Types of Artificial Light Sources

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The passage discusses different types of artificial light sources including incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lights, LEDs, and different types of discharge lamps.

Incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lights, LEDs, mercury vapor lamps, metal halide lamps, high pressure sodium lamps, and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps are discussed.

An incandescent bulb consists of a filament that glows when electricity is passed through it, producing light through heating. Gradually the filament evaporates, blackening and eventually rupturing the bulb.

Types of Artificial Light Sources

An incandescent bulb consists of a filament that glows when

electricity is passed through it.
This lamp consists simply of a tungsten filament inside a gas-
filled, sealed glass envelope as shown in the figure below.
Current passing through the high-resistance filament heats it
to Incandescence, producing light.

Gradual evaporation of the filament causes the familiar blackening of the bulbs and eventual filament rupture and lamp
Incandescent lamps are available in many
bulb and base types and special designs for
particular application.

1. Rough service and vibrations lamps are built to withstand rough handling and continuous vibration, respectively, both of which
conditions are extremely hard on general service lamp filaments. Neither type is intended for general use, and both types have lower
efficacy than a general service lamp.
2. Extended service lamps are designed for 2 SOO hr life and are useful, as mentioned, in locations where maintenance is irregular
and/or relamping is difficult. The lamp is really designed for slightly higher voltage than that at which it is applied, and therefore efficacy
is reduced. So called ''long-Life" lamps, which are guaranteed to burn for two, three, or five years, are lamps designed for much higher
voltages than that at which they operate. Since they normally sell at a high cost and are very in efficient, their use is seldom advisable. In
a cost comparison made of three lamps with 750, 2500, and 1 0,000-hr lives, respectively, including cost of lamps, energy and relamping,
the relative costs per million lumen hours were 1.0, 0.94, and 1.17, respectively.
These are made in "R" and "PAR" shapes (see previous illustrations on bulb shapes) and contain a reflective coating on the inside of the
glass envelope; this gives the entire lamp accurate light beam control. Both types are available in narrow or wide beam design,
commonly called spot and flood, respectively. R lamps are generally made in soft glass envelopes for indoor use, whereas PAR lamps are
hard glass, suitable for exterior application. Also available is a lamp with an elliptical reflector bulb shape. This causes the beam to focus
a few inches in front of the lamp, permitting high-efficiency application in pinhole down lights or deep baffle units where use of ordinary R
lamps causes trapping and loss of the most of the lamp's output.

Since filters had been previously used only in specialized applications such as projection lamps to remove heat from the light beam, are
now available in PAR lamps. The basic filter is a thin film that operates on the interference principle rather than absorption. Thus the
surface remains relatively cool. In one design that is utilized to limit the heat in the light beam, the film is applied to the inside back of the

lamp. It acts by transmitting infrared heat out of the lamp back while reflecting light out the lamp front. (see figure below). Typical
applications are now window displays, over food counters, and in any location where a "cool beam" is desirable. Of course, provision
must be made for removal of the heat from fixture if the lamp is housed.
These lamps, in PAR shape and for 6-V operation, are available in extremely narrow beam spread (5-1 0 } for special precision control
floodlighting. The low voltage makes their application to exterior work simplier.
This gas in lamps in place of the usual nitrogen-argon mixture conducts heat more slowlY from the filament and results in the
approximately 1 0% higher efficacy, longer life, and a smaller envelope. The cost premium for krypton lamps is approximately 50%.
Applications are in long-life lamps to increase efficacy and in exterior spots and floods to increase life and output.
These are basically long-life lamps that are filled with krypton to raise efficacy. These lamps can be substituted for standard lamps for
appreciable savings in energy costs and relamping costs. (see table below). Note that efficacy is still considerably below that of a
standard lamp. The use of krypton-filled lamps increases initial cost and decreases energy cost.
This is a "gas filled tungsten incandescent lamp containing a certain proportion of halogens.'' The halogens are iodine, chlorine, bromine,
and fluorine. Thus the quartz-iodine-tungsten filament lamp is a member of this class. The lamp is basically an incandescent lamp,
producing light and heat from the incandescence of its coiled filament. Unlike the normal inert gas-filled incandescent lamp. the lamp
envelope, which is quartz to withstand high temperature, is filled with an iodine vapor that prevents the evaporation of the tungsten

filament. This evaporation is what normally occurs n the incandescent lamp, resulting in the blackening of the bulb, light output
deterioration, and eventual burnout. The mechanism of the regenerative halogen cycle is shown in the figure below, along with a graphic
comparison of Ught loss between a normal incandescent and a tungsten-halogen lamp. Although the lamp has approximately the same
efficacy as an equivalent normal incandescent, It has the advantages of longer life, low lumen depreciation (98% output at 90% life). and-a
smaMer envelope for a given wattage.
A halogen lamp is a type of incandescent lamp where high-pressure halogen gas is inside the bulb allowing the
filament to burn hotter and longer.

The Fluorescent Lamp Construction

The second major category of light sources is that of electric discharge lamps, of which the fluorescent lamp is the best known and most
widely used type. It has become so popular since its major introduction in 193 7 that it has almost completely supplanted the incandescent
lamp in all fields, except specialty lighting and residential use. The typical fluorescent lamp comprises a cylindrical glass tube sealed at
both ends and containing a mixture of an inert gas, generally argon, and low-pressure mercury vapor. Built into each end is a cathode that
supplies the electrons to start and maintain the mercury ~ r c , or gaseous discharge. The short-wave ultraviolet light, which is produced
by the phosphors with which the inside of the 275 tube is coated and is reradiated in the visible light range. The fluorescent lamp is so
called because its phosphors fluoresce, or radiate light, when exposed to ultraviolet light. The particular mixture of phospors used
governs the spectral quality of the light output.

The original fluorescent lamp was of a preheat design. The circuit utilizes a separate starter, which is a small cylindrical device that plugs
into a preheat fixture. When the lamp circuit is closed, the starter energizes the cathodes; after a 2- to 5- second delay, it initiates a high
voltage arc across the lamp, causing it to start. Most starters are automatic, although in desk lamps the preheating is accomplished by
depressing the start button tor a few seconds and then releasing it. This closes the circuit and allows the heating current to flow; releasing
the button causes the arc to strike. All preheat lamps have bipin bases. They range in wattage from 4 to 90 Wand in length from 6 to 90
inches (0.15 to 2.25 M.l. A typical ordering abbreviation for a preheat lamp would be f15T12WW. This translates: Fluorescent lamp, 1 5W,
tubular-shaped bulb, 12/8-in. diameter (number represents diameter in one eighths of an inch), warm white color see table below). In
large measure preheat lamps have been supplanted by rapid-start and instant-start types.

These are similar in construction to the preheat lamps; the basic difference is in the circuitry. This circuit eliminates the delay inherent in
preheat circuits by keeping the leamp cathodes constantly energized (preheated). When the lamp circuit Is energized, the arc is struck
immediately. No external starter is required. Because of this similarity of operation, rapid start lamps will operate satisfactorily in a
preheat circuit. The reverse is not true, because the preheat requires more current to heat the cathode than the rapid-start ballast

By far the most popular lamp is the 40-W T -1 2 lamp. A standard ordering abbreviation for a lamp would be F40T1 2WW/RS which
indicates fluorescent, 40W, T-1 2 bulb, warm white ~ o l o r , rapid start. Most rapid-start lamps operate at 425 Ma. If this c u r r e n ~ is
increased, the output of the lamp also increases. Two special types of higher output rapid-start lamps are available. One operates at 800
Ma (milliamperes) and is called simply high output (HQ). The second, which operates at 1500 Ma (1 .5 amp). is called by different
manufacturers very high output (VHO), super-high output, or simply 1500-ma, rapid start lamp. There is also a , 500-ma special lamp that
uses what looks like a dented or grooved glass tube. This lamp, called Power Groove by the standard VHO tube. All high-output lamps
use double contact bases and special ballasts

Slimline lamps are the best-known variety of instant-start fluorescent lamps. They use a high-voltage transformer to strike the arc without
any cathode preheating. These lamps have only a single pin at each end that also acts as a switch to break the ballast circuit when the
lamp is removed, thus lessening the shock hazard

The true cold cathode tubes uses a large, thimble-shaped cathode and a high-voltage transformer that literally tears the eleatrons out of
the large cathode to strike the arc. These lamps have a very long life which, in contradistinction to hot cathode lamps, is virtually
unaffected by the number of starts. Cold cathode lamps have a lower overall efficiency than the hot cathode types and are normally used
where long continuous runs are required as in architectural-type lighting rather than in lighting fixtures. Cold cathode lamps are readily
dimmed and also operate well at varying ambient temperatures.
This is dependent on the burning hours per start.

The lumen output of a fluorescent tube decreases rapidly during the first 1 00 hr. of burning and thereafter much more slowly. For this
reason the tabulated initial lumen282 figures represent output after 1 00 hr of burning. Data are also generally published on the lumen
output at 40% of average rated life,

The efficacy of a fluorescent lamp depends on operating current and the phosphors utilized. The figure shown here shows the energy
distribution of a typical fluorescent lamp alone, not including ballast losses. Normally warm white lamps are most efficient, followed
closely by cool white, white, daylight, and colored lamps. Specially colors such as "natural" white, or lamps designated to produce
specific kelvin temperatures, are low in output, with lamp efficacies in the 40 to 50 lpw region. The range of efficacy for standard lamps is
40- to 85 lpw, including ballast losses in the wattage figure. This is important, since discharge lamps are inoperative without ballasts, and
neglecting ballast losses y!elds an artificially high and therefore misleading efficacy.Generally, standard 425-ma lamps are most efficient,
followed by HO 800-ma lamps, then VHO 1 500-ma lamps. Specialty lamps such as reflector and low wattage units are discussed in the
following paragraphs. Ballast losses, which.constitute 5 -12% of lamp wattage, depend on ballast type, circuit, manufacturer, and number
of lamps connected.

The temperature of the t u ~ . which is also an important factor in light output., is affected by the ambient temperature. Maximum
efficiency occurs with the tube operating at a bulb temperature of 100 to 200 f, with output reduction above and below these values.

Voltage either above or below rating adversely affect life, unlike the effect of low voltage on the incandescent lamp. The results of
operation at other than rated voltage are shown graphically in this figure. Normal operating voltage range for ballasts is 1 10 to 125 V
otl12Q-V circuits, 200 to 215 V on 208-V circuits, and 250 to 290 V on 277-V circuits.
Dimming and low-output operation are accomplished by the use of special one-and two-lamp ballasts, with appropriate controls in the
case of dimming. Smooth dimming control down to 1 % output is possible with solid-state electronic dimming, with the lamp starting at
any level. When specifying dimming equipment. care shou!d be exercised to select high-quality SCR controls, so as to avoid causing
radio frequency interference (RFII. The cost of dimming equipment is very high and is only justified when smooth changes and unlimited
choice of light level are mandatory. Where it is desired simply to be able to reduce the lighting level, as in classrooms, lecture halls, or
multipurpose areas, two-and three level ballasts are available for one or two 40-W, 48-in RS lamps.

Auorescent lamps are large and therefore necessitates a relatively expensive fixture both to hold the lamps and control the light - since
the tubes emit light throughout their considerable length, accurate beam control is not possible, making fluorescent units best applicable
to area lighting. The advantage of fluorescent lamps are long life, low cost, high output and efficacy, availability in an extremely wide
range of sizes, colors, and brightnesses, and relative insensitivity to voltage fluctuation (im- portant in brownout areas). Disadvantages
are large size, which creates storage, handling, and relamping problems, and the fixture situation previously referred to.

Neon vapor lamps consist of exhausted glass tubes filled with neon gas that is ionized and conducts an electric current through the tube. A
high voltage is required because of the large voltage drop at the cathode; consequently, a transformer is a necessary part of the
equipment. A step up from 115 to 6000 or 10,000 V may be required. Neon light has a pink to dark red color, depending on the gas
pressure. The tubes are commonly used in street, window and indoor signs. Different colors may be obtained by using mixtures of the
two, or by using colored glass tubing.

These lamps have inherently high efficacy and, with appropriate color correction, can be utilized in any application, indoor or outdoor,
that does not have critical color criteria.

These lamps operate by passing an arc through a high-pressure mercury vapor conti'lined in an arc tube made of quartz or glass.

This is basically a mercury lamp that has been altered by the addition to the arc-tube of halides of metals such as thallium, indium, or
sodium. The addition of these salts causes light to be radiated at frequencies other than the basic mercury colors and increases ef ficacy,
but reduces the life and reduces lumen maintenance to 60% at two-thirds life. The color produced is much warmer than that of the
mercury light. Clear lamps are recommended for exterior use and phosphor-coated units for all indoor application in- cluding food

This technology passes electricity through a gas, which excites the gas and causes it to glow. Fluorescent, high-intensity discharge lights
(HID) and low-pressure sodium lights use this technology. HID lamps use different gases to produce light:
Mercury Vapor
Metal Halide
High Pressure Sodium
Metal Halide Fluorescent Tube Compact Fluorescent Light

These types of lights require a ballast, which is a device that
starts the lamp and regulates its operation.

LEDs are the newest type of artificial light and were born out of
the electronics and computer industry. An LED is a tiny
electronic device that emits light.

LEDs use semi-conductors to convert electrical energy
directly into light. They are only recently becoming
available as a light source for lighting purposes, and are
highly efficient and long lasting.

LED torches are becoming very popular, as they provide a
far longer battery life than other types of light source.

Discharge lamps work by striking an electrical arc between two electrodes, causing a filler
gas to give off light.

Different metals and filler gasses can be used to provide a range of colour and brightness.

Discharge lamps provide high luminous efficacy combined with long life, resulting in the most
economical light source available

The gas discharge lamps have three types as follows:

Low-pressure lamps have working pressure much less than atmospheric pressure. For
example common fluorescent lamps operate at a pressure of about 0.3% of atmospheric

- Compact fluorescent lamp,

- Fluorescent lamps,

- Low pressure sodium lamps: the most efficient gas-discharge lamp type, producing up to 200 lumens per watt, but at the expense of very
poor color rendering. The almost monochromatic yellow light is only acceptable for street lighting and similar applications.

High-pressure lamps have a discharge that takes place in gas under slightly less to greater than atmospheric pressure. For example, a
high pressure sodium lamp has an arc tube under 100 to 200 torr pressure, about 14% to 28% of atmospheric pressure; some automotive
HID headlamps have up to 50 bar or fifty times atmospheric pressure.

- Metal halide lamps: These lamps produce almost white light, and attain 100 lumen per watt light output. Applications include indoor
lighting of high buildings, parking lots, shops, sport terrains.

- High pressure sodium lamps: producing up to 150 lumens per watt. These lamps produce a broader light spectrum than the low
pressure sodium lamps. Also used for street lighting, and for artificial photoassimilation for growing plants

- High pressure mercury-vapor lamps: This lamp type is the oldest high pressure lamp type, being replaced in most applications by the
metal halide lamp and the high pressure sodium lamp.

A high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp is a type of electrical lamp which produces light by means of an electric arc between tungsten
electrodes housed inside a translucent or transparent fused quartz or fused alumina arc tube. Compared to other lamp types, relatively
high arc power exists for the arc length. Examples of HID lamps include:
Mercury-vapor lamps.
Metal halide lamps.
Ceramic discharge metal halide lamps.
Sodium vapor lamps.
Xenon arc lamps.
Ultra-High Performance (UHP).
HID lamps are typically used when high levels of light and energy efficiency are desired.

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