Emile Armand The Individual and Dictatorship.a4
Emile Armand The Individual and Dictatorship.a4
Emile Armand The Individual and Dictatorship.a4
May 21, 2012
mile Armand
Te Individual and Dictatorship
From MAN! October 1935. Trascribed by Curtis Price
Retrieved on March 12
, 2009 from www.marxists.org
mile Armand
Te Individual
and Dictatorship
formations, go down to perdition by the over measure of their dictator-
We know that the State can perpetuate everything it wants to, because
it has behind itself the armed force. Te Soviet-state doesnt in the least
dierentiate itself in this respect from the Fascist one, or from any other
powerful dictatorial State. Te dierentiation lies only in the interests
that they represent. Any kind of forceful dictatorship, any sort of a
stringent built-up State can , when it wants to, atain the same results
as Fascism and Bolshevism. It only needs to have sucient power in its
hands and create an appropriate atmosphere, in order to be enabled to
suppress oppositional interests and strangle the protests of those who
disagree with it.
In the development-history of human beings since the world war,
there has taken place a great change, a complete upturn. Four years, four
terrible continuous years the rulers had no consideration, have not at all
had any consideration with the social unity the individual. Tey didnt
see in the human being anything else than dead material, stockades
who were not able to move themselves without marching routes and
military orders. A few people set in a central bureau and pushed the
masses hither and thither as it suited them best, or as it was demanded by
the interests that they represented. One had to obey, without a murmur,
without a thought, not asking as to the purpose. Tis condition has lef
such deep traces in the average thinking, that one must ask himself as to
whether it is not needed to divide the history in two periods; the period
before and the period afer the war.
Military dictatorships, political dictatorships nancial dictatorships,
social and moral dictatorships for all this heap of suerings and evils
that spread themselves over the world, we have to thank the war. In
Russia, for instance, the stabilizing of production and consumption is
simply being decreed, not matering as to whether it suits to the producer
or consumer or not. In Italy, decrees are issued that force one to be
virtuous and so on..
Where then remains the individual, the person, the I, the social
I know what will be answered to me on this. I know already the
arguments of the Stalins, the Mussolinis and all of that kind. Te State-
citizen, subordinate, the administrative subject yes, but what then does he
want? We are doing for him, for his well-being and security a great mass
of things. Yes, we even make of him an atheist or a religious person;
we make, that his mind should work in the direction of communism
or fascism (just as it has been before proscribed to belong to an existing
state religion); we make out of him a tiny wheel of the great mechanical
mass production, as well as of the state mechanism according to the
demands of our interests. As a reciprocity for this mountain of deeds and
good wills, that we do for him, we only ask a very small considerate thing,
and this is; to renounce his personality and completely give himself over
into our hands.
Herein lies the problem; does it pay to surrender our personality into
the hands of dictators for the benecial deeds of a force-dictatorship
with drums and trays and with ying ags?
If we were animals, herded together in a stockade, then the eating
part would be the only real thing that would interest us, and it would
not be so important as to whether the trough is colored Bolshevik-red or
Fascist-black (taking it for granted that there is at all a trough), whether
the food-distributor carries upon his cap a soviet-star or a fascist insignia
or a swastika, the main thing would be the eating part.
But when one doesnt consider oneself as a stockade-animal, when one
doesnt place the eating above ones determined, self-acknowledged, ever-
developing personality and its traits, then the entire program changes.
Tere arise then dierent questions. For instance, as to whether the
forced stabilizing of the production and of the consumption is as ben-
ecial for the formation of this personality, where the production and
the consumption through individual or various free, comradely unions;
whether the hand-craf or a similar system is not beter suited to build
up the personality than the extreme mechanization and rationalization;
whether a single dwelling place is not more suitable than a dwelling-
armory; whether the shortening of the work time doesnt depend more
upon the quality of the product, or from the disposition of some super-
uous things, than the surpassing of the mechanical mass production;
whether no kind of education at all wouldnt be beter than such an
education that has as its aim the implanting within the mind of the child
a Bolshevistic or fascistic mysticism; whether public activities, as child-
protection, the care of motherhood, etc. could not just as well be created
through mutual associations of the participants (for example, union for
transport, for travel, for correspondence-relationship and so on), than
through the State?
It can very calmly be asserted, that as much as there have disappeared
the superstitions as to the inequality among races and sexes, it was but
a result of the culture-height of the individual, and that there has been
no need for any kind of interference from the State; that the freedom of
custom is a question of personal ethics, an expression of the personal
conception and has nothing to do with the guarantee of the State.
Tus, whereas the outspoken dictatorships or the masked ones de-
clare before the entire world that force is the healing method for all the
evils in society, we say, that only free-willingness can develop strong
Our ideas and conception of life, which we represent only for our-
selves, deserves just as much consideration, as the idea and life concep-
tion of those who force their ideas upon others, without their consent.
We declare, that where there exists a force-reign of society, there is no
free choice and in that event, due to the education as well as to the ad-
ministrative and policing organizations, the results will be a humanity,
a society, an equality of slaves.
Te Soviet Union could have a very simple method to receive the
sympathies of the anarchists. It would have to, within its domain, give
the anarchists an opportunity in an uninterfering way to experiment
their ideas, that means to give them the liberty of expressing and pro-
pagandizing their views, to unite themselves and carry through their
If the Soviet Union should accept this, it would mean giving the op-
portunity, for free competition, for free choice, But the body of authority
lies in that of not allowing such an opportunity. A dictatorship does not
want, that it should be chosen, that it should be compared with another
regime, but has to be accepted. Whether one wants it or not. And one
must not complain, nor speak out. Tere is no more despotic, oppressive
system in the world.
Tere is no doubt that the economic as well as the for political mys-
ticism of bolshevism and fascism there is marked the same fate as the
Catholic mysticism. One nice day they will, as all former imperialistic