Emote T Erminal U Nit: User's Guide Technical Specifications & Cabling

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R emote
T erminal
U nit
User’s Guide
Technical specifications & cabling
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this guide. However, Techno Trade S.A.
assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Product information is subject to change without

TWinSoft and A are registered trademark of Techno Trade s.a.

Windows '95, '98, NT, 2000, XP are trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.

© 2004-2006 by Techno Trade SA
Edition: February 7, 2006

Version: 1.06 2

PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................ 7

1. HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL? ..............................................................................10

1.1. What is in the manual? ......................................................................................... 10
1.2. What is not in the manual? ................................................................................... 10
2. THE HARDWARE CONCEPT ................................................................................11
2.1. The Racks............................................................................................................ 11
2.2. The Cards ............................................................................................................ 12

HARDWARE..................................................................................................................... 13

3. INSTALLATION OF THE RACK ..............................................................................14

3.1. Installation of the Rack on a DIN rail ..................................................................... 14
3.2. Installation of the Rack in a 19’’ cabinet................................................................. 15
4. INSERTION OF CARDS IN THE RACK ....................................................................16
4.1. The Power supply................................................................................................. 16
4.2. Placing the Power Supply Card .............................................................................. 17
4.3. Working without Power Supply Card ...................................................................... 18
4.4. Hardware vs. Software Address of Cards ............................................................... 19
4.5. Powering ............................................................................................................. 22

TWINSOFT - GETTING STARTED .................................................................................... 25

5. INSTALLATION OF TWINSOFT............................................................................26
5.1. System requirements............................................................................................ 26
5.2. Installation of the CD-ROM ................................................................................... 27
5.3. Programs of ‘TWinSoft Suite’................................................................................. 29
6. STARTING TWINSOFT......................................................................................30
6.1. Wizard................................................................................................................. 31
6.2. Communicating with TBox MS ............................................................................... 32
6.3. PC Communication Set up..................................................................................... 32
6.4. Testing communication......................................................................................... 34
6.5. Global reset of TBox MS........................................................................................ 35
6.6. LED « RUN »........................................................................................................ 35
6.7. Saving and Sending a Program.............................................................................. 36
6.7.1. Saving a document ..................................................................................................36
6.7.2. Compiling a document..............................................................................................36
6.7.3. Sending a document ................................................................................................37

Version: 1.06 3
TWINSOFT - PROGRAMMING ......................................................................................... 39

7. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 40
8. RTU PROPERTIES ........................................................................................... 41
8.1. General properties ................................................................................................ 42
8.2. Drivers................................................................................................................. 43
8.3. Security ............................................................................................................... 43
8.4. Info properties ..................................................................................................... 44
8.5. Advanced ............................................................................................................. 44
8.5.1. Startup ................................................................................................................... 44
8.5.2. Alarms.................................................................................................................... 45
8.5.3. Sampling Tables ...................................................................................................... 47
8.5.4. Temperature ........................................................................................................... 48
8.5.5. Remote Tags........................................................................................................... 48
8.5.6. TCP/IP.................................................................................................................... 48
8.5.7. Environment variables.............................................................................................. 50

9. RESOURCES ................................................................................................... 51
9.1. The CPU-16 card .................................................................................................. 51
9.1.1. Communication ports of the CPU .............................................................................. 52
9.2. Adding Cards........................................................................................................ 53
9.2.1. Adding an I/O card .................................................................................................. 55
9.2.2. Adding a ‘Modem’ Card ............................................................................................ 56
9.2.3. Adding a ‘GSM / GPRS’ Card ..................................................................................... 57
9.3. Communication Variables ...................................................................................... 62
9.3.1. Digital Communication Variable................................................................................. 62
9.3.2. Analog Communication Variable................................................................................ 63
9.4. System variables .................................................................................................. 64
9.4.1. Digital System Variables ........................................................................................... 64
9.4.2. Analog System Variables .......................................................................................... 66
9.5. Timers & Counters................................................................................................ 67
10. TAGS ....................................................................................................... 68
10.1. Physical I/O ...................................................................................................... 69
10.2. Internal Variables (Registers)............................................................................. 70
10.2.1. Digital Internal Variable............................................................................................ 70
10.2.2. Analog Internal Variable........................................................................................... 72
10.3. ModBus address................................................................................................ 74
10.3.1. ModBus address of System Variables......................................................................... 74
10.4. Tags - Presentation / Write................................................................................ 75
11. IP PARAMETERS ........................................................................................ 76
11.1. ISP configuration .............................................................................................. 77
11.2. FTP Host .......................................................................................................... 79
11.3. SMTP Server..................................................................................................... 80

Version: 1.06 4
11.3.1. About Redundancy...................................................................................................81
11.4. NTP Server....................................................................................................... 82
11.4.1. Time accuracy .........................................................................................................82
11.5. TCP/IP Debugging ............................................................................................ 83
12. ALARMS ...................................................................................................86
12.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 86
12.2. Digital Alarm Condition...................................................................................... 87
12.3. Analog Alarm Condition..................................................................................... 89
12.4. Recipients ........................................................................................................ 91
12.5. Group of Recipients .......................................................................................... 93
12.6. Messages ......................................................................................................... 94
12.7. Alarms table ..................................................................................................... 95
12.7.1. Columns description .................................................................................................96

13. DATALOGGING...........................................................................................97
13.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 97
13.2. The chronologies .............................................................................................. 99
13.2.1. Digital chronologies..................................................................................................99
13.2.2. Analog chronologies .................................................................................................99
13.3. The sampling tables.........................................................................................100
14. REMOTE TAGS .........................................................................................101
14.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................101
14.2. Creating a Remote Device ................................................................................102
14.3. Creating Remote Tag .......................................................................................103
14.4. Remote Tags through modem ..........................................................................105
14.5. Timing configuration of Remote Tags................................................................105
15. PERIODIC EVENTS ....................................................................................106
16. HIGH SPEED TAGS ...................................................................................108
16.1. Processor time for executing High Speed Tag ....................................................109
17. ACCESS SECURITY ....................................................................................110
17.1. RTU configuration............................................................................................111
17.1.1. RTU Properties ......................................................................................................111
17.1.2. Modem and Serial Port Properties............................................................................111
17.2. Password utility ...............................................................................................112
17.3. Login/Logout ...................................................................................................113
17.3.1. With TWinSoft .......................................................................................................113
17.3.2. With Internet Explorer............................................................................................114
17.4. Deactivating protection ....................................................................................115

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - CABLING .................................................................... 117

18. RACKS & CARDS ..................................................................................... 118

18.1. Racks ............................................................................................................. 118
18.2. Power Supplies ............................................................................................... 119
18.3. CPU-16 bits .................................................................................................... 125
18.3.1. Lithium Battery...................................................................................................... 128
18.3.2. MultiMedia card ..................................................................................................... 129
18.3.3. Button (Working modes) ........................................................................................ 129
18.4. I/O Simulation ................................................................................................ 134
18.5. 16 x digital Inputs ........................................................................................... 135
18.6. 16 x digital Outputs......................................................................................... 139
18.7. 16 x digital Inputs/Outputs .............................................................................. 142
18.8. COMBO (Multiple I/O) ..................................................................................... 148
18.9. 8 x Analog Inputs ........................................................................................... 155
18.10. 8 x Temperature Inputs................................................................................... 158
18.11. 4 x Analog Outputs ......................................................................................... 161
18.12. 8 x Relay Outputs ........................................................................................... 165
18.13. 4 x Analog inputs isolated................................................................................ 168
18.14. PSTN modem.................................................................................................. 171
18.15. GSM / GPRS modem ....................................................................................... 173
18.16. GPS - Timing .................................................................................................. 175
18.17. Serial Ports ..................................................................................................... 178

APPENDIXES ................................................................................................................. 183

APPENDIX A. LICENSES .................................................................................... 184

A.1. The Evaluation mode............................................................................................. 184
A.2. The Dongle ........................................................................................................... 184
A.3. The Code (License) ............................................................................................... 184
A.4. The TWinSoft LITE ................................................................................................ 184
APPENDIX B. TIME IN RTU ............................................................................... 185
B.1. Time in TBox MS ................................................................................................... 185
B.2. Data logging ......................................................................................................... 186
B.3. Special registers associated.................................................................................... 186

INDEX ........................................................................................................................... 188

Version: 1.06 6

Version: 1.06 7
The unique ‘all in one’ TBOX MS includes the best of 3 Worlds:


Version: 1.06 8
Overview of TBOX MS possibilities

Consulting Programming:
process through locally or
HTML pages remotely

Sending of

to a remote site

Retrieving data and

consulting the process

Retrieving data

Version: 1.06 9
1. How to use this manual?

1.1. What is in the manual?

This manual represents the essential of TBOX MS documentation.

It first introduces to the hardware concept including nice pictures ☺

Installation of Racks: chapter 3
Insertion of Cards: chapter 4

Then it brings you to the programming of TBOX MS using TWinSoft. All features are
explained using plenty of snapshots for an easy understanding ☺
Starting TWinSoft: chapter 6
Properties of TBOX MS: chapter 8
Adding a card: chapter 9
Tags: chapter 10
IP configuration: chapter 11
Alarms: chapter 12
Datalogging: chapter 13
Remote Tags: chapter 14
Periodic events: chapter 15

All technical specifications of the cards and the different cablings are explained at the end
of this manual.

Information related to Licenses is available in the Appendix A.

All along this manual, I inform All along this manual,

you with Notes and Remarks: I warn you:
“What a nice manual!” “Read the manual!”

1.2. What is not in the manual?

One major topic you will not find in this manual concerns the ‘Programming’. TBOX MS
supports BASIC and Ladder languages for developing any advanced process.
Those languages are detailed in another manual: BASIC and LADDER for TBOX

Another important feature, which is not presented into this manual, concerns the
development of HTML pages, to use TBOX MS as web server.
This matter is explained in details in another manual: WEBFORM STUDIO – Getting

Another software part of the TWinSoft Suite is Report Studio, for creating e-mail report or
files to send. It is explained in the ‘On line’ help of Report Studio.

Version: 1.06 10
2. The Hardware Concept
TBOX MS is a Modular System.

TBOX MS is built using Racks and Cards.

Depending on your needs in communication(s) and in Inputs/Outputs, you select the

elements required.

2.1. The Racks

Racks are made in aluminium

alodined, giving a very good
electrical conductivity and

There are 4 models of Racks:

5 slots
10 slots
15 slots
20 slots

Version: 1.06 11
2.2. The Cards

Cards are formed of a PCB

mounted in aluminium
enclosure which assures the best
shielding against receiving and
emitting noise (radio emission,
electromagnetic interference, …)

Bare aluminium inside the

enclosure and on the edges
assures a good contact of the
‘ground’ signal of the PCB between
the Card and the Rack.

There are several models of Card:

Power supply
Communication ports
o Modem
o RS232/RS485
o Ethernet
o …
o Digital inputs, outputs
o Analog input 14 bits
o Analog outputs 12 bits
o Combination of
digital/analog I/O
o …

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Version: 1.06 13
3. Installation of the Rack

3.1. Installation of the Rack on a DIN rail

Each edge of the Rack is equipped with springs for DIN rail fixing

Place the springs of the

Rack under the bottom side
of the DIN rail and pull-up
the Rack

Push the Rack against the

DIN rail

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3.2. Installation of the Rack in a 19’’ cabinet
The Rack 15 slots can be mounted directly in the 19’’ cabinet.

The height of the Rack is of 150 mm and adapted for a 4U cabinet (177.8 mm).
You have then enough room for cabling the Cards.

Special Sides must be fixed to the

edges of the Rack

Version: 1.06 15
4. Insertion of Cards in the Rack
The Rack has a side UP and a side DOWN.

When the direction of the Rack is correct, the logo A

must be at the right side and the slot numbering readable.



Example with the Rack 10 DOWN

Each slot has a unique index number, starting at ‘0’ from the left side.

4.1. The Power supply

There are 2 possibilities of Powering TBOX MS. You have to choose one or the other:

With a Power supply Card (230 VAC, 24 VDC or –48 VDC)

This power supply supports 3 A on the BUS, includes a battery charger and
provides an external 24 VDC.
This is required when driving many Cards or when a backup battery is mandatory
to maintain the TBOX MS running even when the main power has broken down.

With the CPU Card

The CPU includes a small power supply, providing maximum 1 A on the BUS.
It does not include a battery charger and is not isolated.
This situation is sufficient to non-critical application that does not require Telecontrol,
for instance handling few I/O cards, when only little power is required.
Check the consumption of the cards with the table at the end of the manual.

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4.2. Placing the Power Supply Card

When using a power supply card, it is always placed at the first position in the Rack. It
is important for thermal issue.

Next to ‘Power Supply’

and ‘CPU’ cards, you can
leave slots empty

The CPU is placed at the second position.

The communication cards and/or the I/O cards are placed in any following slots.

Version: 1.06 17
4.3. Working without Power Supply Card

If a power supply card is not required, the one from the CPU can be used.

In this case the CPU is placed at the first position in the Rack

Next to the ‘CPU’ card, you can leave slots empty

If you intend to use later a ‘Power Supply’ card and

don’t want to re-arrange all the cards, you can also
leave the first slot empty (slot ‘0’)

The communication ports and/or the I/O cards are placed in any following slot.

Version: 1.06 18
4.4. Hardware vs. Software Address of Cards

Later in this document, we will see how to use the software TWinSoft,
the tool for programming TBOX MS.

But as we mention slot index of the Rack, it is important to relate it to the

corresponding software address.

With the following set of Cards on a Rack 10:

Slot Address Card Description

(hard) (soft)
0 1 Power Supply – 230 AVC
1 0 CPU 16
2 2 Modem PSTN
3 3 16 Digital Input
4 4 16 Digital Input
5 5 16 Digital Output
6 - empty
7 7 Combo (combination Input/Output)
8 - empty
9 - empty

Version: 1.06 19
The corresponding TWinSoft configuration:

The CPU has always address 0

The Power supply (when used) has always address 1

The I/O and Communication cards must de defined

with the address corresponding to their position on
the Rack.

Version: 1.06 20
With the following set of Cards on a Rack 5:

Slot Address Card Description

(hard) (soft)
0 0 CPU 16
1 1 Modem PSTN
2 2 16 Digital Input
3 3 16 Digital Output
5 - empty

The corresponding TWinSoft configuration:

Version: 1.06 21
4.5. Powering
Working with a Power supply, cabling of the Power supply:
Power supply of CPU: NO
connection when using a
Example: Power Supply Card
230 Vac Power Supply
(ref MS-PS230V)

DO : Output for synchronization

DI : Input for synchronization

Battery +
Ethernet : for communicating to
other Racks / devices

Battery -
Button: STOP – RUN - RESET
Main voltage present

Card detected by the CPU

Card in error


RS 232 : for programming

RS 485 : for communicating to

other Racks / devices

See description of LED next


For electrical security reason, you

have to manipulate connectors with
power switched OFF.

Version: 1.06 22
Working without Power supply, cabling of the CPU:

-CPU16 with Ethernet
(ref MS-CPU16E)

Main voltage present +6 .. +30 VDC

‘Sync.’ output active DO : Output for synchronization
‘Sync.’ input active DI : Input for synchronization


ON: 100 Mbps - OFF: 10 Mbps Ethernet : for programming,

ON: Link - Flash: Communication communicating to other Racks /
Full Duplex

2 hz: RUN - 0.5 hz: STOP Button: STOP - RUN - RESET

8 hz: sending alarm

CPU in default

RS232: receiving data

RS 232 : for programming
RS232: transmitting data

RS485: receiving data

RS 485 : for communicating to
other Racks / devices
RS485: transmitting data

More information about cabling and technical

specifications is available at the end of this manual

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Version: 1.06 25
5. Installation of TWinSoft

5.1. System requirements

• Hardware: Pentium or higher.

• Memory: 16-MB minimum. We recommend 32 MB.

• Hard Disk: 50 MB required plus the application files.

• Display: VGA, SVGA with a minimum resolution of 640 x 480. We recommend

800 x 600.

• Mouse: any Windows compatible mouse.

• Parallel port: required in case of license with dongle for ‘parallel’ port.

• USB port: required in case of license with dongle for ‘USB’ port.

• Serial port: required for a local connection to TBOX MS and/or for an external

• Ethernet port: 10/100 Mbps. Required for a connection to TBOX MS through a LAN.

• Modem: any modem properly configured in Windows.

• Operating system: Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT (service pack 3 or

higher), Windows 2000, Windows XP.

To Browse the RTU:

• Internet Browser: as ActiveX is used, Internet Explorer only can be used. Version 5.00
or higher is recommended to take benefit of the dialer.
The CD-ROM of TWinSoft Suite includes MSIE version 5.00.

Version: 1.06 26
5.2. Installation of the CD-ROM

From the CD-ROM of TWinSoft Suite, when running

the Setup, the following software’s are available

• TWinSoft 9.00
TWinSoft is the software required for developing an application for the RTU. The basis for
configuring a RTU application is explained in this manual.
Installation of TWinSoft includes:
WebForm Studio: HTML editor dedicated to RTU
Report studio: Report editor dedicated to RTU
WebForm Viewer: ActiveX and TBOX MS dialer from Internet Explorer (see next).
(Administrator rights is required during installation)

• WebForm Viewer
This software contains the tool TBox Dial It ! uses to dial TBOX MS with Internet Explorer.
It also contains the ‘ActiveX’ used to display objects dedicated to the RTU.
It must be installed on the PC used by a operator to dial TBOX MS with Internet Explorer,
when TWinSoft is not required.
(Administrator rights is required during installation)

• TBox Mail
This software is used to display a Chart view from data logging attached to e-mail. To store
data in a global database, you should use T (call your local distributor).
(Administrator rights is required during installation)

Version: 1.06 27
• DreamWeaver Trial version
• Report Studio for DreamWeaver
Dreamweaver is a standard HTML editor. It can be used with the plug-in ‘Report Studio for
Dreamweaver’ to develop standard HTML pages that do not use the ActiveX.

• Acrobat Reader
Software needed to read our documentation.

• Explore this CD-ROM

You will find on the CD-ROM many information related to TBOX MS and accessories:
datasheets, manuals, …

Version: 1.06 28
5.3. Programs of ‘TWinSoft Suite’
During installation of TWinSoft, a group of programs is created where TWinSoft can be started.

Other programs and menus:

• Accessories: group containing the utility ‘Password generator’ and ‘Reset User
preferences’: reset of registry information to restore the default
configuration of TWinSoft.

• Documentation: group containing the various documents associated to TWinSoft and


• Samples: group with TWinSoft documents installed as example.

• TBox drivers: when 'C' custom drivers have been installed. The ‘on line’ help of the
driver configuration is available in this folder.

• Report Studio: to create reports dedicated to TBOX MS.

• TWinSoft: to start TWinSoft.

• WebForm Studio: to start the HTML editor, dedicated to TBOX MS when it is used as a
Web Server.

Version: 1.06 29
6. Starting TWinSoft

I am the Wizard of TWinSoft!

When you start TWinSoft the first time, or when you create a
new document, I help you with some basic configurations.

The use of TWinSoft is free, but sending of a program to TBox MS

is protected.

For more info about Licenses go to Appendix A. at the end of this


Version: 1.06 30
6.1. Wizard
The ‘New Document Wizard’ helps you getting started with a new application by gathering
information about your hardware and some basic configuration.

Except for the ‘Type of RTU’, all those settings can be modified latter from the ‘RTU
According to the hardware you have,
select the corresponding type of RTU.

!! You cannot change it later !!

Free name of the RTU

Station address (1..255)
Sub address (0..15)

If you have in your hardware an

Ethernet interface:

IP configuration of the

IP configuration for
sending e-mail or files in

Version: 1.06 31
6.2. Communicating with TBox MS
Once you have opened a document, either a new one created with the Wizard or an existing
one, you can establish the connection with your TBOX MS.

The possible communications are serial, Ethernet or modem, according to the media used
to connect to TBOX MS.

Serial: check the Baudrate you have given to the serial port in your application (by
default 9600,N). See chapter 9.1.1.
Ethernet: check the IP address you have given to your TBOX MS (see chapter 9.1.1)
and that it is in the same subnet of the PC or accessible to the PC.
Modem: check the tel. Number of TBOX MS. See chapter 8.1.

6.3. PC Communication Set up

To communicate with the TBOX MS, you need to select a communication media on the PC.
From the main menu of TWinSoft: Communication PC Setup:

Example with a RS232 connection:

default Baudrate of TBox MS : 9600,N

Version: 1.06 32
Other possibilities of PC Setup:

• Offline: this option avoid sampling TBOX MS

• Local: you select a serial port of the PC (typically RS232). The Baudrate must fit
with the port of TBOX MS you are connected to.

If your PC is equipped with USB port,

you can use a converter USB-RS232

• TCP/IP: to establish a communication in TCP/IP, typically through the Ethernet port

of TBOX MS. TWinSoft will establish a connection with the IP address of the
‘Ethernet’ port of the CPU (see chapter 9.1: ‘CPU resources’).
From this PC Setup menu, it is also possible to specify another IP address,
for instance if communicating to another Ethernet port or through GPRS.

• Modem: to establish a remote connection to the TBOX MS. TWinSoft takes full
advantage of Windows' built-in modem support: simply install your modem
in the control panel's Modems applet of Windows and you are ready to call
your TBOX MS.

You can develop your TWinSoft document without

connection to the TBOX MS, but it will be
mandatory to send it to have the RTU running!

The program can be sent through RS232, RS485,

Ethernet or modem.

Version: 1.06 33
6.4. Testing communication
Once you have selected the media on the PC, you can test the communication.

From the main menu of TWinSoft: Communication RTU identification:

Available information:

-Name of the RTU

-Type of Hardware
-Version of Operating System
-Status of the process
-ModBus address of the Station
-Subaddress of the Station
-IP address of the modem
-IP configuration of the Ethernet
-Access level of the current user
-Date and Time in the RTU

-General information about the program

-Process cycle time

-Unique ID of the RTU

The Status bar of TWinSoft displays the status of the connection:

The media of the PC is indicated and the access level of your connection (see chapter 17:

If a connection cannot be established with the TBOX MS, it might be because the
configuration of its port does not fit with the PC setup you use (different Baudrate, different
IP address, protocol other than ModBus, …).

To set the TBOX MS to a default configuration, you have to do a global reset. (see next)

Version: 1.06 34
6.5. Global reset of TBox MS
The Global Reset is used to set TBOX MS in a default, well-known configuration, in case
it does not communicate anymore.
This is very useful when you take a CPU from the stock and you have no idea how the port
you want to communicate with is configured.

The global reset is achieved using the button on the front side of the CPU


• Push and maintain the button to the ‘Reset’ side

• Let the LED flashes 3 times
• Release the button

Global reset configuration:

The global reset mode is indicated by the LED flashing at 0.5 hz (instead of 2 hz in RUN
mode). In this mode, the TBOX MS is configured like following:

Port Baudrate Protocol Station IP

address address
COM1 (RS232) 9600,N,8,1 ModBus 1 -
COM2 (RS485) 9600,N,8,1 ModBus 1 -
COM3 (Ethernet) - - 1 maintained
MS-PSTN; MS-GSM - ModBus 1 -
RS232 - modem maintained ModBus 1 -
RS232 - local 9600,N,8,1 ModBus 1 -

The Global Reset does not erase the

current program. Doing an ordinary
Reset will restart the program.

More information about working modes of TBOX MS in

the technical specifications at the end of this manual

6.6. LED « RUN »

This LED, next to the “Reset” button indicates the status of the CPU:
Program runs 2 Hz
Program stopped 0.5 Hz
Operating System stopped 8 Hz

Version: 1.06 35
6.7. Saving and Sending a Program
Like any Windows program, TWinSoft creates ‘Documents’. One document corresponds to
one TBOX MS application. Each of them must be saved using the Windows standard.

6.7.1. Saving a document

Possibilities for saving a document:
• Use the icon of the main tool bar
• From the main menu use: ‘File’ ‘Save’
• Use the accelerator keys <CTRL + S>

During the development of the application, it can be sent at any time to TBOX MS, for
testing the program.
When sending an application to TBOX MS, it is first compiled and then sent, in the same

6.7.2. Compiling a document

Compilation converts the document into microprocessor code. You can execute it:
• Use the icon of the main tool bar
• Use the accelerator key <F9>

The result of the compilation is available in the Results window. This windows
automatically pops up when there is a problem but it can be opened manually:
• from the main menu: ‘View’ ‘Results’
• using the accelerator keys <ALT + 2>

The Results window provides useful data:

Information: indicated in black
Warning: indicated in bold dark green
Error: indicated in bold red

Test of memory still available

The result window also displays memory still available:

CPU ROM: Application RAM: Application RAM: Databases

CPU-16 Max. 32768 bytes Max: 32768 bytes Max. 73728 bytes

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6.7.3. Sending a document
In order to have the TBOX MS running with the program you have developed with TWinSoft,
you have to send it. You can use any media to achieve it (RS232, modem, Ethernet, …).

Possibilities for sending a program:

• Use the icon of the main tool bar
• From the main menu use: ‘Communication’ ‘Send program’
• Use the accelerator keys <CTRL + F9>

The sequence for sending is Compiling + Sending.

If a problem occurs during compiling, the sequence is stopped and the ‘Results’ window
pops-up (see above)

If you interrupt the sending of the program or an error happens

before the end of sending, TBOX MS will not restart, even after a reset.
The reason is that the program is composed of several modules; when
starting, TBOX MS checks the integrity of those modules. When they do
not correspond to the same sending the program does not start, even
after a reset.
You have then to re-send the program.

The good news is that TBOX MS keeps its original settings before it
was stopped.

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7. Introduction
TWinSoft uses the standard look and feel of ‘Windows Explorer’, with at the left side a list of
folders and at the right side the content of the folder selected.

Each Folder consists in a list of items.

For instance the list of Tags, or in the ‘Alarms’ folder the list of ‘Recipients’ or in the
‘Datalogging’ folder the list of ‘Sampling tables’, …

The programming of a TBOX MS application will be done in different steps:

Configuring the RTU properties

Adding of the cards and Remote device from the Resources
Creating Tags
Creating Programs using automation language Ladder and/or BASIC
Creating Alarms
Creating Datalogging
If you have a Remote device, creating Remote Tags, to exchange data

The sequence in which those tasks are executed is not fixed, but at least RTU properties,
Resources and Tags should be configured first, as being required for all other programming.

All those configurations are explained in the following chapters.

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8. RTU properties
Setting the properties of the TBOX MS has never been so easy thanks to a set of
comprehensive dialog boxes, available from the main tool bar.

RTU properties can be accessed

easily by clicking this icon.

The RTU properties are divided into:

• General the type of the RTU, telephone number, size of the chronologies, …

• Drivers configuration of external software modules written in ‘C’, used to

execute specific task or to communicate with other protocol than
standard ones.

• Info to type any info about your program, its different versions, …

• Advanced for some features, some advanced parameters are available: for
alarms, sampling tables, …

Communication ports are configured from the

General TCP/IP configuration is done from the
‘Workspace’ and folder IP parameters.

Version: 1.06 41
8.1. General properties

RTU Type: The type of RTU you have selected with the Wizard (see chapter 6.1). It
cannot be changed!

Name: type a free name for the TBOX MS. It will be displayed when doing a
‘RTU identification’ and used by the supervisory T.
Maximum 8 characters.

ModBus address: with ModBus protocol, each device must have a Station number. It is its
ModBus address.
Enter a number between 1 and 255 (default=1).

Sub address: if more than 255 TBOX MS must be installed in one project, you need to
define a Sub address. As this is not ModBus standard, it is only supported
by ‘TComm.dll’ based software (TWinSoft, T, … please call your
distributor for further information).
Enter a number between 0 and 15 (default=0).

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OS version: when working Offline, it is the OS used to simulate the compilation.
By default it is the OS version associated to version of TWinSoft.

Telephone number: Configuration used by TWinSoft when it needs to dial TBOX MS.

Sizes: Number of records of Digital and Analog chronologies. The

chronologies are the ‘on event’ method of recording data in TBOX MS
(see chapter 13: Data logging).
Enter a number between 0 and 4000 (Default=100).

Time zone: The Time Zone where the TBOX MS is installed.

This information is used to create the time stamps when retrieving data
from TBOX MS according to its location. TBOX MS uses Universal
Coordinated Time (UTC) as internal time stamp. The conversion is carried
out when retrieving the data.

Summer/Winter: Allows automatic management of winter/summer time. This

selection has to be made according to the location where the TBOX MS is
See Appendix B : Time in the RTU

8.2. Drivers
A driver is a module written in ‘C’ that executes a specific task, non-standard. Typically, it is
communication to equipment not supporting standard protocol of TBOX MS.
There is no driver at the moment.

8.3. Security
Access security is discussed at chapter 17.

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8.4. Info properties
You can enter a version number, the name of the programmer and a description of your
This information is not sent to TBOX MS.

8.5. Advanced
8.5.1. Startup

By Startup we mean:
Reset of RTU (hardware or software)
Sending of Program

Under those conditions two mechanisms of the RTU can be customized.

Reset all physical outputs: when active, at startup the RTU reinitializes the
outputs to ‘0’. After that the outputs are monitored
according to the process.
When not active, at startup the outputs are
maintained to their last status. After that the outputs
are monitored according to the process.

Wait start of condition: this feature relates to alarm condition.

The mechanism of generating alarm is based on transition:
the changing of a digital Tag or the overstepping of an
analog threshold.
This option allows changing this rule at startup:

With ‘Wait start of condition’ active:

Alarm Alarm time


With ‘Wait start of condition’ not active: if the alarm condition is true at startup, an internal
‘start of alarm - auto-ack’ is generated. When the alarm
condition disappears, the alarm is generated.

Alarm Alarm Alarm time


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8.5.2. Alarms

The advanced parameters of alarms concern the size of the stacks and customizing of
e-mail and GSM message.

Event stack: is a public stack where alarms are available with date, time, recipient,
message, status, ….
The Event stack can be displayed from the main menu: ‘Communication’ ‘Download’
The object ‘Alarms’ used in a WebForm displays the Event stack. It corresponds
also to the list of Alarms sent to T.

Alarm stack: is an internal stack used to send the alarms.

SMTP From: when receiving an e-mail from TBOX MS, the field ‘From’ indicates the origin
of the e-mail.
It accepts any text and the following parameters:
%station% : replaced by the name of the station (see General
%email% : replaced by the e-mail address of the RTU

Example: TBox_%station% <%email%>

Version: 1.06 45
SMTP subject: when receiving an e-mail from TBOX MS, the field ‘Subject’ contains the
message or the title of the report (see Report Studio).
It accepts any text and the following parameters:
%station% : replaced by the name of the station (see General
%email% : replaced by the e-mail address of the RTU
%time% : the time of the RTU when the e-mail was generated

Example: Report TBox %station% - %time% :

GSM message: when TBOX MS sends a SMS, you can add information to the message.
This information is sent in front of the message.
You can type any text and the following parameters:
%station% : replaced by the name of the station (see General
%time% : the time of the RTU when the e-mail was generated

Check the total length of SMS message does

not exceed 160 characters

Do not use accent

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8.5.3. Sampling Tables

This menu gives access to the parameters for long period recording in Sampling tables.
(See chapter 13.3: ‘Sampling tables’)

Those configurations concern all sampling tables.

Daily: When ‘daily’ is selected in sampling table, it is the time of the day the recording is

Weekly: When ‘weekly’ is selected in sampling table, it is the day of the week and the time
the recording is executed.

Monthly: When ‘monthly’ is selected in sampling table, it is the day of the month and the
time the recording is executed.

Version: 1.06 47
8.5.4. Temperature

For Temperature analog input (PT100 or PT1000), you can define a unit: Celsius,
Fahrenheit or Kelvin.
The unit is the same for all inputs

8.5.5. Remote Tags

Reset the device Trigger only if success When communicating as ‘Master’ using
‘Remote Tags’, a Trigger is associated to the device the RTU
communicate with (see Remote Tags).
This Trigger activates the communication according to a ‘State’ or
‘Edge’. Working with ‘Edge’, the RTU restores automatically the
Tag after the transaction(s).
- With this option active: the Trigger is restored only when communication has been
done successfully.
- Without this option: the Trigger is restored when all Remote Tags associated to the
device have been executed, with or without error.

8.5.6. TCP/IP

Version: 1.06 48
TCP Ports Numbers.
Each TCP/IP service has its own unique TCP port. It provides a logical location for the
delivery of TCP data.

TCP Port number complies to a standard defined by the IANA to be sure everyone using a
TCP service uses the same TCP ports according to protocols used.
When working with TBOX MS, in some cases, you might want to change this port number.

HTTP: port used to access TBOX MS as WebServer.

ModBus/TCP-Slave: port used by a ‘Master’ to access TBOX MS as ‘Slave’.
ModBus/TCP-Master: port used by TBOX MS as ‘Master’.

1. Changing the TCP port does not affect access from

TWinSoft. This is always possible.
2. The changing of TCP port is automatically applied to
'WebForms' when building the HTML pages using
WebForm Studio.

The MTU determines the maximum size of a TCP frames, by default 1500 bytes. 1500
bytes is the maximum.
Some intermediate equipment (router, switch, …) does not support this value. It can then be

TCP/IP addresses for incoming calls.

Range of addresses used during incoming calls.

TBOX MS uses the first address of the range and applies the following to the remote

Typically, this information is needed when TBOX MS is used as a Web Server, dialed from
Internet Explorer and TBox Dial It !.
The utility TBox Dial It ! , used to dial TBOX MS automatically, detects the IP address and uses
it as URL.
Avoid using addresses in the same range as the IP
address defined for the LAN card of the PC used as

Version: 1.06 49
8.5.7. Environment variables

The environment variables are used when particular configuration might be needed in
external software.

Variable Value Description

TViewPath \path The path in which the station will be created when
importing data in T.
The path is the relative path from the Project
workspace of T.

Example: with the Value: \Lines\10

Result in T :

Longname Type any long name The name typed here will be used in T,
instead of the one declared in the ‘General’
properties, which is limited to 8 characters

Version: 1.06 50
9. Resources
The resources represent the list of the hardware that your TBOX MS has to its disposal.

• The CPU card, with its communication ports (see chapter 9.1: ‘The CPU card’)
• The hardware can be composed of Cards fixed in the same Rack as the CPU. It can be
I/O cards or Communication cards (see chapter 9.2: ‘Adding Cards’)
• If the CPU needs to communicate in ‘ModBus Master’ to another device (CPU, or an
external ModBus device), the latter must be declared as a Remote I/O card (see
chapter 14: ‘Remote Tags’)
• The Resources also contain 2 lists with System variables. Systems variables have pre-
defined function (see chapter 9.4: ‘System variables’)

9.1. The CPU-16 card

When starting a new document, TWinSoft creates automatically the CPU card; the minimum
for a TBox MS project !

The communication ports of the CPU with their associated configuration and the I/O of the
CPU are available from the ‘Resources’:

The CPU card is divided in several groups:

Group 0 : communication ports
Group 1 : 2 digital inputs - 1 digital output (Sync. Input, Sync. Output, STOP input,)
Group 2 : 1 Analog input - 2 digital inputs (Power supply voltage, temperature

Version: 1.06 51
9.1.1. Communication ports of the CPU

By selecting the Group 0

Communication ports in
the workspace, you access
each port separately.

To enter the
configuration of the
communication port,
double click the port.

Example with COM1 – RS232

Depending on the type of communication port (RS232. RS485, modem or Ethernet),

different tabs are available:

Parameters: general parameters (local or modem, Baudrate, Protocol).

DCV: Digital Communication Variables. Special variables with a pre-defined

function (communication error, modem online, …). (see chapter 9.3)

ACV: Analog Communication Variables. Special variables with a pre-defined

function (time-out, user ID, …). (see chapter 9.3)

Advanced: mainly ‘timing’ parameters required when CPU is ‘Master’ or ‘Slave’ in a

ModBus communication.

TCP/IP: TCP IP configuration dedicated to the communication port, when available.

Version: 1.06 52
9.2. Adding Cards
All cards other than the CPU must be added in the ‘Resources’ folder: I/O cards as well as
communication cards.

Starting a new document, the only card

available is the CPU.
You will add all cards corresponding to
your hardware into this list.

TWinSoft does not detect the Cards automatically.

You have to add the Cards manually using the menu

‘Add a card’

Version: 1.06 53
Example: Adding a Power Supply card:

Id number of the cards in TWinSoft vs. Slot in the Rack:

Type of Card Slot used in the Rack Address in TWinSoft

Power Supply (if used) Always 0 1
CPU 0: when used without Power Supply Always 0
1: when used with a Power supply or
alone in prevision of using a Power Supply
I/O card
Any slot following the CPU Same as the slot index
Communication card


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9.2.1. Adding an I/O card

The Hardware is represented in TWinSoft with a hierarchy of 3 levels:

CARD : CPU card, 16 DI card, COMBO card, Modem card, …

GROUP : when there are several types of I/O on a Card, they are separated into
Groups: group of DI, group of DO, group of AI, …
CHANNEL : each physical connection, within a Group, corresponds to a channel.



GROUP When connected to a TBOX MS, the column

‘Value’ displays the current value, when the
channel has been declared as a Tag.

(see chapter 10 : ‘Tags’)

When adding a Card, its Id number must correspond to its

position on the Rack.
Check the slot index written in the Rack.

See examples in chapter 4.4.

See technical specifications of all I/O cards at the end of the manual.

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9.2.2. Adding a ‘Modem’ Card

A modem card (PSTN or GSM) is composed of a modem and a serial port (RS232 or RS485).
Technical specifications are available at the end of the manual.

Once created, a
‘modem’ provides
one Group 0 with

The numbering of communication port starts at COM4

(the previous ports are used by of the CPU).
The numbering is automatically incremented at each
insertion of communication card.

To enter the
configuration of
the modem, double
click the ‘modem’
port in the list

Example with COM4 – PSTN modem

Modem type: It cannot be changed. It corresponds to the modem of the card.

Initialization: The initialization string is sent at power up of the modem and after
each connection.
If changed, it is saved in the TWinSoft document.

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Outside line prefix: if TBOX MS is placed behind a telephone switch (PABX), it is the
number to get the outside line. This prefix will be applied
automatically each time TBOX MS dials out.

Default Initialization and prefix can be modified from the file

Changes will be applied to all new document created.

Auto Answer: Number of rings after which the modem will go off hook.

Tab DCV: Digital Communication Variables

Special variables with a pre-defined function (communication error, modem online,
…) (see chapter 9.3).

Tab ACV: Analog Communication Variables

Special variables with a pre-defined function (time-out, user ID, …) (see chapter 9.3).

Tab Advanced
Mainly ‘timing’ parameters required when modem is ‘Master’ or ‘Slave’ in a ModBus

9.2.3. Adding a ‘GSM / GPRS’ Card

In addition to configuration described here above, a GSM modem can be used in 2 modes:
as a GSM data modem
in GPRS mode

In addition to standard modem

configuration, some parameters
are specific to GSM.

The main option ‘GPRS’

determine the working mode of
the card:


Version: 1.06 57
GSM-data settings
Initialization: should not be changed

PIN Code: If the SIM card you have inserted uses a PIN code, type it at the place
of the letter n.
Example: with the PIN code 4896, you should have in the field: AT+CPIN=“4896”

If the SIM card you have does not require a PIN code, you can leave the
field as it is or erase it.

If you type the wrong PIN code, or you type a PIN code when
the SIM card does not require one, you risk blocking the SIM
It must then be restored with the PUK code using a mobile.

Auto Answer: number of RINGS before the modem picks-up the line.

Dialing to a GSM-data
The SIM card of a GSM has three telephone numbers: VOICE (the one you use to speak),
To dial to TBOX MS, you have to be sure that data service is activated and you dial the
DATA number (please call your GSM operator).

In some countries, like in US for instance, GSM operators do not

provide DATA service.
DATA communication is then only available in GPRS mode (see

About sending e-mail or Files with GSM-data

Some ISP requires specific telephone number for connecting through GSM (please check
with your ISP).

Version: 1.06 58
GPRS settings
Once you have declared a MS-GSM card, you have to activate the GPRS mode.
You have to choose either ‘GSM-Data’ mode OR ‘GPRS’
It is not possible to use the modem in both modes.

When selecting GPRS,

TWinSoft automatically
adapts Initialization and
Operator Phone number
fields (see next).

If the connection requires a

login, select the option
‘The server requires

If you receive a fixed IP

address, declare it in
‘TCP/IP’ tab.

Initialization: You have to add in the initialization string the APN. Replace in the string
the apn with the URL you receive from your GSM operator.
Example with Mobistar:

PIN Code: If the SIM card you have inserted uses a PIN code, type it at the place
of the letter n.
Example: with the PIN code 4896, you should have in the field: AT+CPIN=“4896”

If the SIM card you have does not require a PIN code, you can leave the
field as it is or erase it.

Operator Phone number: special number to establish the GPRS connection.

Typically, the number is *99***1#. Check with your operator
and type it following the command ATD.
Example with Mobistar, Proximus, SFR, AllIP, …: ATD*99***1#

Connection at start up: when this option is selected (by default) TBOX MS handles
the modem to keep the connection permanently.
when this option is removed, TBOX MS handles the
connection according to communication variables: GPRSCon
(see below)

Version: 1.06 59
Communication Variables dedicated to GPRS
Some communication variables allow manual handling of GPRS and give information on the

Digital Communication Variable

COMx.GPRSCon * GPRS: Handles the GPRS connection.
Working in manual connection, writing ‘1’ forces a connection;
writing ‘0’ forces a disconnection.

When working with automatic connection, if you reset this

variable the connection will stop, but after maximum 5 minutes, it
will be automatically restarted.

Analog Communication Variable

COMx.GPRSState - GPRS: indicates the status of the GPRS connection.
Value=0 : disconnected
Value=1 : currently connecting
Value=2 : connected
Value=3 : currently disconnecting
COMx.IPAddress - GPRS: this register gives the IP address used by TBOX MS
during its GPRS connection.
The information is available in a DWORD, but in the list of Tags,
you can display it as an IP address: from the list of Tags, right
click the Tag Display as IP address.

This information is very important when working with

dynamic IP address. It can be sent for instance by e-mail
(see Report Studio), to inform on IP address changing.

Version: 1.06 60
About sending alarms with GPRS
With GPRS, you are able to send e-mail or files using FTP. You create recipient(s) associated
to the SMTP or FTP server you have associated to the GSM/GPRS.

Working with a manual connection, first the RTU establishes the connection and sends the
mail and/or files. Then it stops the connection.
If the connection was already established, the RTU maintains the connection.

Working with an automatic connection, the mail and/or files are sent immediately and the
connection is maintained.

GPRS IP settings
GPRS represents a TCP/IP connection using GSM network. It then requires a TCP/IP

Obtain IP address
You work with dynamic IP
address which is provided by
the Operator at the

Use IP address:
You work with fix IP
address; it corresponds to
the SIM card you use.

Obtain DNS server

addresses auto.:
The Operator provides you
with DNS.

Use DNS Server

You want to use specific
DNS addresses.

Version: 1.06 61
9.3. Communication Variables
Communication variables are dedicated registers to status of the communication.

It is very useful for controlling the connection and the access level authority.

Those variables are divided into 2 tabs, the Digital Communication Variables (DCV) and the
Analog Communication Variables (ACV).

When you need one, you double click it from the list and declare it as a Tag. It becomes
then available in any feature of TBOX MS.

9.3.1. Digital Communication Variable

According to its function a

Communication variable is
Read/Write or Read only.

In the following table, the

column R/W indicates:
- : Read only.
0 : Write ‘0’ only.
1 : Write ‘1’ only.
* : Write ‘0’ or ‘1’.

Example with COM6 – GSM modem

Name R/W Description

COMx.NoReply 0 Communication: SET by TBOX MS in case of communication
error. The possible errors are:
- Timeout.
- ModBus: Unknown address, wrong quantity, CRC error.
- TCP/IP: wrong closing of socket.
Must be RESET by the user.
COMx.OffHook * Modem: Reading ‘1’, indicates the modem has picked-up the line
and it connecting to another modem.
The success of the connection can be checked from the next
‘Connect’ variables.
Writing ‘0’ or ‘1’ forces the modem to hang-up.
COMx.Call - Modem: Reading ‘1’ indicates the modems are synchronized with
TBOX MS ‘Calling’
COMx.Answer - Modem: Reading ‘1’ indicates the modems are synchronized with
TBOX MS ‘Answering’
COMx.NoDial 0 Modem: Reading ‘1’ indicates that no dial tone has been detected
when the modem has picked-up the line.
Must be RESET by the user.
COMx.GPRSCon * GSM: Indicates the status of the GPRS connection. Writing ‘1’
forces a connection; writing ‘0’ forces a disconnection (see above
for more details).

Version: 1.06 62
COMx.ModBusResp 0 Communication: Reading ‘1’ indicates the port is transmitting. At
each transmission, TBOX MS SET this register.
To check TBOX MS is transmitting, you RESET this register and
test whether it is SET again (using Ladder or BASIC)

9.3.2. Analog Communication Variable

According to its function a

Communication variable is
Read/Write or Read only.

In the following table, the

column R/W indicates:
- : Read only.
* : Writable.

Example with COM6 – GSM modem

Name R/W Description

COMx.Level * Access Control: access level of the user currently logged (see
chapter 17).
COMx.UserId * Access Control: user Id of the user currently logged (see chapter
The user Id and the authority level correspond to those you
have defined with the utility ' PASSWORD '.
The values returns to 0 when the user has disconnected.
Values can be written to those registers.
Example: when a user is connected you can modify its level
access by writing a value in the register COMx.level (level
available: 0, 1, 2 or 3).

Those values can be stored in analog chronology for keeping a

history on the access. When a user disconnects (Logout), the
register returns to '0
COMx.Timeout * Modem: global time-out for hanging-up the modem when there
is no communication. Correspond to the ‘Inactivity time-out’ in
the ‘Advanced properties’ of the modem.
COMx.GPRSState - GPRS: indicates the status of the GPRS connection.
Value=0 : disconnected
Value=1 : currently connecting
Value=2 : connected
Value=3 : currently disconnecting
(see above for more details)
COMx.IPAddress - GPRS: this register gives the IP address used by TBOX MS
during its GPRS connection.
The information is available in a DWORD. To be interpreted, you
should compute this Tag with mask to read the 4 bytes
composing the IP address.

Version: 1.06 63
9.4. System variables
The system variables have pre-defined functions.
They are very useful to check or to act on features of TBOX MS.

They are divided into ‘Digital’ and ‘Analog’.

9.4.1. Digital System Variables

According to its function a register is Read/Write or Read only. In the following table, the
column R/W indicates:
- : Read only.
0 : Write ‘0’ only.
1 : Write ‘1’ only.
* : Write ‘0’ or ‘1’.

When the action (SET) is specified, it means that the TBOX MS maintains the variable at 1 to
be sure it is detected. With such a variable, you need then to reset it using BASIC or
Ladder programming

Index Name R/W Description

0 TikSec 0 Tik Second: Changes of state every second. Useful for counting time.
1 PrgRun - Program run: At each starting of TBOX MS , this register changes to 1
and stays at 1 as long as the BASIC/Ladder program runs.
This register is used in BASIC/Ladder to execute operations only at the
start of the program, with the help of a positive edge trigger function.
2 NewPro - New program: Start of a program flag. Changes to 1 if TBOX MS has
started after having received a new program. Changes to 0 after a
reset of the TBOX MS.
3 Reboot 1 Reboot: complete restart of TBOX MS. It is equivalent to hardware
4 RstWat * Reset Watchdog: the watchdog checks the cycle time of BASIC/Ladder
program. In case it is longer than 1 second, it resets TBOX MS. This
Watchdog can be reset to reinitialize the 1 second timer in case of
cycle time longer.
5 Ala_On 0 Alarm on: this register indicates that alarm is active (not ack.).
Writing 0 in this register causes a global acknowledgment of all
alarms. Corresponds to a reset of the Alarms stack
6 Alaerr 0 Alarm in error: TBOX MS SETs this register when an alarm failed to be
sent. This means that after the number of tries, the alarm has been
auto-acknowledged. Must be RESET by the user.
7 RstAla 1 Reset Alarm: Not used. See ‘Ala_On’ here above.
8 EnaDCr * Digital Chronology: General enable of recording in digital chronology.
9 EnaACr * Analog Chronology: General enable of recording in analog chronology.
10 EnaSam * Sampling Tables: General enable of recording in sampling tables.
11 EnaAla * Enable Alarm: General enable of generating alarms.
12 DisCrd * Flag digital chronology: can be associated to any digital chronology
configuration to inhibit recording. When at value ‘1’, inhibits recording
in Database.

Version: 1.06 64
Index Name R/W Description
13 DisCra * Flag analog chronology: can be associated to any analog chronology
configuration to inhibit recording. When at value ‘1’, inhibits
recording in Database.
14 DisSam - (Not used)
15 DisAla - Flag sending alarm: can be associated to any Alarm condition. When
at value ‘1’, inhibits the sending of alarm.
16 DaySav - Time: 1 = summer time (the ASPE ZoneBias = + 3600 seconds).
0 = wintertime.
17 PrgEnb * Program Enable: when reset to ‘0’, allows stopping the execution of
BASIC/Ladder program. It can be useful to execute the program
manually (see next).
18 PrgOnc 1 Program Once: when set to ‘1’, executes the cycle of BASIC/Ladder
program once. Useful for debugging the program.
TBOX MS resets the variable automatically.
19 TcpIpLog * TCP Logging: Setting this register activates the Debugging of TCP/IP
connection. Very useful to trace problems when sending e-mail or
FTP. (see chapter 11.5)
When this option has been activated, the information is available
from TWinSoft main menu: ‘Communication’ ‘Download’
‘TCP/IP debugging’.
20 ALAovf * Alarm Overflow: overflow in the stack of alarms. The size of the
stack of alarms can be adjusted from the ‘Advanced’ properties of
the RTU
21 ComErr 0 Communication error: general communication error flag. It means
that one of the communication port (of the CPU or of a
communication card) used as ‘Master’ has encounter a
communication error. (SET)
22 SmtpEr 0 Smtp Error: an error occurred while sending an e-mail. (SET)
23 FtpErr 0 Ftp Error: an error occurred while sending files. (SET)
24 NTPErr 0 NTP Error: an error occurred while setting time of TBOX MS. (SET)
25 GpsVF - GPS: GPS validity. GPS returns a valid signal.
Validity of the signal. When changes to one, it indicates the GPS
receives sufficient signals to calculate its position (from minimum 3
When changing from 0 to 1, the time of TBOX MS is set to the time
of GPS, with correction in regards to GMT according to the location
of TBox.
If you want to update the time manually, you reset the variable
26 GPRSErr 0 GPRS Error: an error occurred during GPRS connection. TBOX MS
does not succeed to connect (not supported yet) (SET)
27 ModemLog * ModemLog: authorizes the modem connection to be logged into
chronology. The communication port is declared in the ASV.24
The ASV.25 [EventLog] must be tagged also.
The information is available in from the communication Download
TraceLog (not supported yet)
28 SystemEr 0 SystemErr: the RTU detected an error during starting. Typically a
problem with a card (not supported yet) (SET)

Version: 1.06 65
9.4.2. Analog System Variables

According to its function a variable is Read/Write or Read only. In the following table, the
column R/W indicates:
- : Read only.
* : Writable.

Index Name R/W Description

0 Second * Time: Second in TBOX MS.
1 Minute * Time: Minute in TBOX MS.
2 Hours * Time: Hour in TBOX MS.
3 Date * Time: Day of the month in TBOX MS.
4 Month * Time: Month in TBOX MS.
5 Year * Time: Year in four digit in TBOX MS.
6 DayOfw * Time: Day of the week in TBOX MS. (Mo=1; Tu=2; We=3; …)
7 AlaCnt * Alarm quantity: Amount of alarms in the alarms stack. It means
the quantity of alarms that have not been generated already.
The size of the Alarm stack can be adjusted in the ‘Advanced RTU
8 AlaID * Alarm last index: Absolute index of the last alarm generated
(number between 0 and 65535).
9 ALACur * Alarm current index: Absolute index of the alarm being currently
handled (number between 0 and 65535).
Can be used to acknowledge an alarm by writing its index.
10 ALARec * Alarm recipient: gives the index of the recipient of the current
Can be used to acknowledge all alarms of a Recipient by writing
its index (see index in the list of Recipient).
11 SamQty * Sampling Table: Quantity of sampling tables defined.
12 UtcTim - Time: Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). It is the number of
seconds since 01/01/1970, GMT time. It is used as time-stamp
reference for datalogging.
13 ZonBia * Time: Time difference in seconds with GMT.
14 ZonID * Time: ID of the zone where TBOX MS has been installed. It uses
Regional Settings of PC, therefore it is important that you
configure PC according to the location where TBOX MS is
15 WeYear * Time: week of the year.
16 CycTim * Time: time for one cycle of the program (BASIC and Ladder). This
register is refreshed after each cycle.
Within the program, you could compute this register to memorize
the highest value.
17 AAcond - Alarms: Quantity of alarm conditions, which are still active.
18 LevId - Events: absolute number of the last event (0…65535).
19 AppVer - Application version: according to the ‘version’ indicated in the
‘Info’ of the RTU properties. This register returns a version in a
WORD format: 0…65535
20 OsVer - Operating System version: running in TBOX MS

Version: 1.06 66
Index Name R/W Description
21 OsBuil - Operating System build: build number of the OS running in
22 LoaVer - Loader version: Loader version running in TBOX MS
23 LoaBui - Loader build: build number of the loader running in TBOX MS
24 PortIdLog * Selection of the port for TCP debugging (see chapter 11.5)
25 EventLog - Contains internal codes used for TCP debugging
(see chapter 11.5)
26 MilliS - TIME:
With CPU-16: 10 milliseconds tik
With CPU-32: 1 millisecond tik (not available yet)
27 GpsLat - GPS: current latitude given by the MS-GPS.
Latitude in degrees multiplied by 1000000 (example: 50123456
means 50 degrees + 0.123456 degree). Resolution : 11 cm.
Precision 15 meters
28 GpsLong * GPS: current longitude given by the MS-GPS.
Longitude in degrees multiplied by 1000000 (example: 7123456
means 7 degrees + 0.123456 degree). Resolution : 11 cm.
Precision 15 meters
29 GpsAlt - GPS: current altitude given by the MS-GPS.
Altitude in meters. Resolution, 1 meter. Precision: depends on
the quantity of satellites. Poor precision
30 GpsSats - GPS: quantity of satellites detected by the MS-GPS. Must be of
minimum 3, or even 4 to expect a good precision.

9.5. Timers & Counters

Timers and Counters are described in the manual

BASIC & Ladder for TBox

Version: 1.06 67
10. Tags
A Tag is essential for any programming

• An alarm is conditioned from a Tag.

• The Datalogging mechanism records values of Tags.
• BASIC/Ladder programming executes a process by handling Tags.
• …

Any variable of the TBOX MS that you want to use in any configuration, you have to
declare it as a Tag.

There are 3 types of variables:

• The Physical I/O (DI, DO, AI, AO)
• The System Variables (predefined analog and digital functions)
• The Internal variables, digital and analog (aka Registers)

The Tags are gathered in the folder Tags of the Project Workspace:

GROUP of Tags

The Tags can be sorted into Groups of Tags.

From the list of Tags, right click.
From the Context menu, select ‘New → Group’.
You can then move/create Tags into the Group.

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10.1. Physical I/O
The physical I/O’s are the signals available on I/O cards. They can be easily accessed from
the ‘Resources’ (see chapter 9: ‘The Resources’)

To create a Tag of a variable from the Resources:

select it into the list and double click it
change its name and description
click <OK>

If you are connected to a TBOX MS when the Tag is created, you

will see ***** appearing in the column ‘Value’.
This is because the ModBus address of the Tag needs to be
sent to TBOX MS (see chapter 10.3: ‘ModBus addresses’)

Once the program has been sent, the value appears.

You can send the program

with this icon.

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10.2. Internal Variables (Registers)
An internal variable (also know as Register) is an addressable location of the memory. It is
used as flag, as temporary value, to make a calculation, …

There are 2 types of internal variables:

Digital (DIV) Boolean register with possible values: 0 or 1.

Analog (AIV) with several formats:

8 bits, Signed or Unsigned
16 bits, Signed or Unsigned
32 bits, Signed or Unsigned
Float, IEEE 754

The Internal Variables can be only created from the list of Tags.

10.2.1. Digital Internal Variable

To create a Digital Internal Variable, from the list of Tags, click ‘Add a Tag’ .

Select ‘Digital’

Version: 1.06 70
The Definition menu pops up:

You type a Tag Name, a Comment and select as Type: ‘Internal Variable’

The initial value is the value the Tag will have at the start up of TBOX MS.
If you select ‘None’ the value is maintained at start up.

ModBus Address is discussed in chapter 10.3

Version: 1.06 71
10.2.2. Analog Internal Variable

To create an Analog Internal Variable (also known as Register), from the list of Tags, click
‘Add a Tag’ .

Select ‘Analog’

The Definition menu pops up:

Example with a ’32 bits – Unsigned’ internal variable

Version: 1.06 72
You type a Tag Name, a Comment and select as Type: ‘Internal Register’

For each Analog Register, the formats available are:

o 8 bits (Signed or Unsigned)
o 16 bits (Signed or Unsigned)
o 32 bits (Signed or Unsigned)
o Float (IEEE 754)

By default, TWinSoft creates Analog Internal Variable in

format ‘Float’.
Check it fits with the use you intend to have with the variable.

The initial value is the value the Tag will have at the start up of TBOX MS.
If you leave the field empty, the value is maintained at start up.

ModBus Address is discussed in chapter 10.3

Version: 1.06 73
10.3. ModBus address
The ModBus address is the link to the outside world. When equipment must sample Tags in
TBOX MS, it uses its ModBus addresses; like T, SCADA or TWinSoft.

Each Tag has a unique ModBus address. By default TWinSoft proposes a ModBus address.
You can change it if you want.

While being On-line, the value of the Tag can be displayed

only when TWinSoft has sent the program to TBOX MS.

The Tag is then available for the outside world at the

ModBus address you have declared.

10.3.1. ModBus address of System Variables

With System Variables it is a little bit different; they have two ModBus addresses:
One internal and fixed ModBus address that you don’t know. That explains why
when you are connected to TBOX MS, even without sending a program, you still can
see values from the Resources.
One user ModBus address that you are allowed to modify if you want. When you
create a Tag of system variable, you can change its default ModBus address.
In case you wish to access the Tag, you declare this user ModBus address.

Other Tabs of the Tag configuration refer to menu where the

Tag can be declared:
For Alarms, see chapter 12
For Datalogging, see chapter 13
For Remote Tags, see chapter 14
About Presentation-write, see next chapter

Version: 1.06 74
10.4. Tags - Presentation / Write
This tab contains configuration used when the Tag is declared in a Report or in a WebForm.

Report: file edited with ‘Report Studio’ and used for instance as text body when
sending e-mail.
(Start ‘Report Studio’ from ‘Windows’ and the group of Programs of Techno Trade or
from the ‘Project Workspace’ and the list of ‘Web and Report files’)

WebForm: file edited with ‘WebForm studio’. Used to display values of Tags in a
HTML page.
(Start ‘WebForm Studio’ from ‘Windows’ and the group of Programs of Techno Trade
or from the ‘Project Workspace’ and the list of ‘Web and Report files’)

Presentation: makes the following information available to ‘Report’ and ‘WebForm’.

Description: in a Report, text displayed as ‘Header’ in sampling table or as Tag

information in chronologies when the data is retrieved.

Units: text displayed as ‘Unit’ in datalogging when the data is retrieved. It can
also be displayed when selecting as format ‘Value + unit’ in the report or

# decimal: the quantity of decimals of the value displayed

Write allowed: if the Tag is declared in a WebForm, allows defining a writing access to the
Tag, within a specific range.

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11. IP Parameters
IP parameters consist in the global configuration for:

connecting to an ISP
sending files (FTP)
sending e-mail (SMTP)
Time synchronization (NTP)

Concerning IP configuration of Ethernet card, refer to

the corresponding card in the ‘Resources’.
Concerning IP configuration for incoming calls
(WebServer), see advanced RTU properties TCP/IP

All IP parameters
are defined in this
Folder, available from
the ‘Resources’.

The FTP Host, SMTP Server and NTP configurations correspond to connections to the
appropriate servers. It is done for once, and called when creating a recipient of alarms.
This makes creating alarm recipients very easy !

Example with alarm for sending e-mail:

The Recipient is an ‘e-mail’ address which refers to a SMTP server.

This SMTP server refers to an ISP

In other way round, when TBOX MS generates an e-mail, it sequences the configuration like

connection to an ISP connection to a SMTP Server sending to a recipient (e-mail


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11.1. ISP configuration
ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. An ISP represents the entrance to Internet.

It is the company you call to access an Internet service, like sending e-mail or files (FTP).
Some among the most well-known: Hotmail, AT&T, Scarlet, …

When you want TBOX MS to send e-mail or send files to a FTP site, you subscribe an
account to an ISP.

Using the button ‘Import…’ gives you

access to an existing ISP configuration
you have tested successfully on the PC.
A good piece of advice ☺

Name: It is the name of the provider.

Phone number: It is the phone number of the provider the TBOX MS must dial to send an e-
mail or files.

Dial Prefix: The default dial prefix to connect to an ISP (ATDT). It should not be
changed unless the modem needs a particular configuration.
If TBOX MS is placed behind a telephone switch, the ‘outside line prefix’ is
defined in the modem properties; it should not be added to the dial
prefix (see chapter 9.2.2)

User name: It is the name of your account needed to access Internet (usually it is given
by the ISP).

Password: It is the password of your account needed to access Internet (usually it is

given by the ISP).

Version: 1.06 77
DNS: A DNS converts names in IP address. It is needed by the TBOX MS to
establish the connection with the Mail Provider in case the e-mail Server is
indicated in 'text' and not with an IP address.
More and more ISP support dynamic DNS, they provide the DNS addresses
when connecting.
When it is not the case, they provide you with a ‘Preferred’ and ‘Alternate’
DNS address

You can declare several ISP entries!

Then they can be used in redundancy through the sending of
You are allowed to define several SMTP Servers (see next),
associated to different ISP’s.
Creating the alarm recipient, you can select the ‘Redundancy’

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11.2. FTP Host
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. When subscribing an account to an ISP, usually you
have some Mbytes to your disposal for sending files.

The FTP host represents the target when sending files. The directory where the files are sent
is defined in the Recipient (see chapter 11).

First, TBOX MS connects to Internet (through an ISP connection) and then sends the files.

Host Name: It is a free name, to recall when you create the alarm recipient.

Host address: text and IP address are accepted.

Connection: You select the ISP you have previously created (see above).

Login: Depending on the account you have subscribed, you have a login or work
with ‘Anonymous login’.

This is the basic configuration to connect to the ‘FTP site’.

You do not declare a directory in this configuration, but when
declaring the ‘Recipient’ (see chapter 12.4. The Recipients).
This allows creating any combination:
- several ‘FTP recipients’ to one FTP site
- several ‘FTP recipients’ to different FTP sites.

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11.3. SMTP Server
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is usually the main reason for subscribing
an account to an ISP, for sending and reading e-mail.

Concerning e-mail, TBOX MS is able to send e-mail

and not to read e-mail. That explains why we speak
only of SMTP and not POP3 (used for reading e-mail)

The SMTP Server represents the mail server used for sending e-mail (typically the one of the
ISP where we have subscribed an account).

First, TBOX MS connects to Internet (through an ISP connection) and then to the SMTP

Name: It is a free name, to recall when you create the alarm recipient.

Mail Server (SMTP): It is the IP address (or the name) of the outgoing e-mail Server. It
is the unique mail Server needed. The POP3 address, for incoming e-mail, is
not needed, as TBOX MS cannot receive e-mail.

E-mail address: It is the e-mail address of the TBOX MS. You can usually choose it when you
subscribe an account. This address will appear in the 'From:' when receiving
the mail.

In order to protect the mail server (and you) against spamming,

the ISP might to refuse sending e-mail if the address of the
originator is not known. Therefore, be careful to indicate here the
e-mail address you have received from your ISP.

Version: 1.06 80
The Server requires Authentication: Depending on your ISP and on the way you
send e-mail, authentication might be needed to send e-mail.
Usually, when you have subscribed the e-mail account at your ISP it is not
To be sure, if you have created this account on a PC, check its configuration
otherwise contact your ISP.

11.3.1. About Redundancy

If you create more than one SMTP Server, they can be used in redundancy in accordance to
their order in the list.
You decide to work with redundancy when creating the e-mail recipient (see chapter 12.4).

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11.4. NTP Server
NTP stands for Network Time Protocol, an Internet standard protocol (built on top of
TCP/IP) that assures accurate synchronization to the millisecond.

The NTP Server represents a server dedicated to time synchronization.

First, TBOX MS connects to Internet (through an ISP connection) and then to the NTP

Example with a connection to Windows server through Ethernet

Examples of Servers:

You will find valuable information, like lists of Servers with open access at:
www.ntp.org public time server list

The organization pool.ntp.org proposes servers using DNS round robin, which make a
random selection from a pool of open access time servers. This is good enough when
working with TBOX MS.

Round Robin DNS technique is used when the number of access to a server is unpredictable,
to balance the use of IP addresses (load balancing technique).

11.4.1. Time accuracy

When setting time, TBOX MS takes into account the propagation delay. This is particularly
important when connecting to the server via modem.

The precision is of 1 second.

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11.5. TCP/IP Debugging
This feature is very convenient to trace problems when sending e-mails and/or files (with

It informs on the different steps of the connection: Login to the ISP, obtain of DNS, Smtp
communication, …

It is based on 3 ‘System variables’: TcpIpLog, PortIdLog and EventLog

1. One System variable must be Tagged: Analog # 25: EventLog

Keep the ModBus address as it is (22080). Do not change it.

It is not necessary to Tag the 2 other variables.

2. Make the following lines of Ladder:

This lines activates Debugging process

This means that we make

debugging on COM4

Example on debugging through MS-PSTN modem (COM4)

As you can see, we use the system variables without having Tagged them (brown color). You can also
Tag them if you want.

3. Once the connection is finished, look at the trace from the ‘Communication menu’

Version: 1.06 83
4. Example of TraceLog when sending e-mail works fine:

Closing connection

SMTP (e-mail) dialog

Obtain DNS from ISP

Agreement on options supported

Authentication (PAP or CHAP)

Agreement on options supported

Modem connected

TBOX MS uses the ‘Analog Chronologies’ to store

debugging data:
1. Check whether the size is sufficient (from the RTU
properties General)
2. If you retrieve data, for instance with T,
you might receive strange data!

Version: 1.06 84
5. Example of TraceLog when sending Files (FTP) works fine:

Closing connection

FTP (sending files) dialog

Obtain DNS from ISP

Agreement on options supported

Authentication (PAP or CHAP)

Agreement on options supported

Modem connected

Version: 1.06 85
12. Alarms

12.1. Introduction
Alarm module of TBOX MS is the gate to the outside world.

An alarm consists in a communication event, not only for sending warning messages but
to establish a connection, like we will see.

Via alarms, you are able to call a SCADA, send SMS or message to Pagers, send e-mail,
send files to a FTP site, dial another TBOX MS or send a report to a printer.

Alarms can be used also to send historical data on regular base using e-mail or FTP. The
historical data is sent as the attached file of a report, developed using Report Studio (see
from ‘Windows’ the group of programs of ‘Techno Trade’).
TView, the supervisory software can then be used to collect data from a mail box or a FTP

The initiation of alarms in the TBOX MS relies on the variation of digital or analog Tags.
For example, an intrusion contact or a flow level generates a call.

There are two ways of activating an alarm:

By a condition: an edge on a digital Tag or the value of an analog Tag that passes
below a minimum threshold or above a maximum threshold, with adjustable hysteresis.

By the Ladder diagram: a complex Ladder sequence generates an alarm through a

specific function.

The first option affords a simple and quick way to create alarms (a state change of a
digital Tag or the variation of an analog Tag value to activate the alarm).

The Ladder diagram allows you to create a complex automated alarm condition by using
(for example) priorities or a set of analog or Boolean conditions.

Each new alarm is immediately entered into a 32-alarms queue (adjustable) and
processed, according to its severity level. Alarms are generated one by one.
The alarm queue represents an internal buffer of alarms: if several alarms happen at the
same time or if a communication port is not available when the alarm happens.

The Events stack, gives information about alarms status (Started – Stopped –

The Events stack is

discussed at chapter 12.7

Version: 1.06 86
To access the definition of Conditions, click the folder ‘Alarms’ in the Project workspace and
select ‘Conditions’.

According to the Tag you select, you define a digital alarm condition or an analog alarm

12.2. Digital Alarm Condition

Tagname: The Tag selected to generate the alarm.

Type: The edge on which the alarm is going to be started (rising, falling or both).

Message or Report: text or file associated to the alarm.

Depending on the type recipient associated, you can send a message or a
report. It is the SMS message sent to a GSM, the message/report sent as e-
mail, the message/report printed, or the file sent by FTP …

It also appears in the table of alarms, to distinguish them (see chapter 12.7).

If the alarm condition sends an e-mail, it can be of 2 kinds:

Message: a text message is sent and it appears in the ‘object’ field of the e-mail
Report: sending of a report created with Report Studio. The report can be
created from the Project Workspace and the list of ‘Web & Report

Recipient: Select a Recipient or a group of recipients. The ‘person’ you wish to contact
in case of alarm (see ‘Recipients’ below).
In case you select a group of Recipients, TBOX MS executes a chain: it calls
the first one in the group; in case the alarm cannot be acknowledged after the
number of tries, TBOX MS automatically calls the next Recipient in the group.
It is the equivalence to ‘Chain’ with previous generation of RTU, the A.

Filter: The time in hour:minute:second during which the condition must stay TRUE,
before the call is generated.

Version: 1.06 87
Handling: The handling option allows blocking each alarm condition, manually or
Enabled: alarm condition always active.
Disabled: alarm condition always de-activated.
PowerF: alarm condition disabled when there is a main power failure.
DisAla: alarm condition de-activated when the system variable ‘DisAla’ is at 1.

Severity: Each alarm can be assigned a level of severity: Low, Normal or High. When
several alarms are still present in the queue and then not processed yet,
TBOX MS generates the calls according to the highest severity.

End of Alarm: When the alarm condition is finished, an alarm is automatically sent to the
same recipient with the same message.
Example: for a ‘positive edge’ alarm, it is when the Tag returns to ‘0’.

It is also useful when the alarm condition is active when TBOX MS starts up.
When ‘end of alarm’ is checked, an alarm is automatically generated when the
alarm condition disappears (see illustration chapter 12.7: Alarms table)

Call all Recipients: In case you select a group of Recipients, TBOX MS executes a
link between recipients: it calls all Recipients one after each

Version: 1.06 88
12.3. Analog Alarm Condition

Tagname: The Tag selected to generate the alarm.

Type: Maximum or Minimum.

The threshold for which the alarm will be started. If the value of the analog Tag
passes under (minimum) or over (maximum) this threshold, the alarm is
started. If an alarm must be generated for both a maximum and a minimum
threshold, 2 conditions must be declared with the same Tag.

Value: The threshold value, depending on the format defined when creating the Tag
(see chapter 10. The Tags).

Hysteresis: The amount that the level must fall or rise below or above the Max. or Min.
value before an alarm can be re-started

Recipient: Select a Recipient or a group of recipients. The ‘person’ you wish to contact
in case of alarm (see ‘Recipients’ below).
In case you select a ‘group of Recipients’, TBOX MS calls the first one in the
group. In case the alarm cannot be acknowledged after the number of tries,
TBOX MS automatically calls the next Recipient in the group.
It is the equivalence to ‘Chain’ with previous generation of RTU, the A.

Version: 1.06 89
Message or Report: text or file associated to the alarm.
Depending on the recipient associated, it is the SMS sent to a GSM, or the
message/report sent as e-mail or the text printed, or the file sent by FTP …

It also appears in the table of alarms, to distinguish them (see chapter 12.7).

If the alarm condition sends an e-mail, it can be of 2 kinds:

Message: a text message is sent and it appears in the ‘object’ field of the e-mail
Report: sending of a report created with ‘Report Studio’. The report can be
created from the Project Workspace and the list of ‘Web & Report

Filter: The time in hour:minute:second during which the condition must stay TRUE,
before the call is generated.

Handling: The handling option allows blocking each alarm condition, manually or
Enabled: alarm condition always active.
Disabled: alarm condition always de-activated.
PowerF: alarm condition disabled when there is a main power failure.
DisAla: alarm condition de-activated when the system variable ‘DisAla’ is at 1.

Severity: Each alarm can be assigned a level of severity: Low, Normal or High. When
several alarms are still present in the queue and not processed yet, TBOX MS
generates the calls according to the highest severity.

End of Alarm: When the alarm condition is finished, an alarm is automatically sent to the
same recipient with the same message.
Example: for a ‘maximum’ alarm, it is when the value returns below
maximum - hysteresis.

It is also useful when the alarm condition is active when TBOX MS starts up.
When ‘end of alarm’ is checked, an alarm is automatically generated when the
condition of alarm disappears (see illustration chapter 12.7: Alarms table)

Call all Recipients: In case you select a group of Recipients, TBOX MS executes a
link between recipients: it calls all Recipients one after each

Version: 1.06 90
12.4. Recipients
To access the definition of Recipients, click the folder ‘Alarms’ in the Project workspace and
select ‘Recipients’.

The types of recipients supported are:

Internal: the alarm is saved in the stack of events and no call is generated.
It can be used to memorize a particular event without generating an alarm or
to test an alarm condition.

ModBus: it can be Master or Slave.

It is used to establish a ModBus connection to another ModBus device or a
SCADA (for instance T).
The difference between Master and Slave concerns the handling of the
modem connection and acknowledgement.
A ‘Slave’ connection means that TBOX MS dials an equipment and doesn’t do
anything else. The dialed equipment will sample, acknowledge and hang-up.
Typically used for instance when dialing T.
A ‘Master’ connection means that TBOX MS dials a ModBus equipment and
will also sample this equipment (with Remote Tags).
TBOX MS will then be also responsible of acknowledgement (see chapter 9.4:
System variables) and hanging-up (see ‘Advanced’ properties of the
communication port used)

Pager/SMS: to send SMS to a mobile or message to a Pager.

Select the Service corresponding to the pager or mobile and a Modem.
Type the Phone Number of the Pager or Mobile.
The default Dial prefix is ATDT. It should not be changed unless the
modem needs a particular configuration.
If TBOX MS is placed behind a telephone switch, the ‘outside line prefix’ is
defined in the modem properties (see chapter 9.2.2)

Version: 1.06 91
Printer: sending of message(s) or report to a local printer.

E-mail: If you have subscribed an e-mail account (see chapter 11.3. SMTP Server),
the TBOX MS is able to send an e-mail. You only have to specify the e-mail
address of the recipient.

Sending of e-mail supports Redundancy.

If you have created several SMTP Servers and you select
‘Redundancy’ instead of a Server, TBOX MS will use the
first one in the list (see chapter 11.3. SMTP Servers. If it
fails, it will try with the second one and so on…

FTP: TBOX MS is able to send files to a FTP Host (see chapter 11.2. FTP Host).
In the recipient configuration you only need to indicate the directory where
you want to send the files.

NTP: TBOX MS is able to synchronize its clock with an external NTP server.
In the recipient, you only select a server you have created in the list of NTP
Servers (see chapter 11.4. NTP Server).

Version: 1.06 92
12.5. Group of Recipients
A group of recipients is composed of several recipients, which can be of different types
(SMS, e-mail, …).
You can declare several groups.

Then previous to creating groups of recipients, you have to create the recipients (see

You can then associate an Alarm condition to a ‘recipient’ or a ‘group of recipients’.

Working with groups of recipients offers 2 possibilities:

1. You select the option ‘Call all recipients’: the alarm is sent to all recipients, one after
each other ( equivalent to the ‘Link’ with previous generation of RTU, the A).
2. You don’t select the option ‘Call all recipients’: the alarm is sent to the first one in the list
then if it fails to the second then if it fails to the third …
When it succeeds the sending stops.
( equivalent to the ‘Chain’ with previous generation of RTU, the A).

Version: 1.06 93
12.6. Messages
To access the definition of Alarm messages, click the folder 'Alarms' in the Project workspace
and select 'Messages'.

Message number : indicates the index of message corresponding to its position in the list
of messages. Type a message of maximum 120 characters.
This message is user specific:
- If it is for a Digital Pager, it will consist only of numbers.
- If it is for a Text Pager or for a GSM, it will not contain accent (ü, é, à, ...)

The Following is not available yet

In all cases, a message can contain the value of a Tag. The syntax is the following:

~Xyyyyy ~

~ : The first character indicates that what follows is the value of a ModBus address. The
value sent is the value from the moment of the call.

X : represents the type of the variable:

Type Description
I Integer (-32768.. 32768)
W Word (0.. 65535)
C Choice (for example edges: POS, NEG or DEL)
S Text (comments, TEL number, scaled value of Terminal/.Minitel Tags,…)
R Real (only Factor an Offset of Terminal/Minitel Tags)
B Byte (0.. 255, represented as 3 ASCII characters)
t Time (represented as 2 ASCII characters)
j Day of the week
m month
0 (zero) Byte represented in binary format
f Floating point
D Double word
- Character string
d Digital state (represented as 0/1)
o (small letter) Digital state (represented as ON/OFF)
# Digital state (represented as --------/########)
1.. 9, a.. f Digital state (according to the definition of digital states, only valid from 1 to
h Time: hh:mm

Version: 1.06 94
yyyyy: represents the ModBus address of the variable. It can be checked from the list
of Tags (see chapter 10.3. ModBus address)

Examples of message Messages sent

ANA0=~B64~too high ANA0=234 too high
Register AIR0=~W20480~ Register AIR0=24563
Motor is ~o32~ Motor is OFF

12.7. Alarms table

The Alarms table displays the Events stack of TBOX MS.

The Events stack is the visible part of the handling of alarms in TBOX MS.
The internal alarms queue is not accessible.

You access the Alarms table from the main menu: Communication Download Alarms

Date/Time of the Message Acknowledg. Recipient Date/Time of the Acknowledg.

start of the Status of the end of the Status of the
condition Start condition End

The Alarms table does not only display alarms generated in TBOX MS, but also system
events like start-up of the program, Reset of the TBOX MS, …

Version: 1.06 95
12.7.1. Columns description

Start Timestamp: Date and Time when the alarm condition appears (‘Start’ condition)

Message: Message (or name of the file) associate with the alarm.
System events appear between brackets.

Start: Acknowledgement status of the ‘Start’ condition.

The possibilities are:
- Not ack.: the alarm is still in process.
- Ack’ed: the alarm has been successfully processed.
- Auto ack.: the alarm has not been processed successfully.
In case of ‘system events’, it is always the case as it is not an alarm
but an event

Recipient: The name of the Recipient (from the list of Recipient).

The name is listed only when the sending of the alarm
succeeded. This allows, when chaining recipients, to know the one who
as been used.
In case of ‘system events’, there is no name.

End Timestamp: Date and Time when the alarm condition disappears (‘End’

End: Acknowledgement status of the ‘End’ condition.

When creating an alarm condition, there is an option ‘Notify end of
alarm’. This option will automatically generate an alarm when the
condition generating the alarm disappears.
The possibilities are:
- Not ack.: there is a ‘Notify end of alarm’ condition and the alarm is
still in process.
- Ack’ed: the ‘end of alarm’ has been successfully processed.
- Auto ack.: the ‘end of alarm’ has not been processed successfully.
When there is no ‘end of alarm’, it is immediately indicated as
‘Auto ack.’

Version: 1.06 96
13. Datalogging

13.1. Introduction
Datalogging relies on the database inside TBOX MS. Datalogging allows memorizing
events of your process, in order to visualize its history.

TBOX MS contains 72 Kbytes of memory for recording events; the latter is what we call the
database of TBOX MS.

There are two categories of databases:

The Chronologies

Chronologies are 'On event' recordings, by mean of changes in Tags. Each event is
recorded with the time, date, Tag and its status or value (see important note about
timestamp next page).

Example of ‘digital event’:

The changing of status of the Tag represents the events.

Example of ‘analog events’:










The variation of the Tag represents the events.

TBOX MS stores chronologies in 2 tables: one for digital events and one for analog events.

Version: 1.06 97
Recording into chronologies happens ‘on event’, but the
minimum resolution in timestamp is the second.
The sampling for Tags used in Ladder/Basic depends on the
cycle of the process.
For other Tags, sampling is executed every second.
In case of recording using Ladder/BASIC, with several records
during the same second, the data is sorted with the chronological
order (latest at the top) but with the same second.

The Sampling Tables.

Sampling tables use ‘Periodical’ recording (minimum period = 1 second).

Recording in Sampling tables happens at regular intervals and does not depend on signal
variations; it uses the clock of the CPU to determine the recording.

Only the date and time of the last recording are stored, and they therefore require less
memory than do chronologies.

Example of ‘periodical recording’:


9 :30 9 :45 10 :00 10 :15 10 :30 10 :45 t

Each Tag is recorded into a separate table. There is no practical limit in the number of
tables, but the size of each table is limited.

The database information recorded in TBOX MS can be retrieved with the use of SCADA
software such as T or other HMI package with ‘TComm.dll’ based driver (please call
your distributor).

By doing a compilation you can check the space

of memory available (see chapter 6.6.2).

Version: 1.06 98
13.2. The chronologies
13.2.1. Digital chronologies

Example of an entry in Digital chronology: Recording of the starting and stopping of a


Edges: Recording on positive and (or) negative edge.

Enabled: always recorded.
Disabled: never recorded.
PowerF: recording disabled in case of main power failure.
DisCRD: recording disabled when the system variable ‘DisCRD’ is at 1.

13.2.2. Analog chronologies

Example of an entry in Analog chronology: Recording of a variation of 2.5 bars in

‘Pressure_Pipe1’ input.

Variation: Recording in case of variation (higher or lower) in comparison with the previous
recording. The unit is expressed according to the format selected in the Tag
definition (see chapter 10.2.2: Analog Tags).

Enabled: always recorded.
Disabled: never recorded.
PowerF: recording disabled in case of main power failure.
DisCRA: recording disabled when the system variable ‘DisCRA’ is at 1.

Version: 1.06 99
13.3. The sampling tables

Type: TBOX MS is able to execute calculations on a minimum time-base of 1 second.

The result of the calculation is written in the sampling table after the period selected
(see next).
This value can be:
- Minimum : minimum value during the period.
- Maximum : maximum value during the period.
- Average : average value calculated during the period. For each period a
new average is calculated.
It is not possible to record average value with 32 bits variables.
- Instantaneous : value at the moment of the recording.
- Incremental : TBOX MS records the difference between the current value and
the value at the moment of previous recording.

Example of incremental recording:

Value of the Tag 865 878 902 905 965 985
Incremental value … 13 24 3 60 20

Period Period Period Period Period Period

Version: 1.06 100

14. Remote Tags

14.1. Introduction
Remote Tags allow exchanging information between two or more ModBus stations via any
communication ports.

Typically, it is a TBOX MS connected to another TBOX MS, either local (through RS485 or
Ethernet) or remote, by modem.

One often speaks of 'Master Network' because it is a Master/Slave communication: the

Master executes reading and writing in slave(s).
TBOX MS, being ‘Master’, reads and writes the variables with all other devices using the
ModBus protocols (ModBus-RTU or ModBus/TCP, according to the kind of communication)

Each Remote Tag corresponds to one transaction (reading or writing) with 1 slave.

When there are several stations, TBOX MS executes the different transactions of one station
at a time, then transactions of the following station, and so on …

Any communication port can be used to execute Remote Tags: RS232, RS485, modem
PSTN, modem GSM, Ethernet.
When a modem port is used to execute Remote Tags, TBOX MS needs first to establish the
connection using an Alarm of type ‘ModBus’ (see chapter 12.4. Recipients)

Version: 1.06 101

Previous to create Remote Tags you have to create the equipment you are going to
communicate with.

14.2. Creating a Remote Device

From the Project Workspace,

select ‘Resources’ ‘I/O’.
Click ‘I/O’ and in the list of
I/O, click ‘Add an I/O card’.

Remote TBox: a A
ModBus device: a TBOX MS,
TBox-LT or any ModBus device

Example with a remote TBOX MS.

Name: You type any name. It will be

available in a list of available
equipment when creating ‘Remote
Tags’ (see next).

Address: It is the ModBus address of the

Remote equipment. It must be
different of the TBOX MS and
of possible other equipment
on the same network.

RTU Port: The communication port used

by TBOX MS to communicate
with the remote equipment.

Trigger: Select a digital Tag that will trigger the communication, according to a
‘Condition’ (see next). Working with several equipment, you can declare
different Tags and then monitor differently the communication to each
The Trigger must be a digital variable (DIV).

Condition: Condition of Tag ‘Trigger’ to start communication. Typically, you will work with
a permanent connection (Trigger in High or Low state). Or you can decide
to execute one-shot communication, on edge changing of the Tag Trigger.
The changing of state of the Tag can be controlled by BASIC, Ladder, or
Periodic events.

Version: 1.06 102

14.3. Creating Remote Tag

Example: reading of 8 ‘floating’ variables in TBox#2 at address 32

Tag: Select an existing Tag by clicking the button. Be sure you select a Tag of the
same type of the address you want to access in the ‘Slave’ (Byte, Word or Float).
If the Tag does not exist, you can create it after having clicked the button. It is
the Tag of the Master; it contains the value you want to write in a Slave or it is
a register that contains the value that Master reads in a Slave.
In case of block communication (with a quantity > 1), this Tag is the one of first
ModBus address.

Operation :
Operations MASTER (Tag) SLAVE (Address)

Read : the Master executes a reading in the Slave.

Write : the Master executes writing in the Slave.

Quantity : Quantity of variables of successive addresses that are read (or written) in the
Slave. It depends on the External source, the types of variable and the ModBus
function used (see tables below).

ModBus protocol handles only words (16 bits). When working with 32
bits, TWinSoft adapts the quantity to double the number of words.
32 bits are handled with:
<Hi word1><Lo word1><Hi word2><Lo word2>…

Version: 1.06 103

External Source. All the following parameters concern the Slave station:

Device: select an existing external device from the ‘Resources’. You can create one
clicking the button

Type: select the type of the external variable. According to the external source, the
choices are:

With External source ‘ModBus device’ (TBOX MS, TBOX LITE, any ModBus device)

Operations Types ModBus Quantity (max.)

Read Digital Digital Input 2 2000 (see Warning below)
Read Digital Coil 1 2000 (see Warning below)
Read Analog Analog Input 4 125
Read Analog Holding Register 3 125
Write Single Digital Coil 5 1
Write Single Analog Holding Register 6 1
Write Multiple Digital Coil 15 800 (see Warning below)
Write Multiple Analog Holding Register 16 100

With External source ‘Remote TBox’ ( A CPU-3)

Description Operations Tag types Quantity (max.)

Digital I/O Read/Write IOD, T4m 16

Analog I/O Read/Write IOW, I4M 8
Digital registers Read/Write DIR, STD 1600 (see Warning below)
Analog registers (8 bits) Read/Write STB 8
Analog registers (16 bits) Read/Write AIR, STO 100
Analog registers (32 bits) Read/Write TOT 8
Analog registers (32 bits) Read/Write FLT 8
Timers Read/Write ATP, ATV, DTI 16
Counters Read/Write ACP, ACV, DCN 16
Special Registers Read/Write DSPE, ASPE 16
Register ‘Sampling Table’ Read/Write ECH 16

Working with digital variables (DIV, DIR, …), you have to work
with multiple of 8 for: quantity, address of the Tag and
Address in External Source

Address : The ModBus address must be typed according to the indication of the user’s
guide of the Remote device.
Communicating to TBOX MS, you have to refer to the TWinSoft application and
its configuration of Tags.

Version: 1.06 104

14.4. Remote Tags through modem
With a remote device accessed by modem, the connection must be first established using
an Alarm.

The sequence is the following:

• Create an Alarm Recipient of type ‘ModBus - Master’, with the telephone number of
the remote device.
• Create a ‘Remote Device’, associated to the communication port of the modem and
to a Trigger – DIV (digital register).
• Create the Remote tags associated to this device.
• The alarm is conditioned by a situation requiring communication with another TBOX
MS leading to a Tag which is the condition of the alarm.
• When modems are connected (can be checked with Digital Communication
Variable DCV ‘COMx.Call’), you activate the Trigger of the TBOX MS you are
connected to. This action executes Remote Tags associated to this station.
• Acknowledge the alarm, for instance using the special analog variable ‘AlaRec’.
• Stop connection by writing ‘0’ to the Communication Variable
‘COMx.ModemOffHook’, or the communication will be automatically stopped after 1

14.5. Timing configuration of Remote Tags

Several timings can be adjusted when communication through Remote Tags.

They are available from the tab ‘Advanced’ of the communication port properties.

Version: 1.06 105

15. Periodic Events

The idea is to give the possibility to execute events,

such as Remote Tags, alarm calls, datalogging, process, etc ... periodically, independently of
any other condition.

A periodic event could be compared to an automatic timer.

A digital Tag is used to trigger the event(s).

It is SET by the Operating System of TBOX MS when the task(s) must be carried out and
RESET by the OS when the task(s) have been launched.

Several tasks can be associated to the Tag triggered. This implies for the OS to RESET the
Tag when all event s have been launched.

In the project workspace of TWinSoft, a folder is available to declare the Periodic Events:

Version: 1.06 106

Example of a ‘daily event’:

The Tag ‘event1’ (a DIV) will be automatically SET every 30 minutes, at each xx:15:00 and
The action(s) configured with ‘Event1’ will be generated every 30 minutes.

Example of a ‘weekly event’:

The Tag ‘event2’ (a DIV) will be automatically SET every day at 6:00:00 AM.
The action(s) configured with ‘Event2’ will be generated at that moment.

Version: 1.06 107

16. High Speed Tags
The high-speed Tags were designed to receive pulses on digital inputs, with handling
independent from the process cycle.
If the delay between two successive pulses is smaller than the cycle time of the process, it
will not be possible, for instance, to make counting from the program. Then you can use
the High Speed Tags.

This feature is available for maximum 1 group of 8 digital inputs and the maximum
frequency of pulses is limited to 25 Hz with a duty cycle of 50 %.

When a pulse is detected, it is handled on processor interrupt.

Tag: Select an existing Digital Tag by clicking the button. If the Tag does not
exist, you can create it after having clicked the button.

Action: Action taken to the Target Tag (see next) during a change of status of the
digital Tag defined above. The choices are:

- Rising Edge -> Set (DIV): each rising edge of the digital Tag, performs a
SET action on the Target Tag which must be an internal variable DIV.

- Falling Edge -> Set (DIV): each falling edge of the digital Tag, performs a
SET action on the Target Tag which must be an internal variable DIV.

- Rising Edge -> Inc (AIV): each rising edge of the digital Tag, increments
the Target Tag which must be an internal variable AIV.

- Falling Edge -> Inc (AIV): each falling edge of the digital Tag, increments
the Target Tag which must be an internal variable AIV.

Target Tag: It is the internal variable (DIV or AIV) on which the action is taken (see

Divisor: Division Factor that allows the action (SET or increment) to occur once every x
pulses (x being the factor of division).

Weight: You can give a weight to the pulses, after the computing according to the
Divisor (see above).

Version: 1.06 108

If the weight is smaller than 1 (0.1, 0.2, …) be sure the Target Tag is of type

Example: counting water consumption

- you receive pulses each 10 liters
- you want to count each 100 liters
- you want to display the result in m³
Dividor: 10
Weight: 0.1

16.1. Processor time for executing High Speed Tag

This table shows the time needed by the processor to compute the High Speed Tags
according to the frequency of the pulses, the type of the Target Tag and quantity of High
Speed Tag.

Frequency of pulses
Target Tag 0 Hz 25 Hz
1 x DIV 24 µs 64 µs
8 x DIV 90 µs 420 µs
1 x AIV 24 µs 220 µs
8 x AIV 90 us 1460 us

Version: 1.06 109

17. Access security
This (optional) access security of the TBOX MS prevents
non-authorized persons from accessing the RTU.

If the Access security option is activated, each port of the TBOX MS can be independently

The standard protection concerns ‘ModBus’ protocol, on serial and modem ports.

A protection on Ethernet connection is not available yet.

The protection is based on a four-digit hexadecimal global code that is saved in the TBOX
MS. This code allows different logins related to different users with different access levels to
the TBOX MS.

Three access levels are available:

• Level 1: Surveillance mode or VISUALIZATION MODE. The operator can view all
TBOX MS values (local or remote), but cannot execute any command.
• Level 2: COMMAND MODE, the operator can view all the values and execute
commands (locally or remotely). Also known as READ/WRITE MODE.
• Level 3: ENGINEER MODE, the operator can view all the values, execute commands
and send new application (locally or remotely).

Version: 1.06 110

17.1. RTU configuration
The configuration of security of TBOX MS is available from the ‘RTU properties’:
- there is a general activation of the protection.
- for each serial or modem port, you activate the protection.

17.1.1. RTU Properties

From the RTU properties tab ‘Security’, you activate the general access security

Global code type in the code you used to generate the Access Codes with the utility
PASSWORD.EXE (see chapter 17.2 following).
Type it a second time in the Confirmation field, to be sure.

TWinSoft presents you the serial ports (RS232, RS485 and modem) according to your
hardware configuration.

Next, you check the port you want to be protected.

17.1.2. Modem and Serial Port Properties

Access level on serial and modem ports can be checked using the Communication Variables
(see chapter 9.3).

Version: 1.06 111

The utility program Password generates access codes.

17.2. Password utility

When installing TWinSoft Suite a password-creation program named PASSWORD is
installed in the same directory as TWinSoft. It can be started from the 'Start' button of
Windows and is located in the group of programs “Techno Trade” “Accessories” created
while installing TWinSoft.

This program generates a password that will be necessary to Login to the TBOX MS (see

This password is composed of 4 hexadecimal characters in response to information’s related

to the user. It is based on a complex algorithm using the global code, the user’s name
and the access level. A 5-digit number that identifies persons who have accessed the
TBOX MS accompanies the password. This information can be used to trace users for
example by inserting this number into a database, with the help of Analog Communication
Variables (see chapter 8.3).

Global code This hexadecimal code of 4 characters is the basis for password generation.
It is typed in the ‘RTU Properties’ (see above) of TWinSoft and sent to the
TBOX MS. When a user logs in, TBOX MS checks whether NAME and
PASSWORD fit with the global code. This means that if different users with
different access levels must communicate with TBOX MS, the global code
used to generate passwords must be the same.

User name The NAME you use as login.

Version: 1.06 112

Access level Three access levels are available:

Level 1: Surveillance mode or VISUALIZATION MODE. The operator can view all
TBOX MS values (local or remote), but can not execute any command.
Level 2: COMMAND MODE, the operator can view all the values and execute
commands (locally or remotely).
Level 3: ENGINEER MODE, the operator can view all the values and execute
commands and alter or send new TWinSoft documents (locally or

When this information has been entered, click on the button "Get password".

Two codes have been created:

The PASSWORD: this PASSWORD must be used together with the NAME when
The USER ID: this number is available in an Analog Communication Variable when a
user is connected to a port of TBOX MS that is protected.

17.3. Login/Logout

17.3.1. With TWinSoft

The Login feature of TWinSoft allows connecting to a protected port of the TBOX MS
according to an access level. When a port is not protected, access level is automatically 3:

The Login/Logout is executed from the main menu bar 'Tools'.

When connected to a port of TBOX MS that is protected, you need to Login to get an access

You type the Name you used in the ‘Password’ utility and the Password that was created
(see previous). According to those, you are in:
Read only mode
Read/write mode
The access level is displayed in the Status bar.

Version: 1.06 113

If 'Save password' is checked and TWinSoft is connected to a protected port: when
TWinSoft starts, it uses the access level corresponding to the password saved (see the
status line).
If it is not checked and TWinSoft is connected to a protected port: TWinSoft starts in
'Read only' mode. You need to do a Login to get your access level.

If the TWinSoft is connected to a protected port, the Logout sets TWinSoft in 'Read only'

17.3.2. With Internet Explorer

Through a modem connection, you can access TBOX MS as Web Server.

From Internet Explorer, you use the tool TBox Dial It ! to dial TBOX MS directly. TBOX MS is
then considered first as an ISP and then a Web Server.

To connect to an ISP you need to login.

You type the NAME and PASSWORD you have used with password utility (see above)

Even if TBOX MS is not protected, type a NAME

Depending on Windows and IE version, they will
not allow connecting without login.

Version: 1.06 114

17.4. Deactivating protection
There are two methods of deactivating TBOX MS access protection:

Global reset (see chapter 6.5)

The first method is by performing a global reset, which must be done on site. When the
program has stopped, the local port is no longer protected.

If a card ‘modem’ has been declared protected, it

will still be protected even after a global reset. To
deactivate protection, an unprotected TWinSoft
document must be sent to TBOX MS (see below).

Sending an unprotected TWinSoft document

The second method involves modifying the TWinSoft document and deactivating the Access
Security option. The document must then be sent to the TBOX MS after having done a
Login as 'Engineer'.

Version: 1.06 115

Version: 1.06 116

Version: 1.06 117

18. Racks & Cards
18.1. Racks References:

Racks used as base for the Cards.

Exist in 4 versions:

Rack 5 slots
Rack 10 slots
Rack 15 slots
Rack 20 slots


Speed Maximum: 1 Mbytes / second
PCB 6 layers
Component NO component. Bus Passive
Fixing DIN rail
Dimensions: BUS 5
Without card Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 150 x 30 mm
Weight 600 gr.
Dimensions: BUS 10
Without card Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 300 x 30 mm
Weight 1200 gr.
Dimensions: BUS 15
Without card Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 450 x 30 mm
Weight 1800 gr.
Dimensions: BUS 20
Without card Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 600 x 30 mm
Weight 2400 gr.

Insertion of cards in the Rack is explained chapter 4

Version: 1.06 118

18.2. Power Supplies References:

230 V -48 …+ 24 VDC - 48 VDC

Version: 1.06 119


230 VAC
Voltage input: - AC 85..265 Vac (47..440 hz)
- DC 90..375 Vdc
Input Power at I out max. Maximum: 20 W
Input Power in over load or short-circuit Maximum: 50 W
Efficiency Minimum: 60% at 2 A
Output Power Maximum: 15 W
Battery charger: - Mode Constant current / limited voltage
- Voltage Maximum: 13.8 V
- Current Typical: 90 mA
Output connections: +BAT • to the Battery (+12V)
+UPS • Backup power supply to another rack MS:
+24VCC when the “main” voltage present
otherwise +8V to +13.8V
nc • No connection
+24 V • +24VCC when “main” is present
Gnd • Ground and 0V of Battery
Output current on the BUS (3.3V) 3A
Total current used by all secondary outputs:
battery charger, BUS, 24 V output.
I out (on 24 V) Maximum: 0.625 A
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(see LED ‘CS’ below)
EMC protection
Over load and short-circuit Maximum 1 second every minute
Above this time, risk of permanent damage (output line is opened)
FUSE primary voltage Soldered Fuse of 1.25 A. Not replaceable by user.
FUSE battery Standard Glass Fuse of 2A fast (5x20). Replaceable by user.
No isolation Between GND and Earth
Storage -20 to 70 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: 0 to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Internal temperature Indicated by 2 digital input variables:
>= 70°C
>= 85°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Main Input Voltage present
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one
declared in TWinSoft.
Active Power Supply Digital input = 1 when power supply active (used in redundancy)
Power Fail Digital input = 1 when ‘main’ power breaks down
Temperature See above
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight (w/o connector) 350 g

Version: 1.06 120

24 VDC
Voltage input: - either +24V +8 .. +30 VCC
- either -48V -60 .. -24 VCC
Input power at maximum current Maximum: tbd
Input power with short-circuit (or over load) Maximum: tbd
Efficiency Minimum: tbd
Output power Maximum: 15 W
Battery charger: - Mode Constant current / limited voltage
- Voltage Maximum: 13.8 V
- Current Typical: 90 mA
Output connections: +BAT • to the Battery (+12V)
+UPS • Backup output power supply to another rack MS:
+24VCC when the “main” voltage present
otherwise +8V to +13.8V
nc • No connection
+24 V • +24VCC when “main” is present
Gnd • Ground and 0V of Battery
Output current on the BUS (3.3V) 3A
Total current used by all secondary outputs:
battery charger, BUS, 24 V output.
I out (on 24 V) Maximum: 0.625 A
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(see LED ‘CS’ below)
EMC protection
Over load and short-circuit Maximum 1 second every minute
Above this time, risk of permanent damage (output line is opened)
FUSE battery Standard Glass Fuse (5x20). Replaceable by user
Input between Earth and secondary Isolation reinforced according to IEC60950 standard.
3000 Vrms during 1 minute
Storage -20 à 70 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C à 50°C
Ruggedized (option) : -20 °C à 70 °C
Internal temperature Indicated by 2 digital input variables:
>= 70°C
>= 85°C
Hygrometry 15 à 95 % sans condensation
Main Input Voltage present
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one
declared in TWinSoft.
Active Power Supply Digital input = 1 when power supply active (used in redundancy)
Power Fail Digital input = 1 when ‘main’ power breaks down
Temperature See above
Dimensions mm
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight (w/o connector) 350 g

Version: 1.06 121

- 48 VDC
Voltage / Current
V in -60 to –24 VDC
Output current on the BUS (3.3V) 2A
Consumption 10 mA
Input Power at I out=2 A Maximum: 12 W
Input Power in over load or short-circuit Maximum: 65 W
Efficiency Minimum: 60% at 2 A
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(see LED ‘CS’ below)
Input voltage inversion Maximum: 60 VDC
EMC protection
Over load and short-circuit Maximum 1 second every minute
Above this time, risk of permanent damage (output line is
No isolation Between Input and Output GND
No isolation Between GND and Earth
Storage -40 to 70 °C
Working (inside the card) Standard: -40°C to 85°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Main Input Voltage present
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one
declared in TWinSoft.
Input / Output
Temperature input Use: measurement of the card internal temperature
Internal input
Precision: 5 °C
Voltage input Use: measurement of the Input voltage
Internal input
Precision: 1 %
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 245 gr.

Version: 1.06 122

For electrical security reason, you
have to manipulate connectors with
power switched OFF.

230 Vac Power supply

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Power Supply 230 VAC SCREW CONNECTOR (3 X 7.68 MM)

230 Vac - L ~


230 Vac - N ~

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Power Supply 110 VAC SCREW CONNECTOR (3 X 7.68 MM)

110 Vac - L ~


110 Vac - N ~

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Power Supply 110 VDC SCREW CONNECTOR (3 X 7.68 MM)

110 Vdc ~


0V ~

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Battery SCREW CONNECTOR (5 X 5.08)

Battery +Bat

12/24 V backup UPS


24 V +24V

Gnd Gnd

Version: 1.06 123

For electrical security reason, you
have to manipulate connectors with
power switched OFF.

24 Vdc Power supply

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Power Supply 24 VDC Screw connector (4 x 5.08 mm)

Gnd Gnd

+8 .. +30 VCC


Terre Earth

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT
Power Supply - 48 VDC Screw connector (4 x 5.08 mm)

-60 .. –24 VCC Gnd


Gnd -48V

Terre Earth

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Battery SCREW CONNECTOR (5 X 5.08)

Battery +Bat

12/24 V backup UPS


24 V +24V

Gnd Gnd

- 48 Vdc Power supply

Description: Connector: POWER UNIT

Power Supply – 48 VDC Screw connector (4 x 5.08 mm)

0V Gnd

-60 .. -24 VDC




Version: 1.06 124

18.3. CPU-16 bits References:

Hardware on all models:

Power supply input

Button for selection of the mode of working



I/O for synchronization

Internal temperature measurement

Input voltage measurement



Processor 16 bits, 7.37 Mips
Clock Real Time Clock, backed-up (see schema following)
Button Push button : RUN - STOP - RESET
Power Supply
Voltage 6 .. 30 VDC
Supply Current Maximum: 1 A (on 3.3 Volts of the BUS)
Consumption 200 mA

Version: 1.06 125

Internal Battery
(see schema following)
Voltage 3V
Use Backup of Clock and RAM (datalogging)
Lifetime CPU under voltage: 10 years
CPU stopped and plugged on the Rack:
- Typical 265 days
- Minimum: 29 days
WARNING: After this time, the battery must be replaced to maintain the
clock and datalogging.
Flash Internal: 256 kbytes
- OS: 192 kbytes
- application: 32 kbytes
- program (BASIC/Ladder): 16 kbytes
- loader: 16 kbytes
External: 512 kbytes: Web Files, Report
RAM Internal: 20 kbytes
External (backed up): 128 kbytes
- datalogging: 72 kbytes
- application: 32 kbytes
- buffer TCP: 24 kbytes
RS 232
Connector 9 pin Sub-D (male)
Cabling DTE model (same as PC)
(see schema next) 4 Wires: TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS
Protocol ModBus-RTU ‘Slave’
LED RxD: ON when receiving
TxD: ON when transmitting
RS 485
Connector Screw connector (3 x 5.08mm)
Cabling 2 Wires + GND
(see schema next)
Protocol ModBus-RTU ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’
LED RxD: ON when receiving
TxD: ON when transmitting
Isolation No isolation between signal and Power Supply
Number of slaves 256 (if RS485 technology of slaves allows it too)
Termination Termination not required.
Failsafe bias resistors included: pullup and pulldown resistors which
assures a logical level TRUE when A and B are opened or in short-circuit.
Model 100 BASE-TX (4 wires)
Full Duplex
Connector RJ-45
Cabling To a Hub, …: with straight pinned CAT5 cable
To a PC: with a Crossover CAT5 cable (see cabling following)
Speed 10/100 Mbits
Protocols ModBus/TCP ‘Master’ and ‘Slave’, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, Ping
LED 100: ON when connected at 100 Mhz – OFF when connected at 10 Mhz
Lk: ON when linked – FLASH when communicating
FD: ON when in Full Duplex

Version: 1.06 126

Synchronization I/O Multipoint connection between CPU
Use: synchronize actions on several CPU in the same cabinet
Synchronization Input Use: to receive ‘Synchronization Output’ from other CPU
Vin: 0 5.5 V
Over voltage: max. 33 V
Inversion: max. 29 V
Synchronization Output Use: to connect to ‘Synchronization Input’ of other CPU
Type: Current sinking
Voltage: max. 50V
Current: max. 45mA
Resistance: max. 60 ohms
Temperature input Use: measurement of the card internal temperature
Internal input
Precision: 5 °C
Voltage input Use: measurement of the Input voltage
Internal input
Precision: 1 V
Storage -20 to 70 °C
Working Standard: -5°C to 50 °C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 272 gr

Version: 1.06 127

Battery and MultiMedia card implementation:

RS 485 RS 232 POWER

MultiMedia battery

18.3.1. Lithium Battery

The CPU is equipped with a Lithium battery (3 V).

This battery is used to maintain the clock and datalogging when the CPU is out of power.

This battery is in use when:

- the CPU is placed on a Rack
- the CPU has been powered once
- the CPU is out of power

When the CPU is removed from the Rack, the battery is disconnected, to avoid
consuming when the CPU is in stock.
The battery jumper allows keeping the battery connected even when removed from the
rack (see in above specification the life time of the battery).

Advised procedures:
1. Standard : the jumper is left opened.
On this way, the battery is used when the CPU is placed on the rack to maintain clock
and datalogging when the main power has broken down.

2. Permanent : you systematically place the jumper, before you start using the CPU.
On this way, the battery is used when the CPU has been powered at least once, to
maintain clock and datalogging when the main power has broken down, but also when
the CPU is removed from the rack (check the life time of the battery in the technical

Version: 1.06 128

18.3.2. MultiMedia card

To use the MultiMedia Card, remove the CPU from the Rack and insert the MultiMedia cards
in the appropriate socket.

The MultiMedia card can be used to initialize TBOX MS.

For the moment, the only initialization available concerns the IP configuration of the Ethernet
Initialization is done using a file called ‘System.xml’, placed in the root of the MultiMedia

IP configuration

When an IP configuration is defined in the MultiMedia

Card, it has priority on the one declared for the Ethernet
port of the CPU.

Example of System.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<PortName> Communication port of TBOX MS (COM4 = Ethernet)

<IP> IP address of the port selected
<Subnet> IP address of the Subnet mask of the port selected
<Gateway> IP address of the equipment used as Gateway on the
<PrimaryDNS> IP address of the DNS Server (only primary DNS handled at
the moment)

18.3.3. Button (Working modes)

On the front side of the CPU, a button allows changing the

Working mode of the CPU: STOP - RUN - RESET

RUN All features of TBOX MS runs

RESET Pressing Reset, restart the program, erase the alarms and the
STOP Not supported yet

See also chapter 6.5. Global Reset of TBOX MS

Version: 1.06 129


Power Supply

Description: Connector: VDC-IN CTRL

Power Supply Screw connector (4 x 5.08 mm)

+6 .. +30 VDC V in

When using a Power Supply

card (see previous), you do not

cable Power supply of the
0V Gnd CPU


Description: Connector: VDC-IN CTRL

Synchronization Input / Output SCREW CONNECTOR (4 X 5.08 MM)


DO : Sync. Output


The synchronization I/O can

be cabled only within the same Remote CPU
cabinet, between several

DI : Sync. Input
It is used to synchronize

‘Actions’ on the different CPU.



See XXX for programming

Remote CPU

DI : Sync. Input


Version: 1.06 130

RS 485

Description: Connector: RS485

RS485 communication Screw connector (3 x 5.08 mm)

Cabling several CPU


A to A
B to B
Gnd to Gnd

About RS485 cabling:

1. Use a twisted pair for signal A and B.
2. RS 485 is not isolated. If cabling equipment in different building
(different Earth), you have to use ACC-RS485 (see your local distributor)
3. Maximum length depends on quality of cable, speed and quantity of
stations (max. 32 stations).
In good condition, guaranteed to 1.2 km (max. 32 stations @ 9600 Bps)
In practice, longer distance can be reached with lower Baudrate and less
4. Cable:
- Twisted pair (2 pairs)
- section: minimum 0.5mm²
- screening : pair and global screening
- reference: Li2YCY-PiMF

Version: 1.06 131

RS 232

Description: Connector: RS232 Pin out:

RS232 9 Pin Sub D

1 2. RxD (input)
6 3. TxD (output)
5. Gnd
5 6.
7. RTS (Output)
8. CTS (input)

Cabling to a PC

RxD 2 2 RxD
TxD 3 3 TxD

Cabling to a Printer (RS232)

Without Flow Control With Flow Control

TBOX MS – COM1 Printer – DB 25 TBOX MS - COM1 Printer - DB 25

RxD 2 2 TxD RxD 2 2 TxD
TxD 3 3 RxD TxD 3 3 RxD

Version: 1.06 132


Description: Connector: RJ45 Pin out:


1. Tx+
2. Tx-
3. Rx+
4. not used
5. not used
6. Rx-
7. not used
8. not used

Cross over cabling

To cable TBOX MS directly to a PC, without HUB or Switch, you can use a X-over cable:

TBOX MS – COM4 PC – Ethernet

RJ45 RJ45
Tx + 1 1 Tx +
Tx - 2 2 Tx -
Rx + 3 3 Rx +
n.u. 4 4 n.u.
n.u. 5 5 n.u.
Rx - 6 6 Rx -
n.u. 7 7 n.u.
n.u. 8 8 n.u.

Even if pin 4, 5, 7, 8 are not used, they

must be cabled.

Version: 1.06 133

18.4. I/O Simulation References:

8 digital inputs: available with switches

8 digital outputs: available with LEDs (ON/OFF)

4 analog inputs: available with potentiometer

4 analog outputs: available with LEDs (brightness


MS-IO-SIMUL is the ideal card for making test and demonstrate TBOX MS.

Version: 1.06 134

18.5. 16 x digital Inputs References:

2 groups of 8 digital inputs

isolation by group of 8 inputs


Quantity 16 inputs
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware,
but a reset is required.
Compatibility Concerning voltages, with type 1 and 2 of IEC61131-2
Individual LED corresponding to the activation of each digital input.
By software, possibility to disable the LED to save energy
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared
in TWinSoft.

Version: 1.06 135

16 x Digital Inputs (next)

2 groups isolated Isolation by group of 8 inputs
From the Ground Isolation from the CPU ground and the earth
Level of isolation 1500 Vrms
- between group
- between Inputs and ground
- between Inputs and earth
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(see LED ‘CS’ above)
RC filter 1592 Hz
Voltage inversion Up to 55 VDC
Protection EMC
Voltage at input
Typical 24 VDC
Maximum for a LOW level 5 VDC
Minimum for a HIGH level 11 VDC
Maximum 60 VDC
Maximum at the input 2.0 mA at 30 VDC
4.5 mA at 60 VDC
Resistance Typical: 12 k
Consumption of the card 40 mA
Minimum period LOW – HIGH 20 msec – 20 msec. (10msec for hardware and 10 msec for software)
Frequency (software) At each cycle of BASIC / Ladder
Storage -40° to 70 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 254 gr

Version: 1.06 136

16 x Digital Inputs (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of inputs Screw connector

1 NC

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Input 0

3 Input 1

4 Input 2

5 Input 3
Group A 6 6 Input 4
7 Input 5

8 Input 6

9 Input 7
9 10

0V 10 V-

1 NC

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Input 8

3 Input 9

4 Input 10

5 Input 11

Group B
6 Input 12

7 Input 13

8 Input 14

9 Input 15
9 10

0V 10 V-

Version: 1.06 137

16 x Digital Inputs (next)

Cabling to Dry contact

V+ Input x

V- V-

Cabling to NPN transistor Cabling to PNP transistor (or OPTO)

V+ R: 1 k (12 VDC) V+
10 k (24 VDC)

Input x Input x

V- V- V- V-

Cabling to Voltage sensor

Sensor Input x


Version: 1.06 138

18.6. 16 x digital Outputs References:

2 groups of 8 digital outputs

isolation by group of 8 outputs


Quantity 16 outputs
Type Current Sourcing (PNP transistor)
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware,
but a reset is required.
Individual LED corresponding to the activation of each output.
By software, possibility to disable the LED to save energy
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared
in TWinSoft.

Version: 1.06 139

16 x Digital Outputs (next)

2 groups isolated Isolation by group of 8 outputs
From the Ground Isolation from the CPU ground and the earth
Level of isolation 1500 Vrms
- between group
- between Outputs and ground
- between Outputs and earth
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(see LED ‘CS’ above)
Protection diode Protection against inverted voltage when working with inductive load
WARNING: when the output is connected to a DC relay
driving an AC relay, the AC relay must be protected with a RC
Over load Maximum: 60 VDC
Reverse voltage Maximum: 55 VDC
Short-Circuit + Over load Thermal protection with automatic recovery
Voltage / Current
Working voltage on V+ 6 to 60 VDC
Working current on V+ Maximum: 200 mA
Voltage per output Maximum: 60 VDC (depending on V+)
Short-Circuit current Minimum: 0.2 A
Typical: 0.9A
Maximum: 1.2A
Impedance Typical: 1 ohm
Maximum: 10 ohms
Consumption 80 mA
Storage -40° to 70 °C
Working (inside the card) Standard: -40°C to 85 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 258 gr

Version: 1.06 140

16 x Digital Outputs (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of outputs Screw connector

1 V+

+6 .. 60 VDC
2 Output 0

3 Output 1

4 Output 2

5 Output 3
Group A
6 6 Output 4
7 Output 5

8 Output 6
9 10

9 Output 7
0V 10 V-

1 V+

+6 .. 60 VDC
2 Output 8

3 Output 9

4 Output 10

5 Output 11

Group B
6 Output 12

7 Output 13

8 Output 14

9 Output 15
9 10

0V 10 V-

Version: 1.06 141

18.7. 16 x digital Inputs/Outputs References:

2 groups of 8 digital inputs/outputs

isolation by group of 8 inputs/outputs

each channel can be cabled as an input or an output

Version: 1.06 142

16 x Digital Inputs/Outputs (next)


Quantity 16 channels. Each can be cabled as Input or Output
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware,
but a reset is required.
Consumption of the card Tbd
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(see LED ‘CS’ below)
Individual LED corresponding to the activation of each input or output.
By software, possibility to disable the LED to save energy
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared
in TWinSoft.
2 groups isolated Isolation by group of 8 inputs
Isolation from the Ground Isolation from the CPU ground and the earth
Level of isolation 1500 Vrms
- between group
- between Inputs and ground
- between Inputs and earth
Storage -20 to 70 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 258 gr

Version: 1.06 143

16 x Digital Inputs/Outputs (next)

Voltage at input
Typical 24 VDC
Maximum for a LOW level 5 VDC
Minimum for a HIGH level 11 VDC
Maximum 60 VDC
Compatibility with type 1 and 2 of IEC61131-2
Maximum at the input 2.0 mA at 30 VDC
4.5 mA at 60 VDC
Resistance 12 k
Minimum period LOW – HIGH 20 msec – 20 msec.
Frequency (software) At each cycle of BASIC / Ladder
RC filter 1592 Hz
Voltage inversion Up to 55 VDC
Protection EMC

Voltage / Current
Working voltage on V+ 12 to 60 VDC: to read back outputs to corresponding DI.
6 to 60 VDC: without read back.
Working current on V+ Maximum: 200 mA
Voltage per output Maximum: 60 VDC (depending on V+)
Short-Circuit current Minimum: 0.2 A
Typical: 0.9A
Maximum: 1.2A
Impedance Typical: 1 ohm
Maximum: 10 ohms
Protection diode Protection against inverted voltage when working with inductive load
WARNING: when the output is connected to a DC relay
driving an AC relay, the AC relay must be protected with a RC
Over load Maximum: 60 VDC
Reverse voltage Maximum: 55 VDC
Short-Circuit + Over load Thermal protection with automatic recovery

Version: 1.06 144

16 x Digital Inputs/Outputs (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of inputs Screw connector

1 NC

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Input 0

3 Input 1

4 Input 2

5 Input 3
Group A 6 6 Input 4
7 Input 5

8 Input 6

9 Input 7
9 10

0V 10 V-

1 NC

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Input 8

3 Input 9

4 Input 10

5 Input 11

Group B
6 Input 12

7 Input 13

8 Input 14

9 Input 15
9 10

0V 10 V-

Each channel can be cabled individually as Input or as Output

Version: 1.06 145

16 x Digital Inputs/Outputs (next)

Cabling to Dry contact

V+ Input x

V- V-

Cabling to NPN transistor Cabling to PNP transistor (or OPTO)

V+ R: 1 k (12 VDC) V+
10 k (24 VDC)

Input x Input x

V- V- V- V-

Cabling to Voltage sensor

Sensor Input x


Cabling both Input and Output

V+ V+

Input/Output x

V- V-

This type of cabling can be used in 2 cases:

1. Manual activation of the Output: as long as the button is pressed, the output is forced
2. Activation of the Output during a time determined in the Program. You maintain the
button until it is detected by the program and has switched the output.

Version: 1.06 146

16 x Digital Inputs/Outputs (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of outputs Screw connector

1 V+

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Output 0

3 Output 1

4 Output 2

5 Output 3
Group A
6 6 Output 4
7 Output 5

8 Output 6
9 10

9 Output 7
0V 10 V-

1 V+

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Output 8

3 Output 9

4 Output 10

5 Output 11

Group B
6 Output 12

7 Output 13

8 Output 14

9 Output 15
9 10

0V 10 V-

Each channel can be cabled individually as Input or as Output

Version: 1.06 147

18.8. COMBO (Multiple I/O) References:

1 group isolated of 8 digital inputs

1 group isolated of 4 digital outputs

1 group non isolated of 3 analog inputs

Version: 1.06 148

COMBO (next)


Quantity 8 digital inputs
4 digital outputs
3 analog inputs (14 bits)
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware,
but a reset is required.
Consumption 40 mA
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
Individual LED corresponding to the activation of each digital input or output.
By software, possibility to disable the LED to save energy
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared
in TWinSoft.
2 groups isolated: Group of 8 inputs and group of 4 outputs isolated
Level of isolation: 1500 Vrms
- between group
- between Inputs and ground
- between Inputs and earth
1 group not isolated Group of 3 analog inputs non isolated
Storage -40° to 70 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 254 gr

Version: 1.06 149

COMBO (next)

8 x Digital Inputs
Voltage at input
Typical 24 VDC
Maximum for a LOW level 5 VDC
Minimum for a HIGH level 11 VDC
Maximum 60 VDC
Compatibility with type 1 and 2 of IEC61131-2
Maximum at the input 2.0 mA at 30 VDC
4.5 mA at 60 VDC
Resistance 12 k
Minimum period LOW – HIGH 20 msec – 20 msec.
Frequency (software) At each cycle of BASIC / Ladder
RC filter 1592 Hz
Voltage inversion Up to 55 VDC
Protection EMC

4 x Digital Outputs
Voltage / Current
Working voltage on V+ 12 to 60 VDC
Working current on V+ Maximum: 200 mA
Voltage per output Maximum: 60 VDC (depending on V+)
Short-Circuit current Minimum: 0.2 A
Typical: 0.9A
Maximum: 1.2A
Impedance Typical: 1 ohm
Maximum: 10 ohms
Protection diode Protection against inverted voltage when working with inductive load
Over load Maximum: 60 VDC
Reverse voltage Maximum: 55 VDC
Short-Circuit + Over load Thermal protection with automatic recovery

Version: 1.06 150

COMBO (next)

3 x Analog Inputs
Model 4..20 mA ; passive
Mode 4..20 mA
Range Typical: 4 mA to 24 mA
Minimum: 4 mA to 22 mA
Impedance Minimum: 21 ohms
Typical: 23.9 ohms
Maximum: 26.4 ohms
Value for LSB Typical: 2.935 µA
Digital Input
Validity input associated to Returns ‘0’ when signal < 2.4mA and > 21.6mA
each analog input Returns ‘1’ when the signal is valid.
Double RC filter fc=723 Hz and 135.6 Hz
Against voltage inversion Maximum: 30 V
Against over surge Maximum: 100 mA
Against short-circuit of the Maximum: 30 V
ADC converter 14 bits with successive approximations (13 bits + sign)
Error at 25 °C Maximum: +/- 0.47% Full Scale
Integral linearity Typical: +/- 2 LSB
Maximum: +/- 4 LSB
Differential linearity Typical: +/- 0.5 LSB
Maximum: +/- 2 LSB
Twisted pair cable Maximum: 50 m

Version: 1.06 151

COMBO (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of inputs Screw connector

1 NC

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Input 0

3 Input 1

4 Input 2
5 5 Input 3
Group A
6 Input 4

7 Input 5

8 Input 6

9 Input 7
9 10

0V 10 V-

Cabling to Dry contact Cabling to Voltage sensor

V+ Input x Sensor Input x

V- V-

Cabling to NPN transistor Cabling to PNP transistor (or OPTO)

V+ R: 1 k (12 VDC) V+
10 k (24 VDC)

Input x Input x

V- V- V- V-

Version: 1.06 152

COMBO (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of Outputs Screw connector

1 V+

+12 .. 60 VDC
2 Output 0

3 Output 1

Group B
4 Output 2

5 Output 3
0V 5
9 10 6 V-

Version: 1.06 153

COMBO (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of 4..20ma sensors Screw connector

Group C

4..20 mA
7 Input 0

4..20 mA
8 Input 1

4..20 mA
9 Input 2
9 10

0V 10 Gnd

Gnd is not isolated from the Gnd

of Power supply.
Gnd of the power supply is
connected to the earth
Cabling to 2 Wires sensor

+ - IN x Measure
SENSOR Protection

10 Ω


Cabling to 4 Wires sensor

IN x Measure


Version: 1.06 154

18.9. 8 x Analog Inputs References:

1 group of 8 analog inputs

8 x -10..+10V; -20..+20mA

2 x Pt100, Pt1000 instead of 2 linear inputs

Version: 1.06 155

8 ANAIN (next)


Quantity 8 analog inputs
Signals: - for the 8 inputs Choice between: –10..+10V OR –20..+20mA (see cabling)
- for 2 of the 8 inputs Supplementary choice between Pt100 OR Pt1000 2 wires (see cabling)
No hardware or software configuration is required
Resolution 14 bits
Mode Bipolar
Model (for current/voltage) Passive input: sensor and input stage powered by an ext. power supply
Precision: - Current 5 µA
- Voltage 2.5 mV
- Temperature 1 °C
Time of measurement:
- Current 1 msec
- Voltage 1 msec
Input Impedance: - Current Maximum: 26.4 Ω
- Voltage Minimum: 100 kΩ
Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
Current input Protection against voltage (max. 30 VDC)
Voltage input No specific protection. High impedance is a protection
Temperature input NO protection. Be careful not to apply voltage.
1 group isolated Isolation by group of 8 inputs
From the Ground Isolation from the CPU ground and the earth
Level of isolation 1500 Vrms
between group; between Inputs and ground; between Inputs and earth
Digital Input
Validity input associated to Returns ‘0’ when signal < 2.4mA and > 21.6mA
each analog input 4..20mA Returns ‘1’ when the signal is valid.
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 156

8 ANAIN (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of 4..20ma sensors Screw connector

1 Input 0 - Temperature

2 Input 0 - Voltage

3 Input 0 - Current

Group A 4 Input 1 - Voltage

5 Input 1 - Current

6 Input 2 - Voltage
7 Input 2 - Current
8 Input 3 - Voltage

9 Input 3 - Current
9 10

0 V (of sensors) 10 V-

Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling of 4..20ma sensors Screw connector

1 Input 0 - Temperature

2 Input 0 - Voltage

3 Input 0 - Current

Group B 4 Input 1 - Voltage


5 Input 1 - Current

6 Input 2 - Voltage

7 Input 2 - Current

8 Input 3 - Voltage

9 Input 3 - Current
9 10

0 V (of sensors) 10 V-

Isolation is global.
It means both V- are connected
together and must be cabled to
the same reference.

Version: 1.06 157

18.10. 8 x Temperature Inputs References:
Not available yet

2 groups of 8 analog inputs

Temperature inputs : Pt100, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000

2 or 3 wires

Version: 1.06 158

8 RTD (next)


Quantity 8 temperature inputs
Signals Choice between Pt100, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000
2 wires or 3 wires
The selection of the probe is done by the cabling used. No hardware or
software configuration is required
Resolution 15 bits
- Ni100, Pt100 0.1 °C
- Ni1000, Pt1000 0.1 °C
Filter 1 sec
Maximum length of cable 100 m
Maximum resistance of the 20 Ω
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
Between channel Non isolated
Channel to Ground/Earth Non isolated
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 159

8 RTD (next)


Description: Description:
Cabling Probes 2 Wires Cabling Probes 3 Wires

Group A










9 10
9 10

Gnd Gnd

Group B 1









9 10
9 10

Gnd Gnd

There is no isolation.

It means Gnd are connected

together and the Earth.

Version: 1.06 160

18.11. 4 x Analog Outputs References:

4 analog output isolated one by one

each output: 4..20 ma or –10V..+10V

Version: 1.06 161

4 ANAOUT (next)


Quantity 4 analog outputs
- for each output Choice between 4..20ma OR –10V..+10V
The selection of the signal is done by the cabling used. No hardware or
software configuration is required
ADC converter 12 bits, bipolar
- Current Active mode. Supplies a nominal voltage of 24 VDC.
Full Range
- Current 0 to 20mA
- Voltage -10V to +10V
- Current 12 bits
- Voltage 11 bits + sign
- Current 5 µA
- Voltage 5 mV
- Current 25 msec
- Voltage 1 msec
Load impedance limit Resistance of the actuator:
- Current ≤ 1000 Ω : gives a drop of 20 V, maximum allowed.
- Voltage > 3000 Ω : gives a current of 3.33 mA, maximum allowed.
Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
Digital Input
Validity input associated to Returns ‘0’ when signal < 2.4mA and > 21.6mA
each analog output 4..20mA Returns ‘1’ when the signal is valid.
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
4 channels isolated Isolation one by one
From the Ground Isolation from the CPU ground and the earth
Level of isolation 500 Vrms between each output
1500 Vrms between each output and earth
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 162

4 ANAOUT (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling to 4..20ma OR Screw connector
-10V..+10V actuators

1 No connection

2 Output 0 : 4..20mA (+)

3 Output 0 : 4..20mA (-)

Group A 4 Output 0 : -10V..+10V (+)
5 5 Output 0 : -10V..+10V (-)
6 Output 1 : 4..20mA (+)

7 Output 1 : 4..20mA (-)


8 Output 1 : -10V..+10V (+)


9 Output 1 : -10V..+10V (-)

9 10

10 No connection

Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Cabling to 4..20ma OR Screw connector
-10V..+10V actuators

1 No connection

2 Output 2 : 4..20mA (+)


3 Output 2 : 4..20mA (-)


Group B 4 Output 2 : -10V..+10V (+)


5 Output 2 : -10V..+10V (-)


6 Output 3 : 4..20mA (+)


7 Output 3 : 4..20mA (-)


8 Output 3 : -10V..+10V (+)


9 Output 3 : -10V..+10V (-)

9 10

10 No connection

Each channel can be used with two different

signals: 4..20mA OR -10V..+10V; not with
both signals at the same channel.

Version: 1.06 163

Cabling to ‘Current’ actuator


24 V OUT-


Cabling to ‘Voltage’ actuator



Version: 1.06 164

18.12. 8 x Relay Outputs References:

8 relay outputs isolated one by one

Version: 1.06 165

8 Relay Outputs (next)


Quantity 8 outputs
Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
With DC Max: 30 Vdc at 3A
With AC Max: 250 Vac
Operating live
At full resistive load 100000 operations
To an external relay When the relay drives an external relay, the latter must be protected
with a diode (if DC relay) or a RC circuit (if AC relay)
Individual Each relay is totally isolated from the rack and other relays .
Voltage of isolation: 3 KV
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 166

8 Relay Outputs (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Screw connector

1 Load 0

2 Load 0

Group A 1 Load 1
2 2 Load 1
1 Load 2

2 Load 2

1 Load 3

2 Load 3

Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Screw connector

1 Load 4

2 Load 4

1 Load 5

Group B
2 Load 5

1 Load 6

2 Load 6

1 Load 7

2 Load 7

Version: 1.06 167

18.13. 4 x Analog inputs isolated References:

4 analog inputs isolated one by one

4..20 mA

Version: 1.06 168

4 Analog Input Isolated (next)


Quantity 4 analog inputs
Signal 4..22 mA
Resolution 14 bits
Mode unipolar
Precision Tbd
Time of measurement 1 msec
Input Impedance Maximum: 26.4 Ω
Input Voltage on input Maximum: 6 VDC
Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
Digital Input
Validity input associated to Returns ‘0’ when signal < 2.4mA and > 21.6mA
each analog input Returns ‘1’ when the signal is valid.
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
Each input Isolation one by one
From the Ground Isolation from the CPU ground and the earth
Level of isolation 500 Vrms
- between group
- between Inputs and ground
- between Inputs and earth
Polarity Protection against inversion of polarity
Voltage Protection against voltage applied at input (MAX: 30 VDC – 50 mA)
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20 °C to 70 °C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 169

4 Analog Input Isolated (next)


Description: Connector: Pin Out:

Screw connector

1 input 0: 4..20m (+)

2 2 input 0: 4..20m (-)

1 input 1: 4..20m (+)


2 input 1: 4..20m (-)


1 input 2: 4..20m (+)


2 input 2: 4..20m (-)


1 input 3: 4..20m (+)


2 input 3: 4..20m (-)


Version: 1.06 170

18.14. PSTN modem Reference:

Modem PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

Mode V21, V22, V22bis, V23, V32, V32bis, V34, V90
Data compression V42bis
Caller Id
ITU-T and CRT21 conformity
Baudrate from 300 bps to 56 Kbps
1 port RS232/RS485 non isolated

RS485 / RS232 cabling is the same as for RS232 and RS485 of MS-SERIAL (see chapter 18.17)

Version: 1.06 171

Modem PSTN (next)


Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
Modem PSTN
Description Modem for Switched Telephone Network (public or private)
WARNING: does not work on galvanic lines, or lines without power.
Speed 300 bps … 56.000 bps
Mode ITU-T : V21, V23, V22, V22bis, V32, V32bis, V34, V90
Bell 103 and Bell 212A
Compression 42bis LAPM, MNP2-5
Standards Conform to CTR21
Other characteristics Caller ID
Line detection (test if other communication active on the line)
Auto fallback
Connectors RJ12 or screw connector
Isolation 1500 Vrms
Protection Against overvoltage
Warning : an external surge protector is still required
RS232 – RS485
Mode RS232 or RS485 (no simultaneous use of both modes)
Isolation No isolation. Gnd is linked to earth by internal connection
RS232 Signals: RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI
Connector: 9 pin Sub-D (male)
RS485 • 2 wires (A+ and B-) for multi-points connection
• No need for termination resistor (failsafe bias resistors included:
pullup and pulldown resistors which assures a logical level TRUE
when A and B are open or in short circuit)
• Number of slaves: 256 (if RS485 technology of slaves allows it too)
• Screw connector: female with a step of 5.08 mm
LEDs RxD Indicate reception of data
(common to 2 ports) TxD Indicate transmission of data
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 55°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 172

18.15. GSM / GPRS modem Reference:

Tri Band (900 Mhz, 1800 Mhz, 1900 Mhz)

1 port RS232/RS485 non isolated

RS485 / RS232 cabling is the same as for RS232 and RS485 of MS-SERIAL (see chapter 18.17)

Version: 1.06 173

Modem GSM/GPRS (next)


Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
Frequencies TRI-BAND : EGSM900 / DCS1800 / PCS1900 MHz

GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2) with support PBCCH , SMS and DATA

Emitting power CLASS 4 (2W) pour EGSM900

CLASS 1 (1W) pour DCS1800 et PCS1900
Network Indicates that the GSM/GPRS is connected to the network
On Line Indicates that the GSM/GPRS is communicating
RxD Indicates that the GSM/GPRS is receiving data
TxD Indicates that the GSM/GPRS is transmitting data
Antenna connector Screw connector, type FME Plug
RS232 – RS485
Mode RS232 or RS485 (no simultaneous use of both modes)
Isolation No isolation. Gnd is linked to earth by internal connection
RS232 Signals: RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI
Connector: 9 pin Sub-D (male)
RS485 • 2 wires (A+ and B-) for multi-points connection
• No need for termination resistor (failsafe bias resistors included:
pullup and pulldown resistors which assures a logical level TRUE
when A and B are open or in short circuit)
• Number of slaves: 256 (if RS485 technology of slaves allows it too)
• Screw connector: female with a step of 5.08 mm
LEDs RxD Indicate reception of data
(common to 2 ports) TxD Indicate transmission of data
Storage -20° to 70 °C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C à 65 °C
-10 °C à 55 °C : fully operational
-20 °C à 65 °C : functional without risk for the network
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 174

18.16. GPS - Timing Reference:

GPS receiver
Provides an clock with absolute value (UTC) with high
precision (<1ms), without drift of time.
Allows synchronizing in datalogging.
Allows vertical and horizontal positioning of a mobile

Port RS232 / RS485 non isolated

RS485 / RS232 cabling is the same as for RS232 and RS485 of MS-SERIAL (see chapter 18.17)

Version: 1.06 175


Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
GPS Receiver
General L1 (1575 MHz), C/A code, 12 channels, continuous tracking receiver
Precision: position 3 m CEP (SA off)
clock 500 ns (SA On)
Acquisition: Cold start < 60 sec
Warm start < 3 sec
Antenna connector Active antenna: SMA compatible
Power delivered by the card : 3 to 3.6 VCC
Internal Generates an internal clock signal every 1 ms (precision 200 µs)
Output Open collector, to synchronize to other TBOX MS
Frequency : 1 sec.
Precision : 200 µs.
To CPU-16 Synchronization from the digital input
Tick of the CPU-16 : 10 ms (used for time stamping)
Global precision : 25 ms
To CPU-32 Synchronization from the BUS
Tick of the CPU-32 : 1 ms (used for time stamping)
Global precision : 1 ms
LED RxD, TxD, Lock (validity of the GPS signal received)
Output 1 Hz
RS232 – RS485
Mode RS232 or RS485 (no simultaneous use of both modes)
Isolation No isolation. Gnd is linked to earth by internal connection
RS232 Signals: RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI
Connector: 9 pin Sub-D (male)
RS485 • 2 wires (A+ and B-) for multi-points connection
• No need for termination resistor (failsafe bias resistors included:
pullup and pulldown resistors which assures a logical level TRUE
when A and B are open or in short circuit)
• Number of slaves: 256 (if RS485 technology of slaves allows it too)
• Screw connector: female with a step of 5.08 mm
LEDs RxD Indicate reception of data
(common to 2 ports) TxD Indicate transmission of data
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 176

Version: 1.06 177
18.17. Serial Ports Reference:

2 x Serial Ports

each port : RS232 or RS485

Version: 1.06 178


Consumption Tbd
Replacement Hot insertable/removable. There is no risk to damage hardware, but
a reset is required.
Test Automatic test of the access of the card by the CPU
(See LED ‘CS’ below)
CS Card Selection: the card corresponds to a card declared in TWinSoft.
ER Error: The type of the card does not correspond to the one declared in
RS232 – RS485
Quantity 2 ports
Mode RS232 or RS485 (no simultaneous use of both modes)
Baudrates (bps) 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Data bits 7, 8
Parity none, even, odd, mark (parity bit=1), space (parity bit=0)
Stop bits 1, 1.5, 2
Isolation No isolation. Gnd is linked to earth by internal connection
RS232 Signals: RxD, TxD, CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI
Connector: 9 pin Sub-D (male)
RS485 • 2 wires (A+ and B-) for multi-points connection
• No need for termination resistor (failsafe bias resistors included:
pullup and pulldown resistors which assures a logical level TRUE
when A and B are open or in short circuit)
• Number of slaves: 256 (if RS485 technology of slaves allows it too)
• Screw connector: female with a step of 5.08 mm
LEDs RxD Indicate reception of data
(common to RS232 and RS485) TxD Indicate transmission of data
Storage -20°C to 70°C
Working (ambient) Standard: -5°C to 50°C
Ruggedized: -20°C to 70°C
Hygrometry 15 to 95 % without condensation
Without connector Height x Length x Depth: 150 x 83 x 29 mm
Weight 300 g

Version: 1.06 179

Serial Port (next) CABLING

RS 485

Description: Connector: RS485

RS485 communication Screw connector (3 x 5.08 mm)



Cabling several CPU

A to A A+
B to B 1
2 Gnd
Gnd to Gnd




About RS485 cabling:

1. Use a twisted pair for signal A and B.
2. RS 485 is not isolated. If cabling equipment in different building (different
Earth), you have to use ACC-RS485 (see your local distributor)
3. Maximum length depends on quality of cable, speed and quantity of
stations (max. 32 stations).
In good condition, guaranteed to 1.2 km (max. 32 stations @ 9600 Bps)
In practice, longer distance can be reached with lower Baudrate and less
4. Cable: - Twisted pair (2 pairs)
- section: minimum 0.5mm²
- screening : pair and global screening
- reference: Li2YCY-PiMF
Version: 1.06 180
RS 232

Description: Connector: RS232 Pin out:

RS232 9 Pin Sub D

1. DCD (input)
1 2. RxD (input)
6 3. TxD (output)
4. DTR (output)
5. Gnd
5 6. DSR (input)
7. RTS (output)
8. CTS (input)

Cabling to a PC

RxD 2 2 RxD
TxD 3 3 TxD

Version: 1.06 181

Version: 1.06 182

Version: 1.06 183

Appendix A. Licenses
The software itself is not protected; it can be installed on any
PC and used to develop TWinSoft document (Online or Offline)
and to monitor TBOX MS.

The only operation protected is the sending of an application to TBOX MS.

In order to find the best way for you we offer different possibilities:

A.1. The Evaluation mode

You don't need any software or hardware dongle. You are able to develop a complete
TBOXMS project without any restriction, but when you send the application to TBOX MS, it
will stop after 2 hours. This is a good solution for testing programs or creating a demo.

A.2. The Dongle

It is a hardware device placed on your PC. The dongle can be ordered for parallel port or
for USB port. TWinSoft regularly checks the presence of it. It allows you to send
applications to as many TBOX MS as you want, with any PC.

A.3. The Code (License)

Available from the menu ‘Help’ ‘License Register.’
Using information of the PC (the Company name, the User name, a Serial Number), we
create a code that you enter in the 'License' field. Once entered, you can send any
application as if you had a dongle (see previous).
The only restriction is that it must always be on the same PC.
If you wish to use another PC, you have the possibility to remove registration on the first PC
and register back on the second.

A.4. The TWinSoft LITE

Available from the menu ‘Help’ ‘TWinSoft Lite configuration.’
This protection mode is ideal for users having one or two TBOX MS units. The dongle or a
license might be too expensive.
TWinSoft LITE code is linked to one TBOX MS; it allows you sending an application to the
TBOX MS for which you have the code.

Version: 1.06 184

Appendix B. Time in RTU
One of the biggest issues in Telemetry and data logging equipment is the handling of time.
In order to have a universal solution, wherever the TBOX MS is used, TWinSoft, OS of the RTU
and ‘Windows’ collecting data, shares the mechanism of time management.

It is based on UTC time.

B.1. Time in TBox MS

The RTC (Real Time Clock)

The TBOX MS is equipped with a RTC chip (Real Time Clock). The RTC is used to manage all
internal time.

Functions of the RTC:

• it is a calendar Y2000 compatible.
• it updates the UTC time (see next).
• it communicates with OS to handle the UTC time, used for data logging.

The RTC time is used at start-up of TBOX MS to update the UTC.

UTC Time

UTC time is based on the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 at Greenwich latitude. It is used as
internal timestamp to each event (alarm, chronology, …)
The UTC time is converted in Special Analog Registers to give access to time information:
second, minute, hour, day, month, year.
Changing UTC time automatically updates the RTC.
When time information is sent (in a report, as header of an e-mail, in the Analog special
register), it is always computed using the UTC time, according to the time settings in the
‘General’ RTU properties.

TBox MS Time setting

In order to set TBOX MS to PC time, an option is available in the 'Communication' menu of the
main menu bar.
When connected to TBOX MS (locally or remotely), the option is available. By clicking the
option, the RTU is set to the time of the PC.

Check afterwards in the 'RTU Identification' option, also part of the 'Communication' menu.

Version: 1.06 185

Winter/Summer time

When installed in regions using winter/summer time, the TBOX MS is able to manage
automatically the changing.
It means that the RTC and Analog special register [hour] are automatically updated when the
time changes.

B.2. Data logging


In chronologies, the time is recorded for each log of data. The time recorded is the UTC time.
When retrieving the data, the PC reads the UTC time and converts it according to the local time
of the PC, depending on the Time settings of the PC.
When a winter/summer time changing happens, the TBOX MS is informed of it and updates
automatically all timestamps following the changing.

Sampling tables

In sampling tables, the TBOX MS records the timestamp of the last record only. The other
timestamps are built up when retrieving the data.
A choice had to be made between: either having always the same period of recording or having
always the same 'hour' of recording. The latter has been chosen. When a changing
winter/summer time happens, the target time is automatically updated for sampling tables
having a period > 1 hour.
If recording a value once a day at 6.00 in the morning, the recording will always happen at
6.00, but when changing from winter to summer, the period will be of 23 hours and when
changing from summer to winter the period will be of 25 hours.

Periodic events

When a periodic event is defined with a period > 1 hour, its target time is automatically
adjusted when a changing winter/summer happens.

B.3. Special registers associated

Some Special Registers of TBOX MS are associated to the Time. They can be used in BASIC
programming to execute specific operations:

Type Variable Comment

Analog Second, 6 Registers giving the time in hour, minute, second, day,
Minutes, … month and year.
Analog UTCUTim Time in UTC format (number of seconds since 1/1/1970 at
Greenwich latitude)
Analog ZonBia Time difference in seconds between the local time and time UTC
Analog Zonid ID of the zone where the RTU is installed. It uses regional
settings of the PC

Version: 1.06 186

Version: 1.06 187
Access levels ......................................... 113 Datalogging ..............................................97
Access Security ..................................... 110 chronologies..........................................99
Alarm stack ........................................ 45, 86 sampling tables ...................................100
Alarms...................................................... 86 Debugging TCP/IP....................................83
advanced parameters........................... 45 Dongle ....................................................184
analog condition ................................... 89 Drivers ......................................................43
chain............................................... 87, 89
digital condition..................................... 87 E
display list of......................................... 95 e-mail ......................................75, 87, 90, 92
e-mail.................................................... 92 SMTP from ............................................45
FTP....................................................... 92 SMTP subject........................................46
group of recipients................................ 93 Event stack ...................................45, 86, 95
link .................................................. 88, 90
message............................................... 94 F
ModBus ................................................ 91
NTP ...................................................... 92 FTP .....................................................79, 92
printer ................................................... 92
recipients .............................................. 91 G
SMS...................................................... 91 Global code ............................................112
Global Reset .............................................35
B GPRS .......................................................59
Battery communication variables.......................60
lithium ................................................. 128 IP settings .............................................61
Button..................................................... 129 GPS Timing card ....................................175
Group of recipients ...................................93
C Group of Tags...........................................68
GSM - data ...............................................58
Cabling GSM message
16 DI................................................... 137 header ...................................................46
16 DIO ................................................ 145 GSM/GPRS
16 DO ................................................. 141 configuration .........................................57
4 AI420 ............................................... 170 modem card ........................................173
4 AO ................................................... 163
8 AIVC ................................................ 157 H
8 RELAYS .......................................... 167
CPU-16............................................... 130 Hardware
power supplies ................................... 119 card insertion ........................................16
serial port ................................................ 180 rack installation .....................................14
Chain.................................................. 87, 89 racks ...................................................118
Chronologies...................................... 97, 99 vs. Software (addressing) .....................19
Clock ...................................................... 185 Hardware concept.....................................11
Communication ........................................ 32 High Speed Tags ....................................108
CPU...................................................... 52 Historical data ...........................................86
testing with TWinSoft............................ 34
variables ............................................... 62
Compiling Program .................................. 36
Counters .................................................. 67
CPU-16 ............................................ 51, 125
communication ports ............................ 52

Version: 1.06 188

I/O cards Password Utility ..................................... 112
16 DI ................................................... 135 PC
16 DIO ................................................ 142 system requirement .............................. 26
16 DO ................................................. 139 PC Setup.................................................. 32
4 AI420 ............................................... 168 Periodic Events ...................................... 106
4 AO.................................................... 161 Power Supplies .......................... 16, 22, 119
8 AIVC ................................................ 155 PSTN
8 RELAYS DIO ................................... 165 modem card ....................................... 171
COMBO .............................................. 148 PSTN modem
I/O Simulation......................................... 134 configuration......................................... 56
Info ........................................................... 44
IP Parameters .......................................... 76 R
FTP ....................................................... 79 Recipients ................................................ 91
ISP ........................................................ 77 Remote Tags ......................................... 101
NTP....................................................... 82 advanced properties ............................. 48
SMTP.................................................... 80 creating............................................... 103
ISP............................................................ 77 modbus device ................................... 102
through modem .................................. 105
timing.................................................. 105
LED run .................................................... 35 trigger ................................................. 102
License ................................................... 184 Report .................................... 75, 86, 87, 90
code .................................................... 184 Reset................................................ 35, 129
dongle ................................................. 184 Resources................................................ 51
evaluation ........................................... 184 adding cards ......................................... 53
TWinSoft LITE .................................... 184 CPU ...................................................... 51
Link..................................................... 88, 90 GSM/GPRS card .................................. 57
Lithium battery........................................ 128 I/O card................................................. 55
Login/Logout........................................... 113 PSTN modem card ............................... 56
Results window ........................................ 36
M RTC........................................................ 185
Memory .................................................... 36 RTU Properties ........................................ 41
Message................................................... 94 advanced.............................................. 44
MMC....................................................... 129 general ................................................. 42
ModBus address of station....................... 42 info........................................................ 44
ModBus address of Tags ......................... 74 ModBus address of station ................... 42
ModBus device....................................... 102 name of the station............................... 42
MTU.......................................................... 49 Remote Tags ........................................ 48
sampling tables .................................... 47
N summer/winter ...................................... 43
TCP/IP .................................................. 48
Name of the station .................................. 42 Tel. number .......................................... 43
NTP .......................................................... 82 time zone.............................................. 43
RTU startup.............................................. 44
O RTU type ............................................ 31, 42
Overview .................................................... 9

Version: 1.06 189

Technical Specifications (suite)
S 4 AI420................................................168
Sampling tables 4 AO ....................................................161
advanced properties............................. 47 8 AIVC.................................................155
Sampling Tables .............................. 98, 100 8 RELAYS ...........................................165
Security .................................................. 110 COMBO ..............................................148
Sending Program ..................................... 37 CPU-16 ...............................................125
Serial Ports : .......................................... 178 GPS Timing.........................................175
SMTP ....................................................... 80 GSM/GPRS modem............................173
redundancy........................................... 81 I/O SIMUL ...........................................134
Stack power supplies ....................................119
alarms............................................. 45, 86 PSTN modem......................................171
events............................................. 45, 86 rack .....................................................118
Startup ..................................................... 44 serial ports ..........................................178
System Requirement ............................... 26 Temperature units ....................................48
System Variables ..................................... 64 Time........................................................185
analog................................................... 66 automatic setting ...................................82
digital .................................................... 64 winter/summer...............................43, 186
System.xml ............................................ 129 Timers.......................................................67
T TWinSoft
starting ..................................................30
Tags ......................................................... 68 TWinSoft Communication
analog variable ..................................... 72 testing ...................................................34
digital variable ...................................... 70 TWinSoft Suite
group .................................................... 68 installation .............................................27
high speec Tag................................... 108 programs ...............................................29
I/O......................................................... 69 system requirement...............................26
internal variables .................................. 70
ModBus address .................................. 74 U
presentation.......................................... 75
write...................................................... 75 UTC time ................................................185
TBox Dial It! ............................................. 27
TBox Mail ................................................. 27
TCP ports................................................. 49 Variables
TCP/IP ..................................................... 48 communication ......................................62
debugging............................................. 83 internal registers....................................70
TCP/IP address system...................................................64
incoming call......................................... 49
Technical Specifications W
16 DI................................................... 135 WebForm ..................................................75
16 DIO ................................................ 142 WebForm Viewer ......................................27
16 DO ................................................. 139 Wizard ......................................................31

Version: 1.06 190

Version: 1.06 191
Version: 1.06 192

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