in the J . Paul Getty Museum This page intentionally left blank SUMMARY CATALOGUE OF EUROPEAN DECORATIVE ARTS in the J . Paul Getty Museum Gi l l i an Wi l son and Catherine Hess THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM Los Angeles, California Mo l l i e Ho l t man, Editor Hi l l a r y Sunenshi ne, Designer Dust y Deyo, Illustrator Rebecca Bogner, Production Coordinator L o u Me l uso and Jack Ross, Photographers G & S Typesetters, I nc. , Typographer Sout he rn Cal i f o r ni a Graphi cs, Printer cover: Cartonnier w i t h Bout de Bureau and Cl o ck (de t ai l ). French (Pari s), ci rca 1740s. See e nt ry no. 10, p. 7. 2001 The J. Paul Ge t t y Trust 1200 Ge t t y Ce nt e r Dr i ve Sui te 400 Los Angel es, Cal i f o r ni a 90049- 1681 The J. Paul Ge t t y Muse um 1200 Ge t t y Ce nt e r Dr i ve Sui te 1000 Los Angel es, Cal i f o r ni a 90049-1687 L i br ar y o f Congress Cat al o gi ng-i n-Publ i cat i o n Dat a The J. Paul Ge t t y Muse um. Summary catal ogue o f Europe an decorati ve arts i n t he J. Paul Ge t t y Muse um / Gi l l i a n Wi l s o n and Cat he ri ne Hess, p. cm. Incl ude s bi bl i o gr aphi cal references and i nde x. I SBN 0-89236-632-X 1. De corat i ve ar t sEur o pe Cat al o gs. 2. De corat i ve ar t sCal i f o r ni aLo s Ange l e s Catal ogs. 3. J. Paul Ge t t y Muse umCat al o gs. I . Wi l s o n , Gi l l i a n, 1941- I I . Hess, Cat he ri ne , 1957- I I I . Ti t l e . NK925. J18 2001 745' . 094' 0747 9494dc21 2001051261 page vi : Tabl e (de t ai l o f t o p). Fre nch (Pari s), ci rca 1680. See e nt ry no. 54, p. 31. page 1: Pai r o f L i dde d Vases (vases ttes de bouc) (de t ai l ). French, Svre s manufactory, ci rca 1768. See e nt ry no. 240, pp. 118-119. page 163: Vase w i t h an Al l e go r y o f Veni ce (de t ai l ). I t al i an (Veni ce), 1769. See e nt ry no. 378, pp. 189-190. page 257: Tapestry, The Harvesting of Pineapples (de t ai l ). French, Beauvai s manufactory, ci rca 1697-1705. See e nt ry no. 296, pp. 146- 148. page 277: Pai r o f Stags (de t ai l ). Ge r man (Augsburg), ci rca 1680-1700. See e nt ry no. 512, p. 247. Previ ous e di t i o n publ i she d as Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collection of the J . Paul Getty Museum ( Ma l i bu, 1993). CONTENTS FOREWORD VI PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vi i BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ABBREVIATIONS vi i i PART I Part I is organized first by country of origin (France), then by type of object FRENCHDECORATIVE ARTS Furniture 2 Architectural Woodwork 58 and Fixtures Clocks and Barometers 65 Scientific Instruments 75 Metal work 76 Ceramics 102 Mounted Oriental Porcelain 129 Mounted Hardstones and Glass 138 Textiles 141 Carpets and Screens 144 Tapestries 146 Decorative Drawings 159 PART II Part II is organized first by type of object, then atphabetically by country of origin. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK German 164 CERAMICS Austrian 164 Chinese 165 English 168 German 168 Italian 174 Japanese 191 Spanish 191 CLOCKS German 193 Italian 194 FURNITURE English 195 German 196 Italian 202 Netherlandish 213 South Indian 214 GLASS Austrian 215 Bohemian 218 French 223 German 224 Italian 233 Netherlandish 240 IVORY German 244 METALWORK English 245 German 246 Italian 248 Netherlandish 251 Spanish 252 MOSAICS Italian 252 SCAGLIOLA German 254 TEXTILES AND CARPETS Chinese 254 Persian 255 GLOSSARY OF WOODS 258 INDEXES Index of Makers 259 Index of Previous Owners 264 CONCORDANCE 273 HARDSTONES English Italian 2 43 2 43 FOREWORD FRENCHFURNITURE AND DECORATIVE ARTS CONSTITUTE ONE OF THE oldest and most extensive collections i n the Getty Museum. Among J. Paul Getty's primary areas of interest, and one to whi ch he was wi l l i n g to devote substantial sums of money, the French hol d ings sti l l reflect the taste and passions of the Museum's founder. They equally attest to the enthusiasm and expertise of Gi l l i an Wi l son, who came to the Museum as Curator of Decorative Arts i n 1971 when Mr. Getty was sti l l alive, and who has continued to develop the French collections, adding numerous key objects, i n the many years since his death. However, the collections have also evolved to include areas of concentration unexplored by our founder, namely Italian ceramics, European glass, Italian furniture, European metal- work, and Kunstkammer objects that were the pri de of noble and royal collectors' cabinets i n the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This expansion of the Museum's decorative arts was due largely to the efforts of Peter Fusco, now retired, who served as the Cura- tor of Sculpture and Works of Ar t from 1984 to 2 0 0 0 . Together, Gi l l i an Wi l son, Peter Fusco, and their staffs have formed one of the most beautiful and important groupings of European furniture and decorative arts i n an American museum. This Summary Catalogue is the second revised edition of the volume published i n 1986. Between the 1986 publ i cati on and the first revised edi ti on i n 1993, 115 objects were added to the decorative arts collection. Since 1993, an additional thi rty-ei ght objects have been acquired, i ncl udi ng an elaborate bed, exquisite wa l l l i ghts, important ceramics, and vi vi d examples of i nl ai d hardstone. At that time, the new Museum at the Getty Center was s t i l l under construction. Now the decorative arts are displayed i n newl y con- ceived, well-appointed galleries that demonstrate the ful l scope and splendor of the collection. Whether they are exhi bi ted i n pan- eled rooms that convey the ri ch ambience of eighteenth-century France, or i n paintings galleries where they augment our under- standing of the art of different periods, the decorative arts form an integral part of the Museum's mission to del i ght our visitors and deepen their appreciation of the history of European art. I owe Gi l l i an Wi l s on and Peter Fusco, whose knowledge and taste can be detected everywhere i n this catalogue, my admiration for what they have achieved i n bui l di ng the collection. The staff members who assisted them i n this accomplishment, Charissa Bremer-David, Peggy Fogelman, Catherine Hess, and Jeffrey Weaver, have my gratitude for their outstanding work and for the collabora- ti on that made this book possible. Deborah Gri bbon Director vi V l l PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS THIS BOOK IS A REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION OF Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collection of the J . Paul Getty Museum, whi ch was published i n 1993. The first section is arranged by country of originFranceand then by type of object. The sec ond section is arranged by medium, fol l owed by country of ori - gi nother than Franceand date of manufacture. This two-part organization is adopted to feature the largest part of the Museum's decorative arts collection i n section one, whi l e provi di ng a refer- ence framework for easy access to its diverse decorative arts hol d- ingscomprising works from Ital y Germany England, Bohemia, Austri a, the Netherlands, Spam, and elsewherein section two. Acquisitions made since 1993 have been added, the materials sections have been expanded and amended, and as a result of recent research some dates of manufacture, countries of origin, names of and previous owners have been revised. The bi bl i ography for each object has been brought up to date, and t wo indexes are provided. The first lists the makers and their life dates; the second, previous owners. A glossary of woods has been added, and a concordance between accession numbers and entry numbers. It is hoped that this new edi ti on w i l l serve as an i nteri m survey of the Decorative Arts Collection, pending the publication of remaining departmental catalogues. Detai l ed catalogues devoted to the collections of glass, maiolica, clocks, tapestries, and textiles, and Vmcennes, Sevres, and mounted oriental porcelain have been produced. The summary catalogue is based on files created by Gi l l i an Wi l son, Curator of Decorative Arts, and Peter Fusco, former Curator of European Sculpture and Works of Art , and by Charissa Bremer-David and Catherine Hess, Associate Curators. This book is largely the effort of Gi l l i an Wi l son, Catherine Hess, and Charissa Bremer-David. Many others i n the Museum have contri buted: Jeffrey Weaver, Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts, contri buted infor- mation regarding marks, bibliography, and exhi bi ti on history. Joe Godl a, former Associate Conservator of Decorative Arts, aided i n the identification of woods, using i n part the work of R. Bruce Hoadley. Departmental interns Lisa Bingham and James Peck com- posed new entries, checked photography, and assisted i n the com- pi l ati on of the expanded bibliographies. Head Photographer Jack Ross was responsible for the photography. Dana Gorbea-Leon and El l en South, staff assistants, entered the new entries, amendments, and additions to the provenances and bibliographies. A number of colleagues have generously given information over the years: Antoi ne d' Al bi s, Manufacture Nationale de Sevres; Alessandro Al i nari , Florence; Daniel Alcouffe, Musee du Louvre, Paris; Catherine Armi njon, Ministre de la Culture, France; Ki rsten Aschengreen-Piacenti, Palazzo Pi tti , Florence; Jean-Dominique Augarde, Paris; Rotraud Bauer, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; Chri sti an Baulez, Chteau de Versailles; Sir Geoffrey de Bellaigue, Emeritus Surveyor of the Queens Works of Art , London; Ruth Blumka,* New York; Mi chael Bohor, Florence; Fausto Calderai, Florence; Mart i n Chapman, Los Angeles County Museum of Art ; Howard Coutts, Bowes Museum, County Durham; Theodore Del l , Ne w York; Gui do Donatone, Naples; Pierre Ennes, Muse d'Ecouen; Carolyn Gay Nieda Gassman, Paris; Giancarlo Genti l i ni , Florence; Al var Gonzlez-Palacios, Rome; Burckhardt Gres, Stiftung Preussische Schlsser, Berlin; Mi chael Hal l , London; John Hardy, London; Henry Hawl ey Cleveland Museum of Art ; Peter Hughes, formerly of the Wallace Col l ecti on, London; Cyri l Humphris, Rome; Ti mothy Husband, Metropol i tan Museum of Art , Cloisters, New York; Bertrand Jestaz, cole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris; Clare Le Corbeiller, New York; Ul ri ch Leben, Paris; Patrick Leperlier, Paris; Reino Liefkes, London; Bozenna Majewska-Maszkowska, Royal Castle, Warsaw; John Mal l et, London; Errol l Manners, London; Stanley Margolis,* University of California, Davis; Anna Mari a Massmelli, Florence; Otto Maz- zucato, Rome; Jessie McNab, Metropol i tan Museum of Art , New York; Sarah Medlam, Vi ctori a and Al bert Museum, London; Al ai n Moatti , Rome; Jeffrey Munger, Metropol i tan Museum of Art , New York; Mari a Leonor d'Orey Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon; Bi l l Pallot, Paris; James Parker,* New York; Bruno Pons,* Paris; Alexandre Pradere, Paris; Tamara Praud, Manufacture Nationale de Sevres; Peter Prschel, Muni ch; Anne Ratzki-Kraatz, Paris; Pieter Rietsema van Eck, Amsterdam; Jean-Nre Ronfort, Paris; Carolyn J. Sargentson, Vi ctori a and Al bert Museum, London; Adri an Sassoon, London; Beatrix Saule, Chteau de Versailles; Rosalind Savill, Wal l ace Col l ecti on, London; Marco Spallanzani, Florence; Edi t h Standen,* Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York; Wendy Watson, Mount Holyoke College Ar t Museum, South Hadley; Sir Francis Watson*; Ti mothy Wi l son, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; Chri sti an Wi tt-Dri ng, sterreichishes Museum fr angewandte Kunst, Vienna; and Rainer Zietz, London. We are most grateful to Hi l l ary Sunenshme for her fine design and to our patient editor, Mol l i e Holtman. Production coordinator Rebecca Bogner kept the book on track. Gi l l i an Wi l so n Curator, Department of Decorative Arts Catherine Hess Associate Curator, Department of Sculpture and Works of Art *Deceased viii BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations have been employed in referring to frequently cited works. "Acquisitions 1982" Gi l l i an Wi l son, Adri an Sassoon, and Charissa Bremer-David, "Acquisitions Made by the Department of Decorative Arts i n 1982," GettyMus J , vol . 11 (Mal i bu, 1983), pp. 13-66. "Acquisitions 1983" Gi l l i an Wi l son, Adri an Sassoon, and Charissa Bremer-David, "Acquisitions Made by the Department of Decorative Arts i n 1983," GettyMus J , vol. 12 (Mal i bu, 1984), pp. 173-224. "Acquisitions 1984" Gi l l i an Wi l son, Charissa Bremer-David, and C. Gay Nieda, "Selected Acquisitions Made by the Department of Decorative Arts i n 1984," GettyMusJ , vol . 13 (Mal i bu, 1985), pp. 67-88. Bremer-David, Summary Charissa Bremer-David et al., Decorative Arts: An Illustrated Summary Catalogue of the Collections of the] Paul Getty Museum (Mal i bu, 1993). Bremer-David, French Tapestries Charissa Bremer-David, French Tapestries and Textiles in the] Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997). Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum Burton Fredericksen, Helen Lattimore, and Gi l l i an Wi l son, The] Paul Getty Museum (London, 1975). Getty, Collecting J. Paul Getty, The J oys of Collecting (New York, 1965). GettyMusJ The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal. Handhok 1986 The J. Paul Getty Museum Handhok of the Collections (Mal i bu, 1986). Handhok 1991 The J. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Collections (Mal i bu, 1991). Handbook 1997 TheJ. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Collections (Los Angeles, 1997). Handbook 2001 The J. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of Collections (Los Angeles, 2001). Hess, Maiolica Catherine Hess, Italian Maiolica: Catalogue of the Collections, The J . Paul Getty Museum (Mal i bu, 1988). Hess and Husband, European Glass Catherine Hess and Ti mothy Husband, European Glass in the J . Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997). Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach" Gervase Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach: Decorative Arts at the J. Paul Getty Museum," Country Life 179 (Apri l 3,1986). Kjel l berg, Dictionnaire Pierre Kjel l berg, Le Mobilier franais du XVIII e side: Dictionnaire des bnistes et des menuisiers (Paris, 1989). Masterpieces Masterpieces of the J . Paul Getty Museum: Decorative Arts (Los Angeles, 1997). Mi l l er, "Cl ockwi se" Carole Ann Lyons Mi l l er, "Cl ockwi se Special Report: The J. Paul Getty Museum," Clockwise (August 1979). Morley-Fletcher and Mcl l ro y European Pottery Hugo Morley-Fletcher and Roger Mcl l roy, Christies Pictorial History of European Pottery (Englewood Cl i ffs, N.J., 1984). Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen Hans Ottomeyer and Peter Prschel, eds., Vergoldete Bronzen: Die Bronzearbeiten des Sptbarock und Klassizismus (Muni ch, 1986), vols. 1-2. I X Pallot, L'Art du Sige Bi l l G. B. Pallot, L'Art du sige au XVIII e side en France (Paris, 1987). Pradre, Les Ebrnstes Alexandre Pradre, Les bnistes franais de Louis XIV la Revolution (Paris, 1989). Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre I, II, and III Pierre Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre des marqueteurs, Tome I: Des Origines Louis XIV (Doudan, 1994); Tome II: De la Rgence nos jours (Dourdan, 1994); Tome 111: Maraueteurs d'exception (Dourdan, 1999). Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain Adri an Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain: Catalogue of the Collections, The J . Paul Getty Museum (Mal i bu, 1991). Savill, Sevres Rosalind Savill, The Wallace Collection: Catalogue of the Sevres Porcelain (London, 1988), vols. 1-3. Verlet, Les Bronzes Pierre Verlet, Les Bronzes dores francais du XVIII c side Paris, 1987). Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre Pierre Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre de la collection J . Paul Getty (Monaco, 1963). Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mi d" 1979" Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Acquisitions Made by the Department of Decorative Arts, 1977 to mi d" 1979," GettyMusJ , vol. 6-7 (Mal i bu, 1978/1979), pp. 37-52. Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1979 to mi d" 1980" Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Acquisitions Made by the Department of Decorative Arts, 1979 to mid-1980," GettyMusJ , vol. 8 (Mal i bu, 1990), pp. 1-22. Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1981" Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Acquisitions Made by the Department of Decorative Arts, 1981-1982," GettyMusJ , vol. 10 (Mal i bu, 1982), pp. 63-86. Wi l son, Clocks Gi l l i an Wi l so n et al., European Clocks in the ] Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1996). Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques'" Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 6 m e partie: Les Meubles 'Baroques,'" Connaissancedes arts, 279 (May 1975). Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain Gi l l i an Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain in the J Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1999). Wi l son, Selections Gi l l i an Wi l son, Selections from the Decorative Arts in the ] Paul Getty Museum (Mal i bu, 1983). Wi l son, "Svres" Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Sevres Porcelain at the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMusJ , vol. 4 (Mal i bu, 1977). Notes to the Reader: In the provenance sections, the lack of a semicolon before a sale i n parentheses indicates that the object was sold from the collection of that person, dealer, or gallery; dealers are set off by brackets. The names of Rothschi l d family members enclosed i n parentheses are those names given at bi rth but not used by the i ndi vi dual . We have provided all the names to help distinguish one Rothschild from another, because multiple cousins and generations share the same appellations. This page intentionally left blank PART I FRENCH DECORATIVE ARTS 2 FRENCH FURNITURE B O X E S , C H E S T S , AND C O F F E R S FURNITURE Boxes, Chests, and Coffers CHEST French, late fifteenth century Walnut Height: 3ft. i 3 /s in. (94.9 cm); Wi d t h: 6ft. 10 1 A in. (208.9 c m ^ Depth: 2 ft. 3in. (68.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 108 PROVENANCE [Ugo Bardini, Italy, purchased by J. Paul Getty i960]; J. Paul Getty Sutton Place, Sur- rey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS Woodside, California, Filoli House, on loan, 1983-1991. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 1, p. 12, illus. 1 2 2. COFFER French, late sixteenth century Oak and iron Height: 3ft. i 3 A in. (95.5 cm); Wi d t h: 5 ft. 10 3 A in. (179.7 c m ) ^ Depth: 2 ft. 5V8 in. (75.2 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 124 PROVENANCE Oliver Vernon Watney Cornbury Park, Chequered Hall, Charlbury Oxfordshire, England (sold, Christie s, Cornbury Park, May 22, 196"], lot 93, to J. Paul Getty); pur- chased by J. Paul Getty for Sutton Place, Surrey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS Woodside, California, Filoli House, on loan, 1983-1992. 3- Box Paris, circa 1675-1680 Attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak veneered wi t h ebony, boxwood, natural and stained maple, mahogany, padouk, wal- nut, amaranth, cedar, pear, satinwood, brass, horn, and pewter stringing Height: 1 ft. 4V2 in. (31.9 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 2 in. (66.1 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 5 in. (43.2 cm) Accession number 84.DA. 971 PROVENANCE [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 46, p. 175, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 3, p. 12, illus.; Ramond, Chefsd'oeuvre 1, pp. 59-61, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 2, p. 12, illus. 3 1 B OX E S, CH ESTS, AND COFFE RS FRENCH FURNITURE 3 4- T wo COFFERS ON STANDS Pans, circa 1684-1689 At t ribut ed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak, Mediterranean cypress and walnut veneered wi t h ebony; rosewood, padouk, plain and red painted tortoiseshell, blue painted horn, pewter, and brass; set wi t h mirror glass; gilt-bronze mounts One stand is stamped wi t h HY. RASKI N at top of back for Henry Raskin, an early twentieth-century French restorer. Some mounts on each coffer and stand are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Coffer . 1: Overall Height: 5ft. 1 Vs in. (156.6cm); Coffer (premiere-partie): Height: 2ft. 2Vs in. (67cm); Wi dt h: 2ft. 11Vs in. (89.9cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10in. (55.8 cm); Stand: Height: 2ft. 11*A in. (89.6 cm); Wi dt h: 2ft. -j 1 /8 in. (80.9cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9V2 in. (54.7 cm); Coffer .2: Overall Height: 5ft. 1 1 /i in. (156.2cm); Coffer (contre-partie): Height: 2ft. 2 3 /s in. (67cm); Wi dt h: 2ft. 11V4 in. (89.4 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10in. (55.8cm); Stand: Height: 2ft. 11Vs in. (89.2cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7V4 m. (79.4 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 8in. (50.7 cm) Accession number 82.DA. 109. l. a-. b and .2.a-.b PROVENANCE Coffer . 1: C. F. Julliot (?) (sold, Pans, Novem- ber 20, 1777, no. 706, to M. de Luneville for 590Uwes). Coffer .1-.2: Anatole Demidov, Prince of San Donato (1813-1870), San Donato Palace, Pratolino (near Florence) (offered for sale by his nephew Paul Demidoff, Prince of San Donato [died 1885], SanDonato Palace, March 15, 1880, nos. 1421-1422, bought in); marquis da Foz, Lisbon; Mort imer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie's, London, June 22, 1938, lot 68, to Gaston Bensimon for 1,080 guineas); Anna Gould (duchesse de Talleyrand, 1875-1961), Palais Rose, Paris; Violette de Talleyrand (Mme Gaston Palewski), Chateau de Marais, Seine-et-Oise (offered for sale, Sotheby's, Monaco, May 26, 1980, no. 619, bought in). BIBLIOGRAPHY Alfred de Champeaux, Le MeuWe (Paris, 1885), vol. 2, p. 78, illus. p. 65, fig. 12; A. Genevay Le Style Louis xiv: Charles Le Brun, decorateur: Ses oeuvres, son influence, ses collaborateurs et son temps (Paris, 1886), p. 241, fig. 31; Henry Havard, Les Boulle (Paris, 1892), p. 40, illus. pp. 41, 45; Emile Molmier, Histoire generale des arts appliaues l'Industrie, vol. 3, LeMobilier au xvif et au xvnf siede (Paris, 1896-1911), p. 74, illus. ; Gerald Reitlmger, The Economics of Taste, vol. 2(London, 1963), p. 415; Pierre Verlet, "A Propos de Boulle et du Grand Dau- phin," Nederland Kunsthistorisch f aarbuch 1980, vol. 31, pp. 285-288, illus. ; Wi l son, "Acqui- sitions 1982," no. 1, pp. 13-18, illus. ; Wi l son, Selections, no. 6, pp. 12-13, i 1 I U S - (89.DA. 109.2 only); Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; "J. Paul Getty Museum," Ven- tura (September-November, 1988), p. 164, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo Paul Getty, una selezione di pezzi acquisti dal 1979/' Casa Vogue Antiques 6 (November 1989), pp. 110-115, 1 ^ u s - p- 1:L 3'> Pradere, Les Ehenistes, p. 68, nos. 131-132, p. 104, illus. p. 68, fig. 14 (89.DA. 109.2 only); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 4, pp. 13-14, illus. ; Ramond, Chefsd'oeuvre 1, pp. 9,103- 109, illus. ; Philip Jodidio, "Le Monastere de Brentwood," Connaissance des arts 511 (Novem- ber 1994), p. 134, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 41, p. 56, illus. (82.DA. 109.2); Handhook 2001, p. 189, illus. (82.DA. 109.1). 4 4 FRENCH FURNITURE B O X E S , C H E S T S , AND C O F F E R S / C AB I NE T S 5 PI PE BOX Lorraine, circa 1710-1715 "Bois de Samte-Luae" (cerasus mahaleb) Height: 2 9 / 16 in. (6.5 cm); Wi d t h: 1ft. i o 5 / 8 in. (59.5 cm); Depth: 8V4 in. (21 cm) Accession number 88.DA.61 PROVENANCE [Didier Aaron, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Chantal Humbert, "Une cunosite, les sculp- tures en bois de Sante Lucie," Gazette, de l'Htel Drouot 36 (October 17, 1980), p. 39, lllus.; " Acquis it 10ns /19 8 8," GettyMus] 17(1989), no. 69, p. 141, illus.; Chantal Humbert, Les Arts decoratifs en Lorraine: De la fin du xvn c siede I 'ere industrielle (Paris, 1993), p. 135; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 5, p. 14, illus. Cabinets 6. CABINET Burgundy, 1580, wi t h a nineteenth- century addition Carving attributed to Hugues Sambm Based on engraved designs by Jacques 1 Androuet Du Cerceau and Hans Vredeman de Vries Painting attributed to Evrard Bredm Walnut set wi t h painted panels Painted wi t h 1580 on one panel. Overall Height: 10 ft. 1Vs in. (308.3 cm); Wi d t h: 5 ft. 5 3 /s in. (166.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10V2 in. (57.1cm) Accession number 71.DA.89 PROVENANCE Gauthiot d'Ancier, Governor of Besancon, by 1596; Debruge-Dumenil, Paris (sold, Hotel des Ventes Mobilieres, Paris, January 23-March 12, 1850, tenth session, February 2, no. 1500, to Prince D. Soltykoff); Prince Di mi t r i Soltykoff (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, Apr i l 8, 1861, no. 275, to the Duke of Marlbourough); Duke of Marlbourough, Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England, sold to Baron A. Seilliere; Baron Achille Seilliere, Chateau de Mello, Oise, France (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 9, 1890, no. 540, to Duveen); [Duveen Brothers, New York, acquired by Norton Simon as part of the purchase of the remain- ing Duveen inventory March 1965]; Norton Simon Foundation, Fullerton (sold, Parke- Bernet, New York, May 5, 1971, lot 193, to J. Paul Getty); J. Paul Getty, Sutton Place, Surrey, England; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1971. BIBLIOGRAPHY Edmond Bonnaffe, "Le Meuble en France au xv i e siecle," Gazette des beaux-arts (1886), pp. 60-63, illus-; Edmond Bonnaffe, Le Mew- He en France au xvi 1 siede (Pans, 1887), pp. 84- 85, 166-167, his.; Georg Hi r t h, Formenschatz (French ed.: L'Artpratiaue) (Munich, 18.91), pi . 7; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 6, p. 14, illus; Al ai n Erlande-Brandenburg et al, Hugues Sambm: Un createur au xvi'siecle (Ecouen, 2001), pp. 95-100, illus. pp. 43, 49. 1- CABINET ON STAND Paris, circa 1675-1680 Attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle; medals after Jean Varm Oak veneered wi t h ebony, tortoiseshell, pewter, brass, ivory horn, boxwood, pear, stained maple, maple, beech, amaranth, Cey- lon satin wood, juniper, walnut, mahogany and ash; wi t h drawers of snakewood; painted and gilded wood; bronze mounts Height: 7ft. 6V2 in. (229.9 c m ) ' Wi d t h: 4 ft. 11V2 in. (151.2 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 2V4 in. (66.7 cm) Accession number 77.DA. 1 PROVENANCE Wi l l i a m War d (?), 11th Baron War d (born 1817, created i st Earl of Dudley i860, died 1885), Wi t l ey Court, Worcestershire (house acquired, wi t h contents, i n 1838, from Lord Foley); Wi l l i am Humble (?), 2nd Earl of Dudley (born 1867, died 1932), Wi t l ey Court, Worcestershire, circa 1920 (sold wi t h the house); Sir Herbert Smith, (sold, Jackson-Stops and Staff, Wi t l ey Court, September 29, 1938, lot 582); Violet van der Eist, Harlaxton Manor, Lincolnshire (sold, Christie's, London, Apr i l 8, 1948, lot 142); John Prendergast, 6th Viscount Gort, Ham- sterley Hall, County Durham (sold by his heirs, 1976). 6 5 CAB I N ETS FRENCH FURNITURE 5 EXHIBITIONS Barnard Castle, County Durham, The Bowes Museum, onloan, 1950s; London, The Victoria and Albert Museum, onloan, August 197 8-February 1979. BIBLIOGRAPHY "A la decouverte," Connaissance des arts 35 (Jan- uary 15, 1955), p. 58, lllus. ; Stephane Faniel et al., Le xvi u e sicclc francais (Collection Con- naissance des arts, Paris, 1958), lllus. p. 53; Alfred and Jeanne Mane, Versailles: Son Histoire, Tome 11: Mansart Versailles (Paris, 1972), pp. 631 and 634; "Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions," Burlington Magazine 120 (Decem- ber 1978), p. 93, illus. ; Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-1979," no. 1, p. 37, illus. ; Mar- vi n D. Schwartz, "Boulle Furniture," Art and Antiques 6(Apri l 1983), illus. p. 72; Wi l son, Selections, no. 3, pp. 6-7, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l - son, "A Late Seventeenth-Century French Cabinet at the J. Paul Getty Museum," The Art Institute of Chicago Centennial Lecture: Museum Studies 10 (1983), pp. 119-131, illus. ; Lorenz Seelig, "Eine Reiterstatuette urfrst Max Emanuels von Bayern aus dem Jahr 1699," Anzeiger des germanischen Nationalmuseums (1986), note 34, p. 73; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 855, fig. 3; Pradere, Les Ebenistes, p. 94, p. 104, no. 103, illus. p. 93, fig. 49; Monique Riccardi- Cubitt, The Art of the CaUnet (London, 1992), p. 177, illus. p. 69, pi. 45; Bremer-David, Summary, pp. 14-16, illus. p. 15; Mary Anne Staniszewski, Believing Is Seeing: Creating the Cul- ture of Art (New York, 1995), p. 92, detail of cupboard door illustrated only; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 1, pp. 114-121; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France (Berke- ley 1996), p. 46, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 40, pp. 54-55, illus. ; Aaron Betsky "Sitting between Craft and Form," Sitting on the Edge: Modermst Design fromthe Collection of Michael and GahrielleBoyd (San Francisco, 1998), p. 23, fig. 18; John Morl ey Furniture: The Western Tradition, History, Style, Design (London, 1999); p. 137, illus. p. 143, fig. 255; Handhok 2001, pp. 186-187, l u s - p- i&l- 1 6 FRENCH FURNITURE C AB I NE T S 8. CABINET (CABINET DES MEDAILLES) Paris, circa 1710-1715 Attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak and fir veneered wi t h ebony, ama- ranth, kmgwood, brass, and tortoiseshell; gilt-bronze mounts; sarrancolin des Pyrenees marble top Height: 2 ft. 8V2 in. (82.5 cm); Wi d t h: 4 ft. 7 V4 in. (140 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 4V2 in. (72.5 cm) Accession number 84.DA.58 PROVENANCE Suzanne de Launay and Jules-Robert de Cotte, Paris, inventoried after their deaths as one of a pair of medal cabinets on Novem- ber 20,1767; by descent to their son, Jules-Francois de Cotte; inventoried in his collection on May 13, 1782 (sold, Paris, March 8, 1804, no. 34); Baron Gustave (Samuel James) de Rothschild (1829-1911), Paris; Sir Philip Sassoon, Bt., London (1888-1934), by descent, 1912; Sybil Sassoon (Marchioness of Cholmondeley wife of the 5th Marquess [1894-1989], married 1913), Houghton Hall, Norfolk, by inheritance, after 1939 (sold, Christie's, London, Apr i l 12, 1984, lot 164). EXHIBITIONS London, 25 Park Lane, Three French Reigns, February-April 1933, no. 519, illus. p. 71. BIBLIOGRAPHY F. J. B. Watson, "The Marquess of Cholmon- deley," Great Family Collections, Douglas Coo- per, ed. (Zurich, 1963), p. 228, illus.; Pierre Verlet, La Maison du X V I I I c siede en France: Societi, decoration, mobilier (Paris, 1966), p. 38, fig. 21; Pierre Verlet, French Furniture and Interior Deco- ration of the Eighteenth Century (Paris, 1967), fig. 21; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1984," pp. 67- 71, illus.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 47, pp. 175-176, illus.; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 157, p. 104, illus. p. 109, fig. 65; Frank Davis, "Talking about Sale- rooms," Country Life (May 24,1984); Bremer- David, Summary, no. 8, p. 16, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 49, p. 67; Handhook 2001, p. 193, illus. 9 9- ARMOIRE Paris, circa 1720-1725 Oak, Scots pine, beech, and chestnut veneered wi t h rosewood, olive, yew, and cherry Height: 5 ft. 9V4 in. (176 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 2 3 /8 in; (97.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 5V4 in. (43.5 cm) Accession number 84.DA. 852 PROVENANCE Private collection, France; [La Cour de Varenne, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 50, pp. 176-177, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 9, p. 17, illus. 8 C AB I NE T S FRENCHFURNITURE 7 IO IO. CARTONNIERWITH BOUTDEBUREAUAND CLOCK Paris, cartonnier and hout de hureau: circa 1740; clock: 1746 Cartonnier and hut de hureau by Bernard 11 van Risenburgh. Maker of the clock case unknown. The clock movement by Etienne 11 Le Noir. The clock dial enameled by Jacques Deel a Oak and poplar veneered wi t h alder, amaranth, and cherry and painted wi t h verms Martin; enameled and painted metal; glass; gilt'bronze mounts Cartonnier and hout de hureau are stamped wi t h BVRB on the back; cartonnier is also stamped wi t h the name of E. J CUVEL L IER, who possibly restored it. Several mounts on clock case are stamped wi t h the crowned Cfor 1745-1749. The clock dial is enameled wi t h ETIENNE L ENOIR A PARIS and the movement is engraved wi t h Etienne Le Noir J9aris. The spring of the striking train is inscribed wi t h Buzot gBRE 1746, and the back of the dial bears the enameled inscrip- tion Jecla.1746. Metal plaque on the rear of cartonnier is engraved wi t h Angela's 1835; also a torn typed label wi t h M....xandrinede Height: 6ft. 3V8 in. (192 cm); Wi dt h: 3ft. 4V16 in. (103cm); Depth: 1 ft. 4V8 in. (41 cm) Accession number 83.DA. 280 PROVENANCE Possibly Harriot Mellon Coutts (1777-1837), wi dow of Thomas Coutts and later Duchess of St. Albans; Angela Georgina, Baroness Burdett-Coutts (1814-1906, step-granddaughter of Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans), London, probably given to her in 1835 on her twenty-first birthday; Hon. Wi l l i am Bartlett Burdett-Coutts, M. P. (husband of Angela, Baroness Burdett- Coutts), by descent, 1906(sold, Christies, London, May 9,1922, lot 144, for 4,200 guineas to H. J. Simmons); Baronne Miriam (Caroline) Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), Paris; confiscated after the German occupation of Paris in 1940 and later restituted; by descent to her nephew and heir, Baron Edmond (Adolphe Maurice Jules Jacques) de Rothschild (1926-1997), Paris, 1972; Jose and Vera Espirito Santo, Lausanne, Switzerland, after 1972. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 6, pp. 193- 197, lllus.; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 8, pp. 263-264, illus.; Jackson- Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Jean-Dominique Augarde, " 1749 Joseph Baumhauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi," LE- stamyille 204 (June 1987), p. 25; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, illus. p. 196, fig. 188; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 10, pp. 17-18, illus. p. 17; Wilson, Goch, pp. 78-85, illus.; Mas- terpieces, no. 59, pp. 78-79, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 205, illus. FRENCH FURNITURE C A B I N E T S 11 ABINET Paris, circa 1735-1740 At t ribut ed to Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak veneered wi t h bloodwood, cherry, cururu, and amaranth; gilt-bronze mounts; hreche d'Alep top Inscribed DAVAL t wice on the back. Height: 3 ft. 9V 8 in. (115.8 cm); Wi dt h: 15 ft. 4V2 in. (468.6 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9V2 in. (54.5 cm) Accession number 77.DA.91 PROVENANCE Daval (marchand-mercier, died circa 1821), Paris, before 1822; comte Henri de Greffulhe (1848-1932), Paris (sold by his widow, Sotheby's, London, July 23,1937, lot 50, to both [ Arnold Seligmann] and [Trevor and Co.], for 1, 400); [David Drey London, 1950s]; [Maurice Avelme, Paris, 1950s]; Antenor Patmo, Paris, circa 1957; [ Aveline et Cie, Paris and Geneva]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Charles Guellette, "Les Cabinets d'amateurs ParisLa Collection de M. Henri de Greffulhe, Part 2: Ameublement," Gazette des foaux-arts 15 (1877), p. 466; Gerald Reitlinger, The Economics of Taste (London, 1963), vol. 2, p. 426; Wil son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid- 1979," no. 3, p. 37, illus.; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, p. 190, illus. pp. 184-185, fig. 168; Bruno Pons et al., L'Art decoratif en Europe: Clas- siaueetharoaue, Al am Gruber, ed. (Paris, 1992), illus. p. 377; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 11, p. 18, illus.; Jean-Neree Ronfort et al., "Nouveaux Aspects de la Vie et de L Oeuvre de Bernard (n) Vanrisamburgh (c. 1700-1766)," EEstampille/EOhjet d'art 290 (April 1995), p. 45, illus. 12. PAIR OF CABINETS Paris, circa 1745-1750 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak veneered wi t h bloodwood, kmgwood, and cherry; wire mesh screens; gilt-bronze mounts Each cabinet is stamped wi t h B.VR.B. on back. Height: 4 ft. 10 V8 in. (149 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 3V4 in. (101 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 7 in. (48.3 cm) Accession number 84. DA . 24. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Sir John Hobart Caradoc (?), 2nd Baron How- den, Grimston Park, Tadcaster, Yorkshire, circa 1840; Albert Denison (?), ist Baron Lon- desborough, Grimston Park, 1850; Wi l l i am Henry Forester (?), created Earl of Londesbor- ough, Grimston Park (sold wi t h the contents of Grimston Park in 1872 to John Fielden); Captain John Fielden (great-nephew of John Fielden) (sold, Henry Spencer and Sons, at Grimston Park, Tadcaster, Yorkshire, May 29- 31, 1962, no. 372); [Etienne Levy and Rene Weiller, Paris, 1962]; [Raymond Kraemer, Paris, 1960s]; [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1970s]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Accjuisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 54, pp. 178-179, illus.; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, illus. p. 188, fig. 174; Kjellberg, Dktionnain, p. 139; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 12, pp. 18-19, i l l * 1 5 - P- x 9 ( n e ) ; Master- puces, no. 63, p. 83, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 207, illus. 12 One of a pair 8 11 C AB I NE T S FRENCHFURNITURE 9 1 3- CABINET Paris, circa 1765 By Joseph Baumhauer Oak veneered wi t h ebony tulipwood, maple, Japanese cedar, and amaranth; set wi t h panels of seventeenth-century Japanese kijimakve lac- quer; gilt-bronze mounts; yellow jasper top Stamped wi t h JOSEPHbetween two fleur- de-lys under the apron. Height: 2 ft. 11V4 in. (89.6 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 11 3 /8 in. (120.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11 Vs in. (58.6 cm) Accession number 79.DA.58 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1930-1939]; private collection, Brussels; [Lucien Delplace, Brussels]; [Claude Levy, La Cour de Varenne, Paris]; [ Didier Aaron, Les Antiquaires de Paris, circa 1976]; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1977]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," pp. 6-7, lllus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 34, pp. 68-69, lllus.; Jean-Dominique Augarde, "1749 Joseph Baumhauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi," FEstamf ille 204 (June 1987), pp. 15- 45, figs. 26, 28; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 16, p. 244.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 450; Alexandre Pradere, "Quand le Getty Vise Juste," Connaissance des arts 449/450 (July/ August 1989), pp. 111-119, lllus. p. 115; John Whitehead, The French Interior in tke Eigk- teenth Century (London, 1992), p. 62, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 13, pp. 19-20, illus. p. 19; Masterpieces, no. 79, p. 102, illus.; Handhok 2 0 0 1 , p. 219, illus. 1 4- CABINET Paris, circa 1765 By Roger Vandercruse Lacroix Oak and fir veneered wi t h tulipwood, ama- ranth, and holly; gilt-bronze mounts; white marble interior shelf Stamped wi t h RVLC and JMEinside the drawer at top right-hand side. Paper label glued underneath is printed wi t h a ducal coronet above the typed inscription CLUMBER, 4049. Height: 3 ft. 1 in. (94 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 11T A in. (59.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 5V4 in. (43.8 cm) Accession number 70.DA.81 PROVENANCE Dukes of Newcastle, Clumber, Notting- hamshire; Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas, 7th Duke of Newcastle (1864-1928), Clum- ber, Nottinghamshire, by descent (sold by his heir, Christie's, London, June 9, 1937, lot 253); [J. M. Botibol, London]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1938. BIBLIOGRAPHY Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 125, illus.; Getty, Collecting, illus. p. 155; Bremer-David, Summary, 1993, no. 14, p. 20, illus. 1 4 3 l O FRENCH FURNITURE C A B I N E T S !5 CABINET Paris, circa 1785-1790; marquetry panels, some gilt-bronze mounts, late seventeenth century Oak and walnut veneered wi t h ebony, ama- ranth, brass, pewter, and tortoiseshell; gilt - bronze mounts; bianco e new antico marble top Height: .3 ft. 5V4 in. (104.8 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 4V8 in. (164.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1072 in. (57.1 cm) Accession number 72.DA. 71 PROVENANCE George Granville, ist Duke of Sutherland (1758-1833, English ambassador to France 1789-1792) or George Granville Sutherland- Leveson-Gower, 2nd Duke of Sutherland (1786-1861), in.the Picture Gallery, Stafford House, London, by 1848, and st il l present in 1895; [ Arnold Seligmann, Paris] (sold, Galerie Jean Charpentier, Paris, June 4-5, 1935, no. 192); [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Pans]; [French and Co., 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY F. J. B. Watson, Louis xvi Furniture (London, i960), no. 236, illus.; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Ehernstes du xvuf siede francais (Paris, 1963), p. 37, illus.; Michael Strmer, Handwerk und hfische Kultur: Europische Mbel" kunst im 18.Jahrhundert (Munich, 1982), illus. pp. 156, 288; Marvin D. Schwartz, "Boulle Furniture," Art and Antiaues 6 (April 1983), illus. p. 67; Alexandre Pradere, "Boulle de Louis xi v sous Louis xvi , " LObjet d'art o (June 1987), pp. 56-57, 118; illus. p. 62; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 15, p. 20, illus. 16. CABINET Pans, 1788 By Guillaume Benneman; gilt-bronze mounts cast by Fores tier (either Etienne-Jean or his brother Pier re-Auguste) and Denis Bardin from models by Gilles-Francois Mart in, chased by Pierre-Philippe Thomire and gilded by Claude Galle; marble top supplied by Lanfant Oak veneered wi t h ebony, mahogany and lacquer, set wi t h pietre dure plaques of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century date; gilt-bronze mounts; bleu turaum marble top Stamped wi t h GB ENEMAN t wice on top of the carcass and stenciled wi t h a partial mark, possibly for the Chateau de Saint- Cloud, on back. Height: 3 ft. 74 in. (92.2 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 5 V 8 in. (165.4 c m ^ Depth: 2 ft. 1 74 in. (64.1 cm) Accession number 78.DA.361 PROVENANCE Louis xvi , one of a pair costing 5,954 livres in the Chambre coucher du Roi, Chateau de Saint-Cloud (near Paris), from October 4, 1788, unt il at least an 11(1793-1794); Earls of Powis, Powis Castle, Wales, by 1848 (sold, Sotheby's, London, May 11,1962, lot 262, for 33,000); John Allnat (sold, Sotheby's, Lon- don, June 21, 1974, 4 o t 10 9> t o [Didier Aaron, Paris]); [Aveline et Cie, Paris]. 16 15 C AB I NE T S FRENCHFURNITURE 11 EXHIBITIONS London, The Victoria and Albert Museum, on loan, 1969-1974. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire, the Seat of the Earl of Powis," Country Life 23 (May 9, 1908), illus. p. 670; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Les EUnistcs du x v m e siede francais (Pans, 1963), pp. 306-307, illus.; G. Reit- linger, The Economics of Taste (London, 1963), vol. 2, p. 429; Anthony Coleridge, "Clues to the Provenance of an Outstanding French Commode," Connoisseur 162 (July 1966), pp. 164-166, illus.; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-1979," no. 11, pp. 46-49, illus.; Gillian Wilson, "A Pair of Cabinets for Louis xvi s Bedroom at Saint-Cloud: Their Present Appearance," journal of the Furniture History Society 21 (1985), pp. 39-47; Verlet, Les Bronzes, p. 213, illus. p. 46, fig. 39; Alexandre Pradere, "Quand le Getty Vise Juste," Con- naissance des arts 449/450 (July/August 1989), pp. 111-119, illus. p. 114, fig. 9; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, illus. p. 406, fig. 502; Pierre Verlet, Le Mohilier royal francais, vol. 4: Meuhles de la cow ronne conserves en Europe et aux Etats-Ilms (Paris, 1990), pp. 116-121, illus.; Ulrich Leben, Molitor: Eheniste from the Ancien Regime to the Bow hon Restoration (London, 1992), p. 150, fig. 153; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 16, p. 21, illus.; Ramond, Chefsd'oeuvre 1, pp. 66-68, illus.; Leora Aus lander, Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France (Berkeley, 1996), p. 265, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 93, p. 118, illus.; Handhook 2001, p. 231, illus. !"7 1T BONHEUR DU JOUR Paris, circa 1785-1790 Attributed to Adam Weisweiler; Wedgwood jasperware plaques designed by Elizabeth, Lady Templetown, and modeled by Wi l l i am Hackwood Oak and mahogany veneered wi t h ambovna, ebony, green stained harewood, and sycamore; set wi t h five jasperware plaques wi t h a green ground; gilt-bronze mounts; white marble top and shelf Height: 3 ft. 63/s in. (107.6 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 3V4 in. (69.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 4V4 in. (41.3 cm) Accession number 72.DA.59 PROVENANCE Baronne de Gunzburg (?), Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, March 2, 1972, no. 121); pur- chased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS The Los Angeles Country Museum of Art , Wedgwood from California Collections: Georgian through V ictorian, 1760-1901, January 27- March 21, 1976. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 179, illus.; Patricia Lemonnier, Weisweiier (Paris, 1983), no. 211, illus. p. 28; Kjellberg, Diction- naire, p. 872; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 17, pp. 22, illus. 18. PAIR OF CABINETS Paris, Cabinet .1: circa 1785; Cabinet .2: circa 1810 Pierre dure plaques: Italian (and perhaps French), mid-seventeenth to late eighteenth century Both cabinets attributed to Adam Weisweiler Oak, pine, and beech veneered wi t h ebony and mahogany; pewter stringing; set wi t h pietredure plaques and micromosaic roundels; gilt-bronze mounts; portor d'ltalie tops Cabinet . 1 is stamped wi t h JME. Height: 3 ft. 4 in. (101.6 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 11 V8 in. (150.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9 1 / i in. (54.5 cm) Accession number 76.DA.9.1-.2 PROVENANCE Cabinet .1: M. Marin, Paris (sold, Paris, March 22, 1790, no. 712, for 3,100 livres); Vincent Donjeux, Paris (sold, Paris, Apr i l 29 et seq., 1793, no. 554, for 3,200 livres). Cabinets .1-.2: (?) Alexander Archibald Douglas, the 10th Duke of Hamilton and 7th Duke of Brandon, Hamilton Palace, Lanark- shire, Scotland; Wi l l i am, 12th Duke of Hamilton and 9th Duke of Brandon, Hamilton Palace, by descent (sold, Christie's, London, June 19,1882, lots 185-186); Christopher Beckett-Denison, London (sold, Christie s Lon- don, June 6, 1885, lot 817, to Maclean for 195 guineas, and lot 818, to Donaldson for 205 guineas); [Moss Harris, London]; Maharanee of Baroda, Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, November 29, 1973, no. 114 A- B); [Avelme et Cie, Paris]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 1 2 FRENCH FURNITURE CAB I N ETS / COMMOD ES Commodes BIBLIOGRAPHY Ronald Freyberger, "Hamilton Palace," Apollo 114, no. 238 (December 1981), pp. 401-409; Al var Gonzalez-Palacios, Mosaia e Pietre dure: Mosaici a piccole tessere, Pietre dure a Pangi e a Napoli (Mi l an, 1982), illus. p. 48; Kjel l berg, Dic- txonnaire, p. 872; Al var Gonzalez-Palacios, "Capricci Gusto: Vecchio Barocco e Nuovo Classicismo," Casa vogue antiques 13 (May 1991), p. 77, illus. p. 79 (76.DA.9.1); Anna Mari a Gi usti , Pietre Dure: Hardstone in Furniture and Decorations (London, 1992), p. 218, illus. figs. 75-76; Ronald Freyberger, "The Duke of Hamiltons Porphyry Tables," The Magazine Antiques (September 1993), pp. 348-355, illus. p. 354, pi . i x; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 18, pp. 22-23, i l l us.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeu- vre 1, p. 68, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Mer- chants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Pans (Mal i bu, 1996), pp. 180-181, illus. p. 47. 18 Cabinet.2 *9 19. COMMODE Paris, circa 1710-1715 Fir and oak veneered wi t h bloodwood; draw- ers of walnut; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped on the back wi t h a crowned M, probably for the Chateau de Maisons, and an interlaced AT over G. M for the garde-meuble of the comte d' Artoi s. Height: 2 ft. 9V16 i n. (83.9 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 7 V 4 i n. (140.3 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11 V2 i n. (59.7 cm) Accession number 78.DA.87 PROVENANCE Marquis de Longueil, Chateau de Maisons; comte d' Artoi s, Chateau de Maisons, after 1777; [Leon Lacroix, Paris, 1938 (?)]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty, 1938; di stri buted by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pascal Dauphin, "A propos du mobilier du comte d' Artoi s au chateau de Maisons, 2 e m e partie: quelques elements d'ameublement i ci ou la," Les Cahiers de Maisons 23 (Spring 1994), pp. 58-59, illus. pp. 54, 55, and 58; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 19, p. 23, illus. COMMODE Pans, circa 1710-1715 Fir and oak veneered wi t h rosewood; drawers of walnut; gilt-bronze mounts; rouge griotte de Felines marble top Height: 2 ft. 9V2 i n. (85.1 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. (121.9 c m ^ Depth: 1 ft. 10 Vs i n. (56.8 cm) Accession number 73.DA. 66 PROVENANCE M. d'Eustache Bonnemet, Paris (sold, Paris, December 4-14,1771, no. 164, for 210 livres); dues d'Arenberg, Palais d'Arenberg, Brussels, unti l 1914; duchesse Mathi l di s d'Arenberg, Monaco; [Gerard Gallet, Cannes]; [French and Co., New York]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 20, p. 23, illus. 20 COMMODE Paris, circa 1710-1715 Attri buted to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak and fir veneered wi t h cururu and blood- wood; gilt-bronze mounts; brocatelle violette du Jura marble top The top of the carcass is stamped wi t h C. M. COCHOI S and pri nted i n black i nk wi t h 55406. The underside of the marble top is marked wi t h 55406 A9 i n black wax pencil. l8 Cabinet.l COMMOD ES FRENCH FURNI TURE 13 Many mounts are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 2 ft. 9Y4 in. (85.7 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 3V4 in. (1314 cm); Depth: 1ft. 11in. (58.4 cm) Accession number 70.DA.80 PROVENANCE Henry Peter (?), i st Lord Brougham (1778- 1868), Cannes, 1840s or 1850s; Wi l l i am (?), 2nd Lord Brougham (died 1886), England, after 1868; Hon. Wi l fr ed Brougham (?), England, after 1886; Maria Sophia Faunce (Hon. Mrs. Wi l fr ed Brougham), England, after 1904; [J. M. Botibol, London, 1938]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1938. BI BLI OGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 60-61; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 117, illus. p. 120, fig. 4; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 184; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 21, pp. 23-24, illus. p. 23; Peter Hughes, The Wallace Collection Catalogue of Furni- ture (London, 1996), vol. 2, p. 648. 22. COMMODE Paris, circa vji^-rj^o By Etienne Doirat Fir and oak veneered wi t h kingwood and amaranth: drawers of walnut: gilt-bronze mounts; hreche d'Alej) top Stamped wi t h E. DOI R AT on top of carcass. Height: 2 ft. 10 in. (86.4 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 6V2 in. (168.9 c m ) ' Depth: 2 ft. 4V4 in. (71.7 cm) Accession number 72.DA.66 PROVENANCE George Durlacher, London (sold, Christie's, London, Apr i l 6-7, 1938, lot 176, for 273 guineas to Sutch); ("Property of a Gentle- man," sold, Christie's, London, December 1, 1966, lot 70, for 5,500 guineas to Perman); [Aveline et Cie, Paris, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Christies Review of the Year (London, Octo- ber 1966-July 1967), p. 247, illus. ; Jean- Dommique Augarde, "Etienne Doirat, Menuisier en Ebene," GettyMus] 13(1985), pp. 33-52, illus. p. 45; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, illus. p. 122, fig. 78; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 264; LAbbe d'Arrides, "Les Commodes Tombeaux," LEstamyille/LOhjet d'art 260 (July/August 1992), pp. 50-65, illus. p. 60; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 22, p. 24, illus. ; Fiandhook 2001, p. 196, illus. 2 3- COMMODE Paris, circa 1735-1740 By Charles Cressent Fir, oak, and Scots pine veneered wi t h blood- wood and amaranth; drawers of walnut; gilt - bronze mounts; hreche d'Alej) top Corner mounts are stamped wi t h the 2 3 crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 2 ft. 1172 in. (90.2 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 574 in. (136.5 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 172 in. (64.8 cm) Accession number 70.DA.82 PROVENANCE George Jay Gould (1864-1923), New York, by 1914; [Duveen Brothers, New York, from the estate of Edi t h Kingdom Gould, 1924- 1925]; [Arnold Seligmann,-Rey and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Get t y 1938. BI BLI OGRAPHY Cressent sale catalogue, January 15,1757, no. 132; Marie-Juliette Ballot, Charles Cressent: Sculpeur, eheniste, collectionneur, Archives de I'art francais: Nouvelleipenode 10 (Paris, 1919), no. 132, p. 215; Andre Boutemy "Essais d'attributions de commodes et d'armoires Charles Cres- sent," Bulletin de la Soaete de l'histoire de I'art francais (1927), pp. 77-79; J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 60-61; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), pp. 114-135; J. Paul Getty, Collector s Choice (London, 1956), pp. 78 and 165; Verlet et al , Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 114, illus. ; Getty, Collecting, p. 144, illus. ; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 152, illus. ; Wi l son, Selections, no. 19, pp. 38-39, illus. ; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 204; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 23, p. 24, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 55, p. 74, illus. 22 14 FRENCH FURNITURE COMMOD ES 2 4- COMMODE Paris, circa l"]37 By Bernard n van Risenburgh Oak set wi t h panels of black Japanese lac- quer and painted wi t h verms Martin; veneered wi t h cherry and amaranth on interior of the doors; gilt-bronze mounts; sarrancolin marble top; eighteenth-century silk fabric lining and silver metal ga\on Stamped wi t h BVRB on top of carcass. Height: 2 ft. i o 3 A in. (88. 3 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 11 3 A in. (151.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 3 A in. (57. 8 cm) Accession number 65. DA .4 PROVENANCE Colbert family, France, by repute, from the eighteenth to the twentieth century; [Rene Weiller, Paris]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc. , New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1953. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), pp. 121-122,128, illus. fig. 11; F.J. B. Wat - son, The Wrightsman Collection (New York, 1966), vol. 1, p. 152; Hans Hut h, Lacquer of the 2 4 West: The History of a Craft and an Industry, 1550- 1950 (Chicago and London, 1971), p. 91, caption p. 145, illus. fig. 238; Fredericksen et al , Getty Museum, p. 159, illus. ; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 113, illus. ; Wi l son, Selections, no. 14, pp. 28-29, iHtis.; Daniel Alcouffe, "La commode du Cabinet de retraite de Marie Leczmska Fontamebleau entre au Louvre," La Revue du Louvre 4 (1987), pp. 281-284, i i r u s - p- 2 &2; Pradere, "1737, La Premiere Commode en Laque du Japon," Connaissance des arts 436 (June 1988), pp. 108- 113; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 139; Daniel Alcouffe, "Bernard Van Risen Burgh: Com- mode," Louvre: Nowelles acquisitions du departement des otyetsi'art 1985-1989 (Paris, 1990), p. 144; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 24, p. 25, illus. 2 5 2 5- COMMODE Paris, circa 1735 Oak veneered wi t h kingwood, walnut, amaranth, and padouk; gilt-bronze mounts; hreched'Alep top Stamped wi t h DF (possibly for Jean Des- forges) on top of carcass. Height: 2 ft. 10 *A in. (87 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 1 ! A in. (155. 5 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1 in.. (63. 5 cm) Accession number 7 6. DA . 15 PROVENANCE Mrs. S. Shrigley-Feigel, Crag Hall, Wr ay Lancashire, England; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1976]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Calin Dernetrescu, "Un Ebeniste Identifie D. F.," LEstampille/EOljetd'art 262 (Octo- ber 1992), p. 67, illus. ; Bruno Pons et al , L'Art decoratif en Europe: Classique et haroque, Al ai n Gruber, ed. (Paris, 1992), illus. p. 377; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 25, p. 25, illus. COMMOD ES FRENCH FURNITURE 15 26 2 7 26. COMMODE Paris, circa 1740 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak set wi t h panels of red Chinese lacquer and painted wi t h verms Martin; gilt-bronze mounts; breche d'Alep top Stamped wi t h B. VR. B. once and JME twice on top of carcass. Height: 2 ft. 9 in. (83. 8 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 9 in. (114. 3 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9 Vs in. (54. 9 cm) Accession number 72. DA.46 PROVENANCE Private collection, Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, March 2, 1972, no. 109); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 155, illus. ; "Le Prix des commodes en lacque," Plaisir de France (Paris, 1979), pp. 45-47. illus. ; Daniel Alcouffe, "La commode du Cabinet de retraite de Marie Leczinska Fontainebleau entre au Louvre," La Revue du Louvre 4 (1988), pp. 281-284, illus. p. 282; Kjellberg, Dictum- noire, p. 139; Daniel Alcouffe, "Bernard Van Risen Burgh: Commode," Louvre: Nouvelles acauisitions du departement des objets d'art 1985- 1989 (Paris, 1990), p. 144; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 26, p. 26, illus. 2 7- COMMODE Paris, circa 1745-1749 At t ribut ed to Jean-Pierre Latz Oak and poplar veneered wi t h bloodwood; drawers of walnut; gilt-bronze mounts; jleur de pecher marble top Stamped wi t h RESTAURE par P. SPOHN on top of carcass; one mount is stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 2 ft. 10 l /i in. (87. 7 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 11V8in. (151.5 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 2 5 / 8 in. (65 cm) Accession number 83. DA . 356 PROVENANCE Sir Anthony (Nathan) de Rothschild, Bt. (1810-1876), England; Hon. Mrs. Eliot Yorke (nee Annie Henriette de Rothschild [1844- 1926], daughter of Sir Anthony de Roth- schild), England, by descent (sold, Christies, London, May 5, 1927, lot 138, for 980 guineas to S. Founes); Mme Duselschon, Chateau de Coudira, Pregny Switzerland; Mme Rouviere, Lausanne, Switzerland; [Maurice Segoura, Paris, 1983]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1983," pp. 196-199, illus. ; Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 9, p. 264, illus. ; Pradere, Les Ehe- rnstes/fig. 136, p. 160; Gillian Wilson, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," CasaVogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. p. 116; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 27, p. 26, illus. ; Ramond, Chefsd'oeuvre 11, p. 109, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 61, p. 81; Handbook 2001, p. 206, illus. 28. PAI R OF COMMODES Paris, circa 1750 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak and spruce veneered wi t h bloodwood, kmgwood, and amaranth; drawers of walnut; gilt-bronze mounts; campan rouge marble tops Each commode is stamped wi t h B. VR. B. twice on top of carcass. l6 FRENCH FURNITURE COMMOD ES 28 One of a pair Height: 2 ft. 10 Vs in. (87.3 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 4V8 in. (101.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 in. (55.9 cm) Accession number 71. DA.96. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE By tradition made as part of a set ordered by Louis, Dauphin of France (r]2.^-r]6^), and given to Frederick Augustus i n, Elector of Saxony and Ki ng of Poland (1696-1763), the father of his second wife, Maria Josepha of Saxe (1731-1767); listed i n inventories of the Residenz, Dresden, i n 1794 a n < ^ 1 19^ Prince Ernst Heinrich von Wet t m, Schloss Morit zburg (near Dresden), Saxony, and installed i n the Tower Room circa 1924 (sold early 1930s); [C. Ball, Pans, 1934]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pomte Farms, Michigan (sold, Christie's, London, June 24, 1971, lot 102); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Adol f Feulner, Kunstgeschichte des Mbels (Ber- l i n, 1927), pp. 324-325; Anthony Coleridge, "Works of Ar t wi t h a Royal Provenance from the Collection of the Late Mrs. Anna Thomson Dodge of Detroit," Connoisseur 177, no. 711 (May 1971), p. 36, illus. ; Frank Davis, "Likes and Dislikes," Antiaue Collector (August/ September 1971), p. 156, illus. ; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 190, illus. ; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 113, illus. ; Michael Strmer, Handwerk und hfische Kultur: Europische Mbelkunst im18. Jahrhundert (Munich, 1982), illus. p. 67; Wi l son, Selections, no. 20, pp. 40- 41, illus. ; Handbook 1986, p. 163, illus. (one); Pradere, LesEbenistes, illus. p. 189, hg. 175; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 139; Bruno Pons et al., L'Art decoratif en Europe: Classiaue et baroque, Al am Gruber, ed. (Paris 1992), illus. p. 388; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 28, p. 27, illus. ; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre n, pp. 128-129, illus. 29. COMMODE Paris, circa 1750 At t ribut ed to Joseph Baumhauer Oak veneered wi t h ebony, set wi t h panels of Japanese lacquer on Japanese arborvitae, and painted wi t h verms Martin; gilt-bronze mounts; campan melange vert marble top One trade label of the marchand-meraer Francois-Charles Darnault pasted on top of carcass and another pasted underneath. Height: 2 ft. 10V4 in. (88.3 cm); Wi dt h: 4. ft. 9V2 in. (146.1 cm); Depth: 2 ft. Vs in. (62.6 cm) Accession number 55. DA.2 PROVENANCE Edi t h and Sir Alfred Chester Beatty (1875- 1968), London; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1955, through Sir Robert Abdy Bt. BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Collector s Choice (London, 1955), illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 336-337; "Vingt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees/' Con- naissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76- 81, illus. p. 81; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 115, illus. ; Andre Boutemy "LEbeniste Joseph Baumhauer," Connaissance des arts 157 (March 1965), pp. 83-85; Getty, Collecting, pp. 144-145, illus. ; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 154, illus. pp. 145, 154; Wi l son, 29 C O M M O DE S FRENCHFURNITURE 1J 3 "Meubles 'Baroques/" p. 106., illus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 23, pp. 46-47, illus.; Jean- Dominique Augarde, "1749 Joseph Baum- hauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi," LEstampille 204 (June 1987), p. 36; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 2, p. 244, illus. p. 233, fig. 236; Kjell- berg, Dictionnaire, p. 454; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 29, p. 27, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Paris (Malibu, 1996), illus. pi. 2, p. 171; Masterpieces, no. 73, p. 95, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 211, illus. 30. COMMODE Paris, circa 1755 By Adrien Faizelot Delorme Fir, poplar, and oak veneered wi t h tulipwood and kingwood; gilt-bronze mounts; lumachella yavonazza marble top Stamped wi t h DEL ORME, JME, and N. PETITon top of carcass. Height: 2 ft. 11 V2 in. (90.1 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 9 in. (144.8 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 2V4 in. (66.6 cm) Accession number 70.DA.79 PROVENANCE Cecile Sorel, Paris; [Germain Seligman, Paris] (sold, Apr i l 1933, to Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, New York); [J. M. Botibol, London, 1938]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1938. EXHIBITIONS Williamstown, Massachusetts, Sterling and Francine Clark Ar t Institute, on loan, 1998-present. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955); p- 118, lllus. p. 124, fig. 8; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955); illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 208-209; Andre Boutemy "LEbeniste Joseph Baumhauer," Connaissance des arts 157 (March 1965), p. 85, illus. p. 84; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 145, illus.; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; Jean-Dominique Augarde, "1749 Joseph Baumhauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi," LEstawpxlle 204 (June 1987), p. 32; Kjell- berg, Dictionnaire, p. 246; Alexandre Pradere, "Quand le Getty Vise Juste," Connaissance des arts 449/^.50 (July/August 1989), pp. 111-119; Bremer-David, Summary no. 30, p. 28, illus. 3 1 - COMMODE Paris, circa 1760 By Jean-Francois Oeben Oak veneered wi t h maple, tulipwood, ama- ranth, and Ceylon satmwood; gilt-bronze mounts; campan melange vert marble top Stamped wi t h J. F. OEBENand JMEtwice on top of carcass. Height: 3 ft. V 4 in. (92 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 7 V8 in. (140.6 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 6V2 in. (47 cm) Accession number 72. DA . 54 PROVENANCE Private collection, Paris (possibly Goupil de Douilla); [FrankPartridge, Lt d. , London]; Guedes de Souza, Paris; [Etienne Levy, Paris, and Frank Partridge, Lt d. , London, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 164, lllus.; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, lllus. p. 261, fig. 278; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, pp. 614, 619; Alexandre Pradere, "Quand le Getty Vise Juste," Connaissance des arts 449/450 (July/ August 1989), pp. 111-119; Bremer-David, Summary no. 31, p. 28, lllus.; Ramond, Chefs- d'oeuvre 11, p. 110, lllus. 31 l8 FRENCH FURNITURE C O MMO DE S 3 2 - COMMODE Paris; 1769 By Gilles Joubert Oak veneered wi t h kmgwood, bloodwood, tulipwood, holly and ebony; gilt-bronze mounts; sarrancolm marble top Painted wi t h the inventory number du No 2556.2 of the Gardcmeuble de la Couronne in black ink on the back. Height: 3ft. 3 A in. (93.5 cm); Wi d t h: 5 ft. 11V4 in. (181cm); Depth: 2ft. 3in. (68.5 cm) Accession number 55. DA . 5 PROVENANCE Made for the chambre coucher of Mme Louise of France (1737-1787, youngest daughter of Louis xv), Chateau de Versailles, 1769; i n the chambre a coucher of Madame Victoire, Chateau de Versailles, 1776; Emmanuel- Felicite, due de Duras, Marechal de France, Palais de Fontainebleau, 1785; Baron Lionel (Nathan) de Rothschild (1808-1879), Gun- nersbury Park, Middlesex; by descent to his son, Leopold de Rothschild (1845-1917), Hamilton Place, London; by descent to his son, Lionel (Nathan) de Rothschild (1882- 1942), Exbury House, Hampshire; by descent to his son, Edmund (Leopold) de Rothschild (born 1916), Inchmery House, Exbury, Hamp- shire (sold by him in 1947); Edi th and Sir Alfred Chester Beatty (1875-1968), London; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Hotel de la Monnaie, Louis xv: Un Moment de perfection de I 'art francais, 1974, no. 422, pp. 320-321, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "A Commode by Gilles Jou- bert for Versailles in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 19, no. 3(Autumn 1956), pp. 324-325, illus.; "Vmgt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees," Connaissance des arts 57(November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 78; Pierre Verlet, "Peut-on remeubler Versailles?," Lefardin des arts (February 1958), p. 256, illus. p. 255; F. J. B. Watson, Louis xvi Furniture (London, i960), no. 24, p. 105, illus.; Gerald Messadie, "J. Paul Getty, Mal i bu, Califor- nia," Great Private Collections, Douglas Cooper, ed. (Zurich, 1963), pp. 180-191, illus. p. 187; Pierre Verlet, French Royal Furniture (London, 1963), pp. 77/ m, fig. 7; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 122, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 152, illus.; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Les Ekmstes du x v i u e siecle francais (Paris, 1963), p. 68, fig. 1; Svend Eriksen, Early Neo- Classicism in France (London, 1974), p. 321, pi. 120; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 166, illus.; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 dme par tie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280(June 1975), p. 93, illus.; Pierre Verlet, LesMeuhles francais du X V I I I c siecle (Paris, 1982), p. 27, illus. (detail) pi . 4; Wi l son, Selections, no. 30, pp. 60-61, illus.; Pradere, Les Ekmstes, no. 17, p. 216; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire (Paris, 1989), pp. 456, 758, illus. p. 759; Alexandre Pradere, "Quand le Getty Vise Juste," Connais- sance des arts 449/450(July/August 1989), pp. 111-119; Pierre Verlet, French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century, trans, by Penelope Hunter-Stiebel (Charlottesville, 1991), fig. 4, p. 17; Bremer-David,. Summary, no. 32, p. 29, illus.; Pierre Verlet, Le Mobilier royal francais, vol. 3: Meubles de la couronne-conserves en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis (Paris, 1994), pp. 128-130, illus.; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnish- ing Modern France (Berkeley, 1996), p. 69, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 80, p. 103, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 222, illus. 32 C O R NE R C U P B O AR DS FRENCHFURNITURE 19 Corner Cupboards 34 One of a fair 33 Corner Cupboard .2 33- PAIR OF CORNER CUPBOARDS Paris, circa 1740 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak and maple veneered wi t h amaranth and cherry set wi t h panels of black Japanese lac- quer on Japanese arborvitae and painted wi t h verms Martin; gilt-bronze mounts; sarraw co\m marble tops Each cupboard is stamped wi t h B.VR.B. twice on top of carcass. Height: 3 ft. 3V8 (994 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 10 3 A in. (88.3 cm); Depth: 2 ft. Vs in. (61.2 cm) Accession number 72.DA.44.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 156, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 139; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 33, p. 30, illus. 34- PAIR OF CORNER CABINETS Paris, circa 1745 Attributed to Charles Cressent Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood, king wood, and amaranth; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 6 ft. 3V2 in. (191.8 cm); Wi d t h: 10 ft. 11 in. (332.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3V2 in. (39.4 cm) Accession number 79.DA.2.1-.2 PROVENANCE Possibly Baron (Mayer) Alphonse de Roth- schild (1827-1905), Paris, by 1905; Baron Edouard (Alphonse James) de Rothschild (1868-1949), Paris; Baron Guy (Edouard Alphonse Paul) de Rothschild (born 1909), Paris; by descent to Baron David (Rene James) de Rothschild (born 1942), Paris. BIBLIOGRAPHY Marie-Juliette Ballot, Charles Cressent: Sculpeur, eheniste, collectionneur, Archives de I'art francais: Nou- vellepenode 10 (Paris, 1919), pp. 128, 151-152; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Les Ebe- nistes du xvui e siede francais (Paris, 1963), p. 46, illus.; Claude Fregnac and Wayne Andrews, The Great Houses of Paris (New York, 1979)/ p. 257, illus.; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-1979," no. 15, p. 52, illus. (one) p. 51; Pradere, Les Ekrastes, illus. (detail) cover; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 34, p. 30, illus. 33 Corner Cupboard. i 2 0 FRENCH FURNITURE CORN ER CUP B OARD S 35 35- CORNER CUPBOARD AND CLOCK Paris, cupboard: circa 1744-1755; clock: 1744 By Jacques Dubois after a drawing by Nico- las Pmeau; clock movement by Etienne 11 Le Noir; enamel dial by Antome Nicolas Martmiere Mahogany spruce, and oak veneered wi t h bloodwood, tulipwood, cururu, and king- wood; enameled metal; glass; gilt-bronze mounts Back of carcass is stamped wi t h I . DUBOI S three times and bears one paper label inscribed in ink wi t h the Rothschild inventory number AR 653. Painted twice wi t h AR 653 on the back. Signed E T I E NNE LE NOI R A PARIS on dial and inscribed wi t h Etienne Le Noir JPans on movement. Back of dial is signed and dated a.n. martmiere. 1744.-7.We. Height: 9 ft. 6 in. (289.5 c m ^ Wi dt h: 4 ft. 3 in. (129.5 c m ^ E)epth: 2 ft. 4 1 /2in. (72 cm) Accession number 79.DA.66 PROVENANCE Ordered by General Mokronowski through the marchand-mercier Lullier of Warsaw in circa 1744 for Count JanKlemens Branicki (1689-1772), Warsaw, Poland; Christine Branicka (?) (sister of Count Branicki), by descent; Marianna Szymanowska (?) (nee Potocka, granddaughter of Christine Bran- icka); Baron Nathaniel (Mayer) von Roth- schild (1836-1905), Vienna, before 1896; Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von Rothschild (1878-1942), in the Regence (or Rote) Salon, Theresianum Gasse 16-18, Vienna, 1905; confiscated by the Nazis' in March 1938 and destined for the planned Hitler Museum i n Linz; restituted to Baronin Clarice von Roth- schild (1874-1967), Vienna, in 1947 and sent to New York soon afterward; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc. , New York]; [Wi l denst ei n and Co. , New York, March 16, 1950, stock no. 18018]; [Georges Wi l denst em, New York]; [Daniel Wildenst em, New York]; Akram Ojjeh, 1978 (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 25-26,1979, no. 60). BIBLIOGRAPHY Emile Molmier, Le Moklier au xvu e et au xvu i e siecle (Pans, 1896), pp. 146-147, pi. 13; Baron Nathaniel Mayer de Rothschild, Notizen ber einige meiner Kunstgegenstnde (Vienna, 1903), no. 80; Robert Schmidt, Mbel (Berlin, 1920), illus. p. 169; Adol f Feulner, Kunstgeschichte des Mbels (Berlin, 1926), p. 445, illus. p. 321; Frangois de Salverte, Les Ehernstes du xvi u e siecle (Paris, 1927), pp. 104-105, pl. 18; (1953 ed.), p. 197, pl . 19; (1962 ed.), p. 100, pl. 18; Adol f Feulner, Kunstgeschichte des Mbels seit dem Altertum (Berlin, 1927), pp. 330-331, Pmeau design illus. p. 321; Charles Packer, Pans Furniture by the Master Ehernstes (Newport, Monmouthshire, 1956), p. 34, fig. 40; F. J. B. Watson, Wallace Collection Catalogues: Furniture (London, 1956), p. 69; Andre Boutemy "Des Meubles Louis xv grands succes: Les Encoignures," Connaissance des arts 91 (Septem- ber 1959), p. 36, illus. p. 41; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Les Eberastes du xvuf siecle francais (Paris, 1963), pp. 101-102, illus. p. 100; Pierre Verlet, French Cabinetmakers of the Eighteenth Century (Paris, 1963), p. 102; F. J. B. Watson, The Wngktsraan Collection (New York, 1966), vol. 1, p. 231; vol. 2, p. 544; Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, Gli ebanisti del Luigi xv (Milan, 1966), p. 67; Claude Fregnac, Les Styles francais (Paris, 1975), p. 100, pl. 2; Pierre Kjellberg, Le Mobilier francais du moyen age Louis xv (Pans, 1978), p. 192, illus. p. 193, no. 217; Pierre Kjellberg, "Jacques Dubois," Connaissance des arts 334 (December 1979), p. 115, illus. ; Adol f Feulner, Kunstgeschichte des "Mbels (Frankfurt am Mam, 1980), pp. 180- 181, illus. no. 292, caption p. 358; Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," no. 1, pp. 1- 3, illus. ; Wi l son, Selections, no. 21, pp. 42-43, illus. ; Wi l l i am Kmgsland, "Collecting French Furniture," Art and Auction (December 1983), p. 79, illus. ; Penelope Hunter-Stiebel, "Exalted Hardware, the Bronze Mounts of French Furniture, Part 1," Magazine Antiaues (January 1985), p. 236, illus.;Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Pradere, LesEbenistes, figs. 153-154, p. 173; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, pp. 267, 273, illus. p. 275; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. p. 117; Stephane Boiron, "Jacques Dubois, maitre du style Louis xv," LEstarapille/LObjet a"art 236 (June 1990), pp. 42-59, illus. pp. 52-53; Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic Interior: Renaissance to Art Nouveau (London, 1991), illus. p. 83, fig. 258; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 35, pp. 31-32, illus. p. 31; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 10, pp. 70-77, illus. ; Pierre Kjellberg, Encyclopedicdelapendulefrancaise du moyen age au xxe siecle (Paris, 1997), fig- B, p. 165, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 71, pp. 92-93; Handbook 2001, pp. 208-209, illus. CORN ER CUP B OARD S FRENCH 21 PAI R OF CORNER CUPBOARDS Pans, circa 1750-1755 Carcass and mounts attributed to Jean-Pierre Latz; marquetry panels attributed to the workshop of Jean-Francois Oeben Oak veneered wi t h amaranth, stained sycamore, boxwood, and rosewood; gi l t - bronze mounts; hreche dAlep tops One cupboard once had t wo paper labels on the back: one is stamped wi t h ZollstcU, the other from the Victoria and Albert Museum wi t h the notation DEPT. OF WOOD- WOR K ON LOAN F R OM L. Currie, Esq. No. 5 /15. v. 1917. Height: 3 ft. 2V4 in. (97.2 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 9 3 / 4 i n. (85.7 cm); Depth: 1ft. 117 sin. (58.7 cm) Accession number 72. DA. 39. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Laurence Currie, London, 1917; private col- lection, Berlin (sold, Hugo Helbmg Gallery, Frankfurt am Mam, June 23, 1936, nos. 260- 261); private collection, Germany (sold, Lempertz Gallery, Cologne, March 11,1938, no. 217); private collection, New York (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, October 21-22, 1955, lot 358); [Dalva Bros., Inc., New York]; Philip R. Consolo, Mi ami , Florida; private collection (?), California; [Frank Partridge, Lt d. , London, 1966]; [French and Co., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Get t y EXHI BI TI ONS London, The Victoria and Albert Museum, on loan, 1917-1920, from Laurence Currie. BI BLI OGRAPHY Henry Hawley "Jean-Pierre Latz, Cabinet- maker," Bulletin of the Cleveland Museumof Art 57/7 (September/October 1970), no. 49, p. 254, illus. (one), hg. 49; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 160, illus. (one); Wi l - son, Selections, no. 24, pp. 48-49, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 36, pp. 32-33, illus. p. 32. 37- PAI R OF CORNER CUPBOARDS Paris, circa 1750-1755 Carcass and mounts attributed to Jean-Pierre Latz; marquetry panels attributed to the workshop of Jean-Francois Oeben Oak veneered wi t h amaranth, maple, stained maple, and walnut; gilt-bronze mounts; hreche dAlep tops Height: 3 ft. 74 in. (92.1 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 874 in. (81.9 cm); Depth: 2 ft. (61 cm) Accession number 72. DA. 69. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE [Sidney J. Block, London]; [French and Co., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHI BI TI ONS Wi l l i amst own, Massachusetts, Sterling and Francine Clark Ar t Institute, on loan, 1998-present. BI BLI OGRAPHY Henry Hawley, "Jean-Pierre Latz, Cabinet- maker," Bulletin of the Cleveland Museumof Art 57/7 (September-October 1970), no. 50, p. 255, illus. (one), hg. 50; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 37, p. 33, illus, p. 32. 37 Corner Cupboard .1 36 Corner Cupboard .2 37 Corner Cupboard .2 36 Corner Cupboard .1 FRENCH FURNITURE CORN ER CUP B OARD S 38 PAIR OF CORNER CUPBOARDS Paris, circa 1755 By Jacques Dubois Oak painted wi t h vcrnis Martin; gilt-bronze mounts; \rlc\i d'Alcp tops Cupboard .2 is stamped wi t h I. DUBOIS and JME twi ce on top of carcass. Height: 3 ft. -2 74 i n. (97.1 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7 72 i n. (80 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11 7s i n. (58.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 119.1-.2 PROVENANCE Baron Nathaniel (Mayer) von Rothschild (1836-1905), Vienna; Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von Rothschild (1878-1942), Vienna; confiscated by the Nazis i n March 1938; resti- tuted to Baronin Clarice von Rothschild (1874-1967), Vienna, i n 1947; [Frank Par- tridge and Sons, Lt d. , London, 1950]; purchased by J. Paul Getty for Sutton Place, Surrey; di stri buted by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Paul Getty Collector ,s Choice (London, 1955), p. 167; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955) , pp. 121-122; "Vi ngt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees" Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956) , pp. 76-81, illus. p. 81; Antique Collector (August 1962), p. 153, illus.; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 120, i l l us.; Getty, Collecting, p. 150, illus.; Hans Huth, Lacquer of the West: The History of a Craft and an Industry, 1550-1950 (Chicago and London, 1971), caption p. 145, fig. 234; Kjel l berg, Dictionnaire, p. 273; Stephane Boiron, "Jacques Dubois, maitre du style Louis xv, " LEstamj)ille/LOtyet d'art 236 (June 1990), pp. 42-59, illus. p. 56; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 38, pp. 33-34, illus. p. 33- 39- PAIR OF CORNER CUPBOARDS Paris, circa 1765 By Pierre Gamier Fir and oak veneered wi t h ebony, tul i pwood, amaranth, and wi l l ow; gilt-bronze mounts; gray-veined whi te marble tops Each cupboard is stamped wi t h P. GAR- NIER on top of carcass; one carcass is incised wi t h I on top; the other carcass is incised wi t h 4. Height: 4 ft.--5 74 i n. (135.2 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. (61 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 4 V2 m. (41.9 cm) Accession number 81.DA.82.1-.2 39 One of a pair PROVENANCE Auguste-Gabriel Godefroy (anewn controleur de la Marine; 1730-1813), Paris (sold, Hotel de Bullion, Paris, November 15, 1785, no. 238 bis, to Harcourt [?]); Espi ri to Santo Family, Portu- gal, and Lausanne, Switzerland (sold circa 1976); [Di di er Aaron, Inc., New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1981," no. 3, pp. 71- 73, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 325; Wi l son, Selections, no. 31, pp. 62-63, illus. figs. 14-15; Penelope Hunter-Stiebel, "Exalted Hardware: The Bronze Mounts of French Furniture, Part 11," Magazine Antiques (February 1985), p. 454, i l l us.; Handhook 1986, p. 170, illus. (one); Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 238 bis, p. 250; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 39, p. 34, illus. 38 Corner Cupboard .1 3 8 Corner Cupboard .2 2 2 D ESK S FRENCH FURNITURE 23 Desks 40 4 - DESK (BUREAU "MAZARIN") Paris, after 1692-circa 1700 Oak, walnut, fir, cherry and beech veneered wi t h ebony, brass, tortoiseshell, mother-of- pearl, pewter, copper, painted and unpamted horn, and painted paper; silvered-bronze mounts; steel key Top is engraved wi t h unidentified arms (later replacement) beneath an electoral bonnet, surrounded by the Collar and the Order of the Toison d'Or, supported by crowned lions. Height: 2 ft. 3V4 i n. (70.5cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 11 i n. (89 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 8i n. (51 cm) Accession number 87.DA.*]7 PROVENANCE Maxi mi l i an Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (1662-1726); Captain Thomas Leyland, Lon- don, circa 1854; Wi l l i a m Cornwal l i s West, Ruthi n Castle, Denbighshire; by descent around 1917 to his daughter, Mary-Theresa Ol i vi a, Princess of Pless (died 1943); Davi d Style, Esq. (sold, Christie's, Watermgbury Place, Maidstone, Kent, June 1,1978, lot 545); private collection, London (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 21, 1987, no. 1097). 40 Top EXHIBITIONS London, Gore House, Kensington, French Deco- rative Arts, 1854, lent by Captain Leyland; London, The South Kensington Museum, Spe- cial Exhibition of Works of Art of the Mediaeval, Renaissance, and More Recent Periods, June 1862, no. 812, lent by Captain Leyland. BIBLIOGRAPHY T. A. Strange, French Interiors: Furniture, Decora- tion, Woodwork and Allied Arts (London, circa 1920), p. 147; Sotheby's Art at Auction 1986- 1987(London, 1987), p. 262, illus.; "Acquisi- tions/1987," GettyMus] 16 (1988), no. 66, pp. 176-177, illus.; Jean-Neree Ronfort and Jean-Dominique Augarde, "Le Mai tre du Bureau de l'Electeur," LEstampille/EObjet d'art 243(January 1991), pp. 42-74, illus. p. 59; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 40, p. 34-35, illus.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 1, frontispiece and pp. 47, 134-141, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 47, pp. 64-65, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 191, illus. 24 FRENCH FURNITURE D ESK S 4 1 - DOUBLE DESK Paris, circa 1750 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood, kingwood, and bloodwood; drawers of mahogany; gi l t - bronze mounts Stamped wi t h JME B. VR. B. JME under- neath and oninterior of carcass. Underside of carcass bears several red wax seals of the Duke of Argyl l . Height: 3 ft. 6V2 in. (107.8 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 2V2 in. (158.7 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 9V8in. (84.7 cm) Accession number 7o.DA. 87 PROVENANCE Francois-Balthazar Dange du Fay (?), firmier giniral, Hotel de Villemare, Place Vendome, Paris, recorded i n the inventory after the death of his wife Anne (nee Jarry), March 27, 1772, and also in the inventory after his own death, March 6, 1777 (sold, September 1, 1777, Paris); purchased by his nephew and heir Louis-Balthazar Dange de Bagneux (fermier 4 1 giniral, 1739-1794), recorded i n the inventory after his death in 1795; by inheritance to his wife Anne-Marie Sanson and recorded i n her inventory after death; by descent to her daugh- ter Marie-Emilie-Francoise Dange, married to Augustin Creuze, in rue Saint-Honore; Dukes of Argyl l , Inveraray Castle, Argyl l , Scotland, by about the mid-nineteenth century (sold by Ian, nt h Duke of Argyl l , 1951); Sir Robert Abdy Bt. , London, 1951; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc. , New York, 1952]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1952. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Hotel de la Monnaie, Louis xv: Un Moment de perfection de I'art frangais, 1974, no. 430, pp. 327-328, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 121, illus. p. 78; J. Paul Getty, Collectors Choice (Lon- don, 1955), pp. 261-263; "Vingt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees," Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 78; Andre Boutemy, "Les vraies formes du bureau dos d'ane," Connaissance des arts 77 (July 1958), p. 43, illus.;Jean Meuvret and Claude Fre- gnac, Les Ehernstes du xvu i e siede frangais (Paris, 1963), p. 78, illus. ; Gerald Messadie, "J. Paul Getty, Mal i bu, California," Great Private Col- lections, Douglas Cooper, ed. (Zurich, 1963), pp. 180-191, illus. p. 188; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, pp. 116-117, his.; Claude Fregnac, Les Styles francais (Paris, 1975), pi. 4; Frederick- sen et al., Getty Museum, p. 157, illus. ; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 112, illus. ; Pierre Verlet, Les Meubles francais du xvm c siede (Paris, 1982), p. 27, pi . 3 (detail); Wi l son, Selections, no. 22, pp. 44-45, illus. ; "The Great Collections," French Connections: Scotland and the Arts of France (Edinburgh, 1985), p. 66, fig. 30; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 2; Pierre Cabanne, L'Art du xvni c siecle (Paris, 1987), p. 97, illus. ; Kjellberg,Dictionnaire, pp. 135, 139, illus. p. 130; Daniel Alcouffe, "Bernard Van Risen Burgh: Commode," Louvre: Nowelles Acquisitions du department des objets a"art, 19S5- 1989 (Paris 1990), p. 142; Pierre Verlet, French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century (Charlottes- ville, 1991), fig. 3 opposite p. 16; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 41, pp. 36-37, illus. p. 36; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, pp. 124-126, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 72, p. 94, illus. ; Hand- hook 2001, p. 210, illus. ROLLTOP DESK Paris, circa 1788 By Bernard Molit or; some mounts cast by the bronziers Baligant and Lesueur after designs by Gambier and Frangois Remond Fir and oak veneered wi t h mahogany and ebony; gilt-bronze mounts; gnotte de Flandre marble top Stamped wi t h B. MOLI T OR onl i p of one interior drawer. Height: 4 ft. 6 in. (137 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 11 V4 in. (181 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 10 74 in. (87 cm) Accession number 67.DA. 9 DE S K S / S E C R E T AI R E S FRENCH FURNI TURE 25 S e c r e t a i r e s PROVENANCE Louis xvi (?), listed in the inventory of the Chateau de Samt-Cloud (near Paris), an n (1793-1794); [Vandyck, London] (offered for sale, Christie's, London, May 16,1800, lot 101, and again February 12, 1801, lot 70, bought m); Octavms E. Coope (?), London; Mortimer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie's, London, June 22, 1938, lot 59); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi . between pp. 58-59; J. Paul Getty Collectors Choice (London, 1955), pp. 74, 76,107, 113, illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 128-129; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 125, illus. p. 133; Gerald Messadie, "J: Paul Getty, Mal i bu, California," Great Private Collections, Douglas Cooper, ed. (Zurich, 1963), pp. 180-191, illus. p. 186; Verlet et al., Chefsd'oeuvre, p. 131, illus.; Getty, Collecting, illus. p. 161; Fredericksen et al , Getty Museum, p. 182, illus; Jackson- Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Ul ri ch Leben, "Die Werkstatt Bernard Molitors," Kunst und Antiquitten 4 (1987), pp. 52-60, detail illus. p. 52, fig. 1; Ul ri ch Leben, Bernard Molltor (1755-1833): Lehen und Werk, eines Pariser Kunsttischlers, Ph.D. diss. (Bonn, 1989), p. 108; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 582; Ul ri ch Leben, Molltor: Ehernste from the Ancien Regime to the Bourbon Restoration (Lon- don, 1992), p. 153, pp. 190-191, figs. 8-9, 81-82,154; Ul ri ch Leben, "Bernard Molitor, cabinetmaker," Antiques (September 1995), pp. 306-15, pi. xi ; Christian Baulez, "Toute l'Europe tire ses bronzes de Paris," Bernard Molitor (1755-1833), Ul r i ch Leben, ed. (Lux- emburg 1995), pp. 77-88, 97-101, illus. figs. 8-10; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 42, p. 37, illus. p. 36. 43- SECRETAI RE Paris, circa 1755 By Jacques Dubois Maple and oak veneered wi t h panels of red Chinese lacquer on Japanese arborvitae and painted wi t h verms Martin; interior drawers of Japanese arborvitae; gilt-bronze mounts; breche d'Alep top Stamped wi t h I . DUBOI S and JME at top of right rear stile. Height: 3 ft. 4V2 in. (102.8 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 9 m. (114.3 cm); Depth: 1ft. 3V8 in. (38.4 cm) Accession number 65.DA.3 PROVENANCE [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty, 1951. BI BLI OGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 122, illus. p. 130; Gerald Messadie, "J. Paul Getty, Mal i bu, California," Great Private Collections, Douglas Cooper, ed. (Zurich, 1963), pp. 180- 191, illus. p. 189; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 121, illus.; Getty, Collecting, pp. 150-151, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 273; Stephane Boiron, "Jacques Dubois, maitre du style Louis xv, " LEstamfille-LOhjet d'art 236 (June 1990), pp. 42-59, illus. p. 56.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 43, p. 37, illus. 4 2 43 26 FRENCH FURNITURE SE CRE T AI RE S 44- SECRETAIRE Paris, circa 1765-1770 By Joseph Baumhauer Maple, mahogany, beech, and oak veneered wi t h tul i pwood, amaranth, ebony, and hol l y; gilt-bronze mounts; possibly portor d'ltalie top Stamped wi t h JOSEPH between t wo fleur- deTys three ti mestwi ce on the left fore- corner and once on the ri ght forecorner. Height: 4 ft. 6 i n. (137 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 5 i n. (104 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3 i n. (38 cm) Accession number 84.DA.969 PROVENANCE Mrs. Orme Wi l s on (sold by her executors, Parke-Bernet, New York, March 25, 1949, l ot 339); Paul Rosenberg, Paris; [Di di er Aaron, Inc., New York, 1984]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Cooper-Hewi tt Museum, Writing and Reading, September 1981-January 1982; Richmond, Vi rgi ni a, Experts'Choice: One Thousand Years of the Art Trade, Apr i l 22- June 12, 1983, p. 131, i l l us., lent by Di di er Aaron, Inc., New York. BIBLIOGRAPHY E Lewi s Hinckley, Directory of the Historic Cabi- net Woods (New York, i 960), p. 103, illus. p. 102, fig. 96; Bremer-David, "Acquisitions 1984," no. 4, pp. 81-83, illus- J Acqui si ti ons/ 1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 62, p. 181, i l l us.; Jean-Dominique Augarde, "1749 Joseph Baumhauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi ," L'Estawpille 204 (June 1987), pp. 15-45, figs. 1, 36; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 53, p. 245; Kjel l berg, Dictionnaire, p. 450, illus. p. 448; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 44, p. 38, illus.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, p. 112, illus. 45- SECRETAIRE Paris, circa 1770 Attri buted to Jean-Francois Leleu Oak veneered wi t h amaranth, bloodwood, tul i pwood, and holly; gilt-bronze mounts; steel fittings; breche d'Alep top Penciled wi t h 1770 inside the carcass. Label pri nted wi t h E ARL OF ROSEBERY pasted on back. Height: 3 ft. 67s i n. (107.3 c m ^ Wi dt h: 3 ft. 11 74 i n. (120 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 574 i n. (43.6 cm) Accession number 82.DA.81 PROVENANCE Baron Mayer (Amschel) de Rothschild (1818- 1874), Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire; Hannah de Rothschild (1851-1890) (Countess of Rosebery wi fe of the 5th Earl, married 1878), Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire; (Al bert) Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rose- bery, Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire; Nei l Primrose, 7th Earl of Rosebery, Ment- more Towers, Buckinghamshire (sold, Sotheby's, Mentmore Towers, May 18,1977, lot 24); private collection, London, 1977; [Mal l etts, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Depart- ment of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 325; Phi l i ppe Jullian, "Mentmore," Connaissance des arts 303 (May 1977), p. 82, illus.; Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1982," no. 12, pp. 56-60, figs. 79, 81-84; Wi l son, Selections, no. 37, pp. 56-57, i l l us.; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, p. 334, illus. p. 337, fig. 392; Kjel l berg, Dictionnaire, illus. p. 509; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 45, p. 38, illus. 46. ^ SECRETAIRE Paris, circa 1770-1775 By Philippe-Claude Monti gny Oak veneered wi t h bloodwood, ebony, tor- toiseshell, brass, and pewter; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped wi t h MONT I G NY JME on the back. Height: 4 ft. 7 l /i i n. (141.5 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 9 i n. (84.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3V4 i n. (40.3 cm) Accession number 85.DA. 378 PROVENANCE Monsieur de Bi l l y Paris (sold through the marchand-mercier A.-J. Paillet, Hotel de Bul- l i on, Paris, November 15-19,1784, no. 171, for 860 livres to Desmarest); Joseph-Hyacmthe- Francois de Paule de Rigaud, comte de Vau- dreuil, Paris (sold under the direction of Le Brun i n the Grande Salle, rue de Cl ery Paris, November 26, 1787, no. 368, for 1,305 livres to Lerouge); [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 45 44 SE CRE T AI RE S FRENCH 27] early 1960s]; MmeJorge Ortiz-Lmares, Paris (offered for sale, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 14, 1982, no. 423, bought in); [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gillian Wi l son, "A Secretaire by Philippe- Claude Mont igny" GettyMus] 14 (1986), pp. 121-126, figs. 1, 4, 7; " Acquisitions A985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 200, p. 246, illus. ; Jean-Dominique Augarde, " 1749 Joseph Baumhauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi," LEstampille 204 (June 1987), p. 30; Pra- dere, "Boulle, du Louis xi v sous Louis xvi , " LEstawpille-L'Otyet d'art 4 (June 1987), pp. 56- 67,118, illus. ; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, p. 305, illus. p. 307, fig. 347; Gillian Wi l son. "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiques 10 (November 1990), pp. 90-95, illus. p. 93; Bruno Pons et al., LArt decor atif en Europe: Classiaue et baroque, Al am Gruber, ed. (Paris, 1992), illus. p. 183; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 46, p. 39, illus. ; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre n, pp. 176-177, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 83, p. 106, illus. ; Handbook 2001, p. 223, illus. 46 47 4T SECRETAIRE Secretaire: Paris, circa 1775; porcelain: Sevres manufactory, 1775 By Mar t i n Carlin; circular Sevres porcelain plaque painted by Jean-Jacques Pierre le jeune; t wo of the frieze plaques and t wo of the spandrel plaques painted by Claude Cou- turier; central frieze plaque gilded by Etienne-Henri Le Guay Oak veneered wi t h ebony, holly, stained holly, amaranth and tulipwood, incised wi t h colored mastics; set wi t h eight soft-paste porcelain plaques; gilt-bronze mounts; whit e marble top Stamped wi t h M. C AR LI N and JME twice on lower back. Al l the plaques except for t wo of the spandrels are painted in blue on their reverses wi t h the crossed Ls of the Sevres manufactory. On all but the central frieze plaque the crossed Ls enclose the date letter x for 1775; the circular plaque bears the painter's mark i n blue of P' for Pierre le jeune, and i n black, 216; t wo spandrel and the t wo frieze plaques bear the painter's mark in blue. The central frieze plaque bears the gilder's mark LG in gold, partly rubbed. Rothschild inventory numbers are chalked twice on back of each carcass: KKU 859, AR 542, L1120, and 3. Height: 3 ft. 11*A in. (120 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 1 in. (94 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 ! A m. (34 cm) Accession number 65. DA.2 PROVENANCE Baron Nathaniel (Mayer) von Rothschild (1836-1905), Vienna, by 1903; Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von Rothschild (1878- 1942), Vienna; confiscated by the Nazis i n March 1938; restituted to Baronm Clarice von Rothschild (1874-1967), Vienna, in 1947 and sent to New York shortly after- ward (sold privately 1950); [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1950]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1950. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baron Nathaniel Mayer de Rothschild, Noti- zen ber einige meiner Kunstgegenstnde (1903), no. 319, p. 128; J. Paul Getty Collectors Choice (London, 1955), pp. 76-77, 81, illus. unnum- bered pi. between pp. 152-153; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 131, illus. p. 134; Charles Packer, Pans Furniture by the Master Ekmstes (Newport, Monmouthshire, 1956), p. 59, fig. 175A; "Vmgt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees," Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p- 77; Verlet et al , Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 127, illus. ; G. Reitlmger, Tke Economics of Taste (London, 1963), vol. 2, p. 426; Getty, Collecting, p. 156, illus. p. 157; F. J. B. Watson, TJte Wrightsman Collection (New York, 1966), vol. 1, p. 190; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 176-177, illus. ; Gi l - lian Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 e me partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connais- sance des arts 280 (June 1975), p- 97, illus. ; Michael Strmer, Handwerk und hfsche Kultur: Europische Mbelkunst im 18.Jahrhundert (Munich, 1982), p. 47, illus. ; Adrian Sassoon, "Sevres Plaques," Techniques of tke World's Great Masters of Pottery and Ceramics, Hugo Morley-Fletcher, ed. (Oxford, 1984), pp. 62-63, illus.; Gisela Zick, "Die russische Wahrsagerin, Em Tisch fr Marie Karolme von Neapel," Kunst und Antiquitten 4-5 (1984), pp. 36-52, pl. 4, p. 39; Reimer J. Baarsen, "Rond een Neder- 28 FRENCH FURNI TURE SE CRE T AI RE S landse Lodewij k xvi secretaire op Het Loo/' Antiele 7 (February 1986), pp. 384-395; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, pp. 612, 877, 879; note 45, p. 613; notes 45-46, p. 901; Pradere, LesEhenistes, no. 29, p. 356; Kjellberg, Die tionnaire, p. 162; Daniel Alcouffe, "Secretaire abbattant," Louvre: Nouvelles acquisitions du department des objets d'art, 1985-1989 (Paris, 1990), no. 71, p. 154, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiques 10(November 1990), pp. 90-95; Sassoon, Vmcennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 35, pp. 174-176, illus. pp. 175- 177; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 47, pp. 39- 40, illus. 48. ^ SECRETAI RE Paris, circa 1775 By Rene Dubois Oak veneered wi t h king wood, tulipwood, holly, hornbeam, and ebony; incised wi t h col- ored mastics; set wi t h mother-of-pearl; gi l t - bronze mounts; whit e marble top Stamped wi t h I . DUBOI S and JME on back. Height: 5 ft. 3 in. (160 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 3 5 /8 in. (70.2 cm); Depth: 1ft. 1 V 4 in. (33.7 cm) Accession number 72.DA.60 PROVENANCE Sir Richard Wallace, Paris; Lady Wallace, Paris, by inheritance, 1890; Sir John Murray Scott, London, by inheritance, 1897 (sold after his death, Christie's, London, June 24, 1913, lot 54); E. M. Hodgkms; [Jacques Seligmann, Paris]; Henry Walters, New York (sold by his wi dow, Parke-Bernet, New York, Apr i l 26, 1941, lot 712); Baron and Baronne Cassel van Doom, Paris (sold, Galerie Jean Charpentier, Paris, March 9, 1954, no. 90); Guedes de Souza, Paris; [Frank Partridge and Sons, Lt d. , London, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Jean Nicolay, L'Art et la Manuredes Maitres Ehernstes francais au xvm mc siecle (Pans, 1956), p. 153, illus. ; F J. B. Watson, Louisxvi Furni- ture (London, i960), no. 89, illus. ; Pierre Ver- let, French Cabinetmakers of the Eighteenth Century (Pans, 1963), p. 221, illus. ; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Les Ekmstes du xvi n e siecle francais (Paris, 1963), p. 221, illus. ; F. Lewis Hinckley, A Directory of Antique French Furniture 1735-1800 (New York, 1967), p. 69, illus. ; Fredericksen et al , Getty Museum, p. 167, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 48, p. 40, illus. ; Ramond, Chefsd'oeuvre 11, pp. 39, 114, illus. ; Peter Hughes, The Wallace Collection Catalogue of Furniture (London, 1996), vol. 3, p. 1566, no. 54; Masterpieces, no. 89, p. 112, illus. 49- SECRETAI RE Secretaire: Paris, circa 1777; porcelain: Sevres manufactory, 1776-1777 By Mar t i n Carlin; the t wo large Sevres por- celain plaques on the fall front painted by Edme-Francois Bouillat, and the t wo smaller ones on the drawer painted by Raux fits ami Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood, amaranth, holly and ebony stringing; set wi t h five soft- paste porcelain plaques; enameled metal; gi l t - bronze mounts; whit e marble top Stamped wi t h M. C AR LI N and JME t wice under the drawer front. Al l porcelain plaques are painted on their reverses wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory. On the t wo large plaques the crossed L's are flanked by a Y on each side: one is the date letter for 1776, the other is the painter's mark; on the drawer front the t wo small plaques are each painted i n black wi t h the painter's mark of a circle of dots; the small plaque on the right bears the date letter Z for 1777 in blue and the marks X and l o i n gold; the long plaque in the center bears an unidentified painter's mark in blue and the date letter Z for 1777 in blue wi t h a paper price label printed wi t h crossed L's and inked wi t h 36 [litres]. Height: 3 ft. 6V4 in. (107.9 c m ^ Wi dt h: 3 ft. 4V2 in. (103 cm); Depth: 1ft. 2in. (35.5 cm) Accession number 81.DA.80 PROVENANCE Don Francesco de Borja Alvarez de Toledo (?), 16th Duke of Medma-Sidonia and 12th Marquess of Villafranca; Don Pedro de Alcantara Alvarez de Toledo, 17t h Duke of Medma-Sidonia (sold by his heir the Mar- quess of Villafranca, Hotel Drouot, Paris, Apr i l 21,1870, no. 23); purchased at that sale by Richard, 4t h Marquess of Hertford, Paris [through Nieuwenhuys]; Sir Richard Wallace, Chateau de Bagatelle, Paris, by inheritance, 1870; Lady Wallace, Chateau de Bagatelle, Paris, by inheritance, 1890; Sir John Murray Scott, Paris, by inheritance, 1897; Victoria, Lady Sackville, Paris, inher- ited 1912; [Jacques Seligmann, Paris]; Baron (1868-1949) and Baronne Edouard (Alphonse 48 SE CRE T AI RE S FRENCHFURNITURE 29 James) de Rothschild (1868-1949), Paris; Baron Guy (Edouard Alphonse Paul) de Rothschild (born 1909), Paris, by descent; Mr. and Mrs. Habi b Sabet, Paris, early 1970s. BIBLIOGRAPHY F. J. B. Watson, Wallace Collection Catalogues: Furniture (London, 1956), p. 159; Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1981," no. 1, pp. 63-66, illus.; Dorothee Guilleme-Brulon, "Les Plaques en porcelaine de Sevres dans le mobilier," EEstampille 163 (November 1983), pp. 42-43, illus.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 39, pp. 78-79; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, fig. 7; Frederic Edelmann, "Musee Getty, Le Trust de l'art," Beaux-arts magazine (September 1987), no. 49, illus. p. 75; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 877; note 45, p. 901; vol. 3, p. 1063; note 3, p. 1064; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 28, p. 356; Kj el l - berg, Dictionnaire, p. 160; Sassoon, Vmcennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 38, pp. 184-186, illus. pp. 184, 186; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 50, pp. 41-42, illus. p. 41; Peter Hughes, Tke Wallace Collection Catalogue of Furniture (London, 1996), vol. 3, note 1, p. 1535; Masterpieces, no. 90, p. 113, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 225, illus. 49 5 5 - SECRETAIRE Secretaire: Paris, circa 1783; porcelain: Sevres manufactory, circa 1783 Attri buted to Adam Weisweiler; three of the Sevres porcelain plaques gi l ded by Henry- Frangois Vincent lejeune Oak veneered wi t h yew burl , mahogany, ebony and maple; drawers of mahogany and juniper; set wi t h five soft-paste porce- l ai n plaques; gilt-bronze mounts; whi te marble top One of the oval plaques and the t wo smaller rectangular plaques are marked i n gold on the reverse wi t h the crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory, adjacent to the gilders mark 2000; the central plaque is inscribed No 353. The central rectangular plaque and one of the oval plaques have paper Sevres price labels pri nted wi t h the crossed L's; the label of the oval plaque is inked wi t h 72 [livres]. Height: 4 ft. 1 i n. (124. 5 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 8V4 i n. (81.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2 3 A m. (37.5 cm) Accession number 70. DA.83 PROVENANCE Jules Lowengard, Paris, before 1908; Baron Nathaniel (Mayer) von Rothschild (1836- 1905), Vienna, by 1913; Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von Rothschild (1878-1942), Vienna; confiscated by the Nazis i n March 1938; restituted to the Baronin Clarice von Roth- schild (1874-1967), Vienna, i n 1947, and sent to New York soon afterward (sold privately, 1950); [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1950. BIBLIOGRAPHY Seymour de Ri cci , Louis xvi Furniture (London, 1913), p. 127, illus.; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), p- 77, illus. unnum- bered pi . between pp. 152-153; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 126, illus. p. 134; Charles Packer, Pans Furniture by the Master Ebenistes (Newport, Monmouthshire, 1956), fig. 209; "Vmgt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees," Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 80; F. J. B. Wat- son, Louis xvi Furniture (London, i960), no. 86, pp. 121-122, illus.; Jean Meuvret and Claude Fregnac, Les Ebenistes du x v i u e Steele francais (Paris, 1963), p. 286, illus. (errone- ously described as being i n the Metropol i tan Museum of Art , New York); Gerald Reit- linger, The Economics of Taste (London, 1963), vol. 2, p. 426; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 129, i l l us.; Getty, Collecting, pp. 158-159, illus.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 178, illus.; Patricia Lemonnier, Weisweiler (Paris, 1983), p. 109 i l l us.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 888, and note 92, p. 901; Kjel l berg, Dic- tionnaire, p. 872; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiques 10 (November 1990), pp. 90-95; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porce- lain, no. 40, pp. 193-196, illus. pp. 194-197; Bremer^David, Summary, no. 51, pp. 42-43, illus. p. 42. 30 FRENCH FURNI TURE SE CRE T AI RE S 5 1 5 1 - SECRETAI RE Paris (?), circa 1780 Oak veneered wi t h satinwood, fruitwoods, tulipwood, and ebony; incised wi t h mastics The back of the secretaire bears six wax seals wi t h the date 1830 and the word CHART E ; the back is inscribed wi t h the Dalva Brothers inventory number 10697. Height: 4 ft. 11 Vs in. (152 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. V 4 in. (92.2 cm); Depth: 1ft. 9V8 in. (55.6 cm) Accession number 85. DA. 147 PROVENANCE Unknown collection, Paris, circa 1830; pri - vate collection, Belgium (sold, Galerie Moderne, Brussels, March 15,1976, no. 1305); [La Cour de Varenne, Paris, late 1970s-1982]; [Dalva Brothers, Inc. , New York, 1982]. BI BLI OGRAPHY JeanBedel, Les Antiauites et la krocante (Paris, 1981), illus. on the front and back covers; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 210, p. 250, illus. ; Pierre Ramond, Marquetry (Newt own, Connecticut, 1989), p. 85, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 52, p. 43, illus. 5 2 - SECRETAI RE Paris, circa 1785 At t ribut ed to Jean-Henri Riesener Oak veneered wi t h amaranth and ebony, set wi t h panels of black Japanese lacquer on Japanese arborvitae; interior fittings of mahogany; gilt-bronze mounts; black marble top There are t wo paper labels inked wi t h Hamil- ton Palace on the back. Height: 5 ft. 1 in. (155 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 8V4 in. (112.5 c m ) i Depth: 1 ft. 6V2 in. (47 cm) Accession number 71.DA. 104 PROVENANCE George Watson Taylor, Erlestoke Mansion, Devizes, Wi l t shi re (sold, Erlestoke Mansion, July 9 et seq., 1832, lot 26); Alexander Archibald Douglas, the 10th Duke of Hamil- ton and 7th Duke of Brandon (1767-1852), Hamilton Palace, Lanarkshire, Scotland; listed i n the Duke s Dressing Room i n an inventory of 1835-1840; Wi l l i am Alexander Douglas, 12th Duke of Hamilton and 9th Duke of Brandon (1845-1885), Hamilton 5 2 Palace, by descent (sold, Christie's, Lon- don, July 10, 1882, lot 1296, to Samson Wertheimer); Cornelius Vanderbilt 11 (1843- 1899), The Breakers, Newport, Rhode Island, by about the 1890s; Alice Vanderbilt (1846- 1934, w i f e f Cornelius Vanderbilt 11), The Breakers, Newport, Rhode Island; Gladys Moore Vanderbilt (Countess Laszlo Szechenyi, 1886-1965), by descent (sold by her heirs, Sotheby's, London, Novem- ber 26, 1971, lot 71); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Wi l l i am Roberts, Memorials of Christie's (London, 1897), vol. 2, illus. p. 37; Seymour de Ricci, Louis xvi Furniture (London, 1913), p. 147, illus. ; Fredencksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 175, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 a m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 91, illus. ; Frances Buckland, "Die Karriere eines Kunstschreiners: Johann Heinrich Riesener, Ebenist am Hofe Ludwigs xvi , " Kunst und Antiquitten 6 (1980), p. 37, illus. p. 28, hg. 7; Ronald Freyberger, "Eighteenth-Century French Furniture from Hamilton Palace," Apollo 114, no. 238 (Decem- ber 1981), pp. 407-408, illus. p. 405, pi. 20; Wi l son, Selections, no. 41, pp. 82-83, i H u s - ; "The Great Collections," French Connections: Scotland and the Arts of France (Edinburgh, 1985), pp. 78, 81, 84, illus. p. 83, fig. 47; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 712, illus. p. 707; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 53, pp. 43-44, illus. p. 43. 5 1 T A B L E S FRENCH FURNITURE 31 Tables 53 53- READING AND WRI TI NG TABLE Paris, circa 1670-1675 Oak veneered wi t h amaranth, ebony, and rose- wood; ivory and blue painted horn; drawers of walnut; gilt-bronze moldings; steel; modern silk velvet Hei ght: 2 ft. 1 i n. (63.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 7Vs i n. (48.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2 i n. (35.5 cm) Accession number 83. DA . 21 PROVENANCE Made for Louis xi v; Dupi l l e de Saint-Severin (?), Paris (sold, Paris, February 21,1785, no. 323); [Bernard Stemitz, Paris, 1982]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), p. 261, no. 1, i l l us.; Gi l l i an Wi l so n, "Two Newl y Discovered Pieces of Royal French Furniture," Antologia di belli aril 27-28 (1985), pp. 61-66, i l l us.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Jacques Charles et al., De Versailles Paris: Le Destm des collections royales (Paris, 1989), lllus. p. 22, fig. 12; Pradere, LesEbenistes, p. 47, illus. p. 46, fig. 2; Pamela Cowen, "The Trianon de Porcelaine at Versailles," Magazine Antiques (January 1993), pp. 136-143, illus. p. 138; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 56, p. 45, i l l us.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 1, pp. 34-36, i l l us.; Liselotte von der Pfalz, Madame am Hofe des Sonnenknigs (Heidel- berg, 1997), p- 180, fig. 1.; Western Furniture: 1350 to the Present Day, Christopher Wi l k, ed. (London, 1996), p. 66, fig. 2.; Masterpieces, no. 38, p. 52; Richard Pascale, Versailles: The American Story (Paris, 1999), p. 21, i l l us.; Hand- book 2001, p. 185, illus. 54- TABLE Paris, circa 1680 Attri buted to Pierre Gol l e Oak and frui twood veneered wi t h wal nut, ebony, tortoiseshell, pewter, and brass; gi l ded wood; drawers of oak and rosewood; gilt-bronze mounts One drawer bears a paper label inked wi t h N. ^/qSoo^. Hei ght: 2 ft. 6V2 i n. (76.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 4V 2 i n. (42 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2V4 i n. (36.1 cm) Accession number 82.DA.34 PROVENANCE Louis, Grand Dauphi n of France (?) (1661-1711); H. Burgess (?) (sold, Christie's, London, May 30, 1899, l ot 49, for 22 i s.); Henry James Lai rd, Ardmore House, Black- 54 Detail of top (open) heath Park, Mi ddl esex (sold, Christie's, Lon- don, March 19, 1936, l ot 147); private collec- ti on, Scotland (sold, Phi l l i ps, Glasgow, Apr i l 16, 1981, l ot 305); [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1981]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Depart- ment of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 325; Gazette des beaux-arts 51 (March 1983), illus. p. 34; Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1982," no. 2, pp. 18-23, i l l us.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 5, pp. 10-11, i l l us.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Jacques Charles et al , DeVer- sailles Pans: Le Destw des collections royales (Paris, 1989), illus. p. 22, fig. 13; Bremer-David, Summary no. 57, p. 46, i l l us.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 1, pp. 88-93, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 39, p. 53, i l l us.; Handbook 2001, p. 186, illus. 54 32 FRENCH FURNITURE T A B L E S 55- TABLE Pans, circa 1680 Attri buted to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak veneered wi t h boxwood, cherry, maple, stained maple, frui twood, juniper, Ceylon satmwood, beech, amaranth, ebony, tortoise- shell, pewter, brass, horn and ivory; gi l t- bronze mounts Hei ght: 2 ft. 4V8 i n. (72 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 7V2 i n. (110.5 c m ^ D e pt h: 2 ft. 5 i n. (73.6 cm) Accession number 71. DA . 100 PROVENANCE Lord Thomas Staple ton (?), Le Despencer family, Mereworth Castle, Kent (sold, circa 1831, to Levy, Maidstone, Kent, 35); London art market, 1831; Ri chard Planta- genet, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Chan- dos, Stowe House, Buckinghamshire (sold, Christie's, Stowe House, August 15 et seq., 1848, l ot 256, to [Redfern] for 59); Wi l l i am Humble, 11th Baron Ward (created i st Earl 55 of Dudley, i 860, died 1885), 1848; Wi l l i am Humble, 2nd Earl of Dudl ey (died 1932), Dudl ey House, Park Lane, London; Sir Joseph B. Robinson, Bt., purchased wi t h the contents of Dudl ey House; Count Joseph Labia (son-inTaw of Sir Joseph C. Robinson), London (sold, Sotheby's, London, May 17, 1963, l ot 137); [Ronald Lee, London, 1970]; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS The Minneapolis Insti tute of Arts, Tke J. Paul Getty Museum, June-September 1972, no. 55. BIBLIOGRAPHY Henry R. Forster, The Stowe Catalogue: Priced and Annotated (London, 1848), no. 256, p. 16; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 146, i l l us.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 108, i l l us.; Mi chael Strmer, Handwerk und hfische Kultur: Europische Mbelhxnst im 18.J ahrhundert (Muni ch, 1982), pp. 35, 215, i l l us.; Mar- vi n D. Schwartz, "Boulle Furniture," Arts and Antiques (Apri l 1983), illus. p. 68; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "A Late Seventeenth-Century French Cabinet at the J. Paul Getty Museum," The Art Institute of Chicago Centennial Lecture: Museum Studies 10 (1983), pp. 119-131, i l l us.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 4, pp. 8-9, i l l us.; Al var Gonzlez-Palacios, II Tempw del gusto: Le Arti decorative m Italia fra classicismi e barocco: 11 Graniu- cato di Toscana e gli stati settentrionali (Mi l an, 1986), vol. 1, p. 28, and vol. 2, pp. 52-53, fig. 54, i l l us.; Pradere, LesEhinistes, no. 301, p. 108; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 58, pp. 46-47, illus. p. 47; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 1, pp. 40-43, i l l us.; Peter Thorton, Form and Decoration 1470-1870: Innovation in the Decorative Arts (London, 1998), p. 121, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 43, pp. 58-59, i l l us.; Handhook 2001, p. 188, illus. 55 Top TAB LES FRENCH FURNI TURE 33 56. TABLE Paris, circa 1680 At t ribut ed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak and mahogany veneered wi t h ebony boxwood, walnut, mahogany, amaranth, stained maple, tortoiseshell, horn, pewter, brass, and ivory; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 2 ft. 874 in. (82 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 9V8 in. (116.5 c m ^ Depth: 2 ft. 2 in. (66 cm) Accession number 83.DA. 22 PROVENANCE [Bernheimer, Munich, 1920s]; Hermann, Graf von Arnim, Schloss Muskau, Saxony, taken by him to Munich, 1945. BI BLI OGRAPHY Hermann, Graf von Arni m and Wi l l i Boelcke, Muskau: Standesherrschaft zwischen Spree und Neie (Berlin, 1978), illus. p. 27; "Acquisi- tions /1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 2, p. 261, illus. ; Pradere, LesEbenistes, no. 302, p. 108, illus. p. 99, hg. 56; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 59, p. 47, illus. ; Ramond, Chefs doeuvre 1, pp. 96-101, illus. 57- TABLE (BUREAU PLAT ) Pans, circa 1710-1715 At t ribut ed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak veneered wi t h ebony, tortoiseshell, and brass; drawers of walnut; gilt-bronze mounts; leather top 51 Height: 2 ft. 7 n / i e in. (80.5 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 4V16 in. (195.4 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 2 3 A in. (98.5 cm) Accession number 85.DA.23 PROVENANCE Alexandre de Flahaut, comte de la Billarderie (1726-1793), or Charles-Claude de Flahaut, comte d' Angrviller (1730-1809), Paris; by descent to Auguste-Charles-Joseph, comte de Flahaut de la Billarderie (1785-1870), Paris, and French ambassador to England 1860- 1862; by descent to Emily de Flahaut, Baroness of Nairne (died 1895), Paris and London; Lady Emily Fitzmaurice (?), Lon- don; A. E. H. Di gby Esq. (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 22, 1951, lot 70); [Michel Meyer, Paris, 1985]. BI BLI OGRAPHY "Le Meuble Boulle," Connaissance des arts 2 (Apr i l 1952), p. 20; Stephane Faniel et al. , Le xvi i i 1 siecle francais (Collection Connais- sance des arts, Paris, 1958), p. 60, fig. 6; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 193, p. 243, illus,; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 82, p. 102, illus. p. 78, fig. 27; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 60, p. 48, illus. 56 34 FRENCH FURNI TURE T AB L E S 58. TABLE (BUREAU PLAT) Pans, circa 1725 Attributed to Charles Cressent Oak and pine veneered wi t h salmi rouge and amaranth; gilt-bronze mounts; modern leather top Black and white chalk drawing, possibly for a corner mount, on an interior panel. Height: 2 ft. 67s in. (76.5 cm); Wi d t h: 6 ft. 77s in. (202.2 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1174 in. (89.5 cm) Accession number 67.DA. 10 PROVENANCE H. H. A. Josse, Paris (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 29, 1894, no. 152); pur- chased at that sale by Edouard Chappey Paris (sold privately after 1900); Ernest Cronier, Paris (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, December 4-5, 1905, no. 135, to [Jacques Seligmann, Paris]); Francois Coty Paris (sold, Galerie Jean Charpentier, Paris, Novem- ber 30-December 1, 1936, no. 84, to [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris]); confiscated by or sold to the Reichsbank, 1941, and presumably restituted or returned; [Cameron in partnership wi t h B. Fabre et Fils, London, 1949]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1949. EXHI BI TI ONS Paris, Petit Palais, Exposition universelle de igoo, LExposition retrospective de I'art frangais des ongmes a 1800,1900, vol. 1, no. 2904, p. 299, illus. p. 188 (lent by Edouard Chappey). BI BLI OGRAPHY Alfred de Champeaux, Portefeuille des arts deco- ratifs jeme annee (Paris, 1884-1885), pi. 578; Emile Molinier, Ehstoire generale des arts appliques l'mdustrieduv c lafnduxvui e siecle, vol. 3, Le Mobilier au xvn c et au xvm c siecle (Paris, 1896), illus. p. 99; Emile Moliner and Frantz Mar- cou, Exposition retrospective de X art frangais des ori- gmes 1800 (Paris, 1901), pp. 113-114 and illus. unnumbered pi . ; Exposition universelle de 1900, Le Mobilier a travers les ages aux Grand et Petit Palais: I ntirieurs xvnf et xi x e slides: Exposi- tion centenale (Paris, 1902), illus. pi . 41; Marie- Juliette Ballot, Charles Cressent: Sculpteur, ebeniste, collectionneur, Archives de I 'art frangais: Nouvelle peri- ode 10 (Paris, 1919), pp. 113-114, 136-137, 145; Adol f Feulner, Kunstgeschichte des Mbels seit dem Altertum (Berlin, 1927), p. 314; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), pp. 116-117 and fig. 2, p. 119; J. Paul Getty, Collector s Choice (Lon- don, 1955), pp. 168-169, illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 160-161; Getty, Collecting, 58 pp. 142-143, illus.; Pierre Verlet, LaMaison du x v i n e siecle en France: Sociiti, decoration, mobilier (Pans, 1966), no. 133, pp. 168-169, illus.; Claude Fregnac, Les Styles frangais (Paris, 1975), vol. 1p. 179, illus.; Fredericksen et al , Getty Museum, pp. 145,153, illus.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 10, pp. 20-21, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 202; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 61, pp. 48-49, illus. p. 49. 59 Paris, circa 1725 Oak and fir veneered wi t h bloodwood and cururu; drawers of walnut; gilt-bronze mounts; modern silk velvet Closed Height: 2 ft. 674 in. (76.8 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 378 in. (101.3 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 8 74 in. (51.4 cm); Opened Height: 2 ft. 57s in. (74 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 37s in. (101.3 c m ^ Depth: 3 ft- 4 in. (101.6 cm) Accession number 75.DA.2 PROVENANCE Jane, Countess of Westmorland (wife of the 10th Earl, married 1800, died 1857), Cotter- stock Hall, Northamptonshire, from the late eighteenth century; Lieutenant Colonel Hon. Henry Fane (son of Jane, Countess of West- morland; died 1904), Cotterstock Hall; Henry Dundas, 5th Viscount Melville (cousin of 59 59 WRITING AND CARD TABLE T AB L E S FRENCH FURNI TURE 35 Hon. Henry Fane), Cotterstock Hall; Dundas family, Melville Castle, Scotland, until 1967; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London]; [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 62, p. 49, illus. 60. TABLE (BUREAU PLAT ) Paris, circa 1735 Attributed to Charles Cressent Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood; gilt-bronze mounts; modern leather top Height: 2 ft. 7Vs in. (81cm); Wi d t h: 6 ft. 4V4 in. (193.7 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 1V2 in. (95.2 cm) Accession number 55. DA . 3 PROVENANCE F. F. Uthemann, St. Petersburg, late nine- teenth century; in Helsinki by 1921; Sir Rob- ert Abdy; Edi th and Sir Alfred Chester Beatty (1875-1968), London; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHI BI TI ONS Oslo, Norway, The Nasjonalgalleriet, on loan, 1921-1923. BI BLI OGRAPHY Alexandre Benois, "La collection de M. Utheman St.-Petersbourg," Staryegody (Apri l 1908), p. 181, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 143, illus. p. 142; Fredericksen et al , Getty Museum, p. 153, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 204; Alexandre Pradere, "Le Maitre aux Pagodes," EEstampille/EObjet d'art 256 (March 1992), pp. 22-44, illus. p. 35, fig. 17, p. 36, and no. 22, p. 43; LAbbe d'Arndes, "Les Commodes Tombeaux," LEstawpille/LObjet d'art 260 (July/August 1992), pp. 50-65, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 63, p. 50, illus. 61. TABLE (BUREAU PLAT ) Paris, circa 1745 Attributed to Joseph Baumhauer Oak and ash veneered wi t h bloodwood; gi lt- bronze mounts; modern leather top Al l mounts are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 2 ft. 7Vie in. (78.9 cm); Wi d t h: 5 ft. 11V8 in. (181.3 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 3V8 in. (100.7 c m ) Accession number 71. DA . 95 PROVENANCE Empress Elizabeth of Russia (?), given to her by Louis XV, 1745, or purchased by Count Vorontsov, St. Petersburg, mPans, 1745; Empress Catherine 11 of Russia by descent, 1762, or purchased wi t h the Vorontsov Palace; Helen, Duchess of Mecklenburg- Strelitz (Princess of Saxe-Altenburg), Cabinet de la Souverame, Chinese Palace, Oranienbaum (near St. Petersburg), by 1904; sold by the Soviet government to [Duveen Brothers, New York, 1931]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pomte Farms, Mi chi - gan, by 1935 (sold, Christie's, London, June 24,1971, lot 98); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHI BI TI ONS St. Petersburg, Exposition retrospective d'objets d'art a Samt-Petersbourg, Adrien Prachoff, 1904, pp. 229, 231, illus. p. 232. BI BLI OGRAPHY Denis Roche, Le Mobilier francais en Russie (Pans, 1912), vol. 1, pl. 18; Duveen and Co., A Catalogue of Works of Art of the Eighteenth Century in the Collection of Anna Thomson Dodge (Detroit, 1933), p. i x, illus.; Andre Boutemy "B.VR.B. et la morphologie de son style," Gazette des beaux-arts 49 (March 1957), pp. 165-174, illus. p. 174; Andre Boutemy, "L'Ebeniste Joseph Baumhauer," Connaissance des arts 157 (March 1965), illus. p. 88; Anthony Cole- ridge, "Works of Ar t wi t h a Royal Prove- nance from the Collection of the late Mrs. Anna Thomson Dodge," Connoisseur 177, no. 711 (May 1971), pp. 34-36, illus. p. 35; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 186, illus.; Jean-Dommique Augarde, "1749Joseph Baumhauer, ebeniste privilegie du roi," L'Estawpille 204 (June 1987), pp. 15-45, fig- 3; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 64, pp. 50-51, illus. p. 50. 6o 61 36 FRENCH FURNI TURE T AB L E S 62 62. TABLE (BUREAU PLAT ) Paris, circa 1745-1749 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood and ebony; gilt-bronze mounts; modern leather top Stamped wi t h B. VR. B. underneath; some mounts are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1 745- 1 ' J49- Height: 2 ft. 7in. (78.7 cm); Wi d t h: 5 ft. 4V2 in. (163.8 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 7V8 in. (79.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA.84 PROVENANCE Henry Hirsch, London (sold, Christie s, Lon- don, June 11, 1931, lot 171); [J. M. Botibol, London, 1931]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, by 1940; distributed to the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BI BLI OGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 56-57; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), p. 171; Andre Boutemy "B.VR.B. et la morphologie de son style," Gazette des heaux-arts 49 (March 1957), pp. 165-167; Barry Shifman, "A Newly Found Table by Edward Holmes Baldock," Apollo 119 (January 1984), pp. 38-42, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 139; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 65, p. 51, illus. 63. MECHANI CAL WR I T I N G AND TOI LET TABLE Paris, circa 1750 By Jean-Francois Oeben Oak veneered wi t h bloodwood, amaranth, kingwood, holly, and ebony; drawer of juniper; iron mechanism; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped wi t h J. F. OEBEN and JME under- neath. Height: 2 ft. 4V4 in. (73 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 5V8 in. (73.9 cm); Depth: 1ft. 2 7 /s in. (37.8 cm) Accession number 70.DA.84 PROVENANCE [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris]; [Cameron i n partner- ship wi t h B. Fabre et Fils, London]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty, 1949. 63 Top BI BLI OGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), no. 1, p. 118, illus. p. 124; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), pp. 167-168, illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 88-89; "Vingt Mi l l e Lieues dans les musees," Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 80; Andre Boutemy, "Les Tables- Coiffeuses de Jean-Francois Oeben," Bulletin de la Socie de l'Histoire de I 'Art francais (December 1962), pp. 101-116; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 123, illus.; Andre Boutemy, "Jean- Francois Oeben Meconnu," Gazette des heaux- arts 63 ( Apr i l 1964), pp. 207-224, illus. p. 215, fig. 23; Getty Collecting, p. 153, illus.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 163, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 619; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 66, p. 51, illus.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 111, pp. 15-19, illus. 64. WR I T I N G AND T OI LE T TABLE Paris, circa 1754 By Jean-Francois Oeben Oak veneered wi t h kingwood, tulipwood, amaranth, boxwood, holly, barberry, stained hornbeam, Ceylon satinwood, fruitwood, padouk, natural and stained maple; leather; silk fabric lining; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped wi t h J. F. OEBEN twice under- neath table and inscribed in ink No. 4. Label underneath table printed Mrs John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; label inside drawer is mked wi t h C. 6478/J. D. R. J N R /io West Fifty-fourth Street, New York. Height: 2 ft. 4 in. (71.1cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 7V2 in. (80 cm); Depth: 1ft. 4V8 in. (42.8 cm) Accession number 71.DA. 103 PROVENANCE John George Murray (1871-1917), Marquess of Tullibardme, 8th Duke of At hol l , Scot- land; Mary Gavin (Hon. Mrs. Robert Baillie- Hamilton), by inheritance; Lady Harvey, London, by inheritance; [Lewis and Simmons, Paris]; Judge Elbert H. Gary (1846-1927), 63 T AB L E S FRENCHFURNITURE 37 64 Top New York (sold, American Ar t Association, Apr i l 21,1928, lot 272, when the above provenance was given); [Duveen Brothers, New York]; [Raymond Kraemer, Paris]; Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (sold, Parke- Bernet, New York, October 23,1971, lot 712); [The Antique Porcelain Co., New York]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 162, illus.; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 111, illus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 27, pp. 54-55, illus.; Pradere, LesEhenistes, illus. p. 255, fig. 264; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 619; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 67, p. 52, illus.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvres 11, pp. 31, 148-153, illus.; Joseph Godla and Gordon Hanlon, "Some Applications of Adobe Photoshop for the Documentation of Furniture Conserva- tion," Journal of the American Institute for Conserva- tion 34 (Fall/Winter 1995), fig. 12, p. 169, illus.; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnish- mgModemFrance (Berkeley, 1996), p. 55, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 75, p. 97, illus.; Baroaueand Rococo Lacauers, Katherma Walch and Johann Koller, eds. (Munich, 1997), p. 256, illus.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvres in, pp. 12-13, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 216, illus. 65. WRITING TABLE Paris, circa 1755 By Bernard 11 van Risenburgh Oak and pine veneered wi t h tulipwood, kingwood, amaranth, and laburnum; gilt- bronze mounts; modern leather panel Stamped wi t h B. VR. B. and JMEtwice under the front rail. A label pasted under- neath is printed wi t h Londesborough under a coronet. Another label is printed wi t h J.J. AL L EN, Lt d. , Furniture Depositories, L ONDON and stenciled wi t h Countess Londesborough. Height: 2 ft. 5V2 in. (74.9 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 1Vs in. (96.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 1 1 /16 in. (57.6 cm) Accession number 65.DA. 1 PROVENANCE Lady Grace Adelaide Fane (Countess of Londesborough, wife of the 2nd Earl, married 1887, died 1933), London (sold by her heirs, Hampton and Sons, London, July 24, 1933, lot 123); [J. M. Botibol, London, by 1937]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1938. 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 56-57; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), pp. 147-148; Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 121, illus. p. 124; Verlet et al., Chefsd'oeuvre, p. 119, illus.; Gerald Messadie, "J. Paul Getty, Mal - ibu, California," Great Private Collections, Doug- las Cooper, ed. (Zurich, 1963), pi. 189, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 149, illus.; F. J. B. Watson, Tke Wrightsman Collection (New York, 1966), vol. 2, p. 309; Pierre Verlet, Styles, meubles, decors, du Mo^en Age d nos jours (Paris, 1972), Tome 1, pi. 234, illus.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 189, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 139; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 68, pp. 52-53, illus. p. 52. 66. TABLE Paris, circa 1760 By Adrien Faizelot-Delorme Oak veneered wi t h amaranth and green- stamed burr yew; modern silver fittings in drawer for ink, sand, and sponge; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped wi t h DEL ORMEtwice and JME once on drawer panel. 66 64 38 FRENCHFURNITURE T AB L E S Height: 2 ft. 3V8 i n. (68. 9 cm); Wi dt h: 11V8 i n. (29. 4 cm); Depth: 9V8 i n. (24. 4 cm) Accession number 72. DA.64 PROVENANCE Paris art market, early 1970s; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques/" p. 110, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 69, p. 53, illus. 67 . CARD TABLE Paris, circa 1760 By Jean-Francois Oeben Oak veneered wi t h bloodwood, ki ng wood, maple, tul i pwood, walnut, holly, and maple burl; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped wi t h J. F. OEBEN. Hei ght: 2 ft. 3V4 i n. (70. 5 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 9V2 i n. (85 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2V2 i n. (36. 8 cm) Accession number 71. DA. 105 PROVENANCE Probably purchased by Sir Charles Mi l l s or his son Charles Henry created Lord Hi l l i ng- don i n 1886, Essex; Charles, 4th Lord Hi l l mgdon (born 1922), Essex, by descent 67 (sold, Chri sti e s, London, May 14, 1970, lot 102); [FrankPartridge, Lt d. , London, 1970]; [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 161, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 70, p. 53, illus.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, pp. 108-109, illus. 68. TOILET TABLE Paris, circa 1760-1765 Attri buted to Jean-Francois Leleu Oak veneered wi t h amaranth, holly, walnut, spindle tree wood, maple, tul i pwood, and bloodwood; gilt-bronze mounts The number 499 is cast into the reverse of each corner mount. A paper label inked wi t h B.F.A.C. 1913 Meyer Sassoon Esq. is inside drawer. There is a paper label pri nted wi t h BURLI NGT ON FINE ARTS CLUB EXHI - BI TI ON OF THE FRE NCHSCHOOL OF THE XVI I I T H CENT. 1913, and another label inked wi t h Mr. A. Barker vresente par M. Chenue, 24 Rue ....descents Champ underneath the table. Height: 2 ft. 3V8 i n. (70. 2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. i o 3 / 8 i n. (56. 9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3Vs i n. (40. 3 cm) Accession number 72. DA.49 PROVENANCE [Alexander Barker], probably acquired i n Paris (sold, Chri sti es, London, June 11, 1874, lot 693); Edmund (?), i st Lord Grimsthorpe (1816-1905); Leopol d George Frederick, 5th Viscount Cl i fden (sold, Robinson and Fisher, May 21 et seq., 1895, ^ o t 66, to [Seligmann, Paris] for 750 guineas); Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Sassoon, Popes Manor, Berkshire; Vi ol et Sas- soon (Mrs. Derek C. Fitzgerald), Heathfield Park, Sussex (offered for sale, Sotheby's, London, November 22, 1963, l ot 132, bought i n); (sold, Christies, London, March 23, 1972, l ot 88); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS London, Burlington Fine Arts Cl ub, 1913; London, Morton Lee and Mal l et and Sons, The Royal Cabinetmakers of France, July 1951, no. 8, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY F. Lewi s Hinckley, Directory of the Historic Cabi- net Woods (New York, i960), p. 166 i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 72, pp. 54-55, illus. p. 55; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, pp. 158- 159, illus. 68 69. CONSOLE TABLE Paris, circa 1765-1770 After a model by Pierre Deumier, fol l owi ng a design by Vi ctor Louis Silvered and gi l t bronze; bleu turaummarble top; modern marbelized base Each gilt-bronze element is stamped wi t h the letter B. Height: 2 ft. 8Vs i n. (83. 5 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 3 i n. (129. 5 c m ^ Depth: 1 ft. 8V2 i n. (52 cm) Accession number 88. D F. I I 8 TAB LES FRENCH FURNITURE 39 PROVENANCE Art uro Lopez-Willshaw, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 23, 1976, no. 108); purchased at that sale by The British Rail Pension Fund. BIBLIOGRAPHY Francois-Georges Pariset, "Jeszcze o Pracach Wi kt or a Louisa Dla Zamku Warszaw- skiego," BiuletynHistoruSztuki, Nr. 2, Rok 24 (1962), pp. 141, 154; Svend Eriksen, Early Neo - Classicism mFrance (London, 1974), p. 391; "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 73, p. 142, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiaues 10 (November 1990), pp. 90-95, illus. p. 94; David Harris Cohen, "The Chambre des Portraits Designed by Victor Louis for the Ki ng of Poland," GettyMus] 19 (1991), pp. 75-98, illus. p. 89, hg. 23a; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 73, p. 55, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 81, p. 104, illus. ; Handbook 2001, p. 218, illus. 70. TABLE Table: Paris, circa 1770; porcelain: Sevres manufactory, 1764 At t ribut ed to Mart i n Carlm Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood, ebony and holly; set wi t h four soft-paste porcelain plaques; gilt-bronze mounts; whit e marble lower shelf The circular porcelain plaque is painted on the reverse wi t h the blue crossed Es of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter L for 1764. Height: 2 ft. 3V4 in. (70.5 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 3Vs in. (39.1 cm) Accession number 70.DA. 74 PROVENANCE Alfred (Charles) de Rothschild (1842-1918), Halton, Buckinghamshire, after 1884; Almina Wombwel l (daughter of Alfred de Roth- schild, Countess of Carnarvon, wife of the 5t h Earl, married 1895, died 1969), 1918; [Henry Symons and Co., London, 1919]; [French and Co., New York, 1919]; Mor t i - mer L. Schiff, New York, 1919 (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie's, London, June 22, 1938, lot 52); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi . between pp. 56-57; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 176-177; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 128, illus. ; F. J. B. Watson, The Wrightsman Collection (New York, 1968), vol. 1, p. 282; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 877, notes 35, 38, p. 900; Pradere, Les Ebenistes, no. 70, p. 359; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, pp. 158,162; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Get t y" part 3, Casa Vogue Antiaues 10 (November, 1990), pp. 90-95; Sassoon, Vin- cennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 33, pp. 166-169, illus. pp. 167-169; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 74, p. 56, illus. ; Catherine Faraggi, "Le Got de la Duchess de Mazarm," LEstampille/ LObjet d'art 287 (January, 1995), p. 95, pi. 20, illus. 7 40 FRENCHFURNITURE TAB LES I 1 - TABLE Table: Paris, circa 1773; porcelain: Sevres manufactory, 1773 Table by Ma rt i n Carl i n; circular porcelain plaque attributed to Jacques-Francois Mi caud Oak veneered wi t h tul i pwood, holly, and ebony; set wi t h four soft-paste porcelain plaques; gilt-bronze mounts Table is stamped wi t h M. CARLI N and JME underneath. Circular plaque is painted wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufac- tory the date 1773, and the painters mark X. Height: 2 ft. 5 i n. (73.5 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 3 3 A i n. (40 cm) Accession number 70.DA.75 PROVENANCE Al fred (Charles) de Rothschi l d (1842-1918), Halton, Buckinghamshire, after 1884; Al mma Wombwel l (daughter of Al fred de Roth- schild; Countess of Carnarvon, wi fe of the 5th Earl, married 1895, died 1969), 1918; [Henry Symons and Co., London, 1920]; [French and Co., New York, 1920]; Mor t i - mer L. Schiff, New York, 1920 (sold by his heir John L. Schiff, Christie's, London, June 22, 1938, lot 51); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnumbered pi . between pp. 56-57; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), p. 82, illus. unnum- bered pi . between pp. 176-177; Verlet et al., . Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 128, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 158; F. J. B. Watson, The Wnghtsman Collec- tion (New York, 1968), vol. 1, p. 282; Fred- ericksen et al., Getty Mwseuw, p. 165, illus.; Dorothee Guilleme-Brulon, "Un decor pour les meubles," LEstampille 165 (January, 1984), pp. 18-30, illus. p. 24; Pradere, LesEknistes, no. 69, p. 359; Kjel l berg, Dictionnaire, pp. 158, 162; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Rac- colta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiques 10 (November, 1990), pp. 90- 95; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 34, pp. 170-172, illus. pp. 171-173; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 75, pp. 56-57, illus. p. 56; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, pp. 124-126, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Mer- chants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Pans (Mal i bu, 1996), pp. 49 and 182, illus. p. 50. 72. Musi c STAND Paris, circa 1770-1775 Attri buted to Ma rt i n Carl m Oak veneered wi t h tul i pwood, amaranth, holly, and fruitwood; incised wi t h colored mastics; gilt-bronze mounts Stamped wi t h JME under oval shelf. Maxi mum Height: 4 ft. 10 1 / i i n. (148.6 cm); Mi ni mum Height: 3 ft. 1 i n. (94.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 7 3 A i n. (50.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2.-/2 i n. (36.8 cm) Accession number 55.DA.4 PROVENANCE Sir Robert Abdy Bt., London; Edi th and Sir Al fred Chester Beatty (1875-1968), London; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "An Inl ai d Music Stand by Ma rt i n Carl m and Related Pieces," Bulletin of the J. Paul Getty Museumof Art, vol. 1, no. 2 (1959), pp. 16-32, i l l us.; F. J B. Watson, Louis xvi Furniture (New York, i 960), no. 125, pp. 130-131, i l l us.; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, pp. 125-126, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 156, illus.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 177, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 76, p. 57, i l l us.; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, pp. 178-179, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 83, p. 106, illus. I 2 TAB LES FRENCH FURNITURE 4 1 73- TABLE (BUREAU PLAT) Paris, 1777 By Jean-Henri Riesener Oak and fir veneered wi t h bloodwood, ama- ranth, and stained maple; gilt-bronze mounts; modern leather top Underside of table is painted in black wi t h the partly obliterated French royal inventory mark No. 2905. Stamped under same panel, in the form of a circle that is half cut away wi t h [ GARDE- MEUB]LE DE LA REI NE enclosing the monogram MA. Also painted underneath table is a crown that originally appeared over the letters CT, whi ch are now cut away. Height: 2 ft. 5V2 in. (74.9 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 5V2 in. (135.9 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 3Vs in. (70.8 cm) Accession number 71.DA. 102 PROVENANCE Ordered by Marie-Antoinette for the cabinet of Louis XVI i n the Petit Trianon, Versailles, and delivered on August 6, 1777 (sold, Ver- sailles, August 25, 1793 to August 11, 1794, no. 828, for 600 livres to Dumont); [Frank Par- tridge and Sons, Lt d. , London, 1967-1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Geoffrey de Bellaigue, The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor: Furniture, Clocks and Gilt Bronzes (Fribourg, 1974), vol. 1, no. 69, p. 351; vol. 2, no. 103, p. 508; Frederick- sen et al , Getty Museum, p. 174, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 e m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 94, illus. ; Chris- tian Baulez and Denise Ledoux-Lebard, I I Mobile Francese dal Luigi xvi all'art deed (Milan, 1981), p. 12, fig. 12;Jacques Charles et al , De Versailles Paris: Le Destw des collections royales (Paris, 1989), illus. p. 191; Kjellberg, Diction- naire, p. 712; Pierre Verlet, Le Mobilier royal frangais, vol. 4: Meubles de la couronne conserves en Europe etaux Etats-Unis (Paris, 1990), pp. 80- 82, illus. pp. 11, 81; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 77, pp. 57-58, illus. p. 57. 74 74- TOI LET TABLE Pans, circa 1777-1780 Fir and pine veneered wi t h tulipwood, bloodwood, walnut and holly; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 2 ft. 4V8 in. (71.3 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7V4 in. (80.6 cm); Depth: 1ft. 4V4 in. (42.5 cm) Accession number 72.DA. 67 PROVENANCE (Albert) Harry Primrose, 6t h Earl of Rose- bery; (sold, Christies, London, December 2, 1971, lot 112); [French and Co., New York, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Wi l l i amst own, Massachusetts, Sterling and Francme Clark Ar t Institute, on loan, 1998-present. BIBLIOGRAPHY Geoffrey de Bellaigue, The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor: Furniture, Clocks and Gilt Bronzes (Fribourg, 1974), vol. 2, pp. 498- 499; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 78, p. 58, illus. ; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre 11, pp. 172-175, illus. ; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnish- ing Modern France (Berkeley 1996), p. 74, illus. 73 42 FRENCH FURNITURE TAB LES 75- WR I T I N G TABLE (BUREAU PLAT) Table: Paris, circa 1778; porcelain: Sevres manufactory, circa 1778 Trie table by Mar t i n Carlin; at least seven Sevres porcelain plaques gilded by Jean- Baptiste-Emmanuel Vande fere Oak veneered wi t h tulipwood; set wi t h four- teen soft-paste porcelain plaques; gilt-bronze mounts; modern leather top Stamped wi t h M. C AR LI N (partly effaced) and JME under front right rail. Printed paper trade label of Dominique Daguerre under- neath left rear rail; three Russian inventory numbers are painted on carcass; central drawer contains a paper label inked wi t h the twentieth-century Duveen inventory number 29615. Porcelain plaques are marked vari- ously (not all are marked) wi t h the crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory in red, the date let- ters AA for 1778, Vandes mark VD, and paper labels printed wi t h the crossed L's and inked wi t h the prices of 30 and 96 [livres]. Height: 2 ft. 6V2in. (77.5 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 3V8 in. (131.2 cm); Depth: 2 ft. V8 in. (62 cm) Accession number 83.DA.385 PROVENANCE Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna of Russia (later czarina to Paul 1), purchased in 1782 from the marchand-mercier Dominique Daguerre in Paris, installed in her chamhre coucher at Pavlovsk Palace (near St. Peters- burg), Russia; Russian Imperial Collections, Palace of Pavlovsk; [Duveen and Co. , New York], purchased in 1931 from the Soviet government; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, 1931 (sold, Christie's, London, June 24, 1971, lot 135); Habib Sabet, Geneva, 1971(sold, Christie's, London, December 1, 1983, lot 54). BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexandre Benois, Les Tresors d'art en Russie (St. Petersburg, 1907), vol. 7, p. 186, pl . 20; Denis Roche, LeMobilier frangais en Russie (Paris, 1913), vol. 2, pl. 55; Duveen and Co., A Cata- logue of Works of Art of the Eighteenth Century in the Collection of Anna Thomson Dodge (Detroit, 1933), introduction p. vn and non-paginated entry, illus. ; Duveen and Co. , A Catalogue of Works of Art in the Collection of Anna Thomson Dodge (Detroit, 1939), vol. 1, introduction pp. xv- xvi and non-paginated entry, illus. ; Carl Dauterman et al., Decorative Art from theS. H. Kress Collection at the Metropolitan Museumof Art (London, 1964), pp. 112,114,130; F. J. B. Watson, The Wnghtsman Collection (New York, 1966), vol. 1, pp. 189 and 190; Jean-Luc de Rudder, "Mart i n Carlin: Ebeniste Precieux," LEstawpille 22 (Apr i l 1971), p. 65, illus. ; Anthony Coleridge, "Works of Ar t wi t h a Royal Provenance from the Collection of the Late Mrs. Anna Thomson Dodge," Connoisseur 177, no. 711 (May, 1971), pp. 34-36, illus. ; Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 10, pp. 201, 204-207, illus. ; "AcquisitionsA983" GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 12, pp. 265-266, illus. ; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Handbook 1986, p. 174, illus. ; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 887; notes 83, 87 on p. 901; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, no. 39, p. 358; Kj ellberg, Dictionnaire, pp. 160, 162, illus. p. 157; Daniel Alcouffe, "Secretaire abbat- tant," Louvre: Nouvelles Acquisitions du de^artement des ohjets d'art, 1985-1989 (Paris, 1990), p. 154, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty/' Part 3, CasaVogue Antiques 10 (November, 1990), pp. 90-95; Sas- soon, Vmcennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 39, pp. 188-192, illus. pp. 189-192; John Whi t e- head, TJie French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 46 [illus. trade label only]; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 79, pp. 58- 59, illus. p. 59; Carolyn Sargentson, Mer- chants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Pans (London, 1996), pp. 48-49, 181 and pl. 6, illus. 15 C AR V E D T AB L E S FRENCH FURNITURE 43 CarvedTables 76. TABLE French, circa 1660-1670 Gessoed and gilded walnut; modern paint Height: 2 ft. 8V2 in. (82.5 cm); Wi d t h: 3 ft. 3V2 in. (100.3 c m ^ Depth: 2 ft. 3 in. (68.5 cm) Accession number 87.DA. 7 PROVENANCE [Bernard Steimtz, Pans, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus] 16 (1988), no. 65, p. 176; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 80, p. 59, illus. 7 6 71 TABLE OR STAND Paris, circa 1700-1715 Gessoed and gilded oak, ash and Scots pine; modern top Height: 2 ft. 4V2 in. (72.5 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 6V2 in. (77 cm); Depth: 1ft. 8V2 in. (52 cm) Accession number 90.DA.23 PROVENANCE Private collection, England; London art mar- ket; [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris, 1989]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Acquisitions/1990," GtUyMus] 19 (1991), no. 55, p. 161, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 81, p. 60, illus. 11 78. CONSOLE TABLE Paris, circa 1725 Gessoed and gilded oak; lumachella pavonazza marble top Pasted under back rail, the remains of a printed label, 1 0 2 , George Street, Portman Sauare,Wi. Height: 2 ft. 10Vs in. (87.3 cm); Wi d t h: 4 ft. 11 7 A in. (152.1 cm); Depth: 1ft. 11V4 in. (59.1cm) Accession number 72.DA.68 PROVENANCE Christie Robert, London, circa 1885-1916; Baronne Marguerite Marie van Zuylen van Nyevelt van de Haar (d. 1970), Paris by 1964 (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, June 8, 1971, no. 77); [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty BIBLIOGRAPHY Eveline Schlumberger, "En Hommage Gerard Mi l l e: l'appartement qui illustre le mieux le style baroque qui couronna sa car- riere de decorateur," Connaissance des arts 146 (Apri l 1964), illus. p. 71; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 82, p. 60, illus. 79 79- CONSOLE TABLE Paris, circa 1725-1730 Gessoed and gilded oak and pine; marble top Height: 2 ft. 10Vs in. (87.5 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 3 in. (68.5 cm); Depth: 1ft. 3 3 A in. (40 cm) Accession number 85.DA. 125 PROVENANCE [Gerard Kenn, London] (sold, Christie's, London, July 1, 1982, lot 42); [Didier Aaron, Paris]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 194, p. 244, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 83, p. 60, illus. 78 44 FRENCH FURNITURE CARV ED T AB L E S PROVENANCE 80. SIDE TABLE Pans, circa 1730 Gessoed and gi l ded oak; breche violate top Height: 2 ft. 11 Vs i n. (89.3 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 7 i n. (170.2 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 8 i n. (81.3 cm) Accession number 79.DA.68 PROVENANCE Vicomtesse de B . . . , Pans (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, Apr i l , 26, 1923, no. 21); [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Pans]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," no. 3, pp. 5-6, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 84, p. 61, i l l us.; Masterpieces,'no. 53, p. 72, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 198, illus. CENTER TABLE Top: See entry no. 412 i n the Furniture, Ital - ian section Support: Pans, circa 1745 Gessoed and gi l ded wood; plaster Height: 2 ft. 10 l / i i n. (87.6 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 5V8 i n. (197.1 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 9V8 i n. (115.8 cm) Accession number 72.DA.58.1 82 Possibly Charl otte de Rothschi l d (1819- 1884) (Baroness Li onel Nathan, nee von Rothschild), Gunnersbury Park, Middlesex; Al fred (Charles) de Rothschild (1842-1918), Halton, Buckinghamshire, by 1884; by inheritance to Li onel (Nathan) de Rothschild (1882-1942), Exbury House, Hampshire; by descent to Edmund (Leopold) de Rothschild (born 1916), Exbury, Hampshire; [Frank Partridge and Sons, Lt d. , London, 1972]; pur- chased by J, Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Departures: Eleven Artists at the Getty, Febru- ary 29-May 7, 2000 (support only). BIBLIOGRAPHY Anna Mari a Gi usti , Pietre Dure: Hardstone in Furniture and Decorations (London, 1992), p. 32, illus. p. 29, fig. 13; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, nos. 85 and 320, pp. 61 and 189, i l l us.; Anna Mari a Gi usti , Pietra Dure (Torino, 1993), p. 29, illus.; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France (Berkeley, 1996), p. 57, i l l us.; Lisa Lyons, "Adrian Saxe, 1-900-ZEITGEIST," Departures: Eleven Artists attheGetty (Los Angeles, 2000), pp. 52-53, illus. p. 52. CARV ED TAB LES FRENCH FURNITURE 45 82 84 . CONSOLE TABLE Paris, circa 1780 After designs by Richard de Lalonde Painted wal nut Height: 2 ft. 9 i n. (84 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 9 i n. (84 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3 A i n. (32.5 cm) Accession number 91.DA. 16 PROVENANCE [B. Fabre et Fils, Pans, 1990]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1991," GettyMus] 20 (1992), no. 73, p. 173, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 88, p. 62, illus. 82. CONSOLE TABLE Paris, circa 1750-1755 Design closely related to the work of Pierre Contant d' l vry Gessoed and gi l ded oak: modern marble top Hei ght (wi thout top): 3 ft. V4 i n. (92.1 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 8 3 A i n. (174.6 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 3. V4 i n. (70.5 cm). Accession number 91.DA.21 PROVENANCE The Barons of Hastings, Mel ton Constable, Norfolk; by descent to the 21st Baron, Sir Al bert Edward Delaval (sold wi t h the house i n 1940 to the Duke of Westminster); Roger Gawn, Mel ton Constable, Norfol k (sold, Chri sti e s, London, December 4,1986, l ot 96); [Jonathan Harris, London]. 83. CONSOLE TABLE Paris, circa 1775 Gessoed, painted, and gi l ded oak; U eu turaum marble top Height: 2 ft. 9V4 i n. (85.7 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 5V4 i n. (104.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 6V4 m. (46.3 cm) Accession number 89.DA.29 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1989," GettyMus] 18 (1990), no. 56, p. 195, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 87, p. 62, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pallot, L'Art du siege, illus. p. 155; "Acqui sr tions/1991," GettyMus] 20 (1992), no. 77, p. 174, illus.; "Museum Acquisitions i n the Decorative Arts: Determination and Benefi- cence," Apollo 137, no. 371 (January 1993), p. 32, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 86, pp. 61-62, illus. p. 61. 83 8 4 46 FRENCH FURNITURE SEAT FURN I T URE Seat Furniture 5- PAI R OF SETTEES Settee . 1: French, circa 1700 Settee .2: English, circa 1830 Gessoed and gilded walnut; modern upholstery Height: 3 ft. 10 Vs in. (117.1 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. .11 3 A in. (212.7 c m ^ Depth: 2 ft. 1in. (63.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 100.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sir Ivor Churchi l l Guest, Viscount Wimbourne (born 1873), Ashby St. Ledgers, Northampton, England; [Frank Partridge, Lt d. , London]; purchased by J. Paul Getty for Sutton Place, Surrey 1968; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS London, 25 Park Lane, Three French Reigns, February-April 1933, no. 529 p. 75, illus. ; Woodside, California, Fi l ol i House, on loan, 1979-1991. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 89, pp. 62-63, illus. p. 63 (one). 85 One ofa pai STOOL (TABOURET) Paris, circa 1710-1720 Gessoed and gilded walnut; modern leather upholstery Stamped wi t h GHC under each side rail. The stool bears t wo paper labels, one glued to the inside of each side rail, printed wi t h F R OM T HE DAVI D ZOR K C OMPANY / EXCLUSIVE FURNI TURE AND DECORA- TI ON / 201-207 Nort h Michigan Boulevard / CHI CAGO, I LLI NOI S. Both paper labels are partially covered by a second, round label printed wi t h A LA VI E LLE RUSSIE / 781 F I F T H AVE NUE / N E W YOR K 10022 / (212) 752-1727. Height: 1ft. 6V2 in. (47 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 1 in. (63.5 cm); Depth: 1ft. 6Vs in. (48 cm) Accession number 84.DA.970 PROVENANCE Pierre Crozat (1665-1740), tresoner de France Pans lri 1704; by descent to his niece Antoinette-Louise-Marie Crozat de Thiers, comtesse de Bethune-Pologne (1731-1809); by descent to the families of La Tour du Pm and de Chabrillan; by descent to la comtesse Armand de Caumont La Force, nee Anne- Marie de Chabrillan (1894-1983) and her son, le comte Robert-Henry de Caumont La Force, at the Chateau de Thugny (Ardennes); [David Zork Co. , Chicago, I llinois]; [ A La Vieille Russie, New York, 1984]. EXHIBITIONS Reims, France, Palais archiep is copal, 1876, no. 267 (?), lent by M. le comte de Chabrillan. BIBLIOGRAPHY " Acquisitions A984," GettyMus] 13(1985), no. 48, p. 176, illus. ; Jean Feray "Le Mobilier Crozat," Connaissance des arts 429 (November 1987), pp. 67-68, note 2; "The Crozat Suite," Christies Review of the Season 1988 (Oxford, 1989), pp. 214-215; Daniel Alcouffe, "Les Recentes acquisitions des musees nationaux, Musee du Louvre, Deux fauteuils du mobilier Crozat,'" La Revue du Louvre et des musees de France 4 (1989), p. 264; Daniel Alcouffe, "Paire de Fauteuils," Louvre: Nouvelles acquisitions du devartement des objets A'art, 1985- 1989 (Paris, 1990), no. 67, pp. 140-142; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 90, p. 63, illus. ; Bi l l G. B. Pallot, Furniture Collections in the Lou- vre (Dijon, 1993), vol. 2, p. 33; Masterpieces, no. 48, p. 66, illus. 86 SEAT FURN I T URE FRENCH FURNITURE 47 87 One of four 8/7. FOUR ARMCHAIRS (FAUTEUILS A LA REINE) Paris, circa 1735 Gessoed and gilded beech; modern silk velvet upholstery Height: 3 ft. 5V4 i n. (104.8 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 1 V4 i n. (64.1 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 3 A i n. (57.8 cm) Accession number 75.DA.8.1-.4 PROVENANCE Hubert de Givenchy Paris; [Jacques Kugel, Paris]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pallot, L'Art du siege, p. 108, illus.; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 91, p. 64, illus. 88. DESK CHAIR (FAUTEUIL DE CABINET) Paris, circa 1735 Attri buted to Etienne Meunier Wal nut; leather upholstery; velvet pocket l i n- ings; brass studs Height: 2 ft. 11 Vs i n. (89.8 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 4 i n. (71.1 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1 *A i n. (64.1 cm) Accession number 71.DA.91 PROVENANCE [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pomte Farms, Mi chi gan (sold, Christies, London,June 24, 1971, lot 48); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 145, illus.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 92, p. 64, illus. 89 One of a fair 89. PAIR OF ARMCHAIRS (FAU TEU ILS AL A REINE) French, circa 1730-1735 Gessoed and gi l ded beech; brass casters; modern silk upholstery One chair is marked wi t h No. 5 on the inner side of the back chair rai l and the other is stamped wi t h VI i n the same location. Height: 3 ft. 6 3 A i n. (108.5 c m ^ Wi dt h: 2 ft. 4V2 i n. (72.3 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1 i n. (63.4 cm) Accession number 94.DA. 10.1-.2 PROVENANCE (Sold, Christie's, New York, Apr i l 7,1993, lot 180) [purchased at the sale by Bernard Stemitz, Pans]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1994/' GettyMus] 23 (1995); no. 3, p. 63, illus. (one); Handbook 2001, p. 198, illus. (one). 48 FRENCH FURNITURE SEAT FURN I T URE 90. T wo ARMCHAIRS (FAUTEUILS A LA REINE) AND T wo SIDE CHAIRS (CHAISES) Paris, circa 1735-1740 Gessoed and gi l ded beech; modern silk upholstery Armchairs: Height: 3 ft. 7 V2 i n, (110.5 c m ^ Wi dt h: 2 ft. 67.8 i n. (76.6 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 8 7 /8 m. (83.7 cm); Side Chairs: Height: 3 ft. 1 i n. (94.1 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. Vs i n. (62 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 3 Vs i n. (69.4 cm) Accession number 82.DA.95.1-.4 PROVENANCE Private collection, England, from the eigh- teenth century unti l 1979; [ Wi l l i a m Redford, London]; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1979]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1982," no. 4, pp. 28- 33, i l l us.; Pallot, L' Art.i u siege, p. 102, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 93, pp. 64-65, illus. p. 64; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnishing ModemFrance (Berkeley, 1996), p. 107, illus.-;'-Handbook 1997, p. 201, illus. 90 One of two 91. PAIR OF ARMCHAIRS (FAUTEUILS A LA REINE) AND ONE SETTEE Paris, circa 1750-1755 By Jean Avisse Gessoed and gi l ded beech; modern silk upholstery Each chair is stamped wi t h IAVISSE beneath rear rai l ; settee is stamped wi t h IAVISSE twi ce beneath rear rail. Chairs: Height: 3 ft. 5V4 i n. (104.7 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 6 m. (76.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11V16 i n. (59.6 cm); Settee: Height: 3 ft. 6 i n. (106.7 cm); Wi dt h: 7 ft. 1 /i i n. (214.5 cm); Depth: 3 ft. (91.4 cm) Accession numbers: Chairs: 83.DA.230.1-.2; Settee: 84.DA.70 PROVENANCE Chairs: Private collection, New York (sold, Sotheby's, New York, October 1981, lot 314); [Matthew Schutz, Lt d. , New York, 1982]. Settee: Mrs. Rose Freda, New York; [Edward de Pasquale, New York, 1983] (sold, Sothe- by's, New York, May 4,1984, lot 41). 9 1 91 One of a pair BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, "Acquisitions 1983," GettyMusJ 12 (1984), no. 8 (armchairs), pp. 198-199, illus. pp. 200-201 (one); "Acquisitions/ 1983, " GettyMusJ 12 (1984), no. 10 (arm- chairs), p. 265, illus. (one); "Acquisitions/ 1984, " GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 56 (settee), p. 179, i l l us.; Pallot, LArt du siege, p. 278, illus. (settee and one chair) and p. 300; Kj el l - berg, Dictionnaire, pp. 33, 37; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 94, p. 65, illus. (settee and one chair). S E AT F U R NI T U R E FRENCHFURNITURE 49 92 92. ARMCHAIR (BERGEREA LA REINE) Paris, circa 1755 By Nicolas Heurtaut Gessoed and gilded wood; modern silk upholstery Stamped wi t h N. HEURTAUT under rear rail. Height: 3 ft. 3Y4 in. (101 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7V4 m. (80.6 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 5V4 in. (75-5 c m > Accession number 84.DA.69 PROVENANCE Private collection, New York; [ Matthew Schutz, Lt d. , New York, circa i960] (sold, Sotheby's, New York, May 4, 1984, lot 59). BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GatyMus] 13 (1985), no. 59, p. 180, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictwnnaiu, p. 403; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 95, p. 66, illus. 93- PAIR OFARMCHAIRS (BERGERES A L A REINEETA CHASSIS, ASSISE CANNEE) Paris, circa 1750 By Nicolas-Quinibert Foliot Gessoed and gilded beech; caning; modern silk upholstery Armchair . 1: is stamped wi t h N. FOL IOT on the side of the back seat rail; Armchair .2: is stamped wi t h FOLIOT. Height: 3 ft. 2V2 in. (97.8 cm); Wi d t h: 2 ft. 6V2 in. (77.5 cm); Depth: 2 ft. (61 cm) Accession number 95.DA.90.1-.2 PROVENANCE (Sold, Sotheby's, New York, May 7, 1983, lot 198); (offered for sale, Sotheby's, New York, May 21, 1992, lot 70, bought in); (sold, Christie's, London, December 8, 1994, lot 516); purchased by Gordon and Ann Getty at this sale; given to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1995. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pallot, L'Art du Siege, pp. 136 and 138, illus. p. 138; "Acquisitions A995," GettyMus] 24 (1996), no. 12, p. 91, illus. (one). 93 One of a fair 94 One of a fair 94. PAIR OFARMCHAIRS (FAUTEUILS A LA REINE) Paris, 1762 By Nicolas-Qumibert Foliot Beech; modern silk upholstery Each armchair is stamped wi t h N. Q. FOL IOT inside rear rail and stenciled in the same place wi t h a crowned F for the Palais de Fontainebleau and the number 832. Height: 3 ft. 3 Am. (93.3 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 2V8 in. (67.6 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9V8 in. (55.5 cm) Accession number 70.DA. 70.1-.2 PROVENANCE Chateau de Versailles, 1762; Palais de Fontainebleau; listed as i n the lodgings of Charles-Claude de Taillepied, seigneur de la Garenne, on November 1,1786, and again in 1787; Annette Lefortier, Paris (sold, Ander- son Galleries, American Ar t Association, New York, November 20, 1937, lot 151); pur- chased at that sale by J, Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pallot, LArt du siege, pp. 284, illus., and 308- 309; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 317; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 96, p. 66, illus. 50 FRENCH FURNITURE SEAT FURN I T URE 95- ARMCHAIR (BERGERE) Paris, circa 17 65-1770 By Georges Jacob Painted oak; silk upholstery; brass nails The frame of the chair is stamped wi t h G I AC OB and wi t h an anchor flanked by C and P beneath a crown, the mark of the Chateau de Chanteloup. The dust cover of the seat and the underside of the cushion are stenciled wi t h the mark of the Chateau de Chanteloup. Height: 3 ft. 3 m. (99 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 1in. (94 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 6 in. (76 cm) Accession number 88.DA. 123 PROVENANCE Etienne-Franc,ois de Stainville (?), due de Choiseul (1718-1785), Chateau de Chante- loup; Louis de Bourbon, due de Penthievre (1725-1793), Chateau de Chanteloup, 1785; "Poitevinjoubert et femme Fleury" after 1794, purchased at the sale of the contents of the chateau; [Bernard Steinitz, Paris, 1988]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alfred Gabeau, "Le Mobilier d'un chateau la hn du xvi u e siecle: Chanteloup," Reunion des societes des beaux-arts des departements (Apr i l 95 1898), pp. 529, 541 Jehanne d'Orliac, La Vie merveilleuse dun beau domaine frangaisChanteloup du x i i i e siecle au xx' siecle (Paris, 1929), p. 231; "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17(1989), no. 74, pp. 142-143, illus; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 97, pp. 66-67, Tins, p. 67. 96 One of a yaw 96. PAI R OF SIDE CHAIRS (CHAISES A LA REINE) Pans, circa 1765-1770 By Jean Boucault Gessoed and gilded beech; modern silk velvet upholstery Each chair is stamped wi t h J. BOUCAULT and branded wi t h a crowned double V the mark of the Chateau de Versailles, under the seat rail. Each chair is stenciled wi t h various royal inventory numbers. Height: 2 ft. 11 3 A in. (91cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10V2 in. (57 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 2V4 in. (66.5 cm) Accession number 71.DA.92.1-.2 PROVENANCE Part of a suite of seat furniture acquired by the order of baron de Breteuil and delivered by the tapissier Capm to the garde-meuhle i n 1783; Chateau de Versailles (sold, Novem- ber 25, 1793 [^frimaire, an 11], no. 5672, to Gastmet for 1,610 livres); Jacques, comte de Beraudiere (sold, Paris, May 18-30, 1885, part of no. 902); [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pomte Farms, Michigan (sold, Christies, London, June 24, 1971, lot 65); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anthony Coleridge, "Works of Ar t wi t h a Royal Provenance from the Collection of the Late Mrs. Anna Thomson Dodge of Detroit," Connoisseur 177, no. 711 (May 1971), p. 34; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 e m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connais- sancedes arts 280 (June 1975), p. 92, illus. ; The Master Chair-Maker's Art: France, 1710-1800 (New York, 1984) p. 24, illus. ; Pallot, L'Art du siege, p. 192, illus. , and p. 301; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, pp. 84-85; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 98, p. 67, illus. 91- FOUR ARMCHAIRS (FAUTEUILS A LA REINE) AND ONE SETTEE Paris, circa 1770-1775 By Jacques-Jean-Baptiste Ti l l i ard Gessoed and gilded walnut; modern silk velvet upholstery Each piece is stamped wi t h T I LLI AR D under rear seat rail. Chairs: Height: 3 ft. 4 in. (101.6 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 5V4 in. (75 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 5V2 in. (74.9 cm); Settee: Height: 3ft. 11V8 in. (120.3 c m ) ' Wi dt h: 7 ft. 6V2in. (229.7 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 1 V4 in. (94.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA.99.1-.5 PROVENANCE Mortimer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie s, London, June 22, 1938, lot 55); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty for Sutton Place, Surrey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. S E AT F U R NI T U R E FRENCHFURNITURE 51 BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, Selections, no. 46, pp. 92-93, illus.; Pallot, LArt du siege, p. 218, illus., and p. 318; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 840; Handbook 199I; p. 190, illus. (one); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 99, p. 68, illus. (settee and one armchair). 97 One of four 9 8 FOUR SIDE CHAIRS { C H A I S E S A L A REINE) Paris, 1780-1781 By Francois-Toussamt Foliot after designs by Jacques Gondom Gessoed and gilded beech; modern silk upholstery One chair is stenciled wi t h GARDE MEUBL E DEL A REINEunder seat rail. Another bears a label inscribed wi t h Ex museo L Double. Height: 2 ft. 11 in. (89 cm); Wi d t h: 1 ft. 9V4 in. (55 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10V4 in. (56.5 cm) Accession number 71.DA.93.1-.4 PROVENANCE Marie-Antoinette, Salon du Rocker, Hameau de la Reine, Petit Trianon, Versailles, ordered from the menuisier Francois-Toussamt Foliot on November 29, 1780; possibly removed from the Chateau de Versailles, 1791; Leo- pold Double, Paris (sold, Paris, May 30- June 1, 1881, no. 427); comte Henri de Gref- fulhe, Paris; [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pomte Farms, Michigan (sold, Christie's, London, June 24, 1971, lot 66); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty 98 One of four EXHIBITIONS Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi Arts Pavil- ion, Splendors of V ersailles, Claire Constans and Xavier Salmon, eds., Apri l -August 1998, no. 99, pp. 150, 193, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anthony Coleridge, "Works of Ar t wi t h a Royal Provenance from the Collection of the Late Mrs. Anna Thomson Dodge of Detroit," Connoisseur 177, no. 711 (May, 1971), p- 34, illus.; Fredericksen et al , Getty Museum, p. 165, illus.; Gillian Wilson, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 e m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissances de arts 280 (June 1975), p. 94, illus.; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 426; Jean- Pierre Babelon, "Un magnifique enrichisse- ment des collections nationales-Musee national du Chateau de Versailles," La Revue du Louvre et des Musees de France 5 (1990), p. 350; Christian Baulez, "Deux Sieges de Foliot et de Sene pour Versailles," Revue du Louvre (March 1991), p. 79, illus.; Barbara Scott, "The Rothschild Room in the Louvre," Apollo 134, no. 356 (October 1991), pp. 270-271; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 100, pp. 68-69, illus. p. 69. 91 52 FRENCH FURNI TURE SEAT FURN I T URE 99 One of a fair 99- PAI R OF F OLDI NG STOOLS (PLI ANTS) Paris, circa 1786 Byjean-Baptiste-Claude Sene; carved by Nicolas-Frangois Vallois, originally gilded by Chatard and Chaudron and upholstered by Capm Gessoed, painted, and gilded beech; modern upholstery Each stool is branded wi t h three fleur-deTys beneath a crown and wi t h T H, the mark of the Palais des Tuileries. Height (without cushion): 1ft. 4V4 in. (42 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 4V2 in. (72.5 cm); Depth: 1ft. 9 in. (53 cm) Accession number 71. DA. 94. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Marie-Antoinette, from a set of sixty-four ordered in t wo groups by Jean Haure in 1786, at the cost of 720 livres for each stool, for the gaming rooms i n the Palais de Fontainebleau and the Chateau de Compiegne; Palais du Luxembourg or Palais des Tuileries, Paris, 1797-circa 1806; [Michel, Paris, 1933]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan (sold, Christies, London, June 24, 1971, lot 69); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Get t y BI BLI OGRAPHY Pierre Verlet, "Les Meubles sculptes du xvi n e siecle: Quelques identifications," Bul- letin de la Societe de l'histoire de Xart francais (1937), pp. 259-263; Pierre Verlet, French Royal Furni- ture (London, 1963), pp. 35-36; Anthony Cole- ridge, "Works of Ar t wi t h a Royal Provenance from the Collection of the Late Mrs. Anna Thomson Dodge of Detroit," Connoisseur 177, no. 711 (May 1971), p. 34; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 165, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 ^ partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 92, illus. ; Pierre Verlet, Les Meubles francais du xvnf siecle (Paris, 1982), p. 227; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 818; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 101, p. 69, illus. lOO w 100 100. C H AI R (F AUT E UI L DE T OI LE T T E ) Pans, circa 1787 By Georges Jacob; carved by Pierre-Claude Triquet and Jean-Bap tiste Simon Rode; origi- nally painted by Chaillot de Prusse and upholstered wi t h fabric by Marie-Olivier Desfarges of Lyon Beech, oak, unidentified tropical hardwood; modern caning; modern silk velvet upholstery Painted wi t h the Dalva Brothers' inventory number 8758 under the rail. Height: 2 ft. 9V4 in. (84.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10Vs in. (56.2 cm); Depth: 2 ft. i 5 / s in. (65 cm) Accession number 72. DA . 51 PROVENANCE Marie-Antoinette, ordered by Bonnefoy- Duplan for the chambre coucher du treillage in the Petit Trianon, Versailles, 1787 (sold wi t h the contents of the Petit Trianon, Ver- sailles, August 25 et seq., 1793, no. 2477, to the marchand-mercier Rocheux, Paris, through the agent citoyin Hebert); Senator G. P. Wetmore, circa 1920, Edi t h M. K. Wet - more and Maude A. K. Wetmore, Chteau- sur-Mer, Newport /Rhode Island (offered for sale, Parke-Bernet, Chteau-sur-Mer, Sep- tember 16-18, 1969, lot 1037, bought in); (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, February 20, 1971, lot 122); [Dalva Brothers, I nc. , New York, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHI BI TI ONS Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi Arts Pavilion, Splendors of Versailles, Claire Constans and Xavier Salmon, eds., Apr i l - August 1998, no. 97, p. 191, illus. BI BLI OGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 191, illus. ; Wi l son, Gillian. "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 e m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 92, illus. ; Mi chel Beurdeley La France d I 'en- can (Fribourg, 1981), p. 109; Kjellberg, Dic- tionnaire, p. 426; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 102, p. 70, illus. ; R. Pascale, Versailles:The American Story (Paris, 1999), p. 72, illus. 101. PAI R OF ARMCHAI RS (FAUTEUI LS A LA REI NE) Paris, circa 1790-1792 By Georges Jacob Painted beech; modern silk upholstery Each armchair is stamped wi t h GI AC OB under the front seat rail. Height: 3 ft. 1 in-. (94 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 11 72 in. (59 cm); Depth: 1ft. 11V4 m. (60.5 cm) Accession number 91.DA. 15.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, March 3,1990, no. 205); [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1990]. SEAT FURN I T URE FRENCH FURNITURE 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acqui si ti ons/i 99i ; " GettyMus] 20 (1992), no. 72, p. 172, illus. (one); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 103, p. 70, illus. ONE SETTEE AND T E N ARMCHAIRS ( T WO BERGERES AND EIGHT FAUTEUILS) Paris, circa 1810 Frames attributed to Jacob Desmalter et Cie; tapestry upholstery woven at the Beauvais manufactory Mahogany and beech; gilt-bronze mounts; silk and wool tapestry upholstery Settee: Height: 3 ft. 4V2 i n. (102.9 c m ^ Wi dt h: 6 ft. 2 Ys i n. (190.2 cm); Depth: 2 ft. l /s i n. (61.3 cm); Chairs: Height: 3 ft. 3V8 in. (100.6 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 1 i n. (63.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 7 i n. (48.2 cm) Accession number 67. DA. 6. 1-. 11 PROVENANCE Private collection, Paris, by 1908; [Jacques Seligmann, Paris]; Grand Duke Ni col ai Michailoff, Palais Michailoff, St. Petersburg, purchased December 4, 1912; Museums and Palaces Collections, Palais Michailoff, St. Petersburg (sold, Lepke, Berlin, Novem- ber 7, 1928, no. 73, wi t h a fire screen); Ives, comte de Cambaceres, Pans; Edouard Mortier, 5th due de Trevise, Pans (sold, Galerie Charpentier, Paris, May 19, 1938, no. 47); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Cooper-Hewi tt Museum, L'Art de Vwre: Decorative Arts and Designs in France 1789-1989, Catherine Armi njon et al., February-September 1989, illus. p. 19, fig. 10 (fauteuil 67.DA.6.10 only). BIBLIOGRAPHY Decorations Interieurs et meubles des epoaues Louis xv, Louis xvi et Empire, Revue dart decoratif, Armond Guermet, ed. (1908-1909), illus. no. 17, pi . 7; J. Paul Getty, Collectors Choice (London, 1955), p. 68,'illus. unnumbered pi . between pp. 176-177; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7^ me parti e: Le Mobi l i er Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 95, illus. (armchair 67.DA.6.10 only); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 104, p. 71, illus. (settee and armchair 67.DA.6.10 only). 102 One of eight l Ol One of a pair 102 Settee 54 FRENCHFURNITURE BEDS I O 4. BED ( L ITA LA POLONAI SE) Pans, circa 1775-1780 Original silk upholstery fabric designed by Philippe Lasalle Gilded and painted wood; iron; original silk upholstery panels (removed); modern silk upholstery passementerie, feathers Height: 9 ft. 11 in. (302 cm); Wi dt h: 7 ft. 5 in. (226 cm); Depth: 5 ft. 10 V2 in. (179 cm) Accession number 94.DA.72.1-.2 103. BED ( L ITA L A TURQUE) Paris, circa 1750-1760 Attributed to Jean-Baptiste Tilliard Gessoed and gilded beech and walnut; mod- ern silk upholstery Height: 5 ft. 8V2 in. (174 cm); Wi d t h: 8 ft. 87 4 in. (264.8 cm); Depth: 6 ft. 2 in. (188 cm) Accession number 86.DA.535 PROVENANCE Private collection, England, since the end of the eighteenth century; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/i986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 106, p. 213, illus.; Pallot, L'Art du siege, p. 75, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 105, p. 72, illus.; Perrm Stem, "Madame de Pompadour and the Harem Imagery at Bellevue," Gazette desheaux-arts 123 (Janu- ary 1994), pp. 29-44, illus.; Philip Jodidio, "Le Monastere de Brentwood," Connaissance des arts 511 (November 1994), P- L 3 2 > i H u s - p. 133; Alexandre Pradere, "France, Furni- ture, 1716-93," The Dictionary of Art, Jane Turner, ed. (London, 1996), vol. 11, p. 594, illus.; Handbook 2001, pp. 210-211, illus. 103 104 Beds B ED S / SUP P ORTS FRENCH FURNI TURE 55 Supports PROVENANCE Alexandre-Edmond de Talleyrand-Perigord (?), 3rd due de Dino. (1813-1894), Place Vendome, Paris, or his son, Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, 4t h due de Dino (1843- 1917); [Duveen Brothers, Paris, and sent tem- porarily to Carlhian et Beaumetz, Paris]; Mi l e Gilda Darthy (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 18,1923, no. 77); acquired at that sale by F. Schutz, Paris; Espirito Santo Fam- i l y (?), Europe; (sold, Sotheby's, London, July 8, 1983, lot 96); acquired at that sale by Barbara Piasecka Johnson (offered for sale, Sotheby's, London, June 26, 1987, lot 76, bought in); (sold, Sotheby's, New York, May 21, 1992, lot 88); Karl Lagerfeld, Paris. EXHI BI TI ONS Paris, Musee Carnavalet, La Vie Parisienne au xvnf such, March 20- Apr i l 30, 1928, no. 285, p. 51, illus. (lent by F. Schutz). BI BLI OGRAPHY Frederic Contet, Meubles et sieges d'art: epoaues Louis xiv, Louis xv, Louis xvi, empire. (Paris, 1924), pi. 10, illus. ; Daryl M. Hafter, "Phi- lipe de Lasalle: From mise-en-carte to Indus- trial Design," Wmtertkur Portfolio 12 (1977), p. 155, illus. ; Marie-Jo de Chaignon, "Philipe de Lasalle, dessinateur et fabricant d'etoffes de soie Lyon au xvi n e siecle," Monde Alpin et Rhodanien 2-3 (1991), p. 71, illus. ; Andrea Disertori et al., H Mobile delSettecento (London, 1991), p. 114, illus. ; Amy Page, "Voulez- Vous Coucher?" Art and Auction (November, 1994), pp. 146-151, illus. p. 147; "Acquisi- tions /1994," GettyMus] 23 (1995), no. 4, p. 64, illus. ; Handbook 2001, pp. 228-229. 105 One of a pair 105. PAI R OF GUERI DONS Pans, circa 1680 At t ribut ed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak, cherry and walnut veneered wi t h ebony, tortoiseshell, blue painted horn, brass, and pewter; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 4 ft. 8V8 in. (143.8 cm); Wi d t h (at base): 1ft. 4V2 in. (41.9 cm); Depth (at base): 1ft. 5V8 in. (43.5 cm) Accession number 87. DA. 5. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Pierre-Louis Randon de Boisset (?) (1709- 1776), Paris (sold, Paris, February 27 to March 25, 1777, no. 796, for 1,000 livres, to Sr. Platrier); Pierre-Nicolas, baron Hoorn van Vlooswyck (?), Paris (sold, Paris, Novem- ber 22, 1809, no. 593, [to the dealer Henne- quart]); Baron S. de Lopez Tarragona, Paris; [Maurice Segoura, Paris, 1986]. BI BLI OGRAPHY Genevieve Mazel, "1777, La Vente Randon de Boisset et le marche de l'art au 18 e s[iecle]," LEstampille 202 (Apr i l 1987), p. 41, illus. ; Michel Beurdeley "Pans 1777: La Vente Randon de Boisset ou le mecanisme secret des ventes publiques au xvi n e siecle," Trois siecles de ventes publiaues (Fribourg, 1988), p. 53, illus. ; "Acquisitions A987," GettyMus] 16(1988), no. 67, p. 177, illus.; Pradere, Les Ehernstes, nos. 255-256, p. 106; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 106, pp. 72-73, illus. p. 73 (one). 106. PAI R OF PEDESTALS Paris, circa 1700 At t ribut ed to Andre-Charles Boulle Oak, fir, and walnut veneered wi t h fruit- wood, ebony, brass, and tortoiseshell; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 3 ft. 11 11 A i n; (121.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 9V8 in. (55.5 cm); Depth: 1ft. 9V8in. (55.5 cm) Accession number 88.DA. 75.1-.2 106 One of apair PROVENANCE Antoine-Alexandre Dubois, Paris (sold, Pail- let, Paris, December 18,1788, no. 168, to "Berotaire" for 5599 livrcs); (sold, Paillet et Delaroche [?], Paris, July 11,1803, no. 41); Baron James (Mayer) de Rothschild (1792- 1868), Paris, before i 860; Baron Gustave (Samuel James) de Rothschild (1829-1911), Paris; Baron Robert (Philippe Gustave) de Rothschild (1880-1946), Paris; Baron (James Gustave Jules) Al ai n de Rothschild (1910- 1982), Paris; Baron Eric (Al ai n Robert Davi d) de Rothschild, Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, December 4,1987, no. 112); [Same Ar t , Lt d. , Zuri ch]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, LExyosition de I'artfrancais sous Louis xiv et sous Louis xv au profit de I'oeuvre de I'hos^italite de nuit, 1888, no. 94. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Le Feu des encheres de Fi n d'Automne," Connaissance des arts 431 (January 1988), pp. 18-19; "Vive la arise," LOhjet d'art 3 (Janu- ary 1988), p. 95; II Giornale dell''Arte 53 (Febru- ary 1988), p. 84; Souren Mel i ki an, "Surprise, Surprise," Art and Auction (February 1988), pp. 84, 86; "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 68, pp. 140-141, illus.; Pradere, Les Ebenistes, nos. 189-190, p. 105; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 107, p. 73, illus. (one). 107 I O- J . WA L L BRACKET Paris, circa rj 15-1720 Gessoed and gi l ded oak Height: 1 ft.-6 i n. (45.-] cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 9 V2 i n. (54.6 cm); Depth: 8 V2 i n. (21.6 cm) Accession number 84.DH.86 PROVENANCE Private collection, New York; [Matthew Schutz, Lt d. , New York, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GcttyMus] 13 (1985), no. 49, p. 1*]"], illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 108, p. 73, illus. i o 8. PAIR OF TORCHERES Paris, circa 1725 Oak; modern gesso, gi l di ng Height: 5 ft. 8V4 i n. (173.3 c m ^ Diameter (at top): 1 ft. 3V4 i n. (40 cm); Diameter (at base): 1 ft. 10 l /i i n. (57.1 cm) Accession number 71.DA.98.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi chi gan (sold, Christies, London,June 24, 1971, l ot 75); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et a l , Getty Museum, p. 145, i l l us.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 109, p. 74, illus. (one). 108 Oneofayair 56 FRENCHFURNITURE SUP P ORTS SUP P ORTS / FI RE SCREEN / D E CORAT I V E RE L I E FS FRENCH FURNITURE 57 I O9 I O9 . PAI R OF SUPPORTS (GAINES) French, circa 17 70 After designs by Jean-Charles Delafosse Fir wi t h traces of gesso and paint Height: 4 ft. 2 i n. (127 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 4 i n. (40.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. (30.5 cm) Accession number 89.DA.2.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Galaries Heilbrunner]; [French and Co., New York, 1912-1925 (stock no. 5174)]; Mrs. James B. Haggm, New York, 1925; [ Mi d- town Antiques, New York, 1950]; [Freder- ick P. Vi ctori a and Son, Inc., New York, circa 1950-1988]; [Mi chel Ot m, Paris]; [Patrick Perrin, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1989," GettyMus] 18 (1990), no. 55, p. 194, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 110, p. 74, illus. 110 Fire Screen 110. FIRE SCREEN (ECRAN COULISSE) Paris, circa 1785-1790 Attri buted to Georges Jacob Wal nut One upri ght of the screen is carved wi t h the monogram JH and the other wi t h C(T?). Height: 4 ft. 2 i n. (127 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7 V2 i n. (80 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 5 i n. (43 cm) Accession number 88.DA. 124 PROVENANCE Madame Beaumont, Cap dAnti bes; (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, February 5-6, 1978, no. 13); [Bernard Stemitz, Paris, 1988]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 80, pp. 144-145, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 111, p. 74, illus. p. 75. 110 Decorative Reliefs CARVED RE LI E F Paris, 1789 By Aubert-Henri-Joseph Parent Li mewood Incised wi t h AUBERT PARENT FECI T AN. 1789 under the base. Height: 2 ft. 3 Vs i n. (69.4 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 6 7 /s i n. (47.9 cm); Depth: 2 3 /s i n. (6.2 cm) Accession number 84.SD.76 PROVENANCE Davi d Peel, London; Paul Mel l on (sold, Chri s- tie's, New York, November 22,1983, l ot 275); [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York, 1983]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Col m Streeter, "Two Carved Reliefs by Aubert Parent," GettyMus] 13 (1985), pp. 53- 66, figs, l a -d; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 65, p. 183, illus.; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 112, p. 75, illus.; Master- pieces, no. 97, pp. 122-123, l i r u s - ; Handbook 2001, p. 232, illus. I l l ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK AND FIXTURES Frames 112. CARVED RELIEF Paris, 1791 By Aubert-Henri-Joseph Parent Li mewood Incised wi t h AUBERT PARENT. 1791 under the base. Stenciled wi t h 1721a, an inventory number, i n black on the back. Hei ght: 1 ft. 11 78 i n. (58.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 3 Vs i n. (39.7 cm); Depth: 2 V 4 i n. (5.7 cm) Accession number 84.SD.194 PROVENANCE [Jacques Kugel, Paris, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Col i n Streeter, "Two Carved Reliefs by Aubert Parent," GcttyMus] 13 (1985), pp. 53- 66, figs. 3a-b; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 66, p. 183, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 113, p. 75, illus. 113 113. FRAME FOR A MIRROR Paris, circa 1690-1700 Gessoed and gi l ded oak; modern mi rror glass Height: 6 ft. 8 i n. (183.5 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 2 i n. (127 cm); Depth: 4 i n. (10.2 cm) Accession number 87.DH.78 PROVENANCE Private collection, Switzerland, 1980s; [Rainer Zietz, Lt d. , London]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus] 16 (1988), no. 68, p. 177, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 114, p. 76, illus. 114. FRAME FOR A MIRROR Paris, 1700-1710 Gessoed and gi l ded oak and limewood; modern mi rror glass Height: 10 ft. 2V2 i n. (313 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. (122 cm) Accession number 97.DH.5 PROVENANCE [Carlhian, Paris, 1907]; [Robert Carlhian, Neui l l ysur-Sei ne]; purchased by the J. Paul Getty Trust, 1986. 114 112 58 FRENCHFURNITURE D E CORAT I V E RE L I E FS FRENCHARCHITECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FIXTURES FRAME S FRAME S FRENCHARCHITECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FIXTURES 59 ^5 115. FRAME FOR A MI RROR WI T H T WO PARCLOSES Pans, 1751-1753 Gessoed, gilded, and painted oak; modern mirror glass One paper trade label of trie marchand-mercier Francois-Charles Darnault is pasted on the face of the back board of the mi rror frame; one paper trade label of marchand-mercier Francois-Charles Darnault is pasted on the back of the ri ght yardose panel. Height: 10 ft. 9V 4 i n. (329.6 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 5 V4 i n. (197.5 cm) Accession number 97.DH.4 PROVENANCE Frangois-Charles Darnault, "A la Vi l l e de Versailles," Paris, circa 1751-1753; [Carlhian, Paris, circa 1932]; [Robert Carlhian, Neui l l y- sur-Seine]; purchased by the J. Paul Getty Trust, 1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Mar- kets: The Marchands Meraers of Eighteenth-Century Vans (London, 1996), p. 180, illus. p. 22, pis. 10, 11; Cynthia Moyer and Gordon Han- Ion, "Conservation of the Darnault Mi rror: An Acryl i c Emulsion Compensation System," Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 35 (1996), pp. 185-96, illus. 116. FRAME Paris, circa 1775-1780 Possibly by Paul Georges Gessoed and gi l ded oak; modern mirror glass Height: 6 ft. 10 i n. (208.3 c m ^ Wi dt h: 5 ft. V 4 i n. (152.4 cm) Stamped wi t h P. GEORGES on back and inked wi t h 61 across the top. Accession number 88.DA.49 PROVENANCE George Baillie-Hamilton, 12th Earl of Haddington, Tynmghame House, East Lothian, Scotland (sold after his death, Sotheby's, Tyninghame House, September 28-29, 1987, l ot 551); [Christopher Gibbs, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJ 17 (1989), no. 75, p. 143, illus.;John Whi tehead, The Trench Interior m the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 61, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 115, p. 76, illus. 117 117. FRAME FOR A MI RROR Pans, circa 1775-1780 Painted and gi l ded oak; modern mirror glass Height: 6 ft. 1V4 i n. (187.2 cm); Wi dt h: 4 ft. 3V2 i n. (131 cm); Depth: 3V4 m. (9.5 cm) Accession number 92.DH.20 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMusJ 21 (1993) no. 65, p. 140, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 116, p. 77, illus. p. 76 116 6o FRENCH ARCHITECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FIXTURES P AN E L I N G AND MAN T E L P I E C E S Paneling and Mantelpieces l l 8 One. of ten l l 8. T E N PANELS Paris, circa 1661 Design attributed to Charles Le Brun Painted and gilded oak; modern wooden frames Panel . 1: Height: 6 ft. 11 i n. (202.5 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7V8 i n. (77.8 cm); Panel .2: Height: 6 ft. 10 Vs i n. (202.2 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 7 Vs i n. (77.8 cm); Panel .3: Height: 6 ft. 10 V4 i n. (200.6 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 3 3 A i n. (69.4 cm); Panel .4: Height: 6 ft. 11 Vs i n. (202.8 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 3V8 i n. (69.7 cm); Panel .5: Height: 4 ft. 1 Vs i n. (122.8 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 10 i n. (85 cm); Panel .6: Height: 4 ft. 1 i n. (122.5 c m ) ' Wi dt h: 2 ft. 9V4 i n. (84.4 cm); Panel .7: Height: 4 ft. 1 3 A i n. (124.8 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. (90 cm); Panel .8: Height: 4 ft. 1 i n. (122.5 c m X ' Wi dt h: 2 ft. 11 Vs i n. (89.7 cm); Panel .9: Height: 1 ft. 9V8 i n. (54.7 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 2V8 i n. (185.3 cm); Panel .10: Height: 3 ft. 11 Vs i n. (117.8 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 7V2 i n. (48.7 cm) Accession number 91.DH. 18.1-. 10 l l 8 One of ten PROVENANCE Fel i x Harbord, England, 1950s; Fel i x Fenston, England (sold by his wi dow, Sotheby's, London, May 25,1990, lot 50, to [Christopher Gibbs, London]). BIBLIOGRAPHY "Style i n Interior Decoration: Some Contem- porary DecoratorsII Fel i x Harbord," Apollo (October 1956), pp. 107-110, illus. pp. 107- 108; "AcquisitionsA991," GettyMus] 20 (1992), no. 76, p. 174, illus. (two); Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 117, p. 77, illus. (two); "Museum Acquisitions i n the Decorative Arts: Determination and Beneficence," Apollo 137, no. 371 (January 1993), p. 38, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 35, p. 49, i l l us.; Handbook 2001, p. 184, illus. (one). 119 119. MANTELPI ECE Paris (?), circa 1690-1700 Sarrancolmdes Pyrenees marble (also known as marbre J'Anftn) and breche violette Height: 5 ft. 10V2 i n. (179.1 cm); Wi dt h: 7 ft. 10 1 A i n. (240 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 V2 i n. (34.3 cm) Accession number 89.DH.30 PROVENANCE [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1989/' GettyMus] 18 (1990), no. 52, p. 193, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 118, p. 78, illus. P ANE L I NG AND MANT E L P I E C E S FRENCH ARCHI TECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FI XTURES 61 120 120. PANELI NG Paris, circa 1720 Attributed to the scupltor Jules Degoullons and his collaborators of the Social pour les latr minis du roi; probably after designs by Robert de Cotte Painted and gilded oak Height: 10ft. (305 cm); Wi d t h: 23 ft. 4V2 in. (712.2 cm); Depth: 14 ft. 11 l /i in. (179.5 c m ) (as installed) Accession number 97.DH.2.1-.38 PROVENANCE Claude le Bas de Montargis {trisomr giniral di I 'extraordinaire des Guerres) and Catherine- Henriette Hardoum (daughter of Jules Hardoum Mansart), 7Place Vendme, Paris, installed as a hibliotheaue en armoire in a cabinet circa 1720; by inheritance to their daughter, marchioness Anne-Charlotte Hardouin (wi dow of Louis, marquis d'Arpajon), who sold the hotel i n 1759; Nicolas Dedelay de la Garde (fermierginiral, died 1783), by inheri- tance to his widow, Elisabeth de Li gni vi l l e (later comtesse de Polleresky died 1791); Jean-Jacques Claret de Fleurieu, 1823; panel- ing removed to the family's hotel, Hotel Claret de Fleurieu, in Samt Germain-en-Laye before 1861; [Andre Carlhian, Pans, before 1926]; [Robert Carlhian, Neuilly-sur-Seme]; purchased by the J. Paul Getty Trust, 1986. BI BLI OGRAPHY F. de Samt-Simon, "No 7Hotel Le Bas de Montargis," LaPlaceV enddme (Paris, 1982), pp. 113-115; Bruno Pons, "Bibliotheque de l'Htel Le Bas de Montargis (vers 1719)," French Period Rooms 1650-1800 Rebuilt in England, France, and the Americas (Paris, 1995), pp. 173-184; Rochelle Ziskin, ThePlaceV en- dome: Architecture and Social Mobility in Eighteenth- Century Paris (Cambridge, 1999), fig. 57, p. 73, illus.; Lisa Lyons, "Judy Fiskm: My Getty Center," Departures: Eleven Artists at the Getty (Los Angeles, 2000), p. 24, illus. 121. PANELI NG Paris, 1725-1726 By Jacques Gaul tier, menuisier, after the designs of Armand-Claude Mol l et Painted and gilded oak and walnut; breche d'Alep mantelpiece; modern mirror glass Height: 13 ft. (396.2 cm); Wi d t h: 26 ft. 9 in. (815 cm); Depth: 22 ft. (670.6 cm) (as installed) Accession numbers 71.DH.118 and 88.DH.59 PROVENANCE Guillaume Cressart, Hotel Cressart, installed in 1725 and 1726 i n the chambre a coucher of 18 place Vendome, Paris; Louis-Auguste Duche, 1733; Jean-Baptiste Duche (brother of Louis- Auguste Duche), by 1743; Elisabeth-Louis Duche (wife of Jacques Bertrand, marquis de Scepeaux et de Beaupreau), after 1743; Elisabeth-Louise-Adelaide de Scepeaux de Beaupreau (wife of the comte de La Tour d'Auvergne), 1769; Jean-Louis Mi l on d'Inval, Paris, 1774; by inheritance to his wife, Antoi - nette Bureau Seraudey (Mme d'Inval), in an i n (1794-1795) (sold by her heirs in 1836); Sophie Dawes (baronne de Feucheres), 1836; the chambre coucher became the salon at this time (sold by her heirs after her death i n 1841); the marquise de Las Marismas del Guadalquivir (Mme Alexandre Aguado), 1842; Union Artistique, Paris, 1865; [Andre Carlhian, Paris; hoiseries removed in 1936]; [Duveen Brothers, New York, 1939; stored i n Paris until removed to New York in 1959]; 62 FRENCH ARCHI TECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FI XTURES P ANE L I NG AND MANT E L P I E C E S Norton Simon, New York, 1965; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 88.DH.59 (only): separated from 71.DH.118 in the 1960s; [Therien and Co., Inc., San Francisco, 1987]. BI BLI OGRAPHY Rene Colas, "Les Hotels de la place Ven- dome," Pans qui reste: vuux hotels, vidlles demeures, nvedroite (Paris, 1914), pp. 105-106, pi. 94; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 145, illus.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; Bruno Pons, "Les boisenes de l'Htel Cressart au Getty Museum," GettyMus J 11 (1983), pp. 67-88, illus.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 119, pp. 78-79, illus. p. 78; Bruno Pons, "Chambre Coucher de l'Htel Duche (Cressart) (1725), 18, Place Vendome, French Period Rooms Rebuilt in England, France and the Americas (Paris, 1995) pp. 209-220, illus.; Joseph Godla and Gordon Hanlon, "Some Applications of Adobe Photoshop for the Documentation of Furniture Conservation," Journal of the American I nstitute for Conservation 34 (Fal l / Wi nt er 1995), pp. 157-172, illus. (detail) p. 165, fig. 10; Katie Scott, The Rococo I nterior: Decoration and Social Spaces in Early Eighteenth-Century Pans (New Haven, 1995), p. 36, illus.; Pratapaditya Pal, "Getty and Asian Art , " Orientations (Apri l 1998), pp. 58 - 63, p. 59, illus. l 22 f Xu i l of one 122. ELEVEN PANELS Pans, circa 1730-1735 Oak Panels .1-.2: Height: 9 ft. 2V4 in. (280cm); Wi d t h: 4 ft. V2 in. (123 cm); Panels .3-.4: Height: 9 ft. 2V4 in. (280cm); Wi d t h: 4 ft. 6V2 in. (139 cm); Panels . 5-. 7: Height: 9 ft. 2 in. (279.4 c m ^ Wi d t h: 1ft. 3V4 in. (40 cm); Panel .8: Height: 9 ft. 2 in. (279.4 c m ^ Wi d t h: 1ft. 6V4 in. (46.3 cm); Panel .9: Height: 9 ft. 2 in. (279.4 c m ^ Wi d t h: 1ft. 10in. (55.9 cm); Panels .10-. 11: Height: 6 ft. 1in. (185.4 c m ^ Wi d t h: 10in. (25.4 cm) Accession number 84. DH. 52. 1-. 11 PROVENANCE Chateau de Marly-Le-Roi, Yvelines, by- repute; Mallett family Louveciennes, early nineteenth century; Mme Claude Mel i n, Louveciennes, 1984, by descent. BI BLI OGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 120, p. 79, illus. 121 P ANE L I NG AND M ANT E L P I E C E S FRENCH ARCHITECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FIXTURES 63 I23. MANTELPIECE Pans, circa 1730-1735 Brecciated marble of a variety of sarrancohn des Pyrenees; modern brick Height: 3 ft. 7 V2 in. (110.5 c m ^ Wi dt h: 5 ft. 9 in. (175.3 cm); Depth: 11 V2 in. (29.2 cm) Accession number 85.DH.92 PROVENANCE Private residence, Paris; [Francois Leage, Pans]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 195, p. 244, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 121, p. 79, illus. 124. PANELED ROOM Paris, circa 1755 Painted and gilded oak; four oil-on-canVas overdoor paintings; breche d'Alep mantelpiece; modern mirror glass; gilt-bronze hardware Height: 14 ft. 4 m. (436.9 cm); Wi dt h: 23 ft. 6V2 in. (718 cm); Depth: 25 ft. 6 in. (777 cm) Accession number 73.DH. 107 PROVENANCE An unidentified hotel on the quai Malaquais, Pans, until 1900; Mme Doucet, Paris, 1900-1907; comte Henri de Greffulhe, 8, rue d'Astorg, Pans; due de Gramont, 42 bis avenue Georges Mandel, Paris, 1909 (offered for sale in situ, Ader Picard, Paris, Octo- ber 9, 1969, no. 14, bought in); [ R. and M. Carlhian, Paris]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY La comtesse Jean Louis de Maigret, "Un demi-siecle a l' Hotel Gramont," Connaissance des arts 141 (November 1963), p. 92, illus.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 2; "J. Paul Getty Museum," V entura, September-Novem- ber (1988), p. 165, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 122, p. 80, illus.; Philip Yenaw- me, Key Art Terms for Beginners (New York 1995), p. 66, illus. 124 123 64 FRENCH ARCHI TECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FI XTURES P AN E L I N G AND MAN T E L P I E C E S I25. PANELED ROOM ( S A L O N D E C O MP A G N I E ) Pans, circa 1790-1795 Panels painted by Jean-Simeon Rousseau de la Rottiere and plaster overdoors attributed to Jean-Guillaume Moit t e, after designs by Claude-Nicolas Ledoux Painted and gilded oak; painted and gilded plaster; modern mirror glass; modern gi l t - bronze hardware; whit e marble mantelpiece Various pieces of moldings bear the stenciled number 8032. Four Double Doors: Height: 9 ft. 5V4 in. (287.7 c m ^ Wi d t h (of one door): 2 ft. 3V4 in. (70.5 cm); Four Large Panels: Height: 9 ft. 5Vs in. (287.3 c m ) ; Wi dt h: 2 ft. 8 3 A in. (83.2 cm); Five Panels: Height: 9 ft. 3V2in. (283.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 6V2 in. (46.9 cm); Four Panels: Height: 9 ft. 3V2 in. (285.1 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. V2 in. (31.8 cm); Four Over- doors: Height: 2 ft. 11 3 A in. (90.8 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 3 A in. (167 cm) Accession numbers 98.DH.149 and 91.DH.60 (moldings only) PROVENANCE "Grand salon/' Maison Hosten, 38 rue Saint-Georges, Paris, unt il around 1892; Mme C. Lelong, Paris, after 1892; Fournier, Paris, before 1897 (?); [Lantiquaire Levy, 15 rue Pigalle, Paris;] Prince d'Esslmg, due de Rivoli, 8 rue Jean Goujon, Paris, 1897 to May 1913 (?); [in storage wi t h Maison Carlhian from May 1913 to January 1920, when con- signed to both Maison Carlhian and Jacques Seligmann]; [Maison Carlhian and Jacques Seligmann, Paris, 1921]. Panels only: Ot t o Wolff, Cologne, 1925; private collection, Cologne, unt il 1969; [Joachim Kaiser and Georg Fahrbach, Cologne, 1969-1986]; [Axel Vervoordt, Belgium, 1986]; moldings only: [R. and M. Carlhian, Pans]; purchased by the J. Paul Getty Trust, 1987. BI BLI OGRAPHY Krafft and Ransonette, Ckoixdes plus belles maisons de Pans (Pans, 1805), P L 5' Alfred de Champeaux, L'Art decoratif dans le vieux Pans (Paris, 1898), p. 319; Lady Dilke, French Fur- nitureand Decoration in the Seventeenth Century (London, 1901) pp. 67-68, 70, illus. ; Rene Destailleur, Documents de Decoration au xvnf siecle, Pemture et Sculpture Decor atives-Tapissenes (Brussels, 1906), pis. 60-63; Vi l l e de Paris, Commission Municipale du Vieux Paris, Annie 1921, Proces-Verbaux (Pans, 1924), p. 84; Paul Mar- mottan, Le Style empire: Architecture et decors din- teneurs (Paris, 1927), vol. 4, pp. 1-2, pis. 1-7; Marcel Raval, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 1736- 1806 (Pans, 1945), p- 51, pis. 50-59; Louis Hautecoeur, Histoire de I'architecture classique en France, vol. 5, Revolution et I'empire (Paris, 1953), pp. 347, 371; Jacques Hillairet, Dictionnaire histonque des rues de Pans (Paris, 1963), vol. 2, p. 408; "Ledoux et Pans," Cahiersde la rotonde 3 (Pans, 1979), pp. 128-129, illus. p. 181, fig. 106; Michel Gallet, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 1736-1806 (Paris, 1980), pp. 209-213, figs. 372-383; La Nowvelle Atkenes: Le Quartier Samt-Georges de Louis xv Napoleon 111 (Musee Carnavalet, Paris, 1984), no. 22, p. 20; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 124, pp. 80-81, illus. p. 81; Bruno Pons, "I n memorium David Harris Cohen, Salon de l' Hotel Hosten (1792), 38 rue Saint-Georges," FrenchPenod Rooms Rebuilt in England, France and the Americas (Pans, 1995), pp. 395-410, illus. ; Alexia Lebeurre, "Le 'genre arabesque': nature et dif- fusion des modeles dans le decor interieur Paris, 1760-1790," Architecture et decor 42/43 (October 1998), p. 86, illus. p. 87. 125 P AN E L I N G AND MAN T E L P I E C E S / N E W E L P OST FRENCH ARCHI TECTURAL WOODWOOK AND FI XTURES FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 65 Newel Post (^LOCKS AND BAROMETERS 126 126. W A L L LI GH T Lorraine (Nancy), circa rjoo "Bois de Sainte-Lucu" (cerasus mahaleb) Height: 1ft. 5 in. (43.2cm); Wi dt h: n 5 / 8 in. (29.4 cm); Depth: 5in. (12.6 cm) Accession number 85.DH.284 PROVENANCE [Neidhardt Antiquitten GmbH, Munich, 1985]. BI BLI OGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 190. p. 242, illus. ; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 125, p. 82, illus. 127. N E WE L POST Paris, circa 1735 /Painted and gilded iron Height: 2ft. 11V8 in. (90.5cm); Wi dt h: 11V2 in. (29.2cm); Depth: 1ft. 3V4 in. (40 cm) Accession number 79.DH.164 PROVENANCE A. Gignoux, Paris; purchased by J. Paul Getty, circa 1950. BI BLI OGRAPHY J. Paul Getty, Collectors Choice (London, 1955) pp. 155, 237; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 126, p. 82, illus. 127 128 128. LONG-CASE CLOCK (REGULATEUR) Pans, circa 1680-1690 Case attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle; the movement by Antome 1 Gaudron Oak veneered wi t h ebony, tortoiseshell, brass, and pewter; enameled metal; gi l t - bronze mounts; glass Inscribed Gaudron JPans onclock face and movement and Solem Audet Dicere Falsum(It dares the sun to tell a lie) on face. 66 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS BI BLI OGRAPHY Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques/" p. 109, illus. ; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 185, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 1, p. 18, illus. ; Wi l son, Selections, no. 7, pp. 14- 15, illus. ; Verlet, Les Bronzes, illus. p. 164, fig. 200; C. E. Zonneyville-Heyning, "Gilden," Visuele Knsten: Kunstgeschiedenis van de nieuwe tijcl 3 (1989), p. 44, illus. ; Gian Giotto Borelli, Antiauites et objets d'art horloges etjtendules (Paris, 1992), p. 65, illus. p. 48; Wi l l i am Park, The Idea of Rococo (Newark, Delaware, 1992), p. 103, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 128, pp. 82-83, ^l^s. p. 83; Jean-Dominique Augarde, Les Owners du temp: La Penduled Paris de Louis xiv d Napoleon 1 tr (Geneva, 1996), pp. 165-166, illus. p. 166; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 3, pp. 14-19, illus. ; Mas- terpieces, no. 45, p. 61, illus. ; Handbook 2001, pp. 192-193, illus. Heigkt: 8 ft. 1V16 in. (246.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 6 1 /s in. (48 cm); Depth: 7V2in. (19 cm) Accession number 88. DB. I 6 PROVENANCE [Jean Durier, Paris, circa 1945]; private collection, Burgundy, 1948-1988; [Alain Moat t i, Paris]. BI BLI OGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJ 17 (1989), no. 66, p. 140, illus. ; Handbook 1991, p. 160, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 127, pp. 82-83, illus- p- 83; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 1, pp. 2-9; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvrei, pp. 27-29, illus. ; Masterpieces, no. 42, p. 57, illus. 129 129. MODE L FOR A MAN T E L CLOCK Paris, circa 1700-1715 Terracotta; enameled metal plaques Height: 2 ft. 7i n. (78.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 8V2 in. (52.1 cm); Depth: 9V2 in. (24.2 cm) Accession number 72.DB.52 PROVENANCE [Dalva Brothers, Inc. , New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHI BI TI ONS New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Ar t , Magnifcent Time-Keepers, January 1971- March 1972, no. 67. 130. W A L L C LOC K (PENDULE D' ALCOVE) Paris, circa 1710 Case attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle; maker of later English movement unknown Gi l t bronze; blue painted horn; enameled metal; glass The back bears a label inked wi t h Vernon House, Staircase. Height: 2 ft. 4 in. (71.1 cm); Wi dt h: 11V4 in. (28.6 cm); Depth: 4V2 in. (11.4 cm) Accession number 73.DB.74 PROVENANCE Charles Wi l l i am, 2nd Lord Hillingdon, Vernon House, London; Charles, 4t h Lord Hillmgdon, by descent (sold, Christie's, Lon- don, June 29, 1972, lot 56); [French and Co., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 67 I3O BI BLI OGRAPHY Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 3, p. 19, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 129, pp. 83-84, illus. p. 83; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 2, pp. 10-13. 131. LONG-CASE. MUSI CAL CLOCK Paris, circa 1712 Case and stand attributed to Alexandre-Jean Oppenordt, possibly after a design by Gilles- Marie Oppenord; movement by Jean-Francois Dominice; musical movement by Michel Stollenwerck; movement repaired and dial and hands replaced by Pierre-Bazile Lepaute Oak veneered wi t h brass and red painted tortoiseshell; enameled metal; bronze mounts; glass Movement is engraved wi t h J. E Domimce JParis and Fait far Stollenwerck dans I'abbaye St. Germain APans; dial is engraved wi t h LEPAUTE. Height: 8 ft. 9 in. (266.7 c m ) ^ Wi dt h: 3 ft. 5 in. (104.1 cm); Depth: 1ft. 3V2in. (39.4 cm) Accession number 72. DB. 40 PROVENANCE Vincent Donjeux (?), Paris (sold, Paris, Apr i l 29,1793, no. 562); Peter Burrell, i st Lord Gwydi r (1754-1820), Grimsthorpe Castle, Cokayne; by descent to Peter Burrell, 2nd Lord Gwydi r (1782-1865) (sold, Chris- tie's, London, March 11-12, 1829, lot 103, to [Samuel Fogg, London]); Wi l l i am Allenye Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Exeter; by descent Henry George Brownlow, 4t h Marquess of Exeter, Burghley House (sold, Christie's, Lon- don, June 7-8, 1888, lot 261, to [Charles Davis, London]); Cornelius Vanderbilt 11 (1843-1899), New York; Gladys Moore Van- derbilt (Countess Laszlo Szechenyi, 1886- 1965) New York and The Breakers, Newport, Rhode Island (circa 1926-1927), (sold by her heirs in 1971 to [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc. , New York]); [French and Co. , New York, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1971. BI BLI OGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 151, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 5, p. 19, illus. ; Jean-Neree Ronfort, "Andre- Charles Boulle: Die Bronzearbeiten und seme Werkstatt im Louvre," Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 2, p. 491; Glan Giotto Borelli, Anaues et objets d'art horloges et pendules (Paris, 1992), illus. p. 48; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 130, p. 84, illus. ; Joseph Godla and Gordon Hanlon, "Some Applications of Adobe Photoshop for the Documentation of Furniture Conservation," Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 34 (Fal l /Wi nt er 1995), fig. 11, p. 167, illus. ; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 5, pp. 28-41, illus. 131 68 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS I32. MAN T E L CLOCK Paris, circa 1715-1725 Case attributed to Andre-Charles Boulle; movement by Paul Gudin, called Gudin le jeune; figure of Chronos after a model by Frangois Girardon Oak veneered wi t h tortoiseshell, blue painted horn, brass, and ebony; enameled metal; gilt-bronze mounts; glass movement is engraved wi t h Gudin le jeune JParis; dial is painted wi t h GU DI N LE JEUNE A PARIS. Height: 3 ft. 4 in. (101.6 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 8 in. (50.8 cm); Depth: 11 3 A in. (29.8 cm) Accession number 72.DB.55 PROVENANCE Count Jnos Plffy (1829-1908), (sold, Bad Pistyan, Czechoslovakia, June 30, 1924, no. 285); [Etienne Levy et Cie, Paris, 1971]; [French and Co. , New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 132 EXHI BI TI ONS Paris, Hotel George v, Haute Joaillerie de France, June 1971; New York, The Frick Collection, French Clocks in North American Collections, November 1982-January 1983, no. 38, p. 45, illus. p. 46. BI BLI OGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 150, illus. ; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 4, p. 19, illus. ; The Country Life International Dic- tionary of Clocks, Alan Smith, ed. (New York, 1979), p. 90, fig. 6; Marvi n D. Schwartz, "Boulle Furniture," Arts and Antiques (Apri l 1983), illus. p. 75; Wi nt hrop Edey "Time for Boulle," House and Garden (March 1985), p. 82, illus. ; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergold- eteBronzen, vol. 1, p. 40, fig. 1.2.5, and Jean- Neree Ronfort, "Andre-Charles Boulle: Die Bronzearbeiten und seine Werkstatt im Lou- vre," vol. 2, p. 478; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 132, pp. 85-86, illus. p. 85; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 4, pp. 20-27, illus. W A L L CLOCK (PENDULE DE REPETI TI ON) Paris, circa 1735-1740 Case by an unknown maker, possibly after a design by Juste-Aurele Meissonnier; move- ment by Jean-Jacques Fieffe pere Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; wood car- cass; glass Di al is painted wi t h FI EFFE DELOBSER- VATOI R; movement is engraved wi t h Fieffe Ans. Height: 4 ft. 4V2 in. (133.4 c m ^ Wi dt h: 2 ft. 2V2 in. (67.3 cm); Depth: 5V8in. (14.4 cm) Accession number 72.DB.89 PROVENANCE Baron (Mayer) Alphonse de Rothschild (1827-1905), Chateau de Ferneres, Tarn; Baron Edouard (Alphonse James) de Roth- schild (1868-1949), Chateau de Ferneres, by descent; Baron Guy (Edouard Alphonse Paul) de Rothschild (born 1909), Chateau de *33 Ferneres (sold, Sotheby's, London, Novem- ber 24,1972, lot 7); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Eveline Schlumberger, "Caffieri, le bronzier de Louis xv," Connaissance des arts 159 (May 1965), illus. p. 83; Gerard Mabi l l e, Le Style Louis xv (Paris, 1978), p. 175, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 6, p. 19, illus. ; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 111, fig. 2.3.4; Gian Giotto Borelli, Antiauites et objets dart horloges et pendules (Paris, 1992), p. 57, illus. p. 49; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 133, p. 86, illus.; Wilson, Clocks, no. 8, pp. 58-64; Jean-Dominique Augarde, Les Owners du Temps: La Pendule Paris de Louis xiv Napoleon I E R (Geneva, 1996), pp. 314-315, illus. fig. 238; Masterpieces, no. 60, p. 80, illus. FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 69 1 3 4 ' W A L L CLOCK (PENDULE D' ALCOVE) Paris and Chanti l l y manufactory, circa 1740 Movement by Charles Voism Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel deco- ration; gi l t bronze; enameled metal; glass Movement is engraved wi t h C e s VoismJParis and di al is painted wi t h CHARLES VOISIN APARIS. Height: 2 ft. 5V2 i n. (74.9 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2 in. (35.6 cm); Depth: 4V8 i n. (11.1 cm) Accession number 8I . DB. 8I PROVENANCE [Jacques Kugel, Paris, 1980]. *34 BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1981," no. 2, pp. 66- 71, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 326; Wi l son, Selections, no. 13, pp. 26-27, i l l us.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; "J. Paul Getty Museum," Ven- tura (September/November 1988), p. 166, illus.; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. p. 119; Bre- mer-David, Summary, no. 135, p. 87, illus.; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 6, pp. 42-47; Genevieve Le Due, Porcelame tendre de Chantilly au x v i n e siecle (Paris, 1996), pp. 166-67, i l l . pp. 166- 67; Masterpieces, no. 56, p. 75, illus.; Genvieve Le Due, "The Rocaille Style at Chanti l l y: A Different Aspect of French Porcelain circa 1750," Apollo 147, no. 431 (January 1998), pp. 37-41, illus. p. 39, fig. 6; Handbook 2001, p. 200, illus. MA NT E L CLOCK Paris, circa 1742 Movement by Julien I I Le Roy; enamel di al by Antoine-Nicolas Martmi ere Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; glass Di al is painted wi t h JULIEN-LE ROY-DE L A SOCIETE DES ARTS-; movement is engraved wi t h Julien Le Roy JParis on back; di al is enameled wi t h a.n. martmiere 1742 on reverse. Height: 1 ft. 67s i n. (47 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. V2 in. (32 cm); Depth: 8Vs i n. (20.6 cm) Accession number 79.DB.4 PROVENANCE [Jacques Kugel, Paris, 1978]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Frick Collection, French Clocks in North American Collections, November 1982- January 1983, no. 52, p. 58, illus. p. 13. *35 BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 14, pp. 50-52, illus; Mi l l er, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 15, p. 21, illus.; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 136, pp. 87-88, lllus. p. 87; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 9, pp. 65-69. 136. W A L L CLOCK Paris, circa 1747 Case by Jacques Caffieri; movement by Julien 11 Le Roy; enamel di al by Antome- Nicolas Marti ni ere Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; glass Case is engraved wi t h fait par Caffiery and stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Di al is inscribed wi t h -JULIEN-LE-ROY- and on reverse, wi t h a.n. martmiere Privilegie Du Roi 1747 Movement is engraved wi t h Julien Le Roy JParis. Height: 2 ft. 6V2 i n. (77.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 4 in-. (40.6 cm); Depth: 4V2 i n. (11.4 cm) Accession number 72.DB.45 70 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 136 PROVENANCE (Sold anonymously Chri sti es, London, July 15, 1971, l ot 21); [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Mi l l er, "Cl ockwi se," pp. 15-21, fig. 10, p. 21, i l l us.; The Country Life International Dictionary of Clocks, Al an Smith, ed. (New York, 1979), p. 237, fig. 2; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Ver- goldete Bronzen, vol . 1, p. 114, fig. 2.5.2; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 137, p. 88, i l l us.; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 12, pp. 86-91. 137. PLANISPHERE CLOCK Paris, circa 1745-1749 Case attributed to Jean-Pierre Latz; move- ment (now missing) by Alexandre Fortier Oak veneered wi t h ki ng wood; bronze mounts; glass; gi l t paper Di al is engraved wi t h Inventepar A. FORTIER; mounts of lower sections are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Hei ght: 9 ft. 3 i n. (282 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 1 i n. (94 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3 i n. (38.1 cm) Accession number 74. DB . 2 PROVENANCE Louis-Francois de Bourbon, prmee de Cont i (sold, Pans, Apr i l 8-June 6,1777, no. 2008); Baron Gustave (Samuel James) de Rothschi l d (1829-1911), Paris; [Charles Davis] (sold, Christie's, London, June 29, 1906, l ot 132, for 577 to Stettmer); Maurice Ephrussi, Paris (offered for sale, Galerie Georges Petit, May 22,1911, no. 63, bought i n [?]); (sold, "Property of a Lady of Ti tl e," Sotheby's, Lon- don, November 24,1972, lot 34); [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1974]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropol i tan Museum of Art , The Grand Gallery, La Confederation Internationale des negociants en oeuvres d'art (CINOA), October 1974-January 1975, no. 44, p. 50. BIBLIOGRAPHY "The Grand Gallery," Connoisseur (October 1974), p. 122; Mi l l er, "Cl ockwi se," pp. 15- 21, fig. 7, p. 19, i l l us.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 18, pp. 36-37, i l l us., fig. 144; Verlet, Les Bronzes, p. 115, illus. fig. 144; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 138, pp. 88-89, illus. p. 89; Jean-Dominique Augarde, Les Ouvriers du Temps: La Pendule Pans de Louis xiv Napoleon 1 e r (Geneva, 1996), pi . 182, pp. 228-229; Wi l - son, Clocks, no. 13, pp. 92-101. 138. BAROMETER ON BRACKET Paris, circa 1755 Cl ock case attributed to Charles Cressent; bracket attributed to Jean-Joseph de Saint-Germain; maker of the modern move- ment unknown Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; wood car- cass; glass Di al is enameled wi t h DI GUE A PARIS. !37 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 71 138 Height: 4 ft. 3 in. (129.4 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 6 in. (45.7 cm); Depth: 7V4- i n. (18.4 cm) Accession number 71.DB.116 PROVENANCE [B. Fabre, Paris]; [Duveen Brothers, New York, 1933]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Ter- race, Grosse Pomte Farms, Michigan by 1933 (sold, Christie's, London, June 24, 1971, lot 40 [together wi t h no. 139 i n this book]); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Duveen and Co., A Catalogue of Works of Art of the Eighteenth Century in the Collection of Anna Thomson Dodge (Detroit, 1933), non-paginated entry, illus.; Theodore Dell, "The Gilt-Bronze Cartel Clocks of Charles Cressent," Burlington Magazine 109 (Apr i l 1967), pp. 210-217; Fred- ericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 187, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 9, p. 19, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 134, pp. 86-87, ^ n s - P- Wi l son, Clocks, no. 7, pp. 48-57; Pierre Kjellberg, Encyclopedic de la Ipendule francaise du moyen age au xxe siecle (Paris, 1997), fig. B, p. 92, illus. 139. CLOCK ON BRACKET Paris, circa 1758 Movement by JeanRomilly; clock case attrib- uted to Charles Cressent; bracket by Jean- Joseph de Saint-Germain Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; wood car- cass; glass Bracket is stamped wi t h S T GE R MAI N ; movement is engraved wi t h Romilly JParis and dial is enameled wi t h ROMILLY A PARIS; one spring is inscribed wi t h William 11 Blake)/ and dated 1758; all gilt-bronze elements are stamped wi t h an E on reverse. Height: 4 ft. 1V2 in. (125.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 6V2 in. (47 cm); Depth: 8 in. (20.3 cm) Accession number 71.DB.115 PROVENANCE George Jay Gould, in the "Foyer Hall" of 857 Fifth Avenue, New York; [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Ter- race, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, by 1932 (sold, Christie's, London, June 24, 1971, lot 40 [together wi t h no. 138 i n this book]); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BI BLI OGRAPHY Duveen and Co., A Catalogue of Works of Art of the Eighteenth Century in the Collection of Anna Thomson Dodge (Detroit, 1933), non-paginated entry, illus.; Theodore Dell, "The Gilt-Bronze Cartel Clocks of Charles Cressent," Burlington Magazine 109 (Apr i l 1967), pp. 210-217; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 187; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 79, fig. 1.12.7; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 139, p. 89, illus. ; Alvar Gonzalez- Palacios, I I Patrimonio artistico del Quirinale, Gli ArrediFrancesi (Milan, 1995), no. 80, p. 297; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 7, pp. 48-57, illus. ; Jean- Dominique Augarde, "Jean-Joseph de Saint Germain Bronzier (1719-1791): Inedits sur sa Vie et son Oeuvre," LEstamflle/EObjet ftart 308 (December 1996), pp. 62-82, illus. p. 67, fig. 7; Pierre Kjellberg, Encyclopedicdelapendule frangaise du moyen age au xxe siecle (Paris, 1997), p. 92, fig. B, illus. 139 -]2 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS I 4 O . MAN T E L CLOCK Paris, circa 1763 Case attributed to Robert Osmond; move- ment by Etienne 11 Le Noir in partnership wi t h his son Pierre-Etienne Le Noir Patinated and gi l t bronze; enameled metal; glass Di al is painted wi t h Etienne Le Noir JParis and movement is engraved wi t h Etienne, le Noir JParis No. 396; springs are inscribed wi t h Masson 1763. Height: 1ft. 9V2 in. (54.6 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 5V4 in. (45.1 cm); Depth: 9V4 in. (23.5 cm) Accession number 73.DB.85 PROVENANCE Louis-Frangois-Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, due de Richelieu (?); (sold, Paris, December 18,1778, no. 692); (sold, "Property of a Nobleman," Christies, London, July 5, 1973, lot 31); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Get t y BI BLI OGRAPHY Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 11, p. 21, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 140, p. 90, illus. ; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 14, pp. 102-107. 141. W A L L CLOCK ON BRACKET Paris, circa 1764 Case by Antoine Foullet; movement by Lapma Oak veneered wi t h panels of green, red, and cream painted horn; brass; enameled metal; gilt-bronze mounts; glass Stamped wi t h AN T - F OVLLE T JME on back of case and bracket. Movement is engraved wi t h Lapma A PARIS; one spring is inscribed Richard x de 1764 Mouvement foule M Eleniter and a second spring is engraved wi t h Richard x de 1764 Sonnene A foule Eben. Height: 3 ft. 10 3 A in. (118.7 c m ) ^ Wi dt h: 1 ft. 7V2in. (49.5 cm); Depth: 11V 4 in. (28.6 cm) Accession number 75.DB.7 141 PROVENANCE Private collection, Cornwall; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1974]. BI BLI OGRAPHY Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 12, p. 21; Ottomeyer andPrschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 158, fig. 3.2.6; Verlet, Les Bronzes, p. 112, illus. p. 113, fig. 137; Pradere, LesEbr nistes, p. 275; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 141, p. 90, illus. ; Pierre Arizzoli-Cle- mentel, "Neoclassicisme," L'Art decoraiif en Europe du Neoclassicisme aL'Art Deco, Al ai n Gru- ber, ed. (Paris, 1994), p. 55, illus. ; Jean- Dominique Augarde, Les Ouvriers du temps: La Pendule d Paris de Louis xi v d Napoleon 1 ER (Geneva, 1996), p. 188, fig. 152, illus. ; Wi l - son, Clocks, no. 15, pp. 108-113. 142. MAN T E L CLOCK Paris, circa 1772 Movement by Etienne-Augus t i n Le Roy; case by Etienne Martincurt Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; glass Painted wi t h CHARLES LE ROY A PARIS on dial; movement is engraved wi t h Ch ks Le Roy JParis and stamped wi t h 2417 on back- plate; t wo movement springs are signed and dated Richard fevrier 1772. Height: 2 ft. 4 in. (66 cm); Wi dt h: 1ft. 11V2 in. (59.7 cm); Depth: 12 3 A in. (32.4 cm) Accession number 73.DB.78 PROVENANCE Louis xvi , Salle du Conseil of the Palais des Tuileries, 1790; the marquis de Samt-Cloud (?) (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, February 25-26, 1861, no. 1); [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]; [French and Co. , New York, 1973]. EXHI BI TI ONS New York, The Frick Collection, French Clocks in North American Collections, November 1982- January 1983, no. 63, illus. p. 67. 140 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 73 BI BLI OGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 165, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 13, p. 21, illus. ; Wi l son, Selections, no. 32, pp. 64-65, illus. ; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 181, fig. 3.7.10; Jacques Charles et al., De Versailles Paris: Le Destm des collections royales (Paris, 1989), illus. p. 140, fig. 1; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 142, p. 91, illus. ; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 16, pp. 114-123; Jean-Dominique Augarde, Les Owners du temps: La Pendule a Paris de Louis xi v Napoleon 1 tr (Geneva, 1996), pp. 241, pi. 188 (p. 238); Mas- terpieces, no. 82, p. 105, illus. ; Handhok 2001, p. 220, illus. H3- BAROMETER Paris, circa 1770-1775 Oak veneered wi t h ebony; gilt-bronze mounts; enameled metal; ivory and glass barometrical tube Height: 4 ft. V2in. (123.2 cm); Wi dt h: 9V2 in. (24. 1 cm); Depth: 1Vs in. (4.8 cm) Accessionnumber 86.DB.632 PROVENANCE Tristao Guedes Correira de Queiroz e Castello-Branco, i st marquis and 2nd comte da Foz (1849-1917); probably removed from Lisbon to London (sold, Christie's, London, June 10, 1892, lot 65); Mrs. Orme Wi l son (sold by her executors, Parke-Bernet, New York, March 25-26,1949, lot 386); Mme Lucienne Fribourg (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, Apr i l 19,1969, lot 189); [Alexan- der and Berendt, Lt d. , London]; Frau Quandt, Bad Homburg, Germany; [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris], owned j oint ly wi t h [Jeremy, Lt d. , London, 1986]. BI BLI OGRAPHY "Acquisitions/i<!)86," no. 108, p. 214, illus. ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 143, p. 91, illus. H3 74 FRENCH CLOCKS AND BAROMETERS 1 4 4 . MAN T E L CLOCK Paris, circa 1785 Case attributed to Pierre-Philippe Thomire; design attributed to Jean-Guillaume Moit t e; rings enameled by H. Fr. Dubuisson Gi l t and patinated bronze; enameled metal; vert Maurm des Alpes marble; whit e marble Enameled clock ring is inscribed on the interior wi t h Dubuisson; movement scratched wi t h Sweden 1811. Height: 1ft. 8Vs in. (53 cm); Wi dt h: 2ft. 1 Vs in. (63.8 cm); Depth: 9V4 in. (23.5 cm) Accession number 82.DB . 2 PROVENANCE Baron de Klmgspor, Stora Sundby Castle, Sweden, by 1811; (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 11, 1981, lot 99). BI BLI OGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1981," pp. 79-84, illus. ; "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) in the Department of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. cover and p. 322; Alvar Gonzlez-Palacios, The Adjectives of History (P. and D. Colnaghi and Co. , London, 1983), pp. 44-45; Wi l son, Selections, no. 42, pp. 84-85, illus. ; Ottomeyer andPrschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 299, fig. 4.18.8; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 144, p. 92, illus. ; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 17, pp. 124-130, illus. M-5- MAN T E L CLOCK (PENDULE SQUELETTE) Pans, circa 1790-1800 Movement by Nicolas-Alexandre Folm; enamel plaques by Georges-Adrien Merlet Gi l t bronze; enameled metal; whit e marble base; glass and gilded metal case Painted wi t h Folm Fame A PARIS below the dial; painted wi t h G. Merlet on one enam- eled ring. Height: 1ft. 7 Vs in. (49.2 cm); Wi dt h: 10 3 A in. (27.3 cm); Depth: 5V2 in. (14 cm) Accession number 72. DB . 57 H5 PROVENANCE (Sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, Decem- ber 10, 1971, no. 35); [French and Co. , New York, 1971]. BI BLI OGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 180-181, illus. ; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 e m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi," Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 96, illus. ; Miller, "Clockwise," pp. 15-21, fig. 14, p. 21, illus. ; Gian Giotto Borelli, Antiquiteset objetsd'art-horlogesetvendules (Paris, 1992), illus. p. 7; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 145, p. 92, illus. ; Wi l son, Clocks, no. 19, pp. 140-147. 144 FRENCH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 75 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 146. PAIR OF GLOBES Paris, terrestrial globe: circa 1728; Pans, celestial globe: circa 1730 Globes made by the Abbe Jearr Antonie Nol l e t; terrestrial map engraved by Louis Borde and celestial map engraved by Nicolas Bailleul, called Bailleul lejeune; camomille and capucmlacquered decoration attributed to the workshop of Guillaume and Etienne- Simon Mart i n Printed paper; paper mche; poplar, spruce and alder painted wi t h verms Martin; bronze; glass The terrestrial globe is inscribed Deiie etpre- sente a S.A.S. MADAME LA DUCHESSE DU MAINE par [son] tres humble et tres obeissant [servv teur] Nollet.Lic. en Theologie. [1728], Borde exc., and GLOBE TERRESTRE DRESSE sur les observa- tions les plus nouvelles et les plus exactes approuvees par 146 Mrs. de IAcademic Rotale des sciences JParis avec privilege du Roi. 1728 Monte par I'auteur. The celestial globe is inscribed DEDIE etpresenti a S.A.S. Monseigneur le Comte de[Cle]rmont [par son tres] humble [et] tres [obeissent] servfitewrj [Nollet de la So]c[iete des Arts 173)0. and Globe celeste [c]alcule pour I'annee [17130 sur les observations] les plus nouvelles [et le]s plus exactes. [yPaJns avec pnvilegfe] du Roy. Baillieul lejelune sculpsit. Monte par I'auteur.] Each stand is painted wi t h N. 32 underneath i n yel l ow and 23 2 3 m blue, perhaps stenciled. Height: 3 ft. 7V4 i n. (110 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 5V2 i n. (45 cm); Depth: 1 ft. l /i i n. (32 cm) Accession number 86.DH.705.1-.2 PROVENANCE Guillaume de Gontaut-Biron, 12th marquis de Biron, Pans; due de Talleyrand and by descent to due de Dmo Andi a- y Talleyrand- Perigord, Chateau de Samt-Brice-sous- Foret, Pavilion Colombe, Val d'Oise; [Maurice Segoura, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY \A/l al di mi r d'Ormesson, Merveilles des Chateaux de l'lle de France: Collection Halites (Pans, 1965), p. 131, illus.; "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 101, p. 211, illus.; Jean-Neree Ronfort, "Science and Luxury: Two Acqui si - tions by the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus] 17 (1989), pp. 47-82, figs. 13-17; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. p. 116; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 146, p. 93; Masterpieces, no. 54, p. 73, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 197, illus. HI- COMPOUND MICROSCOPE AND CASE Paris, circa 1751 Mi crometnc stage invented by Mi chel - Ferdmand d' Al bert d' Ai l l y due de Chaulnes (1714-1769); gi l t bronze attributed to Jacques Caffieri Gi l t bronze; enamel; shagreen; glass; case of wood; gilded leather; brass; velvet; silver galon and lace; various natural specimens i n slides; and a number of extra lenses HI 76 FRENCH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS CURI OSI T Y CAB I N ET OB J ECT FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RON Z E! CAN D ELAB RA AND CAN D L E ST I CK S Microscope: Height: 1 ft. 6Vs i n. (48 cm); Wi dt h: 11 i n. (28 cm); Depth: 8 Vie i n. (20.5 cm); Case: Height: 2 ft. 2 i n. (66 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1 3 A i n. (34.9 cm); Depth: i o 5 / 8 i n. (27 cm) Accession number 86.DH.694 PROVENANCE Private collection, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, February 23, 1986, no. 901); Mrs. Ki l a Kugel, New York, 1986. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Devices of Wonder, November 13, 2001- February 3, 2002. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus J 15 (1987), no. 102, p. 212, i l l us.; JeanPerfettim, Le Galuchat (1988), pp. 62-63, i l l us.; Jean- Neree Ronfort, "Science and Luxury: Two Acquisitions by the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus J 17 (1989), pp. 47-82, figs. 18-19, 21, 23, 25, 28-29, 35; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. p. 118; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 147, p. 94, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 65, p. 86, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 209, illus. Curiosity Cabinet Object 148 148. CURIOSITY CABINET OBJECT (OBJET DE CURIOS I TE) Paris, circa 1800 By Francois Barreau Thuya wood and ivory Stamped wi t h BARREAU A PARIS five times. Height: 1 ft. 7 l /i i n. (49.5 cm); Diameter (at base): 8Vs i n. (20.6 cm) Accession number 92.DH.75 PROVENANCE H. C. Randier, Paris; [Jacques Kugel, Paris]. ^METALWORK Gilt Bronze: Candelabra and Candlesticks 149. PAIR OF GIRANDOLES Paris, circa 1680-1690 Gi l t bronze; beads and drops of rock crystal, coral, jasper, amethyst, carnelian, agate, and garnet Height: 1 ft. 3 i n. (38 cm); Wi dt h: 10 i n. (25.5 cm); Diameter (at base): 5 i n. (13 cm) Accession number 85.DF.382.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Bernard Stemitz, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 188, p. 241, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 148, p. 94, illus. 149 One of a-pair EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Devices of Wonder, November 13, 2001- February 3, 2002. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMus J 21 (1993), no. 67, p. 142, illus. G I L T B R O NZ E ! C ANDE L AB R A AND C ANDL E S T I C K S FRENCH METALWORK 77 151. PAIR OFGIRANDOLES Paris, circa 1700 Gi l t bronze; rock crystal; glass Height: 1 ft. 11 V4 in. (59 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 4V8 in. (41.5 cm) Accession number 99.DF.46.1-.2 150 One of a pair 150. PAIR OFCANDLESTICKS Paris, circa 1680-1690 Gi l t bronze Height: 10 in. (25.4 cm); Diameter: 5V4 in. (14.6 cm) Accession number 72. DF . 56. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Baron Nathaniel (Mayer) von Rothschild (1836-1905), Vienna; Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von Rothschild (1878-1942), Vienna; confiscated by the Nazis in March 1938; restituted to Baronin Clarice von Rothschild (1874-1967), Vienna, in 1947 and sent to New York soon afterward; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 145, illus.; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, V ergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 58, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 149, pp. 94-95, illus. p. 94. PROVENANCE Baron Guy (Edouard Alphonse Paul) de Rothschild (born 1909), Hotel Lambert, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, May 25-26, 1975, no. 219); (Sotheby's, London, July 1,1977, lot 50, bought in); private collection; [ Hol- land Fine Arts, L t d. , London, 1999]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Claude Fregnac and Wayne Andrews, The Great Houses of Pans (New York, 1979), p. 77, illus.; Jean Feray Architecture I nterieure et decora- tion en France des origmes a 1875 (Paris, 1988), p. 123, illus. 151 One oj\ i jMii' 152 One ofa fair 152. PAIR OF GIRANDOLES Paris, circa 1730 Rock crystal; gilt bronze Height: 2 ft. 10 in. (86.3 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. V2 in. (62.3 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2V4 in. (37-5 cm) Accession number 7 5. DF . 53. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Pans]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 150, p. 95, illus. ~]8 FRENCHMETALWORK G I L T B R O NZ E : C ANDE L AB R A AND C ANDL E S T I C K S 153One of a pair !53- PAIR OF CANDLESTICKS Paris, circa 1780 By Etienne Martincourt Gi l t bronze Each candlestick is stamped wi t h MARTIN- COURTunder base. One is inscribed wi t h Louis Antoine Blois and LA inside base. Height: 11 3 A in. (29.9 cm); Diameter: 5 3 A in. (13.7 cm) Accession number 72.DF.48.1-.2 PROVENANCE Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Sassoon, Pope's Manor, Berkshire, by 1914; Violet Sassoon (Mrs. Derek C. Fitzgerald) (sold, Christie's, London, March 23, 1972, lot 59); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS London, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1914, no. 117. BIBLIOGRAPHY F. J. B. Watson, Wallace Collection Catalogues: Furniture (London, 1956), p. 95; Gillian Wi l - son, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 ^ me partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi," Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 94, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, V ergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 230, illus.; Pierre Verlet, Les Bronzes, pp. 382-383; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 151, p. 95, illus. PAIR OF CANDELABRA Elephants: German (Meissen manufactory), circa 1741-1745 Flowers: perhaps Vincennes manufactory, circa 1745-1750 Mounts: Paris, circa 1750 Elephants modeled by Peter Reinicke in 1741 Hard-paste porcelain elephants; soft-paste porcelain flowers; polychrome enamel decora- tion, gilding; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 9 Vs in. (23.2 cm); Wi d t h: 9V4 in. (24.7 cm); Depth: 4V8 in. (10.5 cm) Accession number 75.DI.68.1-.2 PROVENANCE Baron Maximilian von Goldschmidt- Rothschild, Frankfurt am Main; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1975]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 152, p. 96, illus. 155 Oneof a-pair PAIR OF CANDELABRA Paris, circa 1775 Attributed to Pierre Gouthiere Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 3 in. (38.3 cm); Wi d t h: 8V2 in. (21.6 cm); Depth: 7 Vs in. (19.9 cm) Accession number 72.DF.43.1-.2 154 One of a pair PROVENANCE Possibly Baron Henri (James Nathaniel Charles) de Rothschild (1872-1949), Pans; [Frangois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris, circa 1948]; Carreras Savedra, Buenos Aires; [Jacques Helft, Buenos Aires]; [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 154 1545 G I L T B R O NZ E : C ANDE L AB R A AND C ANDL E S T I C K S FRENCH METALWORK 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY Frederickson, Getty Museum, p. 192, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, V ergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 230, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 153, p. 96, illus. 156. PAIR OF CANDELABRA Paris, circa 1785 Attributed to Pierre-Philippe Thomire after a model by Louis-Simon Boizot Patmated and gilt bronze; white and griotte marble Height: 2 ft. 10 3 A in. (83.2 cm); Diameter: 11 72 in. (29.2 cm) Accession number 86.DF.521.1-.2 156 One. of a pair PROVENANCE Anatole Demidov (?), Prince of San Donato, San Donato Palace, Pratolmo (near Florence), (sold, San Donato Palace, March 15,1880, no. 804, en suite wi t h a mantel clock); (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, March, 14, 1975, no. 81); [Bernard Stemitz, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 109, p. 214, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 154, pp. 96-97 illus. p. 97; Handbook 2001, p. 229, illus. PAIR OF CANDELABRA Paris, circa 1786 Blued metal; gilt bronze Height: 3 ft. 8 3 A in. (113.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 5V4 in. (45.1 cm); Depth: 10 V2 in. (26.7 cm) Accession number 71.DF.99.1-.2 PROVENANCE Palazzo Litta, Florence; Baron Mayer (Amschel) de Rothschild (1818-1874), Ment- more Towers, Buckinghamshire, by 1884; Hannah de Rothschild (1851-1890) (Count- ess of Rosebery wife of the 5th Earl, married 1878), Mentmore Towers; (Albert) Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery Mentmore Towers, by inheritance (sold, Sotheby's, Lon- don, Apr i l 17, 1964, lot 25); [Claude Sere, Paris, 1964]; private collection, Paris, late 1960s; [Frank Partridge and Sons, Lt d. , Lon- don, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS London, 25 Park Lane, Three French Reigns, February-April 1933, no. 485, illus. 157 Oneof a yair BIBLIOGRAPHY "French Furniture at the Exhibition of Three French Reigns,' 25 Park Lane," Country Life 73-1884 (February 25,1933), p. 206, figs.'5, 7; Ottomeyer and Prschel, V ergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 261, caption 4.8.3; Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic I nterior: Renaissance to Art Nouveau (London, 1991), illus. p. 101, fig. 321; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 155, p. 97, illus. i6-j 15 7 8o FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RON Z E: CH AN D ELI ERS Gilt Bronze: Chandeliers 158. CHANDELIER Paris, circa 1700 Lead glass and rock crystal; gi l t bronze Height: 3 ft. 6 l /s i n. (107 cm); Diameter: 2 ft. 5 V8 i n. (74 cm) Accession number 88.DH. 17 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 67, p. 140, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 156, p. 98, illus.; Ma rt i n Mortimer, "The Crystal Chandelier from the King's Audience Chamber Now the King's Pri vy Chamber, Hampton Court Palace," Glass Circle journal 8 (1993), fig. 10, p. 31, illus. 159. CHANDELIER Paris, circa 1700 Gi l t bronze Height: 3 ft. 9 V4 i n. (115 cm); Diameter: 3 ft. 6V 4 i n. (110 cm) Accession number 87.DF.28 PROVENANCE Edouard Chappey Paris, circa 1900; [Mi chel Meyer, Paris, 1986]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Petit Palais, Exposition universelle de igoo, LExposition retrospective de I'art I'histoire de l'artfran- *59 cais des origines a 1800, 1900, vol. 1, no. 2891, p. 299, illus. p. 190 (lent by Edouard Chappey). BIBLIOGRAPHY Exposition universelle de igoo, Le Mobilier trovers les ages au Grand et Petit Palais: Interieurs xvnf et xixe siecles: Exposition centennale (Paris, 1902), illus. pi . 20; "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 69, p. 177, illus.; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 157, p. 98, illus. 15 8 G I L T B RON Z E: CH AN D E L I E RS / G I L T B RON Z E! W A L L L I G H T S AND B RACK E T S FRENCH METALWORK 8l l 6o. CHANDELIER Paris, circa r j i o Attri buted to Andre-Charles Boulle Gi l t bronze Each element is stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749- Height: 2 ft. 6V2 i n. (77.5 cm); Diameter: , 2 ft. 8 in. (81.3 cm) Accession number 7 6. DF . 13 PROVENANCE Antenor Patmo, Pans; [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1976]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 51, illus., and Jean-Neree Ronfort, "Andre-Charles Boulle: Di e Bronzearbeiten und seine Werkstatt im Louvre," vol. 2, p. 505; Verlet, LesBronzes, p. 91, fig. 98, and p. 269; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 158, p. 98, illus. 160 161 161. CHANDELIER Paris, circa 1818-1820 By Gerard-Jean Galle Glass; enameled metal; gi l t bronze Height: 4 ft. 3 i n. (129.5 c m ^ Diameter: 3 ft. 2 i n. (96.5 cm) Accession number 73.DH.76 PROVENANCE (Sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, early 1960s); (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, February 7, 1972, no. 83); [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1972]; [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 165, illus.; Mi chael Shapiro, "Monsieur Galle, Bronzier et Doreur," GettyMus] 6-7 (1978-1979), pp. 61-66, illus. figs. 3-5, 8; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 359, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 160, p. 99, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 98, pp. 124- 125, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 179, illus. Gilt Bronze: W all Lights and Brackets 162. PAI R OF W A L L LI GHTS Paris (?), circa 1710 Silvered bronze; mi rror glass; oak support Li ght . 1 is painted wi t h 22 i n black on the wooden backing; its bobeche is stamped wi t h the crowned G for 1745-1749. Li ght .2 is painted wi t h 20 i n black on the wooden backing, and its bobeche is i ndi sti nctl y stamped wi t h the crowned C. Height: 1 ft. 7V2 i n. (50 cm); Wi dt h: 11 V2 i n. (29.5 cm); Depth: 6 3 A i n. (17.2 cm) Accession number 85.DG.49.1-.2 PROVENANCE Swedish art market, circa 1980 [Mi chel Meyer, Paris, 1984]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Cooper-Hewi tt Museum, and Pittsburgh, The Carnegie Museum, Courts and Colonies: The William and Mary Style in Holland, England, and America, November 1988-May 1989, no. 126, p. 169, illus. 162 One of a pair 82 FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RON Z E! W A L L L I GH T S AND B RACK E T S BIBLIOGRAPHY John A. Cuadrado, "Antiques: Li ghti ng and Style," Architectural Digest (Apri l 1983), p. 106, i l l us.; "AcquisitionsA985," GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 209, p. 249, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 161, pp. 99-100, illus. p. 99; Charissa Bremer-David, "An Overvi ew of French Eighteenth-Century Wa l l Li ghts i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," RusJiHgk 63 (June 1997), pp. 2-5, illus. p. 2, fig. 1; Peter Thornton, Form and Decoration: Innovation in theDecoratweArts, 1470-1870 (London, 1998), p. 104, illus. 163 163. PAI R OF W A L L LI GHTS Paris, circa 1700-1715 Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft, 9V2 i n. (54.6 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. (30.5 cm); Depth: 9 i n. (22.9 cm) Accession number 85.DF.383.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Francois Leage, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "AcquisitionsA985," GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 191, p. 242, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 162, p. 100, illus. 164. PAI R OF W A L L LI GHTS Paris, circa 1715-1720 Attri buted to Andre-Charles Boulle Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 8 Vie i n. (51 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2 i n. (35.5 cm); Depth: 9 1 3 / 16 i n. (25 cm) Accession number 83.DF. 195.1-.2 PROVENANCE Pierre de Faucigny-Lucinge, VauxTe-Penil (near Mel un); [Frangois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris]; Samuel Kahn, Verbere (Oise) and Nice; [Bernard Steinitz, Pans, 1982]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jean-Neree Ronfort, "Le Fondeur Jean-Pierre Mari ette et la Fi n de l ' Atel i er d'Andre- Charles Boulle," FEstampille 173 (September 1984), pp. 72-73, i l l us.; Bremer-David, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 4, p. 187, illus. p. 186 (one); "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMusJ 12 (1984), no. 6, p. 263, illus. (one); Ottomeyer 164 One of a fair G I L T B RON Z E: W A L L L I G H T S AND B RACK E T S FRENCH METALWORK 83 and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 62, illus. pp. 62 (one), 83 (two), andJean-Neree Ronfort, "Andre-Charles Boulle: Di e Bronzearbeiten und seme Werkstatt i m Louvre," vol . 2, p. 495: note 229, p. 519; Anna Saratowicz, "Apl i ki do Sali Rycer- skiej," Kronika Zamkowa 3-17 (1988), pp. 18- 30, illus. p. 20; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 163, p. 101, illus. (one); Charissa Bremer- Davi d, "An Overview of French Eighteenth- Century Wa l l Li ghts i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Rushlight 63 (June 1997), pp. 2-5, illus. (one) p. 3, fig. 2. 165 Oneof a pair 165. PAIR OF W A L L LIGHTS Pans, circa 1715-1720 Attri buted to Andre-Charles Boulle Gi l t bronze Height: 2 ft. 1 i n. (62.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 9 i n. (52.5 cm); Depth: 10 i n. (25 cm) Accession number 97.DF. 16.1-2 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1997] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Selected Acquisitions Made by the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1995-1997," Burlington Magazine 139 (November 1997), p. 831, pi . 29. 166. PAIR OF W A L L LIGHTS Paris (?), circa 1735 Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 11 i n. (58.5 cm); Wi dt h: 11Vs i n. (28.3 cm); Depth: 8 i n. (20.3 cm) Accession number 78.DF.89.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Cameron, London, 1950]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1950; di stri buted by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 100, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 109, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 164, p. 101, illus.; Charissa Bremer- Davi d, "An Overvi ew of French Eighteenth- Century Wa l l Li ghts i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Rushlight 63 (June 1997), pp. 2-5, illus. p. 3, fig. 13. 166 One of a pair W A L L BRACKET Pans, circa 1730-1735 Gi l t bronze and brass, wi t h an oak core Height: 1 ft. 3 A i n. (32.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 3V 8 i n. (39 cm); Depth: 6 3 A in. (17.2 cm) Accession number 87. DF . 136 PROVENANCE Paul Wal l raf, London (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 8, 1983, lot 579); [La Cour de Varenne, Paris, 1987]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 70, pp. 177-178, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 165, pp. 101-102, illus. p. 101. I6T 84 FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RON Z E! W A L L L I G H T S AND B RACK E T S l 68. FOUR W A L L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1740 Soft-paste porcelain flowers; gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 6 i n. (45.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1 V2 i n. (34-3 cm); Depth: 7V4 i n. (19.7 cm) Accession number 7 5. DF . 4. 1- . 4 PROVENANCE [Henry Symons and Co., London (wi t h another pair)]; [French and Co., New York (six)]; four lights to Ri ta Lydi g, New York (?), 1927; t wo lights to [Arnol d Seligmann, Rey and Co., New York, 1941 (firm operated from 1912 to 1947)]; Sidney J. Lamon, New York (sold, Chri sti es, London, November 29, 1973, l ot 69); [Partridge (Fine Arts), Lt d. , London, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 166, p. 102, illus. 168 One of four 169. PAIR OF W A L L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1745-1749 Gi l t bronze Each l i ght bears one crowned C for 1 745- 1 749- Height: 2 ft. ^ l /iin. (72.4 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 169 Oneofayiair 6 3 A i n. (47.6 cm); Depth: 10 V2 i n. (26.7 cm) Accession number 89.DF.26.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, Europe; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "La Chronique des Arts, principales acquisitions des musees en 1989," Gazette des beaux-arts 1454 (March 1990), no. 250, p. 51; "Acquisitions A989," GettyMus] 18 (1990), no. 53, p. 193, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 167, p. 102, i l l us.; Handbook 2001, p. 206, illus. 170. FOUR W A L L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1751 Attri buted to Jacques Caffieri Gi l t bronze Two lights are stamped wi t h a crown flanked by CR for Casa Reale and wi t h the inventory numbers C.562.1 and C.562.2 on front near base. Two other lights are stamped similarly C1068.1 and C.1068.2. Height: 3 ft. 1 i n. (94 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10 3 A i n. (57.8 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 3 A i n. (34 cm) Accession number 84.DF.41.1-.4 PROVENANCE Mme Louise-Elisabeth of France, duchesse de Parme (1727-1759), Palazzo di Colorno (near Parma), circa 1753; ducal collection of Parma unti l i 860; Italian royal household, probably sold i n Turi n after 1862; [Stem.(?), Paris by November 1871]; Adolphe Carl de Rothschild (?) (1823-1900); private collec- ti on, France (sold, Ader, Picard et Taj an, Paris, December 12,1978, no. 48); [Partridge (Fine Arts), Lt d. , London, 1978]; private collection, London; [Partridge (Fine Arts), Lt d. , London, 1983]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, "Acquisitions 1984," no. 3, pp. 76-79, i l l us.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 57, p. 180, illus.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Ottomeyer 170 Oneof four G I L T B RONZ E. ' W A L L L I G H T S AND B RACK E T S FRENCH METALWORK 85 and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, pp. 100, 140, illus.; Alvar Gonzlez-Palacios, II Temjno del Gusto: Le Arn decorative in Italia fra Classicismi e barocco: II Granducato di Toscana egli stati settew trionali (Mi l an, 1986), vol . 1, p. 206; vol . 2, pp. 230-231, fig. 453, illus.; Handbook 1986, p. 161, illus. (one); Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiaues 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 168, pp. 102-103, l i u i s - p. 103 (one); Al var Gonzlez-Palacios wi t h Roberto Valeriani, Gli arredi francesi (Mi l an, 1996), p. 250, illus.; Peter Hughes, The Wallace Collection: Catalogue of Furniture (London, 1996), vol. 3, p. 1320. 171. FOUR W A L L LIGHTS Paris, 1756 By Francois-Thomas Germain Gi l t bronze Two wa l l lights are engraved wi t h FAIT PAR F T. GE RMAI N. SCULP. ORF. DU ROI AUX GALLERIES DU LOUVRE . 1756 at lower ri ght and left. Two are stamped wi t h Palais du Luxembourg inventory number 1051 L UX 1 and two wi t h 1051 LUX 2. Al l punched wi t h Chateau de Compiegne inven- tory marks CP under a crown and N 28, at lower rear. Various numbers are stamped on bobeches and dri p pans. 81.DF.96.1.a: Height: 3 ft. 3V4 i n. (99.6 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. Vs i n. (63.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 4V8 i n. (41 cm); . l . b: Hei ght: 3 ft. 1V4 i n. (94.6 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10 Vs i n. (57.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 Vs i n. (34.6 cm);.2.a: Hei ght: 3 ft. 4V2 i n. (102.9 cm); Wi dt h: 2 ft. 1 i n. (63.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 V2 i n. (34.3 cm); .2.b: Height: 2 ft. 11 Vs i n. (89.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10 Vs i n. (56.8 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3 Vs i n. (40.3 cm) Accession number 81. DF. 96.1. a-, band .2.a-.b PROVENANCE Made for Louis-Philippe, due d'Orleans; four pairs installed i n the chambre de Parade and the salon des feux of the Palais Royal, Paris, circa 1756; sold pri vatel y i n 1786 by Louis-Philippe-Joseph, due d' Orleans, and purchased by the bronzier Feuchere (probably Pierre-Francois Feuchere) for Louis xvi ; four pairs purchased by the Mobilier Royal, Paris, August 30, 1786, and described as having damaged gi l di ng; t wo pairs regilded by Feuchere i n the first six months of 1787 for 500 Xivres a pair and installed i n the salon des Nobles de la Reme, Chateau de Compiegne, unti l 1791; government of France, Palais du 171 Oneof four Luxembourg, Paris, after 1792; Archi bal d Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, Mai n Draw- ing Room, 38 Berkeley Square, London, by 1929; (Al bert) Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery (sold, Sotheby's, London, Apr i l 17, 1964, lot 18); [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris]; private collection, Argentina and Swi t- zerland (offered for sale, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 14-15,1981, no. i 48a-b, bought in). 86 FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RONZ E. ' W A L L L I GH T S AND B RACK E T S BIBLIOGRAPHY Denis Di derot and Jean d'Alembert, Encyclo- pedic ou Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, planches (Paris, 1762), vol. 1, s.v. "architecture," pis. 32- 33; Gerald Reitlinger, The Economics of Taste (New York, 1963), vol. 2, p. 443; Axel l e de Broglie de Gaigneron, "Le 3 e m e Temom de l'art de Frangois-Thomas Germain, bronzier," Connaissance des arts 199 (Septem- ber 1968), pp. 76-77, i l l us.; Ma x Terrier, "LAppl i que: Sa Provenance," Connaissance des arts 201 (November 1968), pp. 32-33; Svend Eriksen, Early Neo-Classicism in France (London, 1974), p. 349, pi . 202; Pierre Verlet, "Bronzes d'ameublement frangais du x v n i e siecle: Notes et documents," Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire de l'art frangais (1980), pp. 200-201, illus. p. 203; Mi chel Beurdeley, La France l'encan 1789-1799 (Fribourg, 1981), p. 167, pis. 177-178; Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1981," no. 4, pp. 73-78 (wi t h a note on conservation by Barbara Roberts); "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 322; Wi l son, Selections, no. 25, pp. 50-51, i l l us.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 2; Ottomeyer andPrschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 145, illus.; Jean-Louis Baritou and Dominique Foussand, Chevolet-Contant-Chaussard: Un Cabinet d'architectes au siecle des lumieres (Lyon, 1987), pp. 135-140, illus. p. 182; Verlet, Les Bronzes, pp. 296-299, illus. p. 30, fig. 18; p. 171, fig, 209; p. 256, fig. 275; p. 297, figs. 327- 329; p. 298, figs. 330-331; Pallot, LArt du siege, p. 160, illus.; Anna Saratowicz, "Apl i ki do Sali Rycerskiej," Kronika Zamkowa 3-17 (1988), pp. 18-30; Jacques Charles et al., De Versailles d Paris: Le Destin des collections royales (Paris, 1989), illus. p. 143, fig. 2; Gi l l i an Wi l - son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiaues 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. pp. 114-115; Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic Interior: Renaissance to Art Nouveau (London, 1991), illus. p. 75, fig. 237; Christiane Perrm, Francois-Thomas Germain: Orfevre des wis (Samt- Remy-enT'Eau, 1993), pp. 230-231, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 169, pp. 103- 104, illus. p. 103; Chanssa Bremer-David, "An Overvi ew of French Eighteenth-Cen- tury Wa l l Lights i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Rushlight 63 (June 1997), pp. 2-5, illus. p. 4, fig. 4; Masterpieces, no. 68, pp. 88- 89, p. 89, illus.; Handhook: 2001, p. 212, illus. 172. Si x W A L L LIGHTS Pans, circa 1765-1770 By Phi l i ppe Caffieri Gi l t bronze Wa l l Lights 78.DF.263.1 and 82.DF.35.1 are stenciled wi t h No 151 on back. Wa l l Li ght 82. DF . 35.1 is engraved wi t h fait par Caffery on one dri p pan and stamped wi t h 2 and 3 on back. Wa l l Li ght 82.DF.35.2 is stamped wi t h 4 on back. Height: 2 ft. 1 l /i i n. (64.8 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 472 i n. (41.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. ! A i n. (31.1cm) Accession numbers 78.DF.263.1-.4 and 82.DF.35.1-.2 PROVENANCE (Sold, Hotel Drouot [?], Paris, May 26-27, 1921, no. 99, to de Friedel); private collec- ti on, Paris (sold, Etude Couturier Nicolay, Paris, Apr i l 6,1978, no. 52); [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1978]. 82.DF.35.1-.2: Henri Smulders, Amsterdam (sold, two from a set of four, Frederik Mul l er and Co. [Men- sing et Fils], Amsterdam, June 26-27,1934, no. 98); private collection, Los Angeles, probably purchased i n Paris; Lee Greenway Los Angeles (sold, Sotheby's, Los Angeles, October 21, 1980, lot 787A); [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1980]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 7, pp. 42-43, illus. (one); Sassoon, "Acqui- sitions 1982," no. 10, pp. 52-53, i l l us.; Wi l - son, Selections, no. 35, pp. 70-71, illus. (one); Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, pp. 190-191, i l l us.; Verlet, Les Bronzes, p. 293, illus. p. 199, fig. 228, and p. 253, fig. 267; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 170, p. 104, illus. (one); 82.DF.35.1-2: Chanssa Bremer-David, "An Overvi ew of French Eighteenth-Century Wa l l Li ghts i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Rushlight 63 (June 1997), pp. 2-5, illus. p. 5, fig. 6; "The Alexander Collection: Important French Fur- niture, Gol d Boxes and Porcelain," Christie's (New York, Apr i l 30, 1999), p. 246, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 220, illus. 172 One of six G I L T B R O NZ E ! W A L L L I G H T S AND B R AC K E T S FRENCH METALWORK 87 73 One of four m- FOUR WAL L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1765-1770 Attributed to Philippe Caffien Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 10V4 m. (56.5 cm); Wi d t h: 1 ft. 3V4 in. (40 cm); Depth: 10V4 m. (26 cm) Accession number 92.DF. 18.1-.4 PROVENANCE (Sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, March 29, 1966, no. 45); [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris, circa 1977]; private collection, Paris, circa 1977; [Maurice Segoura, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/i992," GettyMus J 21 (1993), no. 63, p. 139, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 171, p. 105, illus. (one). Six WAL L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1775 Attributed to Jean-Louis Prieur Gi l t bronze Height: 2 ft. 3 in. (68.6 cm); Wi d t h: 1 ft. 1 V4 in. (33.-7 cm); Depth: 10 V2 in. (26.7 cm) Accession numbers 74.DF.3.1-.2 and 77.DF.29.1-.4 PROVENANCE 74.DF.3.1-.2: [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1974]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 77.DF.29.1-.4: (Sold, Christie's, London, December 2, 1976, lot 3); [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1976]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 173, illus. p. 172, fig. 3.5.4; Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic I nterior: Renaissance to Art Nouveau (London, 1991), note 84, p. 110; Bremer- David, Summary no. 172, p. 105, illus. 175 One of a pair 175. PAIR OF WAL L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1781 Attributed to Pierre Gouthiere, after a design by Francois-Joseph Belanger Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 8V2 m. (52.1 cm); Wi dt h: i o 1 5 /i 6 in. (27.8 cm); Depth: 7 in. (17.8 cm) Accession number 74.DF.5.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1974]; purchased by J. Paul Getty BIBLIOGRAPHY Ottomeyer and Prschel, V ergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 243, illus., fig. 4.5.12; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 173, pp. 105-106, illus. p. 105. 174 One of six 174 88 FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B R O NZ E '. W A L L L I G H T S AND B R AC K E T S 176. FOUR WAL L LIGHTS Pans, circa 1781 Model by Claude-Jean Pitoin; casting and chasing attributed to Louis-Gabriel Feloix Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 10 in. (55.9 cm); Wi d t h: 10 in. (25.4 cm); Depth: 4V2 in. (11.4 cm) Accession number 99.DF.20.1-.4 176 One of four PROVENANCE Marie Antoinette, cabinet de la Mendienne, Chateau de Versailles, supplied on May 25, 1781, by the marchand-ciseleur-fondeur Claude- Jean Pitom to the Garde Meuble; (sold, Palais de Congres, Versailles, May 13-14, 1970, no. 110); Knud Abildgaard (1901-1986), Smidstrupore, Denmark (sold, Arne Bruun Rasmussen, Copenhagen, Apr i l 22, 1987, no. 28753a); Mart i n and Pauline Alexander, New York (sold, Christie s, New York, Apr i l 30, 1999, lot 15). BIBLIOGRAPHY Eileen Kmsella, "Object of the Week," Weekend Section, Wall Street Journal (May 25, 1999); "Donnera-t-on enfin Versailles les moyens d'assumer son histoire prestigieuse?" LEstawpille/L'Otyet dart 337 (June 1999), p. 17; Handbook 2001, p. 230, illus. (one). PAIR OF WAL L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1787 Attributed to Pierre-Philippe Thomire Gi l t bronze Height: 3 ft. 6V2 in. (107.9 c m ^ Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10 V16 in. (57 cm); Depth: 11 V8 in. (30.1 cm) Accession number 83. DF . 23.1-. 2 PROVENANCE Dues de Mortemart, Chateau de Samt-Vrain, Seine-et-Oise, from the eighteenth century, by descent until 1982; [Maurice Segoura, Paris, 1982]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Adrian Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1983," pp. 207-211, illus.; "Acquistions/1983," GettyMus J 12 (1984), no. 13, p. 266, illus. (one); "Some Acquisitions (1983-1984) in the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126, no. 975 (June 1984), pp. 384-388, illus. p. 384, fig. 66; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 290; Bremer - David, Summary, no. 174, p. 106, illus. (one). 17 7 One of a fair rj8. PAIR OFWAL L LIGHTS Paris, circa 1787-1788 Attributed to Pierre-Frangois Feuchere and/ or Jean-Pierre Feuchere Gi l t bronze Height: 2 ft. V4 in. (61.6 cm); Wi d t h: 1 ft. V16 in. (32 cm); Depth: 7 *A in. (18.5 cm) Accession number 78.DF.90.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, Sutton Place, Surrey, 1953; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. 177 G I L T B RON Z E: W A L L L I G H T S AND B RACK E T S / G I L T B RON Z E AND B RON Z E: FI RE D OGS FRENCH METALWORK 89 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. l , p. 292, illus.; Verlet, LesBronzes, pp. 336, 378-379, illus. p. 383, fig. 393; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 175, p. 106, illus.; Charissa Bremer-David "An Overvi ew of French Eighteenth-Century Wa l l Li ghts i n the J. Paul Getty Museum," Rushlight 63 (June 1997), pp. 2-5, illus. p. 5, fig. 7; Master- pieces, no. 99, p. 126, illus.; "The Alexander Collection: Important French Furniture, Gol d Boxes and Porcelain," Christies (New York, Apr i l 30, 1999), p. 156, illus. 178 One of a pair Gilt Bronze and Bronze: Firedogs 179. PAIR OF FIREDOGS Fontainebleau, 1540-1545 By an Italian artist Bronze Height: 2 ft. 9V2 i n. (82.5 cm); Wi dt h (at base): 1 ft. 4 i n. (41 cm) Accession number 94.SB.77.1-.2 PROVENANCE Probably from the collection of Francis 1, Ki ng of France (1494-1547), Palais de Fontainebleau; Baron Gustave (Samuel James) de Rothschild (1829-1911), Paris; by mheri- !79 tance i n the same family (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, June 17, 1994, no. 117, to A. Moatti ); [Al ai n Moatti , Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1994,"GettyMus] 23 (1995), p. 120; Masterpieces, no. 11, p. 18; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture in the J.Paul Getty Museum(Los Angeles, 1997), p. 61; Handbook 2001, p. 240, illus. CjO FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RON Z E AND B RON Z E: FI RE D OGS 180 l 8l Vir dog PAIR OF FIREDOGS French, circa 1690-1715 Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 7 *A i n. (48.9 cm); Wi dt h: 9 i n. (22.8 cm); Depth: 6 V4 i n. (15.9 cm) Accession number 93.DF.49.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Bernard Steinitz, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A993," GettyMus J 22 (1994), no. 12, p. 66, i l l us.; "Principales acquisitions des musees en 1993/' Gazette des beaux-arts 123 (March 1994), no. 237, p. 54, illus. 181. PAIR OF FIREDOGS Paris, circa 1735 Gi l t bronze Firedog . 1: Height: 1 ft. 2 Vs i n. (35.9 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 3 i n. (38.1 cm); Depth: 9V8 i n. (24.4 cm); Firedog .2: Height: 1 ft. 3 A i n. (32.3 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 3V4 i n. (38.7 cm); Depth: 8 7 /s i n. (22.6 cm) Accession number 71.DF.114.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi chi gan (sold, Chri sti e s, London, June 24, 1971, no. 18); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. l 8l Firdoi BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 189, i l l us.; Bruno Pons et al., L'Art decoratif en Europe: Classique etharoaue, Al ai n Gruber, ed. (Paris, 1992), illus. p. 380; John Whi tehead, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 150, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 176, p. 107, illus. 182. PAIR OF FIREDOGS Paris, circa 1735 By Charles Cressent Gi l t bronze Height: 1 ft. 3 T A i n. (38.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft 2 3 A i n. (36.4 cm); Depth: 8 Vs i n. (20.6 cm Accession number 73.DF.63.1-.2 G I L T B RON Z E AND B RONZ E. ' FI RE D OGS FRENCH METALWORK O, ! 182 One of a pair PROVENANCE Private collection, Pans; [Di di er Aaron, Pans, by 1971]; [French and Co., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Amsterdams Historisch Museum, Fourth Inter- national Exhibition Presented by CINOA, La Con- federation internationale des negociants en oeuvres d'art, March-May 1970, no. 237. BIBLIOGRAPHY Marie-Juliette Ballot, Charles Cressent: Sculpteur, ebeniste, collectionneur, Archives de Xartfrancais: Now- velleperiode 10 (Paris, 1919), p. 218; Wi l son, Selections, no. 17, p. 34, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 112; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 177, p. 107, illus. 183. PAIR OF FIREDOGS Paris, circa 1770 Gi l t bronze; silver; i ron Height: 1 ft. Vs i n. (32 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 6V2 i n. (47 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11V8 i n. (60 cm) Accession number 97.DF. 15.1-.2 J 83 Olli i>| j f\ur PROVENANCE Louise-Jeanne de Durfort (?), duchesse de Mazarin, Paris (sold, Paris, December 10-15, 1781, no. 285); comtesse de Clermont- Tonnerre, Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, October 10-13,1900, no. 290); private collec- tion/Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, Febru- ary 4, 1909, no. 96); Morti mer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie's, London, June 22, 1938, lot 45); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Pans, 19971. 184. PAIR OF FIREDOGS Paris, circa 1775 Attri buted to Pierre Gouthiere Gi l t bronze; dark blue enamel panels Stamped wi t h either the letters A, E, or E A i n various places. Height: 1 ft. 3V4 i n. (40 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 3 i n. (38 cm); Depth: 5V2 i n. (14 cm) Accession number 62.DF.1.1-.2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 130, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 150; Fredericksen et al., Getty Musum, p. 192, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 272, illus.; John Whi tehead, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), illus. (one) p. 151; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 178, p. 108, illus.; Chri sti an Baulez, "Le Mobi l i er et les objets d'art de madame Du Barry" Madame du Barry: De Versailles Louveciennes (Paris, 1992), note 125, p. 80. 184 One of a pair 92 FRENCH METALWORK G I L T B RON Z E: I NKSTAND S Gilt Bronze: Inkstands i 87 . INKSTAND Paris, circa 1810 Whi t e marble; gi l t bronze; velvet Height: 3V2 i n. (8.9 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 6V2 i n. (47 cm); Depth: 9V2 i n. (24.1 cm) Accession number 73.Dj.67 185. INKSTAND AND PAPERWEIGHTS Paris, circa 1715 Gi l t bronze Inkstand: Height: 4V4 i n. (10.8 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2 11 /16 in.- (37.2 cm); Depth: 11 Vs i n. (28.2 cm); Paperweights: Height: 2 5 /s i n. (6.7 cm); Wi dt h: 6 3 /s i n. (16.2 cm); Depth: 4V2 i n. (11.4 cm) Accession number 75.DF.6.1-.3 PROVENANCE [Mi chel Meyer, Paris]; [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1975]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 179, p. 108, illus. 185 186. INKSTAND Porcelain: Chinese (Dehua), Kangxi reign (1662-1722), early eighteenth century Lacquer: French (Paris), circa 1750 Mounts: French (Paris), circa 1750 Hard-paste porcelain; wood lacquered wi t h vernis Martin; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 8 i n. (20.3 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2 i n. (35.6 cm); Depth: 10 V2 i n. (26.7 cm) Accession number 76.Di.12 PROVENANCE [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris, 1976]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 180, p. 108 illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth- Century Pans (Mal i bu, 1996), p. 174, illus. pl . 13; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 17, PP. 85-87. PROVENANCE Adolphe Li on, Paris, 1929; Mrs. Benjamin Stern, New York (sold, American Ar t Associ- ation, New York, Apr i l 4-7,1934, lot 848); [Frederick Vi ctori a, Inc., New York]; [Ma i - led: and Son, Lt d. , London, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 181, p. 109, illus. 187 188. INKSTAND Paris (?), late nineteenth century Oak veneered wi t h rosewood; set wi t h hard- paste porcelain plaques; gilt-bronze mounts One plaque bears an unidentified mark i n script. Base is pasted wi t h a paper label pri nted wi t h Palace of Pavlovsk i n Russian, inked wi t h the inventory number 1004, and overstamped wi t h a French customs stamp. Another paper label is inked wi t h the Duveen inventory number 29652, and another is stenciled wi t h a French customs stamp. Base is painted wi t h 1044 i n whi te and Uk.6522 i n blue. Height: 3 Vs i n. (9.8 cm); Wi dt h: 11 V4 i n. (28.6 cm); Depth: 7V4 i n. (18.4 cm) Accession number 71.DH.97 186 G I L T B RON Z E: I NKSTAND S / P AI N T E D B RON Z E: FI G URAL B RON Z ES FRENCH METALWORK 93 Painted Bronze: Figural Bronzes PROVENANCE Russian Imperial Collections, Palace of Pavlovsk (near St. Petersburg), unti l the early twenti eth century; [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Anna Thomson Dodge, Rose Terrace, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi chi gan (sold, Christie's, London, June 24, 1971, lot 33); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS The Detroi t Institute of Arts, French Taste in the Eighteenth Century, Apri l -June 1956, no. 174, illus. p. 50. BIBLIOGRAPHY Duveen and Company, A Catalogue of Works of Art of the Eighteenth Century in the Collection of Anna Thomson Dodge (Detroit, 1933), i l l us.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 165, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, note 15, p. 860; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 182, p. 109, illus. 189 LEtudc PAIR OF FIGURES Figure . 1: EEtude; Figure .2: La Philosophie Paris, circa 1780-1785 Attri buted to Pierre-Philippe Thomire after models by Louis-Simon Boizot Patmated and gi l t bronze LEtude: Height: 1 ft. 1 i n. (33 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2 i n. (35.7 cm); Depth: 4V8 i n. (11.7 cm); La Philosophie: Height: 1 ft. 1 i n. (33 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1V8 i n. (35.2 cm); Depth: 4V8 i n. (11.7 cm) Accession number 88.SB.113.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, Chateau de la Chesaie, Eaubonne (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, Feb- ruary 5, 1978, no. 20); purchased at that sale by The Bri ti sh Rai l Pension Fund. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 78, p. 144, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 183, pp. 109-110, illus. p. 109. 190. PAIR OF DECORATIVE BRONZES Pans; silver: 1738-1750; bronzes: 1745-1749 The lacquer painting of the figures is attrib- uted to Etienne-Simon Ma rt i n and Guillaume Ma rt i n Painted bronze; silver The base of each bronze is stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Each silver ele- 189 La Philosophic ment is marked wi t h a crowned Y (the war- den's mark used between October 4,1738, and October 12, 1739); a fox's head (the Pans discharge mark for small works i n silver and gol d used between October 4, 1738, and October 12,1744); and a helmet wi t h open visor (the Pans discharge mark for works i n gol d and small works i n ol d silver used between October 13,1744, and October 9, 1750). The silver also bears an obliterated mark that mi ght be a charge or maker's mark. Height: 9 i n. (22.8 cm); Diameter: 6 i n. (15.2 cm) Accession number 88.DH. 127.1-.2 190 Oneof a pair 94 FRENCH METALWORK P AI N T E D B RON Z E! FI G URAL B RON Z ES / S I L V E R Silver PROVENANCE Gabri el Bernard de Rieux, Paris (President d la deuxieme chamhre des enquetes du Parlament de Pans, d. 1745); Madame de Pompadour (?), Paris, before 1752; [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]; private collection, Paris, purchased circa 1910; [Jean- Luc Chal mi n, Paris, 1988]. EXHIBITIONS Memphis, Di xon Gal l ery and Gardens and New York, Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., Louis xv and Madame Pompadour: A Love Affair with Style, 1990, no. 36, pp. 54-55, 93, illus. fig. 36. BIBLIOGRAPHY Livre-journal de Lazare Duvaux, Marchand- Bijoutier ordinaire du Roy, 1748-1758 (?), Louis Courajod, ed. (Paris, 1873), vol. 2, p. 135, no. 1213; "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJ 17 (1989), no. 72, p. 142, i l l us.; John Whi t e- head, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 23, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 184, p. 110, i l l us.; Musee du Louvre, Nouvelles acquisitions du departement des objets d'art 1990-1994 (Paris, 1995), no. 61, pp. 163-165; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Paris (London, 1996), p. 176 and illus. pi . 18.; Handbook 2001, p. 203, illus. 191. FOUNTAIN Paris, 1661-1663, wi t h English alterations of 1695,1758, and circa 1762 Jean i v Le Roy, probably altered i n London i n 1695 by Ral ph Leeke, i n 1758 by Phi l l i ps Garden, and again later i n the eighteenth century Silver Marked on body wi t h the maker's stamp of J. L. R. flanking a scepter and the device of a laurel wreath and t wo grains below a fleur- de-lys; a crowned R (the warden's mark used between December 30,1661, and January 26, 1663). Scratched wi t h N 2 and the weights 348 14 (parti al l y obliterated) and 362 13 under base. Engraved wi t h the arms of Cur- zon and Colyear on central cartouche. Height: 2 ft. i 5 / s i n. (65.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2 l /s i n. (35.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2V4 i n. (36.2 cm) Accession number 82.DG.17 PROVENANCE In England by 1694, when probably adapted from a l i dded one-handled vase wi t h a spout mounted higher, and when a matching fountain and two basins were made by Ralph Leeke; Sir Nathaniel Curzon, i st Baron Scars- dale (born 1726, married Caroline Colyear 1750, died 1804), Kedleston Hal l , Derby- shire, by 1750; Earls of Scarsdale, Kedleston Hal l , by descent (offered for sale, Christie's, London, July 16, 1930, l ot 42, bought i n); (offered for sale, Christie's, London, Novem- ber 7,1945, bought i n); [Jacques Helft, New York, 1946]; Arturo Lopez-Wi l l shaw, Paris, before 1948; Patricia Lopez-Wi l l shaw (wi dow of Arturo Lopez-Wi l l shaw), Paris (offered for sale, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 23, 1976, no. 48, bought i n). EXHIBITIONS Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Louis xiv: Faste et decors, May-October i 960, no. 378, illus. pi . L VI I . BIBLIOGRAPHY Jacques Helft, French Master Goldsmiths and Sil- versmiths (New York, 1966), pp. 60-61, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1981-1982) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 324; Wi l son, Selections, no. 2, pp. 4-5, i l l us.; Gi l l i an Wi l - son, "The Kedleston Fountain: Its Develop- ment from a Seventeenth-Century Vase," GettyMusJ 11 (1983), pp. 1-12, figs. 1-4, 6-7, 9, 11, 16-17; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 185, pp. 110-111, illus. p. 111; John Cornforth, "A Splendid Uni t y of Arts," Country Life 190, no. 24 (June 13, 1996), pp. 128-131; Mi chael Snodin, "Adam Silver Reassessed," Burling- ton Magazine 139, no. 1126 (January 1997), pp. 17-25. 192. PAIR OF TUREENS, LINERS, AND STANDS Paris, 1726-1729 By Thomas Germain, wi t h arms added i n 1764 by his son Frangois-Thomas Germain Silver Marked variously on tureens, liners, and stands wi t h a crowned K (the warden's mark used between August 13, 1726, and August 13, 1727); a crowned M (the wardens mark used between August 12,1728, and August 26, i 9i S I L V E R FRENCH METALWORK 95 1729); a crowned A overlaid wi t h crossed L's (the charge mark used between May 6,1722, and September 3,1727, under the formier Charles Cordier); a crowned A on its side (the charge mark used between September 3, 1727, and December 22, 1732, under the fer- mier Jacques Cottm); possibly a chancellor's mace (the discharge mark used between Sep- tember 3, 1727, and December 22, 1732); an artichoke mark (for ol d works i n silver to whi ch new parts have been added, used between November 22, 1762, and Decem- ber 23,1768); andwi t h three obliterated marks, probabl y of Thomas Germain. One tureen, stand, and liner are engraved wi t h N . i , the others N .2; tureens are engraved wi t h the weights .^8 m .i oz .2 i . and .48^.2^; stands are engraved wi t h the weights . 4 8 ^ . and .48*5'. Both stands, one wi t h the added date 1764, are engraved wi t h FAIT PAR. F. T. GE RMAI N. ORF. SC ULP DU.ROY. AUX GALLERIES. DU LOUVRE. APARIS. The coat of arms of the Mel l o e Castro family is engraved on stands and applied on tureens. 192 Oneof a pair Tureens: Height: 6 Vs i n. (17.4 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 6V2 i n. (47 cm); Depth: 10 i n. (25.4 cm); Stands: Height: 1V16 i n. (3.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 10V8 i n. (57 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 4 i n. (40.6 cm) Accession number 82.DG. 12.1-.2 PROVENANCE Jacques-Samuel Bernard (?), comte de Cou- bert (1686-1753), i n the salle a manger of his hotel, 46 rue du Bac, Paris; altered by Francois-Thomas Germain i n 1764 for D. Martmho de Mel l o e Castro, Count of Galveias, the Portuguese ambassador i n London, 1755, and m Paris from 1760-1761 (temporarily residing i n the hotel of Jacques- Samuel Bernard i n the rue du Bac), and later Secretary of State to Ki ng Jose 1 and subse- quently to Queen Mari a 1, listed i n the Sep- tember 14,1796, posthumous inventory of his possessions wi t h their lids decorated wi t h artichokes, cauliflowers, birds, shells, and shrimp (these lids were probably lost at the beginning of the nineteenth century); Mel l o e Castro de Vilhena family, Portugal and Paris, by descent; (sold, Christie's, Geneva, November 11, 1975, no. 230); Jean Rossignol, Geneva, 1975. EXHIBITIONS Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Exposico de artefrancesa, May-June 1934, nos. 230-231; Paris, Musee des Arts Deco- ratifs, Les Tresors de l'orfevrerie du Portugal, November 1954-January 1955, no. 453. BIBLIOGRAPHY Daniel Alcouffe, Louis xv.Un Moment de perfec- tion de I'art francais, Hotel de la Monnaie (Paris, 1974), no. 484, p. 358; Thomas Mi l nes- Gaskell, "Thomas Germain," Christie's Review of the Season 1975 (London and New York, 1976), pp. 219-221, illus.; Wi l son, "Acquisi- tions 1982," no. 3, pp. 24-28, illus.; Armi n B. Al l en, An Exhibition of Ornamental Drawings (New York, 1982), no. 53, illus.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 11, pp. 22-23, l l i U S - ; Handbook 1986, p. 157, illus. (one); Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, fig. 5; Bruno Pons, "Hotel Jacques-Samuel Bernard," Le Faubourg Saint-Germain: la rue du Bac, Etudes offenes a Colette Lamy-Lassalle (Paris, 1990), pp. 126-153; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Rac- colta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119; Leonor d' Orey The Silver Service of the Portuguese Crown (Lisbon, 1991), pp. 24-25, illus. p. 25; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 186, pp. 111-112, illus. p. 111 96 FRENCH METALWORK S I L V E R I93. LI DDED BOWL (ECUELLE) Paris, 1727 By Claude-Gabriel Dardet Silver gi l t Marked on bowl wi t h the maker s stamp of C. G. D , a dart, and t wo grains bel ow a crowned fleur-de-lys; a crowned L (the war- dens mark used between August 13, 1727, and August 12, 1728); a crowned A (the charge mark used between September 3,1727, and December 22,1732, under the firmier Jacques Cotti n); a fleur-de-lys wi t hi n a pome- granate (the discharge mark used on large si l - ver objects between September 3, 1727, and December 22, 1732); an unidentified flower, possibly a l i l y of the valley (a discharge mark used to indicate a minimum standard of silver between 1727 and 1732); and a boar's head (the restricted warranty of . 800 minimum si l - ver standard used i n Paris exclusively from May 10, 1838). Bowl is engraved wi t h the coat of arms of the Moul i net family, probably i n the nineteenth century. Hei ght: 4V4 i n. (10.8 cm); Wi dt h: 11 3 A i n. (29.9 cm); Depth: 7V8 i n. (18.7 cm) Accession number 71.DG.77.a--b PROVENANCE Moul i net family, Ile-de-France; M. Marquis, Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, February 10-18, 1890, no. 110 [?]); Davi d Davi d-Wei l l , Paris (sold, Palais Gal l i er a, Paris, Novem- ber 24, 1971, no. 17); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Emile Dacier, L'Art au x v m m e siecle en France (Pans, 1951), no. 192, p. 110, i l l us.; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 187, p. 112, illus. 194 194. LIDDED BOWL AND STAND Lacquer: Japanese, early eighteenth century Mounts: Paris, circa 1727-1738 Mounts by Paul Le Riehe Wood lacquered wi t h red and brown pi g- ments; gol d powder; silver-gilt mounts Li d, bowl , and stand mounts variously marked wi t h the maker's stamp P. L. R. wi t h a crescent, two grains, and a fleur-de-lys; a crowned bel l (the Paris countermark used between September 3, 1727, and Decem- ber 22,1732, under the fermier Jacques Cottm); a crowned S (the warden's mark used between September 18, 1734, a n < ^ Septem- ber 23,1735); and an unidentified mark. Overall Height: 5V16 i n. (14.1 cm); Bowl : Height: 5 V16 i n. (13.2 cm); Wi dt h: 7V8 i n. (18.7 cm); Depth: 5V8 i n. (13.6 cm); Stand: Height: Vs in. (2.3 cm); Diameter: 7 V16 i n. (18.2 cm) Accession number 84.DH.74.1.2a-.2b PROVENANCE Hans Backer, London; Ma rt i n Norton, London. BIBLIOGRAPHY Nieda, "Acquisitions 1984," no. 2, pp. 72-76, illus.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no: 52, p. 177, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 188, pp. 112-113, illus. p. 113; Discovering the Secrets of Soft-Paste Porcelain at the Saint-Cloud Manufactory, circa 1690-1766, Bertrand Rondot, ed. (New Haven and Lon- don, 1999), p. 297. 195. PAIR OF SUGAR CASTORS Paris, 1743 By Simon Gal l i en Silver Each castor is marked wi t h the maker's stamp of S. G., a sun and t wo grains bel ow a crowned fleur-de-lys; a crowned C (the war- den's mark used between May 30, 1743, and July 6, 1744); a crowned A (the charge mark used between October 4, 1738, and Octo- ber 13, 1744, under the fermier Louis Robm); a fox's head (the discharge mark used on small silver objects between October 4,1738, and October 13,1744); a salmon's head (the discharge mark used on small silver objects between October 13, 1744, and October 10, 1750, under the fermier Antoine Leschaudel); a fly (the countermark used between Octo- ber 13, 1744, and October 10, 1750, under the fermier Antoine Leschaudel); a laurel leaf (the countermark used between October 13, 1756, and November 22, 1762, under the fermier El oy Brichard); an open ri ght hand (the coun- termark used between November 22, 1762, and December 23,1768, under the fermier 195 One of a pair S I L V E R FRENCHMETALWORK 97 Jean-Jacques Prevost); an N inscribed i n an oval (the Dutch date letter for 1822 for works i n precious metal); and an ax (a Dutch stan- dard mark used since 1852 for ol d silver objects returned to circulation). The base of castor . 1 is inscribed wi t h 409; the base of castor .2 is inscribed wi t h 409A. Castor . 1: Height: 10V4 i n. (26 cm); Diame- ter: 4V2 i n. (11.5 cm); Castor .2: Height: 10 V2 i n. (26.6 cm); Diameter: 4V8 i n. (11.7 cm) Accession number 84.DG.744.1-.2 PROVENANCE F. J. E. Horstmann (sold, Frederik Mller, Amsterdam, November 19-21, 1929,^0. 178); Jean-Louis Bonnefoy Paris; Sir Robert Abdy, Bt., Newton Ferrers, Cornwal l ; by descent to Sir Valentine Abdy; [S. J. Phillips, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 53, p. 178, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 189, p. 113, illus. (one). 196. PAIR OF LIDDED TUREENS, LINERS, AND STANDS Paris, circa 1744-1750 By Thomas Germain Silver Marked variously on the tureens, liners, lids, and stands wi t h a crowned D (the warden's mark used between July 6, 1744, and Novem- ber 27,1745); a crowned I (the warden's mark used between July 18, 1749, and July 15, 1750); a crowned K (the wardens mark used between July 15, 1750, and January 22,1751); an indistinct mark, possibly a crowned A (the charge mark used between October 4, 1738, and October 13,1744, under the jennier Louis Robin); a crowned A (the charge mark used between October 13, 1744, and Octo- ber 10, 1750, under the firmier Antonie Leschaudel); a hen's head (the discharge mark used on small silver objects between Octo- ber 10, 1750, and October 13, 1756, under the firmier Julien Berthe); a boars head (the dis- charge mark used on large silver objects between October 10, 1750, and October 13, 1756); and a laurel leaf (the countermark used between October 13, 1756, and November 22, 1762, under the firmier El oy Brichard); and several obliterated marks. One stand and tureen are engraved wi t h DU N 3; one stand, tureen, and lmer are engraved wi t h DU N 4; one lmer is engraved wi t h DU No 5. Stands are scratched wi t h various dealers' marks of twentieth-century date. Ori gi nal l y engraved wi t h an archbishop's coat of arms surrounded by the collar and cross of the Order of Chri st, now partl y erased and replaced wi t h the arms of Robert John Smith, 2nd Lord Carrmgton. Tureens: Height: 11 3 / i 6 i n. (30 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. i 3 A m. (34.9 cm); Depth: 11 Vs i n. (28.2 cm); Stands: Height: i 5 / s i n. (4.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 6 3 / i 6 i n. (46.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 6 9 / 16 i n. (47.2 cm) Accession number 82.DG.13.1-.2 PROVENANCE Archbishop Dom Gaspar de Braganga (?) (1716-1789, archbishop of Braga 1757), Braga, Portugal; Robert John Smith, 2nd Lord Car- rmgton (succeeded to the ti tl e i n 1838), England; [S.J. Phillips, London, 1920s or 1930s]; Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Sassoon, Pope's Manor, Berkshire, by the 1930s; [sometime after 1935, S. J. Phillips, London, i n partner- ship wi t h Jacques Helft, Pans (until 1940) and New York (1940-1948)]; Jose and Vera Espirito Santo, Paris, by 1954 (sold, Christie's, Geneva, Apr i l 27, 1976, no. 446); private collection, Geneva, 1976. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Les Tresors de I'orfevrerie du Portugal, November 1954-January 1955, no. 455, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Thomas Milnes-Gaskell, "Thomas Germain," Christies Review of the Season ig~]$ (London and New York, 1976), pp. 219-221, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1981-1982) i n the Depart- ment of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 324; Wi l son, "Acquisi- tions 1982," no. 7, pp. 39-45, illus.; Storiadegli Argenti, Ki rsten Aschengreen-Piacenti, ed. (Novara, 1987), p. 129, illus.; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Casa Vogue Antiques 8 (May 1990), pp. 114-119, illus. p. 119; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 190, p. 114, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 67, p. 88, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 204, illus. 196 98 FRENCH METALWORK S I L V E R 197 I97. TRAY Paris, 1750 By Frangois-Thomas Germain Silver Marked underneath wi th the maker s stamp of F. T. G, a lamb's fleece, two grams, and a crowned fleur-deTys; a crowned K (the war- den's mark used between July 15, 1750, and January 22, 1751); a crowned A wi th palm and laurel branches (the charge mark used between October 10, 1750, and October 13, 1756, under the fermier Julien Berthe); a boar's head (the "restricted warranty" of .800 mini- mum silver standard used in Paris exclusively from May 10, 1838); and a swan inside an oval (the standard mark for silver of unknown origin that is sold at auction as used by con- tracting countries between July 1, 1893, and 1970). Engraved wi th the arms of the marquis de Menars in the center. Height: l Vs in. (3.8 cm); Wi dth: 8Vs in. (21.9 cm); Depth: 7 Vs in. (20 cm) Accession number 71. DG . 7 8 PROVENANCE Marquis de Menars; Junius Spencer Morgan (?), New York; [Puiforcat, Paris, by 1926, and through 1938]; David David-Weill, Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, November 24, 1971, no. 24); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Exposition d'orfevrerie francaise civile du xvi e siecle au debut du xi x e , April-May 1926, no. 91; London, 25 Park Lane, Three French Reigns, February- Apri l 1933, no. 388; New York, The Metro- politan Museum of Art, French Domestic Silver, May-September 1938, no. 149, pi. 85. BIBLIOGRAPHY S. Brault and Y. Bottineau, EOrfevrerie frangaise du xviii 1 siecle (Pans, 1959), p. 186, pi. 17; Faith Dennis, Three Centuries of French Domestic Silver: Its Makers and Its Marks (New York, i 960), vol. 1, p. 16, rig. 149; Henry Nocq, LePoincon de Paris (Paris, 1968), vol. 2, p. 243, illus. p. 245; John Whitehead, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 229, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 191, p. 115; Christiane Perrin, Francois Thomas Germain: Orfevre des wis (Saint-Remy-enT'Eau, 1993), illus. p. 111. SAUCEBOAT ON STAND Paris, 1762 By Jean-Baptiste-Francois Cheret Silver; silver gilt Sauceboat and stand are marked wi th the maker s stamp of J. B. C., a key and two grains below a crowned fleur-deTys; a crowned Y (the warden's mark used between July 1,1762, and July 13, 1763); a crowned A wi th laurel leaves (the charge mark used between November 22, 1762, and Decem- ber 23, 1768, under the fermier Jean-Jacques Prevost); crossed laurel branches (the charge mark used on small silver objects between November 22,1762, and December 23, 1768, under the, fermier Jean-Jacques Prevost); a pointer's head (the discharge mark used on small silver objects between November 22, 1762, and December 23, 1768); a hunting horn (the countermark used between Decem- ber 23, 1768, and September 1, 1775, under the fermier Julien Alaterre); a man's slipper (the countermark used between September 1, 1775, and Apri l 7, 1781, under the fermier Jean-Baptiste Fouache); boar's head (the restricted warranty of . 800 minimum silver standard used in Paris exclusively from May 10, 1838); and a swan in an oval (the standard mark on silver of unknown origin that is sold at auction as used by contracting countries between July 1,1893, and 1970). A coat of arms has probably been burnished off the cartouche on the sauceboat. Height: 4V4 in. (12.1 cm); Wi dth: 5V8 in. (14.3 cm); Depth: 7V4 in. (19.8 cm) Accession number 71.DG.76.1-.2 PROVENANCE Dukes of Buckingham and Chandos, London (sold 1903); J. H. Fitzhenry London (sold, Christie's, London, November 20,1913, lot 214); [Gaston Bensimon, Pans]; A. M. David-Weill, Pans; David David-Weill, Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, Novem- ber 24, 1971, no. 14); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Exposition d'orfevrerie francaise civile du xv e siecle au debut du xi x e , April-May 1926, no. 108, on loan from A. M. David-Weill. BIBLIOGRAPHY Storia degli Argenti, Kirsten Aschengreen- Piacenti, ed. (Novara, 1987), p. 128, illus.; John Whitehead, The French Interior in the Eigh- teenth Century (London, 1992), p. 234, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 192, pp. 115-116, illus. p. 115. 198 S I L V E R / GOL D : J E W E L R Y FRENCH METALWORK 99 I99. PAIR OF CANDELABRA Pans, 1779-1782 By Robert-Joseph Auguste Silver Marked variously wi t h maker s stamp of R.J. A. , a palm branch and t wo grains, below a crowned fleur-de-lys; a crowned Y (the wardens mark used between July 18, 1778, and July 21, 1781); a crowned S (the warden's mark used between August 1, 1781, and July 13, 1782); the letters P.A.R.I.S. (the charge mark used between September 1, 1775, and Apr i l 7, 1781, under thtfermier Jean- Baptiste Fouache); crossed L's (the charge mark used between Apr i l 7,1781, and June 4, 1783, under the fermier Henry Clavel); a jug (the discharge mark used on works destined for export between Apr i l 7,1781, and June 4, 1783); an ant i n a rectangle (the mark of .800 minimum standard for works imported into France from contracting countries as used since July 1, 1893); and the letter G (of unknown meaning). Each base is engraved wi t h the monogram GR 111 beneath a crown. Height: 1 ft. 10 Vs i n. (56.1 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 3V8 i n. (38.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 2 3 /s i n. (36.5 cm) Accession number 84.DG.42.1-.2 PROVENANCE From a service made for George 111, Ki ng of England (1760-1820); Ernst Augustus (?), Duke of Cumberland and Brunswick-Lne- burg, Ki ng of Hanover (1771-1851), 1837; Ernst Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and Brunswick-Lneburg, 1851 (sold after his death, circa 1924); Cartier, Lt d. , London, by 1926; Louis Cartier, Paris, by the 1960s; Claude Cartier, Paris, 1970s (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, November 25-27, 1979, no. 824, wi t h another pair of matching candelabra); Veromque Cartier, Paris, 1979. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Exposition d'orfevrerie francaise civile du xv c siede au debut du xix e , Apr i l - Ma y 1926, no. 144, on loan from Cartier, Lt d. , London; Paris, Galerie Mel l e- rio, EOrfevrerie etlehijou d'autrefois, 1935, no. 70. BIBLIOGRAPHY Faith Dennis, Three Centuries of French Domestic Silver: Its Makers and Its Marks (New York, i 960), vol. 1, no. 20, p. 45, i l l us., vol. 2, p. 31; Claude Fregnac et al., Les Grands orfevres de Louis xiii Charles x (Collection Connaissance des arts, Paris, 1965), pp. 240-241, fig. 2; Jacques Helft, French Master Goldsmiths and Sil- versmiths (New York, 1966), p. 240, fig- 2; Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 63, p. 182, illus. (one); Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic Inte- rior: Renaissance to Art ~Nouveau (London, 1991), illus. p. 108, fig. 344; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 193, p. 116, illus. 199 One of a fair Gold: J ewelry 200 200 Back view 200. HERCULES PENDANT French, circa 1540 Gol d, enamel, and a baroque pearl Height: 2 3 /s i n. (6 cm); Wi dt h: 2V8 i n. (5.4 cm) Accession number 85.SE.237 PROVENANCE Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von Rothschild (1878-1942), Vienna; by inheritance to his brother, Baron Louis (Nathaniel) von Roth- schi l d (1882-1955), Vienna; possibly confiscated from Rothchild's collection by the Nazis and then restituted after Wor l d War 11 200 Back view l O O FRENCH METALWORK GOL D ! J E W E L R Y / E N AME L S by the Austrian government; C. Ruxton Love, New York (sold, Christie's, Geneva, Novem- ber 13, 1984, no. 45); [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS New York, A La Vieille Russie, The Art of the Goldsmith and the Jeweller, November 6-23, 1968, no. 8, p. 15; Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Devices of Wonder, Novem- ber 13, 2001-February 3, 2002. BIBLIOGRAPHY Yvonne Hackenbroch, "BIJOUX de l'Ecole de Fontainebleau," Actes du Colloque International sur I'art de Fontainebleau (Paris, 1975), p. 71, hgs. 1-2; Yvonne Hackenbroch, Renaissance Jewellery (London, 1979), illus. dust jacket and pp. 63- 64, pi. 7, nos. 140A-B; Christie's Review of the Season 1984 (Oxford, 1985), p. 338; Souren Melikian, Art and Auction 7 (January 1985), p. 144; "La Cote du Mois," FEstampille 177 (January 1985), p. 67; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJ 14 1986), no. 216, pp. 252-253, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 194, p. 117, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 9, p. 17, illus., illus. p. 2 (detail); Handbook 2001, p. 239. 201. PRUDENCE COMMESSO HAT BADGE (ENSEIGNE) French, circa 1550-1560 Gold, enamel, chalcedony and a table-cut stone (possibly rock crystal) Height: 2 1 A m. (5.7 cm) Accession number 85.SE. 238 PROVENANCE Betty de Rothschild (1805-1886), Pans/by 1866; Thomas F. Flannery Jr. (1926-1980), Winnetka, Illinois, acquired after 1965; by inheritance to his widow, Joanna Flan- nery Winnetka, Illinois (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 1, 1983, lot 288); [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Loyola University of Chicago, The Art of Jew- elry, 1450-1600, 1975, no. 9; The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, The Triumph of Humanism: Three Phases of Renaissance Decorative Arts 1450-1600, October 1977-January 1978, no. 99; Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmu- seum, Faszination Edelstem: aus den Schatzkammern der Welt (The Fascination of Precious Stones), Sybille Ebert-Schifferer and Martina Harms, November 27, 1992-April 25, 1993, no. 146, p. 225; Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Devices of Wonder, November 13, 2001-February 3, 2002. BIBLIOGRAPHY Edouard Lievre, Les Collections celebres d'oeuvres d'art (Paris, 1866), pl. 49; Donald F. Rowe, "The Art of Jewellery, 1540-1650," Connois- seur 188 (Apri l 1975), p. 293, pl. 4; Yvonne Hackenbroch, Renaissance Jewellery (London, 1979), pp. 90-92, pl. 8, flg. 236; Art at Auc- tion: The Year at Sotheby's 1983-1984 (Lon- don, 1984), p. 202; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJ 14(1986), no. 217, p. 253, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 195, pp. 117-118, illus. p. 118; Masterpieces, no. 10, p. 16 (detail), p. 17, illus. Enamels 202. TWELVE PLAQUES WI T H SCENES FROM THE PASSION OF CHRIST Limoges, 1530s By Jean 11 Penicaud Polychrome enamel on copper wi th gold highlights Each plaque is stamped wi th a P surmounted by a crown (Penicaud workshop stamp) on back under clear counter enamel. Also inscribed wi th SANCT PETER, on Samt Peter's robe in The Entry into Jerusalem plaque and IOSEP DABAR on robe of Joseph in The Entombment plaque. Height (each): approx. 3 V10 in. (9.4 cm); Wi dth: approx. 2V5 in. (7.3 cm) Accession number 88.SE.4.1-. 12 PROVENANCE Alessandro Castellani, Rome (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, May 12-16, 1884, no. 472); Mante collection, Paris, 1884; by inheritance to Robert Mante, Paris, until 1986; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich]. EXHIBITIONS Lille, Exposition retrospective de I'art francais au Trocadero, 1889, no. 1037. 201 E N AME L S FRENCH METALWORK l O l 202 BIBLIOGRAPHY Hippolyte Mireur, Diciionnaire des vcntcs d'art fakes en France et a I'etranger... (Paris, 1901-1912; rpr. Hildesheim, 1971), p. 522; "Acquisi- tionsA988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 89, pp. 148-150, illus.; Peggy Fogelman, "The Passion of Christ: Twelve Enamel Plaques in the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus] 18 (1990), pp. 127-140; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 196, p. 118, illus. 203. Two ALLEGORIES Allegory . 1: Allegory of Charles ix as Mars; Alle- gory . 2: Allegory of Catherine de Medici as Juno Limoges, 1573 By Leonard Limosm Polychrome enamel on copper and silver wi th painted gold highlights; modern frames Signed LL on sword of Mars, dated! 1573 in center of cloud at left of Mars. Signed LL at bottom of cloud in bottom center olf Juno. 203 Charles ixas Mars Inscribed on backs at a later date C DE MEDICIS and CHARLES ix. Height (each plaque, without frames): 6 5 /s in. (17.5 cm); Wi dth: 9 in. (23 cm) Accession number 86.SE.536.1-.2 PROVENANCE Debruge-Dumenil, France, by 1847 (sold, Hotel des Ventes Mobilieres, Paris, March 5, 1850, nos. 704 and 705); (Albert) Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire; by inheritance to Neil Primrose, 7 th Earl of Rosebery, Ment- more Towers, Buckinghamshire (sold, Sotheby's, London, May 20, 1977 [hors cata- logue]); Lord Astor, Hever Castle, Kent (sold, Sotheby's, London, May 6,1983, lot 296); [Cyril Humphris, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Joseph Laborde, Description des objets d'art aui composent la collection Debruge Dumenil (Paris, 1847), nos. 704-705; Joseph Laborde, Notice des emaux, bijoux, et objets divers exposes dans les Louvre (Paris, 1853), pp. 186-187; L m s Dinner, Histoiredelapein- ture de portrait en France au xvi e siecle, (Paris and Brussels, 1926), vol. 3, no. 33, p. 250; Philippe Verdier, The Erich Collection, (New York, 1977), vol. 8, no. 13, pp. 124,126; "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 199, pp. 218-219, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 197, p. 119, illus. 203 Catherine de Medici asjuno 1 0 2 FRENCH CERAMICS CERAMICS 204. P I L G RI M FLASK Puisaye area of Burgundy early sixteenth century Cobalt-glazed stoneware Inscribed on one side of the neck wi t h a mark resembling an A wi t h the cross stroke at the ri ght. Height: 1 ft. 1V16 i n. (33.5 cm); Wi dt h: 9V4 m. (23.5 cm); Depth: 5V8 i n. (13 cm) Accession number 95.DE. 1 PROVENANCE Chabneres-Aries, France, sold to Al ai n Moatti ; [Al ai n Moatti , Paris]. EXHIBITIONS Li l l e, Exposition retrospective de I'art francais au Trocadero, 1889, no. 1227 (incorrectly described as from Beauvais dating to the end of the fifteenth century). BIBLIOGRAPHY R. Clement, "Les Gres Bleus de Puisaye: Ori gi ne, Histoire et Technique," Bulletin de la Societe des sciences historiaues et naturelles de l'Yonne 123 (1991), p. 146; "Acquisitions/1995," GettyMus] 24 (1996), no. 79, p. 133, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 7, p. 14. 205 205. OVAL BASI N Samtes, late sixteenth century By Bernard Palissy Lead-glazed earthenware Height: 2 5 / 8 i n. (6.6 cm); Length: 1 ft. 7 i n. (48.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 2V2 m. (36.8 cm) Accession number 88.DE.63 PROVENANCE Carl Becker, Cologne, sold 1898; private col- lection, England; [Antony Embden, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY J. M. Heberle, Katalog der Kunst-Sammlung, Consul Carl Becker,Versteigerung zu Kl n (Cologne, 1898), no. 12, p. 2; Al an Gi bbon, Ceramiaues de Bernard Palissy (Paris, 1986), book jacket; "Acquisitions/19 8 8," GettyMus J 17 (1989), no. 84, p. 146, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 198, p. 119, illus.; Leonard Amico, Bernard Palissy (Paris, 1996), p. 101, fig. 90; Masterpieces, no. 8, p. 15, illus.; Hand- look 2001, p. 241, illus. 2o6. OVAL PLATE Saintes, second half of the sixteenth century Attri buted to Bernard Palissy Lead-glazed earthenware * Height: 2 V16 i n. (6.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1 in. (; Depth: 10 i n. (25.3 cm) Accession number 0/7.DE.46 PROVENANCE Baron Gustave (Samuel James) de Rothschild (1829-1911), Paris; by inheritance (probably through Robert [Philippe Gustave] de Roth- schild [1880-1946] and [James Gustave Jules] Al am de Rothschi l d [1910-1982]) to Robert James de Rothschi l d (born 1947), Paris (sold, Piasa, Paris, June 11, 1997, no. 50) [Al am Moatti , Paris]. 206 POSSIBLY A MODE L FOR A CERAMI C VESSEL Paris, circa 1725-1730 Terracotta Incised wi t h EX MUSEO P.C. DE. MONCREIFFE. DOCT. ET SOC SORBONICI. ECLEAE DUEN (?)SI DECANUS under the base. Model ed wi t h the arms, monogram, and coronet (now partl y missing) of Louis-Henri, 204 2 0 7 N I V ERN OI S / SAI N T ' CL OUD FRENCH CERAMICS 103 207 prince de Conde, due de Bourbon. Height: 1 ft. 3 A in. (32.4 cm); Wi dth: 11 3 A in. (29.8 cm); Depth: 11 3 A in. (29.8 cm) Accession number 83. DE . 36 PROVENANCE Louis-Henri, 7 th prmee de Conde, due de Bourbon (1692-1740), Chateau de Chantilly; Francois-Augustm Paradis de Moncrif (?) (1687-1770); Pierre-Charles de Moncrif (born circa 1700-1771), archbishop of the cathedral church d'Autun, recorded as item 6 in Moncrif s cabinet de cunosites in the inven- tory taken after his death on September 25, 1771; David David-Weill, Paris; [Didier Aaron, Pans, 1981]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 5, pp. 187, 194, illus. pp. 189-192; "AcquisitionsA983," GettyMus J 12 (1984), no. 7, p. 263, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 199, p. 120, illus.; Genevieve Le Due, Porcelame tendrede Chantilly an X I I I 1 siecle (Pans, 1996), pp. 166- 167, illus. pp. 166-167. Nivernois 208. LIDDED JUG Nivernois, circa 1680-1690 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 7 l / i in. (19.1 cm); Wi dth: 7 Vs in. (18.1 cm); Depth: 4 in. (10.2 cm) Accession number 88.DE. 126 PROVENANCE De Jouvenal collection, France; [Georges Lefebvre, Pans, 1988]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 65, p. 140, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 200, p. 120, illus. 208 Saint-Cloud 209 209. LIDDED E WE R AND BASIN Porcelain: Saint-Cloud manufactory, early eighteenth century Mounts: modern (?) Soft-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decora- tion; silver mounts The base of the ewer bears a paper label 5.L. 4338.8 and Charles E. Dunlap. Each silver mount has a fleur-deTys without a crown (the Paris discharge mark for small silver works used between October 23,1717, and May 5, 1722) and an indistinct mark. Ewer: Height: 6 5 A in. (17 cm); Wi dth: 5 in. (12.8 cm); Depth: 4 in. (10.2 cm); Basin: Height: 3 V16 in. (8.1 cm); Diameter: 8V4 in. (20.8 cm) Accession number 88.DI.112.1-.2 PROVENANCE Mrs. H. Dupuy New York (sold, Parke- Bernet, New York, Apri l 3, 1948, lot 358); estate of Mrs. Charles E. Dunlap, New York (sold, Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, December 3, 1975, lot 231); purchased at that sale by The British Rail Pension Fund. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Masterpieces of European Porcelain, 1949, no. 144; New York, The Bard Graduate 104 FRENCH CERAMICS SAI N T ' CL OUD / MOUSTI ERS / C H AN T I L L Y Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Discovering the Secrets of Soft-Paste Porcelain at the Saint-Cloud Manufactory, circa 1690-1766, Bertrand Rondot, ed., July-October 1999, no. 51, p. 150, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus J 17 (1989), no. 70, p. 141, illus.; Bremer -David, Sum mary, no. 201, pp. 120-121, illus. p. 121; Genevieve Le Due, Porcelain tendre de Chantilly au xvnf siecle (Paris, 1996), p. 77, illus. Height: 10 1 A in. (26 cm); Diameter: 8 3 A in. (22.5 cm) Accession number 84. DE. 917. a-, b PROVENANCE Jean d'Arlatan, marquis de la Roche and baron de Lauris, circa 1723; [Nicolier, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 51, p. 177, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 202, p. 121, illus. Moustiers 210 210. LI DDED JAR Moustiers, possibly Clerissy manufactory, circa 1723-1725 Tm-glazed earthenware Painted wi th the arms of Jean d'Arlatan, marquis de la Roche and baron de Lauris, on the jar and lid. The base is painted wi th FA (?) in blue. 211. PLATE Moustiers, Olerys manufactory, circa 1740-1760 Tm-glazed earthenware, polychrome enamel decoration Height: 1 V16 in. (3.7 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 5 5 A in. (44.8 cm) Accession number 87.DE.25 PROVENANCE [Georges Lefebvre, Paris, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/io^-}/' GettyMusJ 16 (1988), no. 72, p. 178, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 203, p. 121, illus. 211 Chantilly 212. TEA SERVICE Chantilly manufactory, circa 1730-1735 Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration Tray: Height: 1 3 / i 6 in. (2.1 cm); Wi dth: 8 1 3 / i 6 in. (22.4 cm); Depth: 8 1 5 / i 6 m. (22.7 cm); Cups: Height: 1 9 / i 6 in. (4 cm); Wi dth: 3V4 in. (8.2 cm); Depth: 2 (6.7 cm); Saucers: Height: 1 5 / i 6 m. (2.3 cm); Wi dth: 4V16 -in. (11.6 cm); Depth: 4^/ 32 in. (11.5 cm); Sugar Bowl: Height: 3V8 in. (7.7 cm); Wi dth: 4V8 in. (11.1 cm); Depth: 4 1 / 16 in. (10.3 cm); Teapot: Height: 3V2 in. (8.9 cm); Wi dth: 5V8 in. (13.1 cm); Depth: 3 V16 in. (8.4 cm) Accession number 82.DE. 167.1-.5 PROVENANCE [Klaber and Klaber, London, 1980]; [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London, 1982]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Design m the Service of Tea, August-Octo- ber 1984. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1982," no. 5,pp. 33- 36, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1983-1984) in the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126, no. 975 (June 1984), pp. 384-388, illus. p. 384, fig. 68; John Whitehead, TheFrench Interior in tke Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 167, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 204, p. 122, illus. C H AN T I L L Y FRENCH CERAMICS 105 212 213 One of a pai r 213. PAIR OF MAGOT FIGURES Chantilly manufactory circa 1740 Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel dec- oration; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 7 in. (18 cm); Wi dth: 7 in. (18 cm); Depth: 7 in. (18 cm) Accession number 85.DI.380.1-.2 PROVENANCE Miss A. Phillips, London (sold, Sotheby's, London, February 28, 1961, lot 56); [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London]; [Par- tridge (Fine Arts), Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 197, p. 245, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 205, pp. 122-123, illus. p. 122; Genevieve Le Due, Porcelame tendre de Chantilly au xvi n e siecle (Paris, 1996), illus. p. 91. 214. CHAMBER POT (BOURDALOUE) Chantilly manufactory, circa 1740 Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration Painted on the base wi th the iron-red hunt- ing horn mark of the Chantilly manufactory Height: 3 1 3 / i 6 in. (9.8 cm); Wi dth: 7 u / i 6 in. (19.6 cm); Depth: 4V8 in. (11.8 cm) Accession number 82. DE . 9 PROVENANCE Pierre de Regamy Paris, 1957; Wilfred J. Sainsbury England; [Kate Foster, Ltd., Rye, England]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1977]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., European Works of Art (New York, 1978), p. 46, illus.; Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1982," no. 6, pp. 36-38, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 206, p. 123, illus. 214 lo6 FRENCH CERAMICS RUE D E CH AREN TON / MEN N ECY Rue de Charenton Mennecy 215 2 1 5- PAIR OF BUSTS Bust . 1: Louis xv; Bust .2: Mari e Leczmska Rue de Charenton manufactory, circa 1755 Lead-glazed earthenware (faience fine) Louis xv: Height: 1 ft. 8Vs i n. (53 cm); Wi dt h: 9V16 i n. (24 cm); Depth: 9 V8 i n. (25 cm); Mari e Leczmska: Height: 1 ft. 8 7 /8 i n. (53 cm); Wi dt h: 67s i n. (15.5 cm); Depth: 9 Vs i n. (25 cm) Accession number 86.DE.668.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Mi chel Vandermeersch, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY 'Acquisitions/1986," GettyMusJ 15 (1987), no. 103, pp. 212-213, i i u i s - ; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 207, pp. 123-124, illus. p. 123. 216. LI DDED BOWL Mennecy manufactory, circa 1735 Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration Height: 67s i n. (15.5 cm); Wi dt h: 10 3 A i n. (27.3 cm); Depth: 7 5 A i n. (19.4 cm) Accession number 2000.20 PROVENANCE [Mme Henry Versailles]; purchased Febru- ary 17, 1870 by Charles and Charlotte Schrei- ber (1812-1895); by bequest to Blanche Ponsonby (died 1919, nee Guest), Lady Dun- cannon, later Countess of Bessborough, 1895; by descent to Vere, 9th Earl of Bessborough (1880-1956), 1920; by descent to Eric, 10th Earl of Bessborough (1913-1993), 1956; Stansted Park Foundation Collection, 1983; (sold, Sotheby's, Stansted Park, October 5, 1999, lot 291); [Adri an Sassoon, London]; Mi chael Hal l , London. BIBLIOGRAPHY Lady Charlotte Schreibers Journals, Montague J. Guest, ed. (London, 1911), vol. 1, p. 71. 217. BUST OF LOUIS XV Mennecy manufactory (?), circa 1750-1755 Soft-paste porcelain Height: 1 ft. 5 i n. (43.2 cm); Wi dt h: 9 V16 in. (24.5 cm); Depth: 5" / 16 i n. (14.5 cm) Accession number 84.DE.46 2l 6 MEN N ECY / N I D E RV I L L E R FRENCHCERAMICS I O 7 Niderviller 217 PROVENANCE Private collection, Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, March14, 1910, no. 44); [Vander- meersch, Paris, 1948]; Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l i am Brown Meloney, Riverdale, New York, by 1953; [The Antique Porcelain Co., Zurich, from late 1950s]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Babette Craven, "French Soft Paste Porcelain in the Collection of Mr. andMrs. Wi l l i am Brown Meloney," Connoisseur 143 (May 1959), pp. 135-142, fig. 10; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 55, p. 179, illus.; Recent Ceramic Acquisitions by Major Muse- ums," Burlington Magazine 127, no. 986 (May 1985), no. 54, p. 345, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 208, p. 124, illus.; Genevieve Le Due, Porcelame tendrede Chantilly au xvnT siecle (Paris, 1996), pp. 194-197, illus. pp. 195-196; Linda H. Roth and Clare Le Corbeiller, French Eighteenth Century Porcelain at the Wadsworth Atheneum: The ] Pierport Morgan Collection (Hart- ford, 2000), pp. 46, 48, notes 5,16, p. 49; Handbook 2001, p. 212, illus. FIGURE OF A STREET VENDOR Mennecy manufactory, circa 1755-1760 Soft-paste porcelain Impressed on the right side of the base wi th the Mennecy manufactory mark D V Height: 9V8 in. (23.9 cm); Wi dth: 4V2 in. (11.5 cm); Depth: 4V4 in. (10.7 cm) Accession number 86.DE.473 PROVENANCE Mr. andMrs. Wi l l i am Brown Meloney, Riverdale, New York; [The Antique Porcelain Co., New York, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Babette Craven, "French Soft Paste Porcelain in the Collection of Mr. andMrs. Wi l l i am Brown Meloney," Connoisseur 143 (May 1959), p. 142; "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 104, p. 213, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 209, p. 124, illus.; Genevieve Le Due, Porcelain tendrede Chantilly au xvn f siecle (Pans, 1996), p. 319, illus. 219 219. LIDDED BULB VASE (CAISSE A OIGNONS) Niderviller manufactory, circa 1768 Possibly painted by Joseph Deutsch Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Marked BN for Beyerle Niderviller and signed j . D. ; incised wi th LH. Height: 6 3 Am. (17 cm); Wi dth: 7V4 in. (19.5 cm); Depth: 4V4 in. (11 cm) Accession number 99.DE. 11 PROVENANCE Christian Moritz Eugen Franz, Graf zu Knigsegg, circa 1768; W M. A. Moseley London; [John Whitehead, London, 1999]. EXHIBITIONS London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1957- 1995, lent by W M. A. Moseley. BIBLIOGRAPHY W B. Honey, French Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century (London, 1972), p. 46, pi. 88a.; Hand- book 2001, p. 214, illus. 218 lo8 FRENCH CERAMICS SCEAUX / V I N CEN N ES Sceaux 220. VASE ( P O T - P O U R R I ) Sceaux manufactory; circa 1755 Attri buted to Jacques Chapelle Glazed earthenware, polychrome enamel decoration Height: 1 ft. 1 i n. (33 cm); Wi dt h: 9V2 i n. (24.1 cm); Depth: 6 i n. (15.2 cm) Accession number 85.DE.347 PROVENANCE Florence J. Goul d, Vi l l a El Patio, Cannes (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 27,1984, no. 1588); [The Anti que Porcelain Co., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J14 (1986), no. 198, p. 245, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 210, p. 125, illus. Vincennes 221 221. LI DDED BOWL AND DI S H (ECUELLE RONDE ET PLATEAU ROND) Vincennes manufactory, circa 1752-1753 Soft-paste porcelain, bleu lapis ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Bowl and stand are both painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Vincennes manufactory; both are incised wi t h I . Bowl : Height: 5V2 i n. (14 cm); Wi dt h: 8 3 A i n. (22.2 cm); Depth: 6 5 /s i n. (16.7 cm); Stand: Height: i 5 / s i n. (4.1 cm); Diameter: 8 1 5 / i 6i n , (22.8 cm) Accession number 89.DE.44.a-.b PROVENANCE Private collection, England; [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1988]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1989," GettyMus J 18 (1990), no. 51, p. 192, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 211, p. 125, illus. WAT E RI NG CAN (ARROSOIR, DEUXI EME GRANDEUR) Vincennes manufactory, 1754 Painted by Bardet Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Vincennes manufactory (wi t h a dot at their apex) enclosing the date letter B for 1754, and wi t h the painter's mark of t wo short parallel lines. Incised wi t h 4. Height: 7V4 i n. (19.7 cm); Wi dt h: 9V16 i n. (24.5 cm); Depth: 5V8 i n. (13 cm) Accession number 84.DE.89 PROVENANCE Florence, Countess of Northbrook (wife of the 2nd Earl, married 1899, died 1946) (sold, Christie's, London, November 28, 1940, part of lot 78); Hugh Burton-Jones, England, 1940; Kathleen Burton-Jones (Mrs. Gi fford Scott) (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 12, 1984, l ot 172); [Wi ni f red Wi l l i ams, Lt d. , London, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Adri an Sassoon, "Vincennes and Sevres Porce- l ai n Acqui red by the J. Paul Getty Museum i n 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), pp. 89-91, i l l us.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 58, p. 180, i l l us.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 856, hg. 6; Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain, Davi d Battie, ed. (London, 1990), p. 107, illus.; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 1, pp. 4 - 7, illus. pp. 5, 7; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 212, pp. 125-126, illus. p: 125. 222 220 V I N CEN N ES FRENCH CERAMICS l OO, 223 223. VASE (CUVETTE A TOMBEAU, PREMIERE GRANDEUR) Vmcennes manufactory; 1754-1755 Painted by the crescent mark painter/possibly Louis Denis Armand I'ami Soft-paste porcelain, Ueu celeste ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Painted underneath wi th the blue crossed L's of the Vincennes manufactory enclosing the date letter A for 1753, and wi th the painter's mark of a crescent. Height: 9V4 in. (23.4 cm); Wi dth: 11 V8 in. (30 cm); Depth: 8V2 in. (21.6 cm) Accession number 73.DE.64 PROVENANCE Sold by the Vincennes manufactory (?) between January 1 and August 20,1756, to the marchand-mercier Lazare Duvaux, Paris, for 840 livres; sold by Lazare Duvaux (?) on March 1, 1756, to Count Joachim Godske Moltke of Copenhagen, Denmark, as part of a garniture of five vases (sold by his descen- dants in Paris in the nineteenth century); [Gilbert Levy Paris, early twentieth century (?)]; private collection, Paris; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, early 1970s]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Le Livre-Journal de Lazare Duvaux, marchand- Ujoutier ordinaire du roy, 1748-1758, Louis Courajod, ed. (Paris, 1873), vol. 2, no. 2420, p. 274; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 165, illus.; Gillian Wilson, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 ^ me partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi ," Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 97, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 33; note 2a, p. 40; Tamara Preaud and Antoine d'Albis, La Porcelaine de Vincennes (Paris, 1991), p. 67, illus., and no. 195, p. 180, illus.; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 2, pp. 8-10, illus. pp. 9, 11; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 213, p. 126, illus. 224. PAIR OF POT-POURRI VASES (POTS-POURRIS POMPADOUR, TROISIEME GRANDEUR) Vincennes manufactory, 1755 Model design by Jean-Claude Duplessis, fere; painted by Jean-Louis Morm after engraved designs by Frangois Boucher Soft-paste porcelain, bleu lapis ground color, carmine red decoration, gilding Each vase is painted under the base wi th blue crossed L's of the Vincennes manufactory enclosing the date letter C for 1755, also wi th Morin's mark M in blue and two blue dots. Each vase is incised wi th 2 under the base. Height: 10 in. (25.5 cm); Diameter: 6 in. (15.2 cm) Accession number 84. DE . 3. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Sold by the Sevres manufactory (?) between August 20,1756, and September 1756 to the marchand-meraer Lazare Duvaux, Paris, for 180 Iwres each; sold by Lazare Duvaux (?) in September 1756 to Frederick, 3rd Viscount Samt John, 2nd Viscount Bolmgbroke, Lydi- ard Park, Wiltshire, as two of a set of four; anonymous collection (sold, Sotheby's, Lon- don, March 5, 1957, lot 96); [The Antique Porcelain Co., London, 1957]; private collec- tion; [The Antique Porcelain Co., London, 1983]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Le Livre-Journal de Lazare Duvaux, marchand- Ujoutier ordinaire du roy, 1748-1758, Louis Courajod, ed. (Paris, 1873), vol. 2, no. 2590, p. 295; Adrian Sassoon, "Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain Acquired by the J. Paul Getty Museum in 1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), pp. 91-94, illus.; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 60, p. 181, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 129; note 3k, p. 132; notes 26, 32, p. 134; vol. 2, p. 851; note 59, p. 857; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 3, pp. 12-18, illus. pp. 13-15, 18; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 214, pp. 126-127, illus. p. 126. 224 One of a pair 110 FRENCH CERAMICS SEV RES Sevres 225. BASKET (PANIER, DEUXI EME GRANDEUR) Sevres manufactory, 1756 Soft-paste porcelain, green ground color, gi l di ng Painted under the base wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter D for 1756, and wi t h three dots. Incised wi t h the repareur's mark PZ under the base. Height: 8 5 /s i n. (22 cm); Wi dt h: 7 Vs i n. (20.1 cm); Depth: 7 Vs i n. (18 cm) Accession number 82.DE.92 PROVENANCE Private collection, France (soldi Christie's, London, June 28, 1982, lot 19); [Armi n B. Al l en, New York, 1982]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Depart- ment of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 323; Sassoon, "Acquisi- tions 1982," no. 8, pp. 4.5-47, i l l us.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 26, pp. 52-53, i l l us.; Adri an Sassoon, "Sevres: Luxury for the Court," Tech- 225 niaues of the World's Great Masters of Pottery and Ceramics, Hugo Morley-Fletcher, ed. (Oxford, 1984), pp. 52-57, i l l us.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Antoi ne d' Al bi s, "Le Marchand Merci er Lazare Duvaux et la Porcelaine de Vi n- cennes," Les Decors des boutiques parisiennes, La Delegation l ' Acti on Arti sti que de la Vi l l e de Paris, eds., (Pans, 1987), pp. 76-88; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 752; note 3d, p. 756; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 4, pp. 20-22, illus. pp. 21-22; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 215, p. 127, illus.; Handbook 1997, p. 214, illus. 226. E WE R AND BASIN (BROC E T JAT T E FEUI LLE D' EAU, PREMIERE GRANDEUR) Sevres manufactory, 1757 Possibly modeled after a design by Jean- Claude Duplessis, fere Soft-paste porcelain, pi nk ground color, poly- chrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Basm is painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory enclos- ing the date letter E for 1757, and wi t h an unidentified painter's mark. Ewer is incised wi t h T.m; basm is incised wi t h C.N. Ewer: Height: 7V16 i n. (19.2 cm); Wi dt h: 5V8 i n. (14.1 cm); Depth: 3 V16 i n. (8.1 cm); Basin: Height: 2 V 4 i n. (7.1 cm); Wi dt h: 11 V2 i n. (29.1 cm); Depth: 8 V16 i n. (22.1 cm) Accession number: 84.DE.88.a-.b PROVENANCE Wi l l i a m John Cavendish-Bentinck-Scott (?), 5th Duke of Portland (died 1879); Dukes of Portland, by descent, Wel beck Abbey, Not- tinghamshire (sold, Henry Spencer and Sons, Retford, Nottinghamshire, July 23,1970, l ot 288); [Wi ni f red Wi l l i ams, Lt d. , London, 1970]; Eric Robinson, Mereworth Castle, Kent (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 12,1984, lot 213); [Wi ni f red Wi l l i ams, Lt d. , Lon- don, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Best, Son, and Carpenter, Catalogue of the Orna- mental Furniture, Works of Art, and Porcelain at Wel- beck Abbey (London, 1897), no. 296, p. 52; Adri an Sassoon, "Vincennes and Sevres Por- celain Acquired by the J. Paul Getty Museum i n 1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), pp. 95-98, 226 SEV RES FRENCH CERAMICS 111 illus.; "Acquisitions/1984/' GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 61, p. 181, illus.; "Recent Ceramic Acquisitions by Major Museums," Burlington Magazine 127 no. 986 (May 1985), no. 55, p. 345, i l l us.; James Sassoon, "The Ar t Market/Sevres and Vincennes," Apollo 125, no. 304 (June 1987), pp. 440-441; Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain, Davi d Battie, ed. (London, 1990), p. 109, illus.; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 5, pp. 24-28, illus. pp. 25-27; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 216, p. 128, illus. 227. PAIR OF FIGURE GROUPS Group . 1: The Flute Lesson (LeFlwteur); Group . 2: The Grape Eaters (Les Mangeurs de Raisins) Sevres manufactory, circa 1757-1766 Model ed under the direction of Etienne- Maurice Falconet after designs by Francois Boucher Soft-paste biscuit porcelain, traces of red pigment The Flute Lesson is incised wi t h F on back. The Flute Lesson: Height: 8 3 A i n. (22.3 cm); Wi dt h: 10 i n. (25.4 cm); Depth: 6 i n. (15.2 cm); The Grape Eaters: Height: 9 i n. (22.9 cm); Wi dt h: - 9 3 A i n. (24.8 cm); Depth: 7 i n. (17.8 cm) Accession number 70.DE.98.1-.2 PROVENANCE Goury de Rosland, Paris (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 29-30, 1905, no. 108); Morti mer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Chri sti e s, Lon- don, June 22, 1938, lot 27); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Antome d' Al bi s, "Le Marchand Mercier Lazare Duvaux et la Porcelaine de Vi n- cennes," Les Decors des boutiaues parisiennes, La Delegation l ' Acti on artistique de la Vi l l e de Pans, eds., (Pans, 1987), pp. 76-88, The Flute Lesson, illus. p. 83; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 6, pp. 29-34, i i i U S - pp. 31-35; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 217, pp. 128-129, illus. p. 128. 227 The. Grape Eaters 228. TRAY ( P L A T E A U C A R R E , DEUXI EME GRANDEUR) Sevres manufactory 1758 Soft-paste porcelain, pi nk ground color, poly- chrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L s of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter F for 1758, and wi t h an unidentified painter's mark of a blue E. Incised wi t h 60 underneath. 228 22"] The Flute Lesson Height: 1 5 / i 6 i n. (2.3 cm); Wi dt h: 5 in. (12.7 cm); Depth: 5V16 i n. (12.8 cm) Accession number 72.DE.75 PROVENANCE Anne and Deane Johnson, Los Angeles (sold, Sotheby's, New York, December 9, 1972, lot 27); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Savill, Sivris, vol. 2, note 3m, p. 589; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevus Porcelain, no. 7, pp. 36-38, i l l us. p. 37; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 218, p. 129, illus. 1 1 2 FRENCH CERAMICS SEV RES 229. PAIR OF CUPS AND SAUCERS (GOBELETS CALABRE ET SOUCOUPES) Sevres manufactory, 1759 Painted by Charles Buteux pere Soft-paste porcelain, pink and green ground colors, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Saucers are painted underneath wi th the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter g for 1759, and wi th the painter's mark of a blue anchor. One cup is incised under the base wi th h; the other cup is incised wi th an indecipherable mark in script. Cups: Height: 3 V4 in. (8.3 cm); Wi dth: 4 in. (10.2 cm); Depth: 3 Vs in. (7.9 cm); Saucers: Height: 1V8 in. (4.1 cm); Diameter: 6 V16 in. (15.7 cm) Accession number 72 DE . 74. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Otto and Magdalena Blohm, Hamburg (sold, Sotheby's, London, July 5, i 960, lots 126-127); Anne and Deane Johnson, Los Angeles (sold, Sotheby's, New York, Decem- ber 9,1972, lot 21); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY E. S. Aus eher, A History and Description of French Porcelain (London and New York, 1905), pi. 4; Robert Schmidt, Early European Porcelain as Col- lected by Otto Blohm(Munich and London, 1953), p. 101, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, pp. 629, 652; note 2, p. 637; note 134, p. 666; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 8, pp. 39-40, illus. pp. 40- 41; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 219, pp. 129-130, illus. p. 129. 230. PAIR OF VASES (POT-POURRI A BOBECHES) Sevres manufactory, 1759 Painted by Charles-Nicolas Dodm after engraved designs by David Teniers le jeune Soft-paste porcelain, pink and green ground colors, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding One is painted underneath wi th the blue- crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter G for 1759, and wi th Dodin's mark Jc. Various paper collec- tors' labels pasted under the bases; one vase unmarked. Height: 9 1 3 / 16 in. (24.9 cm); Wi dth: 5 1 Vi6 in. (14-4 cm); Depth: 3 1 Vi 6 in. (9.4 cm) Accession number 75.DE.65.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Duveen Brothers, New York]; J. Pierpont Morgan, London and New York; J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., New York (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, March 25, 1944, lot 647); Paula de Koenigsberg, Buenos Aires, 1945; Claus de Koenigsberg, Buenos Aires; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1975]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, on loan 1914-1915 from J. Pierpont Mor- gan; Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Exposicin de obras maestras: Coleccion Paula de Koenigsberg, October 1945, no. 206, illus.; Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Arte Deco- rativo, El Arte de vivir enfrancia del siglo xvni , September-November 1968, no. 427, pi. 211. BIBLIOGRAPHY P. G. Konody "Die Kunsthistorische Samm- lung Pierpont Morgans," Kunst und Kunsthand- werk (Vienna, 1903), no. 6, p. 158; comte Xavier de Chavagnac, Catalogue des porcelames francaises de M. J. Pierpont Morgan (Paris, 1910), no. 107, pi. 32; C. C. Dauterman, J. Parker, E. A. Standen, Decorative Art from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (London, 1964), p. 205; Gillian Wilson, "Sevres Porcelain at the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMusJ 4 (1977), pp. 5-24, illus. pp. 20-21; Adrian Sassoon, "Sevres Vases," Techniques of the World's Great Masters of Pottery and Ceramics, Hugo Morley-Fletcher, ed. (Oxford, 1984), pp. 64-67, illus. p. 31; Pierre Ernies, "Essai de reconstitution d'une garniture de Madame de Pompadour," Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 42-43 (1984/1985), pp. 70-82; J. Pierpont Morgan, Collector: European Decorative Arts from the Wadsworth Atheneum, Linda Hor- vitz Roth, ed. (Hartford, 1987), p. 203; Barry Shifman, "Eighteenth-Century Sevres Porce- lain in America," Madame de Pompadour et la floraisondes arts (Montreal, 1988), pp. 118-123; 229 SEV RES FRENCH CERAMICS 113 230 Vase . 2 Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 9, pp. 42-48, illus. pp. 42-45; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 220, pp. 130-131, illus. p. 130; Musee du Louvre, Nouvelles acquisitions du department des objets d'art 1990-1994 (Paris 230 Vase. 1 back view 230 Vase . 2 back vieu> 1995) no. 81, pp. 196-197; Theodore Del l , "J. Pierpont Morgan, Master Collector: Lover of the Eighteenth Century French Decorative Arts," International Fine Art and Antiques Dealers Show (New York, 1995), pp. 25-34. 231. LIDDED POT-POURRI VASE (VASE OR POT-POURRI VAISSEAU A MAT , DEUXI EME GRANDEUR) Sevres manufactory, circa 1760 Painting attributed to Charles-Nicolas Dodm Soft-paste porcelain, pi nk and green ground colors, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's (parti al l y abraded) of the Sevres manufactory. Height: 1 ft. 2 V 4 i n. (37.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1 n / i 6 i n. (34.8 cm); Depth: 6 1 3 / 16 i n. (17.4 cm) Accession number 75.DE. n.a-.b PROVENANCE George Wi l l i a m (?), 6th Earl of Coventry, Croome Court, Worcestershire; George Wi l - liam, 7th Earl of Coventry, Croome Court, Worcestershire (sold, Christie's, London, June 12,1874, part of lot 150, for 10,500); Wi l l i a m Humble, i st Earl of Dudley, Dudley House, London, 1874; (sold privately, 1885- 1886); Wi l l i a m J. Goode, London (offered for sale, Christie's, London, July 17,1895, part of lot 147, bought i n for 8,400); sold, Christie's, London, May 20, 1898, part of lot 94b, for 6,450 to Pilkington); [Asher Wertheimer, London, 1898]; [Duveen Broth- ers, New York]; J. Pierpont Morgan, New York, 1908-1910 (purchased for 15, 500); J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., New York, 1913 (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, January 8, 1944, lot 486); Paula de Koenigsberg, Buenos Aires, 1945; Claus de Koenigsberg, Buenos Aires; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1975]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropol i tan Museum of Art , on loan 1914-1915 from J. Pierpont Mor- gan; Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, ExposicionAe obras maestras: Colecaon Paula de Koenigsberg, October 1945, no. 205, illus.; Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Arte Deco- rativo, El arte de vwir enfrancia del siglo xvi n , September-November 1968, no. 247. BIBLIOGRAPHY George Redford, Art Sales 1628-1887 (London, 1888), vol. 1, pp. 400, 438; comte Xavier de 230 Vase.i 114 FRENCH CERAMICS S E V R E S 23 1 Chavagnac, Catalogue des porcelames frangaises de M. J. Pierpont Morgan (Paris, 1910), no. 109, pi. 33; Frederick Litchfield, "Imitations and Reproductions: Part ISevres Porcelain," Connoisseur (September 1917); p. 6; Gerald Reitlinger, The Economics of Taste (New York, 1963), vol. 2, pp. 582-585. C. C. Dauter- man, J. Parker, and E. A. Standen, Decorative Art from the S. H. Kress Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (London, 1964), p. 195; Gillian Wilson, "Sevres Porcelain at the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus J 4 (Malibu, 1977), pp. 5-24, illus. pp. 6-7; Wilson, Selections, no. 29, pp. 58-59, illus.; Pierre Ennes, Nou- velles acquisitions du department des objets d'art, 1980-1984 (Musee du Louvre, Paris, 1985), p. 135; Sir John Plumb, "The Intrigues of Sevres," House and Garden 158, no. 1 (U.S., Jan- uary 1986), pp. 44-45; J. Pierpont Morgan, Collector: European Decorative Arts from the Wadsworth Atkeneum, Linda Horvitz Roth, ed. (Hartford, 1987), p. 34, illus. p. 162, fig. 8, and p. 203; Barry Shifman, "Eighteenth- Century Sevres Porcelain in America," -Madame de Pompadour et la floraison des arts (Mon- treal, 1988), pp. 118-123; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 192; notes 43-44, p. 55; note 25, p. 117; note 3h, p. 196; note 23, p. 197; Sassoon, Vin- cennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 10, pp. 49-56, illus. pp. 51, 53-55; Bremer-David, Summary, 231 Bach view no. 221, pp. 131-132, illus. p. 131; Theodore Dell, "J. Pierpont Morgan, Master Collector: Lover of the Eighteenth-Century French Decorative Arts," International Fine Art and Antiaues Dealers Show (New York, 1995), pp. 25-34; Masterpieces, no. 77, p. 99, illus.; Handbook 2001, pp. 214-215, illus. 232. PAIR OF VASES (POTS-POURRIS FONTAI NE OR POTS-POURRIS A DAUPHINS) Sevres manufactory, circa 1760 Painting attributed to Charles-Nicolas Dodm Soft-paste porcelain, pink, green, and Heu lapis ground colors, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Painted underneath the central section of one vase wi th the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory. 2 Height: 11 3 A in. (29.8 cm); Wi dth: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm); Depth: 5 3 A in. (14.6 cm) Accession number 78.DE.358.1-.2 PROVENANCE Marquise de Pompadour, Hotel Pompadour, Paris, 1760-1764; Mme Legere, Paris (sold, Paris, December 15-17, 1784, part of no. 152); Grace Caroline (?), Duchess of Cleveland (married the 3rd Duke 1815, died 1883); Wi l l i am Godmg, before 1862 (sold, Chris- tie's, London, March 19, 1874, lot 100, to [E. Rutter, Paris] for the Earl of Dudley, for 6, 825); Wi l l i am Humble, ist Earl of Dud- ley (offered for sale, Christie's, London, May 21, 1886, lot 194, bought i n for 2, 625, returned to Dudley House, London); Sir Joseph C. Robinson, Bt., acquired circa 1920 wi th the contents of Dudley House, London; Count Joseph Labia (son-in-law of Sir J. C. Robinson, Bt.), London (sold, Sothe- by's, London, February 26, 1963, lot 23); [The Antique Porcelain Co., London and New York, 1963]; Nelson Rockefeller, New York, 1976-1977; The Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York, 1976-1977. EXHIBITIONS London, The South Kensington Museum, Special Loan Exhibition of Works of Art, June 1862, nos. 1281-1282, lent by Wi l l i am Godmg; Memphis, Dixon Gallery and Gardens, and New York, Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., Louis xv and Madame de Pompadour: A Love Affair with Style, 1990, no. 57, p. 97 and p. 84, illus. p. 85, fig. 60; Paris, Musee du Louvre, Undef augot, 1997, no. 12, p. 76, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY George Redford, Art Sales 1628-1887 (London, 1888), vol. 1, pp. 193, 440; Jean Cordey Inventaire des hens de Madame de Pom- padour redige apres son dices (Paris, 1939), p. 39, no. 380; G. Reitlmger, The Economics of Taste (London, 1963), vol. 2, pp. 582-583; Ronald Freyberger, "Chinese Genre Painting at Sevres," American Ceramic Circle Bulletin (1970- 1971), pp. 29-44, illus.; Marcelle Brunet and Tamara Preaud, Sevres: Des ongines a nos jours (Fribourg, 1978), p. 68, illus. (one) pi. 22; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," p. 44, illus.; Rosalind Savill, "Two Pairs of Sevres Vases at Boughton House," Apollo 110, no. 210 (August 1979), pp. 128-133, iHus-; Madeleine Jarry Chmoisene (New York, 1981), p. 120, illus. (detail of one); Wilson, Selec- tions, no. 28, pp. 56-57, illus.; Adrian Sas- SEV RES FRENCH CERAMICS 115 soon, "Sevres Vases," Techniques of the World's Great Masters of Pottery and Ceramics, Hugo Morley-Fletcher, ed. (Oxford, 1984), pp. 64- 67, illus.; Pierre Eimes, "Essai de reconstitu- ti on d'une garniture de Madame de Pompa- dour," Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 42-43 232 Vase.i (1984-1985), pp. 70-82; Pierre Ennes, Nou- feiles Acquisitions du department des objets d'art, 1980-1984 (Musee du Louvre, Paris, 1985), p. 135; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Hugo Morley-Fletcher, "The Earl of Dudley's Porcelain, 1886," Christie's 232 Vase.i hack view International Magazine (Apr i l / Ma y 1986), illus. inside front cover (one); Barry Shifman, "Eighteenth-Century Sevres Porcelain i n America," Madame de Pompadour et la floraison des arts (Montreal, 1988), pp. 118-123, l i r us. p. 123; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 192; note 29, p. 68; notes 24, 33, p. 197; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 11, pp. 57-63, illus. pp. 58-62; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 222, pp. 132-134, illus. p. 133; Masterpieces, no. 76, p. 98; Handlook 2001, p. 215, illus. 233. PAIR OF LIDDED CHESTNUT BOWLS (MARRONNIERES A OZIER) Sevres manufactory, circa 1760 Mol di ng attributed to the repareur Francois- Fi rmm Dufresne [Fresne] or to Frangois-Denis Roger Soft-paste porcelain, Weu celeste ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Bowl . 1 is incised underneath wi t h the mark j and wi t h FR for the repareur. Bowl . 1: Height: 5V4 i n. (13.4 cm); Wi dt h: 10 V16 i n. (27 cm); Depth: 8 5 / 16 i n. (21.1 cm); Bowl .2: Height: 5V4 i n. (13.4 cm); Wi dt h: 10 V2 i n. (26.7 cm); Depth: 8 3 / i 6 i n. (20.8 cm) Accession number 82.DE.171.1-.2 PROVENANCE Swiss art market, 1980; [Arni m B. Al l en, New York, 1980]. 232 Vase .2 hack view 233 One of a fair 232 Vast.2 I l 6 FRENCH CERAMICS S E V R E S BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1982/', no. 9, pp. 48- 53, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 759; note4^ p. 761, note 29, p. 762; Sassoon, Vmcennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 12, pp. 64-68, illus. pp. 65, 67; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 223, p. 134, illus. (one). 234. JARDINIERE Sevres manufactory and Paris, circa 1760 Painting of the narrative reserve attributed to Charles-Nicolas Dodm Soft-paste porcelain, green ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding; gilt- bronze frame Height: 6V16 m. (16.6 cm); Wi dth: 11 V2 in. (29.2 cm); Depth: 5V8 in. (14.3 cm) Accession number 73.Di.62 PROVENANCE MISS Botham (sold after her death, Christie's, London, May 5, 1817 et seq., lot 96, for 61 los to the Earl of Yarmouth, later 3rd Marquess of Hertford); (sold, M. Maelrondt, Pans, November 15, 1824, no. 198); private collection, Paris; [Gaston Bensimon, Paris]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 2 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, note 18, p. 191; vol. 2, p. 838; note 11, p. 841; Sassoon, Vmcennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 13, pp. 69-70, illus. pp. 69, 71; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 224, p. 134, illus.; Marie-Laure de Rochebrune, "Acquisitions du Louvre: Sept nouveaux vases de la manufacture royale de porcelaine de Sevres," LEstampitle/LObjet dart 344 (Feb- ruary 2000), p. 26. 2 35- VASE (CUVETTE MAHON, TROISIEME GRANDEUR) Sevres manufactory 1761 Painted by Jean-Louis Morm Soft-paste porcelain, pink ground color over- laid wi th blue enamel, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Painted under one foot wi th the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter I for 1761, and wi th Morm's mark M . & IM Height: 5 Vs in. (15 cm); Wi dth: 9716 in. (23 cm); Depth: 4 1 1 / 16 in. (11.9 cm) Accession number 72. DE . 65 PROVENANCE Sold, March 30, 1763, by the Sevres manufac- tory to Lemaitre, as part of a garniture wi th another cuvette Mahon, for 264 livres each, and wi th a cuvette masaues; de Bargigli collec- tion (offered for sale, Christie's, Geneva, Apri l 22, 1970, no. 18, bought in); (sold, Christie's, London, October 4,1971, lot 42); [Olivier Levy Paris, 1971]; [French and Co., New York, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gillian Wilson, "Sevres Porcelain at the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus J 4 (1977), pp. 19-24, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, pp. 38, 93; notes. 40, 43, p. 42; note 44, p. 55; notes 15, 22, p. 97; Sassoon, Vmcennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 14, pp. 72-77, illus. p. 73; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 225, p. 135, illus.; Marie-Laure de Rochebrune, "Acquisi- tions du Louvre: Sept nouveaux vases de la manufacture royale de porcelaine de Sevres," LEstampille/LObjetdart 344 (February 2000), p. 26. 2 35 236. TRAY (PLATEAU COURTEILLE OU DE CHIFFONIERE) Sevres manufactory, 1761 Painted by Charles-Nicolas Dodin after a design by Francois Boucher Soft-paste porcelain, pink ground color over- laid wi th blue enamel, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Painted underneath wi th the blue crossed L s of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter I for 1761 and wi th the painter's mark fe. Height: 1 in-. (2.5 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 1V2 in.. (34.3 cm); Depth: 10 in; (24.5 cm) Accession number 70.DA.85 PROVENANCE Miss H. Cavendish-Bentmck (?) (offered for sale, Christie's, London, March 3, 1893, lot 123, bought in); John Cocks hut, Esq. (?), (sold posthumously, Christie's, London, March i i , 1913, lot 92, to Harding); then S E V R E S FRENCH CERAMICS 117 mounted to a table bearing the false stamp B.V.R.B.; private collection, England; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1949]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1949; plaque removed from table in 1991. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paul Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eigh- teenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), no. 1, p. 121, illus. p. 129; J. Paul Getty Collector's Choice (London, 1955), pp. 77, 145-147,167, 171, illus. unnumbered pl. between pp. 176- 177; "Vingt Mille Lieues dans les musees" Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 79; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 118, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 148, illus.; C. G. Dauterman, J. Parker, E. A. Standen, Decorative Art from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Lon- don, 1964), p. 165; F. J. B. Watson, The Wnghtsman Collection (New York, 1966), vol. 1, no. 3, p. L VI I ; Hans Huth, Lacquer of the West: The History of a Craft and an Industry, 1550-1950 (Chicago and London, 1971), p. 93, cap- tion p. 145, fig. 231; Adrian Sassoon, "New Research on a Table Stamped by Bernard van Risenburgh," GettyMusJ 9 (1981), pp. 167- 174, figs. 1-5, 8-9; Dorothee Guilleme- Brulon, "Un Decor pour les meubles," LE- stampille 165 (January 1984), p. 28; Antoinette Fy-Halle et al., FrangoisBoucher (The Metro- politan Museum of Art, New York, 1986), no. 97, p. 355; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, pp. 354-355 and vol. 2, note 2f, p. 812; Kjellberg, Diction- naire, p. 139; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porce- lain, no. 32, pp. 162-165, illus. pp. 163,165; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 71, p. 54, illus.; Marie-Laure de Rochebrune, "A Propos de quelques plaques de porcelaine tendre de Sevres pemtes par Charles Nicolas Dodm (1734-1803)," Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire de l'art francais (1998), pp. 113-115, illus. p. 114. 237. CUP AND SAUCER (GOBELET ET SOUCOUPE ENFONCE, PREMI ERE GRANDEU R) Sevres manufactory 1761 Soft-paste porcelain, pmk ground color over- laid wi th blue enamel, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Cup and saucer are both painted underneath wi th the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manu- factory enclosing the date letter I for 1761, the cup also wi th a dot. Saucer is incised wi th 00 underneath. Cup is incised wi th DU underneath in two places. Cup: Height: 3V16 in. (9.1 cm); Wi dth: 4V16 in. (10.7 cm); Depth: 3 V8 in. (8.6 cm); Saucer: Height: 1 l / i in. (3.8 cm); Diameter: 678 in. (15.6 cm) Accession number 79.DE.62.a-.b PROVENANCE [Olivier Levy Paris]; [French and Co., New York, early 1970s]; Mrs. John W Christner, Dallas (sold, Christie's, New York, June 9, 1979, lot 241). BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," p. 19, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 675; notes 2b and 21, p. 685; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 15, pp. 78-80, illus. pp. 79-80; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 226, p. 135, illus. 238. LI DDED BOWL ON DI SH (ECUELLE RONDE ET PLATEAU ROND) Sevres manufactory, 1764 Painted by Pierre-Antoine Mereaud I'aine Soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel dec- oration, gilding Bowl and stand are both painted underneath wi th the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manu- factory enclosing the date letter L for 1764, and wi th Mereaud s mark S. Bowl is incised wi th DU and O and the stand, wi th I . Bowl: Height: 4 Vs in. (12.4 cm); Wi dth: 7V4 in. (19.7 cm); Depth: 6 in. (15.2 cm); Stand: Height: 1V16 in. (3.9 cm); Diameter: 8 5 /16 in. (21.1 cm) Accession number 78.DE.65.a-.c PROVENANCE Mme Louise of France (youngest daughter of Louis xv), 1764; Mrs. Lyne Stephens, Norfolk, London, and Paris (sold, Christie's, London, May 9 et seq., 1895, lot 733, to Wi l l i am Boore for 130); Mortimer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie's, London, June 22, 1938, lot 25); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. 236 237 I l 8 FRENCH CERAMICS SEV RES 238 DISH BIBLIOGRAPHY Barry Shifman, "A Newly Discovered Piece of Royal Sevres Porcelain/' GettyMus J 6-7 (1978-1979), pp. 53-56, illus.; Wilson, Selec- tions, no. 33, pp. 66-67, l i i U S -; Barry Shifman, "Eighteenth-Century Sevres Porcelain in America," Madame de Pompadour et la jloraison des arts (Montreal, 1988), pp. 118-123; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, pp. 648, 800; note 33d, p. 663; note 99c, p. 665; note 36, p. 804; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 16, pp. 81-82, illus. pp. 82-83; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 227, p. 136, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 218, illus. 239. COVERED CUP AND SAUCER (GOBELET A L A I T E T SOUCOUPE, D E U X I E M E GRANDE UR) Sevres manufactory, circa 1765-1767 Painting attributed to Christian Gotthelf Grossmann Soft-paste porcelain, camaieu rose enamel decoration, gilding The base of the cup is incised wi th a reverse S above a dot. Cup: Height: 3 V16 in. (9.1 cm); Wi dth: 5V2 in. (14 cm); Depth: 3 1 3 / 16 in. (9.7 cm); Saucer: Height: 1 n / i 6 in. (4.3 cm); Diame- ter: 7V8 in. (19.3 cm) Accession number 87.DE.134.a-x PROVENANCE Isabella Anne Ingram-Shepherd (?), 2nd Mar- chioness of Hertford, Hertford House, Lon- don, before 1834; (sold, Christie's, London, March 25, 1985, lot 9); [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Accjuisitions/1987," GettyMus] 16 (1988), no. 73, p. 178, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 2, p. 668; notes 3n, 25, p. 672; Sassoon, Vin- cennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 17, pp. 84-86, illus. pp. 85-87; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 228, pp. 136-137, illus. p. 136; David Peters, "Un peintre de Meissen Sevres," Sevres: Revue dela Societe des Amis du Musee National de Ceramiaue 6 (1997), pp. 7-14, illus. p. 9, fig. 1. 240. PAIR OF LI DDED VASES (VASES A TETES DE BOUC) Sevres manufactory, circa 1768 Possibly molded by Michel-Dorothee Coudray; possibly finished by the repareur Nantier Soft-paste porcelain, bleu nouveau ground color, gilding Each is incised cd. underneath for the mouleur. Vase .1 is incised wi th N1; Vase .2 is incised wi th N 2 underneath for the repareur. Height: 1 ft. 1V16 in. (34.2 cm); Wi dth: 8 5 / 8 in. (21.9 cm); Depth: 6 5 /s in. (16.8 cm) Accession number 82.DE.36.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sold by the Sevres manufactory to Henry Pelham-Clinton (?), through Sir John Lam- bert, October 5, 1768, for 600 Xivres each; Earls of Lincoln, by descent (sold, Chris- tie's, London, June 9,1937, part of lot 115); [J. Rochelle Thomas, London]; private collec- tion, New York (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, January 12,1957, lot 247); Christian Humann, New York (sold, Sotheby's, New York, Apri l 22, 1982, lot 41); [Armm B. Allen, New York, 1982]. SEV RES FRENCH CERAMICS 119 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) in the Depart- ment of Decorative Arts; The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 323; Sassoon, "Acquisi- tions 1982," no. 11, pp. 54-56, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, note 72, p. 31; note 12, p. 350; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 18, pp. 88-92, illus. pp. 89, 91, 93; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 229, pp. 137-138, illus. p. 137. 241. PAIR OF VASES (VASES CBUF [?]) Sevres manufactory, 1768-1769 Figure painting attributed to Jean-Baptiste- Etienne Genest Soft-paste porcelain, bleu Fallot ground color, grisaille enamel decoration, gilding; gilt- bronze mounts Vase . 1 is incised wi th 4 on its body, foot, and twice on its lid; Vase .2 is incised wi th 1 on the body [no illustration], wi th a reversed 3 (?) on its foot, and wi th 2 on its lid. Height: 1 ft. 5V4 in. (45.1 cm); Wi dth: 9V2 in. (24.1 cm); Depth: 7V2 in. (19.1 cm) Accession number 86.DE.520.1-.2 PROVENANCE Purchased by Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh, Uppark, Sussex, from the marchand-mercier Rocheux, Paris, September 22, 1819; Alfred (Charles) de Rothschild (1842-1918), in the South Drawing Room, Halton, Buckingham- shire, 1884; by descent to Lionel (Nathan) de Rothschild (1882-1942), Exbury, Hampshire; by descent to Edmund (Leopold) de Roth- schild (born 1916), Exbury House, Hampshire, 240 One of a pair 1 2 0 FRENCH CERAMI CS S E VR E S 1942 (sold wi t h a mounted vaseliehert, Christie's, London, July 4, 1946, l ot 90, to [FrankPartridge, Lt d. , London]); Seymour Egerton, 7th Earl of Wi l t o n , London, 194-7 (this pair of vases only, wi thout the vase Hclcrt); Sir Charles Clore, London and Monaco (sold after his death, Christie's, Monaco, December 6, 1985, no. 6). BI BLI OGRAPH Y James Sassoon, "The Ar t Market/Sevres and Vincennes," Apollo 125, no. 304 (June 1987), pp. 440- 441, i l l us. p. 440; "Acqui si ti ons/ 1986," GettyMus] 15 (198"]), no. 107, p. 214, i l l us.; "J. Paul Getty Museum" Ventura (Sep- tember-November 1988), p. 167, i l l us.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, pp. 184, 377; note 2J, p. 190; note 16, p. 191; note 9, p. 383; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiques 10 (Novem- ber 1990), pp. 90-95, illus. p. 95; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 19, pp. 94- 101, illus. pp. 95-96, 99-101; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 230, p. 138, illus.; Phi l i p Jodi- dio, "Le Monastere de Brentwood," Connais- sancedesarts 511 (November 1994), p. 135, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 78, pp. 100-101, illus.; Marie-Laure de Rochebrune, "Acquisitions du Louvre: Sept nouveaux vases de la manu- facture royale de porcelaine de Sevres," LEstampille/LOhjet d'art 344 (February 2000), p. 28; Handbook 2001, p. 221, illus. 242.. VASE^(VASE A CHAI NE OR VASE A COTE D E MELON) Sevres manufactory, circa rj65-rj"jo After a design attributed to Jean-Claude Quplessis pere; modeled by Mi chel -Dorothe Coudray and possibly Roger pere Soft-paste porcelain, bleu nouveau ground color, gi l di ng Painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L s of the Sevres manufactory; foot ri ng is incised wi t h CD, and foot is incised wi t h R. 241 Vase.i 241 Vase: SEV RES F R E N C H C E R A M I C S 121 2 4 2 Hei ght : L f t. 5 ' A i n. (45 cm); Di a met er: 8 Vs i n . (22. 2 cm) Accessi on number 9 0 . D E . 113 P R O V E N A N C E The Earl s o f Sefton, Cr o xt e t h Ha l l (near Li v- er pool ); by descent to Hugh Wi l l i a m Os ber t Mol yn eux, 7t h Earl of Sexton (1898-1972); (sol d postumousl y, Chri s t i e' s at Cr o xt e t h Ha l l , Sept ember 18, 1973, l ot 902) ; pr i va t e col l ect i on, Engl and; [ Al exa nder and Berendt, L t d. , Lon don , 1989]. B I B L I O G R A P H Y "Notas, " VamdadesContinental 14 (Jul y 9, 1991), p. 8, l l l us . ; "Acqui s i t i on s / 1990, " GettyMusJ 19 (1991), no. 56, p. 161, l l l us . ; Br emer - Da vi d, Summary, no. 231, p. 139, l l l us . ; Adr i a n Sas- soon, " A Gout Grcc Sevres Vase i n the J. Paul Ge t t y Mus eum, " Melanges en souvenir d'Ehsalex i'Atyns (Pari s, 1999), pp 9 2 ~94, p- 93, i l l us. 2 43- T E A S E R V I C E ( D E J E U N E R R U B A N ) Sevres manufactory, ci rca 1765-1770 Gi l de d by Et i enne-Henri Le Gua y Soft-paste porcel ai n, pol ychrome enamel dec- orat i on, gi l di n g Tra y (plateau ovale polvlobe) is pa i nt ed under- neath wi t h the bl ue crossed L's of the Sevres manuf actory and wi t h Le Guay' s mark L G i n gol d; i t also bears the or i gi n a l pri ce l abel (no pri ce i ndi ca t ed) and is i nci sed wi t h an oval crossed by a l i ne. Teapot (theiere Calabre) is i nci sed wi t h an a r r ow and an i ndeci phera bl e mark (1?}<)OL); l i dded sugar b o wl (potsucre Calabre) is i nci sed wi t h a square. On e cup (goMet Bouillanj) is pa i nt ed underneath wi t h the bl ue crossed L's o f the Sevres manufactory and wi t h the gi l der' s mark for Le Guay, L G , i n gol d. Second cup is i nci sed wi t h F and the same i ndeci pherabl e ma rk as on the teapot. Bot h saucers (souamves) are pa i nt ed underneath wi t h the bl ue crossed L's o f the Sevres manu- f actory and wi t h the gi l der' s mark for Le Guay, L G , i n gol d; one saucer is i nci sed wi t h a cross and t wo dots and the ot her wi t h an X wi t h i n a square. Tray: Hei ght : 1 Vs i n . (4. 8 cm); Wi dt h : 1 f t . 3' A i n . (38.8 cm); Dept h: 10' A i n . (26 cm); Teapot: Hei ght : 4V8 i n . (12. 4 cm); Wi dt h : 6V2 i n . (16.5 cm); Dept h: 3V4 i n . (9. 5 cm); Li dded Sugar Bo wl : Hei ght : 2V16 i n . (6.2 cm); Di a met er: 3 i n . (7.6 cm); Cups: Hei ght : 2V16 i n . (8.8 cm); Wi dt h : 3Vs i n . (9. 2 cm); Dept h: 2V4 i n . (7 cm); Saucers: Hei ght : 1 ' A i n . (3.2 cm); Di a met er: 5' A i n . (13.3 cm) Accessi on number 89. D E. 25. 1- . 5 P R O V E N A N C E [ Mi c he l Vandermeersch, Pari s]; [Bernard Dragesco and Di di er Cra moi s a n, Pari s, 1 B I B L I O G R A P H Y "Acqui s i t i ons / 1989, " GettvMusJ 18 (1990), no. 50, p. 192, i l l us . ; Bremer-Da vi d, Summary, no. 232, pp. 139-140, i l l us. p. 139. Hi 122 F R E N C H C E R A M I C S SEV RES 244. L I D D E D V A S E ( V A S E A P A N N E A U X , P R E M I E R E G R A N D E U R ) Sevres manufactory, ci rca 1766-1770 Reserve scene after a pa i n t i n g by Ni col a s Berchem Soft-paste porcel ai n, beau bleu groun d col or, pol ychrome enamel decorati on, gi l di n g; The i n t er i or o f t he Hp i s i nci s ed w i t h 2. Hei ght ( wi t ho ut base): 1 f t. 6 5 A i n . (47.5 cm); Wi d t h : 10' A i n . (26 cm); Dept h: 8V16 i n . (20. 5 cm) Accessi on number 85. D E. 21g. a - . b P R O V E N A N C E Co mt e de Jarnac (?), T ho ma s t o wn Ca s t l e, Irel a nd (sol d, Chri st i e' s, Lon don , June 23, 1876, l ot 89); Wi l l i a m Humbl e, i s t Ea r l o f Dudl ey; possi bl y sol d by hi s wi do w; Al f r ed (Charl es) de Ro t hs chi l d (1842-1918), Ha l t on , Bucki nghamshi re, by 1884; by descent t o Li o n el (Na t ha n) de Ro t hs chi l d (1882- 1942), Exbur y, Ha mps hi re, 1918; by descent t o E dmun d ( Leopol d) de Ro t hs chi l d (bor n 1916), Exbur y, Ha mps hi re, 1942 (sol d, Chri st i e' s, Lon don , Jul y 4, 1946, l ot 87, t o [Frank Part ri dge, L t d. , Lon don ] ) ; Co l . No r - man Co l vi l l e, Engl a nd; pri va t e col l ect i on, Ca l i f or n i a (sol d, Chri st i e' s, Ne w York, Janu- ary 30, 1985, l ot 137); [ The An t i que Porcel ai n Co. , Ne w York]. B I B L I O G R A P H Y C. Davi s, A Description of the Worlcs oj Art : Collec- tion of Alfred de Rothschild (London, 1884), vol . 2, fig. 87; C. Ga y Ni eda , " A Sevres Vase a Pan- neaux," GettyMusJ 14 (1986), pp. 127-134, figs. 1-3, 8- 9; "Acqui s i t i ons / 1985, " GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 199, p. 246, i l l us . ; Sa vi l l , Sevres, vol . 1, pp. 278, 325, and 380; note 31, p. 244; note 19, p. 281; note 3c, p. 332; note 21, p. 383; vol . 3, p. 1125; "Notas," VanidadesCon- tinental 14 (Jul y 9, 1991), p. 8, i l l us . ; Sassoon, Vmcmnes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 21, pp. 106- 110, i l l us . pp. 107- 108, 110- 111; Bremer- Da vi d, Summary, no. 233, p. 140, i l l us. 2 45- C U P A N D S A U C E R ( G O B E L E T B O U I L L A R D E T S O U C O U P E ) Sevres manufactory, 1770 Pai nt ed by Jacques Fontai ne Soft-paste porcel ai n, Hen celeste ground col or, gri s a i l l e enamel decorati on, gi l di n g Cup is pa i n t ed wi t h the bl ue crossed L's of the Sevres manuf actory encl osi ng the date l et- ter r for 1770, and wi t h Fontai ne' s ma rk o f five dots. Cup is i nci sed wi t h C; saucer is i nci sed wi t h 6. Cup: Hei ght : 2V2 i n . (6.3 cm); Wi dt h : 3 5 A i n . (9. 2 cm); Dept h: 2 1 Vi 6 i n . (7. 1 cm); Saucer: Hei ght : 1 A i n . (3.2 cm); Di a met er: 5 V1 6 i n . (13.5 cm) Accessi on number 79. D E. 65. a - . b 2 4 5 P R O V E N A N C E (Sol d, Chr i s t i e' s , Lo n do n , June 21, 1976, l ot 151); Mr s . John W Chri s t ner, Dal l as (s ol d, Chr i s t i e' s , Ne w York, June 9, 1979, l ot 227). B I B L I O G R A P H Y Wi l s o n , "Acqui s i t i ons 1979 to mi d-1980, " i t em B, p. 19, i l l us . ; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 20, pp. 102- l o g, i l l us . pp. 103-104; Bremer-Da vi d, Summary, no. 234, pp. 140- 141, i l l us. p. 141. 246. Cup A N D S A U C E R ( G O B E L E T L I T R O N E T S O U C O U P E , D E U X I E M E G R A N D E U R ) Sevres manufactory, 1773 Pai nt ed by Eti enne-Jean Cha br y ji l s; gi l ded by Mi chel -Ba rna be Chauveaux I'aine Soft-paste porcel ai n, Wen cfleste groun d col or, pol ychrome enamel decorati on, gi l di n g Cup and saucer are bot h pa i nt ed underneath wi t h the bl ue crossed L's of the Sevres manu- f actory encl osi ng the date l etter U for 1773, and wi t h Cha br y s mark cli i n bl ue: also pa i nt ed wi t h Chauveaux' s mark, #, i n gol d. Saucer is i nci sed wi t h da underneath. Cup: Hei ght : 2 3 / s i n . (6.7 cm); Wi dt h : 3 ' /2 i n . (8. 9 cm); Dept h: 2V16 i n . (6.6 cm); Saucer: Hei ght : 1 V1 6 i n . (3.9 cm); Di a met er: 5 V1 6 i n . (13.9 cm) Accessi on number 7 9 . D E . 6 4 . a - b H 4 SEV RES F R E N C H C E R A M I C S 123 P R O V E N A N C E (Sol d, Sotheby' s, Lon don , Jul y 26, 1977, l ot 345); Mr s . John W Chns t ner, Dal l as (sol d, Chri s t i e' s , Ne w York, June 9, 1979, l ot 226). B I B L I O G R A P H Y Wi l s o n , "Acqui si ti ons 1979 t o mi d-1980, " i t em C, p. 19, l l l us . ; Sassoon, Vincennes ana 1 Sevres Porcelain, no. 22, pp. 112-114, > " u s - pp 113-114; Bremer Da vi d, Summary, no 235, p. 141, i l l us. Ml P A I R O F V A S E S ( V A S E S BOVC DU B A R R Y B ) Sevres manufactory, 1778 Pai nted by Fal l ot ; gi l ded by Jean Chauveaux lejeune Hard-paste porcel ai n, pol ychrome enamel decorati on, s i l veri ng, gi l di n g Each vase is pa i nt ed underneath wi t h the go l d crossed Ls o f t he Sevres ma nuf a ct ory fl anked by the date l etters A A i n gol d for 1778, a l l under a c r o wn for hard paste; each vase is also pa i nt ed underneath wi t h Cha u- veaux's mark I N i n gol d; one has an abraded F, perhaps for the pai nt er Fa l l ot . P R O V E N A N C E Si r Ri cha r d Wa l l a ce, Pari s, pr oba bl y acqui red after 1870; La dy Wa l l a ce, Paris, by i nheri tance, 1890; Si r John Mur r a y Scott, Pari s, by i nheri t ance, 1897; Vi c t o r i a , La dy Sa ckvi l l e, Pans, by i nheri tance, 1912; [Jacques Sel i gmann, removed t o Ne w York, 1916-1917]; Mo r t i me r L . Schi f f , Ne w York (sol d by hi s hei r John M . Schi ff, Chri st i e' s, Lon don , June 22, 1938, l ot 26); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Get t y. B I B L I O G R A P H Y Ros a l i nd Sa vi l l , " A Pai r o f Sevres Vases: From the Co l l ect i o n of Si r Ri cha r d Wa l l a ce t o the J. Paul Get t y Mus eum, " GetlvMusJ 14 (1986), pp. 135-142, figs, l a - c ; Sa vi l l , Sevres, vol . 1, p. 442; note 45, p. 446; vol . 3, note 2, p. 1022; Sassoon, Vmcenncs and Sevres Porce- lain, no. 23, pp. 115-118, i l l us. pp. 116-117; Bremer-Da vi d, Summary, no. 236, p. 142, i l l us. Hei ght : 11 Vs i n . (29. 5 cm); Wi dt h : 7 i n . (17.9 cm); Dept h: 4 ' A i n. (12 cm) Accessi on number 7 0 . D E . 9 9 . 1 - 2 247 Out- 0/a pair w' 1 124 FRENCH CERAMICS SEV RES 24 8. GARNI TURE OF THREE VASES (VASES DES AGES: VASE DES AGES A TETES DE V I E I L L A R D S , P R E M I E R E GRANDEUR; VASES DES AGES A TETES DEJEUNES FEMMES, DEUXI EME GRANDEUR) Sevres manufactory, 1781 After designs by Jacques Francois Deparis, at least one vase modeled by Etienne-Henry Bono, painted by Antoine Caton after engravings by Jean-Baptiste Ti l l i ard; enamel jewel i ng by Phi l i ppe Parpette and gi l di ng by Etienne-Henri Le Guay pere Soft-paste porcelain, beau bleu ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, opaque and translucent enamels i n i mi tati on of jewels, gi l di ng, and gol d foils Vase . 1 (wi t h the scene "Mi nerva protects Telemachus and preserves hi m from Cupid's darts") is incised wi t h 1 0 B age leg (for premiere grandeur) on the base and JOB on the neck. Vase .2 (wi t h the scene "Venus, i n order to satisfy her resentment against Telemachus, brings Love to Calypso") is painted under- neath wi t h the gol d crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory and wi t h LG, the gilder's mark; i t is incised wi t h 39 A on the base and A16 on the neck. Vase . 3 (wi t h the scene "Telemachus, i n the deserts of Oasis, is consoled by Temosiris, Priest of Apol l o") is painted underneath wi t h the gol d crossed L's of the Sevres manufac- tory and wi t h LG; i t is incised wi t h age zeg (for deuxieme grandeur) on the base and Bono over B on the neck. Vase . 1: Height: 1 ft. 6V2 i n. (49.6 cm); Wi dt h: i o 7 / 8 i n. (27.7 cm); Depth: 7V8 i n. (19.3 cm); Vase .2: Height: 1 ft. 4 i n. (40.8 cm); Wi dt h: 9 V4 i n. (24.8 cm); Depth: 7 V4 i n. (18.4 cm); Vase .3: Height: 1 ft. 3 1 5 /16 i n. (40.5 cm); Wi dt h: 10 i n. (25.4 cm); Depth: 7 V16 i n. (18 cm) Accession number 84.DE.718.1-.3 PROVENANCE Louis xvi , i n the libliotheaue at the Chateau de Versailles, November 2, 1781; Al fred (Charles) de Rothschi l d (1842-1918), Hal - ton, Buckinghamshire; Li onel (Nathan) de Rothschi l d (1882-1942), Exbury Hamp- shire; by descent to Edmund (Leopold) de Rothschi l d (born 1916), Exbury, Hampshire, 1942 (sold, Christie's, London, July 4, 1946, l ot 89, for 1, 575 t o [Frank Partridge]); [The Anti que Porcelain Co., London, by 1951]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Pierre Verlet, "Orders for Sevres from the French Court," Burlington Magazine 96 (July 1954), pp. 202-206; Adri an Sassoon, "Vi n- cennes and Sevres Porcelain Acqui red by the J. Paul Getty Museum i n 1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 4, pp. 98-104, figs. 22-23, 2 5~ 33; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 64, p. 182, illus.; Geoffrey de Bellaigue, Sevres Porcelain in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen: The Louis xvi Service (Cambridge, 1985), p. 12, fig. 8, and p. 24, no. 2; Svend Eriksen and Geoffrey de Bellaigue, Sevres Porcelain: Vincennes and Sevres 1740-1800 (London and Boston, 1987), p. 139, no. 147, p. 339, illus. p. 338; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 458; note 25, p. 462, and vol. 3, pp. 1016 and 1056; note 16, p. 1017; note 10, p. 1057; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 25, pp. 126- 135, illus. pp. 127-134; Gi l l i an Wi l son, "Dalla Raccolta del Museo J. Paul Getty," Part 3, Casa Vogue Antiques 10 (Novem- ber 1990), pp. 90-95, illus. p. 92; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 237, pp. 142-143, illus. p. 143; Masterpieces, no. 88, p. 111; Handbook 2001, p. 226, illus. 24 8 SEV RES FRENCH CERAMICS 125 249 249. CUP AND SAUCER (GOBELET LITRON ET SOUCOUPE) S evres manufactory, 17 81 Ground color painted by Antome Capelle; the painted reserve and cameos attributed to Pierre-Andre Le Guay; flat gi l di ng by Etienne-Henn Le Guay; enamel jewel i ng by Phi l i ppe Parpette Soft-paste porcelain, brown ground color (merded'oie [?]), polychrome enamel decoration, enamels i n imitation of jewels, gi l di ng and gold foils Cup and saucer are both painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manu- factory enclosing the date letters DD for 1781, and wi t h Capelles blue triangular mark. Saucer is also painted wi t h the gilder Le Guay's mark LG i n blue. Saucer is incised wi t h a 44; cup is incised wi t h 36a and 6. Saucer bears a paper label under the base inked wi t h Colin, of the Marchioness of Conyngham 1908. R. M. Wood Esq. 249 Cup, front view Cup: Height: 2 3 A i n. (6.9 cm); Depth: 3 1 Vi 6 i n. (9.4 cm); Saucer: Height: 1 3 A in. (3.6 cm); Diameter: 5 V16 i n. (13.5 cm) Accession number 81.DE.28.a-.b PROVENANCE Jane, Marchioness of Conyngham (wife of the 3rd Marquess, married 1854, died 1907), London and Ascot, Berkshire (sold, Chri s- tie's, London, May 4,1908, lot 289, to [Har- ding] for 162 guineas 15s); R. M. Wood, London (sold, Christie's, London, May 27, 1919, lot 96, to [Mallett's, London], for 152 guineas 12s); Henry Walters (1848-1931), New York (sold by his wi dow, Parke-Bernet, New York, November 30, 1943, lot 1009); private collection, New York (sold, Chris- tie's, New York, December 3, 1977, lot 166); [Armi n B. Al l en, New York, 1977]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Adri an Sassoon, "Two Acquisitions of Sevres Porcelain," GettyMus J 10 (1982), pp. 87-90, illus.; Wi l son, Selections, no. 40, pp. 80-81, illus.; Adri an Sassoon, "Sevres: Luxury for the Court," Techniques of the World's Great Masters of Pottery and Ceramics, Hugo Morley-Fletcher, ed. (Oxford, 1984), pp. 52-57, illus.; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 24, pp. 119-124, illus. pp. 120-121, 123, and 125; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 238, p. 144, illus.; Elizabeth L. Kate et al., Themes and Foundations of Art (St. Paul, 1995), p. 24, illus. PAIR OF VASES (VASESBOLVRYAPERLES or VASES A CARTELS BOLVRY) Sevres manufactory, 1781-1782 Painted by Vincent Taillandier, Mme Gene- vieve Taillandier, and Philippe Castel Hard-paste porcelain, pi nk fond pointille ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Both vases are painted underneath wi t h the crowned, blue crossed L's of the Sevres manu- factory enclosing the date letter ee for 1781- 1782, and wi t h the painter's mark for Vincent Taillandier, a fleur-de-lys. Vase .1 is incised wi t h gu under the base. Height: 1 ft. 4V8 i n. (42.9 cm); Wi dt h: 9 i n. (22.9 cm); Depth: 6 5 A i n. (16.8 cm) Accession number 88.DE. 137.1-.2 Height: 1 ft. 4V8 i n. (42.9 cm); Wi dt h: 9 i n. (22.9 cm); Depth: 6 5 /s i n. (16.8 cm) Accession number 88.DE. lyj. 1-.2 250 126 FRENCHCERAMICS SEV RES PROVENANCE [Jacques Seligmann (1858-1923), Paris]; (anonymous sale, Nouveau Drouot, Paris, June 16, 1987, no. 104); [Jean Lupu, Paris, ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJ 17 (1989), no. 76, pp. 143-144, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 239, p. 145, illus. 2 5!- . PLATE (ASSIETTE DECHANTILLONS) Sevres manufactory, 1782 Ground color painted by Antome Capelle, flowers painted by Jacques-Francois-Louis de Laroche; gi l ded by Henri -Marti n Pre- vost jeune Soft-paste porcelain, fond Capelle (?) ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory enclosing the date letter EE for 1782, the painters' marks for Capelle, a blue triangle, and Laroche, Lr i n script, and the gilder's mark, HP, i n gold; incised wi t h 31a. Hei ght: 1 i n. (2.5 cm); Diameter: 9 V16 i n. (23 cm) Accession number 88.DE.2 PROVENANCE [ Wi l l i a m J. Goode] (sold, Christie's, London, July 17-18,1895, l ot 17, as "formerly the property of the Director of the Sevres Porce- lain Factory," for 39 guineas to Gibson); pri - vate collection, England; [Bernard Dragesco and Di di er Cramoisan, Paris, 1987]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Edouard Gamier, La Porcelame tendre de Sevres (Paris, 1889), pi . xxvi ; "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJ 17 (1989), no. 77, p. 144, illus.; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 26, pp. 136-137, illus. pp. 136-137; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 240, p. 145, illus. 251 252 One of a pan 252. PAIR OF VASES (VASES HOLLANDOIS NOUVEAUX, DEUXIEME GRANDEUR [?]) Sevres manufactory, 1785 Painted by Jacques-Francois-Louis de Laroche; gi l ded by Antoine-Toussamt Cornaille Soft-paste porcelain, bleu celeste ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Each base is painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory and Laroche's mark Lr i n script. Base of each central section is incised wi t h 25; one base section is incised wi t h O. Height: 10 i n. (25.3 cm); Wi dt h: 8Vs i n. (22.5 cm); Depth: 6V4 i n. (15.9 cm) Accession number 83.DE.341.1-.2 PROVENANCE The Rt. Hon. Lord Ashburton (?), Bucken- ham, Norfol k (sold, Christie's, London, Feb- ruary 24, 1869, lot 64, for 819 guineas to Rhodes); Baronne Al exi s de Goldschmidt- Rothschild, Switzerland; [Lovice Reviczky A. G , Zuri ch, 1983]. 230 Oneof a fair S E V R E S FRENCH CERAMICS 127 BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 12, pp. 209-211, 214, i l l us.; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 14, p. 266, i l l us.; "Some Acquisitions (1983-1984) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126 no. 975 (June 1984), pp. 384-388, illus. p. 388, no. 79; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 111; note 2h, p. 116; vol. 3, note 5, p. 1040; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 27, pp. 138-141, illus. pp. 139, 141; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 241, p. 146, illus. 253 One of a pair 253. PAIR OF LIDDED BOWLS (VASES CASSOLETTES A MONTER) Paris and Sevres manufactory, circa 1785 Mounts attributed to Pierre-Philippe Thomire Hard-paste porcelain, bleu nouveau ground color; rouge gnotte marble; gilt-bronze mounts Hei ght: 1 ft. 2 V 4 i n. (37.5 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1 V2 i n. (34.3 cm); Depth: 1 0 V 4 i n. (26.1 cm) Accession number 73.DI.77.1-.2 PROVENANCE Mrs. H. Dupuy New York (sold, Parke- Bernet, New York, Apr i l 3,1948, l ot 404); private collection, South America; [P. Cei and E. Lugl i , Florence]; [French and Co., New York, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty BIBLIOGRAPHY Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bronzen, vol. 1, p. 268, i l l us.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, note 17, p. 209; p. 476; note 51, p. 480; Sas- soon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 28, pp. 142-145, illus. p. 143; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 242, p. 146, i l l us.; Carolyn Sar- gentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth'Century Paris (Mal i bu, 1996), pp. 49, 182, illus, p. 51. 2 54- FIGURE GROUP: CHARITY (LA BIENFAISANCE) Sevres manufactory, 1785 Model by Louis-Simon Boizot Hard-paste biscuit porcelain Incised wi t h 13 on the base. Hei ght: 9 i n. (23 cm); Wi dt h: 8 i n. (20.3 cm); Depth: 6 5 /s i n. (16.8 cm) Accession number 96. DE . 343 PROVENANCE Baron Mayer (Amschel) de Rothschi l d (1818- 1874), Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire, late nineteenth century; by descent to Hannah de Rothschi l d (1851-1890) (Countess of Rosebery, wi fe of the 5th Earl, married 1878), Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire; by descent to (Al bert) Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery, Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire; by descent to Nei l Pri m- rose, 7th Earl of Rosebery, Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire (sold, Sotheby's, London, Mentmore Towers, May 24, 1977, l ot 2090); private collection, Los Angeles; Richard Proudman, Los Angeles, 1987; given to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1996. 2 55- WI N E BOTTLE COOLER (SEAUA BOUTEILLE ORDINAIRE) Sevres manufactory, 1790 Model designed by Jean-Claude Duplessis, pere; painted decoration attributed to Charles- El oi Asselm after engraved designs by Charles Monnet and Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre; gi l d- i ng attributed to Etienne-Henri Le Guay Soft-paste porcelain, beau bleu ground color, polychrome enamel decoration, gi l di ng Bowl is incised wi t h 38 underneath; foot ri ng is incised wi t h 5. Monogram WJG for the owner Wi l l i am J. Goode is scratched on the underside i n t wo places. Hei ght: 7 V16 i n. (18.9 cm); Wi dt h: 10 V16 i n. (25.8 cm) Accession number 82. DE . 5 PROVENANCE Made for Louis xvi , ordered i n 1783 for the Chateau de Versailles and delivered i n December 1790; Musee National (?), Paris, sold 1797-1798; Robert Napier, Glasgow, the Shandon collection, by 1862 (sold, Chri sti e s, London, Apr i l 11,1877, lot 347, for 262 10s to Goode); [ Wi l l i am J. Goode, London] 2 54 8 FRENCH CERAMICS SEV RES (sold, Christie 's, London, July 17, 1895, lot 136, for 230 guineas to Waller); T. W Waller, Esq. (sold, Christie's, London, June 8, 1910, lot 171, for 630 to A. Wertheimer); [Asher Wertheimer, London] (sold, Christie's, London, June 16, 1920, lot 30, for 84 to Clements); private collection (sold as nineteenth century, Sotheby's, Begravia, Apri l 24, 1980, lot 162); private collection, England (sold, Sotheby's, London, Octo- ber 21, 1980, lot 207); [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London, 1980]. EXHIBITIONS London, The South Kensington Museum, Special Loan Exhibition of Works of Art, June 1862, no. 1323, p. 122; Leeds, England, Exhibition Offices, National Exhibition of Works of Art at Leeds, 1868, no. 2102 or 2103 under Ornamen- tal Arts, p. 262, lent by Robert Napier; Jackson, Mississippi, Mississippi Arts Pavil- ion, Splendors of Versailles, Claire Constans and Xavier Salmon, eds., April-August 1998, no. 108, p. 207, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY J. C Robinson, Catalogue of the Works of Art Forming the Collection of Robert Napier (London, 1865), no. 3501 or 3502, p. 260; Adrian Sassoon, "Two Acquisitions of Sevres Porce- lain," GettyMus J 10 (1982), pp. 91-94, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) in the Depart- ment of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 323; Wilson, Selections, 2 55 no. 48, pp. 96-97, illus.; Geoffrey de Bellaigue, Sevres Porcelain in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen: The Louis xvi Service (Cam- bridge, 1986), no. 149, pp. 45, 52, 56, 259, illus. p. 28, fig. 19, p. 222, figs. 1-2; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 29, pp. 146- 150, illus. pp. 147,149, 151; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 243, p. 147, illus; Handbook 1997^ p 233, illus. PAIR OF WI N E BOTTLE COOLERS (SEAUX A DEMI ' BOUTEI LLES ORDINAIRES) Sevres manufactory, 1791 Model designed by Jean-Claude Duplessis, pere; gilded by Jean-Jacques Dieu Hard-paste porcelain, black ground color, platinum and gold decoration Each cooler is painted underneath wi th the gold crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory and the date letters OO in gold for 1791- 1792, all under a crown for hard paste; each cooler is also painted wi th Dieu's triangular mark (abraded on one). One is incised wi th the repareurs mark AB; the other is incised wi th BS. Height: 6Vi e in. (16.3 cm); Wi dth: 9V16 in. (23.4 cm); Depth: 7 V16 in. (18.6 cm) Accession number 72.DE.53.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York, 1972]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty. 256 Cooler EXHIBITIONS New York, The Cooper-Hewitt Museum, Wine: Celebration and Ceremony, June-October 1985, p. 97, illus. (one). BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 184, illus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 49, pp. 98-99, illus.; Sassoon, Vincennes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 30, pp. 152-156, illus. pp. 153, 155, 157; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 244, pp. 147- 148, illus. SEV RES FRENCH CERAMICS FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 129 MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 2 57- TEAPOT (THEIERE LITRON) Sevres maufactory late eighteenth century painted decoration later Soft-paste porcelain, carmine red enamel decoration, gi l di ng Painted underneath wi t h the blue crossed L's of the Sevres manufactory Incised wi t h 26 and 48. B2 Height: 3V1 6 i n. (8.8 cm); Wi dt h: 4 n / i 6 i n. (11.9 cm); Depth: 2 n / i 6 i n. (6.8 cm) Accession number 7 9. DE . 63. a-. b PROVENANCE Mrs. John W Christner, Dallas (sold, Christie's, New York, June 9, 1979, l ot 204). BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid'1980," item D, p. 19, illus.; Sassoon, Vmcennnes and Sevres Porcelain, no. 31, pp. 158-160, illus. pp. 159, 161; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 245, p. 148, illus. 2 57 EWER Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1700-1710 Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel dec- oration; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 6Vs i n. (46.1 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 1 1 /& i n. (35.2 cm); Depth: 5V8 i n. (13.8 cm) Accession number 82.DI.3 PROVENANCE Edward R. Bacon, New York, by 1919; [Gaston Bensimon, Paris] (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, November 18-19, 1981, no. 103). BIBLIOGRAPHY John Getz, Catalogue of Chinese Art Objects, Including Porcelains, Potteries, fades, Bronzes, and Cloisonne Enamels, Collected by Edward R. Bacon (New York, 1919), no. 65, p. 31, pi . xn ; Wi l - son, "Acquisitions 1981," no. 6, pp. 85-86, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1981-82) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, The J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 125, no. 962 (May 1983), illus. p. 323; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 246, pp. 148-149, illus. p. 148; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 2, pp. 26-29, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 192, illus. 259. PAIR OF LIDDED JARS Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1710-1715 Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and polychrome enamel decoration; gi l t- bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 3V4 i n. (40 cm); Diameter: 11 i n. (27.9 cm) Accession number 72.DI.50.1-.2 PROVENANCE M. and Mme Louis Guiraud, Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, December 10, 1971, no. 1); [Alexander and Berendt, Lt d. , London, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute i n America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 14 p. 38, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 145, 147, illus.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; D. F. Lunsmgh Scheurleer, Chinesisches and japanisches Porzellan in europis- chen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 60, illus. pp. 252-253, figs. i 58a-b; Bremer- Davi d, Summary, no. 247, p. 149, illus.; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 3, pp. 30- 32, illus. 259 258 130 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 260 One of a pair 260. PAIR OF LI DDED JARS Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1715-1720 Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and polychrome enamel decoration; gilt-bronze mounts. Mounts are stamped wi th the crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 1 ft. 1 72 in. (34.2 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 3 A in. (32.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 in. (33 cm) Accession number 75.DI.5.1-.2 PROVENANCE Bouvier collection, France, until 1938; [Jacques Seligmann et Fils, Paris, 1938]; Mrs. Landon K. Thorne, New York, before 1940; [Matthew Schutz, Ltd., New York, 1975]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 3, p. 27, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 59, illus., p. 250, hg. 151; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 248, p. 149, illus.; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porce- lain, no. 5, pp. 36-41, illus. 261. LIDDED BOWL Porcelain: Japanese (Imari), circa 1700 Mounts: Paris, circa 1717-1722 Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and polychrome enamel decoration, gilding; silver mounts Height: 11 in. (27.9 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 1 3 A in. (34 cm); Depth: 10 V8 in. (27.5 cm) Accession number 7 9. DI . 123. a-. b PROVENANCE Mrs. Walter Hayes Burns (nee Morgan, sister of J. P. Morgan), North Mymms Park, Hert- fordshire, by 1933; by inheritance to Walter Spencer Morgan Burns, North Mymms Park, Hertfordshire; by inheritance to Major Gen- eral Sir George Burns, North Mymms Park (sold, Christie s, North Mymms Park, Sep- tember 24-26, 1979, lot 45). EXHIBITIONS London, 25 Park Lane, Three French Reigns, February-April 1933, no. 226; New York, The Frick Collection, Mounted Oriental Porce- lain, F. J. B. Watson, December 1986-March 1987, no. 13, pp. 54-55, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," no. 5, pp. 8-9, illus.; Handbook 1991, p. 164, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 249, p. 150, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Pans (Malibu, 1996), illus. pp. 174, pl. 12, and p. 186; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 4, pp. 33-35, illus. 262 262. LIDDED BOWL Porcelain: Japanese (Imari), early eighteenth century Mounts: Paris, circa 1717-1727 Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and enamel decoration, gilding; silver mounts Underside of bowl is painted wi th a double circle mark in underglaze blue. Silver ele- ments are marked variously wi th a fleur-de- lys without a crown (the Paris discharge mark for small silver works used between October 23,1717, and May 5,1722); a but- terfly (the countermark used between May 6, 1722, and September 2,1727, under the fermier Charles Cordier); a dogs head (the Paris discharge mark for small works used between December 22, 1732, and October 3,1738); and a salmons head (the Paris discharge mark for small silver works used between Octo- ber 13,1744, and October 9, 1750). Height: 8 3 A in. (22.3 cm); Wi dth: 10 V8 in. (27.1 cm); Depth: 8 3 A in. (21.2 cm) Accession number 74. DI . 27 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 131 PROVENANCE Consuelo Vanderbilt (Mme Jacques Balsan); [Matthew Schutz, Lt d. , New York, 1974]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 114, i l l us., p. 403, flg. 439; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 250, p. 150, illus.; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porce- lain, no. 6, pp. 42-44, illus. 63. LIDDED BOWL Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662- 1722); Japanese (Ari ta), circa 1660 Mounts: Paris, circa 1722-1727 Hard-paste porcelain, enamel decoration, gi l di ng; silver mounts Each silver mount bears a dove (the Paris discharge mark for small silver works used between May 6,1722, and September 2, 1727, under the fermier Charles Cordier). Height: 8 i n. (20.3 cm); Diameter: 9V8 i n. (25.1 cm) Accession number 87.D1.4 PROVENANCE [Jacques Kugel, Paris, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A987," GettyMusJ 16 (1988), no. 71, p. 178, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 251, p. 151, illus.; Wi l son, Mounted Orien- tal Porcelain, no. 7, pp. 45-47. 263 264. PAIR OF LIDDED VASES Porcelain: Chinese (Dehua), Kangxi reign (1662-1722), circa 1700 Mounts: Paris, circa 1722-1727 Hard-paste porcelain; silver mounts Each l i d and base mount bears a dove (the Paris discharge mark for small silver works used between May 6, 1722, and September 2, 1727, under the fermier Charles Cordier); a boar s head facing ri ght (the Paris discharge mark for small and ol d works used between December 23,1768, and September 1,1775, under the fermier Julien Alaterre); and the profile head of Mi nerva (the mark for .800 standard silver works sold i n France after May 10, 1838). Height: 7 5 A i n. (19.4 cm); Wi dt h: 3V8 i n. (8.6 cm); Depth: 3 i n. (7.7 cm) Accession number 91.DI.103.1-.2 PROVENANCE Gi f t of Mme Simone Stemitz, Paris, 1991. BIBLIOGRAPHY "AcquisitionsA991," GettyMus] 20 (1992), no. 75, p. 174, illus. (one); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 252, p. 151, illus.; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 8, pp. 48-51. 265. BOWL ON STAND Bowl and Stand: Japanese (Imari), early eighteenth century Mounts: French, circa 1740 Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and enamel decoration, gilding; gilt-bronze mounts Bowl is painted wi t h an unidentified coat of arms. Height: 7V8 i n. (18.7 cm); Diameter: 7 1 3 / 16 i n. (19.9 cm) Accession number 74.DI.28 PROVENANCE Anne Beddard (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 15,1973; l ot 36); [Partridge (Fine Arts), Lt d. , London, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute i n America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 9, p. 33, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), illus. p. 406, fig. 451; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 254, p. 152, illus.; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 9, PP- 5 2 ~53> l l l u s - 265 264 132 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 266. PAIR OF DECORATIVE GROUPS Figures, rockwork, and lions: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Spheres: Chinese, Qianlong reign (1736- ^95) Flowers: Chanti l l y manufactory, circa 1740 Mounts: Paris, circa 1740-1745 Hard- and soft-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. (30.4 cm); Wi dt h: 9 i n. (22.8 cm); Depth: 5 i n. (12.7 cm) Accession number 78.DI.4.1-.2 PROVENANCE H. J. Ki ng (sold, Chri sti e 's, London, Feb- ruary 17, 1921, lot 13, to [Duveen]); Edgar Worsch, New York, 1928; Robert El l sworth (born 1929), New York, 1975; (sold, Robert C. El dred Co., Inc., New York, August 29- 30, 1975, lot 151); Al an Hartman, New York; [Matthew Schutz, Lt d. , New York, 1977]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 5, pp. 40-41, illus.; F. J. B. Watson, "Ri ch Gets Richer," HouseandGarden 156, no. 4 (Apri l 1984), p. 62, illus.; Deborah Sil- verman, Selling Culture (New York, 1986), illus. pp. 52-53; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 255, p. 152, illus.; Ann Friedman and Diane Brig- ham, "Art Transformed When West Meets East," School Arts (November 1994), pp. 25- 28, pp. 26-27, ilhis.; Wi l son, Mounted Orien- tal Porcelain, no. 10, pp. 54-57, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 203, illus. 267. PAIR OF LIDDED JARS Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1745-1749 Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and enamel decoration, gi l di ng; gilt-bronze mounts Mounts on vases are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 1 ft. l /i i n. (31.8 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. V 4 i n. (31.2 cm); Depth: 8V2 i n. (21.6 cm) Accession number 72.Di.41.1-.2 PROVENANCE Baronne Marguerite Mari e van Zuylen van Nyevelt van de Haar (died 1970), Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, June 8, 1971, no. 42); [Mi chel Meyer, Paris]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1971]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 267 One of a pair EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute i n America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 16, p. 40, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 113, i l l us.; D. F. Lunsmgh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 63, i l l us. p. 260, hg. 175; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 256, p. 153, illus.; Pratapaditya Pal, "Getty and Asian Art , " Orientations (Apri l 1998), pp. 58- 63, p. 59, i l l us.; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 11, pp. 58-60, illus. 268. PAIR OF EWERS Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1745-1749 Hard-paste porcelain, celadon ground color, underglaze blue and copper red decoration; gilt-bronze mounts Mounts are stamped wi t h the crowned C for 1745-1749. Mounts of ewer .1 are also stamped wi t h No and No 16 and painted 266 Group .2 266 Group .1 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 133 wi th B-27-a under the base in red. Mounts of ewer .2 are stamped wi th No 16 and painted wi th B-27-b under the base in red. Height: 1 ft. 11 Vs in. (60 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 1 m. (33 cm); Depth: 8V2 in. (21.5 cm) Accession number 78.DI.9.1-.2 PROVENANCE Ives, comte de Cambaceres, Paris; Germaine Ancel, Paris; [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris, after 1946]; [Jacques Helft, Paris, circa 1950]; [Hans Stiebel, Pans]; Henry Ford 11, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan (sold, Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, Febru- ary 25, 1978, lot 56). EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 28, p. 52, illus. p. 53; New York, The Fnck Col- lection, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, F. J. B. Wat- son, December 1986-March 1987, no. 19, pp. 66-67, illus- BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 6, pp. 41-42, illus.; F. J. B. Watson, "Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts," Orientations 12, no. 9 (September 1981), pp. 26-33, i H u s - p- 2 9'> F- J B. Watson, "Rich Gets Richer," House and Garden, vol. 156, no. 4 (April 1984), p. 58, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 257, pp. 153-154, illus. p. 153; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 12, pp. 61-65, illus-i Handbook 2001, p. 201, illus. 269. LIDDED BOWL Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1745-1749 Hard-paste porcelain, celadon ground color; gilt-bronze mounts Mounts are stamped wi th the crowned C for 1745-1749. Inside of bowl is incised wi th a six-character Chinese reign mark of the Ming emperor Xuande. Base is painted wi th the 269 two characters Tsenyu (precious jade). Height: 1 ft. 3V4 in. (40 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 3V2 in. (39.3 cm); Depth: 11 in. (27.8 cm) Accession number 74. DI . 19 PROVENANCE (Sold from the collection of Mme D. . . , Galerie Jean Charpentier, Paris, Decem- ber 14, 1933, no. 107); Mme Henry Farman, Paris, possibly bought at the Charpentier December 14,1933, sale (sold from her estate, Palais Galliera, Paris, March 15,1973, no. 25); [Partridge (Fine Arts), Ltd., London, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New Yorkj The China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 19, p. 42 illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 113, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 258, p. 154, illus.; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 13, pp. 66-71, illus. 268 134 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 2"]0 One of a fair 270. PAIR OF VASES Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1745-1749 Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration; gilt-bronze mounts Mounts for each vase are stamped wi th the crowned C for 1745-1749. Underside of each vase is painted wi th a double circle in underglaze blue. Height: 1 ft. V2 in. (31.7 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 2 in. (35.5 cm); Depth: 10 l /i in. (26.7 cm) Accession number 79.DI. 121.1-.2 PROVENANCE (Sold Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, Decem- ber 20, 1932, no. 73); Mazurel family, France (sold late 1970s); [Bernard Stemitz, Paris]; [Alexander and Berendt, Ltd., London, 1979]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 20, p. 44, illus. p. 45; New York, The Frick Col- lection, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, F. J. B. Watson, December 1986-March 1987, no. 18, pp. 64-65, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," no. 6, pp. 9-10, illus.; F. J. B. Watson, "Chi- nese Porcelains in European Mounts," Orienta- tions 12, no. 9 (September 1981), pp. 26-33, illus., p. 31; F. J. B. Watson, "Rich Gets Richer," House and Garden 156, no. 4 (April 1984), p. 62, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 259, p. 154, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Paris (Malibu, 1996), illus. p. 69; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 14, pp. 72-75, illus. 271. VASE Porcelain: Chinese, Qianlong reign (1736-1795), circa 1740 Mounts: Paris, circa 1745-1750 Hard-paste porcelain, celadon ground color; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 2V2 in. (36.8 cm); Wi dth: 6 in. (15.2 cm); Depth: 4V2 in. (11.5 cm) Accession number 75. DI . 69 PROVENANCE Trustees of Swinton Settled Estates (sold, Christie s, London, December 4, 1975, lot 46); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B. Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 18, p. 42, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 94, illus. p. 330, fig. 318; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 260, p. 155, illus.; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 15, pp. 76-79, illus. 272. PAIR OF POT-POURRI BOWLS Porcelain: Japanese (Arita), circa 1660-1680 Mounts: Paris, circa 1750 Hard-paste porcelain, celadon ground color, polychrome enamel decoration; gilt- bronze mounts Height: 6 in. (15.2 cm); Wi dth: 7 Vs in. (18.7 cm); Depth: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm) Accession number 77.D1.90.1-.2 272 One of a pair 271 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 135 PROVENANCE Claude F. Julliot (?), Paris (sold, Paris, November 20, 1777, no. 331); [Didier Aaron and Claude Levy, Paris, 1970s]; [Etienne Levy Pans, 1977]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Frick Collection, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, F. J. B. Watson, December 1986-March 1987, no: 27, pp. 82-83, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid'197 9," no. 2, p. 37, illus.; Genevieve Mazel, "1777, La Vente Randon de Boisset et le marche de Tart au 18 e s[iecle]," LEstampille 202 (April 1987) , p. 47, illus.; Michel Beurdeley "Paris 1777: La Vente Randon de Boisset ou le meca- nisme secret des ventes publiques au x v i n e siecle," Trois slides des ventes publiques (Fribourg, 1988) , p. 53, illus.; Bruno Pons et al , LArt decor aiif en Europe: Classique et baroque, Alam Gru- ber, ed. (Paris, 1992), p. 400, illus.; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 261, p. 155, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Luxury Mar- kets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Paris (Malibu, 1996), pp. 173-174 and illus. pi. 10; V/ilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 16, pp. 80-84, illus. 273. VASE Porcelain: Chinese, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735) Mounts: Paris, circa 1750-1755 Hard-paste porcelain, celadon ground color; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 2V2 in. (36.9 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 4V4 in. (41.2 cm); Depth: 11 in. (27.9 cm) Accession number 72.Di.42 PROVENANCE [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS New York, The China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, October 1980-January 1981, no. 8, p. 32, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY D. F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 95, illus., p. 334, fig. 326; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 262, p. 156, illus.; Paul Mitchell and Lynn Rob- erts, Frameworks: Form, Function and Ornament in European Portrait Frames (London, 1996), fig. 174, pp. 229-230; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 18, pp. 88-92, illus. 273 274. LI DDED POT Porcelain: Chinese (Dehua), Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1765-1770 Hard-paste porcelain; gilt-bronze mounts Porcelain l i d impressed wi th a seal mark. Height: 9V8 in. (25.1 cm); Wi dth: 7V8 in. (18.7 cm); Depth: 6V4 m. (15.9 cm) Accession number 78.DI.359 PROVENANCE [Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1960s]; Henry Ford 11, Grosse Pomte Farms, Michigan (sold, Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, Febru- ary 25, 1978, lot 61); [Partridge (Fine Arts), Ltd., London, 1978]. 136 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 2 74 EXHIBITIONS New York, Trie China Institute in America, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, F. J. B Watson, October 1980-January 1981, no. 11, p. 35. illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 9, pp. 45-46, illus.; F. J. B. Watson, "Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts," Orientations 2, no. 9 (September 1981), p. 30, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 263, p. 156, illus.; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porce- lain, no. 19, pp. 93-95, illus. 2 15- PAIR OF VASES Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Mounts: Pans, circa 1770-1775 Hard-paste porcelain, black ground color, gilding; gilt-bronze mounts . Vase . 1 bears a paper label (torn) underneath reading HELIOT FILS, elll Vase .2 is stamped once wi th LH on the base mount. Height: 1 ft. 7 V4 in. (49 cm); Wi dth: 9V4 in. (24.7 cm); Depth: 7 Vs in. (20 cm) Accession number 92. DI. 19.1-.2 PROVENANCE Laurent Heliot, Pans (?), (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, December 3, 1985, no. 55); [B. Fabre et Fils. Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Compagnie des Commissaires-Priseurs de Paris, Drouot, 1985-1986,1'art et les encheres (Paris, circa 1986), p. 302, illus. p. 210; "Accruisitions/1992," GettyMus] 21 (1993), no. 64, p. 140, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 264, pp. 156-157, illus. p. 157; Master- pieces, no. 87, p. 110, illus.; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 20, pp. 96-101, illus. 276. VASE Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1622-1722) Mounts: Paris, circa 1770 Mounts attributed to Pierre Gouthiere Hard-paste porcelain, purple ground color; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 9V4 in. (54.2 cm); Wi dth: i o 5 / 8 in. (27 cm); Depth: 9V8 in. (25 cm) Accession number 87.Di.137 PROVENANCE [Michel Meyer, Paris, 1987]. 2 15 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN 137 276 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 74, pp. 178-179, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 265, p. 157, illus.; Wi l son, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 22, pp. 106-109. 277. STANDING BOWL Porcelain: Chinese, Qianlong reign (1736- 1795), mid-eighteenth century Mounts: Paris, circa 1785 Mounts attributed to Pierre-Philippe Thomire Hard-paste porcelain, blue ground color; gilt-bronze mounts; rouge griotte marble Bowl is painted underneath wi t h an indis- ti nct date 178(F). Height: 2 ft. 7V4 i n. (81 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 10 1 A in. (56.5 cm) Accession number 70.Di.115 PROVENANCE Princesse Isabella Lubormirska (?), after circa 1793; by descent to Count Al fred Potocki (great-great-grandson of Princess Isabella Lubormirska), Castle Lancut, Poland, removed by hi m i n 1944 and taken to the Uni ted States; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1953]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1953. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dr. Jozef Piotrowski, Zamek W Lahcucie: ZwieztyOfisDziejowlZbiordw (1933), illus. fig. 65; J. Paul Getty, Collectors Choice (London, 1955), pp. 259-260, illus. unnumbered pl . 277 138 FRENCH MOUNTED ORIENTAL PORCELAIN FRENCH MOUNTED HARDSTONES AND GLASS between pp. 88-89; Paul Wesehler, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum/' Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), pp. 125-126, illus. p. 114; "Vingt Mille Lieues dans les musees," Connais- sance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 76; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeuvre, p. 132, illus.; Getty, Collecting, p. 162; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 181, illus.; G. Wilson, "The J. Paul Getty Museum, 7 d m e partie: Le Mobilier Louis xvi , " Connaissance des arts 280 (June 1975), p. 90, illus.; Geoffrey de Beb laigue, Sevres Porcelain from the Royal Collection: The Queen's Gallery (London, 1979-1980), no. 11, pp. 31-32; D. F. Lunsingh Schleurleer, Chinesisches und japanisches Porzellan in europischen Fassungen (Braunschweig, 1980), p. 86, illus. p. 308, fig,. 275; Michel Beurdeley La France l'encn 1789-1799 (Fribourg, 1981), p. 118, illus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 45, pp. 90-91, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete Bron- zen, vol. 1, p. 269, illus. p. 268; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 469; note 10, p. 475; Carlton House: The Past Glories of George iv's Palace, The Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Place (London, 1991), p. 97; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 266, p. 157, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 94, p. 119; Handbook 1997, pp. 228-229, illus.; V/ilson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, no. 21, pp. 102-105, illus-' ^MOUNTED HARDSTONES AND GLASS 278. PAIR OF LIDDED VASES Pans, circa 1700 Marble; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 478 in. (41.3 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 2-in. (35.6 cm); Depth: 9 72 in. (24.2 cm) Accession number 93.DJ.43.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Jacques Kugel, Paris]; (sold, Christie's, New York, November 24, 1987, lot 39); [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1993," GettyMusJ 22 (1994), no. 11, p. 65, illus. 278 One of a fair 279. PAIR OF LI DDED VASES Paris, circa 1700 Marble Height: 1 ft. 9 3 A in. (55.3 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 3 in. (38.1 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 1 in. (33 cm) Accession number 95. DJ . 84. 1-. 2 279 One of a fair PROVENANCE (Sold, Ader Taj an, Paris, Hotel George v, December 15, 1993, no. 85); [Didier Aaron, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1995," GettyMusJ 24 (1996), no. 11, p. 91, illus.; "Selected Acquisitions Made by the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1995- 97," Burlington Magazine 139, no. 1136 (Novem- ber 1997), p. 831, pl. 30. 280. VASE Stone: French (Pyreneese) Mounts: Paris, circa 1760 Bianco e new antico breccia; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 72 in. (31.7 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 7 V4 in. (50.2 cm); Depth: 11 7s in. (28.3 cm) Accession number 79.Dj.183 PROVENANCE (Sold, "Property of a Lady" Christie's, Lon- don, December 6, 1979, lot 4.) FRENCH MOUNTED HARDSTONES AND GLASS 139 BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," no. 2, pp. 4-5, illus.; John Whi tehead, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 70, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 269, p. 159; A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Mal col m Baker and Brenda Richardson, eds. (New York, 1997), no. 84, pp. 215-216. 280 281. PAIR OF VASES Stone: Egyptian Mounts: Paris (possibly Italian), circa 1765-1770 After an engraving by Benigno Bossi of a design by Ennemond-Alexandre Petitot Porphyry, marble; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 3 V4 in. (38.7 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 4V 8 m. (41 cm); Depth: 10 V8 i n. (27.7 cm) Accession number 83. DJ . 16.1-. 2 PROVENANCE Sir Everard Joseph Radcliffe, 5th Bt. (1884- 1969), Rudding Park, Yorkshire; [Lovice Reviczky A. G , Zuri ch, 1982]. EXHIBITIONS Barnard Castle, County Durham, The Bowes Museum, French Art of the Seventeenth and Eigh- teenth Centuries fromNorthern Collections, Jul y- August 1965, no. 37. 281 One of a pair BIBLIOGRAPHY Guide Booh to Rudding Park (Yorkshire, n.d.), illus. p. 25; Wi l son, "Acquisit 10ns/1983," no. 9, pp. 199-201, illus. pp. 202-203 (one); "Acquisitions/1983," no. 11, p. 265, illus. (one); "Some Acquisitions (1983-1984) i n the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 975 (June 1984), no. 67, pp. 384-388, illus.; Al var Gonzalez-Palacios, II Tempio del Gusto: Le Arti decorative in Italia fra Classiasmi e barocco: II Granducato di Toscana e gli stati settentrionali (Mi l an, 1986), vol. 2, pp. 244-245, figs. 482-483, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 270, p. 159, illus. (one); Masterpieces, no. 85, p. 108, illus. (one); Handbook 2001, p. 217, illus. (one). 282. VASE Paris, circa 1770 Granite; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 1 ft. 2 5 /s i n. (37.2 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 7 in. (48.2 cm); Depth: 8V2 i n. (21.6 cm) Accession number 89.DJ . 31 PROVENANCE Richard, 4t h Marquess of Hertford (1800- 1870), 2 rue Lafhtte, Paris; Sir Richard Wa l - lace (1818-1890), rue Lafhtte, Paris, by inheritance; Lady Wallace (died 1897), rue Lafhtte, Paris, by inheritance; Sir John Mur- ray Scott, rue Lafhtte, Paris, unti l 1912; Vi c- toria, Lady Sackville, rue Lafhtte, Paris, by inheritance; [Jacques Seligmann, Paris]; Baronne de Gunzburg, avenue Foch, Paris; [Maurice Segoura, Paris]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Petit Palais, Exposition universelle de 1900, LExposition retrospective de I'art l'histoire de l'artfran- cais des origines d 1800, 1900, vol. 1, no. 2980, p. 300, illus. p. 188 (lent by Sir John Mur- ray Scott). BIBLIOGRAPHY Emile Mol mi er and Frantz Marcou, Exposi- tion retrospective de I'art francais des origines 1800 (Paris, 1901), illus. twi ce on two unnumbered pis.; Exposition universelle de 1900,Le Moklier d trovers les ages au Grand et Petit Palais: Interieurs xvuf et xi x e siecles: Exposition centennale (Paris, 1902), illus. no. 2, pi . 83; A. F. Morri s, "Sir John Murray Scott's Col l ecti on i n the Rue Lahtte," Connoisseur 28/18 (August 1910), pp. 231-240, illus. p. 231; Connoisseur 29/116 (Apri l 1911), pp. 215-222, illus. p. 220; F. J. B. Watson, Wallace Collection Catalogues: Furniture (London, 1956), pi . 120; "Acquisi- tions /1989," GettyMusJ 18 (1990), no. 57, p. 195, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 271, pp. 159-160, illus. p. 160; Peter Hughes, The Wallace Collection Catalogue of Furni- ture (London, 1996), vol. 3, p. 1558, illus. p. 1538, hg. 1 and p. 1559, fig. 17; Pierre Kjel l berg, Objets montes du Moyen Age d nos jours (Paris, 2000), p. 156, illus. 282 140 FRENCHMOUNTED HARDSTONES AND GLASS 283. LIDDED BOWL Stone: Egypti an Mounts: Paris, circa 1770 Porphyry; gilt-bronze mounts Hei ght: 1 ft. 4 i n. (40.6 cm); Wi dt h: 1 ft. 4V2 i n. (41.9 cm); Depth: 9V2 i n. (24.1 cm) Accession number 73.Dj.88 PROVENANCE I . Rosenbaum, Frankfurt am Mai n; Merton collection (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, December 5-6,1946, lot 309); [Dalva Broth- ers, Inc., New York, 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 272, p. 160, illus. 284. PAIR OF LIDDED BOWLS Paris, circa 1775 Glass; gilt-bronze mounts Height: 87/s i n. (22.6 cm); Wi dt h: 67s i n. (15.6 cm); Diameter: 5V4 i n. (13.3 cm) Accession number 92.DK. 1.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Bernard Steinitz, Paris]. 284 One of a pair BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMus] 21 (1993), no. 62, p. 139, illus. 285. PAIR OF URNS Stone: Egypti an Mounts: Paris, circa 1780 Porphyry; gilt-bronze mounts 285 One of a pair Height: 1 ft. 2 i n. (35.6 cm); Diameter: 9 i n. (22.9 cm) Accession number 74.DJ.24.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Matthew Schutz, Lt d. , New York, 1974]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 273, p. 160, illus. 286 One of a pair 286. PAIR OF STANDING TAZZAS Paris, circa 1785 faunefonce marble and buche violette (?); gi l t- bronze mounts One mount, a replacement, is stamped wi t h BY for the bronzier Louis-Auguste-Alfred Beurdeley. Height: 1 ft. 2 Vs i n. (37.8 cm); Wi dt h: 9V8 i n. (24.3 cm); Depth: 9V8 i n. (25.2 cm) Accession number 74. DJ . 4. 1- . 2 PROVENANCE Madame la Marechale de Lannes (?), duchesse de Montebello (nee Louise de Gueheneuc, died 1856), or Louis-Napoleon Lannes (?), 2nd due de Montebello (1801-1874); 283 FRENCH MOUNTED HARDSTONES AND GLASS FRENCH TEXTILES by descent to Napoleon Lannes, 3rd due de Montebello (died 1876); Louis-Auguste- Al fred Beurdeley (1808-1882), Paris; by descent to Alfred-Emanuel-Louis Beurdeley (1847-1919), Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, May 19-20, 1899, no. 178); Lmdon collection (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 26, 1964, lot 87; [R. L. Harrington, Lt d. , London, 1967]; [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 274, p. 160, illus.; Peter Hughes, The Wallace Collection: Catalogue of Furniture (London, 1996), vol. 3, no. 292, p. 1405. 287. PAIR OF VASES (JARDINIERES) Paris, circa 1785 Breche violette; gilt-bronze mounts; brass liners Height: 8V 4 in.. (21 cm); Diameter: 7V4 i n. (18.5 cm) Accession number 88.DJ. 121.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Mal l ett at Bourdon House, Lt d. , London, 1988]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 79, p. 144, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 275, p. 161, illus. TEXTILES 288. PAIR OF EMBROIDERED BED HANGINGS (BONNE-GRACES) Paris, circa 1680-1690 Design attributed to Daniel Marot Linen embroidered wi t h silk and wool ; linen l i ni ng Height: 11 ft. 1 i n. (343 cm); Wi dt h: 3 ft. 1 i n. (91 cm) Accession number 85.DD.266.1-.2 PROVENANCE Lt . Col . A. Heywood-Lonsdale, Shavington Hal l , Salop; [Partridge (Fine Arts), Lt d. , London, 1985]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 189, p. 242, illus.; Sharon Shore et al., "The Technical Examination of a Pair of Embroidered Panels," GettyMus J 20 (1992), pp. 107-112; Anne Ratzki-Kraatz, "Two Embroidered Hangings i n the Style of Daniel Marot," GettyMus J 20 (1992), pp. 89-106, i l l us.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 277, pp. 161-162, illus. p. 161; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 17, pp. 164-171, illus. 288 One of a fair 287 One of a fair 142 FRENCH TEXTILES HANGINGS FOR A BED French, circa 1690-1715 Silk satm, silk lampas, silk taffeta, silk and metallic-wrapped silk thread; linen and bast backing; wool padding; paper Hei ght: 13 ft. 8V2 i n. (427.5 cm); Wi dt h: 5 ft. 7 74 i n. (170.8 cm); Depth: 6 ft. 8 i n. (203.2 cm) Accession number 79.DD.3.1-.16 PROVENANCE Chateau de Montbri an (?) (near Messimy), Aix-en-Provence; [P. Bertrand et Cie, Paris, 1933]; [Gerald C. Paget, London and New York, 1970s]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Salon des Arts Menagers, Grand Palais, ^Exposition retrospective de la chambre coucher, Maurice Loyer, January-February 1933, no. 129, pp. 45-47, illus.; Versailles, Chateau de Versailles, Salon de la Guerre, June 1936. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wi l son, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 12, pp. 48-49, illus.; Anne Ratzki- Kraatz, "A French Li t de Parade 'A la Duchesse 1690-1715," GettyMus J 14 (1986), pp. 81-104, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 278, p. 162, illus.; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 18, pp. 172-181, illus. 290 290. GAMING PURSE Paris, early eighteenth century Velvet; silver metallic and silk embroidery threads Embroidered wi t h the arms of the city of Paris. Height: 2 72 i n. (6.3 cm); Diameter: 572 in.. (14 cm) Accession number 97.DD.59 PROVENANCE Gi f t of Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 1997. 291. Si x PAINTED PANELS Paris, circa 1780 Gouache on silk wi t h gol d paint One panel is painted wi t h the monograms MJL and LSX of the comte and comtesse de Provence. Height: 4 ft. 9 i n. (144.8 cm); Wi dt h: 7 i n. (17.8 cm) Accession number 73.DH.89.1-.6 PROVENANCE Made for Louis-Stanislas-Xavier and Mari e- Josephine-Louise, comte and comtesse de Provence; (sold as part of a set of eight panels from the "Bureaux des Btiments [du R01]," July 15, 1794 [27 messiclor, an 11], no. 16112, for 150 livres to citoyen Bouchard; Baron Louis 289 289 FRENCH TEXTILES 143 29I Nathaniel von Rothschild (1882-1955) ( s ld, Bremer-David, Summary, no. 279, pp. 162, Parke-Bernet, New York, May 13, 1955, illus. p. 163; Pierre Arizzoli-Clementel, lot 165); [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York, "Neoclassicisme," L'Art decoratif en Europe du 1973]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. Neoclassicisme L'Art Deco, Alam Gruber, ed. (Pans, 1994), P- 1 1 0 (two panels illus.). BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, Selections, no. 43, pp. 86-87, illus-; John Whitehead, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 219; 144 FRENCHCARPETS AND SCREENS ARPETS AND SCREENS 292. CARPET Savonnerie manufactory, circa 1665-1667 Made i n the Chai l l ot workshops of Simon and Phi l i ppe Lourdet Wool and linen; modern cotton l i ni ng Length: 22 ft. (670.5 cm); Wi dt h: 14 ft. 5V4i n . (440.1 cm) Accession number 70.DC.63 PROVENANCE Garde Meuble de la Couronne, by 1667; Church of Samt-Andre des-Arts, Paris, 1769; Parguez- Perdreau, Paris, March 1914; [Arnol d Selig- mann, Paris, March-June 1914]; George A. Kessler, June 1914; Morti mer L. Schiff, New York (sold, by his heir John M. Schiff, Chri sti es, London, June 22, 1938, l ot 77); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jules Guiffrey Inventaire general du mobilier de la couronne sous Louis xiv (Paris, 1885-1886), vol. 1, Tapis, no. 18 (?), p. 378; "Die Aukti on Der Kunstsammlungen Morti mer L. Schiff," Pantheon, Monatsschrift fr Freunde und Sammler der Kunst (August 1938), p. 258; J. Paul Getty Collector s Choice (London, 1955), p. 157; Gerald Reitlmger, The Economics of Taste (New York, 1963), vol. 2, p. 308; Verlet et al., Chefs d'oeu- vre, pp. 134-135, illus.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 145,148, i l l us.; Wi l son, "Meubles 'Baroques/" p. 106, illus.; Pierre Verlet, The fames A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor: The Savonnerie (Fribourg, 1982), p. 174; notes 5, 11, p. 421; Wi l son, Selections, no. 1, pp. 2-3, illus.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 280, p. 164, i l l us.; Masterpieces, no. 37, p. 51, illus.; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 13, pp. 130-137, illus. 293. PAIR OF THREE-PANEL SCREENS (PARAVENTS) Savonnerie manufactory, circa 1714-1740 Made i n the Chai l l ot workshop under Bertrand-Frangois Dupont or Jacques de Nomvi l l e, woven after designs by Jean- Bap tiste Belin de Fontenay and Alexandre- Francois Desportes Wool and linen; modern velvet backing; wooden frame Height: 8 ft. 11 3 A i n. (273.6 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 4V8 i n. (193.2 cm); Depth: 1 l /i i n. (3.81 cm). Accession number 83.DD.260,1-.2 PROVENANCE Garde Meuhle de la Couronne (?), first half of the eighteenth century; Mme d'Yvon (?), Paris (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 30- June 4,1892, no. 673); [Jacques Seligmann, Paris] (sold from the dissolution of the Soci- ete Seligmann, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, March 9-12, 1914, no. 343); [Germain Selig- mann, Paris, from 1927]; [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris, before i 960] (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 14-15, 1981, no. 54); [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York, 1981]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins, TapisdelaSawwiene, December 1926-January 1927, no. 96; Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, Le Siecle de Louis xi v, February-Apri l 1927, no. 1268; Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Louis xiv, Faste et decors, May-October i 960, p. 155, no. 774, illus. (one) pi . 102; Ri ch- mond, Vi rgi ni a, Experts' Choice: One Thousand Years of the Art Trade, Apr i l 22-June 12, 1983, pp. 82-83, ^ m s - [ l e n t by Dalva Brothers, Inc.]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Les Paravents," Connaissance des arts 177 (November 1966), pp. 122-129, iHus. p- 126; J. W. Adams, Decorative Folding Screens in the West from 1600 to the Present Day (New York, 1982), 292 FRENCH CARPETS AND SCREENS 145 illus. p. 131, pi. 3; Pierre Verlet, The James A. de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor: The Savonnerie (Fribourg, 1982), p. 301; note 82, pp. 457-458; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 2, pp. 180-183, illus. (one) pp. 182-183; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 4, p. 262, illus. (one); "Some Acquisitions (1983-84) in the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126, no. 975 (June 1984), p. 385, illus.; Edith A. Standen, European Post-Medieval Tapestries and Related Hangings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1985) vol. 2, no. 112, p. 656; Catherine Hamrick, "Euro- pean Folding Screens: Mirrors of an Endur- ing Past," Southern Accents (April 1990), pp. 30, 32, 34, 38, 40, illus. p. 34; John Whitehead, The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1992), p. 200, illus. (one); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 282, p. 165, illus.; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no.'15, pp. 146-153, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 50, pp. 68-69, illus. (one); Handbook 2001, p. 195, illus. (one). 293 294. FOUR-PANEL SCREEN (PARAVENT) Savonnerie manufactory, circa 1719-1784 Made in the Chaillot workshop under Jacques de Noinville, Pierre-Charles Duvivier or Nicolas-Cyprien Duvivier; woven after designs by Alexandre-Francois Desportes Wool and linen; modern cotton-twill gimp; modern silk velvet; wooden frame; modern brass nails Height: 6 ft. 1 in. (185.4 cm); Wi dth: 8 ft. 4 in-. (252.4 cm) Accession number 75.DD.1 PROVENANCE Garde-Meuble de la Couronne, eighteenth century; Earls of Caledon, Tyttenhanger Park, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, from before 1875; by descent to Denis James Alexander, 6th Earl of Caledon (born 1920), Tyttenhanger Park; [Alexander and Berendt, Ltd., London, 1973]; private collection, Australia; [Alexan- der and Berendt, Ltd., London, 1975]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY RR. Wark, French Decorative Art in the Hunting- ton Collection (San Marino, California, 1979), pp. 25-27; Pierre Verlet, The fames A. de Roth- schild Collection at Waddesdon Manor: The Savon- nerie (Fribourg, 1982), no. 15, pp. 330-340, note 20, p. 467; Wilson, Selections, no. 12, pp. 24-25, illus.; M. Komanecky and V F. Butera, The Folding Image (New Haven, 1984), p. 29, fig. 18; Edith A. Standen, European Post- Medieval Tapestries and Related Hangings in the Metropolitan Museumof Art (New York, 1985), vol. 2, no. 74, p. 490, and no. 111, pp. 652- 654; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 283, p. 166, illus.; Bremer-David, French Tapetries, no. 16, pp. 154-161, illus. 294 146 FRENCH TAPESTRIES C/APESTRIES 295. TAPESTRY, T HE OFFERING TO BACCHUS, FROM THE GROTESQUES SERIES Beauvais manufactory, circa 1688-1732 After a design by Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer and Guy-Louis Vernansal Wool (and silk?); modern cotton l i ni ng Hei ght: 9 ft. 8V2 i n. (295.3 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 8 V2 i n. (204.5 cm) Accession number 86.DD.645 PROVENANCE Baron A. de Rothschild, sold, London, 1929 (?); (one of four tapestries i n an anonymous sale, Christie's, London, June 22, 1939, lot 159); [Frank Partridge and Sons, London, March 1949]; Mrs. John Dewar; (sold, Sothe- by's, London, December 16, 1966, lot 15); (sold, Christie's, London, July 1, 1982, lot 3, to [Bernheimer Fine Arts, Lt d. , London]). 295 BIBLIOGRAPHY Edi th A. Standen, European Post-Medieval Tap- estries ana Related Hangings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1985), vol. 2, p. 450; Davi d Coombs, "December 1986, From the Editor's Desk," The Anti que Col - lector (December 1986), p. 39; "Acquisitions/ 1986," GettyMusJ 15 (1987), no. 99, pp. 210- 211, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 285, p. 166, illus.; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 8, pp. 72-79, illus. SEVEN TAPESTRIES FROM T HE STORY OF THE EMPEROR OF CHINA SERIES Beauvais manufactory, circa 1697-1705 Woven under the direction of Phi l i ppe Benagle after designs by Guy-Louis Vernansal, Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer, and Jean-Baptiste Belin de Fontenay Wool and silk; modern cotton l i ni ng Al l woven wi t h the monogram L A and wi t h the arms of the comte de Toulouse (except 99.DD.29, whi ch has had its arms removed). Tke Collation: VERNANSAL. INT. ET. PU woven at lower center of scene, i n border of carpet. Height: 13 ft. 10 V2 i n. (423 cm); Wi dt h: 10 ft. 2 i n. (310 cm) Accession number 83.DD.336 The Harvesting of Pineapples: BEHAGLE woven at lower ri ght. Height: 13 ft. 7V2 i n. (415 cm); Wi dt h: 8 ft. 5 72 i n. (258 cm) Accession number 83.DD.337 The Astronomers: Height: 13 ft. 11 i n. (424 cm); Wi dt h: 10 ft. 572 i n. (319 cm) Accession number 83.DD.338 The Emperor on a Journey: Height: 13 ft.. 10 i n. (421.4 cm); Wi dt h: 8 ft. 4 i n. (254 cm) Accession number 83.DD.339 The Return from theHunt: BEHAGLE woven at lower ri ght. Height: 13 ft. 10 i n. (421.4 cm); Wi dt h: 9 ft. 6 m. (290 cm) Accession number 83.DD.340 TJie Empress's Tea: Height: 13 ft. 9 i n. (419.1 cm); Wi dt h: 6 ft. 3 i n. (195 cm) Accession number 89.DD.62 The Empress Sailing: Height: 11 ft. 9 3 A m. 296 The Collation (360 cm); Wi dt h: 10 ft. 2 i n. (310 cm) Accession number 99.DD.29 PROVENANCE LOUIS-Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse and due de Penthievre (1678-1737), at the Chateau de Rambouillet by 1718; by descent to his son, Louis-Jean-Marie de Bourbon (1725-1793), due de Penthievre; by descent to his only surviving chi l d, Louise- Marie-Adelaide de Bourbon (1753-1821); by descent to her son, Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1773-1850), Ki ng of the French; 83.DD. 336-340 and 89.DD.62 only: (sold, Paris, Jan- uary 25-27, 1852, no. 8); acquired at that sale by the due d'Uzes and placed i n the Chateau de Bonnelles, Seine-et-Oise; by descent to Therese d'Albert-Luynes d'Uzes, Chateau de Bonnelles, Seine-et-Oise; [Georges Haardt and Co., Inc., New York, 1925]; [French and Co., New York (stock nos. 27965-2 through 27965-6)]; John Thompson Dor- rance, Sr., Newport Rhode Island; by descent to John Thompson Dorrance, Jr.; 83.DD. 336 340 only: [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, 1983]; 89.DD.62 only: The Preservation Society of Newport County, Chteau-sur- 296 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 147 ^ T k H a n ^ o f Pineapples 296 T k A _ - 296 T k Emperor on a Journey 296 T k Return from the Hunt 296 T k Empress's Tea 296 The Emfnss Sailing 148 FRENCH TAPESTRIES Mer, Newport, Rhode Island, 1970s; 99.DD.29 only: (sold, Domaine de Monceaux, January 25-27, 1852, no. 13, as one of two tapestries); Baronne Miriam (Caroline) Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), France and Switzerland, confiscated by the Nazis after the German occupation of Paris in 1940 and later restituted; by descent to her nephew and heir, Baron Edmond (Adolphe Maurice Jules Jacques) de Rothschild (1926- 1997) (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, March 7, 1967, no. 152); [Galerie Achkar-C harr lere, Paris, by 1990]; [Galerie Chevalier, Paris, 1998I EXHIBITIONS Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, July 17- October 1, 1925 (lent by Georges Haardt and Co., Inc. [83.DD. 336-340 and 89. DD.62]); American Art Galleries, New York, A Private Exhibition of Beauvais Tapestries, February 21-28, 1926, exhibited by Georges Haardt and Co., Inc. (83.DD. 336-340 and 89. DD.62); The Preservation Society of Newport, Rhode Island, Chteau-sur-Mer, 1970S-1989 (89.DD.62 only). BIBLIOGRAPHY Montie and de Dion, "Quelques documents sur le Duchepairie de Rambouillet," Memoires et documents publies far la Societe archeologiaue de Rambouillet 7 (1886), pp. 208, 227; Jules Badin, La Manufacture de tapisseries de Beauvais depuis sesonginesjusauanos jours (Paris, 1909), p. 13; George Lei and Hunter, The. Practical Book of Tapestries (Philadelphia, 1925), p. 162; Dr. Szokolny "Vom amerikanischen Kunst- markt," Cicerone 18 (1926), pp. 271-272; Reper- toire des hens spolies en France durant la guerre 1939- 1945 (Berlin, 1947), vol. 2, p. 355, no. 132, claim 32.141 (99.DD.29 only); M. Jarry "Chinoiseries la mode de Beauvais," Plaisir de France 429 (May 1975), pp. 54-59; Edith Standen, "The Story of the Emperor of China: A Beauvais Tapestry Series," Metropoli- tan Museumof Art Journal 2 (1976), pp. 103-117; M. Jarry, "La vision de la Chine dans les tapisseries de la manufacture royale de Beau- vais: les premieres tentures chinoises," Les Rapports entre la Chine et l'Europe au temps des lumieres: actes du 11 e colloaue international de Sinologie 1977 (Pans, 1980), pp. 173-183; Bremer- David, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 1, pp. 173- 181, illus.; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 3, pp. 261-262, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1983-84) in the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126, no. 975 (June 1984), p. 385, illus.; Edith A. Standen, "The Audi- ence of the Emperor from the series The Story of the Emperor of China/" European Post-Medieval Tapestries and Hangings in the Metro- politan Museumof Art (New York, 1985), vol. 2, pp. 461-468; Pryce Jones, "The Golden Age of Newport," House and Garden (June 1987), p. 196 (89.DD.62 only); Jacqueline Boccara, "Voyages du grand siecle: Tapisseries de Beauvais, de Bruxelles et des Gobelins," Les Antiauaires au Grand Palais: xiv c hiennale interna- tionale (Pans, 1988), pp. 112-118; Jacqueline Boccara, Ames de Lame et de Soi (Saint-Just-en- Chausee, 1988), p. 306, illus.; "Acquisitions/ 1989," GettyMus] 18 (1990), no. 54, pp. 193- 194, illus.; J. Coural and C. Gastinel-Coural, Beauvais: Manufacture nationale de tapisserie (Paris, 1992), p. 24; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 286, pp. 167, illus. p. 168; Noel Golvers, TheAstro- nomia European of Ferdinand Verliest, S. J. (Dillingen, 1687) Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 27 (Nettetal, 1993), p. 9, illus., p. 453; Philip Jodidio, "Le Monastere de Brentwood," Con- naissancedes arts 511 (November 1994), P- m> illus. p. 136; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 9, pp. 80-97, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 44, p. 60, illus. (83.DD.338 only); Handbook 2001, p. 190, illus. (83.DD.338 only). 297. TAPESTRY, L E CHEVAL RAYE, FROM LES ANCIENNES INDES SERIES Gobelins manufactory circa 1692-1730 After a cartoon by Albert Eckhout and Frans Post and later altered by Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste Belm de Fontenay Rene-Antoine Houasse, Francois Bonnemer, and Alexandre-Francois Desportes Wool and silk; modern cotton lining Woven wi th the arms of the Camus de Pont- carre de Viarmes de la Guibourgere family. Height: 10 ft. 10 in. (326 cm); Wi dth: 18 ft. 10 in. (580.2 cm) Accession number 92. DD.21 2 9 7 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 149 PROVENANCE Jean-Baptiste-Elie Camus de Pontcarre (?), seigneur de Viarmes (1702-1*7 75) and his wife Francoise-Louise Raoul de la Guibour- gere; by descent to Louis-Jean-Nepomucene- Frangois-Mane Camus de la Guibourgere (1747-1794); by descent to Alexandre- Prosper Camus de la Guibourgere (1793- 1853), Chateau de la Guibourgere, Bretagne; [French and Co., New York, circa 1930]; [Bernard Blondeel, Antwerp, Belgium, 1991]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acqmsitions/1992," GettyMus J 21 (1993), no. 66, p. 141, lllus.; "Museum Acquisitions in the Decorative Arts: Determination and Beneficence," Apollo 137, no. 371 (January 1993), pp. 36-37, lllus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 287, p. 169, illus.; Charissa Bremer- David "Le Cheval Raye: A French Tapestry Portraying Dutch Brazil," GettyMus J 22 (1994), pp. 21-29, iUus-i Christopher Scott, "Textile Experts Mend the Fabric of His- tory" The Sun (Lowell, Mass., May 28, 1996), pp. 1, 4, illus. p. 1; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 2, pp. 10-19, illus. 298. TAPESTRY CARPET French (Beauvais or Lille [?]) or Flemish (Brussels), circa 1690-1720 Wool and silk Length: 12 ft. 3V8 in. (3743 cm); Wi dth: 8 ft. 2V4 in. (249. 5 cm) Accession number 86.DC. 633 PROVENANCE (Sold, Hotel Drouot [?], Paris, May 27, 1910, one of four sold as nos. 131-134); [B. Fabre et Fils, Paris (?)]; Thenadey collection, Paris; [Mayorcas, Ltd., London, 1985]. 298 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 100, p. 211, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 288, p. 169, illus.; Bremer- David, French Tapestries, no. 10, pp. 98-105, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 196, illus. 299. TAPESTRY, THE MONTHOF DECEMBER, THE CHATEAU OF MONCEAUX, FROM LES MAISONS ROYALES SERIES Gobelins manufactory, before 1712 The cartoon painted by Francois van der Meulen, Baudrain Yvart lepere, Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer, Pierre (Boulle) Boels, Guillaume Anguier, Abraham Genoels, Jean-Baptiste Martin and others, after designs by Charles Le Brun. Woven under the direction of Jean de la Croix pere Wool and silk; linen lmmg CHASTE[A]V DE MONCEAVX woven m the cartouch of lower border and the signa- ture LDL. CROX woven in the lower right galon. Height: 10 ft. 5 in. (317.5 cm); Wi dth: 10 ft. 10 V4 in. (330. 8 cm) Accession number 85.DD. 309 PROVENANCE Comte de Camondo, Paris (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, February 1-3, 1893, no. 291); Gaston Menier, Paris, by at least 1903 (sold after his death, Galerie Jean Charpentier, Paris, November 24,1936, no. 111); Baron Gendebien-Salvay Belgium; [Vincent Laloux, Brussels]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jules Guiffrey Histoire de la tapisserie depuis le Mayen Age jusau'a nos jours (Tours, 1886), reproduced in outline p. 361; Pierre Dubois, "Ventes Prochaines-Tableaux, objets d'art et ameublement," Le Journal des arts (January 28, 1893) p. 2; "Revue des Ventes," Le Journal des arts (February 4, 1893), pp. 3-4; Maurice Fenaille, Etat general de tapisseries de la Manufac- ture des Gobelins, 1600-igoo (Paris, 1903), vol. 2, pp. 161-162; M. Meiss, French Painting in the Time of Jean de Berry, the Limhourgs and Their Contemporaries (New York, 1974), vol. 2, p. 206, illus. (detail) fig. 713; "La Chronique des arts: Principales acquisitions des musees en 1985," Gazette des leaux-arts 1406 (March 1986), no. 180, p. 29, illus.; Jackson- Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 855, fig. 3; Charissa Bremer-David, "Tapestry 'Le Chateau de Monceaux' from the series Les Maisons Royales," GettyMus J 14 (1986), pp. 105-112, figs, la-b; "Acquisi- tions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 192, pp. 242-243, illus.; Jacqueline Boccara, Ames de Lame et de Soie (Samt-Just-en-Chausee, 1988), p. 207, illus. p. 209; Gillian Wilson, 150 FRENCH TAPESTRIES "Delia Raccolta del Museo Paul Getty, une Selezione di pezzi acquisiti dal 1979/' Casa Vogue Antiaues 6 (November 1989), pp. 110- 115, illus. p. 114; Edith A. Standen, "The Jardin des Plantes: An Entrefenetre for the Maisons Royales Gobelins Tapestry Series," Bulletin du Centre internationale dl etudes des textiles anciennes 68 (1990), p. 49; illus. p. 51, fig. 4; Edith Standen, "The Garden of the Sun King: A Gobelins Tapestry in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts," Arts in Virginia 30 (Fall/Winter 1992/93), p. 8, illus.; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 289, p. 170, illus.; Bre- mer-David, French Tapestries, no. 3, pp. 20-27, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 46, pp. 62-63, i H u s - > Handbook 2001, p. 194, illus. 300. TAPESTRY, PORTI ERE DU CHAR DE TRIUMPHE Gobelins manufactory, circa 1699-1717 Woven from the cartoon by Beaudrin Yvart le pere after a design by Charles Le Brun; woven under the direction of Jean de la Croix pere and/or Jean de la Fraye or Jean Souet Wool and silk; linen; modern linen lining Woven wi th the arms of France and Navarre. Part of the original lining is inscribed in ink wi th No. 194 Ports. Du Char, / 6: Sur 3: aus. [aunes]. de haut/ 2: au[aunes] de Cours over 10-6 six pieces/ 8 520. Height: 11 ft. 8 3 A in. (357.5 cm); Wi dth: 9 ft. i 3 / 8 in. (277.8 cm) Accession number 83. DD . 20 300 PROVENANCE Delivered to the Garde-Meuble de la Couronnt on October 27,1717; Mme Fulco de Bourbon, Patterson, New York; by descent to her son Michael de Bourbon, Pikeville, Kentucky. BIBLIOGRAPHY Maurice Fenaille, Etat general des tapisseries de la Manufacture des Gobelins (Paris, 1903), vol. 2, pp. 16-22; Wilson, Selections, no. 8, pp. 16-17, illus.; Bremer-David, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 3, pp. 183,185, 187, illus. pp. 184-185; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMusJ 12 (1984), no. 5, p. 263, illus.; "Some Acquisitions (1983-84) in the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126, no. 975 (June 1984), p. 385, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 290, pp. 170-171, illus. p. 171; Handbook 1986, p. 147, illus. (enlarged detail) p. 140; Bremer- David, French Tapestries, no. vpp. 29, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 36, pp. 50-51, illus. p. 50. 2 9 9 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 151 TAPESTRY, CHANCELLERI E Gobelins manufactory, circa 1728-1730 Woven after designs by Guy-Louis Vernansal and Claude 111 Audran, under the direction of Etienne-Claude Le Blond Wool and silk; modern linen lining Woven wi th the arms of France and Navarre, wi th the arms of Germain-Louis Chauvelm, a 4 , and GLE.BLOND in lower right corner. Height: 11 ft. 674 m. (351.5 cm); Wi dth: 8 ft. 11 Vs in. (272.7 cm) Accession number 65.DD.5 PROVENANCE Woven for Germain-Louis Chauvelin, mar- quis de Grosbois and Garde des Sceaux (1685- 1762); Mortimer L. Schiff, New York (sold by his heir John M. Schiff, Christie's, Lon- don, June 22, 1938, lot 74); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Maurice Fenaille, Etat general des tapisseries de la Manufacture des Gobelins, 1600-igoo (Paris, 1904), vol. 3, p. 139; Heinrich Gbel, Wandteppiche (Leipzig, 1928), vol. 2, part 1, pp. 172-173; J. Paul Getty, Collector s Choice (London, 1955), pp. 170-171, illus. unnum- bered pi. between pp. 176-177; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 149, illus.; Verlet et al., Chefsd'oeuvre, p. 133, illus.; Edith A. Standen, "Portiere wi th the Chauvelin Arms," European Post-Medieval Tapestries and Hangings in the Metropolitan Museumof Art (New York, 1985), vol. 1, pp. 361-364; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 292, p. 172, illus.; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 4, pp. 28-33, illus. 302. TAPESTRY, NOUVELLE PORTI ERE AUX ARMES DE FRANCE Gobelins manufactory, circa 1730-1740 Woven from a cartoon by Pierre-Josse Perrot, under the direction of Etienne-Claude Le Blond Wool and silk; modern cotton lining Woven wi th the arms of France; a , the letter G, and part of an L [for Le Blond] are woven into the galon of the lower right corner. Height: 11 ft. 10 Vis m. (362.7 cm); Wi dth: 9 ft. 2V2 in. (280.6 cm) Accession number 85.DD. 100 PROVENANCE Richard, 4th Marquess of Hertford (1800- 1870), 2 rue Laffitte, Paris, before 1865; by inheritance to Sir Richard Wallace (1818- 1890), rue Laffitte, Pans, before 1890; Lady Wallace (died 1897), rue Laffitte, Paris; by inheritance to Sir John Murray Scott, rue Laf- fitte, Paris, 1897; Victoria, Lady Sackville, rue Laffitte, Paris, 1912; [M. and Mme Jacques Seligmann, Paris (sold in the late 1940s)]; private collection; [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris, 1953]; private collection; [Francois-Gerard Seligmann, Paris, 1985]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Union Centrale des Beaux-Arts Appli- ques I'lndustrie, Musee retrospectif, 1865, no. 5734; Paris, Exposition d'art frangais du xvin e siede, M. L. Roger-Miles, 1916, no. 113, p. 87, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Maurice Fenaille, Etat general des tapisseries de la Manufacture des Gobelins, 1600-igoo (Paris, 1904), vol. 3, pp. 310-314; Heinrich Gbel, Wandteppiche (Leipzig, 1928), vol. 2, part 1, p. 156; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 196, pp. 244-245, illus.; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 293, p. 172, illus.; Peter Hughes, The Wallace Collection Catalogue of Furniture (London, 1996), vol. 3, p. 1530. Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 5; pp. 34- 39, illus.; Handhook 2001, p. 199, illus. 302 3 oi 301 152 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 33- TAPESTRY, T H E TOI LET OF PSYCHE, FROM T H E STORY OFPSYCHE SERIES Beauvais manufactory, circa 1741-1742 Woven after a painting by Francois Boucher, under the direction of Nicolas Besnier and Jean-Baptiste Oudry Wool and silk; modern cotton lining Signature BESNIER & OVDRY-A BEAVVAIS woven at lower right. Height: 11 ft. i 3 A in. (339.7 cm); Wi dth: 8 ft. 7 3 A 1^(263.5 cm). Accession number 63.DD. 2 PROVENANCE Probably woven for M. d'Auriac, 1741-1742; Sir Anthony (Nathan) de Rothschild, Bt. (1810-1876), London; Henry Walters, Balti- more (sold by his widow, Parke-Bernet Gal- leries, New York, Apri l 26,1941, lot 739); French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1941. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jules Badin, La Manufacture de Tapissenes de Beauvais deyuis ses or'xgmesjusaua nos jours (Paris, 1909), p. 60; J. Paul Getty, Collectors Choice (London, 1955), pp. 64-65, 141,151, illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 160-161; P. Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 132; Madeleine Jarry, "A Wealth of Boucher Tapestries in American Muse- ums," Antiaues (August 1972), pp. 222-231; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 168, illus.; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 107, illus. p. 106; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 294, p. 173, illus.; N. Forti-Grazzini, II Patrimonio artistico del Quiri- nale: Gli Arazzi (Rome, 1994), vol. 2, nos. 170- 173, pp. 492-511; Katie Scott, The Rococo Interior: Decoration and Social Spaces in Early Eighteenth-Century Pans (New Haven, 1995), illus.; p. 25; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 11, pp. 106-119. 304. TAPESTRY, TH E ABANDONMENT OF PSYCHE, FROM TH E STORY OFPSYCHE SERIES Beauvais manufactory, circa 1741-1742 Woven after a painting by Francois Boucher, under the direction of Nicolas Besnier and Jean-Baptiste Oudry Wool and silk; modern cotton lining Signature f.Boucher woven at lower left. Height: 11 ft. 1 in. (337.8 cm); Wi dth: 9 ft. 3 V2 in. (282.2 cm) Accession number 63.DD.3 PROVENANCE Probably woven for M. d'Auriac, 1741-1742; Sir Anthony (Nathan) de Rothschild, Bt. (1810-1876), London; E. M. Hodgkms, Paris; [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty 1937. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jules Badin, La Manufacture de tapisseries de Beau- vais depuis ses origmes jusau nos jours (Paris, 1909), p. 60; J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eigh- teenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnum- beredpi. between pp. 66-67; J- Getty, Collectors Choice (London, 1955), pp. 64-65, 151; P. Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 132; Madeleine Jarry "A Wealth of Boucher Tapestries in American Museums," Antiaues (August 1972), pp. 222-231; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 107; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 168-169, his.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, fig. 1; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 297, p. 174, illus.; N. Forti-Grazzini, II Patrimonio artistico del Quirv nale: Gli Arazzi (Rome, 1994) vol. 2, nos. 170- 173, pp. 492-511; Bremer-David, ErenchTapes- tnes, no. 11, pp. 106-119. 304 305. TAPESTRY, PSYCHE AT CUPID'S PALACE, FROM T H E STORY OF PSYCHE SERIES Beauvais manufactory, circa 1741-1742 Woven after a painting by Francois Boucher, under the direction of Nicolas Besnier and Jean-Bap tiste Oudry Wool and silk; modern cotton lining Height: 11 ft. l / i in. (336.5 cm); Wi dth: 20 ft. V2 in. (610.9 c m ) Accession number 63. DD . 5 33 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 153 PROVENANCE Probably woven for M. d'Auriac, 1741-1742; Sir Anthony (Nathan) de Rothschild, Bt. (1810-1876), London; E. M. Hodgkms, Paris; [French and Co., New York]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1937. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jules Badin, La Manufacture- de tapissenes de Beauvais depuis scs ongines jusau'a nos jours (Paris, 1909), p. 60; J. Paul Getty, Europe in the Eigh- teenth Century (Chicago, 1949), lllus. unnum- bered pi. between pp. 66-67; J- P a u l Getty Collectors Choice (London, 1955), pp. 64-65, 151; P. Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 132; Madeleine Jarry "A Wealth of Boucher Tapestries in American Museums," Antiaues (August 1972), pp. 222-231; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 107; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 168-169, lllus.; Bre- mer-David, Summary, no. 299, p. 175, lllus.; N. Forti-Grazzim, II Patnmonio artistico del Quirmale: Gli Arazzi (Rome, 1994) vol. 2, nos. 170-173, pp. 492-511; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 11, pp. 106-119. 3 5 306. TAPESTRY, PSYCHE AT THE BASKETMAKERS, FROM THE STORY OF PSYCHE SERIES Beauvais manufactory, circa 1741-1770 Woven after a painting by Francois Boucher, under the direction of Nicolas Besnier and Jean-Baptiste Oudry or Andre Charlemagne Charron Wool and silk; modern cotton lining Signature fBoucher woven at lower left and the arms of France and Navarre at the top, center. Height: 11 ft. 3V2 in. (344. 1 cm); Wi dth: 8 ft. 3V4 in. (253. 3 c m ) Accession number 63.DD. 4 PROVENANCE Possibly one of a set of five tapestries commissioned by Louis xv and delivered to the Departement des Affaires Etr anger es; Edward Cecil Guinness, ist Earl of Iveagh (1847-1927), London; Walter Guinness, London; [Jacques Seligmann, Paris, by 1931]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1938. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jules Badm, La Manufacture de tapisseries de Beauvais depuis ses ongmes jusau'a nos jours (Paris, 1909), p. 60; J. Paul Getty, Collector's Choice (London, 1955), pp. 64-65, 151, lllus. unnum- bered pi. between pp. 160-161; P. Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century m the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 132; Madeleine Jarry, "A Wealth of Boucher Tapestries in American Museums," Antiaues (August 1972), pp. 222-231; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques/" p. 107, lllus. p. 106; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 168-169; Geraldine C. Huss- man, "Boucher s Psyche at the Basketmakers: A Closer Look," GettyMusJ 4 (1977), pp. 45- 50; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, lllus. p. 854, fig. 1; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 298, p. 174, lllus.; Katie Scott, The Rococo Interior: Decoration and Social Spaces in Early Eighteenth'Century Paris (New Haven, 1995), illus. p. 25; N. Forti-Grazzmi, 11 Patnmonio artistico del Quirinale: Gli Arazzi (Rome, 1994) vol. 2, nos. 170-173, pp. 492- 511; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 11, pp. 106-119. 306 154 FRENCH TAPESTRIES TAPESTRY, BACCHUS ET ARIANNE, BACCHUS CHANGE EN RAISIN, FROM T H E L OVE S OF THEGDS S E RI E S Beauvais manufactory; circa 1748-1770 Woven after cartoons by Francois Boucher, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Oudry and Nicolas Besnier or Andre Charlemagne Charron Wool and silk; linen interface and cotton lining Height: 11 ft. 10 in. (360.7 cm); Wi dth: 25 ft. 3 A in. (764 cm) Accession number 63.DD.6 PROVENANCE Possibly one of a set commisioned by Louis xv and delivered to the Departement des Affaires Etrangeres; royal family of Portugal (?); Jules Paul Porges, Portugal and later Paris; C. Ledyard Blair, New Jersey, by 1925; [French and Co., New York, 1937]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1937. EXHIBITIONS New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, French and English Art Treasures of the United States, Decern- ber 20-30,1942, no. 241, p. 39. BIBLIOGRAPHY M. Vaucaire, "Les Tapisseries de Beauvais," Les Arts (August 1902), p. 16, illus.; Jules Badm, La Manufacture de tapisseries de Beauvais depuis ses origmes jusaua nos jours (Paris, 1909), p. 61, illus.; George L. Hunter, "Beauvais- Boucher's Tapestries," Arts and Decoration (March 1919), p. 246; George L. Hunter, The Practical Book of Tapestries (Philadelphia, 1925), p. 173; George L. Hunter, "Americas Beauvais-Boucher Tapestries," International Studio (November 1926), pp. 26-28; Heinrich Gbel, Wandteppiche (Leipzig, 1923), vol. 2, 31 307 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 155 part l , p. 22"]; J. Paul Getty; Europe in the Eigh- teenth Century (Chicago, 1949), illus. unnum- bered pi. between pp. 66-6"]; J. Paul Getty; Collector's Choice (London, 1955), pp. 65-67, 151, illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 208- 209; P. Wescher, "French Furniture of the Eighteenth Century in the J. Paul Getty Museum," Art Quarterly 18, no. 2 (Summer 1955), p. 132, note 1; "Vmgt Mille Lieues dans les musees," Connaissance des arts 57 (November 1956), pp. 76-81, illus. p. 81; Erik Zahle, "Francois Boucher s dobbelte billedavaening," Det Danske Kunstmdustri- museumiVirhsomhed 3 (1959-1964), p. 68; Madeleine Jarry, "A Wealth of Boucher Tapestries in American Museums," Antiques (August 1972), p. 224, illus. p. 223, fig. 2; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 170-171, illus.; Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques/" p. 107; Edith A. Standen, "The Loves of the Gods," European Post-Medieval Tapestries and Hangings in the Metropolitan Museumof Art (New York, 1985), vol. 2, pp. 534-543; Edith Standen, "The Amours des Dieux: A Series of Beauvais Tapestries After Boucher," Metropolitan Museum of Art Journal 19/20 (1986), pp. 63-84, illus. p. 69; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 291, pp. 171-172, illus. p. 172; N. FortrGrazzmi, II Patrimonw artistico del Quirinale: Gli Arazzi (Rome, 1994), v l - 2 ; n o s - r H- r 77> PP- 5 1 2 - 530; C.J. Adelson, European Tapestry in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Minneapolis, 1994) no. 20, pp. 343-354; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 12, pp. 120-127. 3 o8. FOUR TAPESTRIES FROM TH E STORY OF DON QUI XOTE SERIES Gobelins manufactory, 1770-1773 Central narrative panels designed by Charles- Antome Coypel and the ahntours designed by Jean-Baptiste Belm de Fontenay Claude 111 Audran, Alexandre-Francois Desportes and Maurice Jacques; woven in the workshop of Michel Audran and Jean Audran Wool and silk; modern cotton linings DON QUIXOTTE GUERI DE SA FOLIE, PAR LA SAGES [sic]: Signature AUDRAN woven at bottom right corner, and AUDRAN. G1773 woven in the galon. Height: 11 ft. 10 in. (361 cm); Wi dth: 12 ft. 8 m. (386 cm) Accession number 82.DD.66 LE REPAS DE SANCHO, DANS LUE DE BARATARIA: Signature AUDRAN and date 1772 woven at the bottom right corner, and AUDRAN.G^r]72 woven in the galon. Height: 12 ft. 2 in. (371 cm); Wi dth: 16 ft. 7 in. (507.5 cm) Accession number 82.DD.67 ENTREE DE SANCHO DANS LILE DE BARATARIA [sic]: Signature AUDRAN woven at the bottom right corner, and AUDRAN. 1772 woven in the galon. Height: 12 ft. 1 in.. (368 cm); Wi dth: 13 ft. 7 in. (414 cm) Accession number 82.DD. 68 POLTRONERIE DE SANCHO A LA CHASSE [sic]: Signature AUDRAN woven in the bottom right corner, and AUDRAN.G. 1772 woven in the galon. Height: 12 ft. 1 in. (368 cm); Wi dth: 13 ft. 4 in. (406 cm) Accession number 82.DD.69 PROVENANCE Given by Louis xvi on August 20, 1786, to Albert and Marie-Christine (sister of Marie Antoinette), Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Teschen, Joint Governors of the Aus- trian Netherlands; Karl Ludwig Johann Joseph Lorenz, Duke of Teschen, 1822; Albrecht Friedrich Rudolf, Duke of Teschen, 1847; Friedrick Maria Albrecht Wilhelm Karl, Duke of Teschen, Schloss Haltburn, Burgenland, Austria, 1895, and removed by him to London, 1936; Alice Bucher, Lucerne, Switzerland (offered for sale, Sotheby's, London, December 8, 1967, lot 1, bought in); [Galerie Rmer, Zurich, 1981] (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 14, 1982, no. 571). BIBLIOGRAPHY Maurice Fenaille, Etat general des tapisseries de la Manufacture des Gobelins (Pans, 1904), vol. 3, pp. 237 ff.; Heinrich Gbel, Wandteppiche (Leipzig, 1928), vol. 2, part 1, p. 163; "Aus dem kunsthandel," Alte und Moderne Kunst 97 (March/April 1968), no. 97, p. 55, illus.; Bremer-David, "Acquisitions 1982," no. 11, pp. 60-66, illus.; Wilson, Selections, no. 36, pp. 72-73, illus. (82.'DD.68 only); Edith A. Standen, "The Memorable Judgment of San- cho," European Post-Medieval Tapestries and Hang- ings in the Metropolitan Museumof Art (New York, 1985), vol. 1, pp. 369-375; Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic Inte- rior: Renaissance to ArtNouveau (London, 1991), illus. p. 114, fig. 369 (82.DD.67 only); Bremer- David, Summary, no. 300, p. 175, illus. p. 176; N. Forti-Grazzmi, It Patrimonio artistico del Qui- nnale: Gli Arazzi (Rome, 1994) v o ^ 2 > n o s - 1 43 _ 149, pp. 392-415; Bremer-David, French Tapestries, no. 6, pp. 40-53, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 92, pp. 116-117, ^his- (82.DD. 68 only); Handlook 2001, p. 224, illus. (82.DD.67 only). 156 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 1,0^ LEntree deSancho 308 La Poltronnene de Sancho 308 Don SLuixotttgptri de sa folic 3 o 8 u R e p f l 5 k S m c h o FRENCH TAPESTRIES 157 309. FOUR HANGINGS FROM LES TENTURES DE FRANQOIS BOUCHER SERIES Gobelins manufactory, circa 1775-1778 Central scenes after paintings by Francois Boucher; alentours after designs by Maurice Jacques and Louis Tessier; woven under the direction of Jacques Neilson Wool and silk; modern linen linings Diana and Callisto, Vertumnus and Pomona: Sig- nature nalson. ex. woven at lower right, and fBoucher in the medallion of Vertumnus and Pomona. Height: 12 ft. 7 Vs in. (385. 4 cm); Wi dth: 20 ft. 7V4 in. (628. 6 cm) Accession number "j1.DD.466 Venus on the Waters: Signature neilson. ex. woven at lower right and {Boucher above the date 1766 in the medallion. Height: 12 ft. 67s m. (382. 9 cm); Wi dth: 10 ft. 4V4 in. (316.5 cm) Accession number 71.DD. 467 Venus and Vulcan: Signature neilson, ex. woven at lower right. Height: 12 ft. 7V2 in. (384. 8 cm); Wi dth: 16 ft. 3V4 in. (497. 8 cm) Accession number 71.DD. 468 Aurora and Cephalus: Signature neilson, ex. woven at lower right and {Boucher in the medallion. Height: 12 ft. in. (383. 5 cm); Wi dth: 10 ft. 2V4 in. (311.5 cm) Accession number 71.DD. 469 PROVENANCE Given by Louis xvi in 1782 to the Grand Duke Paul Petrovitch (later Czar Paul 1) and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna of Russia; hung at the Palace of Pavlovsk (near St. Peters- burg) until circa 1931 (sold by the Soviet government, 1931); [Duveen Brothers, New York]; Norton Simon (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, May 8, 1971, lot 233); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. EXHIBITIONS Pennsylvania, The Allentown Art Museum, Great Periods of Tapestry, February 1961 (71. DD.466 only). BIBLIOGRAPHY Maurice Fenaille, Etat general des tapisseries de la Manufacture des Gobelins (Paris, 1907), vol. 4, pp. 285-287, illus.; Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, "Descriptions of the Grand Pal- ace of Pavlovsk, 1795," Les Tresors d'art en Rwssie (St. Petersburg, 1907), vol. 3,1903, p. 375 illus., pis. 116-118, pp. 349-350; George Leyland Hunter, The Practical Book of Tapestries (Philadelphia, 1925), p. 190; Martin Conway, Art Treasures in Soviet Rwssia (London, 1925), p. 125; Phyllis Ackerman, Tapestry: the Mirror of Civilization (New York, 1933); p. 277, pi. 45; Edith Standen, "The Tapestry Room from Croome Court," Decorative Art from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the Metropolitan Museumof Art (London, 1964), p. 52; Madeleine Jarry "A Wealth of Boucher Tapestries in American Museums," Antiaues (August 1972), pp. 222- 231; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, pp. 172-173, illus; Edward Fowles, Memories of Duveen Brothers (London, 1976), pp. 195, 198, illus. unnumbered pi. between pp. 104-105; Wilson, Selections, no. 38, pp. 76-77, illus.; Edith A. Standen, "Croome Court Tapes- tries," European Post-Medieval Tapestries and Hang- ings in the Metropolitan Museumof Art (New York, 1985), vol. 1, p. 397; Edith Standen, "Bou- cher as a Tapestry Designer," Francois Boucher 1703-1770 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1986), pp. 325-333; PavloskThe Palace and the Park, E. Ducamp, ed. (Pans, 1993), p. 53, illus.; N. M. Verchmia, "Silks, Tapestries, and Embroideries," Pavlosk: The Col- lections (Paris, 1993); p- 120; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 301, p. 177, illus. p. 178; Bremer- David, French Tapestries, no. 7, pp. 54-69. 158 FRENCH TAPESTRIES 39 Diana and Callisto, Vcrtumnus and Pomona 39 Venws o n the Waters 309 Venus and Vulcan 309 Aurora and Ce^halus FRENCHDECORATIVE DRAWINGS 159 ^DECORATIVE DRAW INGS M - 1115 310. DRAWING FOR A WA L L LIGHT Paris, circa 1760-1780 Attributed to Pierre Contant dl vry Pen and ink on paper Inscribed (recto) in ink in the lower right (S) Girandolle de dessus la chem[mee] f... ? J/ de Jeu dans l'Elevation No. 6 Inscribed (verso) in graphite Bachelier and below, in mk, F. A. Maglin 1902. Inscribed in graphite on separate rectangles glued to the reverse Ir and Thre Van Thulden. Unidentified watermark. Height: 10V16 in. (26. 5 cm); Wi dth: 6 3 A in. (17.1 cm) Accession number 86. GA.692 PROVENANCE F. A. Maglm, 1902; [Francois-Gerard Selig- mann, Pans]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 105, p. 213, lllus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 303, p. 179, illus. DRAWING FOR A WAL L LIGHT Paris, circa 1775 Attributed to Jean-Louis Prieur Pen and black ink and wash on paper Unidentified watermark. Height: 11 3 A in. (29. 9 cm); Wi dth: 8 1 / (20. 7 cm) Accession number 7 9. GA . 17 9 PROVENANCE Maison Odiot, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, November 26, 1979, no. 609). 310 l 6 o FRENCH DECORATIVE DRAW INGS BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid- 1980," item B, p. 12, illus.; Ottomeyer and Prschel, Vergoldete- Bronzen, vol. 1, pp. 173-174, fig. 3.5.3; Jonathan Bourne and Vanessa Brett, Lighting in the Domestic Interior: Renaissance to Art Nouveau (London, 1991), illus. p. 110, fig. 353; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 304, p. 180, illus. 3 1 1 312. DRAW I NG FOR A EW ER Paris, circa 1775-1780 Attributed to Robert-Joseph Auguste Pen and brown ink and brown and gray wash on paper Unidentified watermark. Height: 1 ft. 3 1 3 /16 in. (40.2 cm); Wi dth: 10 V16 in. (25.6 cm) Accession number 7 9. GA . 180 PROVENANCE Maison Odiot, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, November 26, 1979, no. 610). 312 BIBLIOGRAPHY Claude Fregnac et al., Les Grands Orfevres de Louis xi i i Charles x (Collection Connais- sance des arts, Paris, 1965), p. 194, illus.; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," item B, p. 12, illus.; Savill, Sevres, vol. 1, p. 469; note 7, p. 475; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 305, p. 180, illus. 3*3- DRAW I NG FOR URNS AND VASES Paris, circa 1780 Pen and black ink and gray, black, and brown wash on paper Inscribed Salembier in pencil (perhaps a later attribution to Henri Salembier). Unidentified watermarks. Height: 1 ft. 8 1 3 / i 6 in. (52.9 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 6 1 5 /16 in. (109.5 c m ) Accession number 79.GA. 178 PROVENANCE Maison Odiot, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, November 26, 1979, no. 584). BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," item A, p. 11, illus.; Bremer -David, Summary, no. 306, pp. 180-181, illus. p. 181. 3*3 FRENCHDECORATIVE DRAWINGS 161 3M 3M- DRAWING FOR AN INKSTAND Paris, circa 1780 Attributed to Robert-Joseph Auguste Pen and black ink and blue and yellow wash on paper Unidentified watermark. Height: 1 ft. 5 V16 in. (44 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 3 V16 in. (38. 9 cm) Accession number "79.GA.181 PROVENANCE Maison Odiot, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, November 26, 1979, no. 612). BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," item E, p. 16, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 307, p. 181, illus. 3!5- DRAWING FOR A WI NE COOLER Paris, circa 1785-1790 Attributed to Jean-Guillaume Moitte Pen and black ink and gray wash on paper Stamped wi th J. B. C. Odiot No. at lower right and inked wi th 228. Bears an unidentified watermark. Height: 1 ft. 2 Vie in. (36. 6 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. V2 in. (31.8 cm) Accession number 79. GA. 182 PROVENANCE Maison Odiot, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, November 26,1979, no. 627). BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1979 to mid-1980," item D, pp. 14-15, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 308, p. 182, illus. 3^ This page intentionally left blank TART I I . ARCHITECTURAL W OODW ORK, CERAMICS, CLOCKS, FURNITURE, GLASS, IVORY, METALW ORK, MOSAICS, SCAGLIOLA, TEXTI LES 164 ARCHITECTURAL W OODW ORK G E R M A N / CERAMICS A U S T R I A N . ARCHI TECTURAL W OODW ORK German (CERAMICS Austrian 316. FLOOR German (?), circa 1725 Pine veneered wi th king wood, lois satiric, sycamore, tulipwood, and olive Length: 10 ft. 11 in. (332.7 cm); Wi dth: 9 ft. 11 in. (302.2 cm) Accession number 78.DH. 360.1-.4 PROVENANCE The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, deaccessioned, 1970; [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York, 1970]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 10, p. 46, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 402, p. 232, illus. 3*7 317. CUP AND SAUCER (TREMBLEUSE) Vienna, Du Paquier manufactory circa 1740 Hard-paste porcelain, black enamel decora- tion, gilding Cup: Height: 2 V4 in. (7.1 cm); Wi dth: 3V8 in. (9.2 cm); Depth: 2V16 in. (6.2 cm); Saucer: Height: i 3 /s in. (3.5 cm); Wi dth: 6 n / i 6 in. (17 cm); Depth: 4V4 in. (12.2 cm) Accession number 85.DE. 375.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sold, Christie's, London, December 5, 1983, lot 177; [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GcttyMus] 14 (1986), no. 181, p. 239, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 460, p. 262, illus. 3 1 6 C H I N E S E CERAMICS 165 Chi mese 318 One of three 318. GARNITURE OF THREE LIDDED VASES AND Two OPEN VASES Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decoration Lidded Vases: Height: 1 ft. V2 in. (31.8 cm); Diameter: 10 3 A in. (27.3 cm); Open Vases: Height: 11 V8 in. (28. 3 cm); Diameter: 5 in. (12.7 cm) Accession number 72. DE . 72. 1-. 5 PROVENANCE Dukes of Northumberland (probably sold circa 1910); [Ralph Chait, New York and London, 1970s]; [Neil Sellin, New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 490, p. 284, illus.; Carolyn Sargentson, Merchants and Lux- ury Markets: The Marchands Meraers of Eighteenth- Century Pans (Malibu, 1996), pi. 35, p. 67. 318 One of two 319. GARNITURE OF THREE LIDDED VASES AND Two OPEN VASES Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decoration Each vase marked underneath in underglaze blue for the earlier Ming dynasty (Chenghua reign, 1465-1487). Lidded Vases: Height: 9V8 in. (24. 4 cm); Diameter: 7 1 3 / i 6 in. (19.9 cm); Open Vases: Height: 10 V4 in. (26 cm); Diameter: 5 in. (12.7 cm) Accession number 93. DE.36. 1-. 5 PROVENANCE [The Oriental Art Gallery Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1993," GettyMus] 22 (1994), no. 10, p. 65 illus. 319 One of thn 319 One of two l 66 CERAMICS C H I N E S E 320. LIDDED VASE Chinese; Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration Height: 11V8 in."(2.8.4 c m )> Diameter: 9 Vs in. (24. 5 cm) Accession number 97. DE, 14 PROVENANCE [The Oriental Art Gallery Ltd., London, 1997] 321 One of a fair 321. PAIR OF LIDDED VASES Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decoration Height: 1 ft. 5 in. (43. 2 cm); Diameter: 10 in. (25. 4 cm) Accession number 72. DE.73. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Dukes of Northumberland (probably sold circa 1910); [Ralph Chait, New York and London, 1970s]; [Neil Sellin, New York, 1972]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Meubles 'Baroques,'" p. 106, illus.; Fredericksen et al., Getty Museum, p. 145, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 491, p. 284, illus. 322 322. LIDDED VASE Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decoration Height: 1 ft. 11V2 in. (59. 7 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 2V4 in. (37. 5 cm) Accession number 86. DE.629 PROVENANCE [Spink and Son, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986/' GettyMus J 15 (1987), no. 97, p. 210, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 492, p. 285, illus. 320 C H I N E S E CERAMICS l6~] 323 323. LIDDED VASE Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decoration Painted underneath wi th a mark of the Mmg dynasty (Jiajmg reign, 1522-1566) m under- glaze blue. Height: 11 Vs in. (30.2 cm); Diameter: 4V2 in. (11.4 cm) Accession number 85.DE. 414 PROVENANCE [Spink and Son, Ltd., London]. 3 2 4- LIDDED VASE Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722) Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decoration Painted underneath wi th a leaf in under- glaze blue. Height: 1 ft. 5V2 in. (44.5 cm); Diameter: 8V2 in. (21.6 cm) Accession number 85.DE. 46 PROVENANCE [Spmk and Son, Ltd., London, 1985]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "AcquisitionsA985," GatyMus] 14 (1986), no. 182, p. 239, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 494, p- 285, illus. 325 One of a-pair 3 2 5- PAIR OFLIDDED VASES Chinese, Yongzheng reign, circa 1730 Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration Each vase bears a label, pasted within the lip, printed wi th FONTHILL HEIRLOOMS and wi th the inventory number 670/3. Height: 2 ft. 3 A in. (62.9 cm); Diameter: l ft. 1 in. (33 cm) Accession number 72.DE. 62.1-.2 PROVENANCE Lord Loch of Drylawn (?), Edinburgh; Alfred Morrison, Fonthill House, Wiltshire; John Greville Morrison, Lord Margadale of Islay Fonthill House, by descent (sold, Christie s, London, June 5, 1972, lot 29); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 496, p. 286, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A985," GcttyMus] 14 (i< no. 183, p. 239, illus.; Bremer-David, Si mary, no. 493, p. 285, illus. 3 2 4 l 68 CERAMICS C H I N E S E / E N G L I S H / G E R M A N 326. FIGURE OF AN ELEPHANT Chinese, Qianlong reign (1736-1795) Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Height: 1 ft. 9V4 in. (55. 2 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 1 V2 in. (34. 2 cm); Depth: 10 in. (25. 4 cm) Accession number 72. DE.61 PROVENANCE George Christie (sold, Christies, London, June 5,1972, lot 24); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anthony du Boulay, Christus Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics (New Jersey, 1984), p. 297, fig. 7, illus.; "A J. Paul Getty Museum Sampler," Zooview (Winter 1985/86), p. 11, illus.; Wi l l i am R. Sargent, The Copeland Collection (Salem, Massachusetts, 1991), p. 244, fig. 123a, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 497, p. 286, illus.; Pratapaditya Pal, "Getty and Asian Art," Orientations (April 1998), pp. 58-63, p. 58, illus. 326 English 3 2 7 327. A SHEPHERD WITH HIS DOG Derby porcelain manufactory, circa 1795 Modeled by Johann Jakob Wilhelm Spngier Biscuit porcelain Incised wi th a crown, crossed batons, and the D mark for the Derby manufactory (the manu- factory s mark as of 1784), wi th no. 396, and wi th a triangle for the repairer Joseph Hi l l . Height: 1 ft. l /i in. (32 cm) Accession number 99. DE.45 PROVENANCE [E. and H. Manners, London]. German 328. PAIR OF STOVE TILES Tile . 1: Alexander the Great; Tile . 2: Nimrod Nuremberg, mid-seventeenth century By Georg Leupold Lead-glazed earthenware Inscribed wi th ALEXAND MAG and NIMROD ASSYRIORUM. Height: (each, framed): 2 ft. 4 in. (71.1 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 10 V2 in. (57. 2 cm); Height: (each, unframed): 2 ft. 2 in. (66 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 8 in. (51 cm); Depth: 3V8 in. (8 cm) Accession number 98. DE.6. 1-. 2 PROVENANCE Private collection, New York; [Blumka Gallery, New York]. 328 Alexanderlhcihxat 328 Nimrod G E R M A N CERAMICS 169 329. WI NE BOTTLE Meissen manufactory, circa 1710-1715 By Johann Friedrich Bttger; modeled by Johann Donner Stoneware Painted underneath wi th the black Johanneum mark 232. over R. and impressed wi th the modeler's mark. Height: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm); Wi dth: 4V8 in. (11.1 cm); Depth: 3V4 in. (9.5 cm) Accession number 85.DE.231 PROVENANCE Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony (1670-1733), Japanese Palace, Dresden (sold, Rudolph Lepke s Kunst-Auctions-Haus, Berlin, October 12-14, 1 9 2 ^ n o - 59 o r 60); Ludwig Neugass (died 1983), (sold by his daughter Carolyn Neugass, Wi l l i am Doyle Galleries, New York, January 25,1984, lot 304, one of a pair); [Kate Foster, Ltd., England, 1985]. EXHIBITIONS The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, September 1987-September 1993. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GcttyMus] 14 (1986), no. 201, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 409, p. 236, illus. 329 330. STANDING CUP AND COVER Meissen manufactory, circa 1710-1715 Attributed to Johann Friedrich Bttger Stoneware; silver-gilt mounts 33 Height: 9 Vs in. (25 cm); Diameter: 4V16 in. (11 cm) Accession number 85.Di.286 PROVENANCE [Bent Peter Bronee, Copenhagen]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GcttyMus] 14 (1986), no. 202, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 410, p. 236, illus. 33 1 - TEAPOT Meissen manufactory, circa 1715-1720 Attributed to Johann Friedrich Bttger Stoneware; silver-gilt mounts and chain Height: 5V2 in. (14 cm); Wi dth: 6 3 /16 in. (15.4 cm); Depth: 4 Vs in. (12.4 cm) Accession number 85.DI.287 PROVENANCE [Bent Peter Bronee, Copenhagen]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GcttyMus] 14 (1986), no. 203, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 411, p. 237, illus. 33 1 170 CERAMICS G E R M A N LEAF-SHAPED DISH Porcelain: Meissen manufactory, circa 1715-1720 Painted decoration: Breslau, circa 1715-1725 Painting attributed to Ignaz Preissler Hard-paste porcelain, painted decoration, gilding Height: 1 Vi6 in. (4 cm); Wi dth: 3 V4 in, (8.3 cm); Depth: 4V8 i n. (11.1 cm) Accession number 86.DE.541 PROVENANCE Dr. Marcel Nyffeler, Switzerland (sold, Christies, London, June 9,1986, lot 183). BIBLIOGRAPHY Maureen Cassidy-Geiger^ "Two Pieces of Porcelain Decorated by Ignaz Preissler in the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus] 15 (1987), pp. 3552, figs, loa-e; "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 111, p. 215, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 412, p. 237, illus. 33 2 333 FIGURE (BELTRAME DI MILANO [?]) Meissen manufactory, circa 1720 Hard-paste porcelain Height: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm); Wi dth: 2 n / i 6 in. (6.8 cm); Depth: 2 5 /s in. (6.5 cm) Accession number 86.DE.542 PROVENANCE Dr. Marcel Nyffeler, Switzerland (sold, Christie's, London, June 9,1986, lot 21). BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 112, p. 215, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, , no. 413, p. 237, illus. 334 334- WI NE POT Meissen manufactory, circa 1725 Painting attributed to the studio of Johann Gregor Hroldt Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Height: 5V2 in. (14 cm); Wi dth: 6 n / i 6 in. (17 cm); Depth: 3 l /i in. (8.9 cm) Accession number 85.DE.381 PROVENANCE Private collection, Torquay, England (sold, Bearne s Auction House, Torquay May 2, 1984, lot 224); [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 204, pp. 247-248, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 414, p. 238, illus. 333 332 G E R M A N CERAMICS 171 335 335 BELL Meissen manufactory, circa 1725-1730 Painting attributed to trie studio of Johann Gregor Hroldt Hard-paste porcelain, mauve and pale green ground colors, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Height: 3V8 in. (8.6 cm); Diameter: 2V16 in. (6.5 cm) Accession number 85. DE . 203 PROVENANCE Erich von Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Frankfurt am Main; Christoph Hoffman-Frey Zurich, by 1982; [Lovice Reviczky A. G, Zurich]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A985," GcttyMus] 14 (1986), no. 205, p. 248, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 415, p. 238, illus. 336. ASSEMBLED SET OF FIVE VASES Meissen manufactory, circa 1730 Painting attributed to Johann Gregor Hroldt; largest vase molded by Andreas Schiefer Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Each vase is painted under its base wi th the blue AR monogram of Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony (1670-1733). Largest l i d- ded vase is incised wi th Schiefer s mark of a cross wi th four dots. Lidded Vase . 1: Height: 1 ft. 2 1 1 /16 in. (37.3 cm); Wi dth: 9V2 in. (24.1 cm); Lidded Vases .2-.3: Height: 1 ft. n / 16 in. (32.2 cm); Wi dth: 7V8 in. (19.4 cm); Open Vases .4-.5: Height: 10 Vs in. (27.6 cm); Wi dth: 7 in. (17.8 cm) Accession number 83.DE.334.1-.5 PROVENANCE Private collection (sold, Sotheby's, London, March 5, 1957, lot 123); [The Antique Porce- lain Co., London, 1957]; Alamagna family, Milan, 1961-1982; [The Antique Porcelain Co., London, 1982]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sassoon, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 16, pp. 217-222, illus.; "Acquisitions/1983," Gctty- Mus] 12 (1984), no. 18, pp. 267-268, illus.; Jackson-Stops, "Boulle by the Beach," pp. 854-856, illus. p. 854, hg. 1; Handbook 1986, p. 153, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 416, pp. 238-239, illus, p. 239. 3 3 6 CERAMICS G E R M A N 337 Oncoj'apair R OF LIDDED VASES Vases: Meissen manufactory, before 1733 Lids: Possibly Meissen porcelain replace- ments, circa 1760 One vase probably molded by Rehschuch Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding Each vase is painted under its base wi th the blue AR monogram of Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony (1670-1733); each is incised wi th a cross under the base; one vase is incised wi th a simple cross (probably the mark of the molder Rehschuch), the other wi th a cross hatched at each extension. Height: 1 ft. 2 in. (35.5 cm); Diameter: 7Vs in. (20.1 cm) Accession number 73.DE.65.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, Zurich (sold, Sotheby's, London, March 27,1973, lot 39); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 417, p. 239, illus. 338. EWER AND BASIN Meissen manufactory, circa 1740 Painting attributed to the studio of Christian Frederich Herold Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding The ewer and basin are both painted beneath wi th the crossed swords in blue of the Meis- sen manufactory; both are impressed wi th the number 27. Ewer: Height: 8V2 in. (21.2 cm); Wi dth: 8V4 in. (20.6 cm); Depth: 4V4 in. (10.5 cm); Basin: Height: 2 Vs in. (7.3 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. V2 in. (31.8 cm); Depth: 10 in. (25.5 cm) Accession number 84.DE.918.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sir Hugh Smithson, ist Duke of Northumber- land and Earl Percy (1714-1786); by descent to Algernon Heber-Percy (sold, Christie's, London, October 30,1967, lot 154); Dr. and Mrs. E. Pauls-Eisenbeiss (sold, Christie's, Geneva, November 12,1976, no. 197); (anony- mous sale, Christie's, London, June 25, 1979, lot 177); private collection, London 338 Basin 338 Ewer 337 G E R M A N CERAMICS 173 (sold, Christie 's, London, December 3, 1984, lot 275, to [The Antique Porcelain Co., London]). BIBLIOGRAPHY Dr. Erika Pauls-Eisenbeiss, German Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century (London, 1972), vol. 1, pp. 484-487; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 67, p. 183, illus.; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 418, p. 240, illus. 339 Vase.i 339- PAIR OF VASES MOUNTED WITH FLOWERS Vases: Meissen manufactory, before 1733 Flowers: French (Paris, possibly Vmcennes manufactory), circa 1745-1750 Mounts: French (Paris), circa 1745-1749 Hard-paste porcelain vases and polychrome enamel decoration; soft-paste porcelain flow- ers; gilt-bronze mounts Each vase is painted on the base wi th the blue AR monogram of Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony (1670-1733). Mounts struck wi th the crowned C for 1745-1749. Height: 1 ft. 3V8 in. (39.7 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 3V8 in. (38.3 cm); Depth: 1 ft. i 3 /s in. (34 cm) Accession number 79.DI.59.1-.2 339 Vase.2 PROVENANCE Consuelo Vanderbilt (Mme Jacques Balsan); [Matthew Schutz, Ltd., New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 419, pp. 240- 241, illus. p. 240. 340. GROUP OF "JAPANESE" FIGURES Meissen manufactory, circa 1745 Model by Johann Joachim Kandier Hard-paste porcelain, polychrome enamel decoration, gilding; gilt-bronze mounts Any marks that might be under the base are concealed by the irremovable gilt- bronze mount. Height: 1 ft. 5 3 / 4 i n . (45.1 cm); Wi dth: n 5 / 8 in. (29.5 cm); Depth: 8 9 /16 in. (21.7 cm) Accession number 83.DI . 271 3 4 0 174 CERAMICS G E R M A N / I T A L I A N PROVENANCE Figure group: private collection, Europe (sold, Sotheby's, London, March 2, 1982, lot 168); [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London, 1982]. Parasol: Paul Schnyder von Wartensee, Switzerland; [Winifred Williams, Ltd., Lon- don, 1982]. BIBLIOGRAPHY M. A. Pfeiffer, "Em Beitrag zur Quellen- geschichte des Europischen Porzellans," Werden und Wirken: Ein Festgruss fr Karl W. Hiersemann (Leipzig, 1924), pp. 267-287; Sas- soon, "Acquisitions 1983," no. 17, pp. 222- 224, illus.; "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 19, p. 268, illus.; "Some Acqui- sitions (1983-1984) in the Department of Decorative Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum," Burlington Magazine 126, no. 975 (June 1984), pp. 384-388, illus. p. 388, fig. 80; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 420, p. 241, illus.; Hand- hook 2001, p. 202, illus. BOWL Porcelain: Chinese, Kangxi reign (1662-1722), circa 1700 Painted decoration: German (Breslau), circa 1715-1720 Painted decoration attributed to Ignaz Preissler Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue and black enamel painted decoration, gilding Height: 2 7 /s in. (7.3 cm); Diameter: 5V8 in. (14.9 cm) Accession number 86.DE. 738 PROVENANCE Octave du Sartel, Paris, before 1881 (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, June 4-9,1894, n o - 1 5 1 ^ Familie von Parpart (?), Berlin (sold, Lepke, Berlin, March 18-22,1912, no. 488, pi. 39); Des Nordbhmischen Gewerbemuseums, Reichenberg (now Liberec, Czech Republic), 1912; private collection, Germany; [Kate Fos- ter, Ltd., London, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Zeitschrift des Nordlhmischen Gewerhemuseums: Neue folge: vn Jahrgang, no. 3, U. 4 (1912), no. 3, P 95 > Gustave E. Pazaurek, Deutsche Fayence- und Porzellan-Hausmaler (Leipzig, 1925), vol. 1, p. 214; Maureen Cassidy-Geiger, "Two Pieces of Porcelain Decorated by Ignaz Preissler in the J. Paul Getty Museum," GettyMus J 15 (1987), pp. 35-52, figs, la-h; "Acquisitions/ 1986," GettyMus J 15 (1987), no. 110, p. 215, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 421, pp. 241-242, illus. p. 241. Italian 342. GREEN-PAINTED JUG WITH A BIRD Southern Tuscany or possibly Northern Lazio, early fifteenth century Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 9V8 in. (25 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 V-4 in. (9.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 6 3 /s in. (16.2 cm) Accession number 84.DE.95 PROVENANCE Private collection, the Netherlands; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GetfryMusJ 13 (1985), no. 155, pp. 239-240, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 3, pp. 17-19; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 334, p. 197, illus. 34 2 343- RELIEF-BLUE JAR WITH HARPIES AND BIRDS Florence or possibly Siena, circa 1420-1440 Possibly the workshop of Piero di Mazzeo (Maseo, Mazeo) Tin-glazed earthenware Marked wi th a three-runged ladder sur- mounted by a cross painted on each side and what appears to be a P, possibly intertwined wi th a backward C, below each handle. Height: 1 ft. ! A in. (31.1 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5V8 in. (14.3 cm); Maximum Wi dth: i1V4.n1. (29.8 cm) Accession number 85.DE.56 PROVENANCE Wilhelm von Bode, Berlin, by 1898, sold to K. Glogowski; Kurt Glogowski, Berlin (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 8,1932, lot 58, to A. Lederer); August Lederer (died 1936), Vienna; by inheritance to his widow Serena Lederer (died i943),Vienna; confiscated from Lederer's collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted to her son Erich Lederer by the Austrian government, 1947; Erich Lederer (1889-1985), Geneva; by inheritance to his widow Elizabeth Lederer, 1985; Elizabeth Lederer, Geneva. 341 341 I T A L I A N CERAMICS 175 EXHIBITIONS Berlin, Kunstgeschichtliche Gesselschaft, Austeilung von Kunstwerken des Mittelalters under der Renaissance aus Berliner Privatbesitz, May 20- July 3, 1808, pl. 48, flg. 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY Henry Wallis, Oak-Leaf Jars: A Fifteenth-Century Italian Ware Showing Moresco Influence (London, 1903), p. 35, illus. p. 9, fig. 7; Wilhelm yon Bode, Die Anfnge der Majolikakunst in Toskana (Berlin, 1911), pl. 14; Joseph Chompret, Reper- toire de la majoliaue italienne, vol. 2 (Paris, 1949), fig. 648; Galeazzo Cora, Storiadeltamaiolicadi Firenze e del contado del xiv e del xv secolo (Flor- ence, 1973), Vol. 1, p. 76; Vol. 2, pis. 61-62, 63c; Giovanni Conti, L'Arte delta maiolica in Italia, 2nd ed. (Milan, 1980), pis. 45-46; Anna Moore Valeri, "Florentine 'Zaffera a Rilievo' Maiolica: A New Look at the 'Orien- tal Influence,'" Archaeologia Medievale 2 (1984), pp. 477-500, fig. 4b; "Acquisitions/ 1985," GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 211, p. 251, illus.; Handbook 1991, p. 200, illus.; Giovanni Conti et al., Zaffera et similia nella maiolica ita- liana (Viterbo, 1991), pp. 17-18, and p. 265, fig. 151; Hess, Maiolica, no. 5, pp. 23-25; David H. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p- 47; illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 335, p. 197, illus. 343 344 344- RELIEF-BLUE JAR WITH A FISH Florence, circa 1420-1440 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 1 3 /16 in. (9.7 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 4 1 3 /16 in. (12.2 cm) Accession number 85.DE.57 PROVENANCE Luigi Grassi, Florence, sold to A. Lederer; August Lederer (died 1936), Vienna; by inheri- tance to his widow Serena Lederer (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Lederer's collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted to her son Erich Lederer by the Austrian government, 1947; Erich Lederer (1889-1985), Geneva; by inheritance to his widow Elizabeth Led- erer, 1985; Elizabeth Lederer, Geneva. BIBLIOGRAPHY John Rothenstein, "Shorter Notices: Two Pieces of Italian Pottery," Burlington Magazine 85 (August 1944), p. 205, pl. C; Galeazzo Cora, Storia delta maiolica di Firenze e del contado del xiv e del xv secolo (Florence, 1973), vol. 1, p. 78; vol. 2, fig. 83c; Giovanni Conti, L'Arte delta maiolica in Italia, 2nd ed. (Milan, 1980), no. 48; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 213, p. 251, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 6, pp. 26-27; Giovanni Conti et al., %af- fera et similia nella maiolica italiana (Viterbo, 1991), p. 258, fig. 97; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 336, p. 198, illus. GREEN-PAINTED DISH WITHAN INTERLACE PATTERN Florence area or Montelupo, circa 1425-1440 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 1 3 A in. (4.4 cm); Diameter: 9 1 5 /16 in. (25.3 cm) Accession number 84.DE.94 PROVENANCE Alfred Prmgsheim, Munich, by 1913; con- fiscated from Prmgsheim's collection by the Nazis and exported in 1938 to London in exchange for permitting Mr. and Mrs. Prmgs- heim to emigrate to Switzerland (sold, Sothe- by's, London, July 19,1939, lot 201, to E. L. Paget); E. L. Paget, London; A. Kauffmann, London; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Otto von Falke, Majolikasammlung Prmgsheim in Mnchen (The Hague, 1914-1923), vol. 1, p. 4, fig. 4; Galeazzo Cora, Storia della maiolica di Firenze e del contado del xiv e del xv secolo (Flor- ence, 1973), vol. 2, no. 5od, pl. 50; "Acqui- sitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 152, p. 239, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. /[, pp. 20-22; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 337, p. 198, illus. 3 4 5 3 4 5 176 CERAMICS I T A L I A N 346. RELI EF-BLUE JAR W I TH RAMPANT LIONS Florence, circa 1425-1450 Tm-glazed earthenware Marked wi th a six-pointed asterisk below each handle. Height: 1 ft. 3 V2 in. (39.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): ,-"7" 5 / 8 in. (193 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 1 ft. 3 3 A in. (40 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 97 PROVENANCE Count Alessandro Contini-Bonacossi, Villa Vittoria, Florence, sold to N. Longari; [Nella Longari, Milan, sold to R. Zietz]; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Galeazzo Cora, Storia della maiohca di Firenze e del contado dd xiv e dd xv secolo (Florence, 1973), vol. 1, pp. 83, 457; vol. 2, pi. 112; "Acquisi- ti ons/i x^/' GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 157, p. 240, illus.; Hess,'Maiolica, no. 7, pp. 28- 30; Giovanni Conti et al., Zaffera et similia nella maiolica italiana (Viterbo, 1991), p. 254, fig. 59; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 338, pp. 198-199, illus. p. 199; Masterpieces, no. 2, p. 9, illus. 341 RELI EF-BLUE JAR W I TH RUNNING BOARS Florence, circa 1430 Tin-glazed earthenware Painted wi th a copper green and manganese purple crutch on each handle and marked wi th a six-pointed asterisk surrounded by dots below each handle. Height: 9 Vs in. (25 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 1 5 /16 in. (12.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 9V8 in. (24.5 cm) Accession number 84. DE. 98 PROVENANCE According to Sir Thomas Ingilby, possibly acquired by Sir John Ingilby while he was in Italy in 1743, though certainly at Ripley Castle for several generations; by inheritance to Sir Joslan Ingilby Bt., Ripley Castle, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England (offered for sale, Sotheby's, London, July 2,1974, lot 261, withdrawn because of the sudden death of Sir Joslan Ingilby in June 1974); by inheri- tance to Sir Thomas Ingilby, Ripley Castle, North Yorkshire (sold, Sotheby's, London, Apri l 14, 1981, lot 13, to R. Zietz); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY G. Norman, "Documented History Helps Jar to Make Fifty-Six Thousand Pounds," Times (London), Apri l 15, 1981; John Cuadrado, "Prized Pottery Triumphs of the Italian Renaissance," Architectural Digest 41 (February 1984), p. 127; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 158, p. 240, illus.; Handbook 1986, p. 182, illus.; Giovanni Conti et al., Zaffera et similia nella maiolica italiana (Viterbo, 1991), p. 255, fig. 71; Hess, Maiolica, no. 8, pp. 31-33; David H. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p. 29, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 339, p. 199, illus. 348. RELI EF-BLUE JAR W I TH DOTS Tuscany, probably Florence, circa 1430-1450 Tin-glazed earthenware Marked below each handle wi th a six- pointed asterisk surrounded by dots. Height: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4V8 in. (10.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 7 in. (17.8 cm) Accession number 85.DE. 58 PROVENANCE Palazzo Davanzati, Florence; Stefano Bardini, Florence; Elie Volpi, Florence (sold, Jandolo and Tavazzi, Rome, Apri l 35-May 3, 1910, no. 777, to Count H.-A. Harrach); Count Hans-Albrecht Harrach, Rome, Munich, and South Germany (sold, Lempertz, Cologne, 347 34 6 I T A L I A N CERAMICS 1-}-] May 6, 1953^ no. 414); Dr. Robert Bak, New York (sold, Sotheby's, New York, Decem- ber 7,1965, lot 15, to E. Lederer); Erich Lederer (1889-1985), Geneva; by inheritance to his widow Elizabeth Lederer, 1985; Eliza- beth Lederer, Geneva. BIBLIOGRAPHY Galeazzo Cora, Storia ddla maiolica di Fircnzc t d contado di\ xi v e dd xv sccolo (Florence, 1973); vol. 1, p. 80; vol. 2, fig. 107b; "Acquisitions/ 1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 212, p. 251, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 9, pp. 34-35; Gio- vanni Conti et al., Zaffcra et similia ndla maiolica italiana (Viterbo, 1991), p. 47, fig. 17, and p. 261, fig. 120; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 340, p. 199, illus. 349 348 349- JAR WITH FOLIATE DECORATION Montelupo, mid-fifteenth century Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 7V16 in. (18.6 cm); Diameter (at rim): 4V8 in. (10.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 4 V8 in. (11.8 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 100 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, London, November 22, 1983, lot 194, to R. Zietz; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 153, p. 239, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 11, p. 39; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 341, p. 200, illus. 350. JAR WITH A KUFIC PATTERN Montelupo, mid-fifteenth century Tin-glazed earthenware Inscribed marks on the underside (graduations?). Height: 7 l /s in. (18.1 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3V4 in. (9.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 5 Vs in. (13 cm) Accession number 84.DE.96 PROVENANCE Dr. Joseph Chompret, Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, December 15,1976, no. 19, to R. Zietz); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus.] 13 (1985), no. 156, p. 240, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 10, pp. 36-38; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 342, p. 200, illus. 35 L- ARMORIAL JAR Deruta, circa 1460-1490 Tm-glazed earthenware Painted wi th AMA.DIO on one side. Height: 8 3 A in. (22.2 cm); Diameter (at rim): 4 1 /2 in. (11.4 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 9 V16 in. (23.4 cm) Accession number 84.DE.99 PROVENANCE Alfred Pringsheim, Munich; confiscated from Pringsheim s collection by the Nazis and exported m 1938 to London in exchange for permitting Mr. and Mrs. Pringsheim to emi- grate to Switzerland (sold, Sotheby's, Lon- don, June 7,1939, lot 3, to A. Spero); [Alfred Spero, London]; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. 3 5 0 1~]8 CERAMICS ITALIAN 35 1 EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Col- lection, March 5-May 17, 1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Otto von Falke, Majolikasammlung Pnngsheim in Mnchen (The Hague, 1914-1923), vol. 1, no. 11, pi.. 8; Mario Bellini and Giovanni Conti, Maioliche italiane del nnascimento (Milan, 1964) , p. 89, fig. A; " Acquisitions A984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 159, p. 240. illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 12, pp. 40-42; Gian Carlo Bojani, CeramichenelleMarche (Bergamo, 1988), pp. 54-55, hg. 14; Carola Fiocco and Gabri- el la Gherardi, Ceramiche Umbre dal Medioevo alio Stonasmo (Faenza, 1988), pp. 54-55, fig. 14; Guido Donatone, La Maiolica Napoletana del Rmasamento (Naples, 1993), pi. 16 2d; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 343, p. 200, lllus.; Carola Fiocco and Gabriella Gherardi, La Ceramica di Deruta dal XIII al xvi u secolo (Perugia, 1994), p. 145, no. 6. JUG WITH BUST MEDALLION Deruta or Montelupo, circa 1450-1490 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 1 ft. i 5 A in. (34.6 cm); Diameter (at rim): 3 Vs in. (9.8 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 1 ft. 1 in. (33 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 101 PROVENANCE Ancestors of the Savile family, Rufford Abbey, Nottingham, active in collecting since the lat- ter half of the seventeenth century; by inheri- tance to John Savile Lumley-Savile, 2nd Lord Savile (died 1931), Rufford Abbey Notting- ham; by inheritance to George Halifax Lum- ley-Savile (born 1919), 3rd Lord Savile, Rufford Abbey, Nottingham (sold, Knight, Frank, and Rutley in association with Christie's, London, on Rufford Abbey prem- ises, October 11-20,1938, lot 879); [Alfred Spero, London]; (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 4, 1956, lot 24); Robert Strauss, England (sold, Christie's, London, June 21, 1976, lot 7); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd./London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Christies Review of the Season 1975 (London and New York, 1976), p. 394; Morley-Fletcher and Mcllroy European Pottery, p. 26, fig. 3; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 154, p. 239, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 13, pp. 43-45; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 344, p. 201, illus.; Carola Fiocco and Gabriella Gherardi, La Ceramica di Deruta dal XIII al xvin secolo (Perugia, 1994), p. 154, nos. 18a-18b. 353 JAR WITH THE PROFILE OF A YOUNG MAN Deruta or Montelupo, circa 1460-1480 Tin-glazed earthenware Inscribed marks under the foot (graduations?). Height: 9 m. (22.9 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 V16 in. (11.2 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 9 3 / 8 in. (23.8 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 102 PROVENANCE Sold, Christie's, London, October 3,1983, lot 237, to R. Zietz; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 160, p. 240, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 14, pp. 46-48; Guido Donatone, La Maiolica Napoletana del Rmasamento (Naples, 1993), pis. 47 and 152; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 345, pp. 201-202, illus. p. 201 353 352 352 I T A L I A N CERAMICS 179 354 354- DISH WITH A PEACOCK FEATHER PATTERN Probably Deruta, circa 1470-1500 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 2V2'in. (6.3 cm); Diameter: 1 ft.- 3-V8 m. (39 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 103 PROVENANCE Sir Wi l l i am Stirling-Maxwell (1818-1878), Bt., K. T., Keir, Scotland; by inheritance to Lt. Col. W. J. Stirling,-Keir, Scotland; Thomas A. Berney London (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 18,1946, lot 79, to F. D. Lycett- Green); F. D. Lycett-Green, Goundhurst, Kent (sold, Sotheby's, London, October 14, i960, lot 24, to R. Strauss); Robert Strauss, England (sold, Christie's, London, June 21, 1976, lot 14, to C. Humphns); [Cyril Humphris, London, acquired by R. Zietz]; [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Col- lection, March 5-May 17, 1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jrg Rasmussen, Italienische Majolika (Hamburg, 1984), p. 71, note 1; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 162, p. 241, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 15, pp. 49-51; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 346, p. 202, illus. 355 DRUG JAR FOR SYRUP OF LEMON JUICE Probably Pesaro or possibly Kingdom of Naples (Naples or Sciacca), circa 1480 Tm-glazed earthenware Painted wi th S. ACETOSITATI CITfRUSj on the banderole. Height: 1 ft. Vs in. (31.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4V8 in. (11.1 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 4V8 in. (12.4 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 104 PROVENANCE Alfred Prmgsheim, Munich; confiscated from Prmgsheim's collection by the Nazis and exported in 1938 to London in exchange for permitting Mr. and Mrs. Prmgsheim to emigrate to Switzerland (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 7, 1939, lot 9, to "A. Recher"); A. Recher; Charles Damiron, Lyons, by 1944; by inheritance to Paul Damiron; (sold, Sotheby's, London, November 22, 1983, lot 212); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Otto von Falke, Majolikasammlung Prmgsheim in Mnchen (The Hague, 1914-1923), vol. 1, 355 no. 22, pi. 15; Emil Hannover/Pottery and Por- celain (London, 1925), fig.117;.Charles Damiron, Majoliaues itaXiennes (privately printed, 1944), no. 27; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 161, p. 241, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 17, pp. 55-57; David H. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p. 27, illus.; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 347, p. 202, illus.; Hand- hook 2001, p. 237, illus. 35 6 BUST OF CHRIST Montelupo, circa 1500 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 1 ft. n V+ i n . (60.3 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 11 V2 in. (59.7 cm); Depth: 10 V4 in. (26 cm) Accession number 87.SE. 148 PROVENANCE Private collection, Belgium; (sold, Sotheby's, London, Apri l 7, 1987, lot 44, to R. Zietz); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burlington Magazine 129 (March 1987), p. 1, illus.; IIGiornaledell'arte, no. 45 (1987), p. 90, fig. 50; "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus] 16 356 l 8 o CERAMICS I T A L I A N (1988), no. 77, p. 180, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 16, pp. 52-54; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 349, p. 203, illus.; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture in the J. Pawl Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p. 67, illus. 357- DISH WITH SAINT PETER Probably Faenza, circa 1500-1520 Tin-glazed earthenware Height: 1 Vs in. (4.8 cm); Diameter: 10 *A in. (27.3 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 108 PROVENANCE Private collection, Switzerland; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 170, p. 242, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 20, pp. 64-65; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 348, p. 203, illus. 357 358. BLUE AND WHI T E DISH WITH A MERCHANT SHIP Cafaggiolo, circa 1510 Tin-glazed earthenware Signed on the reverse, J chafagguolo in blue. Height: 1V8 in. (4.8 cm); Diameter: 9V16 in. (24.3 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 109 PROVENANCE Charles Loeser, Torri Gattaia, Tuscany (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 8,1959, lot 55, to A. Spero); [Alfred Spero, London]; Robert Strauss, England (sold, Christie's, London, June 21,1976, lot 19, to R. Zietz); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe WilliamA. Clark Col- lection, March 5-May 17,1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Galeazzo Cora and Angiolo Fanfani, La maiolica di Cafaggiolo (Florence, 1982), p. 66, fig. 48; Morley-Fletcher and Mcllroy Euro- pean Pottery, p. 44, fig. 1; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus J. 13 (1985), no. 171, p. 242, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 21, pp. 66-68; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 350, pp. 203- 204, illus. p. 203; Pierre-Alam Mariaux, La Majoliaxie, La Faience Italunne et son Decor (Geneva, 1995), p. 80. 358 359 359- LUSTERED PLATE WITH A FEMALE BUST Deruta, circa 1510-1540 Tin-glazed earthenware wi th copper luster Inscribed VMS ERO VIVfUjS E MORTV[lI]S EROVIVfUjS on the scroll. Height: 3V2 in. (8.8 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 4V8 in. (42.8 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 110 PROVENANCE R.W M. Walker, London (sold, Christie's, London, July 25, 1945, lot 73, to "Nyburg"); Nyburg; Adda collection, Paris; (sold, Christie's, London, November 20, 1967, lot 87); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernard Rackham, Islamic Pottery and Italian Maiolica (London, 1959), no. 34b, p. 143, pi. 231; Morley-Fletcher and Mcllroy, Euro- pean Pottery, p. 52, fig. 7; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 172, p. 243, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 22, pp. 69-71; David H. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p. 92, illus. inside back cover; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 351, p. 204, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 4, p. i i , illus. I T A L I A N CERAMICS l 8 l 360. Two JARS Jar . 1: wi th a Lame Peasant; Jar .2: wi th a Woman and Geese Deruta or Montelupo, early sixteenth century Tin-glazed earthenware Marked on the back of each jar, B. Height (each): 9V4 in. (24.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5 1 /16 in. (12.9 cm); Jar . 1: Maximum 360 Woman and Geese Wi dth: 6V4 in. (15.9 cm); Jar .2: Maximum Wi dth: 6 5 / 8 m. (16.8 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 112.1-.2 PROVENANCE J. Pierpont Morgan, Sr. (1837-1913), New York, passed to Duveen, 1916; [Duveen Broth- ers, New York, sold to J. E. Widener, 1916]; Joseph E. Widener, Elkms Park, Pennsylvania (sold, Samuel T. Freeman and Co., Philadel- phia, June 20, 1944, lots 326-327); [French and Co., New York]; Dr. Robert Bak, New York, as of 1957 (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 7,1965, lot 54, to "Goldbaum"); Goldbaum; Benjamin Sonnenberg, New York (sold, Sotheby's, New York, June 5, 1979, lot 356); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS Purportedly in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1913-1916; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Collection, March 5-May 17, 1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernard Rackham, "A New Chapter in the History of Italian Maiolica," Burlington Maga- zine 27 (May 1915), p. 50; Inventory of the Oh jets d'Art at Lynnewood Hall, Elkms Park, Estate of the Late P. A. B. Widener (privately printed, Phila- delphia, 1935), pp. 67-68; Mario Bellini and Giovanni Conti, Maioliche italiane del rinascimento (Milan, 1964), p. 100, pis. A, C; Jrg Ras- mussen, Italienische Majolika (Hamburg, 1984), pp. 84, 86; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 163, p. 241, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 24, pp. 75-81; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 352, pp. 204-205, illus. p. 204. 361. PLATE WITH CUPID ON A HOBBYHORSE Possibly Urbmo area, Venice, or Pesaro, circa 1510-1520 Tm-glazed earthenware Height: 15 '/16 in. (2.4 cm); Diameter: 9V4 in. (23.5 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 116 PROVENANCE Alessandro Castellani, Rome (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, May 27, 1878, lot 34, to "Fanien"); Famen; [Duveen Brothers, Paris (stock no. 3275), 1914-1916, transferred to Duveen Brothers, New York, 1916 (stock no. 25892), sold 1923 to A. Seligmann, Rey and Co.]; [Arnold Seligmann, Rey and Co., New York]; Charles Damiron, Lyons (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 16,1938, lot 60, to M. and R. Stora); [M. and R. Stora, Paris]; Luzarche d'Azay Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, December 6, 1962, lot 24); Robert Strauss, England (sold, Christie's, London, June 21, 1976, lot 22); [Cyril Humphns, London]; [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bernard Rackham, "The Damiron Collection," Apollo 25 (1937), p. 256, hg. 7; Joseph Chom- pret, Repertoire de la majoliaue italienne, vol. 2 (Paris, 1949), pi. 13, hg- 93; Christie's Review of the Season 1975 (London and New York, 1976), p. 396; Morley-Fletcher and Mcllroy European Pottery, p. 66, fig. 3; "Acquisitions/1984," Get- tyMus] 13 (1985), no. 174, p. 243, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 29, pp. 29-31; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 353, p. 205, illus. 3 6 0 L a m e P e a s a n t 3 6 1 182 CERAMICS I T A L I A N 362. DISH WITH AMATA AND TURNUS Probably Faenza, circa 1515-1525 Tin-glazed earthenware Marked on the underside wi th a crossed circle wi th a smaller circle in each of the four quarters. Height: 2 Vs in. (5.4 cm); Diameter: 9 1 1 /16 in. (24.6 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 106 PROVENANCE Sold/Sotheby's, London, November 21, 1987, lot 42, to R. Zietz; [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 164, p. 241, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 18, pp. 58-60; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 354, p. 205, illus. 362 DRUG JAR FOR PERSIAN PHILONIUM Faenza, circa 1520-1540 Tin-glazed earthenware Painted wi th FILONIJ PfER]SICHI on the banderole label. Height: 1 ft. 2V16 in. (37 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 1 5 /16 in. (12.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 6V2 in. (16.5 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 105 363 PROVENANCE [M. and R. Stora, Paris, acquired by W Warren]; Whitney Warren, New York, by inheritance to his widow, New York (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, October 7, 1943, lot 418); (sold, Sotheby's, London, Novem- ber 22, 1983, lot 197); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 166, p. 242, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 25, pp. 82-84; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 355, p. 206, illus. 3 6 4- ARMORIAL DISH WITH THE FLAYING OF MARSYAS Urb mo, mid-1520s By Nicola di Gabriele Sbraghe (or Sbraga), known as Nicola da Urbmo Tm-glazed earthenware Height: 2V4 in. (5.7 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 4V16 in. (41.4 cm) Accession number 84.DE.117 364 PROVENANCE K.ilph Bernal, London (sold, Christie's, London, \l.irch 5, 1855, lot 1767, to "Wareham" for Baron Gustave de Rothschild); Baron Gustave (SamuelJames) de Rothschild (1829-1911), London; (sold, Christie's, London, Apri l 12, 1976, lot 179, pi. 13); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London], BIBLIOGRAPHY Morley-Fletcher and Mcllroy European Pottery, p. 65, fig. 8; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 175, p. 243, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 30, pp. 97-100; David H. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p. 10, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 356, p. 206, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 14, p. 22, illus. 365. LUSTERED ARMORIAL PLATE Gubbio, 1524 From the workshop of Giorgio di Pietro Andreoli, called Maestro Giorgio Tin-glazed earthenware wi th silver luster Signed and dated M G 1524 on the reverse. Height: 2 7 /s in. (7.3 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 3 1 1 /16 in. (39.9 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 111 363 I T A L I A N CERAMICS 183 365 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, London, November 21,1978, lot 41, to C. Humphris; [Cyril Humphris, London]; [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 173, p. 243, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 23, pp. 72-74; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 357, pp. 206-207, i i i U S - p- 2 6; Pietro Mattei and Tonina Cecchetti, Mastro Giorgio: Luomo, I'artist, Ximprenditore (Perugia, 1995), p. 181. 366. PLATE WITH HERO AND LEANDER Faenza, circa 1525 Tin-glazed earthenware Marked wi th a swan on the reverse. Height: 1 V2 in. (3.8 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 5V16 in. (44 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 113 PROVENANCE Henri Gautier, Paris (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, May 4,1929, no. 28, to G. Durlacher); [Durlacher Bros., London] (sold, Christie's, London, April 6-7,1938, lot 26, to H. S. Reitlinger); Henry S..-Reitlinger, Maidenhead (sold by his executors, Sotheby's, London, Apri l 27, 1959, lot 142, to R. Strauss); Rob- ert Strauss, London (sold, Christie's, London, June 21, 1976, lot 24); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Joseph Chompret, Repertoire de la majoliaue ita- lienne, vol. 2 (Paris, 1949), fig. 458; Christie's Review of the Season 1975 (London and New York, 1976), p. 397; Morley-Fletcher and Mcllroy European Pottery, p. 36, fig. 5; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 165, p. 241, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 26, pp. 85-87; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 358, p. 207, illus. 366 367. PLATE WITH THE ABDUCTION OF HELEN Urbino, 1534 By Francesco Xanto Avelli Tin-glazed earthenware Dated and inscribed on the reverse, MD X X X I I I I / Quest'eI pastor che mal mird I bei/ volto / D'Helena Gr tea, e, quel famoso rapto / pel aual Jul mondo sotto sopra volto. / .Fra[ncesco]:Xafn]to. A[velli]./da Rovigo, i[n]/Urbmo. Height: 2V2 in. (6.3 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 6Vs in. (46.1 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 118 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, London, November 21,1978, lot 44) [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. 367 EXHIBITIONS London, P. and D. Colnaghi and Co., Objectsfor a "Wunderkammer," 1981, no. 65, pp. 124-125. BIBLIOGRAPHY Christie's Review of the Season 1975 (London and New York, 1976), p. 397; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 176, p. 243, illus.; Handbook 1986, p. 184, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 31, pp. 101-103; Gian Carlo Bojani, Ceramiche nelle Marche (Bergamo, 1988), p. 129; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 359, p. 207, illus.; P. Roseo, "Gl i istoriati della collezione Doria-Pamphilj," CeramicAntica 5 (November 1995), fig. 19. 368. DISH WITH SAINT CLARE Faenza, circa 1535 By Baldassare Manara Tin-glazed earthenware Obverse is painted wi th a shield containing a holy cross flanked by M and C below annu- lets; inscribed on the scroll PETREDILIGIS ME and signed on the reverse, Baldasara Ma- nara fa[e]n[tino] or BaldasaraManarafa[e)n[za\. Height: 1V2 in. (3.8 cm); Diameter: 8 Vi6 in. (21.5 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 107 184 CERAMICS I T A L I A N 368 PROVENANCE [M. and R. Stora, Paris, acquired by C. Damiron]; Charles Damiron, Lyons (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 16, 1938, lot 20, to "Recher"); Recher; Paul Damiron (sold, Sotheby's, London, November 22,1983, lot 209); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Col- lection, March 5-May 17, 1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Charles Damiron, Majoliaues italiennes (pri- vately printed, 1944), no. 79; Joseph Chom- pret, Repertoire de la majoliaue italienne, vol. 1 (Paris, 1949), p. 77, illus. p. 2, fig. 500; Art at Auction: The Year at Sothehys (London, 1983- 1984), p. 290; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 167, p. 242, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 19, pp. 61-63; Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti, "Da un'idea di Giuseppe Liverani, la proposta per una monografia su 'Baldassare Manara figulo faentmo del xvi secolo,'" Faenza 77 (1991), figs, XXIXD, xxxvi d, xxxvine, xLia; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 360, p. 208, illus.; Carmen Rava- nelli Guidotti, Baldassare Manara Faentino, pittore di maioliche nel Cmauecento (Ferrara, 1996), pp. 206-209, % s - 34 a > b> c, f. 369. MOLDED DISH WITH AN ALLEGORY OF LOVE Faenza, circa 1535 Tm-glazed earthenware Height: 2 Vs in. (7.3 cm); Diameter: 11 in. (28 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 114 PROVENANCE Prince Thibaut d'Orleans, Paris (sold, Sotheby's, London, February 5, 1974, lot 30); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 168, p. 242, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 27, pp. 88-90; DavidH. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p. 62, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 361, p. 208, illus. 370. JUG WITH A MUSICAL THEME Faenza, 1536 Tin-glazed earthenware Dated 1536 on each of four tablets under the medallions and marked Elixeo beside a bearded and turbaned old man. Height: 1 ft. 1 3 / 16 in. (32.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5V4 in. (13.3 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 10 V4 in. (26 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 115 PROVENANCE Alessandro Castellani, Rome (sold, Hotel Drouot, Paris, May 27-29, 1878, lot 230); J. Pierpont Morgan, Sr. (1837-1913), New York, passed to Duveen, 1916; [Duveen Broth- ers, New York, sold to C. W Hamilton, 1919]; Carl W Hamilton, New York, at least until 1936; George R. Hann, Sewickley Heights, Pennsylvania (sold, Christie's, on the Hann premises, Treetops, Sewickley Heights, May 19, 1980, lot 91, to R. Zietz); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. 37 I T A L I A N CERAMICS 185 EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1913-1916; San Francisco, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, A Group of Old Masters, Renaissance Italian Furniture, Majolica Vases and Other Art Objects from the Collection of Carl W. Hamilton, New York, September 1, 1927- January 6, 1928, no. 11, p. 15, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Guide to the Loan Exhibition of the J. Pierpont Morgan Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, 1914), pp. 56-57, illus.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 169, p. 242, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 28, pp. 91-93; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 362, pp. 208-209, iHus- p- 208; Carmen Ravanelli Guidotti, Thesaurus di open delta tradizione diFaenza (Faenza, 1998), pp. 289- 290, fig. 20. 37 1 - PLATE WITH GROTESQUES Venice, circa 1540-1560 Tm-glazed earthenware Marked on the obverse .S.R^R. Height: 2V4 in. (5.7 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 6V4 in. (47.7 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 120 PROVENANCE Collection of Victoria, Queen of England (1819-1901), London, until at least 1857; Robert Strauss, England (sold, Christie's, London, June 21,1976, lot 52); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS On loan to the Victoria and Albert (South Kensington) Museum, London, by 1873. 37' i-.rr.i KH.K \pin Joseph Marrvat, A History of Pottery and Porcelain (London, 1857), p. 34, fig. 18; C. Drurv E. hortnum, ] X'scnr-fuv Catalogue of ihc Maiolica, Hispano'Morcsco, Persian, Damascus, and Rliodian Wares in the South Kenington Museum (London, 1873), p.596; Christus Review of the Season 1975 (London and New York, 1976), p. 400; Mor- ley-Fletcher and Mcllroy European Potter)', p. 86, fig. 1; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 178, p. 244, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 33, pp. 108-111; Giovanni Conti and Gilda Cefariello Grosso, La Maiolica Cantagalli e Je manufacture ceramiche forew tme (Rome, 1990), fig. 54; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 363, p. 209, illus.; Pierre-Alam Mariaux, La Majolujue, La Faience Italienne et sonDecor (Geneva, 1995), p- 82, illus.; Luca Melegati, Ceramica (Milan, 1996), p. 42; Mas- terpieces, no. 16, pp. 24-25, illus. PILGRIM FLASK WITH MARINE SCENES Urbmo, circa 1565-1570 From the Fontana workshop (possibly Orazio) Tm-glazed earthenware Height: 1 ft. 5V8 in. (44.1 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 11 3 A in. (28.6 cm) Accession number 84.DE. 119.1-.2 PROVENANCE Thomas F. Flannery Jr. (1926-1980), Winnetka, Illinois; by inheritance to his widow, Joanna Flannery, Winnetka, Illinois (sold, Sotheby's, London, November 22, 1983, lot 160, to E. Lubm); [Edward Lubm, New York, sold to R. Zietz]; [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 177, pp. 243-244, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 32, pp. 104-107; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 364, p. 209, illus. 3 7 2 3 7 2 CERAMICS I T A L I A N IN WITH DEUCALION AND PYRRHA Urbmo, 1 5 6 5 - 1 5 7 5 From the Fontana workshop (Orazio or Flaminio) Tnrglazed earthenware Height: 2 V 2 in. ( 6. 3 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 6 V4 in. ( 4 6 . 3 cm) Accession number 86. DE . 539 PROVENANCE Baron Adolphe (Carl) de Rothschild ( 1 8 2 3 - 1900) , Paris, between 1870 and1 8 9 0 ; by inher- itance to Baron Maurice (Edmond Charles) de Rothschild ( 1 8 8 1 - 1 9 5 7 ) , P a n s ; sold to Duveen, 1913 / 1 9 1 4 ; [Duveen Brothers, New York; sold to N. Simon, 1 9 6 5 ] ; Norton Simon Foundation, Fullerton (sold, Parke-Bernet, New York, 1971, lot 81) ; private collection, Stuttgart (sold, Reimann and Monatsberger, Stuttgart, Janu- ary 1986) ; [Alam Moatti, Paris]. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Col- lection, March 5-May 17, 1986. 373 BIBLIOGRAPHY Antiauitten-Zeitung 25 ( 1 9 8 5 ) , p. 6 1 1 ; "Acquisi- tions / 1986, " GettjMusJ 15 ( 1987) , no. 114, p. 216, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 3 4 , pp. 112- 115, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 3 6 5 , p. 210, illus.; Pier re-Alain Mariaux, La Majoliaue, La Faience Italienne et son Decor (Geneva, 1 9 9 5 ) , p. 130, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 13, p. 2 1 , illus., detail on p. 2 0 ; Handbook 2 0 0 1 , p. 2 4 3 , illus. 374- PILGRIM FLASK Florence, 1580s Medici porcelain manufactory Soft-paste porcelain Marked on the underside wi th the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore accompanied by an F; a mark resembling a 3 is scratched under the glaze and painted wi th blue glaze; on the rim, three hatch marks were inscribed before glaze firing. Height: 10 V8 in. ( 2 6 . 4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 1V16 in. ( 4 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 7 V8 in. ( 2 0 cm) Accession number 86. DE. 630 PROVENANCE Wi l l i am Blundell Spence, Florence, sold to A. Foresi, 1 8 5 7 ; Alessandro Foresi, Florence, sold to G. Freppa; [Giovanni Freppa, Florence, sold to E. Piot]; Eugene Piot, Paris (sold, Hotel des Comissaires-Priseurs, Paris, March 19, i 8 6 0 , no. 8 2 , to M. A. de Rothschild); Baron (Mayer) Alphonse de Rothschild ( 1 8 2 7 - 1 9 0 5 ) , Pans; by inheritance to Baron Edouard (Alphonse James) de Rothschild ( 1 8 6 8 - 1 9 4 9 ) , Paris, appears to have been confiscated from Rothschild's collection by the Nazis and then restituted after the war by the French government; by inheritance to Baron Guy (Edouard Alphonse Paul) de Rothschild (born 1 9 0 9 ) and Baronne Marie-Helene de Roth- schild ( 1 9 2 7 - 1 9 9 6 ) , Paris; [Curarrow Corpo- ration N. V, Cur agaio, Antilles]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, Exposition retrospective du Trocadero, 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHY Albert Jacquemart, "La prcelaine des Medi- cis," Gazette des leaux-arts 3 (December 1 8 5 9 ) , p. 2 7 6 ; Albert Jacquemart and Edmond Le Blant, Histoire artistiaue: Industrielle et commerciale de la prcelaine (Paris, 1 8 6 2 ) , p. 6 4 4 , no. 5; 374 I T A L I A N CERAMICS 187 Alessandro Foresi, Sulle porcellane medicee (Flor- ence, 1869), pp. 15ft, 29, reprint from Pio- vani Arlotto (July 1859); Alfred Darcel, "Les faiences frangais et les porcelaines au Trocadero," Gazette, des heaux-arts 18 (Novem- ber 1878), p. 762; Jean Charles Davillier, Les Orignes de la porcelame en Europe (Paris, 1882), no. 29, pp. 39-41, 114-115; Charles de Grollier, Manuel del'amateur de porcelaine (Paris, 1914), no. 2309; Seymour de Ricci, "La porcelaine des Medicis," Faenza, Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche: Lopera dun decennio, 1908-1918 (Faenza, 1918), p. 29, no. 22; Giuseppe Liverani, Catalog) delle porcellane dei Medici (Faenza, 1936), no. 28, p. 31; Arthur Lane, Italian Porcelain (London, 1954), p. 5, pi. 3c; "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus J 15 (1987), no. 115, pp. 216-21'], illus.; Clare le Corbeiller, "A Medici Porcelain Pilgrim Flask," GettyMus J 16 (1988), pp. 119-126, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 36, pp. 120-123, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 366, pp. 210-211, illus. p. 210; Pierre-Alain Mariaux, La Majoliaue, La Faience Italienne et son Decor (Geneva, 1995); p. 118; Peter Thornton, Form and Decoration: Innovation in the Decorative Arts 1470-1870 (London, 1998), pi. 47; Mas- terpieces, no. 18, p. 27, illus.; Handhok 2001, p. 244, illus. 375- PAIR OF DRUG JARS Jar . 1: Drug Jar for Mithridatum; Jar .2: Drug Jar for Theriac Northern Italy (possibly Milan), circa 1580 Attributed to Annibale Fontana Terracotta wi th white paint; gilt exterior and lead-glazed interior Height: 1 ft. 11 3 A in. (60 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 1 ft. 3V2 in. (39.4 cm) Accession number PROVENANCE [Maria Tazzoli, London]; [Siran Holding Co., Geneva]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1990," GettyMus] 19 (1991), no. 57, p. 164, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 367, p. 211, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 15, p. 23, illus.; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture in the] . Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p- 23, illus. 375 > 375 Jar .2 l 8 8 CERAMICS I T A L I A N 376. PAIR OF CANDELABRA Candelabra . 1: wi th Mercury and Argus; Candelabra .2: wi th Perseus and Medusa Doccio, circa 1750 Ginori manufactory called Doccia By Gasparo Bruschi after a model by Giovanni Battista Foggini Partially gilt hard-paste porcelain Undersides marked I and 11, respectively Height: 1 ft. 1 3 A in. (35 cm); Wi dth: 11 V16 in. (29 cm); Depth: 8V4 in. (20.1 cm) Accession number 94.SE. 76.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, England; [Daniel Katz, Ltd., London, sold to A. Moatti]; [Alain Moatti, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A994," GettyMus J 23 (1995), no. 101, p. 122, illus.; Luca Melegati, "Scul- tura e porcellana nella manifattura di Doccia," Ceramic Antica (Ferrara, 1996), vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 26-37, figs, la, b and 2a, b; Master- pieces, no. 64, p. 84, illus. (94.SE.76.2); Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture in the J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p. 22, illus. 311- TABLETOP WITH HUNTING SCENES Castelli, circa 1760 By Francesco (or Filippo) Saverio Maria Grue, called Saverio Grue Tin-glazed earthenware Inscribed on the obverse, in two cartouches, FLAVA CERES TENUS SPICIS REDEMITA CAPLLLOS and FORTIINAE SUAE QUIS^UEFABER; signed on the horse's haunch in scene of Europeans hunting a deer, SG; and signed on the horse's haunch in scene of Moors hunting ostriches, FSG. Height: 1 V4in. (3.2 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 11 V2 in. (59.7 cm) Accession number 86.DE.533 3 7 6 me r c u r y a n d Ar g u s 3 7 6 p c r s c u s me du s a I T A L I A N CERAMICS 189 PROVENANCE Most likely acquired in Italy and brought to Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, England, by George Greville, 2nd Earl of Warwick (1746-1816), or his son Henry Greville,3rd Earl of Warwick (1779-1853); removed from Warwick Castle and placed in another residence of the Earls of Warwick; by inher- itance to David Greville, 8th Earl of Warwick, Warwickshire (sold, Sotheby's, London, March 4, 1986, lot 24, to W. Williams); [Winifred Williams, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jacqueline Guillaumin, "Majoliques tardives: prospecter," Connaissance des arts 419 (1987), p. 12, fig. 4; "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 116, p. 217, illus.; Guido Dona- tone, "Pasquale Criscuolo e la Maiolica Napoletana dell'Et Rococo," Centro Studi per la Storia delta Ceramica Meridionale: Quaderno (1988), fig. 1; Hess, Maiolica, pp. 116-119, illus.; Catherine Hess, "Una maiolica di Save- no Grue al Paul Getty Museum, Malibu," Semestraledel Museo delle Ceramiche 1, no. 2 (July- December 1989), pp. 17-28; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 368, no. 368, p. 212, illus.; Mas- terpieces, no. 66, p. 87, illus. 31 S. PAIR OF VASES Vase . 1: Vase wi th Neptune; Vase .2: Vase wi th an Allegory of Venice Venice, 1769 Manufactory of Gemmiano Cozzi Hybrid soft-paste porcelain Vase . 2 is inscribed and dated Priwo Esperr mento in Grande fatto li 15 Maggio 17 69 Nella Pri- vil[egiata] fabbrica di Geminiano Cozzi in Canalregio; it also bears the Cozzi manufac- tory markan anchoron one side. Vase . 1: Height: 11. 13 /16 in. (30 cm); Diame- ter: 10 l /i in. (26.7 cm); .Vase 2: Height: 11 3 A in. (29.8 cm); Diameter: 10 3 A in. (27.3 cm) Accession number 88.DE.9.1-.2 PROVENANCE Centanini, Venice, by 1889; private collection, Budapest, until the end of the 1930s, and then stored in Switzerland during World War 11; recovered by the owners after World War 11 and brought to Rome; by inheritance in the same family, Rome, sold to E. de Unger, 1988; [Edmund de Unger, The Manor House, Surrey]. EXHIBITIONS Rome, Museo ArtisticoTndustriale, Atre ceramica e vetraria, iv Esposizione 1889, Raf- faele Erculei, ed., see U. de Gheltof, "Note storiche ed artistiche sulla ceramica italiana," p. 151. 3 7 7 190 CERAMICS I T A L I A N BIBLIOGRAPHY Alessandra Mottola Molfino, EArteddlaporceV lana in Italia (Milan, 1976), p. 27; Francesco Stazzi, Leporcellane veneziane di Gemmiano e Vincenzo Cozzi (Venice, 1982), p. 53; "Acquisitions/ 1988," GettyMus] 17 (1989), no. 85, p. 146, illus.; Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain, David Battie, ed. (London, 1990), pp. 9-10; Catherine Hess, "'Primo Esperimento in Grande': A Pair of Vases from the Factory of Geminiano Cozzi," GettyMus] 18 (1990), pp. 141-156, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 369, p. 213, illus.; Handhok 2001, pp. 266- 267, illus. (88.DE.9.2). 379 SKETCH FOR A FIREPLACE OVERMANTEL Rome, circa 1789 By Francesco Antonio Franzoni Terracotta Height: 1 ft. 9716 in. (53.5 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 4V4 in. (42.5 cm) Accession number 37 8 Vase with Neptune PROVENANCE Purportedly from the workshop of Giuseppe Valadier, Rome; private collection, Germany; [Trinity Fine Art, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS New York, Newhouse Galleries, Old Master Drawings and European Works of Art, May 4- May 18, 1995, no. 113, pp. 212-213. BIBLIOGRAPHY Rosella Carloni, "Francesco Antonio Fran- zoni tra virtuosismo tecnico e restauro integra- tive," Lalyrinthos 19/20,1991, pp. 190 and 211; Rosella Carloni, "Francesco Antonio Franzoni: Ii Camino Braschi," Antologia di Belle Arti. II Neoclassico, vol. iv (Turin, 1993), pp. 67-70, fig. 1; "Acquisitions/1995," GettyMus] 24 (1996), no. 90, p. 139, illus. 378 Vase with an Allegory o\ Ycnwc I T A L I A N / J A P A N E S E / S P A N I S H CERAMICS 191 SAINT JOSEPH WITH THE CHRIST CHILD Naples, 1790s Attributed to Gennaro Laudato, after a model by Giuseppe Sanmartino Lead-glazed white-bodied earthenware (terraglia) Height: 1 ft. 9V4 in. (54.3 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 8 Vs m. (20.6 cm) Accession number 91.SE.74 PROVENANCE Possibly William Charlesworth, Naples (sold, Galleria Sangiorgi, Rome, January 28-Febru- ary 3, 1901, no. 631); Bauz, Madrid, by 1953, sold to Same Art, Ltd., 1990; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich]. 380 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A991," GettyMus] 20 (1992), no. 78, p. 179, illus.; Guido Donatone, La terraglia italiana (Naples, 1991), fig. 4; Guido Donatone, "Aggiunte a Gennaro Laudato ed alia Produzione di Terraglia della Real Fabbrica di Napoli," CentroStudiperlaStoria della Ceramka Meridionale: Quaderno 1995, p. 32, fig. 4; 1996, pp. 49-50; Masterpieces, no. 70, p. 91, illus.; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture in the] . Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997); p- 45, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 261, illus. J apanese 381. GARNITURE OF THREE VASES Japanese (Arita), first half of the eighteenth century Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decora- tion, polychrome enamel, gilding Vase . 1: Height: 1 ft. Vs in. (32.1 cm); Diameter: 7 in. (17.8 cm); Vase .2: Height: 1 ft. Vs in. (31.1 cm); Diameter: 7V8 in. (18 cm); Vase .3: Height: 1 ft. V4 in. (32.4 cm); Diameter: 7 in. (17.8 cm) Accession number 87.DE.26.1-.3 PROVENANCE [Spink and Son, Ltd., London, 1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions /1987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 76, p. 179, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 499, p. 287, illus.; Carolyn Sar- gentson, Merchants and Luxury Markets: The Marchands Merciers of Eighteenth-Century Paris (London, 1996), p. 90, illus. p. 68, pi. 36. Spanish 382. TILE FLOOR Spanish, Valencia region (probably Manises), circa 1425-1450 Tin-glazed earthenware Inscribed wi th Speratens and ne oblyer on the hexagonal tiles; painted wi th a coat of arms, of harry of six argent and gules, on the square tiles. Length: 7 ft. 1 V4 in. (220 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 6Vs in. (110 cm); Square Tiles: Length: 4 V16 in. to 4V8 in. (11.2 to 12.4 cm); Hexag- onal Tiles: Length: 8V4 in. to 8V16 in. (21 to 21.8 cm); Wi dth: 4V4 in. to 4V8 in. (10.8 to 11.1 cm) Accession number 84.DE.747. l .a.-^.j PROVENANCE [Luigi Grassi, Florence, before 1920, acquired by R. Blumka, i960]; [Ruth Blumka, New York]. 381 One of three 192 CERAMICS S P A N I S H PROVENANCE [Leonardo Lapiccirella, Florence]; (sold, Christies, London, July 1,1985, lot 270, to R. Zietz); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Italian Renaissance Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Col- lection, March 5-May 17, 1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Giovanni Conti, L'Arte della Maiolica in Italia (Milan, 1973), pi. 8; Apollo 122 (1985), no. 5, p. 405; "Acquisitions A985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 214, p. 252, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 2, pp. 14-15, illus.; David H. Cohen and Catherine Hess, Looking at European Ceramics: A Guide to Technical Terms (Malibu and London, 1993), p. 46, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 487, p. 280, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 1, p. 8, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 236, illus. EXHIBITIONS Allentown Art Museum, Beyond Nobility: Art for the Private Citizen in the Early Renaissance, Ellen Callman, September 1980-January 1981, no. 122, pp. 115-116; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Maiolica fromthe William A. Clark Collection, March 10-May 17,1986. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anna Berendsen et al., Tiles (London, 1967), p. 76; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 151, p. 239, illus.; Hess, Maiolica, no. 1, pp. 12-13, illus->' Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 488, p. 281, illus. 383. HlSPANO' MoRESqUE BASIN Spanish, Valencia region (Manises), mid- fifteenth century Tin-glazed earthenware Iks in the center of the obverse. Height: 4V4 in. (10.8 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 7V2 in. (49.5 cm) Accession number 85.DE.441 S P A N I S H CERAMICS / G E R M A N CLOCKS 193 PLAQUE WITH JACOB CHOOSING RACHEL TO BE HIS BRIDE Spanish (Alcora), circa 1755 After Jacopo Amigoni Faience Inscribed in cartouche: Eni Suis cumovibus per - pulckram Rachelem, auampropter servita sponsam Jacobus elegit. Height: 3 ft. 1 in. (94 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 6 3 A in. (48 cm) Accession number 99.DE. 10 PROVENANCE Private collection, United States (sold, Hart Galleries, Houston, September 20, 1997, lot 602, to E. and H. Manners); [E. and H. Manners, London]. (^LOCKS German 385 385. LONG-CASE CLOCK Berlin, circa 1755 Painted, silvered, and lacquered Scots pine and oak wi th limewood carvings; gilt bronze; mirror glass; enameled metal Dial is inscribed wi th Rehnisch Berlin. Height: 8 ft. 3V2 in. (252 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 5V2 in. (76 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 l /i in. (57 cm) Accession number 86.DB.695 PROVENANCE Michael Knig, Munich; [Alexander and Berendt, Ltd., London, 1985]. BIBLIOGRAPHY ''Acquistions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 113, p. 215, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 403, p. 233, illus. 386. LONG-CASE MUSICAL CLOCK Neuwied, 1786 Case by David Roentgen; the clock move- ment by Peter Kinzing; musical mechanism by Johann Wilhelm (Jean Guillaume) Weyl; mounts by Frangois Remond Ash, maple, oak and walnut veneered wi th maple and walnut; bronze; gilt-bronze mounts; enamel dial; glass; blued steel The movement is inscribed wi th Roentgen & Kmzmga Neuwied. Inside the chest of bellows is the penciled inscription Jean Guillaume Weyl Fait a Neuwied le 16 May 178 [?] No. 18. Height: 6 ft. 3V2 in. (192 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 1V2 in. (64 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11 V2 in. (54.5 cm) Accession number 85.DB.116 PROVENANCE Edward Joseph, London (sold, Christie's, London, May 1890, lot 374, to "Payne"); private collection, France; [Aveline et Cie, Paris, 1984]. 3 8 4 194 C L O C K S G E R M A N / I T A L I A N Italian 387 BIBLIOGRAPHY Dietrich Fabian, KiucmgrniJ RO L III ^H UUrcn aus N'tHii'iiJ (Bad Neustadt, 1984), no. 51, p. 235; "Acquisitions 1985," GtltvMus J14 (1986), no. 208, p. 249, illus.; Bremer-Da\id, Summary, no. 404, p. 233, illus.; Christian Baulez, "David Roentgen et Francois Remond, une collaboration majeure dans l'histoire du mobilier europeen," LEstampillc /LOtyct Sart 305 (September 1996) 96-118, tig. 21., p. 113; Wilson, Clocks, no. 20, pp. 132139, illus.; Mas- terpieces, no. 96, p. i n , illus. 386 3*7- NIGHT CLOCK Florence, 1704 1705 Case and hardstone mosaics: Giovanni Battista Foggini and Leonard van der Vinne; bronze figures: attributed to Massimiliano Soldani; mechanism: Francesco Papillion Ebony, gilt bronze, and semiprecious stones including chalcedony, jasper, lapis lazuli, and verde a"Arno Signed Francesco Papillion in Firenze on the mechanism. Height: 3 ft. 1 Vs in. (95 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 1 3 /16 in. (63 cm); Depth: 11 in. (28 cm) Accession number 97.DB.37 PROVENANCF Private collection, Switzerland; [Bruno Scar- deoni, Lugano]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Handbook 2001, p. 262, illus. E N G L I S H FURNITURE 195 FURNITURE English Cabinets 388. CABINET ON STAND English, circa 1690-1700 Painted, gessoed, and silvered wood; brass mounts Cabinet: Height: 2 ft. 8V2 in. (82.5 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 1 in. (93.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 7 V2 in. (49.5 cm); Stand: Height: 2 ft. 7V4 in. (79.3 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 5V4 in. (104.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11 V2 in. (59.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 117 PROVENANCE Mrs. Geoffrey Hart, London; purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1961; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. 388 EXHIBITIONS London, The Victoria and Albert Museum, Tke Orange and the Rose: Holland and Britain in the Age of Observation, 1600-1750, October 1964- January 1965, no. 220, p. 68; New York, The Cooper-Hewitt Museum and Pittsburgh, The Carnegie Museum, Courts and Colonies: The William and Mary Style in Holland, England, and America, November 1988-May 1989, no. 107, p. 157, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY R. W Symonds, "The City of Westminster and Its Furniture Makers," Connoisseur 100 (July 1937), pp. 3-9, illus. pp. 2, 9; R. W Symonds, "The Age of Charles 11," Connoisseur 111 (June 1943), illus. p. 125; Horace Shipp, "A Home and Its Treasures: Mrs. Geoffrey Harts Collection at Hyde Park Gardens," Apollo 62 (December 1955), illus. p. 181; R. WP Luff, "Oriental Lacquer and English Japan: Some Cabinets from the Collection of Mr. J. Paul Getty at Sutton Place, Surrey," Antique Collector (December 1962), pp. 256- 261, illus. p. 259, fig. 5; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 469, p. 268, illus. Seat Furniture 389 389. SIDE CHAIR London, late seventeenth century Gessoed and gilded walnut; modern upholstery Height: 3 ft. 10 in. (116.8 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 10 V2 in. (57.1 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1 in. (63.5 cm) Accession number 75.DA.62 I 9 6 FURNITURE E N G L I S H / G E R M A N PROVENANCE [Frederick Victoria, Inc., New York]; Nicolas Landau, Paris; purchased by J. Paul Getty; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 470, p. 269, illus. 390. PAIR OF ARMCHAIRS London, circa 1740-1745 In the style of Wi l l i am Bradshaw Gessoed and parcel-gilt pine; modern silk upholstery Height: 3 ft. 2V2 in. (97.9 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 3V4 in. (69.3 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 7V8 in. (79.7 cm) Accession number 78.DA.96.1-.2 PROVENANCE R. W Miller (sold, Christie's, London, Janu- ary 21, i960, lot 43, to Pallot); [A. Cook, London]; purchased by J. Paul Getty, i960; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 471, p. 269, illus. 39 1 391. ARMCHAIR London, circa 1750-1760 Walnut wi th pine and oak; traces of gesso, paint, gilding; remnants of original wool upholstery Height: 3 ft. 3 in.- (99 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 1 1 /i in. (64.7 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1 in. (63.5 cm) Accession number 85.DA. 120 German Cabinets, Caskets, and Commodes 392. DISPLAY CABINET (KABINETTSCHRANK) Augsburg, circa 1620-1630 Several carvings by Albert Janszoon Vmckenbrmck Ebony; pear wood; boxwood; walnut, chest- nut; palm wood; marble; ivory; semiprecious stones; tortoiseshell; snakeskin; enamel; miniature painting Height: 2 ft. 4V4 in. (73 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. i o 1 3 / i 6 in. (58 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 11V4 in. (59 cm) Accession number 89.DA.28 PROVENANCE Private collection, Sweden; [Jacques Kugel, Paris, since the mid-1970s]. EXHIBITIONS Paris, xi v e Biennale des Antiauaires, Septem- ber 22-October 9,1988; Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, Devices of Wonder, Novem- ber 13, 2001-February 3, 2002. PROVENANCE David Garrick (?), London (1717-1779); an upholsterer, outside Philadelphia; [Glenn Randall, New York, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 186, p. 240, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 472, p. 269, illus. 390 One of a fair G E R M A N FURNITURE 197 392 BIBLIOGRAPHY Dieter Alfter, Du Geschichte des Aughurger Kahmettschranks (Augsburg, 1986), no. 23, pp. 69-70, pis. 56-58; "Acquisitions/198 9," GettyMus J 18 (1990), no. 58, pp. 196-197, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 393, p. 226, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 32, p. 45, illus. Handhook 2001, p. 257, illus. 393 CASKET Southern German, circa 1680-1690 Wood veneered wi th brass, mother-of-pearl, pewter, copper, stained and painted horn, rosewood; gilt-bronze mounts One foot is stamped wi th the crowned C for 1 745" 1 749- Height: 5 1 / 8 in. (12.9 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. Vs in. (32.1 cm); Depth: 10 V4 in. (26.1 cm) Accession number 88.DA. 111 PROVENANCE William, 12th Duke of Hamilton and 9th Duke of Brandon, Hamilton Palace, Lanark- shire, Scotland (sold, Christie's, London, June 19, 1882, lot 2185, t o Wi l l i am King for 242, 10s); Christopher Beckett-Denison, Esq. (sold, Christie's, London, June 6, 1885, lot 685); Arturo Lopez-Willshaw, by 1958 (sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, June 24, 1976, no. 21); purchased at that sale by The British Rail Pension Fund. EXHIBITIONS Malibu, The J. Paul Getty Museum, on loan, 1982-1988. BIBLIOGRAPHY Stephane Famel et al., Le xvif siecle francais (Collection Connaissance des arts, Paris, 1958), p. 206; "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMus J 17 (1989), no. 81, p. 145, illus.; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 394, p. 227, illus. 393 198 FURNITURE G E R M A N marble tops Height: 2 ft. 8V4 in. (83.2 cm); Wi dth: 4 ft. 1 3 A in. (126.4 cm); Depth: 2 ft. Vs in. (61.9 cm) Accession number 72.DA.63.1-.2 PROVENANCE (Anonymous sale [?], Christie's, London, March 1, 1882, lot 165, for 210 guineas); [Jacques Helft, New York, 1940-1948]; Georges Lurcy (1891-1953), New York (sold by the executors of his estate, Parke-Bernet, New York, November 9, 1957, lot 383); [Frank Partridge, Ltd., London]; Maharanee of Baroda, Paris; [Frank Partridge, Ltd., London]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. 394 394- COMMODE German, circa 1735-1740 Gessoed, painted, and gilded pine; marble top Height: 2 ft. 9 .in. (83.8 cm); Wi dth: 4 ft. 6 V2 in. (138.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9 V2 in. (54.5 cm) Accession number 87.DA.47 PROVENANCE [Pascal Zangarini, Venice, 1974]; Michael Taylor, San Francisco (sold, Butterfield's, San Francisco, Apri l 7, 1987, lot 340). BIBLIOGRAPHY Tesori d'arte a Venezia, Mostra Mercato Inter- nazionale dell'Antiquariato (Venice, 1974), unnumbered page; "Acquisitions/1987" GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 75, p. 179, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 395, p. 227, illus. 395- PAIR OF COMMODES Munich, circa 1745 Carving attributed to Joachim Dietrich; side panels after engraved designs by Frangois de Cuvillies Gessoed, painted, and gilded pine; gilt-bronze mounts; jaune rose, de Brignolles BIBLIOGRAPHY Sammlung Georg Hirth: Antiquitten, Mbel und Ver- tfelungen (16.-18. Jahrhundert), Gobelins, Teppiche, Gemlde Alter Mesiter Farbstiche I i . Anderes Aus der SammlungGeorgHirth (Munich, 1928), no. 239, pi. 48, illus.; Wesley Towner, The Elegant Auctioneers (New York, 1970), p. 579, illus.; 395 One of a fair G E R M A N FURNITURE 199 Thomas E. Norton, One Hundred Years of Collecting in America: The Story of Sothehy Parlce Bernet (New York, 1984), p. 166, illus. (one); Bremer-David, Summary, no. 396, p. 228, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 62, p. 82, illus.; Afra Schick, "Mbel nach Entwrfen von Francois de Cuvillies d. A," Mncher fahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 49 (1998), pp. 123-162, illus. p. 140, hg. 21; Handbook 2001, p. 204, illus. Desks and Secretaires 396. ROLLTOP DESK Neuwied, 1787-1788 Attributed to David Roentgen; some gilt- bronze mounts by Francois Remond Fir, Scots pine, maple, and oak veneered wi th mahogany and maple; steel fittings; gilt- bronze mounts Height: 5 ft. (168.3 c m ^ Wi dth: 5 ft. 1 Ys in. (155.9 c m ^ Deptbi (open): 4 ft. 178 in. (126.7 c m ^ Depth (closed): 2 ft. 11 78 in. (89.3 cm) Accession number 72.DA.47 PROVENANCE Louis xvi (?), cabinet du Roi, Palais des Tuile- ries; later moved to the Chateau de Versailles; removed m 1793 to Russia; Count Iljmski (?), Castle of Romanova (near St. Petersburg), 1793-1852; [M. Court, rue de la Madeleine, Paris, 1857] (sold, M. le comte de M. . . , Paris, November 12, 1859, no. 1, to Migeon); [Samson Wertheimer (?), London] (sold, Christie s, London, March 15, 1892, lot 637, to Jackson); Count Janos Plffy (1829-1908), Palais Palffy Vienna (sold, Glckselig und Warndorfer, Vienna, March 7, 1921, no. 209, to Castiglione); Baronne Marie de Reitz, Vienna; [French and Co., New York, 1960s]; purchased by J. Paul Getty EXHIBITIONS Washington, DC, The State Department, on loan, 1960s. BIBLIOGRAPHY La Gazette de France (October 30, 1857); Alois C. Riegel, Der Wiener Congress (Vienna, 1898), fig. x; Heinrich Kreisel, Die Kunst des deutschen Mbels (Munich, 1973), vol. 3, fig. 17; Hans Huth, Roentgen Furniture: Abrahamand David Roentgen: European Cabinetmakers (London and New York, 1974), illus. pp. 64-68; Josef Maria Greber, Alrakam und David Roentgen: Mbel fr Europa (Starnberg, 1980), vol. 2, figs. 683, 684; Dietrich Fabian, Die Entwick- lung der RoentgenSchreibmbel (Bad Neustadt, 1982), p. 45, figs. 66-67; Wilson, Selections, no. 44, pp. 88-89, illus.; Dietrich Fabian, 396 Roentgenmbel aus Neuwied: Leben und Werk von Ahraham und David Roentgen (Bad Neustadt, 1986), p. 96, illus. p. 134, figs. 307-310; Pradere, Les Ebenistes, illus. p. 417, fig. 514; Kjellberg, Dictionnaire, p. 727; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 397, pp. 228-229, i l l u s - p- 22 9> Christian Baulez, "David Roentgen et Fran- cois Remond, une collaboration majeure dans Thistoire du mobilier europeen," LEstampille/ LObjet d'art 305 (September 1996), pp. 96- 118, illus. p. 116, fig. 26, and p. 117, figs. 29, 32, 33; Masterpieces, no. 95, p. 120, illus.; Rosemarie Stratman-Dhler, Mecanische Wunder Edles Holz: Roentgen-M'kl des 18. fahrhundertz in Baden und Wrttenberg (Badisches Landes- museum, Karlsruhe, 1998), p. 119; Handhook 2001, p. 227, illus. 2 0 0 FURNITURE G E R M A N 397- SECRETAIRE Berlin, circa 1798-1799 By Johann Andreas Beo; clock movement by Christian Mllinger Oak, spruce, and Scots pine veneered wi th mahogany, maple, Ceylon satinwood, rose- wood, ebony, and holly; drawer sides of lime- wood; white marble; bronze; enameled metal; gilt-bronze mounts Clock face is painted wi th Mllinger Berlin. Height: 8 ft. (243.8 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 8 in. (111.8 cm); Depth: 2 ft. (60.9 cm) Accession number 84.DA.87 PROVENANCE Purchased by Frederick Wi l l i am m, King of Prussia (1770-1840), for Schloss Potsdam (near Berlin), circa 1802; private collection, Berlin; [Ragaller, Berlin]; (sold, Weinmller, Munich, May 2-5, 1956, no. 1111); (sold, Wemmller [Neumeister], Munich, Octo- ber 23-24, 1974, no. 861); private collection, Munich; [Juan Portela, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, Seventh Regiment Armory, East Side House Settlement Winter Antiques Show, Janu- ary 1984, p. 254. BIBLIOGRAPHY Art-Price Annual 1974-1975 (Munich, 1975), p. 91; Claudia Freytag, Bruckmann sMhel- Lexikon (Munich, circa 1978), p. 299, illus. p. 214, fig. 86; Michael Strmer, Handwerk und hfische Kultur Europische Mtalkunst im18. Jahrhundert (Munich, 1982), p. 193, pi. 102; Dietrich Fabian, Die Entwicklung der Roentgen- Schreibmhel (Bad Neustadt, 1982), pp. 54-55, figs. 77d-g; Heinrich Kreisel and George Himmelheber, Die Kunst des deutschen Mbels (Munich, 1983), vol. 3, p. 369 and illus. fig. 264; Dietrich Fabian, Kinsing und Roentgen Uhren aus Neuwied (Bad Neustadt, 1984), p. 147; Wilson, "Acquisitions 1984," no. 5, pp. 83-88, illus.; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMwsJ 13 (1985), no. 68, p. 184, illus.; Dietrich Fabian, Roentgenmbel aus Neuwied (Bad Neustadt, 1986), p. 312, illus. p. 305, figs. 724-727; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 398, p. 230, illus.; Wilson, Clocks, no. 20, pp. 148-151, illus. 397 G E R M A N FURNITURE 2 0 1 Tables 398. CONSOLE TABLE Munich, circa 1730 Design attributed to Joseph Effner; carving attributed to Johann Adam Pichler Limewood; modern gesso and gilding; Tegernsee marble top Height: 2 ft. 9V4 in. (86.5 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 1 V2 in. (156 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 1 *A in. (64 cm) Accession number 88.DA.88 PROVENANCE Karl Albrecht (?) (Charles vn, 1697-1745, Elector of Bavaria, 1726, and Holy Roman Emperor, 1742), in the Kaiscrsaal at Kloster Ettal; Paris (art market or private collection), 1960s; private collection, Germany (sold, Nouveau Drouot, Paris, December 5, 1980, no. 99); [Bernheimer Fine Arts, Ltd., Lon- don, 1988]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions /19 8 8," GettyMus J 17 (1989), no. 82, p. 145, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 399, p. 230, illus. p. 231. 399 399- CONSOLE TABLE German, circa 1735-1745 Gessoed and gilded spruce; bricht d'Alcp top Height: 3 ft. (91.4 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 6 3 A in. (108.6 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9 in. (53.3 cm) Accession number 85.DA.319 PROVENANCE Private collection, Germany; [Capricorn Art International, S.A., Panama]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/ix^/' GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 206, p. 248, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 400, p. 231, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 201, illus. 400 400. READING AND WRI T I NG STAND Neuwied, circa 1760-1765 By Abraham Roentgen Pine, oak, and walnut veneered wi th palisander, alder, rosewood, ebony, ivory, and mother-of-pearl; gilded metal fittings The tabletop bears the archiepiscopal coat of arms and the monogram JPC for Johann Philipp Churfurst. Height: 2 ft. 6V2 m. (77.5 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 4V4 in. (71.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 7V4 in. (48.8 cm) Accession number 85.DA.216 3 9 8 2 0 2 FURNITURE G E R M A N / I T A L I A N PROVENANCE Johann Philipp von Walderdorff, Prmce Archbishop and Elector of Trier; by descent to Count Emanuel von Walderdorff. BIBLIOGRAPHY Heinrich Kreisel, Die Kunst des deutschen Mbels' Sptbarok und Rokoko (Munich, 1970), vol. 2, pp. 294, 428, fig. 992; Hans Huth, Roentgen Furniture: Ahrahamand David Roentgen, European Cabinetmakers (London and New York, 1974), fig. 110; Josef Maria Greber, Ahrahamund David Roentgen: Mbel fr Europa (Starnberg, 1980), vol. 2, pp. 32-33, pis. 57-58; Diet- rich Fabian, "Entwicklung der Roentgen: Mehrzwecktische-Funktion, Konstruktion, Oberflachenschmuck, Einrichtung," Alte und moderneKunst 174-175 (1981), pp. 18-26, figs. 14, 14a; Georg Himmelheber, "Abraham Roentgen and the Archbishop of Trier," Antiques-127 (January 1985), pp. 245-259, fig. 12; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMusJ 14 (1986), no. 207, p. 248, illus.; Dietrich Fabian, Roentgenmbel aus Neuwied (Bad Neu- stadt, 1986), p. 29, illus. p. 33, figs. 11-14; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 401, p. 232, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 74, illus. p. 96; Ramond, Chefs d'oeuvre m, pp. 83-84, unnum- bered frontpage, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 213, illus. Italian Cassoni, Credenze, and Chest of Drawers 401. PAIR OF CASSONI Umbna, mid-sixteenth century Attributed to Antonio Maffei Walnut, originally may have been par- tially gilt Cassone . 1: Height: 2 ft. 5V2 in. (75 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 11 V2 in. (181.5 cm); Depth (at top): 1 ft. 11 V4 in. (59 cm); Depth (at feet): 3 ft. 6 in. (106.7 c m ^ Cassone .2: Height: 2 ft. 5 in. (73.5 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 11 Vs in. (181.3 cm); Depth (at top): 1 ft. 11 V4 in. (59 cm); Depth (at feet): 2 ft. 5 in. (73.75 cm) Accession number 88.DA.7.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, England; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1988," GettyMusJ 17 (1989), no. 87, pp. 147-148, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 311, p. 185, illus.; Ettore A. Sannipoli, " I cassoni 'De Comitibus' del J. Paul Getty Museum (una scheda prelimi- nare)," Bollettmo Storico delta Cittd di Foligno 20- 21 (1996-1997), pp. 823-830; Masterpieces, no. 12, p. 19, illus.; Jeffrey Collins, "In Vino Veritas? Death and the Cellarette in Empire New York," in American Artifacts: Essays in Material Culture, J. D. Prown and K. Haltman, eds. (East Lansing, 2000), p. 56, fig. 3.8. 402. CASSONE Possibly Milan, late sixteenth century Walnut, poplar, and spruce; partially gilt Height: 2 ft. 5V8 in. (73.9 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 5V4 in. (167 cm); Depth: 2 ft. Vs m. (61.3 cm) Accession number 68.DA.8 PROVENANCE Earls of Warwick, Warwick Castle, Great Hall, Warwickshire, England, at least since 1880; by inheritance in the same family until at least 1961; [FrankPartridge and Sons, Ltd., London]; purchased by J. Paul Getty on October 9,1968; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, The Triumph of Humanism, September 29, 197 7 - January 18, 1978, p. 91, fig. 107; Tulsa, The Philbrook Art Center, Gloria dell'arte: A Renais- sance Perspective, October 26, 1979-January 27, 1980, no. 85, p. 53, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 309, p. 184, illus. 401 One of a fair I T A L I A N FURNITURE 203 4O4. CREDENZA Florence, circa 1600-1650 Walnut Height: 3 ft. 9V4 in. (114.9 cm); Wi dth: 6 ft. 7V4 in. (202.6 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 9V2 in. (54.6 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 107 PROVENANCE [Ugo Bardini, Italy, purchased by J. Paul Getty i960]; J. Paul Getty Sutton Place, Sur- rey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS Wbodside, California, Filoli House, on loan, 1983-1992. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 312, p. 185, illus. 403. CASSONE Possibly Rome, late sixteenth century Walnut, ash, and limewood; partially gilt Height: 2 ft. 5V8 in. (74 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 5Vsi n. (166.6 cm); Depth: 2 ft. V4 in. (61.8 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 120 PROVENANCE Private collection, Cleveland; [H. Blairman and Sons, London, purchased by J. Paul Getty, 1963]; J. Paul Getty, Sutton Place, Surrey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS Tulsa, The Philbrook Art Center, Gloria dell'arte: A Renaissance Perspective, October 26, 1979-January 27,1980, no. 86, p. 53, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 310, pp. 184- 185, illus. p. 184. 403 404 402 204 FURNITURE I T A L I A N 405. CREDENZA Possibly Umbria, late seventeenth century (later remade) Walnut Height: 3 ft. 10V4 in. (118.7 c m ) ^ Wi dth: 4 ft. 1 V4 in. (124.5 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 V2 in. (57.2 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 109 PROVENANCE [Ugo Bardmi, Italy purchased by J. Paul Getty i960]; J. Paul Getty Sutton Place, Surrey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 313, p. 186, illus. CHEST OF DRAWERS Venice, circa 1745-1750 Painted, gilt, and silver-gilt spruce and walnut; some pine Height: 2 ft. 87s m. (81.5 cm); Wi dth: 4 ft. 9 Vs in. (147 cm); Depth: 2 ft. V8 in. (62.5 cm) Accession number 83.DA.282 PROVENANCE Possibly Orsmi Family, Italy; (sold, Samt- Malo, France, 1982) [Didier Aaron, Paris]; (sold, Sotheby's, London, July 15, 1983, lot 114); [Alexander and Berendt, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY ' Acquisitions /1983," GettyMus J 12 (1984), no. 17, p. 267, illus.;'Handbook 1986, p. 191, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 314, p. 186, illus. Mirrors 4 V MIRROR AND FRAME Rome, circa 1750-1775 Gi l t and ebomzed pearwood wi th silvered mirror glass Height: 6 ft. 9 in. (206 cm); Wi dth: 4 ft. 1 in. (124.5 cm) Accession number 97.DH.66 PROVENANCE Private collection, Midlands, England; [Carlton Hobbs, Ltd., London]. 407 406 405 406 I T A L I A N FURNITURE 205 tables TABLE Tuscany, sixteenth century Walnut Height: 2 ft. 10 in. (86.4 cm); Wi dth: 8 ft. 6 in. (259 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 10 in. (86.4 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 121 PROVENANCE [Ugo Bardini, Italy purchased by J. Paul Getty 1963]; J. Paul Getty Sutton Place, Sur- rey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 315, p. 187, illus. 409 EXHIBITIONS Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, Italiaansche Kunst in ~Nederlandsch Bczit, July i-October 1, 1934, no. 1008. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A990," GettyMus] 19 (1991), no. 58, p. 165, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 316, p. 187, illus. 410. TABLE The Veneto, late sixteenth century Rosso di Verona marble Height: 2 ft. 7 7 / 8 in. (81 cm); Wi dth: 9 ft. 11V8 in. (308 cm); Depth: 4 ft. V8 in. (123.5 cm) Accession number 86.DA.489.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus J 15 (1987), no. 117, pp. 217-218, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 317, p. 187, illus. 408 409. OCTAGONAL TABLE Northern Italian (possibly Mantua), circa 1550 Rosso di Verona inlaid wi th new aniieo and cipollina marble Height: 2 ft. 9V4 in. (84.5 cm); Wi dth (at top): 3 ft. 9V2 in. (115.5 c m ) Accession number 90.DA.33.1-.2 PROVENANCE Possibly Palazzo Gonzaga, Mantua (as cited in exh. cat., Stedelijk Museum, below); private collection, the Netherlands, by 1934; private collection, Paris, since 1975; [Alam Moatti, Paris]. 4 1 0 s i d e v i r e 4 1 0 2o6 FURNITURE I T A L I A N 411 Top 411 411. PIETRE DURE TABLE Florence or Rome Tabletop: circa 1580-1600, Base: circa 1825 Pietre dure and marble mosaic including breccia di Tivoli (or Quintilina), gallo antico, new antico, breccia rossa, breccia cenerina, breccia verde, broccatello, bianco e new antico, serpentine, alabaster fionto and alabaster atartaruga, lapis lazuli, coral, rock crystal, and yellow and black jasper Height: 2V4 in. (5.7 cm); Wi dth: 4 ft. 5V4 in. (136.5 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 8V2 in. (113 cm); Base: Gi l t wood; Height: 35 3 /sm. (89.9 cm). Accession number 92.DA.70.1-.2 PROVENANCE Corsini, Florence, by at least the nineteenth century; by inheritance in the Corsini family until the second half of the twentieth century, sold to Same Art, Ltd.; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich, 1991 ]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Leonardo Gmori Lisa, I Palazzi di Firenze nella storia dell'arte (Florence, 1972), vol. 1, p. 152 (reproduces nineteenth-century archival photograph of object); Alessandra Guicciar- dini Corsi Salviati, Affreschi di Palazzo Corsini a Firenze 1650-1700 (Florence, 1989), pi. 23 (reproduces same photograph as above); "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMus J 21 (1993), p. 145, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 318, p. 188, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 19, pp. 28-29, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 248, illus. 412. PIETRE DURE TABLETOP Florence or Rome, circa 1600-1620 Base: See entry no. 81 in the French Furniture section Pietre dure and marble mosaic including bianco e new antico, paragone, brocatello, rosso antico, lapis lazuli, and onyx Height: Wi dth: 6 ft. 5V8 in. (197.1 cm); Depth: 5 ft. 3V8 in. (115.8 cm) Accession number 72.DA.58.2 PROVENANCE Possibly Charlotte de Rothschild (1819- 1884) (Baroness Lionel Nathan, nee von Roth- schild), Gunnersbury Park, Middlesex; Alfred (Charles) de Rothschild (1842-1918), Halton, Buckinghamshire, by 1884; by inheri- tance to Edmund (Leopold) de Rothschild (born 1916), Exbury, Hampshire; [Frank Par- tridge and Sons, Ltd., London, 1972]; pur- chased by J. Paul Getty. 4 1 2 I T A L I A N FURNITURE 207 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anna Maria Giusti, Pietre Dure: Hardstone in Furniture and Decorations (London, 1992), p. 29, 1 3' PP* 3 _ 3 1 > Bremer-David, Summary, no. 320, p. 189, illus.; Leora Auslander, Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France (Berkeley, 1996), p. 57, illus.; Nattale Mafholi, "Una scoperta nei Santuario Tormese della Conso- lata," ArteCristiana 86, no. 799 (July/August 2000), p. 299, fig. 3. 4 l 3- TABLE Probably Tuscany, seventeenth century Ebonized walnut wi th an inset of "flowering" alabaster (albastro jiorito) top Height: 2 ft. 874 in. (82 cm); Width: 4 ft. 1 74 in. (125 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 17s in. (65.3 cm) Accession number 97.DA.64 PROVENANCE Possibly Palazzo Sernston, Florence; possibly Jacques Petit-Horry Paris; [Alain Moatti, Paris]. 414. SIDE TABLE Rome, circa 1670 Design attributed to Johann Paul Schor, called Giovanni Paolo Tedesco Gilt poplar Height: 5 ft. 6 1 5 / i 6 in. (170 cm); Wi dth: 7 ft. 472 in.' (225 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 9V16 in. (85 cm) Accession number 86.DA.7 414 PROVENANCE Rudolph Hegetschweile, Zurich, since 1947; [International Patent Trust Reg., Vaduz, Liechtenstein]. Height: 3 ft. 1 in. (93.9 cm); Wi dth: 6 ft. 3 in. (190.5 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 2 in. (96.5 cm) Accession number 82.DA.8.1-.2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 321, p. 190, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 34, p. 48, illus. PROVENANCE Private collection, England; [Belgian art market]; [Jacques Kugel, Paris, 1981]. 4!5- SIDE TABLE Rome, circa 1720-1730 Gi l t limewood; modern top veneered wi th brocatello violetto marble BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 322, p. 190, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 51, p. 70, illus:; Hand- book 2001, pp. 264-265, illus. 4 1 3 4 1 5 2o8 FURNITURE I T A L I A N 4*7 CONSOLE TABLE Possibly Piedmont, circa 1730 Gi l t and painted limewood and spruce; sarrancolm de Pyrenees marble top Height: 2 ft. 10 1 A in. (86.9 cm); Wi dth: 6 ft. 5V4 in. (196.2 cm); Depth: 3 ft. 6 3 A in; (78.1 cm) Accession number 78.DA. 118.1-..2 PROVENANCE Elsie de Wolfe (Lady Mendl), New York, sold to J. Paul Getty October 1949; J Paul Getty, Sutton Place, Surrey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 319, pp. 188- 189, illus. p. 189. 4*7- SIDE TABLE Sicily, mid-eighteenth century Limewood gilt wi th mecea (golden-colored varnish); yellow marble (giallodi Verona) top Height: 3 ft. 5 in. (104 cm); Wi dth: 6 ft. (183 cm) Depth: 2 ft. 6 3 A in. (78 cm) Accession number 9 5. DA. 6.1-2 PROVENANCE Private collection, Sicily, from at least the nineteenth century until the 1990s; purport- edly private collection, London; [John Hobbs, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A995," GettyMus J 24 (1996), no. 82, p. 134, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 69, p. 90, illus. 418. TABLE Northern Italian, late eighteenth century By Giuseppe Maggiolmi Walnut and rare wood veneer Inscribed Di Laura Visconti on the table top Height: 2 ft. 9 in. (84 cm); Wi dth: 3 ft. 7 V16 in. (110 cm); Length: 2 ft. 5 1 /8 in. (74 cm). Accession number 95.DA.81 PROVENANCE Possibly Laura Visconti di Modrone, mid-eighteenth century; private col- lection, Lugano; [Picket Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein] BIBLIOGRAPHY Alvar Gonzlez-Palacios, "Tre tavoli lmpor- tanti," Scritti in Onore di Giuliano Brigand (Milan 1990), pp. 257-258, figs. 6-8; Alvar Gonzlez-Palacios, II Gusto dei Principi (Milan, 1993), pp. 340-341, pi. Lvi i , figs. 602-604; "Acquisitions/1995," GettyMus J 24 (1996), no. 80, p. 145, illus. 4 1 6 4 1 6 I T A L I A N FURNITURE 209 418 419. SIDE TABLE Italian, circa 1760-1770 GiltTimewood and spruce base; French calcarc marble top Height: 3 ft. 5 V16 in. (105 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 74 in. (153 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 5V8 in. (74 cm) Accession number 87.DA. 135.1-.2 PROVENANCE Private collection, Switzerland; [Danae Art International, S.A., Panama]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 79, p. 181, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 86, p. 109, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 323, pp. 190-191, illus. p. 191; Handbook 2001, p. 266, illus. 419 4 1 8 T o p 2 1 0 FURNITURE I T A L I A N 42O. TABLE Rome, circa 1780 By Francesco Antonio Franzoni Marble wi th a breccia Medicea top Height: 3 ft. 3V2 in. (100 cm); Wi dth: 6 ft. 7 in. (200 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 8 in. ( Accession number 93.DA.18.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Pelham Galleries, London]; [Carlton Hobbs, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY 420 Side view P. Massi, Catalogue indicaf des Anauites compo- sant le music Pio-Clementin au Vatican (Rome, 1792), p. 60; G. Lizzani, It Mobile Romano (Milan, 1970), pi. LXXI I ; Glyptothek Mnchen, 1830-^80 (Munich, 1980) p. 608; A. Gonzlez-Palacios, II Tempo del gusto: Roma e il Regna delle Due Sicilie (Milan, 1984), pp. 14, 70, 124, 126, fig. 157; C. Pietrangeli, IMusei Vaticani (Rome, 1985), pp. 87, 94; Apollo 136 (December 1992), p. 414; Carlton Hobbs, Catalogue Number Four (London, 1993), no. 14; "Acquisitions/1993," GettyMus J 22 (1994), no. 68, p. 100, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 91, pp. 115-116, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 268. 421 421. TABLE Possibly Naples, 177(9?) By Francesco Abbiati Oak, walnut, and poplar veneered wi th purplewood, satin wood, ebony, and various fruitwoods Signed and dated in the central roundel of marquetry on the top, FRAN c o ABBIATI / Height: 2 ft. 5 /s in. (77.8 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 10 V16 in. (87.5 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 10 Vi6 in. (87.5 cm) Accession number 84.DA. 77 PROVENANCE Purportedly private collection, Cleveland, Ohio; [Dalva Brothers, Inc., New York]. 4 2 0 I T A L I A N FURNITURE 2 1 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985)/ no. 254, p. 258, illus.; Alvar Gonzalez- Palacios, II Gusto dei Pnncipi: Arte di Corte del xvif del xvi i i Secolo (Milan, 1993), vol. 1, pp. 352- 353; vol. 2, pp. 318-324, nos. 629-640; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 324, p. 191, illus. 421 Top Seat Furniture 422. SET OF SIX ARMCHAIRS Probably Tuscany, circa 1620-30 Mahogany wi th inlaid white oak, spindle tree, lignum vitae, and possibly West Indian satinwood; some poplar; modern velvet upholstery Armchairs .1, .3, .4, and .6: Height: 3 ft. 3 in. (100 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. Vs in. (51.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 8 3 /s in. (51.7 cm) Armchairs .2 and .5: Height: 3 ft. 4V8 in. (102 cm); Wi dth: 2 f t 3 / 8 in. (62 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 8 in. (51.7 cm) Accession number 95.DA.22.1-.6 422 One of si: PROVENANCE Descendants of Cardinal Silvio Passerini (died 1529) (near Cortona); private collection, Switzerland; [Rosenblatt Investment, S. A., Panama]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1995," GettyMus] 24 (1996), no. 81, p. 134, illus. 423. SIDE CHAIR Turm, circa 1710-1715 Gi l t walnut and beech wi th modern silk upholstery copying the original silk Height: 4 ft. 2 5 /s in. (118.5 c m ^ Wi dth: 1 ft. 9V8 in. (55-6 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 3V8 in. (69.5 cm) Accession number 83.DA.281 PROVENANCE Royal House of Savoy, Racconigi Palace (near Turin); Mrs. Walter Hayes Burns (nee Morgan), North Mymms Park, Hertfordshire, England; by inheritance through her son Walter Spencer Morgan Burns and his wife Evelyn Ruth to Major-General Sir George Burns, North Mymms Park, Hertford- shire, England (sold, Christies, North Mymms Park, September 24-25, 1979, lot 215 [one of five], to Partridge); [Partridge (Fine Arts), Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1983," GettyMus] 12 (1984), no. 16, p. 267, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 325, p. 192, illus. 4 2 3 2 1 2 FURNITURE I T A L I A N 424 One offour 424. SET OF FOUR ARMCHAIRS Venice, circa-1730-1740 Gi l t walnut, with, some pine; upholstered in modern cut velvet Armchair . 1: Height: 2 ft. 10 3 A in. (88.3 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 9V2 in. (85.1 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 10 3 A in. (88.3 cm); Armchair .2: Height: 4 ft. 7 Vs m. (140 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 9Vs in. (86 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 10 V4 in. (87.3 cm); Armchair .3: Height: 4 ft. 6V2 in. (138.5 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 9V4 in. (85.8 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 11V4 in. (89.8 cm); Armchair .4: Height: 4 ft. 7 V4 in. (140.3 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 9 Vs in. (86 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 9 V4 in. (84.5 cm) Accession number 87.DA.2.1-.4 PROVENANCE Private collection, England, since the eigh- teenth century; [Alexander and Berendt, Ltd., London, 1984]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 78, pp. 180-181, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 326, p. 192, illus.; Handbook 1997, pp. 264-265, illus. p. 264; Masterpieces, no. 57, p. 76, illus. 4 2 5- FOLDING STOOL Turm, circa 1735 Gilt walnut upholstered in modern silk velvet Branded twice wi th three fleurs-deTys and wi th the letters FON for the Palais de Fontainebleau. Height: 1 ft. 4V4 in. (41.3 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 3V8 in. (68.9 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 5V8 in. (43.5 cm) Accession number 74.DA.26 PROVENANCE Palais de Fontainebleau during the nineteenth century; [Matthew Schutz, Ltd., New York]. EXHIBITIONS The Detroit Institute of Arts, March 7- June 13, 1975. BIBLIOGRAPHY Gillian Wilson, Decorative Arts in the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1977, p. 33, no. 42, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 327, p. 193, illus. 426. ARMCHAIR Possibly Naples, circa 1790 Marquetry of rosewood and kingwood; upholstered in modern horsehair fabric Height: 4 ft. (122 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 1 in. (64 cm); Depth: 1 ft 5 V2 in. (44 cm) Accession number 95.DA. 76 PROVENANCE Private collection, Basel, Switzerland, sold in 1988; private collection, London; [Antonie Cheneviere, London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisrtions/1995," GettyMus J 24 (1996), no. 83, p. 135, illus. 427. DAYBED (ORIGINALLY A SETTEE) Turm, designed between 1832-1835 By Filrppo Pelagio Palagi Maple inlaid wi th mahogany, wi th modern silk upholstery copying the original upholstery On back of frame, stenciled wi th 3421 in green paint from Racconigi inventory of 1900 (obscured by upholstery), stamped wi th Dazio Venjicato in ink, and incised wi th the stamp PPR 3421. On frame of upholstered seat, stamped wi th Dazio Venjicato in ink and Racconigi Camera da letto degli Augusti Sfosi in pencil across front. On frame structure 37 in ink on part of a label, a pencil design for ml ay. 426 I T A L I A N / N E T H E R L A N D I S H FURNITURE 213 Height: 2 ft. 1 V2 in. (80 cm); Wi dth: 7 ft. 4V8 in. (224 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 3 Vs in. (69 cm) Accession number 86.DA.511 PROVENANCE King Carlo Alberto of Savoy (1798-1849), Racconigi Palace (near Turin); remained at Racconigi until 1922; private collection, Switzerland, 1938-1980; [Heim Gallery, Ltd., London, 1980-1986]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 118, p. 218, illus.; Handbook 1991, p. 219, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 328, p. 193, illus. Netherlandish 428. DISPLAY CABINET (TOONKAST) Flemish (probably Antwerp), early seven- teenth century Walnut, cedar, and white oak veneered wi th ebony, tortoiseshell, African padouk, snakewood; pearwood carvings Height: 6 ft. 10 3 A in. (210 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 2V4 in. (158 cm); Depth: 2 ft. 5V8 in. (74.5 cm) Accession number 88.DA. 10 PROVENANCE Prmce d'Arenberg, Egmont Palace, Brussels; [Axel Vervoordt, 's Gravenwezel, Belgium]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions /1988," GettyMus J 17 (1989), no. 86, pp. 146147, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 478, p. 274, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 31, p. 44; Handbook 2001, p. 250, illus. 4 2 7 428 214 FURNITURE N E T H E R L A N D I S H / S O U T H I N D I A N 429. PAIR OF TORCHERES Dutch, circa 1740-1750 Possibly by the Italian carver Agostino Carlmi Gessoed, painted, and gilded wood; crushed glass Height: 6 ft. 11V8 in. (212.4 c m ^ Wi dth: 2 ft. 3 in. (68.6 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 10 in. (55.9 cm) Accession number 7 9. DA . 5.1-. 2 PROVENANCE Sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, December 9, 1963, no. 93; [Fabius Freres, Paris, 1970s]. EXHIBITIONS Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, "Adrian Saxe, 1-900-ZEITGEIST," Departures: Eleven Artists at the Getty, Lisa Lyons, Febru- ary 29-May 7, 2000, pp. 52-53, illus. p. 52. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wilson, "Acquisitions 1977 to mid-197 9," no. 13, pp. 49-51, illus. (one); Marten Loon- stra, The Royal Palace Huis ten Bosch in a Historical View (Zutphen, 1985), p. 75, illus. p. 74; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 479, p. 275, illus.; Remier Baarsen, "High Rococo in Hol- land s Wi l l i am iv and Agostino Carlini," Burlington Magazine 140, no. 1140 (March 1998), pp. 172-183, illus. fig. 29. Soutk Indian 430. SET OF TWELVE CHAIRS (FIVE ARMCHAIRS AND SEVEN SIDE CHAIRS) South Indian (Coromandel Coast) for a Dutch client, circa 1680-1720 Ebony and ebonized wood, some details inlaid wi th ivory; caned seat Armchairs: Height: 3 ft. 6 in. (106.7 c m ) Wi dth (at front): 2 ft. (61 cm); Wi dth (at back): 1 ft. 8 in. (50.8 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 7 V16 in. (49.4 cm); Side Chairs: Height: 3 ft. 4 in. (101.6 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 9V4 in. (55.2 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 6 n / i 6 in. (47.5 cm) Accession number 92.DA.24.1-. 12 PROVENANCE Possibly Thomas Thynne, ist Viscount Wey- mouth, Longleat Castle, Wiltshire, about 1700; by inheritance to the Marquess of Bath, Longleat Castle, Wiltshire (sold, Chris- tie's, London, November 17, 1988, lot 75, to R. Miles); [Richard Miles, London]; [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY 429 Oncofayair "Acquisitions/1992" GettyMus] 21 (1993), no. 68, p. 143, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 502, p. 288, illus. 430 side cair A U S T R I A N GLASS 215 Cj LAS S Austrian 43 1 - UMBO VASE Hall or Murano, circa 1534-1536 Facon de Venise, possibly the workshop of Wolfgang Vi tl Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gilding and cold-painted decoration Arms, on rim, in cold paint, perfesse argent a demi wheel gules, and azure a fleur-de-lis argent; on the opposite side, on a mount or a tnple-turreted tower argent. Height: 8 5 /16 in. (21.1 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3Vs in. (9.9 cm); Maxi mum Diameter: 5 Vs in. (13 cm) Accession number 84.DK.546 PROVENANCE Mrs. Andre Wormser, Paris; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/i984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 218, pp. 250-251, illus.; "Recent Impor- tant Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 28, p. 106; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 461, pp. 262-263, l i i U S - p- 262; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 35, pp. 138- 141, illus. 432 432. COVERED VESSEL Hall, circa 1536-1540 Facon de Venise, possibly the workshop of Wolfgang Vi tl Free-blown colorless glass wi th applied deco- ration, gilding, and cold-pamted decoration Arms on one side of the central zone of the vessel canted toward each other, below a bishop s miter, in cold paint, two escutcheons, dexter, or a Moors head in profile proper crowned and sinister, quarterly one and four sable a lion or crowned gules and two and three lozengy argent and azure. Height (with lid): 7 l /i in. (19 cm); Height (without lid): 5 V16 in. (14.2 cm); Maximum Diameter: 3 V16 in. (8.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.548.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Tkree Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 59, pp. 68-69. BIBLIOGRAPHY "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 219, p. 251, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 30, p. 107; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 462, p. 263, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 36, pp. 142-146, illus. 433 433- GOBLET (KELCHPOKAL) Hall, 1535-1555 Facon de Venise, possibly the workshop of Wolf- gang Vi tl or of Sebastian Hchstetter Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gilding Height: 7 V16 in. (18.9 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4V8 in. (12.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.542 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 212, pp. 249-250, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 463, p. 264, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 37, pp. 147-149, illus. 43 1 216 GLASS A U S T R I A N 434- GOBLET (KELCHPOKAL) Hall, 1540-1560 Fagon de Vemse, possibly the workshop of Sebastian Hchstetter Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gilding Height: 6 1 5 /16 in. (17.6 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5V4 in. (13.3 cm) Accession number 84.DK.543 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York.] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions /1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 213, p. 250, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 464, p. 264, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 38, pp. 150-151, illus. 434 435- GOBLET Hall, 1540-1560 Fagon de Vemse, possibly the workshop of Sebastian Hchstetter Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gilding and cold-painted and applied decora- tion Height: 10 in. (25.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 6 V16 in. (16.3cm) Accession number 84.DK.544 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York.] BIBLIOGRAPHY Possibly E. Barrmgton Haynes, GlassThrough the Ages, revised ed. (Harmondsworth, 1948), pi. 16c, where an uncredited glass is repro- duced that is identical to, possibly the same as, the Getty piece; "Acquisitions/1984," (u-flvMusj 13 (1985), no. 216, p. 250, illus.; Bremer-David, Nummary, no. 465, p. 264, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 39, pp. 152, 153, i l l us. 435 436 436. GOBLET (TRICHTERPOKAL) Hall, 1550-1560 Fagon de Vemse, possibly the workshop of Sebastian Hchstetter Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gilt applied decoration Height: 1 ft. 3 in. (38.3 cm); Diameter (at lip): 6 3 /8 in. (16.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.545 PROVENANCE Purportedly Count Hans Wilczek, Burg Kreuzens tern, Austria; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 217, p. 250, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 27, p. 106; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 466, p. 265, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 40, pp. 154-155, illus. A U S T R I A N GLASS 2 1 - ] 437 431 COVERED WELCOME BEAKER (WILKOMMGLAS) Hall, 1550-1554 FagondeVenise, possibly the workshop of Sebastian Hchstetter Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving, gilding, and enamel decoration Arms, on the center of the vessel wall and repeated on the opposite side, in enamel, argent a fesse dancetty gules; crest, on a helm argent a coronet or and a panache of peacock's plumes argent and gules. Engraved over the vessel wall wi th the names or initials of various people and dates. Height (with lid): 1 ft. 2V16 in. (37 cm); Height (without lid): 11 V4 in. (28.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4V8 m. (12.4 cm) Accession number 84.DK.515.1-.2 PROVENANCE Count von Trautmannstorff, Gleichenberg Castle (near Graz), Austria; E. and A. Silber- man, Vienna, sold to Oscar Bondy May 11, 1932; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters, The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, 1975, p. 277, no. 279. BIBLIOGRAPHY Oswald Trapp, "Die Geschichte eines Trap- pisches Wilkommglas," Der Schiern 40 (1966), pp. 120-122; Rainer Rckert, Die Glassamm- lung des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums Mnchen I (Munich, 1982), p. 79; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 214, p/250; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Pubic and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies, no. 21, p. 104; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 467, p. 265, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 41, pp. 156-159, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 6, p. 12, illus. 438. BOWL Innsbruck, 1570-1591 Eacon de Venise Colorless glass wi th diamond-point engraving, gilding (including silver), and cold-painted decoration Height: 6 5 /16 in. (16 cm); Diameter (at lip): 15 15 /16 in. (40.4 cm) Accession number 84.DK.653 PROVENANCE Sir John Drummond Erskine, Dunimarle Castle, Culross, Fife, Scotland, by the second quarter of the nineteenth century; by inheri- tance to Magdelene Sharpe Erskine, Duni- marle Castle, Culross, Fife, Scotland (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 26, 1978, lot 26, to David, Inc.); [David, Inc., Vaduz]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brian J. R. Blench, letter to the editor, Journal of Glass Studies 26 (1984), pp. 155-157; "Acqui- sitions /1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 215, p. 250, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 29, p. 107; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 468, p. 266, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 43, pp. 164-166, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 22, p. 31, illus. 438 2 1 8 GLASS B O H E M I A N Bokemian 439 439- GOBLET WITH THE ARMS OF LIECHTENBERG Probably southern Bohemian, 1500-1530 Fagon de Venise Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Arms, on the center of the bowl, in enamel, or two ragged staves in saltire, sable; the crest, upon a cush- ion gules, tasseled or, a fish argent, in front of a panache of peacock's feather proper. Height: 9V4 in. (23.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 6 3 /s in. (16.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.537 PROVENANCE Dr. Franz Kieslmger, Vienna; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, p. 41, no. 19; New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters, The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, 1975, p. 267, no. 263. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 186, p. 245, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 14, p. 102; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 450, p. 255, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 33, pp. 130-133, illus. 440. BOWL OF A FOOTED BEAKER Probably Bohemian or Italian (Murano), Eacon de Venise Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf enamel, and diamond-point engraved decoration Height: 8 Vs in. (21.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): -j 1 /2 in. (19 cm); Diameter (at base): 3 V16 in. (7.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.547 PROVENANCE Robert von Hirsch, Basel (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 22, 1978, lot 256); [Ruth Blumka, New York]. 440 BIBLIOGRAPHY The History of Glass, Dan Klein and Ward Lloyd, eds. (London, 1984), p. 74, illus.; "Acquisitions 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 211, p. 249. illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 22, p. 10; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 447, p. 254, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 34, pp. 134-137, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 5, p. 12, illus. 441. GOBLET Bohemian, 1576 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Height: 8 7 /s in. (22.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 1 3 / 16 in. (12.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.552 PROVENANCE Prince of Liechtenstein, Vaduz; Francis S. McNalty England (sold by his executors, Christie's, London, July 15,1970, lot 247, to "Bier" for R. and L. Blumka); [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. B O H E M I A N GLASS 219 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984/' GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 234, pp. 253-254, illus.; "Recent Impor- tant Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 23, p. 105; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 448, p. 254, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 53, pp. 196-198, illus. 442 442. COVERED TANKARD Possibly northern Bohemian, 1578 Free-blown colorless glass wi th enamel and applied decoration and pewter mounts Inscribed around central zone of vessel, KMG-HERODIS'LEST-DIE/unscMdigen kmdlemelendiglich todten, 1578. Height: 10 V8 in. (27 cm); Diameter (at base): 5V8 in. (14.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.553 PROVENANCE Collection Wilczek, Schloss Eisgrub (obj.- Nr. 1/22, Inv. Nr. 224), Austria; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Axel von Saldern, German Enameled Glass (Corning, 1965), p. 92, fig. 114; "Acquisi- tions /19 84," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 220, p. 251, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 24, p. 105; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 449, pp. 254-255, illus. p. 254; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 54, pp. 199-201, illus. 443- BEAKER WITH THE ARMS OF PUCHNER (STANGENGLAS) Probably Northwest Bohemian or German, possibly Saxon (Erzgebirge), 1587 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Arms, on the central zone of the vessel wall, in enamel, tierced per chevron or, in chief sable a lion or, armed and langued gules and in base azure, on a mount vert a tree [beech] proper; crest, lion issuant between two buffaloes' horns, couped dexter azure and or, sinister or and sable, issuantfrom each flames gules. Inscribed on upper and lower vessel wall, in enamel, Auff Gott memhoffnung/Paulus Puchner Chur:S:Zeug/meister zu dresden; around the upper vessel wall, 1587.. Height: 12 5 /16 in. (31.3 cm); Diameter (at base): 4V16 in. (11.7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.555 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York.. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brigitte Klesse and Axel von Saldern, 500 Jahre Glaskunst: Sammlung Biemann (Zurich, 1978), p. 309; "Acquisitions/i984/' GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 206, p. 248, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 26, p. 106; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 451, p. 255, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 56, pp. 205-207, illus. 443 2 2 0 GLASS B O H E M I A N 444 444- BEAKER WITH THE ARMS OF HIRT AND MAIER (STANGENGLAS) Probably south Bohemian or from the Bh- mer wald, 1590 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Arms, gules, a pale argent, three rosettes gules; on the opposite side, azure, a stork argent. Inscribed on band above the cresting, in enamel, ALLES ALLES MIT GOTTES HVLF; below the arms, HANS HIRT V WEISSENAV FVRST/BRAVNSCHWEIGIS CHER VND LVNEBVRG/ISCHER RATHVND AGENT AM KAYs/FLOFF; on the opposite side above the cresting, HIE EEITLICHS LEID BRINGT D EWIGEERE VD; below the arms, MARIA HIRTIN VON WEISSENAU/GEBORNE MAIERIN VON SANT/GILGEN SEIN HAVSFRAV ALLES ALLES MIT GOTTES HVLF; and just below the upper bands, Patientia DurumFrango 159 o. Height: 11V16 in. (29.3 cm); Diameter (at base): 4V8 in. (10.5 cm) Accession number 85.DK.214 PROVENANCE Viktor Schick, Prague; by inheritance to Shick's widow, Hedwig Schick, Prague (sold, Sotheby's, London, May 4, 1939, lot 17); (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, November 29- December 3,1965, no. 151); [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY L. Fusch, "Die frhen sddeutschen Wappen- humpen," Mnchener Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 12, n.s. (1937-1938), p. 224; p. 226, fig. 6; "AccpisitionsA985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 215, p. 252, illus.; Bremer -David, Summary, no. 452, p. 256, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 57, pp. 208-213, illus. 445- HUNT BEAKER (JAGDHUMPEN) Bohemian or central German, 1593 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration, 1593. Height: 11 V8 in. (28.9 cm); Diameter (at base): 5 V16 in. (13.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.556 PROVENANCE Count Hans Wilczek, Burg Kreuzenstein, Austria, sold to E. and A. Silberman; E. and A. Silberman, Vienna, sold to O. Bondy; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy, 1945; Elis- abeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J-13 (1985), no. 235, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 453, pp. 256-257, illus. p. 256; Hess and Husband, European Glass; no. 58, pp. 211-213, illus. 445 446. IMPERIAL EAGLE BEAKER (REICHSADLERHUMPEN) Probably Bohemian, possibly central German, 1599 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Inscribed on the vessel wall below the deco- rative band, in enamel, Das hefage Komisch Reich Mit Sampt Seinen gliedern 1599; on the four heraldic shields along the top of the eagle s dexter wing, TRI ER/ COI N/MENTZ/ POTESTAT ZV ROM; on the sinister wing, B O H E M I A N GLASS 2 2 1 4 4 6 BEHEN / PFALTA / SACHSEN / BRANDEN BVRG; on the banderoles attached to each feather and on the bands over the shields in six vertical ranks on the dexter wing, from left to right and top to bottom, 4 BAVRN / COLN / REGENSPVRG /COSENTTZ / SALTZBVRG / 4 STETT / AVGSBVRG / METZ / ACH / LVBECK / 4 SEMPER- FREIEN / LVNDBVRG / WESTERBVRG / THVS-SIS / ALTWALTEN / 4 BVRGGRAVEN / MAIDBVRG / NVRNBERG / REMECK / STRANBERG / 4 MARGRAVEN / MER- CHERN / BRANDENBVRG /MEISCHEN / BADEN / 4 SEIL / BRVANSCHWEIG / BAIRN / SCHWABEN / LVTRING; and on the sinister wing, 4 VICARI / BRABAND / N. SACHSEN / WESTERBVRG SCHLEST / 4 LAND GRAVEN / DVRING / EDELSAS / HESSEN / LEVCHTENBERG / 4 GRAVEN / CLEVE / SAPHOY / SCHWARZBVRG / ZILLI / 4 RITTER / ANNDELAW / WEIS- SENBACH / FRAAENBERG / STTVNDECK / 4 DORFFER / BAMBERG / VLM / HAGE- NAW / SLETSTAT / 4 BIRG / MADABVRG / LVTZELBVRG / ROTTENBVRG / ALTENBVRG. Height: 11 V2 in. (29.2 cm); Diameter (at base): 5V8 in. (13.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.558 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J .13 (1985), no. 236, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 454, p. 257, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 59, pp. 214-217, illus. 447 447- BEAKER Probably northern Bohemian or from the Erzgebirge, 1599 Free-blown cobalt-blue glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Inscribed and dated ELIAS.IN.DER/WUSTEN.AN/NQ1.5.9.9. Height: 4V2 in. (11.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 Vs in. (8.6 cm) Accession number 84.DK.557 PROVENANCE Aaron Vecht, Amsterdam; Lucien Sauphar, Paris; Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris, sold to O. Bondy; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Axel van Saldern, German Enameled Glass (Corning, 1965), p. 446; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 221, p. 251, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 455, p. 257, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 60, pp. 218-220, illus. 448. FOOTED BEAKER (STANGENGLAS) South Bohemian, 1600 Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving Inscribed in the upper paralled bands, FRISCHAUF-JIING-GESEL-WOL- GEMUNDT-GAR-WOL/MIR-DAS- FIEDELN*THUT. Inscribed over the couple, Lieh haben und nicht genissenn/Thut manchen gar sehr ver/driessen/. Inscription flanking the cou- ple, 1600/lch aher thu genissen/dass tkut ganz nicht vordriessen. Inscribed over the naked woman, Halte jeste, es kom/menfrembde geste/Frisch auff; and in the lower band 1600. Height: 1 ft. 1 9 /16 in.. (34.5 cm); Diameter (at base): 4V4in. (10.7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.559 PROVENANCE Richard Leitner, Vienna, sold to O. Bondy, June 16, 1922; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Aus- trian government to Bondy s widow, Elisa- beth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. 2 2 2 GLASS B O H E M I A N 448 BIBLIOGRAPHY Hans Zedinek, "Die Glashtte zu Hall in Tirol," Altes Kunsthandwerk 1 (1927), pp. 98- 117, pi. 89; Wilfred Buckley, Diamond Engraved Glasses of the Sixteenth Century with Par- ticular Reference to Five Attributed to Giacomo Verzelini (London, 1929), p. 16, pi. 31; Erich Egg, "Die Glashtte zu Hall und Innsbruck in 16. Jahrhundert," Tiroler Wirtschaftsstudien 15 (Innsbruck, 1962), p. 80; "Acquisi- tions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 222, 449 p. 251, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 32, p. 108; Bre- mer-David, Summary, no. 456, p. 258, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 61, pp. 221-223, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 27, p. 38, illus. 449- LARGE BEAKER (HUMPEN) Bohemian or Silesian, 1614 Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving Arms, gules (?) three swords, a right one in pale, between two others of different shape, hilt and pommel or, together enfled in a coronet or; the charges of the shield, repeated. Engraved on one side wi th Daniel Weger, and on the other side wi th Fein land fcht du zu mir herI em. Und lass dem Krschneri/sehen Laffen sein. Mich dnckt d/forcht dich fr den treichenn. Drmb wirdt dass/glass am dich Nicht reichenn; engraved wi th 1614 on central zone of vessel wall. Height: 10 Vs in. (26.3 cm); Diameter (at base): 4V8 in. (12.3 cm) Accession number 84.DK.560 PROVENANCE Dr. Karl Ruhmann, Vienna, by 1956, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ignaz Schlosser, Das alte Glas: emHandbuch fr Sammler und Liebhaber (Brunswick, 1956), pp. 152, 159, hg. 131; Erich Egg, "Die Glass- htte zu Hall und Innsbruck im 16. Jahrhun- dert," Tiroler Wirtschaftsstudien 15 (Innsbruck, 1962), p. 80; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 242, p. 255, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 33, p. 108; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 457, pp. 258-259, illus. p. 259; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 62, pp. 224-227, illus. 45- LARGE BEAKER (HUMPEN) South Bohemian, early seventeenth century Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving Height: 1 ft. 5 1 5 /16 in. (44.6 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 1 3 /16 in. (12.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.659 PROVENANCE [Curt Berndorff, Copenhagen, sold to F. Biemann, January 1,1973]; Fritz Biemann, Zurich (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 16, 1984, lot 46, to David, Inc.); [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Cologne, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum, and Zurich, Museum Bellerive, Sammlung Biemann Ausstellung 500 B O H E M I A N / F R E N C H GLASS 223 Jahre Glaskunst, B. Klesse and A. von Saldern, 1978-1979, p. 15, fig. 12, and p. 118, no. 65; Lucerne, Kunsthalle, 3000Jahre Glaskunst von der Antike his zum Jugendstil, 1981, p. 161, no. 705. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dagmar Hnikova, "Bhmisches Glas," Orbis Pictus 61 (Bern and Stuttgart, 1974); "Acquisi- tions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 223, p. 251, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 458, p. 259, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 64, pp. 232-233, illus. 450 451 45 1 - BEAKER WITH PERSONIFICATIONS OF THE SENSES Riesengebirge, late seventeenth century By the Master of the Koula Beaker after prints by Marten de Vos Free-blown glass wi th wheel-engraved decoration Height: 4V4 in. (12.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 in. (10.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.567 PROVENANCE Leopold Blumka, Vienna, sold to O. Bondy, 1919; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confisicated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian gov- ernment to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Olga Drahotova, "Dans le sphere du maitre graveur du goblet dit de Koula," Cnstal de Boheme (1965), pp. 29-32; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 224, p. 252, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 459, p. 260, illus. Frenck 452. FLASK Possibly French, circa 1550-1600 Facon deVenise Free-blown dichroic glass wi th pewter mounts Height: 1 ft. 1V16 in. (33.5 cm); Wi dth: 87s in. (22.8 cm) Accession number 84. DK . 519 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York.] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 229, p. 253; "Recent Important Acquisi- tions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 18, p. 103; Hess and Husband, European Glass, pp. 172-173, illus. 45 2 224 G L A S S G E R M A N German 453 453- BEAKER Lower Rhmeland, Hesse or possibly Franco- nia, 1400-1450 Mold-blown dark yellowish-green glass Height: 2 1 3 / 16 in'. (7.1 cm); Maximum Diame- ter: 2 3 A in. (7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.522 PROVENANCE Leopold H. Seligmann, Cologne (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 30, 1932, lot-35); Baron Maurice (Edmond Charles) de Roth- schild, Paris (1881-1957); Count Dr. Alexan- der von Frey Paris, sold to O. Bondy; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; resti- tuted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. andL. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Franz Rademacher, "Die gotischen Glser der Sammlung Seligmann-Kln," Pantheon 8 (1931), pp. 290-294, fig. 3 (lower left); Franz Rademacher, Die deutschen Glser des Mittelalters (Berlin, 1933), pp. 94ff, pl. 24c; "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 200, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 422, p. 242, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 1, pp. 28-29, l i r u s - 454- DRINKING BOWL (MAIGELEIN) German, fifteenth century Mold-blown dark green glass Height: 1 15 '/16 in. (4.9 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 V16 in. (9 cm) Accession number 84.DK.521 PROVENANCE Leopold H. Seligmann, Cologne (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 30,1932, lot 33, to "Buckely" [possibly Wilfred Buckley, Lon- don]); Buckley; Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris, at least until 1936; probably Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; Dr. Karl Ruh- mann, Vienna, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Franz Rademacher, "Die gotischen Glser der Sammlung Seligmann-Kln," Pantheon 8 (1931), pp. 290-294, fig. 3 (upper left); Franz Rademacher, Die deutschen Glser des Mit- telalters (Berlin, 1933), pp. 94ff., pl. 22c; Jaro- slave Vvra, Das Glas und die Jahrtausende (Prague, 1951), no. 95, pl. 38; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 199, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 423, p. 242, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 2, pp. 30-31, illus. 454 455- PRUNTED BEAKER (KRAUTSTRUNK) German, late fifteenth or early sixteenth century Free-blown pale blue-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 3 Vs in. (9.9 cm); Maximum Diame- ter: 3 1 Ai n . (8.4 cm) Accession number 84.DK.526 PROVENANCE Hohenzollern Museum, Sigmaringen, Ger- many; LeopoldH. Seligmann, Cologne (sold, Sotheby's London, June 30,1932, lot 24, to "Kreitz"); Kreitz; Aron Vecht (1886-1965), Amsterdam (sold, Sotheby's, London, Novem- ber 10/1938, lot 56, unsold); stored in Lon- don during the war; recovered by Vecht after 1945 and brought back to the Netherlands; purportedly Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Tentoonstelling van oude Kunst uit het hezit van den internationalen Handel, 1936, no. 687. 455 G E R M A N GLASS 225 BIBLIOGRAPHY Franz Rademacher, "Die gotischen Glser der Sammlung Seligmann-Kln/' Pantheon 8 (1931), pp. 290-294, fig. A (upper right); Franz Rademacher, Die deutschen Glser des Mit- telalters (Berlin, 1933), p. 113, pi. 45b; "Acqui- sitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 203, p. 248, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 426, p. 243, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 3, pp. 32-33, illus. 45 6 - BEAKER (MAIGELBECHER) German, circa 1450-1525 Mold-blown pale blue-green glass Height: 3 V16 in. (8.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 V4 in. (8 cm) Accession number 84. DK . 523 PROVENANCE Count Dr. Alexander von Frey, Paris, sold to O. Bondy after 1936; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s col- lection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elis- abeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 202, p. 248, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 424, p. 243, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 5, pp. 37-39, illus. 451 PRUNTED BEAKER (KRAUTSTRUNK) German, 1480-1520 Free-blown dark green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 2 Vi5 in. (6.3 cm); Diameter (at lip): 2 3 / 8 in. (6.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.524 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 201, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 425, p. 243, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 4, pp. 34-36, illus. 457 458 458. PRUNTED BEAKER (KRAUTSTRUNK) Southern German or Swiss, circa 1490-1530 Free-blown blue-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 4V8 in. (10.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 V16 in. (8.7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.525 PROVENANCE Hohenzollern Museum, Sigmaringen, Ger- many; sold to L. H. Seligmann; Leopold H. Seligmann, Cologne (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 30, 1932, lot 23); Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Franz Rademacher, "Die Glser der Samm- lung Seligmann-Kln," Pantheon 8 (1931), pp. 290-294, fig. 4 (lower right); Franz Rademacher, Die deutschen Glser des Mittelalters (Berlin, 1933); pp. mf f , pl. 42d; "Acquisi- tions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 232, p. 253, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 427, p. 244, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 6, pp. 40-42, illus. 456 2 2 GLASS G E R M A N 459 459- FOOTED BEAKER Possibly from the lower Rhineland, circa 1500-1550 Free-blown pale yellow-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 4 V 8 in. (11.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3V8 in. (7.9 cm) Accession number 84.DK.532 PROVENANCE Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris, at least until 1936; Oscar Bondy Vienna (died 1943); confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian gov- ernment to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 241, p. 255, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 428, p. 244, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 7, pp. 43-45, illus. 460. PRUNTED BEAKER (BERKEMEYER) Southern German (lower Rhineland), 1500- 1550 Free-blown blue-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 5 V16 in. (13.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5 1 /16 in. (12.9 cm) Accession number 84. DK . 527 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 237, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 430, p. 245, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 8, pp. 46-49, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 21, p. 30, illus. 461 461. STEMMED AND PRUNTED GOBLET Lower Rhineland (possibly Cologne), circa 1500-1550 Free-blown blue-green glass wi th applied and diamond-point engraved decoration Engraved wi th 4. augustus. was Ick Out. 100 . ]aer. A1594 . on the foot. Height: 5V4 in. (14.6 cm); Diameter (at lip): 2 Vs in. (5.4 cm); Diameter (at base): 3 1 3 /16 in. (9.7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.509 PROVENANCE 460 [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York.] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 231, p. 253, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), p. 99, fig. 6; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 431, p. 245, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 9, pp. 50-53, illus. G E R M A N GLASS 227 462 462. PRUNTED BEAKER German, sixteenth century Free-blown dark blue-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 9 1 5 /16 in. (25.2 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5 11 /16 in. (14.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.510 PROVENANCE Count Hans Wilczek, Burg Kreuzenstein, Austria, by 1926, sold to F. Ruhmann; Franz Ruhmann, Vienna, by 1938; by inheritance to Dr. Karl Ruhmann, Vienna, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alfred Walcher-Molthem, "Die deutschen Renaissanceglser auf Burg Kreuzenstein, 1," Belvedere 45 (March 1926), p. 41, hg. 18; Wolfgang Born, "Five Centuries of Glass: 1, The Franz Ruhmann Collection at Vienna," Connoisseur 101 (January 1938), pp. 12-13, fig. 6; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMwsJ 13 (1985), no. 204, p. 248, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), p. 100, fig. 8; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 429, pp. 244-245, illus. p. 244; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 10, pp. 54- 55, illus. 463. COVERED FILIGRANA BEAKER (STANGENGLAS) German or Italian (Murano), 1550-1600 Fagon de Venise Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th opaque white (lattimo) canes Mounts: German (Augsburg), circa 1685 Silver gilt Engraved wi th SEI WILLKUMEN MEIN HAUS-SEZ AN UND TRINK AUS-TRAG FRID NIT HINAUS on the lip mount. Stamped on the brim of the cove wi th a pine- cone for the city of Augsburg and the mono- gram MB, the maker s mark of Martin Bair. Height (with lid): 1 ft. (30.5 cm); Height (without lid): 9V2 in. (24.2 cm); Diameter (at base): 4 in. (10.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.513.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 193, p. 246, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 385, p. 220, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 44, pp. 167-169, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 246, illus. 464. GOBLET Central German or Bohemian, second half of the sixteenth century Free- and mold-blown light cobalt-blue glass wi th gold leaf enamel decoration Height: 8V16 in. (20.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 V16 in. (7.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.550 PROVENANCE Count Dr. Alexander von Frey, Paris, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Coming Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, pp. 102-103, n o - 1 1 1
463 228 GLASS G E R M A N 464 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/io^," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 233, p. 253; illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 433, p. 246, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 52, pp. 194-195, illus. 465. BEAKER WITH THE ARMS OF SCHILTL AND PORTNER VON THEUERN Southern German, possibly Bavarian, 1586 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Arms, on the center section of one side, in enamel, per hend azure, a lion passant crowned or, grasping a scimitar, and per hend or, three escuthcheons azure, and gules; crest, out of a coronet or, a demvlwn with the scimitar as in the shield, hetween two eagles wings gules, each ensigned with a lenddexter trans- formed into a baror, charged with three escutcheons azure; on the center section of the opposite side, azure, a fallow deer salient with tail, armed or; crest, a demi-fallow deer salient, as in the shield. Dated on the side of the vessel, in enamel, 1586. Height: 8 in. (20.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5 Vs in. (13 cm) Accession number 84.DK.554 PROVENANCE Count Hans Wilczek, Burg Kreuzenstem, Austria, by 1926; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alfred Walcher-Mol them, "Deutschen Renaissanceglser auf Burg Kreuzenstem 1," Belvedere no. 45 (March, 1926), p. 57, fig. 28; "Acquisitions /1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 205, p. 248, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Col- lections in the United States and Abroad" Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 25, p. 105; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 434, p. 246, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 55, pp. 202-204, illus. 465 466. STANDING COVERED FILIGRANA CUP German or Italian (Murano), late sixteenth or early seventeenth century Fagon de Venise Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th opaque white (lattimo) canes Mounts: German (Augsburg), circa 15So- lo 00 Silver -gilt- Stamped on the edge of the lip mount wi th a pinecone for the city of Augsburg and a tree on a mount, the maker s mark of Mattus Wallbaum. Height (with lid): 8 5 /16 in. (21.1 cm); Height (without lid): 5 1 1 /16 in. (14.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 2. 1 A in. (5.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.514.1-.2 466 G E R M A N GLASS 22g PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquis itions/19 84," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 190, p. 246, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Col- lections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 15, pp. 102-103; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 384, p. 219, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 42, pp. 160-163, iUus-i Masterpieces, no. 23, p. 32, illus. 467 467. RING BEAKER (RINGBECHER) German, early seventeenth century Free-blown blue-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 4V4 in. (12.1 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3V16 in. (; Diameter (at base): 3 7 / i 6i n. (8.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.531 PROVENANCE Gabriel Pichler, Vienna, sold to O. Bondy, November 29, 1927; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s col- lection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elis- abeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 240, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 432, p. 245, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 11, pp. 56-58, illus. 468. GOBLET WITH THE ARMS OF BREGENZ AND OF LOCAL PATRICIANS Southwestern German (Baden, probably the southern Schwarzwald), after 1621- circa 1635 Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving Arms, engraved in three rows across the sur- face of the vessel twenty-one shields, seven per row, several blank, not all numbered, a patchwork of pelts, a pale ermine; (1) a swan with wings opened; (2) auarterly one and four on a mount a lion rampant holding a gemring and two and three on a pale three bezants; (3) an ox rampant armed; (4) a pale three trees; (5) issuantfroma mount vert, a cross between two arms, vested, each holding a stone; (6) Quar- terly one and four, a rose and two and three lozengy in bend sinister, on an mescutcheon gules and on a pale the lettering "SMD" in pale, sable; (7) a gem ring; (8) as 3; (9) a stag standing in pro fie; (10) flanking a tree a goat rampant and a man; (11) as 2; (12) as 7; (13) auarterly one and four a bendy with tree and two and three a chevron with three bezants; (14) a shield tripart the florettes; (15) as 2 and 11; (16) Forstmarke "MS"; (17) Hausmark "IGH"; (18) a crescent between three mullets; (19) blank; (20) blank. Height: 10 3 A in. (27.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 V16 in. (11.6 cm) Accession number 84.DK.551 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 249, p. 256, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 435, p. 247, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 63, pp. 228-231, illus. 2 3 O GLASS G E R M A N 469. TUMBLER (STEHAUFBECHER) Central German (possibly the Fichtelgebirge) or northwestern Bohemian, 1631 Free-blown dark cobalt-blue glass wi th enamel decoration Inscribed around the vessel wall, painted in enamel, Drinckk mich aus undt leg mich mo"[er] Stek ich auff so vil mich wider, gib mich deinen/nechsten wider, ich lieb was wemist obs gleich nicht mein ist. unndt mier nicht wertten hhan/so hab ich gliech wol mein vreidt daran, liebt ihr mich wie ich eich nicht mehr veger ich/von eich, vil smt lieblich aber nur ihr ehr vreidt mich ich lieb eich aus hertzen/grundt. wollt godt eur maul unndt mein maul war ein mundt. ich lieb eich/noch von grundt memnes hertzen ob ich so[llt] nicht mitt eichdarff schertzn/drmk allen valschen hertzen. Ich wolt sie miesten alle ehr hengen./die mier undt eich nichts ginnen.; at the end of the inscription, 1631. Height: 2V4 in. (7 cm); Diameter (at lip): 4 in. (10.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.561 PROVENANCE Count Hans Wilczek, Burg Kreuzenstem, Austria, by 1926, sold to F. Ruhmann; Franz Ruhmann, Vienna, sold to R. andL. Blumka, presumably by his son, Dr. Karl Ruhmann, Vienna; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alfred Walcher-Molthem, "Deutschen Renaissanceglser auf Burg Kreuzenstein 11," Belvedere 9-10, no. 46 (April 1926), p. 64, fig. 41; Tilde Ostertag, Das Fichtelgebirgsglas, Beitrge zur Frnkischen Kunstgeschichte 2 (Erlan- 469 gen, 1933), pl. 22a; Axel von Saldern, German Enameled Glass, p. 149, fig. 266; "Acquisitions/ 1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 243, p. 255, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 436, p. 247, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 65, pp. 234-236, illus. 470 470. THICK-WALLED BEAKER (UNZERBRECHLICHER BECHER) Possibly central German, 1643 Free-blown emerald green glass wi th applied and diamond-point engraved decoration Engraved wi th Trinch mich auss und wirff mich - Nider/Hebb mich auff und vill mich wider Anno 1643 around the lip in diamond-point. Height: 4V8 in. (12.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 1 Vs in. (2.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.529 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A9 84," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 207, p. 248, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 440, p. 249, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 13, pp. 62-65, illus. 471- JOKE GLASS (SCHERZGEFSS) German or Netherlandish, seventeenth century Free-blown pale green glass wi th applied decoration and silver and silver-gilt mounts Height: 1 f t . i V4 in. (33.7 cm); Maximum width: 3 V8 in. (9.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.520.1-.3 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 239, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 437, p. 248, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 14, pp. 66-68, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 28, p. 39, illus. 47 1 G E R M A N GLASS 2 3 I 472. PAT TERN-MOLDED BEAKER (WARZENGLAS) Possibly German, seventeenth century Mold-blown dark green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 5 1 5 /16 in. (15.1 cm); Diameter (at lip):.3716 in. (8.8 cm) Accession number 84.DK.530 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions /1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 247, p. 256, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 438, p. 248, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 15, pp. 69-71, illus. 47 2 473 473- PRUNTED BEAKER (BERKEMEYER) German or Netherlandish, 1650-1675 Free-blown dark yellow-green glass wi th applied decoration Height: 7V8 in. (18.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 6716 in. (16.4 cm) Accession number 84.DK.528 PROVENANCE W J. Snouck Hurgronje, The Hague (sold, Frederik Muller and Co. [Mensing et Fils], Amsterdam, July 8, 1931, lot 556, to A. Vecht); AaronVecht, Amsterdam (offered for sale, Sotheby's, London, November 10, 1938, lot 60, unsold); stored in London dur- ing World War 11; recovered and brought back to the Netherlands by the same; pur- portedly Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Pans; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, Tentoonstellmgvan oude Kunst uit net Bezit van den mternationlen Han- del, 1936, no. 692. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 246, p. 256, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 438, pp. 248-249, illus. p. 248; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 12, pp. 59-61, illus. 474 474- SATIRICAL BEAKER Northern German, 1660 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Inscribed on the vessel wall, in enamel, Hilff Gottl wie muss sieh doch der gutte Tilly Ityden / Wie kann doch mancher Geld auss seinem schimpfe schneiden / Wie zeucht er doch vorhey, wie musser sich doch hucken / Wie drckt ihn doch die Butt auf seinem alten Rcken / Der kaum geke^yletist von Puffen, die kriegt / Bey Leypsischem confeckt. Der Korhfast uberwiegt / Mehr als er tragen kann. So wandert er geschwinde / Mit sich und seinem Stab in Regen, Schnee und Winde / Doch geht er nicht allein, sein alte Geyss leufst mitte / Und zettert heyihmher mit ehen leisen Tritte/ Sie meckert dass sie muss mit demzufussefort / Mit dem sie vor stets fuhr anmede Stell und Ort /; from Tilly's mouth 0 miserere mei; on the basket Niwiae Enaction; on the barrel Mea Constientia; on his staff Unicum et fragile; from the per- sonification of the wind Vmdicta dwma / Vm- dictadivma; below the lip,; on the bottom, painted in a modern hand, 3822 and 1180. Height: 8V16 m. (21.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 578 in. (13.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.562 232 GLASS G E R M A N PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 209, p. 249, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 441, p. 249, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 66, pp. 237-239, illus. 475 475- COVERED JUG Thuringian, 1671 Free-blown green glass wi th enamel decora- tion and unmarked pewter mounts Inscribed around the vessel wall, in enamel, Wirtt feomt die emGast so drag ihm fur wass du hast, ist er Erbau und Woklgewutt / so nimbt er mitt einen drunclit und Brodt ver gutt ist er aber ein schalclzin / der hautt geborhn so ist alle gutt thut an ihmverlohrn, Gott behtte und erhalte / Dass gantze lbliche handtwerck der \[rsch]ner.; below the inscrip- tion 1671; on the arcade over the figures, inscribed Drinckt und est Gott / nich vergest. Height: 10 3 A in. (27.3 cm) Accession number 84.DK.563 PROVENANCE Leitner, Vienna, sold to O. Bondy, 1921; Oscar Bondy (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted by the Austrian government to Bondy s widow, Elisabeth Bondy, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 210, p. 249, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 442, p. 250, illus. 476. GOBLET WITH A PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR LEOPOLD I German (Nuremberg), 1676-1683 By Hermann Schwinger Free-blown glass wi th wheel-engraved decoration Height: 11 V2 in. (29.6 cm) Accession number 84.DK.566 PROVENANCE Viktor Schick, Prague; by inheritance to Schick s widow, Hedwig Schick, Prague (sold, Sotheby's, London, May 4, 1939; lot 34); [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 208, p. 249, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 37, p. 109.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 443, p. 250, illus. 476 477- GOBLET Silesian (Hermsdorf), circa 1691-1694 By Friedrich Winter in the Schaffgotsch workshop Colorless glass wi th wheel-engraved, high- relief decoration Height (with lid): 1 f t . 3 /16 in. (31 cm); Height (without lid): 8 5 / 8 in. (21.9 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 1 3 /16 in. (9.7 cm) Accession number: 84.DK.568.1-.2 PROVENANCE Franz Ruhmann, Vienna, by 1938; by inheri- tance to Dr. Karl Ruhmann, Vienna, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wolfgang Born, "Five Centuries of Glass: 11," Connoisseur 101 (March 1938), p. 121, fig. 1; Ignaz Schlosser, Das alte Glas (Brunswick, 1956), p. 137, fig. 103; Axel von Saldern, "Unbekannte Glser von Johann Wolfgang G E R M A N / I T A L I A N GLASS 233 Italia Schmidt, Friedrich Winter and Franz Gon- delach," Anzeiger des Germanischen National- museums (Nuremberg, 1970), p. 110; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 38, p. 109; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 444, pp. 250-251, illus. p. 251; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 68, pp. 244- 251, illus. 4 7 8 4 7 8. GOBLET Murano, late fifteenth or early sixteenth century Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Height: 5 V16 in. (13.5 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 15 /16 in. (10 cm); Diameter (at base): 2 Vs in. (7.3 cm) Accession number 84.DK.540 PROVENANCE Francis S. McNalty England (sold by his executors, Christies, London, July 15, 1970, lot 248, to "Bier" for R. and L. Blumka); [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 192, p. 246, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 372, pp. 214-215, illus. p. 214; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 16, pp. 76-77, illus. 479- GOBLET Murano, circa 1475-1500 Free- and mold-blown colorless and cobalt blue glass wi th gold leaf, enamel and applied decoration. Height: 7 T A in. (18.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 3 V16 in. (9 cm) Accession number 84.DK.533 PROVENANCE Spitzer, Paris (sold, Pans, Apri l 17-June 16, 1893, vol. 2, no. 1977); John Edward Taylor, London (sold, Christie's, London, July 4, 1912, lot 346, to G. Durlacher); George Durlacher, London; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York, by 1958]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 7, p. 32. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 181, p. 244, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 370, p. 214, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 17, pp. 78-79, illus. 479 477 234 G L A S S I T A L I A N 4 80. EWER Murano, late fifteenth or early sixteenth century Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Height: 10 11 /16 in. (2.7.2 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 7 V 8 in. (19.3 cm) Accession number 84.DK.512 PROVENANCE Emile Gavet, Paris (sold, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, May 31-June 9, 1897, no. 592 to J. E. Taylor); John Edward Taylor, London (sold, Christie's, London, July 4, 1912, lot 340 to G. Eumorfopoulos); George Eumor- fopoulos, London (sold, Sotheby's, London, 480 May 28-31, 1940, lot 223, to R. and L. Blumka); [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS London, Royal Academy of Arts, Exhibition of Italian Art, 1200-1900, January-March 1930, pp. 437-438, no. 955L; New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Thru Great Cen- turies of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 7, p. 32. BIBLIOGRAPHY E. Gamier, "La verrerie," La Collection Spitzer, vol. 3 (Paris, 1891), p. 98, no. 44; R. Barovier Mentasti et al., Milk anni di arte del vetro a Venezia (Venice, 1982), p. 79, no. 69; "Acqui- sitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 179, p. 244, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisi- tions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 10, p. 101; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 377, p. 217, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 18, pp. 81- 83, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 3, p. 10, illus.; Hand- book 2001, p. 237, illus. 481 481. GOBLET Murano, circa 1500 Free- and mold-blown cobalt blue glass wi th gold leaf, enamel, and applied decoration Incised wi th VIRTUS LAUDATA CRESCIT in the gilding around the lip. Height: 7 V16 in. (18 cm): Diameter (at lip): 3 1 3 /16 in. (9.7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.534 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 17, p. 39. I T A L I A N GLASS 235 BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 182, p. 244, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Col- lections in the United States and Abroad," journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 12, p. 101; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 371, p. 214, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 19, pp. 84-86, illus. PILGRIM FLASK Murano, late fifteenth or early sixteenth century Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf, enamel, and applied decoration Height: 1 ft. 2 1 3 /16 in. (37.7 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 7 Vs m. (20 cm) Accession number 84.DK.538 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, p. 55, no. 39; New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Cloisters, The Secular Spirit: Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages, P- 47* n o - 45* pl- 2 - BIBLIOGRAPHY R. J. Charleston and M. Archer, "Glass and Stained Glass," The fames A. de Rothschild Col- lection at Waddeston Manor (Fribourg, 1977), pp. 91-93, no. 17; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), p. 245, no. 180; F.-A. Dreier, Venezianische Glser und Fagon de Vemse: Katalog des Kunstgewerbemuseums Berlin (Berlin, 1989), p. 49, no. 17; P. C. Ritsema van Eck and H. M. Zijlstra-Zweens, Glass in the Rijks- museum, vol. 1 (Amsterdam/Zwolle, 1993), no. 3; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 378, p. 217, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 20, pp. 87-89, illus. 483. FOOTED BOWL (COPPA) Murano, circa 1500 Free-blown chalcedony glass Height: 4V8 in. (12.3 cm); Diameter (at lip): 7V4 in. (19.7 cm); Diameter (at base): 4 V16 in. (10.6 cm) Accession number 84.DK.660 PROVENANCE [Bonetti, Lugano, sold to F. Biemann, August 9, 1967]; Fritz Biemann, Zurich (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 16, 1984, lot 48); [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Dsseldorf, Stdtische Kunsthalle, Meister- werke der Glaskunst aus internationalem Pnvathesitz, A. von Saldern, ed., 1968, p. 28, no. 59; Cologne, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum, and Zurich, Museum Bellerive, Sammlung Biemann Ausstellung ^oo]ahre Glaskunst, B. Kless and A. von Sal- dern, 1978-1979, pp. 106-107, no. 43; 483 Lucerne, Kunsthalle, 3000 ]ahre Glaskunst von der Antike bis zumJugendstil, B. Rtti et al., 1981, p. 157, no. 661; Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Mille anni di arte del vetro a Venezia, R. Barovier Mentasti, 1982, p. 94, no. 93. BIBLIOGRAPHY J.-C. Gateau, La Verrerie (Geneva, 1974), pp. 65; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), p. 245, no. 184; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 374, pp. 215-216, illus. p. 215; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 21, pp. 90- 91, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 20, p. 30, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 244, illus. 482 482 236 GLASS I T A L I A N 484. FOOTED BOWL (COPPA) Murano, circa 1500 Free- and mold-blown cobalt-blue glass with, gold leaf and enamel decoration Height: 7 in. (17.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 9 V2 in. (24.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.535 PROVENANCE Prince of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 42, p. 57. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 189, p. 245, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 375, p. 216, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 22, pp. 92, 93, illus. 485 PILGRIM FLASK Murano, circa 1500-1520 Free-blown, colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Height: 1 ft. V16 in. (31.3 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 678 in. (17.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.539 PROVENANCE Hollingworth Magniac, Colworth (sold, Christies, London, July 2-4, 1892, lot 868); [Durlacher Brothers, London]; Edward Stein- kopff, London (sold, Christie's, London, May 22-23, x 935J ^ o t possibly Riddell, London; possibly Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris; private collection, Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, November 29-Decem- ber 3, 1965, no. 157); [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. 485 BIBLIOGRAPHY Sir John Charles Robinson, Notice of the Principal Works of Art in the Collection of Hollinguwtk Mag- mac, Esq. (London, 1861), no. 152, p. 82; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 185, p. 245, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Col- lections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 13, pp. 102-103; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 380, p. 218, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 23, pp. 96-98, illus. 486. FOOTED BOWL WITH PAPAL ARMS (COPPA) Murano, circa 1513-1534 Free-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Arms on the interior, in enamel, or six balls gules surmounted by a papal miter. Height: 6 5 /16 in. (16 cm); Diameter (at lip): 11 13 /16 in. (30 cm) Accession number 84.DK.655 484 I T A L I A N GLASS 237 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, London, February 23,1976, lot 175 (with erroneous metric measurement), to David, Inc.; [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Museo Correr, Mille anni di arte del vetro a Venezia, R. Barovier Men- tasti,.982, pp. 107-108, no. 122. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/ 1984," GerryMus] 13 (1985), p. 245, no. 189; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 376, p. 216, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 24, pp. 99-101, illus. 4 i 48-,. FOOTED BOWL (COPPA) Murano, early sixteenth century Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gold leaf and enamel decoration Height: 9V2 in. (21.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 8V4 in. (21.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.511 PROVENANCE Prince of Liechtenstein, Vaduz; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 29, pp. 48-49. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 188, p. 245, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Col- lections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 11, p. 101; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 379, pp. 217-218, illus. p. 217; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 25, p. 102, illus. Murano, early sixteenth century Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th gilding and enamel decoration Height: 1V4 in. (4.5 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. (30.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.536 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 189, p. 245, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 373, p. 215, illus.; Hess and Husband, Euro- peanGlass, no. 26, pp. 104-106, illus. 486 488 PLATE 488 238 GLASS I T A L I A N 489. DOUBLE-HANDLED FILIGRANA VASE Possibly Murano or fagon de Venise (possibly Northern Europe), circa 1550-1570 Free-blown colorless glass wi th opaque white (lattimo) canes and applied decoration Height: 8 Vs in. (22.5 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 5V4in. (14.5 cm) Accession number 84.DK.654 PROVENANCE [David, Inc., Vaduz]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 191, p. 246, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 381, p. 218, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 27, pp. 107-109, illus. 490. I CE-GLASS Sl TULA (sECCH I ELLo) Murano or fagon de Venise, the Netherlands, circa 1550-1600 Free-blown colorless glass wi th applied decoration Height: 4 in. (10.1 cm); Maximum Diameter: 7 7 / 8 in. (20 cm) Accession number 84.DK.657 490 PROVENANCE [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London, to David, Inc.]; [David, Inc., Vaduz]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 198, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 382, pp. 218-219, i H u s - p- 21 9> Hess and Husband, European Glass; no. 28, pp. 110- 112, illus. 491. FILIGRANA BOTTLE (KUTTROLF) Murano, late sixteenth or early seventeenth century Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th opaque white (lattimo) canes Height: 9V8 in. (23.9 cm); Diameter (at base): 2 1 3 / i 6 m. (7.2 cm) Accession number 84.DK.661 PROVENANCE Dr. Johannes Jantzen, Bremen, sold to F. Bie- mann, 1964; Fritz Biemann, Zurich (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 16,1984, lot 58); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London, to David, Inc.]; [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Dsseldorf, Stdtische Kunsthalle, Meister - werke der Glaskunst aus internationalemPrivatbesitz, A. von Saldern, ed., 1968, p. 29, no. 65; 491 Cologne, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum, and Zurich, Museum Bellerive, Sammlung Biemann Ausstellung 500fahre Glaskunst, B. Klesse and A. von Sal- dern, 1978-1979, p. 113, no. 55; Lucerne, Kunsthalle, 3000 Jahre Glasltunst von der Antike bis zum Jugendstil, B. Rtti et al., 1981, p. 159, no. 668. BIBLIOGRAPHY F. Biemann, "Der Kuttrolf: Sonderling unter den Glasgefssen," Keramik-Freunde der Schweiz, Mitteilungsblatt 76 (April 1968), p. 13, pl. 10; "AcquisitionsA984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), p. 247, no. 196; "Recent Important Acquisi- tions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), pp. 102-103, no. 16; P. C. Ritsema van Eck and H. M. Zijlstra- Zweens, Glass in the Rijfeswuseum, vol. 1 (Amsterdam/Zwolle, 1993), no. 75; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 387, p. 221, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 29, pp. 113- 115, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 24, p. 33, illus. I T A L I A N GLASS 239 492. FILIGRANA UMBO VASE Probably Murano, 1580-1600 Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th opaque white (lattimo) and canes Height: 8V3 in. (21.6 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 4V8 in. (12.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.656 PROVENANCE John Malcolm (1805-1893), Poltallach, Scot- land; by inheritance to George Malcolm, Poltallach, Scotland (sold, Christies, Lon- don, February 8, 1977, lot 241, to R. Zietz); [Ramer Zietz Ltd, London, to David, Inc.]; [David, Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Hannover -Herrenhausen, Galerie und Oran- gerie, Kunst und Antiquitten, 1977; Venice, Museo Correr, Palazzo Ducale, Mille anni di arte del vetro a Venezia, R. Barovier Mentasti, 1982, no. 163, pp. 31, 124. BIBLIOGRAPHY Johanna Lessmann, "Meisterwerke der Glas- kunst aus Renaissance und Barock," Weltkwnst 47, no. 8 (April 15, 1977), p. 791; "Acquisi- tions /1984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), p. 246, no. 194; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 386, p. 220, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 35, pp. 138-141, illus. 493 493- STEMMED FILIGRANA WINEGLASS (TAZZA) Probably Murano, late sixteenth to early seventeenth century Free- and mold-blown colorless glass wi th opaque white (lattimo) canes Height: 4V4 in. (12 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5 Vs in. (15 cm); Diameter (at base): 2 1 3 / 16 in. (7.1cm) Accession number 84.DK.652 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, London, February 23, 1976, lot 175, to David, Inc.; [David, Inc.,Vaduz]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ada Polak, "Venetian Renaissance Glass: The Problems of Dating Vetro a Filigrana" Connois- seur 192, no. 774 (August 1976), p. 3; "Acqui- sitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 197, p. 247, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 388, p. 222, illus.; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 31, pp. 118-121, illus. 494- WINEGLASS Murano or facon de Venise (Tuscany), circa 1600-1650 Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving Engraved wi th SIG DOTTORE D. LESSIO around the lip. Height: 5 Vs in. (15 cm); Diameter: 5 1 / 8 in. (13 cm) Accession number 84.DK.541 PROVENANCE E. and A. Silberman, Vienna (sold to O. Bondy November 23, 1933); Oscar Bondy Vienna; confiscated from Bondy s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted to his widow, Elisabeth Bondy, by the Austrian govern- ment, 1945; Elisabeth Bondy, New York, sold to R. and L. Blumka, 1949; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 92, p. 90. 494 492 2 4 O GLASS I T A L I A N / N E T H E R L A N D I S H BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), p. 246, no. 195; "Recent Important Acquisi- tions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad/' Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), p. 107, no. 31; D. Lan- mon, The Robert Lehman Collection, vol. 11: Glass (New York, 1993), no. 69/fig. 1; Bremer- David, Summary, no. 383, p. 219, illus.; E. Theuerkauff-Liederwald, Venezianisches Glas der Veste Coburg (Lingen, 1994), pp. 3019, 318; Hess and Husband, European Glass, no. 32, pp. 122-125, illus. 495 495- FLASK Murano, imitation of a Spanish (Catalonia) piece in the Museo Vetrario (Venice), nine- teenth or twentieth century Free-blown soda glass wi th enamel decoration Inscribed on both sides, in enamel, IHS/IHS. Height: 10 V4 in. (20.6 cm); Wi dth: 5 in. (12.7 cm) Accession number 84.DK.518 Netherlandish PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 227, p. 252, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made i n Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), p. 103.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 489, p. 282, illus. 49 6 - HORN AND CASE Facon de Venise, possibly Spanish, seventeenth or eighteenth century Free-blown amber glass wi th opaque white (latftwo) threads and applied decoration; leather case Diameter (at terminus): 2 3 /s in. (6.1 cm); Length (along the piece): 1 ft. 10 V16 in. (57.3 cm) Accession number 84.DK.565.1-.2 PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 228, p. 252, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 389, p. 222, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 51, pp. 187-189, illus. 4 9 1 FILIGRANA BEAKER Facon de Venise, probably Netherlandish, 1550-1625 Free-blown colorless glass wi th opaque (lattiwo) canes Height: 5 V16 in. (13.9 cm); Diameter (at 4 in. (10.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.658 496 497 N E T H E RL AN D I SH GLASS 2zj. l 5 V2 in. (14 cm) Accession number 84.DK.549 PROVENANCE [David, Inc., Vaduz]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 244, p. 255, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 485, p. 278, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 46, p. 174-175, illus. 498. GOBLET Fagon de Venise, possibly southern Netherlan- dish, 1560-1625 Free- and mold-blown colorless glass Height: 8 3 /s in. (21.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): PROVENANCE [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York. ] EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, pp. 104-105, no. 115. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus] 13 (1985), no. 248, p. 256, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 481, p. 276, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 47, pp. 176-177, illus. 499- ICE-GLASS BEAKER Fagon de Venise, Netherlandish, late sixteenth or early seventeenth century Free-blown colorless glass wi th gilding and applied decoration Height: 8 V16 in. (21.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5' 9 /16 (14.1 cm) Accession number 84.DK.564 PROVENANCE [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London, sold to R. and L. Blumka; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1984/' GettyMus] 13.(1985), no. 225, p. 252, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 482, p. 276, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 48, p. 178-179, illus. 499 498 242 GLASS N E T H E R L A N D I S H 500. GOBLET Facon de Venise, possibly Netherlandish, late sixteenth or early seventeenth century Free- and mold-blown light cobalt-blue glass Height: 8 9 /16 in. (21.8 cm); Diameter (at lip): 5V16 in. (12.9 cm) Accession number 84. DK . 517 PROVENANCE Count Dr. Alexander von Frey Paris; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Corning Museum of Glass, Three Great Centuries of Venetian Glass, 1958, no. 112, p. 103. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), no. 238, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 483, p. 277, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 49, p. 180-181, illus. 501 501. FLUTE GLASS Facon de Venise, Netherlandish or German, late sixteenth or early seventeenth century Free-blown colorless glass wi th diamond- point engraving Height: 12 V8 in. (31.4 cm); Diameter (at lip): 2V4 in. (5.8 cm) Accession number 84. DK . 516 PROVENANCE Purportedly Aaron Vecht, Amsterdam; Dr. Karl Ruhmann, Vienna, by 1956; [Ruth and Leopold Blumka, New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ignaz Schlosser, Das altes Glas: Ein Handbuch fr Sammler und Liehhaher (Brunswick, 1956), p. 210, pl. 161; " Acquisitions A984," GettyMusJ 13 (1985), no. 245, p. 255, illus.; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made in Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), no. 34, p. 108; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 484, p. 277, illus.; Hess and Hus- band, European Glass, no. 50, p. 182-186, illus. 502. BOTTLE North Netherlandish (Leiden), 1675-1685 By Willem Jacobszoon van Heemskerk Dark green glass wi th diamond-point engraving; gilt-metal neck ring and cork mount The body of the vessel is engraved wi th Pan e vin e va cantando; the underside of the vessel between the foot ring and the pontil mark is engraved wi th Kant Brood en [...] Wijn nietdoen? Wat Zouts leant Mael vergoen. The center of the pontil mark is engraved wi th W van Heemskerk. Height (without stopper): 9 1 /16 in. (23 cm); Maximum Diameter: 5 V16 in. (15 cm) Accession number 84.DK.662 PROVENANCE [Southhampton, England, art market, sold to Mrs. Eshelby, 1940s]; Mrs. D. C. Eshelby, Cumber worth (sold, Sotheby's, London, November 27, 1967, lot 47); [Dr. Torre, Zurich, sold to F. Biemann]; Fritz Biemann, Zurich (sold, Sotheby's, London, June 16, 1984, lot 153, to David, Inc.); [David Inc., Vaduz]. EXHIBITIONS Dsseldorf, Kunstmuseum, Meisterwerke der Glaskunst aus internationalem Privatbesitz, A. von Saldern, ed., 1968, pp. 46-47, no. 117; Lucerne, Kunsthalle, 3000 Jahre Glaskunst von der Antike hs zum Jugendstil, B. Rtti et al., 1981, p. 166, no. 708. 500 N E T H E R L A N D I S H GLASS E N G L I S H / I T A L I A N HARDSTONES 243 BIBLIOGRAPHY London Times, November 28,1967; Art at Auc- tion: The Year at Sotheby's 1967-1968 (London, 1968), p. 416; "Recent Important Acquisi- tions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," journal of Glass Studies 10 (1968), p. 186, no. 35 (acquired by Fritz Biemann); F. Biemann, "Die hol- lndischen Glaser des 17. und 18. Jahrhun- derts der Sammlung Fritz Biemann, Zurich," Alte und moderne Kunst 12, no. 101 (November- December 1968), pp. 13-18; C. Munsey The Illustrated Guide to Collecting Bottles (New York, 1970), p. 16; B. Klesse and A. von Saldern, 500 Jahre Glaskunst: Sammlung Biemann (Zurich, 1978), no. 75; "Acquisitions/1984," GettyMus J 13 (1985), p. 252, no. 226; "Recent Important Acquisitions Made by Public and Private Collections in the United States and Abroad," Journal of Glass Studies 28 (1986), p. 108, fig. 35; F. G. A. M. Smit, Inscriptions in Calligraphy on Glass: Uniquely Dutch Seventeenth-Century Calligra- phy on Glass: A Preliminary Catalogue, photocopy published privately (Peterborough, England, 1989), p. 102, no. P4. HARDSTONES English 503 One of four 503. FOUR FRAMED HARDSTONE PANELS English (in imitation of an Italian typology), 1992, antique stones in modern frames Frames: ebony; panels: hardstones Diameter (each): 2 ft. 6V2 in. (77.5 cm) Accession number 95.SE.57.1-.4 PROVENANCE Fabricated in London, 1970s; private collec- tion, Rome; private collection, Paris; [Galerie Jacques Oilier, Paris]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions /1995," GettyMus J 24 (1996), no. 84, p. 135, illus. Italian 504. PAIR OF VASES Italian, early seventeenth century Golden alabaster (alahastro dorato); paragone marble bases Height (with lid): 1 ft. 2 in. (35.5 cm); Height (without lid): 9V2 in. (24 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 4V4 in. (42.7 cm) Accession number 92.DJ.68.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, Monaco, March 3,1990, no. 70; [Didier Aaron, Paris, sold to Same Art]; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMusj 21 (1993), no. 70, p. 144, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 390, p. 223, illus. 504 One of a pair 502 244 HARDSTONES I T A L I A N IVORY G E R M A N 5 5- PENDANT WITH A SEATED FEMALE FIGURE HOLDING A FALCON (POSSIBLY AN IMITATION OF A HOHENSTAUFEN OBJECT) Possibly southern Italy either thirteenth or nineteenth century Chalcedony or jasper mounted on gold Height: 3V16 in. (9 cm) Accession number 85.SE.54 PROVENANCE Pico Cellini, Rome; August Lederer (died 1936), Vienna; by inheritance to his widow Serena Lederer (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Lederer s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted to her son Erich Lederer by the Austrian government, 1947; Erich Lederer (1889-1985), Geneva; by inheritance to his widow Elizabeth Lederer, 1985; Elizabeth Lederer, Geneva. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), p. 259, no. 236; Pico Cellini, TraRomae Umbria. Studi e ricerche di storia dell'arte (Rome, 1996), pp. 24 and 191, note 24, fig. 32. IVORY German 506 506 COVERED STANDING CUP German (Coburg), 1631 By Marcus Heiden Marked wi th MARCUS HEIDEN. COBURGENSIS.FECIT. 1631 under the base. Ivory Height: 2 ft. 1 in. (63.5 cm) Accession number 91.DH.75.1-.2 PROVENANCE Presumed to have been made for Duke Johann Casmir (1572-1633) of Saxe-Coburg and seized by Colonel Giovanni Giovacchmo Keller of Schaikaine during the sack of Coburg in 1632; private collection, Germany, acquired by Same Art, Ltd., 1990; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burlington Magazine 118 (December 1976), p. xxxv; E. von Philippovich, "Ivory," Biblio- thekfr Kunst und Antiquittenfreunde 17 (1982), p. 422, fig. 372; C. Theuerkauff, "Jacob Auer, 'Bildhauer in Grins/" Pantheon 41, no. 3 (1983), p. 195, note 18; K. Maurice, Der drech- selnde Souvern, Materialien zu einer frstlichen Maschinenkunst (Zurich, 1985), p. 56, fig. 78; C. Theuerkauff, "Ivory," f.Pierpont Morgan, Col- lector: European Decorative Arts from the Wadsworth Atheneum, L. Horvitz Roth, ed. (Hartford, 1987), p. 108, note 12; "Acquisitions/1991," GettyMus J 20 (1992), no. 79, p. 180, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 445, p. 251, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 29, pp. 40-41, illus.; Sabine Haag, "A Signed and Dated Ivory Goblet by Marcus Heiden," GettyMus J vol. 24 (1996), pp. 45-59; Peter Fusco, Summary Cata- logue of European Sculpture in the J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p. 28; Master- pieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum: European Sculpture (Los Angeles, 1998), no. 18, pp. 60-61, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 258, illus. 5 5 E N G L I S H METALWORK 245 ^METALW ORK English EXHIBITIONS 507 One of a fair 507. PAIR OF SUGAR CASTORS London, 1730 By Paul de Lamerie Silver gilt Bodies and lids marked wi th the maker's stamp of L.A. between an arched crown wi th a star and a fleur-deTys (in use around 1720- 1732); a lions head erased (the assay mark of London); the figure of Britannia (the standard mark indicating .9583 silver content); the letter P (the date letter for 1730). Castor .1 is engraved wi th 1730 and ~N2 = 27-12; Castor .2 is engraved wi th 1730 and Ni =27; both engraved wi th Garter coat of arms and the Howard crest. Height: 9V8 in. (23.8 cm); Diameter: 3 Vs in. (9.9 cm) Accession number 78.DG.180.1-.2 PROVENANCE Dukes of Northumberland; [S.J. Phillips, Lon- don]; purchased by J. Paul Getty around 1938; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. The Minneapolis Institute of Art, on loan, 1980-1981; The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, on loan, 1982-1988; London, Goldsmith s Hall, Paul de Lamme, May 16- June 22, 1990, no. 65, p. 109, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 475, pp. 270- 271, illus. p. 271; Declan Anderson, Introduc- mgSilver (Sussex, 2000), pp. 67-70, illus., no. 31> P- I 2 -- PAIR OF LIDDED TUREENS, LINERS, AND STANDS London, 1807 By Paul Storr Silver Variously marked wi th the maker s stamp of P.S.; a lion passant (the standard mark of ster- ling quality); the crowned leopard's head (the assay mark of London); the Sovereign's head of George 111 (the duty mark); and the letter M (the date letter for 1807). Each tureen is engraved wi th the arms of the Dukes of Richmond and Lennox and wi th the motto E1SILAROSELEFLURIE. Height: 11 V4 in. (28.6 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 6 in. (45.7 cm); Depth: 1 ft. 3 A in. (32.4 cm) Accession number 78.DG. 130.1-.2 PROVENANCE Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond and Lennox (succeeded 1806, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1807-1813); Dukes of Richmond and Gor- don, Goodwood House, Sussex, by descent (sold, Christie's, London, July 20, 1938, lot 114); purchased by J. Paul Getty; distrib- uted by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS The Minneapolis Institute of Art, on loan, 1980-1981; Williamstown, Massachusetts, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, on loan, 1983-1988. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 476, p. 271, illus. 508 Onto] a fair 246 METALWORK E N G L I S H / G E R M A N 59- PAIR OF LIDDED BOWLS Porcelain: Japanese (Arita), late seventeenth century Mounts: English (London), circa 1680 Mounts attributed to Wolfgang Howzer Hard-paste porcelain, underglaze blue decora- tion; gilt-metal mounts Height: 1 ft. "1V16 m. (34.5 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 3 in. (38 cm); Depth: 10 V16 in. (25.5 cm) Accession number 85.DI.178.1-.2 PROVENANCE Joseph Downs, V/interthur, Delaware; Wi l - liam Heere (sold, Christie s, New York, Octo- ber 29, 1983, lot 32); [Aveline et Cie, Paris]. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Frick Collection, Mounted Ori- entalPorcelain, F. J. B. Watson, December 1986-March 1987, no. 9, pp. 46-47, illus. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 185, p. 240, illus.; F. J. B. Watson, "Mounted Oriental Porcelain," Magazine Antiaues 131 (April 1987), pp. 813-823, illus. p. 823; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 477, p. 272, illus.; Wilson, Mounted Oriental Porce- lain, no. 1, pp. 22-25, illus. German 510. CAROLINGIAN RELIQUARY Upper Rhine, modern reconstruction of ele- ments attributed to the eighth century Gi l t copper, silver, cabochon hardstones, and glass pastes Height: 5V8 in. (13 cm); Wi dth: 4V4 in. (12.1 cm) Accession number 85.SE.53 PROVENANCE Richard von Kaufmann, Berlin; August Led- erer (died 1936), Vienna; by inheritance to his widow Serena Lederer (died 1943), Vienna; confiscated from Lederer s collection by the Nazis, 1938; restituted to her son Erich Lederer by the Austrian government, 1947; Erich Lederer (1889-1985), Geneva; by inheritance to his widow Elizabeth Led- erer, 1985; Elizabeth Lederer, Geneva. EXHIBITIONS Berlin, Ausstellung von Kunstwerken des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus Berliner Privatbesitz, May 20-July 3, 1898, pl. 46, fig. 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY Otto von Falke, Die Sammlung Rickard von Kauffmann (Berlin, 1917), no. 413, pp. 63-64; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 219, p. 253, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 405, p. 234, illus. 510 511. EWER AND BASIN Augsburg, 1583 By Abraham 1 Pfleger Silver, partially gilt, wi th enamel plaques and engraving Coat of arms of Plffy di Erdd and Fugger families on basin, base, and cover of ewer. 509 one of a pair G E R M A N METALWORK 247 Ewer: Height: cjVs in. (25 cm); Basin: Diam- eter: 1 ft. 7Vs in. (50.5 cm) Access ion number 85.DG.33.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sold, Christies, Geneva, November 15, 1984, no. 606, to David, Inc.; [David, Inc., Vaduz]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," 'GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 220, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 407, pp. 234-235, illus. p. 235; Masterpieces, no. 17, p. 26, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 245, illus. 512. PAIR OF STAGS Augsburg, circa 1680-1700 By Johann Ludwig Biller the Elder Silver gilt Stamped wi th ILB on one antler of each model; stamped wi th ILB and Augsburg mark five times on each base: (1) on top border of upper rim of spool; (2) on underside of same; (3) on top border of lower rim of spool; (4) on underside of same; (5) on top of bor- der around foot of base. Stag . 1 (with head bent over proper left shoulder): Height: 2 ft. 1 in. (63.5 cm); Wi dth: n V- t in. (28.5 cm); Depth: 872 in. (21.5 cm); Stag .2 (with head bent over proper right shoulder): Height: 2 ft. 2 V16 in. (66.5 cm); Wi dth: 10 Vs in. (27 cm); Depth: 8Vs in. (22 cm) Accession number: 85.SE.442.1-.2 PROVENANCE King Fernando 11, Portugal, by 1882; (sold, Sotheby's, Geneva, May 15,1984, no. 66, to A. Neuhaus); [Albrecht Neuhaus, Wrzburg]. 512 EXHIBITIONS Lisbon, Exposico Retrospectiva de Arte Ornamental, 1882, vol. 1, no. 57, p. 245; vol. 2, fig. 37. BIBLIOGRAPHY Art at Auction: The Year at Sotheby's 1983-1984 (London, 1984), p. 288; Deutscher Kunsthandel imSchloss Charlottenburg (Berlin, 1985), pp. 74-75; "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 221, p. 254, illus.; Lorenz Seelig, "Jagdliche Motive in der Gold- schmiedekunst des. 16 bis 18 Jahrhunderts," Weltkunst 59 (February 1989), p. 234, pl. 2.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 408, p. 235, illus.; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of Euro- pean Sculpture in the f.Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p- 6, illus. 511 248 METALWORK G E R M A N / I T A L I A N Italian 5*3 CHANDELIER German (?) (Wrzburg), circa 1710-1715 Colored and plain glass; silvered foils lac- quered wi th pink and green translucent var- nish; paktong; gilt and silvered bronze; rock crystal Height: 6 ft. 6V2 in. (199.4 cm); Diameter: 3 ft. 10 in. (116.8 cm) Accession number 74.DH.29 PROVENANCE Private Collection, Turin; [Jacques Kugel, Paris]; [Michel Meyer, Paris]; [Kraemer et Cie, Paris]; purchased by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 159, p. 99, illus. 5H- MORTAR Probably Venice or possibly Padua, circa 1550 Bronze Height: 1 ft. 7V4 in. (48.9 cm); Diameter: 1 ft. 11 V2 in. (59.7 cm) Accession number 85.SB. 179 PROVENANCE Private collection, France (sold Sotheby's, London, July 14, 1977, lot 156, to R. Zietz); [Ramer Zietz, Ltd., London, sold to Rosen- berg and Stiebel, Inc.]; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York, sold to B. Piasecka Johnson, 1982]; Barbara Piasecka Johnson, Princeton, New Jersey, sold to Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., 1985; [Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., New York]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 222, p. 254, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 329, p. 194, illus.; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture mthe J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p. 68, illus. 5H I T A L I A N METALWORK 249 BASIN WITH SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CLEOPATRA Genoa, circa 1620-1625 Possibly modeled by Francesco Fanelli after a sketch by Bernardo Strozzi; probably exe- cuted by a Dutch or Flemish silversmith Silver Diameter: 2 ft. 5V4 in. (75.5 cm); Depth: 2V4 in. (5.7 cm) Accession number 85.DG.81 PROVENANCE Possibly commissioned by the Genoese Doge Alessandro Giustiniani-Longo di Luca, Genoa (1544-1624); Longhi Giustiniani; Giovanna Musso Piantelli, by 1892; Musso- Piantelli collection, Santa Margherita Ligure, near Genoa, Italy; [Aetas Antiqua, S.A., Panama]. EXHIBITIONS Genoa, Esposiziont artistica archeologica industriale apertanelle Sale dell'AccademiaLmguistica, 1868, no. 55, p. 115; Genoa, Palazzo Bianco, Mostra d'Arte Antica, 1892, no. 86, p. 75; Genoa, Palazzo Spinola and Palazzo Reale, Gtnova neV I'EtaBarocca, May 2-July 26, 1992, pp. 349- 350, no. 223; Frankfurt, Schirn Kunsthalle, Kunst in dtr Republik Gtnua, Septembers- November 8,1992, pp. 285-286, no. 152, pi. 158. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hugh Macandrew, "A Silver Basin Designed by Strozzi," Burlington Magazine 113 (January 1971) , pp. 4-11; Ronald W Lightbown, "A Note on the Silver Basin," Burlington Magazine 113 (January 1971), p. 11; Hugh Macandrew, "Genoese Silver on Loan to the Ashmolean Museum," Burlington Magazine 114 (September 1972) , pp. 611-620; Carl Hernmarck, The Art of the European Silversmith 1430-1830 (London and New York, 1977), vol. 1, p. 233; David A. Scott, "Technological, Analytical, and Micro- structural Studies of a Renaissance Silver Basin," Archeomatenals 5, no. 1 (Winter 1991), pp. 21-45; Franco Boggero and Farida Simon- etti, Argenti Genovesi da parata tra anaue t sticento (Turm, 1992), no. 7, p. 233, pis. 20-23, a n c ^ pp. 132, 135-143; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 331, pp. 194-195, illus. p. 195; Master- pieces, no. 33, pp. 46-47, illus.; Peter Fusco, Summary Catalogue of European Sculpture in the J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, 1997), p. 20, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 251, illus. 516. PAIR OF ALTAR CANDLESTICKS Rome, early eighteenth century Bronze, partially gilded Height: 2 ft. 8 3 A in. (83.3 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 11 3 A in. (29.8 cm) Accession number 93.DF.20.1-.2 515 515 250 ME TAL WORK I T A L I A N 5l6 5 1 ! PROVENANCE Private collection, Switzerland, sold to D. Katz; [Daniel Katz, London]; sold to B. Piasecka Johnson; Barbara Piasecka John- son, Monte Carlo, Monaco, since 1984. BIBLIOGRAPHY Opus Sacrum: Catalogue of the Exhibition fromthe Collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson, J. Grabski, ed. (Warsaw, 1990), pp. 342-344; "Acquisi- tions/1993," GettyMus] 22 (1994), no. 67, p. 99, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 52, p. 71, illus. WAL L PLAQUE Southern Italy, 1730-1740 By Francesco Natale Juvara Silver and lapis lazuli Height: 2 ft. 3V16 in. (70 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 8 V2 in. (52 cm) Accession number 85.SE. 127 PROVENANCE Possibly from the House of Savoy, Italy; [Siran Holding; Co., Geneva]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1985," GettyMus] 14 (1986), no. 223, p. 254, illus.; Handbook 1991, p. 216, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 332, p. 196, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 58, p. 77, illus. 518. PAIR OF CANDELABRA Northern Italy, circa 1830-1840 By Filippo Pelagio Palagi Gi l t bronze Height: 2 ft. 11V2 in. (90 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 1 ft. 4V4 in. (42.6 cm) Accession number 85.DF.22.1-.2 517 I T A L I A N / N E T H E R L A N D I S H METALW ORK 251 Netherlandish PROVENANCE Possibly House of Savoy Palazzo Reale, Turm; (Nathaniel Charles) Jacob, 4th Lord Roth- schild (born 1936), London, acquired by Col- naghi, 1983; [P. and D. Colnaghi and Co., London]. EXHIBITIONS London, P. and D. Colnaghi and Co., The Adjectives of History: Furniture and Works of Art 1550-1870, 1983, no. 47. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A985," GettyMus J 14 (1986), no. 224, p. 255, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 100, p. 127, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 333, pp. 196-197, illus. p. 196. 519. PAIR OFALTAR CANDLESTICKS Netherlandish, 1600-1650 Bronze Height: 5 ft. 7V8 in. (171.1 cm) Accession number 99. DF.59.1-.2 PROVENANCE Sold, Sotheby's, New York, January 31, 1997, lot 322, to L. and P. Fusco; Laurie and Peter Fusco, Los Angeles. 520. CHANDELIER Netherlandish, circa 1645-1675 Brass and oil-gilt wrought iron Height: approx. 5 ft. (153 cm); Wi dth: approx. 5 ft. (153 cm) Accession number 88.DH.62 PROVENANCE Count Moretus-Plantin, Stabroek, Belgium (until at least 1930); Count G. della Faille de Leverghem, Schoten, Belgium (by 1961); [Axel Vervoordt, 's Gravenwezel, Belgium]. 520 EXHIBITIONS 519 One of a fair Antwerp, Tentoonstellmg van Oude Vlaamsche Kunst, 1930, no. D178; Duerne, Provinciaal Museum voor Kunstambachten, Tentoonstelling Kunstvoorwerpen uit Verzamelingen in de Provmcie Antwerpen, Apri l 23-July 2, 1961, no. 245, P- 34- BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions A988," GettyMus J 17 (1989), no. 88, p. 148, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 480, p. 275, illus. 518 252 METALWORK SPANISH MOSAICS ITALIAN Spanish ^MOSAICS Italian 521 522 521. PAIR OF CANDLESTICKS Spanish, circa 1650-1700 Bronze Height: 5 ft. 8Vs in. (175 cm); Maximum Wi dth: 1 ft. 10 ! A in. (56.5 cm) Accession number 86.DH.601.1-.2 PROVENANCE Commissioned by the Pimentel family Counts of Benavente, Zamora, Spam; (offered for sale, Christies, London, Apri l 24,1986, lot 34, withdrawn); [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1986," GettyMus] 15 (1987), no. 120, p. 219, illus.; Bremer-David, Sum- mary, no. 486, p. 280, illus. 522. PORTRAIT OF POPE CLEMENT VI I I (IPPOLITO ALDOBRANDINI) Florence, circa 1600-1601 Designed by Jacopo Ligozzi; produced in the Galleria de Laven in pietre dure by Romolo di Francesco Ferrucci, called del Tadda Marble, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, lime- stone, and calcite (some over painted paper or fabric cartouches) on a silicate black stone in I T A L I A N MOSAICS 253 its original gilt-bronze frame Height (with frame): 3 ft. 3 13 /i6 in. (101.7 c m ^ Wi dth (with frame): 2 ft. 5 V8 in. (75.2 cm); Height (without frame): 3 ft. 2V16 in. (97 cm); Wi dth (without frame): 2 ft. 2 V4 in, (68 cm) Accession number 92.SE.67 PROVENANCE Given by Grand Duke Ferdmando 1 de' Medici (1549-1609) to Giovanni Bardi in 1601; Corsini family Rome, from at least 1853; by inheritance in the same family until the second half of the twentieth century; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich, 1991]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Antonio Zobi, Notme storiche sull'ongine e pro- gressi dei lavon di commcsso in pietre dure nell'l. e R. stabilimento diFirenze (Florence, 1853), pp. 184-186; Guida delle RR. Cappelle Medicee e R. Opifcio delle Pietre Dun in Firenze, Edoardo Marchionm, ed. (Florence, 1891), pp. 99- 100; Ludwig von Pastor, Tke History of the Popes (London, 1952), vol. 23, p. 32; Anna Maria Giusti et al., II Museo dell'Opijicio delle Pietre Dure (Florence, 1978), p. 282; Anna Maria Giusti, Palazzo Vecchio: Committenze e collezionismo medicei (Florence, 1980), p. 239; "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMus J 21 (1993), no. 69, p. 144, illus.; "La Chronique des Arts: Prmcipales Acquisi- tions des Musees en 1992," Gazette des heaux- Arts (March 1993), p. 49, fig. 232; Alvar Gonzlez-Palacios, "Jacopo Ligozzi e l l Ritratto in Commesso di Clemente vm," Paragone 505-507 (1992), pp. 3137; Alvar Gonzlez-Palacios, II Gusto dei Prinapi: Arte di Corte del xvn e del XVI I I Secolo (Milan, 1993); vol. 1, pp. 393-399 and pi. LXVII, vol. 2, fig. 714, p. 368; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 391, pp. 223-224, illus. p. 223; Master- pieces, no. 25, pp. 34-35, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 249, illus. 5 2 3- PORTRAIT OF CAMILLO ROSPIGLIOSI Rome, circa 1630-1640 By Giovanni Battista Calandra Ceramic tile mosaic in a gilt-wood frame Inscribed on a paper label attached to the gilt frame, Questo ritratto in mosaico del Bali Camillo Rospigliosi fratello del Papa Clem, i x e di pro- prietor di mio nipote [Don?] Giov. Battista Rospigliosi. Height (without frame): 2 ft. Vs in. (62 cm); Wi dth (without frame): 1 ft. 7 V16 in. (48.5 cm) Accession number 87. SE . 13 2 PROVENANCE Purportedly in the collection of the nephew of Giovanni Battista Rospigliosi (1646-1722), Rome; private collection, Zurich, sold to Danae Art International; [Danae Art Interna- tional, S.A., Panama]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus J 16, 1988, no. 88, p. 185, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 392, p. 224, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 30, pp. 42-43, illus.; Handhook 2001, p. 256, illus. 523 254 SCAGLIOLA G E R M A N TEXTILES AND CARPETS C H I N E S E S C A G L I O L A G/EXTI LES AN D C A R P E T S German Chinese 5 2 4 5 2 4- ARCHITECTURAL SCENE AND FRAME Plaque: Southern German, circa 1630-1670 Workshop of Blausius Fistulator Scagliola Frame: Italian, circa 1730-1740 Ebonized wood; gilt-bronze mounts Plaque: Height: 1 ft. 5V8 in. (43.5 cm); Wi dth: 1 ft. 7 n / i 6 in. (50 cm); Frame: Height: 2 ft. 4V4 in. (73 cm); Wi dth: 2 ft. 4V8 in. (67 cm) Accession number 92.SE.69 PROVENANCE Corsini family, Florence, by 1730; by inheri- tance in the same family until the second half of the twentieth century; [Same Art, Ltd., Zurich, 1991]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "AcquisitionsA992," GettyMus] 21 (1993), no. 72, p. 146, illus.; "The Decorative Arts: Recent Museum Acquisitions," Apollo 137 (1993), p. 34; "La Chronique des Arts: Prin- cipales Acquisitions des Musees en 1992," Gazette des heaux-arts 121 (1993), no. 236, p. 50; "Acquisitions/1992," GettyMus] 21 (1993), no. 72, p. 146, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 446, p. 252, illus.; Masterpieces, no. 26, pp. 36-37, illus.; Handbook 2001, p. 255, illus. 5 2 5- WAL L HANGING Made in China for Italian export, late seven- teenth to early eighteenth century Silk brocade Length: 11 ft. 10 in. (360.7 cm); Wi dth: 7 ft. 4V4 in. (225.5 cm) Accession number 87.DD.37 PROVENANCE Private collection, Germany; [Rainer Zietz, Ltd., London]. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Acquisitions/1987," GettyMus J 16 (1988), no. 87, p. 185, illus.; Bremer-David, Summary, no. 498, p. 287, illus. 525 P E R S I A N TEXTILES AND CARPETS 255 Persian 526. CARPET Herat or Isfahan, late sixteenth-century Wool Length: 25 ft. 10 V4 in. (788 cm); Wi dth: 10 ft. 3V4 in. (313 cm) Accession number 78.DC.91 PROVENANCE Hagop Kevorkian (sold, Sotheby's, London, December 5, 1969, lot 20); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty for Sutton Place, Survey; distributed by the estate of J. Paul Getty to the J. Paul Getty Museum. EXHIBITIONS New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Collection of Rare and Magnificent Oriental Carpets (1966), no. 5, pi. 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bremer-David, Summary, no. 500, p. 287, illus. 526 Detail 5 2 1- "POLONAISE" CARPET Kashan, circa 1620 Silk wi th metallic thread Length: 9 ft. 1 in. (277 cm); Wi dth: 5 ft. 7 in. (170 cm) Accession number 68.DC.6 PROVENANCE Baron Edmond (Adolphe Maurice Jules Jacques) de Rothschild (1926-1997), Paris (sold, Palais Galliera, Paris, March 18, 1968, no. 104); purchased at that sale by J. Paul Getty. BIBLIOGRAPHY Walter Denny, "Oriental Carpets from the J. Paul Getty Museum," Sotheby's Preview (November/December 1990), p. 25, illus.; Ian Bennett, "Oriental Rugs and the Collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum," Sotheby's Art at Auction 1990-91 (London, 1991), p. 179, fig. 1, illus.; Bremer-David., Summary, no. 501, p. 288, illus. 5 2 1 This page intentionally left blank GLOSSARY OF WOODS INDEXES CONCORDANCE 258 GLOSSARY OF WOODS GL OSSARY OF W O O D S This is a glossary of woods in the Decorative Arts collection of the J . Paul Getty Museum. English Latin French al der Alnus sp. aune amaranth (purpl e heart) Peltogyne sp. amarante ash Fraxinus sp. frne barberry Berberis sp. pine-vinette beech Fagus sp. htre birch Betula sp. boul eau bl oodwood Brosimum paraense satin ceyl on satin wood Chloroxylon swietenia citronnier cherry Prunus sp. cerisier chestnut Castanea sativa chtaignier cururu Dialium guianense chtaignier ebony Diospyros sp. ebene fir Abies sp. sapin fruitwood Rosaceae family tribu du pommier hol l y Ilex aquifolium houx hornbeam Carpnus sp. charme Japanese arborvitae Thuja standishii Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica sugi (Japanese) juniper Juniperus sp. genvrier kingwood Dalbergia cearensis bois de viol ette l ignum vitae Guaiacum sp. gaac l imewood Tilia sp. til l eul mahogany Swietenia sp. acajou mapl e Acer sp. rable Mediterranean cypress Cupressus sempervirens cyprs oak Luercus sp. chne ol ive Olea europaea ol ivier padouk Pterocarpus sp. padouk or corail pearwood Pyrus sp. poirier popl ar Populus sp. peupl ier rosewood Dalbergia sp. pal issandre Scots pine Pinus sylvestris pin Syl vestre snakewood Piratinera guianensis amourette Spanish cedar Ceirela sp. cedro spindl e tree wood Euonymus sp. fusain spruce Picea sp. pica stone pine Pmus cembra arol e tul ipwood Dalbergia sp. bois de rose wal nut J uglans sp. noyer Wes t I ndian satin wood Zanthoxylum sp. citronnier wi l l ow Salix sp. saul e yew Taxus baccata if INDEX OF MAKERS 259 I NDEX OF MAKE R S The following index includes the names of makers and artists. Please note that references are to entry numbers rather than page numbers. A Abbiati, Francesco (cabinetmaker, active late eighteenth century), 421 Amigonijacopo (painter and etcher; circa 1685- 1752), 3 8 4 Andreoli, Giorgio di Pietro, called Maestro Giorgio (ceramic artist; director of maiolica workshop in Gubbio; late 147os-circa 1553), 365 Anguier, Guillaume (painter; 1628-1708), 299 Armand, Louis Denis, l'aine (Sevres painter; born 1973, active 1745-1788), 223 Asselin, Charles Eloi (Sevres painter; active 1765-1804), 255 Audran, Claude III (painter and designer; 1658- 1734), 301, 308 Audran, Jean (tapestry weaver; high-warp weaver at the Gobelins manufactory), 308 Audran, Michel (tapestry weaver; high-warp weaver at the Gobelins manufactory from 1732; 1701-1771), 308 Auguste, Robert-Joseph (silversmith; master 1757; circa 1723-1805), 199, 312, 314 Avelli, Francesco Xanto (ceramic artist; poet; 1486/87-circa 1544), 367 Avisse,Jean (menuisier; master 1745; 1723-after 1796), 91 Bailleul, Nicolas, called Bailleul le jeune (engraver; active 1740s), 146 Bair, Martin (silversmith; 1676-1734), 463 Baligant (bronze castor, active circa 1788), 42 Bardet (Sevres painter; active 1751-1758), 222 Bardin, Denis (bronze castor 1778; active 1786-1788 wi th Haur), 16 Barreau, Franois (turner; 1731-1814), 148 Baumhauer, Joseph (hniste; hniste privilege, du Roi circa 1749; died 1772), 13, 29, 44, 61 Bhagle, Philippe (director of the Beauvais tapes- try manufactory from 1684; 1641-1705), 296 Belanger, Franois-Joseph (architecte; dessmateur des menus-plaisirs 1767; 1744-1818), 175 Benneman, Guillaume (eheniste; master 1785; employed by the Garde-Meuble de la Couronne 1786-1792; died 1811), 16 Beo, Johann Andreas (eheniste; dates unknown), 397 Berchem, Nicolas (painter; 1620-1683), 244 Besnier, Nicolas (silversmith; orfvre du Roi 1715; administrator of the Beauvais tapestry manu- factory 1734-1754), 303-307 Beurdeley Louis-Auguste-Alfred (furniture maker and bronze castor; 1808-1882), 286 Biller, Johann Ludwig, the Elder (goldsmith and silversmith; 1656-1732), 512 Blakey Wi l l i am II (clock springmaker; before 1714-after 1788), 139 Bols, Pierre (Boulle), (painter; active second half of the seventeenth century), 299 Boizot, Louis Simon (sculptor; 1743-1809), 156, 189, 254 Bono, Etienne-Henry (Svres repareur; active 1742- 1781), 248 Bonnemer, Franois (painter and engraver; 1638- 1689), 297 Borde, Louis (cartographer and engraver; graveur du Roi et des affaires etrangeres; active 1730-1740s), 146 Bossi, Benigno (engraver and plasterer; 1727- 1792), 281 Bttger, Johann Friedrich (Meissen alchemist and designer; 1682-1719), 329-331 Boucault, Jean (menuisier; master 1728; circa 1705- 1786), 96 Boucher, Francois (painter; designer at the Beau- vais tapestry manufactory from 1734; a c t i ve a t the Vincennes and Sevres manufactory 1749- 1754; a r t l S L i c director at the Gobelins manu- factory from 1754; 1703-1770), 224, 227, 236, 303-307, 309 Bouillat, Edme-Francois (Sevres painter; 1739/10- 1810), 49 Boulle, Andre-Charles (eheniste; master before 1666; ciseleur-doreursculpteur du Roi i6~]2; 1642- 1732), 3, 4, 7, 8, 21, 55-57,105, 106, 128, 130, 132, 160, 164, 165 Bradshaw, Wi l l i am (chairmaker; active 1736- 1 745)^ 39 Bredin, Evrard (painter; sixteenth century), 6 Bruschi, Gasparo (sculptor and porcelain modeler; 1701-1780), 376 Buteux, Charles, fere (Sevres painter; active from 1756, 1719-1782), 229 e Cafheri, Jacques (sculptor; master 1714, fondeiir- ciseleur des btiments du Roi 1736; 1678-1755), 136, 147, 170 Cafheri, Philippe (sculptor; master by 1743; sculpteur-ciseleur ordinaire du Roi 1755; 1714- 1774), 172, 173 Calandra, Giovanni Battista (mosaic artist; 1586- 1644), 523 Capelle, Antoine (Sevres painter; born circa 1722, active 1745-1800), 249, 251 Cap in (upholsterer; active second half of the eighteenth century), 96, 99 Carlm, Martin (eheniste; master 1766; circa 1730- 1785), 47, 49, 70-72, 75 Carlini, Agostino (painter and sculptor; active 1760-1790), 429 Castel, Philippe (Sevres painter and gilder; born 1746/f], active circa 1771-1797), 250 Caton, Antoine (Sevres painter; 1726-1800, active 1749- 1798), 248 Cerceau, Jacques 1 Androuet du (engraver, orna- mentalist, writer, and architect; circa 1515- 1585), 6 Chabry Etienne-Jean, fls (Sevres painter, born before 1749, active 1764-1787), 246 Chaillot de Prusse (peintrcdoreur; active last quar- ter of the eighteenth century), 100 Chapelle, Jacques (modeler or painter at Sceaux manufactory; born 1721, active at Sceaux 1750- 1763), 220 Charron, Andre Charlemagne (director of the Beauvais tapestry manufactory 1754-1780), 307 Chatard (feintre-doreur; active second half of the eighteenth century), 99 Chaudron (peintre-doreur; active second half of the eighteenth century), 99 2 O INDEX OF MAKERS Chaulnes, due de (Michel-Ferdinand d'Albert d'Ailly),(scientist; 1714-1769), 147 Chauveauxjean, lejeune (Sevres gilder; 1735-circa 1807, active 1764-1800), 247 Chauveaux, Michel-Barnabe, Xaine (Sevres painter and gilder; born circa 1729, active 1752- 1788), 246 Cheretjean-Baptiste-Francois (silversmith; mas- ter 1759; died after 1791), 198 Cochois, Charles-Michel (ebeniste; master circa 1730; died 1764), 21 Cornaille, Antoine-Toussaint (Sevres painter and gilder; 1735-1812), 252 Coudray, Michel-Dorothe (Sevres molder; 1718- 1775, active i753' 1 774 / 75)' 2 4 ' 2 4 2 Couturier, Claude (Sevres painter; active 1762- 1775, died 1775), 47 Cotte, Robert de (premier architecte duRoi; 1656/57- 1735)' 1 2 0 Coypel, Charles-Antoine (painter; premier peintre du Roi 1747; 1694-1752), 308 Cozzi, Geminiano (banker, ceramic technician, and founder of Cozzi porcelain factory; active 1764-1812), 378 Cressent, Charles (sculptor and marchand-ebemste; ebeniste to the due d'Orleans 1719; 1685-1768), 23, 34, 58, 60, 138, 139, 182 Croix, Jean de la, pere (tapestry weaver; active at the Gobelins manufactory 1662-1712), 299, 300 Cuvellier, E.J. (ebeniste; master 1753), 10 Cuvillies, Francois de (architect and designer; circa 1695-1768), 395 GD Daguerre, Dominique (marcliand-mercier; circa 1740-1796), 75 Dardet, Claude-Gabriel (silversmith; master 1715), 193 Darnault, Frangois-Charles (marcband-mercier; active 1730S-1780S), 29, 115 Decla, Jacques (painter and enameler; active by 1742-died after 1764), 10 Desforges,Jean (ebeniste, active circa 1730-after 1-757); 2 5 Degoullons, Jules (carver; circa 1671-1738, master 1696), 120 Delafosse, Jean-Charles (architect and ornemaniste; 1734-1789), 109 Delorme, Adrien Faizelot (ebeniste; master 1748; died after 1783), 30, 66 Deparis, Jacques Francois (Sevres designer, painter, and repareur; active 1735-1797), 248 Desfarges, Marie Olivier (upholstery fabric manu- facturer or supplier; dates unknown), 100 Desportes, Alexandre-Francois (painter; 1661- 1743), 293, 294, 297, 308 Deumier, Pierre (serrurier des btiments du Roi; active from the 1760s), 69 Deutsch joseph (porcelain painter; active from 1768), 219 Dietrich, Joachim (menuisier; died 1753), 395 Dieu, Jean-Jacques (Sevres painter and gilder; active 1777-1791, 1794-1798, and 1803- 1811), 256 Digue (clockmaker and mecanicien; active 1770s), Dodin, Charles-Nicolas (Sevres painter; 1734- 1803, active 1754-1802), 230-232, 234, 236 Doirat, Etienne (ebeniste; 1675/80-1732), 22 Dominice, Jean-Francois (clockmaker; 1694-after !754^ W Dormer, Johann (Meissen modeler; active circa 1710), 329 Dubois, Jacques (ebeniste; master 1742; 1694- !7 6 3); 35^ 3 8 > 43 Dubois, Rene (ebeniste; master 1755; ebenistedela Reme 1779; 1737-1799), 48 Dubuisson, H. Fr. (enameler; master 1769; died circa 1820), 144 Dufresne, Francois-Firmin (porcelain repareur, active 1756-1767; 1739-1767), 233 Duplessis, Jean-Claude, pere (designer, silversmith, and sculptor; directeur artistiaue at the Sevres manufactory 1745/48-1774, sculpteur-fondeur- doreur du Roi 1747, orfevre du Roi 1758; circa 1695-1774), 224, 226, 242, 255, 256 Dupont, Bertrand-Francois (director of the Savon- nerie manufactory 1714-1720), 293 Duvivier, Nicolas-Cyprien (director of the Savon- nerie manufactory 1775-1807), 294 Duvivier, Pierre-Charles (director of the Savon- nerie manufactory 1743-1774), 294 & Eckhout, Albert van der (painter; circa 1610- 1665), 297 Effner, Joseph (architect and designer; 1687- !745);39 8 F Falconet, Etienne-Maurice (sculptor, 1761-1791, director of sculpture at the Sevres manufac- tory 1757-1766), 227 Fallot, (Sevres painter and gilder; active 1764- 1790), 247 Fanelli, Francesco (sculptor; ca. 1590-after 1653), 5*5 Feloix, Louis-Gabriel (bronze castor, master 1754; 1729-1812), 176 Ferrucci, Romolo di Francesco, called del Tadda (sculptor; hardstone carver; died 1621), 522 Feuchere, Jean-Pierre (gilder; master 1767), 178 Feuchere, Pierre-Francois (gilder; master 1763), 178 Fieffe, Jean-Jacques, pere (clockmaker; master 1725; circa 1700-1770), 133 Fistulator, Blausius (scagliola artist; head of sca- gliola workshop; active 1587-1622), 524 Foggmi, Giovanni Battista (sculptor and architect; 1652-1725), 376, 387 Folin, Nicolas-Alexandre (clockmaker; master 1789), 145 Foliot, Francois-Toussaint (menuisier; master 1749), 98 Foliot, Nicolas-Quinibert (menuisier; master circa 1730; 1706-1776), 93, 94 Fontainejacques (Sevres painter; active 1752- 1800, 1734/35-1807), 245 Fontana, Annibale (sculptor; circa 1540-1587), 375 Fontana, Flaminio (ceramic artist; director of maiolica workshop in Urbmo; flourished after 1576), 373 Fontana, Orazio (ceramic artist; director of mai- olica workshop in Urbino; 1510-1571), 372, 373 Fontenayjean-Baptiste Belm de (painter; 1653- 1715), 293, 296, 297, 308 Forestier, Etienne-Jean (bronze castor; master 1764), 16 Forestier, Pier re-Auguste (bronze castor; 1755- 1835), 16 INDEX OF MAKERS 261 Fortier, Alexandre (scientist and mecanicien; circa 1700-1770), 137 Foullet, Antonie (ebeniste; master 1749; circa 1710- 1775X 1 4 1 Franzoni, Francesco Antonio (sculptor; 1734- 1818), 379, 420 Fraye, Jean de la, 300 s Galle, Claude (bronze castor; master 1786; 1761- 1844), 16 Galle, Gerard-Jean (bronze castor; 1788-1846), 161 Gallien, Simon (silversmith; master 1714; died Gambier (designer; active circa 1787), 42 Garden, Phillips (silversmith; active 1738-1763), Garnier, Pierre (ebeniste and marchand-ibeniste; master 1742; circa 1720-1800), 39 Gaudron, Antonie 1 (clockmaker; master 1675; circa 1640-1714), 128 Gaul tier, Jacques (menuisier; active first half of the eighteenth century), 121 Genest, Jean-Bap tiste-Etienne (Sevres painter; 1722/23 or 1730-1789, active from 1752), 241 Genoels, Abraham (painter; 1620-1723), 299 Georges, Paul (menuisier; master before 1747), 116 Germain, Francois-Thomas (silversmith; orfevre du Roi 1748-1764; 1726-1791), 171, 192, 197 Germain, Thomas (silversmith; 1673-1748, master 1720, orfevreduRoi 1723; 1673-1748), 192, 196 Giorgio di Pietro Andreoli, called Maestro Gior- gio (maiolica artist and director of ceramics workshop; circa 1465-circa 1553), 365 Girardon, Francois (sculptor; 1628-1715), 132 Golle, Pierre (ehernste; maitre menuisier and ehernste ordinaire du Roi before 1656; circa 1620- 1684), 54 Gondoin, Jacques (designer and architect; active last quarter of the eighteenth century), 98 Gouthiere, Pierre (gilder; master 1758; doreur ordi- naire des menus-flaisirs 1767; 1732-1812/14), 155, 175, 184, 276, 396 Grossman, Christian Gotthelf (femtre, active at the Sevres manufactory July 1766-February 1767; 1737-1786), 239 Grue, Francesco (or Filippo) Saverio Maria, called Saveno Grue (ceramic artist; director of the gabmetto di^ittura and tornante of the royal porcelain factory, Capodimonte; 1731-after 1802), 377 Gudin, Paul, called Gudin lejeune (clockmaker; marchand-horloger du Roi suivant la cour et conseil de sa Majeste 1739), 132 H Hackwood, Wi l l i am (Wedgwood modeler; active 1769-1832, died 1839), 17 Heemskerk, WillemJacobszoon van (glass engraver; 1613-1692), 502 Heiden, Marcus (ivory turner and sculptor; active by at least 1618-died after 1664), 506 Herold, Christian Frederich (Meissen painter; 1700-1779), 338 Heurtaut, Nicolas (menuisier; master 1753; 1720-after 1771), 92 Hi l l , Joseph (repairer at Derby Porcelain Factory; circa 1756-1795), 327 Hchstetter, Sebastian (glassblower, director of glass workshop; active 1540-1569), 433-437 Hroldt, Johann Gregor (Meissen painter; chief painter 1720-1756 and 1763-1765; 1696- 1 775)* 334-33 6 Houasse, Rene-Antoine (painter; 1644/45-1710), 297 Howzer, Wolfgang (goldsmith; active 1652-circa 1688), 509 I Ivry, Pierre Contant d' (architect; 1698-1777), 82, 310 J Jacob, Georges (menuisier; master 1765-1796; 1739-1814), 95, 100, 101, 110 Jacob-Desmaltier et Cie (firm of menuisiers formed by Georges Jacob's younger son, Francois- Honore-Georges [1770-1841, retired 1824]; after 1825 the business was run by Francois's son Georges-Alphonsejacob-Desmaltier [1799-1870, active until 1847]), 102 "Jacopo" (dates unknown), 358 Jacques, Maurice (painter and designer; circa 1712-1784), 308, 309 Joubert, Gilles (marchand-ibeniste; ibiniste ordinaire du Garde-Meuble de la Couronne 1758; ehernste du Roi 1763-1774; 1689-1775), 32 Juvara, Francesco Natale (goldsmith and silver- smith; 1673-1759), 517 K Kandier, Johann Joachim (Meissen modeler; active 1731; chief modeler 1733; 1706-1775), 340 Kmzmg, Peter (clockmaker; 1745-1816), 386 Koula Beaker, Master of (glassblower; late seven- teenth century), 451 L Lacroix, Roger Vandercruse (ebeniste; master 1749; 1728-1799), 14 Lalonde, Richard de (designer; active last decades of the eighteenth century), 84, 311 Lamene, Paul de (silversmith; 1688-1751, active from 1712), 507 Lanfant (mariner; dates unknown), 16 Lapma (clockmaker; dates unknown), 141 Laroche, Jacques-Francois-Louis de (Sevres painter; 1740/4.1, active 1759-1802), 251, 252 Lasalle, Philippe (designer; 1723-1805), 104 Latz, Jean-Pierre (eheniste; eheniste ynviligii du Roi before May 1741; circa 1691-1754), 27, 36, 37> '37 Laudato, Gennaro (sculptor; active in 1790s), 380 Le Blond, Etienne-Claude (tapestry weaver; active at the Gobelins manufactory 1727- 1751), 301, 302 Le Brun, Charles (painter and designer; directeur de la manufacture royale des Gobelins from 1662; directeur de Xacademic royale de yeinture et de sculpture 1663; premieryeintredu Roi 1664; 1619-1690), 118, 299, 300 Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas (architect; 1736-1806), 125 Leeke, Ralph (silversmith; active 1679-after 1714), 191 Le Guay Etienne-Henry (Sevres gilder; 1719/20- circa 1799), 47, 243, 248, 249, 255 Le Guay, Pierre-Andre, fls ami (Sevres painter; active 1772-1818), 249 Leleu,Jean-Frangois (ebeniste; master 1764, retired 1792; 1729-1807), 45, 68 2 2 INDEX OF MAKERS Le Noir, Etienne n (clockmaker; master 1717; 1699-1778), 10, 35, 140 Le Noir, Pierre-Etienne (clockmaker; master 1743; born circa 1725-active imtil circa 1820), 140 Lepaute, Pierre-Bazile (clockmaker; 1750- 1843), 131 Le Riehe, Paul (silversmith; born 1659, active 1686-circa 1738), 194 Le Roy, Charles (clockmaker; master 1733; 1709-1771), 142 Le Roy, Etienne-Augustin, 142 Le Roy, Jean iv (silversmith; master 1625), 191 Le Roy Julien 11 (clockmaker; master 1713; horioger du Roi 1739; 1686-1759), x 35^ Lesueur (bronze castor, active circa 1788), 42 Leupold, Georg (stove tile potter; active mid- seventeenth century) ,328 Ligozzijacopo (painter and designer; circa 1547- 1626), 522 Limosin, Leonard (enameler; head of Limoges workshop; circa 1505-1575/77), 203 Louis, Victor (architect and designer; 1737- 1807), 69 Lourdet, Philippe (director of the Chaillot work- shops at the Savonnerie carpet manufactory from 1667; died 1671), 292 Lourdet, Simon (director of the Chaillot work- shops at the Savonnerie carpet manufactory; circa 595[?]-i667[?]), 292 JA Maffei, Antonio (sculptor and woodcarver; born circa 1530), 401 Maggiolini, Giuseppe (cabinetmaker; active 1738- 1814), 418 Manara, Baldassare (ceramic artist; active circa 1526-1547), 368 Marot, Daniel (architect and designer; circa 1663- 1752), 288 Martin, Etienne-Simon (vernisseur; died 1770), 146, 190 Martin, Gilles-Frangois (sculptor and modeler; circa 1713-1795), 16 Martin, Guillaume {vanissmr; died 1749), 146, 190 Martin, Jean-Bap tiste (painter; 1659-1735), 299 Martincourt, Etienne (sculptor and bronze castor; master 1762; died 1791); 142,153 Martiniere, Antoine-Nicolas (enameler; master 1720; emailleur etpensionnaireduRoi 1741; 1706- 1784), 35, 135, 136 Masson, Pierre (clock springmaker; 1714-1788), 140 Mazzeo (Maseo, Mazeo), Piero di (maiolica artist and workshop director; born 1377/87), 343 Meissonier, Juste-Aurele (designer; 1695-1750), Mereaud, Pierre-Antoine, Haine. (Sevres painter and gilder; circa 1735-1791, active from 1754), 238 Merlet, Georges-Adrien (enameler; active from 1780s), 145 Meulen, Francois van der (painter; 1632-1690), 299 Meunier, Etienne (menuisier; active mid-eighteenth century), 88 Micaud, Jacques-Francois (Sevres painter; 1732/ 35-1811, active from 1757), 71 Moittejean-Guillaume (sculptor; 1746-1810), 125, 144, 315 Mollet, Armand-Claude (architect; 1660-1742), 121 Milmger, Christian (clockmaker; 1754-1826), 397 Molitor, Bernard (ehernste; master 1787; 1755- 1833), 42 Monnet, Charles (painter; 1732-after 1808), 255 Monnoyer, Jean-Bap tiste (painter; 1636-1699), 295-297,299 Montigny Philippe-Claude (ebeniste; master 1766; 1734-1800), 46 Morin, Jean-Louis (Sevres painter; 1732-1787, active from 1754), 224, 235 M Nantier (Sevres repareur; active 1767-1776), 240 Neilson, Jacques (tapestry weaver; director of the Gobelins manufactory low-warp looms from 1759; circa 1718-1788), 309 Noinville, Jacques de (director of the Savonnerie manufactory 1721-1742), 293, 294 Nollet, Abbe Jean-Antoine (scientist; 1700-1770), 146 o Oeben,Jean-Frangois (ebeniste; ebeniste du Roi 1754, master 1761; 1721-1763), 31, 36, 37, 63, 64, 67 Oppenord, Gilles-Marie (designer; 1672-1742), 131 Oppenordt, Alexandre-Jean (fernste; 1639-1715), 131 Osmond, Robert (bronze castor; master 1746; died 1789), 140 Oudry, Jean-Bap tiste (painter; director of the Beauvais tapestry manufactory 1734; 3-668- ^55); 3 3-3 7 Gp Palagi, Filippo Pelagio (architect; portrait painter; furniture designer; ornamentalist; 1775-1860), 427,518 Palissy Bernard (ceramic artist; painter; glass- blower; designer; 1510-1590), 205, 206 Papillion, Francesco (clockmaker; active circa 1700), 387 Parent, Aubert-Henri-Joseph (sculptor, designer, and architect; 1753-1835), 111, 112 Parpette, Philippe (Sevres enameler; active 1755- 1757 and 1773-1806; 1736-circa 1808), 248, 249 Penicaud,Jean 11 (enameler; head of Limoges work- shop; active 1531-1549), 202 Per rot, Pierre-Josse (painter; active at the Gobelins manufactory 1715-1749), 302 Petit, Nicolas (ebeniste; master 1761; 1732-1791), 30 Petitot, Ennemond-Alexandre (architect and ornt manisU; 1727-1801), 281 Pfleger, Abraham 1 (silversmith; active 15583- died 1605), 511 Pichler, Johann Adam (carver; active mid-eigh- teenth century), 398 Pierre, Jean-Baptiste-Marie (painter and designer; premier peintre du Roi 1770; 1713-1789), 255 Pierre, Jean-Jacques, lejeune (Sevres painter; born 1745/46, active 1763-1800), 47 Pineau, Nicolas (architect and designer; 1684- ^54)' 35 Pitom, Claude-Jean (founder and gilder; master 1788), 176 Post, Frans (painter; 1612-1680), 297 Preissler, Ignaz (Hausmaler; 1676-1741), 332, 341 Prevost, Henri-Martin, jeune (Sevres gilder; active Prieur, Jean-Louis (bronze worker and designer; second half of eighteenth century), 174, 311 INDEX OF MAKERS 263 Raskin, Henry (restorer; active first half of the twentieth century), 4 Raux, s ami (Sevres painter; active 1766- Rehnisch (clockmaker; active circa 1740), 385 Rehschuch (Meissen modeler, active first half of the eighteenth century), 337 Reinicke, Peter (Meissen modeler; 17 15-1768), 154 Remond, Francois (bronze castor; master 1774; circa 1747-1812), 42, 386, 396 Riesener, Jean-Henri (ibinisU; active from circa 1754; master 1768; ibimste ordinaire du Roi 1774-1785; retired 1801; 1734-1806), 52, 73 Risenburgh, Bernard 11 van (ibimste; master before 1730; after 1696-circa 1766), 10-12, 24, 26, 28, 33, 41, 62, 65 Rode, Jean-Baptiste Simon (sculptor; active second half of the eighteenth century), 100 Roentgen, Abraham (ibimste; 1711-1793), 400 Roentgen, David (ibiniste; active in Neuwied 1772-1795; master of the Paris guild 1780; ibinisti micanicien du Roi et de la Reine 1785; 1743- 1807), 386, 396 Roger, Francois-Denis (Sevres ripareur; active circa 1755-1784), 233 Roger pere (Sevres repareur; active 1754-1784), 242 Romillyjean (clockmaker; master 1752; 1714- 1796), 139 Rottiere, Jean Simeon Rousseau de la (sculptor; born 1747), 125 s Saint-Germain, Jean-Joseph de (bronze castor; master 1748; active until after 1772), 138,139 Sambin, Hugues (cabinetmaker; circa 1520-1601), 6 Sanmartino, Giuseppe (sculptor; 1720-1793), 380 Sbraghe (or Sbraga), Nicola di Gabriele, called Nicola da Urbino (maiolica artist; circa 1470-1537), 364 Schaffgotsch workshop (glassblowing), 477 Schiefer, Andreas (Meissen molder; active first half of the eighteenth century), 336 Schor, Johann Paul, called Giovanni Paolo Tedesco (painter and designer; 1615-1674), 414 Schwinger, Hermann (glassblower; 1640-1683), 476 Sene,Jean-Baptiste-Claude (menuisier; master 1769; 1748-1803), 99 Souet, Jean (weaver active in the third low-warp workshop at the Gobelins manufactory 1693-1724; circa 1653-1724), 300 Soldani, Massimiliano (sculptor; 1658-1740), 387 Spngier, Johann Jakob Wilhelm (porcelain sculp- tor; 1755-after 1795), 327 Spohn, P. (restorer; dates unknown), 27 Stollenwerck, Michel (micanicien; master 1746; died 1768), 131 Storr, Paul (silversmith; active by 1792; 1771- 1844), 508 Strozzi, Bernardo (painter and designer; 1581- 1644), 515 y Taillandier, Genevieve, Mme (Sevres painter; active 1780-1798), 250 Taillandier, Vincent (Sevres painter; active 1753- 1790), 250 Templetown, Elizabeth, Lady (designer; 1747- 1823), 17 Teniers, David, lejeune (painter; 1610-1690), 230 Tessier, Louis (painter; circa 1719-1781), 309 Thomire, Pierre-Philippe (bronze castor; master 1772; active at the Sevres manufactory 1783- 1815; 1751-1843), 16, 144, 156, 177, 189, 253, 2 77 Tilliard, Jean-Baptiste (engraver; circa 1740-1813), 248 Tilliard,Jean-Baptiste (menuisier; master 1717; 1686-1766), 103 Tilliard, Jacques-Jean-Baptiste (menuisier; master 1752; 1723-1798), 97 Triquet, Pierre-Claude (sculptor; active second half of the eighteenth century), 100 u,v Vallois, Nicolas-Frangois (sculptor; 1744-1788, master 1768), 99 Vande, Jean-Baptiste-Emmanuel, pere (Sevres gilder; active 1753-1779), 75 Varin, Jean 111 (medalist, sculptor, and goldsmith; circa 1604-1672), 7 Vernansal, Guy-Louis (painter; 1648-1729), 295, 296, 301 Vincent, Henry-Francois, lejeune (Sevres gilder; born 1723, active 1753-1806), 50 Vinckenbrinck, AlbertJanszoon (sculptor; 1604/5-1664/65), 392 Vi tl , Wolfgang (glassblower; director of glass workshop; 1534-1540), 431-433 Vinne, Leonard van der (cabinetmaker; active 1659-1713), 387 Voisin, Charles (clockmaker; master 1710; 1685- 1761), 134 Vos, Marten de (painter and draughtsman; 1532- 1603), 451 Vredeman de Vries, Hans (designer, architect, and painter; 1527-1604), 6 w Wallbaum, Mattus (silversmith; 1554-1632), 466 Weisweiler, Adam (ibimste; master 1778; active until 1809; 1744-1820), 17,18, 50 Weyl, Johann Wilhelm (Jean Guillaume) (organ builder; 1756-1813), 386 Winter, Friedrich (glassblower; died 1711/12), 477 XX Z Yvart, Baudrain, lepere (painter; 1611-1690), 299, 300 264 INDEX OF PERVIOUS OWNERS I NDEX OFPREVI OUS OW NERS The following index includes the names of private owners and dealers. Named residences are also listed. Please note that references are to entry numbers, not page numbers. A Aaron, Didier, 5, 13, 16, 39, 44, 79, 182, 207, 272, 279, 406, 504 Abdy, Sir Robert, Bt., 29, 41, 60, 72, 195 Abdy, Sir Valentine, 195 Abildgaard, Knud, 176 Achkar-Charriere Galerie, 296 Adda collection, 359 Aetas Antiqua, S.A., 515 Alamagna family, 336 Alexander and Berendt, Ltd., 13, 25, 54, 55, 59, 90, 103,141, 143, 169, 172,174, 221, 242, 259, 270, 294, 385, 406, 424 Alexander, Martin and Pauline, 176 Allen, Armin B., 225, 233, 240, 249 Allnatjohn, 16 Ancel, Germaine, 268 Anchier, Gauthiot d' (Governor of Besancon), 6 Angiviller, comte d' (Charles-Claude de Flahaut), 57 Anstalt, Picket, 418 Antiquaires de Paris, Les, 13 Antique Porcelain Co., The, 64, 217, 218, 220, 224, 232, 244, 248, 336, 338 Ardmore House (Middlesex), 54 Arenberg, duchesse Mathildis d', 20 Arenberg, dues d', 20 Arenberg, prince d', 428 Argyll, Dukes of, 41 Arlatanjean d' (marquis de la Roche and baron de Lauris), 210 Arnim, Herman, Graf von, 56 Arpajon, marchioness d' (nee Anne-Charlotte Hardouin), 120 Artois, comte d', 19 Ashburton, Rt. Hon. Lord, 252 Astor, Lord, 203 Atholl, 8th Duke of (John George Murray, Marquess of Tullibardine), 64 Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, 329, 33 6 > 337> 339 Auriac, M. d', 303-305 Avelme et Cie, 11,16, 18, 22, 386, 509 Aveline, Maurice, 11 Azay Luzarche d', 361 Backer, Hans, 194 Bacon, Edward R., 258 Bagneux, Louis-Balthazar Dange de, 41 Bagatelle, Chateau de, 49 Baillie-Hamilton, Hon. Mrs. Robert (Mary Gavin), 64 Bak, Dr., 348, 360 Ball, C, 28 Bardi, Giovanni, 522 Bardini, Stefano, 348 Bardini, Ugo, 1, 404, 405, 408 Bargigli, de, 235 Barker, Alexander, 68 Baroda, Maharanee of, 18, 395 Bath, Marquess of, 430 Baudoint family, 53 Bauz, 380 Beatty, Sir Alfred and Edith Chester, 29, 32, 60, 72 Beaumont, Mme, 110 Beaupreau, Elizabeth-Louise-Adelaide de Scepeaux de, 121 Becker, Carl, 205 Beckett-Denison, Christopher, 18, 393 Beddard, Anne, 265 Benavente, Counts of (Pimentel family), 521 Bensimon, Gaston, 4, 198, 234, 258 Beraudiere, Jacques, comte de, 96 Bernal, Ralph, 364 Bernard, Jacques-Samuel (comte de Coubert), 192 Berndorff, Curt, 450 Berney Thomas A., 354 Bernheimer, 56 Bernheimer Fine Arts, Ltd., 295, 398 Berotaire, 106 Bertrand et Cie, P., 289 Bessborough, Countess of (Blanche Ponsonby Lady Duncannon), 216 Bessborough, Eric, 10th Earl of, 216 Bessborough, Vere, 9th Earl of, 216 Bethune-Pologne, comtesse de (Antoinette-Louise- Marie Crozat de Thiers), 86 Beurdeley, Alfred-Emanuel-Louis, 286 Beurdeley Louis-Auguste-Alfred, 286 Biemann, Fritz, 450, 483, 491, 502 Bier, 441, 478 Billarderie, comte de la (Alexandre de Flahaut), 57 Billarderie, comte de la (Auguste-Charles-Joseph Flahaut), 57 Billy, Monsieur de, 46 Biron, 12th marquis de (Guillaume de Gontaut- Biron), 146 Blair, C. Ledyard, 307 Blairman and Sons, H., 403 Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire), 6 Block, Sidney J., 37 Blohm, Otto and Magdalena, 229 Blondeel, Bernard, 297 Blumka Gallery, 328 Blumka, Leopold, 451 Blumka, Ruth, 382, 440 Blumka, Ruth and Leopold, 431-437, 439, 440- 449, 451-482, 484, 485, 487, 488, 494- 496,498-501 Bode, Wilhelm von, 343 Bolingbroke, 2nd Viscount (Frederick, 3rd Vis- count Saint John), 224 Bondy, Oscar, 437, 445, 447, 448, 451, 453, 454, 456, 459, 467, 475, 494 Bonetti, 483 Bonnefoy Jean-Louis, 195 Bonnefoy-Duplan, 100 Bonnelles, Chateau de, 296 Bonnemet, M. d'Eustache, 20 Boore, William, 238 Botham, Miss, 234 Botibol, J. M. , 14, 21, 30, 62, 65 Bouchard, 291 Bourbon, Mme Fulco de, 300 Bourbon, Louis-Alexandre de (comte de Toulouse and due de Penthievre), 296 Bourbon, Louis-Francois de (prince de Conti), 137 Bourbon, Louis-Henri, due de (7 th prince de Conde), 207 Bourbon, Louis-Jean-Marie de (due de Penthievre), 95, 296 Bourbon, Louise-Marie-Adelaide de, 296 Bourbon, Michael de, 300 INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS 265 Bouvier collection, 260 Braganca, Archbishop Dom Gaspar de, 196 Branicka, Christine, 35 Branicki, Count Jan Klemens, 35 Breteuil, Baronde, 96 British Rail Pension Fund, The, 69,189, 209, 393 Bronee, Bent Peter, 330, 331 Brougham, Lords, 21 Brunswick-Lneberg, Dukes of, 199 Bucher, Alice, 308 Buckely (possibly Wilfred Buckley), 454 Buckingham and Chandos, Dukes of (Richard Plantagenet), 55 Buckingham and Chandos, Dukes of, 198 Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, Baroness, 10 Burdett-Coutts, Hon. Wi l l i am Bartlett, 10 Burgess, H., 54 Burns, Major-General Sir George, 261, 422 Burns, Mrs. Walter Hayes, 261, 423 Burton-Jones, Hugh, 222 Burton-Jones, Kathleen (Mrs. Gifford Scott), 222 e Caledon, 6th Earl of (Denis James Alexander), 294 Cambaceres, Ives, comte de, 102, 268 Cameron, 58, 63,166 Camondo, comte de, 299 Capricorn Art International, S. A., 399 Carlhian, Andre, 120,121 Carlhian, Maison, 114, 125 Carlhian, R. and M. , 114,115, 121, 124, 125 Carlhian et Beaumetz, 104 Carnarvon, Countess of (Almina Wombwell), 1> I 1 Carlo Alberto, King of Savoy, 427 Carrington, 2nd Lord (John Robert Smith), 196 Cartier, Claude, Louis, and Veronique, 199 Cartier, Ltd., 199 Cassel van Doom, Baron and Baroness, 48 Castellani, Alessandro, 202, 361, 3-70 Castiglione, 396 Catherine 11, Empress of Russia, 61 Caumont La Force family de, 86 Cavandish-Bentinck, Miss H., 236 Cei, P., 253 Cellini, Pico, 505 Centanini, 378 Chabneres-Aries, 204 Chabrillan family, de, 86 Chait, Ralph, 318, 321 Chalmin, Jean-Luc, 190 Chanteloup, Chateau de, 95 Chantilly Chateau de, 207 Chappey Edouard, 58, 159 Charlesworth, William, 380 Chteau-sur-Mer (Newport, Rhode Island), 100, 296 Cheneviere, Antione, 426 Chequered Hall (Oxfordshire), 2 Chesaie, Chateau de la (Eaubonne), 189 Chevalier Galerie, 296 Chinese Palace (Oranienbaum, near St. Peters- burg), 61 Choiseul, due de (Etienne-Francois de Stamville), 95 Cholmondeley Marchioness of (Sybil Sassoon), 8 Chompret, Dr. Joseph, 350 Christie, George, 326 Christner, Mrs. John W, 237, 245, 246, 257 Clement vi n, Pope (Ippolito Aldobrandini), 522 Clements, 255 Clermont-Tonnerre, comtesse de, 184 Cleveland, Grace Caroline, Duchess of, 232 Clifden, Leopold George Frederick, 5th Vis- count, 68 Clore, Sir Charles, 241 Clumber (Nottinghamshire), 14 Cockshutjohn, 236 Colbert family, 24 Colnaghi, P. and D, and Co., 518 Colorno, Palazzo di (near Parma), 170 Colville, Col. Norman, 244 Compiegne, Chateau de, 99, 171 Consolo, Philip R., 36 Contini-Bonacossi, Count Alessandro, 346 Conyngham, Jane, Marchioness of, 249 Cook, A., 390 Coope, Octavius E., 42 Cornbury Park (Oxfordshire), 2 Cornwallis West, William, 40 Corsmi family, 411, 522, 524 Cotte, Jules-Francois de, 8 Cotte, Jules-Robert de, 8 Cotterstock Hall (Northamptonshire), 59 Coty Francois, 58 Coudira, Chateau de (Pregny Switzerland), 27 Court, M. , 396 Coutts, Harriot Mellon, 10 Coventry, George William, 6th Earl of, 231 Coventry, George William, 7 th Earl of, 231 Crag Hall (Lancashire), 25 Cramoisan, Didier, 243, 251 Cressart, Guillaume, 121 Cressart, Hotel (Paris), 121 Creuze, Augustm, 41 Cromer, Ernest, 58 Croome Court (Worcestershire), 231 Croxteth Hall (near Liverpool), 242 Crozat, Pierre, 86 Cumberland and Brunswick-Lneburg, Ernst Augustus, Duke of (King of Hanover), 199 Cumberland and Brunswick-Lneburg, Ernst Augustus, Duke of, 199 Curarrow Corporation, 374 Currie, Laurence, 36 Curzon, Sir Nathaniel (ist Baron Scarsdale), 191 CD Dalva Brothers, Inc., 36, 51, 100, 111,129, 256, 278, 283, 286, 291, 293, 316, 421 Damiron, Charles, 355, 361, 368 Damiron, Paul, 355, 368 Danae Art International, S. A., 419, 523 Dange du Fay, Francois-Balthazar, 41 Dange, Marie-Emilie-Francoise, 41 Darnault, Frangois-Charles, 115 Darthy Gilda, 104 Daval, 11 David, Inc., 200, 201, 438, 450, 483, 486, 489-493, 497, 502,511 David-Weill, A. M.,198 David-Weill, David, 193,197,198, 207 Davis, Charles, 131, 137 Debruge-Dumenil, 6, 203 Delplace, Lucien, 13 Demidov, Anatole, Prince of San Donato, 4, 156 Demidoff, Paul, 4 Despencer, family, Le, 55 Dewar, Ms. John, 295 Di gbyA. E. H.,57 Dino, due de (Andia y Talleyrand-Pengord), 146 Dmo, 3rd due de (Alexandre-Edmond de Talleyrand-Pengord), 104 Dmo, 4th due de (Maurice de Talleyrand- Pengord), 104 266 INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS Dodge, Anna Thomson, 28, 61, 75, 88, 96, 98, 99, 108, 138, 139,181, 188 Donaldson, 18 Donjeux, Vincent, 18, 131 Dorrance, Jr., John Thompson, 296 Dorrance, Sr., John Thompson, 296 Double, Leopold, 98 Doucet, Mme, 124 Douilla, Goupil de, 31 Downs, Joseph, 509 Dragesco, Bernard, 243, 251 Drey, David, 11 Dubois, Antoine-Alexandre, 106 Duche, Elizabeth-Louis, Jean Baptiste, and Louis- Auguste, 121 Dudley House (London), 55 Dudley, Earls of, 7, 55, 231, 232, 244 Dumont, 73 Dundas family 59 Dunimarle Castle (Culross, Fife, Scotland), 438 Dunlap, Mrs. Charles E., 209 Dupuy Mrs. H., 209, 253 Dur as, Emmanuel-Felicite, due de, 32 Durier, Jeanne, 128 Durlacher Brothers, 485 Durlacher, George, 22, 366, 479 Duselschon, Mme, 27 Duvaux, Lazare, 223, 224 Duveen, 266 Duveen and Co., 75 Duveen Brothers, 6, 23, 61, 64, 88, 96, 98, 104, 108, 121,138,139, 181,188, 230, 231, 309, 360, 373, 361, 370, 373 6 Egmont Palace (Brussels), 428 Eisgrub, Schloss, 442 Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, .61 Ellsworth, Robert, 266 Eist, Violet van der, 7 Embden, Antony, 205 Ephrussi, Maurice, 137 Erlestoke Mansion (Wiltshire), 52 Erskine, Sir John Drummond, 438 Erskine, Magdelene Sharpe, 438 Eshelby Mrs. D C, 502 Espirito Santo, Jose and Vera, 10, 196 Espirito Santo family, 39, 104 Eumorfopoulos, George, 480 Exbury House (Hampshire), 32, 241, 412 Exeter, 3rd Marquess of (William Allenye Cecil), 131 Exeter, 4th Marquess of (Henry George Brown- low), 131 F Fabius Freres, 429 Fabre, B., et Fils, 3, 46, 58, 63, 77, 84, 119, 138, 143, 173,186, 275, 298 Fahrbach, Georg, 125 Fane, Lt. Col. Hon. Henry, 59 Farman, Mme Henry, 269 Faucigny-Lucinge, Pierre de, 164 Faunce, Maria Sophia (Hon. Mrs. Wilfred Brougham), 21 Fenston, Felix, 118 Fernando 11, King of Portugal, 512 Ferneres, Chateau de (Tarn), 133 Fetherstonhaugh, Sir Harry, 241 Feuchere, Pierre-Frangois, 171 Feucheres, baronne de (Sophie Dawes), 121 Fielden, John and Captain John, 12 Fitzhenry J. H., 198 Fitzmaurice, Lady Emily, 57 Flannery, Joanna, 201, 372 Flannery Thomas F., Jr., 201, 372 Fleurieu, Jean-Jacques Claret de, 120 Fleury 95 Fogg, Samuel, 131 Foley, Lord, 7 Fleurieu, Jean-Jacques Claret de, 120 Fontainebleau, Palais de, 32, 94, 99, 179, 425 Fonthill House (Wiltshire), 325 Ford, Henry, 11, 268, 274 Foresi, Alessandro, 374 Foster, Kate, Ltd., 214, 329, 341 Founes, S., 27 Fournier, 125 Foz, ist marquis and 2nd comte da (Tristao Guedes Correira de Queiroze Castello- Branco), 4, 143 France, government of, 171 Francis 1, King of France, 179 Franz, Christian Moritz Eugen, 219 Freda, Mrs. Rose, 91 Frederick Augustus 111, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, 28 Frederick Wi l l i am 111, King of Prussia, 397 French and Co., 15, 20, 36, 37, 59, 67, 70, 71, 74, 109, 130-132, 136,142, 145, 155, 161, 168, 182, 235, 237, 253, 296, 297, 303-305, 307, 360, 396 Freppa, Giovanni, 374 Frey Count Dr. Alexander von, 447, 453-456, 458, 459, 464, 473, 485, 500 Fribourg, Mme Lucienne, 143 Friedel, de, 172 Fugger family, 511 Fusco, Laurie and Peter, 519 S Gallet, Gerard, 20 Galveias, Count of (D. Martinho de Mello e Castro), 192 Garde, Nicolas Dedelay de la, 120 Gar rick, David, 391 Gary, Judge Elbert H., 64 Gastinet, 96 Gautier, Henri 366 Gavet, Emile, 480, 486 Gavin, Mary (Hon. Mrs. Robert Baillie- Hamilton), 64 Gawn, Roger, 82 Gendebien-Salvay Baron, 299 George 111, King of England, 199 Getty, Gordon and Ann, 93 Gibbs, Christopher, 116, 118 Gibson, 251 Gignoux, A., 127 Giustiniani, Longhi, 515 Giustiniani-Longo di Luca, Doge Alessandro, 515 Givenchy Hubert de, 87 Gleichenberg Castle (Graz, Austria), 437 Glogowski, Kurt, 343 Godefroy August Gabriel, 39 Goding, William, 232 Goldbaum, 360 Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Baronne Alexis de, 252 Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Erich von, 335 Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Baron Maximilian von, Gonzaga, Palazzo (Mantua), 409 Goode, Wi l l i am J., 231, 251, 255 Goodwood House (Sussex), 508 Gort, 6th Viscount (John Prendergast),7 Gould, Anna (duchesse de Talleyrand), 4 Gould, Edith Kingdom, 23 INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS 267 Gould, Florence J., 220 Gould, George Jay, 23,139 Goury de Rosland, 227 Gramont, due de, 124 Grassi, Luigi, 344, 382 Grassi collection, 383 Gravenwezel, 's, 428, 520 Green way, Lee, 172 Greffulhe, Henri, comte de, 11, 98, 124 Grimston Park (Yorkshire), 12 Grimsthorpe, Edmund, ist Lord, 68 Grosbois, marquis de (Germain-Louis de Chau- velin), 301 Guadalquivir, marquis de Las Marismas del (Mme Alexandre Aguado), 121 Guibourgere, Alexandre-Prosper Camus de la, 297 Guibourgere, Chateau de la (Bretagne), 297 Guibourgere, Frangoise-Louise Raoul de la, 297 Guibourgere, Louis-Jean-Nepomucene-Frangois- Marie Camus de la, 297 Guinness, Walter, 306 Guiraud, M. and Mme Louis, 259 Gunnersbury Park (Middlesex), 32 Gunzburg, Baronne de, 17, 282 Gwydir, ist Lord (Sir Peter Burrell), 131 Gwydir, 2nd Lord (Sir Peter Burrell), 131 H Haar, Baroness van Zuylen van Nyevelt van der, 78, 267 Haardt, George, and Co.,296 Haddington, 12th Earl of (George Baillie- Hamilton), 116 Haggin, Mrs. James B., 109 Hall, Michael, 216 Haltburn, Schloss (Burgenland, Austria), 308 Hamilton, Carl W, 370 Hamilton, 10th Duke of and 7 th Duke of Brandon (Alexander Archibald Douglas), 18, 52 Hamilton Palace (Lanarkshire, Scotland), 18, 52, 393 Hamilton Place (London), 32 Hamilton, William, 12th Duke of and 9th Duke of Brandon, 18, 52, 393 Hamsterly Hall (Durham), 7 Hann, George R., 370 Harbord, Felix, 118 Harcourt, 39 Harding, 236, 249 Hardouin, Catherine-Henriette, 120 Harlaxton Manor (Lincolnshire), 7 Harrach, Count Haus-Albrecht, 348 Harrington, R.L., Ltd., 286 Harris, Jonathan, 82 Harris, Moss, 18 Hart, Mrs. Geoffrey 388 Hartman, Alan, 266 Harvey, Lady 64 Hastings, 21st Baron (Sir Albert Edward Delaval), 82 Hastings, Barons of, 82 Haure,Jean, 99 Heathfield Park (Sussex), 68 Heber-Percy, Algernon, 338 Hebert, 100 Heere, William, 509 Hegetschweile, Rudolph, 414 Heilbrunner, Galaries, 109 Heim Gallery, Ltd., 427 Helft, Jacques, 155,191, 196, 268, 395 Heliot, Laurent, 275 Hennequart, 105 Henry, Mme, 216 Hertford House (London), 239 Hertford, 3rd Marquess of (Earl of Yarmouth), 234 Hertford, Richard, 4th Marquess of, 49, 282, 302 Hertford, 2nd Marchioness of (Isabella Anne Ingram-Shepherd), 239 Hever Castle (London), 203 Heywood-Lonsdale, Lt. Col. A., 288 Hillingdon, Lords, 67, 130 Hirsch, Henry, 62 Hirsch, Robert von, 440 Hobbs, Carlton, Ltd., 407, 420 Hobbs, John, 417 Hodgkms, E. M. , 48, 304, 305 Hoffman-Frey Christoph, 335 Hohenzollern Museum (Sigmaringen, Germany), 455> 45 8 Holland Fine Arts, 151 Horstmann, F. J. E., 195 Hosten, Maison (Paris), 125 Houghton Hall (Norfolk), 8 Howden, 2nd Baron (Sir John Hobart Caradoc), 12 Humann, Christian, 240 Humphris, Cyril, 203, 354, 361, 365 Hurgronje, W J. Snouck, 473 1 Iljinski, Count, 396 Inchmery House (Exbury), 32 Ingilby Sir John, 347 Ingilby Sir Joslan, Bt., 347 Ingilby, Sir Thomas, Bt., 347 International Patent Trust Reg. ,414 Inval, Jean-Louis Milon d', 121 Inval, Mme d' (Antoinette Bureau Seraudey), 121 Inveraray Castle (Argyll, Scotland), 41 Italian Royal Household, 170 Iveagh, ist Earl of (Edward Cecil Guinness), 306 J Jackson, 396 Jantzen, Dr. Johannes, 491 Japanese Palace (Dresden), 329 Jarnac, comte de, 244 Jeremy Ltd., 143 Johnson, Barbara Piasecka, 104, 514, 516 Johnson, Anne and Deane, 228, 229 Joseph, Edward, 386 Josse, H.H.A., 58 Joubert, 95 Jouvenal, de, 208 Julliot, C. F., 4, 272 K Kahn, Samuel, 164 Kaiser, Joachim, 125 Karl Albrecht (Charles vm), Elector of Bavaria, 398 Katz, Daniel, Ltd., 376, 516 Kauffmann, A., 345 Kauffmann, Richard von, 510 Kedleston Hall (Derbyshire), 191 Keith and Nairne, Baroness of (Emily de Flahaut), 51 Keller, Col. Giovanni Giovacchino, 506 Kerin, Gerard, 79 Kessler, George A., 292 Kevorkian, Hagop, 526 Kieslinger, Franz, 439 King, HJ. , 266 King, William, 393 Klaber and Klaber, 212 268 INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS Klmgspor, Baron de, 144 Koenigsberg, Claus de, 230, 231 Koenigsberg, Paula de, 230, 231 Konig, Michael, 385 Knigsegg, Graf zu (Christian Moritz Eugen Franz), 219 Kraemer, Raymond, 12, 64 Kraemer et Cie, 12, 13, 33, 46, 83, 101, 117, 142, 152, 158, 160-161, 165,175, 183, 185, 190, 274, 290, 513 Kreitz, 455 Kugel, Jacques, 87, 112, 134, 135, 148, 263, 278, 392, 415, 513 Kugel, Mrs. Kila, 147 L Labia, Dr. Joseph, 55, 232 Lacroix, Leon, 19 Lagerfeld, Karl, 104 Laird, Henry James, 54 Laloux, Vincent, 299 Lambert, Sir John, 240 Lamon, Sidney J., 168 Lancut, Castle (Poland), 277 Landau, Nicolas, 389 Lapiccirella, Leonardo, 383 Launay Suzanne de, 8 Lege, Francois, 123, 163 Lederer, August, 343, 344, 505, 510 Lederer, Elizabeth, 343, 344, 348, 505, 510 Lederer, Erich, 343, 344, 348, 505, 510 Lederer, Serena, 343, 344, 505, 510 Lee, Ronald, 55 Lefortier, Annette, 94 Lefebvre, Georges, 208, 211 Legere, Mme, 232 Leitner, Richard, 448, 475 Lelong, Mme C, 125 Lemattre, 235 Lerouge, 46 Leverghem, Count G. della Faille de, 520 Levy 55 Levy {anauaiw), 125 Levy, Claude, 13, 272 Levy Etienne, 12, 31, 132, 272 Levy Gilbert, 223 Levy Olivier, 235, 237 Lewis and Simmons, 64 Leyland, Captain Thomas, 40 Liechtenstein, Prince of, 441, 484, 487 Ligniville, Elizabeth de, 120 Lincoln, Earls of, 240 Lindon collection, 286 Lion, Adolphe, 187 Litta, Palazzo (Florence), 157 Loch, Lord, of Drylawn, 325 Loeser, Charles, 358 Londesborough, Countess of (Lady Grace Ade- laide Fane), 65 Londesborough, Barons and Earls of, 12 Longari, Nella, 346 Longleat Castle (Wiltshire), 430 Longueil, marquis de, 19 Lopez-Willshaw, Arturo, 69, 191, 393 Lopez-Willshaw, Patricia, 191 Louis xiv, King of France, 53 Louis xv, King of France, 61, 306, 307 Louis xvi , King of France, 16, 42, 73,142,171, 248, 255, 308, 309, 396 Louis, Dauphin of France, 28 Louis, Grand Dauphin of France, 54 Louise-Elisabeth of France, Mme (duchesse de Parme), 170 Louise of France, Mme, 32, 238 Louis-Philippe d'Orleans, King of the French, 296 Love, C. Ruxton, 200 Lowengard, Jules, 50 Lubin, Edward, 372 Lubormirska, Princess Isabella, 277 Lugli, E., 253 Lullier, 35 Luneville, M. de, 4 Lupu, Jean, 250 Lurcy Georges, 395 Luxembourg, Palais du (Paris), 99,171 Lycett-Green, F. D, 354 Lydiard Park (Wiltshire), 224 Lydig, Rita, 168 Maclean, 18 Maelrondt, 234 Maglm, F.A., 310 Magniac, Hollingworth, 485 Maisons, Chateau de (Paris), 19 Malcolm, George, 492 Malcolm, John, 492 Mallett family 122 Mallett and Son, Ltd., 187 Mallett at Bourdon House, Ltd. ,287 Malleus, 45, 249 Manners, E. andH., 327, 384 Mante collection, 202 Mante, Robert, 202 Marais, Chateau de (Seine-et-Oise), 4 Margadale of Islay Lord (John Greville Morri- son), 325 Maria Feodorovna, Czarina of Russia, Grand Duchess, 75, 309 Maria Josepha (2nd wife of Louis, Dauphin of France), 28 Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France, 73, 98-100, 176 Marin, M. , 18 Marlborough, Duke of, 6 Marly-Le-Roi, Chateau de (Yvelmes), 122 Marquis, M. , 193 Maximilian Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, 40 Mayorcas, Ltd., 298 Mazarin, duchesse de (Louise-Jeanne de Durfort), 184 Mazurel family, 270 McNalty Francis S., 441, 478 Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Helen, Duchess of (Princess of Saxe-Altenburg), 61 Medici, Grand Duke Ferdinando 1 de', 522 Medina-Sidonia, 16th Duke of (Don Francesco de Bor ja Alvarez de Toledo), 49 Medina-Sidonia, 17 th Duke of (Don Pedro de Alcantara Alvarez de Toledo), 49 Melin, Mme Claude, 122 Mello, Chateau de (Oise), 6 Mellon, Paul, 111 Meloney Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l i am Brown, 217, 218 Melville, 5th Viscount (Henry Dundas), 59 Melville Castle (Scotland), 59 Menars, marquis de, 197 Menier, Gaston, 299 M INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS 269 Mentmore Towers (Buckinghamshire), 45,157, 203, 254 Mereworth Castle (Kent), 55, 226 Merton Collection, 283 Metropolitan Museum of Art, The, 316 Meyer, Michel, 57,159, 162, 185, 267, 276, 513 Michailoff, Grand Duke Nicolai, 102 Michailoff, Palais (St. Petersburg), 102 Michel, 99 Midtown Antiques, 109 Migeon, 396 Miles, Richard, 430 Miller, R. W, 390 Mills, Sir Charles, 67 Moatti, Alain, 128,179, 204, 206, 373, 376, 409 Mobilur Royal, 171 Modrone, Laura Visconti di, 418 Mokronowski, General, 35 Moltke, Count Joachim Godske, 223 Moncrif, Francois-Augustin Paradis de, 207 Moncrif, Pierre-Charles de, 207 Montargis, Claude le Bas de, 120 Montbrian, Chateau de (Aix-en-Provence), 289 Montebello, duchesse de (Mme la Marechale de Lannes, nee Louise de Gueheneuc), 286 Montebello, 2nd due de (Louis-Napoleon Lannes), 286 Montebello, 3rd due de (Napoleon Lannes), 286 Moretus-Plantin, Count, 520 Morgan, J. Pierpont, 230, 231, 360, 370 Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr., 230, 231 Morgan, Junius Spencer, 197 Moritzburg, Schloss (near Dresden), 28 Morrison, Alfred, 325 Mortemart, dues de, 177 Moseley W M. A., 219 Moulinet family, 193 Murray Scott, Sir John, 48, 49, 247, 282, 302 Musso-Piantelli collection, 515 Nairn, Baroness of (Emily de Flahaut), 57 Napier, Robert, 255 Neidhardt Antiquitten, GmbH, 126 Neugass, Carolyn, 329 Neugass, Ludwig, 329 Neuhaus, Albrecht, 512 Newcastle, Dukes of, 14 Newcastle, 7th Duke of (Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas), 14 Nicolier, 210 Niewenhuys, 49 Nordbhmischen Gewerbemuseums, 341 North Mymms Park (Hertfordshire), 261 Northbrook, Florence, Countess of, 222 Northumberland, Dukes of, 318, 321, 507 Northumberland, ist Duke of (Sir Hugh Smith- son), 338 Norton, Martin, 194 Nyburg, 359 Nyffeler, Dr. Marcel, 332, 333 o Odiot, Maison, 311-315 Ojjeh, Akram, 35 Oilier, Jacques, Galerie, 503 Oriental Art Gallery, 319, 320 Orleans, Louis-Philippe, due d', 171 Orleans, Louis-Philippe-Joseph, due d', 171 Orleans, Prince Thibaut d', 369 Orsmi Family, 406 Ortiz-Lmares, Mme Jorge, 46 Otm, Michel, 109 cp Paget, E. L., 345 Paget, Gerald C, 289 Plffy di Erdd, 511 Plffy Count Jnos, 132, 396 Plffy, Palais (Vienna), 396 Pallot, 390 Parma, ducal collection, 170 Parguez-Perdreau, 292 Parpart, Familie von, 341 Partridge, Frank, and Sons, Ltd., 31, 36, 38, 48, 6 7* 73; 81, 85, 157, 168, 241, 244, 248, 295, 395, 402, 412 Partridge (Fine Arts) Ltd., 170, 213, 265, 269, 274, 288, 423 Pasquale, Edward de, 91 Passerini, Cardinal Silvio, 422 Pat mo, Antenor 11,160 Paul 1, Czar of Russia (Grand Duke Paul Petro- vich), 309 Pauls-Eisenbeiss, Dr. and Mrs. E., 338 Pavlovsk, Palace of (near St. Petersburg), 75, 188, 309 Payne, 386 Peel, David, 111 Pelham Galleries, London, 420 Pelham-Clinton, Henry, 240 Perman, 22 Perrin, Patrick, 109 Petit-Harry Jacques, 413 Petit Trianon (Versailles), 73, 98, 100 Phillips, 54 Phillips, Miss A., 213 Phillips, S. J., 195, 196, 507 Piantelli, Giovanna Musso, 515 Pichler, Gabriel, 467 Pilkington, 231 Pimental family, 521 Piot, Eugene, 374 Platrier, 105 Pless, Princess of (Mary-Theresa Olivia), 40 Polleresky, comtesse de (Elisabeth de Ligniville), 120 Pompadour, Hotel (Paris), 232 Pompadour, marquise de, 232 Pope's Manor (Berkshire), 68, 153,196 Porges, Jules Paul, 307 Portela, Juan, 397 Portland, Dukes of, 226 Portland, 5th Duke of (William John Cavendish- Bentmck-Scott), 226 Portugal, royal family of, 307 Potocki, Count Alfred, 277 Potsdam, Schloss (near Berlin), 397 Powis, Earls of, 16 Powis Castle (Wales), 16 Pringsheim, Alfred, 345, 351, 355 Provence, Louis-Stanislas-Xavier and Marie- Josephine-Louise, comte and comtesse de, 291 Proudman, Richard, 254 Puiforcat, 197 Quandt, Frau, 143 Q N 270 INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS Racconigi Palace (near Turin), 423/427 Radcliffe, Sir Everard Joseph, 5th Bt., 281 Ragaller, 397 Rambouillet, Chateau de, 296 Randall, Glenn, 391 Randier, H.C., 148 Randon de Boisset, Pierre-Louis, 105 Reale, Palazzo (Turin), 518 Recher, A., 355, 368 Redfern, 55 Redford, William, 90 Regainy, Pierre de, 214 Reitlinger, Henry S., 366 Reitz, Baronne Marie de, 396 Residenz (Dresden), 28 Reviczky A. G, Lovice, 252, 281, 335 Rhodes, 252 Richelieu, due de (Louis-Francois Armand de Vignerot du Plessis), 140 Richmond and Gordon, Dukes of, 508 Richmond and Lennox, Charles, 4th Duke of, 508 Riddell, 485 Ripley Castle (North Yorkshire), 347 Rivoli, due de, 125 Robert, Christie, 78 Robinson, Eric, 226 Robinson, Sir Joseph C, Bt., 55, 232 Rockefeller, Mrs. John D., Jr., 64 Rockefeller, Nelson, 232 Rocheux, 100, 241 Romanova, Castle of (near St. Petersburg), 396 Rmer, Galerie, 308 Rose, Palais (Paris), 4 Rosebery 5th Earl of (Archibald Primrose), 171 Rosebery 6th Earl of ([Albert] Harry Primrose), 45, 74,157,171, 203, 254 Rosebery, 7th Earl of (Neil Primrose), 45, 203, 2 54 Rosenbaum, I . , 283 Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., 24, 35, 41, 43, 47, 50, 66, 78, 79,113,131,137,150,154,178, 214, 223, 230, 231, 236, 267, 273, 277, 296, 5H Rosenberg, Paul, 44 Rosenblatt Investment, S. A., 423 Rose Terrace (Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan), 28, 61, 75, 88, 96, 98, 99,108,138,139,181, 188 Rospigliosi, Giovanni Battista, 523 Rossignol, Jean, 192 Rothschild, 364 Rothschild, Baron A., 295 Rothschild, Baron Adolphe Carl de, 170, 373, 527 Rothschild, Baron Alain de, 106 Rothschild, Alfred (Charles) de, 70, 71, 81, 241, 244, 248, 412 Rothschild, Baron Alphonse (Mayer) von, 35, 38, 47, 50, 150, 200, 295 Rothschild, Annie Henriette de (Hon. Mrs. Eliot Yorke), 27 Rothschild, Sir Anthony (Nathan) de, Bt., 27, 303, 304, 305 Rothschild, Betty de, 201 Rothschild, Charlotte de (Baroness Lionel Nathan, nee von Rothschild), 81, 412 Rothschild, Baronin Clarice von, 35, 38, 47, 50, 150 Rothschild, Baron David (Rene James) de, 34 Rothschild, Baron Edmond (Adolphe Maurice Jules Jacques) de, 10, 296, 527 Rothschild, Edmund (Leopold) de, 32, 81, 241, 244, 248, 412 Rothschild, Baron Edouard (Alphonse James) de, 34, 49, 133, 374 Rothschild, Baron Eric (Alain Robert David) de, 106 Rothschild, Baron Gustave, 364 Rothschild, Baron Gustave (Samuel James) de, 8, 106, 137,179, 206, 364 Rothschild, Baron Guy (Edouard Alphonse Paul) de, 34, 49, 133, 151, 374 Rothschild, Hannah de (Countess of Rosebery), 45; 151> 2 54 Rothschild, Baron Henri (James Nathaniel Charles) de, 155 Rothschild, Jacob, 518 Rothschild, (J ames Gustave Jules) Alain de, 106, 206 Rothschild, Baron James (Mayer) de, 106 Rothschild, Leopold de, 32, 241 Rothschild, Lionel (Nathan) de, 32, 81, 241, 244, 248, 412 Rothschild, Baron Lionel (Nathan) de, 32, 129 Rothschild, Baron Louis Nathaniel von, 200, 291 Rothschild, Baroness Marie-Helene de, 374 Rothschild, Baron Maurice (Edmond Charles) de, 373*453 Rothschild, Baron (Mayer) Alphonse de, 34, 133, 374 Rothschild, Baron Mayer (Amschel) de, 45, 157, Rothschild, Baronne Miriam (Caroline) Alexan- drine de, 10, 296 Rothschild, 4th Lord (Nathaniel Charles) Jacob de, 518 Rothschild, Baron Nathaniel (Mayer) von, 35, 38, 47, 50, 150, 200 Rothschild, Philippe Gustave de, 106 Rothschild, Robert James de, 206 Rothschild, Robert (Philippe Gustave) de, 106, 206 Rouviere, Mme, 27 Royal, Palais (Paris), 171 Rudding.Park (Yorkshire), 281 Rufford Abbey (Nottingham), 352 Ruhmann, Franz, 462, 469, 477 Ruhmann, Dr. Karl, 449, 454. 462, 469, 477, 501 Ruthin Castle (Denbighshire), 40 Russian Imperial Collections, 75,188 Rutter, E., 232 s Sabet, Habib, 49, 75 Sackville, Lady Victoria, 49, 247, 282, 302 Sainsbury Wilfred J., 214 Saint-Andre-des-Arts, Church of (Paris), 292 Saint-Brice-sous-Foret, Chateau de (Val d'Oise), 146 Saint-Cloud, Chateau de (near Paris), 16, 42 Saint-Cloud, marquis de, 142 Saint John, Frederick, 3rd Viscount, 224 Saint-Severin, Dupille de, 53 Saint-Vrain, Chateau de (Seine-et-Oise), 177 Same Art., Ltd., 106, 202, 380, 401, 410, 411, 504,506,522,524 Sanson, Anne-Marie, 41 San Donato Palace (Pratolino, near Florence), 4, Sangiorgi, Galleria, 380 Sartel, Octave du, 341 Sassoon, Adrian, 216 Sassoon, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, 68, 153, 196 R INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS 271 Sassoon, Sir Philip, Bt., 8 Sassoon, Violet (Mrs. Derek C. Fitzgerald); 68, Sauphar, Lucien, 447 Savedra, Carreras, 155 Savile family, 352 Savile, 2nd Lord (John Savile Lumley-Savile), Savile, 3rd Lord (George Halifax Lumley-Savile), 352 Savoy, House of (Palazzo Reale, Turin), 518 Savoy, House of (Racconigi, Turin), 261, 423, Saxe-Coburg, Duke of (Johann Casmir), 506 Saxe-Teschen, Albert and Marie-Christine, Duke and Duchess of, 308 Scepeaux de Beaupreau, Elisabeth-Louise- Adelaide de, 121 Scardeoni, Bruno, 387 Scarsdale, Earls of, 191 Schick, Hedwig, 444, 476 Schick, Viktor, 444, 476 Schiff, John M. , 4, 42, 70, 71, 97, 184, 227, 238, 247, 292, 301 Schiff, Mortimer L., 4, 42, 70, 71, 97,184, 227, 238, 247, 292, 301 Schnyder von Wartensee, Paul, 340 Schreiber, Charles and Charlotte, 216 Schutz, F., 104 Schutz, Matthew, Ltd., 91, 92,107, 260, 262, 266, 285, 339, 425 Sefton, Earls of, 242 Segoura, Maurice, 27,105, 146,173, 177, 282 Seilliere, Baron Achille, 6 Seligmann, 68 Seligmann, Arnold, 11, 15, 292 Seligmann, Arnold, Rey and Co., 23, 168 Seligmann, Francois-Gerard, 15, 80, 155, 164, 171, 268, 293, 302, 310 Seligmann, Germain, 30, 293 Seligmann, Jacques, 48, 49, 58,102,125, 247, 250, 260, 282, 293, 302, 306 Seligmann, Leopold H., 453-455, 458 Sellin, Neil, 318, 321 Sere, Claude, 157 Serristori, Palazzo, Florence, 413 Sexton, 7th Earl of (Hugh Wi l l i am Osbert Molyneux), 242 Shandon collection, 255 Shavington Hall (Salop), 288 Shrigley-Feigel, Mrs. S., 25 Silberman, E. and A., 437, 445, 494 Simmons, H. J., 10 Simon, Norton, 6, 121, 309, 373 Simon, Norton, Foundation, 6, 373 Siran Holding Co., 375, 517 Sloan-Kettermg Institute for Cancer Research, The, 232 Smith, Sir Herbert, 7 Smulders, Henri, 172 Soltykoff, Prince Dimitri, 6 Sonnenberg, Benjamin, 360 Sorel, Cecile, 30 Souza, Guedes de, 31, 48 Spence, Wi l l i am Blundell, 374 Spero, Alfred, 351, 352, 358 Spink and Son, Ltd., 322-324, 381 Spitzer, 479 Stansted Park Foundation Collection, 216 Stapleton, Lord Thomas, 55 Stein, 170 Steinitz, Bernard, 53, 76, 89, 95, 110, 149,156, 164, 180, 270, 284 Steinitz, Mme Simone, 264 Steinkopff, Edward, 485 Stephens, Mrs. Lyne, 238 Stern, Mrs. Benjamin, 187 Stiebel, Hans, 268 Stirling, Lt. Col. W J., 354 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William, Bt., K. T, 354 Stora, M. and R., 361, 363, 368 Stora Sundby Castle (Sweden), 144 Stowe House (Buckinghamshire), 55 Strauss, Robert, 352, 354, 358, 361, 366, 371 Style, David, 40 Sutch, 22 Sutherland, ist Duke of (George Granville), 15 Sutherland, 2nd Duke of (George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower), 15 Swmton Settled Estates, Trustees of, 271 Symons, Henry, and Co., 70, 71, 168 Szymanowska, Marianna, 35 Taillepied, Charles-Claude de, 94 Talleyrand, due de, 146 Talleyrand, duchesse de (Anna Gould), 4 Talleyrand, Violette de (Mme Gaston Palewski), 4 Tarragona, Baron S. de Lopez, 105 Taylor, John Edward, 479, 480 Taylor, Michael, 394 Tazzoli, Maria, 375 Teschen, Dukes of, 308 Thenadey collection, 298 Therien and Co., Inc., 121 Thomas, J. Rochelle, 240 Thomastown Castle (Ireland), 244 Thorne, Mrs. Landon K., 30, 260 Thugny Chateau de (Ardennes), 86 Torre, Dr., 502 Tour du Pin, La, family 86 Trautmannstorff, Count von, 437 Trevise, 5th due de (Edouard Mortier), 102 Trevor and Co. ,11 Trinity Fine Art, Ltd., London, 379 Tuileries, Palais des (Paris), 99,142, 396 Tynmghame House (East Lothian, Scotland), 116 Tyttenhanger Park (Hertfordshire), 294 11 Unger, Edmund de, 378 Union Artistique, Paris, 121 Uthemann, F. F., 60 Uzes, due d', 296 Uzes, Therese d'Albert-Luynes d\ 296 v Valadier, Giuseppe, 379 Vanderbilt, Alice, 52, 131 Vanderbilt, Consuelo (Mme Jacques Balsan), 262, 339 Vanderbilt, Cornelius 11, 52, 131 Vanderbilt, Gladys Moore (Countess Laszlo Szechenyi), 52, 131 Vandermeersch, 217 Vandermeersch, Michel, 215, 243 Vandyck, 42 Varenne, La Cour de, 9,13, 51,167 Vaudreuil, comte de (Joseph-Hyacmth-Francois de Paule de Rigaud), 46 VauxTe-Vicomte, Chateau de, 118 1453 352 517 J 272 INDEX OF PREVIOUS OWNERS Vecht, Aaron, 447, 455, 473, 501 Vernon House (London), 130 Versailles, Chateau de, 32, 94, 96, 98,176, 248, 255,396 Vervoordt, Axel, 125, 428, 520 Viarmes, seigneur de (Jean-Bap tiste-Elie Camus de Pontcarre), 297 Victoire of France, Mme, 32 Victoria, Queen of England, 371 Victoria, Frederick P., and Son, Inc., 109,187, 389 Vielle Russie, A La, 86 Vilhena family, Mello e Castro de, 129 Villafranca, Marquess of, 49 Vlooswyck, Baron Pierre-Nicolas Hoorn von, 105 Volpi, Elie, 348 Vorontsov, Count, 61 Vorontsov Palace (St. Petersburg), 61 w Walderdorff, Count Emanuel von, 400 Walderdorff, Johann Philipp von, 400 Walker, R. W M . , 359 Wallace, Lady, 48, 49, 247, 282 Wallace, Sir Richard, 48, 49, 247, 282, 302 Waller, T. W, 255 Wallrat Paul, 167 Walters, Henry, 48, 249, 303 Warren, Whitney, 363 Warwick, Earls of, 377, 402 Warwick Castle (Warwickshire), 377, 402 Watney Oliver Vernon, 2 Watson Taylor, George, 52 Weiller, Rene, 12, 24 Welbeck Abbey (Nottinghamshire), 226 Wertheimer, Asher, 231, 255 Wertheimer, Samson, 52, 396 Westminster, Duke of, 82 Westmorland, Jane, Countess of, 59 Wetmore, Edith M. K. and Maude A. K., 100 Wetmore, Senator G. P., 100 Wettm, Prince Ernst Heinrich von, 28 Weymouth, ist Viscount (Thomas Thynne), 430 Whitehead, John, 219 Widener, Joseph E., 360 Wildenstem, Daniel, 35 Wildenstem, Georges, 35 Wildenstein and Co., 35 Wilson, Mrs. Orme, 44,143 Wi l ton, 7 th Earl of (Seymour Egerton), 241 Williams, Winifred, Ltd., 212, 213, 222, 226, 239, 255, 317, 334, 340, 377 Wilzcek, Collection, 442 Wilzcek, Count Hans, 436, 445, 462, 465, 469 Wimbourne, Viscount (Sir Ivor Churchill Guest), 85 Witley Court (Worcestershire), 7 Wolfe, Elsie de, 416 Wolff, Otto, 125 Wood, R.M., 249 Wormser, Mrs. Andre, 431 Worsch, Edgar, 266 Y Yvon, Madame d', 293 Zangarmi, Pascal, 394 Zietz, Ramer, Ltd., 113, 342, 345-347, 349~37 2 ; 383, 430, 490-492, 499, 514, 521, 525 Zork, David, Co., 86 Z CONCORDANCE 273 (CONCORDANCE This is a concordance between]. Paul Getty Museum accession numbers and Summary Catalogue of European Decorative Arts entry numbers. Accession no. Entry no. Accession no. Entry no. Accession no. Entry no. 55.DA.2 29 71.DA.96.1-.2 28 72.DE.65 2 35 55.DA.3 60 71.DH.97 188 72.DA.66 22 55.DA.4 7 2 71.DA.98.1-.2 108 72.DA.67 74 55.DA.5 32 71.DF.99.1-.2 !57 72.DA.68 78 62.DF.1.1-.2 184 71.DA. IOO 55 72.DA.69.1-.2 37 63.DD.2 303 71.DA. 102 73 72.DA.71 !5 63.DD.3 304 71.DA. I O3 64 72.DE. 72.1-.5 318 63.DD.4 306 71.DA. I O 4 5 2 72.DE.73.1-.2 321 63.DD.5 305 71.DA. I O5 67 72.DE.74.1-.2 229 63.DD.6 37 71.DF. H4. 1-.2 181 72.DE.75 228 65.DA. 1 65 71.DB. I I 5 *39 72.DB.89 133 65.DA.2 47 71.DB.Il6 138 73.DI.62 2 34 65.DA. 3 43 71.DH. I l 8 121 73.DF.63.I-.2 182 65.DA.4 2 4 71. DD.466 309 73.DE.64 223 65.DD.5 301 71. DD.467 309 73.DE.65.1-.2 337 67. DA. 6. I-. II 102 71.DD.468 309 73.DA.66 20 67.DA.9 4 2 71. DD.469 309 73- D J- 6 7 187 67.DA. IO 58 72.DA.39.1-.2 36 73.DB.74 130 68.DC.6 5 2 7 72.DB.40 73.DH.76 161 68.DA.8 402 72.DI.41.1-.2 267 73.DI.77.1-.2 2 53 70.DC.63 292 72.DI.42 273 73.DB.78 142 70.DA.70.1-.2 94 72.DF.43.I-.2 *55 73.DB.85 140 70.DA. 74 7 72.DA.44.1-.2 33 73.DJ.88 283 70.DA. 75 7 1 72.DB.45 136 73.DH.89.I-.6 291 70.DA.79 3 72.DA.46 26 73.DH.IO7 124 70.DA.80 21 72.DA.47 396 74.DB.2 m 70.DA.8l 1 4 72.DF.48.I-.2 !53 74.DF.3.I-.2 !74 70.DA.82 2 3 72.DA.49 68 74.DJ.4.I-.2 286 70.DA.83 5 72.DI.50.1-.2 259 74.DF.5.I-.2 !75 70. DA. 84 63 72.DA.51 100 74.DI.i9 269 70.DA.85 236 72.DB.52 129 74.DJ.24.I-.2 285 70.DA.87 4 1 72.DE.53.1-.2 256 74.DA.26 4 2 5 70.DE.98.1-.2 227 72.DA.54 3 1 74. DI. 27 262 70.DE.99.1-.2 2 47 72.DB.55 132 74.DI.28 265 70.DI. I I 5 277 72.DF.56.I-.2 150 74.DH.29 5*3 71.DG.76.1-.2 198 72.DB.57 H5 75.DD.1 294 71.DG.77.a-.b 72.DA.58.I 81 75.DA.2 59 71.DG.78 197 72.DA.58.2 412 75.DF.4.I-.4 168 71.DA.89 6 72.DA.59 !7 75.DI.5.I-.2 260 71.DA.91 88 72.DA.60 48 75.DF.6.I-.3 185 71.DA.92.1-.2 96 72.DE.6l 326 75.DB.7 141 7I .DA.93.I-.4 98 72.DE.62.1-.2 3 2 5 75.DA.8.1-.4 87 71.DA.94.1-.2 99 72.DA.63.1-.2 395 75.DE.n.a-.b 231 7i.DA.95 61 72.DA.64 66 75.DF.53.1-.2 152 274 CONCORDANCE Accession no. Entry no. 75. DA. 62 389 75.DE.65.1-.2 2 3 0 75.DI.68.1-.2 75.01:69 271 76.DA.9.1-.2 18 76.DI. 12 186 76.DF.i3 160 76.DA. 15 2 5 77.DA.I 7 77.DF.29.I-.4 !"74 77.DI.90.1-.2 272 77.DA.9i 11 78.DI.4.1-.2 266 78.DI.9.1-.2 268 78.DE.65.a-X 238 78.DA. 84 62 78.DA.87 *9 78.DF.89.I-.2 166 78. DF. 9O. I - . 2 178 78.DC.91 526 78.DA.96.1-.2 390 78.DA.99.I-.5 97 78.DA. IOO. 1- . 2 85 78.DA. I O7 404 78.DA. I 0 8 1 78.DA. I O9 405 78.DA. I I 7 388 78.DA. I l 8 . 1 - . 2 416 78.DA. I I 9 . 1 - . 2 38 78.DA. 120 403 78.DA. 121 408 78.DA. I 2 4 2 78.DG. I 3 0 . 1 - . 2 508 78.DG.l 8o.1-.2 5 7 78.DF.263.I-.4 172 78.DE. 358.1-,2 232 78.DI.359 2 74 78. DH. 360. I-. 4 316 78.DA.361 16 79. DA. 2. 1-. 2 34 79.DD.3.I-.16 289 79.DB.4 !35 79.DA.5.I-.2 429 79.DA.58 *3 79.DI.59.I-.2 339 79.DE.62.a--b 237 79.DE.63.a--b 2 57 79.DE.64.a--b 246 79.DE.65.a--b 2 45 Accession no. Entry no. 79.DA.66 35 79.DA.68 80 79.DI.121.1-.2 270 79.Di.i23.a-.b 261 79. DH. 164 127 79.GA.178 313 79.GA.179 3 1 1 79.GA.180 312 79. GA. l 8l 3M 79.GA.l82 3*5 79.DJ. 183 280 8i.DE.28.a-.b 249 8l.DA. 8.0 49 81.DB.81 !34 81.DA.82.1-.2 39 81.DF.96.1-.2 171 82.DB.2 144 82.DI.3 258 82.DE.5 2 55 82.DA.8.I-.2 4*5 82.DE.9 214 82.DG. 12.1-.2 192 82.DG. I 3. I - . 2 196 82.DG. 17 191 82.DA.34 54 82.DF.35.I-.2 172 82.DE.36.I-.2 240 82. DD. 66 308 82.DD. 67 308 82. DD. 68 308 82.DD.69 308 82.DA.8l 45 82.DE.92 225 82.DA.95.1-.4 90 82.DA. I O9. I . - . 2 4 82.DE. 167.1-.5 212 82.DE. I71. 1-. 2 2 33 83.DJ. l6.1-.2 281 83.DD.20 300 83.DA.21 53 83.DA.22 56 83.DF.23.I-.2 x 77 83.DE.36 207 83. DF. I95. I-. 2 164 83.DA. 230.1-2 9 1 83.DD.260.I-.2 293 83.DI. 271 340 83.DA.280 10 83.DA.28l 4 2 3 Access ion no. Entry no. 83. DA. 282 406 83.DE.334.1-.5 336 83.DD. 336 296 83.DD.337 296 83.DD.338 296 83.DD. 339 296 83.DD. 3 4 O 296 83.DE.341.1-.2 252 83. DA. 356 2 7 83.DA.385 75 84.DE.3.I-.2 224 84.DA.24.I-.2 12 84. DF. 4I. I-. 4 170 84.DG.42.1-.2 199 84. DE. 46 217 84. DH. 52. l -. l l 122 84.DA. 58 8 84. DA. 69 92 84.DA. 70 9 1 84.DH.74.I-.2 194 84.SD.76 111 84.DA.77 421 84.DH.86 107 84.DA. 87 397 84.DE.88.a-.b 226 84.DE. 89 222 84.DE. 94 345 84.DE.95 34 2 84. DE. 96 35 84. DE. 97 ,346 84. DE. 98 347 84.DE. 99 351 84.DE. I OO 349 84.DE. I O I 35 2 84. DE. 102 353 84.DE. I O3 354 84.DE. I O 4 355 84.DE. I O5 363 84.DE. I OO 362 84.DE. I O7 368 84.DE. I 0 8 357 84.DE. I O9 358 84. DE. l l O 359 84. DE.111 365 84. DE. I I 2. I - . 2 360 84. DE. I I 3 366 84.DE. I I 4 369 84.DE. I I 5 37 84.DE. I l 6 361 154 CONCORDANCE 275 Entry no. Accession no. Entry no. Accession no. Entry no. 84. DE. 11"] 364 84. DK. 553 442 85.DB.116 386 84.DE. Il8 367 84. DK. 554 465 85.DA. 120 391 84.DE. I I 9. 1-.2 37 2 84. DK. 555 443 85.DA. I25 79 84. DE. 120 37 1 84.DK.556 445 85.SE.i27 5*7 84. SD. I94 112 84. DK. 557 447 85.DA. I47 5 1 84. DK. 509 461 84.DK.558 446 85.DI. I78. 1-.2 509 84. DK. 5IO 462 84. DK. 559 448 85.SB. I79 5H 84. DK. 5I I 487 84.DK.560 449 85.DE. 203 335 84. DK. 512 480 84.DK.56l 469 85.DK. 214 444 84.DK. 513.1-. 2 463 84. DK. 562 474 85. DA. 2l6 400 84.DK.514.1-.2 466 84. DK. 563 475 85.DE.2i9.a--b 244 84. DK. 515.1-. 2 437 84. DK. 564 499 85.DE. 23I 329 84. DK. 516 501 84.DK.565.I-.2 496 85.SE.237 200 84. DK. 5I"] 500 84. DK. 566 476 85.SE.238 201 84. DK. 518 495 84. DK. 567 45 1 85.DD.266.1-.2 288 84. DK. 519 45 2 84. DK. 568.1-. 2 477 85.DH.284 126 84.DK.52O.I-.3 47 1 84. DK. 652 493 85.DI.286 33 84. DK. 52I 454 84. DK. 653 438 85.DI.287 33 1 84. DK. 522 453 84. DK. 654 489 85.DD. 309 299 84. DK. 523 45 6 84. DK. 655 486 85.DA.3i9 399 84. DK. 524 457 84. DK. 656 492 85.DE.347 220 84. DK. 525 458 84. DK. 657 49 85.DE.375.1-.2 v i 84. DK. 526 455 84. DK. 658 497 85.DA.378 46 84. DK. 527 460 84. DK. 659 450 85.DI.380.1-.2 213 84. DK. 528 473 84. DK. 660 483 85.DE.381 334 84. DK. 529 47 84. DK. 66l 491 85.DF.382.I-.2 149 84. DK. 53O 47 2 84.DK. 662 502 85.DF.383.I-.2 163 84. DK. 53I 4 6 7 84.DE. 718.1-. 3 248 85.DE.414 3 2 3 84.DK.532 459 84.DG.744.1-.2 *95 85.DE.44I 383 84. DK. 533 479 84.DE.747.ia-.4j 382 85.SE.442.I-.2 512 84. DK. 534 481 84.DA. 852 9 86.DA.7 414 84. DK. 535 484 84.DE.9i7.a--b 210 86.DE.473 218 84. DK. 536 488 84.DE.918.I-.2 338 86.DA.489.1-.2 410 84. DK. 537 439 84.DA.969 44 86.DA.511 4 2 7 84.DK.538 482 84. DA. 9 7 O 86 86.DE.520.1-.2 241 84.DK.539 485 84.DA. 97I 3 86.DF.52I.I-.2 156 84. DK. 5 4 O 478 85.DF.22.I-.2 518 86.DA.535 103 84. DK. 54I 494 85.DA.23 57 86.DE.533 377 84. DK. 542 433 85.DG.33.1-.2 5 1 1 86.SE.536.1-2 203 84. DK. 543 434 85.DE.46 3 2 4 86.DE.539 373 84. DK. 544 435 85.DG.49.1-.2 162 86.DE.541 33 2 84. DK. 545 436 85.SE.53 510 86.DE.542 333 84. DK. 546 43 1 85.SE.54 55 86.DH.601.1-.2 521 84. DK. 54-] 440 85.DE.56 343 86.DE.629 322 84. DK. 548.1-. 2 43 2 85.DE.57 344 86. DE. 630 374 84. DK. 549 498 85.DE.58 348 86. DB. 632 H3 84. DK. 55O 464 85.DG.8l 5*5 86.Dc.633 298 84. DK. 55I 468 85.DH.92 123 86. DD. 645 295 84. DK. 552 441 85.DD. IOO 302 86.DE.668.1-.2 215 276 CONCORDANCE Accession no. 86.GA.692 86.DH.694 86.DB.695 86.DH.-705.1-.2 86. DE.738 87. DA.2.1-.4 87.DI.4- 87.DA.5.1-.2 87.DA.7 87.DE. 25 87.DE.26.I-.3 87.DF.28 87. DD. 37 87.DA.47 87.DA.77 87.DH.78 87.SE.i32 87.DE. 134.a-.c 87.DA. I35. 1-.2 87.DF. 136 87. DI. I 3 7 87.SE.i48 88. DE.2 88.SE.4.1-.12 88.DA.7.1-.2 88.DE.9.1-.2 88.DA. 10 88. DB. 16 88.DH.17 88.DA.49 88.DH.59 88.DA.61 88.DH.62 88. DE; 63 88.DA.75.1-.2 88.DA. 88 88.DA.111 88.DI. 112.1-.2 88.SB.113.1-.2 88.DF.118 88.DJ. 121.1-.2 88.DA. 123 88. DA. 124 88.DE. 126 88.DH.127.1-.2 88.DE. 137.1-.2 88. DK.539 89. DA.2.1-.2 89.DE.25.1-.5 Entry no. 310 Hl 385 146 34 1 424 263 105 76 *59 525 394 40 113 5 2 3 239 419 167 276 35 6 251 202 401 378 428 128 158 116 121 5 520 205 106 398 393 209 189 69 287 95 110 208 190 250 485 109 243 Accession no. 89.DF.26.1-.2 89.DA.28 89.DA.29 89.DH.30 89.Dj.31 89. DE.44. a-. b 89. DD.62 90. DA. 23 90.DA.33.1-.2 9O. SC.42. I-.2 90. DE. H 3 91. DA. 15.1-.2 91. DA. l6 91.DH. l8.l-.10 91.DA.21 9i. DH.60 9i. SE.74 9i. DH.75.1-.2 91. DI . I O3. 1-.2 92. DK. 1.1-.2 92.DF. 18. I-.4 92.DI.19.1-.2 92.DH.20 92. DD.2i 92. DA.24.l-.i2 92.SE.67 92.DJ.68.1-.2 92.SE.69 92. DA. 7O. I-.2 92. DH.75 93. DA. l8.1-.2 93.DF.20.1-.2 93. DE.36. I-.5 93. DJ .43. I-.2 93. DF.49. I-.2 94. DA. 10.1-.2 94. DA. 72 94. SE.76. I-.2 94. SB.77. I-.2 95. D E. I 95.DA.6.1-.2 95.DA.22.1-.6 95. SE.57. I-.4 95.DA.76 95.SC.77 95.DA. 8l 95. DJ .84. I-.2 95. DA. 90.1-.2 96. DE.343 Entry no. 169 392 83 119 282 221 296 77 409 375 242 101 84 118 82 125 380 506 264 284 2 75 i r l 297 430 522 504 5 2 4 411 148 420 516 319 278 180 89 104 376 179 204 4*7 422 53 426 379 418 279 93 2 54 Accession no. Entry no. 97. DH.2 120 97. DH.4 "5 97. DH.5 114 97. D E. 14 320 97. DF. I 5. I - . 2 183 97.DF. l6.1-.2 165 97.DB.37 387 97. D E. 46 206 97.DD.59 290 97.DA. 64 4*3 97.DH.66 407 98.DE. 6.1-.2 328 98.DH. I 4 9 125 99.DE. I O 384 99.DE. 11 219 99. DF. 2O. I -. 4 i 7 6 99. DD. 29 296 99. DE.45 3 2 7 99. DF.46. I-.2 99. DF.59. I-.2 5!9 2000.20 216 211 381 173 151