Sample Wedding MC Script

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Master Of Ceremonies Welcome

'Good evening ladies and gentleman, friends and loved ones, welcome to Winona and Derek's Nuptial
Dinner Reception. My name is Robert, and I have been asked by our lovely bride, the former Miss
Walker, now Mrs Winona McGregor & her husband Derek, to be your Emcee tonight and they would
like to extend their thanks for attending their nuptial celebrations tonight.'
'Dinner will commence very soon, so we ask that everyone make their way to their seats and make
your selves comfortable as we begin our celebration with a wedding prayer
Lord, behold our family here assembled.
We thank you for this place in which we dwell,
for the love that unites us,
for the peace accorded us this day,
for the hope with which we expect the morrow,
for the health, the work, the food,
and the bright skies that make our lives delightful;
for our friends in all parts of the earth.
Introduction of the Wedding Party
Parents of the Bride
`Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen. Please be on your feet as we welcome the bridal party. Put your hands together for our
hosts, the mother and father of the bride. As you all know, the day your little girl gets married is the happiest day of the
century for every doting parent and dont they look radiant? Thank you Brian & Lily Walker, we can see where the bride
got her good looks from. Im not saying which, you both look wonderful tonight. (wide applause)
Parents of the Groom
`And now, here come the parents of the groom, looking happy and proud. Please welcome Michael & Maria McGregor.
Dereks parents just got back from trekking in Nepal to be here for their sons wedding. A big hand for Michael & Maria
McGregor, Parents of the Groom.
Matron of Honor
`And now we come to the Matron of Honor, Meagan McGregor. Its been said that Meagan is chosen for her ability to
outthink, outrun and generally outwrestle anything with up to eight legs that stands in the way of a smooth-running
wedding. In Meagans case, shes also the Brides Auntie. A tremendous grip on the woman as well! Lets hear it for Auntie
Meagan. (wide applause)
Best Man
`Now we come to our Best Man, Ladies and Gentlemen, Orlando Jones by name. The Best Man isnt just there to pass the
ring to the groom. Hes there to put his body on the line for his best friend. Greater love hath no man, they say. He also
assures us, he really is the best man. We cant wait for his speech and wise counsel. Lets hear it for Orlando. (wide
(The Bridesmaids and Groomsmen)
`Now we come to the Bridesmaids and Groomsmen. They are the understudies for the Bride and Groom. If the Bride and
Groom chickened out, itd be two of you tying the knot in their place! Theres a sobering thought.
First Bridesmaid
`So without further ado and just a little nepotism, we have Winonas younger sister Emmeline Walker our first bridesmaid.
Gentlemen, Emmeline is single and taking a break from her career as a ballerina to concentrate on bringing home a gold
medal at the next Olympics for gymnastics. Lets hear it for wee Emmeline! (wide applause)
Second Bridesmaid
`Our second bridesmaid, Mary Jo Zimakowski has known Winona since they were in high school together and as usual,
Mary Jo says she has Winonas back. Lets hear it for Mary Jo. (more applause)
Third Bridesmaid
`Our last bridesmaid has watched `Twenty Seven Dresses five times. This is her twelfth time as a bridesmaid and shes
running out of wardrobe space. Lets hear it for Daniela Pavelic. Hope you catch the bouquet Daniela. (wide applause)
First Groomsman
`Our first groomsman is Michael McGregor Junior. Michael, or Junior as big brother Derek calls him, is seventeen. Hes
single, six foot four and 250 pounds. His interests are rap music and wrestling. Dont anyone let him near a microphone
tonight, folks. Lets hear it for Junior. (wide applause)
Second Groomsman
`Our next groomsman is Jim Mellor. Our Jimmys a hairdresser who specializes in some of the more exotic punk rock
styles you might see in the music industry. Imagine a cross between Salvador Dali and Edward Scissorhands. Jimmy also
did our brides hair tonight. Nice job, by the way. A big hand for our second Groomsman! (applause)
Third Groomsman
`Our last groomsman, Alan Peterson has known our Groom, Derek ever since they got arrested for brawling at a football
match over ten years ago. Its amazing the things that bring people together. Lets have a big hand for Alan our third
Entrance of the Bride and Groom
`And now the big moment, Ladies and Gentleman, our bride and groom Winona and Derek! Doesnt she look beautiful?
Shes been practising her bouquet-throwing and hopes to give a good account of herself when the moment comes. As for
the groom, look at him! He scrubs well for a guy who gets into football brawls, doesnt he? Ladies and Gentleman, a big
hand for Winona and Derek!. (wide applause)
Father of the Brides Speech and a Prayer of Grace
`Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats as we hear a few words a prayer of thanks for Gods grace from our host,
the Father of the Bride Brian Walker!
(Dinner is served)
Cutting of the Wedding Cake
`Gentlemen and gentlewomen! Could we have your attention for a moment for
the cutting of the cake. For those unfortunate souls who are on a diet, tonights
not your night. The cake was baked by or Matron of Honor Meagan McGregor
with her own fair and surprisingly strong hand and shell be round your tables to
make sure you all have your share. Friends please be up and standing for the
cutting of the cake.
Now all of those taking pictures, be sure youre ready for the photo-opportunity.
Derek make sure you have a firm hand on the cake with your beloved bride.
(the cake is cut)
`Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.
Best Man's Toast to the Bride and the Groom
`Ladies and Gentlemen, a moments pause for the best man Orlando Jones. As you all know,
it is customary for the best man to reveal rare insights into the make-up of the groom, to
share with us, the inklings and foibles that make our beloved groom Derek, the man he is. In
other words, an expos! Ladies and Gentlemen, the best man!
Bridal Waltz - First Dance
`Ladies and Gentlemen, we now come to that very special part of every wedding party,
steeped in symbolism. The Bridal Waltz. This is the moment when the groom walks his bride
to the dance floor and they begin a dance that will last the rest of their lives. Put your hands
together for Winona and Derek as they begin their special waltz as husband and wife.
Bouquet Throw
`Ok now its time for a little fun, because its time for the traditional throwing of the
Bouquet. For those of you whove seen the running of the bulls at Pamplona, its a
little similar. Theres always a little risk for the lasses determined to get the bouquet
in their clutches. Its also the real reason you see so many high heels shoes tonight.
As you know, traditionally the young lady who successfully catches the bouquet in
mid-flight is a certainty to make her own way down the aisle.
Id like to request all the single ladies to step forward for the bouquet throw. The
married ladies whove sneaked on, dont be greedy. This is for single women only.
Our lovely and charming bride Winona has been practising this throw all summer, so
give yourselves some elbow room.
(to the bride) `Winona, if youd be so kind..
(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee bravely motions all the
single ladies forward)
`Ladies take your place behind the bride and be prepared to jump high. Fortune
favors the brave! At the count of three, the bride will throw her bouquet. Ladies and gentlemen, lets all count together.
Are you ready Ladies? Would you just look at the concentration. Theres some determined women out there. The
countdown! One, Two, Three! What a throw, ladies and gentlemen.
(Bride throws the bouquet and it is caught)
We have a winner! Well have the Best Man cleaned and brought to your table later.
Garter Toss
Ladies and Gentlemen, heres where things get serious. Its time for the Garter toss. I
understand some of the guys jumping for the garter have been in training for months.
Underneath those tuxedos, were talking washboard abs, bulging biceps, nerves of steel.
Weve got Olympic gymnasts, high-jumpers, Morris dancers. These guys are ripped and
ready to rumble! Remember gentlemen this is serious business. The guy who catches the
garter is destined for the altar next!
Now while the groom retrieves the garter, dont let any of those garter jumpers melt into
the crowd.
We have the garter. Get ready gentlemen.
(Groom throws the garter and it is caught)
We have another winner! We have the next groom. I hope that preacher hasnt left the room. Lets hear it for our winners.
(wide applause)
Message of Thanks from the Newlyweds Groom
Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand by for a few words of thanks from our new Groom, Derek McGregor.
Closing Remarks
Well I guess thats about everything ladies and gentlemen we have finally come to the end of our program. It has been a
great day and a wonderful evening with you all. Again thank you all for your presence. God bless and Goodnight to each
and everyone.

MC Script Ends Here
Eloise: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chestnut Drive Secondary School.
Thank you for gracing our schools 2
Students Leaders Investiture. My name is Eloise

Fatullah: and I am Fatullah. We would be your MCs for this afternoons ceremony. Todays
program sequence is reflected in the program sheet. If you do not have a copy of the program
sheet, you can raise your hands and our Peer Support Leaders will hand you a copy. [pause to
allow PSLs to give copies to guests who do not have program sheet]

During the ceremony, we would request the audience to stand when the Guest of Honour arrives
and at the singing of the School song.

Eloise: The ceremony would be starting shortly. We would appreciate it if you could kindly
switch your mobile phones to silent mode. Thank you.

Fatullah: Ladies and Gentlemen, please join our hands together to welcome our Guard of
Honour, the NCC contingent.
Eloise: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, our Student Councilors and Student
Fatullah: Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and let us welcome our Guest-of-Honour, Mr.
Tony Wong - Jensen.
Fatullah: Please be seated.
Eloise: A very good afternoon and may I extend a warm welcome to our Guest-of-Honour, Mr.
Tony Wong - Jensen, our Principal, Mr. Teoh Teik Hoe, our Vice Principal, Mr. Mohammad
Nasim, distinguished guests and everyone present. We want to thank you for being here to
celebrate this occasion together with us.
Today we celebrate the investiture of our new Student Councilors. We would also like to thank
our graduating student leaders in the Student Council, Uniform Groups and Band for their
contributions to the school.
Fatullah: The theme of todays ceremony is Thinker Inspirer Servant. This is also the motto
of our schools Student Council. The student leaders of our school aspire to develop these
qualities in our lives. You would hear more about this from our Student Council Presidents later.

It is now my pleasure to call upon our Guest-of-Honour, Mr. Tony Wong - Jensen, up on stage to
deliver his speech.
Eloise: Thank you, Mr. Wong. We would now invite Mr. Wong to give away certificates of
appreciation to our graduating senior NCOs of the Uniform Groups and Band. These students
have served well and are held in high regards as leaders in their respective CCA groups.
Fatullah: The Student Council has undergone major changes in the last 2 years. The current
retiring batch of graduating Student Council leaders was instrumental in implementing many
changes. Now, let us sit back and enjoy a video that they have put together to share with us their
journey. After the video, the out-going President of the Student Council, Ms Ashwini will
present her speech.
Eloise: Thank you, Ashwini. I would now invite our Vice Principal, Mr. Mohamad Nasim to
come on stage to present the certificates of appreciation to our out-going Student Councilors.
Fatullah: We would now invite the out-going and in-coming Vice Presidents to come on stage
for a simple handover ceremony.
Fatullah: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are coming to the most exciting part of our ceremony, the
investiture of our junior Student Councilors. These Student Councilors have been stringently
selected and trained. They have passed their training and are now conferred the Student
Councilor badge.

Eloise: We would start off with the Secondary 1 Student Councilors. They are,
I would now like to invite their parents to come on-stage to pin the Student Council badge on
their childs uniform.
Eloise: Ladies and Gentlemen, may I now present you the new President of the 7
Council, Nurul Diyanah Bte Anbar.
Fatullah: Ladies and Gentlemen, the 7
Student Council would now present the song, You
Raise Me Up by Josh Groban. This is a song dedicated to all our parents, teachers and seniors
who have helped us and will continue to help us in our growth and development as leaders. We
hope you would enjoy the song and find inspiration in it.
Eloise: We have now come to the end of the ceremony. We would like to thank you for spending
your time with us this afternoon. We would now invite our parents and guests to proceed
downstairs for refreshments. Peer Support Leaders, please guide our guests to the reception area.
Wedding Script
NOTE: Test microphone before speaking.
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please. We are about to begin our Dinner Reception so please find a
seat and make yourself comfortable.
Let us begin this celebration with a prayer. Let us all stand, bow down our heads and put ourselves in the presence of God. In the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen
Heavenly Father,
Love has been your richest and greatest gift to this world.
Love between a man and a woman which matures into marriage.
Today, we celebrate that love.
Lord for the joy of this occasion, we thank You.
For Your presence here and now and at all times, we thank You.
Protect, guide, and bless Wendell and Ivy and everyone present here.
Surround us with Your love now and always.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Welcome Address
A very good evening to everyone and welcome to Wendell and Ivys. Dinner Reception. We are done with the solemn part of the
celebration and. we thank those people who were with us earlier at the Redemptorist Church for the wedding ceremony. And for
those who just join in, Welcome! And so, here we are on top of the hills, here at Chateau de Busay for the most exciting part - the
Dinner Reception for our newlyweds in celebration of the beginning of their new life together. So sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of
the evening.
I am Mr. Donald Sabandeja, also the Best Man and I had been given the task by the bride herself to be your emcee for tonight. We
thank you all for gracing this joyful occasion especially to those who took a leave of absence from work or from school and to those
who have traveled many miles just to be with us. In behalf of Wendell and Ivy and their parents, I would like to express their heartfelt
gratitude for your presence at this memorable occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all tonigh
Introduction and Acknowledgements
Parents of the Newlyweds
Before anything else, we would like to acknowledge the key persons who took a great part of this joyous affair. For without their
support, this event would not be made possible. Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure to introduce to you the Parents of the
Bride, Mr. Gabriel B. Centenera and Dr. Heidi Doncillo-Centenera. A big round of applause please.
Mr. Centenera is a retired US government employee while Mrs. Centenera is a middle school teacher in Las Vegas. They just arrived
from Las Vegas last week. Sir, Madam, welcome back to the Philippines.
And of course, we are truly happy to have here with us the Parents of the Groom, Friends, let us give a big hand to Mr. Nicolas S.
Auman and Mrs. Pilar C. Auman. Both Mr. and Mrs Auman are retired government employees for the Department of Interior and
Local Government (DILG) Sir, Madam, thank you so much for your support

Grandmother of the Bride
We are also happy to have here with us the Grandmother of the bride who came all the way from the Bicol Region of Naga City.
Friends, lets all give a warm welcome to Mrs. Lydia B. Centenera, Thank you Maam for gracing this occasion and welcome to
Principal Sponsors
We would also like to acknowledge our Principal Sponsors. Lets start off with the ladies. Please make a stand as your name is called.
Our first lady sponsor is a businesswoman. and wife of the late Consolacion Mayor, Maximo Malagar. and one of Mr. Centerneras
closest first degree cousins. Also coming all the way from Naga City Friends, please welcome Mrs. Rita Malagar. Thank you Madam
for gracing this occasion.
Our next principal sponsor is a lady with a healing touch. She is Ivys Aunt and is one of the best pediatricians of Cebu Doctor's
Hospital. Friends lets give a big hand to Dr. Maria. Janet Porcia. Thank you Dr. Porcia for sparing your precious time with us.
Our next lady sponsor is a retired Dietician in one of Vancouvers nursing homes. Ivys Aunt coming all the way from Vancouver
Canada. Ladies and gentlemen lets give a homecoming welcome to Mrs. Cecilia Blahut. Thank you Madam, we hope you make the
most out of your stay here in the Philippines.
Then we have our fourth lady sponsor. She is Wendells cousin and is currently serving as one of the Councilors of Barangay Piit-os,
Friends, lets give a big hand to Mrs. Leonila Famador. Thank you Maam, its our pleasure to have you with us.
And thats it for the ladies now we go over to the gentlemen. So again please make a stand as your name is called.
Our first gentleman is a retired Captain of the U.S. Air Force. Coming all the way from Sacramento, California, USA, ladies and
gentlemen, lets all welcomeMr. Modesto Jordana. Thank you sir, we are so happy that you can be with us
Our next gentleman, works as a technical support staff for a US-based Japanese firm in Ohio. He is the fiancee of our lovely Matron
of Honor, Ms. Sarah Vercide and Ivys soon-to-be Uncle. Traveling all the way from Portland, Indiana USA, Friends lets give a warm
Mabuhay welcome to Mr. James Chapman. Thank you sir,and Welcome to the Philippines.
Our next gentleman sponsor is an accomplished engineer and a successful businessman rolled into one. He is also Ivy's second degree
Uncle. Friends, Lets give a big hand to Engr. Frederick David Chiong. Thank you sir for being with us tonight.
Our last but certainly not the least among our gentleman sponsors, he is a Naval Architect for Tsuneishi Heavy Industries, in
Balamban Cebu. Lets all give a big hand to Mr. Erlito Velasquez. Thank you sir for taking the time out to be with us.
So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of principal sponsors. Let us once again give them a big round
of applause.
Family and Friends
A wedding brings two people and their families together. It refreshes the family ties and friendship that have gone stale and almost
forgotten against the toll of time and distance. For this allow me to give a very special welcome to all who have traveled many miles to
be here with us today, We would like to acknowledge the presence of families and friends who took their time out to be here with us.
So again I would like to request the people concerned to please make a stand to be recognize as you are called
We would also like to acknowledge the presence of Ret. Gen. Boy Seville, a very good friend of the bride's parents who came all the
way from Las Vegas.. Sir thank you so much for being here.
Also with us here tonight and it is with great pleasure to have Rev Fr. Patrick Martin.our officiating priest for the wedding ceremony.
Thank you Fr. Martin for going out of your way to be with us.
So I guess thats about it. I hope I did not miss out anyone. If I did, please be so kind to remind me
Entrance of the Bride and Groom
At this point I assume that everyone has settled down and we are all ready to welcome the newlyweds. May I request our lovely
Matron of Honor, Ms. Sarah Vercide to please facilitate the welcoming party for our newlyweds. Tonight calls for a grand celebration
and it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time Wendell and Ivy as husband and wife. So without any further
ado, let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Auman........ Music Maestro
Dove Release
The bride and groom will now do the dove release. May I request the newly weds to please come forward and each get a dove. The
newlyweds would like to thank Ms. Rowena Vercide and Mr. Adonis Fernandez for providing us with this beautiful pair of doves

The two doves signify Wendell and Ivy being released to start a new journey together. Like the two pairs of dove, whatever happens
they will always try to seek the comfort of each other and their home together. This is where they know that they will find love A
dove always choose one mate for life, and signify love, faithfulness, joy, and hope,
Wendell and Ivy are now ready so we will now release the doves. At the count of three release the doves. Ready when you are. One...
Two... Three... and... off they go!!! That was really beautiful.

Bridal Waltz First Dance
Tonight is indeed a special night and will forever be etched in the memory of our beloved couple. For tonight marks the beginning of
their new life together. From this day forward they shall be one, and on this joyful beginning what could be more fitting than to
celebrate it with their First Dance. The First Dance is symbolic of the consummation of their wedding vows. This Dance is the
wedding couples' first cooperative engagement and joint endeavor. As the saying goes, It takes two to tango. Ladies and gentlemen,
it is once again my privilege to present to you Mr and Mrs Wendell Auman with their First Dance

Grace Before Meals
Well I guess the food is now ready and dinner will commence shortly. May I call on Rev. Fr. Patrick Martin to say the grace before
Thank you Fr. Martin. So there you have it ladies and gentleman. Dinner is served. You are all hereby invited to partake dinner. You
may now get your food at the buffet table. . Please enjoy your meal. And always, "ladies first"
We would like to thank Mr. and Mrs Amado Calalang and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Seville for our roasted pork and Ms. Sarah
Vercide and Mrs. James Chapman for the roasted calf. Mr. Nicolas Auman for the fruits. Sir, Madam, Thank you so much for
your generosity
Table Hopping for Souvenir Pictures
May I have your attention please, I guess by now everyone had their fill of our sumptuous food prepared by Chateau de Busay. We
would like to thank the Operation Manage of Chateau de Busay, Mr. Victor Millora for the wonderful accommodation and service
that they are providing us here. The newlyweds would also like to say a special thank you to Mr. Arnold Arcilla for supervising in the
physical arrangement of our reception.
At this point the newlyweds would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone personally for your presence. Wendell and Ivy will
now go from one table to another to greet each and everyone and to have their souvenir picture taking with their guests.
Simultaneously, our Matron of Honor assisted with some members of the bridal entourage will be distributing the wedding giveaways
and will be routing the guest book so please stand by in your seats
Cutting of the Wedding Cake
We will now resume with our program. and its time for desert. We have here a beautiful wedding cake courtesy of Dr. Maria Janet
Porcia and Mr. & Mrs Chiong. Sir , Madam, thank you so much.
May I mow request Wendell and Ivy to do the honors of cutting the wedding cake.
(Newlyweds comes forward to cut the cake.)
There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the cake has been cut. May I now request the waiters to please serve the cake to our guests
Best Man's Toast to the Bride and the Groom
A celebration is never complete without a toast and a bottle of good wine. Let us now bring out the good wine and pour them to our
glasses. We would like to thank Mr. Gabriel Centenera for providing us with the wine thank you Sir.
Ladies and gentlemen, it takes a strong and intelligent man to realize his dreams and achieve his goals in life and love. A man that is
not afraid to live life to its fullest and embrace what is truly important. I'm here to talk about Wendell and Ivy Two people who have
come together today to form a union that will surely last forever
(INSTRUCTIONS:Best Man raises his glass and addresses the newlyweds as he speaks...)
Ivy you look wonderful. Wendell is lucky to have found such a wonderful gal to share his life with. Wendell and I has been a very
good friend way back in college days in UP Cebu, Fine Arts Department and I once worked with Ivy in some research projects and
I'm truly honored that they have chosen me to be their best man on this most important day of their lives. Guys, I wish you both
peace and happiness in your new life together and may God bless your union
Everyone let us all stand and raise your glasses and join me in toasting Wendell and Ivy
Heres to good health, happiness, good luck and prosperity to Wendell and Ivy. Cheers!!
Thank you ladies and gentlemen, you may now be seated
Well Wishes from Family and Friends
It is said that our parents are our first teachers having raised us patiently from childhood to adulthood. They have been our source of
comfort, support and inspiration. Wendell and Ivy are truly blessed with such wonderful parents and Im quite sure when it comes to
knowing what marriage is all about, they always have a word or two to share to their children. We would like to call on the Mother of
the Bride, Dr. Heidi Doncillo to say a few words of wisdom and Best Wished to our newlyweds
(Dr. Heidi Doncillo-Centenera comes forward to convey her Best Wishes to the newlyweds)
Thank you so much Madam for that inspiring message. And now we would like to call on the Father of the Groom, Mr. Nicolas
Auman to say a few words of wisdom to our newlyweds.

Thank you Madam, and thank you all...lets us again give them a big hand for such wonderful and meaningful speeches.
Bouquet Throw
Ok now let us all have some fun and its time for the traditional Bouquet Throw. At this point we would like to request all the single
ladies to please come forward for the bouquet throw. We would also like to request the bride to come forward and take her place
center stage
Ladies kindly take your place behind the bride and be prepared to catch the bouquet. It is said that whoever will catch the bouquet
will soon be the next bride. So is everyone in? Ready when you are at the count of three the bride will throw her bouquet. May I also
request the audience to please join me in the counting
Ready when you are ladies. Let us now do the countdown. One.Two.Threeand there it goes
May I request for the lady who was able to catch the bouquet to please come forward
Congratulations Miss, May I have your name please.
Ok lets give a big hand to Miss ___________. Please have a seat beside the bride and in a moment we shall find your match in the
garter Toss
Retrieval of the Garter
Before we go on with the Garter Toss, the groom is to retrieve the garter from his bride. So may we request Wendell and Ivy to please
come center stage and do the garter retrieval ritual
Garter Toss
Ok it is now the gentlemen's turn and we will now do the garter toss. May I mow request all single men to please come forward for
the Garter Toss
Gentlemen please take you place behind the groom and be ready to catch the garter. So is everyone ready? At the count of three the
groom will throw the garter and again we request the audience to participate in the countdown
Matchmaking Ritual
May I request for the gentlemen with the quick hand who now have in his possession the garter. Sir please come forward and take
your place beside the lady who has the bouquet. Congratulations Sir. May I have your name please
Thank you Mr. ___________, Friends lets give this gentlemen a big hand.
Now that we have already found a perfect match. The next bride and groom to be in the future. It it time for another ritual. The
gentlemen who got the garter is to put it on the lady who caught the bouquet. At this point we would like to request Ms. __
_________to please have a seat while Mr. ___________ will put the garter. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. __________ will now put on
the garter on Ms. _________
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our new lovely pair and if it would not be too much to ask we would like the gentlemen to
give the lady a quick kiss
Giving of Tokens
We are truly grateful not only for the presence but also the wonderful cooperation of our principal and secondary sponsors as well as
the members of the entourage. Wendell and Ivy and their parents would like to express their sincerest gratitude for all their help and
support and for making this memorable occasion a great success. We would like to request our Matron of Honor, Ms. Sarah
Vercide to distribute our tokens of gratitude to both our Principal and Secondary Sponsors We also have a little something for the
members of the entourage.
Message of Thanks from the Newlyweds
The night and this celebration has almost come to an end but for our newlyweds it is just a start of their new life together. As we each
go home, may this day be memorable for all of us as it it to them. To personally convey their heartfelt gratitude let us now lend an ear
to Wendell and Iv
Closing Remarks
Well I guess thats about everything ladies and gentlemen we have finally come to the end of our program. It has been a great day and
a wonderful evening with you all. Again thank you all for your presence. God bless and Goodnight to each and everyone

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