This document announces job openings for Junior Accounts Officers at Southern Power Distribution Company of A.P. Limited. It provides details on the number of vacancies, eligibility requirements, reservation policies for local candidates, application process and fees, exam details, and selection procedure. Key points include:
- There are 8 vacancies for Junior Accounts Officers across various categories with 2-5% reserved for locals.
- Candidates must be 18-33 years old with a BCom, MCom, CA intermediate, or ICWA intermediate degree. Qualifications from distance learning programs will not be accepted.
- The selection process involves a written exam followed by document verification for the highest ranked candidates by category. Minimum qualifying marks are
This document announces job openings for Junior Accounts Officers at Southern Power Distribution Company of A.P. Limited. It provides details on the number of vacancies, eligibility requirements, reservation policies for local candidates, application process and fees, exam details, and selection procedure. Key points include:
- There are 8 vacancies for Junior Accounts Officers across various categories with 2-5% reserved for locals.
- Candidates must be 18-33 years old with a BCom, MCom, CA intermediate, or ICWA intermediate degree. Qualifications from distance learning programs will not be accepted.
- The selection process involves a written exam followed by document verification for the highest ranked candidates by category. Minimum qualifying marks are
This document announces job openings for Junior Accounts Officers at Southern Power Distribution Company of A.P. Limited. It provides details on the number of vacancies, eligibility requirements, reservation policies for local candidates, application process and fees, exam details, and selection procedure. Key points include:
- There are 8 vacancies for Junior Accounts Officers across various categories with 2-5% reserved for locals.
- Candidates must be 18-33 years old with a BCom, MCom, CA intermediate, or ICWA intermediate degree. Qualifications from distance learning programs will not be accepted.
- The selection process involves a written exam followed by document verification for the highest ranked candidates by category. Minimum qualifying marks are
This document announces job openings for Junior Accounts Officers at Southern Power Distribution Company of A.P. Limited. It provides details on the number of vacancies, eligibility requirements, reservation policies for local candidates, application process and fees, exam details, and selection procedure. Key points include:
- There are 8 vacancies for Junior Accounts Officers across various categories with 2-5% reserved for locals.
- Candidates must be 18-33 years old with a BCom, MCom, CA intermediate, or ICWA intermediate degree. Qualifications from distance learning programs will not be accepted.
- The selection process involves a written exam followed by document verification for the highest ranked candidates by category. Minimum qualifying marks are
Corporate Office, Bei!" Sree!i#a$a %a&'a!a(a!"apa(, %e$a#a'a!a)*!ta, Tir*pati DETAILED NOTIFICATION DATED+ ,-../.,.01 RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF 2UNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICERS Applications are invited on-line through APSPDCL Website ttp+33ap$p"c&.c)).)o#.i! fro( ,/../.,.01 to ,-..4.,.01 from eligible candidates for filling up the following vacancies on regular basis in APSPDCL The Desirous eligible candidates ma appl !n-line b satisfing themselves with the terms and conditions of this recruitment" I.BREAKUP OF VACANCIES: The #rea$ up of total vacancies communit wise are detailed below under %eneral &ecruitment" JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICERS OC BC-A BC-B BC-C BC-D BC-E SC ST PH(OH) PH(HH) PH(VH) Total G W G W G W G W G W G W G W G W G W G W G W 2 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Backlog 5 %'%eneral( W'Women The above vacancies include bac$log vacancies" The vacancies will be filled with spirit of presidential order" RESER5ATION TO LOCAL CANDIDATE &eservation to the local candidates is applicable as provided in the &ules and as amended from time to time in force on the date of notification" The candidates claiming reservation as Local candidates should obtain the re)uired Stud certificates from Class *+ to , or &esidence Certificate in the proforma onl for those candidates who have not studied in an -ducational *nstitutions as the case ma be" The relevant certificates ma be got read with authori.ed signature and $ept with the candidates as and when re)uired" The %overnment of A"P" has issued orders for transfer of Ananthapur / 0urnool Districts from erstwhile APCPDCL to APSPDCL under the provisions of AP reorgani.ation act 1213" 4ow the APSPDCL 5urisdiction Consists of -ight districts 6+i.7 0rishna7 %untur7 Pra$asam7 4ellore7 Chittoor7 0adapa7 Anantapuram7 0urnool8 shall be declared as the local area for the 9unior Accounts !fficer cadre in Accounts Service for the purpose of recruitment for following the spirit of Presidential !rder" The following percentage of reservation of posts in respect of local candidates shall be followed while ma$ing direct recruitment in APSPDCL for following the spirit of Presidential !rder" - 1 - :;2< of the posts to be filled b Direct &ecruitment shall be reserved for local candidates in respect of 9unior Accounts !fficer in Accounts Service7 in SPDCL as unit which was declared as local area for the said post" The remaining =2< of the posts shall be filled b open competition wherein local and non local candidates can compete" Local Candidates - ;2< !pen Competition - =2< DEFINITION OF LOCAL CANDIDATE+ :L!CAL CA4D*DAT-> means a candidate for direct recruitment to an post shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area on the following conditions?- (i) Who has studied for the ma@imum period out of seven ears immediatel preceding the passing of the )ualifing e@amination or ,th class whichever is lower in the concerned local area i"e"7 the 5urisdiction of APSPDCL consisting of eight districts vi."7 0rishna7 %untur7 Pra$asam7 4ellore7 Chittoor7 0adapa7 0urnool / Ananthapuram" (ii) Where the periods of hisAher residence is in two or more local areas and if the are e)ual such local area where he has resided last in such e)ual periods will be considered" 6iii8 *n cases where visuall handicapped and hearing handicapped persons studied in the special schools meant for them7 the native place of the parents of such visuall handicapped and hearing handicapped persons will be the local area" NOTE+ A. A Stud certificate from *+ to , class would suffice for enabling the candidate to appl as a 6LOCAL CANDIDATE7 #" &esidence Certificate in prescribed proforma onl for those candidates who have not studied in an educational institutions as the case ma be will be accepted" S&.No Cate)or' Ope! Loca& Tota& O L 1 !C 1 1 1 1 !C6W8 2 1 1 = #C-# 6W8 2 1 1 3 !C-PB- +B6W8 #ac$log 1 2 1 Tota& 1 = C !- !pen Competition +acancies 6LocalA4on Local candidates can complete8 L- +acancies reserved for local candidates onl" - = - *n view of AP reorgani.ation Act 12137 the state of residual AP consisting of 1= Districts onl w"e"f" 21"2D"1213" The candidates belonging to states other than A"P" will be considered as %eneral Categor onl i"e"7 !C categor irrespective of their caste" These vacancies are sub5ect to variation at the time of recruitment based on the necessit" Fee+ i8 -ach applicant must pa &s"1C2A- 6&upees !ne hundred and fift !nl8 towards Application Processing Eee" ii) Applicants under %eneral categor must also pa R$.89.3: ;R$.Tree *!"re" a!" fift' o!&'< towards -@amination Eee" 6Applicants belonging to SCASTA#C Communities and PB need not pa this fee8 iii) Candidates belonging to States other than Andhra Pradesh will be considered in general categor onl and re)uired to pa the above prescribed fee of R$.89.3: ;R$.Tree H*!"re" a!" fift' O!&'< Note+ Te Fee o!ce pai" =i&& !ot >e ref*!"e" at a!' co$t. Starting date for Pament of Eee at A"P" !nline is ,-../.,.01 Starting date for Application Submission through on-line is ,/../.,.01 Last date for Pament of Eee at AP !nline is ,?..4.,.01 Last date of submission of Application is ,-..4.,.01 *p to .9... AM3P.M INSTRUCTIONS I. I!$tr*ctio!$ for Sca!!i!) of Poto)rap =it Si)!at*re Photo width' ="Ccm
Signature Space ' 1"C cm 1" Paste the photo on an white paper as per the above re)uired dimensions" Sign in the Signature Space provided" -nsure that the signature is within the bo@" - 3 - 1" Scan the above re)uired si.e containing photograph and signature" Please do not scan the complete page" =" The entire image 6of si.e ="C cm b D"2 cm8 consisting of the photo along with the signature is re)uired to be scanned and stored in @.Ap) format on local machine" 3" -nsure that the si.e of the scanned image is not more than C20# C" *f the si.e of the file is more than C20#7 then ad5ust the settings of the scanner such as the dpi resolution7 no" of colours etc"7 during the process of scanning" D" The candidate has to sign in full in the bo@ provided" Since the signature is proof of identit7 it must be genuine and in full( initials are not sufficient" Signature in CAP*TAL L-TT-&S is not permitted" ;" The Signature must be signed onl b the candidate and not b an other person" F" The Signature will be used to put on the Ball Tic$et and wherever necessar" *f the candidateGs signature on the answer script7 at the time of the e@amination7 does not match the signature on the Ball Tic$et7 the candidate will be dis)ualified" Sa(p&e Poto a!" Si)!at*re Photo width' ="Ccm Signature Space ' 1"C cm -g" The Technical Specifications of the sample scanned image shown above are? Si.e of the file H C2 0# Dpi setting ' 122 dpi True Colour The Candidate has to upload hisAher Poto =it Si)!at*re in the prescribed format b clic$ing on the >ro=$e button at the time of submission of application form II.2OB SPECIFICATION+ Assisting in all matters relating to Accounts section wor$ in addition to maintenance of !perational &ecords7 Pett Cash #oo$7 Collection of DDs7 remittance monthl I"*"S" etc" - C - III.ELIBIBILITY
0. a< ABE + Age not below 1F ears and not more than =3 ears as on date of 4otification Jpper age limit will be rela@ed up to C ears in respect of SCASTA#C candidates and up to 12 ears in respect of P"B candidates" ,. >< CUALIFICATIONS + a8 * class Post %raduate Degree of I"Com"7 of an Jniversit in *ndia -stablished or incorporated b or under a Central Act7 Provincial Act7 or a State Act or an e)uivalent )ualification under regular basis" !& b8 #"Com"7 * Class or its e)uivalent of an recogni.ed universit of *ndia under regular basis" !& c8 Pass in intermediate e@amination of Chartered Accountanc -@amination" !& d8 Pass in *ntermediate e@amination of *"C"W"A" Note+ The Kualification ac)uired from other state Jniversities through Distance Iode will not be considered as per Iemo"4o"C%IAB&DADS*AAS-**AP!*+A9P!AD"4o";=A117 Dt"12"21"1211" The content of the Iemo is as follows? :As per the clarification issued b A"P"State Council of Bigher -ducation and the orders of APT&A4SC! issued vide Iemo"Dated?1D"11"12127 the degrees awarded to the courses offered under distance mode through stud centers b other state universities beond the territorial 5urisdiction of the respective state are not legall valid" Therefore the cannot be considered for recruitment7 promotions7 incentive increments or an other service benefits"> Te D*a&ificatio! acD*ire" =it i! $tate *!i#er$itie$ tro*) "i$ta!ce (o"e =i&& >e accepte" if it i$ a#i!) DEC appro#a& o!&'. I5.SELECTION PROCEDURE 6i8 The selection of candidates for appointment will be made 122< on written e@amination 6ii8 !nl those who )ualif in the written e@amination b being ran$ed high7 communit wise will be called for verification of !riginal Certificates in 1?1 ratio" 6iii8 The minimum )ualifing mar$s in the written test for the above selection process shall be as follows? !C - 32< #C - =C< - D - SCAST - =2< PB - =2< Note?- Iere securing minimum )ualifing mar$s doesnGt vest7 an right to a candidate for being called for verification of !riginal Certificates" 5. Detai&$ of Writte! EEa(i!atio!+ i) S'&&a>*$+ The Sllabus for the written e@amination is placed at Anne@ure" Ha&& TicFet$+ The hall tic$ets will be placed on the Website seven das prior to the date of e@amination" The Candidate has to down load the Ball tic$et from the website onl" Ball tic$ets will not be sent to the candidates b post" 5I.TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SER5ICE a<. SCALE OF PAY + 1L3C2-F22-121C2-LCC-1C21C-111C-=2D22-11F2-=1FF2 ><. TRAININB CUM PROBATION+ The candidate appointed to the post shall be placed on Training M cum M Probation for a period of two ears" During the period of Training M cum M Probation heAshe will be paid the minimum of the pa scale along with admissible allowances" The candidate will be governed b the rules and regulations applicable or as framed b the APSPDCL and as amended from time to time" The Tripartite agreement entered into between the APS-#7 %overnment of A"P" and the -mploees Associations is not applicable to these candidates and the shall at no stage be entitles to claim an right what so ever arising out of the said Tripartite agreement c<.EGECUTION OF BOND+ 6i8 The candidates appointed will be re)uired to e@ecute a bond 6in 4on- 9udicial Stamp Paper worth &s"112A- 6&upees !ne hundred and ten onl8 at the time of 5oining7 to serve APSPDCL for a minimum period of C ears after completion of training M cum- probation period61 ears8 6ii8 During the above bond period the candidates will deposit hisAher original certificates such as Degree7 Date of #irth7 and Communit etc with APSPDCL" The certificate so deposited with APSPDCL shall not be returned until the completion of bond period" 6iii8 *f the candidates desire to ta$e bac$ their original certificates during the above bond period the have to pa for an amount of &s"D2222A- towards deposit amount which will be refundable after re-submission of original certificates" - ; - 6iv8 The candidate who leaves the APSPDCL service during the Training M Cum -Probation period shall refund the emoluments received b himAher plus =2222A-6&upees Thirt thousand onl8 b wa of li)uidated damages" 6v8 The candidate who leaves APSPDCL service without serving a minimum period of C ears after completion of training M cum -probation period shall have to pa a sum of &s"D2222A-6&upees Si@t Thousand !nl8 b wa of li)uidated damages" 5II.HOW TO APPLY+ UPLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM+ The Applicants have to read the Jser %uide for !nline Submission of Applications and then Proceed further" I Step+: Pa'(e!t of Fee+ The Applicant should pa the prescribed Eee as per the notification in an one of the A"P" !nline centers and obtain Eee paid receipt with 9ournal 4umber NNNNNNNNNN digit in the first instance" Applicants can also pa the fee through AP !nline portal" II Step+: S*>(i$$io! of App&icatio!+ After pament of Eees7 the Candidate has to logon to the Website ttp+33ap$p"c&.c)).)o#.i! and clic$ on App&' O!&i!e lin$ to view the detailed notification7 Jser %uide and Application Eorm" The Applicants have to provide pament details 69ournal number and date8 and upload the scanned cop of passport si.e photograph with signature 6see instructions for scanning and uploading photograph with signature8 and then invariabl fill all the relevant fields in the Application" *mmediatel on Submission of application7 applicant will get an ac$nowledgement in the form of a downloadable PDE document" NOTE+ 1" The Applicants are re)uired to go through the detailed notification and decide themselves as to their eligibilit for this recruitment carefull before appling and enter the particulars completel online" 1" Candidates are re)uired to retain a photocop of application form with &eference *D for future reference" =" Candidates have to submit application onl through online mode well in advance of the last date to avoid last da rush" 3" Ha!" =ritte! 3T'pe" 3Poto$tat copie$ 3O*t$i"e pri!te" App&icatio! For( =i&& !ot >e accepte" a!" &ia>&e for reAectio!. 5. For any problems related to Online Submission and downloading of Hall- Ticets please contact Help Desk No._040-23120118_(!all Time"#$"%$ A.& - F - to #"$$ '.& ( )"$$ '.& to 5"$$ '.&) or log on to *ttp"++apspdcl.cgg.go,.in clic on to complaint bo-. D" APSPDCL is not responsible7 for an discrepanc in submitting through !nline" The applicants are therefore7 advised to strictl follow the instructions and Jser guide in their own interest" ;" Applicant must compulsoril fill-up all relevant fields of application and submit application through website onl" .. *ncomplete A incorrect application form will be summaril re5ected" APSPDCL under an circumstances will not entertain the information if an furnished b the candidate subse)uentl" Applicants should be careful in filling-up of the application form at the time of Submission" *f an lapse is detected during the scrutin7 hisAher candidature will be re5ected even though heAshe comes through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage" /. #efore pament of fee and submission of application form7 the candidates should carefull ensure hisAher eligibilit for the post of Assistant -ngineerA-l as per the terms / conditions of notification" 4o relevant column of the application form should be left blan$( otherwise application form will not be accepted" Eee once paid will not be refunded at an cost" 12" The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the website and within the time shall onl be considered and the APSPDCL will not be held responsible for an $ind of discrepanc" ##.Applicants must compulsoril upload hisAher own scanned photo with signature in 9P% format onl" Be!era& Co!"itio!$? The Candidate should not furnish an false tampered7 fabricated information or suppress an material information while filling up the application form" Candidates will be re)uired to furnish documentar proof in evidence following as and when called for to verification of original certificates" a8 Age? Proof of age as recorded in SSC certificate or e)uivalent" b8 Certificates of I"ComA#"ComACAA*CWA or e)uivalent )ualification in the similar discipline from an recogni.ed universit in *ndia" c) Permanent Communit certificate issued b I&! in original or !riginal caste certificate issued b &evenue !fficer not less than the ran$ of I&! issued si@ - L - months latest to the date of notification in respect of SCAST / #C candidates clearl indicating the Sub-Caste and group" d8 Phsicall Bandicapped certificate indicating the minimum 32< of disabilit issued b District Iedical #oard" e8 Stud Certificate from *+ to , Class" f8 &esidential Certificate issued b the !fficer of the &evenue Department not below the ran$ of Tahsildar in independent charge of Iandal as the case ma be 6*n respect of candidates who have not studied in an -ducational *nstitutions up to SSC8" g8 Latest Passport si.e Photo" Candidates will be re)uired to appear for written test as and when conducted at their own cost" Admission for written test or calling the )ualified candidates in the written test to furnish documentar proof does not confer an right for appointment" The decision of the Selection CommitteeAAPSPDCL is final in selection and allotment of candidates Dis)ualification ?- Conviction in Criminal Cases involving moral turpitude or declared insolvent" Iedical fitness certificate should be furnished at the time of 5oining" The APSPDCL shall have a right to cancellationAmodification of notification at an time" S"3: GGG CHIEF BENERAL MANABER3HRD APSPDCL ++ TIRUPATI
- 12 - E!&I E!& C!IIJ4*TO7 4AT*+*TO A4D DAT- !E #*&TB C-&T*E*CAT- Serial 4o" S"C" Seal of the District Code? S"T" *ssuing !ffice Iandal Code? #"C" +illage Code? Certificate 4o? C!IIJ4*TO7 4AT*+*TO A4D DAT- !E #*&TB C-&T*E*CAT- 618 This is to certif that SriASmtA0umNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN SonADaughter of Sri"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN of +illageATown NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Iandal NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN District NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN of the state of Andhra Pradesh belongs to NNNNNNNNNNNNN Communit which is recogni.ed as6P8 S"C"AS"T"A#"C" sub-group NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN The Constitution 6Scheduled Castes8 !rder7 1LC2 The Constitution6Schedule Tribes8 !rder7 1LC2 %"!"Is"4o"1;L=7 -ducation7 dated 1C"L"1L;2 as amended from time to time 6#Cs8ASCs7 STs list 6modification8 !rder7 1LCD S"Cs and S"Ts 6Amendment8 Act7 1L;D" 618 *t is certified that SriASmtA0um"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN is a native of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN +illageATown NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Iandal NNNNNNNNNN District of Andhra Pradesh" 6=8 *t is certified that the place of birth of SriASmtA0um" NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN is NNNNNNNNNNNNN +illageATown NNNNNNNNNNNNN Iandal NNNNNNNNNNNNN District of Andhra Pradesh" 638 *t is certified that the date of birth of SriASmtA0um"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN is NNNNNNNNNNNNN Da NNNNNNNNNNNNN Ionth NNNNNNNNNNNNNN Oear NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 6in words8 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN as per the declaration given b his A her AfatherAmotherAguardian and as entered in the school records where heAshe studied" Signature? Date? 4ame in Capital Letters? Designation? 6seal8 -@planator 4ote?- While mentioning the communit7 the Competent Authorit must mention the sub-caste6in case of Scheduled Castes8 and sub-tribe or sub-group6in case of Scheduled Tribes8 as listed out in the S"Cs and S"Ts 6Amendment8 Act7 1L;D" - 11 - SCB!!L STJDO C-&T*E*CAT- 4!T-? Should be obtained from the Bead of -ducational *nstitution6s8" Class 4ame and Place of School District Duration of Stud giving month and ear *+ + +* +** +*** *, , or SSC STAT*!4? Signature of the Bead of the DAT-? -ducational *nstitute6s8 - 11 - C-&T*E*CAT- !E &-S*D-4C- 6To be produced b such candidates who have not studied in an educational institution during the whole or an partP of the relevant 3A; ears period but claim to be local candidates b virtue of residence for Post Codes for which there is reservation for Local Candidates8 It i$ ere >' certifie" 6a8 That SriASmtA0um NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN SAo" WAo" DAo"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN appeared for the first time for the Iatriculation 6S"S"C8 -@amination in NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 6Ionth8 NNNNNNNNNNNNNN 6Oear8 6b8 That heAshe has not studied in an educational institution during the wholeAor part of the 3A; consecutive academic ears ending with the academic ears ending with the in which heAshe first appeared for the aforesaid e@amination" 6c8 That in the 3A; ears immediatel preceding the commencement of the aforesaid e@amination heAshe resided in the following place A places namel( Sl"4o +illage Iandal District Period 1 1 = 3 C !EE*C- S-AL? STAT*!4? !fficer of &evenue Department not below the ran$ of Iandal &evenue DAT-D? !fficer holding independent Charge of a Iandal" 6iv8 ST&*0- !EE :WB!L->APA&T AS TB- CAS- IAO #-" "