Desert Magazine 1978 April
Desert Magazine 1978 April
Desert Magazine 1978 April
ill! j'r
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SATURDAY, 10:00-3:00
" • • • • • ' • . - » -
Color Separations by
Henry Color Service Volume 41, Number 4 APRIL 1978
Lithographed by
\A olfer Printing Company, Inc.
Available in Microfilm by
Xerox University Microfilms
EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-425 old addresses with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly.
Hiohway 111, P. 0. Box 1318, Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Second class postage paid at Palm Desert, California and at additional
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Desert/ April 1978
Miscellaneous Copies
publisher's iTmps
from 1959 to 1965
Package of 10
$900 • AST MONTH I mentioned briefly the
J anticipated wildflower display that
I J the winter rains could produce, and
many of our readers asked just what
No selections available areas might be best to visit. A phone call
to the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
VOLUMES FOR YEARS headquarters, in Borrego Springs, Cali- By Slim Barnard
1966*1969*1974 fornia, revealed that they are prepared Ihe tours by the Happy Wandereis con-
tain excellent maps, mileage, history
for a spectacular wildflower explosion of the areas, costs of gasoline consump-
11 issues only which could peak from mid-March to tion, lodging meals, what to wear and
the best time of the year to make the
well into April. trips. A family can plan their trip and
Just one of the many beautifully reproduced Hilton paintings included in the book.
The Man Who Captured Sunshine is a biography of a The author, Katherine Ainsworth, makes no apology for the
remarkable, modern day, Renaissance Man — John W. Hilton. "lack of objectivity" in writing this book... she has been a friend
Though John Hilton is best known as the "Dean of American and admirer of John Hilton for over thirty years. Katie's late
Desert Painters," he is also a distinguished botanist, gemologist, husband, Ed Ainsworth, was John Hilton's best friend for almost
and zoologist. Hilton also is a noted writer and linguist, a guitarist as many years. This "labor of love" has resulted in a magnificent
and singer. book about a magnificent man.
C A P T U R E D SUNSHINE crooked
By Katherine Ainsworth
Foreword by James Cagney
Desert/April 1978
UCKED INTO A windswept corner stream much of the winter and alkaline a new landfill to serve the Palm Springs-
Daaert/April 1978 9
r •-
Burg's document, coupled with
spirited support from two Indian or-
ganizations, the Malki Museum of
Morongo Reservation, and the American
Indian Historical Society of San Fran-
cisco, apparently awakened the interest
of the landlord, the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management. But the park never
Willow Hole, it turned out, had been a
traditional resting place for the Cahuilla,
the Chemehuevi and possibly the Ser-
rano Indians on their periodic migrations
between the San Corgonio Pass, the
Coachella Valley and the High Desert
beyond. Certainly there remains ample
evidence of this occupation, in litters of
broken potshards, stone tools, grinding
holes and perhaps even the stumps of
old burned mesquite.
In any case, BLM listened, assured
the park district that the land would not
become a cut and cover dumpsite, but
apparently never approved the archi-
tectural design for a park. Now, 10 years
later, the land is still reserved for park
use and may eventually be so desig-
nated on the final version of the BLM
Desert Plan and developed by the fed-
Slope on right [above] is littered with potsherds uncovered during midwinter rains. eral agency. New state laws protect the
Federal and state laws prohibit removal of manmade material without a special per- site also, because of the known abori-
mit. Overall view [below] of Willow Hole, looking toward stormswept Little San ginal land uses and the earlier opposi-
Bernardino Mountains. Area is along branch of San Andreas Fault, which may tion to sale or dump use from the two
account for the abundant, if slightly saline waters that often surface here. Indian organizations.
Willow Hole is also protected by
Mother Nature, wjth inhospitable sur-
roundings and its own windy micro-
climate. Seldom does the wind let up for
more than a few days and as a little extra
protection against private land develop-
ment, the area is astride the desert
branch of the San Andreas Fault.
The county moved the landfill site two
miles to the southeast, where the Edom
Hill dump now serves the upper Coa-
chella Valley — but the proximity of that
site has posed another problem in recent
The entire north end of the Indio Hills,
a sandy subrange of the Little San Ber-
nardinos that flanks the faultline from
Desert Hot Springs southeast to the
Salton Sea, has become an unauthorized
but apparently permitted recreational
area, peopled primarily on weekends by
hordes of motorcyclists, a growing num-
ber of hang glider enthusiasts, plinkers
and plain old picnickers.
On a recent visit, the writer found
Willow Hole pockmarked with target
10 Desert/April 1978
Stay At the clean
and new
with the Monument
Valley KOA
giants. campground.
With individual
trailer hook-ups, a
general store and laundry/shower facilities.
Monument / \
Valley KOA KOA
\JIM m Stay at near-by Goulding's
Lodge & Trading Post. Furnished,
air-conditioned rooms, tamily style
meals and shopping facilities.
Plus daily guided tours into the
heart of Monument Valley. An
adventure you wont want to miss.
Lodge & Tours
For free brochure
and information
write Box 1-D,
Monument Valley,
Utah 84536.
Or call (801)
Willow Hole, looking north toward Desert Hot Springs, showing vehicle tracks Reservations are necessary
for rooms, meals, and tours.
leading toward heart of the marsh. Palms and mesquite appear on banks of canyon.
shooters' leavings, shotgun shells, 'cycle no closer than the shoulders of the old
tracks and old beer cans. Maybe the highway or Mountain View Road. Four- FUN PHOTO TOTE BAG
EiLM is not permitting its development wheel-drive and dune buggies can pene- own or to give. Send any size
for housing or trash disposal but neither trate a little closer but the " H o l e " itself photo, slide or lithograph - color or
BW. (returned). We'll reproduce
is there any apparent patrol to protect is probably safe from all motor vehicles. it, 8 " x 10" on a Tote Bag of
the wildlife and aboriginal area. Horsemen occasionally visit the area but heavy-duty, natural canvas, 14"
x14". Center snap. Built-in
The nearby rock house service station, presumably have learned the marshy Keyholder. $ n . 5 O each ppd.
areas are akin to quicksand and stay CA residents add 6% tax. Send photo
I )ng an oasis for boiling radiators at the and check or money order today to:
summit of the long grade out of the val- away from the heart of the little natural BOGSIDE PRODUCTS
Box 601, Dept. TK2 Encinitas, CA 92024
I jy, is gradually falling into total ruin, its
stone and block walls marked with graf- Most of the surface aboriginal mater-
fiti, unauthorized trash dumping filling ials have been removed time and again A New Uniquely Designed
the three small buildings. The wooden by pothunters, but each fresh wind or SECURITY WALLET
ceilings and roofs long ago became rain storm, as occurred repeatedly dur- Pick Pockets 6 Purse Snofchers
campfire fuel and the eerie quality that ing the Christmas-New Year's holiday The Long Sought Protection
Millions Have Sought
made the old place a natural movie set period and into January this year, turns
far several film companies two decades up dozens more artifacts.
ago has been heightened. The initial parksite proposal of 1966 Big Bills
Across the highway, Willow Hole still indicated development for family pic- Valuables
dffers the haven for wildlife it did before nicking, with minimal recreational facili-
the visitors. Bobcat tracks, quail, many ties, might cost as much as a million
Credit Cards
migratory birds and a resident popula- dollars over a 40-year period. p - Passport
tion of lizards, rodents and butterflies Twelve years of inflation, plus the in- ravelers Checks
cittest to the potential the area has as a creasing depredations of casual visitors Genuine Leather
wildlife reserve even today. might well result in a development bill ORDER TODAY
$ 9 . 5 0 plus .50<t h a n d l i n g
Entry into the central marshlands is costing twice that much today, but the
Calif residents add 6% sales rax
difficult, even for motorcyclists, due to million-dollar Willow Hole park still WARREN OF CALIFORNIA
the arrowweed and willow thickets and appears as an inviting prospect. And 40 P.O. Box 3265D, San Diego, Calif. 92103
ordinary passenger cars should approach years from now, who knows? •
desert/ April 1978 11
HERE IS A remote and isolated Above and right: Two views
promontory on the south rim of the of the jumbled pieces
Grand Canyon where an archeologi- that at one time formed
cal mystery waits to be unraveled. Here, a five-foot-high wall.
on a massive block of limestone, de-
tached from the canyon's main rim, is
found a strange block wall dating back to
the dawn of antiquity. Who built the only on the side that faces the Coconino
wall? When was it made? What was its Plateau. There is no wall on the edge
purpose? All these questions remain un- that overlooks Grand Canyon proper and
answered. The National Park Service has the Colorado River some 4,000 feet be-
had archeologists look at the site but low. The wall is made out of blocks of
they have come to no firm conclusions. Kaibab limestone which is found every-
Through eons of geologic time a piece where in the vicinity and readily
of Kaibab limestone became separated available. Some of the blocks weigh sev-
from the Coconino Plateau. The split eral hundred pounds and in places they
created an island of rock nearly 100 have been stacked on top of each other
yards long by some 10 to 20 yards wide. three or four rows high. It is difficult to In the center part of the island, where
The distance between this block and the guess how high the wall was originally, the block is the widest, the remains of a
canyon rim is only 40 to 50 yards. The perhaps five feet or more. Judging from half a dozen enclosed walls suggest that
canyon rim is slightly higher than the the rock debris at the bottom of the cliff, building structures were incorporated
block and is at an elevation of approxi- the wall must have been at least par- into the wall. Nearby is a narrow crack
mately 6,000 feet. While there is nothing tially eroded away over the centuries deep in the island which goes down 30
larger than an occasional ephedra bush since it was built. In some places today feet to the base of the island. If the trunk
growing on the block, the vegetation on there is just a basal row of rock per- of a pinyon tree were to be placed in this
the nearby rim is a pinyon-juniper forest. haps a foot or two high, in other places fissure, the slot would be just wide
Today the nearest source of water is a the wall is still three or four feet high. enough for a person to climb through to
spring, some four miles away. One thing is certain, however, the wall is gain access to the top of the island.
The curious rock wall was built along man-made; it is not some geologic oddity There is only one other route to climb to
the length of this "island of rock," but of nature. the top, and it is not very easy.
Desert/April 1978
Anyone on top of the island would cer- they would have to do is drop heavy
tainly have the advantage if he were de- rocks on those trying to climb up, or
fending this little " k i n g d o m " from push them away with a long stick. Those
attack. The walls are perpendicular all on the island would be vulnerable only to
the way around. An invader would have spears, arrows, or rocks, launched from
a precarious and exposed climb of only the main plateau rim. Of course, the
An aerial view
shows the huge
stones stacked
right to the edge
of the limestone
in the vastness of
the Crand Canyon.
t esert/ April 1978 13
For this reason it seems logical to think
RIVERSIDE COUNTY'S LARGEST the wall was built for defensive purposes.
4-WHEEL-DRIVE HEADQUARTERS There are still many questions to be
Accessories for All Makes answered. Was this complex built by the
Anasazi of the Colorado Plateau Country
examines Send for free Book Catalog
mystery Desert Magazine Book Shop
wall. Palm Desert, California 92260
Hanksville UT 84734
Lodge & Marina
(602) 645-2433
Resort & Marina
(801) 684-2233
P.O. Box 1597 • Page AZ 86040 Hanksville UT 84734
this ruin, like many others, awaits the Name
explorer willing to get off the beaten
path, and out of his car. This myster-
ious wall is but one of the many riddles I Address.
HEN THE hot winds of summer This is dependent upon the weather, as
scorch the lowlands and broil the early fall storms frequently close the
desert regions, it is time for a vaca- Monument.
tion in the high country. In Utah, they Jerry and I had been looking forward
call their southwest corner "Color to visiting Cedar Breaks Monument and
Country." Never was a name more the Brianhead Agate locale. We had lin-
appropriate! Rising abruptly from the gered longer in Nevada than planned, so
high plains, nine- to eleven-thousand- it was near the end of October when we
foot peaks reach skyward — their shoul- arrived in Cedar City, Utah. High, thin
ders mantled with fine stands of quaking clouds told of storms in the north and the
aspen, fir, spruce and pine. local weatherman predicted one was due
Though the vegetation adds greatly to to reach Cedar City. Our luck held and
the beauty of the scene, it is the land the next morning clear, blue skies
itself that gives rise to the name "Color greeted us, though high, thin clouds still
Country." Here, tremendous forces of remained on the western horizon. All
erosion have sculptured massive sedi- was " g o " for Cedar Breaks and
mentary deposits into an artistry that is Brianhead.
magnificent to behold. Red, brown, ver- We headed east on Highway 14
million, white and pink are but a few of through the vermillion gates formed by
the multitudinous colors to be seen in the Hurricane Ridge. Cedar Canyon quickly
dazzling array of picturesque geological narrowed and high walls towered far
formations. above us. Just below the road, Coal
Color Country's three National Parks Creek rushed toward the plains. Along
— Capitol Reef, Bryce and Zion — as its banks, the golden leaves of quaking
well as the Glen Canyon National Rec- aspen shimmered in the first rays of the
reation Area — are well known, even to morning sun. We soon passed the Cedar
those who have not yet visited the City Steam Plant. It is located on the site
region. A fifth outstanding area is Cedar of coal deposits, the presence of which
Breaks National Monument. It is lesser led to the original settlement at the can-
known and often by-passed by vacation- yon's mouth. The plant is used to pro-
ers hurrying to see "all the sights" vide additional power at peak demand
possible. time.
No two of these parks are alike. Each A variety of landscapes were enjoyed
has its own unique formations, color and as the highway snaked its way up the
charm. While Cedar Breaks is the small- mountains. We drove through deep can-
est in size, it can take the honors for yons, then out on high mountain shoul-
being the highest with an elevation of ders where the view was endless. Far
10,400 feet at the rim. The travel sea- below, we could often see the road we
son is from early June to late October. had just traveled.
16 Desert/April 1978
ZL v
V. >t
late the beauty with our eyes.
From the viewpoint, it was a little over
a mile to Markagunt Plateau where scat-
tered patches of snow lay among the
trees. We junctioned with Highway 143
— the Cedar Breaks Road — and fol-
Left: Brianhead
lowed it north. Vegetation began to
Agate will be
change as our altimeter rose to over
found in this
10,000 feet. Open, grassy meadows now
small creek
appeared between stands of Englemann
and along its
Spruce and Alpine Fir.
banks. Just
below the trees, Enroute to the Visitor's Center, Jerry
are large spotted an interesting bird's nest. He
guessed it to be that of a Goshawk and
^ ^ H outcrops of
advised me to keep the old eyes open.
H vein agate.
His guess was confirmed when we
Below: It is fun
sighted one of these beautiful raptors.
to collect in the
Generally, I do not mention such sight-
creek where
ings in order to prevent any possible
the water
nest-robbing or capture of immature
"shows" the
birds for use in falconry. Since they are
colors. The
protected in the Monument, I can share
• •':- chunk jerry is
with you the thrill of seeing one of the
removing proved
elusive, proud birds. The Goshawk ap-
'' to be a beautiful
pears to be diminishing and may soon be
combination of
removed from the list of birds that may
red, yellow and
be taken for use in falconry.
black jasper in
the basic agate. The Visitor Center is open from June
through Labor Day and a Park Ranger is
The 17-mile drive from Cedar City to Prior to the summit, we stopped at on duty daily to answer questions and
the Markagunt Plateau climbs over 4,100 Zion Viewpoint. All one can say to de- suggest places of interest. The center
feet and we found it one of the most scribe the scene is "magnificent — has exhibits explaining the formation of
scenic ever taken. We were too late for breathtaking." Looking south across the colorful escarpment, as well as in-
the glorious aspen color in the higher miles and miles of unspoiled wilderness, formation about the monument's animal
elevations but there was the beauty of the massive rock formations of Zion and plant life.
prime trees and luxuriant undergrowth stand out boldly on the skyline. We en- From the Center at Point Supreme, a
to ad mite. joyed a coffee break and tried to assimi- short walk leads to the rim where, far
below, the picturesque formations are
exposed in all their magnificence. Like a
kaleidoscope, the color and form is ever
changing with varying light and asso-
ciated shadows. Brilliant in the noon-
day sun, this natural amphitheater ap-
pears dark and forboding when storm
clouds gather overhead. The name
"Cedar Breaks" was given the forma-
tion by early Mormon settlers. They re-
ferred to broken country as "breaks"
and mistakenly called the large junipers
A two-mile hike along the Wasatch
Ramparts Trail (it begins at the Center)
will take visitors to Spectra Point and a
stand of Bristlecone Pines at the trail's
end. The oldest tree here is believed to
be about 3,000 years of age.
A short distance east of the Center
there is a very nice campground and pic-
nic area among the pines. The camp-
ground has 30 units (trailers o.k.) and a
18 Desert/April 1978
Cedar Breaks /
lion County
daily fee of $2.00 is charged. Water and and conies (pika) will be seen scamper- below 6,000 feet elevation. You can't
sanitary facilities are provided. The ing on the rocky slopes. Weasels, bad- miss these jaunty, handsome birds with
campground is open from June 15th to gers and coyotes are not uncommon. Oc- light grey bodies and large, white
September 15th. Keep in mind the ele- casionally, a mountain lion will be ob- patches on their black wings and tail.
vation here is 10,400 feet. Take it easy served. Mule deer can generally be seen They are friendly birds and will often be
until you become acclimated. grazing along the rim during early morn- regular guests at your camp table.
Be sure to take the five-mile rim drive ing and late afternoon. A stop at Sunset View will reward you
and stop at all the viewpoints. Each will There are many interesting birds in with a spectacular vista of the amphi-
give you a different perspective of the the Monument — White-throated Swift, theater and an almost endless panorama
Cedar Breaks formation. Watch for the Stellar's Jay, Violet-green Swallow, Blue of the wilderness area to the west. The
Monument's wildlife — there is plenty. Grouse, Golden and Bald Eagles. One, forests appear dense and lush. Not a
You will recognize ground squirrels, Clark's Nutcracker, is truly a bird of the road mars the scene. It is land primeval
chipmunks and red squirrels. Marmots very high country. They are seldom seen Continued on Page 39
Desert/April 1978 19
T WAS A STILL, warmish, late even-
ing in Mid Easter Week at Death Val-
what did you call it?"
"The title was 'Death Valley Oddi-
"What you say is true, sir, but very
few visitors have your insight, and these
! ley National Monument. I had just ties,' a collection of strange sights and changes should be understood to be
conducted a double-feature slide talk at scenes most visitors don't get to see. appreciated. My talk usually passes over
the Stove Pipe Wells Hotel lobby and "That's exactly what we were dis- the causes of change lightly, but the ef-
was enjoying the quiet walk back to my cussing, Chuck," said one dignified- fects are illustrated as they are more real
trailer. For the past several days, rip- looking gentlemen. " M y wife and I have to the visitor; they can be felt, seen, or
ping winds and stinging sands had kept been coming here to Death Valley for heard."
most activities to a minimum, and this over 30 years now, and many of the My last remark seemed to hang there
new stillness was only punctuated by things you showed in the slides were not in the air, empty and unattended, and I
songs and laughter from the crowded the least familiar to u s ! " was concerned that I.might have com-
campground. Small groups of people Having been through this many times mitted some offense to their intelligence.
were lounging on the porches of the before, I politely explained that I had I added, " I n other words, my slides draw
motel units enjoying the sight of the recognized the fact that all visitors did attention to what happens as a result of a
mysterious sand dunes bathed in not spend large amounts of time ex- road change, or a campground closure,
moonbeams. ploring the Valley as I did, and the or perhaps extra heavy fall rains."
Out of the quietness suddenly came, "Death Valley Oddities" talk was one " I n other words, Mr. Gebhardt," said
" O h , Mr. Gebhardt, Mr. Gebhardt - way to share these experiences. the lady who had first called me over to
could you please come talk to us?" "That aspect we understood, young the group, "we were paying attention to
"Yes, ma'am," I replied, and made man, but what we meant were the con- the obvious causes of change, and over-
my way through the parked cars to the trasts of changes you had illustrated; the looking the details of the effects so that
small group of men and women on the changing scene with respect to time, what you illustrated appeared new to us
motel porch. weather, and man. It just seemed to us - right?"
A question came from a lady in the that these were common, if not alto- "Right, ma'am. And if you people
center of the group, " W e were just dis- gether obvious, influences on the could join us tomorrow on a short hike to
cussing your first slide talk tonight — Valley's makeup." Hole-in-the-Rock Spring, we can show
A scene in old
Mosaic Canyon
[right] prior to
the last few
years of heavy
rainfall which
filled in areas
such as this with
gravel. The
moving rocks of
Racetrack Playa
[opposite page]
leave their trail
l>ut barely scrape
the surface
soil layer.
Desert/April 1978 21
could count at least five minor lakes
amid the dunes when viewing the scene
from the Grotto Canyon road. In areas of
clay-laden soils, the lake beds are sheets
of cracked and jagged mud blocks.
Where the soil material is predominant-
ly sand with just a trace of clay, the
ground surface has formed into fine curls
of dried mud as delicate as the wood
curls from a well-adjusted carpenter's
plane. To see these areas best, drive a
short distance up the Grotto Canyon road
to look down upon the dunes and the
sites where lakes once stood.
Changes to accommodations and ser-
vices in general throughout the Monu-
ment have been few except for gasoline
and food prices. The campgrounds in the
Furnace Creek and Stove Pipe Wells
areas have been enlarged and improved
slightly in the past few years, but during
the peak visitor periods, these changes
are hardly discernible. Speaking of peak
O/d Harmony Borax Works site, the first successful borax operation in Death Valley. visitor periods, the energy crisis of late
you in real life what you have seen on the coming and outgoing traffic for two days, 1973 and early 1974 greatly reduced vis-
slides." but also brought about premature itor population in the Valley overall. Due
The entire group indicated an excited blooming of plants in lower canyons dur- to a record visitation over the Easter
interest in seeing first-hand some of the ing the month of November. This 1977- Week period, the 1973 population
"Oddities" that had been shown at the 1978 winter has already appeared to topped 600,000 for the first time in Park
slide talk and, following belated intro- break the California drought in most history. By the end of 1974, the num-
ductions, we finally bid each other parts of the state, and the spring visitor ber dropped to 384,000. Evidently, this
goodnight. to Death Valley this season will be the was a temporary slowdown and the mag-
Rarely are changes of any'sort subtle recipient of an outstanding flower show. netism of Death Valley won out. The
and undetectable in Death Valley. For A fringe benefit of good snows in the recent visitor population statistics in-
example, if you have not been to the surrounding mountain areas is the in- dicate the figure to be back over the
Valley since prior to the fall of 1976, the creased water table level allowing 600,000 mark, so we should all be pre-
boardwalk surrounding Salt Creek will blooms to remain on the plants a little pared to get back fn line for gas, food,
be a new experience. The primary pur- longer than normal. and Scotty's Castle tickets! By the way,
pose of the wooden walkway was to pre- The only permanent road closure that in case you hadn't heard, the service
vent further extension of the waters into comes to mind is the Trail Canyon Road station at Furnace Creek Ranch has
separate tributaries. People traffic over — once upon a time the most beautiful switched from Arco to Chevron.
the years, back and forth across the offroad adventure in the Monument. For The Park Service at Death Valley has
creek banks, caused many new paths for several years, heavy rains accompanied undergone somewhat of an organiza-
the water which in turn threatened to by severe runoff from the upper canyon tional facelifting resulting in divisions
reduce the main creek level. Since this is drove all manner of debris down-canyon for the various functions they perform.
one of the homes of the Desert Pupfish, to create a monstrous alluvial fan of Of most benefit to the visitor was the
their survival was dependent on the rubble. A couple of years ago, a hardy formation of the Interpretive Division.
water level and that survival was being group of offroad drivers from the Cali- From this talented group of Service em-
jeopardized. The boardwalk now directs fornia Association of 4WD Clubs cut a ployees emanates the walks and talks
the foot traffic along the best parts of the road in almost 10 miles before rain, snow conducted throughout the Monument.
creek, and permits the visitor to view the and time forced a halt. The scars of the Even though their schedule of events
pupfish without any hazard to their al- canyon debris can easily be seen from from years past was impressive, the lat-
ready tenuous existence. the main highway, and Trail Canyon re- est schedules appear to have more in-
The above-average rainfall in the mains closed to this day. depth walks and talks which are care-
past two years (three to four inches) has Should you venture in and around the fully planned and interestingly executed.
created some new washes, expanded sand dunes east of Stove Pipe Wells Knowing of these changes, whether
larger washes into minor canyons, and Village, you will see the effects of the man-made or natural, is of little conse-
resulted in spectacular spring flower rains of the past couple of years in the quence to the visitor unless they can be
displays. The summer rains of 1976 were scars of lakes. Following a particularly experienced first-hand. Regardless of
heavy enough to close the Park to in- heavy downpour in September, one your age, sex, or size, take advantage of
22 Desert/April 1978
I Good things \W
are happening at...
Stay at the historic
[ esert/April 1978 23
"Loving Care"
Norberto A. Reyes,
24 Desert/April 1978
His love for Western themes started an older boy he read intensely about complicated by the United States quota
when he was a boy in the Philippines. Western lore in the library of the United system for immigrants to the United
His parents filled his entire childhood States Information Service. States. Reyes had fine credentials as a
with plans to live in the United States After a taste of success as an artist in successful artist, architect, television
someday. His dreams turned to visions the Philippines (today his paintings hang director and production designer. But
of the deserts and the sagebrush of in the Manila Museum of Art), he began these were openings filled many times
Arizona, California and Nevada, of his plan to come to the United States, in over by United States citizens. The only
cowboys and Indians. Western fantasies his words, " t o partake of what is good in open avenue to the United States was as
were played out on grandpa's farm amid America, to expand, to grow." a tourist. So, with ten dollars in his
a natural setting of horses and cows. As Carrying out the plan became pocket and 15 days on a tourist pass,
Desert/April 1978 25
Reyes arrived at Los Angeles
International Airport in 1967,
determined to stay.
He managed a series of legal delays
for his return to the Philippines and
filled them with furious energy. This
energy, a firm dedication to purpose,
and unflagging hope overcame each
obstacle. During this period he painted
for various tastes: seascapes, snow
scenes, barns, animals, children, old
people, nudes. Art galleries noticed
Reyes' work and featured it. Famous
collectors-Cornell Wilde, Baron Hilton,
Dennis Weaver—bought his canvasses.
Good fortune reached a peak with two
paintings which became instantly
famous. In 1968 his portrait of Martin
Luther King won first prize over the
entries of hundreds of other established
Left: - artists in the Southern Christian
"Indian Study' Leadership Conference's Memorial
Charcoal, Contest. In 1969 his portrait honoring
16"x20" Apollo astronauts Collins, Aldren and
Armstrong became nationally popular. It
Below: was displayed in major cities throughout
"Ranch Hand" the United States, shown on television,
Oil, in newspapers and in magazines.
16"x24" Secure in his United States
cii izenship, granted in 1973, Reyes now
points at his studio in Canoga Park,
California. His Hawaiian wife resembles
an Indian princess. His handsome little
boy and his sprightly baby girl color and
sketch alongside Dad as he works. They
appear, often as Indian children, in
dozens of sketches and paintings
th roughout the house.
His new, hard-earned reputation as a
Y\ estern artist charms him, and he is
gi ateful for the popularity of his Western
pointings. These themes are his
fascination, and he devotes himself
entirely to them. Hitching posts, horses,
corrals are done with subtleties of light
and detail which bring out their magic,
their strength, their beauty.
Last year Norberto Reyes celebrated
his tenth year in the United States by
winning seven awards in Western Art Right:
shows, among them the Gold Medal, "Through
AICA competition; First Prize, May Art the Barn
Festival, Chriswood Gallery, Temecula, Door"
C ilifornia; and First Prize and Best of Oil,
SI iow, FFP Western Art Exhibit. 30"x40"
His paintings can be seen at the
coming American Indian and Cowboy Below:
Artists Society's annual art exhibition in "First
Sin Dimas, California, April 28, 29 and Born"
30, as well as the Desert Magazine Art Oil,
Gallery in Palm Desert. • 24"x36"
Desert/April 1978 29
ORNAMENTAL Once Jim even got a job! In the late relaxed. He had been positively poised
'50s, he was hired as a watchman for the for flight from the moment he sent in the
vti/L movie company making a Disney film in application. Later, when the job was
Unique lawn decora-
the Joshua Tree National Monument. He over, he willingly accepted unemploy-
tion. Adds rustic charm. almost didn't take that job. He had to ment pay. He had enjoyed the job and
4% ft., 8 ft., and 10 ft. have a Social Security card, and not only could feel he had earned that benefit.
sizes. Boxed. Send 50c
in coin or stamps for was that government interference with As a long-time desert dweller, who
colorful literature to: his independence, but something else understood and loved his environment,
ORNAMENTAL surfaced. He confided to the friend he he had worried about the confined wild
SCALE. TURNS IN was adopting at the time that he could animals who made up the movie cast.
ALL STtll CONSTRUCTION. 10336 DeSoto Avenue
Chatsworth, Cal. 91311 But he approved and appreciated the
213-341-2672 manner in which they were pensioned
off. Jim was instructed to remain at the
site for at least six months, continuing to
Blisters were most of his findings,
Little of ore worth a keep.
While living on the movie set, J im had
developed an interest in painting. With a
By Stanley W. Paher
Cold that chills to the marrow —
Not zero, not even a freeze —
But the kind that jells the thinking,
That stiffens the ankles and knees.
steady income, he bought painting sup-
plies and equipment, and set out to be an
artist. He returned to living in his truck
in our back yard and attempted to sell his
paintings, some of which were
He has seen the joys of the desert,
appealing. A number of '29ers still own a
Enjoyed the pleasures of night,
"Calcite" painting (his chosen nom de
Reveled in warmth of sunshine,
plume), silent testimony to J im's friends
Knew the gods of his desert were
helping him out again.
But sales were not too good in '29.
There were too many professional artists
He lone-wolfed life in its living,
in the area. So J im decided to try his luck
Yet he had no hermit's degree.
selling along the highway. He hit the
He wished no crowds around him;
road, setting up along U.S. 66 in the
The lone wolf alone is free.
Cadiz area, traveling much as he had
years before. He was far too old to go
Now come the years in their closing;
back to living in his truck, and he
The skeletal remains of abandoned mines No regrets for the wins, or the loss
and towns in the Cerbat Mountains and Of a lifetime spent in the seeking.
other barren ranges in western Arizona And indeed, old age and "soft living"
along the Colorado River are visited by No word of bearing a cross.
at the movie set made J im realize that he
the author. Lavishly illustrated with rare
old photos. Large format. Standard could no longer go on that way. The old
A man whose steps you now follow,
edition is $2.95. age of the truck had a bit to do with that
But follow in high powered cars.
decision, too.
Beautiful 91/2x12% hardcover edition He dreamed of trails untrammeled.
contains 15 four-color reproductions of So — back to our hospital at Pill Hill.
You dream of a highway to Mars.
etchings by noted Roy Purcell. $9.95 Jim well knew we had a five-acre home-
stead with a tiny cabin on it. After a few
Limited autographed Collector's Edition
includes (in addition to the 15 reproduc- never go into San Bernardino. He had days of hints too broad to be ignored, we
tions) a numbered and signed original done "something" years before, and if offered the cabin (pretty primitive hous-
etching by Roy Purcell. This volume is the authorities ever caught him, he ing, but housing) to Jim for his tempor-
hard bound and inserted in a handsome,
gold-embossed slip jacket. $60.00. would go to prison. He also admitted ary use. Temporary turned out to be the
that London was "not exactly" his real last 11 years of his life. He spent those
Please add 50c for postage/handling name. years painting and, finally, writing his
Calif, residents please add 6%state sales tax poems, while a succession of friends con-
He was finally prevailed upon to apply
Order from for the Social Security card. He applied tinued to provide most of his basic
as G.C. London, and knocked about 10 needs, from flu shots to cast-off brushes
Magazine Book Shop years off his real age on the application. and half-used oil paints.
P.O. Box 1318, Palm Desert, California92260 When the card arrived, Jim visibly After his death in the winter of 1968-
30 Desert/April 1978
1569, when we cleaned out the cabin — more graciously." And true to his packrat philosophy, he
its contents mostly Desert Magazine, But, somehow, I think Jim understood always gave something in exchange for
Ai izona Highways, and California Divi- and was pretty satisfied with his life as what he received. Looking back, I incline
sion of Mines publications — we found he lived it. He never surrendered his to J im's belief: Since in so many ways he
h i . poems. Among them Old Runty, precious independence until his final gave us more than we gave him, there
cl<arly autobiographical, caught at our ambulance ride to the county hospital. was, truly, no charity involved. •
hearts the most:
lagged and dirty describes him,
Frayed with the living of years.
, \n independent dependent
Immune to your praise or your jeers, American Indian & Cowboy Artists
.'•uch is the outward appearance,
Such is the shield that he built:
A shield that leaves him defenseless—
Your barbs all sink in to the hilt. EXHIBITION & SALE
It's hard to think he was younger, Displayed in the San Dimas Civic Center
A boy that once must have been,
i :njoying the joys of the joyous, APRIL
Not knowing the meaning of mean. Lyle V. Ball
And hearing old Lady Luck talk. SAN DIMAS William Hoffman
Steve Hubbell
i-lis findings were very meager Open to the Public Charles S. La Monk
Richard Lutrell
Ken Mansker
In copper and silver and gold. Artists Reception and Awards Juan H. Martinez
Lloyd Mitchell
/et his living of life was freedom, Banquet By Invitation Richard A. Myer
Jimi Reyes
A wealth that seldom is sold. Mail request for Norberto Reyes
Hank Rlchter
He made the rush to the Klondike, Information and Reservations to: Floyd S.Tomlln
David Villasenor
Surrendered to bugs that bite, San Dimas Chamber of Commerce Joseph Waano-Gano
Joseph WhiteCloud
flushed to the hills of Goldfield Box 175, San Dimas, California 91773 Plus Guest Artists
D .sert/April 1978
TATE ROUTE 89 over Monitor Pass
wasn't built for those in a hurry. It
packs a lot of climbing and an even
steeper descent into 17 kinky miles. But
it is uncrowded and passes through some
of California's most rugged, unspoiled
Completed in 1954, the Monitor Pass
route closed a gap in California's high-
way system. It provided a direct link be-
tween Markleeville, the tiny hamlet that
serves as Alpine County's seat of gov-
ernment, with Bridgeport, the only
slightly larger seat of Mono County,
without the necessity of traveling out of
the state. Weather providing, that is.
For Alpine County is aptly named. This
is high country with the actual pass at
8,314 feet. Winter comes early and fre-
quently lingers until late spring.
But once the snow has melted a mass-
ive carpet of wildflowers tints the hill-
sides and meadows. Lavender larkspur,
sunny yellow buttercups, and wild
onions, shading from a delicate pink to
creamy white, are but a few of the many
species which mingle in a palette of
rainbow colors.
Although the highway offers a good
glimpse at nature's spectacular dis-
play, the show off the road is even
better. To reach the back country you
can take either the Morning Star or the
Leviathan Road. Both are dirt roads
which join together north of the highway
to form a loop drive through Toiyabe
National Forest lands. In addition to
scenery and wildflowers, the loop winds
through some of Alpine County's color- cent of Monitor Canyon. During the first famous ironclad ship which had been vic-
ful mineralized mountains and past the few miles the highway closely parallels torious in the Civil War battle of Hamp-
sites of early day mining operations. the waters of Monitor Creek. The Morn- ton Roads.
Both roads are graded from time to ing Star Road takes off from the high- The camp thrived during the 60s and
time, but it is advisable to check on cur- way approximately two miles up the can- 70s, its economy bolstered by activity in
rent conditions at the Markleeville Ran- yon and is indicated by a Forest Service the Monitor-Mogul mining districts.
ger Station. One stretch of the Morning sign. Communications to the outside world
Star Road is especially rough and rocky, This spot was also the location of the were established via a telegraph line
and at times not recommended for ordi- once bustling mining camp of Monitor, from Genoa, Nevada, and for a while
nary passenger vehicles. Even our Jeep although it now teases the imagination to there was a daily stage line, again
once bogged down in a snowdrift, pre- picture a two-story hotel, a saloon, a weather permitting. The editor of its
venting us from making the entire loop newspaper office, and a dozen or so weekly newspaper, the Monitor Argus,
during a 4th of July outing. other buildings squeezed into the narrow boasted that Monitor was the best be-
Six miles south of Markleeville, State confines of Monitor Canyon. Established haved town in the state, his opinion
Route 89 turns east and begins its as- in 1862, the town was named for the based on the fact that there had been no
32 Desert/April 1978
honor of its new benefactor. Two hotels
were still standing in 1920, but during
the ensuing years practically all evi-
dence of Monitor has disappeared.
Several miles from the site of Monitor,
on a steep hillside above the Morning
Star Road, a frozen cascade of brightly
colored tailings marks the location of the
by Mogul District's richest mine, the Morn-
ing Star. A weathered structure that
once housed the blacksmith shop stands
in front of the tunnel entrance.
Work began on the Morning Star in
1863. Initially it was developed by a 225-
foot shaft and the 1,200-foot tunnel.
However, the ore deposit, which yielded
copper, silver, and a little gold, like
other deposits in the district, was diffi-
cult and expensive to work. Some of the
richest ore was shipped half way around
the world to Swansea, Wales for pro-
cessing, and in spite of the high cost of
transportation this tactic proved profit-
able to the Morning Star's owners for
several seasons. The Morning Star has
been credited with a total production of
$600,000 during the first quarter century
that it was worked.
However, it and adjacent properties
have continued to attract attention peri-
A frozen cascade odically up to the present time. Ore
of brightly colored from the nearby Alpine Mine was sent to
tailings marks the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San
one of Alpine Francisco in 1915 where it assayed over
County's richest $100 a ton in gold and silver. A new tun-
mines, the nel had been driven on the Morning Star
Morning Star. claim in 1914 and additional tunnel work
was done there in the 1920s. Curtz Con-
fights, no fires, no horse races, and no proved to be of a low grade. Although solidated, which owned the claims on
drunks during a 4th of July celebration. lumber was readily at hand and there Morning Star Hill at that time, erected
Indeed, a unique achievement for a fron- was plenty of water power to drive the several new buildings, including a bunk
tier mining camp! stamps, drills, concentrators, and hoist- house for 35 men, an office, and a mill of
After 25 years of development, un- ing works, the abundance of these re- 50 tons capacity. A company owned
resolved difficulties with ore reduction sources barely compensated for the power plant on the east fork of the
and red ink on the books caused most metallurgical problems with the ore, the Carson River provided power for the
mining operations to grind to a halt. Al- arctic winters, and the rugged landscape. mining and milling operations.
though gold and silver had been found Monitor's population drifted away A few years back we camped over-
throughout both districts, much of it oc- during the 1880s and the post office night at the Morning Star. It turned out
curred in a complex copper arsenic ore closed in 1888. A decade later, however, to be a delightful spot to enjoy the won-
which defied traditional milling a Dr. Loope, representing a group of ders of nature. Hummingbirds hovered
methods. eastern investors, brought new money to at arm's length, drinking the nectar of
With the exception of several proper- Monitor Canyon. The town was revita- Sierra Forget-me-nots. At sunset we
ties most of the ore discoveries had also lized briefly, and renamed Loope in watched a huge buck browse in the mea-
M A S T WOODLANDS of low pines and In his book, Naufragios y Comentarios Escalante's journal, led into western
w junipers are scattered across the Cabeza de Vaca later told of the Indians Colorado, across Utah, and (in abandon-
| mountains and mesas of the Ameri- of southern New Mexico: ment of their original plan) south and
can Southwest. The pines are called east into Arizona and back to Santa Fe.
pinon pines, because of their large They ate prickly-pear fruits
and pine nuts: there are in that On September 4, 1776, the explorers
edible seeds or nuts, pinones in Spanish. country small pine trees and their accepted chokecherries and pinon nuts
The common pine of the southern Rock- cones are like little eggs, but the from three Ute women and a child. Later
ies and the Colorado Plateau is known to nuts are better than those of Castile they met other Indians gathering pine
botanists as Pinus edulis, or the pinon. because they have very thin shells."
nuts along the edge of the Great Basin in
Further west in the Great Basin is found The Castilian pine nuts that Cebeza de Utah, but the friars had little interest in
Pinus monophylla, the singleleaf pinon. Vaca mentions came from the Italian these tribes and repeatedly inquired
Pinon nuts are large — up to a half inch stone pine, a tree of southern Europe. about other tribes that grew corn for
in length — and soft-shelled. They are They are a rich protein source and a de- their subsistence. Corn-planters were
tasty and nutritious, and were an im- licious confection of Mediterranean cui- considered more civilized and thus more
portant source of food to the Indians for sines, but their shells are extremely easily converted to the Faith.
thousands of years before the arrival of thick and cannot be cracked in the teeth. But by mid-October the Spaniards
the white man. When the Spanish adventurers came were low on food and were suffering dis-
But these nutritious pine nuts have upon the nut-gathering Indians, they comfort from the cold. They had to con-
also played a part in the history of white were hungry and exhausted, and at least centrate on salvation of the body as well
exploration in the West, and may have one historian has credited the avail- as the soul. On the nineteenth, Indians,
saved the lives of some prominent early ability of pine nuts with their very who called themselves the Yabuincariris,
travelers. survival. brought the hungry aliens many bags of
The first Europeans to taste the nut of Almost two and a half centuries later, pine nuts as well as grass seeds and
the pinon pine were also the first white another party of Spaniards was nour- cactus fruits. Even this good luck had its
visitors to the Southwest. They were ished by the nuts of Pinus edulis. In 1776 costs, if we can credit Escalante's diag-
Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and his the Franciscans Fray Francisco Atanasio nosis, for a few days later Lorenzo Oli-
three companions, who from 1528 to Dominguez and Fray Silvestre Velez de vares, having become uncontrollably
1536 wandered westwards across the Escalante struck north from Santa Fe in thirsty from eating too many pine nuts,
continent from their shipwreck on the search of a safe route to the California stayed out of camp all one night in
Gulf of Mexico. missions. Their route, as described in search of water, causing his companions
36 Desert/April 1978
Pinon-juniper woodlands
commonly clothe the slopes of
Nevada's Mountain ranges.
Disert/April 1978 37
Hope, William H. Eddy, was sickened by dian guides. He covered 18 miles that
WORLD'S acorn bread and unable to keep it down. day to reach the cabin of Colonel H.D.
SMALLEST PENNY Years later Eliza P. Donner Houghton Richey, and for six of those miles the
told how Eddy gained back his strength trail was marked with his blood. A relief
World's smallest Penny, 2-side on January 17, 1847: party was immediately formed which
replica (»/4" dia.) Shiny Lincoln next day rescued the six surviving mem-
. . . the chief with much dif-
Penny. Solid Copper. $1.00. bers of the Forlorn Hope. A later relief
ficulty procured for Mr. Eddy, a gill
of pine nuts which the latter found party penetrated the snows of Donner
MINI-PENNY so nutritious that the following Lake the following month. The success of
morning, on resuming travel, he the rescue efforts can be attributed to
Box 19531 was able to walk without support.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 the nutritive value of a handful of pine
After leaving the village, Eddy alone nuts. The Donner party may have been
of the party was able to continue with In- saved by the nuts of local digger
pines [Pinus sabiniana), or of singleleaf
pinon traded from the nearby Washo.
Why didn't these hard-pressed emi-
oi the region were made along with de- milky white and it contains inclusions of COE PROSPECTOR SUPPLY
tailed reports on wildlife, flora and geo- jasper in varying shades of red, purple,
logical observations. In 1905, the region black, yellow, pink, white and brown. [714] 995-1703
btcame part of the Dixie National Forest Patterns include moss and picture types.
and, on August 22, 1933, Cedar Breaks Large chunks of material will be found
b< came a National Monument. It is now weathering out of the white hill about Visit our Pioneer Date Garden
piotected and will remain a place of 300 feet northeast of the creek. Actually, Growers of Rare & Unusual
b< auty for all to enjoy. agate can be found on most of the Varieties of Dates
Under discussion at the present time whitish ground throughout the region
is a proposal to declare 75 percent but the best material occurs in the lo- Say It with Dates
(4 830 acres) of the Monument a Wilder- cales indicated on the map. from
n<-ss Area. A final environmental state- Creek collecting is fun as the
ment has been completed by the Na- specimens are "washed" and the colors
tional Park Service. Land already de- easy to see. The white ground is a clay
v< loped for visitor use and the rim area
w l l not be affected. The geological na-
and very soft and slippery when wet. It
will stick to your boots until your height
Write for Brochure
t i r e of the Monument and its location has been raised a couple of inches!
make it a good candidate for a wilder- This locale is outside of the Monument
n<ss designation. This would prevent but within the Dixie National Forest. The
any future development or commercial area was not posted and there was no
u; e of its still pristine grandeur.
indication of any claim. Collecting is for
To really enjoy and "see the Breaks"
yc u will need to walk the easy trails and
hobby use only. Please limit the amount
of material you collect. We were quite
Travel Trailer
visit all the points of interest. This can- impressed by the lack of litter in this & Camper Park
not be done in just one day. Yet, Park area and hope our readers will do their COMPLETE HOOKUPS
R inger Kevin Mansor told us most visi- part to keep it this way. 15 MILES NORTH OF BISHOP
tors do make Cedar Breaks a one-day We found the magnificent scenery at ON LOWER ROCK CREEK
t r p and seldom stay overnight. Un- Cedar Breaks more than rewarding. The • Fishing at your Campsite
fortunately, vacationers try to "cram too rainbow of color and form is ever chang- • Overniters Welcome
much" into their trip and only have fleet- ing, as sun and clouds spotlight the • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Rates
ing glimpses of the places they visit. amphitheater in varying light and • Restaurant & Cocktail Bar
shadow. Along the trails, the quiet hush • Housekeeping Cottages
Stay and relax a while at uncrowded
• Hiking - Nature Trails
G'dar Breaks where there is unlimited of the forest was soothing to the soul,
• Storage Area - Low Rates
b< auty to behold. Enjoy the magnificent while the occasional chatter of "little • Secluded Area
scenery from Sunset View and Chess- animals" and pleasant sounds of the
birds let us know we were among MILES TO . . .
m in Ridge Overlook. Park at Alpine Pleasant Valley
Pond Picnic Area and hike the easy trail friends. Reservoir 3
Tom's Place 8
tc the little lake. Leaflets for a Our fall trip to Cedar Breaks had been
Crowley Lake 12
self-guided tour are available here. You a first but others will follow. We must Mammoth 25
can expect the wildflowers to be bloom- see the golden aspen groves in all their How To Get There
ing along the trail during July and glory; and what about the summer wild- Drive North of Bishop
on Hwy. 395 for 12
A igust. View the Cedar Breaks amphi- flowers? Cedar Breaks can easily cast a miles - take Lower
Rock Creek Road at
theater from North View — it is un- spell on those of us who love the wild, foot of Sherwin
usually colorful in the late afternoon. unspoiled beauty of the land. We can grade - then 3 miles
- Paradise Lodge.
You can also drive to the top of Brian- rejoice that, due to careful management
For Reservations, write, phone or drop in:
h« ad Peak (11,305 el.) for an aerial view by the National Park Service, our pro-
of the entire region. PARADISE LODGE
geny will find Cedar Breaks a quiet re-
Route 2, Bishop, California 935 14
Rock collectors will find an added fuge for man. • Phone (Area Code 714) 387 2370
De eit/April 1978 39
fitlm Ulftslt
ROM TRAVERTINE PALMS our trail the mouth of a tributary
swings southward, rounding the arroyo three miles up
Santa Rosas and entering an austere Palm Wash from the
but bewitching sector of the desert — Highway 86 bridge.
the Borrego Badlands. Viewed from the
paved highway, the Badlands appear the Salton Sea, these barren sedimen- stand the first two Washingtonias.
d solate and uninviting. Lying south of tary hills veined with sandy arroyos and Water sometimes surfaces in a shallow
the Santa Rosa Mountains and west of deep barrancas form one of the driest hole between the trees. One night in
and roughest regions within the Colo- 1962, while camped at this oasis, I awoke
rado Desert. Yet this country holds great to find a desert mouse looking over at me
fascination for the hiker and Jeeper, for from inside one of my shoes, which I had
within its borders are found fossils, con- placed on the ground a few feet from my
cretions, calcite and gypsum crystals, bedroll. Even today, when I think of the
petrified wood, the shoreline of old Lake Palm Wash country, this is the first in-
Cahuilla, Indian trails and campsites, cident that comes to mind. Four Palm
the lore of Pegleg Smith's lost black hills Spring lies out of sight behind a ridge
of gold, remote springs and tinajas (na- less than one mile southeast of this
tural tanks or rock basins containing point.
water), and several palm oases. Palm Concretions, those peculiar sandstone
Wash, Four Palm Spring, Lone Palm, formations scattered over much of the
Seventeen Palms, Five Palms, Una Badlands, litter the ground near the
Palma — these are the places where palms. Dumbells, donuts, sausages, and
we'll pause on our Badlands ramble. animals such as long-necked geese and
Palm Wash courses through the Bor- coiled rattlesnakes are among the many
rego Badlands from west to east, dis- forms concretions may assume. In some
charging its infrequent storm waters into places the land casts up rounded shapes
the Salton Sea. Only nine Washing- ranging from marble-size to huge
tonias now grow in or near the arroyo. In' spheres larger than pumpkins, whereas
the 1930s the total was nearly 30, but in other areas "abstract" configurations
there is less moisture today and the oasis are the rule.
is dying. Several dead trunks — some Three-quarters of a mile beyond the
prone, two still erect — can be seen in first palms, one dead trunk survives
the main watercourse and a short dis- along the right side of the arroyo. This
tance south of it. tree was still alive in 1962 when I first ex-
Three miles up sandy Palm Wash, and plored Palm Wash. Off to the southwest
a few yards to the left in a tributary, along a pole line stand four living Wash-
40 Desert/ April 1978
ing tonias, one a stoop-shouldered veter-
an South of this tree, and to the left of
th< pole line road, the old Truckhaven
Tr iM (impassable here) climbs the mesa.
Bcrrego homesteader A . A . ( " D o c " )
Desert Photography
Be ity pushed this route through the
Badlands between Borrego Valley and
Tr1 ickhaven near the Salton Sea in 1929. Many of the beautiful
iJeturning to Palm Wash and continu- scenes you have admired
irif upstream, we come to a seventh on the pages and covers
livng Washingtonia, the only one grow- of Desert Magazine are
in| in the arroyo itself. This weather- now available as large,
be iten sentinel, with three feet of its full color photographs to
routs exposed by erosion, is one and one- hang in your home or
ha'f miles west of the first group of office. These are
photographic prints,
Mileage Log ranging in size from
0.0 Junction of State Highway 86 and 20x24 inches to 30x40
Imperial County Road S22 (Borrego- inches, individually
Salton Seaway) on west side of
Salton Sea. Drive north toward Indio
ordered to match the
on 86. color emphasis of your
2.1 Highway bridge #58-46 over Palm decor.
Wash. Turn left (west) up thfi wash.
Four-wheel-drive normally re- For full particulars,
5.3 First palms (two) in tributary on please write
left. Elevation roughly 150 feet
above sea level. George W. Service '
6.0 One standing dead palm trunk in Photography
the main wash. Four living Wash-
ingtonias grow a short distance to Post Office Box 1404
the southwest along a pole line. Palm Desert, CA 92260
6.8 One living palm in wash. There are
two other palms one-half mile north
of this point.
7.2 Tributary arroyo comes in on left.
One standing dead trunk is located
a few yards up this watercourse.
D isert/April 1978 41
IIVE LONGER. How to feel healthier and live ROCKS, 60 tons, 15 kinds including 5 tons Mexi- SCENIC OCOTILLO CALIFORNIA. Lots, Homes
linger. Learn the secrets of a long life. Report can onyx, coral, obsidian, etc. Property being and Acreage in the Beautiful West Desert of
tells how the body's aging process can be slowed sold. Dick Blomgren, Box 13, Wofford Heights, Imperial County. Bell Realty—1147 Imperial
ci >wn. Shows you how to remain healthy and California93285. 714-379-8397 Hwy., Ocotillo, California 92259.
mentally alert at 80 . . . 90 . . . even 100 years of
i i t . Booklet MO-S51, send $1.50 to Thrifty
Needs and Gifts, 4322 Clifton, El Paso, Texas SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Ca- BIG PROFITS! New Report tells you how, where
7'I9O3. dena Dr., Riverside, California 92501. Parallel to to buy land. Send $1.50. Gemini Cottage, 430
Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956. Come in West 34th, New York, N.Y. 10001.
and browse; jewelry mountings, chains, sup-
F1OCK CREATIONS for Fun and Profit. Book plies, minerals, slabs, rough material, equip-
has color photos and instructions. Colorful little ment, black lights, metal detectors, maps, rock 40 ACRES, scenic high desert, Mid Hills, N. of
figures from ordinary rocks. Have fun and make and bottle books. Mitchell Caverns, San Bernardino County, $300
money! $2.95 plus 30c shipping. The Owls per acre. (714)987-1805.
F rost, 1 Corral Lane, Space 17, Ashland, Ore-
Q i 97520. Dealer inquiries invited. JOJOBA PLANTS' MAY BE THE Gem of the
Desert. See Miscellaneous Column. SAN FELIPE HILLS—For Sale. We have large
parcels in the area described by Mr. Bill Jen-
COLD PROSPECTORS NEWS (magazine). Join nings in his article "San Felipe Hills Tell a Tale
tie- fun for profit. Send for free copy. G.P.N., of Black Gold," in the January issue of this ma-
P O. Box 507, Bonsall, California 92033. Include • MAPS gazine. $300/acre, terms. Some with oil and
2'.c postage. mineral rights. Pon & Co., (since 1891), P. O.
Box 1987, La Jolla, Calif. 92038. 714-454-8801.
DESERT MAGAZINES. First issue, Nov. 37 to 70-110 years old. All States. Stamp for catalog.
S pt. 73. 12 years in binders. All perfect. Northern Map, Dept. DM, Eagle River, Wise.
$ 00.00. H. E. Cook, 35447 Avenue E, Yucaipa, 54521. • SEEDS & PLANTS
C .lifornia92399. 714-797-4428.
JOJOBA plantation planning. Seedlings, infor-
WESTERN BOOKS. Nice selection, both adult mation. Send $1.50 for packet 10-15 nuts and in-
and childrens. Send for free listing. Rod Smith,
• MINING structions for growing, prepaid. Natures Nur-
Western Image, Box3418, Reno, Nevada89505. sery, 213 E. Merced, Avenal, Calif. 93204.
fo tumbling, polishing and grinding. Send for calante Valley, Utah. Terms. 3,000 acres. Some
fne catalogue and price list. MDC Industries, oil and geothermal leases. Mrs. Loll (801)
40 West Glenwood Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. 277-4240. 4034 Solar Circle, Holladay, Utah
19140. Dealer Inquiries invited. 84117.
42 Desert/April 1978
Cli lie, D.H.S., Calif. Practice limited to the
Be lew Vaccine Method of treating arthritis.
De ert sun and climate. Phone 714-329-8723.
Write P. O. Box 305, D.H.S., California 92240.
graphic maps as basic underlays, are two ex-
CAMPS. Compiled by Varna Enterprises, 38" x
25" and scaled Southern California on one side
and Northern California on the other. Contains
detailed location of place names, many of which
are not on regular maps. $3.50.
Preserve your copies in these
vinyl binders that hold 12
issues. Gold-stamped on the
cover and spine, and dated if Sign Gift Card: "From
you desire.
One Year $7.00
Two Years 13.00
ONLY Postpaid (Or 2 One Years)
Box 1318 (Or Three One Years) $4.50 (Includes tax and postage)
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 Foreign'subscribers add $2.00/year postage. Date Binder(s) with Year(s) [3 Undated
D -sert/April 1978 43
Send orders to
Box 1318
Palm Desert, California 92260
(HE WEST, Bibliography and Place Names— ON EARTH," by Harold O. Weight. Contem- mund C. Jaeger. In this revised third edition,
I i in Kansas West to California, Oregon, Wash- porary with the great Bullfrog District gold days Dr. Jaeger covers and uncovers some of the
ington and Mexico, by Thomas Probert. A fan- was this phenomenal camp at the edge of Death mysteries of this once humid, and now arid
I istic aid for the modern-day treasure hunter, Valley. Its discovery, meteoric rise, stock pro- trough. He tells of the Indian's of Death Valley,
this bibliography identifies treasure hoards and motion, its sudden death. Told by men who were the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians,
mining claims by whatever name, and by what- there. Includes story of nearby Furnace. Paper- fishes, insects, trees, wild flowers and fossils.
( rer mischance. A wonderful research tool. back, 36 pages, 16 historic and modern photos, Paperback, 66 pages, $2.00.
Hardcover, 593 pages, $27.50. map. $1.00.
Stanley W. Paher. Nevada's greatest gold stam- TREE NATIONAL MONUMENT by Alden H. CAMPS by Stanley W. Paher. Covering all of
ped , Goldfield, prospered from 1903 until 1918. Miller and Robert C. Stebbins. An indispensable Nevada's 17 counties, Paher has documented
The author summarizes those boom days with a source and guide for everyone with an interest in 575 mining camps, many of which have been
fast moving text augmented by a careful selec- the desert life of Southern California. In addition erased from the earth. The book contains the
tion of unpublished historic photographs which to the actual faunal analysis of 141 resident greatest and most complete collection of historic
she / the crowds, the businesses, the ore and the animals of the desert, there are 149 illustrations photographs of Nevada ever published. This,
fanrvus Gans-Nelson fight of 1906. A map of the including 74 photographs, 58 black and white coupled with his excellent writing and map,
town in 1908 is bordered by contemporary ad- drawings, 9 maps and 8 color plates. Hardcover, creates a book of lasting value. Large format,
verl sements. Another map shows points of in- 452 pages, $28.50. 700 photographs, hardcover, 492 pages, $17.50.
tercut in the Goldfield area. Paperback, $1.95.
CHUCK WAGON COOKIN' by Stella Hughes. Johnson and son. A helpful book of detailed
THI COLORFUL BIJTTERFIELD OVERLAND Recipes collected straight from the source—cow-
STr GE by Richard Pourade and Marjorle Reed. maps showing gem and mineral locations, from
boy cooks. Contains Mexican recipes, instruc- California to the Dakotas and British Columbia
WH i 21 stagecoach paintings by Miss Reed, the tions for deep-pit barbecue and the art of using
tex concentrates on the Fort Yuma to San Fran- to Texas. Markings note private claims, gem
Dutch ovens for cooking everything from sour- claims (fee charged) and rock and gem locations.
cisc ) run of the tough Butterfield route. Album dough biscuits to Son-of-Gun stew. Paperback,
fori iat, heavy art paper, $6.50. Also suggested reading for more detail on areas
170 pages, $4.95. included and other rich areas not included in this
publication. Paperback, maps galore, collector's
WE LLS FARGO, The Legend byDale Robertson. library, 79 pages, $4.00.
In his own personal narrative style, without de-
par rg from known tact, Dale has recreated the
We is Fargo legend. Entertaining reading in ad- INDIAN JEWELRY MAKING by Oscar T. Bran-
dition to excellent illustrations by Roy Purcell. son. This book is intended as a step-by-step
Paj itback, 154 pages, $4.95. how-to-do-it method of making jewelry. An in-
triguing all-color publication that is an asset to
the consumer as well as to the producer of Indian
THi: OREGON DESERT by E.R. Jackrnan and jewelry today because it provides the basic
R./i. Long. Filled with both facts and anecdotes, knowledge of how jewelry is made so one can
this is the only book on the little but fascinating judge if it is well made and basically good de-
des irts of Oregon. Anyone who reads this book sign. Paperback, large format, $7.95.
wil want to visit the areas — or wish they could.
Ha li over, illustrated, 407 pages, $9.95.
Wesche. Beautifully illustrated story for chil-
CALIFORNIA GEM TRAILS by Darold J. dren about the Mimbres potters of New Mexico.
He ry. This completely revised fourth edition is TURQUOISE, The Gem of the Centuries by Included are instructions for drawing the
the most authoritative guide for collectors of Oscar T. Branson. The most complete and lav- distinctive designs of the Mimbrenos which
roci s, gemstones, minerals and fossils. Profuse- ishly illustrated all color book on turquoise. adults, too, will want to use for their crafts.
ly illustrated with maps and contains excellent Identifies 43 localities, treated and stablized Large format, paperback, $4.95.
des Tiptive text. Paperback, $3.00. material, gives brief history of the gem and de-
tails the individual techniques of the Southwest
PH )TO ALBUM OF YESTERDAY'S SOUTH- Indian Tribes. Heavy paperback, large format, THE CREATIVE OJO BOOK by Diane Thomas,
W! ST compiled by Charles Shelton. Early days 68 pages, $7.95. Instructions for making the colorful yarn talis-
phi to col lection dating from 1860s to 1910 shows mans originally made by Pueblo and Mexican
prc pectors, miners, cowboys, desperados and Indians. Included are directions for wall-hung
TRAVELS IN THE INTERIOR OF MEXICO: In ojos, necklaces, mobiles and gift-wrap tie-ons.
ore nary people. 195 photos, hardcover, fine gift Baja California and Around the Sea of Cortes,
itei i, $12.50. Well illustrated with 4-color photographs, 52
1825, 1826, 1827 and 1828, by Lt. R. W. H. pages, paperback, $2.95.
Hardy, R.N. An oldie but a goodie, an alltime
Bll OS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN DESERTS classic for the library of any Baja buff, written as
by uisse Thomas Smith. Thirty-one of the most a journal by one of the first non-Spanish visitors BAJA CALIFORNIA GUIDEBOOK by Walt
cor monly sighted birds of the Southwest are de- to this wild region. A faithful reprint with all the Wheelock and Howard E. Gulick, formerly
scriDed and illustrated in 4-color artist drawings. flavor of the original 150-year-old English edi- Gerhard and Gulick's Lower California Guide-
He ivy paperback, 68 page, $3.95. tion. Hardy supplied many of the place names book. This totally revised fifth edition is up-to-
still used in this area. Hardcover, an excellent the-minute for the Transpeninsular paved high-
20 MULE TEAM DAYS IN DEATH VALLEYby map, 558 pages, $20.00. way, with new detailed mileages and descriptive
Ha old O. Weight. Specialists and critics praise text. Corrections and additions are shown for the
thr account of the great borax wagons of the many side roads. ORV routes, trails and little-
EXPLORING DEATH VALLEY, Third Edition, known byways to desert, mountain, beach and
181 )s, the drivers and mules, the trail to by Ruth Kirk. A completely revised and
Mi'iave. Story of Borax Smith, Wm. T. Coleman, bay recesses. Folding route maps are color and
up-to-date comprehensive guide to the wonders newly revised for current accuracy. Indispens-
De ith Valley pioneers, Harmony Borax Works. of Death Valley National Monument. Details on
Fir t-hand stories. Includes reprint of Henry G. able reference guide, hardcover, $10.50.
where to go by car, by jeep and on foot, what
Ha vks" Report on Death Valley 1883. Paper- times of day are best, possible side trips. Illus-
ba< K, 48 pages, 33 historic and modern photos, THE NORTH AMERICAN DESERTS by Ed-
trated with maps and photos, 96 pages, paper- mund C. Jaeger. A long-time authority on all
m£ i. 5th ed. $1.00. back, $3.45. phases of desert areas and life. Dr. Jaeger's
Ht ..DORADOS, GHOSTS AND CAMPS OF RAILROADS OF ARIZONA VOL. I by David F. book on the North American Deserts should be
THE OLD SOUTHWESTby Norman D. Wels. Myrlck. More than 30 railroads of Southern Ari- carried wherever you travel. It not only de-
Thr: author takes you on a 7,000-mile tour of the scribes each of the individual desert areas, but
zona are presented, together with 542 nostalgic has illustrated sections on desert insects, rep-
Ol' Southwest, visiting some 67 ghost towns and illustrations, 55 special maps and an Index. A
ab ndoned mining camps, one never before tiles, birds, mammals and plants. 315 pages,
valuable travel guide and a reliable historical illustrated, photographs, line drawings and
me itioned in written history. 285 excellent reference. Large format, hardcover, 477 pages,
ph tos. Hardcover, 320 pages, $9.95. maps. Hardcover, $7.95.
INI HANS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA by NIA: Explorations and Adventures on the Baja; Harold and Lucile Weight. For the first time the
Oi 'id Prescott Barrows. Although basically a 1908-1910, by Arthur W. North. A handsome three adventurous lives of this man from Illinois
stu iy of plants used by the Cahuilla Indians, new edition of an old favorite of many Baja Cali- are correlated. He was a Death Valley 49er Jay-
Bai rows' fascinating work is rich in material of fornia travelers, with new illustrations and all of
inl rest to the historian, anthropolgist, botanist, hawker; he mined in California and ranched
the author's original photographs. A classic south of Tucson; became a legendary figure
ge grapher and lay reader. Special Introductory account of land and sea travels in a raw territory
Mi-terlal by Harry W. Lawton, Lowell John Bean after his stand-off of a circle of Apaches. He
written after travels 70 years ago. Modern finally built his adobe on the huge Colorado
an William Bright. Paperback, 129 pages, writers use North as a starting place. Hardcover,
$5 )5. River ranch. Photos, maps, portrait. Paperback,
130 photographs, 346 pages, $20.00. $1.50.
De ert/Aprll 1976 45
"Letters Calendar of "Events
to the This column is a public service and there is no
charge for listing your event or meeting—so take
APRIL 15 & 16, Northside Gem and Hobby
Club's Annual Show. Demonstrations, ex-
advantage of the space by sending in your an-
nouncement. We must receive the information hibits. Wendell High School Gymnasium,
at least three months prior to the event. Wendell, Idaho. Chairwoman: Mary Morlan,
826 Oregon St., Cooding, Idaho 83330.
Letters requesting answers must APRIL 1, Third Annual Revival of the Peg-
include stamped self-addressed envelope leg Liars Contest, Pegleg Monument, Borre- APRIL 28-30, 24th Annual Fast Camel Cruise.
go, Valley, California. 7:30 P.M. Free admis- For information write P. O. Box 526, Indio,
sion. Contestant's entry fee, 10 rocks. Calif. 92201. 714-347-9210 or 714-398-5773.
Liked the February Issue . . .
APRIL 8 & 9, Amador County Gem and Min- APRIL 29 & 30, Desert Gem Roundup of An-
I have been a faithful subscriber to Desert eral Society's 13th Annual "Cold Dust telope Valley. Annual Spring Show sponsored
Magazine since 1970, and I have truly enjoy- Days," County Fairgrounds in Plymouth, by Antelope Valley and Palmdale Gem and
d "every" issue. I have just finished reading Calif. Displays, dealers, demonstrations, Mineral Clubs. Fair Center Hall, A. V. Fair-
(he February issue, and feel it is the "best" field trips. Plenty of camping space right on grounds, corner of Division St. and Ave. " I , "
ever. the grounds with limited electrical hook-ups. Lancaster, Calif. Dealer spaces filled. Parking
The 16-page supplement on the Living and admission free. Field Trips 9 A M daily.
I )esert Reserve is better than excellent. I APRIL 8 & 9, Paradise Gem & Mineral Club's
have not been down to the Palm Desert area 24th Annual Show, "Paradise of Gems." Ve- May 6 & 7. Delvers Gem and Mineral Soci-
for three years. This issue made me realize terans Memorial Hall, Skyway at Elliot Road, ety's 28th Annual Show. Cerritos College
how much I miss the desert. Paradise, Calif. Dealer space filled. Chair- Student Center, 11110 Alondra Blvd., Nor-
There are truly some fine things going on in man: Cliff Kerns, P. O. Box 692, Paradise, walk, California.
>our area. (I have saved every issue since Calif. 95969.
MAY 6 & 7, 18th Annual Flower Show of the
APRIL 8 & 9, the Waco Gem & Mineral Yucca Valley Garden Club, Yucca Valley
Club's 18th Annual Show, Waco Convention Community Center, 57090 29 Palms High-
So. San Francisco, California.
Center, 201 Washington Ave., Waco, Texas way, Yucca Valley, California.
That February issue of Desert is the one
MAY 6 & 7, Canyon City Lapidary Society, El
ve been waiting for. I have tried to explain
Monte Gem and Mineral Club, Inc., La Puen-
to my folks back East just what the desert is Indian Artifact Identified? . . . te Gem and Mineral Club, "Million $ Gem
,ind why I love it, but never could really
Show." Building 22, Los Angeles County
c onvey my thoughts in words. This issue says In reference to Mary Frances Strong's Fairgrounds, Pomona, California.
il all. Do you have copies I can obtain to send article, "Valley of Little Smokes," in the Fe-
hack East? bruary issue, and the unidentified article of
MAY 13 & 14, Searchers Gem and Mineral
MRS. RALPH SCOTT, Indian make in the photo on page 45, I am
Society, Inc., 19th Annual Show, "Searchers
Needles, California. wondering if it could be the remains of a rab-
Gem Roundup." Retail Clerks Auditorium,
bit skin blanket. I have never seen one, but
8550 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, California.
i ditor's Note: Copies of this issue may be ob- have heard, and actually have read about
Free admission and parking.
i. lined by writing to our office at P. O. Box them. I have a 1950 California State book
1118, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260. Please in- written by Irmgard Richards, entitled "Early
MAY 20 & 21, Yucaipa Valley Gem & Mineral
< lude $1.00 per issue. California" in which is the following:
Society's 13th annual show, "The Rock-
" I n making a blanket of rabbit skins, an hound's Delight in ' 7 8 , " Yucaipa Valley Com-
Indian cuts skins in narrow strips. All the munity Center, First Street & Avenue B, Yu-
Mohave Rattlesnake... strips had to be cut with a strong knife. He caipa, Calif. Free admission and parking.
fastened the strips together to make one long
The article on the Mohave Rattlesnake strip. Two poles were stuck in the ground MAY 20 & 21, Norwalk Rockhounds's 14th
' Male Combat Dance" in the February issue about four feet apart. The long strip of rabbit annual Gem and Mineral Show for 1978,
i of particular interest to us. skin was passed around one pole and then Masonic Lodge, 12345 Rosecrans, Norwalk,
In March, 1976 we were camped just above around the other, back and forth. Then the' Calif. Free parking and admission.
frown's Crossing near Lake Alamo State worker took cords and wove them in and out
Park in Mohave County, Arizona. M y of the furry strips from top to bottom, close
MAY 20 & 21, May Festival of Gems sponsor-
v\ife,Edith, and I were walking some distance together. In this way he made a warm strong
ed by the Clendale Lapidary and Gem Soci-
fiom the campsite when we came upon two blanket. It was hard work to make such a
ety, Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Ver-
rattlesnakes performing the same rite as de- blanket. All the strips had to be cut with a
dugo Rd., Glendale, Calif. Admission 50c;
scribed in the article. stone knife. The strips had to be sewed toge-
parking free.
We watched them for about five minutes ther with a bone awl. The cords had to be
vihen they sensed our presence and turned to knotted into the fur strips. It took a long time
I ok at us. Then they started to glide away. At to make such a blanket." MAY 20 & 21, World of Gems presented by
that time we called them Western Diamond- This may not be of any help, and I have no Berkeley Gem & Mineral Society, Contra
tuck snakes, but after reading the article and idea how much of the quoted school book is Costa College Student Activities Bldg., San
seeing the photo, we are not sure. They more than supposition, but the fact that Pablo, Calif. Admission, adults $1.00;
probably were the Mohave Rattlesnake "Early California" is a text book and the list children (6-12) 25c. Free parking.
version. of references is very long leads me to believe
Did we have a camera with us? Nope! the above description must be accurate. MAY 25, "Symphony in Flowers," sponsored
F.C.WILSON, MRS.LENORAP.CILKEY, by the Reno- Sparks Garden Clubs, Centen-
Dolan Springs, Arizona. Corcoran, California. nial Coliseum, Reno, Nv. Admission free.
46 Desert/April 1978
Mil (
Qreat Heading from :
Copley Books, La Jolla, Calif. •;V;: ii.-yA iAJ.H;OBA"M
Desert Magazine
The Colorful Butterfield Overland Stage
A story in art and text on how the West was first linked
Book Shop
to the East. This book depicts the California section, by Box 1318,
far the most colorful of the entire route. A new and Palm Desert, California 92260
revised edition of the popular book of the famed
paintings by Marjorie Reed Creese which are accompa-
Please add 50c for postage/handling
nied by a text for each illustration. List price $6.50.
Calif, residents add 6% state sales tax
INDIAN of the Centuries
Beautiful illustrations in
INDIAN JEWELRY accurate color can help you
identify the turquoise in
For the first time Indian MAKING your jewelry. Pictures of
turquoise from 43 localities
jewelry makers, whether
from U.S. and around the
experienced or novice, have
world. A must for anyone
at their disposal a full-color
possessing even one piece
photographic essay of basic
of turquoise.
Indian designs. The book
utilizes a sequential, step-
by-step approach for the FETISHES And Carvings
craftsman. In addition to of the Southwest
basic designs, a short pic- A vivid pictorial account of
torial history of Indian jew- the use and beliefs associ-
elry making as well as ated with fetishes and the
modern day techniques and history of popular fetish
tools are presented. Valu- necklaces since prehistoric
able information on how to times. This book presents
set up a work bench, gauge the wide range of fetishes
wire, know the weight of and carvings from several
silver, etc. Southwestern Indian tribes
as well as the outstanding
64 PAGES OsowT BRANSON works of several known
ALL COLOR fetish carvers.
$795 V EACH