Adding excess water to pre-mixed concrete can significantly reduce its strength and damage its properties. As supplied by the plant, concrete is carefully proportioned to meet specifications, with less than half the water needed for hydration and the rest for workability and curing. However, each additional 10 liters of water per cubic meter can reduce strength by about 2.5 MPa. Site supervisors must ensure workers do not add extra water, as it can have disastrous structural consequences through reduced strength and increased cracking.
Adding excess water to pre-mixed concrete can significantly reduce its strength and damage its properties. As supplied by the plant, concrete is carefully proportioned to meet specifications, with less than half the water needed for hydration and the rest for workability and curing. However, each additional 10 liters of water per cubic meter can reduce strength by about 2.5 MPa. Site supervisors must ensure workers do not add extra water, as it can have disastrous structural consequences through reduced strength and increased cracking.
Adding excess water to pre-mixed concrete can significantly reduce its strength and damage its properties. As supplied by the plant, concrete is carefully proportioned to meet specifications, with less than half the water needed for hydration and the rest for workability and curing. However, each additional 10 liters of water per cubic meter can reduce strength by about 2.5 MPa. Site supervisors must ensure workers do not add extra water, as it can have disastrous structural consequences through reduced strength and increased cracking.
Adding excess water to pre-mixed concrete can significantly reduce its strength and damage its properties. As supplied by the plant, concrete is carefully proportioned to meet specifications, with less than half the water needed for hydration and the rest for workability and curing. However, each additional 10 liters of water per cubic meter can reduce strength by about 2.5 MPa. Site supervisors must ensure workers do not add extra water, as it can have disastrous structural consequences through reduced strength and increased cracking.
Nothing is easier than adding excess mixing water to pre-mixed
concrete at building sites. And nothing is more likely to make
repairs to a concrete construction necessary, or more likely to damage a contractors reputation for efficiency and reliability. As supplied from Boral trucks, batched concrete is carefully proportioned and mixed to produce strength according to specifications. Less than half the water it contains is needed for hydration of cement. The rest of the water is there to make transporting and workability easier (by providing lubrication between sand/aggregate particles) and to ensure that there will be sufficient inherent water in the curing process. The plant supplying the mix will adjust the water content fractionally to meet summer or winter conditions of transporting and placing. Wetness of concrete is directly related to its setting strength the 28-day compressive strength of concrete is reduced by about 1.5 MPa for each additional 20mm of slump produced by adding water. To put this another way, each additional 10 litres of water per cubic metre will reduce the strength of concrete by about 2.5 MPa. Water should only be added to the concrete to maintain the specified slump under the supervision of a Boral representative. Excess water added on site will damage the concrete properties with potentially disastrous results. Adding Water to Plant Batched Concrete 0 1 0 2 5
0 7 / 0 4 Boral Concrete Technical Notes T e c h n i c a l
Cementitious binder (i.e. cement & fly ash) needs less than half its own weight of water to turn concrete into durable stone. The wetter this cementitious paste is, the weaker it is. The table below shows how strength decreases as water content of a mix increases. Approx. w/c ratio Characteristic compressive strength (MPa) 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.55 0.65 50 40 32 25 20 Advantages Easier placing Disadvantage Lower compressive strengths. More time and labour needed for finishing, and for stripping and cleaning forms. Cracking with too much water there will be low tensile strength, high shrinkage. Dusting and scaling. Bleeding of excess water brings too many fines to the surface of floors. Sand streaks. Excess water bleeding up the sides of forms washes out cement paste and leaves an unsightly streaked surface. Mud pies. Too much water in concrete placed on grades causes earth to mix with the concrete, slows the set, reduces strength sharply. Permeability. Voids left as excess water evaporates invite water to seep through walls and floors. Dead losses costly repairs, or, in extreme cases, removal and re-building, at contractors expense. Increase in setting times. EFFECT OF TOO MUCH MIXING WATER Figure 1: Characteristic Compressive Strength approx. w/c ratios.
0 1 0 2 5
0 7 / 0 4 When water is added here To make concrete run there Do not add extra water to flow the concrete from one point to another. If flowing concrete is required use Easyplace. When water is added to increase slump, strength decreases. 30 25 20 15 10 50 100 150 200 SLUMP mm STRENGTH MPa The strength here Be ready to place ready-mixed concrete as it arrives. Prolonged mixing in the truck agitator makes concrete stiffer, harder to work. Use vibrators to compact mixes having slumps of 80mm or less. For easier placing, specify concrete with plasticisers or, best of all, Easyplace. Make sure that enough people are available on site to transport, place and compact fresh concrete. G O E S T H E R E When water is added here To make concrete run there Do not add extra water to flow the concrete from one point to another. If flowing concrete is required use Easyplace. When water is added to increase slump, strength decreases. 30 25 20 15 10 50 100 150 200 SLUMP mm STRENGTH MPa The strength here Be ready to place ready-mixed concrete as it arrives. Prolonged mixing in the truck agitator makes concrete stiffer, harder to work. Use vibrators to compact mixes having slumps of 80mm or less. For easier placing, specify concrete with plasticisers or, best of all, Easyplace. Make sure that enough people are available on site to transport, place and compact fresh concrete. G O E S T H E R E When higher-slump mixes appear to be desirable for difficult placements, advice about mix designs, setting strengths and safety factors is always available from Boral Technical staff. FOUR WAYS TO MINIMISE TEMPTATION TO ADD EXCESS WATER The ever-present site problem is that all members of placing teams quickly learn about the labour-saving effect that a little added water has on workability of concrete. The site supervisor cant tie knots in the hose(s) needed for cleaning equipment. So, a little water may be added to many barrow or buggy loads of concrete during a pour. With this unofficial system operating, it doesnt take long to add 100 litres of water to a truck-load (say 5m 3 ) of plant-mixed concrete. The effects will be: (a) an increase of about 80mm of slump over the slump specified. (b) a reduction in compressive strength of about 5MPa. (c) uneven strength throughout the concrete mass. The only answer is to make at least one responsible member of each placing team fully aware of the harm excess water can cause. Perhaps the most dangerous of all practices is the use of extra water to help concrete flow along elevated forms to lower points. In this case, if shores/toms are removed after a nominal curing period, severe structural cracking and/or collapse are more than possibilities. General information: please email us on for further information. Customer Service: at Boral we are committed to excellence in service so please contact QLD 1300 30 59 79 NSW 1300 55 25 55 VIC 133 006 TAS 03 6336 1366 SA 08 8425 0400 WA 08 9333 3400 NT 08 8947 0844 for further information. Boral website: Visit the Boral website for the full range of Boral products or for specific concrete information visit T e c h n i c a l
Ricardo Bofill & Leon Krier, Architecture, Urbanism, and History Source: Moma, No. 36 (Summer, 1985), P. 3 Published By: The Museum of Modern Art Accessed: 27-06-2016 11:51 Utc