GBT-based Analysis of Tapered Thin-Walled Members: Recent Developments

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Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.

1 (2011)
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GBT-based Analysis of Tapered Thin-Walled Members: Recent

Mihai Nedelcu

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Civil Engineering. 15 C Daicoviciu Str., 400020,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Received 25 July 2011; Accepted 1 September 2011


The Generalised Beam Theory (GBT) approach was proved to be a valid substitute of the Eurocode
methods used for cold-formed steel member design. The conventional GBT is applied for the
linear/nonlinear analysis of prismatic thin-walled members, circular and elliptical cylindrical
shells and tubes. The authors new formulations extend the GBT for the special case of tapered
members. This paper presents an overview of the GBT formulations recently developed by the
author and also the software application GBTPower in which these theoretical developments are
implemented. GBTPower performs buckling analyses of prismatic and tapered elastic thin-walled
members with various types of cross-sections and boundary conditions. At the end a few numerical
results are presented and briefly discussed.


Abordrile specifice Teoriei Generalizate a Grinzii (TGG) pot nlocui cu succes metodele din
Eurocode n privina proiectrii barelor cu perei subiri formate la rece. TGG este utilizat n mod
convenional la analiza liniar i neliniar a barelor prismatice cu perei subiri i a tuburilor
cilindrice i eliptice. Noile formulri ale autorului extind TGG pentru cazul special al barelor cu
seciune variabil. Acest articol face o prezentare de ansamblu ale ultimelor formulri teoretice
recent concepute de autor i de asemenea a programului de calcul GBTPower n care acestea au
fost implementate. Programul efectueaz analize de tip flambaj prin bifurcare n domeniul elastic
pentru bare cu perei subiri cu diferite seciuni i rezemri. n final cteva exemple numerice sunt
pe scurt prezentate i discutate.

Keywords: GBT, tapered thin-walled members, buckling, cylindrical shells

1. Introduction

Regarding the buckling of thin-walled members, the most complete design codes were developed
for metallic members. So we have the ENV 1993-1-3 Eurocode 3 (Europe) [1], NAS 2001 (North
America) [2], [3], AS/NZS 1996 (Australia and New Zeeland) [5]. The design methods are
generally very similar, the buckling evaluation consists of (i) computation of the elastic critical
load, (ii) consideration of the degradation caused by the various kinds of imperfections as well as
the possible favourable effect of post-buckling reserve. Knowing that the stability loss of thin-

Corresponding author: Tel./ Fax.: 0264/401363
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Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


walled members may happen in the form of global, distorsional and local buckling, the solving
strategies generally use a reduced effective cross-section, avoiding in this manner the critical load
computation for distorsional and local buckling, more difficult to obtain. The computation of the
effective cross-section is a tedious iterative process for the structural design engineer. To overcome this
problem, Schafer developed the Direct Strength Method introduced in 2004 in NAS-Appendix 1 [4].
The method does not use effective cross-section, nor require iterations for determining effective
properties, instead the method uses member elastic buckling solutions based on gross properties to
determine the member strength in global, local and distortional buckling. For the evaluation of these
elastic critical loads, Schafer et al. created CUFSM, free analysis software based on Finite Strip Method
and Generalised Beam Theory (GBT) hypotheses [6]. Other GBT-based software applications are
GBTUL [7] developed at the Technical University of Lisbon and the authors GBTPower which will be
briefly presented in this paper.
GBT is based on classical Kirchhoff-Love plate hypotheses and also Vlasovs thin-walled hypotheses
(null membrane shear strain and transverse extension,). The theory was originally developed by Schardt
[8], [9] and it is a bar theory capable of describing any member deformation as a linear combination of
orthogonal pre-determined pure deformation modes. Working with one-dimensional elements, GBT is
computationally an extremely efficient and elegant method for the investigation of bifurcation buckling
of thin-walled members. It is also capable of providing the contribution of each pure deformation mode
to the final configuration and so, it helps to a better understanding of the analysed structural behaviour.
Due mainly to the scientific research developed at Technical University of Lisbon, GBT provides today
a general solution for the linear/nonlinear analysis of prismatic thin-walled members and frames with
arbitrary cross-sections [10], [11]. Recently Silvestre [12], [13] developed a complete GBT
methodology in order to analyse the buckling behaviour of circular and elliptical cylindrical shells and
tubes. In two previous papers [14], [15] the author provided an extension of GBT for the analysis of
isotropic members with variable cross-sections meaning tapered thin-walled bars and also conical shells.
The main objective of this paper is to present the GBT extensions and then to illustrate their
applicability on elastic linear and buckling analysis of tapered members with various end supports,
cross-section shapes and variation laws.

2. Theoretical Developments

2.1 GBT for prismatic thin-walled members

For the arbitrary cross-section of a thin-walled member shown in Fig. 1, the stress and strain field
are expressed by considering the membrane (M) and bending (B) behaviour of the thin-walls and
also the linear (L) and non-linear terms (NL).

Fig. 1. Thin-walled member: local axes/displacements

The simplifying classical Kirchhoff-Love hypotheses and also Vlasovs hypotheses (
) are adopted for each wall. Neglecting the non-relevant strain components, the kinematic
relations are written as follows:
Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


, , 2 2 ,
( ) / 2
x x xs
x s xs
u v w ww
zw zw zw


&& &
() ()
( ) , ( )
x s

The constitutive relations related to the relevant stress components are written:

1 0
1 0
0 0
x x
x x s s
xs xs




' ; ' ;

The conventional GBT methodology involves (i) a modal cross-section analysis, leading to the
GBT pure deformation modes, the corresponding modal mechanical properties and (ii) a member
stability analysis, to obtain the critical loads and the corresponding buckling shapes [8], [9]. The
final buckling shape is considered as a linear combination of n orthogonal deformation modes. The
number n depends on the cross-section type, the number of the fold-lines and the considered
intermediate nodes on each wall. Based on the principle of virtual work applied in its variational
form, the first step will lead to the GBT system of equilibrium differential equations:

( )
( )
0 0 0
ik k ik k ik k jik j k jki j k jik j k


+ +
where E and G are Youngs and shear moduli, , 1.. k i n . The vector
W ( 1..4 j ) contains the
resultants of the applied pre-buckling stresses, namely (i) axial force (
W N ), (ii) major and
minor axis bending moments (
0 0
2 3
y z
W M W M ), and (iii) bimoment (
W B ). , , C D B are the
mechanical stiffness matrices related with the generalized warping, twisting and transverse bending
(cross-sectional distortion) respectively, and X X

are the cross-section geometrical stiffness

matrices and it is important to underline that for prismatic elements they all have constant
expressions according to x [16]. Together with the apropiate end support conditions the GBT
differential equations system defines the buckling eigenvalue problem. Its solution yields the
buckling load parameters (
) and the corresponding modal amplitude functions
( ( )
x ).Concerning single-cell closed cross-sections, the shear deformations of the cross-section
mid-line induced by torsion cannot be considered using the Vlasov hypothesis of null membrane
shear strain. An additional deformation mode is introduced by using the uniform shear flow
hypothesis and following the Bredt formula, the term
G tv ds

obtained from the virtual work of

the shear strains, is added to the components of stiffness matrix D. Fig. 2 shows the first 10
deformation shapes of a narrow rectangular hollow section.

Fig. 2. First 10 deformation mode shapes

Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


2.2 GBT for tapered thin-walled members

In prismatic members, the mid-plane of each cross-section wall is perpendicular to the cross-section
plane. As a consequence the warping displacements are perpendicular to the cross-section plane, as
in classical beam theories, an aspect which greatly simplifies the GBT cross-section analysis. It is
well known that tapered members don't have this characteristic. The author extended the theory by
using the approximation that the warping displacements are still perpendicular to the cross-sectional
plane. In this approach the tapered member is replaced with a succession of prismatic elements as
shown in Fig. 3. This approximation gives good results for tapered members with small tapering
slope, which is a structural characteristic largely used in practice. There are no restrictions
regarding the type of cross-section (branched or unbranched) or the variation law of each wall width
or thickness. Approximating the annular cross-section with a polygonal one, this approach can also
analyse conical elements, hyperbolic cooling towers, etc. Of course, this new extended formulation
will also accept members with constant cross-section.

Fig. 3. Geometry idealization of the tapered member

To determine the equilibrium equations we follow the same path explained in the previous chapter
using the principle of virtual work. Taking into account that the components of the cross-section
linear and geometrical stiffness matrices ( , , , and C D B X X

) are no longer constant according to x,

new terms are added to the system of equilibrium differential equations. In the case of buckling
analysis, the differential equations system becomes:

( ) ( )
( )
( )
0 0 0
ik k ik k ik k jik j k jki j k jik j k


+ +
To determine the variable components of the stiffness matrices, two ways are suggested: (i) an
analytical approach developed for the special bar type for which all the section walls have constant
thickness and the same variation law in width (see Nedelcu [14]). For arbitrary variable cross-
section the author used a simple numerical approach. A mesh is defined along the bar length and in
each mesh point the stiffness matrices are computed in the GBT conventional manner specific to
prismatic members. Knowing that the stiffness matrices are continuous functions of x, the
intermediate values are computed by interpolation.

2.3 GBT for conical shells

Consider the conical shell depicted in Fig. 4, with length L, constant thickness t and semi-vertex
angle . Next we have the global coordinate system , ,
g g g
x y z and the local coordinate system
, , x z , (meridional coordinate [ , / cos ] x a L , circumferential coordinate [0, 2 ] and normal
coordinate [ / 2, / 2] z t t + ). According to the local coordinate system we have the u (warping -
meridional), v (transverse - circumferential) and w (flexural - normal) displacements.
Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


Fig. 4. The geometry of the conical shell

The strain-displacement (kinematic) relation has the following form:

{ } { } { } { } { } z + +

{ }
and { } are, respectively, the membrane strain (having linear and non-linear
components) and change-of-curvature (bending) vectors of the reference surface, given as follows
(Goldfeld [18]):

( )
2 2
, ,
2 2
, , 1 2
, ,
1 2
2 2
2 2
xx xx xx
x x x
w v
vc w v wc us v wc
r r r r r
u vs w w vw c v v
r r r r r

+ + +

+ _ _ _
+ + + + +

, , ,

_ _
+ + + +

, ,

& & &
& & &
1 2 2
1 2
w s vc
r r r
w ws c v vs
r r r r

1 _
+ +
, ]
& &
where ( ) ( )
() ()
cos , sin , ( ) , ( ) c s

The coefficients
represent specific shell theories (
1 2
0 for Donnells [19],
0 for Sanders [20],
1 2
1 for Love- Timoshenko [21]). Being the most exact theory,
the last one was adopted by the author. Using the Vlasovs null membrane shear strain and
transverse extension hypotheses (
, ,
0, 0
) and the geometry idealization described in the
previous section (see Fig. 5) the author obtained the following GBT differential equations system
for the buckling analysis:

( )
( )
( )
1 2 1 2
2 2 2
IV x x
kk k kk k kk kk kk jkk k kk kk jkk k
kk kk kk jkk jkk k

+ + + + +

+ + +
where , 1.. k i n .
1 2
, , , C D D G and B are the cross-section linear stiffness matrices, , ,
j j j

are the elements of the geometric stiffness matrices taking into account the 2
order effect of the
pre-buckling meridional, circumferential and shear stresses ( , ,
o o o
xx x
) respectively, associated
with the 1
order deformation mode j. These have to be calculated by a previous 1
order analysis
and normally they introduce the bifurcation stress coefficient
. It is important to underline that the
Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


elements of the stiffness matrices are not constant along the member longitudinal axis as long as
they depending on the variable radius r but they can be analytically and efficiently computed [15].

Fig. 5. Geometry idealization of the conical shell

The critical shape is either described by a combination of shell-type deformation modes
characterized by a specific number of sine waves along the member cross-section (see Fig. 6), or by
one of special buckling modes: extension, axisymmetric and torsion modes (see Fig. 7).

Fig. 6. First 12 shell-type deformation modes

Fig. 7. Displacement field for a) extension mode, b) axisymmetric mode, c) torsion mode

The GBT differential equation systems described by Eq. (4) and (7) can be solved by different
numerical methods like finite difference method [8], FEM [11], Galerkin method, etc. The results
presented in this paper were obtained through the application of a Runge-Kutta numerical method,
namely the collocation method Lobatto IIIA of fourth order [17]. This method uses a finite-
dimensional space of candidate solutions for ( )
x (usually, polynomials up to a certain degree)
and a mesh of points (
1 2
0 ... x x L < < < < ) in the domain (the collocation points), and then selects
the solution which satisfies the given differential equation at the collocation points.

3. Illustrative Examples

3.1 The GBTPower software application

In order to implement the theoretical developments described above, the author created a software
application called GBTPower using the Matlab programming language [22] (version R2006b).
GBTPower is able to compute the 1
order and elastic buckling response for isotropic thin-walled
members with various types of cross-sections: opened branched, opened unbranched, single-cell
closed, constant and variable with different variation laws.
Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


Fig. 8. GBTPower input interface

Fig.9. GBTPower output interface

Each cross-section type and variation law is handled in a different module. GBTPower also accepts
different boundary conditions: cantilevers, simple supported, double fixed or fixed-simple-
supported members. The latest developed module deals with the buckling analysis of conical shells.
The input interface for opened and constant cross-section is shown in Fig. 8. The output interface
displays for 1
order analysis the displacement and stress field, the shape for each pure deformation
Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


mode and for the total deformation Inside Figure 9 the image of the third mode deformation (simple
bending around the minor axis) was graphically inserted. For buckling analysis the deformation
shapes are presented together with the critical load factor and the contribution of each mode to the
final solution.

3.2 Tapered thin-walled members

3.2.1 Open cross-section

Fig. 10 presents a tapered I-section cantilevered column investigated by Ronagh et al [23] using a
different theory and a finite element approach. Fig.10 b) shows the good agreement between the
GBT values and the estimates of Ronagh et al. The buckling deformation of Fig. 10.c) was obtained
for a bar length 100 L mm and a tapering ratio of 0.2 .

Fig. 10: a) Tapered I-section cantilevered column, b) buckling load and c) shape

3.2.2 Rectangular hollow cross-section

The author analysed the buckling of a tapered column with both ends fixed, rectangular hollow
cross-section b x h and variable length for two tapering ratios applied to the cross-sectional height
(see Fig. 11). Table 1 presents the critical loads obtained by means of (i) GBT formulation, (ii) two-
dimensional shell FEA using ABAQUS S4R finite shell elements [24]. Fig. 12 shows the buckling
shape obtained by FEA with 200 L mm and tapered ration 0.5 .

Fig. 11. End fixed column

Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


Table 1: FEA vs. GBT results for fixed members

3.2.3 Regular polygonal cross-section

This formulation can be used to analyse truncated conical and hyperbolic towers if their annular
cross-section is approximated by a regular polygonal one. For this example a concrete hyperbolic
cooling tower was chosen, namely the Trojan tower, Portland Oregon USA, extensively analysed
by Cole et al [25] and presented in Fig. 13.a). For the GBT approach, the annular cross-section was
approximated by a regular dodecagon and each side had an intermediate node in its middle. Starting
with a unit weight of 24 / kN cbm, the author searched the concrete critical dead load for which the
tower exhibits the bifurcation stability loss. Using ABAQUS S4R finite shell elements, the FEA of
the Trojan Tower showed that the buckling deformation is described by 6 sine waves for a critical
factor of = 26.7 (see Fig. 13.b)). Using the formulation described in this paper, a critical factor of
= 27.4 emerged for the GBT mode 14 presented in Fig. 13.c).

Fig. 13. a) Trojan Tower, b) buckling shape and c) GBT mode 14

3.3 Conical shells

The author studied the buckling behaviour of conical columns with different end conditions.
Consider the steel conical shell depicted in Fig. 14, 210 , 0.3 E GPa , wall thickness 1 mm t
and length 1200 L mm . The starting radius is taken
50 r mm and the end radius
r is variable.
The pre-buckling meridional stress is calculated in the classic manner / (2 )
P rtc ,
0 b
P P . The minimum bifurcation load coefficient is introduced as
,min c b
or critical load
coefficient. The initial value of the axial load was taken as
0 1
2 1 314.16 P r kNmm kN


P (KN)
P (KN) (%)
1 385,30 406,60 5,53
0,5 493,15 516,40 4,71
1 321,50 326,77 1,63
0,5 410,53 416,55 1,47
1 300,77 301,06 0,10
0,5 362,18 368,80 1,83
1 301,73 301,09 0,22
0,5 351,41 358,96 2,15

Fig. 12. Buckling shape
Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


Fig. 14. Conical shell under axial compression

The critical load coefficient (
, c FEM
) for several values of
r were obtained using ABAQUS S4R
finite shell elements. These values are compared with the GBT critical load coefficients (
, c GBT
and the results are presented in Fig. 15, 16 and 17 for different end supports: simply supported,
fixed and cantilever members, respectively. Fig. 18 presents the critical buckling shapes and the
corresponding load coefficients for simply supported members, results obtained using shell FEA,
for several values of
r .

Fig. 15. FEM vs. GBT results for simply supported members

Fig. 16. FEM vs. GBT results for fixed members

Mihai Nedelcu / Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No.1 (2011) 38-49


Fig. 17. FEM vs. GBT results for cantilever members

Fig. 18 Simply supported members: critical buckling shapes and load coefficients
, c FEM

5. Conclusions

As a beam theory, GBT is an elegant and computationally very efficient method for the
investigation of thin-walled members buckling behaviour. The GBT approach could be a valid
substitute of the Eurocode methods used for cold-formed steel member design. This paper presented
the latest GBT formulations developed by the author regarding the tapered thin-walled members
and conical shells. The stiffness matrices have no longer constant elements along the bar length and
because of that, the equilibrium differential equations gained new terms. GBT was successfully
applied for the buckling analysis of tapered isotropic open and single-cell closed thin-walled
members with constant or variable thickness and also for isotropic conical shells with constant
thickness. To illustrate the potential of the GBT extensions, a few numerical results were presented
in connection with the software application GBTPower in which the latest theoretical formulations
were implemented.

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