Central Bank Lessons From The Global Crisis
Central Bank Lessons From The Global Crisis
Central Bank Lessons From The Global Crisis
During and after the Great Depression, many central bankers and economists
concluded that monetary policy could not be used to stimulate economic activity in
a situation in which the interest rate was essentially zero, as it was in the United
States during the 1930s a situation that later became known as the liquidity trap.
In the United States it was also a situation in which the financial system was
grievously damaged. It was only in 1963, with the publication of Friedman and
Schwartz's Monetary History of the United States that the profession as a whole
began to accept the contrary view, that "The contraction is in fact a testimonial to
the importance of monetary forces".
Much later, in 1983, Ben Bernanke presented the view that it was the breakdown
of the credit system that was the critical feature of the Great Depression
that it
was the credit side of the banks' balance sheets, the failure or inability to make a
sufficient volume of loans, rather than the behavior of the money supply per se,
that was primarily responsible for the breakdown of the monetary transmission
mechanism during the Great Depression. The Bernanke thesis gained adherents
over the years, and must recently have gained many more as a result of the Great
In this lecture, I present preliminary lessons nine of them for monetary and
financial policy from the Great Recession. I do this with some trepidation, since it
is possible that there will later be a tenth lesson: that given that it took fifty years for
the profession to develop its current understanding of the monetary policy
transmission mechanism during the Great Depression, just two years after the
This paper will be presented as the Brahamananda Lecture at the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai, on
February 11, 2011. It is a revised version of a lecture delivered to the Cyprus Economic Society at the
Central Bank of Cyprus, Nicosia, on October 26, 2010. I am grateful to colleagues at the Bank of Israel with
whom I have discussed and lived through the issues of monetary policy during the last five years, and to
J oshua Schneck of the Bank of Israel for research assistance. I am also grateful to Athanasios Orphanides,
Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, and his colleagues for their hospitality and for the lively discussion
which followed the lecture in Cyprus.
The qualification relates to the fact that some researchers, for example Clark Warburton, had emphasized
this view before the publication of Friedman and Schwartz's work. (See for example the papers reprinted in
Clark Warburton, Depression, Inflation, and Monetary Policy; Selected Papers, 1945-1953, J ohns Hopkins
Press, 1963.)
Milton Friedman and Anna J . Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, Princeton
University Press, 1963, p. 30.
See for example Ben S. Bernanke, "Non-Monetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the
Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73 (June 1983), pp. 25776.
J an Hatzius, "The Specter of Deflation", in US Economics Analyst Goldman Sachs Global ECS
Research,March 2009.
J ames Tobin, "An Essay on the Principles of Debt Management", in his Essays in Economics, Volume I,
Macroeconomics, Markham Publishers (Chicago), 1971.
It is sometimes objected that such actions would require excessively detailed intervention by the central
bank, since it would have to decide which companies' assets to buy. However it could simply buy very broad
stock indices.
Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff, This Time Is Different, Princeton University Press, 2009.
financial crisis but had cut interest rates sharply to deal with the negative effects of
the global crisis returned to growth more rapidly than other countries, and soon
found asset prices, particularly the price of housing, rising rapidly. Among these
countries are Australia, Canada, China, Israel, Korea, Norway and Singapore.
The next question is what needs to be done to maintain a strong and robust
financial system. Some of the answers to this question are to be found in the
blizzard of recommendations for financial sector and regulatory reform coming out
of the Basel Committee now extended to include all the G-20 countries plus a
few more and the Financial Stability Board (the FSB).
In particular the recommendations relate to the capital requirements of the banks,
which the Basel Committee and the FSB recommend raising sharply, including by
toughening the requirements for assets to qualify as Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital. In
addition, there are recommendations on the structure of incentives, on corporate
governance, on the advisability of countercyclical capital requirements, on risk
management, on resolution mechanisms including eventually on how to resolve a
SIFI (systemically important financial institution, typically a bank with major
international operations) and much more.
Further, there has been a focus on
systemic supervision and its organization, a topic to which we will return shortly.
These recommendations make sense, and the main question relating to them is
whether and how they will be implemented, and whether political pressures will
either prevent their implementation and/or lead to their gradual weakening. There
is already cause for concern in that some of the recommendations are to be
implemented only by 2019 a period sufficiently long for everyone to forget why
such drastic changes are regarded as essential, and why they are indeed
essential. One element of the conflicting pressures can be seen in the concern in
many countries that the banks not tighten capital requirements too fast, since an
expansion in credit is needed to fuel the recovery.
Lesson 3 : The Need for Macroprudential Supervision
There is not yet an accepted definition of macroprudential policy or supervision, but
the notion involves two elements: that the supervision relates to the entire financial
system; and that it involves systemic interactions. Both elements were evident in
the global financial crisis, with analyses of the crisis frequently emphasizing the
role of the shadow banking system and of the global effects of the Lehman
For example: Financial Services Authority, The Turner Review: A Regulatory Response to the Global
Banking Crisis, March 2009, Group of Thirty, Financial Reform A Framework for Financial Stability,
J anuary 2009 and HM Treasury, A New Approach to Financial Regulation, J uly 2010.
In this section I draw extensively on comments I made in a panel discussion at the Norges Bank at a
symposium, "What is a useful central bank", held on November 18, 2010, and due to be published in the
series, Norges Bank Occasional Papers.
Thus we are talking about regulation of the financial system at a very broad level,
going beyond the banking system. We are also going beyond bank supervision in
considering macroprudential policy instruments and we are therefore also
discussing an issue that requires coordination among different regulators.
It is not clear whether the inclusion of a responsibility for (or contributing to)
financial stability in modern central bank laws, such as those of the ECB, the Bank
of England and many others, including the Bank of Israel, reflects the concerns
that have led to the emphasis on macroprudential supervision, or rather primarily
the traditional role of the central bank as lender of last resort. No-one who has read
Bagehot on panics can think that understanding of the potential for systemic crises
is a new problem. However its importance has been reinforced by the dynamics of
the most recent crisis, in which a problem initially regarded as manageable the
subprime crisis gradually developed into the worst financial crisis since the Great
Depression, involving financial instruments built on mortgages, and after the
Lehman bankruptcy which revealed interactions among financial institutions to be
much stronger than policymakers must have thought at the time.
What macroprudential policy tools do central banks have? In the first place they
have their analytic capacities and their capacity to raise policymakers' and the
public's awareness of critical issues. These are reflected in the financial stability
reports that some central banks have been producing for over a decade.
What about other macroprudential policy tools? Central banks have been engaged
in a search for them since the financial crisis, but the search has not been
especially fruitful. Some have defined countercyclical capital requirements
as a
macroprudential policy tool, presumably because they reflect a macroeconomic
assessment and because they apply to the entire banking system. Nonetheless
they are not particularly aimed at moderating systemic interactions, and thus it is
not clear that they are the archetypical macroprudential policy tool.
More generally, it seems that there are few specifically macroprudential policy
tools, and that the main tools that central banks and financial supervisors will be
able to deploy to deal with systemic interactions will be their standard
microprudential instruments or adaptations thereof.
Like other economies that did not suffer from a domestic financial crisis during the
global crisis, Israel has had to deal with the threat of a housing price bubble in the
wake of the global crisis. Housing prices, after falling gradually for over a decade,
grew by around 40 percent in the last two years. The Bank's housing sector model
suggests that while prices in the middle of 2010 were not far above their long-run
equilibrium level, a continuation of the rapid rate of increase would definitely put
Although these capital requirements vary procyclically, the intent is to be anticyclical in terms of their
effects on the economy. Hence they are usually defined as countercyclical.
them well above the equilibrium level. Further, the atmosphere in the housing
market was becoming increasingly bubble-like, with discussion of the need to buy
before prices rose even further.
Because the exchange rate had been appreciating rapidly, the Bank preferred if
possible not to raise the central bank interest rate too rapidly. Since bank
supervision is located within the Bank of Israel, policy discussions in the Bank
resulted in the supervisor undertaking measures that in effect increased mortgage
interest rates, without affecting other interest rates. These, together with tax and
other measures undertaken by the government, along with government measures
to increase the supply of land for building, appear to have begun to dampen the
rate of increase of housing prices though it will take some time yet to know
whether that has happened.
In announcing the new measures, the Bank of Israel emphasized that they were
macroprudential, and that our aim was to ensure financial stability. In speeches we
noted that our measures operated on the demand for housing, and that it would be
preferable to undertake measures that would increase the supply as some of the
measures undertaken by the government soon afterwards were designed to do.
In this case the central bank was in the fortunate position of having at its disposal
policy measures that enabled it to deal directly with the potential source of financial
instability. Further, the banks are the main source of housing finance, so that the
Bank of Israel's measures were unlikely to be circumvented by the responses of
other institutions not supervised by the central bank. Even so, we knew there were
better ways of dealing with the price rises, and that it was necessary to cooperate
with the government to that end.
Even within a central bank that is also the banking supervisor, questions arise
about how best to coordinate macroprudential policy. In the case of the Bank of
Israel, which still operates under the single decision maker model (but will shortly
cease to do so as a new central bank law goes into effect), it was relatively easy to
coordinate, since it was possible to include the bank supervisor in the non-statutory
internal monetary policy advisory committee, and to use the enlarged committee as
the advisory body on macroprudential decisions.
More generally macroprudential supervision could require actions by two or more
supervisory agencies, and there then arises the issue of how best to coordinate
their actions. A simple model that would appeal to those who have not worked in
bureaucracies would be to require the supervisors to cooperate in developing a
strategy to deal with whatever problems arise. However, cooperation between
equals in such an environment is difficult, which is to say inefficient, all the more so
in a crisis.
increased, and that the economy could grow faster than previously thought without
generating inflation.
When the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, the mopping up approach appeared to
have been successful. The Fed cut interest rates rapidly and the recession was
relatively mild. The damage seemed to have been slight. There is of course much
debate about whether in the wake of the recession the Fed kept the interest rate
too low for too long, thus laying the groundwork for the next and far more serious
crisis. But even those who argue that way, do not suggest that the subsequent
crisis was an inevitable result of the decision not to try to prick the bubble in the
late 1990s.
I believe that the mopping up discussion was misleading. The issue was generally
put as "should the central bank try to prick the bubble?" with the "no" side of the
debate arguing that the interest rate would have had to be raised by so much to
prick the bubble that doing so would have caused a serious recession. If the
question had been "should the Fed react to asset prices in setting the interest
rate?", the answer might well have been yes, though it would likely have been
provided through the lens of the inflation targeting approach that is to say, if
excessively high asset prices were expected to influence future price or output
levels, the central bank would be justified in taking them into account in its interest
rate decision.
If the same question were asked today, it would likely be answered in terms of
macroprudential supervision, and with reference to the possibility that regulatory
measures might be employed to supplement the effects of the interest rate on
asset prices.
It seems clear from the general acceptance of the need for macroprudential
supervision that the mopping up doctrine is in retreat, though there could be
circumstances particularly a stock-market boom whose collapse would have no
major implications for the rest of the financial system in which the approach could
be justified.
Lesson 5 : The Lender of Last Resort, and Too Big to Fail.
The view that the central bank should be the lender of last resort has a long and
distinguished heritage, and central banks operated as lender of last resort in
several countries in the recent crisis. The case for the central bank to be the lender
of last resort is clear in the case of a liquidity crisis one that arises from a
temporary shortage of liquidity, typically in a financial panic but less so in the
case of solvency crises.
This circumstance is sometimes invoked to explain why the mopping up approach was successful in the
recession of 2001-02.
The key difference is that in the case of a liquidity crisis, decisive central bank
action along the lines advocated by Bagehot can resolve the situation without a
long-term financial cost to the public sector.
In the case of a solvency issue,
there may be a long-term financial cost to the public sector although in several
crises in which the central bank and the government intervened massively to deal
with a panic, the public sector ended up making a profit from the intervention.
Given that the profits of the central bank are generally sooner or later transferred to
the government, almost every financial action that the central bank takes has fiscal
implications for the government. This is particularly so when the central bank is
involved in actions to support financial stability, such as providing emergency
liquidity to specific banks or to the financial system as a whole.
In principle the distinction between liquidity and solvency problems should guide
the actions of the central bank and the government in a crisis. For instance, in
Israel, the law provides that the central bank can intervene on its own to deal with
a liquidity problem but needs the authorization of the Treasury and the government
to take over an insolvent financial institution. However in practice the distinction
between a liquidity problem and a solvency problem is rarely clear-cut during a
crisis, and what initially appears to be a liquidity crisis can very rapidly become an
insolvency crisis. In short, judgment is needed at every stage of a financial crisis
as it is in central banking in general.
The too big to fail issue and the associated issue of moral hazard have been
recurrent problems in dealing with financial crises. If a financial institution has what
is purely a liquidity problem, then the central bank in its financial stability role
should act as lender of last resort to that institution in case of need. Special
difficulties arise when the institution is too big or too interconnected to fail. That
is to say, causing it to fail will significantly worsen the financial crisis, for instance
to put the issue dramatically by turning a recession into a depression.
Ideally the regulatory and legal system should have developed a resolution
mechanism whereby an institution judged to be insolvent can be allowed to fail and
to be wound down in an orderly process. We have not yet seen such systems in
operation for large financial institutions (SIFIs), though one of the key lessons
drawn from the recent crisis has been the need to develop a framework of this
type. The difficulties are manifold, especially for global banks, which operate in
many jurisdictions and under different sets of laws and organizational frameworks
(e.g. branches versus subsidiaries). The Basel Committee and the Financial
Stability Board are working on this issue, and finding it to be among the thorniest
with which they have to contend.
This leaves aside the moral hazard issue, which will be discussed shortly.
It is tempting to say that a liquidity crisis can be defined as one in which the public sector makes a profit
from its intervention. However the public sectors profit depends on how its interventions are priced and
structured, so that the question is more complicated.
Presumably the same goes for non-financial institutions.
Nonetheless: while the use of contingent capital and other forms of financing that
become more equity-like in a crisis and more generally, the development of
resolution mechanisms will all help deal with moral hazard issues, the mere
existence of a lender of last resort raises moral hazard issues. That is true. But
there is nothing that says that the optimal reaction to moral hazard is to stop selling
insurance. Rather its existence is one factor to be taken into account in dealing
with any situation in which the state provides explicit or implicit forms of insurance
just as it has to be taken into account in private sector insurance contracts, for
instance the provision of fire insurance.
After having had to decide how to deal with moral hazard issues in a variety of
financial crises, I have arrived at the following guide to conduct: if you find yourself
on the verge of imposing massive costs on an economy that is on the people of a
country or countries by precipitating a crisis in order to prevent moral hazard, it is
too late. You should not take the action that imposes those costs. Rather in
thinking through how a system will operate in a crisis, you need to take into
account the likelihood of facing such choices, and you need to do everything you
can in designing the system to keep that likelihood very small.
Lesson 6 : The Importance of the Exchange Rate for a Small Open Economy.
The (real) exchange rate is one of the two most important macroeconomic
variables in a small open economy, the (real) interest rate being the other. No
central banker in such an economy can be indifferent to the level of the exchange
rate. But there are no easy choices in exchange rate management.
There is first the choice of the exchange rate system, a choice that is tied up with
the question of capital controls. If capital flows can be controlled, then there may
be advantages for a country in trying to fix its nominal exchange rate. Nonetheless,
and without entering the long-running debate over exchange rate systems, I
believe that it is better to operate with a flexible exchange rate system and with a
more open capital account.
"Flexible" does not mean that a country should not intervene in the foreign
exchange market, or that the capital account should be completely open. Rather it
means that the country should not draw an exchange rate line in the sand and
declare "thus far, and no further"; countries should not commit themselves to
defending a particular exchange rate.
Market participants often say that the central bank cannot stand against market
forces. However we need to recognize the asymmetry between defending against
pressures for depreciation and appreciation of the currency. In the case of
pressures for depreciation, at the existing exchange rate the market wants more
foreign exchange.
The central bank has a limited supply of foreign exchange, and thus cannot stand
against the pressure of the market for very long though as the recent crisis has
shown, large foreign exchange reserves can help the central bank deal with market
pressures, as for example in Brazil, Korea and Russia.
In the case of appreciation, at the existing exchange rate the markets want more
domestic currency. The central bank can produce unlimited amounts of domestic
currency that is, it can intervene to buy the foreign exchange flowing into the
country. Of course to prevent inflation, it will have to sterilize the foreign exchange
inflow. But that can be done, as the Bank of Israel has shown over the last three
In the case of pressures for appreciation, the central bank has to balance the net
costs of holding additional reserves against the benefits of preventing unwanted
appreciation. This is a complicated calculus,
one which has led to the
development of various rules for reserve holdings: when the current account was
the dominant factor in the exchange market, the rule was specified in terms of
holding reserves equal to the value of X months of imports; now that the capital
account is at least as important, reserve holding rules of thumb relate to capital
flows, generally based on some form of the Greenspan-Guidotti rule that a
country's reserves should at least cover the economy's short-term obligations
falling due over the next year. The recent crisis has resulted in many countries
deciding to hold more reserves than the previous conventions implied. In addition,
country-specific factors may be relevant, for instance in the case of Israel the
central bank has explicitly noted our geopolitical situation in discussing our reserve
Central bankers used to say that they have only one instrument the interest rate
and thus can have only one target the inflation rate. That view, which is based
on the Tinbergen result that there should be as many instruments as there are
goals of policy, is not generally correct.
But in any case, I see the instrument of
intervention in the foreign exchange market as in effect giving the central bank an
extra instrument (or at least an extra half instrument) of policy, which enables it not
only to target inflation but also to have some influence on the behavior of the
exchange rate.
One complication in measuring the costs of holding reserves relates to the numeraire in which the reserves
are valued. Typically and appropriately, the central bank presents its accounts in local currency terms. Any
central bank that has intervened to moderate appreciation pressures is likely to show a capital loss in terms of
the local currency value of the reserves. However, some of the reserves are held to enable the country to
purchase foreign goods if the need arises, and in terms of the purpose for which the reserves are held, it is
thus not clear that the numeraire should be the local as opposed to a foreign currency. Further, if capital
flows reverse, the country may find itself intervening to prevent depreciation. One central bank colleague has
remarked that his reserve holdings, at mark to market value, generally show a loss, but that whenever he has
intervened in a crisis he has made a "profit".
See Stanley Fischer, "Comment" in The Reserve Bank of Australia: Fiftieth Anniversary Symposium,
Christopher Kent and Michael Robson (editors), Reserve Bank of Australia (2010), pp. 38-41.
As the pressures for appreciation increase, a country may want to limit further
intervention, and is likely to turn to the use of capital inflow controls. Such controls
are rarely elegant, are typically difficult to administer, and are continually being
undermined by private sector attempts to circumvent them. Central banks prefer to
do without them. But sometimes they are needed, as many countries faced with
large short-term capital inflows including Israel have concluded in recent
Exchange rate management can be difficult in a growing small open economy with
a strong financial system. Capital flows are likely to be very sensitive to interest
rate differentials, which leads to the exchange rate bearing more of the burden of
adjustment to inflation and aggregate demand than may be optimal from the
viewpoint of policymakers. In such a case, the country may be tempted to join a
currency bloc.
Membership of a currency bloc demands disciplined management of the domestic
economy of fiscal policy, and of the financial system. The exchange rate cannot
be changed without leaving the bloc, a step with unknown but certainly major,
probably massive, consequences for the economy. At this time, many expound on
the constraints that membership of the Euro area impose on countries that cannot
devalue. These constraints clearly matter. But it is rarely noted that when countries
did have the freedom to devalue, changes in exchange rates were frequently
disruptive of trade with their neighbors and further that some countries that did
have that freedom mismanaged it, and paid a significant price in terms of economic
performance. Or to put it differently, whatever type of exchange rate arrangement a
country has, there will be times when it wished it had a different one.
I have emphasized the exchange rate problems likely to face small open
economies, for that is the type of economy in which I operate. But the truth is that
most of what I have said about exchange rate management in a small open
economy is true of any open economy, large or small.
Lesson 7 : The Eternal Verities Lessons from the IMF
While I have emphasized lessons that we central bankers have learned from the
crisis, many of them lessons that our predecessors knew long ago, the crisis has
also reinforced lessons we learned long ago. In particular, this crisis has reinforced
the obvious belief that a country that manages itself well in normal times is likely to
be better equipped to deal with the consequences of a crisis, and likely to emerge
from it at lower cost.
In particular, we should continue to believe in the good housekeeping rules that the
IMF has tirelessly promoted. In normal times countries should maintain fiscal
discipline and monetary and financial stability. At all times they should take into
account the need to follow growth-promoting structural policies. And they need to
have a decent regard for the welfare of all segments of society.
The list is easy to make. It is more difficult to fill in the details, to decide what
policies to follow in practice. And it is very difficult to implement such measures,
particularly when times are good and when populist pressures are likely to be
strong. But a country that does not do so is likely to pay a very high price.
Lesson 8 : Target Inflation, Flexibly
How to summarize all these conclusions? Simply: flexible inflation targeting is the
best way of conducting monetary policy. The tripartite set of goals of monetary
policy set out in modern central bank laws provide the best current understanding
of what a central bank should try to achieve. Namely, a central bank should aim :
To maintain price stability
To support the other goals of economic policy, particularly growth and
employment, so long as medium term price stability over the course of a
year or two or even three is preserved
To support and promote the stability and efficiency of the financial system.
It is noteworthy that these goals of the central bank were defined well over a
decade ago, that they were in place in the ECB, the Bank of England, and other
central banks before the global crisis and during it, and that there is no reason to
change them now, despite the lessons we have been discussing. Rather, we have
learned better ways of trying to achieve those goals.
Lesson 9 : Finally :
In a crisis, central bankers (and no doubt other policymakers) will often find
themselves implementing policy actions that they never thought they would have to
undertake and these are frequently policy actions that they would prefer not to
have to undertake. Hence, some final advice for central bankers :
Never say never