the questions (i.e. failure to separate frustrates the process of
judicial review in two ways): (1) combination may skew the standard of review for an
agencys decision (it will drive towards the correctness standard (by combining a
straight statutory interpretation question which falls under their jurisdiction to a
constitutional question outside their jurisdiction, they skew the review to a more
invasive standard) (2) where a constitutional question is raised, failure to isolate the
constitutional question can limit the agencys ability to give the legislation at issue the
full import intended by legislature
- Constitutional question: Issue raised was whether any interpretation of s 43(5) would
be ultra vires Parliament. The pragmatic and functional approach applies to this
question, like all matters of judicial review of admin tribunals; and it is settled that an
application of the P and F approach to a question of constitutional law yields a
correctness standard.
- Standard of Review re: the Interpretation Issue: If the constitutional question which
arose within the Board is meritless, it should not serve to dictate the level of scrutiny by
the court reviewing the administrative decision.
1. Privative clauses and Statutory Right of Appeal: No privative clause plus right of
appeal suggests deference
2. Relative expertise: (a) The CRTC has specialized expertise and unlike Gonthier J
who suggested that all CRTC was doing was statutory interpretation, it appears
more like administration of that statute; (b) In terms of the courts expertise
relative to the CRTC, the CRTC will have greater expertise for technical and policy
related matters, including the determination of legal questions, associated with
the specialized enabling statutes; (c) The provision requiring interpretation isnt
merely a legal question, as it draws heavily on the CRTCs expertise; the phrase
The supporting structure of a transmission line is not a familiar one to
lawyers/judges it is a technical question best answered by the specialized agency
in whose enabling legislation it arises; the question isnt simply one of statutory
3. Purpose of Act and the particular provision: Polycentric concerns
4. Nature of problem: Interpretation of s 43(5) is a question of law. But even pure
questions of law may lead to deference
Appropriate standard is reasonableness
Comment: By differently dividing how questions are asked, different outcomes can
arise on the standard of review analysis.
Toronto (City) v CUPE:
Facts: Person convicted of sexual assault, dismissed from employment, and reinstated
by labour arbitrator.
Lebel J
- In such a case as this one, where the question at issue is so clearly a question of law
that is both of central importance to the legal system as a whole and outside the
adjudicators specialized area of expertise, it is unnecessary to employ the pragmatic and
functional analysis in order to reach standard of review of correctness.
- More important concern relates to application of standards of review.
(i) Correctness standard of review: Should not subject all labour relations decisions to
correctness standard
- Even though this case gave rise to 2 standards of review to 2 different issues raised,
this does not mean that this approach should often be used.
- Further, there is a tendency to draw a strict correlation b/w general questions of law
and the correctness standard; in some cases, tribunals may be best placed to develop a
body of jurisprudence that is tailored to the specialized context in which they
operate. There is a place for the correctness standard, but it must be confined to
matters clearly outside the authority and competence of the admin decision makers.
(ii) Patent unreasonableness standard of review:
- Because courts have described various ways of arriving at a patently unreasonable
decision, the parameters of this standard are not clear.
- Interplay b/w patent unreasonableness and correctness: Is the search for patent
unreasonableness a search for legal error, or is it a more flexible inquiry into whether
there is a rational basis for the decision?
- Interplay between patent unreasonableness and reasonableness simpliciter in practice
is untenable: Both standards are rooted in the guiding principle that there are many
acceptable solutions. The two ways they have attempted to be distinguished is by using
the notion of relative magnitude of the defect and the immediacy or obviousness of
the defect. Each approach is unsatisfactory.
- The magnitude point of distinction is unsatisfactory b/c something is or is not
rational (there are no degrees). So, the idea of defects of a greater magnitude than
simple irrationality is incoherent.
- The obviousness of defect point is vague and unworkable; the somewhat probing
test is not clear, as the distinction b/w somewhat probing and those which are probing is
a fine one.
- Also, each of these ideas is inconsistent with the role of judges in upholding the rule of
law (the idea of letting unreasonable or irrational decisions stand, whether because they
are not irrational enough, or because they require some work to discover, is in conflict
both with the principle of parliamentary supremacy and rule of law.
- Also, if we start with whether they are right or wrong, weve turned judicial on its
head. We start with whether there are reasons to support. So from this perspective,
cant have 2 standards: its either we have reasons to support, or there are not (we cannot
say that we dont have adequate reasons and continue the analysis, as that would offend
the rule of law)
Comment (Summary of Lebel J): The dual thesis of Lebel Js critique is that the
modern jurisprudence on the standards of review exhibits conceptual confusion and
inspires deep methodological uncertainty, which results in an intolerable
unpredictability as to which standard will be deemed appropriate in a given case. We
want to get squarely at the inquiry into legislative intent against the backdrop of the
courts constitutional duty to protect the rule of law.
Comment (Segmentation): Clear statement that we have different standards of
review. The majority held that they must be correct on the general law issue (i.e. res
judicata; whether the arbitrator is bound by the criminal conviction); and the patent
unreasonable standard applies to the issue as to whether the worker should be
reinstated. Lebel J noted that while this may be a case where segmentation is the proper
approach, there is a caution that segmentation will generally not be employed. In this
case, there were 2 very separate issues.
Levis (City) v Fraternite des Policiers de Levis Inc:
Facts: Police officer engaged in criminal conduct and question was whether he should
be sanctioned by the law governing police or by municipal law. Both Acts say different
things about what should happen with the police officers employment; one says he
should be fired, and the other says no. The grievance arbitrator held that the Police Act
rendered the municipal Act inapplicable.
Bastarache J (Marority)
Compatibility of the Acts Analysis:
- The pragmatic and functional approach may lead to different standards of review for
separate findings. This will most frequently be the case when an arbitrator is called
upon to construe legislation. Reviewing courts must be careful not to subsume distinct
questions into one broad standard of review. Multiple standards of review should be
adopted when there are clearly defined questions that engage different concerns under
the pragmatic and functional approach.
- In this case, the arbitrators interpretation of the legislation may be reviewable on a
different standard than the rest of the decision. The two statues in this case give rise to
separate concerns as to whether the arbitrator properly interpreted and applied the
Police Act
- For both Acts, the nature of the question and relative expertise suggest searching
review is necessary. Whether the Acts are in conflict is a pure finding of law. Further,
this determination has important precedent value.
- On balance, standard of correctness applies.
- Another comment on segmentation; the legislatures/parties didnt intend for this to
be in arbitrators jurisdiction, and therefore question of which legislation applies isnt
part of their core function, and therefore we should be revisiting it on a correctness
standard. [But if we have a clear statement that legislatures allow grievance to deal with
the issues in a final and prompt manner, does segmentation destroy this intention?]
Interpretation and Application of Police Act analysis:
- The question of whether the arbitrator correctly interpreted the Police Act was a
question of mixed fact and law.
- Also, arbitrator had to decide what sanction was appropriate (which is in line with
traditional function of grievance arbitrator);
- It is a decision that requires the balancing of competing interests (polycentric)
- But other factors point to less deference: there is a significant legal component
- Taking these factors into account suggests something less than the most deferential
standard of review (reasonableness)
Abella J (Dissent)
- Disagrees on the point that different standard should have been applied
- There is a danger of segmentation leads to an unduly interventionist
approach. Segmentation invites parties to frame the question in much the same way the
majority did here. The effect of segmentation is that if there is a problem at the root,
then entire decision flawed; this begins to look like a preliminary or collateral matter.
- Legal issues ought not be declared as separate when they are intertwined with the
decision makers expertise. In such circumstances, the decision ought to be reviewed as
a whole. This integrated approach is reinforced by the idea that not every element of the
reasoning must independently pass a test for reasonableness (as there are more than
one way in which the decision may be reasonable).
Council of Canadians with Disabilities v VIA Rail Canada:
Facts: VIA Rail was outfitting its trains in order to meet wheel chair accessibility
requirements. The Canadian Transportation Agency was responsible for determining
whether there was an undue obstacle to the mobility of persons with disabilities. Where
such obstacles are found to exist, the Agency is responsible for determining corrective
measures. Contrary to Agencys directions, VIA made modifications to its new cars, and
would not provide cost estimates to the Agency. The Agency ultimately ordered that 30
of its trains be altered.
- A way to attack the invasive way of a deciding is to question whether it has the effect of
removing things away from admin which they have expertise. In this case, segmentation
has an effect of undermining admin bodys expertise
- Thus, Court adopted a non-segmentation approach in this case
Standard of Review:
- At the Federal Court level, it was held that the Agencys interpretation of VIAs
jurisdiction under s 172 was addressing human rights and therefore was owed less
deference (and reviewable on standard of correctness)
- The Court also concluded that the standard for reviewing the Agencys decision on the
issue of whether the obstacle is undue is patent unreasonableness. This approach was
correct, the former was not.
- Unravelling the essence of the decision undermines the characteristic of the Agency
which entitles it to highest level of deference its specialized expertise.
- s 172 is an example of a provision which reflects a clearly worded decision by
legislature to use an open ended grant of power that has the effect of narrowing the
ambit of jurisdictional review
- Minority defends segmentation. Subjecting all aspects to a single standard of review
doesnt allow for a diverse standard of review. Asking for greater flexibility; need to zero
in on specific proportions of decision. If we look at decision as whole, wont be able to
tailor it in that way.
Standard of Review:
- Consideration of all the factors points to no deference accorded to Agencys decision
- The Agencys jurisdiction and determination of human rights principles are questions
of pure law. Because these exact issues havent been determined before, result will have
important precedential value
- No privative clause in respect of the questions of law/jurisdiction; rather, there is a
statutory appeal procedure
- On questions of jurisdiction and human rights law principles, Agency doesnt have
greater expertise than court
- Purpose of s 172 is to grant Agency an adjudicative role to consider application from
persons with disabilities; issues generally involve a dispute b/w aggrieved party and
transportation carrier. While ultimate analysis involves balancing of interests, the
questions of the Agencys jurisdiction and determination of applicable human rights law
do not
- On balance, the questions of the Agencys jurisdiction and determination of applicable
human rights principles are to be reviewed on standard of correctness
1. Have previous cases already determined degree of deference for this category of
question? Look at previous cases. In every case, we are not starting a new. Look
at previous categories that establish degree of deference
1. If not (e.g. its difficult to make analogies) then analyse the factors to determine
the standard of review (standard of review analysis) (note that this need not be a
mechanical analysis in which each of the factors necessarily has to be considered):
1. Presence/absence of Privative clause
Not determinative, but depending on completeness, suggests reasonableness (a
full privative clause is one that declares that decisions of the tribunal are final and
conclusive from which no appeal lies and all forms of judicial review are excluded)
No privative clause is consistent with less deference (but this is only one factor,
and it does not imply a high degree of scrutiny, where other factors indicate
greater deference)
1. Purpose of tribunal as determined by interpretation of enabling legislation:
A discrete and special administrative regime in which the decision maker has
special expertise suggests reasonableness
Polycentricity is relevant, namely a large number of interlocking and interacting
Provisions which require decision maker to have regard to all such circumstances
as it considers relevant will generally suggest policy-laden purposes;
E.g. in Dunsmuir, tribunal was meant to resolve dispute in a timely and cost
effective method of resolving employment disputes, which suggests
reasonableness standard
E.g. in Southam, aims of the Act are more economic than strictly legal, and some
of its concepts are matters which business woman and men/economists are better
able to understand than a judge which suggested deference
E.g. in Dr Q, court noted that on the one hand, the legislatures intent for the
legislation as a whole was to assign the College the role of balancing competing
interests and multiple policy objectives, like the protection of the public,
education, qualification of members. This suggests deference. But, the discrete
issue of adjudicating a claim of professional misconduct the particular issue that
the statute puts before the Committee is quasi judicial and militates against
deference. Thus, this goes neither in favour or against deference
E.g. in Barrie Utilities, majority noted that much of the CRTCs work involves the
elaboration and implementation of telecommunications policy, but the policy
objectives of the Act were less in evidence in the provision under question than
elsewhere in the Act it is not a polycentric question. It is a question of
whether the section, properly construed, gives the CRTC jurisdiction to hear the
parties dispute (pointing to less deference)
1. Nature of question
If factual/policy driven, then reasonableness suggested
If legal and factual issues cannot be readily separated, then reasonableness
If interpreting questions of law in own statute, then reasonableness suggested,
Constitutional questions (e.g. Either, do they have provincial or federal
jurisdiction and whether they stayed within given jurisdiction, OR s 96 courts
question, whether they have been given authority that can properly be delegated)
suggests correctness
True questions of jurisdiction (e.g. where the tribunal must explicitly determine
whether the statutory grant of power grants them authority to decide the matter
in question) suggests correctness
Questions of general law (e.g. interpretation of statute outside their home statute,
or whether they are bound by the finding of fact that a sexual assault happened)
suggests correctness
E.g. in Barrie Public Utilities, interpretation of a phrase of an act, namely the
supporting structure of a transmission line was held to be a matter for which no
deference was to be owed, as it was a pure legal question ultimately for the
province of the judiciary (the minority disagreed on this point)
E.g. in Dr Q, finding of credibility was determined to be a question of fact, and so
deference was to be owed
[One more]
1. Expertise of tribunal relative to court:
Greater deference may be called for only where decision making body is more
expert than the courts and the question is one that falls within the scope of the
greater expertise. Three dimension analysis: (a) Court must characterize the
expertise of the tribunal in question; (b) consider its own expertise relative to the
tribunal; (c) identify the nature of the specific issue before the decision maker
relative to this expertise
[One more]
1. Remedy (assuming the decision is challenged successfully):
Depends whether challenge is on appeal or JR (different remedies)
Where Board failed to act in accordance with its enabling statute, the
question of whether the books should be approved was remanded to the
Board to be considered according to the criteria laid out in its
regulation, the curriculum guidelines and the principles of tolerance
underlying the School Act (Chamberlain)
Dunsmuir v New Brunswick (Summary):
Facts: D employed by Department of Justice. Placed on probationary term and
subsequently his employment was terminated due to several incidents which arose. D
filed a grievance with respect to his discharge, citing that the reasons for the employers
dissatisfaction were not made known; that he did not receive a reasonable opportunity
to respond to the employers concerns; that the employers actions were w/out
notice/procedural fairness; and the length of the notice period was inadequate. The
grievance was denied. D then referred the grievance to adjudication under the
PSLRA. The adjudicator ultimately declared that the termination was void ab initio.
Bastarache, Lebel J (Majority)
(1) Judicial Review:
- The process of judicial review involves two steps: (i) Ascertain whether the
jurisprudence has already determined in a satisfactory manner the degree of deference
to be accorded with regard to a particular category of question; (ii) Where this is not the
case, must analyse the 4 main factors to see which of the standards of review apply (see
(2) Two Standards of Review:
- The two variants of reasonableness review should be collapsed into a single form of
reasonableness review; this collapsing of the 2 standards ought not result in having
less deference overall (we are not simply adopting the lower standard of reasonableness)
(a) Reasonableness:
- The reasonableness standard is underpinned by principle that there may be more
than one reasonable conclusion. Assessing reasonableness takes into account
both the process of reasoning (existence of justification, transparency and intelligibility
within the decision making process) and the outcomes (whether decision falls within the
range of possible outcomes) [Note: this modifies the approach Abella J taks in VIA Rail,
under which the conclusion isnt the important part]
- Types of questions where reasonableness is generally presumed as the standard: (i)
Questions of fact and policy; (ii) When legal and factual issues cannot be readily
separated; (iii) Where tribunal is interpreting own statute; (iv) Where tribunal has
developed particular expertise in the application of general law or civil law (e.g labour
(b) Correctness:
- The correctness standard, when applied, means that a reviewing court will not show
deference to the decision makers reasoning process; it will rather undertake its own
analysis of the question. If the court doest not agree with the decision maker, the court
will substitute its own view and provide the correct answer.
- Types of issues which give rise to correctness standard: (i) Constitutional questions
first, regarding division of powers (i.e. do they have provincial or federal jurisdiction
and whether they stay within that jurisdiction); second, s 96 courts and the types of
authority that can be delegated (legislatures can decide and give authority to decision
makers, but there is a constitutional limit); (ii) Competing specialized tribunals (true
questions of jurisdiction) e.g. if you have a human rights tribunal who has
jurisdiction over some issue and an arbitrator also has jurisdiction and the former
makes a finding they have jurisdiction in that area we have a grey area where there
can be overlap admin decision maker can make a decision but have to be correct; true
jurisdiction questions arise where the tribunal must explicitly determine whether the
statutory grant of power grants them authority to decide the matter in question
(interpretation the grant of their jurisdiction); (iii) Questions of general law e.g. res
judicata issue of whether they are bound by a criminal conviction, binding them to a
finding of fact that a sexual assault happened; or, interpretation of statute outside their
home statute.
(c) Standard of review analysis (no longer to be called the pragmatic and
functional analysis):
(a) Privative clause: Strong statutory direction from Parliament indicating need for
deference and thus indication of review pursuant to standard of reasonableness; but it is
not determinative. *The rule of law requires the constitutional role of courts be
preserved and neither Parliament nor any legislature can completely remove courts
power to review actions and decisions of admin bodies (the power is constitutionally
(d) Purpose of Tribunal as Determined by Interpretation of Enabling Legislation
(c) Nature of Problem at Issue: Where its one of fact, discretion or policy, deference
will normally apply automatically (same where legal and factual questions are
intertwined and cannot be separated). A question of law that does not rise to the level of
having central importance to the legal system may be compatible with a reasonableness
standard. Where there is a jurisdiction issue (i.e. question of whether the tribunals
statutory grant of power gives it authority to decide a particular issue) will lend itself to
a correctness standard.
(d) Expertise: A discrete and special administrative regime which has special expertise
(e.g. labour relations) leads to reasonableness standard.
- In this case, a reasonableness standard arises (full privative clause; labour decision =
expertise etc). The decision itself, however, cannot be said to be reasonable on any
interpretation of the Act, as the adjudicator failed to take into account the explicit
contractual terms which allowed for dismissal without stating cause.
Binnie J (Concurring):
- Problem court is trying to address is that the 2 reasonableness standards are not
predictable; cant tell when they will be applied, and this forces parties to do a lot of
arguing before getting into the real issues. A practical concern is access to justice, given
the costs involved.
- There are three basic limits on the allocation of administrative discretion: (1) The
Constitution restricts the legislators ability to allocate issues to admin bodies which s 96
has allocated to courts; (2) Admin action must be founded on statutory or common law
powers; (3) Procedural limits are placed on admin bodies by statute and common law
- Implications of having 2 standards of review: (i) The existence of a privative clause,
while not conclusive, presumptively forecloses judicial review on the basis of outcome
unless the applicant can show that the clause, properly interpreted, permits it or there is
some legal reason why it cannot be give effect; (ii) Further, another presumption should
be that the standard of review of any admin outcome on grounds of substance is not
correctness but reasonableness; the fact that the legislature designated someone other
than the court as the decision maker calls for deference (absent a broad statutory right
of appeal); the onus is on the applicant to show otherwise; (iii) An applicant urging for
the correctness standard should be required to demonstrate that the decision rests on an
error in the determination of a legal issue not confided to the admin decision maker to
decide (whether in relation to jurisdiction or general law)
- Scope of the reasonableness standard: Incorporates both the degree of deference
formerly reflected in the distinction between patent unreasonableness and
reasonableness simpliciter, and an assessment of the range of options reasonable open
to the decision maker in the circumstances, in light of the reasons given for the decision
- Judging reasonableness: Reasonableness must be judged according to context;
important to look at terms and objectives of governing statute, because in some cases, a
range of permissible decisions may arise. But court can take into account as many
contextual factors as it considers relevant and material.
Deschamps J (Dissent):
- The 4 factors which have become synonymous with substantive review need not all be
considered in every case
- When an issue is limited to questions of fact, there is no need to enquire into any other
factor in order to determine that deference is owed. Questions of law, by contrast,
require more thorough scrutiny when deference is evaluated (a decision of law may
attract deference where it concerns the interpretation of the enabling statue and
provided there is no right of review). For questions of mixed fact and law, the same
deference is owed to admin body as a court of appeal owes a lower court
- Where there is a privative clause, Parliaments intent to leave the final decision to that
body cannot be doubted and deference is usually owed to the body. But privative
clauses cannot totally shield an administrative body from review (e.g. if it is asked to
interpret laws of which it does not have expertise, then constitutional responsibility of
superior courts as guardians of rule of law compels them to insure the laws falling
outside and admin bodys core expertise are interpreted correctly)
- So, main focus is on nature of question.
Comment: An overview of the case suggests that the role of the court in judicial review
is this: If admin tribunals decision is within a range of reasonable outcomes among
which admin decision maker can choose, then court should not interfere. If they make
decisions outside statutory authority, or if legislation purports to confer jurisdiction is
unconstitutional, or if deeply flawed reasoning process leads to unreasonable result,
then thats where Courts engage in judicial review.
[Exam: s 15 = inequality will be the claim of the 3
These cases help demonstrate the intersection b/w constitutional law and judicial
review of the substance of a decision; also, they help understand how to identify when
a standard of review analysis is needed, and when it isnt. Unless one can use
theCharter, one is stuck with judicial review. And one should not go to
theCharter if administrative law can solve the problem.
There is a link between discretion and Charter infringements. There can be exercises
of discretion by decision makers that result in infringement of Charter (therefore, this
is still an examination of discretionary decision making, but a very specific aspect of
it). So, if we are dealing with a tribunals decision, rather than the statute itself, it will
be because the legislation allows for a range of outcomes, one of which may result in a
Charter violation.
Summary of Charter Intersection with Admin Law
If the question is whether the decision is one the agency had authority or
jurisdiction to make under the legislation, then administrative law applies and
go to Standard of review analysis
If the question is whether the order or act of tribunal is a valid exercise of state
power under the Charter, then this is about constitutionality of the decision
and admin law standard does not apply (Multani, Whatcott)
If the reviewing court is asked to review the admin tribunals application and
interpretation of constitution, then reviewing court will look at whether the
tribunal had the jurisdiction had to decide a constitutional challenge, and if so,
the tribunals decision must be correct (Martin)
My summary: In Multani, the decision couldnt be challenged
under admin law because it was within the DMs discretion as set
out in the act to make the decision. Because that decision offended
a Charter right, however, it was reviewable under a Charter
analysis. If the decision can be challenged under admin law, then
the Charter should not be used; so first ask whether the decision is
one the agency had authority/jurisdiction to make:
A. When it is the compliance of the DMs decision with
requirements of the Charter at issue, rather than the decisions
validity from the point of admin law, then you go to Charter
B. In Multani, there is no suggestion that the council did not have
jurisdiction from an administrative law standpoint to approve
the Code of conduct
C. Nor is the administrative and constitutional validity of the
RULE against carrying weapons in issue.
D. It is the fundamental effect of the decision, as noted
in Whatcott, that infringes the Charter right
Slaight Communications v Davidson:
FACTS: First time Supreme Court of Canada met intersection of administrative law and
charter. Administrator decision maker found employee had been dismissed
unfairly. Remedy crafted was that Slaight was forbidden from making any negative
comments about Ds work performance to possible future employers. Slaight challenged
decision as being unconstitutional, saying it infringed its freedom of expression
guaranteed under s 2(b)
ISSUE: Was this to be evaluated under administrative law principles, or charter free
expression principles?
HELD Order infringed freedom of expression but was rationally connected to
purpose of legislation (remedying inequality of bargaining powers b/w employees and
employers. This is the basis of the orthodox approach (focusing on the 2 step Charter
Multani v Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (Where it is the
constitutional validity of an admin decision or order that is at issue, the
constitutional analysis must be conducted):
FACTS: Ms religious beliefs requires him to wear a kirpan at all times. His schools
governing board held that wearing a kirpan violated s 5 of the schools Code of
conduct. There was no suggestion that the commissioners did not have jurisdiction to
approve the Code of conduct, from an administrative law standpoint. Superior Court
ordered that the decision originally made that the kirpan be sewn up in clothing be in
effect until a final decision was rendered. This order was subsequently overturned, and
now M appeals.
Majority Judgment:
- Deal with issue in constitutional law standards, not administrative: Judicial review
may involve a constitutional law and administrative law component. In this case, it is
the compliance of the commissioners decision w/ requirements of Charter that is
central, not the validity from point of admin law. The complaint is entirely based on
constitutional freedom; the CoA erred in applying the reasonableness standard to its
constitutional analysis. There is no suggestion that the commissioners did not have
jurisdiction, from an administrative law standpoint to approve the Code of conduct, nor
is the administrative and constitutional validity of the rule against carrying weapons and
dangerous objects at issue. The appellant argued that it was in applying the rule (i.e.
categorically denying M to wear the tirpan) that the council of commissioners upholding
the original decision infringed Ms freedom of religion. Must address s 1 analysis,
regardless of whether what is in issue is the wording of the statute itself or its
- If this appeal had instead concerned the review of an admin decision based on the
application and interpretation of the Charter, it would have been necessary to apply the
correctness standard.
- It is the constitutional validity of the decision that is at issue in this appeal, which
means that a constitutional analysis must be conducted
- Infringement of Charter right: Commissioners decision prohibiting M from wearing
kirpan infringes his freedom of religion, and therefore must be justified under s 1, which
it cannot (the decision effectively prevented M from attending school because of their
religious beliefs)
Concurring Judgment (Deschamps and Abella JJ):
- Admin law or Constitutional law: Case is more appropriately decided by recourse to
admin law than constitutional law justification for two main reasons:
(1) The purpose of the constitutional justification is to assess a norm of general
application, such as a statute,
and the analytical approach for that is not easily transportable where what must be
assessed is the validity of
an admin bodys decision;
(2) Basing analysis on admin law averts the problems resulting from blurring principles
of consti justification and
admin law
- Standard of Review: Court must determine the standard of deference to be applied to
the school boards decision, which had an impact on freedom of religion, right of
equality and right to physical inviolability (taking approach in TWU and
Chamberlain). Reasonableness standard applies. The prohibition on wearing of a
kirpan cannot be imposed w/out considering the conditions that would interfere less
with freedom of religion. The school board did not sufficiently consider either the right
to freedom of religion or the accommodation measure proposed by the father and
student; it applied the Code of conduct literally; decision was unreasonable.
- Inappropriateness of Constitutional Law Justification: The administrative law
approach must be retained for reviewing decisions and orders made by admin bodies. A
constitutional analysis must be carried out when reviewing the validity of enforceability
of a norm such as a law.
(a) Review of Lamer Js approach in Slaight: Idea that norms of general application
should be dealt with in the same way as decisions or orders of admin bodies as
suggested by Lamer may be theoretically attractive, but there is no advantage of
adopting it.
(b) Meaning of Law in s 1: An admin body determines an individuals rights in
relation to an issue; a decision or order is not a law or regulation, but the result of a
process provided for by statute and by principles of admin law. The expression of law
should not include the decisions of admin bodies
(c) Analytical Consistency: The mechanisms of admin law are flexible enough to make it
unnecessary to resort to the justification process under s 1 when a complaint is not
attempting to strike down a rule of general application. The standard of review is one of
the tools that has already been developed that can deal with issues of a decision or
COMMENT: The idea of an admin decision maker makes a decision that is an
interpretation of the Charter, that decision, if appealed, will come within admin law
under correctness. But when youre looking at an act that is not challenged within that
sphere, but instead that THIS admin action offends my Charter right, you start with s 1
Whatcott v Saskatchewan Assn of Licensed Practical Nurses (Application
of Multanidecision):
FACTS: Finding of professional misconduct made (within meaning of s 24 of Act) by a
professional nursing body against one of its members for words expressed in opposition
to the activities of a planned parenthood organization. The Discipline c/ee did not
address the issues raised before it in relation to the Charter that any discipline would
infringe his freedom of religion.
- What is the appropriate review model: In light of Multani, two matters are clear:
(1) An administrative tribunals decision can be challenged on the basis that the
decision itself has infringed the
Charter rights;
(2) The issues and arguments raised in relation to the decision must be considered to
determine which standard
of review model is to be applied
- Application: This case is like Multani. It is the compliance of the Discipline c/ees
decision with the requirements of the Charter that is central to the within appeal. The
fundamental effect of the decision was to preclude Mr W from both picketing in
the manner he chose and working as a nurse until he pays the fine. He was denied the
ability both to express himself in the way he has chosen and to work. Thus, its
necessary to leave aside the administrative standard of review and consider whether the
decision infringes freedom of expression
- Should the Decision be Remitted back to the Discipline C/ee to Consider Charter
arguments (Because the C/ee didnt Address them)?: Court held it should not be
remitted back.
- Does the Decision infringe Ws Freedom of Expression (on a standard of
correctness):Clear that only purpose and effect of decision is to curtail his
- Section 1 Analysis: When decision falls within Charter context (i.e. the effect of the
decision is on a Constitutional guarantee), onus is on the SALPN to prove the
infringement is reasonable and can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic
society; they failed to discharge that onus and the decision is therefore unconstitutional
- Remedy Pursuant to s 24(1): Decision must be set aside, but s 24(1) also allows for
court to issue such remedy as it considers appropriate and just in the circumstances; W
relies on s 24(1) to request that costs be awarded on an extraordinary basis; Court
declined this.
To what extent can administrative tribunals themselves, rather than courts reviewing
admin tribunals decisions, consider the Charter? Section 24 of the Charter refers to a
court of competent jurisdiction as being able to provide remedies. The SCC examines
an administrative actors competence to apply the Charter in the following case:
Nova Scotia (Workers Compensation Board) v Martin (Test for whether admin
tribunal can decline to apply a provision of its enabling statute on the
ground that the provision violates the Charter):
FACTS: The Nova Scotias Workers Compensation Act and its regulations excluded
chronic pain sufferers from receiving benefits under the regular workers compensation
system and provided, in lieu of benefits usually available to injured workers, a 4 week
functional restoration program beyond which no further benefits were available. As a
result of the statutory exclusion, the Workers Compensation Board denied benefits to
two workers suffering chronic pain. Workers appealed, alleging infringement
of s 15(1) by denying them equality under the law and discriminating
against them on the basis of their disabilities. The Appeals Tribunal held it
had jurisdiction to hear the Charter argument and concluded that the
statutory exclusion violated Charter. The Board challenged Tribunals
ISSUE: Did the section of the WCB Act preventing benefits for chronic pain sufferers
violate s 15 of the Charter? Could the Appeals Tribunal decide the constitutional validity
of a provision of a provision of an enabling statute?
Framework for Determining whether a Tribunal can Interpret the
(1) First question is whether the tribunal at issue has jurisdiction, explicit or
implicit, to decide ANY questions of law arising under the challenged
provision. If it does, then the tribunal will be PRESUMED to have the concomitant
jurisdiction to interpret/decide that question in light of Charter
(2) Explicit jurisdiction must be found in the terms of the statutory authority
granted(e.g. power to determine all questions of fact or law that arise in any
matter before it). Where express, no need to go beyond language of statute.
(3) Absent express grant, it is necessary to consider whether the tribunal
has implied jurisdiction by looking at the statute as a whole. Relevant factors to
consider include:
(a) The statutory mandate and whether deciding questions of law is necessary to
fulfilling its mandate effectively;
(b) Interaction of the tribunal in question with other elements of the administrative
system (e.g. does the tribunals
implied jurisdiction extend beyond the Act itself, to other questions of statutory
interpretation/common law raised in
the course of dispute e.g. can the tribunal interpret questions including the law of
contracts, evidence,
employment, etc);
(c) Whether the tribunal is adjudicative and therefore more capable of deciding Charter
issues; and
(d) Practical considerations, including the tribunals capacity to consider questions of
law (consider workload,
expertise of tribunal, whether tribunal members are lawyers, will they be able to
recognize a Charter claim; BUT
court cautions that practical considerations about capacity shouldnt be used to override
a clear implication of
jurisdiction of questions of law while they may be helpful to confirm legislatures
intent, they are of little weight on
their own to confer upon admin body power to consider and decide questions of law)
(4) If either express or implied authority, presumption is set. Once
presumption has been raised, the next question is wether presumption has been
rebutted. Burden is on the party who alleges that the admin body lacks jurisdiction to
apply the Charter. Presumption may only be rebutted by an explicit
withdrawal of authority to decide constitutional questions or by clear
implication to the same effect, arising from the statute itself rather than from
external considerations;question to be asked is whether an examination of the
statutory provisions clearly leads to the conclusion that the legislature
intended to exclude the Charter from the scope of the questions of law to be
addressed by the tribunal (e.g. an express conferral of jurisdiction to another
admin body to consider Charter issues or certain complex questions of law deemed too
difficult or time consuming for the initial decision maker, along with procedure allowing
such issues to be efficiently redirected to such body, could give rise to a clear implication
that the initial decision maker was not intended to decide constitutional questions)
[Note: If presumption exists, practical considerations cannot override a clear
implication from the statute itself]
Application in This Case:
(1) + (2) The Act clearly confers explicit jurisdiction to decide questions of law. Court
went into analysing factors for implicit conferral of jurisdiction, b/c thats where parties
arguments were (but court didnt have to) (provision stated that subject to the rights of
appeal provided in Act, the Board has exclusive jurisdiction to inquire into, hear and
determine all questions of law and fact)
(a) The power to decide questions of law is necessary for Appeals Tribunal effectively to
fulfil its mandate, b/c any conclusion to the contrary would contradict legislatures
intent to create a scheme for resolving workers compensation disputes
(b) The Appeals Tribunals jurisdiction extends beyond the Act itself, to other questions
of statutory interpretation arising from the operation of the workers compensation
(c) Appeals Tribunal is fully adjudicative; its independent of the Board, it has powers to
summons witnesses, compel testimony, require production of documents, punish
persons for contempt; all the appeal commissions have been admitted to the bar
(d) CoA was wrong to take into account the backlog of cases that accumulated at the
Appeals Tribunal prior to 1999 amendments. Practical considerations of this nature are
of little force with clear legislative intent. On balance, jurisdiction conferred.
(4) Respondents argue for the rebuttal of this jurisdiction. They argue that the
authority conferred upon the Chair of the Board to direct certain issues from the
Appeals Tribunal to the Board of Directors is incompatible with the idea that Appeals
Tribunals was itself intended by the legislature to decide Charter questions; i.e.,
legislature cannot have intended that Charter issues be postponed to a policy-making
executive body with no special expertise/powers. But this misunderstands the
procedure. Board of Directors is not entitled to take over an appeal raising a Charter
issue and decide it itself; at most, they can adjourn the procedure to adopt a policy that
better responds to the general issues raised. Therefore, nothing in the act produces the
kind of clear implication capable of rebutting the presumption.
Reasons Why Tribunal can Determine Constitutional Validity
1. Most importantly, s 52(1) of the Constitution Act states that the supreme law of
Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is,
to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect, If a law is
constitutionally invalid, it ts invalid ab initio. So, invalid provisions
dont need court declaring it, because they are of no force and
effect; thus, it is not proper courts, or admin tribunals alike, to be applying
invalid laws. Obviously, every government official cannot be required to decide
for herself the constitutional validity of every provision called upon to
apply. However, if she is endowed wit the power to consider questions of law
relating to a provision, that power will normally extend to assessing the
constitutional validity of that provision, b/c the consistency of a provision with
the Constitution is a question of law arising under that provision.
2. Concern of double litigation: Canadians should be entitled to assert the rights
and freedoms that the Constitution guarantees them in the most accessible forum
available. In many cases, individuals have to go to admin tribunals (e.g. labour
boards) first, given their exclusive initial jurisdiction over disputes relating to
their enabling legislation; if tribunals dont have jurisdiction to apply the
constitution, then forcing them to refer Charter issues to courts would result in
costly and time consuming proceedings.
3. Admin tribunals as good fact finders: Charter disputes require a thorough
understanding of the objectives of the legislative scheme being challenged, as well
as the practical constraints its faces and the consequences of proposed
constitutional remedies. This need is heightened when it becomes necessary to
determine whether a prima facie violation of a Charter right is justified under s
1. Factual findings and record compiled by an administrative tribunal, as well as
its expert view of the various issues raised by a constitutional challenge, will often
be invaluable to a reviewing court
4. Not usurping s 96 courts powers: Tribunal making decision of constitutional
validity will still be reviewed by courts and therefore will not be usurping s 96
power of courts. Doesnt interfere with role of judiciary as the arbiter of the
5. The effect of a tribunal making constitutional finding of whether a provision is
valid/invalid: Will not apply outside admin scheme, and inside admin scheme,
does not have weight in the same way a courts decision would
- -
Comment: Section 24(1) of the Charter (Remedies Provision) and Admin
- s 24(1): Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considered appropriate and just in the circumstances
- Is an admin tribunal a court of competent jurisdiction? I
- Weber v Ontario Hydro: Look at the statute/intention of the legislature in
determining whether tribunal is a court of competent jurisdiction. Test is: Provided
they have jurisdiction over the parties, the subject matter of the dispute and are
empowered to make the orders sought, then can give Charter remedies under s 24(1).
The practical import of fitting Charter remedies in tribunals is that litigants have direct
access to charter remedies in the tribunal charged with deciding their case (you dont
need to first get determination, and then go to courts). Not all tribunals have that ability
to give a remedy under s 24(1). So, jurisdiction must be over parties, subject
matter and remedies
This same test doesnt apply to s 96/superior courts, as they possess inherent
Comment: Legislative Responses to Martin
- E.g BC Administrative Tribunals Act (applies to most tribunals in BC): Tribunal
without jurisdiction over constitutional questions; s 44(1) The tribunal does not have
jurisdiction over constitutional questions; (2) Subsection (1) applies to all applications
made before, on or after the date that the subsection applies to a tribunal; s 45(1): The
tribunal does not have jurisdiction over constitutional questions relating to the Charter
- Charter issues would be referred to Superior Courts as a stated case
- Concern that lay persons coming in front of tribunals would be forced to hire lawyers
in order to advance/defend constitutional allegations, and that would increase costs,
and take away efficiency and accessibility; also, the determination is not precedent
setting, and therefore each time it will have to be re-litigated
- This is consistent with Martin, b/c we are looking at legislative intent
[Exam: say that this is a grey area, and give 2 sides, then conclude with one]
What is discretion? The concept of discretion refers to decisions where the law does
not dictate a specific outcome, or where the decision maker is given a choice of options
within a statutorily imposed set of boundaries (Baker v Canada).
Dicey and the Rule of Law: The rule of law means the absolute supremacy or
predominance of regular law as opposed to the influence of arbitrary power, and the rule
of law excuses existence of arbitrariness or even wide discretionary authority. Major
concern is wherever there is discretion, there is room for arbitrariness. He thought that
why we have law is to control arbitrary use of state power. Without supervision of
courts, power of state will be brought down on individuals in an arbitrary or unfair way.
But discretion hasnt been always seen as intrinsically unfair. Given the extent of
regulation and state exercise of power, Diceys version isnt really plausible.
How can Discretion in Administrative Powers be Justified?
1. Legislatures cant foresee each individual circumstances cant develop a
comprehensive set of rules that apply in all circumstances, so we need to have that
area in which the decision maker can tailor broad principles to those individual
2. Our legislatures neither have the time, resources or expertise to develop those
norms in certain areas (e.g. nuclear waste management, immigration); knowledge
of individual circumstances in specific countries, for example, isnt within the
expertise of your legislatures. They depend on other people, and grant that
discretion to people who have that expertise
3. Allows increased flexibility. Some times decisions need to be made quickly
Roncarelli v Duplessis (There are implied limits on how discretion may be
exercised, including that it must be exercised for legitimate purposes,
which derive from statute):
FACTS: R owned a high class restaurant. R used his profits from restaurant to post bail
for arrested Jehovahs Witnesses who were illegally distributing pamphlets. This
agitated Premier Duplessis. He instructed liquor Commission to remove Rs liquor
license because he thought the money being used pursuant to the liquor licence was
contrary to the interests of Quebec. The Act governing the Commission said may
cancel any permit at its discretion.
HELD Majority gave judgment to R in light of 2 findings: First, even though the
licence had been formally cancelled by the Quebec Liquor Commission, the latter had
acted on Duplessiss orders. Second, the authorities had been motivated by a desire to
curb what they perceived to be seditious activities of the Jehovahs Witnesses and to
punish R. Duplessis lacked legal basis for acting and so did the commission,
notwithstanding the wording of the relevant statutory provision, which
stipulated that the commission could cancel any permit at its
discretion.Discretion to be exercised legally has to be exercised for legitimate
purposes (that is, there are implied limits on it, which come from purpose of
statute). There is always a perspective within which a statute is intended to
operate, and any clears departure from its lines or objects is just as
objectionable as fraud or corruption
The Baker decision marked the turning point in the law of discretion in Canada:
Baker v Canada (Beginning of new approach as to how a court should
evaluate discretion):
FACTS: B, Jamaican, entered Canada in 1981. Never received permanent resident
status. Four children (who were all Canadian citizens) while living in Canada. B applied
for exemption from requirement to apply for permanent resident outside Canada,
pursuant to Immigration Act, based upon humanitarian and compassionate
considerations. Immigration officer was delegated task of Minister to decide, on a
discretionary basis, whether B should be exempted from normal operation of Act. E.g.
The Minister is authorized to grant an exemption where the Minister is satisfied that
this should be done, owing to the existence of compassionate or humanitarian
Review of Exercise of Discretion:
- The concept of discretion refers to decisions where the law does not dictate a
specific outcome, or where the decision maker is given a choice of options within a
statutorily imposed set of boundaries. Implies that we are not bound by a legal
- Discretion must be exercised in a manner that is within a reasonable
interpretation of the margin of manoeuvre contemplated by the legislature,
in accordance with the principles of rule of law, etc.
- But no strict dichotomy could be made b/w discretionary and non-
discretionary decisions (most decisions involved discretion)
- Must apply standard of review analysis: Here, the amount of choice lefty by
Parliament to the admin decision maker and the nature of decision made are important
in the analysis. These factors must be balanced to arrive at appropriate standard of
review. Court held that b/c decision is discretionary, it will generally merit
wide degree of deference, but that it is only one factor to look in the
standard of review. In this case, Court held that reasonableness is the appropriate
standard (noting the fact-specific nature of the inquiry, its role within the statutory
scheme as an exception, the fact that the decision maker is the Minister and the
considerable discretion evidenced by the statutory language; yet, the absence of a
privative clause, and the individual rather than polycentric nature of decision
suggest that the standard should not be as deferential as unreasonableness).
How to Apply Reasonableness Standard When Looking at Discretionary
- Overarching question is whether stayed within a range of reasonable choices
- In assessing reasonableness, must take into account issues arising from the serious
question of general importance, which is the question of the approach to be taken to the
interests of children. The officers notes indicate that the approach taken to the
childrens interests was unreasonable, notwithstanding the important deference that
should be given to his decision (this was a serious error).
- Determining whether the approach was unreasonable requires a decision
maker to consider the following when making a discretionary decision:
(a) Values/mandate Underlying Statute (e.g. stated objective of ct): Here,
indicates keeping families together is important
(b) International Law: Ratification by Canada of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, recognition of importance of children rights and best interest of children. Even
though provisions have no direct application in Canadian law, the values may inform
contextual approach to stat interpretation. Note that the doctrine of legitimate
expectations does not mandate the result consistent with the wording of any
international instruments, the decision must be made in a way that respects
humanitarian and compassionate values.
(c) Ministerial Guidelines: Officers expected to make decision that reasonable
person would make, with special considerations of humanitarian values. The guidelines
show what the Minister considers a H & C decision, emphasizing officer should take into
account hardship that a negative decision would impose on claimant/close family
members. Officer did not consider impact on children, was not alert and alive and failed
to give them substantial weight; therefore was an unreasonable exercise of power.
Comment: Distinguish between weight/re-weighing factors vs Identifying factors that
need to be taken into account (by stating that the primary factor was to take into
account the interests of the children, they are placing weight on the factor). Also, by
looking at implied guidelines, are we just creating rules? What is the Court really
doing? Is it in accordance with the framework they set out? Concern that we cannot
transform discretion into the application of a legal test. So, there is a strong statement
that the exercise of discretion must follow an approach of what was authority granted,
but concern still about how to determine grant of authority.
Baker opened up that courts have a role in identifying factors relevant in the exercise
of discretion, which is a step forward from Roncarelli (where it was determined how
discretion can be used improperly).
Suresh v Canada (Limits scope of Baker cant re-weigh factors; main
concern is whether there was a capricious or vexatious error in the
exercise of discretion, taking account the Act, Minister guidelines etc)):
FACTS: Refugee claimant faced deportation to Sri Lanka, where he claimed he was
likely to face torture. Minister deported him. The appellant presented written
submissions and evidence to the Minister, but had not been provided with a copy of the
immigration officers memorandum, nor with the opportunity to respond to it orally or
in writing. This was a discretionary decision, b/c it allowed Minister to act when they
are of a certain opinion, namely when a person constitutes a threat to the security of
Canada; a person shall not be deported except where the Minister is of opinion that they
constitute this threat.
ISSUES: First, whether this provision was constitutional. Second and third questions
dealt with the discretionary issue, namely whether Ss presence in Canada constitutes a
danger to national security and whether S faced torture upon return to Sri
Lanka. Fourth issue was the adequacy of procedures that led to the admin decision.
- Court reviewed where standard of review analysis applies (in general): Where
constitutional issue arises, no deference. For the discretionary decision, standard of
review applies. For the procedural fairness issue, it doesnt.
(1) The Ministers decision that a refugee constitutes a danger to the security of
- Here, the reviewing court should adopt a deferential approach, and should set aside
Ministers discretionary decision if it is patently unreasonable (it quickly looked at the
standard of review analysis).
- The court should not reweigh the factors or interfere merely b/c it would
have come to a different conclusion
- Weighing of relevant factors is not the function of a court reviewing the
exercise of ministerial discretion. Court says that Baker does not authorize courts
reviewing decisions on the discretionary end of the spectrum to engage in a new
weighing process, but draws on an established line of cases concerning the failure of
ministerial delegates to consider and weigh implied limitations and/or patently relevant
factors [This is a questionable interpretation]
- The courts task, if called upon to review, is to determine whether the
Minister has exercised her decision making power within the constraints
imposed by legislation and Constitution. Court cannot set aside even if it
would have weighed the factors differently and arrived at a different
- Parliaments task is to establish the criteria and procedures governing deportation,
within limits of Constitution; The Ministers task is to make a decision that conforms to
Parliaments criteria and procedures as well as the Constitution.
- So, where there is a broad grant of discretion, courts role is limited to
determining simply whether there was an error in the exercise of their
discretion (was it capricious or vexatious). When we are looking at this, we
are looking at all sorts of things, such as the Minister guidelines, the Act
itself etc. (see Baker factors)
(2) Ministers decision on whether the refugee faces a substantial risk of torture upon
- This question is largely a fact driven inquiry, and requires consideration of human
rights record of the home state, the personal risk faced by claimant, etc. Largely out of
realm of courts expertise. Therefore, deference must be given my reviewing
court. Court may not reweigh the factors considered by the Minister, but
may intervene if the decision is not supported by evidence.
- In sum, Court ought to be looking for constraints established by
PARLIAMENT. In applying standard of review, trying to identify
constraints that have been set by parliament either explicitly or more
problematically implicitly
COMMENT: The approach we have is that limits are always there (either explicitly
or impliedly, by saying that the objectives of the statute require that the power of the
grant of discretion needs to do X)
CUPE v Ontario (Minister of Labour) (Not re-weighing factors, but you are
entitled to consider factors as relevant or irrelevant; but not every
relevant factor failed to be considered will be fatal it has to be a central
FACTS: Compulsory arbitration health care workers have been an essential service,
which means they cant go on strike. Balancing of negotiating power of union has been
removed. In order to compensate for that is compulsory arbitration the purpose of
which is the arbitrator defines the terms of the collective bargaining agreement. If the
parties cant agree, then the Minister is able to appoint someone who in the opinion of
the Minister, is qualified to act. Historically, what went into that is that this person has
legitimacy, has knowledge of health care, etc. In Ministers opinion, arbitrators should
be retired judges. Decision was challenged
ISSUE: Union alleges that Minister used his power of appointment to influence
outcomes rather than process, to protect employers rather than patients, and to change
the appointments process in a way of attempting to seize control of the bargaining
process. Minister points to a number of reasons for his conduct which were closely
associated with purpose of statute. Ascertaining legislative intent of the HLDAA is the
main issue.
- A statutory decision maker is required to take into consideration relevant criteria, as
well as to exclude from consideration irrelevant criteria
(1) First issue, must examine legislative scheme of HLDAA, particularly s
- Words of the act must be read in their entire context, harmoniously with the
scheme/object of Act and with intention of Parliament
- Discretion of Minister is constrained by the scheme and object of the HLDAA as a
whole, which the legislature intended to serve as a neutral and credible substitute for
the right to strike/lockout
- Areas to look to determine to what is relevant:
(1) The history of the Act (i.e. commission reports) (e.g. what was said about it when it
was being created);
(2) The Ministers record (what did the Minister say about what the purpose was to be
e.g. in the Ministers
- Although s 6(5) is expressed in broad terms, the legislature intended the Minister,
based on the above factors, to have regard to relevant labour relations expertise as well
as independence, impartiality and general acceptability within the labour relations
community (i.e. track record in labour relations community)
(2) Second issue, must determine degree of deference which the Minister is
entitled to receive in exercise of discretion: In this case, majority determined
thatpatent unreasonableness was appropriate.
(3) Third, engage in analysis Under the Patent Unreasonableness Standard:
- Remember, in applying any standard, you are not reweighing the factors. But
we ARE entitled to have regard to the importance of the factors that have been excluded
altogether from consideration.
- Court notes that not every relevant factor that the Minister Fails to
consider is fatal has to be a central, relevant factor [Note: this creates a grey
area, and room for argument].
- The problem here is that the Minister expressly excluded factors that were
not only relevant, but went straight to the heart of the HLDAA legislative
scheme (when he appointed retired judges as a class to chair the HLDAA
arbitration boards) (namely, the need for appointee to have expertise etc.)
- [Note: but, what is re-weighing criteria if its not saying this is at the heart of the
(4) Conclusion: Having regard to legislative intent manifested in HLDAA, the
Ministers approach to appointments was patently unreasonable.
General Points:
- Agree that a contextual approach is required for determining relevant criteria Minister
should take into account. Disagree as to what the essential criteria are.
- In clear cases, criteria will be spelled out in legislation. Other cases, they will be
spelled out in guidelines/regulations. In other cases, they may be unwritten, derived
from the purpose/context of statute.
- They prefer a more limited, less searching approach. Looking at specific things
that must be found more explicitly in legislation (e.g. things in regulation, international
instruments which give interpret weight etc.).
- Relevant factors should be relatively explicit, and shouldnt be inferring
- Distinction b/w relevant and irrelevant considerations. Relevant considerations can
be laid out in advance. The irrelevant considerations cannot be anticipated in advance
in the same way (e.g. so these can be implicit).
Relevant Factors in this Case:
- Statute does not say much. Says appointees must be qualified to act. It also states
that it is in the opinion of the Minister that such persons must be qualified to act. Are
there any other relevant factors? I.e. Can reviewing court infer other factors relevant to
the Minister in appointing chair?
- The factors majority implied, i.e. need for labour relations expertise,
independence and impartiality, reflected in broad acceptability are not obvious, and
does not constitute a basis for implying dominant factors
- The HLDAA called the Minister to reach his own opinion, not to consider
a specific factor
- It is difficult to consider the Ministers appointments as immediately or obviously
defective, particularly when the factors are not themselves immediately or obviously
Administrative actors can sometimes make subordinate legislation, including:
orders in council
by laws
policy statements
Basically, this refers to the ability to make legally binding or non-binding norms (either
substantive or procedural).
- Regulations are usually covered by The Regulations Act, which sets out procedure to
be followed when they make regulations. First, look at governing Act itself, to see if it
gives power to make regulations. Then, look to other statute (generally the Regulations
Act), to see if it followed the proper procedure to make the regulation.
- Rules are like regulations, but they wont fall generally in Regulations Act. They have
binding requirements. Need authority to make them under statute, and will have force
of law
Soft law
- Contrast rules and regulations with soft law. Those norms developed by executive
(admin actor), but do NOT have force of law. They are operating principles that can be
deviated from if the decision maker think that the individual circumstances merit
them. E.g. manuals, guidelines, non-statutory policy statements.
- Difference with these is that the admin actor doesnt need an explicit grant of statutory
authority to make soft law.
Why We Have Delegated Legislative Authority
- Legislature cant do it all
- Expertise (for highly technical areas, wouldnt want elected members of parliament
where they dont have the expertise, and they dont have the time to gather that
- Allows local concerns to be accommodated/responded too
- Need flexibility. E.g. may need to adjust minimum wage quickly when legislative
assembly isnt in session
Risks of Delegation
- Will the agent actually stay true to the mandates/purposes/reason why they have the
delegated legislative power? Will they enact legislative rules that promote the purpose
of elected members of the legislature?
- Is the agent actually tying to promote public interest?
- Issues of accountability no direct accountability
- Is this legislative authority being contracted out to private actors?
- Certainty of law
Controls on Delegated Powers
- Legislative structure to control discretion as to what legislation is going to made
they can decide who is going to exercise discretion, and also can decide the resources to
provide to that decision maker (and can decrease amount of resources if dont want over
exercise of discretion)
- But legislative oversight may bring in problems b/c of the spot check approach it can
delay implementation, and defeat the idea of having an expert board (who can be
overseen by generalists)
- Further, there are substantive legislative oversights built in (namely the statute)
- When controlling such power, we are looking at judicial review. Does the decision
accord with the decision set out in the act? In Inuit Tapirisat, when decision is acting in
legislative capacity, no common law requirement of breach of procedural fairness. But
control can come from statute itself (e.g. was external consultation required prior to
passing guidelines, was public participation required)
- Judicial review of the substance (substantive judicial review) courts monitoring the
substance of the rules, to ensure they acted within bounds of power delegated to make
that decision whether mistakes were made, bad faith etc.
- As we have seen in CUPE, courts are hesitant to review where there is a broad grant of
When were looking at hard law (passing regulation), no duty of procedural fairness
(simply must follow statute) (Inuit Tapirisit). Still must be constitutional of course.
Generally, ability to make regulations, its permissive. So, if they havent done it, then
wouldnt be able to bring mandamus (but always looking at statute). So, when looking
at law making ability, its generally permissive. When looking at how you can
challenge that, ask whether it stays within the jurisdiction:
Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc v Ontario Energy Board (Outlines how courts
review rule making power, which is a jurisdictional question and a matter
of statutory interpretation and then a question of whether the correct
procedures were followed in making that rule):
FACTS: Appellants are 2 gas distributors. Each delivers gas through pipelines to
consumers. Gas vendors provide customers with gas supply, but do not transport
them. Board makes rule saying its up to vendor to decide billing. Distributors were
upset, and wanted to deal directly with their own customers.
(1) Was Divisional Court right in finding standard of review of correctness was to be
applied in appeal of the making of the GDAR?
(2) Does the Board have the jurisdiction to make a rule with the billing provisions
contained in the GDAR?
(3) Did the Board follow the rule making process required by the Act?
Issue (1):
- On appeal, court must determine whether s 44(1) gives Board jurisdiction to make the
rule. No deference to be given
- In essence, applies the correctness standard, but w/out applying standard of review
analysis to determine this
- Therefore, on questions of jurisdiction of subordinate legislation making of tribunal,
always go to correctness
Issue (2):
- Board may make rules governing the conduct of a gas distributor as such conduct
relates to [a gas vendor]
- Appellant says this doesnt give Board jurisdiction to do what it did; they
say it limits to governing only the part of a distributors conduct that relates to its
business relationship w/ vendor, excluding billing provisions which governs conduct
with customers. The Boards rule making power under s 44(1) states that: The Board
may make rules (b) governing the conduct of a gas distributor as such conduct relates to
any person selling or offering to sell gas to a consumer; (c) establishing conditions of
access to transmission, distribution and storage services provided by a gas transmitted,
gas distributor or storage company
- There is nothing in the language to suggest that narrow view. Further, such
a reading would be inconsistent with the purpose of the Act (which is to regulate
all aspects of the gas distribution business, not simply aspects involving a direct
business r/ship with gas vendors)
- But the Appellant raises a number of additional arguments beyond statutory
- First, GDAR has effect of requiring distributor to act as billing service provider or
purchaser for vendors, not as distributors. Court says no, the GDAR treat distributors
still as distributors
- Second, billing provisions go beyond s 44(1)(b), b/c they dont regulate an existing
field of conduct, but create a new field by requiring gas distributors and vendors to
cooperate in billing. Court says no, the rule governs conduct of distributors in relations
to their customers which is not new area
- Third, GDAR turns distributors into wholesale distributors by requiring them to send
their bills to vendors when the latter select the gas vendor-consolidation billing option;
b/c act limits gas distributor to one who delivers gas to consumer, s 44(1)(b) cannot
sustain a rule that creates wholesale distributors. Court said GDAR doesnt take
distributors outside of definition, as they continue to deliver gas to consumer
- Fifth, the vendor billing provisions of the GDAR effectively expropriate their goodwill
by depriving them direct contact with their customers. Court said while the vendor-
consolidation billing option precludes one way for distributor to communicate with
customers, there may be many others
- Sixth, s 44(1)(b) could not have been intended to permit a rule which interferes with
their common law right to have a direct billing relationship with their customers. Court
said that that the appellants have no common law right to engage in gas distribution at
- Therefore, s 44(1)(b) gives the Board the jurisdiction to make billing
Issue (3):
- Appellants complain that the Board did not, as required, give a second notice about
anticipated costs and benefits of the proposed as a whole, or its individual provisions,
once it was amended
- Court said that Boards notice fulfilled legislative objective of permitting reasonable
opportunity for written submissions prior to making the GDAR
Comment: Essentially courts will review the substance of rules for whether the
regulation is within the grant of power (as in Enbridge), or whether the regulation
violates Charter, on a standard or correctness.
Recognize difference b/w regulations and rules versus guidelines. Broadly speaking,
there are several issues that arise when talking about soft law, including: procedural
fairness, impartiality and fettering discretion.
By fettering discretion, we mean the unlawful controlling of the
decision. So, as opposed to decision maker being free in making a discretionary
decision, that discretion is effectively removed. The consequence of this would be
to essentially turn a guideline into hard law, which would be outside of the
power of the admin agency who has not been given the authority to create them
Thamotharem v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration):
FACTS: Board issued Guideline 7. T challenged to Guideline, on ground that it
deprives refugee claimants of right to a fair hearing. At the Refugee Protection Division
(RPD), T was questioned first, and the RPD held that the duty of fairness does not
require that refugee claimants always have the right to be questioned first by their
counsel. RPD dismissed Ts claim, and did not find him a person in need of protection
(from being deported). In application for judicial review, T challenged decision on
ground that Guideline was invalid. RPDs decision was set aside and matter
remitted to another member for re-determination on basis that Guideline is an invalid
fetter on the RPDs discretion in the conduct of the hearing.
Guideline 7:
- Rationale behind G 7: Before issue of G 7, order of questioning was within
discretion of individual members, and was decided, in different cities, on an ad hoc
basis. The Board didnt regard this as satisfactory. Also, Idea that it would be more
expeditious and efficient if claimant was questioned first by RPO or member. BUT
guidelines must include in them the ability of a decision maker to deviate
from them.
- IRPA confers Chairperson of Board power to issue guidelines and make rules.
Standard of review
- Questions of law, raised about validity of G 7 are reviewable on a standard
ofcorrectness: they concern procedural fairness, statutory interpretation, unlawful
fettering of discretion. The exercise of discretion by the Chair to choose a guideline
rather than a formal rule for amending procedure is reviewable for patent
Does G 7 prescribe a hearing procedure that breach claimants right to
procedural fairness?
- The procedure prescribed by G 7 is not on its face in breach of the Boards duty of
fairness, although some circumstances may require a departure from the standard order
of questioning
Framework for Challenging Soft Law
- Overall question is has the admin actor used a non mandatory tool and created a
compulsory rule (i.e. does it serve the role of guiding)? Or does the guideline attempt to
achieve a high level of compliance?
(1) First, is the guideline hard or soft law? Factors to consider:
(a) Its name (does it say its a guideline/rule/regulation)?
(b) Look at its mandate and ask whether this norm needs to be given the force of law in
order to fulfil that
overarching purpose;
(c) Does it require Cabinet approval? If it does, this suggests that it is hard law, given
that all hard law requires
Cabinet approval. But guidelines may also have cabinet approval, so this isnt
determinative (hard law must
have explicit grant of authority);
(d) Apply basic statutory interpretation techniques, searching for intention of
legislature (but if words arent clear,
can look to the context in which the statute was created, e.g. committee hearings, to
determine whether hard
or soft law).
(a) If G 7 constitutes delegated legislation (hard law), G 7 cannot be
characterized as unlawful fetter on discretion (and see Enbridge): Despite
statutory authority of Chair to issue guidelines, not same legal effects of statutory rules,
in particular theyre not necessarily mandatory. But it is possible that, depending on
legislative context, guidelines may be delegated statute, e.g. where they are issued by an
order of a Minister and approved by the Cabinet, or issued by Human Rights
Commission. But IRPA scheme is different.
(2) If it is soft law, ask whether there is an unlawful fetter on
discretion? E.g. Does the decision maker still have the ability to decide based on the
discretion given? If no, then unlawful fetter. Consider factors:
(a) Look at language (whether it expressly permits a departure from the standard, as
was the case here);
(b) Look at track record (but, remember that the fact that some hearing officers
understand that they are not
legally bound by the guideline does not mean that all hearing officers wouldnt
misunderstand the non-legally
binding effect);
(c) Look at the process (are the members required to justify any deviation); (d) Look
at the consequences of
deviating (punitive?);
(e) Is there any coercion to not deviate inherent in the process?
(a) Language: Language of Boards police on use of guidelines says the guidelines
apply to most cases, but in
compelling circumstances, discretion can be invoked. Text of G 7 is more
important. Para 19 says it will be
standard practice to question claimant first. This is less strict than must. Also, says
that the standard practice will
be for RPO to start questioning, and may vary order in exceptional
circumstances. The fact that a guideline is
intended to establish how discretion will normally be exercised is not enough to make it
an unlawful fetter, as long as
deviation may exist.
(b) Effect: Evidence that when requested to vary order, RPD exercised discretion. There
is no evidence that members feel coerced by G 7 such that they will undoubtedly follow
it. No sanction for non-compliance.
(3) If there is no unlawful fetter, then one can still challenge the guideline
on an individual basis, namely that the particular decision maker treated
the soft law as legally binding (and unduly constrained their exercise of
(4) If you want to challenge the guideline on a basis other than fettering
discretion or procedural fairness, may question whether the guideline
should have been made under a rule (which will likely be reviewable on a
deferential standard)?
- Power to issue guidelines is broad enough to include a guideline in respect of the
exercise of members discretion in procedural, evidential and substantive
matters. Power includes creating guidelines for assisting members in their duties, and
one members duty is to conduct hearings as quickly as possible as justice permits.
- But argument is that G 7 is a rule of procedure, and should have received
Cabinet approval and been laid before Parliament.
- Court says that while the Chairs discretion to choose b/w a guideline or a rule is not
beyond judicial review, it was not unreasonable for the Chair in this case to choose to
implement the standard order of questioning through the more flexible legislative
instrument (the guideline)
HELD Dismiss Ts appeal
- Standing: Ability to be heard in court.
Finlay v Canada (Test for general standing and public interest standing on
judicial review):
FACTS: F was a resident of Manitoba, received social assistance, but that was deducted
from him, which left him with insufficient means. The amount he received should have
been sufficient according to legislation. He brings claim not that legislation was invalid,
but that federal payments to province were illegal, b/c province wasnt complying
agreement that governed the relationship He requested a declaration and injunction
Test for Standing
(1) GENERAL STANDING: Does the respondent have sufficient personal interest
in the admin action being challenged to bring him within the general requirement for
standing to challenge an exercise of statutory authority?
Factors to consider: Is there a direct personal interest? Is the respondent likely to
gain some advantage beyond satisfaction of being right or of correcting wrong? Is a
legally recognized interest affected (Real Estate of Alberta v Henderson)?
- Here, respondent surely has personal interest
CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP Sub-requirement: Need causal relationship b/w
alleged prejudice and what is being challenged is the relationship b/w harm suffered
and admin action attacked too speculative? In this case, there was a statement that
declaring it illegal wouldnt necessarily impact province (it was a bit speculative
potential problems with causal relationship); the declaration sought wouldnt
necessarily address Fs concerns about having deductions from welfare payments; even
in the face of that remedy, they could still administer plan; so it wouldnt have the effect
of correcting harm/prejudice.
(2) PUBLIC INTEREST STANDING: Does the Court have discretion to
recognize public interest standing in the circumstances of the present case?
Pre-condition: Issue should be justiciable (appropriate for judicial determination;
is it something the court ought to be looking at, or is the court stepping into the
political arena);
3 Requirements:
(1) Does the application for judicial review raise a serious legal question (e.g.
jurisdictional, Charter claims)
(2) Does the party seeking standing have a genuine interest in the resolution?
(3) Is there no other reasonable/effective manner in which the issue may be brought
before court?
First, public interest can always be brought by A-G, so must question whether it was
realistic to get A-
Gs consent.
Second, and if no A-G consent, look at whether the individual(s) directly affected could
bring the
application on their behalf.
- Must keep in mind the following concerns: (1) We have scarce judicial resources;
(2) We need to have those most directly and personally involved to be heard; (3)
Concern of public interest standing re role of courts.
(3) Application (in this case)
- In this case, the respondent must rely for standing on what is essentially a public
interest in the legality of the federal cost sharing payments, albeit a particular class of
the public defined by the Plan as persons in need:
(a) Justiciability: Where there is an issue which is appropriate for judicial
determination, the courts should not decline to determine it on the ground that b/c of
its policy context or implications, it is better left for review by the legislative/executive
branches of government. There may be cases where the question of provincial
compliance with the conditions of federal cost-sharing will raise issues not appropriate
for judicial determination, but the particular issues raised by respondent are questions
which are clearly justiciable.
(b) Serious issue raised and must have genuine interest: The respondent meets both
requirements. Claim is far from frivolous. They merit consideration. Further, the
status of the respondent as a person in need who complains of having been prejudiced
by the alleged provincial non-compliance shows that he is a person with a genuine
(c) There must be no other reasonable and effective manner in which the issue may be
brought before a court: This deals with concern that in determination of issue court
should have benefit of the contending views of person most directly affected by
issue. Here, based on nature of legislation, there could be no one with a more direct
interest than the P in a position to challenge the authority to make the federal cost-
sharing payments. Note that in so far as a prior request to the A-G to intervene might
be considered to be necessary in certain cases to show that there is no other way issue
may be brought before court, it should not be regarded as necessary in a case like this,
where it is clear that A-G would not have consented.
HELD The respondent has standing for declaratory relief to challenge the legality of
the federal cost-sharing payments, and injunctive relief (no reason why injunctive relief
would not be granted if the former is granted)
Amnesty International Canada v Canadian Forces (Application of Finlay test for
public standing):
FACTS: AIC brought application for judicial review with respect to actions or
potential actions of the Canadian Forces deployed in Afghanistan, and specifically, to
review the conduct of Canadian Forces with respect to detainees held by them. AIC
sought to prohibit further transfers of detainees to Afghan detention until adequate
safeguards were put in place. The respondents filed a motion to strike. It is this motion
that forms the subject of this decision.
The Notice of Application
- AIC seeks a declaration that the Arrangement violates Charter (no adequate
substantive/procedural safeguards against torture)
- AIC submits that they satisfy the criteria to be granted public interest standing to
allow them to pursue the matter
(1) Action raises serious legal question/justiciable question (raises serious legal issues
and the appellants have a
fairly arguable case)
(2) Party seeking standing has a genuine interest in the resolution of question (yes);
(3) No other reasonable/effective manner in which the question may be brought to
court): Gov says detainees should
bring the application, but the prospect of this happening is slim). But individuals
handed over to Afghan
government do not have any meaningful ability to mount a challenge in this country
with respect to conduct of
Canadian Forces
Any Basis for Judicial Review?
- Respondents argued that even if standing exists, AIC has no chance of success as it
does not raise a matter in respect of which a remedy is available under the Federal
Courts Act, s 18.1(1). Respondents say that AIC does not identify any admin or executive
action that violates/likely to violate Charter of any specific individuals. As such, it
doesnt involve a decision, order, act or proceeding as contemplated by s 18.1(3) of the
Federal Courts Act.
- This is not true, there is a chance at success. Court notes things such as the absence
of a decision is not an absolute bar to an application for judicial review, and the role of
the Court has been found to extend beyond the review of formal decisions, and to
include review of a diverse range of admin action nthat does not amount to a decision
or order.
HELD Applicants granted public interest standing and respondents motion to strike
is dismissed
Watson v Peel Police Service (Decision maker cannot seek judicial review b/c
of principles of fairness, independence and decision maker being functus if
being able to decide after the fact):
FACTS: W was acquitted w/ criminal charges, but charged w/ discipline offences under
the Police Services Act. W moved for a stay of the discipline proceedings on basis of
abuse of process. Hearing officer granted Ws motion. Chief, who was both investigator
and could hear complaints, wanted to challenge the hearing officers decision. Under
the PSA, Chief has no right to appeal officers decision. But the Chief applied for judicial
ISSUE: Can an admin decision maker seek judicial review of his/her own decision?
(1) Standing
- Reading the Act, the Chief plays two roles in the discipline process: First, he must
decide whether a hearing is warranted and, second, the Chief is central to the hearing
process either he conducts it or delegates the duty. The Division Court erred by seeing
the Chiefs role as purely investigative.
- Also, the Act does not grant a right of appeal to the Chief, and it is logical that the
Chief not enjoy such a right, because he is the decision maker sometimes personally
and other times through appointees. If the Chief cannot challenge the decision of his
delegate by way of appeal, he should not be able to mount a similar attack through the
vehicle of judicial review.
- Given the Chiefs pervasive role in the process, absence of right of appeal, a rejection
of standing for Chief to challenge a decision of a hearing officer by way of judicial review
makes sense.
- If standing is granted for decision maker to challenge its decision after
the fact, the problems with perceived fairness, independence and idea of
decision maker being functus arise.
HELD Appeal allowed no standing.
Real Estate Council of Alberta v Henderson (Executive allowed standing for JR,
because of independence w/ decision maker):
FACTS: The Executive in this case acted as an investigator and prosecutor, but not
decision maker, which was made by a separate hearing panel. Industry member (i.e.
real estate worker) has right to appeal decision of panel, but Exec does not. During
hearing, case officer prosecuting charges on behalf of Exec began asking leading
questions. Panel didnt allow Exec to cross examine H. So, Exec sought JR b/c it
objected to procedures.
ISSUE: Is JR available to a statutory delegate in the absence of a statutory right of
- JR available to aggrieved parties. The aggrieved person category is undefined and
deliberately so. Much will depend on context. An important factor is the relationship
b/w the applicant and the challenged decision, or how directly the challenged admin
act will affect the legally-recognized interests of the applicant. Affected interests may
include business, professional, employment etc.
- The legislature has expressly conferred on the Council a public interest responsibility
to police the real estate industry and protect the public from abuse by industry
members. The Council has a legitimate concern to ensure that the hearing process is
carried out in accordance w/ law. Thus, decisions of hearing panels that entrench
flawed hearing processes will negatively impact not only on the present, but also the
future ability of the Exec to discharge his/her abilities to the Alberta public.
- Here, the Exec director was prevented from cross examining a compellable witness;
the Legislatures decision to make the industry member compellable would be subverted
if the industry member could then not be cross examined by the Exec.. Thus, the ruling
precluding the Exec is a critical concern to the Council
- What about the assertion that to allow judicial review would permit Council to
impeach its own decision? Here, the legislative regime under the Act provided for
independence b/w the hearing panel and the Executive Director exercising prosecutorial
powers on behalf of the Council. The Act specifically allows an industry member to
appeal the finding or order of the panel, as distinct from the Council itself. The
significant point for the purpose of analyzing whether there is standing for judicial
review is that the legislation expressly recognized the distinctions b/w a
decision of Council and that of a hearing panel, and grants an appeal from
the decision of a panel. [Note: Always look at legislative intent]
- Where statute does not provide for an appeal to the courts, the parties only entre to
the courts is by means of judicial review. But where a statute provides for
reconsideration or appeals, a challenger should generally exhaust those avenues before
making an application for judicial review.
- One difference b/w the two is that remedies available may be different: On appeal, a
court may have the power to vary the decision or substitute its own decision depending
on wording of statute, but on judicial review, court wont do this.
(1) As a GENERAL RULE, all internal avenues must be exhausted before
making an application for judicial review (Canada v Addision & Leyen)
Canada v Addison & Leyen Ltd:
FACTS: Minister of Revenue claimed York Beverages entire tax liability from the
respondents, who held shares in that company, and the amount assessed in respect of
respondents was limited to the amount of payments that person received from York b/w
1988-89. Respondent filed notices of objection. In 2005, they applied for judicial
review of Crowns decision to use its discretion to assess them under s 160 ITA, on
ground that the long delay in issuing assessment was abusive, prevented them from
mounting a proper challenge to validity of the assessment etc. Crown moved to strike
app for judicial review.
- Two reasons why JR was struck: (1) Applicant hadnt exhausted all internal remedies;
(2) No valid ground brought forward (similar to striking a SoC)
(a) If abuse of power that requires court control, then dont have to exhaust
all internal processes (Gates v Canada)
(b) Where there is an urgent substantive problem (physical or mental
harm) AND the internal procedures are inadequate, then dont have to
exhaust all internal processes (inadequate procedures showed by (i) delay;
(ii) transient problems of people making complaints; (iii) many complaints
were brought up but simply ignored) (Gates v Canada)
Gates v Canada:
FACTS: Applicants in Temporary Detention Unit (TDU) claim their units have become
unhealthily cold. Doors left open to clear smoke. Acts establish that respondent has
duty to provide healthy environment for applicants. When disputes arise b/w the CSC
and an inmate, the Regulations provide for a complaints and grievance process.
ANALYSIS: Whether Court should decline to hear this matter b/c applicants did not
utilize the internal complaints process?
- There are strong policy and statutory reasons for requiring inmates to use internal
complaints process. It is in cases of compelling circumstances, such as where
there is actual physical or mental harm or clear inadequacy of the process
that a departure from the complaints process would be justified.
- Also, look at regulatory scheme. Here, s 81 contemplated an inmate seeking
alternative legal remedies to those internal remedies.
- B/c, here, there are potential health issues, and complaints process slow, need to
resolve complaints quick
- Also, there is no assurance that the complaints will be acted upon
HELD This is a proper case for departing from the requirement to follow the
complaints process
(3) Remedies as a result of JR are always discretionary: In exercising
discretion, ask:
(i) Whether application was premature?
(ii) Alternate remedy available?
(iii) Are issues moot (no practical effect?)
(iv) Was there delay in bringing the application?
(v) Is the applicant a bad actor (unclean hands)
E.g. Homex Realty v Wyoming (Villiage): Judicial review is a discretionary remedy
(Judicial Review
Procedure Act). Court looked at conduct of H: (a) H took inconsistent and even
positions throughout proceedings (b) H sought to put its lands beyond the reach of
regulations by means of checker boarding an apparently legal right but nevertheless a
factor to
consider (c) Of primary concern is Hs attempt to shift the burden to the ratepayers in
the Village by
undoing the municipal action taken in the form of the by-law (d) Village was acting in
the interests of
the public etc
Writ of Mandamus (Rules) (Apotex Inc v Canada)
- Mandamus is an application to compel the admin actor to do whatever it has a duty to
- The courts will not dictate how the delegate should decide under mandamus, but will
orders delegate to do their duty and to make decision in accordance with the law
- Before courts command an admin decision maker to do something, the following must
be considered:
1. Must be a public duty to act
2. Duty must be owed to applicant
3. Must be a clear right to the performance, established by:
A. Applicant has satisfied conditions precedent (e.g. file application, file affidavit
of a specific form, etc)
B. Prior demand for performance, followed by reasonable time period for
compliance and express or implied refusal to comply (e.g. formal demand of
decision) (in this case, a long period time passed after notice of compliance
given to Minister)
4. If admin decision maker has discretion to perform duty, the following rules
apply (dont need public duty to act):
A. Discretion must be fairly exercised, but if discretion is broad, mandamus is
B. Court cannot compel discretion to be exercised in a particular way (i.e. cant
demand outcome) (we can compel discretion to be exercised, but cant
demand a particular result)
C. But difference is if you have a vested right (discretion must be
spent). (Remember Mount Sinai, Minister promised if they moved, then their
operations would be changed issue of whether decision was already made, or
if it was compelling them to follow through. In Apotex, slightly different way
of looking at it discussion of whether right had vested or not i.e. whether
discretion had already been exercised, and then there was a vested right for
the issuance of notice of compliance.
[If discretion is such that they may do something, then mandamus
generally not available, unless exercised already (then they must exercise it
properly). If discretion involves choice between X, Y and Z, then court can
make them exercise their discretion, but cannot compel them to choose
which way to go]
The remainder of considerations concern how court exercises its discretion when issuing
all prerogative writs:
1. No other adequate remedy
2. Order of practical value
3. No equitable bar toe relief sought (e.g. clean hands)
4. Balance of convenience favours order of mandamus: Even when all criteria are
met, Court can make decision to not grant remedy. If Court does not grant
remedy when all criteria have been met, then this means that there is a legal duty
of government actor to do X. But, in denying remedy based on balance of
convenience, Court says they dont have to uphold duty. Thus, what would
otherwise be illegal is legal idea of suspension of the operation of
law. So, Court concerned about limiting situations in which Court wont grant
discretionary remedy. Court summarizes these areas:
(i) Where result practically impossible (costs very high, chaos in area of law);
(ii) When a change in policy direction is coming, but hasnt yet been fully implanted,
might be a
consideration. But, in order for policy change to be a relevant consideration, must
establish that
intent to change the policy was in place BEFORE the request for application to decision
Look, also, at statute does it create authority for decision maker to make
(Ottawa v Boyd Builders: Developer applied for rezoning at time application was
made, there was
no bar to rezoning application it ought to have been issued, but it wasnt. Then, policy
changes to
by law made it impossible. Decision maker pointed to change in law, to say that this
change came
into effect and now we wont grant this application. We get sense in Apotex case about
rules issuing
NoC were changed b/c of this, could the court say now the law has changed, and make
the change
retroactive? We get rule that in Boyd Builders, intent to change zoning must have been
there before application was made)
Other Remedies
- Courts have limited authority in this context, given that the authority to make
decisions has been granted to another decision maker
- Before looking at JR remedies, look at statute for internal mechanisms of appeal,
where it is possible that court may be granted power to impose own decision
- When not looking at appeals, we look mainly to ancient prerogative writs:
(a) Certiorari: Quashing/setting aside decision of admin actor (sometimes, if
applicant requires decision to be made, you can ask for remitting with directions)
(b) Prohibition: Issued by an appellate court to prevent a lower court from exceeding
its jurisdiction, or to prevent a non judicial officer/entity from exercising power. This is
used to provide pre-emptive relief, unlike certiorari.
(c) Mandamus (Literally we command): A writ issued by a superior court to compel
a lower court/government agency to perform a duty it is mandated to perform. It is
often used in conjunction with certiorari, namely where certiorari would be used to
quash a decision, for example, for lack of procedural fairness, while mandamus would
be used to force the tribunal to reconsider the matter in a procedurally fair manner.
(d) Declaration: A judgment of a court that determines the legal position of the
parties, or the law that applies to them.
(e) Costs: May also apply for cost orders (e.g. solicitor-client costs, if the decision
maker acted in bad faith (Congregation des temoins v Lafontaine).
- Not looking at damages generally: look to torts of misfeasance in public office for this
Apotex Inc v Canada (Summary):
FACTS: A is a drug manufacturer/distributor. A sought an order in the nature of
mandamus to compel the Minister of National Health and Welfare to issue a notice of
compliance with respect to drug enalapril in order to be in a position to market the drug
in competition with Merck, the appellant, who distributes a similar drug. Merck sought
order prohibiting Minister from issuing the notice to A. A won, and Merk appeals.
(1) Mandamus (Principles):
- Several principal requirements must be satisfied before mandamus will be issued:
(a) Must be a public legal duty to act (e.g. public official/official body; a body governed
by statute)
(b) Duty must be owed to applicant
(c) There is a clear right to performance of that duty, in particular: (i) The applicant has
satisfied all conditions
precedent giving rise to the duty; (ii) There was, first, a prior demand for performance of
the duty, second a
reasonable time to comply with the demand unless refused outright and, third, a
subsequent refusal which can
be either expressed or implied, e.g. unreasonable delay
(d) Where the duty sought to be enforced is discretionary, the following rules apply:
(i) in exercising discretion, decision maker must not act in a manner which can be
characterized as unfair,
oppressive, acting in bad faith etc
(ii) mandamus is unavailable if the decision makers discretion is characterized as being
(iii) in exercise of a fettered discretion, decision maker must act upon relevant
(iv) mandamus is unavailable to compel the exercise of a fettered discretion in a
particular way
(v) mandamus is only available when the decision makers discretion is spent, i.e., the
applicant has a vested right to the performance of the duty
(e) No other adequate remedy is available
(f) Order sought will be of some practical value
(g) Court in exercise of discretion finds no equitable bar to relief
(h) On balance of convenience, order of mandamus should/should not issue
(2) Respondent Arguments
- Prematurity: An order of mandamus will not lie to compel an officer to act if they
are not under an obligation to act as of the hearing date, not the application date, as the
respondents argue. As a general proposition, it is open to respondents to pursue
dismissal of application where duty to perform has yet to arise. However, unless
compeling reasons are offered, an application for an orer in the nature of mandamus
should not be defeated on the ground that ti was initiated prematurely.
(3) Did A have a vested right to the NOC at the time of the passing of the Bill (and claim
advantages of old law)?
- Issue is whether A had a vested right to the NOC rather than a mere hope or
- 4 issues are relevant to the determination of whether A had a vested right to the
(a) The scope of the Ministers discretion: Fettered discretion
(b) The relevance of legal advice: Merk argued Minister was entitled to seek legal
advice, and therefore was not obligated to issue the NOC prior to March 12,
1993. NO! The inevitable delay resulting from solicitation of legal advice cannot
prejudice the right to performance of a statutory duty
(c) The relevance of pending legislative policy: Merk argued that pending legislative
policy is a consideration relevant to the exercise of Ministers discretion. The law
shouldnt preclude the possibility of recognizing the Ministers right to refuse to perform
a public duty on the basis of policy rationales under scoring impending legislation, e.g,
where Minister acting in good faith believes sale of product may pose health risk; in
such a situation, court may adjourn mandamus hearing if impending legislation (after
applying the balance of convenience test). But here, cannot be said that in exercise of
statutory powers, Minister was entitled to have regard to provisions of Bill C -91 before
they were proclaimed into effect (not a relevant consideration).
(d) De facto decision never made:
(4) Balance of Convenience:
- Weighing competing interests in determining proper exercise of discretionary power
(a) Ambit of Courts Discretion includes discretion to refuse mandamus on the grounds
of balance of convenience
(b) Criteria for Exercise of Discretion: Recognized categories for denying mandamus
include: (1) where admin cost that would follow from order are unacceptable; (2)
potential health and safety risks to publiuc are perceived to outweigh an individuals
right to pursue personal economic interests; (3)