This document discusses Vishaghna lepa, a type of topical paste used in Ayurvedic medicine to counteract the effects of poisons. It begins by explaining the goals of Ayurvedic treatment include preventing disease and reducing internal and external suffering. It then defines lepa as a medicated paste for external application and describes different types. The main part discusses Vishaghna lepa, which counteracts various internal and external poisons. It provides details on preparation, application, thickness, possible modes of action, and precautions for use. The document concludes by listing several Vishaghna lepa formulations mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts along with their uses and indications.
This document discusses Vishaghna lepa, a type of topical paste used in Ayurvedic medicine to counteract the effects of poisons. It begins by explaining the goals of Ayurvedic treatment include preventing disease and reducing internal and external suffering. It then defines lepa as a medicated paste for external application and describes different types. The main part discusses Vishaghna lepa, which counteracts various internal and external poisons. It provides details on preparation, application, thickness, possible modes of action, and precautions for use. The document concludes by listing several Vishaghna lepa formulations mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts along with their uses and indications.
This document discusses Vishaghna lepa, a type of topical paste used in Ayurvedic medicine to counteract the effects of poisons. It begins by explaining the goals of Ayurvedic treatment include preventing disease and reducing internal and external suffering. It then defines lepa as a medicated paste for external application and describes different types. The main part discusses Vishaghna lepa, which counteracts various internal and external poisons. It provides details on preparation, application, thickness, possible modes of action, and precautions for use. The document concludes by listing several Vishaghna lepa formulations mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts along with their uses and indications.
This document discusses Vishaghna lepa, a type of topical paste used in Ayurvedic medicine to counteract the effects of poisons. It begins by explaining the goals of Ayurvedic treatment include preventing disease and reducing internal and external suffering. It then defines lepa as a medicated paste for external application and describes different types. The main part discusses Vishaghna lepa, which counteracts various internal and external poisons. It provides details on preparation, application, thickness, possible modes of action, and precautions for use. The document concludes by listing several Vishaghna lepa formulations mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts along with their uses and indications.
A CONCEPTUAL NOTE ON VISHAGHNA LEPA Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J. H.T Chaitra Dept. of Agada Tantra and vyavahara Ayurveda. SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Thanniruhalla, Hassan Karnataka, India INTRODUCTION The goal of medicine is to prevent disease, restore health and reduce suffering. Sufferings can be both external and internal; the external sufferings may be in the form of pain, rashes, inflammation, various skin le- sions etc... Understanding and appropriately treating these external sufferings is an im- portant component of this goal. In contem- porary science analgesics are given in the form of topical applications, is said to pro- vide the therapeutic benefits by reaching the local tissue with minimal side effects. In Ayurveda the topical applications are known as Lepas and this comes under the broad heading of Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa 1 . Skin is the largest protective barrier in the body which prevents invasion of microorganisms, toxins and foreign substances in the body. The main area of Bahiparimarjana Chikitsa is Twak and the treatments like Lepa, Ab- hyanga, Swedana, Parisheka, Unmardana etc. according to disease are known as Bahi- parimarjana Chikitsa. The Vishaghna lepas are those which nullifies the harmful or poison effects from the sthavara ,jangama and krutrima visha. The term Dooshivisha is of much impor- tance now a day as it implies latent or resi- dual poisons. In all vishachikitsa Lepas are considered as first and prime treatment as- pect, so in this article an effort is made to explore those lepas which are explained un- der visha Chikitsa and their use and precau- tions while using them. Definition of Lepa The medicines that are in the form of a paste and used for external application are called as lepas. 2 Lipta, lepa, lepana, alepa are Syn- onyms. Types of Lepa Sushrutha 3 -Pralepa, Pradeha, Alepa. Sharangadhara 4 -Doshagna, Vishaghna and Varnya both categories lepas into 3 separate varieties and Vagb- hat 11 Snaihika,Nirvapana,Prasadana,Stam- bana,Vilayana,Pachana,Peedana,Shodana,S Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091 ABSTRACT Vishaghna lepas are chief contribution of Ayurveda which dealt under Agada tantra to treat vari- ous poisonous and unknown poisonous conditions and in conditions like Dhoosivisha and Gara- visha. Ayurveda emphasized on both internal and external remedies to normalize Avasthika and Sthanika vikaras. Lepas have first importance to cure sthanika vikaras and to prevent further spreading of diseases. In this paper the importance, mode of application and their action and some list of Vishaghna Lepa has been explained. Keywords Vishaghna Lepa ,Dhooshivisha,Garavisha. Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J & H.T Chaitra: A Conceptual Note on Vishaghna Lepa 62 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov Dec 2013 hoshana and Savarneekarana. Vishaghna Lepa: Acharya Sharanghad- har entitled the name Vishaghna lepa. That which nullifies the poisonous effect is called Vishaghna Lepa, and it is one among Cha- turvimshati upakrama according to Cha- raka. Susruta and Vagbhat also had given prime importance. In any exposure to Stha- var or Jangama visha, Doshas get vitiated and that will be neutralized by vishaghna lepas. Vishaghna lepa is said to be sheetal in nature. Acharya Charaka while discussing the treatment of Kushta tells about impor- tance of Agada (Vishaghna) yogas as if the spot (lesion) which is stony hard, rough, sta- ble and old then one can use Agadayogass in form of Lepa,Paana,Anjana and Nasya 9 . General method of prepara- tion 2: :The drugs are first made into a fine powder and then mixed with some liquid media like water/ cows urine/ oil/ ghee/swarasa/decoction etc. to obtain the paste form. This paste is applied over the skin. Doshagna lepa- Here, the powder has to be mixed with Aranala (fermented gruel) as the media. Visaghna lepa- Here, Ghee mixed with hot water should be used as the media. Varnya lepa- Here, lemon juice/ milk should be used as the media. Common Rules of application of Lepa: While applying the lepas, snehas are said to be added. Their quantity has to be decided as per the dosha vitiated 5 .The Lepa should not be applied at night time and left in situ after drying. It must be removed as soon as it dries up. Because lepas in wet state help to cure the diseases and on drying, they lose their potency and causes the irrita- tion of the skin 6 .Lepas should be prepared and used fresh. Lepas should be applied only once and should not be applied over the pre- vious one 7 . Thickness of Lepa: Sushruta has com- pared the thickness of Lepa to the skin of buffalo, he says that Pralepa is thinner and Pradeha is thicker to buffalos skin and in between is consider as Alepa. Acharya Sha- ranghadhra says as Doshaghna lepa -1/4 angula,Vishaghna lepa-1/3 angula,Varnya lepa-1/2 angula 8 . Possible mode of Action of Lepa: Lepas are usually applied against the hair follicular direction, this facilitates the quicker absorption of the drug potency through Romakupa(hair roots), swedavahini (sweat glands) and siramukha (blood ca- pillaries) 10 . In the Chapter Dhamani Vyaka- rana Adhyaya Susruta explains Dhamanis which are Oordhwagata ,Adhogata and Ti- ryakgata. Here he explains four Tiryakgami Siras. Out of these four, each divides gradu- ally hundred and thousand times and thus become innumerable: by these the body is covered like network, bound and pervaded their openings are attached to hair follicles which carry sweat and replenish rasa inside and outside (Swedamabhiva- hanti Rasamchabhitarpayanthi Antharbahi- scha..) ;through them only the veerya of Abhyanga, Snana and Lepa dravyas enter the body after being transformed in skin; the same also carry the sensation of touch plea- sant 11 . The physic-chemical properties of a drug in a topical dosage form affect that drugs trans-dermal delivery and topical bioavailability. The molecules of the for- mulation after penetrating through the stra- tum conium and into viable epidermis and dermis produces its characteristic pharma- Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J & H.T Chaitra: A Conceptual Note on Vishaghna Lepa 63 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov Dec 2013 cological response through receptors even before the blood and lymph circulations re- move it, in which case it may set in a cas- cade of systemic effects .Though the horny layer is very impermeable to most chemi- cals, contributing the rate limiting step in trans-dermal absorption because of its high diffusion resistance, providing a small frac- tional area of 0.1 % only as permeable ap- pendage shunt route. Besides this route the drug molecules may penetrate through the hair follicles and sebaceous glands or through sweat ducts also and thus helps to remove or neutralize the toxins in initial stage only 12 . Precaution for using Vishaghna Lepa: The use of anti-poisonous formula- tion is judicious only when the case is defi- nitely of poisoning, as if used in poison less person it may create troubles, hence with all efforts, poison should be diagnosed, as in absence of poison the physician might kill the patient 13 .So diagnosis plays important role and this precaution strictly follow when drug has to administered internally. Agada lepas which are mentioned in Bruhatrayis(in the context of visha Chi- kitsa) with their reference. Agada Lepa Mode Of Admin- istration Indication Reference Kakandadiagadalepa Pradeha Sarvakeeta visha Ch.Chi 23/53 Mrutasanjeeevanaaga- dalepa Pralepa SarvaVishaghna Ch.Chi 23/58 Gandhahastinamaaga- dalepa Lepa Savishavrana/Vishajanya damstra/Butagraha/visu- chika/Unmada/apas- mara/Arsha/Muda- garbha/kitibha/Switra. Ch.Chi 23/75-76 Mahagandhahastiaga- dalepa Pralepa/Alepa Sarvavishaghna Ch.Chi 23/77-84 Ksharagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Shota/ Gulma/Arsha/Bha- gandhar. Ch.Chi 23/101-104 Khandasharkaralepa Pralepa in vataja- vishajantudamstra. Pradeha in pittaja- vishajantudamstra Pralepa-vatapradanavi- shajantudamstr. Pradeha-pittapradhanavi- shajantudamstr. Ch.Chi 23/170-171 Mamsyadiagadalepa Lepa Sarvavishahara/Shotaghna. Ch.Chi 23/90 Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J & H.T Chaitra: A Conceptual Note on Vishaghna Lepa 64 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov Dec 2013 Chandanadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Sarvavishahara Ch.Chi 23/191-192 Ksheeravrukshatvaga- lepa Pralepa/Alepa Keetavishajanyashoth/daha/ shoola Ch.Chi 23/199 Madukadilepa Pralepa/Alepa Loota visha Ch.Chi 23/200-202 Kusumbhapushpaadia- gadalepa Pradeha For keeta and lootavishaja- nyakarnikapatana Ch.Chi 23/203 Kapotavitaadilepa Pralepa/Alepa Vruschika and manduka visha Ch.Chi 23/208-209 Vachadiagadalepa Pralepa /Alepa Sarvavishahara Ch.Chi23/21 4 Vishaghna lepa(shirisha+nirgundi) Pralepa/Alepa Sarvavishahara Ch.Su 3/28 ShirishadiAgadalepa Pralepa Hrutapeeda due to visha Su.Ka 1/36 Shyamadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Hasta and Nakha visha Su.Ka 1/37 Chandanadilepa Pralepa Abhyangaja visha Su.Ka 1/53 Chandanagrutadilepa Pralepa Cosmetic induced twakavi- kara Su.Ka 1/60- 61 Mahasugandhiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Aabharanajnya and Paadu- kavish Su.Ka 1/77 Vamsaadiagadalepa Pralepa Loota /Mushika/Sarpa/Keeta visha Su.Ka 5/78- 79 Shirisharajanyadiaga- dalepa Pralepa Mushika visha Su.Ka 7/33 Kustadiagadalepa Pralepa Keeta visha Su.Ka 8/47 Rajanyadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Keeta visha Su.Ka 8/48 Meshasrungyadiagada- Pralepa/Alepa Manduka visha Su.Ka 8/50 Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J & H.T Chaitra: A Conceptual Note on Vishaghna Lepa 65 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov Dec 2013 lepa Kumkumadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Satapadi visha Su.Ka 8/49 Shirishatagaraadiaga- dalepa Pralepa/Alepa Keeta visha Su.Ka 8/52 Krushnamrutrikalepa Pralepa/Alepa Pippalikadamstra visha Su.Ka 8/55 Arkamooladiagdalepa Pralepa Loota visha Su.Ka 8/102 Chandanarasnaadiaga- dalepa Pralepa/Alepa Loota visha Su.Ka 8/103 Padmakadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Loota visha Su.Ka 8/104 Sanjeeviniagadalepa Pralepa /Alepa Sarvavishahara A.S.U 40/46 Murvadichoorna Lepa Garavishajanyatwakaroga A.S.U 40/66 Harenyavadailepa Pralepa/Alepa Garopahatatwacha A.S.U 40/69 Tarunapalashkshara Lepa Twagaroga/gulma A.S.U 40/82 Grutalepa Pralepa /Alepa Sarvavishahara A.S.U 40/88 Chadanashirishalepa Pralepa /Alepa Sarpa visha A.S.U 42/9 Kashmaryadiagadalepa Pralepa /Alepa / pradeha Mandalisarpa visha A.S.U 42/20 Ksheerevishatwagalepa Pralep Keeta visha A.S.U 42/30 Dashangalepa Pralepa All type of Keeta visha A.S.U 43/31 Sheerishabeejalepa Pralepa Manduka visha A.S.U 43/34 Vachadilepa Pralepa /Alepa Keeta visha A.S.U 43/35 Tagaradilepa Pralepa Makshika visha A.S.U 43/39 Matulungaamladilepa Pralepa/Alepa Vrushcika visha A.S.U 43/43 Palashabeejadilepa Pralepa /Alepa Vrushcikadamstrashola A.S.U 43/54 Hinguharitaladilepa Pralepa/ alepa Vrushcika visha A.S.U 43/48 Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J & H.T Chaitra: A Conceptual Note on Vishaghna Lepa 66 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov Dec 2013 DISCUSSION Lepa (Vishaghna) is one of the im- portant Bahiraparimarjana Chikitsa, which subsides vitiated doshas locally as well as deeper situated doshas in the body and pre- Pippalyadilepa Pralepa Vruschika visha A.S.U 43/50 Paravatashakrutalepa Pralepa /Alepa Vrushikadamstrjanyakandu A.S.U 43/52 Nagaradiagadalepa Pralepa Vrushcika visha A.S.U 43/56 Prapoundikadilepa Pralepa /Alepa Paittikaloota visha A.S.U 44/25 Syhyamadilepa Pralepa Shlaismikalootavisha A.S.U 44/26 Bimbyadilepa Pralepa Vatikaloota visha A.S.U 44/27 Bhodyadilepa Pralepa All type of loota visha A.S.U 44/28 Shirishapadmakadilepa Pralepa Loota visha A.S.U 44/36 Sarpakshichandanadi- lepa Pralepa Loota visha A.S.U 44/41 Lakshyarajanyadilepa Pralepa /Alepa Lootavishajanyatwakaroga A.S.U 44/49 Nishapadmakadilepa Pralepa/Alepa Loota visha A.S.U 45/01 Agadhumadilepa Alepa/ Pradeha Lootavishajanyakarneeka A.S.U 46/15 Matulungadilepa Alepa Alarka visha A.S.U 46/48 Lashunadilepa Alepa Alarka visha A.S.U 46/52 Somavalkalalepa Pralepa/ Alepa Alarkajanyanakhadanta vi- sha A.S.U 46/61 Bhallatakadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Vicharchika /Dadru/kitibha A.S.U 48/33 Vishadiagadalepa Pralepa/Alepa Switra/Pundarika/Daru- naka A.S.U 48/34 Savarikaralepa Pralepa/Alepa Switra A.S.U 48/35 Veeralaangalilepa Pralepa Garpanaarta A.S.U 48/36 Visharasanjanadilepa Pralepa /Alepa Vishajanitadustavrana A.S.U 48/22 Kalyanimath Gurusiddeshwar.J & H.T Chaitra: A Conceptual Note on Vishaghna Lepa 67 IAMJ: Volume 1; Issue 6; Nov Dec 2013 vents invasion of microorganisms, toxins and foreign substances in the body. Most of Vishaghna lepas are Tridoshahara mainly pittahara (Brajakapitta is situated in twacha) and due to Ashraya Aashrayibhava they remove a vitiated Doshas from the Rakta and acts as Vishaghna. Ghruta mixed with hot water is best media for Vishaghna lepas. Ghruta an end product of milk, is an ideal substance that has a unique action on the body constituents, it has a beneficial soothing effect on the unctuous chain (DhaatuSnehaParamparaa) of the tissues. And its Sukshmakariguna helps in penetra- tion of drug in deeper level. Mode of administration Pralepa/ Alepa /Pradeha plays very important role in ab- sorbing a poison. Sushruta has compared the thickness of Lepa to the skin of buffalo, he says that Pralepa is thinner and Pradeha is thicker to buffalos skin ,it means the actual thickness of the skin buffalo may be attri- buted as the thickness in between both, which will be thickness of Alepa. Acharya Sharanghadhra says as Doshaghnalepa - 1/4angula(0.48cm),Vishaghna lepa-1/3 an- gula(0.65cm),Varnyalepa-1/2 an- gula(0.97cm).[1 Angula = 1.95cm , yavoda- rairangulamastasankya] 8 . Lepa in the Pra- tiloma direction helps the Oushadha to re- main there properly and allows it to enter the romakoopas and thereby potency (veerya) of dravya entering to svedavahinisrotas and make the action of the application quick and effective. Charakacharya explained importance of Agada (Vishaghna) lepa in Kustachikitsa, if the spot which is stony hard, rough ,benumbed, stable and old then one can use Agadalepas in form of Lepa,Paana,Anjana and Nasya. By observing all indication of Vishaghna Lepa , lepas are not only re- stricted to Twaka vikaras, it supportive to cure diseases involved in most of other Srotas.(indicated in Un- maada,Gulma,Arsha,Mudagarbha,etc.) CONCLUSION Vishaghna lepas can also be used in other aliments other than Visharoga. How- ever, causative factor for a disease is im- portant, i.e. history pertaining to Dhooshivi- sha/ Garavisha is must. All Vishaghna Le- pas due to their Guna (property) and veerya (potency) act as Doshaghna Lepa, but all Doshaghna lepas need not be essentially Vi- shaghna.Lepa done externally through skin is only one example, though the Lepas de- scribed in our texts are effective, Vishaghna lepas are less used and less known, Know- ledge of different varieties of Lepas availa- ble in different forms may help future re- search scholars and physicians to use it in an appropriate way. 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