Sacred Plants: Green Allies Used in Ritual and Ceremony

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Sacred Plants: Green Allies Used in Ritual And Ceremony

October 18, 2007 :!0"8:!0 #m, Olbric$ %otanical Gardens

Presented by &anessa 'ardones o( Community P$armacy
According to many ancient cosmologies around the world, there is a god in
all things. Each plant has its deva or sacred spirit which makes it more than
the sum of its physical substance. This sacred nature of plants has
traditionally been utilized in rituals for purification, consecration,
protection, community-building, and altering consciousness for religious
ceremonies, art, and personal exploration.
!itual is any action undertaken with intention and belief that grows
powerful through repetition and connection." - Sacred Smo)e
Rituals may $a*e t$eir roots in traditional culture, or t$ey may ori+inate (rom #ersonal
intuition, dreams, or #rayers, -$e use o( #lants (or ritual is o(ten accom#anied by ot$er
#ractices (or s$i(tin+ consciousness, includin+ (astin+, dancin+, drummin+, c$antin+,
storytellin+, son+, meditation, dreamin+, or #rayer, Rituals stren+t$en our connections
.it$ #lants, t$e eart$, and t$e s#irit .orld as .ell as $el#in+ to $eal and sustain us,
Methods of using plants for ritual:
-ea in(usions or decoctions /ea*es and (lo.ers are +enerally infused, stee#ed in $ot
.ater, .$ile roots, seeds, bar)s, and berries are o(ten decocted, simmered at a lo. boil
(or an e0tended time,
Smo)in+, incense, and smud+in+
12ature understands (ire and smo)e better t$an .ords,3 -Plants o(
-$e smo)e o( burnin+ $erbs is said to carry #rayers to $ea*en, 'any 2ati*e American
ceremonies in*ol*e t$e #assin+ o( a sacred #i#e made o( stone, clay, or antler in .$ic$
tobacco, mullein, mu+.ort or ot$er $erbs may be smo)ed .$ile #rayers are s#o)en,
Smud+in+ is a #ractice in .$ic$ bunc$es o( $erbs are braided or tied in bundles or .ands,
t$en dried and burned, .$ile t$e smo)e is (anned o*er t$e body or around a s#ace
(or ritual #uri(ication or $ealin+, 4erbs used in smud+e include *arious s#ecies o( sa+e
and cedar, s.eet+rass, and mu+.ort,
Making a smudge stick:
There is a ceremony before the ceremony, and there are ceremonies within the
ceremony, and then there are ceremonies after the ceremony is complete." - Sacred
%e(ore +at$erin+ $erbs (or smud+e, many .ildcra(ters #ray, as) (or +uidance, and as) t$e
#lant5s #ermission, Sometimes a ritual bat$, a, a (ast or a smud+e is also #art o(
#uri(yin+ one5s sel( be(ore +at$erin+ t$e $erbs t$at .ill be used (or a sacred ritual,
-$e $erbs are t$en cut at t$e a##ro#riate len+t$ (or t$e smud+e stic), and may be $un+
u#side do.n so t$e ener+y doesn5t drain out t$e cut end, Sometimes it is easier to allo.
t$e #lants to .ilt sli+$tly to reduce moisture so t$ey are easier to bundle ,
%undle .it$ t$e stems all at one end and t$e to#s at t$e ot$er end, -$e stems re#resent
t$e eart$ ener+y, and t$e #$ysical #lane, 6$ile t$e to#s o( t$e $erbs re#resent s)y, and t$e
s#iritual realm, %ot$ t$e +ro.t$ o( t$e #lant and t$e risin+ o( smo)e durin+ smud+in+
e0#ress t$e mo*ement o( #rayer (rom eart$ to s)y,
6ra# t$e strin+ or t$read in s#irals around t$e bundle, startin+ (rom t$e stems to.ards t$e
to#s and t$en bac) do.n, 6ra# snu+ly but not too ti+$t, 7o not bend or (old t$e ti#s o(
t$e $erbs in t$e bundle as t$is inter(eres .it$ t$e mo*ement o( ener+y, Also, do not trim
o(( t$e ti#s as t$is se*ers t$e connection .it$ s)y, -ie o(( t$e bundle at t$e base, lea*in+
a loo# at t$e stem end (or $an+in+ t$e bundle until it is dry,
/i+$t t$e ti# o( t$e smud+e stic) or braid .it$ a candle or in a (ire, Once t$e smud+e
stic) $as a steady (lame, blo. it out so it is smolderin+ and smo)in+, Use an abalone
s$ell, a bo.l, or any ot$er sacred 8and sa(e9 rece#tacle to $old under t$e smud+e stic) to
catc$ any as$, O((er t$e smo)e to eac$ o( t$e (our cardinal directions, 6as$ or (an t$e
smo)e o*er $eart, $ead and body, usin+ your $and or a (an, -raditionally a (an made o(
ea+le (eat$ers is sometimes used, .it$ t$e belie( t$at t$e #rayers contained in t$e smo)e
are t$en carried to t$e $ea*ens on ea+le5s .in+s, lod+e -$e lod+e is a cleansin+ and $ealin+ ceremony in many
2ati*e American traditions, Partici#ants o(ten #re#are (or a by (astin+, smud+in+,
and #rayer, :t may be a steam or a dry, de#endin+ on t$e tribe, 7urin+ t$e $erbs suc$ as sa+e, cedar, mu+.ort, and s.eet+rass aid in t$e ritual #uri(ication
and ener+etic cleansin+,
Ot$ers: ;ood, in(used oils, amulets, bat$s,, #illo.s, eli0irs, .reat$s
Plants used for purification, consecration, and protection:
Cedar various species Calmin+, u#li(tin+, and +roundin+, Cedar is used in amulets,
incense, smud+in+, in lod+es, to .ea*e s#lit.ood bas)ets and to ma)e $eart$
boards (or (irestartin+, Also used e0ternally to ma)e oils and ointments (or sore muscles
and c$est con+estion or colds,
Sa+e #alvia spp. and Artemesia spp. -$e /atin name #alvia means 1to $eal3 or 1to
sa*e3, Sa+e is said to ma)e bad s#irits sic) .$en used in smud+e (or ceremonial
#uri(ication, :t is included in medicine #ouc$es, stre.n o*er t$e (loor durin+ s.eats, and
.ra##ed around sacred ob<ects suc$ as ceremonial #i#es, Some s#ecies may be used in
tea to calm, (ocus and center t$e mind, Sa+e is anti(un+al and antise#tic as .ell as
-obacco $icotiana spp. -$e blossoms and lea*es o( tobacco are +i*en as o((erin+ to t$e
s#irits, -obacco may be smo)ed, smud+ed, c$e.ed and snorted as #art o( ceremony, :t
soot$es o*ere0citement o( t$e ner*ous system and #rotects t$e ener+etic body, :t is used
in ceremony by s$amans to (an o*er t$e bodies o( #atients, to di*ine t$e cause o( t$eir
illness and to $eal, -raditional 2ati*e American belie(s $old t$at tobacco comes (rom t$e
+ods, :t is belie*ed t$at .$en tobacco is burned, it dies and releases its o.n s#irit, .$ic$
<oins t$e s#irits o( t$e uni*erse t$at in(luence t$e (ate o( $umans, 6$en used
ceremonially, tobacco $el#s #ut a #erson in a state o( mind to be in contact .it$ t$e
S.eet+rass %ierochloe odorata 2ati*e to t$e Great Plains o( t$e US and Canada,
S.eet+rass is o(ten braided and used (or smud+e and in t$e s.eatlod+e, :t also ma)es a
#leasant and rela0in+ tea, S.eet+rass increases #ositi*e ener+y and #uri(ies, -$e smo)e
o( s.eet+rass is said to be #leasant to all s#irits, +ood or bad, so it is o(ten #aired .it$
sa+e in doin+ cleansin+ smud+es, /a)ota myt$ states t$at s.eet+rass came to +ro. in t$e
#lace .$ere 6$ite %u((alo Cal( 6oman=s tears (ell as s$e c$an+ed (rom a red bu((alo to
yello., to blac), and (inally to a sacred .$ite bu((alo,
Corn &ea mays Gi(ts o( sacred cornmeal are o((ered durin+ ceremonies to (eed and
soot$e t$e s#irits and ma)e t$em $a##y .it$ t$e #eo#le, -$e 4o#i #eo#le belie*e t$at
.$en corn is eaten, its (les$ becomes t$eir (les$, so t$at .$en cornmeal is o((ered to t$e
s#irits, it is an o((erin+ o( t$eir o.n (les$, Corn, alon+ .it$ s>uas$, beans, and tobacco,
is one o( t$e (our sisters t$at ma)es u# traditional 2ati*e American +ardenin+ tec$ni>ues,
-$e Pa.nee #eo#le belie*e t$at #eo#le are descended (rom a union o( t$e +reat s#irit and
'u+.ort Artemesia vulgaris, Crone.ort -$is $erb is a symbol o( $ealt$ and $o#e t$at
o(ten +ro.s in disturbed ecosystems suc$ as roadsides and .astelands, :t is also said to
+ro. at t$e door.ays o( $ealers, and is used to re#el bad s#irits, Used as a s)in lotion, it
re#els insects and is an e((ecti*e remedy (or #oison i*y :t is used in smud+e and $un+ by
bedsides to aid in di*ination and dreamin+, Used internally as a tea, it is a di+esti*e
bitter, $el#s re+ulate t$e menstrual cycle and ease cram#s, and $el#s balance emotional
states, :t also acts as a *ermi(u+e,
Plants used for altering consciousness and building community:
Aya$uasca 'anisteriopsis spp. 1/ittle 7eat$3 or 1&ine o( t$e Soul3 A #syc$oacti*e tea is
decocted (rom t$is Ama?onian *ine and may include ot$er $erbs .$ic$ moderate t$e
e((ects (or t$e #ur#oses o( S$amanic <ourneyin+, $ealin+, and reli+ious ceremony in
@cuador, Peru, %ra?il, and Columbia, Consum#tion causes com#le0 and color(ul *isions,
.$ic$ o(ten in*ol*e *isions o( t$e ori+ins o( li(e on eart$, Considered an entheogen, a
#lant .$ic$ enables t$e user to connect .it$ t$e di*inity .it$in t$emsel*es,
Peyote (ophophora williamsii, 'escal %utton, a small, s#ineless cactus .$ose nati*e
re+ion e0tends (rom t$e sout$.estern #art o( -e0as, t$rou+$ central 'e0ico, -$e 4uic$ol
o( nort$ern 'e0ico and t$e 2a*a<o in t$e sout$.estern United States use #eyote as #art
o( traditional reli+ious rites, as do more t$an (orty tribes across t$e United States and
Canada, -$ere is documented e*idence o( t$e reli+ious, ceremonial, and $ealin+ uses o(
Peyote datin+ bac) to o*er 20,000 years, Consum#tion o( #eyote tri++ers a sense o( .ell"
bein+ and color(ul )aleidesco#ic *isions, :t is considered to be a di*ine messen+er, an
ent$eo+en, enablin+ t$e user to connect .it$ God,
-ea )amellia sinensis 2ati*e to Asia, -raditionally used in elaborate, (ormal tea
ceremonies in Aa#an, Contains t$e amino acid t$eanine .$ic$ calms and rela0es, as .ell
as ca((eine .$ic$ #romotes alertness and (ocus,
Sal*ia di*inorum 7i*iner=s Sa+e, Sa+e o( t$e Seers -$is $erb $as a lon+ tradition o( use
by indi+enous 'a?atec s$amans, .$o use it to (acilitate *isionary states o( consciousness
durin+ s#iritual $ealin+ sessions, -$e #lant +ro.s in isolated $abitats in 'e0ico,
-y#ically smo)ed, c$e.ed, or consumed as tea, #alvia divinorum can #roduce
e0#eriences ran+in+ (rom ecstatic lau+$ter to muc$ more intense and #ro(oundly altered
states, suc$ as t$e sensation o( o*erla##in+ realities or t$e #erce#tion o( bein+ in se*eral
locations at once,
Ba*a *iper methysticum -$e /atin name means into0icatin+ #e##er, A mildly
into0icatin+ be*era+e traditionally consumed in *arious cultures in t$e Paci(ic :slands,
includin+ ;i<i, Polynesia, and Samoa, -raditionally it is #re#ared by eit$er c$,
+rindin+ or #oundin+ t$e root .it$ .ater, :t causes a mild (eelin+ o( eu#$oria, #$ysical
rela0ation, tal)ati*eness, and a tin+lin+ o( t$e li#s and mout$, :t is ty#ically used at
social +at$erin+ to increase amiability, :t is used as an $erbal su##lement in t$e 6estern
.orld (or an0iety, stress, muscle tension and slee#lessness, :t is contraindicated (or
#eo#le .it$ li*er #roblems, and s$ould not be used .it$ alco$ol and certain #rescri#tion
-ulsi +cimum sanctum, 4oly basil -ulsi, meanin+ 1t$e incom#arable one3 in Sans)rit,
is a rasayana, an Ayur*edic term (or a tonic $erb similar to an ada#to+en in 6estern
$erbalism, 4oly basil is said to $el# nouris$ a #erson=s +ro.t$ to #er(ect $ealt$ and
enli+$tenment, :t is +ro.n at t$e entrance.ays o( $omes and sacred #laces to deter e*il
s#irits (rom enterin+, -ulsi may be stee#ed as an in(used tea, or used in coo)in+, :t is
also a*ailable as an $erbal su##lement in tincture and ca#sule (orm, due to its anti"
de#ressant and an0iolytic 8stress"(i+$tin+9 #ro#erties, and also im#ro*es di+estion,
decreases in(lammation, and boosts t$e immune system, -$e stem is made into #rayer
bead .$ic$ are .orn as nec)laces or bracelets and used to adorn altars,
A traditional Navajo prayer:
The world before me is restored in beauty
The world behind me is restored in beauty
The world below me is restored in beauty
The world above me is restored in beauty
All things around me are restored in beauty
,y voice is restored in beauty
-t is finished in beauty
-t is finished in beauty
-t is finished in beauty
-t is finished in beauty
Two earth-centered chants for rituals
.e are an old people, we are a new people
.e are the same people, deeper than before.
Earth my body, water my blood
Air my breath and fire my spirit.
Aya$uasca &isions by Pablo Amarin+o, /uis /una, and /uis @duardo /una
%rot$er Cro., Sister Corn by Carol %uc$anan
-$e Cosmic Ser#ent by Aeremy 2arby
;ood o( t$e Gods: -$e Searc$ (or t$e Ori+inal -ree o( Bno.led+e
by -erence 'c)enna
4erbal Rituals by Audit$ %er+er
'urder, 'a+ic, and 'edicine by Ao$n 'ann
Plants o( t$e Gods: -$eir Sacred, 4ealin+, C 4allucino+enic Po.ers
%y R,@, Sc$ultes
Plants o( 2ati*e American Ceremony and t$e Use o( Sacred
by Al(red Sa*inelli
Sacred Plant 'edicine by Ste#$en 4arrod %u$ner
Sacred Smo)e: -$e Ancient Art o( Smud+in+ (or 'odern -imes by 4ar*est 'cCam#bell

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