Health Dept. Policies:: Info Available To Clear Up Confusion

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In this issue

Health Dept. policies: Information Health Dept. policies: Information Health Dept. policies: Information Health Dept. policies: Information ............ ............ ............ ............ p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1
We love work day volunteers! We love work day volunteers! We love work day volunteers! We love work day volunteers! .................. .................. .................. .................. p. 1 p. 1 p. 1 p. 1
Friends of YBC: Friends of YBC: Friends of YBC: Friends of YBC: Shirleys Chat Corner Shirleys Chat Corner Shirleys Chat Corner Shirleys Chat Corner .......... .......... .......... .......... p. 2 p. 2 p. 2 p. 2
Thank you from Board President Thank you from Board President Thank you from Board President Thank you from Board President............... ............... ............... ............... p. 2 p. 2 p. 2 p. 2
Memorials grow in Forest of Faithful Memorials grow in Forest of Faithful Memorials grow in Forest of Faithful Memorials grow in Forest of Faithful ...... ...... ...... ...... p. 2 p. 2 p. 2 p. 2
Recycle your old phones, cartridges Recycle your old phones, cartridges Recycle your old phones, cartridges Recycle your old phones, cartridges........... ........... ........... ........... p. 2 p. 2 p. 2 p. 2
In Memory: Chet Elford; Debbie Berry In Memory: Chet Elford; Debbie Berry In Memory: Chet Elford; Debbie Berry In Memory: Chet Elford; Debbie Berry....... ....... ....... ....... p. 3 p. 3 p. 3 p. 3
From the Caretakers Cottages From the Caretakers Cottages From the Caretakers Cottages From the Caretakers Cottages ................. ................. ................. ................. p. 3 p. 3 p. 3 p. 3
More improvements...and a need More improvements...and a need More improvements...and a need More improvements...and a need ............. ............. ............. ............. p. 3 p. 3 p. 3 p. 3
YBC Calendar; Trustees; FYBC Officers YBC Calendar; Trustees; FYBC Officers YBC Calendar; Trustees; FYBC Officers YBC Calendar; Trustees; FYBC Officers ..... ..... ..... ..... p. 4 p. 4 p. 4 p. 4
fter a workshop held by the Madera County
Public Health Department for all camps in
the Oakhurst area, there was much confusion
generated by some new policies and procedures
that are in effect beginning this year. Phones were
ringing off the hook after the YBC Board of
Trustees meeting brought these policies to light
for participating congregations/camp groups.
While we are mandated by the
Health Department to comply with
these policies (some are new, but
most have just been brought to our
attention), we are also obligated to
enforce these guidelines for insurance purposes
and for the safety of all campers and staff.
Grady Billington has been in lengthy contact
with both the Health Department and our insurance
provider. As a result, a document has been
created that details exactly (and simply) how
camp groups can be in compliance with these
changes and reminders. It should clear up any
confusion and is now available through your con-
gregations YBC Board Representative or from
the YBC office. For information, call the Camp,
(559) 683 559) 683 559) 683 559) 683- -- -7006 7006 7006 7006.
Thank you for working with us to keep our
campers and the future of YBC safe!
Health Dept. policies:
Info available to clear up confusion
ork day, March 7, saw a large group of energetic
volunteers on Gods Mountain joining the care-
takers to tackle several
much-needed Camp
projects. The volun-
teers represented
Fresno, Livingston,
Modesto, Tulare,
Turlock, and West
Visalia congregations.
Projects included
tearing out old ceilings
and installing new
sheetrock and insula-
tion for some of the
womens cabins;
tree felling and brush clearing;
walk-in refrigerator installation;
and general campgrounds
A great
for the large crew, and dedicated
workers kept little ones safe.
THANK YOU to Rick White of
Woodward Park, and also to Save
Mart, which generously donated the walk-in refrigera-
tor through
YOU to
all hard-
Mike Soto, Brent Boyd, Tim Davis, Brian Blair, and
Gabe Bacus install new ceiling for cabin remodel.
Rick White works on the
walk-in refrigerator roof.
Ron Embrey and David Law saw limbs.
Jeanette Burns, Leann Proffitt, Marramonie Blair, and a
young camper cleared brush and tree limbs.
Staff Staff Staff Staff Phyllis Green Angi Santymire
The YODEL is published twice yearly by Friends of ybc
to share news of the people, projects, and plans
of Yosemite Bible Camp. Copies are distributed free
to congregations of the church of Christ and to individuals.
To submit news or to be added to the mailing list, please call the Camp:
(559) 683-7006
Printed by Printed by Printed by Printed by Nelson Press, Oakhurst Nelson Press, Oakhurst Nelson Press, Oakhurst Nelson Press, Oakhurst ( ( ( (559) 683 559) 683 559) 683 559) 683- -- -4595 4595 4595 4595
Theres no question that (camp) has been a strong influence on
building the fellowship of the church ~Decker Clark, minister

...its where the youth...expand their love for Christ and
relationships that can last forever are formed. It helps people to
realize that there are more Christians around than we think. Its just
an overall awesome place where memories are created that can last
forever. ~Drue Clark, 16, grandson of Decker Clark

~Quoted in New Englands place of refuge, fellowship:
Like many Christian camps nationwide, Gander Brook nurtures
young people, brings together the faithful in its region,
The Christian Chronicle, Vol. 65, No. 11, November 2008.
Many memorials grow in Many memorials grow in Many memorials grow in Many memorials grow in
Forest of Faithful Servants Forest of Faithful Servants Forest of Faithful Servants Forest of Faithful Servants
hus far, 44 memorials
have been engraved
in brass on our Forest of
Faithful Servants plaques in
the Camp dining hall, with
two more in process. Every
plaque has memorials, and only
one space remains on our Sequoia plaque.
For a donation to YBC of $50 (Acorn), $100 (Oak),
$250 (Ponderosa), $500 (Cedar), $1,000 or more
(Sequoia), you can honor faithful servants of the Lord
and help the Camp at the same time. For more infor-
mation, please call the Camp, (559) 683-7006.
Thank you from YBC
Board President
here has been a lot of
remodeling going on at
Camp. A lot of these changes
were made possible by dona-
tions from the Friends of YBC.
We would like to thank them
for their hard work and generos-
ity. I also would like to thank
everyone who has taken a part
in the work at YBC. Without
your help a lot of these projects
would not get done. Jerry Mize,
President, YBC Board of Trustees
pring is here and so many activities are happening all over the Valley!
We are gearing up for Memorial Day Memorial Day Memorial Day Memorial Day at Camp, May 25 May 25 May 25 May 25. Friends of YBC
are asking for donations for our boutique and we need lots of pies to sell!
The Board of Trustees and Friends of YBC are
working on a 10 10 10 10- -- -year plan year plan year plan year plan to provide much-needed
improvements to Camp. If you have any suggestions
for a certain project, please let me know and we will
include it in the plan.
Lemoore, Caruthers and Paso Robles will be doing
Ladies Retreat Sept. 11, 12, Sept. 11, 12, Sept. 11, 12, Sept. 11, 12, and 13 13 13 13. We have a wonderful speaker coming
from Redmond, Oregon. Her name is Carol Maddox. Theme will be Sisters
Got Talent! Were working on GREAT classes and a fun-filled weekend.
Our Holiday Boutique for Friends of YBC is set for Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 at Home Town
Buffet in Clovis. Please mark your calendar now for these events.
We will have our meeting on May 25 May 25 May 25 May 25 at the end of the Memorial Day
activities and would love for you to come.
Please keep Yosemite Bible Camp in your daily prayers.
God bless you all, Shirley Garretson,
President, Friends of YBC

Recycle your old phones and Recycle your old phones and Recycle your old phones and Recycle your old phones and
printer cartridges for Camp! printer cartridges for Camp! printer cartridges for Camp! printer cartridges for Camp!
e are now accepting donations of old cell phones
and used inkjet and laser printer cartridges to be
recycled for cash through
Our first four boxes generated 111.32 Funding
Factory points, or $44.53! Just think how that
number could grow if everyone participated!
We currently have donation drop-boxes at
Woodward Park church building
as well as the Camp dining hall.
If you would be interested in
collecting these recyclables at your
home congregation, within your youth
group, or at your place of employment, and would like
to obtain a drop-box and poster, please call the Camp,
(559) 683-7006.
We hope that every camp will bring a pile of cell
phones and print cartridges this summer!
e are Steve and Debbie Black, and Jason and
Angi Santymireand together, we are your YBC
caretakers and assistant caretakers.
Steve and Debbie have been here since May, 2007.
They were both raised in the church and incredibly,
were both baptized here at YBC! Steve and Debbie love
animals and you will frequently see them tootling
around campus in the buggy with their 4 dogs piled on
their laps. They plan to eventually do mission work,
and consider working at YBC a first step in that direc-
tion. They come from the Whitmore, Modesto church.
Jason and Angi were hired in October, 2008. Both
Abilene Christian University graduates, theyve been
attending Woodward Park church in Fresno since
2002. They have four children three boys and one
girl ages 3-8. They are adjusting well to a new
school, new weather and interesting wildlife! Weekends
will usually find them hiking around and looking for
arrowheads, animal tracks and feathers.
We all feel incredibly blessed to be able to live and
work together on Gods Mountain! Steve and Debbie
live in the lower house, closest to the gate; Jason and
Angi live in the red, upper house. Stop by and meet us
next time youre visiting camp!
Work day efforts put smiles on the faces of Steve, Debbie, Angi and Jason.
More improvements...and a need
orkers from Madera have started remodeling the
pool buildings and a new pool pump has been
installed to make maintenance more efficient.
Grady Billington and a crew recently planted 120
trees on the hill behind the BBQ pit to help prevent
soil erosion. THANK YOU, guys!
As part of a planned remodel of the lower girls
cabins, cabins 1 and 2 are remodeled and freshly
painted in a neutral color. Angi suggests that it would
be nice to have some modern, cute, girly, thicker
new curtains for those two cabins. Call her at (559) (559) (559) (559)
683 683 683 683- -- -7006 7006 7006 7006 if you would like to take on this project.

Chester Thomas Elford Chester Thomas Elford Chester Thomas Elford Chester Thomas Elford
1913 1913 1913 1913- -- -2009 2009 2009 2009
hester Thomas Chet Elford, 96, passed on to his
eternal reward on January 22. Hazel, his helpmeet,
preceded Chet in death on December 19, 2005, age 94.
Chet attended
George Pepper-
dine College,
founded in 1937,
from 1938-1943,
and later worked
for Rockwell.
Chet and Hazel
became Camp
caretakers in 1977
and served for
about six years.
Chet coined the phrase Gods Mountain for the Camp.
From 1987 to 1996 he directed annual Oakhurst church
family lectureships at YBC.
Later they moved to Rancho Cordova to be near
their daughter and son-in-law, Llona and Walt Fennel.
At the Cordova church where they were members, Chet
continued to serve the Lord by vacuuming the church
building as long as he was able.
Chetand Hazelare missed by all who knew and
loved them. Our loss is heavens gain.
Thank you, Chet and Hazel, for being such
good friends. ~Hanford Camp Book 1978
Deborah Lynn (Sweeney) Berry Deborah Lynn (Sweeney) Berry Deborah Lynn (Sweeney) Berry Deborah Lynn (Sweeney) Berry
1961 1961 1961 1961- -- -2009 2009 2009 2009
ebbie Berry, wife of Visalia Community church
minister David Berry, went home on February 1
after a long and courageous battle with cancer.
Born in Hanford, Debbie attended YBC with Hanford
church. She was baptized at camp, and was chosen as
Camp Queen in
1977. Her life
always showed the
peace and joy of a
true daughter of
the King.
Debbie first met
David (great-
nephew of Chet
Elford) when they
both worked as
Hanford camp staff.
Debbies faith,
exhibited through her gracious acceptance of Gods will
for her life, was an inspiration to all who knew her. Her
gentle, fun-loving attitude ministered in beautiful ways to
her family and friends. As her printed memorial says,
Debbie leaves a wonderful legacy of love, faith and
laughter...We are looking forward to our reunion with her
at the right side of the throne of God.

Queen Debbie~Hanford Camp Book 1977

50869 Sky Ranch/Road 632
Oakhurst, CA 93644
Caretakers Steve and Debbie Black
Jason and Angi Santymire

Telephone (559) 683-7006

Pres. Pres. Pres. Pres. Jerry Mize Modesto
V.P. V.P. V.P. V.P. John Patterson Bakersfield
Secty. Secty. Secty. Secty. Tim Davis Denair
Treas. Treas. Treas. Treas. Jim Minor Fresno
Prsnl. Prsnl. Prsnl. Prsnl. Grady Billington Madera

Vernon Garretson Lemoore
Jon Holland Merced
James Dial Hanford
Harold Foster Bakersfield
Ed Aguirre Exeter

Stan Bronson Porterville
Tim Jolly Sanger
Chuck Hulsey Dinuba
Brent Boyd Atwater
Joel Coppinger Visalia
Pres. Pres. Pres. Pres. Shirley Garretson Lemoore
V.P. V.P. V.P. V.P. Sylvia White Fresno
Secty. Secty. Secty. Secty. Donna Lane Lemoore
Treas. Treas. Treas. Treas. Denise Dean Lemoore
Hist. Hist. Hist. Hist. Denise Dean Lemoore
4 44 4


May 25 May 25 May 25 May 25 Memorial Day BBQ Memorial Day BBQ Memorial Day BBQ Memorial Day BBQ
May 30 May 30 May 30 May 30 - -- - June 6 June 6 June 6 June 6 Central Bakersfield Central Bakersfield Central Bakersfield Central Bakersfield
June 6 June 6 June 6 June 6 - -- - 13 13 13 13 Westside Bakersfield Westside Bakersfield Westside Bakersfield Westside Bakersfield
June 13 June 13 June 13 June 13 - -- - 20 20 20 20 Modesto Modesto Modesto Modesto
June 20 June 20 June 20 June 20 - -- - 27 27 27 27 Woodward Park Woodward Park Woodward Park Woodward Park
June 27 June 27 June 27 June 27 - -- - July 4 July 4 July 4 July 4 West Visalia West Visalia West Visalia West Visalia
July 4 July 4 July 4 July 4 - -- - 11 11 11 11 Madera Madera Madera Madera
July 11 July 11 July 11 July 11 - -- - 18 18 18 18 Tulare Tulare Tulare Tulare
July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 - -- - 25 25 25 25 Merced Merced Merced Merced
July 25 July 25 July 25 July 25 - -- - August 1 August 1 August 1 August 1 Porterville Porterville Porterville Porterville
August 1 August 1 August 1 August 1 - -- - 8 88 8 Hanford Hanford Hanford Hanford
Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 11- -- -13 13 13 13 Ladies Retreat Ladies Retreat Ladies Retreat Ladies Retreat
Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 Holiday Boutique Holiday Boutique Holiday Boutique Holiday Boutique
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
to Gods to Gods to Gods to Gods
Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain
in the winter!
Winter camps
were treated
to a wonder-
land of white
as God frosted
YBC several
times this
A well-executed camp program is
the great commission being carried outmaking
disciples, baptizing them, and teaching all things.
~Excerpt from article, Four Key Concepts in Camping, Dick Robey,
National Associa tion of Christian Camps,

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