Contoh Prosedure Text
Contoh Prosedure Text
Contoh Prosedure Text
If the searcher has a definite use in mind, how does he find the right
building and the location that will best suit the use? After making several
neighborhood surveys he will know wich neighborhood to study for possibilities.
A street-by street walk through the area is the first step.
The front elevation may be the only view of the building that can be seen
at first glance. This is what the prospective housing or office building tenant will
see. The discerning eye should be able to see what these people will see and
determine whether it will be pelasing to them. Most buildings that are ready for
commercial recycling are just building. Except in very rare cases they are
architecture only insofar is an architect has drawn the original plans; they are not
architecture in its definition as a style or special manner of building. The first
decision is whether to attempt to give the building a new facade, which can be
very expensive and can clash with the old surrounding buildings even when
skillfully done. Many succesful recycling have not attempted to alter the exterior
elevations other than repair the masonry, the fenestration , or other structural
material and to paint where necessary to freshen up and preserve them. The best
advice seems to be the leave them as they are. Many tenants boast about being in
recycled building. Like recycled paper, smaller car or turned down thermostat, it
is becoming a life style.
Up to this point there has only been a discussion of a building exterior
when the objective has been an apartment or office building. There are, of course,
many other objectives for recycling, and usually, except for the maintenance
involved, the material or architectural style of the exterior is of small
consequence. This applies to any specialized use which does not involve visiting
by the general public. Some examples would be a computer center, a laboratory, a
filing center, a distribution center, etc.
It is a different matter when there is a specific commission by a sponsor.
This sponsor may wish to display a modern look to his clientele, tenant, or
employees. But even this case the architect may be able to adapt the existing
exterior is in reaspnably good shape and was well designed in the first place.
A street-by street inspection made by someone with a discerning and
educated eye is an essential requisite of the selection process.
Jika seorang penyelidik memiliki pemikiran yang cermat, bagimana ia
akan mengetahui gedung yang layak dan lokasi yang tepat sesuai dengan
kegunaannya? Setelah melakukan survey di beberapa lingkungan pemukiman, ia
akan mengetahui lingkaran pemukiman mana yang sesuai untuk beberapa
kemungkinan kedepan.
Elevasi depan menjadi satu-satunya bagian bangunan yang diamati
seketika. Hal ini merupakan potensi gedung yang akan penyewa lihat. Mata yang
jeli atau tajam seharusnya mampu melihat apa yang mereka bisa cari dan
memutuskan apa bagi mereka. Sebagian besar bangunan-bangunan yang siap
untuk dipasarkan kembali hanyalah sebuah bangunan biasa. Kecuali dalam kasus
yang sangat jarang mereka (struktur bangunan) sejauh ini hanya rencana yang di
gambar arsitek; mereka bukan struktur bangunan dalam definisi sebagai "bentuk
atau fungsi istimewa bangunan." Keputusan pertama adalah apakah mencoba
untuk memberi tampak depan baru untuk bangunan, yang bisa sangat mahal dan
dapat berbenturan dengan bangunan sekitarnya yang lebih lama meskipun
dikerjakan dengan sangat mahir.
Ini adalah hal yang membedakan ketika ada pelaksanaan yang khusus oleh
sponsor. Sponsor ini mungkin berharap untuk menampilkan sebuah tampilana
modern kepada konsumen, penyewa atau pekerja. Tapi meskipun demikian,
arsitek mungkin dapat menyesuaikan tampilan luar dibentuk yang layak dan
desain yang bagus di suatu tempat.
Langkah demi langkah diperiksa oleh seseorang dengan melihat dan
mempelajari syar