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Game on: Telenor goes live
Almost two months behind rival Ooredoo, Norwegian rm Telenor launches its network in Mandalay,
with rollout expected to continue to Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon over the coming weeks. BUSINESS 24
Criticism over rights
commission shake-up
Outspoken members are left out of
reformed body, with one questioning
whether the changes were in line with
the new Myanmar National Human
Rights Commission Law.
Ministry bans milk
powder promotions
Ministry of Health ofcials express
concern about dodgy deals between
milk powder companies and health
staf aimed at promoting products to
parents instead of breastfeeding.
China deal spurs hope
for rice trade boom
Traders express hope that a
recently signed Memorandum of
Understanding with China will lead
to legalisation of rice trading and
support growth in exports.
Govt suspends new city
plan amid criticism
Four days after announcing project
would be put to a vote in parliament,
Yangon mayor announces indenite
suspension of US$8 billion expansion
to the west of Yangon.
Telenor SIMs are now
on sale in Mandalay,
though a slower than
expected rollout means
Yangon and Nay Pyi
Taw will have to wait.
Photo: Si Thu Lwin
online editor Kayleigh Long |
THE INSIDER: The local lowdown & best of the web
Forward momentum
The Ministry of Rail
Transportation has released
cost estimates for upgrades to
Yangons circular railroad, saying
the works will tally up to more
than US$700 million. In a report
from Eleven last week, it was
announced that the circle line is
set for an upgrade that will see
its speed increase from 30 miles
to 80 miles per hour which
seems either a) incredibly fast or
b) like a journalist accidentally
added an extra zero, because
generally speaking, its currently
possible to outrun the train, even
in a longyi and ip-ops.
The US$700m gure cited for
medium-term upgrades does not
include the cost of the Sky Train
or the Subway project. While the
latter two seem fairly far-fetched
at this point, CGI-rendered videos
from Japanese consortium
JICA show that redevelopment
of the Yangon station should be
set to begin in 2018, with the
implementation of a bus rapid
transit system taking place
around the same time. Their
timeline shows plans for the rst
underground mass transit line
to be constructed by 2025, with
other routes to follow.
The subway walkthrough
video takes the viewer to an
underground train station that
looks a lot like the future
aka Bangkok. Modern trains
are shown to stop at regular
intervals on the East-West
red line, which apparently has
stations at Sule and Chinatown.
Intriguingly, the videos
have some nifty web 2.0 ad
integration, with CGI billboards
and signs in the stations and on
the trains touting Nokia, Coca-
Cola, Sony, Pepsi and Toshiba.
Taking a punt on the bold
assumption that teleporting
and magic wont have been
invented yet by 2035, JICA is
shooting for that to be the year
the circular railway becomes
electried. The mockups show
a fairly extraordinary chunk of
land set aside, with broad public
concourses, car parking and
green spaces. Just where that
land will come from is not made
clear, but these are mere details
all of this is a way off. Such
developments would be no small
undertaking, but if anyone is up to
it, its probably the Japanese.
The videos Yangon
subway project and New
transport system of Yangon
City can be viewed on
YouTube, however the above
descriptions ought to save you
some buffering time. The latter
is worth checking out, though,
if only for the noodling musical
composition that accompanies
the video.
Boy soldiers
The release of 109 underage
Tatmadaw troops last week,
which took the total discharged
since the 2012 accord to 472,
was welcome news and
wonderfully timed, coming
just one day before the joint
task force was due to review
progress on the child soldier
action plan.
Obviously having kids
actively employed in a military
force is pretty far from ideal,
and active recruitment of
them is reprehensible. That
said, people would do well to
remember that many underage
soldiers released in the past
have tried to return to service.
The reasons for this (and for
enlisting in the rst place) are
complex and manifold, but
poverty and lack of access
to education are the primary
drivers. While the discharge of
some 472 children is a positive
and commendable step, its
also important to remember
that upon leaving the military
many of these boys arent
necessarily going to be able
to resume studies and shoot
for completing secondary
education instead it will simply
serve to bolster the labour force
in the countrys teashops and
beer stations.
In brief:
Latest round of ceasere talks
ends without resolution, an
outcome bookmakers say they
didnt even bother to make
odds on
Heated back-and-forth in
comments section on lengthy
article about historical basis
of term Rohingya elegantly
serves to point out the futility of
arguing semantics on the issue
Reuters NLD supports Shwe
Mann story reveals lack of
strategy, desperate need for
media training
Next week
Red shirts vs Blue shirts:
Telenor v. Ooredoo promotion
campaign ramps up, with betel
nut vendors and mobile store
owners alike faced with tough
decision about who to side with
Moe Hey Ko
for NOW! Magazine.
Photo: Htet Aung Kyaw
(Studio HAK)
Yangon street rats reach record size.
Page 2
Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont
be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other peoples
thinking. xx Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own
inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to
become. Everything else is secondary. Xxxx
Inspiring Facebook status update last week from Minister for Information U Ye Htut, quoting Steve Jobs.
The kisses were his own addition.
News 3 www.mmtimes.com NEWS EDITOR: Thomas Kean | tdkean@gmail.com
Military issues hold back
progress on ceasefre deal
HOPES for signing a nationwide cease-
re in October have dimmed, with gov-
ernment, Tatmadaw and ethnic armed
group commanders still wrangling over
a range of military and related ques-
tions, negotiators said at the end of ve
days of intense discussions last week.
The latest round of talks between
the Union Peace-making Work Com-
mittee (UPWC) and the Nationwide
Ceasere Coordination Team (NCCT),
which is negotiating on behalf of 16
armed ethnic groups, was held at the
Myanmar Peace Center in Yangon from
September 22 to 26.
The talks were aimed at nalising a
draft nationwide ceasere agreement
that would pave the way for political di-
alogue and, ultimately, end Myanmars
long-running ethnic conicts.
While progress made at talks in Au-
gust had given hope that a text could
be agreed in the coming months, that
appears to be in jeopardy. Negotiations
last week stalled again on issues related
to the military, with Tatmadaw repre-
sentatives insisting armed groups ad-
here to its six principles, which had ap-
peared to have been quietly dropped in
recent months. In August, the military
did not raise the issue of the principles.
We havent reached any specic
agreement, said Naing Han Thar, the
leader of the NCCT. The most difcult
thing to accept is that [the govern-
ment] told us not to expand our mili-
tary forces and not to recruit soldiers.
Despite the apparent deadlock, both
sides agreed to meet in October to dis-
cuss the issues further.
The six principles cited by the Tat-
madaw include abiding by the existing
laws and complying with the constitu-
tion a requirement that armed groups
fear could be used to force them to give
up their arms prematurely.
Lieutenant General Myint Soe from
the Commander-in-Chiefs Ofce said
nobody wanted peace more than the
military but the six principles were not
negotiatble. We need a stable state so
we can build national unity, said Lt
Gen Myint Soe, who was one of four
senior military ofcers who participat-
ed in last weeks talks.
Still on the table are questions such
as the establishment of a union peace
talks committee, the introduction of a
federal system, the reorganisation of
the military in line with federal princi-
ples, a framework for political dialogue
and the introduction of a military code
of conduct.
Salai Lian Hmung from the NCCT
said the government wanted to discuss
the code of conduct for the transitional
period during political dialogue but
not include it in the draft. The ethnic
armed groups, however, want military
matters to be settled before signing the
They dont want to discuss military
issues in the ceasere agreement nego-
tiations. We have already agreed that
the code of conduct must be included,
or at least written within a month of
the signing, he said.
Failure to complete the draft during
the September talks means that no date
has yet been set for the signing of the
However, the government is still
determined to conduct a nationwide
ceasere ceremony before proceeding
to the political dialogue. An agreement
will pave the way for holding a political
dialogue, so we are committed to make
every efort to move to bring about this
historic event, said U Aung Min, who
led the government delegation.
We have already
agreed that the code
of conduct must be
Salai Lian Hmung
NCCT member
A member of the Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team speaks during last weeks peace talks in Yangon. Photo: Thiri
Both sides
insist no
in talks
LAST-MINUTE proposals to ad-
just the text of the draft ceasere
agreement have made it unlikely
that the deal will be signed in Oc-
tober as hoped. Both sides have
put forward revisions to the draft
text already agreed, with the Tat-
madaw pressing for military is-
sues to be discussed in the context
of a political roadmap.
The gaps emerged during talks
between government negotiators
led by U Aung Min and ethnic
representatives led by Naing Han
Thar at Yangons Myanmar Peace
Center from September 22-26.
Negotiations were supposed
to nalise a ceasere text, the ma-
jority of which has already been
agreed. The efect of the Tatmad-
aw proposal would be to with-
draw the military issues from the
section on the political dialogue
and make them part of the future
political roadmap, a program for
carrying out decisions reached in
the political dialogue.
The military has already
agreed to discuss security sector
reform. But we are now discuss-
ing if it should be included as
part of the political dialogue or
put in the roadmap, said Naing
Han Thar, adding that the ethnic
groups wanted to conrm that
the issue will be discussed during
political dialogue.
MP U Khat Htein Nan, a
member of the Union Peace-mak-
ing Work Committee (UPWC),
said the two sides had agreed to
set up working groups to iron
out remaining diferences arising
from earlier talks. The militarys
proposal would be considered by
one of those working groups.
The negotiators rejected sug-
gestions that the process was
There are some points put by
both sides that need to be re-ex-
amined, including, for example,
missing sentences and points,
said Pado Kwe Htoo Win, deputy
head of the Nationwide Ceasere
Coordination Team (NCCT).
The deeper the subjects the
more difcult they are to discuss.
If we discuss in more details, it
will be more difcult ... We are
working to have a rm ceasere
and to get concrete agreements.
Salai Lian Hmung Sar
Khaung, another member of the
NCCT, said despite the difculties
there was no need to be worried
about the peace process.
Neither side is to blame, he
said. Its just a question of mak-
ing the text better, more concrete
and reasonable.
Haru Japan Restaurant
16 x 3Col
Rights body shake-up under fre
A FORMER member of the Myanmar
National Human Rights Commission
has questioned the legality of a recent
commission reformation amid con-
cerns that some of its more outspoken
members have been jettisoned. Rights
groups, meanwhile, described the
changes as disappointing but said they
were indicative of the broader failings
of the commission, including a lack of
State media on September 25 an-
nounced the previous 15-member
commission, set up in September 2011,
had been disbanded and replaced by a
new 11-member body.
The change was prompted by the
enactment of the Myanmar National
Human Rights Commission Law in
March. Parliamentarians had refused
to fund the previous body because it
was formed by presidential decree
rather than legislation.
The reformation saw seven junior
members of the previous commission
replaced but senior members, includ-
ing chair U Win Mra, were kept on
the new body. All members are former
civil servants, including one from the
prisons department.
The announcement was published
the day that Burma Partnership, a
coalition of Myanmar-focused NGOs,
was due to release its report on the
perceived failings of the commission
since its formation three years ago.
Asked about the timing, U Win Mra
said he had not yet read the report and
had no knowledge of when it would be
released. I dont know whether its
a coincidence or not, he said.
He said he couldnt comment on
the new make-up of the committee
as it was the decision of President U
Thein Sein and his advisers.
Burma Partnership director Ma
Khin Ohnmar said the governments
announcement was both unexpected
and disappointing, as she had expect-
ed a reshufe to take place following
a transparent and participatory pro-
cess that included citizens and civil
society members.
We were not expecting the presi-
dent to come in with his very top-
down approach, she said. [It is] quite
a backsliding of the process that we
hoped to see.
The announcement was also disap-
pointing for at least two former com-
mission members, who said they were
surprised to have been dumped from
the body.
Asked by email why he had been
dismissed, U Lahpai Zau Goone, an
ethnic Kachin who spent several dec-
ades in the Ministry of Foreign Afairs,
simply responded, I wish I knew.
While U Lahpai Zau Goone said
the reasons behind the reshufe were
likely complex, the nationalities of the
purged commissioners made him sus-
picious. A Karen, a Chin, a Shan and
a Kachin member [were dismissed] ...
Funny, isnt it?
Former member U Hla Myint told
The Myanmar Times that he had
helped draft the Myanmar National
Human Rights Commission Law and
had written sections that were sup-
posed to make the selection process
for new members transparent.
This includes the formation of a
selection board comprising the chief
justice; minister for home afairs; min-
ister for social welfare, relief and reset-
tlement; attorney-general; a Bar Coun-
cil representative; two Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw representatives; a representa-
tive from the Myanmar Womens Af-
fairs Federation; and two representa-
tives from registered non-government
This committee is required to
nominate 30 potential members, from
whom the president, in coordination
with the speakers of the upper and
lower house, can appoint to sit on the
U Hla Myint said he was unsure who
had been selected to sit on the selection
board, or if it had even been created.
Did they do the selection by the law?
Im not so sure I dont know how
much they followed the law, he said.
Asked why he was dismissed, U
Hla Myint said he had no idea but sug-
gested it may be because he was one
of the more outspoken members.
I had disagreement with the other
members, he said. Maybe they dont
like me.
He said these disagreements
were more about the functioning
of the commission than specic hu-
man rights issues; U Hla Myint said
he wanted to streamline the groups
mechanisms for receiving and review-
ing complaints.
A former ambassador to Australia
and Ministry of Home Afairs ofcial,
U Hla Myint said President U Thein
Sein had contacted several members
of the committee, including chair U
Win Mra, to seek their advice ahead
of the reshufe but he had not been
Lack of transparency was one of
many issues highlighted in Burma
Partnerships report on the commis-
sion. Titled All the Presidents Men, it
highlights the lack of efectiveness
and independence of the MNHRC,
covering signicant events and trends
of the latter half of 2013 and the rst
half of 2014.
The report states that the com-
missions ability to conduct fair and
independent investigations is limited
because it receives funding directly
from the Presidents Ofce, which also
decides who sits on the body.
The authors cited examples from
Kachin and Rakhine states where it
said alleged human rights violations
have been either ignored or not inves-
tigated properly. An independent [Na-
tional Human Rights Commission]
should not be used as a tool to cover
human rights atrocities committed by
a state institution, it said.
Most damningly, the report states
that the MNHRC has still not success-
fully investigated and taken efective
action on any case submitted to it.
But U Win Mra said the report had
ignored much of the commissions im-
portant work, including its investiga-
tion of the alleged Du Chee Yar Tan
clash in Rakhine State.
In Kachin State, the commission
has helped to address the issue of land
mines, child soldiers and torture, as
well as called for more humanitarian
assistance, he said.
I think its no use just criticising
the [commissions] activities, he said,
adding that members are committed
to a longer-term strategy of building up
awareness of human rights practices.
We are concentrating a lot on the
promotional aspect We have work-
shops for the government as well as
other stakeholders [who] come to un-
derstand important core human rights
While he admitted that the com-
mission had not addressed every vio-
lation, he said that their educational
activities coupled with administrative
tasks made addressing violations dif-
cult, particularly given the commis-
sion was set up only three years ago.
But Ma Khin Ohmar said these ex-
ternal factors do not excuse the com-
missions failures. Rather, they are a
result of the structure of the commis-
sion itself. Its all about this mindset,
entrenched from the previous regime,
of taking orders from above, not hav-
ing the guts to do anything outside of
the box, she said. Thats the mindset
in this commission.
While disappointed at the selection
process for the new commission, U
Hla Myint defended its work over the
past three years. He said its members
had been much more active than those
on similar groups in the region.
We have done a lot of work, he
said, adding that critics dont look at
the details.
I wish I knew.
U Lahpai Zau Goone
Former member of the human
rights commission, when asked
why he had been removed
Activists protest in downtown Yangon to mark Human Rights Day on December 10, 2012. Photo: Kaung Htet
Former members and activists express concern at lack of transparency from government over selection process for new members
Milk powder frms reined in
STATE health staf who promote milk
powder products to parents of infants
could face legal action under a re-
cently introduced regulation, a senior
Ministry of Health ofcial says.
The order restricting the promo-
tion and sale of breast-milk substi-
tutes, such as baby formula, was in-
troduced by the Ministry of Health
on July 24. It seeks to reinforce the
policy of recommending parents ex-
clusively breastfeed their children to
six months of age a practice they
say is being hindered by powdered
milk companies ofering incentives
to health staf to promote their prod-
ucts to parents.
I want to warn health staf not
to become special customers of these
milk powder companies, director
general Dr Min Than Nyunt said at a
ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw earlier this
This could result in them violat-
ing this order and if that happens we
will take action against them.
Those caught violating the policy
face a ne of up to K300,000.
A senior member of the Myan-
mar Nurses Association, Daw Nan
Htwan Hla, said the industry was
already taking steps to comply with
the ban.
She agreed nurses have enjoyed
a very friendly relationship with
companies selling breast-milk sub-
stitutes, and said it has been com-
mon for these rms to sponsor
seminars, workshops or funfairs, at
which they were allowed to adver-
tise their products.
Now we are avoiding taking
support from these companies,
she said. But we need more time
to share this policy with all nurses
because some dont know about it
yet in detail.
The policy bans many of these
commonly used promotional tech-
niques for breast-milk substitutes,
including sponsorship of events,
discounts, lucky draws and the use
of celebrities and their families in
Producers and distributors are
also banned from donating their
products to state and private sector
health staf or facilities, as well as
gifting promotional items, such as
posters, stationery, calendars and
They also cannot provide sup-
port or gifts to those who attend
their workshops, or pay for health
staf to attend international work-
shops. When conducting events,
they must acknowledge the social
and health problems caused by not
feeding breast milk to infants.
However, the Ministry of Health
can grant permission for health
professionals to receive assistance
from milk substitute companies in
some circumstances.
The policy addresses many of
the concerns outlined by health ex-
perts in an October 2011 article in
The Myanmar Times, in which they
called for a law to place restrictions
on how powdered milk products
can be marketed.
The rules were designed by the
ministrys nutrition department
with assistance from the Interna-
tional Code of Marketing of Breast-
milk Substitute as well as other
local and foreign experts, Dr Min
Than Nyunt said.
The key intention of the provi-
sion is for children to be fed only
natural breast milk to six months
of age and then to keep being fed
breast milk to two years. Importing
and distributing breast-milk substi-
tute products in the market creates
other options for infant food, he
According to 2010 gures from
the United Nations, less than one-
quarter of all children in Myan-
mar were exclusively fed breast
milk to six months of age. The
World Health Organization rec-
ommends exclusive breastfeeding
to six months of age for babies
everywhere as research consist-
ently shows that it helps achieve
optimal growth, development and
health for children.
Deputy director Dr Htin Linn
said the seven-chapter notication
was issued as a supplement to the
National Food Law by the Food and
Drug Board of Authority, which was
established in August 2013.
We issued this provision so
that people can more easily choose
what is best for their children, he
Ofcials said that International
Baby Food Action Network has of-
fered to assist the ministry in con-
ducting checks to ensure that the
new rules are being followed, while
the United Nations Childrens Fund
has also ofered to help.
The main body responsible for
A customer shops for milk powder in downtown Yangon earlier this month. Photo: Yu Yu
Ministry issues order in response to concerns that milk powder promotions are harming exclusive breastfeeding campaigns
I want to warn
health staf not to
become special
customers of
these milk powder
Dr Min Than Nyunt
Ministry of Health director general
Govt stands by citizenship pilot
project in Rakhine despite protest
RAKHINE State ofcials insist a citi-
zenship scrutiny project in Myebon
township has not been suspended,
despite media reports to the contra-
ry and protests from local Rakhine
More than 1000 people have ap-
plied for citizenship through the pilot
project. Of these, 209 were granted full
or naturalised citizenship according to
1982 Citizenship Law at a ceremony
on September 22, including 40 identi-
ed as Bengalis and 169 as Kaman.
However, Eleven Media reported
the program hads been stopped be-
cause of concerns that some Muslims
were carrying fake documents iden-
tifying them as Kaman, an ofcially
recognised Muslim ethnic group from
Rakhine State.
U Maung Maung Than, a director
general in the Ministry of Immigration
and Population, said the reports were
incorrect. The program is continu-
ing, he said. The regional govern-
ment is implementing matters related
to scrutinising citizenship according
to the law.
The pilot project enables those
eligible for citizenship to apply to
become either full, associate or natu-
ralised citizens. It has been controver-
sial with some Muslims, as those who
self-identify as Rohingya would have
to register as Bengali, while some Ra-
khine have also opposed the program.
On the day of last weeks ceremony,
Rakhine residents in Myebon staged a
silent protest because of the concerns
that Bengalis, who could be eligible
for naturalised citizenship, were in-
stead being given full citizenship as
Kaman, said U Aung Win, the Rakhine
State Hluttaw MP for Myebon.
People protested silently by shut-
ting the doors of their homes and clos-
ing their shops when the chief minis-
ter visited the town on September 22,
he said.
U Aung Win added that the state
government had received applications
for citizenship from more than 200
Bengalis in Myebon.
We want the authorities to be
careful with this process. We dont
want to give those Bengalis [full] citi-
zenship, he said.
The government has sought to
head of this sentiment elsewhere by
discussing the issue with community
leaders. At a meeting with monks and
town elders in Sittwe on September
23, Chief Minister U Maung Maung
Ohn warned that they should respect
the governments decision on who is
eligible for citizenship.
It remains unclear, however, when
the project will expand beyond Mye-
bon. U Maung Maung Than from the
Ministry of Immigration and Popu-
lation said it was up to the Central
Committee for Citizenship Scrutiny, a
Nay Pyi Taw-based body that includes
the ministers for border afairs, presi-
dents ofce, and immigration and
The committee has not given any
instructions to the regional govern-
ment to expand the program into oth-
er areas, he said.
Despite concerns in Rakhine State,
the program has been cautiously wel-
comed by the United Nations as a
step in the right direction, as it could
lead to increased rights for stateless
However, U Maung Maung Ohn told
reporters on September 22 that the
new citizens would not be able to avail
themselves of those rights immediately.
Because of the security situation,
we cant allow them to travel freely in
Rakhine State yet, he said.
enforcing the rules will be the Food
and Drug Board of Authority, which
will submit its ndings to the Food
and Drug Administration.
But Dr Tun Zaw, director of the
FDAs Food Safety Department,
said his department was not yet
ready to enforce the policy because
it has not received enough infor-
mation about the order from the
nutrition department.
One product sales manager for
a company selling pharmaceutical
products designed for children told
The Myanmar Times he regularly
saw milk powder promoters in the
medical wards at state-run private
hospitals. He said they visited with
the permission of ward supervisors
and medical superintendents.
They approach nurses, obstetri-
cians and gynaecologists, and child
specialists to promote their prod-
uct, he said. Some do not agree
but others say yes.
A spokesperson for a popular
milk powder company said it had
received a copy of the new policy
from the government and would do
its best to adhere.
The spokesperson said the
Health Department had given the
company time to collect items they
had donated or provided to public
hospitals or other state health fa-
cilities, as well as to modify their
marketing techniques to comply
with the policy.
Translation by Thiri Min Htun
News 7 www.mmtimes.com
Milk powder frms reined in
A customer shops for milk powder in downtown Yangon earlier this month. Photo: Yu Yu
Ministry issues order in response to concerns that milk powder promotions are harming exclusive breastfeeding campaigns
Ministry of Information
to sue two publications
We have strong
evidence and facts
and we will take
full responsibility
for what we have
published, even if
this ends up in court.
U Wai Phyo
Eleven Media Group editor-in-chief
THE Ministry of Information is pre-
paring to take two publications to
court after mediation through the
Myanmar Press Council (Interim)
failed to yield a result acceptable to
both sides, according to minister U Ye
The ministry will le cases against
weekly journal The Myanmar Herald
also known as Myanmar Thandaw-
sint and Eleven Media Group, pub-
lisher of Weekly Eleven and Daily
It is unclear whether they will be
criminal or civil cases but under the
Penal Code defamation carries a jail
term of up to two years.
The Press Council moderated sev-
eral discussions between the parties
in both cases, as required under the
News Media Law. However, the talks
failed to result in an out-of-court set-
tlement, opening the way for legal
Daily Eleven published articles in
which it said the ministry had paid
US$400,000 more for a printing press
than what an Indian company had
quoted Eleven for the same machine.
The articles, by senior reporter
Marn Thu Shein and founder U Thein
Myint, said ministry ofcials must
have pocketed the diference. It then
questioned the property and wealth
of ministers and government ofcials,
including U Ye Htut.
U Ye Htut told reporters last week
that if news agencies and publications
are interested in his nancial assets
they can undertake investigative jour-
nalism to examine the sources of his
wealth. If he is found to be corrupt
then he will face legal action, he said.
However, Eleven editor-in-chief U
Wai Phyo said the company stood by
the report.
We have strong evidence and facts
and we will take full responsibility for
what we have published, even if this
ends up in court, he said.
While Eleven initially attended
mediation sessions arranged by the
Press Council, it later told the coun-
cil it would no longer meet with
government representatives to dis-
cuss the complaint.
In the case of The Myanmar Her-
ald, meanwhile, the ministry alleges
that interviews it published with
political scientist U Myo Yan Naung
Thein and National League for De-
mocracy (NLD) patron U Tin Oo con-
tained criticism of the president that
was extreme. The ministry asked for
an apology from the journals editors
but they refused to comply.
We are not wrong, said U Aung
Kyaw Min, the deputy editor at the
Myanmar Herald. We just published
the comments of a political scientist
and an NLD leader on the aws and
inefciencies of the government led
by the current president.
In September, we ofered the min-
istry an apology to the extent possi-
ble but they were not satised and
rejected it.
U Myint Kyaw, a member of the
Press Councils Complaint Committee,
said he believed The Myanmar Herald
could not invoke a public interest de-
fence against defamation accusations.
U Ye Htut declined to comment
further when contacted by The Myan-
mar Times.
As we are going to nd a judicial
solution, I would not like to comment
further. We will let everyone know
other necessary information when we
le the lawsuits, he said.
Government to launch second ethnic TV channel
THE Ministry of Information plans to
launch another ethnic afairs televi-
sion channel before the end of next
year, a senior ofcial said last week.
The new channel follows the
launch of the National Race Channel,
which broadcasts in 11 minority lan-
guages, in October 2013.
However, recruiting and training
journalists and presenters for the new
channel is likely to be a challenge, said
U Tint Swe, director general of Myan-
ma Radio and Television (MRTV).
Our priority is to expand the na-
tional races section [of MRTV], he
said last week. But we have human
resources difculties. We have to re-
cruit staf who can speak ethnic lan-
guages well and we have to train them
to work for a TV channel. That cant be
done overnight. But it will be possible
to launch [the new channel] at the end
of 2015.
MRTV has not yet decided which
ethnic groups will be represented on
the new channel.
When the station launched last
year, applicants were barely vetted be-
fore being appointed to the sections,
he said. The only requirement was
they could speak the particular ethnic
language and held a bachelor degree,
U Tint Swe said.
We appointed all applicants, he
said. We just gave them basic jour-
nalism training and information on
being a public servant and gave them
cameras worth K20 million to K30
The National Races Channel broad-
casts ethnic programs in 11 languages
from eight groups, namely Kachin,
Kayah, east Poe Kayin, west Poe Kayin,
Sgaw Kayin, Zomi Chin, Asho Chin,
Mon, Rakhine, Shan and Wa.
Each gets two hours a day, except
for the Kayin groups, which get one
hour each. By early next year it will
move to 24-hour programming with
the introduction of Pa-O, Kokang and
Danu sections.
We are now recruiting ethnic staf.
The additional programs will be on
air in January 2015 at the latest, said
MRTV director U Myint Aung.
Each section has 13 staf each and
is creates its own programs according
to the ministrys editorial guidelines.
U Myint Aung said that these guide-
lines include requirements includes to
focus on the preservation of the ethnic
culture. News about political parties is
banned but public protests held with
permission from the Ministry of Home
Afairs can be broadcast.
Naw Su Mon, a staf member on
the Sgaw Kayin program, said a basic
principle at the National Races Chan-
nel is to steer clear of politics.
However, I would like to broadcast
political news that [is in] the interest
of people, both targeted ethnic groups
and other viewers, she said.
While the National Races Chan-
nel is currently under MRTV, the
ministry plans to make it a separate
department before the 2015-16 scal
year, U Myint Aung said. This should
enable the department to expand and
ensure language sections are better
We have created the basic prin-
ciples of the new department. Each
[ethnic group section] will be led by
a gazette ofcer, he said, adding that
the ofcer will be from the relevant
ethnic group.
Naw Su Mon said she welcomed
the plan. At the moment we are very
short-stafed, she said. And currently
staf mostly have the same rank and
position, so there should be an ofcer
who can lead.
Minister insists broadcast
sector has full media freedom
MINISTER for Information U Ye Htut
has insisted that the broadcast media
sector already enjoys full editorial
freedom, despite it being controlled by
a handful of proprietors hand-picked
by the previous military regime.
U Ye Htut said broadcast journal-
ists have as much freedom as their
counterparts in the print media sec-
tor and that the ministry does not
have a specic policy for what con-
tent can be broadcast on either radio
or television.
It is the job of the editorial depart-
ments of those broadcast media out-
lets [to use their media freedom] ac-
cording to their own editorial policy,
the minister told The Myanmar Times.
We dont discriminate between print
and broadcast media. We dont apply
diferent policies.
However, licences to enter the sec-
tor are tightly controlled. The owners
of six FM radio stations and two tele-
vision broadcasters all enjoyed close
links to the former military regime.
No new television or radio licences
have been issued since 2010 and those
already operating will have to rene-
gotiate the terms of their agreements
under the new broadcast media law,
which is being drafted by the ministry.
Journalists working for these rms
told The Myanmar Times last week
that the ownership makeup of the in-
dustry ensured content did not stray
from parameters acceptable for the
government, even if there was no ex-
plicit policy to limit editorial freedom.
How can we practice media free-
dom when there is no ownership inde-
pendence? We just do as much as we
can, said a senior editorial staf mem-
ber from free-to-air channel Myanmar
National TV, which is run by Shwe
Than Lwin Media.
Shwe Than Lwin is owned by U
Kyaw Win, a close associate of for-
mer minister U Kyaw Hsan and other
members of the former and current
government. The companys media
arm also runs a radio station, Shwe
FM, and has bankrolled Democracy
Today, a daily newspaper that has
caused ripples in the industry by sell-
ing copies for K100, below production
costs. U Kyaw Win was the subject of
both European Union and Australian
sanctions, the latter until they were
lifted in July 2012.
Media commentator Sithu Aung
Myint said he also found the ministers
comments hard to believe.
It is impossible to practise media
freedom [in the broadcast sector] be-
cause there is no ownership freedom.
This is very closely related to media
freedom, he said.
He added that this was unlikely to
change soon because the broadcast
media law submitted to parliament
appeared to place no emphasis on di-
versication of ownership.
But U Ye Htut rejected sugges-
tions that the ministry could pressure
broadcasters on content, or that pro-
prietors had to be close to the mili-
tary government in order to receive a
He said the ministrys policy is to
apply the Code of Conduct set by the
Myanmar Press Council (Interim) to
all media organisations, including
state-owned outlets.
All media just need to work ac-
cording to journalism ethics. It is the
only responsibility [broadcast outlets
have to take]. When the News Media
Council is founded, the council will
continue looking at [the issue], he
A Mandalay FM presenter goes live to air. Photo: Kaung Htet
How can we
practice media
freedom when there
is no ownership
Editorial staff member
Myanmar National TV
Proposal to reform State Secrets Act rejected
OFFICIAL secrets in Myanmar are still
protected by a 90-year-old law, adopted
under colonial rule, whose text has not
even been translated into the Myanmar
language, MPs heard last week.
Pyithu Hluttaw representative
U Thein Nyunt of Thingangyun at-
tempted on September 25 to amend the
countrys venerable State Secrets Act,
enacted in 1923 under British rule. But
his bid failed when both his suggestions
were brushed aside by the government,
and nobody else took the oor.
U Thein Nyunt said his amend-
ments were necessary in order to bring
the law into conformity with the 2008
constitution, and to reect the rights of
citizens and the news media.
I agree that this act is essential for
state security. But this law, enacted in
1923 under colonial rule, is oppressive,
he said.
His proposed amendments con-
cerned people who unwittingly intrude
into prohibited areas, and the right of
journalists to ask questions of govern-
ment ofcials on government premises.
Deputy Minister for Home Afairs
Brigadier General Kyaw Kyaw Tun said
the proposed amendments would ben-
et ofenders. The amendment would
prevent action against people intrud-
ing into a prohibited area, he said,
adding that the amendments would ef-
fectively kill the law. In the absence of
any other speakers, the hluttaw took no
further action.
In July, ve journalists from weekly
publication Unity received 10-year jail
terms for violating the act. The charges
stemmed from an article in January
about a military facility that they al-
leged was making chemical weapons, a
claim the military denies.
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Thura U
Shwe Mann said that he would have
the law translated into the Myanmar
language, since it exists only in English.
It is difcult for some experts to un-
derstand. After that, we should review
whether it is necessary to amend it or
not, and what should be amended, he
said. Translation by Thiri Min Htun
Critics counter that censorship is unnecessary as licences are in the hands of government-friendly proprietors
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News 9 www.mmtimes.com
Resettlement in Rakhine State
likely to start in October: govt
RESETTLEMENT programs for those
displaced by conict in Rakhine State
since 2012 are expected to start in Oc-
tober, an ofcial conrmed last week.
Building work on new dwellings
for the displaced is expected to take
around six months, with relocation
likely to take place in April or May
next year.
However, the program will be
dependent on both funding and the
cooperation of the Buddhist and
Muslim communities, ofcials said.
The activities will be implemented
according to the Rakhine Action Plan
drawn up by the government, said U
Moe Hein, secretary of the Rakhine
State government. The buildings to be
constructed included houses, schools,
hospitals and ofces.
We will start these programs after
the end of rainy season maybe in Oc-
tober, he said, adding that they would
be implemented in coordination with
NGOs, INGOs and UN agencies.
Communal conict between Bud-
dhists and Muslims in Rakhine State
ared in 2012, leaving hundreds dead
and more than 140,000 displaced, the
majority Muslim. Many are still living
in poorly resourced IDP camps in the
state and are limited in their move-
ment and economic activities.
U Ye Naing, head of ofce at the
Ministry of Border Afairs in Nay Pyi
Taw, said the priority was to return
IDPs to where they formerly lived. He
said Rakhine State Chief Minister is
meeting leaders from both communi-
ties to explain the plan and gain their
The victims of conict will be re-
located back to where they have come
from and will be embraced by the
resettlement programs. For example,
the ones who are from Kyaukpyu will
have to return there. We are now ex-
plaining this plan to both communi-
ties, he said.
If they accept, it is okay and we
can move forward. If they dont [ac-
cept] We will have to take some
more time, until they understand the
plan and accept it.
Under the resettlement plan,
homes for the IDPs will be built be-
tween October and March 2015, U Ye
Naing said. The victims of conict
will be relocated in April and May of
2015 if everything is okay.
According to the UN Ofce for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Af-
fairs 2014 Response Plan, more than
US$126 million is needed for the re-
settlement and relocation programs
in Rakhine State.
A man rides a bicycle past the Mizigwazon IDP camp in Sittwe, Rakhine State,
on May 17, 2013. Photo: Aung Htay Hlaing
WITH nancial support from interna-
tional donors, the Ministry of Electric
Power will extend electrical power to
1.7 million people over the next ve
years, deputy minister U Maw Thar
Htwe told parliament last week.
We will implement this ve-year
project with foreign nancial assis-
tance, of which 60 percent will come
from World Bank and 40pc from inter-
national aid programs, U Maw Thar
Htwe told MPs on September 23.
The ministry is drafting a national
energy policy with support from the
Asian Development Bank, as well as a
national electric power policy with the
help of the Japan International Coop-
eration Agency (JICA), and a national
electrication plan with World Bank
The main objective of these plans
is to distribute power to all parts of
the country within the next 16 years,
U Maw Thar Htwe said. The ministry
would also expand power distribution
networks nationally, while creating
separate power grids with short-term
plans in remote areas where network
extension is likely to take longer.
Currently, access to electricity is en-
joyed by about 30pc of the population,
but it is expected to increase to 47pc in
2020, 75pc in 2025 and to the entire
country by 2030. Htoo Thant, transla-
tion by Zar Zar Soe
get prison
FOUR environmental activists were
sentenced to jail terms by Ayeyarwady
Region court on September 23. U Tun
Tun Oo, of the Human Rights Watch
and Defence Network was sentenced to
six months on three separate charges
under the public order law in connec-
tion with his environmental activities
Dedaye township.
His co-defendants, U Cho Lwin and
U Khin Shwe, were sentenced to four
months, while U Myint Lwin received a
two-month sentence.
U Tun Shwe of HRWDN said they
planned to appeal the verdict, but an-
ticipated difculties.
The court sentenced Ko Tun Tun
Oo on three charges of section 18. We
think the law on peaceful protest is be-
ing used to jail people for any related
issue, he said, adding that U Tun Tun
Oo would again appear in court on Sep-
tember 26.
Dedaye township police took the
four activists to Pyapon jail, where they
will serve their sentences.
All told, 11 activists, including U Tun
Tun Oo, a leader in the mangrove plan-
tation campaign, were charged under
section 61 of the forestry law by a De-
daye township forestry ofcer.
Ayeyarwady Region Chief Minister
U Thein Aung gave oral permission to
plant mangroves on grazing land, but
a dispute over the location of the land
arose with the survey department.
The 11 activists sought permission
from the minister, stating the exact lo-
cation where they intended to plant,
but the land the authorities located
on the map has in fact been eroded in
recent years, said U Tun Shwe. It is
unbelievable that this should happen
during a transition to democracy.
HRWDN representatives met Ay-
eyarwady Region government repre-
sentatives on September 9 to ask them
to reconsider the case, but without suc-
cess, he said. Cherry Thein
1.7m families
to get power
within 5 years
Amount needed for IDP resettlement
in Rakhine State, according to the UN
after death
in MDY
THREE people, including two
Tatmadaw soldiers and a Maha
Aung Myay township resident,
have been arrested in connec-
tion with the death of a man late
on September 18 in Mandalay.
Ko Sithu Htet, 25, sufered
injuries to his neck and head
during the incident, which
occurred at about 11pm on
Kandawgyi Road in Chan Mya
Tharsi township.
He was taken to Mandalay
General Hospital for treatment
but died the following morning
at about 7:20am, his relatives
My son went out that night
to have dinner with his friends
to celebrate their bosss success
in his business, said Ko Sithu
Htets father, U Nyunt Wai, who
lives on 41
When they got into a quar-
rel, these two friends ran away
and the other side beat and
punched him.
He said he wanted authori-
ties to take action against the al-
leged ofenders, particularly the
two soldiers.
Can soldiers just beat peo-
ple up like that? he said.
The two soldiers were from
No 33 Light Infantry Division
based in Sagaing Region. They
were detained by military au-
thorities and will face a military
The civilian was has been ar-
rested by police.
The man [who died] was
drunk. When he fell from his
motorcycle, he attacked some
bystanders. Thats how the
[ght] started, a police ofcer
from Chan Mya Tharsi town-
ship said. Translation by Thiri
Min Htun
Myanmar seeks to seal
regional deal on migrants
LABOUR rights groups have expressed
concern that a regional treaty on mi-
grant workers may not be completed
by the end of the year as the issue has
divided ASEAN between countries
that send and those that receive mi-
grant workers.
With Malaysia set to take over from
Myanmar as chair at the end of the
year, rights groups say the treaty could
be put of until at least 2016 if it is not
nalised in the coming months.
ASEAN members have been ne-
gotiating the terms of the ASEAN
Declaration on the Protection and
Promotion of the Rights of Migrant
Workers since 2007. Despite an end-
of-2013 deadline, they have reached
agreement on only 58 of 68 sec-
tions as of the most recent meeting,
which was held in Nay Pyi Taw from
September 1-3.
Two more meetings one in Ma-
laysia from October 27-29, the other
in Laos in December will be held
to discuss the issue before Myanmar
hands over the chairship at the end of
the year.
Ministry of Labour deputy director
U Thein Win said the main stumbling
block is that receiving countries, such
as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and
Brunei, have strongly objected to
giving migrant workers the same la-
bour rights as citizens.
Meanwhile, sending countries, in-
cluding Myanmar, are enthusiastic
about the prospect of greater rights for
their workers abroad, he said.
Myanmar is thought to have sever-
al million citizens working elsewhere
in the region, mostly in Thailand, Ma-
laysia and Singapore.
While Singapore rejects the idea of
equal rights outright, Thailand and Ma-
laysia do not want it to be extended to
both documented and undocumented
workers, U Thein Win said.
He said he remains hopeful that
the declaration can be nalised this
year and said Myanmar will make
every efort to complete it during its
chairship of ASEAN.
Myanmar has two chances to com-
plete it this year as two meetings are
left. One is in Laos and the other is in
Malaysia, U Thein Win said.
However, the fact that one of the
countries opposed to more rights for
migrant workers is hosting a meeting
may prove problematic.
Yuyun, a human rights activist
from Indonesia and regular observer
of ASEAN afairs, said Malaysian of-
cials would be reluctant to raise the 10
outstanding sections of the draft.
The meeting in Malaysia might
end with disputes The Laos one is
a big chance for Myanmar to nalise
the treaty, she said.
She added that it was important
for the treaty to be implemented by
the launch of the ASEAN Community
in 2015.
There will be no ASEAN Com-
munity without the protection of the
rights of migrant workers, she said.
U Thein Win echoed the sentiment.
We must try to nalise the decla-
ration during our period as chair. If
thats not possible then we will have to
nish it in 2015, he said.
Daw Khin Nwe Oo, a deputy direc-
tor general in the Ministry of Labour,
said the declaration would give work-
ers greater legal protection in all coun-
tries across the region, and improve on
the patchwork of bilateral agreements.
For example, at the moment we
discuss migrant worker problems be-
tween Myanmar and Thailand as well
as Myanmar and Malaysia through
bilateral talks. But after the decla-
ration comes out we could resolve
these problems as a bloc, she said.
Migrant workers can demand their
rights according to the text of the
The declarations section on the ob-
ligations of receiving states mentions
that they must intensify eforts to pro-
tect the fundamental human rights,
promote the welfare and uphold the
human dignity of migrant workers.
They must also work toward the
achievement of harmony and toler-
ance between receiving states and
migrant workers, and provide migrant
workers, who may be victims of dis-
crimination, abuse, exploitation and
violence, with adequate access to their
legal and judicial systems.
Despite the potential implications
for workers, U Moe Gyo, chair of the
Joint Action Committee for Burmese
Afairs based in the Thai border town
of Mae Sot, said most were not aware
of the declaration. He said they were
generally sceptical of any promises to
provide greater protection as bilat-
eral agreements had previously been
Despite making promises to resolve
migrant worker problems, most govern-
ments fail to protect them and the
problems havent diminished. If any-
thing, they have increased, he said.
Ma Theint, who has been working
in Malaysia for the past seven years,
said she would be happy if the decla-
ration had a practical impact on her
We dont know anything about
the declaration nobody has told us
about it, she said. We want our rights
to be protected whether the declara-
tion is introduced or not. At the mo-
ment, we are looked down upon. If we
are shown some respect, we will also
respect the country in which we are
A migrant worker from Myanmar in Chiang Mai. Photo: Kaung Htet
Migrant workers
can demand their
rights according
to the text of the
Daw Khin Nwe Oo
Ministry of Labour
Divisions between source and receiving countries could derail agreement on ASEAN workers rights pact
News 11 www.mmtimes.com
Gardens to hold photo, logo contests
PYIN Oo Lwins National Kandaw-
gyi Botanical gardens will hold
photo and logo competitions in
December as part of their ninth an-
nual ower festival and 10
music festival.
Anyone can take part in the
logo competition by submitting
three designs that capture the
essence of the gardens, said U
Aike Mann, who is supervising the
logo contest. The winner will re-
ceive K500,000. The deadline for
entries is November 1.
The photo competition features
three categories: ower, ower
and model, and ower bouquet.
Entrants can submit up to six pho-
tographs before the November 14
deadline using any type of camera,
according to organisers.
The winners will receive from
K300,000 to K500,000 and will
have their work on display during
the festival.
The ower festival will run for
the whole month, while the music
festival will take place Decem-
ber 19-21 and feature the Myoma
Nyein music band. Entry to the
festival will cost K4000 to K5000
a day.
Translation by Zar Zar Soe
Visitors walk through the Kandawgyi National Gardens in Pyin Oo Lwin in 2008. Photo: Staff
Concerns as
agencies take
over training
EMPLOYMENT agencies could be
facing a conict of interest in taking
over the training of Myanmar citizens
preparing to work overseas, a migrant
workers advocate has warned.
Reiko Harima, managing direc-
tor of the Asian Migrant Centre,
said the Myanmar Overseas Employ-
ment Agency Federation (MOEAF)
increased their members prots by
sending more workers overseas, and
so was unlikely to provide informa-
tion that might deter them from going.
Pre-departure training, which is
conducted in Yankin township, Yan-
gon, is meant to inform migrants of
the labour laws and cultural norms
of the countries they are being sent
to. Previously run by the Ministry of
Labour, the MOEAF began conducting
the courses on August 31.
Employment agencies are unlikely
to provide information that might put
migrants of going overseas, such as
details of low pay and long hours, Ms
Harima said.
She said the decision to allow em-
ployment agencies to regulate much
of the migration process in Indone-
sia and Cambodia, which send thou-
sands of workers abroad each year,
had negatively afected prospective
These include recruitment when
not enough jobs are actually secured
by agencies, resulting in a long wait-
ing period for workers and insuf-
cient information about workers
rights, she said.
Employment agencies might de-
cide to not recruit migrants who are
condent about demanding their
rights, she said.
MOEAF vice chair U Soe Myint
Aung said controlling training would
lead to better supervision of migrants.
He also said that because the agency
negotiates labour agreements with its
foreign counterparts it was best suited
to train the migrants.
But Ms Harima said protecting the
migrants was a job for governments.
Its rather unrealistic to expect agen-
cies to play a front-line role in protect-
ing domestic workers rights. It is the
responsibility of governments to pro-
tect their citizens and workers, and it
should be the governments responsi-
bility to strictly monitor the operation
of recruitment agencies.
Police tighten security
after Al-Qaeda threats
YANGON authorities have tightened
security ahead of upcoming religious
festivals as a result of threats made
by terrorist group Al-Qaeda, a re-
gional minister said last week.
On September 3, the head of
Al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri,
announced the launch of a new
branch in South Asia to wage Ji-
had against its enemies in India,
Myanmar and Bangladesh and re-
vive the caliphate.
While the groups capacity to per-
petrate attacks in Myanmar is un-
clear, the regional government said
it was taking no chances ahead of
Eid al-Adha on October 4 and Thad-
ingyut on October 8.
Yangon Region Minister for Bor-
der Afairs and Security Colonel
Tin Win said on September 22 that
security has been ramped up, par-
ticularly near religious buildings,
in response to the possible threat of
Al-Qaeda attacks. Security has also
been increased at airports and bor-
der gates, he said.
They [Al-Qaeda] will pay money
to local people to create violence in
our country. Eid will be held in Oc-
tober and we have tightened security
so there is no conict, he said.
Myanmars commander-in-chief,
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, has
also touched on the issue, saying in a
speech at the National Defence Col-
lege that he was concerned Al-Qaeda
will instigate violence in Myanmar
under the guise of the countrys
ongoing religious conicts.
This threat has become a chal-
lenge for us, he was quoted as
saying in the army-run Myawady
Myanmar Muslims have con-
demned the Al-Qaeda announce-
ment, with the Burmese Muslim
Association issuing a statement on
September 5 describing it as mor-
ally repugnant.
The marginalised minority Mus-
lims in Burma will never accept any
help from a terrorist organisation,
it said. Muslims are fully integrated
into the fabric of Burmese society
and belong [to] and support the Bur-
mese nation.
Col Tin Win said he also believed
that Muslims in Myanmar would
never accept Al-Qaeda.
The minister added that the gov-
ernment is cooperating with other
governments in the region to pre-
vent terrorist attacks. He also called
for public cooperation to ght the
threat of terrorism.
People should inform the police
if they see anything suspicious, Col
Tin Win said. Information from the
public is very important for us.
Riot control police line up during a crowd management training session in Yangon in February. Photo: AFP
Low budget
holds back
power line
safety plans
UNDERFUNDED electricity budgets
may have cost lives, parliament was
told last week. Deputy Minister for
Electric Power U Aung Than Oo told
the Amyotha Hluttaw on September 23
that the four-year (2011-2015) allocation
had been insufcient to ensure safety.
He was responding to a question
from U Myat Nyarna Soe, representing
constituency 4 of Yangon Region, con-
cerning fatalities caused in Yangon by
falling electrical cables. He said that al-
though electricity prices had increased,
supply was erratic and often of a low
voltage, while accidents and electrocu-
tions are common.
The budget is not only insufcient
for replacing old electrical cables and
upgrading existing substations, it is
also insufcient for expanding [infra-
structure], said U Aung Than Oo.
The ministry has raised power ca-
pacity for each of the past four years as
its budgets have risen. Since 2011, the
ministrys budget has increased from
K40.9 billion to K87.7 billion, during
which time capacity has risen from
1591 megawatts to 2300MW.
But U Aung Than Oo said the
ministry would need a three-fold in-
crease to ensure safe supply by replac-
ing unshielded insulated cables with
shielded cables or up to 10 times as
much for an underground cabling sys-
tem, which would be even safer.
Police gures show that in Yangon
alone, 121 people died from electrocu-
tion between January and August, a
sharp rise on the 109 deaths in 2013
and 105 in 2012.
In some cases, the ministry is al-
ready replacing old cables - some of
which are almost 50 years old - with
newer and safer variants, U Aung
Than Oo said, but the vast majority
of upgrade work is using unshielded
insulated cables. We plan to install
shielded cables when we build the new
11KV and 400KV grids in cities, includ-
ing Yangon and Mandalay. Well start
doing that this year, he said.
Depending on the voltage, the cost
of ranges from K558 million to about
K930 million per mile if the cables are
shielded, he said.
Additional reporting by Toe Wai
Aung, translation by Zar Zar Soe
Govt scraps plan to build
small dams on Ayeyarwady
THE government has abandoned a
plan to build 16 dams on the Ayeyar-
wady River to regulate water ow on
the recommendation of the World
Instead, it will improve navigation,
river maintenance and water resource
management based on the World
Banks advice, Minister for Transport
U Nyan Tun Aung told MPs last week.
He was speaking at a session of the
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on September 19
at which MPs approved a request from
the government for a US$100 million
from the World Bank for the integrated
river management project on the Aye-
When we discussed building low
dams with the World Bank, they ad-
vised us not to build them right now
because Myanmar does not have
enough data [on the proposed dams],
U Nyan Tun Aung said.
During the debate, MPs discussed
the current problems with river man-
agement, especially the silting of water-
ways and collapse of riverbanks.
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker Thura
U Shwe Mann said the regular ooding
in riverside towns such as Pyay, Danu-
byu and Hinthada showed the need for
more maintenance to be carried out.
The World Bank loan will carry no
interest rate but will incur a 0.75 per-
cent annual service charge. It will be
paid back over 38 years.
Translation by Thiri Min Htun
They [Al Qaeda]
will pay money
to local people to
create violence in
our country.
Colonel Tin Win
Yangon Region Minister for Security
on highway
fall after
TRAFFIC accidents on a fatal
stretch of highway have halved
in number since April, as police
crack down on speeding, drug
and alcohol use among drivers,
and fake documents, parliament
was told last week. The crack-
down followed the deadly Yar
Zar Min bus accident of May 12,
in which 14 passengers died.
Deputy Minister for Rail Trans-
portation U Chan Maung told the
Pyithu Hluttaw on September 22
that police teams on the Yangon-
Nay Pyi Taw-Mandalay highway
had taken action against more
than 3000 drivers caught speed-
ing, as well as four who were
found to have fake licences.
The deputy minister was
responding to a question from
representative Lieutenant Colo-
nel Khin Maung Swe about bus
safety, including the licensing of
drivers, drug or alcohol use, and
He told representatives that
there had been 60 accidents
on the highway in April, falling
to 29 in June, 27 in July, 26 in
August and 10 accidents as of
September 10.
Starting on May 13, the day af-
ter the bus accident, the transport
ministry set up inspection teams
throughout the country. By Au-
gust 28, he said, they had checked
nearly 60,000 vehicles, without
nding a single driver under the
inuence of alcohol. The teams
were empowered to impound ve-
hicles found not be roadworthy.
U Chan Maung said teams
could close down a bus line tem-
porary or permanently if one of
its vehicles was involved in ac-
cident involving a fatality. The
deputy minister said the permit
to run the Yar Zar Min bus line
on the Yangon-Mandalay high-
way had been revoked as of May
15, and that Shan State govern-
ment had revoked the permit of
Kaindayar bus line in Shan State
on June 16 because three people
were killed in an accident on
May 28 in Pinlaung township.
Htoo Thant,
translation by Thiri Min Htun
Amount loaned by the World Bank to
improve river systems management
News 13 www.mmtimes.com
An elderly Mandalay resident stages a protest near the city
centre on September 18, accusing the government of illegally
conscating his land. U Khin Maung Win said he would
prosecute the authorities over the conscation of the land
in Aung Myay Thar San township, which was later used to
build a public dispensary. He staged the protest with ofcial
permission, marching from the site of his former property, on
the corner of 16
and 61
streets, to the corner of 62
and 22
MPs warn govt to expect
scrutiny on foreign loans
government ministries seeking ap-
proval for foreign loans that they
should expect close scrutiny of their
spending, amid concerns that Myan-
mar may be taking on unnecessary
National League for Democracy
representative for Zabuthiri Daw
Sandar Min said an NLD government
would inspect the books with a ne-
tooth comb if elected.
The new government has taken a
lot of international development loans
so all ministries that are working in
the interests of the country and peo-
ple should not reluctant to have their
spending audited when they transfer
their duties to newcomers, she said at
a Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session on Sep-
tember 19.
The government shouldnt put
these debts on the shoulders of incom-
ing governments.
Her concerns were echoed by other
MPs from a range of parties but were
brushed aside by Deputy Minister for
Finance U Maung Maung Thein.
He said Myanmars external debt
of almost US$9 billion was relatively
small but conceded it was growing
quickly under the current government.
Myanmars debt seems like a
large amount but the United States,
which is the worlds largest economy,
has outstanding debts of $17.7 trillion,
he said.
He said the government is only
seeking foreign loans after assessing
their impact on its creditworthiness.
He said the loans were needed
because the government lacked the
means to carry out all necessary devel-
opment tasks on its own.
It is important that we use the
loans for good causes, he said.
Translation by Zar Zar Soe
THE military has released more than
100 underage recruits, taking the
number of child soldiers discharged to
472 since a joint action plan to elimi-
nate the practice was signed in June
2012, the United Nations Childrens
Fund said.
A total of 109 children were re-
leased on September 25 the largest
single discharge since the action plan
was signed at a ceremony attended
by Minister for Defence Lieutenant
General Wai Lwin. In August, 91 chil-
dren were released.
UNICEF said the discharge was the
result of recent discussions as to how
the process of freeing child soldiers
could be sped up.
We are witnessing an increasing
number of children coming out of the
Tatmadaw, indicating the accelerated
eforts of the government of Myan-
mar and the Tatmadaw to put an end
to the harmful practice of recruiting
and using children, said Renata Lok-
Dessallien, the United Nations Resi-
dent and Humanitarian Coordinator
in Myanmar, who also co-chairs the
Country Task Force on Monitoring and
Reporting on grave violations against
children (CTFMR).
The release came a day before both
sides were due to discuss progress
made as a result of the action plan and
identify remaining steps to end the re-
cruitment and use of children by the
government armed forces.
The statement said the task force
wants the government to strengthen
the legal framework, strictly imple-
ment age verication procedures and
reinforce accountability mechanisms to
prevent further underage recruitment.
Bertrand Bainvel, UNICEF repre-
sentative to Myanmar and co-chair
of the task force, said the joint action
plan had resulted in the task force be-
ing given access to military facilities,
as well as a new directive being issued
to prevent the enrolment of children
at the battalion level.
The joint action plan, which was
signed by the CTFMR and the military
in June 2012, sets out measures to end
and prevent the use and recruitment
of children.
If these are achieved, the Tatma-
daw will be removed from the UN
secretary-generals list of parties to
conict who recruit and use children.
Seven non-state armed groups in My-
anmar, including the Kachin Inde-
pendence Army, the Karen National
Liberation Army, the Shan State Army-
South and the United Wa State Army,
are also listed but have yet to sign an
action plan.
Military frees
child soldiers
before review
Approximate external debt of the
Myanmar government
Villagers alert grandfather
to sex crime
A man has asked police to press
charges against the stepfather of his
14-year-old granddaughter for alleg-
edly getting her pregnant. Neighbours
alerted the man, 63, from Taikkyi
township that his granddaughter was
carrying the baby of her stepfather, 47.
He reported the stepfather to police,
who are investigating.
Tourist collapses in downtown
An Australian tourist has been as-
sisted by tourist police after collapsing
in downtown Yangon.
The man collapsed near the corner
of Anawrahta and 33rd streets while
walking on September 21. He was
sent to Kyauktada police station where
ofcers assessed his condition and
searched a bag that he was carrying for
clues as to his identity. Inside the bag
ofcers found a hotel business card.
After contacting the hotel manager,
the man was sent back to his hotel,
where he was met by his wife and two
Longyi heist caught on camera
Two shoppers have been busted
taking a ve-nger discount on more
than a dozen longyis.
One man, 33, was caught on CCTV
camera allegedly stealing 10 longyis
from a City Mart branch in Mayangone
township on September 21. His fe-
male partner in crime, 33, was caught
stealing an additional ve longyis.
Each were priced at K12,500. Both
have been charged by police.
Illegal teak traders busted
Ofcials from the Forestry Depart-
ment have charged a truck driver and
company manager after conscating
more than 100 teak doors and 50 logs
that were from illegal sources.
The Hlegu Forestry Department
team and police stopped a Hino truck
travelling from Pyu in Bago Region to
Yangon. It was found to be carrying the
wood concealed inside paddy bags.
Ofcers from the Hlegu station have
charged the driver, 34, and the man-
ager of the transportation company, 38.
Couple accused of forging
ownership documents
A woman has been drawn into a
property battle after allegedly being
given false ownership documents
for an apartment she bought in
Daw Khin Hla purchased an apart-
ment in the Shwe Padauk Yeikmon
housing development in Kamayut
township on March 20 from a couple,
who told Daw Khin Hla that they had
inherited the apartment.
Daw Khin Hla then discovered
that the ownership document for the
apartment was forged and that the
couple who had sold it were continu-
ing to live there. After reporting the
issue to Kamaryut police, ofcers
charged the couple cheating, tres-
passing and forgery.
Money reported missing
A senior ofcial from the Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI)
has reported that nearly K2 million
has gone missing from the groups
UMFCCI chief executive ofcer U
Tint Swe told ofcers at the Lan-
madaw police station on September
22 that K1.9 million had gone missing
on September 13 from a cabinet in the
groups Federation Management De-
partment. Police are investigating the
complaint. Toe Wai Aung, translation
by Khant Lin Oo
The disused former Burma Railways headquarters, constructed in the late 1800s, is slated to become a luxury hotel. Photo: Staff
Landmark project moves forward
without critical lease extension
RESTORATION eforts are ongo-
ing on the centrepiece building
of a major development project
in Yangon backed by business ty-
coon Serge Pun, despite continued
difculties in securing a critical
lease extension for the mixed-use
Major work on the Landmark
Project, estimated at more than
US$400 million and spread over
more than 10 acres of prime down-
town land, has been delayed for
more than a year due to the in-
ability to secure a lease extension
for the site from the Ministry of
The site contains the heritage-
listed Burma Railways headquar-
ters building, constructed in the
century, along with FMI Center
and the now-shuttered Grand Mee
Ya Hta Executive Residences.
But Mr Pun, who chairs public
company First Myanmar Invest-
ment (FMI), Serge Pun & Associ-
ates (Myanmar) and Singapore-
listed Yoma Strategic Holdings,
said last week that investors had
agreed to move ahead with the pro-
ject under the existing lease terms.
While eforts continue to secure
the longer lease, restoration work
on the railways building, which
will be turned into a luxury hotel,
will continue to move forward.
The project was announced in
November 2012 and is a venture
between Yoma and SPA that also
involves the International Finance
Corporation, Asian Development
Bank and partners from Japan and
Hong Kong.
Following the projects an-
nouncement, Mr Pun applied to
the ministry to extend the original
1995 lease for the maximum 70
years 50 years, with two 10-year
extensions allowable under cur-
rent investment laws. To date this
extension has not been approved.
Yoma announced in June that
instead of acquiring 80 percent
of the Landmark site from SPA on
the longer lease terms as originally
planned, it will now acquire the
site with its existing leases two
smaller plots with 24 and 26 years
remaining on the leases with a
rst payment of US$43.2 million.
The remaining payment of
up to $38 million will be paid to
SPA when the lease extension is
secured. The acquisition will be
funded by a 1-for-8 rights issue at
S$0.38 that Yoma is expected to
conduct by October. SPA is also
expected to gain approval for the
transfer of the site from the My-
anmar Investment Commission to
Yoma by the end of December 15.
Mr Pun, who met recently with
Minister for Rail Transportation U
Than Htay, said he remains con-
dent that the maximum lease will
be granted to SPA but conceded
that the timeline remains unclear.
I have absolutely no doubt it
[the lease extension] will come
through. I am hopeful that it will
be as soon as possible, Mr Pun told
The Myanmar Times. It is just bu-
reaucratic procedures. It takes its
time and its toll.
An ofcial from the Ministry
of Railways said that the ministry
was still scrutinising the proposal
and that no decision had been
made on whether to grant the ex-
tension. The ofcial gave no reason
for the delay in granting the lease,
but said that the ministry was not
malicious in its intent or purposely
trying to prolong the process.
In a note to investors dated June
17, Eli Koksiong Lee, an analyst at
OCBC Investment Research, said
this two-step process would allow
construction to begin on the ofce,
retail and hotel components of the
project but pre-sales of the resi-
dential piece of the project would
be delayed until the maximum ex-
tension is obtained. Mr Lee said
the target date for the new lease is
now the end of 2015.
The Burma Railways building
will be developed into the Pen-
insula Hotel Yangon in partner-
ship with Hong Kong-based HK &
Shanghai Hotels (HSH Group).
In April, Martyn Sawyer, HSH
Group director of properties, told
The Myanmar Times that the
group was satised with the pro-
gress being made on the property
and it was taking a long-term view
on the project.
A spokesperson for HSH Group
said that their position had not
changed following the June an-
nouncement. An opening date for
the hotel has not been set, but Mr
Pun said that he expected the pro-
ject to take around three years to
The IFC and ADB have each
agreed to invest US$70 million in
a separate portion of the project,
comprising $50 million in debt and
$20 million in equity. Financing
from the IFC, which is a member
of the World Bank Group, was ap-
proved by its board on September
4. The ADB declined to comment
on any aspects of the project, cit-
ing condentiality. A post on the
groups website said that approval
for nancing is pending.
Vikram Kumar, resident rep-
resentative for the IFC which is
working with Yoma on three pro-
jects in Myanmar said investors
consider it critical that SPA is
able to secure the lease extension.
As nanciers, of course, we
would prefer the lease to be in
place before we invest, along with
the Japanese investors, Mr Kumar
said. You dont invest a half a bil-
lion dollars unless there is visibil-
ity on the underlying lease.
In an earlier interview Mr Pun
said that changes at the top of the
Ministry of Railways had led to the
lease delay. The ministry has had
two diferent ministers in as many
years and the most recent change
came in July 2013, when U Zeyar
You dont invest
half a billion dollars
unless there is
visibility on the
underlying lease.

Vikram Kumar
International Finance Corporation
resident representative
Property development with an estimated cost of more than US$400 million still waiting on Ministry of Rail Transportation approval
Duravit Aktiengesellschaf, a company organized under the laws
of Germany carrying on business as and having its principal ofce
at Werderstrabe 36, 78132 Hornberg, Germany is the owner and
sole proprietor of the following Trademarks : -
Myanmar Registration Numbers. 4/2436/1999, 4/5185/2004,
4/5544/2009 & 4/10352/2014
Myanmar Registration Numbers. 4/2437/1999, 4/5184/2004,
4/5545/2009 & 4/10353/2014
Used in respect of : -
Sanitary installations, especially wash basins and wash stand,
bidets, water closets, urinals, bath tubs, glass holders, soap holders,
towel holders, toilet paper holders, toilet brushes and holders for
toilet brushes, taps and regulating accessories for water apparatus
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and not of metal for furniture and sanitary installations, bath tub
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with mirrors, frames, goods of wood or material replacing wood,
namely curtain rods, holders for soap, glass, toilet paper, and
towels, accessories for bathrooms such as art works, other goods of
decoration purposes, goods of plastic, namely fttings for furniture,
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Any unauthorised use, imitation, infringements or fraudulent
intentions of the above marks will be dealt with according to law.

Tin Ohnmar Tun, Tin Tiri Aung & Te Law Chambers
Ph: 0973150632
Attorneys at Law, Germany)
Dated. 29
September, 2014
News 15 www.mmtimes.com
RESTORATION work is never straight-
forward but the former Burma Rail-
ways headquarters poses particular
challenges for those hoping to turn it
into a luxury hotel in the coming years.
The building, according to project
backer Serge Pun, was built on a slab
that is around 60 centimetres (2 feet)
deep, but lacks any footings to anchor
it to the ground. To x this, the build-
ing will need to undergo a process
of underpinning, which would see
piles driven 30 to 40 metres into the
ground, after which the building can
be re-laid on this new foundation.
That [underpinning] has never
been done in Yangon but it is a very,
very common method of preserving
old buildings in London, Paris, in Sin-
gapore, and everywhere else. If you
look at the diagram its basically giv-
ing it new legs that go right down, Mr
Pun told The Myanmar Times.
Once this process is complete, work
will be able to begin on replacing sup-
port beams, load-bearing walls and
other structural elements. The entire
building will be braced with a series of
brackets to ensure it remains structur-
ally sound during the process.
The estimated cost of the entire
Landmark project now stands in ex-
cess of US$400 million. While Mr Pun
did not put a gure on the cost of res-
toration, preserving a piece of history
undoubtedly carries a hefty price tag.
Restoring this old building will
cost me twice as much as if I rebuilt it,
brand-new, [in a way] that looks iden-
tical to what it looks like today. Thats
the essence of restoration and preserv-
ing heritage. You can build a brand-
new building that looks identical but
its not a historic building.
The building dates from the late
1800s but was constructed in phases
as the countrys private railway com-
panies merged before becoming a
state-run enterprise. Ho Weng Hin, a
partner at Studio Lapis, a Singapore-
based heritage consultancy that has
been hired to assess the building, said
because of this it tells the larger his-
tory of Myanmar, through the colonial
and post-independence periods.
While nearly every piece of the
building, from windows to oor-
boards, will need major restoration,
one element of the building that will
not be changed, according to Mr Ho,
is the teak doors. Cut from the famed
Myanmar hardwood, many of the
doors remain in good condition de-
spite being exposed to Yangons tropi-
cal climate for more than 100 years.
Tim McLaughlin and Thomas Kean
The disused former Burma Railways headquarters, constructed in the late 1800s, is slated to become a luxury hotel. Photo: Staff
Landmark project moves forward
without critical lease extension
Aung was replaced by U Than
Htay, while a long-serving deputy
minister, Thura U Thaung Lwin,
was moved to another position.
Mr Pun was hesitant to place
the blame on any specic individu-
als last week but he did point out
that U Than Htay had now been on
the job for more than a year.
I was hoping that it would have
started much earlier, but that is
how it is, he said.
The project has planning ap-
proval in principle from Yangon
City Development Committee,
complies with its new zoning plan
and faces no objections from herit-
age campaigners.
If permission to extend the
lease is secured from the Ministry
of Railways, it would then need to
be cleared by the Myanmar Invest-
ment Commission.
Studio Lapis, a Singapore-based
heritage consultancy that special-
ises in architectural conservation,
started its assessment of the build-
ing in April 2013 and is outlining
restoration needs.
Ho Weng Hin, a partner at Stu-
dio Lapis, said that the buildings
mix of local and imported materi-
als reected the fact that Yangon
then Rangoon was a bustling
port at the centre of the British
Empire when it was built.
The buildings lower oor is con-
structed from laterite blocks rich
clay-like soil cut from Myanmars
riverbeds that gives the building its
distinctive red colour through its
high iron oxide content. The intri-
cate cast-iron canopies that frame the
hundreds of windows in the building
were imported from Scotland.
The construction rm that will
carry out the work will be selected
through a tender process.
In addition to the Peninsula,
Yoma signed a non-binding mem-
orandum of understanding with
Mitsubishi Corporation and Mit-
subishi Estate in October 2013 that
will see a separate business hotel,
serviced apartments, a high-end
condominium, and retail and ofce
space developed. Mitsubishi Cor-
poration and Mitsubishi Estate de-
clined to comment when contacted
by The Myanmar Times.
The business hotel was original-
ly linked to US-hotel management
chain Starwood but Mr Pun said no
decision had been made on which
rm would manage the property.
A number of international hotel
chains had shown considerable in-
terest in the project, he said.
You can name any [hotel
chain] and there is probably a good
chance they have expressed inter-
est, Mr Pun said. Additional re-
porting by Aye Nyein Win
Property development with an estimated cost of more than US$400 million still waiting on Ministry of Rail Transportation approval
The price of history: restoring the
former railways headquarters
Restoring this
building will cost me
twice as much as if I
rebuilt it, brand-new
... Thats the essence
of restoration and
preserving heritage.
Serge Pun
Landmark developer
An interior of the former Burma Railways headquarters. Photo: Supplied/SPA
Amount being contributed by the
ADB and IFC to Landmark, of which
$100 million is debt and the rest equity
Lack of satellite phone hindered search
SIX surviving members of the Hkak-
abo Razi expedition were unable to
search for two missing colleagues
above 4938 metres (16,200 feet) be-
cause of a lack of mountaineering
equipment, they said last week upon
their return to Yangon.
The team also lacked a satellite
phone that could have been used to seek
help earlier, U Myo Thant, the head of
the Invitation of Nature Foundation,
which arranged the trip, conrmed at a
September 21 press conference.
However, he said that the missing
pair had enough climbing and com-
munications equipment, including
two-way radios, a global positioning
system device to show their location
and equipment to send emergency
We think that they must have got
injured and didnt even have an op-
portunity to use the device, said U
Myo Thant, who is also chair of the
Universities Hiking and Mountaineer-
ing Association.
Ko Aung Myint Myat and Ko Wai
Yan Min Thu were last heard from
on August 31, when they reached the
summit of the 5881m (19,294-foot)
Hkakabo Razi, in northern Kachin
State. They were the rst all-Myanmar
team to climb the mountain.
As The Myanmar Times reported
last week, senior ofcials from Htoo
Foundation, which says it has spent
K5 billion searching for the two miss-
ing climbers, said the team was not
adequately prepared for the attempt
on Hkakabo Razi, which has only been
climbed once previously.
Members of the team said at the
press conference they had waited for
the lost climbers at the 4024m (13,200-
foot) base camp until September 5, be-
fore launching a two-day search the
following day.
They said communication difcul-
ties had hampered eforts to look for
the pair.
Ko Wai Yan Min Thu reported to
base team by walkie-talkie at 4:28pm
[on August 31] that they had ar-
rived at the peak. After both teams
sang the national and association
anthems, Ko Wai Yan Min Thu said
that the battery on their device was
low and then dropped out of contact,
said Ko Han Lin Htun, one of the six
hikers that provided support from
base camp.
We waited for them at the base
camp until September 5, as per our
original plan, but they didnt appear
A local guide from the Ta Hon Dam
village went up to 15,800 feet [4816m]
and waited there for three hours but
the team was not found. Then we
searched for the summit team to a
height of 16,200 feet [4938m], he
Ko Han Lin Htun said that it was
too risky for the team to go above that
height without additional climbing
They searched at just below
5000m for two hours on September
7 before returning to base camp and
deciding to submit a report on the
situation to Yangon.
They descended from base camp
the next day, arriving in Ta Hon Dam
village where they hoped to use a sat-
ellite phone owned by U Na Ma John-
sein a noted mountaineer who was
in the rst team to climb Hkakabo
Razi to call Yangon.
The base team made the descent
to Ta Hon Dam, the nearest village to
Khakabo Razi, by the evening of Sep-
tember 9, although it normally takes
ve days.
Ko Han Lin Tun said that if U Na
Ma Johnsein had not been in the vil-
lage, they would have had to continue
walking to Naung Mon an eight-
day trip on foot to be able to make
contact with Yangon. Fortunately, he
was in the village and we could report
the situation to Yangon, he said.
While a major search operation
was launched, it has failed to turn up
any sign of the two climbers.
Htoo Foundation, which is con-
tributing signicant resources to the
efort, said on its Facebook page on
September 21 that it would continue
looking until September 27. Its pa-
tron, U Tay Za, said he will give K100
million to the person or team that
nds the men.
U Myo Thant said that Invitation
of Nature Foundation would continue
the search after September 27 if the
pair has not been found.
Four of the eight team members pose for a photo on the hike to Hkakabo Razi. Photo: Supplied
Six team members waiting at Hkakabo Razi base camp also lacked equipment to search for two missing climbers above 5000 metres
U Myo Thant, head of Invitation of Nature
Foundation, speaks at a September 21
press conference. Photo: Thiri
We think that
they must have
got injured and
didnt even have an
opportunity to use
the [GPS] device.
U Myo Thant
Invitation for Nature Foundation
News 17 www.mmtimes.com
YANGON City Development Com-
mittee has denied reports that it
plans to scrap the city taxi registra-
tion scheme, saying responsibility
for registration will instead be trans-
ferred to another association.
We will not do the city taxi reg-
istration in the future but it does
not mean there is no need to do the
city taxi registration, U Nyi Nyi Oo,
the deputy head of YCDCs manage-
rial department told The Myanmar
Times. We cant say exactly who will
manage it in future. For now we are
still accepting city taxi registrations.
Confusion has reigned over
the issue ever since Ma Hta Tha,
the Yangon Region Supervisory
Committee for Motor Vehicles, an-
nounced it would take over respon-
sibility from April 1, 2013. This never
happened and while a clarication
was published in state media last
year many taxi drivers remain con-
fused over the registration process.
Many taxi drivers argue that they
should not have to pay the YCDC tax.
Currently they have to pay three reg-
istration fees: one to YCDC, another
to the Road Transport Administra-
tion Department (RTAD) and a third
to the Business Licence Ofce.
RTAD already has a record of
our address and vehicle. [Having to
register with YCDC] makes us bus-
ier and costs more. We need to do
three steps and it costs three times
as much, said Yangon taxi driver U
Maung Maung.
Some drivers said they object
more to the inconvenience than the
cost, which is around K65,000 a year
all up. The RTAD tax is K30,000, the
business ofce K20,000 and YCDC
about K15,000.
Its not too much I think its a
reasonable amount, said taxi driver
Ko Myint Oo Naing.
In February this year local of-
cials also began restricting the issu-
ing of business licences to Yangon-
plated vehicles, even though many
taxi drivers wish to ply their trade
in the city using cars registered in
other parts of Myanmar.
At the time many taxi drivers
said they heard the crackdown on
taxi licences was part of a govern-
ment attempt to reduce trafc jams
in Yangon by limiting the number of
commercial vehicles.
Triple taxi taxes set to
continue, insists YCDC
Night of terror after
illegal dam bursts
IT was the night a village drowned. A
dam burst after days of heavy rain un-
leashed a 2.4-metre (8-foot) wave that
devastated Yay Myat village, sweeping
away homes as parents clung to their
children, and destroying livelihoods.
Ko Myo Ko, 20, was awakened by
loud thunder. His little house was shak-
ing as the waters rose. When he went
outside to nd out what was happen-
ing, the strong current was already
pounding his house with rocks. It was
already too late to run.
As Ko Myo Ko tightly hugged his
two-year-old son, Mg Pyae Sone Oo,
his wife, Ma Khaing Soe Wah, clasped
the houses central roof-pole. But in the
inky darkness, the waters had already
swept the house of its foundations.
Ko Myo Ko carried his son through a
hole in the roof, where another surge
snatched the boy from his grasp, carry-
ing him away while sweeping Ko Myo
Ko into a tree. I tried to save my son,
but I couldnt, he sobbed. His wife is
still missing.
The ash ood struck just after
midnight on September 17 in Singu
township, northern Mandalay Region.
Residents said they were completely
unprepared for the ferocity.
Ive lived here for 40 years and
never seen anything like it, said U Chit
But villagers, who earn their living
from farming and gold mining, said
this disaster was man-made.
A dam had been built, without plan-
ning permission, at the junction of two
mountain streams about 1.6 kilometres
(1 mile) above the village, and was used
to irrigate nearby elds. After three
days of heavy rain, the 90m (300-foot)
wide, 6m (20-foot) high dam crumbled.
Villagers said the person who
built the dam was from neighbouring
Kyi Tauk Pauk village. It was unclear
whether he would be charged for con-
structing it without permission: While
Yay Myat villagers said they wanted ac-
tion to be taken, local police said they
had no intention to do so.
Our family of three had to run to a
nearby hill empty-handed, said shop-
keeper Daw Aye Than. Her entire stock,
worth more than K3 million, was lost
in the torrent. How can I make a living
now? she said, pointing to her empty
Neighbour Daw Amar Yin said,
My house is one storey. As the water
level rose, we had to climb up on the
roof. My son and I were very afraid,
and shouted for help. But nobody
could hear.
When morning came, 40 houses
were covered with sand and 14 more
had disappeared entirely. The body
of Mg Pyae Sone Oo was found about
300m from the village, but there is to
date no trace of his mother, Ma Kha-
ing Soe Wah, or another missing girl,
7-year-old Ma Yadana Soe.
Since the disaster villagers have
been searching the banks of the stream
for those who were lost. We saved a
pregnant woman, Ma Zin Mar Soe,
said U Aung Win.
The Mandalay Region government
and local social welfare organisations
have provided some relief supplies.
There have been many donations,
from at least 20 groups a day, said vil-
lage administrator U Maung Naing.
Resident U Aung Win said he had
been planning to hold a donation cer-
emony in October. His stockpiles of
rice, oil, salt, dried sh and other goods
were all lost. Although my donation
ceremony was destroyed, I am at least
glad nobody in our family was killed,
he said.
But not all were so lucky.
Ive been married for just four
years, said a grief-stricken Ko Myo Ko.
Now my sons body has been found,
and at least I can bury him. But I cant
accept that my wife has gone too.
Ive lived here for 40
years and never seen
anything like it.
U Chit Tin
Yay Myat resident
Volunteers help to dig out a house in Yay Myat village,
Mandalay Region, that was buried under sand
during a flash flood. Photo: Than Naing Soe
Southeast Asian football: a load of balls
LAST week, Singapore billionaire
Peter Lim bought a 50 percent stake
in Salford City, a lower league English
football club based in a satellite bor-
ough of Manchester.
The publicity-shy Lim, who is said
to be worth around US$2.4 billion,
is an avid supporter of Manchester
United and runs a group of sport bars
festooned with the clubs regalia.
Four years ago, he made an auda-
cious but ultimately unsuccessful
attempt to buy Liverpool football club,
Man Utds most bitter rival in the
English Premier League.
And in May this year he mounted
an equally brazen $570-million bid to
seize control of the top-ight but debt-
laden Spanish club Valencia.
Now, along with his Salford City co-
owners, who are all former Man Utd
stars, he aims to turn the relatively
obscure club into a powerhouse in
He may well succeed.
His venture has many parallels
over the past two decades, as a grow-
ing number of Asian tycoons have
acquired control of top English and
continental football clubs.
The amboyant boss of Malaysias
Berjaya Corp, Vincent Tan, now owns
Cardif City, while his equally amboy-
ant compatriot, Air Asias head honcho
Tony Fernandes, has bought Queens
Park Rangers.
Thai tycoons got into the act when
former prime minister Thaksin Shina-
watra took over Manchester City for
$134 million in 2007 but later sold it to
Abu Dhabi investors.
Two years ago, a fellow Thai mag-
nate, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, who
owns King Power Duty Free, bought
Leicester City, who beat Lims star-
studded Man U 5-3 just a week ago.
And earlier this month, after long
negotiations, a trio of Thai investors
led by businesswoman Sasima Sri-
vikorn bought the UK Championship
side Reading FC.
Not to be outdone, Indonesias
Erick Thohir, head of the media-based
Mahaka Group, bought a controlling
stake in Italys foremost club Inter
Milan last year.
It is all ne and good. We live in a
globalised world and theres no reason
why this regions most successful busi-
nessmen should not invest in foreign
soccer clubs.
After all, the popularity of footy,
especially the English Premier League,
is second to none. In the pre-season,
top clubs like Arsenal and Chelsea
visit Southeast Asia and play friendly
matches before crowds of up to
What is perplexing, however, is why
no country from this region has ever
been able to produce a half-decent
team of its own.
According to the rankings of FIFA,
the world body governing football,
this regions top national side is from
the Philippines - and it comes in at a
miserable 134
out of 208.
US dollar exchange scam lingers,
despite Central Bank instruction
ON September 11, U Aung Kyaing,
the Pyithu Hluttaw representa-
tive for Nyaung Oo constituency,
submitted a question in parliament
as to why private banks and even
state-owned banks dont accept old
or ink-stained US dollar notes.
U Set Aung, a deputy governor
of the Central Bank of Myanmar,
responded that the Central Bank
has already instructed all private
and state-owned banks to accept all
dollar notes in reasonable condi-
tion that are genuine.
More controversially, he insisted
that both state-owned and private
banks are accepting genuine dollar
notes that are old, creased or have
blemishes, such as ink, spots or
However, we all know his an-
swer is not grounded in reality. So
what is the real situation and what
is the root of the problem?
Private money exchange coun-
ters and banks, including state-
owned banks, dont accept dollar
notes that are even very slightly
old or creased. They often give the
reasons that illegal money-changers
had made fake notes with similar
serial numbers.
Another problem is that many
of the US dollars abroad bear a seal
or stamp from foreign banks that
show the notes have been checked
and found to be genuine. These
notes are often also not accepted
by local banks or money exchange
The root of the problem is
dishonest some would say cor-
rupt practices within state banks.
Private banks, businesspeople and
many ordinary citizens have to use
government banks if they deal in
foreign currencies, including US
But ofcials at these state insti-
tutions who are in charge of foreign
currency management have refused
to accept old dollars for many
years. This is still the case.
They had the power to decide
what kind of notes would be ac-
cepted in Myanmar. Nobody could
argue with them if their notes were
rejected. The custom of refusing old
dollars probably developed from
Ofcials who are in charge of
accepting foreign currency at state-
owned banks have been accused of
allowing old or moderately dam-
aged notes if the owner of the notes
conducted some pre-negotiations
prior to the transaction in other
words, paid a bribe.
At the same time, dealers on the
black market cut the rate for old
notes. For example, those trying to
sell 10 notes would get a lower rate
if some of them were not in perfect
condition. Private banks would
even regularly refuse to accept
slightly worn notes withdrawn from
another private bank in Myanmar,
and instead advise the customer to
return them to the branch where
they had got them.
In other countries, a dollar is a
dollar. Here, a dollar is a dollar for
some and not for most ordinary
people. This tradition of exploiting
those with old greenbacks is a big
business, and the public has lost
The Central Bank has shown it
cant even force state-owned banks
to comply with its instruction. It is
clear that money changers and staf
from government banks are greedi-
ly exploiting the currency exchange
rates. This hurts the country at a
time when it is trying to shed its
old image as a haven of corruption
and attract foreign investors.
In order to resolve this problem,
the Central Bank must strictly
supervise state-owned banks and
ensure they follow its instruc-
tion. After that, private banks and
money exchange counters must fol-
low suit. One option that should be
considered is forcing them to put
a public announcement on their
premises saying that they accept
old dollar notes and include some
sample photos.
Only through measures such as
these will the custom of exploit-
ing the public through cutting the
exchange rate of old greenbacks
will disappear. Then we will have
a currency exchange market
that functions as it does in other
Translation by Zar Zar Soe
Where is a US dollar not always a US dollar? In Myanmar, of course.
Thailands Chanathip Songkrasin
(left) vies for the ball with
Indonesias Rasyid Assahid Bakri
during their first round match
of the 2014 Asian Games at the
Incheon Football stadium in South
Korea on September 22. Photo: AFP
This tradition of
exploiting those
with old greenbacks
is a big business,
and the public has
lost out.
Photo: Kaung Htet
News 23 www.mmtimes.com
Southeast Asian football: a load of balls
Vietnam is next up at 142
, Myan-
mar 143
and poor Cambodia trails in
at 199
, with the others in between.
Staggeringly, given the fanatical
support for the game and the rich
sums of money it can draw upon, not
once since the World Cup began in
1930 has a team from Southeast Asia
qualied for the nals.
It is quite shocking and almost
dees belief, especially when one notes
that places like Bosnia, Costa Rica,
Denmark, Togo, Tunisia, New Zealand,
Slovenia, and Trinidad and Tobago
have all qualied in the past.
What the heck is going on? Small
Slovenia, not even one-tenth the size
of Malaysia and with only 2 million
people, a fraction of the population
of Bangkok, has made it to the World
Cup nals.
Togo, one of the smallest and poor-
est countries in Africa, which largely
survives on cocoa exports and has a
per capita GDP of only $584, 16 times
smaller than Indonesias, has qualied.
It is pitiful. And there are many
more examples of nations smaller
in size, population and wealth than
ASEANs members, regularly qualify-
ing, while this regions football-mad
nations never do.
Despite this, there is a cock-eyed
plan afoot to nominate ASEAN as host
for the 2030 World Cup. It is a risible
idea that will go nowhere.
Meanwhile, the likes of Peter Lim,
Vincent Tan, Tony Fernandes, Erick
Thohir, Sasima Srivikorn and Vichai
Srivaddhanaprabha wisely put their
money in European clubs.. They know
damn well theres no future for the
game in their own region.
In some ways its rather bafing,
but thats the way it is: The support
here all goes to English teams, not to
the local boys.
I have witnessed it myself many
times. In Singapore, I saw Arsenal play
Liverpool in front of a raucous, sold-
out crowd at the National Stadium.
No local game could ever match such
fervent support.
And in Hsipaw, up in Shan State, I
was once having a stroll after dinner
when I saw a crowd of people standing
in front of a wooden cinema where
an old James Bond ick was about to
I asked the manager why the
people were waiting. He said that in a
few minutes, he was going to screen a
live satellite transmission of Newcastle
United versus Stoke City. Go gure.
Presumably, the overpowering
obsession with the English game
comes in part from the lack of quality
home fare.
But just why is soccer so bad here?
Its a given that the inuence of
politics and betting syndicates on the
woefully administered local leagues is
a key factor, but theres got to be more
to it than that.
I have asked people about this
many times and received many difer-
ent answers, some of them quite silly
and among the silliest is the excuse
that players here dont have the physi-
cal build or stamina.
What hogwash. Look at the all-time
greats like Puskas, Pele, Maradona
and Keegan, and the current stars like
Messi, Silva and Sterling. They are all
little guys, no bigger or more muscular
than most Asians.
And kids here have amazing ball
skills. Watch a group playing sepak
takraw and you wonder why Thailand
or Malaysia arent in the World Cup
Finals every time.
As for the other excuses, yes, they
have some validity the degree of
corruption in this regions football is
appalling and appears to have ofcial
connivance or else it would not be so
pervasive and endemic.
Players in Malaysia, for instance,
are known to routinely receive death
threats unless they obey bookies who
run the betting syndicates. And disil-
lusioned fans know this.
At a recent Malaysian Premier
League game between Kuala Lumpur
and Sime Darby, irate supporters
waved banners that said Bookie 5
Fans 0, and that was the score at the
end of the match.
So lets accept that our rich,
sporting-mad tycoons are just facing
reality when they invest their millions
in English teams rather than trying to
build up the sport here.
They know that even lowly Salford
City is a better prospect than any team
in the whole of ASEAN.
Face it fans, football is a lost cause
in this region.
ASEAN should not forget
smallholder farmers
CIVIL society representatives from
a range of ASEAN countries met on
September 18 to discuss regional
agricultural policy. Their recom-
mendations were directed to the
annual meeting of the ASEAN Min-
isters on Agriculture and Forestry
(AMAF) held in Nay Pyi Taw from
September 23 to 25.
Participants at the September
18 meeting called on the ministers
to protect smallholder farmer in-
terests in future policy and argued
for increased protection from land
All ASEAN countries should
adopt the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organisation Voluntary
Guidelines on Responsible Govern-
ance of Tenure. Farmers can then
register their land more easily,
which will encourage investment
and increase production. Other key
priority areas discussed include
nutrition, trade liberalisation, rice
policies and agricultural
Participants warned that free
trade policies between ASEAN
countries ofer threats and oppor-
tunities for smallholder farmers,
and the risks need to be addressed.
Government should closely moni-
tor the impact of this liberalisation
and put in place measures to pro-
tect smallholder farmers. Govern-
ments should also ensure farmers
are competitive against larger
agribusinesses, through measures
such as ensuring they can trade
their products freely within their
own countries, without monopo-
lies being developed on certain
Civil society also called for
agricultural policies to ensure
that production contributes to
improved nutrition. Crops that
ensure a balanced diet should be
promoted, alongside education on
healthy eating, especially among
pregnant women and young
children. Improved rice policy is
an important issue. Participants
called on ASEAN countries and
the ASEAN Secretariat to ensure
the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency
Rice Reserve is an efective bufer
in case of calamity. Rice reserves
at the national level should be
administered efciently, without
corruption, and should support
stable rice markets.
Regulatory frameworks should
be put in place to protect small
farmers, agricultural workers and
the environment. In recent years
agricultural investments have
increased signicantly in a number
of ASEAN member countries. In-
vestment is needed to improve and
increase production, and should be
welcomed. But responsible invest-
ments that work with smallholder
farmers on their own land are
preferred over large land acquisi-
tions that dislocate farmers.
Agriculture is the main source
of income in most countries in
the ASEAN region and the domi-
nant farm model is small scale.
Signicant investment across the
region is going toward large-scale
agribusiness but research such
as by Oxfam, which published
Delivering Prosperity in Myan-
mars Dry Zone in July shows
that with the right policies,
investment in small-scale farming
can help to reduce poverty and
inequality, and strengthen food
security. So that this happens,
ASEAN ministers must ensure
that inter-regional agreements
listen to farming communities
and address the investment needs
of small-scale farmers.
As general recommendations
participants called on ministers to
put in place efective monitoring
mechanisms and inter-ministerial
coordination for the implementa-
tion of the ASEAN Integrated Food
Security (AIFS) Framework 2015-
2020, which was on the agenda of
last weeks meeting. Finally, they
called for enhanced involvement of
civil society organisations in policy
discussions at both the national
and regional level. Together we
would like to work toward a food-
secure ASEAN region.
Ohnmar Khaing is coordinator of the
Food Security Working Group, Shwe
Thein is chair of the Land Core Group,
Marlene Ramirez is secretary general
of AsiaDHRRA and Esther Penunia is
secretary general of the Asian Farmers
Association for Sustainable Rural
AN updated K5000 note will enter cir-
culation on October 1 in a bid to ght
counterfeiting, but authorities say they
are being careful to make sure the
move will not upset the money supply
and lead to ination.
The plan is to gradually introduce
the new note, which appears similar
to the existing redcoloured white el-
ephant note except it includes a water-
mark elephant, a security thread and a
layer of varnish on both sides.
The Central Bank of Myanmar is in-
troducing the note in a bid to prevent
counterfeiting, though the existing
K5000 note will continue to be legal
A Central Bank of cial said the
amount of new notes being printed is
condential, but the main purpose is
to prevent harm [from counterfeits]
when citizens withdraw money.
The government has attempted to
head of any problems from introduc-
ing the revamped K5000 note in part
by devoting half of the front page of the
September 19 New Light of Myanmar
to announcing the new bill.
High denomination notes are par-
ticularly likely to be counterfeit, the
Central Banks website said. It added
that steps to discover a forgery include
checking to see if the suspect note is
too smooth, or has no security thread
or watermark. The Central Bank also
claims there are relatively few counter-
feit notes in circulation in Myanmar.
U Thaw Zay Ya, general manager at
Kanbawza Banks Botahtaung branch,
said counterfeit notes often end up at
the bank, where they are demolished
by punching holes in the note, as long
as the customer agrees.
We discuss the problems of coun-
terfeiting with the customer rst and
tell them it cant enter the market, he
said. The customer is responsible if
they dont accept our advice.
The Myanmar economy is still
largely cash-based, and there is a wide-
spread problem of having old, worn
out notes accepted. Though the Central
Banks policy is that banks must accept
worn-out but genuine notes, it is not
universally adhered to.
U Thaw Zay Ya said it can be dif-
cult accepting larger denomination
K5000 and K10,000 notes if they are
hard to reissue. It also becomes more
dif cult to tell counterfeit and genuine
notes apart as they get older though
even newer bills can still be counterfeit.
Even the US has to update its notes
[due to counterfeiting], he said.
Still, introducing new bills to make
counterfeiting more dif cult comes
with its own set of perils.
Experts say Myanmar has mishan-
dled some previous currency schemes,
including two large-scale demonetisa-
tions of existing currency and introduc-
tion of bills with odd face values like
K45 and K90 in the 1980s. Excessive
money printing has also been blamed
for high ination rates in the past,
though the Central Bank of cial said it
is keen to avoid repeating this mistake.
Whether the new notes will lead
to ination depends on how they are
introduced, said economist U Khine
If the new K5000 notes are used to
replace old notes in a oneforone ex-
change, or if the total new money sup-
ply is less than the rate of GDP growth,
it should not result in undue ination.
But if its not done this way, print-
ing new money will be the primary rea-
son for ination, he said.
Ination has been on the govern-
ments radar. U Kan Zaw, minister of
national planning and economic devel-
opment, said last month that it is some-
thing the government seeks to address,
partly through its eforts to ease trade
ows and production.
The Asian Development Bank said
it estimates ination at 6.6 percent in
2014, to rise to 6.9pc next year. It an-
ticipates GDP growth at 7.8pc for both
2014 and 2015, according to its website.
Introduction of K5000
notes closely watched
TELENOR became the third mobile
operator in Myanmar after launch-
ing services in Mandalay on Sep-
tember 27, as the company positions
itself to serve the mass market in an
increasingly competitive telecoms
Like its rivals, the Norway-
based telco has faced challenges
in receiving permissions to build
towers as well as constructing
them in the rainy season, leading
to its decision to delay launching
in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon until
early October.
Telenor has a commitment to
launch services in Myanmar before
October 5 a deadline it will meet in
Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw. Howev-
er, its Yangon service will not launch
until about a week after the dead-
line, said Telenor Myanmar CEO Pet-
ter Furberg.
The reason we are delayed is
partly related to building permits.
The government has done a very
good job supporting us in terms of
building permits, but Yangon for
was instance very slow in terms of
giving out build permits, he said.
And we also emphasised to
the government it is important
for Telenor to have good quality
before we launch. We cannot sell
and charge for something that isnt
real, he said.
The rm has informed the regu-
lator in writing about the delay, Mr
Furberg said at a press conference
on September 25.
Meanwhile, the residents of My-
anmars second city were able to of-
cially purchase SIMs on September
More than 1500 Mandalay
shops and nine proprietary Telenor
Telenor takes on Mandalay frst
Customers queue for SIMs in Myanmars second city on September 27. Mandalay is the early winner in the race to connect Myanmar, now being served by three telcos. Photos: Si Thu Lwin
Telenor CEO Petter Furberg
(right) speaks at a press
conference. Photo: Thiri Lu
Intervet International B.V., a Company incorporated and existing
under the laws of the Netherlands, and having its registered offce
at Wim de Krverstraat 35, 5831 AN Boxmeer, The Netherlands,
hereby declares that the Company is the Owner and Sole Proprietor
of the following Trademark:
Reg. No. IV/5610/2014 (16 May 2014)
The above trademark is used in respect of veterinary preparation
for the prevention and treatment of lice infestations in aquaculture
in Class 5:
Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the above mark or
other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law.
For Intervet International B.V.,
U Soe Phone Myint
BM Myanmar Legal Services Limited (Baker & McKenzie)
1203, 12
Floor, Sakura Tower,
339 Bogyoke Aung San Road,
Kyauktada Township, Yangon,
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Dated: 29 September 2014
25 BUSINESS EDITOR: Jeremy Mullins | jeremymullins7@gmail.com
Dangerous work in
construction comes
without insurance
Yangon city expansion
plans shelved after
public criticism
Exchange Rates (September 26 close)
Currency Buying Selling
Malaysia Ringitt
Singapore Dollar
Thai Baht
US Dollar
LEGAL rice exports to China took a step
closer to becoming reality last week, as
Chinese and Myanmar of cials inked
an agreement as part of a move to en-
sure rice quality.
Two years ago China was a small
scale buyer of Myanmar rice, but it
has transformed to become Myanmars
largest rice export market, as border
trade rose from a negligible amount in
2010-11 to 752,000 tonnes in 201213.
China became a net importer of
rice only in 2011, and has been ofer-
ing prices well above the world aver-
age in recent months. Yet Myanmar
needs to improve its rice quality to
meet challenges from countries like
Vietnam and Cambodia, according to
a World Bank report on the rice mar-
ket from earlier this year.
Myanmar has also been disadvan-
taged through not having the formal
agreements necessary to legally ex-
port rice to China. However, negotia-
tions between the Myanmar Ministry
of Agriculture and Irrigation and Chi-
nese of cials from the General Ad-
ministration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ),
and supported by the Myanmar Rice
Federation, are under way.
A memorandum of understanding
on agricultural standards was signed
by AQSIQ and ASEAN members dur-
ing the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on
Agriculture and Forestry in Nay Pyi
Taw on September 25. Traders say it
gives them hope the other agreements
needed to begin legal exports to China
can be signed.
Weve just signed the rststep
MoU on quality, but the markets not
of cially opened, said U Soe Tun, joint
secretary of the Myanmar Rice Federa-
tion. We cant get much out of just this
agreement, as we need to sign other
government-to-government agree-
Traders say a sanitary and phytosan-
itary (SPS) agreement on health stand-
ards need to signed, as well as further
negotiations over quotas and taxes, be-
fore exports can formally begin. Legal
shipments will then likely leave Yangon
port by ocean-going vessel, through the
Straits of Malacca to the Chinese ports.
However, without the benet of legal
trade, rice exports are conned to infor-
mal, overland routes.
The trade to China went from being
nearly non-existent two years to pres-
ently comprising over 50 percent of
total exports. With the major reorienta-
tion in export market, the trade routes
have also shifted.
Rice from the major growing ar-
eas in Ayeyarwady Region are usu-
ally shipped to Yangon by small boat or
road, and then on to Mandalay. Some-
times Ayeyarwady rice, as well as rice
from Sagaing or Bago, is shipped direct-
ly to Mandalay by barge on the Ayeyar-
waddy river.
From Mandalay, rice travels over-
land to the Muse border crossing in
northern Shan State the main point of
entry for Myanmar rice to China.
One rice trader said it costs about
K80,000 per tonne to ship rice from
Yangon to Muse using a combination of
truck and river traf c. The cost is about
double that of shipping from Yangon
port to Myanmars traditional markets
in Africa.
Large-scale rice trader and MRF
joint secretary U Lu Maw Myint
Maung said the cost could drop signi-
cantly if the China trade becomes le-
galised and traders were instead able
to ship by water.
With ocean shipping to China now
impossible due to the legal situation of
rice, the overland route predominates.
The Muse commodity exchange centre
is full of brokers who have connections
to Chinese buyers, who then purchase
the rice, often for use as an ingredient
in food like noodles or snacks.
U Myo Thura Aye, a former joint
secretary of the MRF, said Muse bro-
kers are used to doing business with the
Chinese, and are an integral part of this
new trade.
They have had relations for many
First step made for a
legal China rice trade
Rice traders eye huge opportunity as of cials ink an agreement on rice health standards
Telenor takes on Mandalay frst
stores started selling the telcos
K1500 SIM cards on September
27. Though Mr Furberg declined to
disclose the exact number of SIMs
Telenor provided to stores, he said
the gure was in the millions and
is more than enough to meet con-
sumers needs without resorting
to the black market.
The order in which service will
come to Myanmars cities and ru-
ral areas depends on the state of
the Telenor network there, accord-
ing to Mr Furberg, as the company
emphasises good coverage above all
else. Yangons tower build has been
hampered by heavy rains and regu-
latory delays.
While its been raining and
raining and raining in Yangon, its
been sunshine in Mandalay, Mr
Furberg said.
Telenor has also taken a mass-
market approach partly by us-
ing a mix of 2G and 3G coverage,
in contrast to Ooredoos 3G-only
approach. It will charge K25 per
minute to make calls to anyone in
Myanmar, while messaging will
cost K15 per SMS.
Mr Furberg also downplayed
concerns that a mass-market ap-
proach could mean missing out on
the most lucrative subscribers, say-
ing the rm is working to bringing
telecoms to those who previously
did not have access.
We actually see the mass mar-
ket as the most lucrative segment.
We came to this market to be part
of bringing mobile phones to those
that did not have mobile phones,
he said.
Our focus has never been on the
people in Yangon that already have
big, fat smartphones and were able
to aford a SIM card for US$200.
The company is also ofering
two diferent types of internet
plans, one aimed at users who
make use of less bandwidth-in-
tense services such as Facebook,
email and Viber, and the other
aimed at heavier users who want
to stream content.
Its My Internet plan is standard,
delivering internet speeds of up to
300kbps for K6 a megabyte, while
its Smart Internet plan costs K10
a megabyte for speeds capped at
2mpbs. Both plans have pack up-
grades that give mobile users that
pay more upfront for better deals
on more megabytes of data.
Mr Furberg also highlighted the
rms add-ons, such as free Wikipe-
dia and its partnership with Face-
book, as well as its My Tune music
The telco aims to cover more
than 90pc of Myanmar in ve
years, with its products sold across
100,000 points of sale.
We came to this
market to be part
of bringing mobile
phones to those
that did not have
mobile phones.
Petter Furberg
Telenor Myanmar CEO
Customers queue for SIMs in Myanmars second city on September 27. Mandalay is the early winner in the race to connect Myanmar, now being served by three telcos. Photos: Si Thu Lwin
LOCAL bankers are holding their
breath ahead of the plunge of foreign
banks receiving licences and setting
up shop in Myanmar.
About ve to 10 foreign banks are
to receive licences this month. They
will face a number of restrictions, such
as a prohibition from entering the re-
tail trade, a US$75 million capital re-
quirement and a one-branch limit, de-
signed to keep them from competing
too much with local banks.
But some local bankers say they
will nevertheless face challenges from
the foreign banks.
U Sein Maung, chair of First Pri-
vate Bank, told The Myanmar Times
that it is still unclear exactly what
roles local and foreign banks will be
permitted to play.
If the Central Bank cannot han-
dle the issue [of foreign banks] well,
our monetary market could be coloni-
alised, and this is a serious issue, he
said on the sidelines of the Myanmar
Global Investment Forum in Nay Pyi
After years of domination by state
banks in Myanmar, private nancial
institutions are slowly gaining ground.
U George Soe Win, a banking and in-
vestment consultant, said more pri-
vate banks are ofering more products,
but still they are dwarfed by foreign
The largest [private] bank in My-
anmar in terms of capitalisation, Kan-
bawza, has been growing a lot in the
last two years, but it is still 200 times
smaller than DBS Bank in Singapore,
he said at a workshop held at UMFCCI
in Yangon on September 25. We have
a long way to go in the future.
Local banks lag behind interna-
tional banking standards in many ar-
eas, not only in size.
Daw Kim Chaw Su, head of Kan-
bawzas international banking divi-
sion, said a lack of infrastructure, re-
strictions on nancial products and a
shortage of skilled labour will make
it dif cult for domestic banks to de-
velop, as the foreign banks likely to
receive licences have much more ca-
pacity. The international banks that
set up shop will also look for trained
Myanmar bankers, which they may
poach from local banks.
Daw Kim Chaw Su said there is not
yet enough skilled labour to go around
in the banking industry.
Without skilled labour, its very
dif cult to progress, she said.
Other local bankers said it is
important that the rules governing
foreign banks are made available.
Transparency on the licensing
process for foreign banks and rm
Central Bank regulations will be
important to help the local banking
sector survive, said AYA Bank deputy
managing director U Min Wint Oo.
U Set Aung, deputy governor of the
Central Bank of Myanmar, said at the
Nay Pyi Taw conference on September
16 the reform process is moving for-
ward, though it is not without its chal-
He also told The Myanmar Times
last week that there is no delay in an-
nouncing the licences. The Central
Bank said previously the winners will
be announced in September.
The Central Bank is also consider-
ing gradually easing nancial restric-
tions on domestic banks, although
they are still at an early stage of de-
Currently, domestic banks face an
8 percent limit on interest for deposit
accounts and a 13pc limit on loans
though the spread in practice is nar-
rower through additional rules such
as a reserve requirement. Banks are
also limited on the range of products
they can ofer and the collateral they
can accept.
Even with the restrictions, experts
say the banking sector has been show-
ing signs of improvement.
U San Thein, an expert on nancial
sector development with German de-
velopment agency GIZ, said the sector
is showing signs of improvement.
The deposit rate at domestic banks
is growing faster than the loan rate,
with annual growth at 27pc and 11pc
respectively. Meanwhile, commercial
banks are growing in terms of assets,
saving and deposits.
The gures may increase further
in 2014, though Myanmar lags behind
other regional countries in most meas-
ures, he said.
Still, challenges remain in the sec-
tor. State-owned banks have more
than 66pc market share, while the
sector is handicapped by poor human
resources, a need for reforms for the
state-owned banks, and requirements
for liberalisation, transparency and
Commercial banks are still not
aware of corporate governance and
ethical standards, but this will be im-
portant when competing with foreign
banks, said U San Thein.
The banking sector could also ofer
a range of well-paying employment.
Building up the local banks
The nancial landscape in Myanmar is set to be signicantly altered when licences arrive for foreign banks,
with local bankers calling for greater clarity on the rules governing the sector
INDIA is calling for bidders from My-
anmar in a rice tender for the north-
eastern corner of the country, the rst
such large request in years, according
to rice dealers.
India has long been one of the
worlds largest rice exporters and a
frequent competitor with Myanmar
in third-country markets, but a Sep-
tember 19 Reuters report said a plan
to broaden a railway in the northeast
requires temporary rice imports.
Myanmar traders say they are keen
to begin exports to India, which has
seldom required rice imports, as it
may lead to chances for future trade.
Its a good opportunity for My-
anmar, said U Chan Thar Oo, vice
president of the Muse Rice Wholesale
Centre. The Myanmar rice market
currently depends on China but the
more markets we have, the better.
While Indian of cials had initially
targeted nishing the rst tender by
September 23, the process was delayed
due to technical reasons, according to
Indian newspaper Business Standard.
Myanmar rice traders said the
countrys exporters should take advan-
tage of its position between the worlds
two most populous nations.
Although the tender is not too big,
it may begin long-term relationships,
said U Aung Than Htun, president of
the Mandalay Rice Association.
Indias rare
call for rice
ayethidarkyaw@gmail.com 29.nyanlynnaung@gmail.com
The largest
[private] bank in
Myanmar ... is still
200 times smaller
than DBS Bank.
U George Soe WIn
Banking consultant
Business 27 www.mmtimes.com
MOST construction workers are
building up Yangon without any
personal insurance, as insurers say
they must do more to spread knowl-
edge of their services.
Construction is a notoriously risky
industry to work in, but even long-
time labourers say they usually have
no protection in the case of accidents.
Ive been working in construc-
tion for ages, said labourer Ko Htin
Aung Thwin. But I know very little
about insurance.
He said he understands insur-
ance pays money in the event of
a workplace accident, but is not
aware of how to get coverage unless
his employer chooses to do so. Still,
Ko Htin Aung Thwin said insurance
would likely be helpful.
If we have insurance, we dont
need to worry for our familys fu-
ture, he said.
Yet it is not only workers who
claim limited knowledge of in-
surance. Several developers told
The Myanmar Times they have
only passing familiarity with the
concept, though some have since
looked into buying insurance for
their labourers.
U Hla Maung Shwe, owner of
Pyae Phyo Kyaw Construction, said
he had previously not bought insur-
ance for his workers as he did not
understand it, until he researched
it and decided insurance was worth
the investment.
Providing insurance makes for
a happier workforce, as they have
peace of mind that they will be
looked after if they are injured on
the job.
If employers buy insurance for
their workers, they will take their
work seriously, he said.
While most international-class
developers buy insurance as a mat-
ter of course, smaller rms often do
Workers tend to oat between
diferent small-scale developers,
nding temporary employment for
a specic project. This makes it dif-
cult to arrange insurance for work-
ers, especially when there is high
employee turnover.
For those who do purchase in-
surance, the most common plan
for construction workers is a group
plan costing K5000 per worker a
year, with a payment of K500,000
in the event of death, and diferent
amounts for other injuries. Terms
can range signicantly between one
month and 45 years, with premium
payments to match, according to in-
dustry sources.
While group insurance requires a
minimum of ve members in a plan,
there is also personal insurance
available, which can last between
one and ve years.
A 2013 move to end Myanma In-
surances monopoly and allow pri-
vate companies into the sector has
also improved knowledge on the
issue, as private insurers look to at-
tract customers. U Hla Maung Shwe
said a private insurance company
assisted him with explaining the
benets of insurance, after which
he purchased their products.
Ayeyar Myanmar Insurance of -
cial U Than Zaw said it is important
to explain the diferent types of in-
surance, such as the diferent types
of life insurance, when signing up
Firms can for instance ofer term
and permanent insurance, with dif-
ferent sets of criteria for groups, en-
dowment or snake-bite insurance.
Myanma Insurance sends its
representatives around to diferent
construction companies to explain
the benets of having insurance,
said U Saw Sein Lin, assistant man-
ager from Myanma Insurance.
There are diferent premiums
for diferent classications of risk
type for personal insurance, but the
schemes are being implemented
widely, he said. The new [private]
insurance companies are also im-
plementing it enthusiastically.
But some employers stint on
paying money and dont want to buy
insurance, while others dont know
about insurance, he said.
While there are a number of pri-
vate insurance companies now sell-
ing products, the services they ofer
and the premiums they charge are
restricted by the Insurance Business
Supervisory Board.
Translation by Thiri Min Htun
Insuring workers now on the agenda
Insurance may come in handy when your work environment includes young men
and construction tools. Photo: Zarni Phyo
THE Myanmar Investment Commis-
sion (MIC) is promoting joint ventures
between foreign and local rms, with
of cials saying misunderstanding over
minimum capital requirements is hin-
dering projects.
Setting up smallerscale joint
ventures has the potential to ease lo-
cal companies access to capital and
technological knowhow while ben-
eting local people and providing an
investment avenue for foreign rms,
said Daw Nilar Mon, the section head
of the Directorate of Investment and
Company Administrations (DICA)
Company section.
Before the 2012 investment law,
a minimum capital of US$300,000
was required for foreignlocal joint
ventures in the services sector, while
$500,000 was required for other sec-
tors. However, this restriction was re-
moved with the 2012 law, she said.
Investors can now easily found a
joint venture without a minimum cap-
ital requirement, she said.
There is no limitation for citizens
or for foreign investors.
The MIC is the government agency
that approves foreign investment, while
DICA is the implementing agency.
There is also no longer a centrally
set ratio determining how much of
a company a foreign entity can own,
though a handful of sectors are re-
stricted while others have the ratio de-
termined by the relevant government
For instance the Ministry of Hotels
and Tourism set the maximum capital
ratio for foreigners in tourism compa-
nies at 60c, while the Ministry of Trans-
portation set a 20pc limit for transpor-
tation services, sad Daw Nilar Mon.
Recent updates to the foreign in-
vestment rule allows joint or full in-
vestment in all sectors except 10, while
another 64 areas require a foreign
rm to have a local partner.
prevented by
says DICA
THE fourth planned mobile service
provider is getting closer to picking
its foreign partner, according to a
senior company of cial.
While MPT, Ooredoo and Telenor
have all launched service, Yatanar-
pon Teleport (YTP) is a Myanmar
owned company that is set to re-
ceive the last mobile licence for the
YTP of cials have highlighted
the importance of partnering with
an experienced telecoms rm to as-
sist in technical areas, building HR
capacity and improving access to -
nance, among other areas.
YTP head of business develop-
ment and corporate afairs Ma Nilar
Aye said the decision on a partner
will be made very soon.
The company had a shortlist of
16 foreign rms that were interested
in partnering with it as of late last
year. It has been holding discus-
sions with potential partners over
what form a joint venture would
take, and has narrowed down the
list. Of cials from some potential
suitors have said their negotiations
are on hold.
Ma Nilar Aye said YTP will re-
main a majority-Myanmar owned
company, though the exact size of
the stakes are still a matter of dis-
cussion. Still, the ongoing negotia-
tions are important for the rm.
We are very excited, she said.
This is a very challenging and very
interesting [period] we are the
second Myanmar operator so this is
our future.
With Telenors launch on Sep-
tember 27, there are now three ac-
tive mobile operators.
However, Ma Nilar Aye said that
while YTP may be late to the race,
it will have a chance to learn from
the good and bad experiences of the
other telcos.
There is success and failure eve-
rywhere, she said.
It may also be easier to lease
bandwidth and share towers after
the other three telcos have gotten
further in their builds.
YTP aims to cement its partner-
ship before applying for a mobile
licence though it already has
an integrated licence allowing
it to be an internet service pro-
vider. The rm will also sells
shares to the public, and is
currently working to transi-
tion to a public company.
Ma Nilar Aye said
that while working on
forming a partnership is
a main goal, there are
many other activities
that are
going on at the
same time.
We are
thinking about
the best service
all the time, and we would like to
provide the latest technology, she
The company has existing inter-
net clients, and is also preparing for
more anticipated competition once
the telecoms regulations are creat-
ed and allow
for more ISPs.
YTP close on partner search
Ma Nilar Aye speaks
at Myanmar Connect.
Photo: Aung Htay Hlaing
years so nding buyers for them is not
very dif cult, he said.
Usually about 30 or 40 rice brokers
enter from the Chinese city of Ruili
when the border gates open at 8am My-
anmar time. Brokers and buyers then
meet to discuss the price and terms of
contracts, before returning to Ruili.
Myanmar traders are usually re-
quired to get the rice across the border
by using trucks with Chinese licences
that are owned by Myanmar traders,
often with shipments of up to 20 tonnes
a truck. From Ruili, the rice is sold in
other areas in China.
U Min Thein said many Myanmar
traders have bank accounts in Ruili to
make payments easier.
If you have a Myanmar national
registration card, you can open a bank
account in Ruili, he said.
Yunnan Province is the main area in
China that buys Myanmar rice, partly
due to its proximity to Shan State, but
there are another three or four provinc-
es that have active demand. Much of it
gets used to make food, with prices well
above international rates.
Highquality Thai 100pc B Grade
fetched about US$450 to $460 a tonne
on international markets last week, ac-
cording to the industry website www.
Myanmar traders say Chinese de-
mand has been much stronger since
June, when a areup of tension in the
South China Sea made it politically dif -
cult to purchase rice from Vietnam, tra-
ditionally its largest source of the staple.
Yet because Myanmars trade is il-
legal from Chinas point of view, it is
subject to various conscations at the
border, which traders say have recently
limited the amount that has owed
across the border.
U Min Thein said that while usually
border crackdowns simply see some
goods conscated, there have recently
been cases of businesspeople being ar-
One Chinese man was arrested
[on September 18] and has not been
released yet. Since then, only three or
four Chinese traders a day are coming
to Muse for rice trading, he said. How-
ever, he said the market may soon re-
turn to normal.
Yet Myanmar is not being singled out
by the Chinese policy, said U Soe Tun.
Other countries that also illegally
ship goods to the Peoples Republic pe-
riodically face repercussions, so it is dif-
cult for the Myanmar Rice Federation
to ask for special treatment, he said.
Although a memorandum of under-
standing has now been signed, an actu-
al SPS agreement must be inked, as well
as regulations governing quotas, said U
Lu Maw Myint Maung.
The quotas allow a xed quantity of
imports to proceed without tarifs, he
Were hoping Myanmar will get
a quota of a million tonnes of rice a
year, he said.
a corporation organized under the laws of Japan and having its
principal offce at 1-23-37, Edobori, Nishi-Ku, Osaka, Japan is the
owner and sole proprietor of the following trademarks:-
(Reg: No. IV/12455/2014)
(Reg: No. IV/12456/2014)
in respect of :- All printing ink
Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said
trademarks or other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with
according to law.
U Kyi Win Associates
P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon.
Phone: 372416
Dated: 29
September, 2014
NOTICE is hereby given that TOTAL SA a company organized
under the Laws of France and having its principal offce at 2 Place
is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following design:-
(Reg: Nos. IV/7343/2008 & IV/8557/2011)
in respect of:- Lubricant container made of plastic and used as
oil can
Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said design or
other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law.
U Kyi Win Associates
P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon.
Phone: 372416 Dated: 29
September, 2014
NOTICE is hereby given that Mondelez Australia (Foods) Ltd.
a company organized under the laws of Australia and having its
principal offce at Level 6, South Wharf Tower, 30 Convention
Centre Place, South Wharf, Victoria 3006, Australia is the owner
and sole proprietor of the following trademark:-
(Reg: Nos. IV/2359/2011 & IV/8851/2014)
in respect of :- Meat, fsh, poultry and game; meat extracts;
preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; vegetable
extracts; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and other dairy products; edible
oils and fats; spreads; preserves, pickles Class: 29
Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice tapioca, sago, coffee substitutes;
four, and preparations made from cereals; bread, biscuits, cakes,
pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast; concentrated
yeast extract; spreads; baking powder; salt, mustard; pepper,
vinegar, sauces, spices; ice Class: 30
Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademark or
other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law.
U Kyi Win Associates
for Mondelez Australia (Foods) Ltd.
P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon.
Phone: 372416 Dated: 29
September, 2014
Business 29 www.mmtimes.com
Japans investment in China
in a staggering decline
Two years have passed since Japan-
China relations deteriorated over the
Senkaku Islands, but the economic
relationship has yet to improve, with
Japans direct investment in China
continuing to decline.
Japan put some of its islands under
state control in September 2012.
Japans direct investment in China
from January to June dropped 48.8
percent from the same period last
year to US$2.4 billion. This indicates
Japanese companies efforts to make
inroads into China have lost steam.
This is a staggering decline, said
Eizo Kobayashi, chair of Japan Foreign
Trade Council. Japans direct invest-
ment in China is expected to continue
to fall at least until the end of this year.
The Yomiuri Shimbun
ADB bullish on Indias Modi
Indias economy shows promise of
a turnaround following Narendra
Modis election, while Asian markets
will likely ride out the effects of further
stimulus tapering by the United States,
the Asian Development Bank said
September 25.
The Manila-based lender was bull-
ish on Indias future in a supplement
to its 2014 economic outlook for the
region saying it expected gross domes-
tic product (GDP) to grow 6.3 percent
next year, up from an earlier projection
of 6pc.
After winning a decisive parliamen-
tary victory, the new (Modi) government
is better positioned than the old to
pursue the reform necessary to unlock
the economys growth potential, the
bank said in its summary. AFP
iPhone sales top 10 million
Apple broke its sales record for an
opening weekend of a new iPhone
model, delivering 10 million in the rst
three days and boasting it could have
sold more if it had them.
Sales for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6
Plus exceeded our expectations for
the launch weekend, and we couldnt
be happier, Apple chief executive Tim
Cook said on September 22.
We could have sold many more
iPhones with greater supply and we are
working hard to ll orders as quickly as
possible. AFP
US Treasury shuts tax loopholes
The US Treasury took action to halt a
rising torrent of US companies moving
offshore to cut their tax bills, saying the
surge in so-called inversions threat-
ened government income.
The move to close loopholes that
encourage US companies to merge
with a foreign rms and relocate their
tax residences offshore could stie
takeovers announced this year worth
hundreds of billions of dollars.
Those include several high-prole
medical industry deals, including
AbbVies US$55 billion purchase of
Shire and Medtronics $43 billion
merger with Covidien, as well as
Burger Kings $11 billion tie-up with
Tim Hortons, and Chiquita Bananas
proposed $1 billion merger with Fyffes.
The Treasury said it was moving
after Congress failed to act on the
issue. AFP
Jakarta lenders cut deposit rates
Indonesian banks are cutting deposit
rates from a ve-year high as demand
for cash declines, allowing the worlds
most protable lenders to benet from
the slowing economy.
The average interest rate paid on
one-year deposits was 8.51 percent in
July, the highest since October 2009,
with Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank
Central Asia and Bank Mandiri saying
they see room to reduce the rate they
pay savers as slower lending growth
damps competition for cash. The one-
month Jakarta interbank offered rate,
or Jibor, dropped 22 basis points this
month to 7.36 percent, falling below
Bank Indonesias 7.5 percent policy
rate for the rst time in 2014.
THE largest stock ofer in history
has made Jack Ma, founder of e-
commerce giant Alibaba, Chinas
richest person with a fortune of
US$25 billion, an annual wealth
ranking for the country showed on
September 23.
Mr Ma, who had to persuade
friends to give him $60,000 to start
Alibaba just 15 years ago after be-
ing rejected by US venture capital-
ists, now leads a company valued at
more than $200 billion after listing
on the New York Stock Exchange.
It has been an amazing year for
Chinas best tycoons despite the jit-
ters about the Chinese economy,
said China-based luxury magazine
publisher Hurun Report in its an-
nual rich list.
Mr Ma reaped more than $800
million from selling shares through
the initial public ofering in Alibaba,
based on company lings, with the
value of his remaining stake of 7.8
percent surging to more than $17
billion by September 22.
Last year the estimated wealth of
the former English teacher turned
internet entrepreneur was just over
$4 billion, which did not even place
him in the top 20 in the 2013 survey.
Mr Mas parents were poorly ed-
ucated and his father depended on
a monthly retirement allowance of
just $40 to support the family, ac-
cording to Chinese state media.
Alibabas listing raised a total of
$25 billion.
Only one other of Alibabas 18 co
founders made the rich list this year,
according to the Hurun Report. He
is Simon Xie, now vice president of
Alibaba in China, with $1.6 billion.
Mr Ma pushed property tycoon
Wang Jianlin, whose Wanda company
bought US cinema chain AMC Enter-
tainment, into second place from rst
last year with a fortune of $24.2 bil-
lion. The bursting of Chinas real es-
tate bubble chased most developers
out of the top 10, Hurun Report said.
A new face, Li Hejun of renew-
able energy rm Hanergy, tied for
third place with $20.8 billion, along-
side beverage magnate Zong Qing-
hou of Wahaha.
But technology commanded half
of the top 10. Pony Ma of Tencent,
operator of Chinas most popular
instant messaging application We-
Chat, was fth with $18.1 billion.
Robin Li of Chinas dominant
search engine Baidu was sixth,
Richard Liu of Alibaba competitor
JD.com took ninth, and Lei Jun of
upstart mobile phone producer Xi-
aomi was 10
Completing the top 10 were fa-
ther and son team Yan Jiehe and
Yan Hao of road-builder China Pa-
cic Construction in seventh posi-
tion and another real estate mogul,
Yan Bin of Reignwood in eighth.
Chinas real estate and infra-
structure industries have been hit
by the slowing economy.
Still, Hurun Report said the
number of US dollar billionaires in
China hit 354 this year, up 39 from
last year.
But a corruption crackdown
and austerity program launched by
leader Xi Jinping has taken its toll
on current and former members
of the rich list, with several fac-
ing criminal punishment or eeing
overseas. AFP
Whos the richest person in China? This guy, following Alibabas record IPO in
New York. Photo: AFP
Chinas richest man is Jack Ma
The Fine Print
Legal & tax insight
Choice of law clauses
ONE of the most important clauses in
a contract with parties from diferent
countries is the choice of law clause.
In the choice of law clause, parties
lay down which law should govern
the contract. An investor from, for in-
stance, Thailand will of course want
agreements to be interpreted accord-
ing to the standards of Thai law as the
Thai legal system is familiar to him,
just as, naturally, the Myanmar side
will be unlikely to accept this proposal
and suggest that the contract be gov-
erned by Myanmar law instead.
Sometimes, the parties agree on
the law of a third country such as Sin-
gapore so as to avoid one party having
an advantage over the other by under-
standing more about the law govern-
ing the contract. However, this is often
not an option.
For one thing, the application of
Myanmar law is sometimes manda-
tory, for instance in contracts for the
cross-border sale of goods. Further-
more, contracts with government en-
tities such as a state-owned enterprise
usually have to be submitted to the
Union Attorney Generals Ofce (AGO)
for review. The AGO will most likely
refuse approval if the contract is gov-
erned by foreign law.
If the Myanmar side is a private
party, negotiations may fail if the for-
eign investor does not concede on
the choice of law issue. Furthermore,
choice of foreign law may cause prob-
lems if the contract has to be submit-
ted as part of the application proce-
dure for a permit.
Many foreign investors fear that
the outcome of disputes will become
intolerably unpredictable if Myanmar
law is chosen. However, is this fear
The laws of Myanmar especially
the laws dealing with contracts are
largely the laws as they were in place
in British India; they have not been
amended much post-independence.
There is hardly any case law post-
independence dealing with business
disputes. On the positive side, this also
means that there is not much surpris-
ing case law that could interfere with
the interpretation of a contract. Of
course this depends on the contents
of the specic contract, but many con-
tracts are governed by only one law,
the Myanmar Contract Act of 1872.
This law upholds the freedom of the
parties to agree, with very few excep-
tions, on whatever pleases them; its
text is available in English. If the con-
tract is drafted in a clear fashion with
words that are easy to understand,
there should not be much room for
surprising interpretations.
There is of course uncertainty as
one can expect old colonial-time laws
to be gradually replaced with new
laws. However, it is difcult to imag-
ine a government, through the chan-
nels available to it, trying to create
laws that deliberately aim at ousting
investors from a specic contractual
position (unless, perhaps, the investor
is involved in a big project of vital in-
terest to the government). Again, the
clear drafting of contracts should be
a powerful tool against unpredictable
changes of laws.
Furthermore, even government
entities have become more and
more accepting of dispute resolution
clauses that submit disputes to (well-
functioning) arbitration in Singapore.
This reduces the risk of one-sided de-
cisions. The enforceability of foreign
arbitral awards is still very much in
question in Myanmar, but it may ac-
tually increase the likelihood of en-
forceability if the arbitrators decided
the case on the basis of Myanmar law
as this should make it easier for the
Myanmar judge enforcing the award
to understand it.
Agreeing on Myanmar law may not
be such a risky thing, after all.
Sebastian Pawlita and Nan Kin Kham are
consultants with Polastri Wint & Partners
Legal and Tax Advisors.
The laws of
Myanmar ... are
largely the laws as
they were in place
in British India
PHILIPPINE President Benigno
Aquino said his countrys territorial
dispute with China over the South
China Sea may be controllable be-
cause the worlds second-largest
economy will hesitate to jeopardise
trade routes.
Is it a cause for concern? Yes, but
at the end of the day China needs to
continue growing, Mr Aquino, said
in an interview in New York. Its
not in their interest to forestall trade
within this particular sector.
The Spratlys, a collection of more
than 100 islands or reefs that dot the
waters of the southern South China
Sea, have been at the center of re-
gional tension for decades, claimed
in part by China, Taiwan, Brunei,
Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philip-
pines. In the adjacent East China
Sea, China contests islands adminis-
tered by Japan.
China bases its claims on a
ninedash line map extending
hundreds of miles south from its
Hainan Island to equatorial waters
of the coast of Borneo, through
which some of the worlds busiest
shipping lanes run.
China, whose international trade
is the worlds largest with imports
and exports totaling US$4.2 trillion
last year, is dependent on export de-
mand to weather a property slump.
The Asian nations trade surplus
reached a record in August with ex-
ports helped by increased shipments
to the US and Europe.
More than half of the worlds an-
nual merchant tonnage about $5.3
trillion of goods from iron ore and
oil to computers and childrens toys
passes through the Straits of Ma-
lacca, Sunda and Lombok, with the
majority continuing on to the South
China Sea, according to a US Energy
Information Administration report.
China is the Philippines largest
trading partner, accounting for 19
percent of its imports and exports
last year. Trade with the Philippines
made up less than 1pc of Chinas
Trade between China and the
Philippines continues to grow, Mr
Aquino said. We sent them 800,000
tourists, they sent us 200,000 tour-
ists. We invested $2.5 billion in their
market, they invested $600 million
in ours. This is very benecent to
them. Chinese ships loaded with
construction materials ply the wa-
ters near the Spratly Islands, car-
rying out work that will see new
islands rise from the sea.
Benigno Aquino. Photo: Bloomberg
Trade keeps China
in check: Aquino
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BUSINESS EDITOR: Jeremy Mullins | jeremymullins7@gmail.com
THE Yangon Region government
has ended weeks of controversy by
indenitely shelving a massive ex-
pansion plan on the citys western
Yangon Mayor U Hla Myint told
a special session of the Yangon Re-
gion Hluttaw on September 26 the
regional government had decided it
needed more time to study the plan
and whether it was viable.
Just four days earlier, the govern-
ment had said the project, which
would cover 30,000 acres, would go
ahead and promised to conduct a
transparent and fair tender. It asked
MPs to approve the plan at a vote on
September 26.
U Hla Myint said it was unclear
how long the project would be sus-
pended for.
We havent set a time limit, he
MPs approved the request to sus-
pend the proposal. Daw Nyo Nyo
Thin, a representative for Bahan
who has been the most outspoken
critic of the plan, said she had ex-
pected the plan to be approved, and
described the decision to suspend it
as great.
She said she had submitted a re-
quest to the speaker on September
24 to suspend the proposal and dis-
cuss it at the next session instead.
Another critic, U Kyaw, said the
decision had defused a potentially
ugly dispute with parliament over
the issue. If they didnt suspend it,
MPs would blame the regional gov-
ernment, he said.
Some MPs, however, said they
were disappointed. Daw Kyi Kyi Mar,
a Union Solidarity and Development
Party representative for Kyeemyin-
daing, said she did not accept parlia-
ments decision.
Some people [in my constitu-
ency] wanted the new city to be built
because it would help to develop
their township. Im very sad for
them, she said.
Other MPs from the USDP, which
has a majority in the hluttaw, said
they believed that the plan would be
resubmitted in future.
I think the government is giv-
ing us more time to study and dis-
cuss the plan and it will come back
again to parliament, said U Tin
Hlaing, a representative for Dagon
In his presentation, Mayor U
Hla Myint said on September 26
that the new city would create
economic opportunities for com-
panies, investors and ordinary
people, as well as bringing infra-
structure to an undeveloped area
adjacent to the city.
The 30,000 acres slated for the
project lies between the Pan Hlaing
and Hlaing rivers and Twante Canal,
and the project has an estimated
price tag of US$8 billion.
We estimate 400,000 people will
get [job] opportunities as a result of
this plan, he said.
However, concerns have been
widely raised about the lack of clar-
ity over several areas of the project,
such as nancing and relocation, as
well as the decision, announced on
August 22, to award the contract to
Myanma Saytannar Myothit Public
Company without a tender.
According to the Myanmar In-
vestment Commission, Myanma Say-
tannar Myothit was registered at the
Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development as a public
company in December 2013.
Construction industry sources
said it is run by two Chinese busi-
nesspeople, Xiao Pun and Xiao San.
Both have close relations with for-
mer top military ofcials, including
current Yangon Region Chief Minis-
ter U Myint Swe.
In response to public criticism,
the government announced on Au-
gust 28 that it would instead con-
duct a tender.
Since the initial announcement,
land prices have exploded in the
mostly rural areas to the west of
Yangon. Plots in villages that were
previously about K7 million imme-
diately rose to K15 million an acre,
though land with road access stood
at closer to K100 million an acre.
Reports said plots had peaked at K1
billion, prompting some to question
whether the project was created sim-
ply to inate land prices in the area,
but trading has since been quiet.
Land prices have been steady af-
ter the mayor submitted the propos-
al to parliament again on September
22, said Ko Min Min Soe of the Mya
Pan Thakin real estate agency. The
governments decision to suspend
the project is likely to hurt specula-
tors who bought land.
Yangon new city plan
suspended indefnitely
If they didnt
suspend it, MPs
would blame
the regional
U Kyaw
Critic of the new city plan
Living a secure life
PEACE of mind is important when
choosing a home. Everybodys heard a
scary tale of a home invasion, like the
crazy-man that broke into the US White
House with a knife on September 19 or
the time House of the Week forgot which
apartment they lived in and caused a
moderate shock to an elderly Japanese
couple one oor up.
If youre keen to prevent crazy-men
with knives or a disoriented House of
the Week from barging into your abode,
this weeks house is worth looking into.
Designed with the latest twist of em-
bassy chic, it boasts a casual colour
scheme, modern dcor and an impres-
sively secure fence.
While security is stressed, it also
doesnt lack the other amenities youd
expect for one of Yangons newer homes.
It has four large bedrooms and a
smaller bedroom, plus the usual living
and dining room and kitchen though
no panic room, yet. The house is within
easy commuting distance to several of-
ce complexes. It could also be used for
an ofce. Tin Yadanar Htun
Location : Mya Kan Thar Housing,
Hlaing township
Price : K6 million per month
Contact : Estate Myanmar
Real Estate Agency
Phone : 09-43118787,
Prospective buyers take a look at a model of Marga Landmarks
Dagon City 1 project. The rm has said its rst phase of
residential towers are to be launched in 2014 near U Htaung
Bo trafc circle, with the project ulimately slated to include
a number of 8-storey towers, retail, ofces and a 5-star hotel.
Photo: Aung Htay Hlaing
NOTICE is hereby given that Del Monte Foods, Inc. a company
organized under the laws of U.S.A. and having its principal offce
at One Maritime Plaza, San Francisco, California 94111 U.S.A.
is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following trademarks:-
(Reg: Nos. IV/3677/1993, IV/11042/2011 & IV/12430/2014)
(Reg: Nos. IV/3675/1993, IV/11043/2011& IV/12431/2014)
(Reg: Nos. IV/1189/1979, IV/11044/2011& IV/12432/2014)
The above three trademarks are in respect of: - Meat, fsh, poultry
and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and
vegetables; jellies, jams; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils
and fats, salad dressings, preserves; coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice,
tapioca, sago, artifcial coffee; four and preparations made from
cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey; treacle; yeast,
baking-powder, salt, mustard; vinegar; sauces (except for salad
dressings), spices; alcoholic drinks and beverages, syrups and other
non-alcoholic preparations for making such drinks and beverages
Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademark or
other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law.
U Kyi Win Associates
for Del Monte Foods, Inc.
P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon.
Phone: 372416 Dated: 29
September, 2014
We actually see the mass market as the most lucrative market.
Petter Furberg, Telenor Myanmar CEO, on his firms strategy
Outrage as Australia pays
Cambodia to take refugees
FRENCH hotel group Accor is set to
expand its Myanmar presence with
three budget properties, following its
return to the country in 2013.
The group will manage two proper-
ties in Yangon and one in Bagan under
its Ibis brand, according to Accors
local partner, property developer U
Thant Zin Tun, a key member of Myan-
mar Golden Star group of companies,
founded by his father U Thein Tun.
A spokesperson for Accor declined
to comment as the deal has not yet
been nalised. It would be the com-
panys third major deal in Myanmar in
the past 18 months.
The Ibis properties will be located
on Inya and Kabar Aye Pagoda roads,
according to U Thant Zin Tun. Both
are awaiting nal approval from Yan-
gon City Development Committee
before construction can begin. The
Kabar Aye property will likely have 99
rooms, while the Inya Road location
will have about 120, he said.
U Thant Zin Tun, who is also a
member of the board of Myanmar
Consolidated Media, which publishes
The Myanmar Times, said he hopes to
have these two hotels open by the end
of 2015.
They will provide options for trav-
ellers looking for mid-range options
in Yangon, which has to date been a
neglected segment of the market, with
foreign investment mostly concentrat-
ed at the high end.
These [hotels] are very simple.
Not ve-star or four-star hotels. They
will be economical with a reasonable
price, he said.
Land has also been acquired for
a third 150-room hotel in Bagan but
more time will be needed to secure
permission to build because of herit-
age protections in the area.
Ibis is Accors economy brand and
had properties in 59 countries as of
2013, including in neighbouring Thai-
land and Indonesia.
U Thant Zin Tun said that he plans
to open 3000 hotel rooms in Myan-
mar over the next ve years through
foreign hotel ventures on the back of
strong growth in the tourism industry.
Myanmar does not have a lot of
tourists yet, but one day a lot of
tourists will come for sure, he told
The Myanmar Times in an exclusive
Foreign arrivals are up 40 percent
this year, according to the Ministry of
Hotels and Tourism, and Myanmar is
on pace to see 3 million total visitors
in 2014, up from 2.4 million in 2013. It
is targeting 5 million visitors by 2015.
Accor has worked previously with
U Thant Zin Tun in Mandalay when
it managed a hotel under its Novotel
brand from 1993. The hotel was built
by LP Holding, of which U Thant Zin
Tun is a partner and director.
Accor also added two hotels in Yan-
gon but departed in 2002 due to the
deteriorating political and economic
LP Holding also constructed the
Centrepoint Tower in Yangon, which
was slated to house a hotel from Ac-
cors Sotel brand but the project nev-
er materialised.
In March 2013, Hilton announced
that it would manage the 300-room
Centrepoint Tower hotel but the pro-
ject has missed several estimated
opening dates.
The three Ibis hotels would bring
Accors Myanmar portfolio to nine ho-
tels since the company re-established a
presence in Myanmar in February 2013.
Accor rst partnered with Max My-
anmar Group, owned by tycoon U Zaw
Zaw, to develop Novotel Yangon Max,
along with hotels in Mandalay and
Nay Pyi Taw.
Accor hotels set for
further expansion
The repurposed Rowe & Co is now home to AYA Bank. Photo: Yu Yu
YANGON Heritage Trust is touting
a building owned by AYA Bank as a
ne example of historical repurpos-
ing, awarding it a blue plaque to
mark its historical designation on
September 25.
The building at the corner of
Mahabandoola Road and Mahaban-
doola Garden Street next to Yangon
City Hall was formerly the location
of prominent department store
Rowe & Company.
We are extremely pleased with
the renovation of the old Rowe &
Company building and hope it might
inspire the renovation of many other
privately owned heritage buildings
in Yangon, founder and chair of the
trust, U Thant Myint-U, said in a
press release.
The building is the second to re-
ceive a blue plaque, with the rst go-
ing up at Yangon City Hall.
Rowe & Company was once
among the most opulent department
stores in Asia, known for its top
quality products until falling victim
to a wave of nationalisation in 1964.
The building then housed govern-
ment ofces such as the Department
of Immigration and Manpower, and
nally fell vacant until prominent
businessperson U Zaw Zaw, chair
of Ayeyarwady bank, purchased the
property and transformed it for use
by the bank in 2012.
Although the building is now
well maintained unusual com-
pared with many of Yangons herit-
age buildings some say it was even
more impressive in its heyday.
Nearby resident U Tin Sein, 68,
said the renovated building is not
as opulent as it was as a depart-
ment store.
The renovation is a good thing,
much better than abandoning it or
using it with no maintenance. But in
my view, the old building was once
more grand and inspiring, he said.
Although there were other depart-
ment stores in downtown Yangon,
Rowe & Co had stood out, he said.
It was originally painted brown
and yellow, and was unique com-
pared with nearby buildings.
Rowe department store was next
to City Hall. At the time, City Hall
was painted beige, and Rowe was
bigger and brighter even than City
Hill, he said.
I still remember the signboard,
with white lettering on a green back-
ground. In my eyes, even the sign-
board was simple and elegant, U
Tin Sein told The Myanmar Times.
According to Yangon Heritage
Trust, the store contained some of
Yangons earliest electrical elevators,
ceiling fans and basements, attract-
ing a mixed clientele of Europeans
and wealthy Asians particularly for
luxury and imported goods.
I went to the Rowe & Co store
with my parents when I was 14 or
15 years old. I was always proud to
shop at Rowe, said U Tin Sein.
When our relatives living in
rural areas came to Yangon, we al-
ways took them on a special visit
to the store.
I still remember the delight-
ful feeling of leaving the store with
a paper shopping bag in my hand
stamped with the Rowe & Company
logo, he said with a laugh.
Yangon Heritage Trust and Royal
Philips company plan to unveil more
plaques denoting heritage places in
the coming months.
Historic Rowe & Co building
lives on with a new purpose
MORE than 100,000 people stop by
Myanmars largest free classieds
site, Ads.com.mm, every month.
Among the thousands of listings that
have appeared on the portal, potential
buyers might nd anything from mo-
bile phones to mobile toilets.
The Rocket Internet startup,
which works similarly to Craigslist,
hopes to become one of Myanmars
most-frequented websites. With up
to 150,000 visits monthly, Ads.com.
mm is well on its way, especially con-
sidering Myanmars internet pen-
etration, said the companys country
manager Nico Poma. Last year, 1.2
percent of Myanmar was accessing
the internet, according to UN data
and the International Telecommuni-
cations Union.
A community zone boasting
jokes, poems and event announce-
ments draws users to Ads.com.mm,
as do the categorised pages of prod-
ucts and services featuring musi-
cal instruments, electronics, and
anything else. The platform drives
roughly 40,000 leads for sellers
monthly and racks up 1 million page
views a month. Currently, the site
hosts more than 7000 listings.
The mobile section proves a hot
destination for customers. In this cate-
gory especially, the site helps Myanmar
consumers shop condently. [The
business model] creates price transpar-
ency, Mr Poma said. The monopolies
that we hear with certain shops sell-
ing phones, for example, for very high
prices its not that easy for them any-
more, because people can also trade
secondhand phones.
Ads.com.mm wants to raise its pro-
le past the borders of Yangon. The
company emphasizes an everyone,
everywhere ethos; as a web connec-
tion is all thats necessary to buy and
sell, users can conduct business from
Sittwe to Taunggyi, Mr Poma said.
The startup also lls the role of
quality-control gatekeeper and ar-
biter of good taste. Arms, drugs
and scams arent allowed at Ads.
com.mm; neither are postings that
breach ethics or laws. Perhaps the
most memorable violation of this
policy involves one entrepreneurial
user that listed his kidney and liver.
The male was saying he was 30 and
very healthy, Poma said. That was
the craziest thing I saw.
Web classifeds start-up
looking to expand
Were batty for batteries!
by Myo Satt
Available: Banana Junction Centre (Maw Tin) Ph: 09- 30096377
Elecom (DE- M01L-5220)
This rechargeable mobile battery can store 5200 mAh. Capable of
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With a whopping 10400mAh worth of storage, you can charge up to three
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Available in black and white.
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These batteries have 11200 mAh power storage
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The slim, light battery holds 8000mAh and at 5.5 V,
but contains only one outlet.
K 32,000
Translation by Thiri Min Htun
Myanmar Traditional Orchestra The Ghost Detector Hello Kitty Bed
K200,000 K95,000 K190,000
A sampling of the products available at Ads.com.mm Photo: supplied
Science & Technology
AULBACH LIZENZ AG, a Company incorporated in
Switzerland, of Grabenstrasse 15, 7002 Chur, Switzerland, is
the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-
Reg. No. 2900/1997
Reg. No. 2709/2000
Reg. No. 2413/2003
in respect of Clothing, footwear, headgear.
Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark
will be dealt with according to law.
Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L
E-mail: makhinkyi.law@mptmail.net.mm
P. O. Box 60, Yangon. Dated: 29 September 2014
Federal-Mogul Friction Products Limited, of Manchester
International Offce Centre, Styal Road, Manchester M22 5TN,
United Kingdom, is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following
Trade Mark:-
Reg. No. 7900/2011
in respect of Class 12: Brakes; brake pads; brake shoes; brake
linings; brake hardware; brake rotors; brake drums; brake blocks;
clutches and clutch linings all for vehicles.
Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark
will be dealt with according to law.
Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L
for Federal-Mogul Friction Products Limited
P. O. Box 60, Yangon
E-mail: makhinkyi.law@mptmail.net.mm
Dated: 29 September 2014
De Rigo S.p.A., a company registered under the laws of Italy,
which is located at Z.I. Villanova, 12/ 32013 Longarone (BL) -
Italy, is the sole owner of the following trademark:
Reg. Nos. 6303/2011, 9965/2014
In respect of Class 35: Advertising; business management;
business administration; offce functions; retail services
De Rigo S.p.A. claims the trademark right and other relevant
Intellectual Property right for the mark as mentioned above. De
Rigo S.p.A. reserves the rights to take legal measures against
any infringer who violates its Intellectual Property or other legal
rights in accordance with the concerned laws of the Republic of
the Union of Myanmar.
U Kyi Naing, LL.B., LL.M., (H.G.P.)
For De Rigo S.p.A.
Tilleke & Gibbins Myanmar Ltd. No. 1608, 16th Floor, Sakura
Tower, 339 Bogyoke Aung San Road, Kyauktada Township,
Yangon, Myanmar
Email address: myanmar@tilleke.com
Dated: 29
September, 2014
AS consumers move toward newly
available foreign internet-calling op-
tions like Viber, local rm VMG tel-
ecom is looking to cut costs to keep
their international calling business
When the company rst launched
its Y-talk calling services app in 2012,
it had a virtual monopoly in the then-
niche market using data or the inter-
net to make calls.
But in a few short years, as the
nations internet connections have
grown in scale and quality, locals have
ocked towards foreign services like
Viber and WeChat. Viber alone boasts
5 million users nationwide, putting it
neck-and-neck with Y-talk, according
to VMGs internal gures.
Where once the company made a
tidy prot selling prepaid calling cards
for their services, U Zaw Pyae Hmu,
sales and marketing supervisor for
VMG, said that now just the expense of
printing the cards at K500 a piece had
become too costly for the company.
We will change Y-talk internation-
al calling cards to a digital system, he
By switching to payments through
the Y-talk application and terminals at
afliated vendors, U Zaw Pyae Hmu
says the company can cut down on
overhead and make the service cheap-
In particular, he hopes that the
companys low rate for international
calls will help retain and expand its
customer base.
VMG looks to cut costs as
internet-calling market heats up
HAVE you ever wanted to pelt a politi-
cian with a tomato? Or wished for that
perfect candidate to come along and
sweep you of your feet?
In Brazil, where the explosion of
smartphones is putting a new twist on
next months elections, theres an app
for that.
Mass internet access is reshaping
the campaign for the presidential,
congressional and state polls in Brazil,
where more than 100 million people -
half the population - are now online.
Smartphone sales rose 47 percent
in the rst half of the year, according
to a market survey by research rm
Nielsen-Ibope, and 30 percent of Bra-
zilians now own the devices.
One popular app is Voto vs Veto,
a program inspired by popular dating
app Tinder that aims to help users nd
the right presidential candidate.
The program presents users with
candidates campaign pledges - with
no name attached - and asks them to
vote for or veto them.
After the user clicks on one of the
two buttons, the candidates name ap-
pears. With enough clicks, users are
supposed to nd their political soul-
The app is programmed with the
ofcial platforms of all 11 presidential
candidates and provides statistics on
how many times each statement has
been voted for or against.
It has been downloaded by 100,000
The app was developed by comput-
er science student Walter Nogueira,
who said he expects more apps like it
in future.
Mobile apps related to politics are
still in their infancy in Brazil, he told
AFP. But theyre growing.
Another popular application called
Dirty Slate tells users which candi-
dates have criminal records - helpful
information for voters in this country
weary of corruption scandals.
Its name is a play on the so-called
Clean Slate law passed in the run-
up to the October 5 polls, which has
blocked 250 would-be candidates from
running because of past corruption
Another app lets users check can-
didates ofcial asset declarations. Yet
another lets them throw virtual toma-
toes at their faces.
Even the countrys Supreme Elec-
toral Tribunal has launched an app,
giving users easy access to data on all
26,156 candidates.
With so many choices, voters may
need help keeping everything straight.
So news portal UOL developed an app
to store the ballot numbers of users
preferred candidates, as well as deliv-
ering election news, poll numbers and
politician proles.
For voters who dream of taking a
sele with presidential contender Ma-
rina Silva, the popular environmental-
ist whose late entry into the race has
rattled incumbent Dilma Roussefs
re-election campaign, her coalition
has launched an app to Photoshop
yourself into a picture alongside her.
The mobile revolution is giving a
new political voice to young voters in
Brazil, where the minimum voting age
is 16.
Nearly 40 percent of voters - 56.3
million people - are between 16 and 34
years old.
That demographic also owns 55
percent of the countrys smartphones,
according to a Nielsen study sent to
But smartphone use is still mainly
limited to educated and middle- or
upper-class social groups - part, but
not all, of the demographic that took
to the streets in mass protests last year
calling for better education, health
and transport.
The sprawling South American
country ranks third in the world in
Facebook users (76 million) and sec-
ond in the world in Twitter users (41
On Facebook, meanwhile, the three
top candidates each have more than a
million followers. AFP
Election apps bring
smartphone democracy
Science & Technology
Johnson & Johnson, a corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A., of One Johnson &
Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08933 U.S.A., is
the Owner of the following Trade Mark:-
Reg. No. 6703/2014
in respect of Intl Class 10: Medical devices, namely fow
diverters, stents, and guide-wires.
Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark
will be dealt with according to law.
Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L
for Johnson & Johnson
P. O. Box 60, Yangon
E-mail: makhinkyi.law@mptmail.net.mm
Dated: 29 September 2014
NOTICE is hereby given that FUJIKOKI CORPORATION a
company organized under the laws of Japan and having its principal
offce at No. 17-24, Todoroki 7-chome, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the following trademarks:-
(Reg: No. IV/10269/2014)
(Reg: No. IV/10270/2014)
The above two trademarks are in respect of: - Valves for air
conditioning apparatus, Valves for heating and cooling apparatus,
Valves for refrigerating apparatus, Valves for water heating apparatus,
Flow path switching valves, Flow regulating valves, Electronic
expansion valves, Automatic regulating valves, Ball valves, Pressure
regulating valves [parts of machines], Pressure differential valves
[parts of machines], Check valves [parts of machines], Other valves
[parts of machines], Drain pumps for air conditioning apparatus,
Machine elements [not for land vehicles].- Class: 7
Pressure sensors, Thermo-sensors, Fluid fux sensors, Gas leakage
sensors, Other measuring elements or apparatus and parts, Pressure
switches, Solenoid valves [electromagnetic switches], Automatic
regulating machines and instruments, Thermostats, Heat regulating
apparatus, Fire alarms, Gas leakage alarms, Refrigerant gas leakage
detectors, Pressure and temperature detecting sensors for heating
and cooling apparatus, Pressure switches for heating and cooling
apparatus, Cooling apparatus for electric or magnetic meters and
testers, Cooling apparatus for plugboards, Cooling apparatus for
power distribution or control machines and apparatus, Heating and
cooling devices for testing, Laboratory apparatus and instruments,
Electronic machines, apparatus and their parts, Power distribution or
control machines and apparatus. - Class: 9
Air conditioning apparatus, Air heating and cooling apparatus,
Accumulators for air heating and cooling apparatus and freezing
machines, Liquid receivers for air heating and cooling apparatus
or freezing machines, Parts for air heating and cooling apparatus,
Freezing machines and apparatus and parts thereof, Expansion
valves for air conditioning apparatus of automobiles and vehicles,
Expansion valves for air conditioning apparatus, Expansion valves for
refrigerating apparatus and freezing machines and apparatus, Parts for
air conditioning apparatus and heating and cooling apparatus, Valves
for water distributing pipes in water supply system, Refrigerating
display cabinets [display cases], Freezing display cabinets [display
cases], Refrigerating showcases, Refrigerating and freezing display
cabinets [display cases], Refrigerators for preserving and cooling
wine, Air cooling apparatus, Refrigerating machines for industrial
purposes, Refrigerating machines, Refrigerating apparatus and
machines, Refrigerating appliances and installations, Cooling
installations and machines.- Class: 11
Any fraudulent imitation or unauthorized use of the said trademarks
or other infringements whatsoever will be dealt with according to law.
U Kyi Win Associates
P.O. Box No. 26, Yangon.
Phone: 372416 Dated: 29
September, 2014
WorldWORLD EDITOR: Fiona MacGregor
Chinese government admits 40 killed
in violence ahead of Uighur sentencing
FORTY rioters were killed in Chinas
far-western Xinjiang region following
a series of explosions on September
21, the worst incident of violence in
months, the regional government has
said after a four-day news blackout.
Residents on September 26 de-
scribed heavy security in place days
after the violence.
Six civilians, two police ofcers and
two auxiliary police were also killed in
the attacks in Xinjiangs Luntai county,
with 54 civilians injured, the regional
governments news portal Tianshan
said late on September 25.
Two rioters were captured, it
added, while the main suspect, whose
name was given as Mamat Tursun, was
shot dead.
The violence took place just two
days before the sentencing of promi-
nent Muslim Uighur scholar Ilham
Tohti, who was on trial on charges of
Chinese state media had previously
only stated that two people had been
killed in the incident. The ruling Com-
munist Party tightly restricts access to
the restive region, and information is
difcult to independently verify. Such
a delay in the release of details is not
Staf at hotels in Luntai county de-
scribed a continuing heavy security
presence. Security forces are still in
the street, said one receptionist.
Mr Tohti, a former university pro-
fessor who has been critical of Beijings
policies in the vast western region, was
sentenced to life in prison on Septem-
ber 23.
The United States, the European
Union, and several human rights
groups have called for the release of
Mr Tohti, 44, whose prosecution risks
silencing moderate Uighur voices and
cutting of the possibility of dialogue,
analysts say.
Critics also warned his conviction
could add to tensions in the restive re-
gion. Teng Biao, a leading human rights
lawyer and friend of Mr Tohti, wrote
this week that rather than a life sen-
tence, the academic should be awarded
a Nobel Prize.
The Chinese communist authori-
ties, with their excessive violence, have
created hostility, division and despair
in Xinjiang and Tibet, Mr Teng wrote
in The Guardian newspaper.
Tohti has denounced violence and
devoted himself to bridging the divide
and promoting understanding and tol-
erance, he added.
But the Global Times, a tabloid run
by the ofcial Communist Party mouth-
piece Peoples Daily, said in a column
on its editorial page September 26 that
Mr Tohtis case should be seen as warn-
ing to anyone trying to break China
Chinese separatists must be fully
aware of the red line drawn by the Chi-
nese constitution and criminal law, it
Tohti could serve as a lesson
for them to realise what price they
have to pay if they continue their
dangerous pace.
According to the Tianshan report,
the organised and serious attack com-
prised four explosions that took place
on the evening of September 21, tar-
geting two police stations, an outdoor
market and a shop.
Among the 54 civilians injured were
32 members of Chinas mostly Muslim
Uighur minority and 22 Han Chinese, it
said. The 40 rioters killed had either
blown themselves up or were shot by
police, Tianshan said.
Police said that Mamat Tursun, the
alleged ringleader of the attack, had
been gradually developing into an ex-
tremist since 2003 and had called on
other people to join his terrorist group
when working on construction pro-
jects, according to the ofcial Xinhua
news agency.
In the past year, escalating violence
between locals and security forces in
Xinjiang, the traditional homeland of
the Uighurs, has claimed more than
200 lives and prompted Beijing to
launch a security crackdown.
Among the most shocking attacks
was a May assault on a market in the
regional capital Urumqi, where more
than 30 people were killed.
Beijing blames ongoing unrest in
the region on organised terrorists seek-
ing independence from China, while
rights groups say cultural and reli-
gious repression of Uighurs has stoked
violence. Chinas supreme court on
September 21 distributed new wide-
ranging guidelines on prosecuting ter-
rorism cases.
Making and showing banners and
other material of religious extremism
will be criminalised, the state-run
Xinhua news agency said.
Xinjiang, a resource-rich region
which abuts Central Asia, is home to
about 10 million Uighurs, who mostly
follow Sunni Islam. AFP
Xinjiang unrest
The most recent attacks took place days before the sentencing of a prominent scholar accused
of separatism
Ilham Tohti
Uighur academic and
moderate government
critic who spoke for
the rights of the
Uighur minority
Sentenced to life
in prison on
September 23
37 civilians and 59 terrorists
killed in an attack on July 28,
according to state media
Police shot dead nine suspected terrorists
and captured one, according to Xinhua, August 1
39 killed in
market attack
in May 50 people killed, including
2 police officers, in
clashes on September 21,
according to a regional
government news portal
29 people killed
in a knife attack
outside the station
2 tourists and 3 attackers
died when a vehicle ploughed
into tourists
May 1,
October 28,
Outside Xinjiang Recent major Uighur-related violence
A US-LED alliance launched new
air strikes against the Islamic
State group in Syria on Septem-
ber 26, targeting oil facilities for
a second day, as Britain weighed
joining the campaign in Iraq.
The Syrian Observatory for
Human Rights monitoring group
reported fresh strikes in the oil-
rich eastern province of Deir Ez-
zor, and northeastern Hasakeh,
both of which were also targeted
a day earlier.
Both sets of raids included
strikes on oil facilities in the two
provinces, where IS jihadists ex-
tract crude for sale on the black
Experts say sales of oil from
Syria and Iraq are among the
groups biggest source of funding,
netting it between US$1 million
and $3 million a day.
In Britain, meanwhile, law-
makers were preparing to vote
on whether the country would
join air strikes against the group
in Iraq, though participation in
the strikes on Syria is not on the
We are facing an evil against
which the whole world must
unite. And, as ever in the cause of
freedom, democracy and justice,
Britain will play its part, Prime
Minister David Cameron told a
United Nations summit in New
York, before ying home for the
Mr Cameron has urged Britain
not to be frozen with fear about
re-entering conict in a country
that its troops only left in 2011.
Washington is eager to build
the broadest possible coalition to
tackle IS, which has seized large
swathes of territory in Syria and
neighbouring Iraq, declaring an
Islamic caliphate.
Fresh US air strikes on Syria target oil as
Britain votes on joining Iraq campaign
We are facing an
evil against which
the whole world
must unite ... and
Britain will play its
David Cameron
UK prime minister
With their
excessive violence
[authorities] have
created hostility,
division and
Teng Biao
Human rights lawyer
Hong Kong students
take to streets in
democracy march
Vietnam reviews its
prostitution policy
with new ne system
Australia pays
Cambodia $35m to
take in refugees
A RUSSIAN Soyuz spacecraft carry-
ing an American astronaut and two
Russian cosmonauts, including the
rst woman cosmonaut in 17 years,
blasted of on schedule on Septem-
ber 16, Russian mission control said.
The Soyuz-TMA14M spacecraft
took of at 12:25am Moscow time
from Russias Baikonur cosmodrome
in Kazakhstan to start the journey
to the International Space Station
The Soyuz-FG space rocket suc-
cessfully launched to put the Soyuz
TMA-14M spacecraft into orbit, the
Russian space agency Roscosmos
said in a statement.
The crew members were doing
well, it added.
Yelena Serova is the rst Russian
woman to y to the ISS. She is ac-
companied by fellow cosmonaut
Alexander Samokutyaev and NASA
astronaut Barry Wilmore.
Their spacecraft was set to dock
with the ISS at 0215 GMT on Sep-
tember 26 after taking a six-hour
fast-track route.
They were due to join the ISS com-
mander, Russias Maxim Surayev, his
American colleague Reid Wiseman
and German Alexander Gerst from
the European Space Agency onboard
the space laboratory.
The new ISS crew members are
scheduled to spend a total of 169
days in space.
On September 25, the trio took
part in pre-ight rituals such as sign-
ing the door of their Baikonur hotel
and receiving a blessing from a Rus-
sian Orthodox priest, before board-
ing a bus to the launchpad to cheers
from relatives.
They then entered their Soyuz-
TMA14M capsule around one-and-a-
half hours before lift-of on a dark,
cloudy night.
Ms Serova is just the fourth Soviet
or Russian woman cosmonaut.
The rst woman in space, Valenti-
na Tereshkova, made her only space
ight in 1963.
The following two women made
two space ights each: Svetlana
Savitskaya in 1982 and 1984, and
Yelena Kondakova in 1994 and 1997,
before a 17-year-long hiatus.
My ight is my job, 38-year-old
space engineer Ms Serova said at a
press conference last week, where
she had to fend of questions about
her hairstyle and how her daughter
would cope in her absence.
I ll be the rst Russian woman
who will y to the ISS, she said. I
feel a huge responsibility toward the
people who taught and trained us
and I want to tell them: We wont let
you down!
Both Ms Serovas colleagues in
the cramped Soyuz capsule have
space mission experience.
Wilmore, 51, known as Butch,
made his rst space ight as the pi-
lot of the US shuttle in 2009, while
Samokutyaev, 44, who is commander
of the Soyuz spacecraft, spent 164
days on the ISS in 2011.
Russia is currently the only coun-
try that can send astronauts to the
ISS after the United States stopped
its shuttle program.
NASA has vowed to continue co-
operation aboard the ISS despite a
major chill in relations over Mos-
cows role in the Ukraine crisis.
But Russia has hinted that it may
turn down Washingtons request to
extend the lifespan of the ISS by four
years through 2024, saying it is only
needed until 2020.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister
Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the
space sector, jokingly suggested in
April that the United States would
have to use a trampoline to get to
the ISS after it imposed sanctions
over Russias annexation of Crimea.
First woman cosmonaut
in 17 years blasts off for
Intl Space Station
Fresh US air strikes on Syria target oil as
Britain votes on joining Iraq campaign
Speaking at the UN this week,
US President Barack Obama urged
greater participation in the alli-
ance against what he dubbed a
network of death.
If, as expected, the British par-
liament votes to take part, the
Royal Air Force will join jets from
the United States, France, Saudi
Arabia, the United Arab Emirates,
Bahrain and Jordan hitting IS
Both France and Britain have
ruled out carrying strikes in Syria
however, unlike the Arab allies
taking part in the aerial campaign.
Belgium and the Netherlands
also plan to send six F-16 ghter
bombers to take part in the cam-
paign in Iraq.
The Netherlands will also de-
ploy 250 military personnel and
130 trainers for the Iraqi military,
and Greece said it would send
arms to Kurdish forces battling
the jihadists.
Turkey has so far declined to
take part in military action, and
denied claims its airspace or air-
bases have been used by coalition
But when Mr Obama spoke to
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
on September 25 in New York
the Turkish leader suggested for
the rst time that his country
could ofer logistical, intelligence
or even military support to the
Irans President Hassan Rou-
hani, however, blamed Western
blunders for creating extremist
havens, and said outside interfer-
ence would not solve the problem.
The right solution to this
quandary comes from within the
region ... with international sup-
port and not from outside, he told
the UN General Assembly, warn-
ing otherwise there would be re-
percussions for the whole world.
ISs brutal abuses against ci-
vilians, rival ghters and Arab
and Western hostages, as well as
its success in recruiting Western
members, have raised fears in the
international community.
On September 25, police in
London arrested nine people sus-
pected of links to Islamic extrem-
ists, including a notorious radical
And the FBI said it identied
the Islamic State jihadist who has
appeared in videos showing the
beheading of two US journalists
and a British aid worker, though
it declined to give further details.
In France, Muslims groups
were planning a September 26
demonstration outside Pariss
main mosque to denounce the
The coalition strikes in Syria
are reported to have killed at least
140 jihadists as well as 13 civil-
ians, though the Pentagon said it
was still investigating reports of
civilian casualties.
Fighting between troops from
the regime and rebels has contin-
ued on the ground in Syria along-
side the international air strikes,
with the army recapturing a key
strategic town near Damascus on
September 25.
The conict that began in Syr-
ia in March 2011 as an uprising
against President Bashar al-As-
sads regime has spawned a mas-
sive refugee crisis, with more than
three million Syrians now taking
refuge from the war abroad.
Many have sought to reach Eu-
rope by boat, including hundreds
aboard a ship that ran into trouble
of the coast of Cyprus on Septem-
ber 25 forcing a nearby cruise ship
to rescue them. AFP
Russias Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft carrying the International Space Station
(ISS) crew blasts off from the launch pad at the Russian-leased Baikonur
cosmodrome on September 26. Photo: AFP
A JFK Hospital
guard waits to
greet patients,
some suspected
of sufering from
the Ebola virus,
in Monrovia on
September 25. World
leaders were asked
to pledge urgently
needed aid to battle
Ebola in West Africa
as Sierra Leone
quarantined one
million people in
a desperate bid to
beat back the deadly
virus. US President
Barack Obama
warned that not
enough was being
done to tackle the
crisis that has left
close to 3000 dead
and is spreading at
an alarming pace.
Photo: AFP
INDIAN Prime Minister Narendra
Modi left for New York on September
26 on an ofcial visit focused on boost-
ing trade and resetting ties with the
worlds largest economy.
Mr Modi said ahead of his depar-
ture he was condent that the visit
will mark the start of a new chapter in
our strategic partnership.
A bitter diplomatic row broke out last
December when US authorities arrested
and then strip-searched an Indian dip-
lomat in New York. Mr Modi headed to
New York hours after launching Make
in India, an initiative to attract global
manufacturing to his country.
He was scheduled to have breakfast
in New York on September 29 with
heads of top global rms including
Googles Eric Schmidt and PepsiCos
Indra Nooyi.
I look forward to meeting busi-
ness leaders to invite them to partici-
pate more actively in Indias economic
growth and transformation, he said in
a statement.
Mr Modi will kick of his maiden
US visit in New York, where he will
address the UN General Assembly
and address people of Indian origin at
Madison Square Garden.
Last week he said he would press
for reform of the United Nations to
ensure that it remains relevant and ef-
fective in dealing with the challenges
of the 21st Century and urge stronger
global commitment on issues includ-
ing Ebola, climate change and poverty.
On September 29 he is due to head
to Washington for private meetings
with Obama, marking a transforma-
tion of fortunes for a man refused a US
visa in 2005 over charges he failed to
prevent anti-Muslim violence as chief
minister of Gujarat state. Mr Modi has
always denied any wrong-doing.
The prime minister, who led his
Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata
Party to a crushing victory on a prom-
ise to revive Indias agging economic
fortunes, has said India and the Unit-
ed States are natural allies. AFP
Modi starts
his US visit
border deal
INDONESIAS parliament has voted
to end direct elections for local lead-
ers, despite angry protests against
the move and criticism that it will
roll back a key democratic reform of
the post-Suharto era.
After a heated debate lasting
more than 10 hours, 226 lawmakers
voted in favour of ending the current
system of mayors, provincial gover-
nors and district heads being chosen
by the public in the worlds third-
biggest democracy.
Instead, local parliaments will be
given the power to pick them, which
critics says is a blow to the process
of democratisation that was started
after the downfall of dictator Suharto
in 1998 following three decades of
authoritarian rule.
Opponents of the bill lost a huge
bloc of support in the nal stages of
the debate when the ruling Demo-
cratic Party, which had been expected
to vote against the move, walked out
after conditions they had demanded
could not be agreed on.
Only 135 lawmakers chose to re-
tain the elections, in a vote which
came after pro-democracy activists
demonstrated the level of public an-
ger at the plan by burning tyres out-
side parliament in Jakarta during a
noisy protest.
Democracy in this country has
sufered a setback, tweeted Ridwan
Kamil, the directly elected mayor of
Bandung, a city on the main island
of Java.
As well as being seen as an attack
on Indonesias young democracy,
critics view the move as revenge by
opponents of Joko Widodo, who won
the presidency in July and came into
politics by being directly elected as a
local mayor.
Supporters of the plan argued
that the hundreds of polls which
have been held across the worlds
biggest archipelago nation every
few years since 2005 are enormously
costly and in reality only allow the
wealthy to win election.
However critics saw the move
as an elite power grab, and also ar-
gued it would increase corruption as
would-be leaders may have to strike
deals with local MPs to win ofce.
Widodo, known by his nickname
Jokowi, had spoken out against the
plan and its victory is a blow as it
suggests his new government could
face problems in getting crucial leg-
islation through a hostile parliament.
Ahead of the vote, Widodo said
abolishing direct elections of local
leaders would be a big step back for
Directly elected leaders have a
moral obligation to the people. They
have to look after the people, because
they were chosen by the people, he
Up until the nal stages of the
debate, it was not clear how the vote
would go but the shock decision by
most MPs from the Democratic Party
to walk out ensured victory for those
who supported the plan.
Outgoing President Susilo Bam-
bang Yudhoyono had ordered mem-
bers of his Democrats to vote against
the proposal -- but divisions quickly
appeared in the party.
The bill was pushed by parties
that backed Widodos opponent for
the presidency, Prabowo Subianto,
an ex-general with a chequered hu-
man rights record.
Five parties who had backed
Prabowo at the election supported
the proposal, and only three were op-
While it ends the system of local
leaders being picked by the public,
it still allows for the election of local
legislatures. AFP
Local election polls scrapped
in democracy set back
Indonesian protesters who oppose the new bill on local elections chant during a noisy protest outside the parliament
building in Jakarta on September 25. Photo: AFP
A military stand-of between Indian
and Chinese troops that lasted nearly
two weeks and overshadowed a key
summit in New Delhi has ended, In-
dias foreign minister said.
Troops were being pulled back
from the disputed border area on
September 26, Sushma Swaraj said,
after meeting her Chinese counterpart
Wang Yi in New York.
Timelines have been drawn ... by
September 30, it (withdrawal) will be
completed. Whichever positions were
occupied by the armies on September
1, they will go back to those positions,
she said.
Hundreds of Chinese troops had
moved into a territory claimed by In-
dia ahead of a visit by Chinas Presi-
dent Xi Jinping last week, sparking
the stand-of on the remote mountain-
ous frontier of Ladakh.
The two countries have long been
embroiled in a bitter territorial dispute
and small incursions occur frequently
across the Line of Actual Control, the
de-facto border that runs 4000 kilo-
metres (2500 miles) across Ladakh.
But the number of troops involved
and the timing of last weeks incident
raised alarm. Indian defence sources
said construction by both sides had
triggered the stand-of in the Chumar
area of the far-ung region. AFP
World 41 www.mmtimes.com
FOR Vietnamese sex workers such as Do
Thi Oanh, being caught touting for busi-
ness used to carry a long stint in forced
rehabilitation, but as nes replace de-
tention, many detect a shifting attitude
toward the worlds oldest profession.
In 2008, Ms Oanh was sent to one
of Vietnams notorious rehabilitation
camps on the outskirts of Hanoi, join-
ing hundreds of prostitutes and drug
addicts detained without conviction for
taking part in a social evil.
The 32-year-old was held for 18
months in the centre where detainees
worked for free raising poultry, garden-
ing or making handicrafts.
Last year Vietnam suddenly replaced
compulsory rehab for sex workers with
nes of between US$25 to $100, releas-
ing hundreds of people from centres
across the country.
Ms Oanh, whose name has been
changed to protect her identity, said the
legal move points to a wider liberalising
attitude toward sex work in the commu-
nist nation.
I think that society today is much
more tolerant with people like me, said
Ms Oanh, who has herself given up pros-
titution but remains in sex work, run-
ning a massage parlour in the capital.
Prostitution is illegal in Vietnam, but
hundreds of thousands of sex workers
ply their trade in a deeply conservative
society which is still dominated by Con-
fucian social mores.
Prostitution is considered a social
evil, along with drug addiction and
Drug addicts continue to be sent to
compulsory rehab.
But in recent months a erce debate
over whether to legalise and regulate the
sex industry has sprung up online and
in the ofcial press, airing views that
were long considered taboo.
Even the National Assembly is due to
address the issue at its next session in
Despite decades of ofcial suppres-
sion, Vietnams sex industry has our-
ished in parallel with the economy since
market reforms of the late 1980s opened
up the socialist system to international
trade and investment.
Researchers estimate there are
around 200,000 sex workers in Viet-
nam, full-time or occasional, of whom
up to 40 percent are believed to be HIV-
We should legalise prostitution be-
cause it is part of human rights. Eve-
rybody has the right to enjoy sex, said
sociologist Le Quang Binh.
Legalisation could help protect sex
workers and their clients and bring in
revenue for the government through
taxes, he added.
In the southern business hub of Ho
Chi Minh City, police statistics show
there are at least 30,000 establishments
linked to the sex trade from massage
parlours and karaoke lounges to more
traditional brothels.
Many popular Vietnamese beach
towns even have open brothels operat-
ing under the protection of criminal
gangs, sometimes with the complicity of
corrupt local ofcials.
As we are not able to eradicate
prostitution, we will have to manage
it, said Trinh Thi Khiet, a Hanoi-based
We shouldnt encourage the sex
trade but we have to look at this issue in
the face. We need to save women from
maa networks.
The debate over how to tackle pros-
titution, however, remains sharply
Authorities in Ho Chi Minh City last
year proposed to implement experimen-
tal red zones, not yet in place, where
prostitution would be allowed or at least
But in Hanoi authorities have sug-
gested publicly disclosing the names of
punters caught by police to deter others
from buying sex.
Despite high-prole clean-up cam-
paigns, prostitutes operate openly on
major roads in the city, much to the dis-
tress of some residents.
Nguyen Thi Hoa, who owns a clothes
shop, says she has stopped listening to
regular news reports showing half-na-
ked young girls arrested in police raids
on hotels.
I see the police arrest prostitutes one
day ... The next day theyre back on the
streets. The ght against prostitution has
made hardly any progress, she said.
While objections to prostitution
abound, sociologists urge a pragmatic
response to an age-old industry.
We are totally incapable of control-
ling prostitution, said Khuat Thu Hong,
director of the Institute for Social Devel-
opment Studies.
We have to accept the truth, she
said, adding the oldest profession in
the world would only disappear when
humans no longer exist.
We must not penalise it ... I sup-
port legalisation because it would help
to combat trafcking in women, she
And while Vietnamese children con-
tinue to learn in school that the social
evil of prostitution destroys moral and
cultural values, the taboo around sex
will remain an obstacle to legalisation.
For now, the government line is that
prostitution cannot be considered a
job, according to Le Duc Hien, deputy
director in charge of the ght against
vices within the labour ministry.
Legalisation is really a great chal-
lenge for us, she said, adding that
this issue is still too sensitive in
Vietnam. AFP
Vietnam debates future of sex trade
A young woman appears on stage at a night bar in Hanoi on September 15. Photo: AFP
I see the police
arrest prostitutes
one day. The next
day theyre back on
the streets.
Nguyen Thi Hoa
Hanoi shop owner
AUSTRALIA plans to start sending
asylum-seekers to Cambodia by the
end of the year and will pay the South-
east Asian nation US$35 million to
accept them, the government said on
September 26.
Immigration Minister Scott
Morrison, who was in Phnom Penh on
September 26 to sign the controversial
resettlement deal, defended the plan
and said it would help full the govern-
ments vow that no boatpeople would
be resettled in Australia.
This is about a regional solution.
This is about providing genuine reset-
tlement in a third country which is
Cambodia, a signatory to the Refugee
Convention, he told national radio.
It enables us to full on the policy
which says no-one will be resettled in
Rights groups have slammed the
move, claiming Canberra was violat-
ing its international obligations and
that Cambodia was not a safe third
Mr Morrison said there were no
caps on how many refugees might be
sent but only those currently housed in
ofshore detention on the tiny Pacic
outpost of Nauru would be considered
Under Canberras immigration
policy, boatpeople arriving since July
2013 have been sent to Nauru, which
mostly houses women, children and
families, and Manus Island in Papua
New Guinea.
They are resettled in those countries
if their refugee claims are approved.
It should begin later in the year but
we still have some more work to do on
the implementation arrangements, Mr
Morrison said on when transfers would
start, adding that resettlement would
be voluntary and permanent.
Rights groups have condemned
the proposal with the United Nations
Human Rights Commissioner voicing
concern about a dangerous precedent
for refugee protection around the world.
Amnesty International called it a
new low in Australias deplorable and
inhumane treatment of asylum-seek-
ers, questioning Cambodias human
rights record.
In January the Australian govern-
ment condemned Cambodias human
rights record at a UN human rights
hearing, but will now relocate vulner-
able refugees, possibly including chil-
dren, to the country, spokesperson
Rupert Abbott said.
Mr Morrison said Australia would
give Phnom Penh $35m over four years
to support various overseas develop-
ment aid projects in return for taking
the refugees.
The most important thing were
giving them is our expertise. Cam-
bodia wants to be a country that can
resettle refugees properly and theyre
seeking our advice and expertise on
how we can do that, he added.
Cambodia is recognised as one of
the worlds poorest and most corrupt
countries but Mr Morrison brushed
of concerns, saying stringent checks
would ensure the money went where it
was intended. AFP
Australia pays Cambodia
$35m to take in refugees
THE number of asylum-seekers in
industrialised countries has risen by
nearly a quarter, driven by the wars
in Syria and Iraq as well as instabil-
ity in Afghanistan, Eritrea and else-
where, the UN refugee agency said
on September 26.
In the rst six months of this year,
the total number of people requesting
refugee status in such countries rose
to 330,700, a 24-percent increase on
the same period in 2013, the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refu-
gees said.
We are clearly into an era of grow-
ing conict, said UNHCR chief An-
tonio Guterres in a statement on his
agencys latest Asylum Trends report.
The global humanitarian system
is already in great difculty. The inter-
national community needs to prepare
their populations for the reality that
in the absence of solutions to conict
more and more people are going to
need refuge and care in the coming
months and years.
Mr Guterres also said that as things
stand, it does not appear that resourc-
es and access to asylum procedures
will be available for those in desperate
The report was based on data re-
ceived from 44 governments in Eu-
rope, North America and parts of the
Asia-Pacic region.
Based on historical norms of high-
er numbers of asylum-seekers in the
second half of each year, it said the
2014 total could hit 700,000.
That would mark a 20-year high
for industrialised countries, and a
level unseen since the Balkan wars of
the 1990s sparked by the break-up of
The bulk of new asylum claims was
in just six countries: Germany, the
United States, France, Sweden, Tur-
key and Italy. Central Europe, in par-
ticular Hungary and Poland, as well as
Australia. AFP
Refugee numbers heading for 20-year high
It enables us to
full on the policy
which says no-one
will be resettled in
Scott Morrison
Australian immigration minister
Rise in the number of asylum-seekers
in industrial countries in the rst six
months of 2014
RICOH COMPANY, LTD., a company incorporated in Japan,
of 3-6, 1-Chome, Naka-Magome, Ohta-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, is the
Owner of the following Trade Mark:-
Reg. No. 4261/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 01
Reg. No. 4262/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 02
Reg. No. 4263/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 07
Reg. No. 4264/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 09
Reg. No. 4265/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 10
Reg. No. 4266/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 11
Reg. No. 4267/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 14
Reg. No. 4268/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 16
Reg. No. 4269/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 21
Reg. No. 4270/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 35
Reg. No. 4271/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 36
Reg. No. 4272/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 37
Reg. No. 4273/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 38
Reg. No. 4274/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 39
Reg. No. 4275/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 40
Reg. No. 4276/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 41
Reg. No. 4277/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 42
Reg. No. 4278/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 43
Reg. No. 4279/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 44
Reg. No. 4280/2007, in respect of all goods in Class 45
Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark
will be dealt with according to law.
Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L
P. O. Box 60, Yangon Dated: 29 September 2014
Beiersdorf AG, ( a German company) of Unnastrasse 48, 20253
Hamburg, Germany, is the Owner and Sole Proprietor of the
following Trade Mark:-
used in connection with:-Class 03: Soaps, perfumery, essential
oils, cosmetics, hair care preparations, suncare preparations,
deodorants and anti-perspirants for personal use.
A Declaration of Ownership of the said Mark has been
registered in the Offce of the Sub-Registrar of Deeds and
Assurances, Yangon, being No. 12106/2014.
WARNING is hereby given that any fraudulent imitation or
unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark in any manner whatsoever
will be dealt with according to law.
Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L
for Beiersdorf AG
P. O. Box 60, Yangon
E-mail: makhinkyi.law@mptmail.net.mm
Dated: 29 September 2014
Novo Nordisk A/S, a Company incorporated in Denmark, of
Novo Alle, DK-2880 Bagsvaerd, Denmark, is the Owner of the
following Trade Mark:-
Reg. No. 6819/2004
in respect of Class 5: Pharmaceutical preparations for the
treatment of diabetes.
Fraudulent imitation or unauthorised use of the said Trade Mark
will be dealt with according to law.
Win Mu Tin, M.A., H.G.P., D.B.L
for Novo Nordisk A/S
P. O. Box 60, Yangon
E-mail: makhinkyi.law@mptmail.net.mm
Dated: 29 September 2014
World 43 www.mmtimes.com
MORE than 2000 people marched on
the residence of Hong Kongs leader last
week as students escalated their protest
action against Chinas refusal to grant
the city full democracy.
Student groups are spearheading
a civil disobedience campaign along
with democracy activists in protest
at Beijings decision to vet who can
stand for chief executive, the south-
ern Chinese citys top post, at the next
University students began a week-
long class boycott on September 22, ral-
lying a crowd that organisers said was
13,000-strong on a campus in the north
of the city and breathing new life into
a movement left stunned by Beijings
hardline stance.
The following day the students
moved their protest to a public park
outside the main legislative complex
of the semi-autonomous Chinese city,
briey mobbing current Hong Kong
leader Leung Chun-ying as he exited
the building.
Protesters set of from Tamar park
on the evening of September 25 as they
made their way toward Mr Leungs of-
cial government residence in the Cen-
tral region of Hong Kong, despite being
initially blocked by police, who held up
signs warning that those who continued
could be prosecuted.
The uphill march, which lasted over
three hours, was halted multiple times
by police, angering some protesters who
screamed let us pass at ofcers. Organ-
isers had said they did not seek permis-
sion for the rally.
Chants calling for Mr Leung to step
down were repeated, while a large
cutout of his face with vampire fangs led
the procession.
Some protesters wrote messages,
calling for Mr Leung to come out, on
white sheets of paper, which they folded
into paper airplanes and tossed over the
gate of government house. Others sat on
the road running past the house, block-
ing trafc.
Organisers claimed around 4000
took part but an AFP reporter at the
scene estimated the gure was over
2000 though numbers began to dwindle
down to around 500 in the early hours
of the of September 26.
Some students spent the night
camped outside Mr Leungs residence,
threatening to stop him going to work
in the morning, local broadcaster RTHK
But many protesters doubted the
chief executive would come out to talk
with them.
Leung is scared of us. Hes scared of
the people, 18-year-old high school stu-
dent Lau Tak-wai told AFP while wear-
ing his white school uniform.
He knows the Chinese governments
decision is wrong, but he cant do any-
thing because Beijing controls him, Lau
Most participants said they simply
wanted Mr Leung to acknowledge them.
Its not that much to ask our leader
to hear our grievances, to acknowledge
that we have legitimate concerns, said
Shue Yan University sociology student
Bethany Yiu.
I need to ght for democracy now
so the next generation can have a bet-
ter life, economics major at Shue Yan,
Saxon Lam, said. The two students were
arrested this year along with more than
500 others during a July sit-in.
A response by the government re-
leased early on September 25 said
they understood and respected the
students concern and requests for
Occupy Central, a prominent
grassroots pro-democracy group, has
vowed to take over Central if its demand
that Hong Kongers be allowed to nomi-
nate candidates for leader is not met.
If there are a few thousand to 10
thousand people sitting on the road and
with four police ofcers needed to lift
one person, it will take a considerable
amount of time, Occupy co-founder
Chan Kin-man said.
Last month China said Hong
Kongers would be allowed to vote for
their leader for the rst time in the 2017
election, but that only two or three can-
didates approved by a pro-Beijing com-
mittee could stand.
Britain handed Hong Kong back
to China in 1997 under a one country,
two systems agreement which allows it
civil liberties not seen on the mainland,
including free speech and the right to
protest. AFP
Thousands join student democracy march
Students gathers outside of Government House in Hong Kong on September 26 as part of a campaign of civil
disobedience against Beijings refusal to grant the city full universal suffrage. Photo: AFP
World 45 www.mmtimes.com
AS Indias Prime Minister Narendra
Modi continues his landmark visit to
the United States, with scheduled stops
including the United Nations General
Assembly, the White House and even
a speaking event at New Yorks famous
Madison Square Garden arena, the one-
time military leaders of Myanmar may
well be hoping for a similar US embrace
of their own one day.
Mr Modis reception is a marked
change for the 64-year-old former chief
minister of the Indian state of Gujarat
who was denied a U.S. visa in 2005, per-
haps in part due to suspicions of his ties
to a tragedy in his home state.
Sectarian rioting had killed more
than 1000 people, mainly Muslims, sev-
eral years prior in Gujarat. Supporters of
Mr Modi, who denies wrongdoing, note
that Indias new leader has been exoner-
ated by an India Supreme Court probe.
Now more than 100 days in ofce,
Mr Modi has changed both the mood of
the country and the dynamics of Indias
relations with foreign leaders. Opti-
mism, palpable within this nation of 1.2
billion, is encapsulated in the belief that
better days are ahead.
Expectations are high, just as they
continue to be in places such as Indone-
sia and many parts of Myanmar given
changes that continue to sweep a region
increasingly under new leadership.
Mr Modis ascent to the helm of the
worlds largest democracy is a remark-
able compliment to India for several
reasons. He is a man of humble origins
with little or no formal education.
The transfer of power also was
smooth and in accordance with consti-
tutional law.
Most importantly, for the vast ma-
jority of his fellow citizens, Mr Modi
represents the real India speaking
Hindi, the language of the common
man and demonstrating in dress and
outlook, that he has shaken the colonial
legacy of elitism.
It is a tribute to India and the man
that he started life serving tea in a tra-
ditional teahouse, or chaikhana, and
broke the back of the old guard. In Gu-
jarat, he demonstrated a can do spirit
and a business friendly environment
that impressed many domestically and
However, it was during his term in
Gujarat that the notorious race riots
took place, a fact that has tarnished
his image somewhat and caused fear
amongst some that India is headed for a
muscular revival of Hindu nationalism,
or Hindutva.
To his detractors he demonstrates a
dictatorial strain; to his supporters he
is resolute.
It remains to be seen what changes
Indias most dynamic leader in recent
years can bring about in a country too
often wedded to the past, too urgently
in need of overhaul.
Russell Green, the Clayton Fellow at
Rice Universitys Baker Institute and a
former US Treasury Attach to India,
states: Modi has made a fast start on
both weedy implementation and broad-
er reforms not house-on-re fast, but
still impressive. He though has yet to
explain his big economic reform vision
in enough detail to revive corporate in-
vestment and pull the public onboard.
But winning power is distinctly dif-
ferent from retaining power. And that
too is a message for all of Asias new and
would be leaders.
Here are four considerations on
which Indias citizens as well as foreign
business leaders and would-be inves-
tors should measure the countrys new
leadership. Myanmar citizens should
also take note as they ponder leadership
changes of the their own.
First is the question of economic
growth and macro-economic stabil-
ity. With 50 percent of Indias popula-
tion under the age of 30, job creation
must be foremost in the minds of
the nations leaders. Nothing is more
dangerous than unemployed youth rov-
ing the streets, their frustrations rising
and, sooner or later, nding expression
in public disharmony.
Concurrent with the emphasis on
growth is the need for macro-economic
stability. Past governments attempts to
win goodwill through populist subsi-
dies and by creating welfare programs
are unsustainable. It is time for Indias
leaders to come to terms with economic
fundamentals and budget decits, and
restore macroeconomic stability.
Second, India has adopted the insti-
tutional structure of a modern demo-
cratic state; now it is important to en-
sure these institutions function in an
honest and credible manner. If the pub-
lic cannot trust the judiciary, or have
faith that the police force works in their
interest, it will resort to unfair means to
achieve its goals.
Mr Modi must address head-on
a plethora of issues that relate to the
high level of corruption and poor gov-
ernance, which keep the nation low on
the ranks of the World Banks annual
Doing Business survey. India dropped
from 131 to 134 in the latest World Bank
ranking of 189 economies. (Myanmar
ranks 182
Third, is the deplorable state of In-
dias infrastructure. Sadly insufcient
change has come to Indias core infra-
structure despite hundreds of millions
of dollars from numerous bilateral aid
agencies and development banks. In
the India of today, much like the India
of yesterday, even in urban areas access
to water and to reliable electricity can-
not be counted on.
Mr Modis slogan of toilets before
temples needs to be translated into
action. His promise to clean the rivers
must nd credible action points. He
must provide power so that school chil-
dren can do their homework at night.
And he must address Indias health
Finally, an urgent task await-
ing the new government is the need
to build cohesion out of diversity.
Here too the parallels to Myanmars
challenges are obvious. The Muslim
population of India is close to 15 per-
cent and this community is a vibrant
part of India.
Yet, on every economic and social
measure, this segment of the popula-
tion ranks low. While the reasons for
this are complex, the reality of their
weaker economic and political power
has rendered many disgruntled.
The new government in India must
focus on this communitys grievances
and demonstrate an approach that is
inclusive and credible to the Muslim
population. Governments are often
dened by their failures, and given
what was seen by many as anti-Muslim
rhetoric during the Modi campaign,
real progress in addressing this com-
munitys specic needs as part of an all
India economic drive can help prove
naysayers wrong.
In India, democracy denes itself by
its ability to get the government. The
Modi government should continue to
bear that in mind as it moves forward
to manage, if not meet, the incredible
expectations that its election has engen-
dered among not just foreign business
leaders and elsewhere but also its own
people. Perhaps that too is also a mes-
sage for Myanmar.
Myanmar can learn from Indias new leader
Curtis S. Chin, a former U.S. ambassa-
dor to the Asian Development Bank, is
Senior Fellow, Asia, at the Milken Insti-
tute. Meera Kumar, a former staf mem-
ber of the ADB, is a New York-based
freelance writer. Follow on Twitter at @
CurtisSChin and @MeeraKumar212.
Myanmar citizens
should take note
as they ponder
leadership changes
of their own





As new economic pressures and opportunities threaten the
traditional responsibility of adult children to care for their parents,
both generations ref ect on what it means for families and
the social security of elders
Three young migrants from Myitkyina, Mawlamyine and the delta region left their families for the prospect of a better life in Yangon. While living together in a youth hostel, one works at a call centre, one is a
taxi driver and one is a student. Currently, only the driver sends money home to his parents. Photos: Yu Yu
the pulse 47
When no one
stays home
HEN Daw Nyos adult children could no longer spare the time to care
for her, the 73-year-old, who lives on a small pension, started to visit
the Day Care Centre for the Aged, located near her home on Kabar Aye
Pagoda Road. So far, none of her three children has invited her to live
with them since her husband passed away nine months ago, she said.
My daughters are struggling to support their own children, and they dont have time to
talk with me even when I visit them, Daw Nyo said, adding that they do give her dinner
By tradition, adult children are expected to take responsibility for the care of their
parents as they age. Historically theres been no public safety net for poor retirees and
the elderly, leaving the burden of care to fall on adult children.
Unlike decades past, however, today more young people are leaving home to seek
work in the cities, making nancial and social security problematic for elderly parents.
Even those elders who have earned a comfortable living nd that loneliness is often the
result of their childrens departure. New economic pressures and opportunities for the
young generation are playing no small part in the change.
For May Sabei Wah, 30, head translator at Skynet broadcasting, its difcult to make ends
meet, yet she has willingly taken on the role of breadwinner. Ive never felt that I am shoul-
dering the burden of my family, said May Sabei Wah, who is supporting her mother and
two younger brothers (one a college student, one a high-school student) on a monthly salary
of K470,000. The amount barely covers the costs of tuition, clothing, housing and transpor-
tation for all four of them, she said. She cant put any money aside for the future.
Shes contemplated a change of career, she said, but she feels stressed by the risks
involved for the family. Whenever I think of making a career move, I wonder who will
support my family when I am unemployed, until I nd a new job? The thought always
stops me, she said.
The Day Care Centre for the Aged is a comfortable place run by the Department of
Social Welfare. The two-storey building has a large prayer room, a parlour with sofas
and televisions, a clean dining hall and a karaoke room.
Yet those who opt to bring their parents to the centre face derision from neighbours
and family who see them as shirking their responsibilities. Nonetheless, the number of
people using the day-care and the more permanent Home for the Aged is increasing,
said a representative. It accepted 50 people when it opened in November 2013. Now its
increased to 70. Representatives of the home say the country should adopt policies to
address the situation, such as raising the retirement age and increasing pensions.
Ageing populations are a worldwide phenomenon. Last April, Thailand released sta-
tistics that show the proportion of persons aged over 60 now accounts for 13 percent of
the total population. Over the next 20 years, the aged population is expected to account
for 25 percent.
In Myanmar, the exact population of the elderly has not yet been released since the
census conducted last March. The Department of Social Welfare has estimated that the
nations percentage of people over age 60 is 9-10 percent. Yet since the population has
been revealed to be smaller than previously thought about 51 million, rather than 60
million its probable that new demographics will also reveal a population older than
suspected, requiring a policy to secure elders future as more and more adult children
are unable to care for their parents.
Those who live in the countryside are moving to the city to work, and those who live
in the city are travelling abroad, said Dr Maung Aung, an adviser at the Union Minis-
ters Ofce, Ministry of Commerce. As the country opens up and the economy grows,
the issue will get bigger, he said.
A year ago, Ko Chit Ko Lynn, a freelance photographer at YAT Group, left his home
town of Mawlamyine to pursue a career in photography. When he was living at home,
he said, he had no time to indulge his passion for photography. He is his familys only
adult son, and so he worked in his parents business.
When Ko Chit Ko Lynns elder sisters were undertaking further studies and his
younger brother and sisters were still at school, it would have been selsh to leave his
parents alone to struggle to support the rest of the children, he said.
Now they [his siblings] are working and supporting my parents, so I decided to set-
tle in Yangon for my hobby, he said. It has meant giving up the idea that he will be able
to provide for his parents.
I cant support them nancially, but I regularly call and show my warmth and
respect for them, and I often visit them on Sundays and on public holidays, he said.
They understand that I am struggling and cant support them, and they dont blame
He said that once young people move away from home, the idea of caring for parents
gets lost.
It depends on each individuals feelings. Some children feel bitter toward their
parents and dont want to return home, he said.
Ma Ny Ny Maung, a former teacher trainer, is one of those who doesnt want to live
with her mother, who didnt approve of her daughter changing careers to become an
Over six years, I worked as a teacher trainer, which my mother loved. But when I
changed my career to pursue what I love, she got annoyed with me about it, she said.
She wants complete freedom to do as she likes, and her mother doesnt show much
Her mother used to work outside the city as a government ofcial. As a second-year
college student, Ma Ny Ny Maung went to live alone in Yangon to work as a trainer in
order to support her mother and younger sister. When my mother retired, we lived
together. I felt I had lost the freedom I had known when working alone in Yangon, she
She said shes given up hope of her mother ever understanding her perspective, but
she still experiences family-related stress.
Every day, I have to take on the challenges of my new career. When I get home, Im
tired out. At that time, if I get a scolding from my mother, I lose control and snap back.
Then I feel guilty for lacking respect, she said.
Some blame the isolation of elders on increasing exposure to foreign values, which
are supplanting traditional culture. In the West, children leave home as early as 16. In
Myanmar, children live with their parents until they are married, and even some mar-
ried children live at home their whole life.
Pau Sian Zam, 29, who has eight siblings, left his home town of Kalay, Chin State,
two years ago to teach at a private language school in Yangon. He feels secure about
his ageing parents because his two youngest sisters remain in Kalay and the rest of the
siblings are working nearby.
Yet living in Yangon, Pau Sian Zam is aware of the struggle of isolated elders. He ex-
perienced a big change in lifestyle when he moved to Yangon. For the rst time, he saw
elderly people living alone in small apartments, and that neighbours werent as friendly
in the city as they were in the rural community. In apartment living, he said, its easy to
bottle up feelings of loneliness and resentment.
In Kalay, my neighbours are like relatives. If the children go to work and to school,
the adult neighbours look after the ageing parents who live next door. But the way of
life in Yangon is diferent, he said.
The city is home to many charity organisations, yet relatively few work for the ben-
et of the aged although Buddhists see helping the elderly as a good deed. Its widely
believed that those who look after their parents without complaint will never face
danger on their journey through life, and will enjoy good luck.
When todays young get old, they will need it.
PISCES | Feb 19 March 20
A bad attitude will get you red sooner or later, regardless of
your skills. The more you judge people, the more you will
push them away. Know that credibility is essential to
producing results with ease, and the root of credibility is
honesty. Never use strong words. Never say yeah. Say yes.
You must develop objectivity to understand the value of social challenges.
SCORPIO | Oct 23 Nov 21
Contemplate yourself. Recognise the speck of contempt in
your heart, and consider the various ways it can spread
unhappiness and ineffectiveness through you. Turn and grow
in a safer direction. Know that an echo is the reection of its
original voice, and extraordinary things happens sometimes.
Love is unpleasant because of insurmountable obstacles.
CANCER | June 21 July 22
Learn how to judge your own limitations. Know that
nothing is gained by delusional and inated ideas about
your abilities. Say something real and see where it takes
you. Stop pretending to be so damned polite, because
being polite often means being dishonest. Take more
responsibility for what you are actually communicating to others.
CAPRICORN | Dec 22 Jan 19
Destiny rules wealth and wisdom moulds the long healthy
life. Triing annoyances get magnied as a result of major
underlying problems. Remember that effective work is
possible only with mental harmony. Hurrying or fretting
over any task will not get it done faster or more efciently.
Dont let your emotions be greedy in love affairs.
TAURUS | April 20 May 20
Think what is the worst that could happen in a situation,
and go forward with all your energy without wasting time
on unproductive worrying. You should take a chance for the
hell of it. Know that confrontation is a good thing that is at
the core of honesty and your intellectual level. You have an
unexplored possibility to change your mindset.
VIRGO | Aug 23 Sept 22
Keep a close watch on your self-condence meter.
Great leaders play within their own sphere of talent,
knowing that creeping over-condence can wipe
them out. Know that you control your thoughts, or
your thoughts will control you. You should govern
your habits or your habits will govern you. An envious
person may attempt to undermine you with fear.
AQUARIUS | Jan 20 Feb 18
Challenge and change can come from embracing the
unexpected. Learn as much as possible about whatever it
is that makes you happy and peaceful. Happiness in your
life will bring business success. Know that highly effective
people never blame circumstances for their lack of results.
Someone may try to undermine your condence.
SAGITTARIUS | Nov 22 Dec 21
Strong willingness separates leaders from followers. Know
that scars are part of the leadership landscape, and a
willingness to endure them is part of accepting the job. You
should get experience in sharing truth from the heart.
Leaning on crutches of sympathy or high connections is a
road leading to a blind alley. You can let your emotional success be known.
LIBRA | Sept 23 Oct 22
Do good things, no matter how insignicant they seem,
and dont worry about what you accomplish in the process.
Never forget to be restrained and deliberate with your
intellectual power. Attend to the realities of people today,
not the mysteries of tomorrow, which can change against
your expectation. Your impending change of love might be permanent.
ARIES | March 21 April 19
Assess the appropriate level of risk for you in any situation.
If youre not aware of who you are or what your potential is,
then you dont have the tools to recognize how to improve.
Realise that time goes by quickly. You have to go from a
zone of certainly to one of uncertainty. Motivate yourself to
be courageous for right challenges.
GEMINI | May 21 June 20
The more you are willing to accept responsibility for your
actions, the more credibility you will have. Know that more
opportunities will result in any relationship where
perfunctory activities are replaced with those driven by
necessity. Never make a proposal until you know what the
other person wants and why.
LEO | July 23 Aug 22
Leadership is always up for grabs, and its a common
human trait to assume it. Know that threatening
circumstances reveal the true leaders. Sound logic,
openness and articulate expression of the things you
believe may feel far away. You should smooth yourself out
and dene yourself as quickly as possible.
Floor, 113, Thamain Bayan Road, Tarmwe township, Yangon.
Tel: 09-731-35632, Email: williameaste@gmail.com
YOUNG man is to
take part in the Miss
International Queen
competition to be held
in Pattaya, Thailand,
next month. Student Myo Ko Ko
San, 20, won the title for Myanmar
last November in his hometown of
Mandalay, in an event organised by
the Rainbow Organisation.
The aims of the pageant are to
counter gender discrimination,
raise transgender rights awareness
among communities, build
friendship, and exchange ideas
among international lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) communities. The criteria
are personal talent and beauty,
plus a good command of general
knowledge. Pattaya is well known
for its gay beauty pageants.
Contestants must have been
born male, may be pre- or post-
operation and aged between 18 and
Myo Ko Ko San admits to
facing attitudinal difculties,
starting with his own family, who
had misgivings about his feminine
side. I hid the preparations for
competing in the pageant from my
family because I didnt want them
to feel hurt. It was my friends who
helped me win.
He has also taken heat on
social media for abandoning male
behaviour after announcing that
he would take part in the pageant.
Some people might oppose me on
religious grounds because I am gay,
which they think is ignoble. But
I think its noble to contribute to
society, and Im happy and grateful
when people judge my actions
without gender discrimination, he
Now he says his family is more
understanding. They were worried
that committing to the gay life
would be the ruin of me. But when
I won the crown last year and was
chosen to represent my country,
their attitude changed. They have
condence now, and Im going to
Thailand with their blessing.
Myo Ko Ko San has not
undergone gender transplantation
surgery and his 57 frame is a
willowy and well-proportioned 33-
33-35-inch chest, waist and hips.
When not pursuing his studies in
English, he keeps his skin beautiful
and takes tips from Tanyang Maung,
a former contestant in the Miss
International Queen competition
of 2013, on how to study for the
general knowledge section of the
pageant, and for moral support and
advice on competing in general.
Myo Ko Ko Sans hope is that he
can help educate people to learn
more about LGBT issues and bring
them to a higher understanding.
I want peoples thinking of LGBT
issues to change, so I project
courtesy not just for myself, but
because I am representing both
Myanmar and LGBT society. he
In 2013, 25 transgender and
gay entrants competed in the
Miss International Queen beauty
pageant, which was won by the
Brazilian beauty Marcela Ohio.
Tanyang Maung participated as a
representative of Myanmar.
The face of beauty, Myo Ko Ko San. Photo: Supplied
Sept 25-Oct 5 Contemporary Dialogues.
Conversations, performances and
exhibitions about culture in Myanmar, at
locations around Yangon. Free entry. Visit
Sept 20-Oct 1 Solo exhibition by Zaw
Lu Min, Lokanat Galleries, 1
foor, 62
Pansodan St, Kyauktada 10am-7pm
Sept 27-Oct 3 Ayeyarwaddy Strength
watercolour exhibition. River Ayeyarwaddy
Gallery, 134 35
Street, Middle Block,
Kyauktada 9am-6pm
Sept 27-Oct 1 To Value Something
second solo show by Zaw Yan Naing.
Pansodan Gallery, Pansodan Street,
Kyauktada 9am-9pm
Sept 26-Nov 1 The Mirror: Refecting
Society. Painting, sculpture, installation
and photography by four Burmese
contemporary artists. TS1 Gallery, between
Lanthit Jetty and Kaing Dan No 1 Jetty,
Seikkan 10am-6:30pm

Sept 25-Oct 5 23
European Film Festival.
Ten flms from seven European countries
with free entry. Nay Pyi Taw Cinema, near
Sule Pagoda. Films start daily at 3:30pm
and 6:30pm.
Start times at Mingalar (1, 2), Thwin,
Shae Shaung (1,2) and Nay Pyi Taw
cinemas are 10am, noon, 2pm, 4pm,
6pm and 8pm.
Start times at Junction Square and Maw
Tin are 10am, 1pm and 4pm daily and 7pm
and 9:30pm on Friday and Saturday.
Start times at Mingalar San Pya are 10am,
12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm and 9:30pm.
Nay Pyi Taw Cinema, near Sule Pagoda
Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.
Directed by Helene Giraud and Thomas
Szabo. Rival ant colonies battle for the
remains of a picnic (animation).
The Purge: Anarchy. Directed by James
Demonaco. American action-thriller.
Step Up All In. Directed by Trish Sie. The
ffth flm of the American dance series.
Mingalar Cinema 1, at Theingyizay, Latha
The Maze Runner. Directed by Wes Ball. A
group of boys trapped in a maze must fnd
an escape.
Mingalar Cinema 2, at Dagon Center 2,
Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.
Shae Shaung Cinema, Sule Pagoda
Road, Kyauktada
The Maze Runner.
The Swimmers. Directed by Sophon
Sakdaphisit. A Thai horror flm with English
Junction Square Cineplex, Kamaryut
The November Man. Directed by Roger
Donaldson. American spy thriller starring
Pierce Brosnan.
Threesome. Directed by Tanwarin
Sukkhapisit. A Thai romantic comedy with
English subtitles.
Mingalar San Pya Cineplex, Phone Gyi
Street and Anawrahta, Lanmadaw
The Purge: Anarchy.
The Maze Runner.
Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.
Oct 2 Side Effect. Myanmar indie rock.
Mojo Bar, 135 Inya Road, Bahan 9pm
Oct 3 Eye Contact. Celebrating
Myanmar and Germanys 60
year of
relations, Hein Tints Hsaing Waing
Ensemble and Tim Isforts jazz group will
perform accompanied by live drawings
by artists Soe Thaw Dar and Malte
Jehmlich. Tickets at the Goethe Institute,
Institut Franais, Pansodan and Gitameit,
or email ticket@yangon.goethe.org.
National Theatre, 7pm
Got an event?
List it in Whats On!
to compete in
the pulse 49 www.mmtimes.com
Radiohead hints at new album
Experimental rock giants Radiohead are working
on a new album or at least it would appear so
from the cryptic messages of frontman Thom
In recent days, Yorke made a series of
suggestive tweets, including a link to an untitled
picture of a white turntable, in between his calls
for the world to ght climate change. In his most
explicit message, Yorke said that he and Stanley
presumably longtime friend Stanley Donwood,
who has designed Radioheads cover art were
going through 15 years of discarded words and
Yorke said that Radiohead has done
overdubs in its studio but that the British
rockers were in their second day only.
The hints would conrm a statement earlier
this year by Radiohead lead guitarist Jonny
Greenwood, who told the BBC that the band
would start recording a new album in September.
The album would be Radioheads rst since
2011s The King of Limbs, which the band sold
digitally from their website without a record label.
New comic book stars Facebooks
Sheryl Sandberg
The life of billionaire Facebook executive
and Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg has
been distilled into a 32-page comic book
released last week.
Female Force: Sheryl Sandberg will
be available in print and digital versions,
according to publisher Bluewater
Production. The publishing companys
Female Force line of biography-based
comics has also spotlighted Hillary
Clinton, Michelle Obama, Melinda Gates,
Martha Stewart and Madonna.
Sheryl Sandberg is a hero to many
women, Bluewater said. So becoming a
comic-book superhero was the next logical
Sandberg, 45, a former Google executive,
was catapulted onto the billionaires list by
her stake in California-based Facebook, which
saw its shares close at $76.80 on the Nasdaq
exchange on September 22.
Record-breaking year for
contemporary art
The contemporary art market
experienced a record-breaking year
in 2013-14, according to new gures
released on September 23.
US artists Jean-Michel Basquiat,
who died in 1988, Jeff Koons and
Christopher Wool remain the markets
biggest stars, accounting for sales
at auction of 339 million euros ($436
million), according to Artprice, a Paris-
based organisation.
In the year from July 2013, sales of
contemporary art at public auctions
reached $2.046 billion dollars, up 40
percent on the previous year, Artprices
annual report said.
Pop artist Koons currently holds the record for the most expensive work of art
by a living artist ever sold at auction. His Balloon Dog went under the hammer in
November 2013 at Christies in New York, for a record $58.4 million.
The rest of Artprices top ten is made up of Zeng Fanzhi (China), Peter Doig
(Britain), Richard Prince (US), Martin Kippenberger (Germany), and three more
Chinese artists Luo Zhongli, Chen Yifei and Zhan Xiaogang.
A Balloon Dog sculpture by artist
Jeff Koons sold for US$58.4 million
at Christies last fall, making it the
most expensive piece by a living
artist to sell at auction. Photo: AFP
Farrell, Vaughn to star in new True
Detective series
Irish star Colin Farrell and US actor Vince
Vaughn are to co-star in the second series of
the hit police drama True Detective, program
makers announced September 23.
Farrell will play a detective under the thumb
of a mobster and Vaughn a career criminal in
the award-winning show, US cable network
Home Box Ofce (HBO) said.
The rst series of True Detective, co-
starring Matthew McConaughey and Woody
Harrelson on the hunt of a serial killer in
Louisiana, was a critical and popular hit,
winning ve Primetime Emmy awards.
The new season will tell the story of
three police ofcers and a career criminal
(who) must navigate a web of conspiracy in
the aftermath of a murder, HBO said in a
Filming of the new series, to air next year,
will begin in the next few months in California.
The Global Gossip
Actor Matt Damon takes
part in the Cities as Labs
of Innovation plenary
session at the Clinton
Global Initiatives 10

Annual Meeting in New
York on September 23.
Photo: Michael Loccisano/
A model showcases a
Pascal Millet dress at
the Paris 2015 Spring/
Summer ready-to-
wear fashion show on
September 23. Photo:
AFP/ Bertrand Guay
A model presents a
creation by Christine
Phung during the
2015 Spring/Summer
ready-to-wear collection
fashion show in Paris
on September 23. Photo:
AFP/Patrick Kovarik
Guy Laroche serves up
no-nonsense looks for
Paris fashion
UY Laroche designer
Marcel Marongiu opted
for modern, feminine
looks at the Paris
ready-to-wear show on
September 24 with a no-nonsense
collection featuring streamlined
graphic shapes, plunging necklines
and experimental materials.
On day two of Paris fashion
week, Marongiu teamed light
silk overalls with bikini tops and
tuxedos with shorts for a light,
efortless silhouette.
Experimental materials
included luminous acrylic
glass on strappy bain de
soleil dresses and light
scratched leather that gave
a rough sheen to bags,
shoes and details on coats.
Marongiu, artistic
director at Guy
Laroche since 2007,
is one of a raft of
designers such as
Hedi Slimane at
Yves Saint Laurent
and Alexander
Wang at Balenciaga
currently working
to reinvent fabled
fashion names for
the modern market.
Prior to his
appointment the
house had seen a
revolving door of
designers attempt to
breathe new life
into it including
Alber Elbaz,
now at Lanvin,
and Herve
Leroux, founder
of the Herve Leger label.
The French-Swedish designer,
who in the past has looked to David
Bowie for inspiration, said the idea
for his latest collection came from
someone even closer to his heart
than Bowie.
The starting point of this is
actually a picture of my mother, he
told AFP ahead of the show.
My mother had a very
interesting sense of style. She
mixed freely. She was [a] very
independent, intellectual woman.
She could one day have cropped
jeans with my fathers pea coat and
the next day an embroidered little
dress with a really tight waist. She
played with everything. She was
far from a fashion victim, he
Marongius summer 2015
collection, which came in
a palette of butter yellow,
eggshell, claret red, and
navy, also featured
dresses with laser-cut
designs and tri-colour
leather panels.
As well as his
mother, Marongiu said
he was inspired by the
US designer Claire
McCardell (1905-1958)
who was renowned
for her stylish yet
afordable womens
objective this
season was to be
both stylish and
simple to wear.
collection opts
for ... an overall
approach, the
house said in a statement.
Label founder Guy Laroche, who
died in 1989, was known for clothes
which were both wearable and high
fashion. Signature looks included
plunging neck and back lines.
I dont like throwing away
fashion. I dont like fast fashion,
Marongiu added.
The work Ive been doing for
Guy Laroche is not much about
fashion, its about style ... [its] not
about a dated garment for one
season, he said.
Nine days of Paris ready-to-wear
shows for spring/summer 2015 run
until September 31. AFP
Photos: AFP/Patrick Kovarik
in Pathein
No guidebook? Sometimes thats
when the adventure begins
WAS sitting in a minivan with
three local friends, and we were
prowling the streets of Pathein
on a mission.
Pathein is the fourth-largest
urban area in the country, the capital
of Ayeyarwady Region and a lively
port at the centre of the deltas rice
trade. We were trying to get our
hands on a copy of a particular
Myanmar-language book that told its
We located a cramped bookstore
near the Central Market. The owner
was familiar with the book, but said
no copies were available as the writer
had passed away two years ago. Given
that the invention of the printing
press has, for the past 500 years or so,
obviated the need for living authors
to crank out freshly handwritten
originals, we found this rather odd
Still, we soldiered on. Our next
stop was the citys public library,
which we found to be unburdened by
printed material of any description.
An underworked watchman in
the lobby informed us that the
knowledge-starved citizenry of
Pathein had cultivated a habit of
borrowing books but not returning
them, thereby depleting the collection
into nonexistence.
Our last hope was a mysterious
cultural museum. It was not listed in
the latest edition of Lonely Planet, but
I had encountered a passing reference
to it (sans address) online. One of my
travel companions had heard about
it too from the friend of a friend.
But none of the four Patheinians we
queried were aware of there being a
museum in their town.
Fortune smiled upon us when
we noticed a bilingual sign for the
Cultural Museum of Ayeyarwady
Region as we passed its location on
Mahabandoola Road, two blocks up
from Strand Road.
The museum, established in 2012,
held no books but did boast an array
of colourful and copiously illustrated
text panels crammed with useful
information about the industries for
which the area is famous, including
paddy cultivation, salt production,
mat weaving, halawar cookery and, of
course, parasol making.
But the few panels dealing with
history ofered some questionable
theories as fact, including the
much-debated claim that the Pyu
civilisation extended into areas of
southern Myanmar traditionally
rooted in Mon culture.
Another panel sought to impose
an ethnic identity upon a 40-million-
year-old fossil found near Mandalay,
ostensibly proving that Myanmar
started from Myanmar. This
grandiose and insupportable attempt
to politicise archaeology dates back
to the dark ages of junta rule, and
should probably be consigned to the
propaganda archives rather than
displayed in a museum.
Okay, forget about the history of
We departed the museum and
decided to spend the rest of the late
afternoon taking photographs around
the city.
About three minutes after this
course of action was agreed upon,
rain began pummeling us from the
sky and did not stop until 15 minutes
after sundown, at which point we
managed to get a few shots of the
modest nighttime vegetable market
along the river. We then retreated to
a dimly lit restaurant for agreeably
piquant steamed sh and cold beer.
Our goal for the next day was
to visit Mawtinsoun Pagoda on the
southwestern tip of Ayeyarwady
Its possible to get there by
boat along the Pathein River at
a cost of only K3500 for locals
and foreigners alike. Such a trip
requires an overnight stay near the
seaside pagoda before returning to
Pathein the following day, and local
authorities will call ahead to arrange
basic monastic accommodation for
Unfortunately, our group didnt
have time for an overnight trip, so
we took our minivan instead. I had
imagined this to involve a simple
drive on a straight road through
deltaic atlands, but the outbound
trip turned into a ve-and-a-half-hour
odyssey on a surprisingly twisty, hilly
and increasingly bumpy road through
the southern reaches of the Rakhine
When we arrived at Mawtin Point,
there was no town to meet us: The
road simply ended at the grey unruly
The complete lack of facilities was
made more surprising by the fact
that 30 minutes earlier we had seen
a Coca-Cola delivery truck heading
back toward Pathein. Despite the bold
claim on the side of the vehicle that
it was the real thing, the mystery
of where this delightfully refreshing
apparition had originated remained
Mawtin Point sports two golden
pagodas: Mawtinsoun Pagoda on
a hilltop overlooking the sea, and
Phaung Daw Oo about 100 metres
ofshore. The latter is said to mark the
spot where King Alaung Sithu who
ruled Bagan from 1113 to 1160, and
was renowned for his wide-ranging
travels once berthed his royal barge.
These pagodas teem with activity
during the annual Mawtinsoun
Pagoda Festival, held in the week
leading up to the full moon of the
lunar month of Tabaung (February or
March). But during our visit we had
the wild, beautiful coast to ourselves.
I was tempted to curse the
lousy weather as my eforts to take
photographs were complicated by
ongoing struggles to control my wind-
whipped umbrella with one hand
while wielding my camera with the
But conditions werent to blame.
It was a pleasant day for walking, and
the rain was only annoying insofar
as it threatened to ruin my electronic
The reality was that I would have
enjoyed the pagoda experience to
a much greater extent had I not
felt obligated to commemorate the
experience with my camera, and had
I granted myself the freedom to relax,
get wet and register the moment in
my own memory instead of on an SD
But I kept snapping away, at
the behest of my 24.1-megapixel
slave master, pausing only to light
some candles at a shrine under the
curious eye of a deaf, elderly pagoda
attendant who was happy and helpful
in a way that is rarely seen outside of
We descended a steep, narrow
stairway from Mawtinsoun and
waded out to Phaung Daw Oo along
a concrete walkway that was slippery
with algae. The footing was rendered
even less sure by the steady assault
of waves rolling across Mawtin Point
from two directions at once the
Bay of Bengal on one side and the
Andaman Sea on the other.
Before we departed the coast, we
stopped at the lone restaurant onsite,
a modest hut with a dirt oor and one
item on ofer: steamed rice and fried
eggs. Our bellies full but unsatised,
we then hastened back to Pathein at
all possible speed, inspired to make
the return journey in less than ve
hours by the promise of a decent
dinner and a few bottles of beer.
Our last day in Pathein dawned
sunny and bright. As we ate breakfast
on the rooftop of Htike Myat San
Motel, we could see dozens of white
egrets roosting in an expansive tree
near the river.
We took advantage of the good
weather to buzz around town
collecting the photos we had
missed on our rst day: serene
Shwemokhtaw Pagoda, the forest-
green faade of St Peters Cathedral,
the crowded Central Market. At the
riverfront, we watched women haul
rocks from a barge while men sat
nearby playing games.
We also dedicated an hour to
wandering around the delightfully
Htike Myat San Motel
8 Mahabandoola Road
042-22742, 09-422521866,
La Pyae Wun Hotel
30 Mingyi Road
Day to Day Motel
Jail Street
Myo Restaurant
5 Aung Yadanar Street
Top Star Restaurant
Strand Road
Other stuf
Shwe Sar Umbrella Workshop
653 Tawyakyaung Road
042-25127, 09-250732227
Getting there
Buses depart Yangon from Hlaing
Tharyar bus station west of the
Yangon River and take about
four hours each way (K6000).
For those with more time, a far
more interesting way to reach
Pathein is on government-run
ferries, which make the trip in 20
hours. Tickets cost US$8 (K2070
for locals) for the deck and $40
(K5160 for locals) for grungy
cabins, and can be purchased at
the Inland Water Transport Ofce
on Mahabandoola Road.
Photo: Douglas Long
A woman paints a giant parasol at the Shwe Sar Umbrella Workshop. Photo: Douglas Long
Sedatives may put
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a class of medications
used to treat seizures,
anxiety disorder, and
alcohol withdrawal.
These are drugs such as
diazepam (Valium), lorazepam
(Ativan), alprazolam (Xanax)
and clonazepam (Klonopin).
They have long been part of the
pharmaceutical arsenal that
doctors use in inpatient and
outpatient settings, and, when
chosen in appropriate settings,
they can be life-saving.
Like all drugs, benzodiazepines
have negative side efects. These
include daytime fatigue, accidents
and falls. Also, this class of
medications is addictive and is a
well-known group of drugs of abuse.
Nevertheless, they are frequently
prescribed by doctors and, in some
places, such as the US, clearly
overprescribed. Why?
Doctors and patients use the
medications of-label, meaning
to treat conditions for which the
drug is not clearly established to
be safe and benecial. In the case
of benzodiazepines, unlabelled
prescriptions tend to be ofered to
patients that are having dif culty
sleeping (the medical term is
insomnia) or who likely have been
given a poorly considered diagnosis
of acute anxiety.
A related group of medicines
is known as the Z-drugs, which
includes zolpidem (Ambien)
and zaleplon (Sonata), among
others. These have similar anti-
anxiety, hypnotic and sedative
characteristics, and are mainly
used for insomnia. While they are
widely marketed as being safer
than benzodiazepines, the same
side efects should inspire caution
among doctors and patients.
Patients taking Valium or
Zolpidem on a daily or nightly
basis are clearly at risk for sluggish
behaviour, poor concentration, a
lack of motivation, sloppy speech
and physical accidents. For this
reason they are particularly
problematic for the elderly, who
unfortunately tend to sufer from
sleep disturbances more than the
general population. In fact an
older (but young at heart) relative
of mine was recently prescribed
Valium for sleep dif culties, and
when we visited her in the US, we
were surprised by how tired and
sometimes unmotivated she was
during the daytime. Happily, these
symptoms improved when the
benzodiazepine was stopped.
While weve always known that
Z-drugs and benzodiazepines are
dangerous on a day-to-day basis,
new data is starting to emerge that
shows long-term risk. A large study
conducted in the UK and published
recently in the British Medical
Journal compared 35,000 people
taking this class of medication with
70,000 people who were similar
in most ways (age, sex, geography,
physical and psychiatric disease,
etc) but were not taking a Z-drug
or benzodiazepine. After an average
of eight years, the patients on the
meds were three to four times more
likely to be dead. Those who took
higher doses more frequently fared
even worse.
The next step for research is to
conrm this data with additional
studies. But the implication is
clear: making the decision to use
benzodiazepines in a non-emergency
setting requires thoughtful
consideration and a belief that the
patient understands the short- and
long-term dangers. The alternatives
for treating insomnia are many (see
Living well in Myanmar, March 30,
2014) and, really, a variety of things
should be tried before introducing
this class of medications.
In Myanmar, patients might
be recommended one of these
medicines from a doctor, but they
are just as likely to purchase them
on their own. Benzodiazepines,
like most other medications, are
fairly easily available on the black
market. Far from being a dark
back alley place to buy illegal
goods, the pharmaceutical black
market extends into all parts of
the distribution chain in Myanmar.
From streetside shops where
medicines bake in the hot sun and
big markets where pharmaceuticals
are stacked up into the rafters, to
higher-end medical supply stores
with trained pharmacists, drugs
sourced from dubiously registered
channels are for sale.
This means that a drug like
diazepam, which is meant to be
regulated in Myanmar, can be
easily recommended and sold to a
consumer who tells the shopkeeper
that he or she is having trouble
sleeping. Presumably at the time
of this transaction there is little
conversation around the risk-of-
death data presented above.
Creating a strong
pharmaceutical regulatory
agency is of course one step
toward addressing black-market
medicine. Even more importantly,
empowering the Myanmar
Food and Drug Administration
would facilitate an initiative
against fake medicines, which
will one day be acknowledged as
a major public health threat. A
widespread assumption among
medical providers that has some
degree of evidential support is
that a dangerous percentage
of pharmaceuticals available
directly to the consumer are either
completely bogus or contain an
inadequate amount of active
chemical ingredient.
Christoph Gelsdorf is an American
Board of Family Medicine physician
who sees patients in Yangon and
California (www.gelsdorfMD.com). He
is a member of the Myanmar Medical
Association. Reader thoughts and
questions are welcomed.
Living well in Myanmar
surreal environs of Royal Lake Park.
Near the entrance were pavilions
erected by various government
ministries aimed at aunting their
good works to the public. In a strange
way, the setup reminded me of the
exhibits at Disney Worlds EPCOT
Center, but less rooted in reality
than the dreams trapped inside Walt
Disneys cryogenically frozen head.
I was not disappointed to see that
the mouldering government displays
were completely ignored by visitors,
and that the porticos in front of each
pavilion had been commandeered
instead by young couples snuggling
and whispering behind strategically
deployed umbrellas.
Other items of interest at the
park included a sculpture of a battle
tank made from discarded cans
of insect spray; the Bay of Lovers,
consisting of a decrepit boardwalk
arcing toward a statue of a naked
mermaid endowed with bountiful
golden breasts; a waterlogged mini-
golf course; lakeside cabins from
which emanated the banshee wail of
daytime karaoke acionados; and a
whimsical graveyard of half-sunken,
duck-shaped paddle boats long past
their prime.
And of course, we couldnt leave
Pathein without visiting the famous
Shwe Sar parasol workshop. Monsoon
is the slowest period for the industry,
and only a few parasols were being
made at the time of our visit. Still,
the proprietors went out of their
way to accommodate our eforts to
photograph their masterful work.
They were also keen to relate
the long history of their enterprise:
how U Shwe Sar had been the royal
parasol maker to King Thibaw but
was forced to escape Mandalay after
the city was taken over by the British
in 1885.
He had ed south along the
Ayeyarwady River, eventually settling
in Pathein and reestablishing his
workshop in his backyard. At rst, U
Shwe Sar made parasols in exchange
for rice, but he later expanded the
enterprise into a more viable business
that has been passed down to the
current generation.
It was a ne, adventurous story
that added vitality and context to our
workshop visit. The best guidebooks
to Pathein, it seems, are still the
people themselves. We bade farewell
to the city with our photographs
taken and our notebooks full,
departing for Yangon just before the
afternoon rain began to fall.
A recent study linked off-label use of sedatives to early death.
Photo: Wikimedia
Mawtin Point sports two golden pagodas. Photo: Douglas Long
the pulse food and drink 53 www.mmtimes.com
Y daughter passed
the u to me over the
weekend, so I was
totally crashed out on
my bed last Sunday.
All my shopping and photo plans
for the column fell apart. I ended
up checking my pantry to see
what I could produce. Honestly, I
wanted to cook something very easy
and yummy that might renew my
I keep green and red curry pastes
and sambal paste in my pantry, and
some mince is always in the freezer
in case I have to multiply the meal
to accommodate surprise guests
or dont get a chance to go to the
A few weeks ago, I found an MSG-
free Thai curry paste called Dancing
Chef at Marketplace, so I bought a
few to stock up. So I made stir-fried
pork mince with spicy red curry
paste. To dilute the heat, I added
the juice and zest of an orange.
I also saw that John had bought
baked beans in tomato sauce for his
breakfast and lunch, so I took one
of the cans and made it into a stew
with inspiration from a recipe of my
mums friend.
Well, things didnt turn out the
way I planned. Writing this, I myself
still dont feel well. But luckily the
plan B menu worked.
Serves 6
500g pork mince
1 tsp ginger, grated
1 tbsp Kikkoman soya sauce
2 tbsp red curry paste
4 onions
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 orange (zest and juice)
Using kitchen paper, pat the pork
mince dry. In a glass bowl, mix it
with the soya sauce and 1 tbsp of the
red curry paste. Leave it for an hour
at least.
Cut the onions roughly. Add the
oil to a wok and heat it on high.
Turn down to medium and saut
the onions. When they become
transparent, add the garlic and
ginger. Fry until the aroma of the
garlic emerges.
Add the remaining red curry
paste and fry for 1 minute more.
Adjust the heat to control the oil
Add the mince to the wok, and
use a wooden spatula to crumble it.
Stir it well, bringing the heat back to
After all the water in the mince
has been cooked of, add the orange
juice and cup of water. As soon
as it starts bubbling, turn the heat
down to simmer. Then add the
orange zest and stir well. Simmer for
5 minutes to infuse the avours.
Serve with rice.
Serves 6
2 small onions
2 ripe tomatoes
1 can of baked beans in tomato
1 tsp vegetable oil
7-8 fried dried chillies
Halve the onions and cut each
half into six or eight slices. Halve
the tomatoes and slice them into
four or ve wedges.
Add the oil to a wok and heat
on high. Then turn the heat down
and saut the onions.
When the onions become
translucent, add the tomatoes and
fry for 1 minute more. Then add
the baked beans. With 3 tbsp of
water, rinse and add the leftover
sauce from the tin. Let it boil.
When the beans start gently
bubbling, add the fried dried
chilli and stir through. Leave a
When the sauce thickens, its
ready to serve.
Serve with rice or toast.
Restaurant Review
Minn Lan
Seafood Restaurant
Near Aung Yadanar Clinic,
Waizayandar Road, Thingangyun
Phone 01-558548, 09-30170200
Food 7
Beverage 7
Service 8
Value for money 8
X-factor 8
Restaurant Rating

Local seafood chain still dishing up

fresh and avourful Rakhine specialities
FOR the coastal-dwelling Rakhine,
seafood and sh are central to the
diet. They love to eat ery, sour
curries featuring coriander, lemon
grass, chillies and lemon juice.
Locally, this food is served at a
long-running Yangon establishment
called Minn Lan Rakhine Traditional
Hand-pressed Monti & Fresh Seafood
The name of the restaurant derives
from the street where the owners rst
opened, in Minn Lan, south Sayasan
Ward, Bahan township. There are now
ve branches in Yangon. The other
part of its name derives from the fact
that the menu features Rakhine monti
a bowl of sour and spicy soup with
sh slices, accompanied by rice
noodles and seafood brought
fresh from Chaungtha
beach. Last week I
visited the location
in Thingangyun.
The restaurant is a lovely place.
The tables are made of rough wood
bevelled at the edges. There is also
a large car park, and it is a short
distance away from the main road
so that the noise of traf c is hardly
The restaurants famous dish is
seashell curry (K3500), in either a
spicy or sweet style. We ordered a
bowl of the spicy curry, but we asked
the staf to reduce the spiciness
because our taste buds arent used to
so much chilli. We also ordered sides
of rice, seaweed salad (K1000) and a
fried sweet vegetable (K1500).
About 10 minutes later, our
seaweed salad arrived. Shrimp and
sh pastes are used as condiments, as
are thinly sliced onions and small
dried sh. Moments later our main
course came.
The curry was sour and light but
very delicious, although the meat of
the seafood was rather tough to eat.
The seaweed itself was fresh but the
sauce very spicy; it went well with rice.
There was nothing special about
the fried vegetables, which in style
and ingredients were what youd nd
in a Chinese restaurant.
The restaurant also ofers fried
or roasted crabs and giant prawns,
as well as a spicy crab curry. But
these items are signicantly more
expensive, ranging from K7500 to
Fresh juice is also available.
Rakhine foods are sour, spicy
and also particularly salty, and you
can nd them at many food stalls
in Yangon. But the quality of
Minn Lans seafood, directly
imported from the
beach, makes it stand
Serving up a bowl of piping hot seafood monti. Photos: Yu Yu
recipes to
pull out in
a pinch
Photos: Phyo
Saw Nang and Hong Sar
Midweek at Mojo
Friends gathered to enjoy spins by DJs Nice and Y at Mojo bar on September 24.
Film festival opens
The 4
Wathann Film Festival got under way at The Yangon Gallery on September
25. The festival, founded by lmmaker
Thu Thu Shein, featured independent lms by local and international directors as
well as a lmmaking master class and a wrap-up party with Side Efect at Institut
Franais on September 28.
Thet Htoo
DJ Nice and DJ Y
Wai Yan
Min Zayar Oo
The Yangon fashion
industry gathered at
Myanmar Event Park
on September 19 and
20 for a major show of
the Myanmar Fashion
Designer Group. The 28
designers each showed
17 new creations in what
was their biggest event
since their founding in
56 the pulse travel THE MYANMAR TIMES SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 5, 2014
Airline Codes
6T = Air Mandalay
7Y = Mann Yadanarpon Airlines
FMI = FMI Air Charter
K7 = Air KBZ
W9 = Air Bagan
Y5 = Golden Myanmar Airlines
YH = Yangon Airways
YJ = Asian Wings
Subject to change
without notice
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Sunday
Domestic Airlines
Air Bagan (W9)
Tel: 513322, 513422, 504888. Fax: 515102
Air KBZ (K7)
Tel: 372977~80, 533030~39 (airport), 373766
(hotline). Fax: 372983
Air Mandalay (6T)
Tel: (ofce) 501520, 525488, (airport)
533222~3, 09-73152853.
Fax: (ofce) 525937, 533223 (airport)
Asian Wings (YJ)
Tel: 515261~264, 512140, 512473, 512640
Fax: 532333, 516654
FMI Air Charter
Tel: 240363, 240373, 09421146545
Golden Myanmar Airlines (Y5)
Tel: 09400446999, 09400447999
Fax: 8604051
Mann Yadanarpon Airlines (7Y)
Tel: 656969
Fax: 656998, 651020
Yangon Airways (YH)
Tel: 383100, 383107, 700264
Fax: 652 533
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
FMI A1 1,2,3,4,5 7:30 8:30 FMI A2 1,2,3,4,5 8:50 9:50
FMI A1 6 8:00 9:00 FMI A2 6 10:00 11:00
FMI B1 1,2,3,4,5 11:30 12:30 FMI B2 1,2,3,4,5 13:00 14:00
FMI A1 7 15:30 16:30 FMI A2 7 17:00 18:00
FMI C1 1,2,3,4,5 16:45 17:45 FMI C2 1,2,3,4,5 18:05 19:05
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
YJ 891 2,4,5,6,7 6:00 8:05 Y5 233 Daily 8:05 9:15
YH 917 1,2,3,4,7 6:10 8:30 YJ 891 2,4,5,6,7 8:20 10:15
Y5 775 Daily 6:15 7:25 YH 918 1,2,3,4,7 8:30 10:25
6T 401 5 6:20 8:25 W9 7143/YJ 143 Daily 8:40 10:05
W9 7143/YJ 143 Daily 6:20 8:25 6T 402 5 8:45 10:45
YJ 891 1,3 6:30 8:35 YJ 891 1,3 8:50 10:45
K7 222/7Y 111 Daily 6:30 8:40 K7 223/7Y 112 Daily 8:55 11:00
7Y 851 1,3,7 7:05 11:20 W9 201 Daily 9:10 11:05
W9 201 Daily 7:30 8:55 W9 153/YJ 7153 7 12:45 19:30
7Y 741 2,5 9:00 13:45 W9 153/YJ 7153 2,5 12:45 18:50
7Y 841 4,6 10:00 14:15 7Y 742 2,5 14:00 18:18
YH 727 1 11:00 13:10 YH 730 4 14:00 19:15
YH 729 2,4,6 11:00 14:00 7Y 852 1,3,7 14:25 18:40
YH 737 3,5,7 11:00 13:10 7Y 842 4,6 14:30 18:15
W9 151/YJ 7151 1,3,6 11:00 14:45 W9 7152/YJ 152 1,3,6 15:05 16:30
W9 7153/YJ 153 2,5,7 11:00 12:25 YJ 602 6 15:40 17:05
YJ 601 6 11:00 12:25 YJ 212 5,7 16:00 17:25
YJ 761 4 11:00 12:55 YJ 202 2 16:00 17:25
YJ 201 2 11:00 12:55 7Y 632 2,4,6 16:15 17:40
YJ 211 5,7 11:00 12:25 YH 728 1 16:30 17:55
YJ 761 1 11:15 13:10 YJ 762 4 17:45 19:10
7Y 631 2,4,6 11:15 12:40 K7 225/7Y 222 Daily 16:50 19:00
K7 224/7Y 221 Daily 14:30 16:35 YH 738 3,5,7 17:10 18:35
W9 211 1,2,3,5,6 16:00 17:25 YH 730 2,6 17:45 19:10
W9 7211/YJ 211 4 16:00 17:25 YJ 762 1 18:00 19:25
Y5 234 Daily 17:45 18:55 Y5 776 Daily 19:35 20:45
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
YJ 891 2,4,5,6,7 6:00 7:20 YJ 891 1,2,3,4,5,6 7:35 10:15
YH 917 1,2,3,4,7 6:10 7:45 YH 918 1,2,3,4,7 7:45 10:25
6T 401 3,5 6:20 7:40 6T 401 5 7:55 10:45
W9 7143/YJ 143 Daily 6:20 7:40 W9 7143/YJ 143 Daily 7:55 10:05
YJ 891 1,3 6:30 7:50 6T 401 3 8:00 10:10
YH 917 5,6 6:30 8:05 YJ 891 7 8:05 10:45
K7 222/7Y 111 Daily 6:30 7:50 K7 222/7Y 111 Daily 8:05 11:00
6T 411 7 7:00 8:20 YH 918 5,6 8:05 10:10
K7 224/7Y 221 Daily 14:30 17:25 6T 412 7 8:40 10:10
W9 211 1,2,3,5,6 16:00 18:10 K7 225/7Y 222 Daily 17:40 19:00
W9 7211/YJ 211 4 16:00 18:10 W9 211 1,2,3,5,6 18:25 19:45
W9 7211/YJ 211 4 18:25 19:45
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
YH 824 1 7:00 9:40 YH 825 1 9:40 12:05
YH 828 2,6 7:00 10:00 YH 829 2,6 10:00 12:25
7Y 851 1,3,7 7:05 12:45 7Y 852 1,3,7 13:00 18:40
W9 7151/YJ 151 1,3,6 11:00 13:15 W9 7152/YJ 152 1,3,6 13:35 16:30
W9 7153/YJ 153 2,5,7 11:00 13:55 YJ 211 5,7 14:05 17:25
YJ 201 2 11:00 14:20 YJ 202 2 14:35 17:25
YJ 211 5,7 11:00 13:50 7Y 632 2,4,6 14:50 17:40
YJ 761 4 11:00 16:05 YJ 762 4 16:20 19:10
YJ 761 1 11:15 16:20 YJ 762 1 16:35 19:25
7Y 631 2,4,6 11:15 14:35 W9 7154/YJ 154 7 16:35 19:30
YH 826 4 14:00 16:40 W9 7154/YJ 154 2,5 16:35 18:50
YH 827 4 16:40 19:05
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
YJ 891 2,4,5,6,7 6:00 8:50 YH 918 5,6 9:00 10:10
YH 917 1,2,3,4,7 6:10 9:15 6T 402 3 9:00 10:10
6T 401 3 6:20 8:40 YJ 891 2,4,5,6,7 9:05 10:15
6T 401 5 6:20 9:20 YH 918 1,2,3,4,7 9:15 10:25
YJ 891 1,3 6:30 9:20 YJ 891 1,3 9:35 10:45
K7 222/7Y 111 Daily 6:30 9:30 6T 402 5 9:35 10:45
YH 917 5,6 6:30 9:00 K7 223/7Y 112 Daily 9:45 11:00
7Y 851 1,3,7 7:05 10:35 W9 201 Daily 9:55 11:05
W9 201 Daily 7:30 9:40 YJ 201 2 12:25 17:25
7Y 741 2,5 9:00 13:03 YJ 761 4 12:25 19:10
7Y 841 4,6 10:00 13:30 YJ 761 1 12:40 19:25
YJ 201 2 11:00 12:10 7Y 741 2,5 13:15 18:18
YJ 761 4 11:00 12:10 7Y 841 4,6 13:45 18:15
YJ 751 3 11:15 12:25 7Y 852 1,3,7 15:10 18:40
YJ 761 1 11:15 12:25 YH 728 1 15:45 17:55
YH 727 1 11:00 12:25 K7 224/7Y 221 Daily 16:00 19:00
YH 737 3,5,7 11:00 12:25 YH 738 3,5,7 16:25 18:35
YH 729 4 11:00 17:50 YJ 752 3 17:30 18:40
K7 224/7Y 221 Daily 14:30 15:45 YH 730 4 17:50 19:15
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
W9 7311/YJ 311 4 11:30 13:20 W9 7311/YJ 311 4 13:35 15:00
W9 311 2 11:30 13:20 W9 311 2 13:35 15:00
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
YH 633 3,4,5,7 7:00 9:15 YH 634 3,4,5,7 11:25 13:25
K7 319/7Y 531 Daily 7:00 9:05 K7 320/7Y 532 1,3,5 11:20 13:25
K7 320/7Y 532 2,4,6,7 11:30 13:35
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
YH 633 3,4,5,7 7:00 8:25 YH 634 3,4,5,7 12:15 13:25
K7 319/7Y 531 1,3,5 7:00 8:05 K7 320/7Y 532 1,3,5 12:20 13:25
K7 319/7Y 531 2,4,6,7 7:00 8:10 K7 320/7Y 532 2,4,6,7 12:25 13:35
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
7Y 741 2,5 9:00 10:38 YJ 762 1 15:55 18:10
YJ 761 1 11:00 15:40 YJ 752 3 16:25 18:40
YJ 751 3 11:15 13:30 7Y 742 2,5 16:40 18:18
YH 729 2,4,6 11:00 13:00 YH 730 2,6 16:45 19:10
YH 730 4 16:45 19:15
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
W9 7153/YJ 153 2,5,7 11:00 15:05 W9 7154/YJ 154 7 15:25 19:30
W9 7154/YJ 154 2,5 15:25 18:50
Flight Days Dep Arr Flight Days Dep Arr
W9 9607/ YJ 7607 4,7 14:20 16:10 W9 9608/ YJ 7608 4,7 17:20 18:10
the pulse travel 57 www.mmtimes.com
OW we are reaching the
tourism high season and
people are thinking about
where they should spend
their holidays.
I would like to suggest a place
that is not so far from Myanmar and
not so expensive, since we have a
free visa agreement between our two
countries. That place is Vietnam.
In particular, you might try Ha Long
Bay, one of the countrys most popular
tourist attractions. The areas 15,000
limestone islands have been designated
a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
To get there, I took a ight to
Hanois Noi Bai International Airport
on Vietnam Airlines, which ies
direct from Yangon three to ve
days a week. Its also the only airline
running between Myanmar and
Vietnam. Expect to pay at least $506
or more for a return trip.
From the airport I transferred to
a bus to Ha Long Bay. After about a
ve-hour journey, we arrived at the
bay to see it lled with boats and
cruise liners over 400 of them,
according to a local guide.
From the arrival point, a boat took
us on a 5-minute ride to reach the
ship where we would be staying.
We were between the blue sky and
the emerald sea, the seascape dotted
by white ships and green limestone
islands. All the elements together
seemed to form a perfectly serene
surrounding. It felt wonderful.
Ha Long Bay also features many
tourist sites, including caves and
oating shing villages just a few
minutes away by boat. Shortly we were
aboard one headed for Surprise Cave.
A few steps into the cave revealed it
to be bigger than Id rst imagined, and
full of interesting rock formations.
Afterward, we went to Titop
Island, which ofers a good beach for
swimming and a great view of the bay
if you climb to the top.
We returned to our ship and, after
a rest, went to the dining room to
enjoy a seafood dinner.
That night, we went squid shing.
With my lungs full of the fresh, cool
air that came after dark, I went to bed
for a particularly restful nights sleep.
The next day we visited a oating
shing village, 15 minutes away by
boat. Nearly 200 villagers live there,
and most of the people are employed
in the shing and ferry industries.
The village has a hospital and school
but fresh drinking water is difcult
to supply at sea, where they stay only
between October and April, retreating
to shore during monsoon.
Visitors here can rent kayaks for
about $1, and we got one and paddled
around the village, which was
crowded with visitors and boats from
neighbouring islands.
If you have time, there are many
more caves, beaches and villages to be
explored in the area.
The best time to visit Ha Long is
December. During high season, the
bay welcomes nearly 60 tourists a day,
which amounts to about 4.2 million
each year, most coming from the US,
Germany, China and Japan, according
to a local guide.
In many ways, the natural
environment reminded me of
Myanmars own Myeik Archipelago,
except with better transportation and
accommodation options. I hope one
day Myeik can be such a destination
as Ha Long.
Explore caves
and via kayak at
Ha Long Bay
Photos: Ei Ei Thu
The 4-day and 3-night package
described above was arranged by
Indochina Travel and Tours and is
available for about $1000. If you are
interested in a similar experience,
you can contact Shan Yoma Travel
and Tours at
Ofers boutique hotel-style cabins,
with rooms starting from $300 per
night, and from $163 per night for
groups of 18-24 people.
+84 (0) 123 899 8568
Airline Codes
3K = Jet Star
8M = Myanmar Airways International
AK = Air Asia
BG = Biman Bangladesh Airlines
CA = Air China
CI = China Airlines
CZ = China Southern
DD = Nok Airline
FD = Air Asia
KA = Dragonair
KE = Korea Airlines
MH = Malaysia Airlines
MI = Silk Air
MU = China Eastern Airlines
NH = All Nippon Airways
PG = Bangkok Airways
QR = Qatar Airways
SQ = Singapore Airways
TG = Thai Airways
TR = Tiger Airline
VN = Vietnam Airline
Y5 = Golden Myanmar Airlines
Subject to change
without notice
International Airlines
Air Asia (FD)
Tel: 251885, 251886
Air Bagan Ltd.(W9)
Tel: 513322, 513422, 504888. Fax: 515102
Air China (CA)
Tel: 666112, 655882
Air India
Tel: 253597~98, 254758. Fax 248175
Bangkok Airways (PG)
Tel: 255122, 255265. Fax: 255119
Biman Bangladesh Airlines (BG)
Tel: 371867~68. Fax: 371869
Condor (DE)
Tel: 370836~39 (ext: 303)
Dragonair (KA)
Tel: 255320, 255321. Fax: 255329
Golden Myanmar Airlines (Y5)
Tel: 09400446999, 09400447999
Fax: 8604051
Malaysia Airlines (MH)
Tel: 387648, 241007 (ext: 120, 121, 122)
Fax: 241124
Myanmar Airways International (8M)
Tel: 255260. Fax: 255305
Nok Airline (DD)
Tel: 255050, 255021. Fax: 255051
Qatar Airways (QR)
Tel: 379845, 379843, 379831. Fax: 379730
Singapore Airlines (SQ) / Silk Air (MI)
Tel: 255287~9. Fax: 255290
Thai Airways (TG)
Tel: 255491~6. Fax: 255223
Tiger Airline (TR)
Tel: 371383, 370836~39 (ext: 303)
Vietnam Airlines (VN)
Tel: 255066, 255088, 255068. Fax: 255086
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
7 = Sunday
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
PG 706 Daily 6:15 8:30 TG 303 1,2,3,5,6,7 7:55 8:50
8M 335 Daily 7:40 9:25 PG 701 Daily 8:50 9:40
TG 304 1,2,3,5,6,7 9:50 11:45 8M 336 Daily 10:40 11:25
PG 702 Daily 10:30 12:25 TG 301 Daily 13:00 13:55
TG 302 Daily 14:55 16:50 PG 707 Daily 13:40 14:30
PG 708 Daily 15:20 17:15 PG 703 Daily 16:45 17:35
8M 331 Daily 16:30 18:15 TG 305 Daily 17:50 18:45
PG 704 Daily 18:20 20:15 8M 332 Daily 19:15 20:00
TG 306 Daily 19:45 21:45 PG 705 Daily 20:15 21:30
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
DD 4231 Daily 8:00 9:50 DD 4230 Daily 6:20 7:05
FD 252 Daily 8:30 10:15 FD 251 Daily 7:15 8:00
FD 254 Daily 17:50 19:10 FD 253 Daily 16:20 17:00
DD 4239 Daily 21:00 22:45 DD 4238 Daily 19:30 20:15
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
Y5 233 Daily 10:10 14:40 SQ 998 Daily 7:55 9:20
SQ 997 Daily 10:35 15:10 3K 581 Daily 8:50 10:30
3K 582 Daily 11:20 15:50 MI 533 4,6 11:35 12:55
8M 231 Daily 12:45 17:10 MI 518 Daily 14:20 15:45
MI 533 4,6 13:45 20:50 TR 2826 Daily 17:05 18:25
MI 517 Daily 16:40 21:15 Y5 234 Daily 15:35 17:05
TR 2827 Daily 19:05 23:40 3K 583 Daily 18:00 19:30
3K 584 Daily 19:15 23:45 8M 232 Daily 18:15 19:40
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
8M 501 1,3,5,6 7:50 11:50 AK 504 Daily 6:55 8:00
AK 505 Daily 8:30 12:50 MH 740 Daily 10:05 11:15
MH 741 Daily 12:15 16:30 8M 9505 Daily 10:05 11:15
8M 9506 Daily 12:15 16:30 8M 502 1,3,5,6 12:50 13:50
8M 9508 Daily 15:45 20:05 8M 9507 Daily 13:30 14:40
MH 743 Daily 15:45 20:05 MH 742 Daily 13:30 14:40
AK 503 2,4,6 19:30 23:45 AK 502 Daily 17:50 19:00
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
CA 716 3,7 23:50 0550+1 CA 715 3,7 19:30 22:50
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
8M 711 2,4,7 8:40 13:15 CZ 3055 3,6 8:40 10:25
CZ 3056 3,6 11:25 16:15 CZ 3055 1,5 14:40 16:30
CZ 3056 1,5 17:30 22:15 8M 712 2,4,7 14:15 15:50
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
CI 7916 1,2,3,5,6 10:50 16:15 CI 7915 1,2,3,5,6 7:00 9:55
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
CA 906 Daily 12:15 15:55 MU 2011 3 8:25 11:40
MU 2012 3 12:20 18:25 CA 905 Daily 10:45 11:15
MU 2032 2,4,5,6,7 14:50 18:20 MU 2031 2,4,5,6,7 13:30 14:00
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
VN 956 1,3,5,7 19:10 21:30 VN 957 1,3,5,7 16:50 18:10
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
VN 942 2,4,7 14:25 17:15 VN 943 2,4,7 11:50 13:25
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
QR 919 1,4,6 8:00 11:10 QR 918 3,5,7 20:20 6:25+1
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
0Z 770 4,7 0:35 9:10 KE 471 Daily 18:45 22:35
KE 472 Daily 23:35 7:50 0Z 769 3,6 19:50 23:25
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
KA 251 1,2,3,4,5,7 01:10 05:45 KA 250 1,2,4,5,6,7 21:45 23:30
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
NH 914 Daily 21:45 06:50+1 NH 913 Daily 11:00 15:40
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
8M 601 3,5,6 7:00 8:20 8M 602 3,5,6 9:20 12:30
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
BG 061 4 19:45 21:00 BG 060 4 16:30 18:45
BG 061 1 21:45 23:00 BG 060 1 18:30 20:45
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
8M 7702 Daily 23:35 8:05 8M 7701 Daily 18:45 22:35
8M7502 4,7 0:35 9:10 8M 7501 3,6 19:50 23:25
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
PG 710 Daily 14:05 16:30 PG 709 Daily 12:00 13:20
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
MI 533 4,6 15:55 20:50 MI 533 4,6 11:35 15:00
Y5 233 Daily 8:05 14:40 Y5 234 Daily 15:35 18:55
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
FD 245 1,2,4,6 12:45 15:00 FD 244 1,2,4,6 10:50 12:15
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
MU 2030 Daily 14:40 17:30 MU 2029 Daily 13:55 13:50
MU 7524 1,3,5 18:20 21:00
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
8M 603 4 11:10 12:15 8M 604 4 13:15 16:20
Flights Days Dep Arr Flights Days Dep Arr
PG 722 1,2,3,4,5 19:30 22:30 PG 721 1,2,3,4,5 17:00 19:00
58 the pulse tea break THE MYANMAR TIMES SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 5, 2014
1 Extensive tale
5 First murderer
9 Allotted (with out)
14 Cattle-moving tool
15 Certainly not pro
16 One place to step
17 College professors
travel in them
20 Cause for a crime
21 Holiday entree
22 Coop mom
23 Bookworm,
25 Computer fare
27 Grand ___ (wine
30 It might have the
32 Annoy continually
36 Polaroid inventor
38 Stewpot, or its
40 Household insect,
41 Political
44 It might rock your
45 City on its own
Great Lake
46 Goes against God
47 Early round,
49 Army and fire
51 Word between
two surnames,
for women
52 Narc chaser?
54 Galena and
56 Hold on just a ___!
58 Garden store
60 Sudden ___
(Eastwood film)
64 South Pole area
67 Brown in a pan
68 Flowing Roman
69 Wrinkle remover
70 Employed a keyhole
71 Seed covering
72 Attains
1 Junk mail,
2 With a bow, to Stern
3 Nanny, for one
4 Contribute during
5 Highest peak on
Africas west coast
6 Vanna turnover?
7 Calamine-lotion
8 Rechargeable
9 Scuff or scratch, e.g.
10 Type of onion
plants (Var.)
11 Flat piece for floor
12 Genesis garden
13 ___ Plaines, Ill.
18 ... happily ___ after
19 Mosque prayer
24 Fellinis La ___ Vita
26 Aaron Spellings
actress daughter
27 Hold firmly and tightly
28 Indy 500 participant
29 Loosen, as shoes
31 Botanists interest
33 Dine at home
34 It may be stolen while
hundreds look on
35 We hold ___ truths ...
37 Put out of place,
as a shoulder
39 Type of acid
42 Skip by
43 Composed in verse
48 File-drawer
50 Big rig on the road
53 Terra ___
55 Mistletoe branch
56 Click, as the fingers
57 Vanity case for
59 Christian of fashion
61 43,560 square feet
62 Colt anagram
63 Change for a
64 Horses kin
65 Wine selection
66 Some film special
effects, for short
Universal Crossword
Edited by Timothy E. Parker
TURN UP THE A/C By Gary Cooper
Avenue 64 Hotel
No. 64 (G), Kyitewine
Pagoda Rd, Mayangone Tsp,
Yangon. Tel : 09-8631392,
01 656913-9
No. 277, Bogyoke Aung
San Road, Corner of
Street, Kyauktada
Township, Yangon,
Tel : (951) 391070, 391071.
(Ext) 1910, 106.
Fax : (951) 391375. Email :
General Listing
Chatrium Hotel
40 Natmauk Rd, Tarmwe.
tel: 544500. fax: 544400.
The Essentials
Emergency Numbers
For more information about these listings, Please Contact - classied.mcm@gmail.com
Ambulance tel: 295133.
Fire tel: 191, 252011, 252022.
Police emergency tel: 199.
Police headquarters tel: 282541, 284764.
Red Cross tel:682600, 682368
Trafc Control Branch tel:298651
Department of Post & Telecommunication tel: 591384,
Immigration tel: 286434.
Ministry of Education tel:545500m 562390
Ministry of Sports tel: 370604, 370605
Ministry of Communications tel: 067-407037.
Myanma Post & Telecommunication (MPT) tel: 067-
Myanma Post & Tele-communication (Accountant Dept)
tel: 254563, 370768.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs tel: 067-412009, 067-412344.
Ministry of Health tel: 067-411358-9.
Yangon City Development Committee tel: 248112.
Central Womens Hospital tel: 221013, 222811.
Children Hospital tel: 221421, 222807
Ear, Nose & Throat Hospital tel: 543888.
Naypyitaw Hospital (emergency) tel: 420096.
Workers Hospital tel: 554444, 554455, 554811.
Yangon Children Hospital tel: 222807, 222808, 222809.
Yangon General Hospital (East) tel: 292835, 292836, 292837.
Yangon General Hospital (New) tel: 384493, 384494,
384495, 379109.
Yangon General Hospital (West) tel: 222860, 222861,
Yangon General Hospital (YGH) tel: 256112, 256123,
281443, 256131.
Power Station tel:414235
General Post Ofce
39, Bo Aung Kyaw St. (near British Council Library). tel:
Yangon International Airport tel: 662811.
Shipping (Coastal vessels) tel: 382722
Railways information
tel: 274027, 202175-8.
ILO Liaison 1-A, Kanbae
(Thitsar Rd), Yankin Tsp,
Tel : 01-566538, 566539
IOM 318 (A) Ahlone Rd, Dagon
Tsp, Yangon.Tel 01-210588,
09 73236679, 0973236680,
Email- iomyangon@iom.int
UNAIDS 137/1, Thaw Wun Rd,
Kamayut Tsp.
Tel : 534498, 504832
UNDCP 11-A, Malikha St,
Mayangone tsp.
Tel: 666903, 664539.
UNDP 6, Natmauk Rd, Bahan
tel: 542910-19. fax: 292739.
UNFPA 6, Natmauk Rd,
Bahan tsp. tel: 546029.
UNHCR 287, Pyay Rd,
Sanchaung tsp.
Tel: 524022, 524024.
UNIAP Rm: 1202, 12 Fl,
Traders Hotel.
Tel: 254852, 254853.
UNIC 6, Natmauk St., Bahan,
tel: 52910~19
UNICEF 14~15 Flr, Traders
Hotel. P.O. Box 1435,
Kyauktada. Tel: 375527~32,
unicef.yangon@unicef. org,
UNODC 11-A, Malikha Rd., Ward
7, Mayangone. tel: 01-9666903,
9660556, 9660538, 9660398.
email: fo.myanmar@unodc.org
UNOPS 120/0, Pyi Thu Lane,
7 Miles, Mayangone Tsp.
Tel: 951-657281~7.
Fax: 657279.
UNRC 6, Natmauk Rd, P.O.
Box 650, TMWE Tel: 542911~19,
292637 (Resident Coordinator),
WFP 5 Kan Baw Za St, Shwe
Taung Kyar, (Golden Valley),
Bahan Tsp. Tel : 2305971~6
WHO No. 2, Pyay Rd, 7 Mile,
Mayangone Tsp, Tel : 650405-
6, 650416, 654386-90.
ASEAN Coordinating Of. for
the ASEAN Humanitarian
Task Force, 79, Taw Win st,
Dagon Tsp. Tel: 225258.
FAO Myanma Agriculture
Service Insein Rd, Insein. tel:
641672, 641673.
Australia 88, Strand Road,
Yangon. Tel : 251810,
251797, 251798.
Bangladesh 11-B, Than
Lwin Road, Yangon.
Tel: 515275, 526144, email:
Brazil 56, Pyay Road,
mile, Hlaing Tsp,
Yangon. Tel: 507225,
507251. email: Administ.
Brunei 17, Kanbawza
Avenue, Golden Velly (1),
Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel:
566985, 503978.
email: bruneiemb@
Cambodia 25 (3B/4B),
New University Avenue
Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 549609, 540964.
email: RECYANGON @
Floor, Centerpoint
Towers, 65 Sule Pagoda
Road, Yangon, Tel :
01-384805 , Fax :01
384806, Email : yngon@
China 1, Pyidaungsu
Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel:
221280, 221281.
Denmark, No.7, Pyi Thu
St, Pyay Rd, 7 Miles,
Mayangone Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 01 9669520 - 17.
Egypt 81, Pyidaungsu
Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel:
222886, 222887,
France 102, Pyidaungsu
Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel:
212178, 212520, email:
ambaf rance. rangoun@
Germany 9, Bogyoke Aung
San Museum Road, Bahan
Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 548951, 548952, email:
info@rangun. diplo.de
India 545-547, Merchant
St, Yangon. Tel: 391219,
Indonesia 100, Pyidaungsu
Yeiktha Rd, Yangon. Tel:
254465, 254469, email:
kukygn @indonesia.com.
Israel 15, Khabaung
Street, Hlaing Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 515115, fax: 515116,
email: info@yangon.mfa.
Italy 3, Inya Myaing Road,
Golden Valley, Yangon.
Tel: 527100, 527101, fax:
514565, email: ambyang.
mail@ esteri.it
Japan 100, Natmauk Rd,
Yangon. Tel: 549644-8,
540399, 540400, 540411,
545988, fax: 549643
62-B, Shwe Taung Kyar St,
Bahan Tsp.
Tel : 01-230-9542, 230-
9543. Fax : 01-230-5836.
Laos A-1, Diplomatic
Quarters, Tawwin Road,
Dagon Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 222482, Fax: 227446,
email: Laoembcab@
mptmail. net.mm
Malaysia 82, Pyidaungsu
Yeiktha Road, Yangon. Tel:
220248, 220249,
email: mwkyangon@
Nepal 16, Natmauk
Yeiktha, Yangon. Tel:
545880, 557168, fax:
549803, email: nepemb @
Norway, No.7, Pyi Thu
St, Pyay Rd, 7 Miles,
Mayangone Tsp,Yangon.
Tel: 01 9669520 - 17 Fax
01- 9669516
New Zealand No. 43/C,
Inya Myaing Rd, Bahan Tsp,
Tel : 01-2306046-9
Fax : 01-2305805
Netherlands No. 43/C, Inya
Myaing Rd, Bahan Tsp,
Yangon. Tel : 01-2305805
North Korea 77C, Shin
Saw Pu Rd, Sanchaung
Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 512642, 510205
Pakistan A-4, diplomatic
Quarters, Pyay Rd, Yangon.
Tel: 222881 (Chancery
Philippines 50, Sayasan
Rd, Bahan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 558149-151,Email: p.e.
Saudi Arabia No.6/S,
Inya Yeiktha St, 10
Mayangone Tsp, Yangon,
Tel: (951) 652-344, 652-344,
Fax: (951) 657-983
Russia 38, Sagawa Rd,
Tel: 241955, 254161,
Serbia No. 114-A, Inya
Rd, P.O.Box No. 943,
Yangon. Tel: 515282,
515283, email: serbemb @
Singapore 238, Dhamazedi
Road, Bahan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 559001, email:
singemb_ ygn@_sgmfa.
South Korea 97 University
Avenue, Bahan Tsp,
Yangon. Tel: 527142-4,
515190, fax: 513286, email:
Sri Lanka 34 Taw Win Rd,
Yangon. Tel: 222812,
No 11, Kabaung Lane, 5
mile, Pyay Rd, Hlaing Tsp,
Tel: 534754, 507089.
Thailand 94 Pyay Rd,
Dagon Tsp, Yangon. Tel:
226721, 226728, 226824
19AB, Kan Yeik Thar St,
Mayangone Tsp,Yangon.
Tel : 662992, Fax : 661365
United Kingdom 80 Strand
Rd, Yangon.
Tel: 370867, 380322,
371852, 371853, 256438,
United States of America
110, University Avenue,
Kamayut Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 536509, 535756, Fax:
Vietnam Bldg-72, Thanlwin
Rd, Bahan Tsp, Yangon. Tel:
No.7A, Wingabar Road,
Bahan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel : (951) 546313,
430245. 09-731-77781~4.
Fax : (01) 546313.
Confort Inn
4, Shweli Rd, Bet: Inya Rd
& U Wisara Rd, Kamaryut,
tel: 525781, 526872
No. (356/366), Kyaikkasan
Rd, Tamwe Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Ph: 542826, Fax: 545650
Email: reservation@
M-22, Shwe Htee Housing,
Thamine Station St., Near
the Bayint Naung Point,
Mayangone Tsp., Yangon
Tel : 522763, 522744,
667557. Fax : (95-1) 652174
E-mail : grandpalace@
Clover Hotel City Center
No. 217, 32nd Street
(Upper Block), Pabedan Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 377720, Fax : 377722
Clover Hotel City Center Plus
No. 229, 32nd Street
(Upper Block), Pabedan Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 377975, Fax : 377974
No. 12, Pho Sein Road,
Tamwe Township, Yangon
Tel : (95-1) 209299, 209300,
209343 Fax : (95-1) 209344
No. 205, Corner of Wadan
Street & Min Ye Kyaw
Swa Road, Lanmadaw
Tsp, Yangon. Myanmar.
Tel: (95-1) 212850 ~ 3,
229358 ~ 61,
Fax: (95-1) 212854.
.com http://www.
33, Alan Pya Pagoda Rd,
Dagon tsp.
tel: 250388. fax: 252478.
email: enquiry.prygn@
Savoy Hotel
129, Damazedi Rd,
Kamayut tsp.
tel: 526289, 526298,
Royal White Elephant Hotel
No-11, Kan Street, Hlaing
Tsp. Yangon, Myanmar.
(+95-1) 500822, 503986.
Hotel Yangon
91/93, 8
Mile Junction,
Tel : 01-667708, 667688.
Inya Lake Resort Hotel
37 Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd.
tel: 662866. fax: 665537.
KH Hotel, Yangon
28-A, 7 Miles, Pyay Rd,
Mayangone Tsp, Yangon.
Ph: 95-1-652532, 652533
MGM Hotel No (160), Warden
Street, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon,
Myanmar. +95-1-212454~9.
www. hotel-mgm.com
No.6, Botahtaung Jetty,
Botahtaung Township,
Yangon. Tel: (951)9010555,
9010535 Fax : (951) 9010536
Marina Residence
8, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd,
Mayangone Tsp.
tel: 6506 51~4. fax: 650630.
Tel: 09-7349-4483,
E-mail: aahappyhomes@
gmail.com, http://www.
happy homes
Golden Hill Towers
24-26, Kabar Aye Pagoda
Rd, Bahan Tsp.
tel: 558556. ghtower@
Hotel Grand United
621, Maharbandoola Rd,
Latha Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: (95-1) 372256-58
66-70, 21
Street (Enter
from Strand Rd), Latha
Tsp, Yangon. Tel: (95-1)
(Ahlone Branch)
35, Min Ye Kyaw Swar
Rd, Ahlone Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: (95-1) 218061-64;
Email: grandunited.
head@gmail.com, www.
No.1, Wut Kyaung St,
Yay Kyaw, Pazundaung Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Ph: 01-8610640, 01-202187,
Sedona Hotel
Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd,
Yankin. tel: 666900.
Strand Hotel
92 Strand Rd. tel: 243377.
fax: 289880.
Summit Parkview Hotel
350, Ahlone Rd, Dagon
Tsp. tel: 211888, 211966.
Sule Shangri-La Hotel
223 Sule Pagoda Rd. tel:
242828. fax: 242838.
Winner Inn
42, Than Lwin Rd, Bahan
Tsp. Tel: 503734, 524387.
email: reservation@winner
Yuzana Hotel
130, Shwegondaing Rd,
Bahan Tsp, tel : 01-549600
Yuzana Garden Hotel
44, Alanpya Pagoda Rd,
Mingalar Taung Nyunt Tsp,
tel : 01-248944
Real Estate Service
Selling, Buying, Renting,
Tel: 09 2500 08127, 09 2541
46420, 09 2541 46421.
Residence rooms for
rent. Fully furnished,
(long term). Convenient,
pleasant environment to
No.12/B 43, Shwe Kainnayi
Housing Complex, Nanataw
Street, Kamayut Tsp,
Tel: (959) 731 46086, (959)
E-mail: chitsu.win@gmail.
186, Lu Nge Thitsar
Street, on Thitsar Road,
Yankin Township, Yangon,
Myanmar. Ph: +951-8550
283, +951-8550 284,
+959-2540 63632, E-mail:
Dent Myanmar
Condo (C), Room (001),
Tatkatho Yeikmon Housing,
New University Avenue Rd,
Bahan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 09 8615162,
09 8615163, 542 375,
546 663, (Ext 1155)
Ground Floor,
Shwe Bon Thar St(Middle),
Pabedan Tsp, Yangon,
Tel: 253214, 0973098782,
Express Courier & Cargo
One Stop Logistic Solution
Ygn, Hot Line: 01-374457
Balance Fitnesss
No 64 (G), Kyitewine
Pagoda Road, Mayangone
Township. Yangon
01-656916, 09 8631392
Email - info@
Life Fitness
Bldg A1, Rm No. 001,
Shwekabar Housing,
Mindhamma Rd,
Mayangone Tsp. Yangon.
Ph: 01-656511,
Fax: 01-656522,
Hot line: 0973194684,
No. 20, Ground Floor, Pearl
Street, Golden Valley Ward,
Bahan Township, Yangon.
Tel : 09-509 7057, 01-
220881, 549478 (Ext : 103)
Email : realtnessmyanmar
Floral Service & Gift
Centre 102(A), Dhamazaydi
Rd, Yangon.tel: 500142
Summit Parkview Hotel,
tel: 211888, 211966 ext. 173
fax: 535376.email: sandy@
Learn to dance with
social dancing
94, Bogalay Zay St,
Botataung T/S,
Tel : 01-392526,
Duty Free Shops
Yangon International
Airport, Arrival/Departure
Mandalay International
Airport, Departure
Ofce: 17, 2
Hlaing Yadanarmon Housing,
Hlaing Township, Yangon.
Tel: 500143, 500144, 500145.
Foam Spray Insulation
No-410, Ground Fl,Lower
Pazuntaung Rd, Pazun
taung Tsp, Yangon.Telefax
: 01-203743, 09-5007681.
Hot Line-09-730-30825.
Diamond Palace Jewelry
Shop (1) - No. 663/665,
Mahar Bandoola Rd,
Tel : 01-371 944, 371 454,
Shop (2) - No.1103/1104/
1105, Ground Fl, Taw Win
Center, Tel : 01-8600111
ext :1103, 09 49307265
Shop (3) - No.B 020,
Ground Fl, Junction
Square Shopping Center,
Tel : 01-527 242 ext : 1081,
09 73203464
Shop (4) Ground Fl,
Gamonepwint Shopping
Mall, Kabaraye Pagoda
Rd, Tel : 01-653 653 ext :
8205, 09 421763490
Shop (5) - 229/230, 1st Fl,
Ocean Shwe Ghone Daing
Super Center, Yangon. Tel
: 09-312 91904, 09-732-
Best Jewels
No. 44, Inya Road,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 01-2305811, 2305812.
Yangon : A-3, Aung San
Stadium (North East Wing),
Mingalartaungnyunt Tsp.
Tel : 245543, 09-73903736,
Mandalay : No.(4) 73rd St,
Btw 30th & 31st St, Chan
Aye Thar Zan Tsp. Tel : 09-
6803505, 09-449004631.
Naypyitaw : Level (2),
Capital Hyper Mart,
Yazathingaha Street,
Outarathiri Tsp. Tel : 09-
33503202, 09-73050337
Worlds leader in
Kitchen Hoods & Hobs
Same as Ariston Water
Heater. Tel: 251033,
379671, 256622, 647813
Floral Service & Gift Shop
No. 449, New University
Avenue, Bahan Tsp. YGN.
Tel: 541217, 559011,
Market Place By City Mart
Tel: 523840~43,
523845~46, Ext: 205.
Junction Nay Pyi Taw
Tel: 067-421617~18
422012~15, Ext: 235.
Res: 067-414813, 09-492-
09039. Email : eternal@
Kham Le
22, Thukha Waddy St,
Suneyan Park, Yankin, Ph:
01-8605223, 8605224.
No. 56, Bo Ywe St,
Latha Tsp, Yangon.
Tel : 01-246551, 375283,
09-2132778, 09-31119195.
Car Rental Service
illy, Francis Francis, VBM,
Brasilia, Rossi, De Longhi
Nwe Ta Pin Trading Co., Ltd.
Shop C, Building 459 B
New University Avenue
01- 555-879, 09-4210-81705
Your Partner in Myanmar
for Investment Advisory, JV,
Management & Engineering
Consulting and Recuitment
09420110451, 09420110666
Since 2009
First Class VIP
Limousine Car Rental.
Professional English
Speaking Drivers.
Full Insurance for
your Safety and
comfortable journey
Call us Now for your
best choice
09 - 402 510 003
01-646 330
Vehicle Operating Leases:

Semi trailers

Vans and Minibuses


SAIL Marketing &
Suite 403, Danathiha Center
790, Corner of Bogyoke Rd
& Wadan Rd, Lanmadaw
Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: (951) 211870, 224820,
2301195. Email: admin@
The First Air conditioning
systems designed to keep
you fresh all day
Zeya & Associates Co., Ltd.
No.437 (A), Pyay Road,
Kamayut. P., O 11041
Yangon, Tel: +(95-1)
Mandalay- Tel: 02-60933.
Nay Pyi Taw- Tel:
067-420778, E-mail :
com. URL: http://www.
Tel : 09-730-22820
Marina Residence, Yangon
Ph: 650651~4, Ext: 109
Beauty Plan, Corner of
77th St & 31st St, Mandalay
Ph: 02 72506
Lemon Day Spa
No. 96 F, Inya Road,
Kamaryut Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 514848, 09-732-08476.
E.mail: lemondayspa.2011
Nandawun Compound,
No. 55, Baho Road,
Corner of Baho Road
and Ahlone Road, (near
Eugenia Restaurant),
Ahlone Township. tel:
212 409, 221 271. 214708
fax: 524580. email: info@
No. 52, Royal Yaw Min Gyi
Condo, Room F, Yaw Min
Gyi Rd, Dagon Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: 09-425-307-717
La Source Beauty Spa
80-A, Inya Rd, Kamayut Tsp.
Tel: 512380, 511252
Beauty Bar by La Source
Room (1004), Sedona Hotel,
Tel : 666 900 Ext : 7167
La Source Beauty Spa
13/13, Mya Sandar St,
bet: 26_27, bet: 62_63,
Chanaye Tharzan Tsp.
Tel : 09-4440-24496.
The Lady Gems
7, Inya Rd, Kamayut Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 01-2305800,
The Natural Gems of
Myanmar & Fine Jewellery.
No. 30(A), Pyay Road,
(7 mile), Mayangone Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 01-660397, 654398
Your Most Reliable Jeweller
No. 589-592, Bo Aung
Kyaw St, Yangon-Pathein
highway Road. Hlaing
Tharyar tsp. Tel: 951-
645178-182, 685199, Fax:
951-645211, 545278.
e-mail: mkt-mti@
24 Hours Laboratory
& X-ray, CT, MRI, USG
Mammogram, Bone DXA
@ Victoria Hospital
No. 68, Tawwin Rd, 9 Mile,
Mayangon Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: (951) 9 666141
Fax: (951) 9 666135
Physiotherapy Clinic.
Body Massage - 7000 Ks
Foot Massage - 6000 Ks
Body & Foot Massage -
12,000 Ks
No.285, Bo Aung Kyaw Rd,
Kyauktada Tsp, Yangon.
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Tel : 09-8615036
98(A), Kaba Aye Pagoda
Road, Bahan Township,
Yangon. Tel: 542979,
553783, 09-732-16940.
Fax: 542979
Email: asiapacic.
Material Co., Ltd.
No. 60, G-Fl, Sint-Oh-Dan St,
Lower Block, Latha Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 01-245112,
Email : intconstruction
Zamil Steel
No-5, Pyay Road,
7 miles,
Mayangone Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: (95-1) 652502~04.
Fax: (95-1) 650306.
Email: zamilsteel@
Shwe Hinthar B 307, 6 1/2
Miles, Pyay Rd., Yangon.
Tel: +95 (0)1 654 730
Myanmar Research | Consulting | Technology
No. (6), Lane 2
Botahtaung Pagoda St,
01-9010003, 291897.
Business Consulting
Reservation Ofce (Yangon)
123, Alanpya Pagoda Rd,
Dagon Township
Tel : 951- 255 819~838
Royal Kumudra Hotel,
(Nay Pyi Taw)
Tel : 067- 414 177,
067- 4141 88
E-Mail: reservation@
Royal Ayeyarwaddy
No.(7) , 87
St, Mingalar
Taung Nyunt Tsp, Yangon.
Tel : 09-254249628, 09-
254296248, 09 254249629.
(Mdy Ph: 09 73103051,
73103052) www.pqi-group.
com, www.royal-
ayeyarwaddy. com
Royal Ayeyarwaddy
No.(7) , 87
St, Mingalar
Taung Nyunt Tsp, Yangon.
Tel : 384850, 389366,
394494 , 09-421132002,
Fax : 384850 (Mdy Ph: 09-
73103051, 09-73103052)
www.viewsonic.com, www.
17, Kabar Aye Pagoda Rd,
Yankin Tsp.
Tel: 650933. Fax: 650960.
Email : micprm@
myanmar micasahotel.com
Sakura Residence
9, Inya Rd, Kamaryut Tsp.
tel: 525001. fax: 525002.
Ruby & Rare Gems
of Myanamar
No. 527, New University
Ave., Bahan Tsp. Yangon.
Tel: 549612, Fax : 545770.
150 Dhamazedi Rd.,
Bahan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: (01) 536306, 537805.
Email: mbt.marketing.
15(B), Departure Lounge,
Yangon Intl Airport.
# 87/2, Crn of 26
& 27

St, 77
St, Chan Aye Thar
Zan Tsp, Mandalay.
Tel: (02) 24880
ELT Showroom:
# 43, 165 St, Tarmwe Tsp,
Tel: (09) 5116687
No.(68), Tawwin Street,
9 Mile, Mayangone Tsp,
Hunt line: +95 1 9666 141,
Booking Ext : 7080, 7084.
Fax: +95 1 9666 135
info@witoriya hospital.com
Facebook :
Executive Serviced Ofces
Tel : 01-4413410
Capital Hyper Mart
14(E), Min Nandar Road,
Dawbon Tsp. Ph: 553136.
City Mart (Aung San) tel:
253022, 294765.
City Mart (47
St Branch)
tel: 200026, 298746.
City Mart (Junction 8)
tel: 650778.
City Mart (FMI City Branch)
tel: 682323.
City Mart (Yankin Center
Branch) tel: 400284.
City Mart (Myaynigone)
tel: 510697.
City Mart (Zawana Branch)
City Mart (Shwe Mya Yar)
tel: 294063.
City Mart (Chinatown Point)
tel: 215560~63.
City Mart (Junction Maw Tin)
tel: 218159.
City Mart (Marketplace)
tel: 523840~43.
City Mart
tel: 02-71467~9.
No.332, Pyay Rd, San
Chaung. Tel: 535-783, 527705,
501429. Email: sales-ikon@
Junction Maw Tin
Anawrahta Rd, Lanmadaw,
Ph: 01-225244.
Design, Fabrication,
Supply & Erection of Steel
Tel : (+95-1) 122 1673
Email : Sales@WEC-
English Education Centre
Nursery - Primary
(15 months - 12 years)
55 (B), Po Sein Road,
Bahan Township.
Tel : (951) 546097, 546761.
Email: imm.myn@gmail.com
I nternational
M ontessori
M yanmar
Executive Serviced
Ofce, Registered
and Virtual Ofce, Hot
Desking, Meeting Rooms
Tel: +(95) 1 387947
No.196/198, Ground Floor,
Shwe Bon Thar St(Middle),
Pabedan Tsp, Yangon, Tel:
253214, 09420049459,
150 Brand NEW
International Standard
Rental Apartments
Hotline : 09 43 200 845
09 250 516 616
email : rental.starcity@
Pun Hlaing Golf Estate
Gated Golf Community
Available Immediately
PHGE Sales & Marketing,
Hlaing Tharyar Tsp, Yangon.
Tel : 951-687 800, 684 013
22, Pyay Rd, 9 mile,
Mayangone Tsp.
tel: 660769, 664363.
Franzo Living Mall
15(A/5), Pyay Rd, A1(9miles),
Mayangone Tsp, Yangon.
Tel : 01-664026, 01-656970,
Premium Chef Uniform
Building B-1, Room 001,
Myittar Street, TamweLay,
TamweTsp, Yangon.
Tel: 01-556703, 09-
5408885, 09-5067816
Fire, Motor and Life
44, TheinPhyu Road,
Tel : 01- 8610656
Mob : 09-5055216
Email: maythet@gw-
Re a l Es t a t e Age nt
No Fees for Cl i ent s,
Contact Us : 09 2050107,
Heaven Pizza
38/40, Bo Yar Nyunt St.
Yaw Min Gyi Quarter,
Dagon Township.
Tel: 09-855-1383
Horizon Restaurant & Bar
KH Hotel Roof top
No. (28-A), 7 Miles,
Pyay Road, Mayangone
Township, Yangon.
Ph: 95-1-652532, 652533
Legendary Myanmar Intl
Shipping & Logistics Co.,
No-9, Rm (A-4), 3
Kyaung St, Myaynigone,
Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 516827, 523653,
Mobile. 09-512-3049.
Email: legandarymyr@
mptmail.net .mm
Schenker (Thai) Ltd.
Yangon 59 A, U Lun
Maung Street. 7 Mile
Pyay Road, MYGN. tel:
667686, 666646.fax:
651250. email: sche
a drink from paradise...
available on Earth
@Yangon International
Hotel, No.330, Ahlone Rd,
Dagon Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 09-421040512
Quality Chinese Dishes
with Resonable Price
@Marketplace by City Mart.
Tel: 01-523840 Ext.109
Good taste & resonable
@Thamada Hotel
Tel: 01-243047, 243639-41
Ext: 32
Bo Sun Pat Tower, Bldg
608, Rm 6(B), Cor of
Merchant Rd & Bo Sun
Pat St, PBDN Tsp. Tel:
377263, 250582, 250032,
09-511-7876, 09-862-4563.
Crown Worldwide
Movers Ltd 790, Rm 702,
Flr Danathiha Centre,
Bogyoke Aung San Rd,
Lanmadaw. Tel: 223288,
210 670, 227650. ext: 702.
Fax: 229212. email: crown
For House-Seekers
with Expert Services
In all kinds of Estate Fields
09-332 87270 (Fees Free)
09-2541 26615 (Thai Language)
Relocation Specialist
Rm 504, M.M.G Tower,
#44/56, Kannar Rd,
Botahtaung Tsp.
Tel: 250290, 252313.
Mail : info@asiantigers-
Mon - Sat (9am to 6pm)
No. 797, MAC Tower II,
Rm -4, Ground Flr,
Bogyoke Aung San Rd,
Lamadaw Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: (951) 212944 Ext: 303,
Tel : 01-9000712~13 Ext : 330
Home Outdoor Ofce
99 Condo, Ground Floor,
Room (A), Damazedi Rd,
Kamayut Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 09-2504-28700
Bldg-A2, G-Flr, Shwe
Gabar Housing, Mindama
Rd, Mayangone Tsp,
Yangon. email: eko-nr@
Ph: 652391, 09-73108896
Bld-A2, Gr-Fl, Shwe
Gabar Housing, Mindama
Rd, Mayangone Tsp,
Yangon. email: eko-nr@
Ph: 652391, 09-73108896
Top Marine Show Room
No-385, Ground Floor,
Lower Pazundaung Road,
Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon.
Ph: 01-202782, 09-851-5597
Master Burmese Faster!
Professional Burmese
Language Course for All
436, Top r, Thein Phyu Rd,
Mingalar Taung Nyut Tsp,
Tel : 09-4316 8422
Email: register.mmlc@
Matrix System
No.77, Lanthit Street,
Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: 01-221944, 225374.
Ofce Culture Co., Ltd
Taw Win Center, 3
Rm 4031/4033, Pyay Rd,
Dagon Tsp, Yangon.
Ph: 09-2540 14097
Email: bd1@bristol.com.mm
24 Hrs International Clinic
Medical and Security
Assistance Service
@ Victoria Hospital
No.68, Tawwin Rd, 9 Mile,
Mayangon Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: +951 651 238
+959 495 85 955
Fax: +959 651 398
Enchanting and Romantic,
a Bliss on the Lake
62 D, U Tun Nyein Road,
Mayangon Tsp, Yangon
Tel. 01 665 516, 660976
Mob. 09-730-30755
22, Kaba Aye Pagoda Rd,
Bahan Tsp. tel 541997.
email: leplanteur@
G-01, City Mart
(Myay Ni Gone Center).
Tel: 01-508467-70 Ext: 106
G-05, Marketplace by
City Mart.
Tel: 01-523840 Ext: 105
Monsoon Restaurant
& Bar 85/87, Thein Byu
Road, Botahtaung Tsp.
Tel: 295224, 09-501 5653.
Delicious Hong Kong Style
Food Restaurant
G-09, City Mart (Myay Ni
Gone Center).
Tel: 01-508467-70 Ext: 114
No. 5, U Tun Nyein
Street, Mayangone T/S,
Tel : 01-660 612, 657928,
01-122 1014, 09 508 9441
Email : lalchimiste.
42 Strand Road,
Botahtaung, Yangon.
Tel: 95 9420 180 214, 95
9420 101 854
World famous Kobe Beef
Near Thuka Kabar
Hospital on Pyay Rd,
Marlar st, Hlaing Tsp.
Tel: +95-1-535072
The Rih Lake
No. 67B, Dhama Yone St.,
near (Blazon) U Wisara Rd.,
Myaynigone, Sanchaung
Tsp. Tel: 01-502761
Room No. 1101, 16
Tower B, Maw Tin Tower,
Corner of Anawrahta Rd
& Lanthit St, Lanmadaw
Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : (95-1) 218489. 218490
Fax : (95-1) 218492
Email : marketing @
kaytumadi.com, contact@
web : www.rockworth.com
No-410, Ground Floor,
Lower Pazundaung Road,
Pazundaung Tsp, Yangon.
Ph: 09-851-5202
Sole Distributor
For the Union of
Myanmar Since 1995
Myanmar Golden Rock
International Co.,Ltd.
#06-01, Bldg (8), Myanmar
ICT Park, University Hlaing
Campus, Hlaing Tsp,
Yangon. Tel: 654810~17.
Worlds No.1 Paints &
Coatings Company
Moby Dick Tours Co., Ltd.
Islands Safari in the Mergui
No.89-91, Rm No.2, Gr Fr,
St (between Maha
Bandoola Rd and Merchant
Rd), Pabedan Tsp, Yangon.
Tel / Fax: 01-380382
E-mail: info@islandsafari
mergui.com. Website: www.
Material Co., Ltd.
No. 60, G-Fl, Sint-Oh-Dan St,
Lower Block, Latha Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 01-245112,
Email : intconstruction
European Quality
& Designs Indoor/
Outdoor Furniture, Hotel
Furniture & All kinds of
Ofce Tel: 01-380382,
09-509-1673, Show Room:
No. 123-124, Shwe Yin Aye
(2) Street, Industrial Zone
5 (Extension), Hlaing Thar
Yar Township, Yangon,
Myanmar. E-mail: contact@
Please call for any enquiry.
Horizon Intl School
235, Shukhinthar Myo Pat
Rd, Thaketa Tsp, Yangon,
Ph: 450396~7, 25, Po Sein
Rd, Bahan Tsp, Yangon,
Ph: 543926, Fax: 543926,
email: contact@
Shan Yoma Tours Co.,Ltd
Ph: 01-9010378, 9010382,
Asian Trails Tour Ltd
73 Pyay Rd, Dagon tsp.
tel: 211212, 223262.
fax: 211670. email: res@
Get your Visa online for
Business and Tourist
No need to come to
#165. 35th Street,
Kyauktada Tsp, Yangon.
Tel: +951 381200, 204020
Water Treatement Solution
Block (A), Room (G-12),
Pearl Condo, Kabar Aye
Pagoda Rd, Bahan Tsp.
Hot Line : 09-4500-59000
Company Limited
Web Services
All the way from Australia
world-class websites/
web apps for desktop,
smartphone & tablets,
online shopping with
real-time transaction,
news/magazine site,
forum, email campaign
and all essential online
services. Domain
registration & cloud
hosting. Talk to us: (01)
430-897, (0) 942-000-4554.
The Global leader in
Water Heaters
A/1, Aung San Stadium
East Wing, Upper
Pansodan Road.
Tel: 01-256705, 399464,
394409, 647812.
Water Heater
Made in Japan
Same as Rinnai Gas Cooker
and Cooker Hood
Showroom Address
Material Co., Ltd.
No. 60, G-Fl, Sint-Oh-Dan St,
Lower Block, Latha Tsp,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : 01-245112,
Email : intconstruction
Water & Wastewater
Treatment (Since 1997)
Amd Supply Package
Fiberglass Wastewater
System for Ofces,
Condominiums & Hotels
Project. Can Design for
YCDC Permit Application.
39-B, Thazin Lane, Ahlone.
09-5161431, 09-43126571,
Property General
BY FAX : 01-254158
BY EMAIL : classied.mcm@gmail.com
BY MAIL : 379/383, Bo Aung Kyaw St, Kyauktada Township, Yangon.
CALL: Khin Mon Mon Yi - 01-392676, 392928
Housing for Rent
Lease, Pearl Centre,
Bahan Township, Kabar
Aye Pagoda Road, 500-
10,000 sq-ft available at
affordable rates. Contact:
09 430 30 288 slee888@
(Ware huse & Factory)
(1)11000 sqft, 315 KVA
(2)12000 sqft, 315 KVA
on land 2 Acre. Ph: 09-
ON PYAY ROAD, 7 mile,
single house, land (60 x
90), teak wood ceiling &
fooring, 2MB, 3AC, near
Norwegian Embassy &
UNOPS, quiet residential
area, suitable for expats,
USD 2,500. No agent. Ph:
Yamon Water Front
Villa, 3 Storey with fully
furniture, swimming pool,
steam room, water fall.
For foreiner only. Ph:
320334, 09-510-3207,
BAHAN, Near Chatrium
Hotel, Po Sein Road,
Quiet Surrounding, Small
two-storeys house, 3
rooms, with toilet, AC,
teak parquet fooring,
with cable phone., with
wide carparking, with
mate room. USD 2500 per
month, No brokers sees,
Contact: 09-430-24808,
3100 sqm available over
5 foors in a 12-storey
building with car park,
restaurant, multi function
hall and apartments.
Please contact -
Ph : 09-431-34381.
Email : offce-mm@
uni t eammari ne. com,
web : www .facebook.
DAGON, Near Parkroyal
Hotel, Condo with lift,
1250 sqft, 3 AC, fully
furnished, with cable
phone, one master bed
room, one single room
with balcony, 250 USD
per month, Contact: 09-
(1).Pansodan Tower
1800 sqft, 2 Rooms,
2-lifts, New building (2).
2RC Hlay Tan,Near by
the Diamond Condo (3).
Mingalardon Industry
zone factory, 100'x100',
store 80'x80', New
building (4). 7 miles Si Taw
Gyi Condo, 3400Sqft,
Hall. Ph: 09-731-54071,
(1).Near Park Royal
Hotel, apartment,1500
Sqft, 2MBR, 1SR, fully
furnish , USD 1500 (2).
Near Yuzana Plazza,
condo, 1700Sqft, 1 MBR,
2 SR, fully furnish, USD
2300. (3).Near Kandaw
Gyi park, condo, 1500
Sqft, 1MBR, 1SR, 1500
USD. (4).Near Kabaraye
Pagoda, Ga Mon Pwint
condo, 1800 Sqft, 2MBR,
1SR, fully furnish USD
4000. Ph : 09-4921- 4276,
09-4211- 77105
(1).Near Sayar San Rd,
Suitable for offce, single
house, land (60x100), 2
RC, USD 4000 (2).Near
Yankin center, suitable
for offce, Showroom,
restaurant, 3 stories,
one stories, 800 Sqft,
USD 3600. (3).On the
Shwegondine Rd, 3
stories, good for use
offce, good for use show
room, one stories 1000
Sqft, USD 4000. (4)Near
Japan Embassy, single
house, 2 RC, 4900 Sqft,
4 MBR, 1 SR, USD 7000.
Ph : 09-4921- 4276, 09-
4211- 77105
Condominium, (1) suitable
for offce, 2280 sqft (2,500
sqft with mezzanine), 3rd
foor, wide open space,
14 ft ceilings, face river.
New building with gym,
car park, cafe, facilities.
Prime downtown location
between Strand Rd and
Merchant St, close to
strand hotel/union bar.
6,000 USD per month.
(2) 1,500 sqft, 8th foor, 3
bedroom corner unit with
excellent view of river.
New building with gym,
car park, cafe, facilities.
Prime downtown location
between Strand Rd and
Merchant St, close to
strand hotel/union bar.
3,600 USD per month.
wongyfj @gmai l .com.
Ph:09-4200-04585, 09-
4211-02223, 09-2544-
M Y A Y N I G O N E ,
Sanchaung, Min St, First
Flr, All furniture. One bed
room, one kitchen, one
bathroom (The balcony),
1 RC, 1 (month) 600 US,
Shan Shan, Ph: 09-731-
92603, Moe Hein, Ph:
BAHAN, Sayasan Rd,
In Pyidaungsu Lane,
conveniently located close
to schools, businesses,
restaurants & offces.
House is completely
renovated with beautiful
wood fooring, tiles &
all western style bath &
kitchen. 3,800sqft, 3MBR,
2SR, 4 bathrooms total,
located on over 7,500
sf of land. Also located
in quiet residential
neighborhood. Suitable
for residence or offce,
immediately available.
Please call Myat Thu at
09 2543 82482.
CONDO. Near Parkroyal
Hotel, Nawaday Rd,
Nawaday Condo, 25'x50',
1MBR, 1SR, 3AC, 1
Cable phone, with lift,
Car parking. Ph: 09-312-
87827, 09-317-75734.
Housing for Sale
CONDO, 650 sqft. Star
City Building 1. Including
Well furnished.Offer price:
1250 lkhs. Contact: 09-
2506-38104 (Aung San
Condominium suitable
for offce, 2280 sqft (2,500
sqft with mezzanine), 3rd
foor, wide open space,
14 ft ceilings, face river.
New building with gym,
car park, cafe, facilities.
Prime downtown location
between Strand Rd and
Merchant St, close to
strand hotel/union bar.
wongyfj@gmail.com. 09-
4200-04585, 09-4211-
02223, 09-2544-08789.
Condominium suitable
for offce, 2280 sqft (2,500
sqft with mezzanine), 3rd
foor, wide open space,
14 ft ceilings, face river.
New building with gym,
car park, cafe, facilities.
Prime downtown location,
close to strand hotel/union
bar. wongyfj@gmail.com.
09-4200-04585, 09-4211-
02223, 09254408789
ENGLISH (home tuition)
speaking, grammar, issue.
letter, academic writing.
IGCSE. GMAT 4 skills
. local & international
school English. English
for Japaneses children
and adult. Home tuition,
courses are avail e now.
you can contact to Saya
U Kyi Sin (Mumyint Thar)
Ph: 09-4210-67375. www.
ENGLISH teaching.
Chinatown area.
1 year teaching
Myanmar students,
20 years experience.
Conversation, listening
& IELTS training. Please
call 09-517-3255.
required for international
high school student.
Must speak English. Ph:
O/A, U.K) (1) Grade X.XI
(All Subjects). (2) IELTS,
Interview. (3)IGCSE,
BCA (All Subjects).
No.37, 4 Flr, Yay Kyaw
St. Ph: 09-732-21317,
HOME Tuition: For
students from Int'l
schools such as
Horizon, ILBC, YIES,
All subjects for Primary
and Secondary Classes.
Tel: 09-4200-84493.
Tution, Saya U Myint
Thein, Physics, Yangon
University. Sule Pagoda
Rd, Kyauktada, Yangon.
(Since 1984) Ph: 09 730
52859. Email: umtedu@
SAT, TOEFL, Study in
USA Connect Institute.
Improve critical thinking
and English skills, win
scholarships and study
in US colleges. Learn
and consult with our US
graduates. Come check
out our free Discussion
in English every Sunday
9-11 am. Call 09-255-
959-944 or email at
MGW Tower, Rm 503,
Lower Bo Aung Kyaw
St, Botahtaung, Yangon
Myanmar (English
Education Center),
Accredited by IMC
Bangkok (Since
1991). Our Montessori
curriculum includes:
Practical Life Exercises.
Sensorial Training.
Language Development.
Mathematics. Cultural
Studies. Botany and
Zoology. History.
Creative Art. Music and
Movement. Cooking.
Physical Development.
Social & Emotional
Development. Learning
through play. 55(B),
Po Sein Rd, Bahan,
Yangon. Tel: 546097,
546761. Email: imm.
child from ILBC, YIS, ISY,
ISM, Yangon Academy,
ALBA, DSY or all
international schools
(KG to Sec 3 or Grade 9)
weak in Maths, doesnt
understand problem
solving, no one can help
him or her in practicing
or learning? If your
child is willing to learn &
practise, I will teach him
or her to develop the
required skills to improve
in Maths from present
situation. Please contact
and come to Daw Naing
Naing Aung, B.Com
(Q), No.(6), Thuketa St,
Baukhtaw, Yankin. Ph:
09-500-4993, 544594.
Expert Services
FOC Rental Services of
condos, landed houses,
offces and commercial
properties. Our listings
can be checked in http://
goo.gl/tyCuoe, Email:
Service. Ph: 09-
2506-66325. email:
Finance, Advisory,
Capital Raising Services
and help with foreign
investment, private
equity for Myanmar
companies; pls contact
WE PROVIDE stay in
Domestic Helper to do all
your household chores.
If you need please call
Software Effective for all
goldshops & goldsmiths
@ Effcient Soft. Ph: 09-
505-3762, 09-517-1061,
BANKING service, HR
service, Local travel
service (Flight or air
plane, hotel booking,
car service on trip
etc.), Wedding planner,
Household cleaning
service, Teaching
English to Myanmar,
Guide to High School
Student, Taxi service,
General service. Formal
learning Eng to Myan is
1:30 hr only Sunday,
10 weeks per course
charges is 100$. Ph:09-
Estate : For sale, buy
& rent, Pls contact to
Ph: 3940532, 09-730-
08848, 3920853
I DO translate
English ~Myanmar &
Myanmar~English and
also teach Myanmar
language (4 skills) for
foreigners. If you want
to contact, call me,
Katherine Ph:09-516-
guide in English, French
is available for immediate
appoint ment, please
ring 09-3019-9028.
Writing Service, Wanting
to have a business profle
which does not merely
give information about
your business yet it goes
an extra mile to seal new
business opportunities in
a professional manner?
Golden Miracle Co.,
Ltd: 09-512-0462 for
professional profile
writing service.
Experienced business
profle writers across
different industries.
A business profle is
more than a bunch of
information, rather, it
is something which
gives you a head start
to limitless stream of
For Rent
M/T capacity situated at
Hlaing Thar Yar Industrial
area at reasonable rate.
Please Contact: 682011,
685846, 09-500-8845,
For Sale
H A R L E Y - R E G A
Motorcycle built in
Japan 1950 years. Rare
Motorcycle USD - 7500.
HONDA FIT 2009 Model,
GE-6, 1300 CC, (White),
Auto Gear, 1H/3---
(YGN), 99 lakhs, Ph:
Singapore, used Nikon
D-7000, Canon 60D,
600D, 550 D,450D &
Fujiflm S 9100 cameras
for sale. Ph:09-512-8713
IM AN experienced
Chinese (Mandarin)
teacher here in Yangon,
Myanmar. I have over
6 years teaching in
Singapore. Please do
not hesitate to contact
me for an evaluation. Im
a professional teacher
who will help you improve
your speaking, reading
and writing skills. I use
Singaporean text books
and Chinese speaking/
conversation books
for teaching speaking,
reading and writing in
Mandarin. Im available
Monday-Sunday with
a fexible schedule. I
also teaching Myanmar
language to all Foreigner.
For more details please
call the number below.
If I dont answer please
send me a SMS and I will
get back to you as soon
as possible. May: 095-9-
English Teacher (MBA,
UK), MA (English), BA
(English), Dip: ELT
09-254214864. Only
Evening and Weekend
class available.
I AM available to teach
English to any and all
ages. I have experience
with students in primary,
secondary school and
Asian adults wanting
to enter the global
workforce. I can also do
SAT prep for secondary
students who are trying
to build their international
college resume. I
am able to design a
curriculum based on
your particular needs.
Email: steffanilorraine@
language for foreigners
Near Myay Ni Gone City
Mart, Sanchaung. Ph:
09- 4200-30 782.
for adults Near Myay
Ni Gone City Mart,
Sanchaung. Ph:09-
MANDARIN (Standard
Spoken Chinese
Language). English
Speaking & Grammar
(Expert in English).
Horizon, Total, ILBC,
private School) from KG
to Secondary School. Mr.
Pit Kyin, Who guides the
Studies of a number of
students. Ph: 09-730-
11809, 09-2540-11654.
WE can teach Korea
language Basic & 4 skills
for all. Ph: 09-2505-
65793, 09-721-35423,
WE DO teach Myanmar
language 4 skills for
Foreigners by Teacher
TUN. Available home
& group class. Basic
Class - 3 months,
Intermediate Class- 3
months, Advanced
Class- 3 months. English
for adults and young
learners. We do teach
4 skills face or group
class. Available home
tuition or group class.
Chinese language for
all grades & classes.
Taiwan Teacher Mr. Lin;
William Lin (BM, IDCS
(UK), TW Civil (Taiwan),
USB Accounting, Yunan
Uni Dip (China)) teach
4 skills to be a native
speaker. Intend to go
abroad study or work
students. Can contact us.
Basic Class - 3 months,
Intermediate Class- 4
months, Advanced
Class- 6 months, Super
Advanced Class- 6
months. We do service
of interpreting Chinese-
Myanmar service.
Japanese for all students
who want to go to Japan
for work or study. We
do teach 4 skills and
practice very well. Mr.
William Lin : Ph: 09-
Learn English for life :
How to make English
part of your lifestyle,
English communication
skills, Business
English, Hospitality &
tourism Management,
Management leadership
& superior training. 61, 1A
Flr, 13 St, Bet : Anawrahta
Rd & Mahabandoola Rd,
Landmadaw tsp. Ph: 09-
Developmen, Customi
zed Web Development
starting from as cheap
as 500USD. Pls contact
at 09-520-8455
Sat & Sun: 8:00am -
10:00pm. Contact: 09-
with Drupal CMS. Sat &
Sun: 1:00pm-3:00pm.
maker, Corel Draw,
Graphic Design (Page
maker, Corel Draw
(or) Illustrator, Photo
shop), Web Design,
AutoCad (2D/3D),
AutoCad (CIVIL Only),
AutoCad (Mechanical
Only), 3dsMax, Micro
station, Excel special,
Ms Access, LCCI I,II
(Mon, Tue 7-9 am, Fri,
Sat 6-8 pm), LCCI III,
MYOB, UBS, Peachtree,
Auto Count, Japanese
language (N-5, N-4,
N-3) ICTC Computer
Technology Center. Ph:
09-2540-86001, 09-
for females by Indian
instructor. Interested
persons pls contact
at shilpi_19sep@
rediffmail.com or shilpi.
TESUAN Travel &
Tour, Travel Agent
License: Kha-2375,
Tour programs -
Yangon & Environs
1 Day Tour. Yangon
& Pyu city Package
Tour. Yangon-Golden
Rock Optional Tour.
Buddhist Pilgrimage
Tour, Adventure & Eco
Tour, Hotel & Air Ticket
Reservation, Car Rental
& Travel Insurance,
Offce: 3/B, Ground Flr,
Hledan 1
St, 3
Kamayut, Yangon, Tel:
511298, 09-302-85183,
09-732-38306, Email:
t esuant our. co. mm@
gmail.com, www.
Travel & Tours Co., Ltd.
Bldg (D/B), Rm (002),
Thitsar Residence,
South Okkalapa,
Yangon. Kyaik Hti Yoe
( 1N/ 2D) - 80, 000/ - ks
per pax. Chaung Tha
( 2N/ 3D) - 93, 000/ - ks
per pax. Bagan-Popa
(3N/ 4D)-138, 900/ -ks
per pax. Mandalay-
S a g a i n g - I n n w a -
(3N/4D)-156,000/-ks per
pax. Ph: 01-562917, 09-
TAXI, Service Near,
Parkroyal Hotel, Air
Conditioner Car, English
Speaking Driver, One
hour 5000 kyats, 09-
GO GO UP Travel &
Tours Limited : Hot price
to Thailand Bangkok -
Pattaya, USD 460 (Hot
Price) 4 days 3 nights.
Bangkok - Pattaya -
Ayuttaya, USD 560 (Hot
Price) 5 days 4 nights.
Honeymoon Package
@ Paradise Island USD
550 (Hot Price) 4 days 3
nights. Tel : (01) 523602,
09-732-07333, 09-4480-
MYAT THU Car Rental,
Various types of car rent
for daily or monthly use.
Alphard, Surf, Prado,
Super Custom, Grand
Carvin. Ph: 09-4500-
20233, 09-540-1236
Email : mt.carbusiness@
"ASIAN Bliss Myanmar"
Travel & Tour (Car Rental
Services) Bldg 289,room
3 east yankin 09-519-
1785, 09-731-18957
Public Notics
TRAINED Domestic Helper
available. Knowledge
of all household works,
including infants and
elderly people care. Tel :
09-315-75765, 09-2506-
MiTA Myanmar
Investment, Trade &
Technology Conference,
Workshop and Exhibition
will be held during
25-27 Sept 2014
UMFCCI, Yangon.
The Best Conference,
Exhibition & Workshop
@ Reasonable Fees
in Myanmar! for more
info, please visit: www.
Mi t a My a n ma r I n v e
stmentTrade Technology
Conference.com, Ph:
09420110451, 09-4201-
10666, Email: maizar@
We provide the following
Training, CISCO, CCNA,
www. f acebook. com/
imcscompany, 09-4500-
UN Positions
NATIONS World Food
Programme, is seeking
(1)Senior Logistics
Assistant (CTS) GS-
7, Yangon (2) Field
Monitor Assistant
GS-4, Magwe. For more
information, please visit
to http://www.themimu.
nationals. Please Email
the applications with UN
P-11 to wfpmyanmar.
v a c a n c y @wf p . o r g
vacancy@wf p. or g>
COB 03 October 2014.
Ingo Position
THE INT'L Rescue
Committee (IRC) is
seeking Field Manager
1 post in Muse, Northern
Shan State : University
degree in Management,
Community Develop
ment or equivalent
feld. 5 years of
senior management
experi ence and/
or communi t y
development. Fluently
in English/ Burmese and
excellent report writing
skills. Computer skills in
Microsoft Offce; Excel
and Strong Computer
skill. Pleae send a
Cover letter, CV & all
relevant documents
to the HR Department
to email at WaiMar.
Naing@rescue.org or
by delivery to the IRC
Offce : 33/A, Natmauk
Lan Thwe (1), Bocho
(2) Qtr, Bahan, Yangon.
Closing dat : 6
THE Association of
Medical Doctors of
Asia is seeking Nurse
(2 positions). Sub-
offces, (Tar Shwe Htan,
Shaokai & Kone Gyan
base): Nurse certifcate
or related degree
holder. Two-year post
registration experience
(Experience in the
development sector
would be an asset).
Good language skills
in Chinese (Kokang)
& Myanmar (other
language skills such
as Palaung & Myaung
Zee would be asset).
Please enclose a C.V,
copies of testimonials
(references) & photo
to Senior Officer,
Admin/Finance Unit,
AMDA Myanmar
Program Offce, 19/B,
Thukhawaddy Rd,
Yankin, Yangon. Email:
sr. af o. amda@gmai l .
com Closing date : 30

September 2014.
Society is seeking(1)
Livelihood Project
Coordinator 1 post
in Sittwe : Myanmar
National. Relevant
University degree.
3 years experience
in livelihood field
wi th i ncreasi ng
responsibilities in
project/ program
m a n a g e m e n t .
Computer literacy
in both Myanmar &
Engl i sh.(2)Assistant
Manager (IT) 1 post in
Nay Pyi Taw: BE (IT)
or B.C.Sc or IADCS.
Diploma. Experience
in SQL server database
& web development.
Cisco Router &
Switch confguration
& troubleshooting. 5
years experience in
IT feld. Knowledge of
the Microsoft Virtual
Server platform and
associated System
Centre services. Red
Cross Volunteers are
preferable. Please send
application letter, CV
& related documents
to Myanmar Red
Cross Society Head
Offce, Yazathingaha
Rd, Dekkhinathiri,
Nay Pyi Taw. Or
mrcshrrecrui t ment @
gmail.com, Closing
date: 29-9-2014.
THE Association of
Medical Doctors of Asia
is seeking Medical
Coordinator 1 post
in AMDA Laukai Field
Offce : M.B.B.S, 2
years experience
(INGO experience
would be an asset).
Strong data analysis
skills. Good command
in writing and speaking
in English. Strong
computer skill. Senior
Offcer, Admin/ Finance
Unit, AMDA Myanmar
Program Offce, 19/B,
Thukhawaddy Rd,
Yankin, Yangon. Email:
sr. af o. amda@gmai l .
THE INT'L Rescue
Committee (IRC) is
seeking Field Health
Offcer/ Health Service
Quality Offcer in
Paletwa, Chin State:
B.NSc/ B.CommH/
Diploma in Nursing.
2 years experience in
primary health care and
sexual and reproductive
health care services.
Please submit a Cover
letter & CV to the HR
Department by email at:
org or by delivery to
the IRC offce : 33/A,
Natmauk Lane Thwe
(1), Bocho (2) Quarter,
Bahan, Yangon. Closing
date : 30 September
Offcer (Falam, Mogok,
Sagaing, Matupi) 4 Posts
(2)Field Supervisor
(DeMawSo) 1 Post
(3)Assistant Field
Supervisor (LoiKaw)
1 Post (4)Program
Assistant (Yangon)
1 Post (5)M & E
Offcer (Matupi)
1 Post. Application
process: Please send
application letter,CV
& related documents
to Myanmar Red
Cross Society (Head
Office) Yazatingaha
Rd, Dekkhinathiri,
Nay Pyi Taw.
gmai l .com www.
my a n ma r r e d c r o s s
Microfinance Fund
(PGMF) is a licensed
M i c r o f i n a n c e
Institution. Pact Global
Microfinance Fund
is currently seeking
motivated, experienced
& dedicated candidates
for the position of HR
Assistant - 2 Posts :
Duty Station : PGMF,
Yangon (Need to
travel to feld offces as
necessary), Duration
: 12 months full time
initially (including 3
mont hs - pr obat i on)
Qual i fi cati ons :
University Degree
(Bachelor Degree
- preferably in HR
or related fields),
Profciency in Microsoft
Offce, 1 year of
experience in a human
resources position, Able
to serve long working
hours if required,
Ability to work quickly
and accurately under
time pressure and tight
deadlines, Strong verbal
and interpersonal skills
with the capability to
build trust and respect
within the organization.
Pls submit application
letter & detail curriculum
vitae along with relevant
supporting documents,
a recently taken
passport photo, contact
details & 2 referees to
HR Manager, Pact
Global Microfnance
Fund : 497, 1st Flr,
Tower B, Diamond
Condominium, Pyay
Rd, Kamaryut, Yangon.
Closing date: 30th
September, 2014. Ph :
501373, 501379. Email:
(1)ASSISTANT Manager
(IT) 1 Post (2)Livelihood
Project Coordinator
1 Post. (3)Program
Support Offcer(CBHD-
MNCH) 1 Post. Please
send application letter,
CV & related documents
to Myanmar Red
Cross Society (Head
Office) Yazatingaha
Rd, Dekkhinathiri,
Nay Pyi Taw.
gmail.com www.
my a n ma r r e d c r o s s
society.org Please
mention Position Title
in subject if you apply.
(Finance & Admin)
(Hpa-An) 1 Post (2)
Field Supervisor
(CPP, Lashio) 1 Post
(3)Field Assistant
(CPP,Lashio) 2 Posts
(4)Field Supervisor
(CBHFA, Twenty) 1 Post
(5)Admin Assistant
(NayPyiTaw) 1 Post (6)
Security (NayPyiTaw)
1 Post. Please send
application letter, CV
& related documents
to Myanmar Red
Cross Society (Head
Office) Yazatingaha
Rd, Dekkhinathiri,
Nay Pyi Taw.
gmail.com www.
my a n ma r r e d c r o s s
society.org Please
mention Position Title
in subject if you apply.
Local Positions
ESSENCE of Myanmar
is seeking (1)Tour
Operations Manager -
M/F 1 Post : Any graduate
with certifcate, At least
5 years experience in
tourism feld, English
language (Four Skills)
must be fuent (French
language ability will be
an advantage), Good
communication and
skills social dealing,
Computer literate (Very
good knowledge of
Excel/ PowerPoint/Word/
Internet/Email), Fully give
back the time on the job if
necessary many working.
(2)Assistant Tour
Operations Manager
- M/F 1 Post : Any
graduate with certifcate,
2 years experience in
tourism feld, English
language (Four Skills)
must be fuent, Good
communication and
skills social dealing,
Computer literate (Very
good knowledge of
Excel/ PowerPoint/Word/
Internet/Email), Fully give
back the time on the
job if necessary many
working. Please submit
an application letter,
CV with recent photo,
copies of NRC. Educ&
and other testimonial to
: 6 Shwe Gong Daing
Rd (Near SSC Women
Center) Bahan, Yangon.
Tel: 01-8604279 or 01-
401589. Email: zani@
i nspi rat i onmyanmar.
com.mm, znb197@
ment Executive (50
positions) A Multi
National Company
in collaboration with
Royal Futures Trading
Co, require candidates
who has passion and
talent. Requirements:
Candidate must
possess a Degree or at
least a Pre-U, Diploma
in any feld. Fresh
Graduate from oversea
is encourage to apply.
No work experience
required. Must be able
to speak and understand
simple English Speaking.
Beneft: Lucrative income
highly achievable. Good
Career Advancement
Opportunity. Overseas
working opportunity.
Intensive training
provided. Other benefts
and rewards are
subjected to companys
approval based on
performance. Please
send CV with recent
photograph; Closing
Date : 7th October 2014
Attention To: Mr. Chris
Hunter Lee, Senior
Business Manager,
Royal Futures Trading
Co., Ltd. No. 166, 12
Fl, MMB Tower, Upper
Pansoden Rd, Mingalar
Taungnyunt, Yangon.
Markets has been short
listed by the Department
of Rural Development to
tender for two townships
as part of the Myanmar
National Community
Driven Development
Project funded by the
World Bank and are
looking for Myanmar
consultants for the
following positions: (1)
Finance Offcer - 2 posts
(2)Procurement Offcer
- 2 posts (3)Monitoring
& Evaluation & MIS
Offcer 2 posts (4)
Infrastructure &
Safeguards Specialist
2 posts (5)Social
Accountability &
Gender Specialist
2 posts. The two
townships that we are
bidding for are Tatkon
Township, Nay Pyi Taw
and Htantabin, Yangon.
Cardno Emerging
Markets is an equal
opportunity employer
and is committed to
child protection in all
felds. Apply with CV
and cover letter to
cardnorecrui t ment @
icloud.com ASAP.
WE ARE a leading
tour company and
are looking for 1.) A
sale representative
for Outbound trips to
Cambodia 2.) A junior
accountant. Interested
candidates can contact
the following details.
email: info@enchanting-
myanmar.com, Ph: 09-
4211-40414, 09- 316-
09262, 011-221570.
Ph/Fax: 01 370 836~9
company & looking
for new employees to
be based in our new
Yangon Offce that we
are going to set up very
soon! We are looking
for sales Engineers
to fll the following
positions 1.Graphics
and Printing Supplies
2.Food Processing
Equipment 3.Plastic
and recycling Equipment
4 . Ph a r ma c e u t i c a l
Equipment 5.Building
Equipment and
Preparation Equipment
6.Machine Tools and
Metal Production
Equipment. The
candidates should be
profcient in English
as well as Burmese.
C o m p r e h e n s i v e
training will be given
to the right candidates.
Please send CV to
2 posts (2)Accountant
- Female 1 post :
Graduate, neat and
tidy person . No need
to have experience.
Pleae contact: 40 Aung
Myay Yadanar St, Thu
Mingalar housing,
Thingangyun, Yangon.
Ph:09-732-20460, 09-
A WELL - established
company is looking
for highly-motivated
engineers ((Male
only). Successful
candidates will be
employed as service
engineers for installation
& maintenance of
advanced medical
equipments including
CT scanner. Candidates
must: a Bachelor
Degree in Electronics
or equivalent, good
command of written
and spoken English,
good basic knowledge
of electronics, willing to
travel within and aboard
Myanmar, Be hard-
working and adaptable.
Previous working
experience is preferable,
but not a necessity
as the company will
provide the necessary
training. Please submit
application form along
with the C.V & recent
photo to Rm 2-C, Shwe
Padauk Condominium:
99/A, Myay Nu St,
Sanchaung, Yangon.
Ph.01-525748 (Within
two weeks)
Centre, is seeking
(1)Medical Doctor
- F 1 post : M.B,B.S
Graduate with SA
MA registration, 2
years experience in
medical feld, Good
communication in
English, Must be able
to use computer,
internet and Microsoft
application with excellent
skills. (2) Accountant
F 1 post : A minimum
degree from university
preferably accounting
and marketi ng
background. (LCCI
Level - 3 ), Age above 35,
Good communication
in English, 2 years
experience, Able to
use computer, internet
& Microsoft application
with excellent skills.
We welcome the
candidates who are trust
worthy, self-motivated
& outstanding, willing
to learn and able to
focus on work, be
polite and hospitality,
able to communicate
in courteous manners
and must have positive
working attitude. Pease
submit: CV with relevant
certifcates, documents,
recommendation letter
attach, documents &
expected salary to Rm
(G-07), G Flr, Diamond
Center, Pyay Rd,
Kamayut. Tel : 532-438,
CENTER for Vocational
Training (CVT),
Yangon is seeking (1)
Commercial Assistant
Professional Teacher
- M/F 1 post : Bachelor
Degree from University
of Economic or relevant
knowledge. (2) Cabinet
Maker Profession
Senior Teacher/ HoP -
M/F 1 post : Have relevant
certifcate concerned
with furniture making
or civil engineering
degree. Experience in
wood based industry
is preferred. (3)
Election Professional
Teacher - M/F 1 post
: B.E (EP), AGTI (EP),
or CVT graduate in
electrician. Experience
in Electrical Installation
feld & Engineer Degree
holder is preferred. (4)
Hotel & Gastronomy
Assistant Profession
Teachers- M/F 2 posts
:Must be a certifcate
holder of Room division
(Housekeeping, Front
Offce). Experience in
hotel management. (5)
English Teacher- M/F 1
post : Graduated in B.A
(English) or Diploma in
ELTM (or) ELT (or) FCE.
Prefer the M.A (English)
with 3 years experience.
(6) Financial & General
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
Assistant - M/F 1 post :
Bachelor of Commerce,
LCCI Level-3 degree
holder or the same
education. Working
experience in accounting
is preferred. 5 years
experience & 2 years
teaching experience for
1 to 5 positions. Good
command in English
(4 skills) is preferable
& using a computer
(Microsoft Office).
Periodically revise the
curricula and up to
date level of profession
know-how and actively
participate in Team
Work. Please submit an
application letter with
CV or CVT Application,
recent passport photo,
Copy of relevant
documents and labour
Card to the reception
counter or by email
before 30
2014. Contact: 3
MRCS Bldg 42, Strand
Rd, Botahtaung, Yangon.
Email: hrcvtmyanmar@
Tour Operation Manager M (1) Post
At least 5 years of experience in tourism feld.
Chief Accountant M/F (1) Post
At least 5 years of experience.
Programmer M/F (1) Post
At least 5 years of experience in ICT feld.
For all positions:
Any graduate with certifcate.
English language (Four skills) must be fuent.
Good communication and skills social dealing.
Computer literate (very good knowledge of Excel/ PowerPoint/Word/
Interested candidate shall submit an application letter, CV with recent
photo, Copies of NRC, Educational certifcate and other testimonial to
Golden Clover Travel & Tours.
No.48, Room (E-3), 2nd Floor, Gyar Taw Ya Oat Road, Shwe Nanthar
Quarter, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: +95-18603244/45, 0949297848
E-mail: info@goldenclover.com.mm
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CCO plays an important role in the overall success of the company; therefore the
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Base: Yangon, Myanmar
Ideal candidate should be familiar with Regional, Myanmar Aviation and Network Route
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All interested and qualifed candidates are invited to submit applications with
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All application must be received not later than 16th October 2014at 5:00 PM at GMA
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Bahan Township, Yangon. Phone: 95 1 401484, 95 1 8604035, 37~38 (Ext: 120 , 128).
ELECTRONIC Arts on September 23
kicked of the US launch of its FIFA 15
video game, hyping the latest instal-
ment of its long-running soccer fran-
chise as its most realistic yet.
More than 5.5 million people have
taken part in a demo period for the
game, which was released worldwide
last week, according to EA.
We believe we have built a game in
FIFA 15 that delivers the most immer-
sive and responsive game play experi-
ence ever in the FIFA franchise, said
EA Sports vice president David Rutter.
We cant wait for the millions of
fans to start their season and experi-
ence all of the innovations.
EA is letting virtual soccer stars in
FIFA 15 get psyched, or angry, on eld
just like their real-world inspirations.
The game infuses on-screen play-
ers with emotional intelligence de-
signed to let them show how they feel
about missed passes, brutal tackles,
teammates, opponents and more.
We want our fans to feel the highs
and lows of the drama that is football,
and experience the emotional roller-
coaster that plays out during a match,
Rutter said during a glimpse at the ti-
tle earlier this year.
Were now able to immerse
you in the game and let the story
of the match unfold based on new
commentary, crowd activity, and the
natural reactions of the players, which
make every game unique.
FIFA 15 on-screen players express
ranges of emotions that evolve based
on how a game is going, and have
attitudes about on-eld allies and
California-based EA said it tapped
into the improved power of Xbox One
and PS4 to make gameplay and graph-
ics more realistic.
Visually, this is the biggest step
the FIFA franchise has ever taken,
Rutter said.
We set out with the goal of creat-
ing atmosphere, players, crowds and
pitches that not only look like they do
on match day, but also feel like they do
when you play or watch football its
a level of immersion weve never been
able to bring to the game before.
Versions of the game are also tailored
for prior generation Xbox and PlaySta-
tion consoles, along with personal com-
puters powered by Windows software.
The new title is priced at US$60.
A FIFA 15 Ultimate Team version of
the game is available for free to play
on smartphones or tablets powered by
Apple, Android or Windows software.
EA kicks off FIFA 15 video game
HAVING nally added the world title
to his Olympic time-trial crown from
two years ago, Bradley Wiggins has
set himself two new targets: winning
Paris-Roubaix and setting a new hour
The 34-year-old Briton beat three-
time reigning champion Tony Mar-
tin of Germany to the world title in
Ponferrada, Spain, on September 24,
with Dutch youngster Tom Dumoulin
taking third place.
But now the 2012 Tour de France
winner, a four-time Olympic cham-
pion and winner of prestigious races
such as the Criterium du Dauphine
(twice), Tour de Romandie and Paris-
Nice not to mention lower key events
such as his home Tour of Britain and
the Tour of California says he will
target Paris-Roubaix and the world
hour record next year, before focusing
on the track and the team pursuit at
the Olympics in Rio in 2016.
But he said he will not compete at
another World Championships, having
won silver medals in 2011 and 2013.
To add the World title on the road
to the Olympic one I had a couple
of second places [but] I could have
lived with it if I never won it in my ca-
reer so its always nice to add it, said
Wiggins, a six-time world champion
on the track in individual and team
I always said after London [the
Olympics] that anything else I got was
a bonus. Its nice to end the season like
this having missed the Tour and stuf
through the year.
I worked toward this and trained
specically for this event since the
Commonwealth Games in July, so yes,
its been good.
Although he will return to the track
for the next Games and the hour re-
cord is also attempted in a velodrome
Wiggins said hes not quite nished
with road racing.
He nished ninth at Paris-Roubaix
in April and believes thats a race he
can win.
This time next year it will be less
than a year from the Olympics in Rio
so I will be in full track mode for the
team pursuit, he said when explain-
ing why this would be his last World
I cant imagine doing a trip to
America to do the Worlds next year. I
just dont see it tting in.
Post-Rio Im not going to go to Qa-
tar to ride. I will be 37 then so Im not
going to do the Masters this will be the
last one.
He added, Id love to win Roubaix,
obviously I was up there this year. I
want to focus more on it next year and
of the back of that really focus on the
hour record rather than trying to go
for the hour record next week of the
back of this.
[I want to] focus on that and do
it as a project and get the most out of
that one attempt (on the hour record),
Wiggins said, just a week after 43-year-
old German Jens Voigt set a new hour
world record of 51.115 kilometres.
Also it will give me something to
do next year [as he wont be on Skys
Tour team] and also to nish of with
hopefully another shot at another
gold medal in Rio with the team pur-
suit would be a nice way to end it all.
Paris-Roubaix and hour record
new goals for Wiggins
Bradley Wiggins competes in the mens time trial at the 2014 UCI Road World
Championships in Ponferrada on September 24. Photo: AFP
Gamers who trialed EAs FIFA 15 prior to
its worldwide launch
HINAS Li Na said her
ground-breaking career
can be traced back to the
death of her father when
she was 14, a pivotal mo-
ment which meant tennis success
was her only chance.
Li, in candid comments follow-
ing her shock retirement last week,
said she had to grow up quickly
when left to support her mother, a
realisation which shaped her life.
I think I was a pretty normal
girl in the way I grew up [but] what
totally changed my life was when
my father passed away, she told
AFP in an interview in Wuhan.
It sowed the seeds of a career
which yielded two Grand Slam
singles titles, the rst for an Asian
player, and brought tennis to Chi-
nas masses.
The reigning Australian Open
champion was speaking to AFP
in her home city, days after she
tearfully called it quits over persis-
tent knee injuries.
Li, 32, made special mention of
her father in her retirement state-
ment last week, saying, Youve re-
mained the sunshine in my life and
I am who I am because of you.
Late in her career, it was another
fatherly gure in the form of coach
Carlos Rodriguez who would prove
inuential as he brought Li out of a
slump to win the Australian Open
in January.
Under the Argentinian, Justine
Henins former mentor, Li became
a diferent, composed more player
and less confrontational of the court.
He said, You are a good player,
or a great champion, Li said.
I was like, It is the same. Why?
And he said, No, it is not the same.
A champion has to be like every-
where a champion, not only on
But Li said her split with Rodri-
guez in July, because he wanted to
focus on his work at a Beijing ten-
nis academy, did not inuence her
decision to retire.
Her family had struggled nan-
cially after her father, Li Sheng-
peng, died of a rare cardiovascular
disease when she was taking her
rst steps on the tennis circuit.
But with the determination that
would mark her ascent to world
number two, the young Li focused
Chinese tennis star Li Na reects on the role a tragedy played in shapingher
career as she looks forward to her retirement from the sport
Chinese tennis star Li Na waves to the crowd at a ceremony marking her retirement, at the Wuhan Open tennis tournament in Wuhan, China, on September 23.
Tennis only chance
after fathers death: Li
Sport 65 www.mmtimes.com
Chinese tennis star Li Na reects on the role a tragedy played in shapingher
career as she looks forward to her retirement from the sport
Chinese tennis star Li Na waves to the crowd at a ceremony marking her retirement, at the Wuhan Open tennis tournament in Wuhan, China, on September 23.
on the tennis court to navigate the
family out of hardship.
I was thinking, You are a pretty
big girl, you have to take care of
your mom, she said.
When the father passed away
I think that was when I would say:
The only chance is you have to be a
good player.
Li chafed at authority from an
early age. She has spoken of her dis-
pleasure at being forcibly switched
from badminton, which her father
played professionally, to tennis by
Chinas sports system after coaches
noticed her strong arms.
Two years after her fathers
death, Li joined the national team,
but despite showing considerable
promise she turned her back on
tennis to study journalism.
I never talked to my mom to say
how [I] was feeling, even during the
time I didnt like tennis, she said. I
used to tell her, I love tennis. I want
to continue.
Later, after returning to tennis,
she would opt out of Chinas state
sports system as a pioneering y
alone athlete able to arrange her
own coaching and endorsements.
As her career progressed, Lis
rebellious streak showed in her
heated exchanges with Chinese me-
dia as she was criticised for a per-
ceived lack of mental fortitude and
In the beginning, I could not
hang in there, [with] the pressure,
said Li, admitting she struggled with
the weight of her giant countrys
Because I was thinking about,
I am only a tennis athlete, why
should I carry so many things I did
not want to carry.
Eventually Li, one of the worlds
highest-earning female athletes,
was embraced by her homeland
and at her retirement press confer-
ence, one Chinese journalist was in
Fans were also crying when she
appeared on centre court at the site
the Wuhan Open, a premier-level
WTA event created in her honour.
She is Chinas greatest. She is
the pride of China and the pride
of Wuhan, one spectator shouted,
while others held aloft huge ban-
ners saying, We love you sister Li.
Tennis only chance
after fathers death: Li
THE return of golf to the Olympics af-
ter what will be 112 years by the time
Rio hosts South Americas rst Games
in 2016 comes amid accusations en-
vironmental laws were got round to
build the facility in a nature reserve,
horrifying ecologists.
Golf made a brief foray into the his-
tory of the Games with appearances
in 1900 and 1904. But its appearance
on the Rio timetable has dragged city
authorities as well as the course devel-
oper into a legal spat.
Ecologists have decried the con-
struction as an environmental crime
meriting a legal challenge to force
design concessions limiting the sites
impact on the local ecosystem.
When the International Olympic
Committee announced in 2009 that
Rio had won hosting rights they add-
ed that golf was back and that rugby
sevens would be featuring as a new
Olympic sport.
The course is being built to Olym-
pic specications on private land in
the western Rio suburb of Barra de Ti-
juca, which will host the bulk of Olym-
pic events.
But campaigners are aghast at the
choice of a site within the Marapendi
Environmental Protection Area (APA),
whose vegetation had already sufered
from decades of mining activity near-
by before authorities slapped a preser-
vation order on it, opening the way to
The Rio prosecutor suggested the
developers create a 400-metre (1312-
foot) wide corridor home to thick
vegetation and rich fauna around the
course which would allow wildlife to
reach wooded and wetland areas ei-
ther side.
The prosecutor initially called for
the suspension of the construction li-
cence before urging modications of
course designer Guy Hanses plans.
A September 17 hearing ruled the
project should continue, with the pro-
viso it includes the bulk of the mooted
400-meter corridor.
Lawyers for constructors and land
owners Fiori protested that means
at least ve holes will need revamp-
ing, putting the heat on as they bid to
ready the site in time for a test event
next year.
Prosecutor Marcus Leal rejected
the rms ofer to limit modications
to three holes, citing the need to pre-
serve the areas ecosystem.
The city hall said it would con-
sider accepting a course in legacy
mode that is leaving the site as
it is for the Games and undertaking
modications afterward.
Magistrate Eduardo Klausner
urged Fiori and the mayors ofce to
table a new proposal inside 45 days
which would meet Olympic require-
ments while keeping environmental
damage to a minimum for the 60
million reais (US$27 million) project,
which began a year behind schedule.
By mid-August it was 59 percent
Local pressure group Golf for
Who has loudly condemned the use
of the site for the Games.
Most Rio residents do not closely
follow a sport regarded as being for
rich people there are just two private
courses in the city.
The one being fashioned for the
Games will be Rios rst public course
and organisers hope it can give the
discipline a boost.
The organising committee and the
International Golf Federation (FIG)
considered neither private course was
suitable for 2016, though one has pre-
viously hosted pro events.
Citing the need for a new course
they plumped for the site within the
Marapendi protection area.
Pre-Games course testing is sched-
uled for 2015 if the organisers can
hole out of their legal bunker. AFP
Rio golf course in legal bunker
Photo: AFP
HEIR swimmers train in
the Indian Ocean and the
women soccer and handball
players havent managed a
goal between them at the
Asian Games, but the Maldives says it
does not care about success yet.
Getting 142 athletes from the poor
islands, best known as a honeymoon
paradise, to the Games in Incheon,
South Korea, has already been an
achievement, according to team
And a Muslim nation insisting that
at least a third of the team should
be women has also raised eyebrows
among fellow Islamic states.
South Korean fans have taken to
their hearts the athletes from a nation
of less than 350,000 who have yet to
win a medal at the Asian Games or
The swimmers are often still bat-
tling in the pool long after rivals have
nished. The womens footballers
conceded 38 goals in three matches
without scoring and Japan beat their
handball team by a huge 79-0.
But Maldives Olympic Committee
secretary general Ahmed Marzooq
said the results do not matter.
Just before we came I told the ath-
letes that there would be criticism and
comments. But I told them, We dont
care about any result that comes, just
perform, just enjoy the Games.
In an indication of the difculties
their athletes face, swimmers Nishwan
Ibrahim and Aishath Sajina have to
train in the Indian Ocean at night
of the capital Male.
We swim in the sea and theres a
current and lots of rubbish, and its
dark, Ibrahim told AFP. We dont have
any swimming pools. Its really diferent
from the pool here. Its difcult in the
pool: the sea is more buoyant.
Ibrahim got a standing ovation af-
ter clocking 2 minutes, 45.23 seconds
in the mens 200 metres medley heats,
in his rst ever attempt at the event.
But after completing the last lap
in complete solitude to nish over 45
seconds behind the quickest qualier,
Ibrahim discovered he had been dis-
qualied for an illegal turn.
It kind of sucks because I was
last! he said with a smile.
Coach Ismail Faruhaan said
swimmers train in a 25-metre ocean
pool fashioned from oating blocks
for sides and touchpads. They share
it with sh and coral.
Back home we dont have any fa-
cilities to practice turns, he said.
The swimmers have to focus on
the currents and they dont know
when theyre going to touch the pads
because its dark. Most of the time they
crash into them.
The rst time I went to the deep
end I felt really scared, said Sajina. I
didnt like the sh and stuf. I wanted
to get out as soon as possible.
But now she is a leader in the big-
gest contingent the Maldives has ever
taken to an international sporting
Sajina swam almost two lengths of
the pool alone in the womens 4x100m
freestyle relay and triggered an enor-
mous cheer when she stopped the
clock almost a minute and a half be-
hind heat winners Japan.
It felt motivated when I heard
them, she said with a giggle. I think I
swam even faster. It felt good.
Olympic committee chief Mar-
zooq has motivated funding from
foreign governments and sports bod-
ies to get the swimmers and others
to Incheon.
Some of that is being used to press
a minimum 33 percent quota for
women in all Maldives teams going to
international contests. There are more
than 50 in this team, while Saudi Ara-
bia has none and just 20 percent of
Irans squad is women.
There is some opposition, Mar-
zooq said. Other Olympic Council of
Asia representatives conrmed that
the Maldives had made some other
Muslim nations nervous.
But Maldives has no regrets, de-
spite all the slow swims and the con-
ceded goals.
It has changed a lot how women
do sport, said Marzooq. The girls
now know that there is a chance
for them to go out of the country to
It gives them life skills. I can
see their condence building. I am
not thinking about medals at these
Games. What I want is to take these
women out of the kitchen and empow-
er them, he said. AFP
Maldives says medals dont matter
Ismail Sajid carries his national flag as he leads the Maldives delegation parade during the opening ceremony of the 2014
Asian Games in Incheon on September 19. Photo: AFP
REAL Madrid boss Carlo Ancelotti be-
lieves Cristiano Ronaldos three-week
break at the start of the season to ease
knee and hamstring injuries is the rea-
son for the Portugueses sensational
Ronaldo scored four goals in a 5-1
thrashing of Elche on September 23 to
register his 25th hat-trick for the club
and his second in four days after also
scoring three in Reals 8-2 humiliation
of Deportivo la Coruna on September
The club captain now has 12 goals
in just eight appearances this season.
However, he missed his countrys
embarrassing 1-0 home defeat to Al-
bania this month, as well as Madrids
4-2 loss to Real Sociedad to rest after a
gruelling schedule as Los Blancos won
their 10
European Cup in May before
he travelled to the World Cup.
It is clear that has helped because
he needed a period of time to work
with the seriousness and professional-
ism he has, said Ancelotti.
At the moment he is physically in
very good shape, he is very motivated
and he is scoring a lot.
Ronaldos night at the Bernadene
on September 23 hadnt gotten of
to the best start as he gave away a
penalty as he tried to clear inside
the area and Edu Albacar red Elche
into a shock lead from the penalty
Although I complained to the ref-
eree, it was a penalty. I have to admit
it, said Ronaldo.
I didnt expect it. It all went very
quickly, but the referee made the right
Madrid were only behind for 5
minutes, though, as Gareth Bale head-
ed home his fourth goal of the cam-
paign before Ronaldo put the hosts in
front with a penalty of his own.
Ronaldo doubled his tally for
the evening with a towering header
to make it 3-1 and added two more
goals in the nal 10 minutes as he
dispatched a second penalty be-
fore slotting home from Bales ne
To score four goals is very difcult.
I thank my teammates for passing me
the ball to be able to score.
It was a very good game for us. We
started a little badly, I gave away the
penalty, but we responded well with
two quick goals.
Ancelotti had taken the opportu-
nity to make four changes to his side
from the one that routed Deportivo.
Keylor Navas replaced under-re
captain Iker Casillas in goal and the
Italian praised the contribution of
those that came into the side.
At the moment rotating is very
important because we have all the
players motivated and we have a lot of
games. AFP
Break key to Ronaldos stunning form, says Ancelotti
Cristiano Ronaldo (centre) vies with to Elches goalkeeper Manu Herrera (left) at
the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid on September 23. Photo: AFP
68 THE MYANMAR TIMES SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 5, 2014 SPORT EDITOR: Tim McLaughlin | timothy.mclaughlin3@gmail.com
Wiggins sets eyes on
hour record
CHALLENGER Htun Htun Min has
taken the Myanmar traditional boxing
title after knocking out veteran ghter
Saw Nga Mann last week.
The undefeated Htun Htun Min,
22, dropped Saw Nga Mann, 34, in the
fourth round of their ght on Septem-
ber 21 in Yangon with a strong knee to
the head to keep his unbeaten streak
Htun Htun Min, Last year he col-
lected a gold medal the Southeast
Asian games in Nay Pyi Taw, looked
quick and powerful throughout the
match, keeping Saw Nga Mann on the
defensive as he looked to be trying
to cling to his title, rather than take
down Htun Htun Min.
From the opening bell Saw Nga
Mann was faced with a urry of blows.
He only briey appeared to threaten
Htun Htun Min in the second, when
the young challenger sufered a cut
around his left eye.
Htun Htun Min is talented box-
er and has a lot of experience even
though he is young, said U Daung Ni,
chief judge at the Myanmar Tradition-
al Boxing Federation, .
I dont think an opponent will be
ready for Htun Htun Min this year. I
think he will ght soon against some
foreign boxers.
The convincing knockout by Htun
Htun Min won him some new fans
outside the ring, as well as the title.
Both boxers are talented but Saw
Nga Mann is older than Htun Htun
Min. This was an advantage. Htun Htun
Min deserves to be champion. said fan
U Myint Aung, who attended the ght.
ATARS womens basketball
team stood deant over a
ban on their Muslim head-
scarves on September 25 as
a second doping case and
match-xing fears overshadowed the
Asian Games.
The Qatari women forfeited a sec-
ond game in Incheon because under
International Basketball Federation
(FIBA) rules they are not allowed to
play in hijabs or other headgear.
We are not going to the stadium
today and for the other matches, as
we will not be allowed to play be-
cause of the International Basketball
Federation, a Qatar Olympic Commit-
tee ofcial told AFP.
Mounting controversies stole atten-
tion from world records in archery and
shooting and an improved performance
by South Koreas Park Tae-Hwan in the
100 metres freestyle heats.
Qatars women were to play Ne-
pal on September 25 a day after they
walked on court to face Mongolia but
quickly departed when told they could
not play.
FIBAs ban on headwear in inter-
national competition is motivated
by safety but it has raised hackles at
Asias Olympics, which includes sev-
eral Muslim nations.
Its an insult to us. They dont re-
spect religion, Qatari player Rafaa
Morgan Mohammed told AFP.
The Olympic Council of Asia
(OCA), which runs the quadrennial
Asian Games, criticised FIBA. Other
sports such as football allow religious
Every athlete has the right to
represent their countrys ag without
discrimination, OCA director general
Husain Al-Musallam said late on Sep-
tember 24.
Cambodian soft tennis player Yi
Sophany, 18, became the second ath-
lete caught in the doping net when she
tested positive for the banned stimu-
lant sibutramine.
She follows 20-year-old Tajik foot-
baller Khurshed Beknazarov, who was
kicked out for doping on September
23 and has been provisionally banned
by Asian football authorities.
And authorities launched an in-
vestigation after betting analysis
company Sportradar said it strongly
suspects match-xing in the mens
football competition.
We can say that we strongly be-
lieve there have been manipulated
matches at the Asian Games, Andreas
Krannich, managing director of strat-
egy and integrity, told The New Paper
in Singapore.
Krannich did not reveal the teams
involved but said attention was
focusing on at least one group game
where late goals were scored.
The odds movements and the de-
viations caused alerts, belying clear
betting evidence that could never be
justied in a regular contest, he said.
The OCA said it would work with the
Asian Football Confederation and world
body FIFA to investigate the claim.
OCA takes this matter seriously
and works with the Asian federation
and international federation [FIFA]
for a proper and full investigation, an
ofcial told AFP.
In swimming, Chinas womens
4x100m medley team were disquali-
ed in the heats, giving a boost to Ja-
pan who are trailing their rivals 8-15 in
gold medals in the pool.
The girls allowed themselves a lit-
tle pump of the st, Japanese coach
Yoshiaki Takemura told AFP following
the decision to throw out the Chinese
after lead-of swimmer Wang Xueer
failed to surface before the 15-metre
We caught a break there. Weve
been getting whacked a bit over the
last few days.
South Koreas former Olympic
champion Park timed quickest in the
100m freestyle heats with 49.76 sec-
onds as he bids for his rst gold medal
after demoralising defeats in the 200m
and 400m.
Im just trying to stay calm, Park
told reporters. Im trying not to think
about the expectations.
South Korea celebrated their rst
world record of the Games when their
womens compound archery team
scored 238 points out of a possible 240
in the quarter-nals.
And China broke the world record
to take gold in the mens 50m rie
prone team event. AFP
Htun Htun Min KOs
Saw Nga Mann
Controversies hit Asian Games
Saw Yan Paing lands a right cross against Poe K during their fight on September 21 in Yangon. Photo: Zarni Phyo

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