3.1. Concepts. 3.2. Procediments. 3.3. Attitudes
7.1. Co-education. 7.2. Civic and moral education 7.3. New technologies applied to education
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Following the facts that we stated in the previous unit, we have chosen a topic related to our students real world. This way, we will be taking in consideration their needs and interests. As well as this, the linguistic items elected are quite simple, and they will not need complex vocabulary/structures to communicate with others.
Through the different activities and the methodology proposed, we will work the four basic skills, helping our pupils to develop the communicative competence in a foreign language.
To identify, look and practise the vocabulary related to classroom objects. To recognize and say the vocabulary related to colours. To listen and say a chant while doing the actions/ gestures. To sing a song. To listen and read a story. To learn about schools in the U.K. To establish associations between the pronunciation of words and spelling. To review numbers, greetings and ways of introducing oneself.
3.1. Concepts
Communicative function: asking and talking about classroom objects and colours, using different linguistic exponents: Its a ............, Whats this?, What colour is it? Lexical items: book, pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler, red, blue, yellow, green, brown, black, white, purple and orange. Phonological aspects. Phonemes / u: / and / i: /, and the prosodic phonemes (stress, rhythm and intonation). Spelling: sound-spelling relationship in active vocabulary. Sociocultural aspects: life at school in the U.K.
3.2. Procediments
Understanding and production of oral and written simple texts. Conscious usage of various ways of learning a foreign language: recite, read, listen, use of the computer,... Recognition of cultural aspects related to English speaking countries Comparison between relevant aspects and cultural features related to English schools and Spanish ones.
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3.3. Attitudes
Valuation of the English language as a means of communication. Interest in communication using the previous selected contents Curiosity to know cultural aspects related to English speaking countries Valuation and respect towards all the aspects related to English schools in English speaking countries (especially in the U.K.).
With reference to the different approaches we intend to apply while developing this unit, we could say that we will try to foster at all times as this is our main aim- the development of the communicative competence in our pupils. Thus, we will propose active exercises in which they have to interact with their partners in order to get some personal data, while they are using the language in a natural way from the very beginning.
As well as this, the acquisition of a foreign language is characterised for being a process of creative construction. Therefore, we will give our students in this unit a linguistic material based on their interest (greetings, games, songs), helping them to transfer strategies from their mother tongue to the English language. These facts are related to the principles known as constructivism and meaningful learning.
One of the most important methodological criteria refers to error treatment. The learning of a foreign language, as we understand it in our project, has got a global rather than a lineal- dimension. In the process of the acquisition of the new linguistic system, we consider the error as something natural, which is an evidence of the progressive control of that system. Our attitude toward this fact will be positive, and we will never consider the errors made by the students in the first steps of learning as a symbol of failure.
Another important feature related to methodology is the so-called silent periods. During the first steps in the learning of a new linguistic material, students pass through a silent period when facing the production of the new language after receiving it. That is why receptive activities will play an essential role in our planning. The level of input mostly in terms of the listening skill- is higher than the quantity of language produced orally, which we require to our young learners. Thus, in the first contact with the new linguistic elements, we will provide activities that will allow students to participate with a minimum of verbal production.
As well as all these aspects, we will take into account -at all times- a global approach, proposing activities related to other areas of the curriculum.
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The students will be the centre of the teaching-learning process, acting actively in the different activities we will propose. On the other hand, the teacher will be seen as a kind of guide, who gives an initial input, then propose activities, and so on.
We will work some cross-curricular items, and we will take into account at all times, the aspects related to diversity. However, we will talk deeply about these facts later on this planning.
Eventually, in general terms, we could say that we will create motivating and meaningful learning situations, we will start from the previous knowledge of the students, using an active and flexible methodology. We will use various resources and ways of grouping, and we will try to avoid elements such as inhibition and the lack of concentration, with the activities that we propose.
Finally, it is important to state that the first contact with a new linguistic material will be exclusively oral (in order to avoid problems derived from the sound-spelling relationship), and, in this sense, receptive activities will take place before productive ones. We will try to establish similarities in terms of a learning process- between the acquisition of the mother tongue and the learning of a foreign language.
Warming-up activities will be very important, and we will use them at the beginning of every lesson. Then, the learning activities will be the nucleus of the teaching-learning process, and they will be active, communicative, and they will follow the pattern listen and do, read and do,... because the learning process improves when we ask the students to do something (meaningful) with the language the are receiving and producing.
We will develop this unit in 8 sessions (of one hour each).
We will use a wide range of resources in order to encourage the learning of the foreign language. Although we will mention the resources in each activity, we could say that we will use: a CD player, flashcards, colour chalks, a poster, realia in order to introduce the linguistic material related to classroom objects- and computers.
Realia is a kind of resource in which you use real objects to introduce the language. This is one of the most natural ways to do it because this is the way it happens when acquiring the mother tongue.
We will also use flashcards and a poster or colour chalks- to introduce colours and to do activities related to the listening skill.
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Eventually, we will use the computers in order to work with new technology in class. We will develop several activities which will help the students to review what they learn during the unit. We will propose motivating activities the use of computers will be motivating itself- to develop the four basic skills in the last session of the unit.
With reference to grouping we could state that among the various kinds of grouping that we could carry out in class, we will develop the activities of this unit mainly in small groups, pairs, also individually and the class as a whole group. Group work stimulates social integration and autonomous learning.
With reference to this topic, we could say that a positive result on this topic would depend basically on the teacher and how (s)he takes an advantage of the different situations that are proposed in class, and the ones which appear naturally.
In this unit, we will develop the following cross-curricular elements:
7.1. Co-education
We will encourage our students to participate equally in the different tasks without promoting discrimination associated to -the masculine and feminine- gender.
During the interactive activities such as role plays- the students will be organised adopting different roles and fostering the development of non-sexist attitudes.
7.2. Civic and moral education
From our point of view and, thus, the one of this planning-, in the English class we will encourage positive attitudes related to good fellowship and socialization. Co-operation will be considered a key word, and we will foster the respect towards a turn-taking attitude when participating in groups in any activity of the unit.
7.3. New technologies applied to education
We include in our project a necessity to introduce our students in the world of new technologies that will contribute to their development and to prepare them well to the near future. In this sense, we will propose activities to work the English language with the computers, using CD-ROMs containing motivating activities that will develop the four basic skills. The activities will also help the students to review
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the linguistic elements they will have learnt in the unit, fostering an autonomous learning.
It is really important that we make a strong effort in our performance in the teaching-learning process, in order to make our students be motivated towards the English language and the learning process.
With reference to immediate motivation, we could state that all the activities -most of them games- proposed in the unit are quite active. The students practise the language participating actively in them, getting really involved in the learning process.
As well as this, this unit consists of asking and talking about classroom objects, so the pupils will be continuously expressing something related to them and their near world. Then, the English language acquires here its entire communicative dimension as a necessity in humans. Thus, we will be developing in our students their communicative competence in a foreign language naturally. The interaction when asking and participating in activities in groups will make them feel part of the class (group).
Another important key point related to motivation is the development of a feeling of curiosity towards the English language. The oral introduction of new linguistic items, and the way to carry it out using different resources (real, various,...), will be essential to improve it.
Eventually, the activities proposed will provide easy opportunities to succeed in each task. Then, they will be aware of their progress and they will feel satisfied with it.
Finally, according to remote motivation, we will start at this stage of the learning process working with attitudinal contents related to the value of the English language as a means of communication and its importance in our society; which will help them progressively to verify the usefulness of studying a second language.
The learning activities are the nucleus of the planning.
Session 1
Oral introduction
We will start the unit introducing the new linguistic material. We will use flashcards to establish the relationship between
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classroom objects, their pronunciation and their meaning. We will try to repeat each word three times while showing the card in order to transfer the meaning and pronunciation.
Listen and point
It is a classical activity to work the listening skill. We will stick the flashcards around the class with blue-tack. Then, we will name the words and students will have to point at them. This exercise is related to the approach known as TPR.
Listen and draw
The students will hear some classroom objects and they will have to draw on a piece of paper the words that are mentioned. Read and match
Students will have to join the objects which will appear in one column- with their written form which will be in the other.
Session 2
Warming-up activity: Hide and seek (a game).
We will divide the class in groups and we will stick the flashcards on the blackboard. Then, the pupils will close their eyes and after asking them whats missing?, they will open their eyes and will have to guess. We will organise the turns to answer. The group whose member answers correctly will get a point.
Listen and circle
The students will see several classroom objects and they will have to circle them with a pencil when they are mentioned.
Listen and join the dots
The students will hear a sequence of numbers. Our learners will have to join with a pencil the numbers mentioned following the sequence, and they will obtain a drawing of an object. Then they will say the names of the objects.
Word chain
We will divide the class in groups. In each group a student will say a word, the next pupil in the group will have to repeat that word and add a new one. Then, the following student will have to repeat the previous words and add one more,... When a student fails, (s)he is out of the game, waiting for the game to start again.
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Session 3
Warming-up activity: whats this?
Similar to the hide and seek game, the students will work in small groups. One of the students will hide a drawing of a classroom object and the rest will have to guess. The one who guesses, will hide another object. Instead of using drawings, they could simply think of a word.
A chant
We will invent or look for- a chant related to the vocabulary they know. This activity will be very good to work the suprasegmental phonemes. One,two,three,four/ its a pencil, not a book/five,six,seven,eight/it is red,not blue
Chinese whisper
The students, in groups, will stay in a row in front of the blackboard. The last student will think of a word and will say it to the pupil standing before him/her. This one will repeat the process until the word reaches the first student, who will have to draw the object or -in advanced groups- write the word on the blackboard. This activity is good to work and improve pronunciation
Session 4
Warming-up activity: a chant
We will start the class repeating the chant with the students.
Oral introduction: colours
We will do it in a similar way (using flashcards, repeating the words,...).
Listen and point
Similar activity to the one we proposed for classroom objects; now, with the flashcards related to colours.
Listen and look for it
This time, we will provide our students with small plastic tubes throw which they can look with one eye- which they will use to look for the words (flashcards around the class) they hear.
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We could obtain the tubes from finished hygienic rolls.
Listen and colour
The students will see drawings of objects and they will hear which colour they are. Then, they will have to colour each.
Session 5
Warming-up activity: mime and guess
In this game, one student stands in front of the class. (s)he will think of a known word and will mime an action to represent the word. The other students will have to guess. The one who guesses will stand in front of the class in the next turn.
Read and colour
We will give the students a picture with several non-coloured objects, and a short simple text in which we will mention which colour they are.
A song
We will work a song with our students. They will listen to it several times. Then, we will give them the lyrics, and after that, we will try to encourage our students to sing it while doing some actions.
Read and match
The students will have to match some colours with their written form, but this time we will not propose two columns. Instead of that, we will give them a kind of labyrinth with the colours above- and their written form below- already matched, but with long and quite mixed lines. They will have to follow the lines to know how to write the words correctly.
Session 6
Warming-up activity: the song
We will start the session singing the song with our students.
A story
We will tell them an adaptation of the story the three little pigs, but adapting the text to their level and using vocabulary they know (focusing on colours, numbers,...).
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We will prepare big drawings to transfer the meaning and we will use a lot of gestures.
After the story we could ask them to make drawings of a concrete aspect, using certain colours.
Listen and colour
In this case, they will have to colour big and non-coloured numbers, after hearing which colour they are. Example: number five is orange.
Session 7
Warming-up activity: vocabulary poster
We will show them a big picture of a classroom in which several classroom objects are represented. Then, we will ask them to go to the blackboard individually and point to a certain word or colour in the picture.
It is a classical activity to work the writing skill. Among the words used we will include the vocabulary related to classroom objects, numbers and colours.
Role play
Student 1: Student 2:
- Hello! -Hello! - Whats your name? - Im(Ana).And you?Whats your name? -Im (John) - (John),Whats this? (point to an object) -Its a (rubber).
Cultural aspects
We will finish the session talking to our students about certain cultural elements related to schools in the UK (we could talk about other English speaking countries, as well). We could even try to find a video, photographs, and so on.
Session 8
The last session of the unit will be dedicated to work the English language with the computers. The students will work in pairs (two
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students per computer) all the contents with activities to develop the four basic skills: listen and click, read and match, word search, speak aloud,...
The usage of computers will also help the students to develop an autonomous learning. This way, they could check their progress in the learning process. Moreover, we will be introducing new technologies in the English class.
This is one of the most important aspects to consider when doing the different planning units. Diversity is a reality in any class, which requires a concrete pedagogical performance, avoiding equalised or unified teacher acts.
Nowadays, attending to diversity means attending to our students needs, whatever they are.
We could establish two different ways of attending to diversity in the English class.
- In general terms: reinforcement, orientation, flexible methodology,... - Specifically: MCAs ( ACIs, in Spanish).
With reference to the Meaningful Curricular Adaptations, we could say that at this stage of the learning process -and due to the fact that the English language is taught through a global method rather than an analytical one-, it would be very difficult to find a student who requires a MCA.
Thus, we will concentrate on how to treat diversity in class with some methodological criteria related to it.
Firs of all, we will use a global approach, a flexible methodology and we will try to use a wide range of resources.
However, the most important and useful elements to treat diversity in class will be the reinforcement activities.
For this unit, we will mention:
We will practise the vocabulary they have learned with this game.
Number/colour/classroom objects dictation
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They will do a dictation with the words they know. We could ask them to write the symbol which represents the different items (listening comprehension activity) or their written form (then, it will also be an exercise to practise the writing skill).
Pair work guessing game/ Pictionary
We will divide our students in pairs. In turns, one of the pupils in each pair will draw a classroom object and his/her partner will have to guess. We could make the activity more complex and try to play the game pictionary in groups of four.
Following instructions
In this activity, the students will place on their desk all their classroom objects. Then, the teacher will give an order -to one of them- such as pick up two pencils, for instance. After that, that student will give a similar order to the student next to him/her, and so on.
Finding colours in the classroom
We will give orders to our pupils such as pick up something green or point to something blue,...
Finding descriptions
We will make three columns on the blackboard (we could give them a piece of paper with the columns on it and, thus, do the activity individually), consisting of written words related to numbers, colours and classroom objects (in their plural form) respectively.
Then, we will say a phrase (e.g. three red books) and the learner will have to join the words in each column.
Draw and describe
We will divide the students in pairs. Each one will draw on a piece of paper three coloured (using one colour only) classroom objects. Then, student A will describe his/her drawing to student B, and on the contrary. Finally, to succeed in the task, they will compare their drawings, and they should have six identical ones.
It consists of a critical reflection upon the facts that have an influence on the didactic process. It will help us to obtain feedback about the teaching- learning process: revision and improvement of the various planning units. In other words, the assessment of each unit is directed to make us
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understand what it is happening in class and help us take decisions about possible necessary modifications in the planning in order to improve the learning process.
The process of assessment will happen in a parallel way to the teaching- learning one, even though, it will be essential to do an initial evaluation in order to adequate the learning process to our students needs and abilities.
Techniques and evaluation instruments
With reference to how to assess, we will use different techniques and evaluation instruments.
Among them, we will use for this unit a systematic observation to get information about the pupils behaviour in class, their attitude towards the English language, and so on. In this case, we will use instruments such as a control list, in which we can take notes of the features we would like to observe, and a casual register to write anything related to the teaching-learning process and each pupil-.
On the other hand, we will also use the so-called revision of task technique, which will provide through guides and files (instruments)- continuous data about the progress of the students.
In the different units, we could complete the assessment process with more objective tests.
Assessment criteria
These criteria are clearly related to the aims we have planned for the academic year.
Oral communication
We intend to assess:
The ability to understand simple instructions and specific information. The capacity to obtain the global sense of oral texts. The ability to get details in a wide oral text. The capacity to understand and use social expressions. The ability to recognise and repeat/imitate English sounds, rhythm and intonation in the English language. The capacity to produce short oral texts, following given models (as examples). The ability to interact with others using known elements The capacity to use the English language to communicate with the teacher and their classmates.
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Written communication
We intend to assess:
The capacity to understand simple instructions and specific information. The ability to get the global sense in simple written texts. The ability to produce words and short sentences, following written models. (In this unit, lexical and structural items related to greetings, numbers and ways of introducing oneself) The capacity to produce short texts in which the student combines and investigates with known elements.
Sociocultural aspects
We intend to assess:
The curiosity and respect shown by the student towards cultural aspects. The capacity of the student to carry out a sociolinguistic behaviour which fosters good fellowship and socializing. The ability of the student to have a respectful, constructive and positive relationship with the whole group in pair and in-group works.
Byrne, D. Teaching Oral English. Longman. 1984. Livingston, C. Role-play in Language Learning. CUP.1982. Lee, W.R. Language Teaching Games and Contests. Oxford University Press. 1979. Murphy,T. Music and Song. O.U.P. 1992 Brewster, J. et al. The Primary English Teachers Guide. Penguin. 1992. Dunn, O. Beginning English with Children. Mc Millan Press. 1983.
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Unit 8. Written Foreign Language. Approximation, consolidation and improvement of the reading-writing process. Reading comprehension: global and specific comprehension strategies. The writing process: from the interpretation to the production of texts