Sasanian Sealstones
Sasanian Sealstones
Sasanian Sealstones
E. Digard, et al.. Repertoire analytique des cylindres orientaux I-III, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Paris 1975. Some 4,600 cylinder seals from the ancient Near East are used here for the
creation of a glyptic coding system and a database, accompanied with over 4,700 index cards with
hand-drawn illustrations or photographs of seal impressions, and a reel of computer magnetic tape. Eor
a critical review of this work, see E. Porada, "Problems of Method in the Archaeology and Art History
of the Ancient Near East," JAOS 102.3, pp. 501-506.
Philippe Gignoux, Rika Gyselen, Catalogue des sceaux. camees et bulles Sasanides de la Bibliotheque
Nationale et du Musee du Louvre II, Paris 1978; Philippe Gignoux, Rika Gyselen, Sceaux sasanides de
diverses collections privee, Leuven 1982; Rika Gyselen, Catalogue des sceaux, camees et bulles
Sasanides I, Paris 1993.
proIile bust oI the owner, generally inscribed with his name and title. The database
may thus be tapped Ior inIormation on the correlation between seal type and the
gender, social rank, and religious belieIs oI seal owners. It is hoped that the pool oI
inIormation provided in the present database may be expanded through adoption oI
Rika Gyselen's simpliIied glyptic coding system in Iuture electronic publications oI
other Sasanian seal collections.
We expect to apply the approach adopted in this volume to subsequent electronic
publications oI the remainder oI the Cans seals Irom other regions and time periods.
These are represented by specimens Irom the earlier civilizations oI the ancient Near
East and Egypt, Irom the Graeco-Roman world and Europe and Irom China and the
Ear East, Irom India and Southeast Asia, and Irom the New World.
In conclusion, I wish thank the Iollowing individuals Ior their contributions to
the present project. Dr. Sanjyot Mehendale, oI the Department oI Near Eastern
Studies, at Berkeley, who originally prepared the Inventory Numbers and the glyptic
coding system used in our catalog entries, and Catherine Bullock-Demos, a graduate
student in the same department, who as Technical Assistant to the project, is
responsible Ior the preparation oI digital images oI seals as an integral part oI catalog
entries. I am especially grateIul to ProIessor Lewis Lancaster, director oI the
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, at Berkeley, Ior his interest and collaboration
toward the realization oI the electronic publication project described in this report.