1) The document appears to be an exam for a Construction Management course, with 5 questions covering various topics related to project management, scheduling, equipment selection and economics.
2) Question 1 involves describing project management phases and preparing a Gantt bar chart. Question 2 involves network diagramming, calculating floats, and discussing resource allocation methods.
3) Questions 3-5 involve additional topics like time-cost tradeoffs, equipment replacement criteria, soil properties, and short descriptions of various construction vehicles and their uses. Calculations are also required around depreciation, gradability, optimum schedules, and volume estimates.
1) The document appears to be an exam for a Construction Management course, with 5 questions covering various topics related to project management, scheduling, equipment selection and economics.
2) Question 1 involves describing project management phases and preparing a Gantt bar chart. Question 2 involves network diagramming, calculating floats, and discussing resource allocation methods.
3) Questions 3-5 involve additional topics like time-cost tradeoffs, equipment replacement criteria, soil properties, and short descriptions of various construction vehicles and their uses. Calculations are also required around depreciation, gradability, optimum schedules, and volume estimates.
1) The document appears to be an exam for a Construction Management course, with 5 questions covering various topics related to project management, scheduling, equipment selection and economics.
2) Question 1 involves describing project management phases and preparing a Gantt bar chart. Question 2 involves network diagramming, calculating floats, and discussing resource allocation methods.
3) Questions 3-5 involve additional topics like time-cost tradeoffs, equipment replacement criteria, soil properties, and short descriptions of various construction vehicles and their uses. Calculations are also required around depreciation, gradability, optimum schedules, and volume estimates.
1) The document appears to be an exam for a Construction Management course, with 5 questions covering various topics related to project management, scheduling, equipment selection and economics.
2) Question 1 involves describing project management phases and preparing a Gantt bar chart. Question 2 involves network diagramming, calculating floats, and discussing resource allocation methods.
3) Questions 3-5 involve additional topics like time-cost tradeoffs, equipment replacement criteria, soil properties, and short descriptions of various construction vehicles and their uses. Calculations are also required around depreciation, gradability, optimum schedules, and volume estimates.
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B. E. VII th SemesterExamination Nov- 2011 Subject code: 170601 Subject Name: Construction Management & Equipments Date:19/11/2011 Time: 10:30 am 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions & Draw neat sketch wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Describe in detail various phases of Project Management. 07 (b) What is a Gantt bar chart? Explain, with the help of a suitable example, the method of preparing a bar chart. 07
Q.2 (a) The following network shown in figure 1 has the estimated duration for each activity marked. Determine the critical path. also determine total float and free float for each activity.
07 (b) Explain in detail Resources Smoothing method of Resources allocation problems. 07 OR (b) Illustrate the method of updating a network during its execution period. 07
Q.3 (a) The following table gives the data about durations and costs of various activities of the network shown in fig.2 Activity Normal Duration (weeks) Normal cost (Rs.) Crash Duration (weeks) Crash cost (Rs.) 1-2 4 4000 2 12000 2-3 5 3000 2 7500 2-4 7 3600 5 6000 3-4 4 5000 2 10000
The project overhead costs are Rs. 3000 per week. Find the optimum duration and the cost associated with it. 07 H 6 2 A F G I 4 1 3 2 4 5 6 B C D E 3 1 2 4 5 2 Figure 1 2
(b) Explain in detail various factors affecting the selection of construction equipments. 07 OR Q.3 (a) What do you understand by Job layout? What are the factors affected the job lay out? 07 (b) Explain in detail various financial aspects of procuring construction equipments. 07
Q.4 (a) Determine the probable cost/ hour for owning and operating of a power shovel for following conditions. Engine 180 HP Crankcase capacity 30 Lit. Time between oil changes 100 Hours Operating factor 0.5 Useful life 5 Years Hours used/ Year 1500 Hours Total Initial cost 250000 Estimated salvage value 20000 Maintenance & Repair 75 % of annual depreciation 07 (b) What is the use of Present worth analysis in engineering economic studies? 07 OR Q.4 (a) Discuss in details various reasons for replacement of construction equipment. 07 (b) Explain in brief the following soil fundamentals. 1. Materials properties 2. Soil weight volume relationships 07
Q.5 (a) Write short notes on following. 1. Crawler tractor 2. Wheel tractor 07 (b) What are the uses of power shovels? Describe with neat sketch basic parts and operation of power shovel. 07 OR
Q.5 (a) Write short notes on following. 1. Conveyor belt 2. Idlers 07 (b) Write short notes on following. 1. Dumper 2. Wagons 07
1 2 3 4 4(2) 7(5) 4(2) 5(2) Figure 2 1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VII th SEMESTEREXAMINATION MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 170601 Date: 24/05/2012 Subject Name: Construction Management and Equipments Time: 02:30 pm 05:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Discuss objectives of construction management and Explain Planning, Scheduling and Controlling as a Function of Construction Management.
07 (b) Explain the importance of equipments in construction industry and Discuss aspects of construction equipments that are required to be studied and mastered in order to accomplish cost effective and timely completion of construction projects. 07
Q.2 (a) ( I ) State Rules for drawing network. Explain with suitable examples, errors in AOA networks( 03 )
( II )A small project consists of twelve activities. Interrelationships amongst various activities are as follows: Activity A is starting activity and proceeds activities B,C and D. Activity E depends on activities B and C Activity F follows activities C and D. Activities G and H can start as soon as activity D is completed. Activity I succeeds activities G, E and F. Activities J and K can start only when activities H and I are completed. Activity L is the last activity and it succeeds activities J and K. Prepare dependency table and draw AOA diagram. ( 04 )
07 (b) ( I ) Briefly explain the concept of time value of money. ( 03 )
( II ) Compare two alternative available for using equipment on construction project site for project duration of 8 (eight) years. Alternative A : Buy new equipment at first cost of Rs. 50,00,000/-with net annual return of Rs. 09,00,000/- and salvage value of @ 10 % of its first cost. Alternative B : Buy second hand equipment at cost of Rs. 30,00,000/- with net annual return of Rs. 6,00,000/- and useful life of 4 (four) year with 0 (zero) salvage value. Additional Information: At present market value of 4 (four) year old new equipment is @ 34,00,000/-. and M.A.R.R. = 18 % ( 04 )
07 OR (b) ( I ) Discuss the influence of combined variation of atmospheric temperature and pressure on the performance of I. C. engine. And Discuss Importance of rolling resistance for hauling equipments. ( 03 ) 07 2 Q.2 (b) ( II ) For a wheel type tractor trailer combination following data is available. HP at MSL. = 300 Hp. Efficiency of engine = 90 % Gross weight = 35 T. Weight on driving wheel = 21 T. Gross weight of trailer = 12 T. ( empty ) Gross weight of trailer = 32 T. ( Loaded ) Speed in various gears. Gear 1 2 3 4 5 Rated Speed 8.5 15.5 22.5 33.5 48.0 KMPH
Determine gradability in FIRST GEAR ONLY ( using only 80 % of spare rimpull ) for tractor + trailer ( Empty ) , tractor + trailer ( loaded ) when operating on road at altitude of 2000 m. having rolling resistance of 50.00 kg/ T. ( For tractor ) and 40.00 kg/ T. ( for trailer ) and Coefficient Of Traction ( COT ) = 0.33. ( 04 )
Q.3 (a) ( I ) Explain, Why time cost trade off is necessary? Discuss various ways to reduce the activity duration. (02) ( II ) For a small project following data is available.
Take indirect cost as Rs. 50 per day. Determine (a) Normal Project duration and corresponding project cost. (b) Optimum Project cost and corresponding project duration. (c) Minimum project duration and corresponding project cost. ( 05 ) 07 (b) ( I ) Explain importance of soil fundamentals related to swell, shrinkage etc. with reference to large scale earth excavation , moving and compaction projects. ( 02 )
( II ) Estimate book value of equipment at the end of each year of ownership from following data: Initial book value of equipment = Rs. 25,00,000/- period of ownership = five years. Salvage value = Rs. 2,00,000/- method of depreciation = sinking fund method take i = 16% ( 05 )
07 OR Q.3 (a) ( I ) What are the objectives of resource allocation? Explain do you mean by resource leveling? Explain step by step process for resource leveling. ( 04 )
( II ) Describe safety requirements for demolition works, safety requirements for scaffolding and form work. ( 03 ) 07 3 Q.3 (b) ( I ) Discuss various costs parameters that are considered and analyzed in order to formulate equipment replacement policy. ( 04 )
( II ) For a civil engineering project net volume of earth fill is 2,50,000 m3 (with moisture content 0f 16 % and dry unit weight of 1980 kg / m3 ). This is to be done by excavating stiff clay borrow pit having 18 % moisture content and unit weight of undisturbed soil sample of 2100 kg / m3 . Estimate total volume of borrow pit excavation and volume of water that will either required to be added or to be expelled in order to achieve design specifications. ( 03 ) 07
Q.4 (a) ( I ) Differentiate between network diagram and time grid diagram. Discuss with suitable examples, use of time grid diagram to prepare resource schedule. ( 04 ) ( II ) Explain meaning of cash flow analysis. Discuss purpose of cash flow analysis. Also differentiate between cash flow for contractor and cash flow for owner. ( 03 )
07 (b) ( I ) Explain job layout. Enlist and discuss factors to be considered for preparation of job layout. ( 03 ) ( II ) Describe safety requirements for demolition works, and safety measures to be adopted for Excavation. ( 04 )
07 OR Q.4 (a) ( I ) Explain the term Updating. Why updating is necessary? (02) 07 ( II ) Original schedule of a small project is given below and information at the end of tenth working day is also given. Determine change in critical path and project duration by updating the network. Original Schedule:
Activity A B C D E F G H I Preceding Activity - - A A B,C B,C D,E D,E F,G Duration 5 7 8 5 3 4 2 3 5
Information at the end of tenth working day. Activities A and D were completed as per schedule. Activity B is completed in 5 days instead of planned 7 days Activity C started immediately after activity A was over. And it yet requires 5 more days. Considering site conditions duration of activities E and F are revised to 4 days and 5 days respectively. Duration of activities G, H and I are unchanged. (05)
(b) Differentiate in very brief and precisely between Building construction projects and infrastructure projects. Heavy construction works and industrial construction works Building construction works and Industrial construction works bar chart and Mile stone chart Optimistic time and pessimistic time Total float and free float Critical path and near critical path with reference to PERT
4 Q.5 (a) ( I ) Discuss various types of the blade available for bulldozer along with their specific usage and possible movement for maneuvering. ( 03 )
( II ) From following information determine the cost of production (excavation and hauling) in terms of Rupees per Cubic meter. Excavating equipment : Hoe with 1.33 m3 dipper ( can handle 1.51 m3) having cycle time of 16 seconds and operating factor of 55 minute per hour . Cost Rs. 3500 per hour ) Material : good common earth with swell of 20 % and fill factor of 0.85. Hauling Units : Trucks 8.5 m3 (b.m.) capacity with operating factor of 50 minutes per hour and having round trip time 22 minutes. ( Cost Rs. 400 per hour.) ( 04 )
07 (b) ( I ) Briefly explain the inter relationships amongst material to be excavated, bucket type, bucket size boom length and boom angle for safe and efficient drag line operations. ( 03 )
( II ) For construction equipment following information is available. Initial cost of acquisition Rs. 65,00, 000/- Cost of tyre sets Rs. 3,50,000/- to be replaced after every 3000 hours of operation. Cost of major overhaul and repairs Rs. 8,00,000/- to be carried out after every 4500 hours of operation. Cost of fuel, lubricants and minor repairs and maintenance Rs. 1100/- per hour Estimated Life of machine = 13500 Hours of operation. Estimated salvage value = 15 % of initial cost. Estimated usage of equipment = 1500 Hours per year If MARR is 20 % per year estimate minimum hourly rental charges for equipment. ( 04 )
07 OR Q.5 (a) Answer the following in very brief and precise way : 1. Discuss the factors influencing the selection of suitable excavating equipment. 2. Explain, How output of power shovel can be improved. 3. Explain the factors influencing the output of Hoe 4. Discuss the factors influencing the selection of suitable excavating equipment. 5. Write brief notes on Front End Loader OR Earth and rock saws.
10 (b) Explain the functions of following components with reference to Belt conveyer System : belt, Feeders, Hold backs, Take ups
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ Subject code: 170601 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks Q-1 (a) 07 7 5 8 6 8 5 10 8 6 9 6 7 Activity Normal Duration Crash Duration Normal cost Crash cost 1-2 5 4 4000 10000 1-3 8 5 5000 8000 1-4 6 4 4000 7000 2-5 7 5 5000 6000 2-6 6 4 4000 8000 3-6 5 3 3000 7000 4-6 9 6 6000 9000 4-7 6 4 4000 7000 5-8 8 6 6000 8000 6-8 10 7 7000 10000 6-7 8 5 5000 8000 7-8 7 5 5000 10000 Indirect cost is Rs. 3000/week Q-1 (b) i Draw a neat sketch of a crawler mounted bulldozer and show various parts 07 ii What is a good efficiency factor for a front shovel working on highway construction projects? For the network shown below find out the project completion time. Draw the time scale diagram and crash suitable activities and find out the total cost of project for completing it in (i) 27 weeks (ii) 25 weeks GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Subject Name: Construction Management and Equipments Total Marks: 70 1 2 4 3 5 6 8 7 Q-2( a ) 07 3-5-7 3-6-8 0-0-0 1-2-3 2-4-6 3-6-8 8-15-20 0.00 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.69 0.72 0.75 Q-2( b ) Describe the belt conveyors 07 Q-2( b ) Discuss equipment replacement policy 07 Q-3 (a) 10 C ( 3 ) 10 E ( 2 ) 8 0 8 Q-3 (b) Discuss factors affecting output of a drag line 04 For the network shown below, determine the critical path and probalility of finishing the project within scheduled time of (i) Ts =34.67 days (ii) Ts =36days. Also calculate earliest and latest event occurrence times. 6-8-12 8-12-17 6-9-12 1-2-3 5-7-9 The three time estimates for each activity are written on the arrow showing the respective activity. Probability corrosponding to Z value may be interpolated form following table Value of Z Probability OR Determine the aggregate resources requirements period by perid for the network given below. The figure over the arrows indicate the requirement of masons and figures below the arrows are the durations of the activities for the project. Smooth out the requirement of resources and indicate resulting revised schedule 5 B ( 3 ) H ( 2 ) D ( 3) 9 G ( 4 ) 6 A ( 2 ) 8 F ( 4 ) 9 1 2 3 5 8 9 10 4 6 7 1 2 4 3 5 6 Q-3 (a) 10 Activity Duration 1-2 8 1-3 6 1-4 8 2-4 12 2-5 4 3-5 4 4-6 10 5-6 10 Q-3 (b) Write short note on " Network Updating " 04 Q-4 (a) i Explain cash flow diagram with simple example 04 ii Enlist various safety codes to be used to reduce accidents at various construction sites 03 Q-4 (b) i Discuss importance of safety in construction sites 04 ii State and describe various causes of accidents at the construction site. 03 Q-4 (a) 07 Q-4 (b) Define and explain 07 (1) Depreciation (2) Obsolescence cost (3) Down time (4) Investment cost Q-5 (a) Determine the following costs of a powershovel 10 ( I ) Annual investment cost ( II ) Depreciation cost per year ( III ) Maintenance and repair cost per year ( VI ) Lubrication oil cost / hour ( V ) Diesel cost / hour The following data about power shovel are available Engine : 160 HP Crank Case capacity=30 Litre Useful life 5 years Time between oil changes =100 hours Man power requirement 7 OR Explain the term " J ob layout" and draw a job layout for a construction site of a large multistoreyed building 3 15 5 13 9 11 OR 6 Considere the problem of project scheduling as shown in the follwing table. Obtain a schedule which will minimize the peak man power requirement and also smooth out period to period variation of man power requirement Shipping weight - 104 tonnes Factory price - Rs26 Lakhs Operating factor - 0.6 Fright charges =Rs. 300 / tonne Hours used per year =5000 Oil cost =Rs 150 / litre Diesel cost =Rs 40 / litre Q-5 (b) The weight of a tractor is 15 tonnes 04 Q-5 (a) Define and explain the following 07 ( a) Drawbar pull ( b) Rimpull ( c ) Coefficeint of traction (d) Rolling Resistance Q-5 (b) A Builder is considering three methods for acquiring pick up trucks, the alrernatives are 07 If the builder's minimum attractive rate of return is 8 %. Which alternative should be used ? (x) Purchase the trucks for Rs.16.8 Lakhs each and sell after four years for an estimated amount of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs (y) Lease the trucks for four year for Rs. 4.1Lakhs per year paid in advance at the beginning of each year.The contractor pays all operating and maintenance cost for the trucks and the leasing company retains ownership. (z) Purchase the truck on special time payment with Rs.4.0 Lakh down payment now and Rs.4.5 Lakhs per year at the end of each year for three year. Assume the truck will be sold after four years for Rs. 5.0 Lakh each It has a drawbar pull of 4500kg while operating on a level surface in the fifth gear. The rolling resistance of surface is 49.5 N / KN. Determine the drawbar pull of tractor when it is operating on a level surface having rolling resistance of 90 N / KN OR 1 Seat No.: _________ Enrolment No._______________
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Explain the procedure of designing an irrigation channel with Kennedys theory, when Q, N, m and S are given. 07 (b) Explain the terms (i) Duty (ii) Delta and (iii) Base period. Derive the relation between Duty, Delta and Base period. 07
Q.2 (a) Describe the method of design of a lined canal. 07 (b) Explain Khosla;s method of independent variables. 07 OR (b) Write the design features for Boarder Strip Flooding irrigation method. 07
Q.3 (a) Describe the following irrigation methods with sketches (i) Check basin flooding method. (ii) Drip irrigation method
03 04 (b) (i)Find the time required to cover an area of 0.1 hectares when a tube well is discharging at the rate of 0.03 cumec for irrigating rabi crop. Average depth of flow is expected to be 7.5 cm. Average infiltration rate for the soil may be taken as 5 cm/hour. (ii) Furrow 100m long and 1m apart having longitudinal slope of 0.3 percent are initially irrigated by a non-erosive stream for 80 minutes. The stream size is then reduced to 40% and continued for another 35 minutes. Determine the average depth of irrigation. 04
03 OR Q.3 (a) Describe the method of designing an irrigation canal based on Laceys theory. 07 (b) Using Kennedys theory, design a channel section for the following data: Discharge, Q=25 cumec, Kutters N=0.0225, Critical velocity ratio, m=1, Side slope =1/2:1 and Bed slope, S=1/5000 07
Q.4 (a) (i) Explain the term Diversion Head Work and clearly mention its different functions. (ii) Explain Blighs Creep Theory in details. 04
03 2 (b) A canal takes off from a reservoir to irrigate the areas as shown in the Table below. 40% of the water required for irrigation is assumed to be available directly from precipitation. Channel conveyance losses are 15%. Reservoir losses are 10%. What would be the capacity of the reservoir needed? (The reservoir to be filled only once a year.) Crop Base period (days) Duty at field (ha/cumec) Area under Crop (ha) Wheat 120 1800 500 Sugarcane 320 800 600 Rice 120 900 300 Cotton 200 1400 1200 Bajra 100 1200 500 07 OR Q.4 (a) State and explain the cause of failure of Structure founded on permeable soil. 07 (b) A weir has a solid horizontal floor length of 50 m with two lines of cutoff 8 m depth, below the riverbed at its two ends. The floor thickness is 1 m at the upstream end and 2 m at the downstream end, with its upper level being in flush with the river bed. For an effective head of 5 m over the weir, calculate the uplift pressure at the two inside corner points (junction of bottom of floor with the cutoff) and also exit gradient. 07
Q.5 (a) Describe with the help of sketches various types of Cross- drainage works. 07 (b) (i) What do you understand by a fall in canal? Why it is necessary? (ii) What are the causes of water logging? 04
03 OR
Q.5 (a) What is weir? How does it differ from a barrage structure? Give relative advantages and disadvantages with their salient features. 07 (b) (i) What are the functions of a canal head regulator? (ii) Explain the terms with a sketches wherever applicable (1) Sheet piles (2) D/S protection (3) U/S protection. 04 03
1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VII th SEMESTEREXAMINATION MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 170602 Date: 08/06/2012 Subject Name: Irrigation Engineering Time: 02:30 pm 05:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Differentiate between the following: (i) Sprinkler Irrigation and Drip Irrigation (ii) Weir and Barrage 07 (b) Write brief notes on the following: (i) Benefits and Ill-effects of Irrigation (ii) Types of Canal Falls 07
Q.2 (a) Explain various irrigation efficiencies. 07 (b) Discuss classification of soil moisture. Also explain significance of field capacity and permanent wilting point in deciding frequency of irrigation. 07 OR (b) The following table provides the base period, duty and cultivated area for various crops, which are commanded by a canal off-taking from a reservoir. Determine the reservoir capacity, if losses in the canal and reservoir are 25% and 10% respectively.
Crop Base Period (day) Duty at the field (hectare/cumec) Area under cultivation (hectare) Sugarcane 330 1500 2500 Cotton 200 1400 3500 Wheat 120 1800 5000 Rice 120 900 2000 Vegetables 120 1000 1500
Q.3 (a) What are limitations of Kennedys silt theory? Describe Laceys regime theory in brief. 07 (b) Write short note on water logging and remedial measures to prevent it. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Sketch a typical cross-section of a canal which is partly in cutting and partly in filling. Also, explain balancing depth in canal. 07 (b) Design an irrigation channel in alluvial soil using Laceys theory, for the following data: (i) Full supply discharge = 10 cumec (ii) Laceys silt factor = 0.9 (iii) Side slopes of channel = 0.5 (H) : 1 (V) 07
Q.4 (a) Discuss causes of failure of weirs and briefly explain measures to prevent such failures. 07 (b) Explain Khoslas method of independent variables for design of a weir. 07 2 OR Q.4 (a) Draw a typical layout of a diversion headwork founded on a permeable soil. Explain any three components shown therein. 07 (b) Details of an elementary profile of a weir with horizontal floor and a downstream pile are as follows: (i) Length of upstream floor = 10 m (ii) Length of downstream floor = 20 m (iii) Height of crest above the floor = 3 m (No gates are provided over the crest). (iv) Depth of the downstream pile = 4 m Invoking Khoslas theory, calculate, (i) Uplift pressure at the key points (ii) If thickness of concrete floor at downstream end of the structure is 1.0 m, find the corrected uplift pressures. Also check whether the provided downstream end thickness is safe. Take specific gravity of concrete = 2.24. (iii) Check exit gradient with respect to safe exit gradient of 1/5. 07
Q.5 (a) Discuss, in brief, the various types of cross-drainage works on a canal, including conditions of suitability of the each work. 07 (b) Explain functions of cross regulator and distributory head regulator. 07 OR
Q.5 (a) Discuss the methods for estimation of the design discharge and waterway for a drain at an aqueduct. 07 (b) Explain method of finding out uplift pressure on barrels of a siphon aqueduct. 07
1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________
Subject code: 170602 Date: 31/12/2012 Subject Name: Irrigation Engineering Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Define Irrigation. State the advantages and ill-effects of irrigation. 04 (b) Explain Duty and Delta. Obtain the relationship between them. 05 (c) Explain: Frequency of irrigation. Calculate the frequency of irrigation for a crop, to ensure the optimum growth, for the following data: Field Capacity =33% , Permanent wilting point =13% Relative density of soil =1.2, Root zone depth of crop =95 cm Daily consumptive use of water =10 mm Assume the optimum soil moisture as 80% of the available moisture. 05
Q.2 (a) Enlist different methods of irrigation. Explain, with neat sketch, Furrow method. What are the factors which decide the spacing between the furrows? 07 (b) Distinguish, clearly, between Application efficiency and Storage efficiency. State the measures to improve the water application efficiency. Determine the water distribution efficiency in a 180m long border strip when the soil sampling after irrigation at 30m interval along the water run showed the effective depths of water penetration (in cm) as 120, 120, 112, 108, 107 and 105. 07 OR (b) Explain: Kor watering, Time factor. An irrigation canal has a gross command area of 50000 ha, 10% of it being unculturable. Calculate the design discharge of the canal for the following data: Sr. No. Crop Intensity of irrigation Duty at outlet (ha/cumec) Crop season 1 Paddy 40% 850 Kharif 2 Bajra 20% 1800 Kharif 3 Wheat 50% 1200 Rabi 4 Vegetable s 40% 750 HW 5 Sugarcane 20% 700 Perennial Take time factor =0.8, capacity factor =0.75 and canal losses =20%. 07
Q.3 (a) Discuss, in brief, Kennedys silt theory for the design of unlined channel. Explain regime channel and state different regime conditions. Given the Laceys regime equations, obtain the relation between wetted perimeter (P) and discharge (Q). 07 (b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of canal lining? Design a trapezoidal concrete lined channel to carry a discharge of 200 cumecs for the longitudinal slope 1/5000 and side slopes 1.25:1. Assume the limiting velocity of flow =2 m/s and Mannings coefficient N =0.014. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Explain water-logging. What are the causes of water-logging? Discuss, in detail, the precautionary measures for water-logging. 07 (b) Sketch the typical cross section of an irrigation channel flowing fully in filling and show on it different component parts of the channel. Design a regime channel to carry a discharge of 40 cumecs, if side slopes are at 0.5:1 and Laceys silt factor f =0.95. 07
Q.4 (a) What is Diversion headwork? Sketch typical layout of a diversion headwork scheme and explain the importance of the scouring sluices. 05 (b) The profile of a concrete slope weir is as shown in Fig.(1). Using Khoslas theory, check the safety of the weir against piping. Also, calculate the uplift pressure heads at the key points and check the safety of the weir against uplift at the toe of the downstream glacis. The thickness of the concrete floor at upstream sheet pile is 1m, at the intermediate sheet pile is 2m and at the downstream sheet pile is 1m. Consider the case of no flow at pond level, safe exit gradient G E =1/7, relative density of concrete S =2.4 and slope correction factor for 3:1 slope =4.5. 09 OR Q.4 (a) Explain, clearly, the following terms in context of diversion headwork: Creep length, Barrage, Percolation coefficient, Bed retrogession. 08 Q.4 (b) Distinguish between exit gradient and safe exit gradient. The depth of the downstream sheet pile of a concrete slope weir is 8 m. If the safe exit gradient is 1/6, what should be the minimum length (b) of the impervious concrete floor required for the seepage head of 6 m? 06
Q.5 (a) Explain different types of Aqueduct and discuss the factors affecting the selection of a suitable type of aqueduct. 05 (b) Sketch the section (along the drain) of a siphon aqueduct. What are the different forces likely to act on the bottom of the canal trough? 05 (c) Discuss: Surplus water escape is the safety valve in a canal system. 04 OR
Q.5 (a) Explain the importance of channel transition in a Cross drainage work. Also, design a contraction transition for a 24m wide canal with 50% fluming. Use Mitras method for the design of the transition. 04 (b) Explain the necessity of canal fall in a canal system. Why is the Cistern provided below the canal fall? 04 (c) Explain the importance of the following in the canal regulation works: Cross regulator, Kings vanes, Bed bars 06 ************* 2 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE - SEMESTERVII EXAMINATION SUMMER 2013 Subject Code: 170602 Date: 24-05-2013 Subject Name: Irrigation Engineering Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) (i) Explain irrigation efficiency. (ii) Define: water application efficiency; water storage efficiency and water use efficiency. 07 (b) 5 cumec of water is supplied to a field having an area of 21 hectares. It is found that 30 cm of water depth has been stored in the root zone of the crop. Determine the water application efficiency. 07
Q.2 (a) Explain the terms: (i) Crop period and Base period (ii) Duty of water. 07 (b) What is the consumptive Irrigation Requirement (CIR)? State the different factors affecting it. Determine the Consumptive use and Field Irrigation requirement (FIR) for a rabi crop from the following data: (i) Consumptive Use Coefficient (K) = 0.74 (ii) Total Pan Evaporation during the season (E p ) = 53.38 cm (iii) Total Effective Rainfall (R e ) = 5.3 cm Take water application efficiency a = 80 %. Assume other losses like leaching etc. are absent. 07 OR (b) The GCA of an irrigation project is 1 lac hectares. The CCA is 75 % of GCA. The intensities of irrigation for Kharif & Rabi crops are 50 % ad 55 % respectively. If the duties for Kharif & Rabi crops are 1200 hact/cumec and 1400 hact/cumec respectively, determine the discharge at the head of canal considering 25 % provision for transmission loss, overlapping allowances, evaporation etc. 07
Q.3 (a) Explain Laceys silt theory. Using Laceys basic regime equations derive an expression for scour depth. 07 (b) Design an alluvial canal by using Laceys theory from the following data: (i) Full supply discharge = 35 cumec. (ii) Rougocity coefficient = 0.025 (iii) Side slope = 1:1.25 and bed slope = 1/5000 (iv) Available CVR (m) = 0.9 to 1.1 (v) Standard rougocity coefficient of soil (N a ) = 0.0225 07 OR Q.3 (a) What do you mean by lining a canal? What are the advantages of it? 07 (b) State the stepwise procedure for designing a lined canal with triangular section when given quantities are discharge, rougocity coefficient , bed slope and either side slope or . Design a triangular shaped lined canal from the following data: (i) Discharge = 50 cumec 07 (ii) Rougocity coefficient = 0.022 (iii) Side slope = 1: 1.25 (iv) Bed slope = 1/3000.
Q.4 (a) Explain the term Diversion Head Works. State the different points favorable for its location. 07 (b) State the causes of failure of weirs founded on permeable soils and their remedies. A weir founded on the permeable soil having Blighs coefficient (C) = 6. Find the exit gradient for this structure and state whether it is safe against the piping or not. Consider the following data: (i) Head of water up to the crest of gate on u/s = 2.6 m (ii) Depth of d/s cutoff = 3.6 m (iii) length of floor = 20 m. 07 OR Q.4 (a) What do you mean by water logging of soil? How would you prevent it? 07 (b) State the following criteria for the open drain design: (i) Depth; (ii) Side slope; (iii) Bed slope and Velocity of flow in the drain. Design a drainage channel for a catchment area of 100 hect. Coefficient of runoff = 0.6 and intensity of rain fall = 35 mm/hr. Take N = 0.025. Assume side slope = 1:0.5. Use Laceys theory for the design of above drainage channel. 07
Q.5 (a) Differentiate between the Aqueduct and siphon Aqueduct and mention the functions of cross regulator. 07 (b) Explain the transition of a canal. Design a canal transition from the following data using Mitras method: (i) Canal bed width = 20 m (ii) Length of contraction transition = 10 m and that of the expansion transition = 15 m (iii) Splay of contraction transition = 2:1 and that of for expansion transition = 2:1.5.
07 OR
Q.5 Write short Notes ( Any Four): (i) Blighs Creep theory and its limitations. (ii) Land reclamation. (iii) Sloping glacis weir. (iv) Canal falls. (v) Benefits and ill effects of irrigation. (vi) Drip irrigation. 14
Subject code: 170603 Date: 24/11/2011 Subject Name: Structural Design I Time: 10.30 am-01.00 pm Total marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Draw neat and clean sketches with pencil only. 5. IS 456-2000, IS 800-2007, SP-16, IS 875 Part I, II and III and steel table are permitted. 6. Adopt M20 grade of concrete & Fe 415 grade of reinforcement for RC design and f y = 250 grade for steel design unless otherwise stated.
Q.1 Write answer in short (Two marks for each). (1) Why the minimum reinforcement less than 0.85/f y
is permitted in RC slabs as compared to the RC beams? (2) What are IS 456 guidelines to satisfy limit state of cracking in slabs? (3) Why is the larger concrete cover required for footing reinforcement? (4) What are the criteria for minimum eccentricity in column design as per IS 456? (5) Write the design bending strength of a laterally unsupported beam as governed by lateral torsion bucking as per IS 800? (6) What are IS 800 recommendations for compression member in trusses? (7) Write the expression given in IS 800 to calculate design strength of a groove weld in tension & a groove weld in shear? 14
Q.2 (a) Elaborate with reasons for Limit state method is more desirable than working stress method. 07 (b) Determine the plan dimensions of a combined footing for two axially loaded columns with following data if (1) width is not restricted, considering 1 m projection from C 1 (2) width is restricted to 2.3 m. Assume self weight of footing is 15% of axial loads. Columns C 1 C 2
Type Interior Interior Size 400 mm x 400 mm 400 mm x 400 mm P 1000 kN 1200 kN Spacing 3 m c/c from C 1 to C 2
ABP 150 kN/m 2 at 1.6 m depth 07 OR (b) Write the steps for design of base plate. 07
2 Q.3 (a) A short column of 300 mm x 500 mm size is subjected to an axial factored load of 2000 kN and factored moments Mux = 80 kNm and Muy = 60 kNm. Determine the main reinforcement only in the column if the moment due to minimum eccentricity is less than the applied loads. Use M20 Fe 415 and 28 mm diameter bar. 07 (b) A rectangular beam section of size 230 mm x 600 mm overall depth is subjected to a factored sagging BM = 48 kN.m; factored SF = 48 kN and factored TM = 18 kN.m. Design the main reinforcement only at the section. Use M20 Fe 415. 07 OR Q.3 An RCC column of size 350 mm x 350 mm reinforced with 8 mm 16 mm diameter bars carries characteristic load of 800 kN. The allowable bearing pressure on soil is 200 kN/m 2 . Design isolated pad footing. Use M20 and Fe 415 for both column and footing. Carry out all checks. Draw detail reinforcement layout also. Assume 10% dead load of footing. 14
Q.4 Design a simply supported steel beam of 7 m spam carrying a RC floor capable of providing lateral restraint to the top compression flange. The total factored udl subjected was 53.6 kN/m thr out and factored point load act at center as 150 kN. Use ISMB section. Perform the check for web buckling only. 14 OR Q.4 (a) Determine the tensile strength of a roof truss diagonal 100 x 75 x 6 mm having f y = 250 MPa connected to gusset plate by 4 mm welds of 140 mm long at top and 310 mm long at bottom. The longer edge of 100 mm was connected to plate of 8mm thickness. 10 (b) Why are the connections using HSFG bolts called slip critical connection? What is a main purpose of a washer in HSFG bolts? 04
Q.5 (a) A cantilever RC beam requires 910 mm 2 area of reinforcement for flexure. 2 no. 25 mm diameter bars are provided and anchored as shown in fig. 1. Check whether sufficient anchorage is provided. If not, calculate the maximum size of bar that can be used as reinforcement. Use M20 and Fe 415.
07 (b) Calculate the compressive resistance of a compound column consisting of ISHB 300 with one cover plate 350 x 20 mm on each flange and having a length of 5 m. assume that bottom of the column is fixed and top is pinned, f y = 250 MPa 07 OR
Q.5 (a) Explain the situations under which flat slab has to be provided. Write the limitation of direct design method used for the design of flat slab. 07 (b) Elaborate the effect of shear leg in tension member with necessary sketch. 07
3 *************
Figure 1(Q. 5 (a))
2 25 mm dia. 1500 mm 1000 mm 30 mm cover 30 mm cover 50 mm cover 1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VII th SEMESTEREXAMINATION MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 170603 Date: 09/06/2012 Subject Name: Structural Design-I Time: 02:30 pm 05:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Use of IS: 800 (2007), IS: 456 (2000) and Steel Table (IS Hand book-No:1) is permitted. 5. Assume the Ultimate and Yield stress of steel as 410N/mm 2 and 250N/mm 2
respectively unless it is mentioned.
Q.1 (a) Explain Working stress method and Limit state method of structural Design Philosophy. 06 (b) A single equal-leg angle 100x100x10mm is connected to a gusset plate of 10mm thick at the ends with 6 bolts of 20mm diameter in a single line at a gauge distance of 60mm to transfer tensile force. Determine the design tensile strength of the angle. Assume edge distance as 40mm & pitch for the bolts as 50mm. 08
Q.2 (a) Distinguish clearly between 1. One way and Two way slab 2. Lacing and Battening. 06 (b) Design and detail a slab base plate for a column ISHB450 @ 87.24kg/m of 4m length. The factored load on column is 1250kN. The grade of concrete used for pedestal is M20. 08 OR (b) Design an isolated sloped footing for the column of size 300mmx500mm reinforced with 6 bars of 20mm diameter carrying an ultimate load of 900kN. The bearing capacity of soil is 260kN/m 2 . Use M20 and Fe415. Effective cover for bottom steel is 60mm. 07
Q.3 (a) Design a Reinforced Concrete slab for a room 6mx5m. The slab is to be cast monolithically over beams with corners held down. The width of supporting beams 230mm. Slab carries superimposed load of 3kN/m 2 . Use M20 and Fe415. 07 (b) Design a column of I- section in a building subjected to axial factored compressive load of 900kN. The height of column is 4.5m with both ends fixed. It is braced in order to prevent buckling about the weaker axis at a half the length of the column. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Determine axial compressive load carrying capacity of a 2.3m long single angle strut ISA75x50x8mm. The longer leg is connected to the gusset plate with two bolts at each end. Assume hinged condition. 07 (b) A reinforced concrete rectangular beam 300mmx600mm deep is subjected to a uniformly distributed load 40kN/m over a simply supported span of 6m. Design the beam for flexure using M20 and Fe415. 07
2 Q.4 (a) Design a uniform section for Moment and shear capacity of two spans simply supported continuous beam ABC. Span AB is of 4m length and carries a central concentrated load of 150kN and span BC is of 6m length and carries a central concentrated load of 200kN. Assume the beam is to be laterally supported. Adopt plastic design procedure. 07 (b) A doubly reinforced beam of size 250mmx600mm is required to resist a moment of 300kN.m. Using concrete of grade M20 and Fe415, calculate the amount of steel required. Assume effective cover as 50mm. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Explain various structural members with neat sketches, which will be designed as a beam-column (Combination of Bending with axial compression). Mention the design steps involved for beam-column as per IS: 800, 2007. 07 (b) A Reinforced Concrete beam of rectangular cross section 350mmx450mm effective depth is subjected to bending moment of 40kN.m, shear force of 25kN and torsion 15kN.m at the section. Design the beam assuming effective cover as 50mm. 07
Q.5 (a) Design and detail a connection for a truss member 2-ISA60x60x8mm connected back-to-back on both the sides of a 10mm thick gusset plate using M20 bolts of property class 4.6 grade. The axial factored load in the member is 150kN. 07 (b) Calculate the area of steel required for a short RCC column 400mmx450mm to carry an axial load of 1100kN. Use fck=20MPa and Fe415 grade of steel. 07 OR
Q.5 (a) Explain various elements of FLAT SLAB. 07 (b) Determine the maximum uniformly distributed load that can be carried by a laterally unrestrained ISMB300 simply supported beam of 2.5m effective length. 07
1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________
Subject code: 170603 Date: 01/01/2013 Subject Name: Structural Design - I Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Use of IS:456, IS:800 and Steel Tables is permitted. 5. Assume yield stress of steel as 250 MPa and ultimate stress as 410 MPa unless mentioned other wise for Steel Design. 6. Use concrete of grade M20 and steel of grade fe415 unless mentioned other wise for R. C. C. Design.
Q.1 (a) Discuss the various philosophies of the design in R. C. C. and steel structures. Also discuss the merits and demerits of each. 07 (b) A square R. C. C. column of size 450 x 450mm has concrete grade of M25 and main steel of 12 nos. of 20mm dia. bars (Fe 500). It carries a factored axial load of 1600kN and factored bending moments of 120kN-m and 60kN-m about two axes. Check the safety of the column if Uniaxial Bending Moment capacity about each axis is 180kN-m. 07
Q.2 (a) An ISMB500 is loaded by a factored compressive load of 500kN at the midpoint of the flange. Check the safety of the column if the effective length for both axial and bending is 2.8.m 07 (b) A steel column ISMB600 is loaded by the factored axial compressive load 600kN. Design the suitable slab base for the column if it is resting on the concrete of the grade M25. 07 OR (b) An R. C. C. column of the size 300x300 mm is loaded by a working axial compressive load of 700kN. If the Safe Bearing capacity of the soil is 150kN/m 2 , design the suitable square slopped individual footing for the same giving check for the shear. 07
Q.3 (a) A truss member is analyzed and found that following loads are acting on it. 1) Dead Load = 100kN (compression) and 2) Live Load = 75kN (compression). If the length of the member is 2.25m between the connections and is connected to the 10mm thick gusset plate, design the member comprising of 2 equal angle sections. Assume that the member is connected to gusset plate by more than 2 nos. of bolts. 07 Q.3 (b) A steel column is loaded by a working load of 600kN. The length of the column is 3.4m and is restrained against both at the one end and is restrained against translation only at the other end. Design suitable I section for the same. 07 OR Q.3 (a) A tension member comprises of the single angle ISA9060 x 6mm is connected by 7 nos. of 16mm dia. Bolt to the 10mm thick gusset plate. Calculate the capacity of the member if shorter leg is connected. Take edge distance as 40mm and pitch as 50mm. 07 Q.3 (b) A column restrained against rotation and translation both at both the ends 07 2 has length of 6.0m. It is fabricated form 2ISMC350 face to face forming a rectangle of 500x350. It is loaded by an axial compressive factored load of 1600kN. Design the suitable Lacing OR Battening system for the same.
Q.4 (a) A simply supported R. C. C. beam of span 6m carries working udl of 30kN/m throughout the span. Design the beam assuming the width of the beam as 300m, effective cover as 45mm and main steel bars of dia. 20mm. 07 (b) A simply supported R. C. C. beam with clear span of 5m, support width 230mm, size of 230 wide and 420mm deep, tension bars as 4nos. of 16mm dia. bars and clear cover of 25mm. If it is loaded by an all inclusive factored udl of 60kN/m, design the shear reinforcement near support only using 2 legged 6mm. mild steel stirrups. 07 OR Q.4 (a) An R. C. C. beam of size 300 wide and 500mm deep is reinforced by tension bars as 4nos. of 25mm dia. and compression bars as 2nos. of 16mm dia. Calculate the moment of resistance of beam if the clear cover is 30mm on both the sides. 07 Q.4 (b) A short R. C. C. column of size 300 wide and 600mm deep carries working axial compressive load of 800kN. Design the column using 20mm main steel bars and 8mm tie bars. Assume the grade of the concrete as M25. 07
Q.5 (a) A simple support beam is laterally supported over the span of 8m and loaded by a super imposed load of 30kN/m over the entire span and 100kN and centre. Design the beam using ISMB section and check for all the safety. 07 (b) An R. C. C. slab of spans 4mx6m has only one long edge continuous and all other edges discontinuous. The slab is 130mm thick. It is loaded by live load of 4kN/m 2 and floor finish load of 1kN/m 2 . Design main steel at bottom of 4m span and check for deflection assuming support width of 230mm. 07 OR
Q.5 (a) A beam of ISMB550 has simple support span of 9m and is laterally supported at centre only. Calculate the maximum all inclusive factored udl it can support. 07 (b) A 150mm thick R. C. C. flat slab is loaded by live load of 4kN/m2 and floor finish load of 1kN/m2. It is supported by 4 columns of size 450x450 mm. The column head is changing the size of 600x600 mm bottom to 1500x1500mm at top over the depth 500mm. The columns are placed at 4.5mx6m centre to centre. Check the slab for shear only. 07 ************* 1/2 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE - SEMESTERVII EXAMINATION SUMMER 2013 Subject Code: 170603 Date: 28-05-2013 Subject Name: Structural Design I Time: 02.30 pm - 05.30 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3. Draw neat and clean sketches with pencil only. 4. Use of IS 456-2000, IS 800-2007, IS 875 Part I, II and III and steel table is permitted. 5. Adopt M20 grade of concrete & Fe 415 grade of reinforcement for RC design and fy = 250 grade for steel design unless otherwise stated.
Q.1 (a) (i) What is the difference between Mild steel and HYSD steel. Also state the few characteristics of both types of steel. (ii) Explain the purpose of Binding wires, Spacers, Chairs and Dowels from detailing point of view. 07 (b) (i)State the types of Limit State (ii) Give the full forms of the following acronyms: RCC, HYSD, TMT 07 Q.2 (a) (i)List a few Indian standard codes that are followed while designing structures made of steel. (ii) What are the advantages of bolted connections over riveted or welded connections? 07 (b) Design a rectangular beam having 3.5 m simply supported clear span. Assume support width to be 230 mm. Beam is subjected to a dead load of 25 kN/m and live load of 20.0 kN/m. Design the beam for M20 and fe 415 grade of materials. 07 OR (b) Design a lap joint and butt joint between two plates having thickness 12 mm and 16 mm are connected by a single bolted joint with 20 mm diameter bolts at 75mm pitch. Calculate the efficiency of the joint. Take fu of plate as 410 MPa and assume 4.6 grade bolts. 07 Q.3 (a) A singly reinforced slab 120 mm thick is supported by T-beam spaced 3.2 m centre to centre. The effective depth and width of web are 560 mm and 450 mm respectively. 8 nos. of Tor steel of 20 mm dia are provided in 2 layers. The effective cover to the bars in lower layer is 50 mm. The effective span of simply supported beam is 3.60 m. Determine the depth of Neutral Axis and the Moment of resistance of T-beam section. 07 (b) Design a doubly reinforced section for a rectangular beam having an effective span of 4.0 m. The superimposed load is 40 kN/m and size of beam is 230 mm x 450 mm. Assume the suitable data. Design for the M25 and fe415 grades of materials. 07 OR Q.3 (a) (i) What is meant by Aspect Ratio. State the limits of the same for One way and two way slabs. Also show the sharing of the loads on the adjacent beams of both the slabs by sketch. (ii) List down the criterion for the following along with the relevant Clause numbers in IS 456:2000 : Maximum diameter of reinforcement bars, Maximum spacing of the bars and Minimum reinforcement. 07 (b) A simply supported reinforced concrete beam of size 300 x 500 mm effective is reinforced with 4 bars of 16 mm dia HYSD steel of grade Fe-415. Determine the anchorage length of the bars at the simply supported end if it is subjected to a factored shear force of 350 kN at the centre of 300 mm wide masonry support. Concrete mix M20 is used. 07 Q.4 (a) Design a tie member of roof truss subjected to working loads of 80 kN(DL) and 120 07 2/2 kN(LL). Use double angle section connected back o back on either side of gusset 8 mm thick. Use bolted connection. Fy=250MPa and fu = 410 MPa for both member and bolt material. What will be the capacity if the angles are connected on the same side of the gusset plate. (b) Calculate compressive strength of 2 ISA 80 x 80 x 8 mm placed on either side of gusset plate 8 mm thick with effective held in position at both ends but restrained against rotation at one end. The length of member is 3 m and fy is 250 MPa. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Design a simply supported beam of span 5m carrying a reinforced concrete floor Capable of providing lateral restraint to the top compression flange. The UDL is made up of 25 kN/m including dead load. Assume Fe 410 grade steel. 07 (b) A two span continuous beam is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C. AB=6m and BC=4m. It carries factored UDL of 10kN/m over entire length. Design uniform section. Compare the design if the section for span AB and BC have their plastic moment of resistance in the ratio of their plastic moments Mp developed due to their individual mechanisms. 07 Q.5 (a) (i)List down the assumptions made in the Limit state of collapse in Flexure. (ii)Explain the modes of failure for Under- reinforced and Over- reinforced beam. 07 (b) Design a short rectangular column to carry an axial load of 455KN. Take M20 grade of concrete and Fe415 grade of steel. Apply the check for the eccentricity. Unsupported length of column is 3m. 07 OR
Q.5 (a) Design a built up column with two channels toe-to-toe to carry a factored load of 1700 kN. Take the effective length as 5.2 m. Design it as a laced column and also design the lacing. 07 (b) (i) Explain different end conditions of columns with their effective length. (ii) What is difference in behavior of short and long compression members ?. 07
Subject code: 170604 Date: 29/11/2011 Subject Name: Urban Transportation System Time: 10.30 am-01.00 pm Total marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1(a) What is Transportation Planning? Which are the objectives and goals of the transportation planning? 7 (b) Explain the problems in the urban transportation in the present scenario of high vehicle ownership. 7
Q.2(a) What is Zoning? Discuss the points to be kept in mind while doing zoning.
7 (b) Explain the following terms with the help of sketches. 1. Study Area 2. Cordon Line 3. Centroid of Zone 4. Trip 5. Intrazonal, Interzonal and through trips 6. Screen line 7. CBD
7 OR (b) Which are the methods of O-D Survey? Describe in detail any one method which provides detailed information. 7
Q.3(a) What is Trip Generation? Explain in detail the factors governing trip generation & attraction rates. 7 (b) The following data is collected for a town.
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Population in Zone (000) 25 19 29 24 17 18 22
Total Trips Generated (00) 15 12 18 13 12 14 15
Develop a linear regression model for trips generated from a zone. If the population in a particular zone increases to 86500, predict the expected trip generation from that zone.
7 OR 2 Q.3(a) The number of Trips produced in an attracted to the three zones A, B, and C are shown below
Zone A B C Total Trips produced 25 40 35 100 Trips attended 40 35 25 100
The closeness order of the zones is seen as per the following matrix.
D O A B C A 1 2 3 B 2 1 3 C 3 2 1
The zonal L factor are given below
Zone L factor 1 0.035 2 0.025 3 0.04
Distribute the trips between the zones. 7 (b) Calculate the interzonal interchanges by competing opportunity model due to 200 production at zone A., with 300 attraction at zone B, 200 attractions at zone C, and 500 attractions at zone D. Assume that A-B is 10 minute, A- C is 15 minute, and A-D is 20 minute. 7
Q.4(a) Explain Gravity Model. Derive the equation for the trip distribution by gravity model. 7 (b) Compare Trip End Models & Trip Interchange Models in the Modal Split Analysis. 7 OR Q.4(a) Write short note on: 1. All or Nothing Assignment method. 2. Diversion Curve method 7 (b) Three zone A, b and C are connected by two lanes roads as shown in figure below with travel time by bus shown in bracket and travel time by car.
A B C tt car = 20 tt car = 10 tt bus = 25 tt bus = 15
The probability (P c ) of choosing the car mode is found to be given by
1 P c = ----------------, where, u(x) = 0.86 - 0.08(tt car tt bus ). 1 + e u(x)
7 3 The total trip exchange between zones are as follows :
From To Person-trip per day A B 1200 B A 0 A C 500 C A 1800 B C 400 C B 500
Determine the 2 way volume in car per day on the road AC if the average car occupancy is 2.5.
Q.5(a) Which are the Urban forms? Describe the characteristics of each related to the transportation planning. 7 (b) Compare between the BRT and Metro. Find the maximum capacity per hour of BRT and Metro for the frequency of 60 trips per hour on any corridor. 7 OR Q.5(a) What are the innovations in the Rapid Transit System? 7 (b) Describe briefly: Corridor identification and corridor screen line analysis. 7
1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VII th SEMESTEREXAMINATION MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 170604 Date: 29/05/2012 Subject Name: Urban transportation system Time: 02:30 pm 05:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) What are the goals and objectives of urban transportation planning? Describe in detail. 07 (b) Describe the basic structure of transportation systems (an overview) 07
Q.2 (a) Explain by drawing flow chart various steps involved in transportation planning process. 07 (b) What are the factors responsible for travel demand explain in detail. 07 OR (b) 1 Explain following terms with the help of sketch (i) cordon line (ii) intra zonal trips (iii) interzonal trips (iv) screen line(v) Desire line 2. Define: - urban settlement, rural settlement. 07
Q.3 (a) Explain with example category analysis for trip generation analysis. 07 (b) Table shows data for vehicle trips per day, as related to income and persons in house hold for one zone of study area develop trip generation equation and find which model is more reliable Income in thousands Persons in house hold Trips per day remarks 48 3 2 98 5 4 140 7 6 190 6 4 240 9 5 --- ---- ----
07 OR Q.3 (a) What are methods of origin and destination study? Explain home interview method in detail. 07 (b) Explain by drawing curve accuracy is checked by screen line analysis of O & D studies data 07
Q.4 (a) Enlist the different methods of trip distribution methods explain in detail average growth factor method. 07 2
A study area has been divided into four zones 1,2,3,4 the present trip distribution matrix is given total future trip produced and attracted develop future trip distribution matrix D
O 1 2 3 4 Total present produced Total future trips 1 - 45 55 35 135 300 2 45 - 65 25 125 375 3 20 60 - 45 125 280 4 55 70 35 - 160 225 Total present attracted trips 120 175 155 105 545 - Total future attracted trips 210 475 335 160 - 1180
Develop future trip distribution matrix using (i) uniform growth factor (ii) average growth factor (iii) Detrit method.
07 OR Q.4 (a) 1 What are the factors influencing on individual choice of travel mode 2 Describe in brief trip inter change and trip end model.
04 Q.4 (b) The probability of choosing the car mode (P c ) is found to be given P c =1/ (1+e -u(x) ). Where, u(X)=0.70-0.04(tt car - tt bus )
ttcar = 15min ttcar = 15min
ttbus = 15min ttbus = 15min the total trip exchanges between zones are as follows. Determine the two way volume in cars per day on the roads AB and BC and if the average car occupancy is 2.6 From To Persons trips per day A B 1200 B A 0 A C 800 C A 1600 B C 900 C B 800
Q.5 (a) Explain Mass transit system and Mass rapid transit system Also explain capacity of rapid transit system. 07 (b) Briefly explain the Moores algorithm of route assignment analysis. 07 OR
Q.5 (a) How will you identify potential corridor in urban road transit system. Explain segment capacity. 07 (b) Explain aggregate and disaggregate approaches to travel demand. 07
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Take E=2x10 8 kN/m 2 ,I=1.5x10 -5 m 4 ,A=0.003 m 2 ,G=0.8x10 8 kN/m 2 and J=3.0x10 -5 m 4 if not given. Q-1 (a) Explain the concept of symmetry & antisymmetry giving appropriate examples. 07 (b) Enlist different loading facilities available in the structural analysis professional software that you have learned. Explain any two loading facilities in detail. 07 Q-2 (a) Explain the concept of rotation of axes and derive relation A M =R T A S. 07 (b) Enlist steps involved in FEM analysis and explain any two in detail. OR 07 (b) What is non linearity? Explain geometrical, material and loading non linearity giving appropriate examples. 07 Q-3 Analyse the beam shown in fig.1 using stiffness member approach and plot SF & BM diagrams. In addition to loading consider effect due to sinking of support at B by 5 mm. 14 OR Q-3 Analyse a truss shown in fig.2.to find displacements and member end forces using stiffness member approach and symmetry. The values in bracket shows cross sectional area of respective member. 14 Q-4 Analyse a plane frame as shown in the fig.3 using stiffness member approach and find displacements only. OR 14 Q-4 (a) Formulate rearranged SJ matrix for the grid shown in the fig.4. 07 (b) Create an input file multiply. in to store elements of S FF -1 matrix and load vector A FC .Write a C++ OOP program capable to read stored data from input file , carry out matrix multiplication using a separate function and to store results as D F
matrix. 07 Q-5 (a) Write an input file using appropriate commands of a Professional Software you have learned , that can handle modeling and analysis of the truss shown in the fig.2. 04 (b) For the column shown in the fig.5, determine nodal displacement and stress in each element using finite element method. OR 10 Q-5 (a) Explain plane stress and plain stain problems giving example of real life structure. Give the constitution relationship for both the cases. 04 (b) Analyse the beam shown in the fig.6 to determine the slope at both the supports using FEM. 10
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Fig.1 Q.3
450 mm 450 mm 10 kN 300x300 mm 150x150 mm Fig.5 Q-5 (b) A Fig.2 Q-3 OR & 5(a) 60 kN 60 C D 30
B B 3 m(A) 3 m(A) 5m (2A) 4 m(A) 4 m(A) 20 kN/m 3 m 6 m (I) (I) 3 m A B C 60 kN Fig.4 Q-4(a) OR 6 m x z y 25 kNm 4 m (I) A 2 m Fig.6 Q-5 (b) OR B (I) 6 m 5 m Fig.3 Q-4 50 kNm 80 kN 3 m 3 m (I) (I) 1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VII th SEMESTEREXAMINATION MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 170605 Date: 29/05/2012 Subject Name: Advanced Structural Analysis Time: 02:30 pm 05:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Draw neat & clean sketches with pencil only.
Q.1 (a) Explain the terms: Null Matrix, Band matrix and Transpose of a matrix. 07 (b) Derive element stiffness matrix for Constant Strain Triangle element by direct approach. 07
Q.2 (a) Write a detail on Process of Discretization on finite element analysis. 07 (b) Determine the shape functions for the Constant Strain Triangle. Use polynomial functions. 07 OR (b) Determine the shape functions for the Constant Strain Triangle. Use natural coordinate systems. 07
Q.3 (a) Derive the expression of a stiffness matrix of a member of a grid structure with usual notations. 07 (b) Analyze the pin jointed truss for fig. 1 by stiffness matrix method using member approach. Adopt cross sectional area of all members = 1000 mm 2
and E = 200 kN/mm 2 . 07 OR Q.3 Analyze the frame for fig.2 by stiffness matrix method using member approach. 14
Q.4 (a) Explain detail on Beam with Elastic supports. 07 (b) Write a computer program on analysis of continuous beam using stiffness matrix method using C/C++. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Explain Incremental analysis with Iteration technique. 07 (b) Derive the shape functions for four noded quadrilateral elements. 07
Q.5 A propped cantilever beam of length of 10 m fixed at one end supported by a roller at the other end carries a 20 KN point load at the centre of the span. By taking e = 200 GPa and I = 24 x 10 -6 m 4 . Using finite element determine: 1. Deflaction under load 2. SF and BM at mid span 3. Reactions at supports 14 OR
Q.5 (a) Determine the consistent nodal vector due to loads acting on the beam shown in fig. 3. 07 (b) Write short note on Pre and Post Processors on FEA packages. 07 *************
1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________
Subject code: 170605 Date: 28/12/2012 Subject Name: Advanced Structural Analysis (Department Elective I) Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Take Modulus of elasticity = 200 GPa & Poissons ratio = 0.25, unless given.
Q.1 (a) For the beam shown in fig.-1, if the displacement at joints B(b) and C(c) are 36.16/EI (anticlockwise) and -4.02/EI (clockwise) respectively due to the loading given on it. Determine member end actions and draw S.F. & B.M. diagrams. 07 (b) Write a C/C++program to read the geometrical and structural data for plane truss structure and prepare member stiffness matrix along structural axis (i.e S MS matrix) for each member. Read data from user defined input file and print appropriate results in user defined output file. Also prepare a sample input file for a structure shown in fig.-2. 07 Q.2 (a) Derive the relation for action or displacement vector on member axis and structure axis for plane frame. 07
(b) For the plane frame shown in fig.-3, determine load vector for member BC along structure axis using rotation transformation matrix. 07 OR (b) List various methods for solution of linear simultaneous equations using matrices. Give algorithm or C/C++program for any of them. 07 Q.3 Analyse the plane truss shown in fig.-2 and determine deflections and reactions at the joints. Determine member end actions also and tabulate them. 14 OR Q.3 Analyse the plane frame shown in fig.-3 using member stiffness approach, neglecting axial deformation condition. Use of symmetry may be permitted. Determine support reactions. Draw B.M diagram neatly. Take I/A=100. 14 Q.4 Find the displacement of the composite structure shown in fig.-4. Beam AB is made up of concrete (E=20 GPa) with rectangular cross section of 150 mm x 200 mm, while cable CE is of steel (E=200 GPa) with 10 mm diameter. 14 OR Q.4 A symmetrical plane grid shown in fig.-5 is made up of steel pipes of 300 mm outer diameter and of 8 mm thickness. Determine displacement at joints and member end actions. Draw B.M, S.F and Torsional moment diagrams. Take G=80 GPa. 14 Q.5 (a) List various steps involved in solution of problem using Finite Element Method and explain descritizations in details. 05 (b) A steel tapered rod of 500 mm length, 40 mm diameter at top end and 20 mm diameter at bottom is kept vertical with fixed at top. Determine stresses & strains in the rod due to its self weight and additional 20 kN load acts in downward direction at free end. Take minimum two elements of 2 noded for your calculations. 09 OR Q.5 (a) Explain the use nonlinear analysis of structure. List various methods to be used in nonlinear analysis of structure and explain any one of them. 05 (b) Determine the deformation at joints of a space truss shown in fig.-6 using Member Stiffness Approach. Use of symmetry is permitted. 09
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Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B. E. VII th SemesterExamination Nov- 2011 Subject code: 170606 Subject Name: Application of Geoinformatics in Civil Engineering
Date:29/11/2011 Time: 10:30 am 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Explain basic concept and principle of remote sensing. 07 (b) Write in detail the distinguishing features of photograph and RS image.
Q.2 (a) Explain optical and infrared sensors. 07 (b) What are the techniques available for 3D viewing in digital photogrammetry? 07 OR (b) A vertical photograph was taken at a flying height of 5000 m above sea level using camera with a 152 mm focal length lens. Determine the photo scale at points A & B, which lie at elevations of 1200 and 1960 m. 07
Q.3 (a) Write comparative analysis of the following. i) Panchromatic images ii) Multi-spectral images iii) Hyper-spectral images 07 (b) Write the functions of a GPS system. Write its utility in civil engineering applications. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Write brief notes on i) LISS ii) WiFS iii) SAR iv) IRS 07 (b) Define DEM and write its applications. Mention the importance of interpolation techniques in generation of DEM. 07
Q.4 (a) Explain GIS Data types (i) Spatial data (ii) Attribute Data. 07 (b) Write details of the softwares GeoMedia or ArcMap used in the field of GIS. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Explain (i) Functions of GIS (ii) Advantages of GIS. 07 (b) Write details of the softwares ENVI or ERDAS used in the field of RS 07
Q.5 (a) How GIS can play a role of decision support system in civil engineering? 07 (b) Write application of geo-informatics in disaster management. 07 OR 2 Q.5 (a) Explain true color composites and false color composites. How it help in image analysis? 07 (b) Carry out the raster data compression for the following raster grid (figure 1) using value point encoding method.
Full Raster Encoding COLUMNS Rows 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A A A A A A A A A A 1 A A A A A A A A A A 2 A A A A B B B B B B 3 A A A B B B B B B B 4 D D D D B B B B B B 5 D D D D D B B B B B 6 D D D D C C C C C C 7 D D D D C C C C C C 8 D D D D C C C C C C 9 D D D D C C C C C C
Figure 1 Raster grid 07
1 Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.______________ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B. E. - SEMESTER VII EXAMINATION WINTER 2012 Subject code: 170606 Date: 28/12/2012 Subject Name: Applications of Geoinformatics in Civil Engineering Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) What is remote sensing? Discuss multi-concept of remote sensing and briefly discuss application of remote sensing in water pollution monitoring. 07 (b) Define GIS and discuss various components of GIS. 04 (c) What is GPS? List applications of GPS in Civil Engineering. 03 Q.2 (a) What is photogrammetric surveying? Discuss types of photogrammetry and types of aerial photographs. 07 (b) The ground length of a line AB is known to be 545 m and the elevations of A and B are respectively 500 m and 300 m above MSL. On a vertical photograph taken with a camera having focal length of 20 cm include the images a and b of these points, and their photographic co-ordinates are: (x a =+2.65 cm, y a =+ 1.36 cm); (x b =-1.92 cm, y b =+3.65 cm). The distance ab scaled directly from the photograph is 5.112 cm. Compute the flying height above MSL. OR 07 (b) State reasons for overlaps in photogrammetry and list factors affecting selection of flying altitude. Also briefly discuss flight planning for aerial photogrammetry. 07 Q.3 (a) Discuss Active and Passive remote sensing system. Also discuss IRS series development for remote sensing in India. 07 (b) Explain energy interaction with the Earths surface. Discuss spectral reflectance curves for vegetation, bare soil and water Land Use/Land Cover classes. 07 OR Q.3 (a) Discuss applications and importance of High resolution and SeaWiFS sensors. 07 (b) Differentiate between Pixel and Mixed pixel and Explain various elements for visual image interpretation. 07 Q.4 (a) Explain importance of contrast enhancement and discuss Min-Max. Contrast enhancement technique for remote sensing data. 07 (b) Discuss any one algorithm of supervised classification from the followings : i) Minimum Distance to Means, ii) Parallelepiped and iii) Maximum Likelihood Classification Also discuss accuracy assessment for remotely sensed image classification. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Discuss ISODATA clustering algorithm and differentiate between supervised and unsupervised classification. 07 Q.4 (b) Discuss various input data and types of output products in GIS. 07
Q.5 (a) Discuss spatial data structures and modeling surfaces in GIS. 07 (b) Discuss Network analysis and digital terrain visualization in GIS. 07 OR Q.5 (a) Discuss the terms Land Use (LU) and Land Cover (LC) and Discuss application of Geoinformatics in LU/LC mapping. 07 (b) Enlists various types of Natural Disasters and state application of Geoinformatics in assessment of damage occurred due to disasters. 07