Article 2
Article 2
Article 2
14 39
An Overview of the Diabetic Foot: Pathogenesis,
Management and Prevention of Lesions
Marvin E. Levin*
Diabetic foot problems are not very glamorous.
Nevertheless, the diabetic foot is the most common
complication of diabetes, greater than retinopathy,
nephropathy, heart attack and stroke combined.
Throughout the world, foot lesions and foot infections
are the leading causes of hospitalization and
prolonged hospital stays for diabetics. Diabetic foot
ulceration is the result of trauma to an insensate foot.
Infection frequently follows and unless there is
aggressive intervention, amputation becomes the end
point. The management of diabetic foot problems is
complicated and frequently requires the attention of
many specialists. The single most important factor in
preventing amputation is detailed and repeated
education of the patient in foot care.
Physicians, clinics and hospitals who educate patients
provide aggressive ulcer and infection treatment and
who prescribe therapeutic shoes have reduced their
amputation rate by 50%. This should be the goal of
everyone involved in the management of the diabetic
Diabetes is one of the oldest diseases known to
mankind. The Ebers Papyrus of 1500 B.C. mentions
its symptoms and suggests treatment. However, the
history of gangrene of the foot goes back to Biblical
time, when, in Chronicles II, the first case of
gangrene of the feet, perhaps due to diabetes, is
The relationship between diabetic neuropathy, the
insensitive foot, and foot ulceration was recognized
by Pryce, a British surgeon, over a century ago. He
stated that, "It was abundantly evident that the actual
cause of the perforating ulcer was peripheral nerve
degeneration and that diabetes itself played an active
part in the causation of the perforating ulcer" (1).
The diabetic foot is especially vulnerable to
amputation because of the frequent complications of
peripheral neuropathy (PN), infection and peripheral
arterial disease (PAD). A combination of this triad
leads to the final cataclysmic events, gangrene and
amputation. More than fifty-six thousand plus major
amputations due to diabetes were reported in 1987in
the United States (2). Fifty percent of all non-
traumatic amputations are performed on the diabetic.
Fifteen percent of all diabetics will develop a foot
ulcer during their lifetime (3). Most of these are the
result of PN and the insensate foot which leads to
painless trauma and ulceration.
Diabetic foot lesions are not very glamorous and do
not generate as many publications as do other
complications of diabetes. However, in the United
States the annual incidence of lower extremity leg and
foot ulcers is 2,00,000. Add to these 56,000 major
amputations and we have over a quarter of a million
lower extremity diabetic complications. This is
greater than all the other complications of diabetes
combined, coronary artery disease 1,01,000, stroke
27,000 blindness 6,900, kidney failure 5,900(4).
Diabetic foot problems are a major cause of
hospitalization and prolonged hospital stays. Twenty
percent of all diabetic persons who enter the hospital
do so because of foot problems (5). In the series of
Smith et al, foot problems were responsible for 23%
of the hospital days over a two-year period (6). At the
Indian Institute of Diabetes in Bombay, India, more
than 10% of all admissions for diabetes are primarily
for foot management. More than 70% required
surgical intervention and in more 40% of those
interventions there was a toe or limb amputation (7).
In the U. K. more than 50% of bad occupancy of
diabetics are due to foot problems (8). It is obvious
from these figures that throughout the world diabetic
foot problems are a major cause of hospitalization,
morbidity and mortality.
Pathogenesis of Diabetic Foot Lesions
The signs and symptoms of either ischaemia or
neuropathy may predominate. However, neither is
present to the total exclusion of the other. The clinical
picture is therefore the result of complications
stemming from a combination of both. Peripheral
neuropathy is the leading cause of most diabetic foot
lesions. A majority of patients who enter the hospital
because of diabetic foot lesions do so because of
ulceration secondary to painless trauma. The various
pathways leading to ulceration, infection, gangrene,
and amputations are shown in Figure 1.
The exact incidence of PN is difficult to assess. Most
studies estimate the incidence of clinical neuropathy
to be 10 to 20%. However, this percentage may
increase to as much as 50% after twenty-five years of
diabetes. While most diabetic foot ulcers are due to
* Clinical Professor of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 40
Fig. 1 Pathogenesis of diabetic foot lesions. Adapted from Levin ME. Pathogenesis and management of diabetic foot
lesions In Levin ME, ONeal LW, and Bowker JH, eds. The Diabetic Foot, 5
ed. St. Louis, Mosby Year-Book, 1993.
peripheral neuropathy and the insensate foot, it must
be remembered that painful symptoms are common
in-patients with PN. The series of Veves et al has
shown that painful symptoms are frequent in-patients
with PN irrespective of the presence or absence of
foot ulceration (9). Diabetic patients may have an
insensitive foot and still experience painful
symptoms. Painful symptoms were present in 33% of
the foot ulcer group (9). Therefore painful and
painless PN are not necessarily two separate clinical
conditions and may co-exist. It should also be kept in
mind that when a patient with a diabetic foot ulcer
which has been painless suddenly develops pain in
the ulcer it may be indicative of worsening infection.
The most important effect of peripheral neuropathy
on the diabetic foot is the loss of sensation, making
the foot vulnerable even to trivial trauma. A break in
the skin, even though it is inconspicuous and
minuscule can become a portal of entry for bacteria.
Unsuccessfully treated infection leads to gangrene
and amputation.
Special Diabetic Foot Problems
The Heel
The heel of the diabetic patient is particularly
vulnerable to trauma. When the diabetic patient is
required to have bed rest for any length of time, such
as when hospitalized, particular attention must be
paid to the heel. Because of loss of sensation, the
patient tends to keep the heels in the same position.
This results in pressure necrosis causing the skin to
break down. Infection and gangrene can follow.
These patients should have their heels inspected at
least once and preferably twice a day. If erythema is
present, aggressive protective intervention must be
Prevention is critical. This is best achieved by turning
the patient, using heel protectors, and an air
suspension mattress. The available heel protectors
may not stay in place; therefore frequent checks are
Foot Deformities
Foot deformities frequently lead to ulceration.
Diabetics are particularly prone to develop cocked up
toes which can result in pressure at the top of the tip
of the toes. I refer to this as the "tip-top-toe
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 41
syndrome". This deformity is frequently associated
with a thinning or shifting of the fat pad under the
first metatarsal head. These areas, the tops and tips of
the toes, and the area under the first metatarsal head
are therefore very vulnerable to ulceration and
infection. The ideal treatment is prophylactic surgery
to straighten these toes while the circulation is still
good. When prophylactic surgery cannot be carried
out, these patients should wear a shoe with a larger
toe box or an in-depth shoe with a cushioned insole to
protect the toes and metatarsal head area. Bunions are
common and frequently lead to ulceration and
infection. Prophylactic surgery is the ideal treatment.
The Charcot foot is the classic diabetic foot
deformity. The Charcot foot develops in four stages.
In the first or acute stage the patient usually presents
with a history of mild trauma and a hot, red, swollen
foot with bounding pulses. This must be differentiated
from cellulitis. Once infection has been ruled out and
a diagnosis of Charcot foot has been established, the
treatment is non-weight bearing. This is best
accomplished with a contact cast. If the patient is
allowed to ambulate, the second stage of the Charcot
foot develops, with the breakdown of the bones of the
foot, resulting in fractures. The x-ray at the time of
the patient' s i nitial visit may be perfectly normal.
Calcification of the interosseous arteries is rarely
found. The second stage develops in a two to three
week interval. Repeat x-ray may show fractures,
usually at the tarsometatarsal joint but not
infrequently at the distal ends of the metatarsals. The
third stage of the Charcot foot is characterized by foot
deformity. The foot takes on a club foot appearance
and a rocker bottom configuration. Treatment at this
stage requires the use of special molded shoes. If the
patient continues to walk on unprotected feet, the
fourth stage ensues with development of a plantar
ulceration in the area of the arch. The ulceration can
become infected, leading to gangrene and amputation
Exercise for Diabetics with Foot problems
Exercise is an important modality in the management
of diabetes. However, in-patients with PAD and PN,
weight bearing exercises such as jogging, prolonged
walking, treadmill, and step exercises may need to be
curtailed or avoided. The presence of an active foot
ulcer is an absolute contraindication for weight
bearing exercise. Patients who have a healed ulcer
must take special precautions when exercising. Scar
tissue is not good tissue and is vulnerable to the sheer
forces of walking. Patients with PAD, PN and an
insensate foot can do a variety of non-weight bearing
exercises such as swimming, bicycling, rowing, chair
and upper body exercises.
Diabetic persons, particularly those with PAD, PN
and previously healed ulcerations, should have
specific and detailed instructions in foot care and
techniques for decreasing foot pressure before
undertaking an exercise program.
Physical therapists and personnel in exercise centers
should discuss with the referring physicians the type
of exercise program suitable for the diabetic.
The Immunosuppressed Diabetic
The healing of foot ulcers in immunosuppressed renal
transplant diabetics is markedly impaired. These
patients also have a higher amputation rate (11). In
most kidney transplant series, limb amputation is
required for at least 15% of kidney recipients short-
term and one third of the ten year survivors (12).
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Ulcers occur in the diabetic foot because of repetitive
stress on insensitive feet. When repetitive stress
continues, the foot develops hot spots, callus build-
up, pressure necrosis and ultimately ulceration.
Ulcerations occur most often at the site of the
maximum pressure and excessive callus build-up,
usually over the metatarsal heads, especially the first,
and on the plantar surface of the hallux. Patients who
develop ulcers have increased foot pressures (13).
Increased pressure can be the result of foot
deformities. Decreased flexibility of the foot,
probably due to glycosylation of tendons and
ligaments can also cause increased foot pressures.
There are several techniques for decreasing plantar
foot pressures in the diabetic. Removing a callus can
reduce pressure at that site by at least 30% Wearing
cushioned shoes (14) and pressure reducing hosiery
(15) can also be beneficial. Patients should not go
barefoot, not only because of possible trauma, but
because pressures are significantly higher when
walking barefoot than when wearing cushioned shoes.
On a rare occasion it may be necessary to alleviate
internal pressure, e.g., by removing the sesmoid bones
or metatarsal heads. When a patient presents with
ulceration on the dorsum of the foot, it is due to
trauma. When the presentations is on the side of the
foot, it is most likely due to an ill-fitting shoe.
Persistent and untreated ulceration in the diabetic foot
leads to lower limb amputation in 84% of all the cases
Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Table 1 lists the steps in the management of diabetic
foot ulcers (17). X-rays are necessary to rule out
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 42
osteomyelitis, gas formation, the presence of foreign
objects and asymptomatic fractures. It is my feeling
that any foot with ulceration or infection should be x-
Table 1
Management of diabetic foot ulcers
I. A. Evaluation
B. Depth of penetration
C. X-ray
1. Foreign body
2. Osteomyelitis
3. Subcutaneous gas
D. Location
E. Biopsy
F. Blood supply (non-invasive vascular studies)
II. Debridement, radical
III. Bacterial cultures (aerobic and anaerobic)
IV. Metabolic control
V. Antibiotics
A. Oral
B. Parenteral
VI. Do not soak feet
VII. Decrease oedema
VIII.No weight bearing
A. Bed rest
B. Crutches
C. Wheelchair
D. Contact casting
IX. Improve circulation (vascular surgery)
Adapted from Levin ME. "Pathogenesis and management of
diabetic foot lesions" In Levin ME, ONeal LW, and Bowker JH,
eds. The Diabetic Foot, 5
ed., St. Louis, Mosby Year-Book, 1993.
Treatment of a foot ulcer requires establishment of
depth and degree of ulceration. What appears to be a
superficial ulceration may be only the tip of the
iceberg. There may be penetration deep into tissues.
Vigorous debridement of the ulcer must be done to
establish the degree of penetration and to remove all
necrotic tissue. Debridement should be carried out to
healthy tissue. The ulcer following debridement will,
in all probability, be larger than it was at presentation.
Eschars should be completely removed. Whirlpool is
not the method of choice for debridement. When the
foot is insensitive, minor debridement can be carried
out at the bedside. However, in many cases the patient
must be taken to the operating room for the adequate
debridement under anesthesia. Taylor and porter have
demonstrated that aggressive foot debridement, and,
when indicated, revascularization resulted in long
term salvage of 73% of threatened limbs even in high-
risk patients (18).
Biopsy should be considered when the ulcer appears
at an atypical location, e.g., not over the metatarsal
heads or the plantar surface of the hallux, when it can
not be explained by trauma, and when it is
unresponsive to aggressive therapy. On numerous
occasions biopsies of atypical ulcers have revealed
malignancies, both primary and metastatic.
Infection is a common and major complication of
diabetic foot wounds. Infection leads to microthrombi
formation, causing further ischaemia, necrosis, and
progressive gangrene. Massive infection is the most
common factor leading to amputation. Lichter et al
reviewed the laboratory results of a large series of
patients with serious pedal infections (19). In this
series the sedimentation rates were significantly
elevated, mean 58.6 mm/h. Surprisingly, the mean
white count was only 9,700. Therefore, one should
not depend on white counts alone as a measure of the
seriousness of the foot infection. As with other series,
they found the lesions to be polymicrobial, 72%
having gram positive cocci and 49%, gram negative.
Nine percent had gram negative anaerobes (19).
There is a high correlation between foot ulcers,
infection and other diabetic complications. Lichter et
al found that 67% of these patients had retinopathy,
70% nephropathy, 80% peripheral neuropathy, 91%
decreased pulses, 69% hypertension and 40%
atherosclerotic heart disease (19).
The selection of an oral antibiotic or parenteral
antibiotic for the treatment of a diabetic foot infection
is based on medical judgement. It should be kept in
mind that many diabetic foot infections contain gram
negative organisms. Therefore the oral antibiotic
chosen should be effective for gram positive and
gram negative organisms. The criterion for
hospitalization and treatment with parenteral
antiobiotics includes patients who are septic, febrile,
and have leukocytosis and deep infection. The patient
with what appears to be a minor infection on the
plantar surface of the foot and evidence of infection
on the dorsum of the foot, suggested by erythema and
frequently oedema, should be hospitalized. Even
though the patient is not septic, there is high
probability that severe infection exists deep in the
foot. Patients with infection and severe PAD should
be hospitalized and evaluated for arterial by-pass
surgery. The worst scenario leading to amputation is
ischaemia and infection. Patients with PAD should be
given parenteral antibiotics to achieve higher
concentration of antibiotics in the peripheral tissues
than can be achieved by oral therapy alone.
Furthermore, the antibiotic of choice frequently can
only be given parenterally.
If an oral antibiotic is selected, it is my opinion that
the diabetic patient should not be told to take the
medication and return in one week. Infection in the
diabetic can deteriorate rapidly within twenty-four
hours. It is therefore my recommendation that
diabetics on oral therapy should be seen within a few
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 43
days following institution of therapy. They must be
carefully instructed to notify the physician at once
should there be an increase in redness, drainage, pain,
odor, or evidence of lymphangitis. While many of
these patients have insensate feet, the development of
pain is indicative of deep infection and requires
immediate attention. The development of a bad odor
also indicates worsening infection and frequently the
presence of anaerobes.
It is very important that patients with infection
monitor their blood sugar level closely. A rising blood
sugar level strongly suggests worsening infection,
even though other signs and symptoms of a
worsening infection are absent.
When infection is not responding to aggressive
debridement and antibiotic therapy, the wound should
be debrided again and recultured, as the flora may
have changed. Chronic recurrent or resistant infection
suggests the presence of osteomyelitis. Impending or
developing gangrene also suggests possible
progression of infection. Indications of worsening
infection are noted in Table 2.
Table 2
Worsening infection: Indications
Signs and Symptoms
Blood Sugar
Sedimentation Rate
Osteomyelitis is a frequent complication of diabetic
foot ulcers and infection. Osteomyelitis may be
difficult to detect on a clinical basis. Newman and
coworkers showed that in biopsy-proven
osteomyelitis only one third of the patients had
clinically suspected osteomyelitis (20). If bone is
visible or the ulcer can be probed to bone, the
probability of the presence of osteomyelitis is
extremely strong. Scanning techniques for
osteomyelitis are not always successful. The triple-
phase scan with technetium lacks specificity (21).
Magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) is proving to be a
helpful technique. However, Newman and coworkers
(22) found the use of labeled-leukocyte Indium
scanning techniques to be superior to magnetic
resonance imaging (22). Bamberger, Daus, and
Gerding established prognostic factors for preventing
amputation in the face of osteomyelitis (23). They
found that in patients without necrosis, gangrene, or
the presence of swelling, the use of antimicrobial
therapy active against the isolated pathogens given
intravenously for at least four weeks or combined
intravenously and orally for 10 weeks predicted a
good outcome without the need for ablative surgical
procedures (23).
Lipsky et al have recently reviewed soft tissue and
bone infection in the diabetic foot (24).
Metabolic control is essential. It has been well
demonstrated in a number of studies that leukocyte
function is impaired in the presence of uncontrolled
diabetes. Blood sugar levels should be kept below 200
mg/dl and as close to euglycaemia as is reasonable.
Soaking the feet has no benefit, although it has been
traditional approach. Soaking can lead to maceration
and further infection. Because of the insensitive foot,
soaking may take place in water that is too hot,
resulting in severe burns. Chemical soaks can result in
chemical burns (25).
Oedema is frequently present. Elevation of the feet,
no more than the thickness of one pillow, can be
beneficial. Higher elevation may impede circulation.
Avoidance of weight bearing is essential. These
patients have insensitive feet and because the ulcer is
not painful, they continue to walk. The result is an
increase in pressure necrosis, forcing bacteria deeper
into the tissues, and causing failure to heal. The use of
crutches and wheelchairs is seldom successful in
achieving total and consistent avoidance of weight
bearing. Many patients with PN have ataxia, making
the use of crutches potentially dangerous. The best
method for avoidance of weight bearing in
appropriately selected patients is the use of the
contact cast. The contact cast allows the patient to be
ambulatory but essentially avoids weight bearing by
redistributing the weight and decreasing the pressure
on the ulcerated area (26, 27).
When an ulcer does not heal despite good metabolic
control, adequate debridement, parenteral antibiotic
therapy and avoidance of weight bearing, the
impaired healing may be caused by vascular
insufficiency. Mills, et al, found that all appropriately
treated neuropathic ulcers and forefoot injections
healed in-patients with palpable pedal pulses. If foot
pulses were absent and arteriography confirmed
large-vessel occlusive disease, foot lesions and
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 44
infections healed when concomitant revascularization
was done (28).
The worst scenario for impaired would healing or the
clearing of infection may be vascular insufficiency.
Ankle or brachial indexes of less than 0.45 or
transcutaneous oxygen pressure < 30 mm Hg and
certainly those under 20 mm Hg are highly predictive
that the infection will not resolve and that the ulcer
will not heal. For example, Pecoraro and colleagues
found a 39-fold increased risk of early wound failure
if the average peri-wound transcutaneous oxygen
pressure was under 22 mm Hg (26). Vascular surgery
should always be considered in these cases. The
importance of peripheral arterial reconstruction was
demonstrated by LoGerfo and associates. In 2883
extreme distal arterial reconstructions, they found a
statistically significant decrease in every category of
amputation, a decrease that correlated precisely with
increasing the rate of dorsal pedis artery by-pass (29).
Hyperbaric oxygen delivered by the hyperbaric
chamber has been reported to be helpful in healing
diabetic foot ulcers (30). Hyperbaric oxygen delivered
by hyperbaric boot is totally ineffective. It must be
kept in mind that the hyperbaric oxygen is used in
conjunction with all of the aggressive treatments
outlined in Table 1.
Experimental studies have suggested that a
combination of topical growth factors and hyperbaric
oxygen may be beneficial in improving wound
healing (31).
Topical Treatment of Foot Ulcers
The use of topical therapy goes back to ancient times,
when an unbelievable number of substances were
used to treat wounds, ranging from wine to human
excreta (Table-Talk, XCII "Of God' s Works," Martin
Luther 1483-1546). Today the list of topical agents
remains long and continues to grow. Currently resins
and enzyme therapy to aid in debridement are
advocated by some. Although these are of some
benefit, they represent adjunct therapy and should not
be substituted for aggressive surgical debridement. It
has been traditional to use povidone-iodine
(Betadine), acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and
sodium hypochlorite (Dakin' s s olution).
Although these substances destroy surface bacteria,
they are cytotoxic to granulation tissue and may delay
wound healing (32). It is therefore my belief that
these substances should be either avoided or used for
the briefest periods.
The benefits of topically applied antibacterial agents,
silver sulfadiazine 1%, polymixin B with bacitracin
and neomycin, and gentamicin sulfate may be helpful
(32). Topical antibiotics along may not be
satisfactory, and the use of oral or parenteral
antibiotics in conjunction with topical therapy is
frequently necessary. Cleansing agents and types of
dressings can make a difference in the rate of wound
healing, Moist dressings seem to aid wound healing
Despite aggressive therapy and adequate circulation,
some diabetic foot ulcers heal slowly or not at all.
Current investigative studies with topically applied
platelet-derived growth factors to these foot ulcers
have shown these factors to be important adjunct
therapy in would healing (33, 34). Bentkover and
Champion have shown the cost effectiveness of
wound care centers and the use of platelet releasate
(35). Platelet-derived wound-healing formula is an
autologous solution extracted from the alpha granules
of the patient' s platelets. This extract is applied to th e
ulcer daily by the patient in an outpatient setting. The
platelet-derived wound healing formula contains
several growth factors. They are platelet-derived
growth factor, angiogenesis factor, epidermal factor,
transforming growth factor , and platelet factor 4.
Recent work has shown that interactions between
factors and the extracellular matrix are of central
importance in the process that causes wounds to
close. Transforming growth factor appears to be a
central player in many of the steps of wound healing,
inducing angiogenesis, acting as a chemoattractant for
macrophages and fibroblasts, regulating self-
proliferation, and stimulating extracellular matrix
The impediments to wound healing are listed in Table3.
Table 3
Impediments to wound healing
1. Vascular
a. Atherosclerosis
b. Increased viscosity
2. Neurologic
a. Insensate foot
b. Decreased flare reaction
3. Infection
a. Inadequate debridement
b. Poor blood supply
c. Microthrombi
d. Hyperglycaemia
e. Decreased polymorphonuclear neutrophil
f. Polymicrobial infection
g. Changing bacteria
h. Osteomyelitis
4. Immunosuppression
5. Mechanical
a. Oedema
b. Weight bearing
6. Poor nutrition
a. Low serum albumin level
7. Decreased growth factors
8. Poor patient compliance
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 45
9. Delayed treatment and referral
Adapted from Levin ME: "Pathogenesis and management of
diabetic foot lesions" in Levin ME, O' Neal LW, and Bowker JH,
eds. The Diabetic Foot, 5th ed., St. Louis, Mosby Year Book,1993.
Post-treatment Management of Healed Diabetic
Foot Ulcers
Even though the diabetic foot ulcer has healed, the
job is not complete. The underlying aetiologies
responsible for the ulcer, such as foot deformity,
calluses, and increased pressure are still present. In
addition, scartissue from previously healed ulcers is
not strong tissue and is thus vulnerable to the shearing
forces of walking. Special measures are therefore
necessary to protect the vulnerable sites of previous
ulceration. These include education of the patient in
walking, for example, taking shorter steps and
decreasing overall walking. Patients whose jobs
require standing or walking, such as waiters or
waitresses, may need to change jobs. Therapeutic
shoes play a very important role in preventing
recurrence of these ulcers.
Special Shoes
The use of special therapeutic shoes is critical in
preventing ulceration or recurrence. Patients who
have cocked-up toes require a shoe with a bigger toe
box. The patient with a markedly deformed foot, such
as the Charcot foot, need a specially molded shoe. An
in-depth shoe with a plastic-like material, such as
plastazote insole, is frequently required to redistribute
the weight away from the previously ulcerated site
and thus prevent recurrence of ulcer. The importance
of special shoes was clearly demonstrated at a study
at King' s College in London, which showed an 83%
recurrence of ulcers when patients returned to
wearing regular shoes; with the use of special shoes,
there was only a 17% recurrence of ulceration (37).
The management of the diabetic foot requires the
interaction of many medical disciplines (The table 4).
A team approach is needed that will save the foot, not
amputate it.
Table 4
Team members involved in the care of the diabetic
1. Primary physician
2. Endocrinologist
3. Diabetologist
4. Podiatrist
5. Nurse educator
6. Physician' s assistant
7. Enterostomal nurse
8. Infectious disease sepcialist
9. Neurologist
10. Vascular surgeon
11. Orthopedist
12. Physiatrist
13. Pedortrist
14. Orthotist
15. Physical therapist
16. Prosthetist
17. Occupational therapist
18. Social worker
19. Home care nurse
Patient Education
Of all the approaches to prevent ulceration and to
save the diabetic foot, the most important is patient
education. Despite our current knowledge, physicians
cannot totally prevent PAD and PN. However, the
patients can be educated in proper foot care, and can
learn how to prevent injury and detect lesions as early
as possible.
At the time of the office visit and while the shoes and
socks are off, the nurse or physician should review
the do' s and don' ts of foot care with the patient. This
objective cannot be adequately accomplished simply
by handing the patients a list of instructions. The
instructions should be explained and questions should
be encouraged and answered, so that the patients can
attain a better understanding of the importance of foot
care (Table 5). These instructions should be carried
out at least once a year or even more often. The
effectiveness of educational program in reducing
amputation has been noted by Malone and coworkers
(38) and more recently by Litzelman (39).
Adapted from Levin ME: "Pathogenesis and management of
diabetic foot lesions" In Levin ME, O' Neal LW, and Bowker JH,
eds. The Diabetic Foot, 5th ed. St. Louis, Mosby Year Book, 1993.
Table 5
Patient-instructions for the care of the diabetic
1. Do not smoke.
2. Inspect the feet daily for blisters, cuts and scratches.
The use of a mirror can aid in seeing the bottom of
the feet. Always check between the toes.
3. Wash feet daily, dry carefully, especially between
the toes.
4. Avoid extremes of temperatures. Test water with
hand, elbow or thermometer before bathing.
5. If feet feel cold at night, wear socks. Do not apply
hot water bottles or heating pads. Do not use an
electric blanket. Do not soak feet in hot water.
6. Do not walk on hot surfaces such as sandy
beaches, or on cement around swimming pools.
7. Do not walk barefooted.
8. Do not use chemical agents for removal of corns
and calluses, corn plasters or strong antiseptic
INT. J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1994), VOL. 14 46
9. Do not use adhesive tape on the feet.
10. Inspect the insides of shoes daily for foreign
objects, nail points, torn linings and rough areas.
11. If your vision is impaired, have a family member
inspect feet daily, trim nails and buff calluses.
12. Do not soak feet.
13. For dry feet, use a very thin coat of lubricating oil
or cream. Apply after bathing and drying the feet.
Do not put oil or cream between the toes. Consult
your physician for detailed instructions.
14. Wear properly fitting stockings. Do not wear
mended stocking with seams. Change stockings
15. Do not wear garters.
16. Shoes should be comfortable at time of
purchase.Do not depend on them to stretch out.
Shoes should made of leather. Purchase shoes late
in the afternoon when feet are the largest.
Running or special walking shoes may be worn
after checking with your physician. Purchase
shoes from a shoe salesperson who understands
diabetic foot problems.
17. Do not wear shoes without stockings.
18. Do not wear sandals with thongs between the
19. In the winter, take special precautions. Wear wool
socks and protective foot gear such as fleece-
lined boots.
20. Cut nails straight across.
21. Do not cut corns and calluses: follow instructions
from your physician or podiatrist.
22. See your physician regularly and be sure that your
feet are examined at each visit.
23. Notify your physician or podiatrist at once should
you develop a blister or sore on your foot.
24. Be sure to inform your podiatrist that you are
Adapted from Levin ME: "Pathogenesis and management of
diabetic foot lesions" In Levin ME, O' Neal LW, and Bowker JH,
eds. The Diabetic Foot, 5th ed., St. Louis, Mosby year Book,1993.
Diabetic foot ulcers are common. If treatment is
delayed or improper treatment is given, these lesions
can lead to infection, gangrene and amputation.
Physicians and clinics that avoid delay in the
treatment of the diabetic foot ulcer, exercise
aggressive therapy for these ulcers, provide
revascularization when indicated, use therapeutic
shoes, practice the team approach, and repeatedly
educate patients in foot care have reduced their
amputation rates by 50% (37,40). This should be the
goal of everyone who cares for patients with diabetes.
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