This document provides an introduction to the World Health Organization's new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It discusses the ICF's potential applications in rehabilitation services and research. The ICF represents a shift from the medical model of the previous ICIDH to a bio-psycho-social model that recognizes the impact of environmental factors on functioning and disability. It conceptualizes functioning and disability as a complex interaction between health conditions and contextual factors. The ICF aims to provide a uniform framework for understanding health and serves as a tool to obtain systematic information on functioning to guide rehabilitation interventions and research.
This document provides an introduction to the World Health Organization's new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It discusses the ICF's potential applications in rehabilitation services and research. The ICF represents a shift from the medical model of the previous ICIDH to a bio-psycho-social model that recognizes the impact of environmental factors on functioning and disability. It conceptualizes functioning and disability as a complex interaction between health conditions and contextual factors. The ICF aims to provide a uniform framework for understanding health and serves as a tool to obtain systematic information on functioning to guide rehabilitation interventions and research.
This document provides an introduction to the World Health Organization's new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It discusses the ICF's potential applications in rehabilitation services and research. The ICF represents a shift from the medical model of the previous ICIDH to a bio-psycho-social model that recognizes the impact of environmental factors on functioning and disability. It conceptualizes functioning and disability as a complex interaction between health conditions and contextual factors. The ICF aims to provide a uniform framework for understanding health and serves as a tool to obtain systematic information on functioning to guide rehabilitation interventions and research.
This document provides an introduction to the World Health Organization's new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It discusses the ICF's potential applications in rehabilitation services and research. The ICF represents a shift from the medical model of the previous ICIDH to a bio-psycho-social model that recognizes the impact of environmental factors on functioning and disability. It conceptualizes functioning and disability as a complex interaction between health conditions and contextual factors. The ICF aims to provide a uniform framework for understanding health and serves as a tool to obtain systematic information on functioning to guide rehabilitation interventions and research.
HEALTH: AN INTRODUCTION AND DISCUSSION OF ITS POTENTIAL IMPACT ON REHABILITATION SERVICES AND RESEARCH To ra H. Dahl From the WHO Collaborating Centre for the Classication of Diseases in the Nordic countries, Uppsala, Sweden This paper provides an introduction to the content and concepts of the World Health Organizations new Interna- tional Classication of Functioning, Disability and Health (2001) and discusses its potential applications in rehabilita- tion services and research. Great interest has been expressed in the International Classication of Functioning, Disability and Health by its potential users and there is growing evidence that its conceptual framework is consistent with the understanding of functioning both for professionals and for people with disabilities. Key words: ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, rehabilitation research, rehabilitation concepts, disability studies. J Rehabil Med 2002; 34: 201204 Correspondence address: Tora H. Dahl, OTD, Roennehavew 9, DK-8520 Lystrup, Denmark. E-mail: Submitted June 7, 2002; Accepted June 17, 2002 INTRODUCTION This paper provides an introduction to the central concepts of the World Health Organizations (WHOs) new classication International Classication of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (1) and discusses the prospects and dilemmas that the ICF presents in practical rehabilitation work, based on initial experiences in Denmark and the other Nordic countries. The potential of the ICF theoretical framework seems promising and a large number of countries have expressed interest in the need for such a framework and its relevance to the professional areas of rehabilitation and public health. There is emerging interest in the different aspects of functioning and it seems that the ICF may also support the documentation and evaluation of quality services in rehabilitation. During the past two years a number of papers have been published in which the authors express their interest in the ICF as a common framework for clinical work and for research in rehabilitation (26). The framework was developed over a period of time, commencing with the work of Nagi in the 1960s, further conceptualized in the Disablement model by Verbrugge & Jette (7), and, also of great importance, the work by Fougeyrollas, addressing the importance of the environment as a major determinant to what Fougeyrollas terms the Handicap Creation Process (8). To my mind, the WHOs approval of the ICF will not only have an impact in the theoretical uniformity of the concepts, but also, and more importantly, may guide member states in their future work in the health sector of population needs in functioning and disability. The ICF is the result of a revision process based on the ICIDH (9), and has been ongoing during the last decade. Revision may not be the right word, as it is actually a new classication, which stands on a different theoretical framework than that of the ICIDH from 1980. The WHOs new classication was approved by the World Health Assembly, as an ofcial member of the WHO Family of Classications, in May 2001. The Family of Classications launched contains both the ICD and the ICF as the main international classications of health. From a recent international meeting, held by the WHO in Trieste, Italy in April 2002, the WHOs director general, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, likened the ICF to the Swiss army knife, with many tools and possible uses 1 . Since the release of the ICIDH by WHOin 1980, to be used in eld trials, there has been continuous discussion between researchers, professional clinicians and the disability movement on both the theoretical conceptualization and the use of the ICIDH. Although the ICIDH was not recognized as an ofcial classication, it has had an impact on development in research and education. The literature on this topic amounts more than 1500 references which can be classied into two main categories: On the one hand, references which are using ICIDH as theoretical framework in different studies, and on the other hand, references of papers, criticizing the idea and concepts of ICIDH, and pointing out the shortcomings of adopting a medical-biological view on disability. Recently, Pfeiffer has debated the need for a classication as such (10, 11). Pfeiffers view seems to capture the major criticism from people with disabilities, as similar views have been expressed by e.g. European Disability Forum. Pfeiffer emphasize that as long as the conceptual basis of ICF is a medical model, disability issues are getting medicalized. According to Pfeiffer this may be the 1 Dr Brundtlands speech is available from 2002 Taylor & Francis. ISSN 16501977 J Rehabil Med 34 J Rehabil Med 2002; 34: 201204 rst step towards eugencics and a class-based evaluation where normal is the standard for measure. He attacks WHO for maintaining stigmatization of people with disabilities. Even in the revised form Pfeiffer express ICIDH-2 (the draft version) as a threat to the disability community (11). 2 Classifying people with disabilities, in the same way as diseases, does not make sense, but using the classication to obtain systematic information about a persons functioning can provide professionals with relevant information and can guide the selection of interventions. Researchers and planners have an obvious need for operationalization of those conditions we call disability, and for different purposes. The disability movement, however, address the criticism that a classication in this matter may stimulate increased stigmatization, and there is a concern that the classication may be abused in priority setting. The various interests in the same eld: researchers, who want scientically based knowledge, and people with disabilities, who do not want to be classied, may have negatively impacted on some of the necessary conceptual development and debate. The distinction between disability and functioning is not easily made, since there is no xed limit or a gold standard to determine whether a person is disabled. Instead, the concept of disability or malfunctioning, should be seen as relativistic, bound to the current culture and the social context, where people live their lives, and in this context, as it relates to health. Disability must also be seen in the societal context, and can sometimes be described according to existing laws and regula- tions within the given society. This issue is far more complicated than a straightforward dichotomous distinction between having a disability or not. This must also be taken into account when scientists try to conceptualize and quantify the malfunctioning, disability or impairment in populations (12, 13). FROM ICIDH TO ICF Even if the ICIDHhas described the components of disability on a linear, progressive scale, the understanding of disability is relativistic and multifactoral in its nature. This was not captured by the rst version of the ICIDH from 1980, and this issue was a central aspect in the discussions during the 1980s. The WHO did take this into account during the revision, and has conceptualized the framework of the ICF in line with modern understanding of disability, containing both a medical perspective and a social perspective. As presented in Fig. 1, the framework of functioning is related to aspects of health. The framework is introduced as a bio-psycho-social approach to disability, including contextual factors: environmental factors and personal factors. Since the rst release of the ICIDH, it has been emphasized that disability has to be understood within a social and environmental contextual framework. Studies have been per- formed in Quebec, Canada, based on the Quebec Classication and the framework Handicap Creation Process (8, 14). This work has contributed to the current conceptualization of the environmental impact on actual functioning at the individual level. This conceptualization puts the ICF in line with modern understanding of disability and functioning; disability not only is a consequence of a health condition, but is also determined by the physical environment, the services available in the society, attitudes and legislation, which are environmental factors in this respect. The overall term in the framework is functioning, which covers the components body functions, body structures, activity and participation. Functioning is used as the positive or neutral wording and the negative aspect is called disability. Disability Fig. 1. Current understandin g of the framework of the ICF. Reproduced by permission of the World Health Organization (WHO) (1). Table I. Concepts and terminology of the ICF related to components Body functions Component Body structure Activity Participation Environmental factors Denition Body functions are the physiologica l functions of body systems (including psychologica l functions) . Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual. Participation is involvement in a life situation. Environmental factors make up the physical , social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. Body Structures are anatomical parts of the body, such as organs, limbs and their components. Negative aspect Impairment Activity limitation Participation restriction Barriers/Hindrances 2 The Dutch WHO Collaborating Center has an extensive database on ICIDH literature. J Rehabil Med 34 202 T. H. Dahl has changed meaning from ICIDH to ICF, from being an individuals attribute of limited activities to currently being the negative aspect of functioning. It is not only one dimension of functioning, but is part of the overall concept. Table I provides a basic overview of the denitions of the components of ICF as a framework. It should be observed that this is not the structure of the classication. Body functions, body structures, activity and participation constitute one part of the classication and the other part is made up by contextual factors, both environmental factors and personal factors, although the personal factors are not classied, but are part of the conceptual framework. The components of ICF are structured in domains and categories. Table II gives an overview of the domains within the components. Additionally it is possible to detail the categories, and all are included to the second level, as from the domains, and for body functions especially, there are categories on third level, as from component level. As the conceptual framework is meant to be understood in a dynamic and not a linear way, the concept has changed as from a causal linear relation between the components to a dynamic, interactive framework, wherein all components are related and inuence one another (15) (see Fig. 1). In the introduction of the ICF, the use and meaning of qualiers are introduced. The central message is that one generic, ordinal scale with ve steps is suggested as being applicable to all categories in the classication. In addition to the ve steps, it is possible to register information as unspecied and not applicable. Through eld trials in Denmark, practi- tioners have identied problems with use of the qualiers suggested in the ICF, as the generic scale cannot be applied in all categories (Dahl, unpublished observations). This may originate in the obvious statement that the categories are of different character and nature and, as a consequence, may need different types of rating scales for measures. This issue needs further study and development in the coming years, as well as studies mapping existing instruments into ICF categories. ADVANCES, LIMITATIONS AND SHORTCOMINGS The title International Classication of Functioning, Dis- ability and Health is confusing. One may think that we have to classify Functioning and Disability and thereafter classify health. Health is one of the terms added recently by the WHO, and it has caused much confusion and a lot of reactions from those involved in the process. Preferably, the title should state the scope of the classication and thereby avoid misunder- standings, as to the content. In most theories of health and ill health, functioning and disability are central ingredients of health and should not be disentangled. 3 This statement by Dr Nordenfelt, seems, to my mind, to Table II. Overview on domains in the ICF Classication, 2001 Body functions and body structures Activities and participation Environmental factors Body functions 1. Mental functions 1. Learning and applying knowledge 1. Products and technology 2. Sensory functions and pain 2. General tasks and demands 2. Natural environment and human-made changes to the environment 3. Voice and speech functions 3. Communication 3. Support and relationships 4. Functions of the cardiovascular , haematological , immunological and respirator y systems 4. Mobility 4. Attitudes 5. Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems 5. Self-care 5. Services, systems and policies 6. Genitourinar y and reproductive functions 6. Domestic life 7. Neuromusculoskeleta l and movement related functions 7. Interpersona l interactions and relationships 8. Functions of the skin and related structures 8. Major life areas 9. Community, social and civic life Body structures 1. Structures of the nervous system 2. The eye, ear and related structures 3. Structures involved in voice and speech 4. Structures of the cardiovascular , immunological and respirator y system 5. Structures related to the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems 6. Structures related to the genitourinar y and reproductive systems 7. Structures related to movement 8. Skin and related structures 3 Oral presentation at the 2nd Nordic Baltic conference by Dr Lennart Nordenfelt, University of Linko ping. The presentation can be obtained from J Rehabil Med 34 Introduction to the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health 203 capture the central problem with the title of the published classication. Late in the revision process Activity (A) and Participation (P) were put into a joint list, as they are the same component, and in the annexes to the classication, several suggestions are made for use of A and P. Several coding guidelines are also suggested in the annexes. If different coding strategies are used in national data sets, there is no possibility for comparing data across countries. Uniform coding conventions are an important prerequisite for maintaining high data quality, This is seen as a major problem, which should be addressed in further studies, in addition to the question as to whether the use of different coding guidelines gives the same output in statistics and records. There is no agreement among users whether the domains in the component Activity and Participation, are either activity or participation or activity and participation. As a result of this, some countries are developing their own distinctions of Activity and Participation (16). The conceptual framework of the ICF identies that a majority of outcome measures, used in clinical rehabilitation and research reect body functions, body structures, and activity, as these components often are major areas in medical rehabilitation. The Quebec User Evaluation of Environmental Factors measures the impact of the environment. Measuring participation may be a challenging task, and the WHO have developed WHO-DAS II, which will be released in 2002. WHO- DAS II is a measure of aspects of functioning, and the conceptual background is the ICF. 4 From my own experiences with the Danish eld studies and discussions with Nordic colleagues there seems to be a strong consensus on the suggested conceptual framework among professionals working in the eld of rehabilitation, in the health sector as well as in the social sector. To my mind still more studies need to be done in order to make the ICF operational for practical use. POTENTIAL IMPACT FOR FUTURE REHABILITATION SERVICES AND RESEARCH From personal experience in discussions, teaching and ongoing studies, it seems that the theoretical framework makes sense for both professionals and disabled people. The discrepancies in views between professionals and people from the disability movement are similar to those expressed by Pfeiffer (11). In the Nordic countries there are several studies underway, either implementing the framework in rehabilitation settings, or doing research with the ICF as the theoretical framework. Wade may be right when he states that the major advances in rehabilitation are on the conceptual level, rather than in improving quality of interventions (6). The conceptualization can be seen as the rst step in improving the quality of rehabilitation. The use of common terms within the team allows the formulation of goals for rehabilitation, which are identiable and meaningful to all involved, and enables professionals to record interventions and outcomes in a standardized professional language within a uniform framework. Different areas of rehabilitation will certainly have different needs for documentation and assessment, and it is likely that special versions of the ICF will be developed for use in specic areas. CONCLUSION The WHO has provided a classication on functioning, which is strongly needed for many purposes within the health area. For the rst time, a classication has been ofcially launched and recommended for ofcial use in the UN member states. The framework of functioning is seen to be a great leap forward, compared with the original ICIDH classication. However, some central aspects of the classication still need further development and research, especially those qualiers suggested here. The ICF is seen as a promising input for the future development of rehabilitation services and research. REFERENCES 1. ICF International Classication of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2001. 2. Dahl TH, Vik K. Is ICIDH-2 important and useful for occupational therapy and occupational therapists? Irish J Occupat Ther 2000; 30: 4048. 3. Grimby G, Smedby B. ICF approved as the successor of ICIDH. J Rehabil Med 2001; 33: 193194. 4. 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