T Lab 6300 Brochure

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Profitable Data Services, Now
Revitalise Your
SDH Investments

Solutions that
Data Services
On-Going Commitment to SDH
The world is changing. You need to
keep in touch with the times. Youve got
to move ahead.
Youve heard it all before usually
when someone wants you to abandon the
very technologies that got you where you
are today. Although well be the first to
admit that nothing lasts forever, SDH is
going to be around for a long time to come.
And thats why we continue to develop
innovative SDH solutions that do much
more than just keep pace with develop-
ments. We actually set the pace for
our industry.
Meeting the Challenge of Converged
Todays telecommunications operators
face two major challenges. First, yesterdays
technology just isnt geared for todays busi-
ness needs. And at the same time, operators
cannot afford to replace entire technologies.
Next, theres the constant pressure to
improve the price/performance ratio. Quite
simply, expenses are increasing faster than
income. And the revenue per transported bit
is rapidly decreasing.
SDH was designed to carry voice
efficiently, but the majority of traffic being
carried in todays transport networks is data.
And with data traffic growth rates at
50-100%a year, there is an enormous
mismatch between the capabilities of the
network and the demands being placed on it.
> Deliver profitable new
data services through
your existing transport

6310 Edge Node

STM-1, STM-4
add/drop multiplexer
and terminal multi-

Access and customer

premises applications

Complete SDH
feature set

Very high density and

small footprint

Support of carrier-class
data services
Explosive Growth in Data Traffic
We dont need to give you statistics on
the increase in data traffic. You know better
than anyone whats happening in your
market. And you are also perfectly aware
that the increase in service demand is not
automatically accompanied by a propor-
tional increase in revenue. In other words,
operators who provide data services are
expected to deliver better broadband ser-
vices, but they get a lot less for their efforts.
There are three ways to increase profit-
ability. The first is to avoid unnecessary or
redundant capital expenditures. The second
is to provide value-added services
services that can create big profits from
small investments. And the third way is to
customise operations and reduce the need
for manual intervention. Heres how
Tellabs helps you achieve all three of these
key goals.
Choosing the Right Data Transport Technology
Instead of pure overlay networks in which
data and voice are transported side by side
on two separate networks, next-generation
SDH equipment from Tellabs uses the same
network, adding data-aware interfaces at the
network edge. By packaging data in virtual
containers, data traffic is easily and
efficiently transported together with circuit-
oriented traffic, e.g. leased lines.
The greatest advantage is also the most
obvious: why invest in an additional network
when you can get more out of your
current investment?
Using the Tellabs 6300 managed trans-
port systems, you can easily leverage your
existing optical network into a cost-
efficient, fully converged data and voice
services infrastructure. Moreover, our
scalable expansion ensures that you only
buy what you need, which keeps costs low
and return on investment high.
Differentiated Services
Existing leased line business is
under pressure these days from a
number of sources. The greatest
threat in many markets is
coming from new entrants who
specialise in providing low-cost
data services. Heres how you
can respond.
The innovative Tellabs Ether-
net solution makes it possible to
offer Ethernet Private Lines
(EPLs) or even Ethernet Private
Networks (EPNs). The Tellabs
6300 systems make it easy to
adjust bandwidth allocation in
these EPNs so they are tailored
to meet the needs of individual
customers. For businesses,
bandwidth can be dynamically
stepped in 2 Mbit/s increments from
2 Mbit/s for small companies all the way up
to 1 Gbit/s for large organisations such as
financial institutions. Whats more, these
Ethernet solutions offer superb Quality-of-
Service (QoS) thanks to Tellabs unique
implementation based on Multi-Protocol
Label Switching (MPLS). Finally, this wide
range of options makes it possible to offer
individually tailored Service Level Agree-
ments (SLAs) to subscribers. In short, its a
great way to increase your competitiveness,
as your customers never have to pay for
more than they need.
Use Your SDH Network to
Deliver Broadband Data

6320 Edge Node

STM-1, STM-4
add/drop and terminal
multiplexer for access

Rack mounted for local


Complete SDH
feature set

Support of carrier-class
data services
> Ethernet Private Line
Generic term for the
point-to-point Ethernet
services that can be
supported by the
Tellabs 6300 managed
transport systems. The
Tellabs 6300 series can
implement EPL services
using EoSDH, EoMPLS
or combinations hereof.
> Ethernet Private
Network Generic
term for the Ethernet
LAN switched multi-
point to multi-point ser-
vices implemented by
the Tellabs 6300 mana-
ged transport systems.
A simple implemen-
tation of an EPN service
is a set of EPLs that
connect the subscribers
to a common virtual
Ethernet switch within
the operator network.
Faster Provisioning
Of course dynamic bandwidth provi-
sioning sounds fine on paper, but what
happens in real life? Well, thanks to our
centralised network management, when a
customer calls to adjust his capacity to a
higher or lower rate of utilisation, it takes
but a minute to make the change. Best of
all, this can be done without changing the
physical Ethernet interface to the network,
so theres no need for extra personnel,
equipment, or site visits!
Customers, who often expect to wait days
or even weeks before their requests can be
carried out, will be pleasantly surprised by
this higher level of service. Of even greater
importance, the Tellabs solution ensures
your network capacity is always fully
exploited. As opposed to, say, a traditional
all-router overlay solution which reserves a
fixed amount of bandwidth for a customer
whether hes using it or not, our dynamic
provisioning ensures that capacity is always
optimised. In other words, you can serve
more customers without increasing your
capacity or decreasing your service quality,
thus deferring expensive upgrades and
And what does all this mean?
Faster time-to-revenue!
Identifying Growth Areas
If a network is to be truly profitable, its
architecture must be tailored to reflect cur-
rent traffic growth patterns. Today, most
growth is related to metro access, and its
here at the network edge that the ser-
vice interfaces are located and the network
changes are frequent. It is also here the
initial traffic processing takes place. And
this is exactly why Tellabs next-generation
SDH technology lets you position network
intelligence closer to the edges through state-
of-the-art distributed transport switching.
Centralised or Distributed? Thats the
There is always a choice to be
made when it comes to
connectivity in the
network. In centra-
lised structures, such
as a voice network,
traffic is usually back-
hauled to
a central office where
the telephone exchan-
ge is also located.
With an increasing
amount of broadband data traffic, there is
no obvious reason to backhaul all of it to
the telephone exchange. It is far more effi-
cient to adopt a distributed structure, where
the data traffic continues directly to its
destination without having to visit the cen-
tral office along the way.
Greater Efficiency
Adistributed transport switching archi-
tecture is achieved by installing high density
4/4/1 cross-connects such as the Tellabs
6350 switch node or the Tellabs 6345
switch node at the edge of the network,
thus reducing the need for bandwidth and
switching capacity in the core of the
network. Thats because the core network
no longer has to handle local broadband
data traffic and the regional and long-
distance transmission pipes are thus used
more efficiently thanks to better grooming
capabilities at the edge of the network.
Distributed transport switching
is also easy to scale, which
allows you to pay as you
grow so capital expenditures
are kept in line
with your needs
and revenue.
And our
fast and
easy pro-
visioning, operation, and management of
the entire system, decreasing operational
expenses. The result is a cost-effective,
high-speed metro access network design
that helps you get more out of your existing
SDH investments, leverage edge-centric
data trends, and break the cost curve once
and for all.
> The distributed trans-
port switching network
architecture is extreme-
ly efficient for handling
the growth of broad-
band data traffic at the
edge of the network,
offloading the larger
cross-connects located
in the core network.
Break the Cost Curve
with Distributed Transport Switching

6345 Switch Node

STM-1, STM-4, STM-

16, STM-64, ADM,
and 4/4/1 SDXC

Very scalable high

density multi-service
provisioning platform
for metropolitan and
regional networks

Interfaces for 2 Mbit/s

to 10 Gbit/s

Support of carrier-class
data services

6350 Switch Node

World record in density;

4/4/1 SDXC

Multiple applications:
High density, SDXC,
ring interconnect, multi-
service provisioning
platform, optical cross-
connect and wavelength

Support of carrier-class
data services
> Market liberalisation
opens up attractive new
business opportunities.
Build a
A New Breed of Carrier's Carrier
The days of national telecommunications
monopolies are over. And many organ-
isations that have deployed fibre for their
own communications needs suddenly find
themselves with a potentially profitable
asset. Not surprisingly, public utilities,
railroads and many others have entered the
telecommunications arena as carriers
carriers to provide voice and data infra-
structure to other operators.
Success, though, depends on more than
just access to fibre. It also depends on the
choice of transport technology. The Tellabs
6300 managed transport systems have been
designed to provide seamless integration of
data and voice services as well as SDH and
DWDM technologies all in a scalable,
flexible, and highly manageable network
This enormous range of flexibility gives
greenfield operators unprecedented freedom
to enter virtually any market. They can pro-
vide business leased line services, or even
become full-fledged carriers carriers. Best
of all, Tellabs commitment to pay-as-you-
grow allows newcomers to exploit their
licenses at an economically viable pace.
After all, there are enough investments to
deal with, without having to buy over-
dimensioned and possibly unnecessary
transport equipment.
DWDM complements SDH technology to help solve the issues of capacity and costs that operators are facing today. Coloured interfaces
can be introduced to the Tellabs 6300 SDH nodes to enable direct interfacing to WDM links.
Expand the Capacity and the
Capabilities of Your Mobile Network
> Tellabs mobile access
solution enables a 2G-
based access network
to be upgraded to take
3G bandwidth require-
ments using the Tellabs
6300 series. These
nodes can be provi-
sioned and configured
remotely, significantly
reducing the cost of
network provisioning
and maintenance.
New Opportunities for Mobile Operators
Mobile operators also face a range of
interesting challenges these days. Although
the key application for mobile phones
remains voice communications, new mess-
aging and imaging services, including
mobile video, are placing huge demands on
available bandwidth. If operators are to sur-
vive, they must strengthen their network
infrastructure. This, after all, is the only
way they can continue to deliver flexible
and reliable mobile services in the months
and years to come and remain compet-
itive in a crowded marketplace.
Making the Move to 3G
Right now, operators are struggling to
upgrade existing 2G Radio Access
Networks (RANs) to high-capacity 3G
networks in the most practical and cost-
effective manner. The Tellabs mobile access
solution features state-of-the-art network
elements that facilitate these upgrades
without sacrificing quality of service or
compromising network integrity.
The scalability of our solution means that
operators can easily expand their networks
as 3G traffic increases. In fact, a single
product family can be used for access,
distribution, and core architectures, which
dramatically simplifies network integration
and rollout. Whats more, Tellabs transport
nodes enable full integration of data technol-
ogies such as ATM and Ethernet.
Reducing the Cost of Maintenance
Point-to-point links are simply not an
efficient way to manage bandwidth in a 3G
RAN fibre ring technologies are far
more effective. Our next-generation SDH
solutions make it possible to converge
circuit-switched traffic with packet-switched
data to ensure cost-effective transport and
high service quality. Not only does this
increase the value of existing equipment,
because all our nodes can be provisioned
and configured remotely, the cost of main-
taining the network is significantly reduced.

6340 Switch Node

STM-1, STM-4, STM-

16, ADM and 4/4/1

Multi-service provi-
sioning platform for
access and metropoli-
tan networks and
2G/3G networks

Very high service den-

sity and small footprint

Support of carrier-class
data services
Win More Business
Through Faster Provisioning
Simple, Scalable, Sensible
State-of-the-art equipment is one thing.
Getting it all to work together in the most
efficient way possible is something very
different. Grooming, optimising, provisio-
ning all of these critical tasks take time.
Or at least they used to.
Now, thanks to the Tellabs

network manager, your entire transport
network can be managed from a single,
carrier-class software system. Weve made
it easy for you to enhance your level of
service, reduce delays and downtime,
decrease operating expenses, and increase
profitability by automating key processes in
an easy-to-use standard interface. From
point-and-click service provisioning to
drag-and-drop topology changes, it couldnt
be simpler. And your fast reaction time
cant help but enhance your market profile.
Do More with Less
Centralised management also helps you
make more efficient use of your workforce
and reduce the need for expensive subcon-
tractors. For example, many problems and
configuration changes that used to require a
site visit can now be taken care of from a
keyboard. Moreover, proactive service
assurance helps reduce the risk of down-
time penalties and significantly increases
customer loyalty. Most important of all, it
lets you concentrate on providing revenue-
generating services instead of revenue-
depleting maintenance.
Seamless Integration in Multi-Vendor
Tellabs network management software
takes full advantage of the open architectu-
re of the TeMIP platform. Whats more, it
can handle an extensive suite of network
protocols/standards. As a result, Tellabs
network manager provides a flexible, cost-
effective, and future-proof management
Network management the key to reaching the full business potential of your transport network.
Our Commitment to Your Success
Specialists With a Flair for Innovation
As a communications infrastructure
builder, Tellabs is an important partner with
telecommunications operators around the
world. For more than two decades, we have
helped move communications most effi-
ciently and effectively. We support
telecommunications operators through
advanced research and development centres,
world-class manufacturing facilities, sales
and service offices, and strategic business
partners located throughout the world.
Whether installing a new network or adding
features and functions to an existing one,
Tellabs will help you to better understand the
equipment, the technology and the mission-
critical role they play in today's rapidly
changing telecommunications environment.
Worldwide Service and Support
Tellabs has built a worldwide service and
support team to ensure that our solutions
continue to provide the same outstanding
operational value throughout their lifetime.
In addition to traditional offerings such as
maintenance and training, we also have an
extended range of consultancy and support
services. These include our web-based on-
line technical service portal and our Gold
and Silver support service packages. Youll
find all details at www.tellabs.com/services.
Suite Element Gold Suite Silver Suite
Technical Assistance Services
24x7 Remote Assistance 24x7 High Priority
24x7 Remote Support 24x7 Critical Issues
Online Assistance
On-Site Support Optional
On-Site Assistance
Maintenance Services
Repair Response
Advance Replacement
Repair Coverage Optional
Performance Services
System Performance Review
Software Planning
Software Releases, Upgrades and/or Updates
Software Installation Assistance
Support Manager
Site Inventory
Training Services
Release Update Training
Training Credits Optional Optional
Review Meeting Services Quarterly Optional
> Want services that arent
on the list? Just ask. Your
local Tellabs sales repre-
sentative will gladly help
create a tailored service
programme thats right for
you. Please note that the
availability of some
services may depend on
the product family and/or
your geographical location.
How to reach us
Europe, Middle East
& Africa
Abbey Place
24-28 Easton Street
High Wycombe, Bucks
United Kingdom
HP11 1NT
Fax: +44.870.238.4851
Asia Pacific
9 Temasek Boulevard
#43-02 Suntec Tower Two
Singapore 038989
Republic of Singapore
Fax: +65.6336.7622
Latin America & Caribbean
13800 NW14th Street
Suite 190
Sunrise, FL 33323
Fax: +1.954.839.2828
North America
One Tellabs Center
1415 West Diehl Road
Naperville, IL 60563
Fax: +1.630.798.2000
The following trademarks and
service marks are owned by Tellabs
Operations, Inc., or its affiliates
in the United States and/or other
countries: TELLABS

and T symbol

, and T symbol

Any other company or product
names may be trademarks of their
respective companies.
Specifications subject to change.
2003, Tellabs. All rights reserved.
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