Ieee C50.12
Ieee C50.12
Ieee C50.12
John D. Amos
Orlando, FL USA.
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IEEE short-time negative-sequence current capability:
Shaft Vibration
Section 6.3
… A hydrostatic pressure test shall be made to check the
strength of the housing and cover plates….
Page 2
NOTE: The total temperatures above assume a cold coolant of 40°C and directly cooled rotor outlets greater than 14.
Page 3
6. IEEE/ANSI C50.12, “Requirements for Salient-Pole
REFERENCES Synchronous Generators and Generator/Motors for
Hydraulic Turbine Applications,” 1989
1. Gott, B. E. B. ,McCown, W. R. ,Montgomery, L. W.,
7. IEEE/ANSI C50.13, “Requirements for Cylindrical
and Michalec, J. R., “Implications of Differences
Rotor Synchronous Generators,” 1989
Between the ANSI C50 Series and the IEC 60034
Series Standards for Large Cylindrical Rotor 8. IEEE/ANSI C50.14, “Requirements for Combustion
Synchronous Machines”, Panel Discussion, IEEE- Gas Turbine Driven Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous
PES Summer Meeting, Berlin, Germany, July, 1997 Generators,” 1977
2. Gott, B. E. B., McCown, W. R., Montgomery, L. W., 9. IEEE/ANSI C50.15, “Hydrogen cooled, Combustion
and Michalec, J. R., “Update of Revision of ANSI Gas Turbine Driven Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous
C50 Series and the IEC 60034 Series Standards for Generators - Requirements,” 1989
Large Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Machines”,
10. IEC 85, “Thermal Evaluation and Classification of
Panel Discussion, IEEE-PES Winter Meeting, New
Electrical Insulation,” 2nd Edition, 1984
York, New York, February, 1999
11. IEEE 100-1996, “Standard Dictionary of Electric and
3. IEC 60034-1, “Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1:
Electronic Terms”
Rating and Performance,” 11th Edition, 2004
12. IEEE 115, “Test Procedures for Synchronous
4. IEC 60034-3, “Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 3:
Machines”, 1995
Specific Requirements for Turbine-Type
Synchronous Machines,” 5th Edition, 2005 13. IEEE Std C50.13-2005, “IEEE Standard for
Cylindrical-Rotor 50 Hz and 60Hz Synchronous
5. IEEE/ANSI C50.10, “Rotating Electrical Machinery
Generators Rated 10 MVA and Above”
- Synchronous Machines,” 1990
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