Factors Affecting Performance
Factors Affecting Performance
Factors Affecting Performance
where W is the weight given to each factor by the re-
spondents and ranges from 1 to 5; A the highest
weight = 5; N the total number of respondents.
To determine whether there is a significant degree of
agreement among the 3 groups of respondents (owners,
contractors and consultants), Kendall's coefficient of con-
cordance is used as a measure of agreement among raters.
Kendall's coefficient of concordance indicates the degree
of agreement on a zero to one scale, and is computed by
the following equation (Moore et al. 2003; Frimpong et al.
( )
( ) 1
1 3 12
2 2
n n m
n n m U
W ,
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2009, 15(3): 269280
( ) ,
= R U
n number of factors; m number of groups; j the fac-
tors 1, 2,, N.
Null hypothesis: H
: There is insignificant degree of
agreement among owners, contractors and consultants.
Alternative hypothesis: H
: There is a statistical-
ly significant degree of agreement among owners, cont-
ractors and consultants.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Factors affecting the performance of construction
Table 1 summarizes the computed RIIs and their ranks as
perceived by the 3 responding groups.
Table 1. Summary of relative importance index and rank for factors affecting the performance of construction projects
Owner Consultant Contractor
Performance factors
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
(1) Cost factors
Market share of organization 0.600 54 0.709 39 0.726 39
Liquidity of organization
0.729 31 0.842 5 0.839 10
Cash flow of project 0.812 14 0.800 11 0.848 9
Profit rate of project 0.694 38 0.776 14 0.739 38
Overhead percentage of project 0.647 48 0.687 49 0.662 47
Project design cost 0.500 63 0.688 43 0.582 63
Material and equipment cost 0.812 14 0.776 14 0.813 16
Project labour cost 0.741 27 0.744 22 0.739 37
Project overtime cost 0.588 58 0.600 59 0.617 55
Motivation cost 0.600 54 0.584 61 0.609 58
Cost of rework 0.588 58 0.672 51 0.587 62
Cost of variation orders 0.565 62 0.688 43 0.662 46
Waste rate of materials 0.650 46 0.624 57 0.639 51
Regular project budget update 0.638 50 0.742 24 0.743 35
Cost control system 0.725 33 0.728 28 0.765 32
Escalation of material prices 0.847 5 0.832 7 0.889 4
Differentiation of currency prices 0.788 18 0.808 9 0.874 5
(2) Time factors
Site preparation time
0.682 42 0.664 53 0.596 61
Planned time for construction
0.753 26 0.760 18 0.765 30
Percentage of orders delivered late
0.694 40 0.768 17 0.774 29
Time needed to implement variation orders
0.706 35 0.704 40 0.693 43
Time needed to rectify defects
0.659 44 0.672 51 0.639 50
Average delay in claim approval
0.650 46 0.728 28 0.765 30
Average delay in regular payments
0.824 11 0.776 14 0.839 11
Unavailability of resources
0.871 3 0.858 2 0.904 3
Average delay because of closures leading to materials shortage 0.941 1 0.896 1 0.943 1
(3) Quality factors
Conformance to specification 0.882 2 0.808 9 0.822 13
Unavailability of competent staff 0.859 4 0.848 3 0.865 6
Quality of equipment and raw materials 0.835 9 0.840 6 0.861 7
Quality assessment system in organization 0.706 35 0.712 35 0.743 34
Quality training/meeting 0.659 45 0.728 28 0.674 44
(4) Productivity factors
Project complexity 0.729 31 0.712 35 0.761 33
Number of new projects / year 0.600 54 0.688 43 0.630 53
Management-labour relationship 0.776 22 0.688 43 0.796 22
Absenteeism rate through project 0.776 20 0.688 43 0.743 36
Sequencing of work according to schedule 0.800 17 0.816 8 0.804 20
A. Enshassi et al. Factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip
End of Table 1
Owner Consultant Contractor
Performance factors
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
(5) Client satisfaction factors
Information coordination between owner and project parties 0.729 29 0.792 12 0.809 19
Leadership skills for project manager 0.835 7 0.848 3 0.904 2
Speed and reliability of service to owner 0.718 34 0.744 22 0.822 13
Number of disputes between owner and project parties 0.753 24 0.728 28 0.720 40
Number of rework incidents 0.635 51 0.712 35 0.627 54
(6) Regular and community satisfaction factors
Cost of compliance to regulators requirements 0.600 54 0.648 55 0.604 59
Number of non-compliance events 0.635 51 0.624 57 0.614 56
Quality and availability of regulator documentation 0.647 49 0.736 25 0.653 48
Site condition problems 0.788 18 0.712 35 0.707 41
(7) People factors
Employee attitudes 0.682 41 0.728 28 0.795 23
Recruitment and competence development 0.753 24 0.688 43 0.809 17
Employees motivation 0.765 23 0.696 42 0.791 24
Belonging to work 0.835 9 0.736 25 0.849 8
(8) Health and safety factors
Application of health and safety factors in organization
0.700 37 0.728 28 0.787 25
Project location is safe to reach 0.694 38 0.704 40 0.774 28
Reportable accidents rate in project 0.729 29 0.680 50 0.600 60
Assurance rate of project 0.671 43 0.632 56 0.635 52
(9) Innovation and learning factors
Learning from own experience and past history 0.847 5 0.752 20 0.818 15
Learning from best practice and experience of others 0.824 12 0.760 18 0.822 12
Work group 0.776 20 0.736 25 0.787 27
Review of failures and solving them 0.824 12 0.752 20 0.809 17
(10) Environmental factors
Air quality 0.588 58 0.592 60 0.671 45
Noise level 0.565 61 0.512 63 0.613 57
Wastes around the site 0.635 51 0.584 61 0.649 49
Climate condition 0.729 28 0.656 54 0.707 41
Table 2. The top significant factors affecting the performance of construction projects
Owner Consultant Contractor
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Escalation of material prices 0.847 5 0.832 7 0.889 4
Unavailability of resources as planned through the project duration 0.871 3 0.858 2 0.904 3
Average delay because of closures leading to materials shortage 0.941 1 0.896 1 0.943 1
Unavailability of personals with high experience and qualification 0.859 4 0.848 3 0.865 6
Quality of equipments and raw materials in project 0.835 9 0.840 6 0.861 7
Leadership skills for project manager 0.835 7 0.848 3 0.904 2
Table 2 illustrates the top significant factors affec-
ting the performance of construction projects. It can be
inferred from this table that 3 most important factors
according to the perception of owner, consultant, and
contractor are: average delay because of closures leading
to materials shortage, unavailability of resources, and
leadership skills for project manager.
According to owners, consultants, and contractors, it
seems that the average delay because of closures leading
to materials shortage was the most important performance
factor as it has the first rank among all factors with relati-
ve index (RII) = 0.941 for owners, 0.896 for consultants,
and 0.943 for contractors. This agreement between all
target groups is traced to the difficult political situation
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2009, 15(3): 269280
Table 3. Summary of relative importance index and rank of major groups affecting the performance of construction projects
Owner Consultant Contractor
Performance groups
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Cost 0.679 8 0.724 5 0.726 7
Time 0.753 4 0.757 3 0.769 5
Quality 0.792 2 0.787 1 0.794 3
Productivity 0.736 5 0.718 6 0.747 6
Client satisfaction 0.734 6 0.765 2 0.779 4
Regular and community satisfaction 0.668 9 0.680 9 0.646 10
People 0.759 3 0.712 7 0.812 1
Health and safety 0.698 7 0.686 8 0.699 8
Innovation and learning 0.821 1 0.744 4 0.804 2
Environment 0.629 10 0.586 10 0.660 9
from which the Gaza Strip suffers. Local construction pro-
jects suffer from a number of problems because of closures
and materials shortage. These problems can be considered
as an obstacle for time performance of projects.
As indicated in Table 3, the quality group has been
ranked by the owners respondents in the second
with RII equal to 0.792. It has been ranked by the consul-
tants respondents in the first position with RII equal to
0.787 and has been ranked by the contractors respon-
dents in the third position with RII equal to 0.794. This
group is the most important one for consultants because
consultants are interested in clients and technical factors.
Consultants observed that quality of equipment and raw
materials in project and availability of personnel with
high qualifications strongly affect the quality performan-
ce of a project.
The people group has been ranked by the owners
respondents in the third
position with RII equal to 0.759. It
has been ranked by the consultants respondents in the 7th
position with RII equal to 0.712 and has been ranked by
the contractors respondents in the first position with RII
equal to 0.812. It is not surprising to observe that the peop-
le group is the most important one for contractors because
contractors remarked on competence development between
employees and belonging to work strongly affect producti-
vity, cost, and time performance of contractors.
The innovation and learning group has been ranked
by the owners respondents in the first position with RII
equal to 0.821. It has been ranked by the consultants
respondents in the 4th
position with RII equal to 0.744
and has been ranked by the contractors respondents in
the second
position with RII equal to 0.804. This group is
the most important one for owners because owners re-
marked that learning from experience and training the
human resources with skills demanded by the project
strongly affect project performance.
The following is a brief discussion of the ranking of
factors in groups, as shown in Table 1.
3.1.1. Group one: cost factors
The relative importance index (RII) and rank of cost fac-
tors are summarized in Table 4. Escalation of material
prices has been ranked by the owners and contractors
Table 4. Summary of relative importance index and rank of cost factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Cost factors group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Market share of organization 0.600 12 0.709 10 0.726 10
Liquidity of organization 0.729 6 0.842 1 0.839 4
Cash flow of project 0.812 2 0.800 4 0.848 3
Profit rate of project 0.694 8 0.776 5 0.739 9
Overhead percentage of project 0.647 10 0.687 13 0.662 12
Project design cost 0.500 17 0.688 11 0.582 17
Material and equipment cost 0.812 2 0.776 5 0.813 5
Project labour cost 0.741 5 0.744 7 0.739 8
Project overtime cost 0.588 14 0.600 16 0.617 14
Motivation cost 0.600 12 0.584 17 0.609 15
Cost of rework 0.588 14 0.672 14 0.587 16
Cost of variation orders 0.565 16 0.688 11 0.662 11
Waste rate of materials 0.650 9 0.624 15 0.639 13
Regular project budget update 0.638 11 0.742 8 0.743 7
Cost control system 0.725 7 0.728 9 0.765 6
Escalation of material prices 0.847 1 0.832 2 0.889 1
Differentiation of currency prices 0.788 4 0.808 3 0.874 2
A. Enshassi et al. Factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip
respondents in the first position. However, this factor has
been ranked by the consultants respondents in the second
position. It is observed that this factor is more important
for owners and contractors because escalation of material
prices affects the liquidity of owners and the profit rate of
contractors. Continuous closures of roads in the Gaza
Strip lead to rapid shortages of construction materials and
escalation of construction material prices.
Differentiation of currency prices has been ranked
by the owners respondents in the 4th position. It has
been ranked by the consultants respondents in the 3rd
position and by the contractors respondents in the second
position. It is not surprising to find out differentiation of
currency prices is more important for contractors than for
others because this factor affects contractors' profit rate
and cost performance. The cash flow of a project has
been ranked by the owners respondents in the second
position. It has been ranked by the consultants respon-
dents in the 4th position and by the contractors respon-
dents in the 3rd position. Cash flow is more important for
owners and contractors than for consultants, because it
can give an important evaluation for the owners' and the
contractors' cost performance at any stage of project.
Material and equipment cost has been ranked by the
owners respondents in the second position, but it has
been ranked by the consultants and the contractors res-
pondents in the 5th position. This indicates that this factor
is more important for owners than for others. Material
and equipment cost is one of the project cost components
that affects owners' liquidity and project budget. Our
results do not align with those of Iyer and Jha (2005) and
Ugwu and Haupt (2007) as materials and equipment cost
rarely affect the cost performance of Indian and South
African construction projects. This can be attributed to
different economic and political situations.
Liquidity of organisation has been ranked by the
owners respondents in the 6th position. It has been ranked
by the consultants respondents in the first position and by
the contractors respondents in the 4th position. Consul-
tants considered this factor as the most important one be-
cause cost performance of any project depends mainly on
the organisation liquidity. Our result is in line with those of
Samson and Lema (2002), as liquidity of the organisation
is very important for evaluating of project budget and cost
performance. However, Ugwu and Haupt (2007) are not in
agreement with our results, as this factor is not important
for owners and contractors while it is moderately important
for consultants. This might be owing to different economic
and political situations.
3.1.2. Group two: time factors
The relative importance index and rank of time factors are
summarized in Table 5. According to owners, consultants,
and contractors, the average delay because of closures
leading to materials shortage was the most important pe-
rformance factor, as it has the first rank among all factors
with RII = 0.941 for owners, 0.896 for consultants, and
0.943 for contractors. This agreement between all target
groups is traced to the difficult political situation from
which the Gaza Strip suffers. Local construction projects
suffer from complex problems because of closures leading
to materials shortage. These problems can be considered as
an obstacle for time performance of projects.
Unavailability of resources as planned through pro-
ject duration has been ranked by the owners respondents
in the 3rd position. It has been ranked by the consultants
respondents in the 2nd position and by the contractors
respondents in the 3rd ane. This factor can be considered
as important for 3 parties and scores a similar rank from
all of them. This factor directly affects the project pe-
rformance such as time. If resources are not available as
planned through project duration, the project will suffer
from the problem of time performance. Average delay in
payment from owner to contractor has been ranked by the
owners, consultants, and contractors respondents in the
3rd position. This agreement between parties is traced to
disputes that will happen between project parties, when
the payment from owner is delayed. This will affect pro-
ject performance, especially time criteria. Karim and
Marosszeky (1999) are in agreement with our result, as
the average delay in payment from owner to contractor
affects the time performance.
Percentage of orders delivered late has been ranked
by the owners respondents in the 6th position and by the
consultants and contractors respondents in the 4th posi-
tion. This factor has the same rank for contractors and
consultants and it is more important for them because it is
related to contractual relationships between them. The
contractor cannot implement any stage through a project
Table 5. Summary of relative importance index and rank of time factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Time factors group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Site preparation time 0.682 7 0.664 9 0.596 9
Planned time for project construction 0.753 4 0.760 5 0.765 5
Percentage of orders delivered late 0.694 6 0.768 4 0.774 4
Time needed to implement variation orders 0.706 5 0.704 7 0.693 7
Time needed to rectify defects 0.659 8 0.672 8 0.639 8
Average delay in claim approval 0.650 9 0.728 6 0.765 5
Average delay in payment from owner to contractor 0.824 3 0.776 3 0.839 3
Unavailability of resources as planned through project duration 0.871 2 0.858 2 0.904 2
Average delay because of closures leading to materials shortage 0.941 1 0.896 1 0.943 1
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2009, 15(3): 269280
without having orders from the project consultant. Plan-
ned time for project construction has been ranked by the
owners respondents in the 4th position and by the con-
sultants and contractors respondents in the 5th position.
This factor is more important for owners as they usually
want their projects completed as early as possible.
3.1.3. Group three: quality factors
The relative importance index and rank of quality factors
are summarized in Table 6. Unavailability of personnel
with high experience and qualifications has been ranked
by consultants and contractors respondents in the first
position and by owners respondents in the second one.
This factor is very important for 3 parties because avail-
ability of personnel with high experience and qualifica-
tions assist them to implement their project with a profes-
sional and successful performance.
Participation of managerial levels in decision-
making has been ranked by the owners, consultants, and
contractors respondents in the 4th
position. This factor
scored the same rank from all parties because sharing the
managerial levels with decision-making will lead to better
implementation and performance of a project and will
satisfy the 3 parties to a greater degree. Iyer and Jha
(2005) are in agreement with our results as this factor is
important to 3 parties because it will improve overall
performance of a construction project.
Conformance to specification has been ranked in the
first position for owners, but it has been ranked in the 3rd
position for both of consultants and contractors. This
factor is more important for owners, as it is significant
and related to client satisfaction. The owners usually seek
to implement their project according to required specifi-
cations. Our results are align with those of Iyer and Jha
(2005), as this factor is significant for owners because it
is strongly related to client satisfaction. Quality of
equipment and raw materials in a project has been ranked
by the consultants and contractors respondents in the
position and by the owners respondents in the 3rd
one. This factor is more important for consultants and
contractors than for owners, as they usually want mate-
rials applied in a project to be of good quality and accor-
ding to specification.
3.1.4. Group four: productivity factors
The relative importance index and rank of productivity
factors are summarized in Table 7. Sequencing of work
according to schedule has been ranked by owners, con-
sultants, and contractors in the first
position. This factor is
the most important one for 3 parties because sequencing
the work according to schedule assists them to conduct a
project according to scheduled time for project comple-
tion. Our results are align with those of Samson and Le-
ma (2002), as sequencing of work affects the productivity
performance of contractors.
Management-labour relationship has been ranked by
owners and contractors respondents in the 2nd
and by consultants respondents in the 3rd one. This fac-
tor is considered as important for 3 parties as manage-
ment-labour relationship can assist them by strong coor-
dination and motivation between labour level and
managerial level. This will lead to an improvement in
productivity and performance of projects.
Number of new projects per year has been ranked
by owners and contractors respondents in the 5th
tion and has been ranked by consultants respondents in
the 3rd position. This factor is considered more important
for consultants. Owners and contractors considered the
number of new projects/year rarely affect the performan-
ce of projects. Consultants believed that number of new
projects/year affect the degree of experiences and skills
learned from executed projects and that will affect the
degree of project performance based on previous or cur-
rent experiences.
Table 6. Summary of relative importance index and rank of quality factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Quality factors group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Conformance to specification 0.882 1 0.808 3 0.822 3
Unavailability of personals with high experience and qualification 0.859 2 0.848 1 0.865 1
Quality of equipments and raw materials in project 0.835 3 0.840 2 0.861 2
Participation of managerial levels with decision-making 0.812 4 0.784 4 0.800 4
Quality assessment system in organization 0.706 5 0.712 6 0.743 5
Quality training/meeting 0.659 6 0.728 5 0.674 6
Table 7. Summary of relative importance index and rank of productivity factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Productivity factors
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Project complexity 0.729 4 0.712 2 0.761 3
Number of new projects/year 0.600 5 0.688 3 0.630 5
Management-labour relationship 0.776 2 0.688 3 0.796 2
Absenteeism rate through project 0.776 2 0.688 3 0.743 4
Sequencing of work according to schedule 0.800 1 0.816 1 0.804 1
A. Enshassi et al. Factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip
Table 8. Summary of relative importance index and rank of client satisfaction factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Client satisfaction group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Information coordination between owner and project parties 0.729 3 0.792 2 0.809 3
Leadership skills for project manager 0.835 1 0.848 1 0.904 1
Speed and reliability of service to owner 0.718 4 0.744 3 0.822 2
Number of disputes between owner and project parties 0.753 2 0.728 4 0.720 4
Number of reworks 0.635 5 0.712 5 0.627 5
Table 9. Summary of relative importance index and rank of regular and community satisfaction factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Regular and community satisfaction group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Cost of compliance to regulators requirements 0.600 4 0.648 3 0.604 4
Number of non-compliance to regulation 0.635 3 0.624 4 0.614 3
Quality and availability of regulator documentation 0.647 2 0.736 1 0.653 2
Neighbours and site conditions problems 0.788 1 0.712 2 0.707 1
Table 10. Summary of relative importance index and rank of people factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
People factors group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Employee attitudes in project 0.682 4 0.728 2 0.795 3
Recruitment and competence development between employees 0.753 3 0.688 4 0.809 2
Employees motivation 0.765 2 0.696 3 0.791 4
Belonging to work 0.835 1 0.736 1 0.849 1
3.1.5. Group 5: client satisfaction factors
The relative importance index and rank of client satisfac-
tion factors are summarized in Table 8. Leadership skills
for project managers have been ranked by owners, con-
sultants, and contractors respondents in the 1st
This factor is the most important one for 3 parties be-
cause leadership skills for project managers affect the
degree of project performance and client satisfaction.
Cheung et al. (2004) observed that this factor is important
for effectiveness of project performance. Our results are
align with those of Cheung et al. (2004), as this factor is
important for 3 parties because it is significant for effec-
tiveness of project performance.
Number of reworks has been ranked by owners,
consultants, and contractors respondents in the 5th
tion. This factor has the same rank for 3 parties because
number of reworks affect the relationship between them.
Number of disputes between owner and project parties
have been ranked by owners respondents in the 2nd
tion and by consultants and contractors respondents in
the 4th position. This factor is more important for owners
because disputes between owner and project parties will
affect relationships between them and the degree of client
satisfaction will be affected. All of that affects the pe-
rformance of project. Information coordination between
owner and project parties has been ranked by the owners
and contractors respondents in the 3rd
position and by
the consultants respondents in the 2nd position.
3.1.6. Group 6: regular and community satisfaction
The relative importance index and rank of regular and
community satisfaction factors are summarized in Ta-
ble 9. Neighbours and site condition problems have been
ranked by the owners and contractors respondents in the
position and by the consultants respondents in the
one. This factor is more important for owners and
contractors because it is strongly related to client satisfac-
tion and contractors performance.
Quality and availability of regulator documentation
has been ranked by the consultants respondents in the 1st
position and by the owners and contractors respondents
in the 2nd
position. Quality and availability of regulator
documentation is more important for consultants because
it affects the performance of consultants and community
satisfaction. This result is in line with Samson and Lema
(2002), as this factor affects the contractors' performance
because it affects regular and community satisfactions.
It can be understood, that there is a strong agree-
ment between owners and contractors for ranking all
regular and community satisfaction factors because they
are more related to contractors' performance and client
satisfaction. Generally, it can be said that 3 parties are in
agreement for ranking these factors.
3.1.7. Group 7: people factors
The relative importance index and rank of people factors
are summarized in Table 10.
Belonging to work it has been ranked by the owners,
consultants, and contractors respondents in the first
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2009, 15(3): 269280
tion. This factor is the most important one for 3 parties
because belonging to work usually improves productivity
and performance of project. Iyer and Jha (2005) are in
agreement with our result as this factor is important for
three parties because belonging to works improves pro-
ductivity and performance of a project.
Employees' motivation has been ranked by the
owners respondents in the 2nd position. It has been ran-
ked by the consultants respondents in the 3rd position
and by the contractors respondents in the 4th position.
This factor is less important for contractors because it is
rarely that contractors motivate employees in the Gaza
Strip. Iyer and Jha (2005) remarked that this factor is
moderately important for contractors because of absence
of motivation systems in construction projects. However,
other factors are ranked as more important for one party
than others, as shown previously.
3.1.8. Group 8: health and safety factors
The relative importance index and rank of health and
safety factors are summarized in Table 11. Application of
health and safety factors in organizations has been ranked
by the consultants and contractors respondents in 1st
position, but has been ranked by the owners respondents
in the 2nd one. However, this factor is very important for
3 parties because application of health and safety factors
in construction projects will improve overall performance
of such projects. This result is in line with Cheung et al.
(2004), as this factor strongly affects the performance of
projects because it affects the safety of employees.
Reportable accident rate in project has been ranked
by the owners respondents in the 1st
position. It has been
ranked by the consultants respondents in the 3rd position
and by the contractors respondents in the 4th position.
Owners considered this factor as the most important one,
because reportable accident rate usually affects the safety
performance and the client satisfaction degree in const-
ruction projects. Ease of access to the site (location of
project) has been ranked by the owners respondents in
the 3rd position and by the consultants and contractors
respondent in the 2nd position. This factor is more impor-
tant for consultants and contractors because the access to
the site is more relevant to them and affects the degree of
safety for their employees.
3.1.9. Group 9: innovation and learning factors
The relative importance index and rank of innovation and
learning factors are summarized in Table 12. Learning
from own experience and past history has been ranked by
the owners respondents in the 1st
position and by the
consultants and contractors respondents in the 2nd posi-
tion. This factor is more important for owners than for
others. Owners can use their own experience and past
history to improve and develop performance of their cur-
rent and future projects. Samson and Lema (2002) re-
marked that learning from own experience and past his-
tory affects the performance of projects because it affects
the innovation and learning required to construct projects.
Learning from best practice and experience of
others has been ranked by the owners respondents in the
position and by the consultants and contractors res-
pondents in the 1st position. Contractors and consultants
considered this factor as a more important one than
owners did. This is because learning from best practice
and experience of others can improve and develop con-
sultants and contractors performance.
Training the human resources in the skills deman-
ded by the project has been ranked by the owners res-
pondents in the 2nd
position. It has been ranked by the
consultants respondents in the 5th position and by the
contractors respondents in the 4th one. This factor is less
important for contractors and consultants in the Gaza
Strip, as they seldom train their employees in required
and professional skills.
3.1.10. Group 10: environmental factors
The relative importance index and rank of environment
factors are summarized in Table 13. Climate condition at
the site has been ranked by the owners, consultants, and
contractors respondents in the 1st
position. This factor is
the most important one for them, because it affects the
Table 11. Summary of relative importance index and rank of health and safety factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Health and safety factors group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Application of health and safety factors in organization 0.700 2 0.728 1 0.787 1
Easiness to reach the site (location of project) 0.694 3 0.704 2 0.774 2
Reportable accidents rate in project 0.729 1 0.680 3 0.600 4
Assurance rate of project 0.671 4 0.632 4 0.635 3
Table 12. Summary of relative importance index and rank of innovation factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Innovation and learning factors
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Learning from own experience and past history 0.847 1 0.752 2 0.818 2
Learning from best practice and experience of others 0.824 3 0.760 1 0.822 1
Training the human resources in the skills demanded by the project 0.835 2 0.720 5 0.787 4
Work group 0.776 5 0.736 4 0.787 4
Review of failures and solving them 0.824 3 0.752 2 0.809 3
A. Enshassi et al. Factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip
Table 13. Summary of relative importance index and rank of environmental factors
Owner Consultant Contractor
Environmental factors group
RII Rank RII Rank RII Rank
Air quality 0.588 3 0.592 2 0.671 2
Noise level 0.565 4 0.512 4 0.613 4
Wastes around the site 0.635 2 0.584 3 0.649 3
Climate conditions 0.729 1 0.656 1 0.707 1
productivity and time performance of project. This result
is not in agreement with Iyer and Jha (2005), as climate
condition is not important for 3 parties. This might be
because of different location, weather, and environment.
Noise level has been ranked by the owners, con-
sultants, and contractors respondents in the 4th
However, for all parties a noise level is less important
than other environmental factors because it is rarely an
issue in the Gaza Strip. Ugwu and Haupt (2007) re-
marked that this factor is not important for owners and
consultants but it is moderately important for contractors.
Generally, noise level affects the productivity perform-
ance of construction projects.
3.2. Degree of agreement among responding groups
To determine whether there is a significant degree of
agreement among the 3 groups (owners, contractors, and
consultants) Kendall's coefficient of concordance is used
as a measure of agreement among raters. For cost, time,
quality, productivity, client satisfaction, people, innova-
tion, and learning factors, and all groups together, the p-
values (Sig.) are less than = 0.05 ( is the level of sig-
nificance), the null hypothesis, H0, is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis, H1, is accepted. Therefore, it can
be said that there is a significant degree of agreement
among the owners, contractors and consultants regarding
factors affecting the performance of construction projects
in the Gaza Strip.
On the other hand, for regular and community satis-
faction, health and safety, and environment factors, the p-
values (Sig.) are greater than = 0.05 ( is the level of
significance), then we do not reject the null hypothesis,
H0. Therefore, it can be said that there is an insufficient
evidence to support the alternative hypothesis, H1. Hen-
ce, there is an insignificant degree of agreement among
the owners, contractors, and consultants regarding factors
affecting the performance of construction projects in the
Gaza Strip.
4. Conclusions
A questionnaire-based survey was used to elicit the atti-
tude of owners, consultants, and contractors towards fac-
tors affecting the performance of construction projects in
the Gaza Strip. 120 questionnaires were distributed as
follows: 25 to owners, 35 to consultants and 60 to con-
tractors. 88 questionnaires (73%) were returned as fol-
lows: 17 from owners, 25 from consultants, and 46 from
contractors as respondents. The respondents were asked
to indicate the level of importance of each of the 63 fac-
tors of performance in the Gaza Strip as not important,
slightly, moderately, very, and extremely important.
The results indicated that the average delay because
of closures leading to materials shortage was the most
important performance factor, as it has the first rank
among all factors from the perspectives of owners, con-
sultants, and contractors. This agreement between all
target groups is traced to the difficult political situation
from which the Gaza Strip suffers. The most important
factors agreed by the owners, consultants, and contractors
as the main factors affecting the performance of construc-
tion projects in the Gaza Strip were: escalation of mate-
rial prices, availability of resources as planned through
project duration, average delay because of closures lea-
ding to materials shortage, availability of personnel with
a high experience and qualifications, quality of
equipment and raw materials in project, and leadership
skills for project managers.
Kendall's coefficient of concordance is used to de-
termine, whether there is a degree of agreement among
performance factors for owners, consultants, and contrac-
tors. For cost, time, quality, productivity, client satisfac-
tion, people, innovation, and learning factors, and all
groups together, there is a significant degree of agreement
among the owners, consultants, and contractors. This is
because all owners, consultants, and contractors are con-
cerned with these groups. On the other hand, for regular
and community satisfaction, health and safety, and envi-
ronment factors, there is an insignificant degree of agree-
ment among the owners, consultants, and contractors. This
is because contractors are concerned with these factors
more or less than owners and consultants. The owners and
consultants considered the client and technical factors to be
more important than the operational ones.
The authors recommended to develop human re-
sources in the construction industry through proper and
continuous training programs about construction projects
performance. These programs can update participants
knowledge and can assist them to be more familiar with
project management techniques and processes. Owners
are encouraged to facilitate payment to contractors in
order to overcome delay, disputes, and claims. All mana-
gerial levels should participate in sensitive and important
decision-making. Continuous coordination and relation-
ship between project participants are required through
project life cycle for solving problems and developing
project performance.
Consultants should be more interested in design cost
by using multi-criteria analysis and choosing the most
economical criteria in order to improve their performance
and to increase owners satisfaction. In addition, consul-
tants are urged to facilitate and expedite orders delivered
to contractors to obtain better time performance and to
minimize disputes and claims. Contractors should not
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2009, 15(3): 269280
increase the number of projects that cannot be performed
successfully. In addition, contractors should consider
political and business environment risks in their cost
estimation for overcoming delay because of closures
leading to materials shortages. There should be adequate
contingency allowances in order to cover increases in
material cost. Proper motivation and safety systems
should be established for improving the productivity pe-
rformance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip.
Greater application of health and safety factors are neces-
sary to overcome problems of safety performance.
Contractors are counseled to minimize waste rates
through project implementation for improving cost. They
should be more interested in conformance to project spe-
cification to overcome disputes, time, and cost perfor-
mance problems. Quality materials should be of a greater
interest for contractors in order to improve cost, time, and
quality performance. This can be done by applying
quality training and meetings that are necessary for pe-
rforming an improvement. Contractors are urged to be
more interested in sequencing of work according to sche-
dule. In addition, contractors should have a cost engineer
in their projects to successfully control costs.
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A. Enshassi, S. Mohamed, S. Abushaban
S a n t r a u k a
Statybos projektai Gazos Ruoe, Palestinoje, kenia nuo daugelio problem ir sudting klausim. Todl pagrindinis io
straipsnio tikslas yra nustatyti veiksnius, daranius tak vietos statybos projektams gyvendinti, ugdyti suvokim apie j
santykin svarb. I viso 120 respondent buvo suskirstyti tris pagrindines projekt dalyvi grupes: savininkai, konsul-
tantai ir rangovai. Apklausa parod, kad visos trys grups sutinka, kad svarbiausi veiksniai, lemiantys projekto gyvendi-
nim, yra: atidliojimas, susijs su sien (keli) udarymu ir lemiantis mediag stygi; negaunamos atsargos; menki va-
dovavimo projektams gdiai; nepagrsta mediag kaina; patyrusio ir kvalifikuoto personalo stoka ir prasta ranki ir
aliavos kokyb. Pasitelkiant ias ivadas, straipsnyje rekomenduojama: 1) projekt savininkai turi dirbti kartu su rango-
vais ir reguliariai atsiskaityti nordami ivengti atidliojim, gin ir pretenzij; 2) projekto dalyviai turt aktyviai daly-
vauti priimant spendimus; 3) nuolatin projekto dalyvi kontrol ir j tarpusavio santykis yra reikalingi per vis projekto
gyvendinimo cikl norint isprsti ikilusias problemas ir gyvendinti projekt.
Reikminiai odiai: gyvendinimas, savininkai, konsultantai, rangovai, projektai.
Adnan ENSHASSI is a Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Islamic University of Gaza (Palestine).
Member in the international editorial board of the International Journal of Construction Management (HONGKONG); and
the International Journal of Construction Project Management (CANADA). His research interest include safety in con-
struction, productivity improvement, contract management, and risk analysis and management. Author and co-author of
over 100 refereed journal and conference publications.
Sherif MOHAMED. Professor and Director of the Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Management at Griffith
University, Queensland (Australia). His research interest lies in the field of project and construction management, focus-
ing mainly on the development of theoretical knowledge and operational tools needed for effective process management.
Author and co-author of over 100 refereed journal and conference publications in the last 10 years.
Saleh ABUSHABAN is a research assistant at the Continuing Education Centre, CCAST, Palestine. His research interests
include construction productivity and safety in construction.
24: 2437. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2005.06.001
Samson, M.; Lema, N. M. 2005. Development of construction