Analysis of Truck Chasis Frame Using FEM

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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 20 (5): 656-661, 2014

ISSN 1990-9233
IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.20.05.11375
Corresponding Author: S. Dheeraj, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bharath University, Chennai-600 073, India.
Analysis of Truck Chasis Frame Using FEM
S. Dheeraj and R. Sabarish
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bharath University, Chennai-600 073, India
Abstract: An automobile is made of mainly two units body and the chassis. A vehicle arrangement without
body is called chassis. When a motor vehicle is rest, frame members are subjected due to vertical bending
moments. When motor vehicle is in moving position the stresses are considerably increased and as a result of
road shocks, bending moment reaches their maximum values. When either of the front and rear wheels pass over
an obstacle, the inertia or dynamics loads are superimposed on the static loads. When one wheel passes over
an obstacle at high speed, a shock with large vertical component is imparted to the adjacent corner of the frame.
This causes the frame to twist generally, wheel is subjected to overloading and there is a chance of chassis
failure. In this project, an attempt is made to find the stresses in a tipper truck frame. We are analyzing stress
concentration points where the displacement and frequencies are high at the time of loading and unloading.
The software used for modeling and analysis is ANSYS 10.
Key words: Truck chassis Stress concentration Bending moment
INTRODUCTION arms formed a substantial cross member at the front end;
An automobile is made of mainly two parts-The Body mountings were introduced. Shaking or swaying of parts
and The Chassis. A vehicle arrangement without body is mounted at the front end-such as exposed radiator at
called the chassis. The foundation of the automotive high speeds, indicates torsional weakness in frames.
chassis on a different chassis units are mounted and to To indicate the rigidity of the panel type frames, they
the axles are attached by the springs and sometimes also formerly often were provided with tubular cross member
by other members serving to transmit or take up the axle of large diameter.
thrust and torque. During the early years of the industry, A more radical step to eliminate the evils resulting
the chassis frames were made of tubular steel, rolled from torsional weakness consisted in the adoption of the
steels sections, wood and armored wood that is wood tubular-backbone type of frame. This originated in
sills reinforced with steel flitch plates. But as far as the Czechoslovakia, a rather mountainous country [2].
constructions of trucks were concerned, rolled steel
frames were predominantly used [1]. Vehicle Dynamics: A dynamic system undergoing a
Development of the Chassis Frame: The conventional among or within its elementary stage or dissipative
frame, which is made of steel members, usually of devices is said to be in a dynamic state. All of the
channel section, is sometimes referred to as the panel elements in general are called passive, i.e., they are
type. It consists of longitudinal and cross members and incapable of generating net energy. A dynamic system
now usually also comprises an X member (called cruciform composed of a number of storage elements is said to be
in England). Since the panel type frame is relatively flat lumped or discrete, while a system- containing element,
and except where box sections-is made up of members which are dense in physical space, is called continuous.
which in themselves possess little torsional stiffness, The analytical description of the dynamics of the
it offers little resistance to torsion. The situation was not discrete case is a set of ordinary differential equations,
bad as long as engines were mounted rigidly on the while for the continuous case it is a set of partial
frame, as then crank case with its integral or bolted-on differential equations. The analytical formation of a
but it deteriorated about 1930, when flexible engine
time-varying interchange or dissipation of energy
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (5): 656-661, 2014
Table 1: Vehicle Manufacturer Truck Classification
Category Class GVWR Representative Vehicles
Light 1 0 - 27 kN Pickup Trucks, Ambulance, Parcel delivery
2 27- 45 kN
3 45 - 62 kN
Medium 4 62 - 71 kN City Cargo van, beverage delivery truck, wrecker, school bus
5 71 - 87 kN
6 87- 116 kN
7 116-147 kN
Heavy 8 147 and over Truck Tractor, concrete mixer, dump truck, fire truck, city transit bus
dynamic system depends upon the kinematics or Study physical responses, such as stress levels,
geometric constraints and the physical laws governing temperature distributions, or electromagnetic fields.
the behaviors of the system [3]. Optimize a design early in the development process
Experimental Setup Do prototype testing in environments where it
Truck Definition and Its Types: Generally, truck is any of otherwise would be undesirable or impossible
various heavy motor vehicles designed for carrying or (for example, biomedical applications).
pulling loads. Other definition of the truck is an
automotive vehicle suitable for hauling. Some other Pre-processing: Pre-processing involves preparation
definition are vary depend on the type of truck, such as of data, such as nodal coordinates, connectivity,
Dump. boundary condition, etc. processing stage involves
Truck is a truck whose contents can be emptied stiffness generation, stiffness modification and solution
without handling; the front end of the platform can be of equations.
pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by
gravity. There are two classifications most applicable to Post Processing: Post processing stage deals with the
Recreational Vehicle tow trucks [4]. The first one is the presentation of result like deformation configuration,
weight classes, as defined by the US government, ranging mode shape, temperature and stress distribution [5].
from Class 1 to Class 8 as listed in the below given
Table-1. Solving: In this stages, the pre-processing which is
The Second Is Classified into a Broader Category: the given loads and boundary conditions.
Light Duty Truck
Medium Duty Truck Static Analysis
Heavy Duty Truck Modal Analysis
Ansys Terminology: In ANSYS terminology, the term
model generation usually takes on the narrower meaning Static Analysis: It is used to determine displacements,
of generating the nodes and elements that represent the stresses, etc. under static loading conditions. Both linear
spatial volume and connectivity of the actual system. and nonlinear static analysis can be done. Nonlinearities
Thus, model generation in this discussion will mean the can include plasticity stress stiffening, large deflection,
process of defining the geometric configuration of the large strain, hyper elasticity, contact surfaces and creep.
models nodes and elements. The ANSYS program offers
you the following approaches to model generation: Modal Analysis: It is used to calculate the natural
Creating a solid model within ANSYS. mode extraction methods are available.
Using direct generation.
Importing a model created in a Computer-Aided Transient Dynamic Analysis: It is used to determine the
Design (CAD) system response of a structure to arbitrarily time-varying loads.
Apply operating loads or other design performance All nonlinearities mentioned under static analysis above
conditions. are allowed.
to reduce production costs.
already meshed with a number of elements is solved for
Types of analysis done using ANSYS 10.0
Transient Dynamic Analysis
frequencies and mode shapes of a structure. Different
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (5): 656-661, 2014
Von Misses Stress: It is a scalar stress value that can be
computed from stress tensor. The von Misses stress is
used to predict yielding of materials under any loading
condition from results of simple uniaxial tensile tests.
The von Misses stress satisfies the property that two
stress states with equal distortion energy have equal
von Misses stress. Because the von Misses yield
criterion is independent of the first stress invariant,
I1, it is applicable for the analysis of plastic Finite Element Method: The fundamental principle of
deformation for ductile materials such as metals, as finite element method is that body or a structure may be
the onset of yield for these materials does not depend divided into smaller elements of finite dimensions called
upon the hydrostatic component of the stress tensor the finite elements. The original body or structure is
[6]. considered as an assemblage of these finite elements
Model Description: Nodal points. The concept of Discretization used in
Model: MAN TGA 33.480 elements are combined and formulated to obtain the
Chassis Frame: Punched frame, Channel type solution of entire body or structure [7]. For example, in the
Length of Frame: 7000 mm displacement formulation widely adopted in the finite
Number of cross members: 5 element analysis, simple functions known as shape
Cross members position: 1000, 2700, 3400 and 7000 functions are chosen to approximate the variation of the
from the Back Axle displacement within an element in terms of displacement
Engine assembly position: From front Axle 372- at the nodes of the element. The concept used in
1276mm functional approximation method but the difference, is
Channel dimension: 340 90 8 mm that the approximation to field variable is made at the
Radiator assembly: 0-75 mm element level. The strains and stresses within an element
Fuel tank mounting: 3135-3863 mm will also be in terms of nodal displacement. The principle
Spare wheel carrier: 4205 mm. of virtual displacement or minimum potential energy is
Vehicle Specification: the nodal displacements will be the unknowns in the
Engine: M.A.N. D2879LF12 structure or body are then obtained by combining the
Net Power: 480 hp equilibrium equations of each element such that the
Max. Torque: 1696.4 lb ft, 2300 Nm continuity of displacement is ensured at each node where
Transmission Model: ZF16 S 252 Overdrive 16 speed the elements are connected. The necessary boundary
Gearbox conditions are imposed and the equations of equilibrium
Suspension: Semi elliptic leaf spring in front and are solved for the nodal displacements. Having thus
Rear axle obtained the values of displacements at the nodes of each
Steering: Power steering element, the strains and stresses are evaluated using the
Brakes: Dual line fuel air element properties [8].
Wheel base: 3200 mm
Overall length: 7000 mm Computer Implementations:
Total chassis weight: 8985 kg
Tire size: 315/80R 22.5 Pre-processing (build FE model, loads and
Max. Speed: 100 Kmph constraints)
Turning Radius: 7200 mm FEA solver (assembles and solves the system of
GVW: 16700 kg equations)
Pay load: up to 42 Tons Post-processing (sort and display the results)
connected at a finite number of joints called Nodes or
finite difference is adopted here. The properties of the
used to derive equilibrium equations for the element and
equation. The equations of equilibrium for the entire
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (5): 656-661, 2014
The ultimate purpose of a finite element analysis is
to recreate mathematically the behavior of an actual
engineering system. In other words the analysis must be
an accurate mathematically model of a physical prototype.
In the broadest sense, this model comprises all the nodes,
elements, material properties, red constants, boundary
conditions and other features that are used to represent
the physical system.
Created the Model of the Truck Chassis Frame for
8mm thickness, using ANSYS 10.0
Meshing has been done for the Model of the Truck
Chassis Frame using the Element Type Shell 181 [9].
Created the Boundary Condition for the Finite
Element Model of the Truck Chassis Frame and Model of a chassis frame t = 8 mm
applying loads for statically conditions.
Created the Mass Element for Distribution of Uniform The below figure shows the meshed model and the
Forces. Distribution of No of Nodes and Elements. Here the no of
Observed the Model Analysis for Natural Nodes found are 12336 and the no of Elements are 11896
Solved the problem by using solution. No of Nodes and Elements.
Interpretation of the results in the Post Processor.
Plotted the results for Static, Model and Dynamic Total Deformation
Analysis. Maximum Von-Misses Stress: The above Figure shows
Steps 1-8 are repeated for the Truck Chassis Frame the Deformation of the Truck Chassis It is a scalar stress
for 6 mm thickness. value that can be computed from stress tensor. The von
Both the frames are compared to find out which is Misses stress is used to predict yielding of materials
more optimum or better suitable for the given under any loading condition from results of simple
conditions. uniaxial tensile tests. The von Misses stress satisfies the
CONCLUSION energy have equal von Misses stress [11].
Input Specification: Stress in Tensile Region: The above Figures show the
Element by: SHELL 181 stress in acting for the static condition, but for the
Thickness: 8 mm or 6 mm unloading and loading conditions the values differs.
Density: 7800 kg/m For 8mm chassis thickness the value of Stress in Tensile
Youngs Modulus: 2.1 10 N/mm region is 522 Mpa where as for the 6mm chassis thickness
5 2
Stiffness k : 15605.8 N/mm the value reduces to almost half and is 216 Mpa [12].
Stiffness k : 27012 N/mm
Poissons ratio: 0.3 Stress in Compression Region: The above Figures
Meshing: Mapped Meshing shows the graphs plotted between the Time and
RESULT AND DISCUSSION Displacement. In the graph it is very clear that as the time
The above Figure is the assembled model of a Tipper suddenly rises and with time it increases and is maximum
Truck Chassis as per the dimensions obtained and made at 40mm. whereas on the other hand the total
using the Pro-E Software [10]. displacement reaches up to 24mm.
property that two stress states with equal distortion
Tensile and Compression Regions where maximum
Displacement and the other figure shows the Total
increases there is no displacement but after 30mm it
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (5): 656-661, 2014
Thickness of frame mm Frequency mode Frequency Von misses stress Mpa Tensile stress Mpa Displacement mm
8 1 19.727 519 522 24
2 27.61
3 34.988
4 39.683
5 50.26
6 62.599
7 72.07
8 74.194
9 86.822
10 98.53
11 94.109
12 111.10
13 118.34
14 124.77
15 125.62
16 131.057
17 134.67
18 139.95
19 145.38
20 147.108
6 1 16 246 216 24
2 25
3 32
4 36
5 48
6 59
7 69
8 71
9 72
10 84
11 86
12 95
13 98
14 112
15 116
16 22
17 123
18 125
19 127
20 130
Time Vs Displacement Total Displacement
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 20 (5): 656-661, 2014
The table given below shows the corresponding 1. Kurdi etal One of the most important steps in
values for frequencies, von Misses stress, stress in development of a new truck chassis is the prediction
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8mm thickness and 6mm thickness chassis frames chassis frame.
respectively: [13]. 2. Cicek Karao a journal on analysis of a chassis frame
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the points where these displacements occur, the natural A Journal on Stress Analysis of Heavy Duty Truck
frequencies and the corresponding characteristics, etc. Chassis using FEM.
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thickness and 6 mm thickness respectively. According to Stress Analysis of a Truck Chassis with Riveted
time-displacement graph 6mm thickness frame is Joints.
better than the other because of the lesser frequency. 5. Singh, Kirpal, a text book on automobile engineering
But overall, it can be concluded that in comparison to 3 edition, 1: 2.
8mm chassis thickness frame, stress is relatively less in 6. Robert and James, 0000. A Textbook on Motor Auto
6mm chassis thickness frame. This is because of its own Body Repair, pp: 426-448.
weight due to the 8 mm thickness. More the thickness, 7. Srinivasan, S., 0000. A Textbook on Automotive
more the bending stress is concentrated. Mechanics, pp: 100-111. Prabhu, T.J., 2005 Design of
Scope for Future Development: The analysis of the frame 8. Giri, N.K., 2005. Automobile Mechanics Khanna
with the cross members positioned at various positions Publisher.
can be done as an extension of this project and the model 9. Gupta, R.B., 1997. Automobile engineering Satya
can be optimized for the best positioning of the cross Prakashan.
members. Another way of continuing on this thesis is by 10. Narang, G.B.S., 2003. Automobile engineering
optimizing the weight of the model. The weight of the Khanna Publisher.
model can be optimized by decreasing the dimensions of 11. Heat and Mass, 2007. Transfer Data Book.
any of the parts like the side rail or the cross members of 12. Testing, Fabrication and Thermal Analysis of metal
the frame. matrix composite frame., 2007. International journal of
Instead of the channel section, which has been taken vehicle design, pp: 24.
for study in this project, any other type of section like 13. Numerical and analytical investigation of temperature
rolled steel frames can be taken and the model can be distribution in a trucks frame with simulated
analyzed. defects., 2001. International journal of vehicle design
Transmission Elements.
34: 246-264.

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