Distributed and Cooperative Hierarchical Intrusion Detection On Manets

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 12 No.5, December 2010

Distributed and Cooperative Hierarchical Intrusion
Detection on MANETs

Farhan Abdel-Fattah
Graduate Dept. of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Sintok 06010 Kedah, Malaysia

Zulkhairi Md. Dahalin
Graduate Dept. of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Sintok 06010 Kedah, Malaysia

Shaidah Jusoh
Graduate Dept. of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Sintok 06010 Kedah, Malaysia
The wireless links between the nodes together with the dynamic-
network nature of ad hoc network, increases the challenges of
design and implement intrusion detection to detect the attacks.
Traditional intrusion detection techniques have had trouble
dealing with dynamic environments. In particular, issues such as
collects real time attack related audit data and cooperative global
detection. Therefore, we are motivated to design a new intrusion
detection architecture which involves new detection technique to
efficiently detect the abnormalities in the ad hoc networks. In this
paper we present the architecture and operation of an intrusion
detection technique in Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET). The
proposed model has distributed and cooperative architecture. The
proposed intrusion detection technique combines the flexibility of
anomaly detection with the accuracy of a signature-based
detection method. In particular, we exploit machine learning
techniques in order to achieve efficient and effective intrusion
detection. A series of simulation and experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed intrusion detection can effectively
detect anomalies with low false positive rate, high detection rate
and achieve higher detection accuracy.
General Terms
Intrusion detection, mobile Ad hoc Network Security, k-Nearest
MANET Intrusion detection, CPDOD, CP-KNN, distributed and
cooperative architecture intrusion detection, Conformal

Wireless network is seen as one of the fastest growing trends in
technology. The flexibility that this network offers has attracted
many people. However, its security issues have somehow
distracted internet users from adopting this network freely. It is a
responsibility of the network developer to ensure and enforce a
secured network. Intrusion detection system (IDS) [1] plays a very
important role in detecting different types of attacks. The main
function of intrusion detection is to protect the network, analyze
and find out intrusions among normal audit data. Although there
is a number of intrusion detection techniques designed for
traditional wired networks, they may not be suitable if applied to
mobile ad hoc network due to the differences in their
characteristics. Therefore, those techniques must be modified or
new techniques must be developed to make intrusion detection
work effectively in MANETs [2].
In this study, we investigate intrusion detection architecture
suitable to the dynamic and distributed environments to meet the
requirements of Intrusion detection for ad hoc network. Two
intrusion detection architectures are considered in this research:
local detection and hierarchical architecture. Distributed and
cooperative hierarchical intrusion detection architecture, where
nodes communicate with their region gateway node to make
decisions, is proposed. The need for the cooperative and
distributed intrusion detection arises because ad hoc networks are
dynamic and they naturally lack a central administration or wired
infrastructure. In comparison to local intrusion detection, the
collaborative intrusion detection presents the possibility of
improvement in detection time and detection accuracy, by sharing
intrusion information between local intrusion detection in the
same region or across regions. We have used cooperative anomaly
intrusion detection with machine learning technique to enhance
the proposed architecture. In our previous work [3] we proposed
an efficient intrusion detection method based on the combination
of two anomaly methods, namely Conformal Predictor k-nearest
neighbor and Distance-based Outlier Detection (CPDOD). We
investigate our proposed model by employing combined intrusion
detection model and feature selection techniques and compared it
with the performance of local detection.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
background knowledge of the intrusion detection models in
MANET. We review some related work in Section 3. Section 4
and 5 present the Distributed and cooperative hierarchical
intrusion detection model. Section 6 illustrates the experiments
and presents the results with some discussion. Finally, we
summarize our work in Section 7.
In the discussion of intrusion detection in ad hoc network, we
have to distinguish between two concepts: intrusion detection
architecture and intrusion detection methods [11]. Intrusion
detection methods refer to the anomaly and misuse detection.
While Intrusion detection architecture utilizes and employs
intrusion detection methods as one of its modules, such as
collaboration module and data collection module. Therefore,
intrusion detection architecture deals with problems on a larger
scale. Intrusion detection architecture defines the functions of
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010
network mobile nodes and the way they collect the data and the
form of communication they utilize. A number of possible
architectures of intrusion detection techniques in MANET have
been proposed. These include stand-along intrusion detection,
distributed and cooperative intrusion detection, and hierarchical
intrusion detection [4, 5]. The intrusion detection proposed by
Zhang and Lee [6] in 2000, was the first discussion about the
intrusion detection techniques in MANET. This model uses
distributed and cooperative decision making with anomaly
detection. Patrick and Camp [7] proposed a distributed and
collaborative architecture for MANET intrusion detection system,
using mobile agent technology. In this architecture each node runs
a Local IDS (LIDS) for local concern. Each LIDS detects
intrusion on its node and uses external information that is derived
from other LIDS on additional machines to confirm the detection.
Hierarchical intrusion detection architecture was proposed by
Huang and Lee [8]. This model extends the distributed and
cooperative IDS proposed by [7]. In this model the network is
divided into clusters. A clusterhead is elected by a collection of
nodes in a neighborhood or citizen nodes. Cluster size is defined
as the number of mobile nodes in the cluster .When the cluster
head is elected, all the nodes in the cluster have to transmit the
data they obtain locally to the cluster head. A clusterhead is
responsible for its node in addition to its cluster, e.g. monitoring
and observing network packets and starting a global response
when intrusion is detected [4]. A multisensor intrusion detection
system based on mobile agent was proposed by Kachirski and
Guha [9]. The intrusion system is composed of three major
models: monitoring, decision-making and action agent (response
agent). The ad hoc network is divided into clusters; each cluster
has only one clusterhead. The workload is distributed by dividing
IDS tasks into classes and assigning each task to a different agent.
A Specificationbased Intrusion Detection System for Ad hoc On-
Demand Distance Vector Routing ( AODV) was proposed by
Tseng et al. [10]. The normal behavior for important features in
the ad hoc network is constructed in the first stage. Then the
actual activity of the system is compared to the profiles of normal
behavior of systems. This model uses Network Monitor (NM),
Cooperative Network Monitors Architecture to trace the request-
reply RREP flow in the MANET routing protocol.
2.1 Conformal Prediction
Gammerman et al. [11] use Transduction to present confidence
measures for the decision of classifying an example point as
belonging to a set of pre-defined classes. The recently introduced
Conformal Predictor (CP) [12, 18] uses past experience to
determine precise levels of confidence in predictions. CP
introduced the computation of the confidence using Algorithmic
Randomness Theory. Transaction confidence machine is a
prediction technique that computes a p-value for the new example
v of any predefined class c. The definition of p-value is the
probability of observing an example in the sample space that can
be considered more extreme than a sample of data. The p-value
measure how well the data (examples of a class) supports a null
hypothesis that the query point belongs to a certain class. The
smaller the p-value, the greater is the evidence against the null
The Conformal Prediction for k-nearest neighbor (CP-KNN)
algorithm computes the similarity between new individual and
other examples in the class using the K-nearest neighbor distances
method. The important step when applying transductive
confidence is to calculate a nonconformity score value for each
example. And estimates how likely it is that a new example
belongs to this class with p-values. The main idea is that the
nonconformity score corresponds to the uncertainty of the point
being measured with respect to all the other classified examples of
a class: the higher the nonconformity score, the higher the
uncertainty [12, 13].
The CP-KNN nonconformity score is calculated using the
Euclidean distances between points. Let us define
D as the
sorted sequence of the Euclidean distances of point i from other
points with the same classification y. The distance between i and
the jth shortest examples in the sequence is
D similarly let
D define the distances of example i from the other example
with different classification, then
D as the distance between
i and the jth shortest examples in the sequence. is an individual
nonconformity score assign to every example. The nonconformity
score for example i with classification y is

Therefore, this measure of nonconformity is the ratio of the sum
of the k nearest distances from the same class (y) to the sum of the
k nearest distances from all other classes (-y). When there are
several classes in the feature space, nonconformity score the
fitness of the query example to class y with respect to all others
classes in the features space. The nonconformity score of a
example raises when the sum of the k nearest distances from the
points of the same class becomes bigger or when the sum of the k
nearest distances from the other classes becomes smaller.
Nonconformity score can be used in intrusion detection to
measure the strangeness of an activity i belonging to the normal
class y with respect to the abnormal class -y. The CP-KNN
algorithm computes the nonconformity score of m training
examples in class y and sorts their nonconformity score values in
descending order {
, . . .,
}. Based on Equation (1),
the algorithm can also calculate the nonconformity score of the
new query example v if it is classified as normal class y. Then, the
p-value of the query point can be computed using Equation (2),
is the nonconformity score of the new unknown
example v.
} : ) , , 1 ( { #
) (
m i
v i

As all training points are independent random samples, the
strength of the evidence against v belonging to the class y is
quantified by ) (
p , where i is the number of class members
with nonconformity score larger than
. The p-value shows how
likely the query point is to be classified as y by referring to the
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010
distribution of all points in the same class. The smaller the p-value
the more unlikely the query point belongs to class y.
2.2 Distance-based Outlier Detection (DOD)
Recently, Zhang et al. [14] proposed Local Distance-based Outlier
Factor (LDOF) to measure the outlier-ness of a point in the
feature space. LDOF uses the relative location of a point to its
neighbors to determining whether a point is an outlier with respect
to all clusters. LDOF is the distance ratio representing and
indicating how far the point x lies outside its neighborhood
system. Formal definition of the Local Distance-based Outlier
Definition 1 (KNN distance of
x ) Let
N be the set of the k-
nearest neighbours of object
x (excluding x). The k-nearest
neighbours distance of
x equals the average distance from
x to all objects in
N . More formally, let dist(x , x') 0 be a
distance measure between objects x and x'. The k-nearest
neighbours distance of object
x is defined as:
N x
p i x
p i
x x dist
d ). , (

Definition 2 (KNN inner distance of
x ) Given the k-nearest
neighbours set
N of object
x , the k-nearest neighbours inner
distance of
x is defined as the average distance among objects
N :
, ,
) , (
) 1 (
i i N x x
i x
x x dist
k k
Definition 3 (LDOF of
x ) The local distance-based outlier
factor of
x is defined as:
p k
x LDOF : ) (
When the Outlier Factor LDOF 1, it means that new example
x is inside the class and surrounded by a class data. In contrast,
when Outlier Factor LDOF 1, it means that new example
is outside the whole class. We use Outlier Factor LDOF to
distinguish between normal and abnormal examples. It is easy to
see that in any datasets, an example is outlier if Outlier Factor
LDOF > 1.
Intrusion detection models on ad hoc networks can be classified
into three groups: stand-alone, distributed and cooperative, and
hierarchical intrusion detection. In stand-alone detection, every
mobile node in the ad hoc network has an intrusion detection
agent and makes the detection process on their own machine
without collaborating with other mobile nodes. In a distributed
and cooperative architecture, each node has intrusion detection
agents as in the stand-alone detection architecture, at the same
time they communicate with other mobile nodes to exchange
attack data and helpful information, to make one global decisions
and to agree on responses. The nodes in hierarchical intrusion
detection are generally divided into small groups such as clusters,
and zones where some mobile nodes have more responsibility
than other mobile nodes in the same group.
In this research, we explore intrusion detection architecture and
propose a region-based intrusion detection framework because of
the following considerations. Flat architecture is unwanted in
managing alerts. In this architecture all nodes are supposed to
participate in the cooperative intrusion detection process [15].
When the ad hoc network becomes very large, huge power is
consumed and scalability issues become a major problem [16]. It
is also unrealistic to have a centralized manage point in MANETs
to control all of the alerts because of the complicated mobility
management and the network reliability problem caused by single
point of failure [9, 16]. However, the existing clustering
techniques [8, 9, 16, 17, 18] for MANET intrusion detection are
simple adaptations of ones used in Ad-Hoc Network routing
protocols and still have the similar problem of duplicate nodes
and fragmented cluster [19], where the duplicate nodes are the
nodes belonging to more than one cluster at the same time and
fragmented clusters are the clusters with only one or two mobile
node. Fragmented clusters are created because the clustering
algorithm prefers a group of well-connected nodes as a cluster and
tends to keep boundary nodes not belonging to any cluster as one
node clusters. Duplicate nodes exist in the overlapped area
between two neighboring clusters. Duplicate nodes and cluster
fragments increase unnecessary monitoring and overhead on
cluster heads [19]. Another major weakness of the clustered
approach is the single point of failure; the failure of the cluster
head. If a compromised node happens to be selected as the cluster
head, it can initiate attacks without being detected [4, 23]. In
addition, The biggest drawback with clustering techniques in
MANET is the high cost of creating and maintaining the clusters
and hierarchy in highly dynamic environment [20].
3.1 Assumptions
We assume a distributed and cooperative intrusion detection
architecture that allows promiscuously monitoring of all Hello
and TC messages. The intrusion detection models are supposed to
have access to internal routing components, such as routing table.
Intrusion detection model must also have the ability of
intercepting messages transmitted between the mobile nodes, such
as control packets, data packets and routing packets. We assume
that the ad hoc network can be divided into geographic region.
For instance, each node can use a Global Positioning System to
find its physical geographic location and determine its region
identity by mapping its physical geographic location to a
predefined region map [20, 21]. The division of the ad hoc
network could be based on geographic partitioning or other
clustering algorithms. We assume that the region dividing method
is accurate and safe. In addition, we assume that message
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010
transmitted between intrusion detection models cannot be altered
or modified by an attacker and will not be compromised.

3.2 Intrusion Detection Framework
The proposed Intrusion Detection is a distributed detection
method, in which two levels of hierarchical structure are defined;
it is designed using region-based framework. The whole network
is divided into non overlapping regions as shown in Figure 1. It is
assumed that the existence of such a framework could be done
without difficulty, based on techniques such as geographic
partitioning [4]. There are two categories of nodes in our model:
region member nodes and gateway nodes. The node is called a
gateway if it has connection to a node in the neighboring region;
otherwise, it is called a region node.

Figure 1: Intrusion Detection Framework

The proposed intrusion detection system intends to completely
automate intrusion detection in a hierarchical and distributed way.
The structure of our proposed intrusion detection model consists
of two major components that is, Gateway Intrusion Detection
(GID) and Local Intrusion Detection (LID). In this new
hierarchical architecture, every mobile node runs a LID locally to
perform local data collection and anomaly detection and initiate
local response , and only a subset of the nodes (gateway nods)
will run GID and such nodes are organized in multiple layers.
Local alarms are used to indicate a potential security attack
recognized by local intrusion detection agents, while global
alarms are finalized decisions made by GID. When a node locally
detects an intrusion with strong evidence, depending on some
threshold value, the node can initiate a Local Alarm by sending an
alarm message to the nearest gateway node GID, which in turn
triggers local and global response process. This actually starts
local response module and global response module. Then, the
GID stores this alarm in the long term memory (LTM). However,
if a node detects intrusion with weak or inconclusive evidence and
low confident prediction measure, the node initiates Local Alert to
the nearest gateway node GID, which directly starts local and
global cooperative intrusion detection procedure, as well as global
detection module GDM, to search for new evidence and if any
strong evidence is discovered, it initiates global response module.
The global alarm communications among regions is accomplished
through global response module and cooperation module, which
share information among different security GID in networks
Since we work in wireless network, the attack can come to the
node by one of two ways: directly to the node by external attack
or by its neighbors (internal attacks). For that, the attacks
evidences will be in the same node or with its neighbors. For that
reason, the global detection process starts from the gateway node
in the central region, then this region will grow by adding its
neighbors, and every region add its neighbors until we get strong
evidence with high confidant measures. At the same time, any
region which does not have evidence will not participate in the
global cooperation decision making process. By using growing
region framework, we can minimize MANET bandwidth and
energy consumption for intrusion detection purpose.

The proposed intrusion detection model consists of two major
components that is, Gateway Intrusion Detection (GID) and Local
Intrusion Detection (LID). Gateway Intrusion Detection is shown
in Figure 2 and comprises of three components: Global Detection
Model (GDM), Global Response Module (GRM) and
Cooperation Module (CM). In the proposed intrusion detection, a
gateway node can optimize energy use by scheduling only a
subset of region members who will activate their monitoring
sensors agents at one time. Other region members can minimize
their energy consumption at the same time. LID is shown in
Figure 2, and is mainly divided into: Data Collection module
(DCM), Pre-process Module (PM), Local Detection Module
(LDM) and Local Response Module (LRM).
The DCM collects audits data from various ad hoc network
sources and pass it to the PM. PM selects informative feature
from all features set, then pass these features to the LDM. The
LDM analyzes the collected local data using CP-KNN and DOD
classification algorithms, and identifies malicious nodes in the ad
hoc network. From Figure 3 we can see that our proposed ad hoc
intrusion detection system, based on the machine learning
approaches, includes several modules which we will now
introduce briefly and separately.

4.1 Data Collection Module
The data collection module collects attack related audit data from
more than one source. This attack related data can include user
and system data, network routing and data traffic and activity
within the radio range of the data collection module. Collecting
the correct and related set of features is an important step when
formulating the prediction tasks. A node on an ad hoc network
can only monitor a part of the network: the packets in its radio
range and the packets which it sends or receives. The types of
attacks we want to detect depend on the data source in addition to
the selection of features. More than one data collection module
can be utilized by local intrusion detection to collect a variety of
environment state information. Each data collection module is in
charge of gathering data from a particular data source.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010

Figure 2: Intrusion Detection Components
4.2 Pre-processing Module
The data collection module of intrusion detection provides data of
network activity. Not all network activity is important for
intrusion detection task and if the detection module was presented
with unrelated network activity, the intrusion detection task would
be hard. Therefore, a number of features need to be selected to
represent ad hoc network activity so that those features can be
used to detect attacks. This initial subset features selection is part
of the pre-processing in the domain of machine learning. In pre-
processing module, we implement a feature selection algorithm.
Different types of attack correspond to different feature selection.
Higher performance may result if irrelevant features are removed.
Designing intrusion detection in ad hoc networks needs to define
new features, as ad hoc networks are a new communication
paradigm. Due to the distributed and dynamic nature of ad hoc
networks, these features should also be locally collected. That is,
they should be collected within the node itself or its
communication activities by overheard transmissions to and from
the nodes. In this thesis, the selected features are determined by
the type of attacks we would like to detect. Therefore, pre-
processing module runs several feature selection agent.
4.3 Local and Global Detection Module
Detection unite is the key component of the intrusion detection
system. The function of detection module is to analyze the
network activities and to draw a conclusion whether normal or
anomalous. Different detection methods can be implemented in
different detection models in order to improve the detection
performance. The two main intrusion detection methods are
anomaly methods and signature based methods: anomaly
detection can detect unknown intrusion, but usually has a high
positive false alarm rate while signature based detection is unable
to detect new, unseen before attack that has no matched patterns
stored in the signature data base. The major advantage of
signature based method is that it can accurately detect known
attacks with very low false alarm ratio. Therefore, we combine
signature based detection and anomaly detection in order to detect
unknown intrusion which achieves better positive false rate and
detection rate. The research done in [22] suggests that a typical
attacking process can be divided into three main phases: a
learning phase, a standard attack phase, and an innovative attack
phase. During the first phase, an inexpert new attacker learns
about the limitation and vulnerabilities of the target system, to
train himself for the second phase. A professional attacker directly
moves into the standard attack phase and in this phase the
attackers try out all attack methods they may know of previously.
When all known attack methods tested fail, the attacker would be
forced to go into the third phase (innovative attack phase) and try
to find out and utilize vulnerabilities that may be new and
unknown to system managers of the target system. It is expected
that the attack launch during standard attack phase have high
chances of success. Therefore, the well updated signature based
detection model should be used to detect most of the attacks, and
anomaly detection model is used to detect the innovative and
unseen before attacks.
The detection module illustrated in Figure 3, integrates the
flexibility of anomaly detection with the accuracy of a signature-
based detection method. In detection module operations, observed
activities are fed to the anomaly detection unit and misuse
detection unit in parallel. Anomaly detection unit uses the CP-
KNN as a main classifier to analyze the collected data. In this
step, if the data is sufficient to find the class of activity
(depending on the two labeled classes), the system initiates an
intrusion alarm if the classification result is anomalous. On the
other hand, if the result is normal, the system does not do any
action. But if the CP-KNN predicts the class with confidence
score less than a pre-defined threshold, then the system goes to
the next step by using DOD algorithm, which uses only normal
data to make the decision. The signature based unit applies the
string matching to detect known attacks. Signature based unit
raises an alarm to the response module if any activates matches an
intrusion pattern. The signature generation unit describes the
detected anomalies and extracts their signatures, then store the
result in the attack signature database.

Figure 3: Detection Module
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010
4.4 Cooperative Module
When local response module generates local alarm with
conformal prediction score less than pre-defined thresholds, this
local alarm moves from node detection level to region level.
Cooperation Module identifies local alarms that belong to the
same occurrence of an attack and create a global alarm that
combines information contained in these different local alarms.
The main process of Cooperation Module is to combine and
analyze the information of all available sources such as local
intrusion detection or neighbors gateway intrusion detection to
make accurate prediction. Cooperation Module allows us to
reduce the number of not true alarms (false positive) transmitted
to the security administrator, generated by response module and at
the same time increases the detection rate of attacks.
4.5 Attack Signature Database
The long term memory or attack signature database is used to
store attack signatures generated by detection module with high
conformal prediction score. This memory will be updated
periodically. In order to save network resources, we use this data
in attack signature verification (signature matching) in detection
4.6 Local and Global Response Module
Local response module reports the detection result to its gateway
intrusion detection (in the same region) if the detection result is
less than some pre-define thresholds, and at the same time does
not have enough evidence to make a decision. But if the detection
result (conformal prediction score) is greater than some threshold,
the module broadcasts the result. The global response module
handles the generated alarms from LDM or GDM and sends the
global alarms to the whole ad hoc network to notify the nodes of
the network about the occurrence of an intrusion.

5.1 Simulation Environment
Simulators are the most common tools used for testing MANET
intrusion detection systems [23, 24]. Simulators help researchers
to study the performance and the reliability of their proposed IDS
without using real mobile nodes. In order to evaluate our
technique we simulated MANET by using Global Mobile
information systems Simulation library (GloMoSim) [25]. It
builds a scalable simulation environment for wireless and wired
network systems. Parsec, a C-based simulation language based on
parallel discrete-event simulation, is used to design GIoMoSim.
We have taken Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
[26], one of the popular MANET routing algorithms [27], as a
network routing protocol. Specifically, in the simulation are nodes
having the same transmission range of 200 meters with the
channel capacity of 2000 bps. We use the Distributed
Coordination Function (DCF) of IEEE 802.11 for wireless LANs
as the MAC layer protocol. In this simulation, 30 mobile nodes
were set to move in the area of 1000 meters x 1000 meters. To
simulate the nodes mobility, a Random Waypoint model (RW) is
used. All nodes were set to move independently with the same
average speed.
Wireless ad hoc network routing protocols are designed based on
the concept that all the nodes must participate in the routing
process. These protocols assume a trusted and cooperative
network environment. Many researchers [28, 29] discussed
various types of attacks that can be performed easily against the
ad hoc network routing protocols. We choose to implement three
common attacks to evaluate the performance of our Dynamic
Intrusion Detection algorithm: Black Hole Attack, Resource
Consumption Attack and Dropping Routing Traffic Attack.
In this work, 10 source nodes and 10 destination nodes are
selected randomly to generate Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic as
the background traffic. The transmission rate is 2 packets per
second with the packet size of 512 bytes. In our simulation, in
order to give the nodes enough time to finish the network
initialization process, we collect the traffic data after a warm up
time of 400 seconds. In our experiments, the data is sampled in
three sampling periods: 10 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds.
Selecting the correct set of features is an important step when
formulating the classification tasks. We mainly consider the
features which have been commonly used in the MANET
intrusion detection research [16, 29]. The feature will be selected
as a sensitive feature based on the confidence measure during
CPDOD algorithm training phase, when some features give high
confidence for normal prediction or anomaly prediction.
Therefore, the features will depend on the region and type of
attack. Because this research is focused on the routing attacks, the
features source mainly consists of the routing activities, Route
table changes and Data packet transmission.

Table 1: Description of the datasets
Data set Attack Examples sampling
BHAT10 Black Hole 3000 10 seconds
BHAT30 Black Hole 1000 30 seconds
BHAT60 Black Hole 500 one minute
3000 10 seconds
1000 30 seconds
500 one minute
Dropping Routing
3000 10 seconds
Dropping Routing
1000 30 seconds
Dropping Routing
500 one minute
Three attacks 3000 10 seconds

5.2 Performance of Intrusion Detection Model
Intrusion detection systems are often evaluated on data containing
attacks as well as normal traffic. The data may be simulated or
collected from real networks. One of the most important problems
facing MANET intrusion detection is the high false alarms rate or
False Positive Rate (FPR), generated during intrusion detection
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010
process [18, 24]. The researcher in MANET intrusion detection
focuses on ether to minimize false alarms rate or to maximize
detection rate (the rate of attacks detected successfully). High
detection rate and low false positive rate are required for any good
intrusion detection system. In order to determine the relationship
between false alarms rate and detection rate we used Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve as a performance
evaluation metric to evaluate our intrusion detection algorithm. In
intrusion detection, the ROC curve is usually used to measure the
performance of the detection model [18, 24].

Table 2: Confusion Matrix
Class positive
Class Negative
Actual Class Positive TP FN
Actual Class Negative FP TN

When a classifier predicts a class label for a certain example, this
can have four possible results, a so-called confusion matrix, as
shown in table 5.4. A negative prediction for negative example is
called True negatives (TN), while positive prediction for negative
examples is false positives (FP). A negative prediction for a
positive example is labeled as false negative (FN), while a
positive prediction for a positive example is called a true positive
(TP). On the basis of this confusion matrix, a number of
performance metrics can be calculated, and are described below.
True Positive Rate (TPR) measures the number of correctly
classified examples relative to the total number of positive
examples. This measure is also called Recall.
intrusions #
intrusions correct #
TPR (3)

False Positive Rate (FPR) measures the number of misclassified
positive instances in relative to the total number of misclassified
normal #
intrusions as normal #
FPR (4)

Classification accuracy (ACC) is the most essential measure of the
performance of a classifier. It determines the proportion of
correctly classified examples in relation to the total number of
examples of the test set i.e. the ratio of true positives and true
negatives to the total number of examples. From the confusion
matrix, we can say that:

ACC (5)

With 10 folds cross validation method [30], the data set is split
randomly into 10 equal sized folds. We use one fold as a testing
set and use the remaining fold to form a training set. We run an
algorithm to the training set and evaluate the resulting model on
the testing set. The process of evaluation is repeated 10 times,
each time a different fold (10% of the data) is used as the test data
and remaining folds (90% of the data) is used to form training set.
The averaged accuracy of the classifiers from the 10 runs is
Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 show the results of the Cooperative intrusion
Detection model, and the local intrusion detection model using
both classifiers CP-KNN and DOD using the same metrics. It
shows that the Cooperative detection model achieves a higher
detection rate than local intrusion detection model. The false
positive rate is also decreased. Moreover, the prediction accuracy
of the Cooperative intrusion Detection model is higher than the
model using local intrusion detection.

Table 3: Experimental results on Comparison of Local and
Cooperative Intrusion Detection Model for Detection of Ad Hoc
Resource Consumption Attack
Local Detection Cooperative Detection
RCAT10 0.96
0.041 0.952
0.9960 0.0019 0.9976
RCAT30 0.96
0.051 0.935
0.9644 0.0116 0.9787
RCAT60 0.95
0.042 0.930
0.9916 0.0086 0.9913

Table 4: Comparison of Local and Cooperative Intrusion
Detection Model for Detection of Ad Hoc Black Hole Attack
Local Detection Cooperative Detection
BHAT10 0.963 0.043 0.951 0.9943 0.0019 0.9973
BHAT30 0.95 0.026 0.965 0.9700 0.0115 0.9797
BHAT60 0.942 0.051 0.95 0.9802 0.0066 0.9887

Table 5: Comparison of Local and Cooperative Intrusion
Detection Model for Detection of Ad Hoc Resource Dropping
Routing Traffic Attack
Local Detection Cooperative Detection
DRAT10 0.97 0.069 0.952 0.9922 0.0019 0.9968
DRAT30 0.971 0.044 0.965 0.9747 0.0156 0.9804
DRAT60 0.951 0.064 0.951 0.9720 0.0149 0.9797

Table 6: Comparison of Local and Cooperative Intrusion
Detection Model for Detection the three Attacks
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 12 No.5, December 2010
Local Detection Cooperative Detection
BRDAT 0.970
0.961 0.9885 0.0114 0.980

Figure 4: RCO curves showing the performance of Local and
Cooperative Intrusion Detection Model over three Attacks dataset
Figure 4 shows the ROC curves of the performance of Local and
Cooperative Intrusion Detection Model over three Attacks dataset
(Black Hole Attack, Resource Consumption Attack and Dropping
Routing Traffic Attack). It has been seen that the Cooperative
intrusion Detection model achieves a higher detection
We have presented the architecture and operation of cooperative
and distributed intrusion detection for ad hoc networks, in non-
overlapping region framework. This intrusion detection method
uses machine learning techniques in order to achieve efficient and
effective intrusion detection. This fits the distributed nature of
MANET. Our proposed model combines the flexibility of
anomaly detection with the accuracy of a signature-based
detection method. In particular, we exploit two anomaly methods
Conformal Predictor K-Nearest Neighbor (CP-KNN) and
Distance-based Outlier Detection (DOD). By using cooperative
and distributed system, we improve the intrusion detection
approach to provide new details and information on attack types
and sources. We classify the detected attacks into two types:
strong and weak attack. And then gave a special treatment for
each of them, the local alarm goes in three levels of processing
which is the node, region and global, or network level to generate
one global alarm. We implemented our detection algorithm and
tested the detection approach over three common attacks dataset
(resource consumption attack, dropping routing traffic Attack and
black hole attack) to evaluate the performance of our cooperative
and distributed Intrusion detection model. A series of
experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can
effectively detect anomalies with low false positive rate, high
detection rate and achieve higher detection accuracy.
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