Stroke Rehabilitation

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The document discusses evidence supporting rehabilitation in stroke units or with early supported discharge teams. It also discusses various interventions for improving aspects of motor function, gait, activities of daily living and cognitive abilities after stroke.

The document discusses principles of rehabilitation practice, systems of care for stroke patients, and specific interventions. It emphasizes evidence from randomized trials and systematic reviews to assess rehabilitation interventions.

The document discusses that potentially beneficial interventions for motor recovery of the arm include constraint-induced movement therapy and robotics. It also mentions interventions that could improve aspects of gait such as fitness training, high-intensity therapy, and repetitive-task training.

Series Vol 377 May 14, 2011 1693

Lancet 2011; 377: 1693702
See Editorial page 1625
See World Report page 1639
This is the second in a Series of
two papers about stroke care
Academic Section of Geriatric
Medicine, Institute of
Cardiovascular and Medical
Sciences, University of Glasgow,
Royal Inrmary, Glasgow, UK
(Prof P Langhorne PhD); Stroke
Division, Florey Neuroscience
Institutes, Melbourne, VIC,
Australia (Prof J Bernhardt PhD);
La Trobe University, Bundoora,
VIC, Australia (J Bernhardt);
Department of Rehabilitation
Medicine, Research Institute
MOVE, VU University Medical
Centre, Amsterdam,
Netherlands (G Kwakkel PhD);
and Rudolf Magnus Institute,
University Medical Centre
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
(G Kwakkel)
Correspondence to:
Prof Peter Langhorne, Academic
Section of Geriatric Medicine,
Institute of Cardiovascular
and Medical Sciences, Level 4,
Walton Building, Royal Inrmary,
Glasgow G4 0SF, UK
Stroke Care 2
Stroke rehabilitation
Peter Langhorne, Julie Bernhardt, Gert Kwakkel
Stroke is a common, serious, and disabling global health-care problem, and rehabilitation is a major part of patient
care. There is evidence to support rehabilitation in well coordinated multidisciplinary stroke units or through
provision of early supported provision of discharge teams. Potentially benecial treatment options for motor recovery
of the arm include constraint-induced movement therapy and robotics. Promising interventions that could be
benecial to improve aspects of gait include tness training, high-intensity therapy, and repetitive-task training.
Repetitive-task training might also improve transfer functions. Occupational therapy can improve activities of daily
living; however, information about the clinical eect of various strategies of cognitive rehabilitation and strategies for
aphasia and dysarthria is scarce. Several large trials of rehabilitation practice and of novel therapies (eg, stem-cell
therapy, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, virtual reality, robotic therapies, and drug augmentation) are
underway to inform future practice.
Stroke is a global health-care problem that is common,
serious, and disabling.
In most countries, stroke is the
second or third most common cause of death and one of
the main causes of acquired adult disability.
most patients with stroke will survive the initial illness,
the greatest health eect is usually caused by the long-
term consequences for patients and their families. The
prevalence of stroke-related burden is expected to
increase over the next two decades. Although impressive
developments have been made in the medical
management of stroke, without a widely applicable or
eective medical treatment most post-stroke care will
continue to rely on rehabilitation interventions.
In this Review, we focus mainly on the evidence
underlying stroke rehabilitation, including the principles
of rehabilitation practice, systems of care, and specic
interventions. We also discuss the eects of interventions
for stroke-related impairment and disability. Questions
about these issues are the most common ones that are
posed by clinicians.
Most research of stroke rehabilitation
has been about the eect of interventions on recovery in
dierent forms of impairment and disability. Our
emphasis on randomised trials and systematic reviews is
particularly important in stroke, for which variable and
spontaneous recovery is an important confounder of
rehabilitation interventions in observational studies in
the rst 3 months after stroke.
Classication of the eect of stroke
Disabling disorders such as stroke can be classied
within WHOs international classication of function,
disability, and health,
which provides a framework for
the eect of stroke on the individual (gure 1) in terms of
pathology (disease or diagnosis), impairment (symptoms
and signs), activity limitations (disability), and partici-
pation restriction (handicap).
Stroke recovery is heterogeneous in its nature. The
long-term eect of stroke is determined by the site and
size of the initial stroke lesion and by the extent of
subsequent recovery (gure 2). Recovery is a complex
process that probably occurs through a combination of
spontaneous and learning-dependent processes, includ-
ing restitution (restoring the functionality of damaged
neural tissue), substitution (reorganisation of partly-
spared neural pathways to relearn lost functions), and
compensation (improvement of the disparity between
the impaired skills of a patient and the demands of
their environment).
Although patient outcome is
hetero geneous and individual recovery patterns dier,
several cohort studies
suggest that recovery of body
functions and activities is predictable in the rst days
after stroke.
Search strategy and selection criteria
We searched the Cochrane Library from rst publication to
October, 2010, with the search terms stroke and
rehabilitation and various topic-specic terms. We also
searched the Cochrane Stroke Group section of the Cochrane
Library, which contains more than 137 reviews and protocols
(reviews under development) of which 39 completed reviews
and 13 protocols were directly relevant to this Review. If a
Cochrane systematic review was identied that fully covered
the intervention of interest, further searches were not done.
If the review identied did not cover all topics of interest,
further searches were done with the Database of Abstracts of
Reviews of Eectiveness. In addition to seeking systematic
reviews and randomised trials, we also sought to access the
most up-to-date recommendations from clinical practice
guidelines because such guidelines show a more consensual
analysis of the evidence. We specically sought guidelines
that have been published in the past 2 years from the UK,
USA, Australia, and Europe. We used the evidenced-based
review of stroke rehabilitation website to cross-reference our
ndings with current evidence to ensure that no major topics
were overlooked.
For the stroke rehabilitation
website see
1694 Vol 377 May 14, 2011
Figure 1: The international classication of function, disability, and health framework for the eect of stroke on an individual
This gure summarises key features of WHOs international classication of function, disability, and health model;
the most relevant categories aected after stroke; and examples of measurement
scales used in those categories. ADL=activities of daily living.
Ischaemic stroke (about 80%)
Syndrome classied according to
the Oxfordshire Community
Stroke Project classication
Haemorrhagic stroke (about 15%)
Intracerebral (about 10%)
Subarachnoid (about 5%)
Not otherwise specied (about 5%)
Most relevant body functions aected
Consciousness orientation and intellectual
Temperament and personality
Energy and drive
Sleep, attention, and memory
Psychomotor and perceptual
Cognitive and seeing
Proprioception and touch
Voice and articulation
Ingestion, defecation, urinary, and sexual
Mobility and stability of joints
Muscle power, tone, and reexes
Muscle endurance
Control of (in)voluntary movement
Gait pattern functions
Most relevant structures aected
Cardiovascular system
Leg and arm
Shoulder region
Most relevant activities aected
Communicating with and speaking
Reading, writing, and calculating
Solving problems
Undertake single and multiple tasks
Transferring oneself
Maintaining body position
Moving around, driving, and transportation
Washing and self-care
Hand and arm use
Eating and drinking
Preparation of meals
Use of transportation
Recreation and leisure
Doing housework
Most relevant restrictions in
Acquisition of goods and services
Doing housework
Preparation of meals
Basic interpersonal
Recreation and leisure activities
Remunerative employment
Participation (handicap)
Frenchay activities index
Nottingham extended activities of
daily living
Nottingham health prole
General health questionnaire
Stroke impact prole (stroke
adapted version)
Medical outcome study short form 36
Stroke-specic quality of life
Most common aected contextual
factors (environmental and personal)
Technology and products for personal use
Health professionals
Health services, system, and policies
Products or substances for personal
House services, systems, and policies
Support and relationships
Contextual factors
Caregiver strain index
Family assessment device
Activity (disability)
Global ADL-scales
Barthel index
Functional independence measure
Frenchay activities index
(modied) Rankin scale
Other scales used by the stroke team
Trunk control test
Timed up-and-go
Berg balance scale
Rivermead mobility index
5 or 10 metre gait speed
2 or 6 minute walk test
Stair climbing test
Frenchay arm test
Action research arm test
Wolf motor function test
Toronto bed-side swallowing
screening test
American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association functional assessment of
communication skills
Body structure (impairments)
Neurological scales
Glasgow coma scale
Mini mental state examination
National Institutes of Health stroke scale
Scandinavian stroke scale
Canadian neurological scale
Other scales used by the stroke team
Cumulative illness rating scale
Bells and star cancellation tests
Western aphasia battery
Ontario Society of Occupation Therapists
perceptual evaluation
Medical Research Council
Motricity index of arm and leg
Fugl-Meyer motor assessment
Motor assessment scale
Fatigue severity scale
Hospital anxiety and depression scale
Hamilton rating scale for depression
Cambridge cognition examination

CT or MRI scan (with or without
History from patient and family
Clinical examination
Fundoscopic examination
Blood analysis (including















Body function and
Contextual factors
Environmental factors Personal factors
Series Vol 377 May 14, 2011 1695
Rehabilitation after stroke
In this Review we use a broad denition of rehabilitation,
including stroke-care interventions, which are selected
after a problem-solving process that aims to reduce the
disability and handicap resulting from a stroke.
Stroke rehabilitation typically entails a cyclical
involving: (1) assessment, to identify and
quantify the patients needs; (2) goal setting, to dene
realistic and attainable goals for improvement;
(3) intervention, to assist in the achievement of goals;
and (4) reassessment, to assess progress against agreed
goals. The most widely recognised impairment caused
by stroke is motor impairment, which restricts function
in muscle movement or mobility.
Other common
impairments include those of speech and language,
swallowing, vision, sensation, and cognition. Although
there seems to be a moderate non-linear relation
between impairment and function, particularly for
motor impairment,
evidence of impairment-focused
therapies enhancing true neuro logical repair in the
human brain is still scarce. By contrast, strong evidence
shows that task-oriented training can assist the natural
pattern of functional recovery, which supports the view
that functional recovery is driven mainly by adaptive
strategies that compensate for impaired body
Therefore, most rehab ilitation inter-
ventions seem to work best at the level to which they
are targeted (panel 1).
Challenges in evidence-based stroke
Stroke rehabilitation presents specic challenges for
research and for the application of evidence-based
practice. First, although learning of skills and theories
of motor control are crucial to many rehabilitation inter-
the neurophysiology underpinning stroke
rehabilitation is often poorly established. Second, inter-
ventions tend to be complex and contain several
interrelated components.
Third, treatments might
target several dierent problems from relieving very
specic impairments to improving activity and
Interventions can occur at dierent
points on a continuum of complexity ranging between
highly complex treatments (panel 2) and specic
treatments (panel 3).
Highly complex treatments include interventions that
are provided by more than one individual or by a single
operator (eg, a therapist or nurse). They comprise either
a complex package of treatment (eg, rehabilitation teams),
which is tailored to suit individual problems, or other
rehabilitation principles, such as goal setting. Specic
treatments comprise the assessment of individual
reproducible interventions, which are usually targeted at
specic stroke-related impairmentseg, constraint-
induced movement therapy and treadmill gait-retraining
for walking. Although these treatments are not simple,
they can be regarded as less complex.
Principles of stroke rehabilitation
Several general principles underpin the process of stroke
rehabilitation, and some have been studied in randomised
trials and systematic reviews. Substantial evidence
supports multidisciplinary team care as the basis for
delivery of stroke rehabilitation.
Research of integrated
care pathways is limited by few randomised trials,
suggesting that such formal pathways might be no more
eective than care from a well-functioning multi-
disciplinary team.
Good rehabilitation outcome seems
to be strongly associated with high patient (and family)
motivation and engagement. Setting goals that replicate
the specic rehabilitation aims of an individual might
improve outcome. Although no extensive published work
yet exists for goal setting in stroke,
research for other
disorders is more widespread.
Task-specic and context-specic training are well
accepted principles in motor learning, which suggests
that training should target the goals that are relevant for
the needs of patients. Additionally, training should be
given preferably in the patients own environment (or
context). Both learning rules are supported by various
systematic reviews, which indicate that the eects of
specic interventions generalise poorly to related tasks
that are not directly trained in the programme.
Several systematic reviews have explored whether high-
intensity therapy improves recovery.
Although there
are no clear guidelines for best levels of practice, the
principle that increased intensive training is helpful is
widely accepted.
Agreement is widespread that
Figure 2: Hypothetical pattern of recovery after stroke with timing of intervention strategies
Colour coding of the intervention strategies matches the coding in gure 1.
0 Days Weeks Month 3 months 6 months





Spontaneous neurological recovery
Hours: medical
Hoursdays: early mobilisation
Daysweeks: restoring impairments in order to regain activities
Daysmonths: task-oriented practice with adaptive learning and compensation strategies
Daysmonths: specic rehabilitation interventions (including physical tness) to improve
extended activities of daily living and social interaction
Weeksmonths: environmental adaptations and services at home
Monthsyears: maintenance of physical condition and
monitoring quality of life
1696 Vol 377 May 14, 2011
rehabilitation should begin as soon as possible after
and clinical trials of early commenced mobility
and speech interventions are underway. Recovery can
continue for months or years after strokewell beyond
the formal rehabilitation period. How best to support
survivors once they stop accessing formal services is of
great importance. A systematic review
of education
programmes for self-management in a general population
has shown positive benets, but no stroke-specic
reviews were identied.
Complex systems of care
Organised inpatient (stroke-unit) care
Panel 2 summarises evidence for complex rehabilitation
interventions. Stroke rehabilitation occurs in specic
systems of care many of which have been assessed in
randomised trials and systematic reviews to form
the basis of service planning. A package of rehabilitation
in an organised multidisciplinary stroke unit results
in more patients surviving, returning home, and
regaining independence in daily activities than does
rehabilitation in general wards. Good descriptions
indicate which features of these services seem to be
including the presence of a multidisciplin ary
team (medical, nursing and physio therapy, occu pational
therapy, speech therapy, and social-work sta) who
coordinate their work through regular meetings. Patients
with stroke of varying ages and severity of symptoms
seem to benet from care in the stroke unit.
Meetings with multidisciplinary teams introduce the
patients to the team and provide a forum for
multidisciplinary assessment, identication of problems,
Principles of rehabilitation
Goal setting: establishment of specic, measurable, and
time-dependent recovery goals to guide management.
High-intensity practice: increased therapy or intervention.
Multidisciplinary team care: a team of medical, nursing,
therapy, and social-work sta who provide rehabilitation
input and coordinate their work with regular meetings.
Task-specic training: rehabilitation approaches where
specic functional tasks are practised repeatedly.
Complex rehabilitation interventions
Cognitive rehabilitation interventions: interventions
addressing cognitive impairments (usually provided by
occupational therapists or clinical psychologists).
Early supported discharge service: service that aims to allow
for an early hospital discharge and for the provision of
multidisciplinary rehabilitation at home.
Integrated-care pathways: formal documented care plan to
promote coordinated and e cient interdisciplinary
patient care.
Multidisciplinary stroke unit: hospital ward in which
patients with stroke are looked after by a specialist
multidisciplinary stroke team who coordinate their work
through regular meetings.
Outpatient rehabilitation service: rehabilitation service
provided through a clinic, day hospital, or in patients
homes to patients who live at home.
Occupational therapy interventions: interventions provided
by occupational therapists (usually aimed at improving
activities of daily living, occupation, and leisure activity).
Physiotherapy interventions: interventions provided by
physiotherapists (usually aimed at balance, gait, and
Interventions for speech and language therapy:
interventions provided by speech and language therapists
(usually aimed at improving language, communication, or
swallowing abilities).
Services with stroke liaison workers: a multifaceted
service, which is usually provided by a health-care or
social-care worker typically including more than one of
social support, education, and information provision and
liaison with other services.
Therapy-based rehabilitation service: service provided by
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, or
multidisciplinary team containing those disciplines.
Specic rehabilitation treatments
Ankle-foot orthosis: device to reposition and support a foot
that is aected by neuromuscular impairment, such as
foot drop.
Behavioural therapies for urinary incontinence: behavioural
interventions (eg, timed voiding and training for pelvic-oor
muscles) to reduce the severity of urinary incontinence.
Bilateral arm training: training involving use of both arms
for identical activities in a simultaneous but independent
Biofeedbackforce and position feedback: special force
sensors on a force platform can measure the weight under
each foot and the centre of pressure of the body.
Information (feedback) about the weight distribution
between the legs and the centre of pressure can be provided
to the patient with visual or auditory feedback.
Constraint-induced movement therapy: involves many
repetitions of task-specic training of the aected limb with
restraint of the unaected limb.
Electromyographic biofeedback: the use of external
electrodes that are applied to muscles to capture electrical
potentials of motor units. Instrumentation converts the
recorded potentials into visual or auditory information.
Electromechanical-assisted gait training:
electromechanical devices (eg, robot-driven orthoses,
driven foot plates) are used to give non-ambulant patients
intensive gait training.
(Continues on next page)
Panel 1: Description of rehabilitation terminology
Series Vol 377 May 14, 2011 1697
establishment of short-term and long-term rehabilitation
goals, and decision making. Stroke units usually have a
programme of ongoing education and training and
typically include early involvement of carers in the
rehabilitation process.
Early supported discharge teams
In the past 15 years, clinical trials have explored whether
the discharge of patients with stroke from hospital can
be accelerated and an equivalent programme of
rehabilitation provided in their home settingsearly
supported discharge. Such services have resulted in
patients returning home earlier with a reduced need for
long-term institutional care and an increased likelihood
of regaining independence in daily activities.
suggests that these services should be provided by
skilled multidisciplinary teams whose work is
coordinated by regular meetings.
Services seem to be
most eective for a subgroup of patients with mild to
moderate disability;
however, eective implement-
ation of early supported discharge services is
complicated because of their potential interaction with
existing services.
Therapy-based rehabilitation at home
Therapy from a physiotherapist, occupational therapist,
or multidisciplinary team in patients with stroke who live
at home could prevent deterioration in activities of daily
although the absolute eect was modest. There
was no clear information on the optimum intensity of
such an intervention. Trials of occupational therapy have
made the greatest contribution to this analysis. Findings
from a meta-analysis
showed that occupational therapy
services at home that were delivered within 1 year of
stroke improved both activities of daily living and
extended activities of daily living. However, a related
of late interventions (more than 1 year after
stroke) recorded insu cient evidence to establish the
eect of such services.
A further question about outpatient rehabilitation is
whether it can be best provided in day hospital services
(in facilities that patients attend during the day) or in the
patients home.
Other systems of care
A review
of several trials that have examined the eect
of rehabilitation of elderly patients (many with stroke-
related disability) in long-term care facilities showed that
provision of interventions for physical rehabilitation
could be safe and might improve independence.
Furthermore, trials of services with stroke liaison
workerswhich incorporate interventions by a stroke
nurse, social worker, or other health professional to assist
with information provision, problem solving, and
reintegration to normal livinghave scored well on
several aspects of satisfaction. However, none has shown
(Continued from previous page)
Electrostimulation: electrostimulation is delivered to the
peripheral neuromuscular system by internal or external
Fitness training or physical tness training: physical tness
training is a planned, structured regimen of regular physical
exercise to improve physical tness. Regimens aim to
improve or maintain either cardiorespiratory tness, or
strength and muscular endurance.
High-intensity therapy: an increased amount of focused
therapy compared to another reference group.
Mental practice with motor imagery: mental practice of a
physical action that aims to improve movement.
Mirror therapy: use of a mirror alongside the unaected
limb so that the mirror image seems to be the
aected limb.
Moving platform training: standing on a moving platform
allows patients to practise responding to movements.
Music therapy: use of music to enhance recovery (can target
several areas of recovery).
Repetitive task training: repeated practice within a single
training session of an active motor sequence that is aimed
towards a clear functional objective.
Rhythmic gait cueing: use of auditory cueing
(eg, metronome) or visual cueing (eg, visual indicator) to give
a rhythmical input to improve the timing of movement.
Robotics: robotic devices can allow repetitive, interactive,
high-intensity, task-specic treatment of a limb.
Splinting or orthosis: external removable devices that can be
used to improve functional movement, reduce spasticity and
pain, or prevent contracture, overstretching, and oedema.
Strength training: progressive resistance exercises aiming to
improve muscle strength.
Treadmill training plus bodyweight support: walking on a
treadmill with a harness to support some bodyweight can
increase the amount of practice that can be done.
Walking aids: walking aids, including canes, crutches,
walking frames, and 3-point or 4-point sticks, which
aim to improve balance and stability during walking
and standing.
Seating and positioning policies: policies to encourage the
optimum approaches for body positioning.
Specic therapy approaches
Mixed approach: uses treatment components from various
theoretical approaches.
Motor learning or movement science: based on
knowledge of learning (movement science) from both
people who are healthy and those who are brain injured.
Focuses on context-specic learning with feedback
and practice.
Neurophysiological: therapeutic approaches based on
neurophysiological theorieseg, the Bobath approach.
1698 Vol 377 May 14, 2011
substantial eect in recovery of activities of daily living or
subjective health status.
Occupational therapy has been
shown to increase the chances of patients regaining
independence in activities of daily living and extended
activities of daily living (panel 1).
Information provision to patients and caregivers
A Cochrane review of 17 trials recorded some evidence to
support the routine provision of information to patients
with stroke and their families, resulting in improved
knowledge and reduced scores for patient depression.

Strategies involving patients and caregivers seemed to be
the most eective, although the best way to provide
information is not known.
Specic interventions
Motor impairment
Panel 3 summarises evidence for specic rehabilitation
treatments. 19 categories of intervention have been
identied from systematic reviews or randomised trials.

Panel 1 outlines some of the main approaches that have
been described and panel 3 shows the related evidence.
Bilateral training,
constraint-induced movement therapy
at modied doses,
electrical stimulation,
repetitive task training,
and splinting

have all been tested to improve hand function; however,
none has shown consistent improvement. Dierent
treatment approaches have been tested to improve arm
including bilateral training, modied con-
straint-induced movement therapy, electromyo graphic
electrical stimulation, high-intensity ther-
apy, mental practice,
repetitive task training, robotics,
mirror therapy,
and splinting or orthosis.
induced movement therapy incorporating modied
therapy, robotics, and possibly mental practice
shown to be benecial in improving arm function (at least
within the selected populations studied). Repetitive task-
specic training, electromyo graphic biofeedback, high-
intensity therapy, mirror therapy, and electrical stimulation
had an uncertain benet on recovery.
Although many of these conclusions are based on
small patient numbers, the conclusions for constraint-
induced movement therapy (including the modied
form) seemed to be robust, at least for studies that
started after the rst months of stroke. A major challenge
with constraint-induced movement therapy is that trials
focused on selective populations (in particular those
with some preservation of wrist and nger extension
who were able to tolerate periods of constraint). Studies
of bilateral arm training and mirror therapy have been
limited by small numbers of controlled studies with few
participants. Interventions for biofeedback
repetitive task-specic training to improve sit-to-stand
function have been tested for their eect on sit-to-stand
ability. Task-specic training might improve such
function. Furthermore, several trials have tested
biofeedback, moving-platform feedback,
and repetitive
task training to improve aspects of standing balance.
Biofeedback with a force plate or a moving platform
seemed to show improvement in stand symmetry alone,
and interventions with repetitive task training showed
general patterns of benet.
Mixed cardiorespiratory and strength training and
circuit-class training
have proved eective for improving
physical tness and mobility for patients with moderate
stroke. Furthermore, benecial eects have been recorded
for high-intensity therapy, repetitive task training, and
Panel 2: Summary of evidence for complex rehabilitation interventions (delivered by
a service or therapist) and their recommendation in clinical guidelines
Benecial or likely to be benecial
Multidisciplinary stroke-unit care to improve independence;
recommended (A)
Early supported discharge services to improve independence;
recommended (A)
Therapy-based rehabilitation services at home (within 1 year of stroke) to improve
recommended (A,B)
Outpatient (day-hospital, community team) rehabilitation services to improve ADL;

selected use (A,B)
Rehabilitation services in long-term care settings to improve ADL;
not mentioned or
selected use (B)
Occupational therapy services to improve ADL;
recommended (A,B)
Occupational therapy services at home to improve ADL and extended ADL;

recommended (A)
Uncertain benet
Integrated-care pathways to improve independence;
not recommended or
selected use (B)
Services with stroke liaison workers to improve independence and participation;

not mentioned
Information provision to improve knowledge and independence;
recommended (A)
Therapy-based rehabilitation services at home (after 1 year) to improve ADL;

selected use (B,C)
Speech and language therapy interventions for aphasia;
recommended (B)
Speech and language therapy interventions for dysphagia;
recommended (B)
Sta-led training interventions to improve oral hygiene;
not mentioned or
selected use (B)
Cognitive rehabilitation for spatial neglect;
not mentioned or selected use (B)
Unknown eect
Cognitive rehabilitation for attention decits;
not mentioned or selected use (B)
Cognitive rehabilitation for memory decits;
not mentioned or selected use (C)
Cognitive rehabilitation for motor apraxia;
not mentioned or selected use (B,C)
Interventions for perceptual disorders;
not mentioned or selected use (C)
Occupational therapy for cognitive impairment;
not mentioned or selected use (C)
Home-based intervention for arm recovery;
not mentioned
Speech and language therapy for speech apraxia;
recommended (C)
Speech and language therapy for dysarthria;
recommended (C)
Goal setting in rehabilitation to improve recovery;
not mentioned or recommended (C)
Behavioural therapies for urinary incontinence;
recommended (C)
Pre-discharge home assessments;
selected use (C)
Guideline recommendation categories:
recommended=recommended use for a substantial proportion of stroke patients;
selected use=might be considered in selected patients or circumstances, not mentioned=no specic recommendation made; not
recommended=not recommended for routine use (outside the context of a clinical trial). Guideline grade of recommendation
categories: (A)=based on robust information from randomised trials that is applicable to the target population; (B)=based on less
robust information (from experimental studies); (C)=consensus or expert opinion. ADL=activities of daily living.
Series Vol 377 May 14, 2011 1699
electromechanical gait training. Uncertain benets were
noted for rhythmic auditory stimulation of gait
and leg-
strengthening programmes.
However, the conclusions
of these reviews could be overturned by a relatively small
number of neutral studies. Although bodyweight-
supported treadmill training showed uncertain benet,

overground-walking training for patients with mobility
and speed-dependent treadmill training as a form
of physical tness training might improve aspects of gait.

Ankle-foot orthoses might also improve gait performance
and reduce energy expenditure with gait in patients who
have persistent foot drop.
Cognitive and other impairments
Of reviews that have addressed the eect of various
interventions of cognitive rehabilitation (mainly
compensatory strategies) in attention decits,
spatial neglect,
and perceptual disorders

evidence has indicated that training can improve alertness
and attention span for patients with attention decit.
However, little is known about the eect of memory
rehabilitation or interventions for perceptual disorders
on recovery after stroke. Although cognitive rehabilitation
interventions for spatial neglect (visual scanning training,
compensatory strategies, prisms) might improve test
Benecial or likely to be benecial
CIMT or modied CIMT for arm impairment and motor
selected use (A,B)
Robot-assisted training for upper limb function;

selected use (A,B)
Electromechanical-assisted gait training for walking;

selected use (B)
Task-oriented physical tness training for walking;

recommended (A)
Cardiorespiratory tness training for walking distance;

recommended (A)
High-intensity therapy for gait recovery;
recommended (B)
Repetitive task training for gait speed and transfers;

recommended (A,B)
Speed-dependent treadmill training for gait speed and
walking distance;
selected use (A,B)
Uncertain benet
Bilateral training for motor function of arm;
mentioned or selected use (B)
Mental practice for arm function;
selected patients (B,C)
High-intensity therapy for arm function;
not recommended
or recommended (B)
Repetitive task training for arm function;
recommended or recommended (B)
Electrostimulation for arm function;
not mentioned, not
recommended, or selected use (B)
Electromyographic biofeedback for arm function;
recommended or selected use (A,B)
Mirror therapy for arm (or leg) impairment;
selected use
CIMT or modied CIMT for hand function;
selected use
EMG biofeedback for hand function;
not mentioned or
not recommended (B)
Electrostimulation for hand function;
not mentioned or
not recommended (B)
Robotics for hand function;
selected use (B)
External (auditory) rhythmic gait cueing to improve
not mentioned or selected use (B)
Biofeedback (force and position) for balance or leg
not recommended or selected use (B)
Moving platform for balance or leg function;
mentioned or selected use (B)
Treadmill training and bodyweight support for gait for
mobile patients;
selected use (B)
Very early mobilisation for mobility;
recommended (B)
Leg-strengthening programmes for gait;
selected use (B)
Ankle-foot orthosis for foot drop;
selected use (B)
Functional electrical stimulation for foot drop;
patients (B,C)
Specic therapy approaches (Bobath, motor relearning,
no recommended approach (A)
Unknown eect
Splinting or orthoses for arm function;
recommended (B,C)
Walking aids for gait;
recommended (B,C)
Interventions for motor apraxia;
not mentioned
Seating and positioning policies;
recommended (B,C)
Interventions for visual eld impairments;
not mentioned
or selected use (B,C)
Treatments for sensory impairments
not mentioned or
selected use (B,C)
Acupuncture for stroke recovery
not mentioned or not
recommended (B)
Music therapy for stroke recovery
not mentioned
Guideline recommendation categories:
recommended=recommended use for a
substantial proportion of stroke patients; selected use=might be considered in selected
patients or circumstances; not mentioned=no specic recommendation made; not
recommended=not recommended for routine use (outside the context of a clinical trial).
Guideline grade of recommendation categories: (A)=based on robust information from
randomised trials that is applicable to the target population; (B)=based on less robust
information (from experimental studies); (C)=consensus or expert opinion.
CIMT=constraint-induced movement therapy.
Panel 3: Summary of the evidence for specic rehabilitation treatments
1700 Vol 377 May 14, 2011
performance, less data are available for the eect on
activities of daily living and independence.
Evidence is
scarce about the eectiveness of motor apraxia for
reducing disability.
Several studies
have reviewed apraxia of speech
speech and language therapy for aphasia and dysarthria

after stroke; however, no clear conclusions have yet been
made. Common practice would be to provide early,
intensive input from a trained speech and language
therapist who would provide several strategies to improve
language and communication. For the management of
dysphagia in acute stroke, some evidence
shows that
specic swallowing therapy (compensatory strategies and
texture modication) might improve early recovery of
feeding and might prevent chest infection.
Studies have also investigated specic interventions for
improving sensory impairment,
visual impairment
(eg, haemianopia, diplopia, and nygstagmus) with compen-
satory techniques and prisms for eld defects,
incontinence (bladder retraining, pelvic-oor exercises,
and continence aids), but evidence shows uncertain benet
and information is insu cient to guide practice.
Novel therapies
Several novel therapies are being developed and tested,
including stem-cell therapy,
repetitive transcranial
magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct-current
motor imagery,
virtual reality,
robotic therapies,
drug augmentation of exercise
training with amphetamines,
dopamine agonists, and
antidepressants. These interventions are typically
combined with traditional task-specic training and
trials. Although these interventions are not yet known to
improve functional outcome, major developments in
these areas of combined therapies are likely to be seen.
Major advances have occurred in the past 20 years in the
development and testing of interventions for stroke
rehabilitation, but there are many gaps and shortcomings
in the evidence base to inform clinical practice. Therefore,
for the foreseeable future many clinical decisions will
continue to rely on the knowledge and judgment of
individual health professionals. Although improvements
in management have been noted, research is still needed
to clearly dene the eect of specic rehabilitation
interventions in a routine clinical setting. The
mechanisms that drive recovery of impairments and
disabilities, and their associated time limitations, need to
be better understood than they are now. Although animal
models of neuroplasticity suggest that training results in
an upregulation of growth-promoting factors mostly in
the rst 4 weeks after stroke,
this process needs to be
further explored in human beings. What patients actually
learn during functional recovery in terms of restitution
of impairments and learning adaptive strategies should
also be further explored.
There is an absence of consistency between researchers
and clinicians in the use of terminology that describes
changes in motor ability after stroke. Recovery is a
dynamic process that cannot be encapsulated at one
timepoint. New interventions should be developed that
expand on a valid biological construct after a standardised
staging approach,
including dose-ranging studies that
are often missing in rehabilitation research. Task and
context specicity should be understood to overcome
problems of poor transfer from one task to another. Trials
will need to clearly dene the target populations and
rehabilitation interventions because no individual
treatment is likely to be applicable to every patient.
Furthermore, large clinical trials that have applied proper
methodology with su cient statistical power to avoid
false-positive results should be developed. Increased
cooperation is needed between researchers during the
design phase, which ideally would include a core set of
outcomes and standardised interventions to allow for
future meta-analysis. The implementation of complex
interventions in a routine clinical setting, including
potential barriers, should be better understood because
many eective interventions do not reach the clinic. The
substantial growth in the number of clinical trials of
rehabilitation in the past 10 years shows the increased
interest of rehabilitation clinicians in evidence-based
care and the success of the development of research
capacity across the many groups of health professionals
who deliver rehabilitation to people with stroke.
Ongoing trials of repetitive task training, early
mobilisation, treadmill training, physical tness
training, and speech and language training for aphasia
and dysarthria are high-quality, multicentre, multi-
disciplinary studies of complex interventions, which
meet many of the above recommendations. The results
of these trials will hopefully provide better information
to guide future practice.
All authors did the literature search, interpretation, and writing of the
Review. PL provided the rst draft of the Review.
Conicts of interest
PL has received honoraria and travel expenses for educational
conference sessions run by Sano-Aventis and Boehringer Ingelheim,
grant support from The Stroke Association and Chest, Heart and Stroke,
Scotland, and royalties from Wiley. JB and GK declare that they have no
conicts of interest.
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