Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
Divine Intervention
26 October 2013
A reader poses an excellent question for The Committee.
RQ: Is there is such thing as asking for divine intervention? Are we actually able to ask for such a
thing if we truly feel stuck? If so, how does this transpire? I understand just a mere thought can bring
forth these questions to whomever deals with this; whatever source can persuade life into a new
C: "We greet you all and say, yes, this is the oldest belief on Earth and nearly universal. Prayer you
name it; oral manifestation of your sentiments, desires, wants, needs, hurts and supplications that
something be alleviated.
We do say, intervention when you feel it, this is not a desire for your life to change although yes, this is
what you feel and want. It is the presence of your Guides, Angels and friends of Heaven all of whom
accompany you through the choices you have made, for the circumstances and troubles you might feel
and the joy of their completion you realize.
This question speaks to your life plan, what we have discussed here many a time; how much do you wish
that it be changed? We can say with certainty, you who encounter the difficult, the challenging and the
threatening such that your life may be the redirected by an intervention, you have already prepared this
circumstance for yourself, including the anticipation you would feel the want for intervention, for
resolution and for relief.
Human existence requires the feeling of powerlessness before many things; all of you know this. Inability
to control all before you creates a need to do so; and achieveing this itself provides great satisfaction.
Understanding, participating and helping form the event, the phenomena, the process and the
development are a source of upliftment for which your soul yearns and from it, derives great benefit, as
realized upon Earth. This is your true way, your true nature, the essence of your existence.
Your travels to Earth supply limitation; limits to ability to see, hear, understand, travel, interact, acquire,
sell, hold, breathe, eat, sleep and all the many and millions of things all of you, our precious, beloved
brothers and sisters do each day you are alive. We know no greater love in the universe than to see you
live each day inside the limits of Earth, enjoying her great beauty and bounty. We love you all, the one no
more than none, all of you equally. No shame, embarrassment or remorse exist in Heaven and none in any
of you, to express this sentiment.
Often we hear, by listening and hearing all of you, of a great a profound desire for intervention to stop
war, stop disease, corruption and oppression, To stop slavery, earthquakes or storms. Look at the many of
things humans create; to intercede as some would like means to intercede as some would not like.
Great defenders of your individuality are all of you; the style of hair, its color with the chemical
knowledge to stain it, its length, its replacement. Clothing and coverings of the body, a great business the
world over. Expression of music, painting, film, poetry and story, all of these created by you, all of them
loved and dismissed by many, as each becomes well known.
Intervention into your lives cannot be impartial; the instant intervention happens, permission is created to
do so, consistently. You who would like war stopped, feel a sincere and true desire in yourself to halt it as
you understand automatically a complete inability to do so. Would war brought to you cause you to
immediately surrender, even allow your life to end willingly, to see war stopped? Would you intentionally
expose yourself to a military enemy, knowing for certain your life would end? The vast majority of you
would not; in this lies gain for the attacker, knowledge that you would resist. Mass capitulation before
aggression might save lives yet would it also reinforce desire of the aggressor to repeat the perceived
The most peaceful, gentle mother known to humanity would react to defend her offspring, given the
means. The most ardent opposition to any use of violence will nevertheless agree, self defense is
acceptable; its absolute absence, suicide. This is your choice; to agree or disagree, to act or surrender, to
participate or quit and in this, you live your life.
Until you dislike the circumstance; prior this, perhaps no desire for intervention is strongly felt, if even
considered. Unpleasantness might set in, then you desire improvement. Have you considered you would
have planned this? Placed the challenge to then be solved?
What course of your life, and the lives of all who compose your society, will be followed when divine
intervention changes course? We do not choose the values, the hopes, the disappointments, the fears, the
destruction, salvation, happiness, contentment, suffering or success of Earth.
All of you choose what you shall have and then when you encounter it, why should there be intervention?
Protest at this uncaring thought we understand there could be, that the bad things of Earth are not chosen.
To this we shall say, they appear unchosen from the place of the victim; what about the aggressor, the
attacker, the wrongdoer? What divine intervention set that offense in motion? We do say, it is a human
choice that such malevolent behavior be followed; the solution found amongst the creators and
The gift of pain you give yourselves; if we could give this to you, we would. From pain, stress and strife,
you learn. We cannot give you hurt; unhappiness, struggle and toil, the burden of failures, setbacks and
failure. As we have no ability to provide the bad, we likewise do not supply the good, as you judge it to
be. We only observe, guide and nudge along the path you have chosen, mapped and charted.
The sensation of being stuck is alleviated with becoming unstuck; we beg forgiveness for the obviousness
nearing stupidity of what we have said, it sets up the response to the question. Unset, un-attach and
unsettle your situation and unstuck shall take hold; you shall be moved off your place onto a new one.
We accompany you never to intervene in what we have not created; we follow to see your chosen
destination reached, always guiding and suggesting and allowing all the things of your life to unfold, as
you have chosen their unfolding, opening and presentation."
Ahmed 26/10/2013 5:48pm
Your explain things well, Committee, but it is a difficult perspective to accept.
What if a soul finds things harder to deal with than anticipated before incarnation? Do you intervene then?
Who enforces this rule of non-intervention in the life plan? Is it simply something you do willingly?
Do all beings follow that rule or does it ever happen that someone intervenes to bring about good or bad?
In some parts of Egypt, and I'm sure other countries, people believe in magic or summoning of beings that can
intervene to either bring good in their lives or bad in someone else's, some even think these beings or rituals can
influence the thinking or actions of another person. Is this possible? If so, what about the free will of the affected
The Committee 27/10/2013 10:34am
"We suggest difficulty in acceptance of this perspective - as you have named it - means dislike of something in it. The
future you may change, permission you have given yourself. Take this permission, you own it entirely.
A soul never finds difficulty it did not understand. Your soul forgets a portion of itself as you go to live on Earth; when
unpleasantness comes forth, you do not remember its anticipation. If you could avoid it, there would be no purpose
served, so its development is forgotten and its arrival brings opportunity to manage and gain.
You enforce the restriction; each and all of you set them. Your Guardian Angels and Guides will intervene constantly,
where and how you grant permission. This happens frequently in infancy, as toddlers and as youngsters. You are
kept safe from risks, perils and dangers of which you are not aware. As your adolescence and adulthood form, less
intervention occurs as you would see it. We supply awareness; your insight, intuition and flashes of understanding
are our intervention.
No intervention is permitted to cause goodness or otherwise, unless it has been agreed and and accepted by all that
would be affected. This operates as does the system of unanimous jury verdicts, and we offer that the notion of such
trials is the concept of your true home remembered and applied on Earth; the abrupt shift in the life of a person to be
punished, imprisoned or ended, how sad this happens still, must be decreed by unanimous decision. This is rare in
Heaven, and so infrequent from our view, it is not a factor in your lives.
The notion that higher powers can be summoned is universal and true; the idea these powers will shift course and
cause goodness or bad, this is the humanization and does not occur. Ownership requires and provides responsibility
and meeting it supplies satisfaction and advance. Confidence, trust, goodwill and honor arise from them; the
intervention of a power summoned from beyond removes responsibility and along with it, satisfaction. The lesson
would repeat, mission not accomplished. The beauty of Earth life is the separation or delay between ownership and
outcome; the act and the effect; the knowledge and the understanding. The illusion that acts may be hidden,
information concealed, these exist not in Heaven as they appear to operate on Earth. Into the gap some humans
wish to insert force, effect and influence to their advantage. We suggest this is mistaken and rarely produces a
permanent improvement and more likely sets things back. The temptation is tantalizing; its effects not at all.
The will and authority of the affected is sacred; on Earth it operates under the same system of delay, pause and
postponement. The notion person 'A' has unilateral power over 'B' is not; it is but an Earth illusion. Ill will operates
with great cables attached; its manifestation creating equal if not greater effect on the perceived powerful than upon
the object. Your physicist Newton identified this well, each action produces equal and opposite re-actions. We
suggest a mirror; evil acts reflect like light; evil thoughts likewise. The Earth environment delay allows the actor the
appearance the boomerang has not yet returned, or will not. This is but a view, not true."
Ahmed 27/10/2013 10:50am
Thanks for the answer, I understand the process better now.
britta 05/11/2013 12:26pm
It appears that we predestine ourselves as we also create our 'loopholes' and caveats, escape hatches in life. The
teachings remind me of the Hollywood moive with Michael Douglas, The Game...in which he thought what transpired
was REAL life when it was a game played on him. What I am trying to comprehend is what purpose 'prayer' would
play in life. We are guided, nudged etc so we are to pay attention and 'listen' for this but of what purpose/effect is
praying for something or for somebody? Prayer we are told in many religious circles 'moves things'. But what if they
are not to be moved or IF they ARE to be moved through our 'pre-plannning'..why bother? I feel it may offer
solace...control over the feeling of being out of control and at worst, pleading to some power-figures out there to FIX
our hurts/pains/messes yada yada. Maybe it's just for good vibrations as the Beach Boys sang? Thanks
Jesse 26/10/2013 7:43pm
Thanks so much for taking the opportunity to entertain my question! I am finding life difficult right now, even more
difficult is to think I actually chose this challenge. I certainly do feel stuck and it's surprising that when I actually cry,
out loud, cry, for help and pray for guidance, it comes almost instantly. The tools to move are normally all there; the
trouble comes in knowing when to use them and having the fortitude to move forward and let go. An empath I believe
I am, as we all are to an extent. I have this uncanny ability to put myself in anyone shoes and understand their
choices and have compassion as to why they chose they, regardless if I feel it was the proper thing to do. The
problem I have is in getting myself to see life in my shoes. Very hard. Abuse is what I encounter many times and it's
extremely painful. Still I find a way to continue to be optimistic. Divine intervention is what I ask for, and why?, well, I
need the help knowing and executing my strength. I plead for this almost daily and I know my prayers are always
heard. Sometimes emotional abuse is so hurtful I often wish it was physical. Forgive me for pouring my heart out on
this forum. My compassion has done me good in this life and I am truly honored to have it, as not may do, I just wish I
knew how to use it for me, as selfish as that sounds. Well, my apologies for making this so long. I truly appreciate the
Committee and Patrick taking time to answer this question. Many thanks and much love :)
The Committee 27/10/2013 10:42am
"Jesse, no forgiveness need you ask. This is a human trait; well placed in certain moments, yet not always
necessary. Nobody is forced to read what you write; so if not agreeable your thoughts seem to some, that problem
you do not own. You cannot control perception of yourself; do not. Simply be yourself, as you have through your
words here, and well you have done and always shall you do, this way.
You do not prefer physical abuse to emotional; you prefer none. What attaches you to the abuse you decry? Detach
we suggest. Your guides follow you at all moments, we see them now as they smile upon you and then glance our
way as we observe them watch over you. Ask them to help you disconnect and the plug they shall help you pull. Our
love in return, and we thank you for yours, a great gift it is. Be well!"
Mike Thomson 26/10/2013 9:14pm
Damn, that was good. Thanks Committee.
The Committee 27/10/2013 10:03am
"You are most welcome."
Mike 27/10/2013 4:18am
Is it true that some peoples chosen life path appears more blighted than another's?
What if you are not happy with the outcome of your life? Change it you may say. But then to change to such an
exhaustive degree, would also mean a rewrite of your life plan.
The Committee 27/10/2013 10:02am
"Yes, it can appear that way to the owner of the life or to the observers, independently. Each chooses how and what
it will view.
You are always happy with the outcome, the final result, the ending of the story when the book is closed and you
return home. There is no dissatisfaction or disappointment; all lives are valuable and worthy. They might never seem
this way as they are lived; all of you are.
Days and cycles remain and options are included. Random, haphazard oscillations would not help you; your path
would be left, you would be lost. You suggest an exhaustive shift; the anticipation of this moment was scheduled; you
know it could arrive and the options before you, you have considered them already. You have even provided for
them. Re-write you may, and do. This rewriting is lived in another life."
Michele 27/10/2013 2:57pm
Is it possible that some design into their life plan the absence of recognizable communication with their guides? I feel
like I ask and ask for something that I might recognize as unmistakeable communication, yet never seem to get a
single feeling. I want desperately to feel awareness of the love of others from the other side. I wish that I could feel
definitively that there are those that are pulling for me, but get nothing. Is it possible than this is somehow part of my
Patrick 27/10/2013 4:17pm
Yes but also no. Recognizable means through eyes, ears and sometimes touch. These all require the body and
brain; our GAGs (Guardian Angels and Guides) don't have them; only the ability to create sensations through them.
We have the ability to recognize them, just as we have the ability to learn other languages; development requires
practice and different abilities are common.
The unmistakable we yearn for is nice but too easy; we came to live on Earth to not retain the easy to & fro,
otherwise the point and purpose of our presence is eroded or compromised.
You get the feeling constantly; you have not yet recognized it and incorporate it into all sensations as "normal" and
not a communication. Yes, it is "normal" but comes from your GAGs.
This is just like the burning desire we all feel to "know" the future, and this itch includes me.
If we knew all details as if a list were offered, we'd simply pursue the positive and avoid the negative, everything
becoming wonderful and happy; Utopia, in other words. Does it exist? Yes, in our true home, Heaven. We come to
Earth for the experience away from it.
It is part of everybody's plan to be connected directly to the environment of Earth and these connections emphasize
the senses a body uses. None of who can speak and listen remembers the steps of learning the language we use,
but we did; the evidence is unquestionable. Newborn babies cannot speak and will learn the language of their
upbringing, without regard to heritage. There are many things we learn this automatic way, with never a recollection
of the process and suddenly, after decades of pattern, we encounter a new aspect of existence that doesn't mesh
with learning. Some choose to reject the ideas, some understand automatically and others struggle against what
feels so true but fails to materialize easily enough.
You are the same and your presence here, your asking of the questions means your GAGs have nudged you here as
part of your plan to regain the understanding of what already exists inside you, but has been set aside. Your true
nature applies less here on Earth, but that does not mean it is not there. A former athletic champion too old to
perform retains the mental ability even as physical traits diminish.
In the case of humans, the reverse applies. The mental strength, the true force and power we all have, is diminished
and lessened by the limits a body imposes but remains always, ready to be recalled as you might have planned.
Your arrival here and this question were your choice long ago, and now you proceed. Examine your thoughts and
when you believe you might have been reminded to do something or you get a sudden feeling about anything, do
NOT just assume it is you, nearly always it is from your Guides. As you ponder the seemingly arbitrary coincidences
of events that lined up, consider they were planned to line up. Then more insight will you have and closer again will
come your true nature.
Allen 27/10/2013 8:29pm
Thank you for the response to Michele's questions. As I read that, it's as if those expressed feelings and questions
could have, or were, written by me. Therefore, I really appreciate the thoughts you shared.
Patrick 28/10/2013 6:55pm
Thank you, Allen. Yes, answers to a question always bleed benefit onto others. I'm happy to know this happened,
thank you for mentioning it.
Eva Masini 28/10/2013 11:44am
When I thought (silly me!) that all has been said and explained about our physical existence, then along comes
another "explanation" and I am "floored." The richness of your website is in my opinion unmatched. This is about as
good as it can get and it's ALMOST as if I were privately tutored. My understanding is constantly being stretched and
expanded but I cannot seem to get enough! My heartfelt thanks, Patrick.
Patrick 28/10/2013 6:56pm
Thank you, Eva. More stretching to come! Stay tuned.....