Basics of Computer

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Choose startProgramsAccessoriesNotepad
Or choose startRunNotepad(type)Press Enter
Operations on Notepad
To create a new document choose FileNew
To open an eisting document choose FileOpen
To sa!e a new document choose File"a!eAs
To sa!e an eisting document choose File"a!e
To change the page setup choose FilePage "etup
To ta#e a printout choose FilePrint
To close the document choose FileEit
To per$orm undo% cut% copy% paste choose the appropriate options $rom Edit
To $ind and replace a word% choose Replace $rom Edit menu&
To select the whole document choose Edit"electAll
To insert the current date and time% choose EditTime'(ate
To change the $onts choose FormatFont
Choose startProgramsAccessories)ordpad
Or choose startRun)ordpad(type)Press Enter
Operations on Wordpad
To create a new document choose FileNew
To open an eisting document choose FileOpen
To sa!e a new document choose File"a!eAs
To sa!e an eisting document choose File"a!e
To change the page setup choose FilePage "etup
To ta#e a printout choose FilePrint
To close the document choose FileEit
To per$orm undo% cut% copy% paste choose the appropriate options $rom Edit
To $ind and replace a word% choose Replace $rom Edit menu&
To select the whole document choose Edit"electAll
To insert the current date and time% choose +nsert(ate and Time&
To change the $onts choose FormatFont
To insert the ,ulleted list choose Format ,ullet "tyle
To change the paragraph $ormatting choose FormatParagraph&
To open command prompt do any one o$ the $ollowing
Choose "tartRun and type cmd and press Enter
Choose "tartProgramsAccessoriesCommand Prompt&
To change directory type cd
To come 0ac# to eisting directory one step 0ehind type cd&&
To come 0ac# to start o$ the dri!e type cd'
To ma#e a new directory type md
To delete a $ile type del -$
To change the system date type date
To change the system time type time
To create a new directory do the $ollowing
1& Right clic# on empty place
*& Choose newFolder
1& 2i!e the name $or the $older
3& Press enter
4& To rename a $older
5& Right clic# on the $older
6& Choose rename
7& (elete the eisting name 0y pressing delete #ey on #ey0oard
8& 2i!e the new name $or the $older
19& Press enter
11& To copy or cut a $ile or $older $rom one place to another% do the $ollowing
1*& "elect the $ile or $older that we want to cut or copy
11& Right clic# on that particular $ile or $older
13& Choose cut or copy appropriately
14& Right clic# on the destination place
15& Choose paste
16& To delete a $ile or $older
17& "elect the appropriate $ile or $older
18& Press the delete #ey on the #ey0oard&
*9& To arrange icons o$ a particular $older or dri!e 0y name% si:e% date% type
right clic# on that particular $older or dri!e and choose Arrange +cons&
To wor# on paint choose "tartProgramsAccessoriesPaint
"elect the appropriate action 0utton $or paint li#e pencil% color% eraser etc&&%
and ma#e a painting
"a!e the document
Close the document
To wor# on calculator choose "tartProgramsAccessoriesCalculator
Per$orm the necessary calculations and close it&
Choose "tartPrograms+nternet Eplorer
Type the we0site name on the address 0ar&
Press enter&
For e% to !isit the google we0site type http;''www&google&com on the
address 0ar and press enter&
Clic# on the lin#s that you want to access&
<isit the mail we0site that you ha!e an account or the we0site that you are
loo#ing to create an account&
For e% i$ you ha!e account on yahoo% type http;''www&mail&yahoo&com on
the address 0ar and press enter&
+$ you are an eisting user% gi!e the user name and password and su0mit&
+$ you are a new user% create your own account 0y pressing on the signup
To send a mail% do the $ollowing
Clic# on compose lin#
2i!e to address% su0=ect and message you want to send
>ou can separate the two email address 0y using comma (%)
Then clic# on send&
To attach a $ile with a mail% do the $ollowing
Clic# on compose lin#
2i!e to address% su0=ect and message you want to send
>ou can separate the two email address 0y using comma (%)
Clic# on attach $iles option
Clic# on 0rowse
Choose the $ile that you want to attach
>ou can attach more than one $iles% 0ut the si:e was limited according to
the we0site you ha!e an account
Then again clic# on attach $iles
Then clic# on send&
To read a mail% do the $ollowing
Clic# on in0o
Clic# on the su0=ect o$ the mail that you want to read&
To download a document $rom a mail% do the $ollowing
Clic# on in0o
Clic# on the su0=ect o$ the mail that you want to read&
>ou can see a lin# $or the document that you are loo#ing $orward $or
Clic# on that lin#
Clic# on download
Choose the destination $older
Clic# on o#
Enterin" Te#t
The 0lan# editing area is where you type tet to create a new document& O$
course% )ord supports more than =ust tet 0ecause you can add graphics and e!en
)e0 page elements to a )ord document&
Se$e%tin" Te#t
To Select
An& te#t Clic# the mouse on the $irst character o$ the tet and drag the mouse
to the last character&
A sin"$e 'ord(ou0le.clic# anywhere on the word&
A senten%ePress Ctrl and clic# anywhere within the sentence&
A $ineClic# the white margin area at the le$t o$ the line&
A para"rap((ou0le.clic# the white margin area at the le$t o$ the paragraph% or
triple.clic# anywhere inside the paragraph?s tet&
T(e entire do%)*entPress Ctrl and clic# the white margin area at the le$t o$ the
document?s tet&
Na+i"atin" Word Do%)*ents
@se the $our arrow #eys to mo!e the insertion point within the current
editing area&
Clic# the scroll0ars to scroll through the display until you !iew the tet you
Clic# your mouse pointer anywhere inside the editing area to set the
insertion point in that location& +$ you type more tet than $its in the editing
area% use the scroll0arsA arrow #eysA and Page@p% Page(own% CtrlBCome%
and CtrlBEnd #eys to scroll to the portions o$ tet that you want to see&
Find & Replace
Use Word to change all instances of McDonald to MacDonald by
following these steps:
1. Select Edit, Replace or press Ctrl+H. Word displays the ind and
Replace dialog bo! with the Replace tab displayed.
". #ype McDonald in the ind What te!t bo!.
$. %ress #ab to &o'e the insertion point to the Replace with te!t
(. #ype the replace&ent te!t )in this case, MacDonald *.
+. ,f yo- want Word to replace all occ-rrences of the te!t, clic. the
Replace /ll b-tton. /fter Word 0nishes replacing all the
occ-rrences, it indicates how &any replace&ents were &ade in a
&essage bo!. ,f yo- want to replace only one or a few of the
occ-rrences )for e!a&ple, there &ight be another person with
the na&e 1c2onald in the b-siness plan whose na&e is spelled
that way*, clic. the ind 3e!t b-tton again. Upon 0nding a
&atch, Word selects the te!t and gi'es yo- a chance to replace
it. #o s.ip an occ-rrence, clic. ind 3e!t rather than Replace after
a &atch is fo-nd that yo- want to ignore.
4. %ress Esc or clic. Cancel when yo- are 0nished.
C(an"in" Fonts
To apply a $ont using the Font dialog 0o% $ollow these steps;
1& "elect the tet you want to change&
*& Choose Format% Font or press CtrlB( to display the Font dialog 0o
1& Clic# the Font ta0 i$ it isn?t already in $ront&
3& "croll through the Font list and clic# the $onts that you?re interested in to
see what they loo# li#e in the Pre!iew area at the 0ottom o$ the dialog 0o&
(This is the same list as the one in the Font list in the Formatting tool0ar&)
4& )hen you $ind the $ont that you want to use% select it and clic# OD& The
new $ont is applied to your selected tet&
Pa"e For*attin"
To change the margins using the Page "etup dialog 0o% $ollow these steps;
1& Choose File% Page "etup to display the Page "etup dialog 0o
*& Clic# the Eargins ta0 i$ it isn?t already in $ront
1& The !alue in the Top tet 0o is highlighted& +$ you want to change the top
margin% type a new !alue in inches to replace the selected !alue (you don?t
ha!e to type the inch mar#)& Press the Ta0 #ey to mo!e to the ,ottom% Fe$t%
or Right tet 0o% and type new !alues $or any o$ these margins& (>ou can
also use the spinner arrows to the right o$ any o$ these tet 0oes to
increment the margins 1'19 inch at a time&)
3& Clic# the OD 0utton&
Eicroso$t Ecel is a spreadsheet program that?s designed to record and analy:e
num0ers and data& Ecel ta#es the place o$ a calculator% a ruled ledger pad%
pencils and pens% and a green eyeshade& The program ma#es it easy $or you to
=uggle num0ers% $ormulas% and tet& Ecel?s ad!anced pu0lishing tools ena0le
you to present your wor# in a polished% pro$essional.loo#ing $ormat&
Title 0arG The 0ar at the top o$ the Ecel screen displays the program and
the name o$ the $ile you?re wor#ing on&
Eenu 0arG Clic# any menu name to display a list o$ a!aila0le Ecel
commands that relate to the tas# you?re per$orming&
Answer a Huestion 0oG >ou use this 0o to get help on how to per$orm
an Ecel tas# or learn more a0out an Ecel $eature&
Tool0arsG Ecel contains many tool0ars with 0uttons to help you access a
program $eature& Cold your mouse pointer o!er a 0utton to $ind out what
the 0utton does& (>ou learn more a0out wor#ing with tool0ars later in this
Name 0o G (isplays the address o$ the cell or range that?s currently
Formula 0arG >ou use this area to enter Ecel $ormulas and $unctions% or
to edit the contents o$ a cell&
"croll0arsG ,oth the hori:ontal and !ertical scroll0ars ena0le you to !iew
di$$erent portions o$ the wor#sheet&
"heet ta0sG Clic# a ta0 to mo!e to another wor#sheet in the wor#0oo#&
Einimi:e 0uttonG Clic# the Einimi:e 0utton to shrin# Ecel to a 0utton
on the )indows tas#0ar&
Eaimi:e'RestoreG The Eaimi:e'Restore 0utton enlarges Ecel to a $ull.
screen !iew or restores it $rom $ull.screen to its original si:e&
Close 0uttonG The Close 0utton closes Ecel and any Ecel documents
that are open on your computer&
"tatus 0arG The 0ar at the 0ottom o$ the screen tells you what?s going on in
the program& For eample% i$ you?re sa!ing a $ile% the status 0ar indicates
that the $ile is 0eing sa!ed& The 0ar also lets you #now whether the
$ollowing #ey0oard $eatures are turned on; Num Foc# (N@E)% Caps Foc#
(CAP")% or "croll Foc# ("CRF)&
S(ort%)t -e&s
Press T(ese Ke&s To Mo+e To
Enter One cell down or to the net cell in
Press T(ese Ke&s To Mo+e To
"hi$tBTa0 One cell to the le$t
"hi$tBEnter One cell up
@p Arrow% (own Arrow% Right Arrow%
Fe$t Arrow
One cell in the direction o$ the arrow
CtrlBRight Arrow or CtrlBFe$t Arrow To the right or le$t end o$ a row that
contains data
CtrlB@p Arrow or CtrlB(own Arrow To the top or 0ottom o$ a column that
contains data
Come To the $irst cell in the row
CtrlBCome To the $irst cell in the wor#sheet
CtrlBEnd To the lower.right cell in the wor#sheet
Page @p @p one screen
Page (own (own one screen
AltBPage @p Fe$t one screen
AltBPage (own Right one screen
CtrlBPage @p To pre!ious sheet
CtrlBPage (own To Net sheet
F4 or CtrlB2 Opens the 2o To dialog 0o
Creatin" a Ne' S$ide
There are three ways to add a new slide to your presentation;
On the main menu% select +nsert% "lide
Clic# the New "lide icon a0o!e the tas# pane
Press ctrlBE
Assi"nin" desi"ns and %o$or s%(e*es
,ac#grounds are the easiest way to change the loo# o$ a slide and they can 0e
applied without opening a tas# pane& To change the 0ac#ground o$ one or more
slides in Normal !iew% select Format% ,ac#ground& +$ ,ac#ground isn?t
immediately a!aila0le% clic# the drop.down arrow on the menu
Co$or s%(e*es
Color schemes ta#e 0ac#grounds a step $urther 0y integrating the color
and'or $ill e$$ects with preset colors that you can choose $or other elements
in your slide&
To wor# with color schemes% you must open the "lide (esign tas# pane&
>ou can do this 0y selecting Format% "lide (esign or clic#ing the (esign
0utton on the Formatting tool0ar
+n the "lide (esign tas# pane% the $irst set o$ options will pre!iew complete
slide design templates
Desi"n te*p$ates
To access the (esign 2allery;
1& Clic# (esign Templates at the top o$ the "lide (esign tas# pane&
*& "croll through the (esign 2allery to $ind a design you li#e&
1& Eo!e your mouse o!er it to get the drop.down arrow&
3& Clic# the arrow $or apply menu options&
4& Apply the (esign Template to all slides or the selected slide
App$&in" s$ide transitions
Clic# the Transition 0utton on the "lide "orter tool0ar& )e are ha!ing the
$ollowing options
Change the speed $rom $ast (de$ault) to medium or slow
Add a sound to your transitions to dri!e your audience 0erser#
Change the de$ault ad!ance on mouse clic# to a multi.second delay (to
create an automatic slideshow)
Apply to Easter (apply this transition to all slides with the same
0ac#ground designGwe?ll co!er masters in the net hour)
Apply to all slides
PlayG )atch a pre!iew o$ the transitions in the selected slide(s) within
"lide "orter !iew
"lide "howG ,egin the $ull screen presentation $rom the selected slide

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