This document outlines the requirements and procedures for organizations in India to obtain approval from the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to operate in specific categories related to aircraft maintenance and training. It describes the application process, facility and personnel requirements, and quality control systems that must be met. Organizations seeking approval must allow DGCA to inspect their facilities to ensure compliance with the regulations before a Certificate of Approval will be issued.
This document outlines the requirements and procedures for organizations in India to obtain approval from the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to operate in specific categories related to aircraft maintenance and training. It describes the application process, facility and personnel requirements, and quality control systems that must be met. Organizations seeking approval must allow DGCA to inspect their facilities to ensure compliance with the regulations before a Certificate of Approval will be issued.
This document outlines the requirements and procedures for organizations in India to obtain approval from the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to operate in specific categories related to aircraft maintenance and training. It describes the application process, facility and personnel requirements, and quality control systems that must be met. Organizations seeking approval must allow DGCA to inspect their facilities to ensure compliance with the regulations before a Certificate of Approval will be issued.
This document outlines the requirements and procedures for organizations in India to obtain approval from the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to operate in specific categories related to aircraft maintenance and training. It describes the application process, facility and personnel requirements, and quality control systems that must be met. Organizations seeking approval must allow DGCA to inspect their facilities to ensure compliance with the regulations before a Certificate of Approval will be issued.
a) Rule 133B of the Aircraft Rules 1937, lays down the requirements for grant of approval to Organisation(s) engaged and specifies the standards to be followed by these organisation(s).
b) This CAR stipulates the general requirements, procedures and practices to be adhered to by organisations seeking DGCA approval for Fuel Lubricants and Special products and Training School. Organisation (s) seeking approval for manufacture, maintenance, continuing airworthiness of civil aircraft, aircraft components, items of equipment shall meet the requirements as specified in CAR-21, CAR-145, CAR-M respectively.
c) Organisation/s engaged in any one or more of the activities mentioned above shall perform so only after the grant of Certificate of Approval and such organisations be called as Approved Organisations (AO) meeting the requirements of this Series of the CAR.
d) The approval when granted will apply to the whole organisation having an Accountable Manager acceptable to DGCA.
e) An organisation, which is located within the territories of India, will be granted approval when it is in compliance with this series of the CAR.
f) An organisation that is located outside the territories of India will only be granted approval if DGCA is satisfied that there is a need for such approval and when in compliance with this series of the CAR. The approval to organisations is based on the concept of Delegated system of responsibility. The approved organisation is primarily responsible for adhering to the airworthiness safety requirements laid down by DGCA for carrying out day-to-day activities in accordance with the scope of approval granted. The role of DGCA is to carry out oversight of organisations activity with a view to detect any deficiency in the system in adhering to standards and suggest appropriate corrective actions.
This Civil Aviation Requirement is issued under the provision of Rule 133A.
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2.1 This CAR is applicable to all organisations engaged in Fuel Lubricants and Special products and Training Schools and specifies the standards to be followed by these organisation/s.
2.2 An organisation may seek approval under this CAR in any one or more of the following categories: -
Category Area of activity Scope of Category E Fuel Lubricants and Special products Bulk storage, compounding, blending and distribution of aviation fuels, lubricants and petroleum products, including Fueling/ Defuelling of aircraft.
G Training Schools Imparting instruction for ab-initio training in the field of aircraft maintenance engineering and/or conducting courses for Licensing/ approving/ authorizing individuals for certifying airworthiness.
Note: For seeking approval in any of the categories the applicant shall comply with the general requirements of this part of the CAR and shall additionally comply with the specific part of this Series E for the category applied for.
Accountable Manager is the manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all tasks as per the scope of approval of the approved organisation can be financed and carried out to the standard required by DGCA.
Approved Organisation (AO) means an organisation approved by DGCA engaged in Fuel Lubricants and Special products and Training School.
Aircraft Goods mean aircraft components or materials, including paints, dopes, thinners, fuels lubricants and special petroleum products, intended for use in civil aircraft and which are required to be produced and certified in conformity with an approved specification, drawing or process.
Certificate of Approval means a document issued to an organisation approved by DGCA and defining the scope of approval granted.
Psychoactive substances: Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotic, cocaine, other stimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents (coffee and tobacco are excluded).
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Problematic use of substances: The use of one or more psychoactive substances by aviation personnel in a way that:
a) Constitutes a direct hazard to the user or endangers the life, health or welfare of others; and/or b) Causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or disorder.
Quality control is a management system for programming and coordinating the ongoing quality and improvement efforts of the various groups in an organisation in accordance with the requirements of DGCA and any specific requirement of the organisation or customer.
Quality/ Manual is a document, which describes the or gani sat i on s procedures and practices in detail, the observance of which will ensure compliance with the airworthiness st andar ds and safety requirements of DGCA as per the scope of approval granted.
Release note means a document accompanying the sale of meets the airworthiness requirements of the DGCA .
Granting of the approval in any category will be dependent upon the request of the applicant and his capability/ capacity to perform the work as adjudged by DGCA. The scope of approval will be specified in Certificate of Approval/ Capability List while granting initial approval or extending the approval of the firm. Part approval or provisional approval shall not be granted.
Organisation seeking approval in any of the categories shall comply with the general requirements in the following:-
4.1 Application and Issue of Approval 4.2 Facility Requirements 4.3 Personnel Requirements 4.4 Quality System
a) Application for issue of organisation approval or for amendment of certificate of approval already granted to approved organisation shall be made on a form and in a manner prescribed by DGCA along with the necessary fees.
b) Organisation located within India shall submit duly completed application in form CA182 (Refer CAR Section-2, Series VIII Appendix I)/ CA 182 A (Appendix 'A') to the concerned Regional Airworthiness /Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office along with fees (Appendix 'B') and a statement signed by the Accountable Manager (Appendix 'C') confirming that the organisation manual and any associated manuals are in compliance with DGCA regulations and requirements and will be complied with at all times.
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c) Organisation located outside India shall submit duly completed application to Director General of Civil Aviation (Attn. Director of Airworthiness.), Technical Center, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi (India) -1100 03. on Form CA 182 C (Appendix D) along with the fees (Appendix 'B') and a statement signed by the Accountable Manager (Appendix 'C') confirming that the organisation manual and associated manuals are in compliance with DGCA regulations and requirements and will be complied with at all times. They shall also submit a duly completed internal audit report.
Note 1: Approval of foreign organisations will be affected by DGCA Headquarters.
Note 2: Approval of Indian organisations will be affected by Director of Airworthiness of the concerned Regional Office, where the facility is located.
4.1.1 Inspection
On receipt of completed application form arrangements will be made for a representative of DGCA to visit and inspect the organisation.
Each AO shall allow DGCA to inspect the facilities, at any reasonable time, to determine its compliance with the requirements. The inspection covers the adequacy of the facility, inspection system of the AO, records, and general ability of AO to comply with this CAR. After such an inspection is made, AO is notified, in writing, of any deficiencies found during the inspection.
It will be the function of the departmental representative, in course of his visit to satisfy himself that the organisation can satisfactorily accomplish the work relevant to the "scope of approval" applied for in accordance with the requirements of this CAR.
Subject to the satisfactory report being made by the representative of this department, the organisation will be gr ant ed appr oval .
On organisation being granted approval, a certificate will be issued to the organisation, stating the scope of approval by DGCA.
4.1.2 Scope of Approval.
The issue of Certificate of Approval to an organisation indicates the grant of approval by DGCA. The certificate of approval will specify the scope of approval.
The Quality Manual of an approved organisation shall reflect the scope of approval granted by DGCA.
4.1.3 Display of Certificate of Approval
Each AO shall display the Certificate of Approval at a prominent place in the organisation and it shall be available for inspection by the DGCA.
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4.2.1 General Requirements
a) Appropriate facilities must be provided for all planned work, ensuring in particular protection from the weather elements.
b) Adequate office accommodation must be provided for the management of planned work including in particular quality control department, inspection office, technical records section etc.
c) Adequate office accommodation shall also be provided in the a p p r o v e d facility wherever considered necessary for officers of Airworthiness Dte., for carrying out the oversight activity in an effective manner.
d) The working environment in the facilities must be adequate and appropriate for the work carried out and in particular, special requirements, such as dust free, humidity and temperature control, etc. is observed. Unless otherwise required by the particular task environment, working environment must be such that the effectiveness and efficiency of personnel is not impaired.
4.2.2 Equipments tools and materials: -
a) The organisation must have the necessary equipment, tools and material to perform the work in accordance with the scope of approval granted.
b) Where necessary, tools, equipment and particularly test equipment must be controlled and calibrated to standards acceptable to DGCA at the specified frequency to ensure serviceability and accuracy. The records of such calibration and the standards used must be preserved by the organisation.
4.2.3 Literature
a) The organisation must hold and use applicable current literature as per the scope of approval. Any applicable standard, such as directive issued by any authority, institute or organisation recognised by DGCA as a good standard practices shall also kept by the organisation.
b). Organisation must ensure that approved data (literature) controlled by the organisation is kept up to date at all times.
4.3.1 An Accountable Manger acceptable to DGCA shall be nominated by the organisation. He can be either a Chief Executive/Managing Director/President/Vice President/ Dy. MD/or any other person acceptable to DGCA who has the necessary financial authority to ensure compliance of safety requirements.
The Accountable Manager may delegate his authority in writing to another person in the organisation having the necessary financial authority, such person then becoming the Accountable Manager for the purpose of this CAR.
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The duties of the Accountable Manager shall encompass the following:
a) Ensure that all activities including quality monitoring, are organized, managed and supervised. This also includes contracting and surveillance regarding sub- contracting work.
b) Ensure that appropriate instructions are developed, maintained, documented and followed for compliance with the requirements including payment of any charges.
c) Ensure that all personnel are appropriately trained and qualified to accomplish the work.
d) Ensure that suitable facilities (workshops and equipment) and necessary material (components, spare parts etc.) are available, enabling the organisation to work as per the scope of approval granted.
e) Also to ensure that the necessary corrective action is taken promptly on the . deficiencies observed by DGCA/Internal audit.
A duly qualified and experienced person shall be nominated to function as Quality Manager /Dy. Quality Manager/Chief Instructor/ Dy. Chief Instructor who shall be approved by DGCA. Dy. QM/ Dy. Chief Instructor (s) who also requires to be approved by DGCA may assist the QM/ Chief Instructor. These per sonnel shall be responsible to ensure that the organisation is in compliance with CAR requirements. The QM/CI must be directly responsible to the Accountable Manager.
The scope of approval of an organisation will depend on the capacity of the organisation to undertake the job, the availability of equipment, and technical literature and will be commensurate with the qualification of the above personnel and the rest of the staff employed on regular basis.
Before approval is granted, the qualification and experience of the above personnel will be examined by DGCA. DGCA will satisfy itself about the suitability of QM/ Deputy QM(s) by subjecting them to such examination as considered necessary. If the accepted personnel ceases to hold the position, the appointment of his successor must be simultaneously proposed by the approved organisation for the approval by DGCA. QM/CI will have under his control number of personnel who will be experience knowledgeable and skill full in the specific activity as per t he scope of approval of organisation.
The Quality Manager/Dy. Quality Manger/Chief Instructor/ Dy. Chief Instructor shall be individually / jointly fully conversant with the entire work covered by the scope of approval granted.
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4.3.3 Personnel:
i The organisation must employ sufficient number of personnel required for the quantum of the work and appropriate to the approval sought. The organisation must ensure that the personnel are fully aware/ trained of the organisation policies and procedures as detailed in the Quality manual/training manual and related supplementary procedure manual.
ii The organisation must establish a program for conducting refresher course (continuation training) to ensure compliance with the above paragraphs. This program should be reflected either in the Quality manual/training manual and related supplementary procedure manual.
iii The organisation shall ensure t h a t p e r s o n n e l a r e u n d e r g o i ng periodical medical checks a n d d o e s n o t h a v e a n y physical disability which may come in the way of efficient discharge of their functions.
iv The organisation shall ensure that personnel shall not work under the influence of any psychoactive substance, which might render them unable to work safely. Also personnel shall not engage in any problematic use of substances.
Approved Organisation shall establish:-
(a) Procedure(s) acceptable to DGCA to ensure good practices/standards and compliance with all relevant requirements specified in this CAR.
(b) Quality Cell (as applicable):-
Quality Cell to monitor
i) Product standards.
ii) Compliance with adequate procedures, a n d practices stipulated by the organisation and Aircraft Rules, applicable CARs and any instruction issued by DGCA from time to time.
4.4.1 Manuals:-
The organisation seeking approval will prepare and submit to DGCA following manuals in triplicate:-
a) Quality Manual/ Training Manual and;
b) Related supplementary procedure manual .
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4.4.2 Form of Manuals :
The manuals specified above may consist of one or more volumes and;
a) should be of "loose leaf form" with each page bearing the page number, the number of the Part, Chapter or Section and date of latest issue.
b) shall contain a satisfactory method of identifying revisions and amendments since last issue of the page concerned.
Note:- This may be achieved by means of a vertical black line along the left hand margin of the text.
c) shall have provision for indexing the contents and for recording revisions, amendments.
4.4.3 Approval of Manuals :
Three copies of each Manual prepared by the organisation in accordance with the above paragraphs shall be submitted to DGCA/ Regional Airworthiness Office of the Department for approval. One copy would be returned to the Organisation, after indicating approval thereon with signature office stamp of the Quality Manager/ Chief Instructor.
4.4.4 Distribution of Manuals:
i) An organisation is required to furnish controlled copies of the Manuals to such of its personnel as the organisation considers necessary and to all external organisations as appl i cabl e.
ii) The organisation shall supply sufficient number of each manual to the Director General of Civil Aviation for distribution amongst the concerned Regional Offices.
iii) The organisation must ensure that a copy of each Manual is kept in a convenient and accessible place for use by all members of the organisation's personnel, who have not been furnished with a copy. This requirement is also applicable to outstations places.
4.4.5 Revision and Amendments of Manuals:
i) The manuals shall be revised when necessary as a result of change in policy, procedures and equipment or change in operations or equipment or as required by DGCA.
ii) Revisions of practices and procedures which affect the airworthiness/safety of are subject to prior approval of the DGCA.
iii) The organisation shall be responsible for revision of the manual s.
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iv) An application, together with three copies of t he revisions giving r eas ons f o r the same shall be forwarded to the Regional Airworthiness office in which the organisation is located.
v) Copies of all additions or amendments are required to be furnished promptly to all persons to whom copies of the Manual have been issued.
vi) A system shall be instituted by the organisation to ensure (through acknowledgements) that all copies of the manual at all times comply with the requirements of the DGCA and incorporate every approved revision of the manual.
Note:- The person administering this system should be responsible to the Quality Control department of the Organisation for the detailed application of the requirements of the manual and should be sufficiently senior to discharge the responsibility. Such personnel should be fully aware of the implications of the manual, its revision and amendments.
5 Continued Validity of Approval
(a) Approval is normally valid upto 31 st December of the year in which it is issued unless surrendered, superceded suspended, revoked or expired by virtue of exceeding any expiry date that may be specified in the approval certificate. The approval remaining valid depends upon.
(i) AO continues to comply with the regulations/requirements/conditions of approval.
(ii) DGCA being granted access to the facilities of the AO to determine continued compliance with this CAR.
(iii) The payment of any charges prescribed by DGCA.
6 Renewal of Approval:
The applicant desirous of renewing the approval should apply to the Local Airworthiness Office in case of domestic and to DGCA Hdqrs, in case of foreign AO on a prescribed form along with the requisite information and fees at least 30 days before expiry of the approval along with the internal audit report.
i) Indian organisations: Form CA 182B (Appendix E) shall be duly filled at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the approval alongwith the fees (Appendix 'B') and a statement signed by the Accountable Manager (Appendix 'C') confirming that the organisation manual and any associated manuals are in compliance with DGCA regulations and requirements and will be complied with at all times and submitted to the concerned regional airworthiness office. A copy of the internal audit report not more than 60 days old shall also be accompanied with the renewal application form.
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ii) Foreign organisations: Form CA 182D (Appendix F) shall be duly filled at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the approval alongwith the fees (Appendix 'B') and a statement signed by the Accountable Manager (Appendix 'C') confirming that the organisation manual and any associated manuals are in compliance with DGCA regulations and requirements and will be complied with at all times and submitted to DGCA (Attn. Director of Airworthiness), Technical Centre, Opposite Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi. A copy of the last internal audit report is submitted.
iii) In the event of organisation wishing to increase the scope of its existing approval, it must make a fresh application to the concerned regional airworthiness office and who on being satisfied that the extension applied for can be carried out in accordance with the requirements may extend the organisation's approval.
7 Operation of Approved Organisation :
7.1 An organisation which has been granted a Certificate of Approval prior to the promulgation of this Series of Civil Aviation Requirements shall comply with the requirements specified in this series of Civil Aviation Requirements for the grant of Certificate of Approval.
7. 2 An officer of the Regional Airworthiness Office will visit the premises of the approved organisation for the purpose of reporting on the operation of approval to whom all facilities shall be provided by the organisation.
a. In case it is considered necessary that an organisations activity is to be supervised on continuous basis by an officer of Regional Airworthiness office, then the organisations shall provide suitable accommodation for the purpose within his premises.
b. The requirements in relation to approval are subject to revision and a continuance of approval is conditional upon the compliance with the terms of approval, and any other requirements laid down by the Director General of Civil Aviation.
7. 3 The Quality Manager/Chief Instructor of the organisation shall be responsible to the DGCA for;
i) The administration and control of all the activities for which approval is granted.
ii) Compliance with the requirements of its certificate of approval.
iii) Airworthiness requirements specified by the DGCA from time to time.
iv) It shall also be the responsibility of the Quality Manager/Chief Instructor to ensure that the work done at sub-contractors' facility meets the manufacturers/ DGCA requirements. The QM/ CI shall carry out periodic inspection to ensure compliance of the above. The procedure followed for sub-contracting activities shall be reflected in the Quality Manual / training manual.
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8 Maintenance and Preservation of Records: (a) AO must record all details of all tasks carried out in a form acceptable to DGCA.
(c) AO must retain a copy of all inspection records and any associated data for 2 years to which the work relates was released from the AO.
(d) One copy of the documents used in the system of quality control in respect of the activities performed, including all incoming certification documents and Release Note issued by the Organisation, shall, except where otherwise approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation be retained for a minimum period of five years.
9 Release as applicable to AO:
9.1 All organisations approved in Category E , will issue release note as given in applicable CAR. The requirements regarding release note are as detailed below :
9.2 Release Notes shall be printed and serially numbered. Distribution of copies of release note shall be made as follows:
1 st copy to the Consignee
2 nd copy to the organisation's records.
9.3 Release Notes shall be signed by a person(s) approved by the Director General of Civil Aviation and whose name(s) is specified in the Organisation's Quality Control Manual or in the Terms of Approval.
9.4 Release Notes shall accompany the goods to which they relate or alternatively the release note and goods shall be identified in such a manner that they can be correlated with each other at any time.
9.5 If a Release Note is issued and subsequently varied or canceled both copies shall be suitably endorsed by the signatory.
9.6 Where an organisation to whom a Certificate of Approval has been issued, changes its name, the Certificate of Approval and its related terms of approval are no longer valid. Should the new organisation desire to continue in operation as an approved organisation, the DGCA may, upon written application by the new organisation issue it with a Certificate of Approval and terms of Approval.
9.7 Where a new Certificate of approval or a new Terms of approval are issued to an existing approved organisation, the previously issued documents will no longer remain valid and should be returned to the Regional Airworthiness Office.
9.8 The Director General of Civil Aviation may, by notice in writing, suspend, vary or cancel a Certificate of Approval if an organisation fails to comply with the requirements or the approval granted or it is considered necessary to do so in the interest of safety.
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10 Privileges and Limitations of the AO
AO shall carry out only such tasks as approved by DGCA and reflected in the approval certificate and approved manuals .
11 Changes to AO.
AO must notify DGCA of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes before such changes take place to enable DGCA to determine continued compliance with this CAR and to amend, if necessary, approval certificate except that in the case of proposed changes in personnel not known to the management before hand, these changes must be notified at the earliest of opportunity.
(i) Name of the organisation or change of ownership. (ii) Location of the facilities. (iii) Additional locations of the facility(s). (iv) Accountable Manager. (v) QM/Dy. QM/CI/Dy. CI any other person approved by DGCA. (vi) Facilities, equipment, tools, material, procedures, work scope that could affect approval.
DGCA may prescribe conditions under which AO may operate during such changes unless it is determined that the approval should be suspended.
12 Revocation, Suspension, Limitation Or Refusal To Renew Approval Certificate
DGCA may, after giving the show cause notice to an organisation or approved person(s) and after making such inquiry as considered necessary, revoke, suspend, limit or refuse to renew t he appr ov al certificate/approval of person, if DGCA is satisfied that the holder of the approval certificate/approval has failed to meet the requirements of DGCA subject to the conditions listed below:
Before revoking, suspending, limiting or refusing to renew the approval certificate/approval, DGCA may give reasonable time to the holder in writing of its intention to do so and the reasons for its proposal and must offer the holder an opportunity to make representations and DGCA will consider those representations before taking any final action.
Sd/- (Arun Mishra) Director General of Civil Aviation
SECTION 2 24 TH APRIL, 1992 Appendix A
Form CA-182 A
Application for Approval of Indian Organisation
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION 1. Organisation name and Address 2. Reasons for submission a. Name Original application for grant of approval Change in Scope of Approval Change in Location or Housing and Facilities Change in ownership Other (specify) b. Address for communication Phone: Fax: e-mail: c. Location for which approval sought 3. Name and designation of the Accountable Manager
4. Category and Scope applied for Category (Please Specify) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) Scope
5. Details of fees remitted Rs DD No. Bank 6. Proposed Quality Control Manager (Attach bio-data)
7. Proposed Dy Quality Control Manager (Attach bio-data)
9. List of special equipment available (Attach list) Attached Not Attached 10. Quality Control cum Assurance Manual (in triplicate) Attached Not Attached 11. Engineering Organisation manual (in triplicate) Attached Not Attached 12. Maintenance System Manual (in triplicate) Attached Not Attached 13. Specimen copy of the Release Note', 'Certificate of Maintenance', 'Certificate of Manufacture' and 'Test report' in respect of manufacturer/ maintenance/ modification/ inspection/ testing/ repair etc. Attached Not Attached 14. List of the type/make of accessory(s) for which approval sought (in case of organsiation seeking approval for maintenance/overhaul of accessory(s)) Attached Not Attached 15. a. Number of employees (inclusive of production and inspection staff)
b. Number of Licenced/approved personnel
c. Number of Non-licenced personnel
16. List of Maintenance Functions entrusted to sub-contractors (outside agencies) : I certify that my organisation (referred to in item 1 above) fully complies with CAR Section 2, Series E Part I and is fully competent to undertake the scope of work referred to above. I also certify that I have be en authorized by the organisation to make this application and that the statements and attachments hereto are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date Authorized Signature Name of the Authorized Signer
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Record of Action Form CA-182 A Organisation Inspection For DGCA Use Only For DGCA Use Only 17. Remarks (Comment on availability of suitable manpower, equipment, literature, housing and other infrastructure. Include deficiencies found and approval denied) 18. Findings Recommendations 19. Date of Inspection
A. The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E B.The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E except for deficiencies listed in Item 17. C. Recommend Approval with the scope applied for on application be issued. D. Recommend Approval with the scope applied for on application (EXCEPT those listed in Item 17) be issued.
20. Office Signature of the Officer(s) Name of the Officer(s) Designation
21. Supervising Officer ACTION TAKEN
APPROVED as shown on the Certificate of Approval issued on date shown
Date Officers Signature
Valid upto
Officers Name Designation
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Appendix 'B'
133C. Fees- (1) The following fee shall be payable for any inspection, examination or test to be conducted for grant of approval under rule 133B, in respect of an organisation having:-
(i) Fifty employees : Rs.25,000/-
(ii) More than fifty and upto : Rs.50,000/- two hundred employees
(iii) More than 200 employees : Rs.1,00,000/-
(2) The fee for renewal of approval under rule 133B shall be fifty percent of the fee payable under sub-rule (1).
(2A) An additional amount of one lakh fifty thousand rupees shall be payable if the inspection, examination or test mentioned in sub-rule (1) is required to be carried out at any place outside India.
(3) No fee shall be charged from an organisation or person under this rule for storage, distribution and supply of aircraft fuel, lubricants and similar other products intended to be used for its own aircraft.
(4) The fee shall be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Pay and Accounts Office, Director General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation, New Delhi.
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Appendix C
Statement of the Accountable Manager
(The Accountable Manager's statement should embrace the intent of the following paragraph and in fact this statement may be used without amendment. Any modification to the statement should not alter the intent.)
Statement of the Accountable Manager
The Quality System/ Training Manual defines the organisation and procedures upon which the approval granted by DGCA is based.
The procedures given in the manuals are approved by the undersigned and must be complied with, as applicable, when work is being carried under the terms of the DGCA approval.
It is accepted that these procedures do not override the necessity of complying with any new or amended regulation/requirement published by the DGCA from time to time where these new or amended regulations/requirements are in conflict with these procedures.
It is understood that the DGCA will approve this organisation whilst the DGCA is satisfied that the procedures are being followed and work standards maintained. It is further understood that the DGCA reserves the right to suspend, vary or cancel the approval of the organisation if the DGCA has evidence that procedures are not followed or standards not upheld.
Signed ......................................... Dated ............................................ Accountable Manager and ...(quote position) ....................... For and on behalf of .....(quote organisation's name).............
1. The above statement is to be signed and will form a part of the Organisation manual.
2. A copy of the above statement is to be forwarded to DGCA while applying for approval/renewal.
3. Whenever the Accountable Manager changes it is important to ensure that the new Accountable Manager signs the above statement at the earliest opportunity as part of the acceptance by the DGCA. Failure to carry out this action could invalidate the Approval granted by DGCA.
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Appendix D Form CA-182 C
Application for Approval of Foreign Organisation GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION 1. Organisation name and Address 2. Reasons for submission a. Name Original application for grant of approval Change in Scope of Approval Change in Location or Housing and Facilities Change in ownership Other (specify) b. Address for communication Phone: Fax: e-mail: c. Location for which approval sought 3. Name and designation of the Accountable Manager
4. Category and Scope applied for Category (Please Specify) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) Scope
5. Details of fees remitted Rs DD No. Bank 6. Proposed Quality Control Manager (Attach bio-data)
7. Proposed Dy Quality Control Manager (Attach bio-data)
9. Quality Control cum Assurance Manual / Exposition manual Attached Not Attached 10. Indian Operators who shall be utilising the firm facility Attached Not Attached 11. Approvals of various Airworthiness Authorities a) Local Aw Authority Attached Not Attached b) FAA Attached Not Attached c) JAA Attached Not Attached d) Any other Attached Not Attached 12. Audit reports along with action taken a) Local Airworthiness Authority Attached Not Attached b) FAA Attached Not Attached c) JAA Attached Not Attached d) Any Other Attached Not Attached 13. Details of work done for various Operators for the approval sought for during the past three years. Any adverse reports/warranty claim received.
Attached Not Attached I certify that my organisation (referred to in item 1 above) fully complies with CAR Section 2, Series E Part I and Airworthiness Advisory Circular 4 of 1998 and is fully competent to undertake the scope of work referred to above. I also certify that I have been authorized by the organisation to make this application and that the statements and attachments hereto are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Title 17 Rev. 10, 21 st
Record of Action Form CA-182 C For DGCA Use Only Organisation Inspection For DGCA Use Only 14. Remarks (Comment on availability of suitable manpower, equipment, literature, housing and other infrastructure as per the Exposition Manual./Inspection. Include deficiencies found and approval denied) 15. Findings Recommendations 16. Date of Inspection
A. The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E B. The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E except for deficiencies listed in Item 14. C. Recommend Approval with the scope applied for on application be issued. D. Recommend Approval with the scope applied for on application (EXCEPT those listed in Item 14) be issued.
17. Office Signature of the Officer(s) Name of the Officer(s) Designation
18. Supervising Officer ACTION TAKEN
APPROVED as shown on the Certificate of Approval issued on date shown
Date Officers Signature
Valid upto
Officers Name Designation
18 Rev. 10, 21 st
Form CA-182 B Application for Renewal of Approval of GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Indian Organisation DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION 1. Organisation name and Address a. Name c. Address for communication b. Location for which approval given Phone: Fax: e-mail: 2. Approval Details
Approval No. Dated Valid upto 3. Details of Approval Category (Please Specify) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) Scope
4. Details of fees remitted Rs DD No. Bank 5. Availability of special equipment Available Not available 6. a. Number of employees (inclusive of production and inspection staff)
If increased or decreased during the last one year validity Total Number
Increased Number Decreased Number No change b. Number of Licenced/approved personnel
If inc reased or decreased during the last one year validity Total Number
Increased Number Decreased Number No change c. Number of Non-licenced personnel
If increased or decreased during the last one year validity Total Number
Increased Number Decreased Number No change 7. Internal Audit report (Attach copies of all reports of the current calendar year)
Attached Not Attached 8. Action taken report of the internal audit (Attach copies)
Attached Not Attached 9. Validity Sheet of Certificate of Approval (Attach original)
Attached Not Attached Certified that the oranisation has continuously maintained the capability at which the approval was originally accorded by DGCA and is continually complying with the applicable Aircraft Rules, Civil Aviation Requirements, Aeronautical Information Circulars and such other instructions issued by DGCA from time to time as are relevant to the scope of approval.
Further certified that at no time the capability of the firm has degraded to a level below that approved by DGCA. Date Signature of the Quality Control Manager Name of the Quality Control Manager
Appendix E
This form is to be submitted together with the enclosures at least 30 days prior to expiry of approval.
19 Rev. 10, 21 st
Record of Action Form CA-182 B
Organisation Inspection For DGCA Use Only For DGCA Use Only 10. Remarks (Comment on availability of suitable manpower, equipment, literature, housing and other infrastructure. Include deficiencies found and approval restricted) 11. Surveillance/Spot Check Record Number of Spot Checks
Surveillance checks covering all the activities of the organisation Yes No Action taken on discrepancies observed during the surveillance checks and spot checks Satisfactory
Not Satisfactory
12. Findings Re commendations 13. Date of Inspection
A. The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E B. The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E except for deficiencies listed in Item 10. C. Recommend Approval to be renewed with the scope applied for on application. D. Recommend Approval to be renewed with the scope applied for on application (EXCEPT those listed in Item 10).
14. Office Signature of the Officer(s) Name of the Officer(s) Designation
RENEWED (Restricted) with scope of approval restricted as shown on the Scope of Approval sheet
RENEWED as shown on the validity Sheet of Certificate of Approval Reasons for non-renewal: APPROVAL CERTIFICATE RENEWED Number:
Dated Officers Signature
Date Validity upto Officers Name Designation
Application for Renewal of Approval of Foreign GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Organisation DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION 1. Organisation name and Address a. Name c. Address for communication b. Location for which approval given Phone: Fax: e-mail: 3. Approval Details
Approval No. Dated Valid upto 3. Details of Approval Category (Please Specify) (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) Scope
4. Details of fees remitted Rs DD No. Bank 5. Work done during the year on aircraft/ engine belonging to Indian Operators
Attached Not Attached 6. Internal Audit report along with action taken (Attach copies of all reports of the current calendar year)
Attached Not Attached 7. FAA Audit report along with action taken (Attach copies of all reports of the current calendar year)
Attached Not Attached 8. JAA Audit report along with action taken (Attach copies of all reports of the current calendar year)
Attached Not Attached 9. Local Airworthiness Authority Audit report along with action taken (Attach copies of all reports of the current calendar year)
Attached Not Attached 10. Validity Sheet of Certificate of Approval (Attach original)
Attached Not Attached Certified that the oranisation has continuously maintained the capability at which the approval was originally accorded by DGCA and is continually comply ing with the applicable Aircraft Rules, Civil Aviation Requirements, Aeronautical Information Circulars and such other instructions issued by DGCA from time to time as are relevant to the scope of approval. Further certified that at no time the capability of the firm has degraded to a level below that approved by DGCA. Date Signature of the Quality Control Manager Name of the Quality Control Manager
Appendix F
This form is to be submitted together with the enclosures at least 30 days prior to expiry of approval.
Rev. 10, 21 st
December 2012 21
Record of Action Form CA-182 D Organisation Inspection For DGCA Use Only For DGCA Use Only 11. Remarks (Comment on submission of the requisite information for renewal of approval) 12. Findings Recommendations
A. The organiz ation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E B. The organisation was found to comply with requirements of CAR Sec 2 Series E except for deficiencies listed in Item 11. C. Recommend Approval to be renewed with the scope applied for on application. D. Recommend Approval to be renewed with the scope applied for on application (EXCEPT those listed in Item 11). 13. Name of the Officer(s) Designation Signature of the Officer(s) Date
14. Supervising Officer ACTION TAKEN
RENEWED (Restricted) with scope of approval restricted as shown on the Scope of Approval sheet
RENEWED as shown on the validity Sheet of Certificate of Approval Reasons for non-renewal: