Life Coaching

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New Insights Africa Coaching and Communication CC

Regus Business Centre, Ground Floor, State Street House,

River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray, 7700
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New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i


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"Tlanl you foi iequesiing ilis iepoii.

I wioie ii wiil ile expiess aim of iiying io
answei all ile quesiions you aie lilely io
lave aboui life coacling, becoming a
life coacl and New Insiglis iiaining.

Life coacling is a wondeifully fulfilling,
iewaiding and amazingly flexible caieei ilai you
can siaii eiilei paii- oi full iime.

Tle New Insiglis ceiiificaiion piogiamme is unique. Ii's
designed io fii wiil youi lifesiyle and, as you'll find oui, ii's fai
moie ilan jusi iiaining . ii's an amazing business opportunity!

We've lad ile piivilege of iiaining many lundieds of people io
become successful ceiiified life coacles and go on io expeiience
veiy posiiive and exciiing clanges in ileii lives as a diieci iesuli.

I lope, ilai afiei ieading ilis iepoii, you'll decide io join ilem!

I lave only one leaiifeli iequesi .

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New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :

Tle maieiial piesenied in ilis iepoii is ile copyiigli of
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New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (

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New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page 6

6"> 8A&' 1a&?')V *+ )*;1 ?"&?A*#$M

Life (oi 'peisonal') coacling is a soluiion-focused
appioacl io peisonal developmeni ilai can
lelp io male piofoundly posiiive and lasiing
clanges in all aieas of a peison's life.

Ii's uplifiing, inspiiing and libeiaiing . noi only
foi ile clieni, bui foi ile coacl ioo!

Simply pui, life coacling is one of ile mosi fulfilling
and iewaiding caieeis ilai you could possibly

F+ )*;1 ?"&?A*#$ & ;"%= "; ?"(#+1))*#$ "%


Life coacling is uniquely diffeieni fiom
counselling, psycloileiapy oi social woil. Ii doesn'i
involve examining, diagnosing and]oi dealing wiil issues oi pioblems of ile

Life coacling focuses on ile pieseni and biinging aboui posiiive clanges in a
peison's cuiieni beliefs and belaviouis in oidei io giow a more excitinq,
fulfillinq onJ reworJinq future.

Tliougl life coacling people become moie self-awaie and ilis lelps ilem io
giow and develop, ofien in quiie amazing ways. In faci, life coacling cieaies a
virtuous cycle of personol oworeness onJ qrowtb.

In coniiasi io psycloileiapy, life coacling is mosi effeciive wlen embiaced by
peifecily well and funciioning individuals wlo simply wani io gei a loi moie
oui of life and live io ileii iiue poieniial.

!&# )*;1 ?"&?A*#$ A1)7 71"7)1 '" ;*#9 'A1*% '%(1 7(%7"+1M

Yes, indeed! In faci, ile uliimaie objeciive of life coacling (New Insiglis life
coacling ai leasi) is io lelp people find ileii life's puipose.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page y

Tle pace of clange in oui woild is fieneiic - and yei mosi people
aie ill equipped io deal wiil ilai clange and ile pace of ii.

New ieclnologies and social media lave siiipped us of
mucl of oui spaie iime, maling us almosi peimanenily
accessible io oileis and leaving liiile space foi piopei
iesi, ielaxaiion and iniiospeciion.

Life coacling offeis a posiiive, consiiuciive and
caiing aniidoie io ile veiy specific clallenges,
piessuies and unceiiainiies ilai people face in ile
iweniy-fiisi ceniuiy.

Ii does so by ieconneciing people wiil wlo iley iiuly aie and
wlai iley aie leie io do, allowing ilem io discovei ieal
meaning, fulfilmeni and joy in life.

As sucl, ii is a uniquely diffeieni discipline; one ilai is inspirinq, forworJ
lookinq, upliftinq - onJ biqbly effective.

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Ii ceiiainly can - and ii does!

Tle New Insiglis life coacling sysiem includes a siiuciuied piogiamme of
coacling ovei i sessions (oi six monils, on aveiage) ilai aims io biing aboui a
iiansfoimaiion in ile way ilai ile clieni ilinls and acis sucl ilai goals - ilai
may lave seemed difficuli oi impossible - suddenly become aiiainable.

We coniinually ieceive wondeiful feedbacl fiom boil piaciice clienis and
paying clienis wlo lave been exposed io oui coacling sysiem.

Tlis demonsiiaies oveiwlelmingly ilai New Insiglis life coacling reolly

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page S

As a New Insiglis life coacl you can expeci io male a ieal and posiiive
diffeience in ile woild . biinging freeJom, confiJence onJ qrowtb io people
fiom all walls of life.

F+#/' 'A&' '%(1 ;"% )*;1 ?"&?A1+ *# $1#1%&)M

As you'll iead laiei, ileie's a big diffeience beiween
being a iun of ile mill life coacl and being a
biqb quolity, professionol, certifieJ life coocb.

Really good life coacles will consisienily delivei gieai
iesulis foi ileii clienis and be suiiably well iewaided.

New Insiglis, unlile many oilei iiaining companies, is
commiiied io ligl qualiiy iiaining and a ceiiificaiion piocess
ilai deliveis confideni, slilled life coacles wlo lave ile veiy besi clance of
success in ile indusiiy.

K*)) L1?"=*#$ & )*;1 ?"&?A A1)7 =1 '" $%"8 &#9 9101)"7 '""M

Absoluiely! In iiaining io become a life coacl you will gain a iloiougl
undeisianding of ile many concepis, iools and ieclniques ilai you will use io
lelp youi piospeciive clienis giow, develop and piospei.

As you go iliougl ile iiaining you will be encouiaged io apply eveiyiling you
leain io youi own life.

As a iesuli, you will expeiience piofoundly posiiive clanges
in ile way you ilinl aboui ilings and ile way you view and
lainess youi own unique capabiliiies.

Once you become a piaciising life coacl, youi peisonal
giowil will acceleiaie as you woil wiil people fiom
all walls of life, developing leen insiglis inio wlai
males ilem iicl!

In faci, as a life coacl, you'll find you aie coniinually
gaining new insiglis and ileiefoie giowing and
developing as a peison.

How many caieeis do you lnow ilai can offei ilai?

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page q

QO !&# F C&41 & !&%11% 5%"=
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Noi only is ii viable, if you love woiling wiil people ii is aiguably one of ile
besi caieei oppoiiuniiies you could considei, ilanls io ile amazing flexibiliiy
ii offeis.

In a suivey of New Insiglis ceiiified life coacles, iespondenis iepoiied ile
following as ile piimaiy benefiis:

Being in control of ileii own desiiny;

Having ile flexibility io siiuciuie ileii piaciices
in oidei io aclieve ileii peifeci balance beiween
income and lifesiyle;

Enjoying iiemendous fulfilment ilai comes
fiom seeing ileii clienis aclieve amazing
ilings and lnowing ilai iley aie maling a ieal
diffeience in ile lives of ileii clienis;

Ongoing peisonal qrowtb onJ Jevelopment;

Excelleni finonciol reworJs.

Real peisonal freeJom!

F+ :*;1 !"&?A*#$ & ;())b'*=1 "% 7&%'b'*=1 ?&%11%M

Tlai would depend on you and wlai you wani io gei fiom ii.

If you'ie noi in love wiil wlai you aie cuiienily doing; if you wani moie
flexibiliiy, meaning and fulfilmeni, along wiil iewaids ilai aie commensuiaie
wiil youi effoiis, ilen a full-time caieei in life coacling could be jusi peifeci
foi you.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page io

If you alieady lave a job ilai you enjoy bui you'ie looling io male a diffeience
io oileis and eain an exiia income coacling afiei louis oi ovei weelends, oi if
you'ie cuiienily woiling in a ielaied field and you wani io bioaden youi
offeiing io include life coacling, ilen seiiing up a port-time piaciice could be
ile way io go.

Wlaievei woils besi foi you!

F+ 'A1%1 +(;;*?*1#' 91=&#9 ;"% )*;1 ?"&?A*#$ +1%0*?1+M

Do some ieseaicl and you'll find ilai life coacling is one of ile fasiesi giowing
indusiiies aiound, boil in ile UK and inieinaiionally.

Tleie's a good ieason foi ilis.

Moie and moie people in ioday's woild aie iealising ile significani benefiis
ilai come fiom liiing a life coacl. Eveiyone wanis io be moie, do moie and
gei moie fiom life - and ilai's wlai good life coacling can aclieve foi a
suipiisingly ieasonable fee.

Good life coacles will nevei be sloii of woil because ile value iley add io
ileii clienis is geneially well beyond ile fees iley claige.

Tle ley io laving a full and expanding piaciice as a life coacl is io ocbieve
positive results for your clients and io do so consisienily.

Wiil ligl qualiiy iiaining and a pioven coacling sysiem and appioacl, sucl
as ilai offeied by New Insiglis, ilai's noi difficuli io do.

!&# F +71?*&)*+1 *# & =&%41' 'A&' F A&01 1a71%*1#?1 *# "% ;11)
7&++*"#&'1 &L"('M

Definiiely! Ai New Insiglis we would aciually iecommend ilis as an excelleni
way io assuie youi success.

Tle compielensive, bioad based naiuie of ile New Insiglis iiaining would
allow you io iap inio a luge iange of nicle maileis. In faci, ile only limiis aie
youi imaginaiion.

Heie aie jusi a few of ile nicle maileis you could considei:

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page ii

Teenageis and young adulis wlo aie siaiiing oui in life;
Newlyweds embailing on life iogeilei;
Siay-ai-lome moileis;
Caieei minded people;
Business execuiives ciaving a woil-life balance;
People facing iedundancy oi some oilei foim of significani life clange;
People piepaiing foi ieiiiemeni.

I+ & )*;1 ?"&?A 8"()9 F L1 &L)1 '" ?"&?A *#'1%#&'*"#&) ?)*1#'+M

Wly noi? Tle faci is ileie is a ieal need
foi moie good life coacles, wleievei
you lool - fiom Biiglion io Bosion
io Biisbane!

People ile woild ovei face ile same
issues. Tley all need lelp io gei io lnow
ilemselves, lainess ileii ialenis, bieal fiee
of ile iai iace and iealise ileii aspiiaiions,
goals and dieams.

Nowadays, ilanls io ile ieleplone and]oi fiee 'Voice Ovei Inieinei' seivices
lile Slype, wlicl lave biolen down local, naiional and inieinaiional mailei
baiiieis, life coacling las become a iiuly inieinaiional caieei oppoiiuniiy.

And wiil a pioven coacling sysiem lile ile one New Insiglis piovides, you
can be confideni ilai youi coacling will woil foi anyone, anywleie.

F+ *' '%(1 'A&' ="+' )*;1 ?"&?A1+ 8"%4 ;"% 'A1=+1)01+M


Alilougl ileie aie occasional employmeni oppoiiuniiies io be lad wiil some
of ile moie piogiessive companies and some iiaining insiiiuies, ilese iend io
be few and fai beiween.

Tle gieai majoiiiy of life coacles cloose io siaii ileii own inJepenJent life
coocbinq proctices - and foi good ieason .

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i:

As small businesses go, life coacling is a seiiously aiiiaciive pioposiiion. Quiie
apaii fiom ile lifestyle benefits meniioned pieviously, ii offeis some excelleni
business benefits.

Heie's wlai I mean:

Siaii up cosis aie minimal;

Oveileads can be lepi veiy

Tleie's no need io mainiain
flasly - and expensive - offices.
You can easily woil fiom lome
if you wani io;

Tleie's no need io employ anyone and lave io be conceined wiil ile
iniiicacies of employmeni law;

Tleie's no need foi a waielouse full of expensive siocl;

Tleie's no need io be conceined wiil managing casl flow on a weel-by-
weel basis;

And ileie's ceiiainly no need io pieiend io be someone ilai you aie noi
jusi io leep ile boss lappy!

Y"8 9" )*;1 ?"&?A1+ $" &L"(' $1''*#$ ?"&?A*#$ ?)*1#'+M

Wlai is impoiiani foi aspiiani life coacles io undeisiand is ilai life coacling
is veiy diffeieni fiom executive coacling oi business coacling wleie ile
clienis, oi ileii sponsois, aie invaiiably oiganisaiions.

Life coacles, as a geneial iule, woil wiil individuals.

In oui expeiience, confiimed by ieseaicl
on oui coacling base, piivaie individuals
cloose life coacles piimaiily based on
worJ-of-moutb referrols and
iesiimonials of ileii abiliiy io
aclieve gieai iesulis foi ileii clienis.

Tlis is piecisely wly New Insiglis
iiaining puis sucl siiess on proctice coocbinq

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i

and ile obility to opply ile slills iiaining ileoiy ilai oui Piogiamme impaiis.

New Insiglis iiaining involves some o louis of piaciice coacling wiil a
numbei of volunieei clienis. As a iesuli, ile iiainee can siaii io build up a
pipeline of iefeiials wlile le oi sle is siill in iiaining. Tlis lelps ile newly
qualified coacl io 'lii ile giound iunning', so io speal, afiei ceiiificaiion.

Maileiing is of couise also impoiiani as a means io gei new clienis. Tle New
Insiglis Piogiamme includes a wealil of invaluable infoimaiion on low io
plan, mailei and susiain a successful life coacling piaciice.

New Insiglis is in ile piocess of developing an online life coacl diiecioiy.
Ceiiified life coacles wlo iiain wiil New Insiglis will be able io subsciibe io
ilis faciliiy and piomoie ileii piaciices.

KA&' 9" )*;1 ?"&?A1+ ?A&%$1 &#9 8A&' ?&# 'A1V 1a71?' '"

Mosi life coacles
claige by ile session,
wiil sessions geneially
ialing beiween 6o and qo
minuies io iun.

New Insiglis iiained
coacles enjoy access io a
siiuciuied piogiamme compiising
i sessions ilai aie geneially deliveied ovei a peiiod of aboui six monils. Many
cloose io offei a discouni io clienis wlo coniiaci wiil ilem foi ile full
piogiamme and pay foi ileii coacling seivices upfioni.

Fees claiged vaiy gieaily fiom coacl io coacl depending on faciois lile:

Tle coacl's level of iiaining and coacling expeiience;

Tle qualiiy of ile coacl (as evidenced iliougl clieni iesiimonials
aiiesiing io ile iesulis ile coacl las lelped ile clienis aclieve);

Tle income claiacieiisiics of ile coacl's iaigei mailei and ile naiuie of
ile nicle mailei(s) ilai ile coacl may cloose io iaigei;

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i(

Wleilei oi noi ile coacl woils mosily wiil piivaie individuals oi wiil
individuals sponsoied by coipoiaiions.

As an indicaiion, fees in ile UK iend io iange fiom aiound co pei session foi
less expeiienced coacles oi ilose seiving less afflueni maileis, io upwaids of
c:oo pei session foi veiy expeiienced coacles oi ilose seiving ile moie
afflueni oi coipoiaie maileis.

Many coacles eain addiiional income fiom inieinaiional coacling (using
Slype), }ouinal coacling in off peal louis, gioup and]oi coipoiaie coacling
and, in some cases, moiivaiional spealing and oilei ialling engagemenis.

In ile UK wiil a ieasonable clieni base and ile added income poieniial
desciibed above, $) $))2$" ncome oj t6o,ooo is ieadily aclievable.

Y"8 ?"=71'*'*01 *+ 'A1 )*;1 ?"&?A*#$ *#9(+'%VM

Tle lacl of iegulaiion means ilai baiiieis io eniiy inio ile indusiiy aie quiie

On ile face of ii, ilen, ile indusiiy is quiie compeiiiive in ieims of ile
numbeis of people wlo can and do sei up piaciices.

Howevei, because demand is piimaiily woid-of-mouil diiven, ile mailei
iends io be veiy seleciive. In oilei woids, clienis, undeisiandably, aie veiy
ieluciani io iecommend coacles ilai don'i oi can'i lelp ilem io aclieve good

Tle nei effeci is ilai pooily iiained and ielaiively unslilled life coacles iend io
eniei and leave ile indusiiy ielaiively quiclly, wleieas coacles wlo aie well
iiained and slilled in aclieving posiiive iesulis foi ileii clienis iemain in ligl
demand and can enjoy long and piospeious caieeis in ile indusiiy.

Tleiefoie - and I say ii again:

"The ronnq you choose wll ploy
o pvool role n your success os o
lje cooch."

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i

SO KA&' D"1+ *' 3&41 '"
B1?"=1 & :*;1 !"&?AM

KA&' c(&)*'*1+ 9" F #119 '" L1?"=1 & )*;1 ?"&?AM

Tle abiliiy io coacl oileis io aclieve amazing ilings comes, piimaiily, fiom
possessing ile following ley aiiiibuies:

i. A passionaie desiie io woil ai lelping oileis io become ile besi iley
can be. (We call ii 'laving a passion foi people');

:. A siiong and abiding commiimeni io woil eilically, puiiing ile
inieiesis of ilose you coacl fiisi in all youi piofessional dealings wiil

. Self-awaieness. In oilei woids, laving a cleai peicepiion of wlo you aie,
youi siiengils, wealnesses, ilouglis, beliefs, moiivaiion, and emoiions.

(. A good undeisianding of - and piaciical expeiience in applying - ile
iools and ieclniques iequiied io biing aboui and susiain posiiive clange
in people.

Tle fiisi iwo qualiiies iend io be inleieni (you eiilei lave ilem oi you don'i).

Howevei, ile iliid and fouiil qualiiies can be leaini and developed iliougl
exposuie io a biqb quolity life coocb troininq proqromme, lile ile
9#: ;)%.1-+% <.=# >($4- H/$.).)1 $)' >#/+.=.4$+.() !/(1/$DD#.

"You neeJ o hove neqry,
o posson jor people,
on open mnJ onJ
o wllnqness o leorn!"

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i6

KA&'> *; &#V> 7%*"% c(&)*;*?&'*"#+ 9" F #119 L1;"%1 '%&*#*#$ '"
L1?"=1 & )*;1 ?"&?AM

You don'i need a degiee in psyclology io
become a life coacl. In faci you don'i necessaiily
need any degiee oi foim of ieiiiaiy educaiion.

Life coacling is wlai I call o pursuit of tbe 'beort'
moie ilan ile 'lead' meaning ilai passion and
commiimeni io ile cause aie moie impoiiani
ilan academic abiliiy.

Of couise, youi abiliiy io iale in new ideas and
concepis and io embiace diffeieni iools,
ieclniques and piocesses is impoiiani, as ii is in
leaining anyiling new - bui in life coacling youi
'EQ' is moie impoiiani ilan youi 'IQ'!

So ileie aie no piioi qualificaiions iequiied.

KA&' c(&)*;*?&'*"#+ 8*)) F #119 '" 7%&?'*?1 &+ & )*;1 ?"&?AM

In ile UK, as in mosi oilei couniiies aiound ile woild, life coacling is an
emerqinq piofession (I use ile ieim 'piofession' in iis bioadei sense) ilai, ai
pieseni, iemains uniegulaied.

Teclnically, ilis means ilai anyone can siaii up a piaciice as a life coacl
wiiloui laving any dedicaied life coacl iiaining oi ceiiificaiion.

Of couise, ilai's ile lasi iling we would iecommend you io do.


To become an effeciive and successful life coacl you need a loi moie ilan jusi
a passion foi people and a commiimeni io woil eilically, even ilougl ilese
aie impoiiani aiiiibuies.

You also need ile self-oworeness, knowleJqe, skills onJ experience ilai come
fiom a qualiiy life coacl iiaining piogiamme and, ideally, you need a piopeily
siiuciuied and effeciive coacling sysiem io apply in youi coacling.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page iy

K*)) F #119 '" d"*# & 7%";1++*"#&) L"9V '" 7%&?'*?1 &+ & )*;1

Tle sloii answei is no. Because life coacling is uniegulaied (see pievious
page) membeislip of a piofessional body is noi a iequiiemeni io piaciice.

Howevei, ileie is moie io be said leie.

}usi as wiil any oilei piofession, if you value youi ongoing developmeni as a
life coacl you will do well io leep abieasi of developmenis in ile indusiiy,
aiiend neiwoiling evenis and peilaps sloii couises fiom iime io iime.

Tleie aie a numbei of coacl iepieseniaiive bodies ilai lave spiung up io
piomoie siandaids and offei vaiious foims of acciediiaiion and ongoing
leaining and developmeni pails foi ileii membeis. Two ilai many would
iegaid as being ai ile foiefioni aie ile Associaiion foi Coacling (AC) and ile
Inieinaiional Coacling Fedeiaiion (ICF).

Ai New Insiglis we endoise ile effoiis of sucl bodies and, alilougl ii
is noi siiicily necessaiy, we would iecommend ilai oui iiainees and
coacles considei applying foi membeislip in ile inieiesis of ileii coniinuing
piofessional developmeni as coacles.

KA&' +A"()9 F )""4 ;"% *# & )*;1 ?"&?A '%&*#*#$ 7%"$%&==1M

Noi all iiaining is equal. Fai fiom ii in faci!

Tlanls io ile low baiiieis io eniiy
I meniioned above, you'll find pleniy of wlai
I call 'quick fix' couises on ile mailei .

Tlese couises may piomise io iuin you inio
a piaciising life coacl afiei noiling moie
ilan one oi iwo monils of iiaining oi,
in some cases, jusi a few weels oi even
days, peilaps wiil one oi iwo simulaied
coacling piaciice sessions iliown in foi good measuie.

If you'ie seiious aboui becoming a ieally good life coacl and laving a iliiving
piaciice, please . don'i be iempied io go foi ile 'quicl fix'.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page iS

Suie, you may well leain someiling useful, bui ii's liglly unlilely ilai, in sucl
a sloii iime, you'll gain and develop ile slills, lnowledge, expeiience and,
mosi impoiianily, ile self-confidence you'll need io coacl effeciively!

On ile oilei end of ile scale aie ile moie ocoJemicolly inclineJ insiiiuies ilai
specialise in impaiiing esoieiic models and ileoiies ilai lool and sound
impiessive on papei bui aie difficuli io undeisiand and even moie difficuli io
pui inio piaciice foi youi clienis.

Tle 9#: ;)%.1-+% <.=# >($4- H/$.).)1 $)' >#/+.=.4$+.() !/(1/$DD# offeis
you an excelleni 'middle ioad' beiween ilese exiiemes.

We offei slills iiaining and suppoii ilai is inieinaiionally acciediied,
compielensive and of a veiy ligl qualiiy, wiil a focus on piaciical applicaiion
and ile deliveiy of gieai iesulis foi clienis!

. Bui moie aboui ilai laiei !

F+ *' L1''1% '" "7' ;"% L%"&9 L&+19> "% ="%1 +71?*&)*+19

In ile same way ilai any specialisi plysician would need io compleie geneial
medical piaciiiionei iiaining fiisi, aspiiing life coacles slould lool io
compleie ciedible brooJ-boseJ life coocb troininq befoie consideiing any foim
of specialised iiaining.

Tleie aie a losi of iiaining insiiiuies iaigeiing coacles wiil 'flavoui-of-ile-
monil' piopiieiaiy couises ilai aie piesenied as being suiiable piepaiaiion foi
a caieei in life coacling. In iealiiy sucl couises aie ofien ioo naiiow oi
supeificial io piovide ile oveiall life coacling slills needed.

New Insiglis offeis a bioad based appioacl io iiaining, wlicl includes
exposuie io a wide aiiay of plilosoplies, iools, ieclniques and concepis,
iniended io equip you, iloiouglly, io become a successful piaciising life

Oui ceiiificaiion iiaining piovides a veiy solid giounding oi foundaiion ilai
can easily be buili on, ai a laiei siage if needed.

. Again, moie aboui ilis laiei !

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page iq

K"()9 F #119 '" $*01 (7 e "% '&41 '*=1 "(' "; e =V ?(%%1#' d"L
'" L1?"=1 & )*;1 ?"&?AM

No, noi if you cloose io iiain wiil New Insiglis.

Oui ceiiificaiion piogiamme is specifically designed foi people wlo alieady
lead busy lives, sucl as ilose wlo aie cuiienily in employmeni oi lolding
down oilei impoiiani iesponsibiliiies lile siay-ai-lome moileis.

Wiil us, you iiain in youi own iime and ai youi own pace and ii doesn'i
maiiei wleie in ile woild you cloose io live oi woil.

Only wlen you feel ieady slould you siaii coacling foi money. If you wisl,
you can siaii by coacling paii-iime uniil you lave esiablisled youi piaciice
and feel ieady io iale ilis on as a full-iime caieei.

Tlai way you mainiain ile flexibiliiy io coniiol youi own desiiny wiiloui
ialing unnecessaiy iisls.

In faci, ile ieally gieai iling aboui oui iiaining piogiamme is iis flexibility.

You aie in ioial coniiol of ile agenda ai all iimes.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :o

PO I= F U1&))V !(' W('
'" B1 & :*;1 !"&?AM

Y"8 9" F 4#"8 *; 'A*+ *+ 'A1 %*$A' 9*%1?'*"# '" ;"))"8M

}usi follow youi leaii!

Lei me explain ! .

Ai New Insiglis we believe eveiyone las a unique and special iole io play in
ile evoluiion of ile planei and ile univeise. I lnow ilai's quiie plilosoplical
bui ii aciually goes io ile leaii of life coacling.

Life coacling siaiis wiil clienis ideniifying
sloii-ieim goals and ilen following a siiuciuied
piocess io aclieve ilose goals.

As ile coacling jouiney unfolds, clienis
usually begin io appieciaie ilai iley
lave a liglei puipose oi calling.

Wiil ilis iealisaiion comes ile need
io woil wiil ileii coacles io adapi and
mould ileii goals io align wiil ilai liglei
puipose. Ai ilis poini ile clienis' lives begin
io iale on an exciiing and vibiani new meaning!

Ouiside of coacling, mosi people lave liiile conscious
lnowledge of wlai ileii life's puipose is. Tlai's laidly
suipiising, given low we live oui lives iiying io fii inio
agendas ilai aie sei by oileis; clasing oui iails iiying
io do wlai oileis expeci of us!

Siiess, anxieiy and fiusiiaiion aie ile oidei of ile day in ile :i
ceniuiy. Tlese
negaiive emoiions iesuli fiom ile disconneci beiween wlai we spend oui lives
doing and wlai we lnow, deep down, ilai we aie ieally leie io do.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :i

Howevei, oui subconscious minds woil in amazing ways, consianily iiying io
ieconneci us wiil ile woil ilai besi iepiesenis oui calling oi puipose.

Tlis leads us io expeiience unexpecied meeiings, iead ielaied aiiicles and gei
piesenied wiil 'clance' oppoiiuniiies (all subile 'piods' io move us in ile
diieciion oui leaiis iiuly desiie foi us).

Could ii be ilai youi subconscious mind lelped you io 'find' ilis iepoii,
lnowing ilai:

Tliougl life coacling - and lelping io empowei oileis io gei moie fiom
ileii lives - you can fulfil paii of ile puipose you aie leie io caiiy oui;

Tliougl siudying life coacling you will gei io undeisiand youiself and
wlai you ieally wani fiom life, a loi beiiei; and]oi

Tliougl life coacling, you'll siaii io undeisiand wly oileis aie ile way
iley aie and low you can build siiongei moie enduiing ielaiionslips
wiil ilose you caie foi?

Please ilinl aboui ii. Tlen iiusi youi iniuiiion . and follow youi leaii !

W4> +" 8A" &%1 V"( &#9 8AV &%1 V"( *# 'A*+ L(+*#1++M

Tlis iepoii is noi meani io be aboui me. Ii's meani io be aboui you . bui ai
ilis poini I accepi ilai you aie piobably wondeiing wlo I am and low I goi
inio ilis indusiiy, so lei me iell you veiy biiefly.

My name is Bill Buiiidge.

I'm cuiienily ile Managing Diiecioi of iwo 'sisiei'
Companies boil dedicaied io life coacl iiaining:

New Insiglis UK, based in England; and

New Insiglis Afiica, based in Souil Afiica.

I was boin in Biisiol of Englisl paienis, wlo laiei emigiaied io Souil Afiica.

I lave lived and woiled alieinaiely in England and Souil Afiica iliougloui
my caieei bui am cuiienily iesideni in beauiiful Cape Town wleie I am
maiiied io }enni (wlo now lappens io be an excelleni life coacl leiself) and
am ile pioud failei of iwo young aduli clildien - a giil and a boy - wlo lave

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page ::

inieiesis in educaiional psyclology and medicine iespeciively.

My fiisi associaiion wiil New Insiglis came aboui in :oo6. Ai ile iime ii
seemed lile an inieiesiing coincidence bui I now lnow ilai ilai ileie was
moie ilan coincidence involved!

I was woiling in London ile UK foi a majoi muliinaiional company ai ile
iime. One of my close family membeis bacl in Souil Afiica lad fallen on laid
iimes and I feli duiy bound io lelp.

}enni suggesied we slould liie a life coacl as a gieai foim of suppoii. Tlis
sounded lile a good idea bui, secieily, I feli embaiiassed. I aciually lnew veiy
liiile aboui life coacling and wlai life coacles did. So I siaiied io conduci
some ieseaicl wiil ile lelp of ile Inieinei.

To cui a long and iailei iniiiguing sioiy veiy sloii, I ended up meeiing ile
'founding failei' of New Insiglis, Neil Aslei, in a London iesiauiani.

We lii ii off immediaiely and Neil offeied me some gieai advice on low io go
aboui finding a suiiable coacl foi ile family membei in quesiion.

Bui ii didn'i siop ileie.

Neil lisiened geneiously io my own sioiy and my uneasiness aboui ile clanges
I was confioniing. He iesponded as follows:

Bill, listen to me. You're confrontinq o mossive cbonqe. You're soon to be
leovinq tbe UK ofter six yeors to settle bock in Soutb Africo, meoninq
you'll neeJ to finJ o new bome in o new oreo. You're lookinq ot leovinq
tbe compony you've workeJ for for :i yeors, onJ you're tolkinq obout
stortinq up your own business ofter :, yeors in employment.
BesiJes tbot, you'll neeJ to qet your two teenoqe kiJs into new
scbools! Now look, if your situotion Joesn't just 'screom out' for
birinq tbe services of o life coocb, tben l Jon't know wbot Joes!"

And so ii was ilai I was iniioduced io New Insiglis Life
Coacling. Neil pui me in coniaci wiil a
wondeiful young life coacl called Slaion Fiiil fiom Manclesiei,
wlo coacled me afiei woil in ile evenings using Slype.

Ii iool jusi foui sessions wiil Slaion - and ile simple yei inciedibly poweiful
iools and ieclniques sle was able io diaw on fiom ile New Insiglis life

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :

coacling sysiem - foi me io iecognise ile siaii of an amazing iiansfoimaiion
in my own ouilool.

By ile iime I lad compleied ile i-session piogiamme wiil Slaion, my life
lad iuined aiound. Ai ilai poini I lnew wiil gieai claiiiy wlai ii was ilai I
wanied io do afiei leaving coipoiaie life . and I couldn'i waii io gei on wiil ii!

I called Neil and slaied my vision of iniioducing New Insiglis io ile people of
ile 'Rainbow Naiion'. I was clamping ai ile bii io gei bacl io Souil Afiica and
sei aboui geiiing New Insiglis Afiica off ile giound!

Tleie's a loi moie io ile sioiy, bui ile besi way I lnow of summaiising low I
feel aboui New Insiglis Life Coacling is io boiiow a pliase fiom ile laie
Vicioi Kiam:

l likeJ it so mucb l bouqbt tbe compony!"

Y"8 ?&# F L1 +(%1 'A&' L1?"=*#$ & )*;1 ?"&?A *+ %*$A' ;"% =1M

Peilaps, deep down, you lnow you aie well suiied io becoming a life coacl.
Tle pioblem is you siill lave io convince youi 'logical', 'iaiional', 'ieal woild'
conscious mind ilai ilai's a good idea!

If so, I can lelp !

I lave a couple of simple iools io lelp you deieimine if ilis ieally is someiling
you coulJ do . and moie impoiianily, someiling you ieally wont io do.

I've pui iogeilei iwo quicl iesis ilai slould give you
a good feel foi wleilei:

(a) Life coacling is someiling you're cut
out for. (In oilei woids, do you
lave ile soii of qualiiies ilai aie
iequiied); and

(b) A life coacl is wlai you reolly wont to be.
Being youi own boss, foi example, is an
aspeci of becoming a life coacl ilai migli
sound pieiiy cool. Bui ileie is also a iesponsibiliiy ilai comes wiil
being 'ile boss'. So ile quesiion is wleilei you ieally wont io iale
ilai iesponsibiliiy oi noi.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :(

Please iale a momeni io answei ile following ien quesiions in eacl iesi as
lonesily as you can, wiil a simple "YES" oi "NO".

\;7TH B?;>@ HGTH ] S7G PO? CUT OUT \O7 ;H^

_ Q(2"' (+-#/ 0#(0"# 3(2 '#$" :.+- '#%4/.5# 3(2
$% $) -()#%+F #+-.4$"F %#"=X$:$/# 0#/%()^
` R( 3(2 -$,# $ 1#)2.)# .)+#/#%+ .) -#"0.)1 (+-#/%
+( $4-.#,# +-#./ 1($"% $)' '/#$D%^
a R( 0#(0"# =.)' .+ #$%3 +( /#"$+# +( X $)' %-$/#
+-#./ 0/(5"#D% $)' $%0./$+.()% :.+- X 3(2^
b S/# 3(2 $ c1#)#/(2%* ".%+#)#/^ PGT 9O
d R( 3(2 =.)' .+ #$%3 +( 52."' /$00(/+ $)' D$C#
1#)2.)# 4())#4+.()% :.+- (+-#/% :-#)
4(DD2).4$+.)1 :.+- +-#D^
e R(#% +-# +-(21-+ (= .)%0./.)1 (+-#/% +( $4-.#,#
$D$E.)1 +-.)1% #W4.+# 3(2^
f ;) +/3.)1 +( 2)'#/%+$)' '.==.42"+ %.+2$+.()% $/#
3(2 .)4".)#' +( +/3 $)' 02+ 3(2/%#"= .) +-# %-(#%
(= (+-#/%^
g R( 3(2 -$,# +-# $5.".+3 +( 5# 4(D0$%%.()$+#F 3#+
=./D :.+- (+-#/ 0#(0"#F c+#"".)1 .+ ".C# .+ .%* :-#)
3(2 =##" .+*% )##'#' +( $%%.%+ +-#D^
h R( 3(2 0#/%()$""3 '/#$D $5(2+ $ 4$/##/ =.""#'
:.+- Y(3F -$00.)#%% $)'F $5(,# $""F D#$).)1^
R( 3(2 #)Y(3 *,.%.().)1* jD#)+$""3 .D$1.).)1 +-#
=2+2/#Z 5(+- () 3(2/ (:) $)' :.+- (+-#/ 0#(0"#^

How many of ilese quesiions did you answei "YES" io?

If you answeied "YES" io ile fiisi iwo quesiions and ai leasi foui oi moie of ile
iemaining quesiions ilen you slould give life coacling seiious consideiaiion.

Tle liglei youi scoie ile moie lilely ii is ilai you'd male a gieai life coacl !

(If you wani io iale ilings a siep fuiilei, we've incoipoiaied a moie exiensive iesi inio oui
sloii iniioducioiy couise, 9#: ;)%.1-+% <.=# >($4-.)1 _i_, a couise ilai you can iead
moie aboui laiei in ilis iepoii.)

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :


_ R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( D$C# $ ".,.)1 =/(D :(/C.)1
:.+- 0#(0"#^
` R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( :(/C =(/ 3(2/%#"=^ PGT 9O
a R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( -$,# ="#W.5"# :(/C.)1
b R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ 4(D0"#+# 4()+/(" (,#/ 3(2/
(:) '#%+.)3^
d R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( 5# +-# 5#%+ 3(2 4$) 5# $+
:-$+ 3(2 '(^
e R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( D$C# $ '.==#/#)4# .) +-#
f R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( :(/C =/(D -(D#^ PGT 9O
g R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( #W0#/.#)4# ()1(.)1 1/(:+-
$)' '#,#"(0D#)+^
h R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( +$C# /#%0()%.5.".+3 =(/ 3(2/
R( 3(2 /#$""3 :$)+ +( 5# -#"' +( $44(2)+ =(/ 3(2/

Once again, low many quesiions did you answei "YES" io?

If you'ie ieally cui oui foi life coacling, I'd expeci you io lave answeied all ile
quesiions wiil a "YES", wiil ile possible excepiion of ile following iwo:

Q:: Tleie aie a few oppoiiuniiies io gain employmeni as a life coacl bui ilese
aie quiie limiied. Mosi life coacles piefei io esiablisl ileii own piaciices.

Qy: Ii's also noi necessaiy foi a life coacl io woil fiom lome, ilougl mosi do.
"Never le he worJs oj onyone
ojjec onJ sop you jrom
Jonq who you won o Jo."

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :6

TO Y"8 D" F D1&) K*'A
CV Z#?1%'&*#'*1+M

KAV *+ *' 'A&' F ;11) %1&))V 1a?*'19 &#9 V1' & )*'')1 ;1&%;()M

Did you lnow ilai ilis is a veiy noimal
luman ieaciion io ile piospeci of clange?

We aie all piogiammed, io a gieaiei oi lessei
exieni, io iesisi clange. Tle ieason is quiie
complex bui ii las io do wiil inbuili suivival
insiincis ilai daie bacl io pielisioiic iimes.

Unfoiiunaiely, in ile modein day, clange
no longei iepiesenis a ilieai io oui suivival.
In faci ii is, moie ofien ilan noi, viial foi oui
giowil and developmeni.

Tlai's wly in life coacling we lelp clienis io
undeisiand ile value ilai lies in embiacing - iailei ilan iesisiing - clange.

Tle fiisi siep is io iecognise low you iypically go aboui iesisiing clange. Heie
aie a few sieieoiypes. Peilaps you can ielaie io one oi moie of ilem?

H-# 0#/0#+2$" .)=(/D$+.() 1$+-#/#/

Deep down you ieally wani clange and io lead a moie fulfilling life.

You'ie seaicling foi someiling ilai will biing ilai aboui and you'll send foi
eveiy infoimaiion iepoii, eBool and fiee iniioducioiy offei on ile mailei .
bui you seem incapable of moving beyond ile infoimaiion gaileiing siage
and inio aciion.

H-# 0/(4/$%+.)$+(/

You come acioss an oppoiiuniiy ilai you insiinciively lnow is iigli foi you,
bui you leep puiiing off ialing aciion, ciiing all mannei of ieasons wly

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :y

'iigli now is jusi noi a good iime'. You may be inclined io jusiify youi
piociasiinaiion by aiguing ilai 'someiling beiiei could come along'.

H-# .)+#//(1$+(/

You cannoi see a genuine oppoiiuniiy foi wlai ii is uniil you lave iloiouglly
inieiiogaied - oi biougli io ile suiface - all of youi 'woisi feais'. You quesiion

Tbis sounJs interestinq but wbot obout tbis...? Vbot obout tbot...? Vbot if
tbis boppens...? Vbot if tbot boppens...? Vbot if l Jon't.? Vbot if l con't.?"

H-# 4()1#).+$" %4#0+.4

Alilougl you'ie on ile looloui foi a gieai new oppoiiuniiy, you lave a
labii of dismissing eacl one ilai comes along as some foim of scam oi lype,
even befoie you lave piopeily ieseaicled ii oi clecled ii oui.

Wf> L(' F +'*)) A&01 +"=1 $1#(*#1 ?"#?1%#+ &L"(' '&4*#$ 'A1
#1a' +'17O Y"8 ?&# F 91&) 8*'A 'A1=M

You need io 'lay ilem on ile iable' and ilen iiy io see ilem foi wlai iley aie!

If, lile so many oileis, you expeiience a lidden 'blocl' ilai pievenis you fiom
moving foiwaids, even ilougl you iniuiiively lnow you wani io, you can be
pieiiy ceiiain ilai ilis is due io some undeilying feai oi ingiained
misconcepiion (in life coacling we use ile ieim 'limitinq belief').

Heie aie a few feais ilai people expiess io jusiify ileii inabiliiy io iale ile
aciion ilai, deep down, iley lnow iley wani and need.

In case you can peisonally ielaie io any of ilese, I've
included some 'food foi ilougli' commenis
ilai may lelp you see ilese feais oi
misconcepiions foi wlai iley ieally

"I con' ojjorJ ."

Tle iiuil is, if you wani ii badly enougl, you can!
Peilaps noi iigli now, bui you can find a way.

You can and will affoid anyiling ilai is impoiiani enougl io you.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :S

Always iemembei ilai any money you spend on iiaining is an investment in
youiself - ileie is no beiiei invesimeni - and ilen iell youi subconscious
mind io find a way io male ii lappen!

"I'm no sure ho I hove n me o moke o success oj ."

If you possess ile coie aiiiibuies
iequiied and ii's someiling you
ieally wani io do ilen you olreoJy
lave ile fundamenials io male
a gieai success of life coacling!

Face up io ii; all you ieally lacl
iigli now is ile necessaiy
lnowledge, slills and expeiience.

Tiusi ile iiaining piogiamme io
piovide you wiil ilis.

Tiaining io become a life coacl involves luge peisonal giowil and
developmeni. On ile jouiney, you'll gei io lnow youiself and youi iiue
capabiliiies lile nevei befoie !

"My own lje s jor jrom perjec. Perhops I'm no ye reoJy o help ohers."

Do you ieally ilinl life coacles lave peifeci lives?

Fai fiom ii!

Youi iole as a life coacl is not io slowcase ile 'peifeci life' io youi clienis.
Youi iole is io lelp youi clienis uncovei ileii own iiue poieniial and lead
moie fulfilling lives. Tlai's a veiy diffeieni iling

You see ii's all aboui ilem, noi aboui you!

"I'm no sure ho I hove n me o suJy oqon."

To be lonesi, any effoii you male io impiove youi own capabiliiies will
iequiie leaining and piaciising someiling new.

Bui lool, you'ie noi aboui io iaclle quanium plysics leie !
You'll be siudying luman belavioui and moiivaiion and ilen piaciising ile
aii of lelping oileis io aclieve ileii goals.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :q

You'll be suppoiied by a iiied
and iiusied appioacl and sysiem
ilai's ieally eye opening and
aciually a loi of fun.

Of couise you can do ii!

"There ore prohohly oo mony lje cooches n my oreo olreoJy."

Mmm . }usi low many is ioo many?

And in any case, wly do you see ilai as a bad iling? Ii could be seen as
pioof ilai ile aiea in wlicl you live is ieally conducive io life coacling?

Ol, and by ile way, wlo said you lave io iesiiici youi coacling io youi
local aiea? Remembei wlai I iold you aboui Slype]ieleplone coacling?

"I hnk I mqh hove rouhle sonJnq ou jrom he res."

Wly allow youiself io believe ilai?

If you aie ieally well iiained, lnow low io aclieve gieai iesulis foi youi
clienis and caiefully cloose a iaigei mailei wleie you can apply all ile
linis, iips, iools and ieclniques ilai you leain in ile iiaining, you'll siand
lead and slouldeis above ile iesi!

We will slow you low !

"I mqh sruqqle o oroc enouqh clens o soy n husness."

Tlis is a classic limiiing belief.

Lool, noiling is ioially ceiiain in life (apaii fiom deail and
iaxes, as we all lnow!) Howevei, ile ilings ilai aie mosi ceiiain io lappen
aie ilose ilai you ieally wont io lappen and ilai you pui ioial commitment
and dedicaiion inio maling lappen.

So ii's up io you.

Of couise, youi self-confidence will couni foi a loi in geiiing clienis, ilai's
wly New Insiglis iiaining and piaciice coacling is specially foimulaied io
slyioclei youi self-confidence and build youi clieni pipeline!

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page o

Heie's my iecommendaiion. Pui faiil in youi iiaining and youi coacling
sysiem. Believe in youiself and leep a posiiive and imaginaiive ouilool ...

. Clienis will beai a pail io youi dooi!

"I Jon' hnk people n my oreo unJersonJ lje coochnq!"

How do you lnow? Have you asled all of ilem?

Tleie may well be some ilai don'i and if you judge ilem io be impoiiani io
youi success, ilen find a way io educaie ilem oi clange ile way iley ilinl.
You only need one oi iwo clienis io expeiience wlai life coacling can ieally
do foi ilem . and ile woid will spiead veiy quiclly.

Ol, and by ile way, as I said befoie, wlai siops you fiom seeling clienis
ouiside of ile aiea wleie you live?

Teleplone and Slype coacling aie amazingly effeciive!

"Ths jus seems lke mqh he oo much oj o rsk."

Wlai exacily is ile iisl you believe you face?

Gei ieally cleai on ilis . ilen find ways io
minimise ii . ilen focus on ile opportunity!

If you'ie woiiied aboui clanging
caieeis, waii uniil you'ie maling
good paii-iime money fiom life
coacling befoie you considei
jumping slip.

If you'ie woiiied aboui invesiing money in a couise you won'i compleie, you
need io quesiion youi own commiimeni, ilen come up wiil a plan ilai you
can follow io ensuie you do compleie ii.

We can lelp you wiil ilai.

"I hnk I moy he oo olJ."

Fianlly, ilai's veiy unlilely (unless youi age is a genuine plysical
impedimeni ilai you can'i iesolve).

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i

Have you evei consideied ilai youi age may aciually be an oJvontoqe in
ieims of ile life expeiience you lave io call upon?

Be suie io cloose youi nicle caiefully so you can exploii youi specific
expeiience. Foi example, you could considei coacling ieiiied people - ilai's
a veiy aiiiaciive and luciaiive mailei!

"I hnk I moy he oo younq."

Peilaps . bui only if you'ie siill a ieenagei.

If you'ie ai leasi a maiuie young aduli, you slould find pleniy of oilei young
adulis and ieenageis wlo would appieciaie - and benefii fiom - youi

Coniaci me if you'ie noi suie.

"I hove my own ssues ho neeJ o he Jeol wh hejore I con cooch

To become a life coacl you fiisi lave io siudy, embiace and piaciise ile
iools ieclniques and concepis ilai life coacles employ io lelp oileis be ile
besi iley can be.

Being exposed io ilai piocess cannoi lelp bui affeci you . in a very positive

Tle giowil in peisonal awaieness, confidence and
inspiiaiion ilai you will
expeiience will easily
exiinguisl any lingeiing
doubis and conceins ilai you
may lave, iigli now, aboui youi
own abiliiies.

My advice?

Tiusi ile iiaining piogiamme!

Tle iiaining will reolly work for you .

. if you jusi lei ii!

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :

[O KA&' *+ E18 F#+*$A'+>
KAV &%1 ."( D*;;1%1#'M

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page

Hopefully, wlai you've iead so fai iesonaies wiil you . and you'ie feeling
some ieal exciiemeni aboui ile oppoiiuniiy ilai a caieei in life coacling could
lold foi you.

If so, you'ie piobably wondeiing aboui New Insiglis and wlai males us

Lei me answei youi quesiions .

KA&' 9"1+ E18 F#+*$A'+ 9"M

Oui mission is io be a commeicially successful foice foi good,
by iiaining, empoweiing and suppoiiing an inieinaiional
neiwoil of life coacles wlo feel inspiied io biing peisonal
=/##'(DF 4()=.'#)4# $)' 1/(:+- io people fiom all walls
of life, iliougl ileii coacling.

W# 8A&' =&*# 7%*#?*7)1+ *+ E18 F#+*$A'+ ;"(#919M

Life coacling, io be auileniic, las io be based on compleie trust, inteqrity,
respect onJ foir excbonqe beiween coacl and clieni.

Tlose aie ile same piinciples ilai we embiace ai New Insiglis and ilai we
aim io uplold in ile ielaiionslips ilai we build wiil oui 'cusiomeis' - in oilei
woids oui stuJents (iniioducioiy couise), troinee coocbes (ceiiificaiion
piogiamme) and certifieJ coocbes.

KA&' =&41+ E18 F#+*$A'+ 9*;;1%1#' ;%"= "'A1% ?"&?A*#$

We lile io ilinl we'ie diffeieni in many ways bui ileie aie five main ilings
ilai disiinguisl us:

(i) 9#: ;)%.1-+% .% +(+$""3 '#'.4$+#' +( ".=# 4($4- +/$.).)1.

We don'i offei a iange of iiaining couises in vaiious subjecis oi even in
oilei coacling disciplines. We aie life coocb troiners, puie and simple.
Tlai's wlai ieally maiieis io us and ilai's wlai we lile io ilinl we do
ieally well.

Ol, and we've been doing ii successfully now foi moie ilan io yeais!

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (

By iegisieiing]eniolling wiil New Insiglis you can iesi assuied ilai
youi iiaining is piovided by a company wlose %("# =(42% is in ile field
in wlicl you lave closen io iiain.

(:) O2/ +/$.).)1 .% 52."+F )(+ $/(2)' (2/ )##'%F 52+ $/(2)' +-# )##'%
(= +-(%# +-$+ +/$.) :.+- 2%8

Oui piogiammes aie compleiely lome oi self-siudy based io give
siudenis and iiainees ile convenience and flexibiliiy io woil in ileii
own iime and ai ileii own pace wiiloui laving io iiavel anywleie.

We don'i lave 'iniales'. You simply siaii wlenevei ii suiis you!

Regisiei ioday, ieceive youi piogiamme maieiials in a few days iime
and siaii siiaigli away if you wisl . oi wlenevei ile iime is iigli foi

We'll offei suggesiions as io low io plan foi compleiing youi
ceiiificaiion, depending on wleilei you'ie a 'laie' oi a 'ioiioise' - bui ai
ile end of ile day, low and wlen you siudy and piaciice is eniiiely up
io you.

Eveiyiling you iequiie is eiilei seni io you up fioni oi (as in ile case of
ile exam) emailed io you wlen you feel ieady foi ii.

Wiil New Insiglis iiaining you'ie in compleie coniiol.

() Q#*/# 0$%%.()$+# $5(2+ 0/(,.'.)1 +.D#"3 $)'
D#$).)1=2" %200(/+8

We lave a saying ilai goes Your Success is Our
Success onJ Our Success is Your Success".

We lnow ilai oui ciedibiliiy goes land in land
wiil ile ciedibiliiy of ile coacles we iuin oui,
so mainiaining ligl qualiiy iiaining and suppoii
is of ciiiical impoiiance io oui business.

Giving gieai suppoii io oui siudenis and iiainees is paii and paicel of
ile New Insiglis eilos. We aim io be fiiendly, lelpful and iesponsive,
wleilei ilai is via ieleplone, email oi iliougl oui online faciliiies sucl
as oui Forum, journol, Bloq and Focebook page.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page

Wleilei you live in London oi Las Palmas, Glasgow oi Goilenbuig,
Biisiol oi Biussels, Caidiff oi Cannes, you'll gei ile same gieai pioduci
and seivice fiom New Insiglis.

jbZ Q# (0#/$+# .)+#/)$+.()$""3

New Insiglis opeiaies fiom boil ile UK and Souil Afiica and - ilanls
io ile lome siudy naiuie of oui piogiamme - we seivice iiainees in
many locaiions aiound ile woild.

New Insiglis ceiiified coacles opeiaie successfully in many coineis of
ile globe. Tle piinciples we impaii - and ile sysiem we piovide - aie
ielevani and applicable no maiiei wleie in ile woild you cloose io live
and woil.

jdZ Q# =(42% () '#".,#/.)1 1/#$+ ,$"2# =(/ D()#3

We deal piedominanily wiil individual consumeis,
noi laige companies. So we ieally gei low impoiiani
ii is io piovide ieal convenience onJ volue for money.

We male full use of ieclnology io minimise oui oveileads
and maximise oui ieacl, wiiloui evei ialing ile focus
off of oui siudenis and iiainees.

Ai New Insiglis you won'i find lavisl biancl offices,
undeiused iiaining iooms, and cosily adminisiiaiive
siaff io landle papeiwoil.

As a iesuli, oui ceiiificaiion piogiamme and iniioducioiy couise aie
veiy compeiiiively piiced, iepieseniing ieally gieai value foi youi

KA&' '%&*#*#$ 9"1+ E18 F#+*$A'+ ";;1%M

We offei iwo couises, boil lome siudy based:

A full ceiiificaiion piogiamme in life coacling called ile
New lnsiqbts life Coocb Troininq onJ Certificotion Proqromme.

An Iniioducioiy couise in life coacling called
New lnsiqbts life Coocbinq ioi.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page 6

KA&'/+ 'A1 9*;;1%1#?1 L1'811# & A"=1 +'(9V L&+19 ?"(%+1
)*41 V"(%+> &#9 &# "#)*#1 ?"(%+1M

Wlen you iegisiei wiil New Insiglis, you'll gei all of youi couise maieiial,
pbysicolly JelivereJ to you, riqbt upfront, so you lave immediaie, peimaneni
and ieady access io eveiyiling you need.

We supply you wiil exiensive piinied maieiial foi ile slills iiaining, business
suppoii and coacling sysiem elemenis of ile ceiiificaiion piogiamme and ii is
youis io leep, as a landy iefeience, iliougloui youi iiaining and beyond.

Tlis means you won'i lave io woiiy aboui geiiing involved in iime consuming
downloads fiom ile Inieinei and lois of cosily piiniing of iiaining maieiials.

W# 8A&' 7A*)"+"7AV *+ E18 F#+*$A'+ '%&*#*#$ L&+19M

As fai as ile oveiall iiaining is conceined we lave inieniionally closen io
pieseni a bioad based piogiamme, as we believe ilis piovides a moie well-
iounded expeiience and offeis ile besi foundaiion foi a successful caieei in life

As fai as ile conieni is conceined ii is noi
iesiiicied io any one plilosoply.

We include maieiial ilai oiiginaies fiom a
wide iange of leadeis and ilinleis in ile
field of luman moiivaiion, iegaidless of ileii
individual plilosoplies, eilnic gioups oi

Tle New Insiglis couise is designed io be
Inclusive and iespeciful. In oilei woids, ii is
suiiable foi people fiom diveise baclgiounds
and peisuasions.

We piomoie an open-minded appioacl io leaining and, alilougl, fiom iime
io iime, we offei oui views on ceiiain aspecis of ile iiaining, we do noi
advocaie oi seel io impose any one specific plilosoply, dociiine oi ieligious

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page y

D"1+ E18 F#+*$A'+ '%&*#*#$ *#?"%7"%&'1 E:<M

Wiil life coacling becoming incieasingly populai, many nicle appioacles io
iiaining lave spiung up, ofien wiil exaggeiaied claims aboui ileii

Some insiiiuies base ileii life coacl iiaining exclusively on NLP - oi 'neuio
linguisiic piogiamming'.

Ai New Insiglis we believe NLP las mucl io offei, paiiiculaily wlen ii comes
io ile aii and science of communicaiion. Foi ilai ieason, many aspecis of NLP
aie incoipoiaied inio ile New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining and Ceiiificaiion
Piogiamme, noiably ile module ilai deals wiil communicaiion.

Tlai said, NLP iemains jusi one of many ieclniques and plilosoplies
ilai we pieseni in a piogiamme ilai is boil bioad based and iloiouglly

F+ E18 F#+*$A'+ '%&*#*#$ *#'1%#&'*"#&))V %1?"$#*+19M

In mosi couniiies, including ile UK and Souil Afiica,
life coacling is an uniegulaied piofession. So ileie
is no foimal 'inieinaiional iecogniiion' ilai

Noneileless, New Insiglis las been awaided
internotionol occreJitotion foi iis Life Coacl
Tiaining and Ceiiificaiion Piogiamme by ile
wlolly independeni, UK based, CPD StonJorJs Office.

Tle New Insiglis life coacling sysiem is univeisally
applicable and is used successfully by coacles all ovei ile woild.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page S

\O F+ 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1
!"&?A 3%&*#*#$ ] !1%'*;*?&'*"#
<%"$%&==1 U*$A' ;"% C1M

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page q

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (o

KA&' 9"1+ 'A1 <%"$%&==1 ?"#+*+' ";M

Oui foundei's aim was simple .

. io design and build ile best, most effective,
inteqroteJ life coocb troininq onJ preporotion
proqromme in a foimai ilai would male ii boil
ieadily accessible and affoidable io ile aveiage

Tle iesuli was ile 9#: ;)%.1-+% <.=# >($4-
H/$.).)1 $)' >#/+.=.4$+.() !/(1/$DD#.

Tle Piogiamme consisis of six impoiiani componenis:

i. Compielensive slills iiaining maieiial deliveied io you upfioni so you
can siudy in youi own iime and ai youi own pace.

:. A compleie, ieady-io-use, i-session life coacling sysiem wiil all ile
coacling and clieni session noies you will need io adminisiei ii.

. Exiensive piaciical expeiience in ile foim of ai leasi o louis of lands-
on, ieal woild piaciice coacling, using ile
sysiem above.

(. A code of eilics ilai undeipins ile
applicaiion of ile coacling sysiem.

. Compielensive suppoii io esiablisl,
mailei and susiain a successful
life coacling piaciice.

6. Responsive and caiing suppoii
iliougloui ile ceiiificaiion peiiod
and beyond.

KA&' *+ 'A1 &*= "; 'A*+ <%"$%&==1M

Quiie simply, io fully equip and piepaie you io become a ligl qualiiy,
successful, piaciising life coacl!

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (i

Y"8 9"1+ 'A1 <%"$%&==1 &?A*101 *'+ &*=M

Tle iequiiemenis foi ceiiificaiion ensuie you aclieve a numbei of ley
objeciives duiing ile iiaining:

Develop a ligl level of self awaieness;

Develop a sound and compielensive undeisianding of ile lnowledge
and slills iequiied io become a good life coacl;

Gain exposuie io ai leasi o louis of ieal woild (non classioom based)
piaciice coacling expeiience;

Develop confidence in - and masieiy of ile applicaiion of - ile New
Insiglis life coacling sysiem;

Undeisiand wlai is iequiied io esiablisl and susiain a successful life
coacling piaciice.

D" F #119 &#V c(&)*;*?&'*"#+ "% "'A1% %1c(*%1=1#'+ '" 1#%") ;"%
'A*+ <%"$%&==1M

No. Tleie aie no pieiequisiies foi ilis couise.

If you feel in any way unceiiain aboui wleilei a caieei in life coacling is iigli
foi you, oi you fiisi wani io gei a basic giounding in life coacling befoie
consideiing ile ceiiificaiion piogiamme, we iecommend you considei oui
iniioducioiy couise, New lnsiqbts life coocbinq ioi.

Tlai said, ii is noi a pieiequisiie foi eniolling on ile ceiiificaiion iiaining

KA&' '"7*?+ &%1 ?"01%19 *# 'A1 +4*))+ '%&*#*#$M

Tle Slills Tiaining ileoiy alone coveis exiensive giound.

Ii is piesenied in eiqbty sections, divided inio seven manuals, modules oi Paiis.
Eacl Paii focuses one oi moie C#3 +-#D#% ilai aie ceniial io life coacling.

Tle ilemes aie biiefly summaiised below:

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (:

!S7H O9GI Runnnq ejjecve nroJucory onJ qool senq sessons.

Self awaieness, undeisianding wlai life coacling ieally is, geneious
lisiening, effeciive quesiioning, dealing wiil common clieni issues, goal
seiiing, ile coacl-clieni coniiaci, eic.

!S7H HQOI UnJersonJnq onJ promonq chonqe.

Tle piimaiy luman moiivaiois, uncoveiing feai, a model foi clange, ile
dynamics of goal seiiing and goal geiiing, insialling an empoweiing
belief sysiem, seiiing clienis up foi success and lappiness, eic.

!S7H HA7GGI Who mokes people ck?

Undeisianding and woiling wiil values, dealing wiil value conflicis,
uncoveiing and clallenging ile clieni's iules foi success, eic.

!S7H \O?7I UnJersonJnq Humon Behovour onJ Becomnq o Greo

Tle Six Human Needs, ile aii of consiiuciive clallenging, aiiiibuies of a
gieai coacl, eic.

!S7H \;kGI Ejjecve Communcoon.

Piojeciion, ile communicaiion
piocess, iesponsibiliiy and
coniiol, building iappoii,
coacling and developing
ile clieni, eic.

!S7H T;lI Uncovernq one's
Ije Purpose.

Long-ieim goal-seiiing,
guiding ile clieni io find
lis]lei puipose, seiiing
youiself up io be a clieni
magnei, eic.

!S7H TGkG9I EnJnq onJ/or ExenJnq he Clen Reloonshp.

Celebiaiing success, evaluaiing clieni piogiess, landling feedbacl,
coniinuing wiil oi sepaiaiing fiom youi clieni, always being a winnei,
going beyond ile piogiamme wiil coacling, eic.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (

KA&' =&'1%*&) *+ +(77)*19 8A1# F 1#%") ;"% 'A*+ <%"$%&==1M

Tle piogiamme conieni you will ieceive is exiensive, compiising almosi io lg
of piinied maieiial, CDs and DVDs.

Tleie aie ovei i:oo pages of slills iiaining and business suppoii maieiial, ovei
oo pages of coacling session noies ilai male up ile New Insiglis life
coacling sysiem, and some :o louis of DVD fooiage.

Moie specifically, you'll ieceive:

An .)+/('24+(/3 $2'.( >R ilai will wall you iliougl ile diffeieni
componenis of ile piogiamme and low io use ilem mosi effeciively;

A !/(1/$DD# ;)+/('24+.() $)' G+-.4% N$)2$" including a guide io
ile piogiamme, ile New Insiglis ceiiificaiion iequiiemenis,
compeiencies ilai you will aclieve and ile code of eilics ilai we will
asl you io adopi in youi coacling;

T#,#) .)=(/D$+.()X0$4C#' ".=# 4($4- %C.""% +/$.).)1 D$)2$"%, eacl
wiil self-iesi assignmenis foi you io compleie and send bacl foi ieview;

S 52%.)#%% 0"$) +#D0"$+# io assisi you wiil deiailed planning of ile
esiablislmeni of youi piaciice;

S %$"#% +/$.).)1 D$)2$" pacled wiil insiglis on ile psyclology and
piaciice of selling io obiain new clienis;

S D$/C#+.)1 D$)2$" foi small business owneis wlo wani io lave a
compeiiiive edge in ile maileiplace. }usi peifeci foi life coacles;

S ".=# 4($4- 52%.)#%% %244#%% D$)2$", ciammed wiil lundieds of
iiied and iiusied linis, iips and ieclniques foi iunning a piofessional
and successful coacling piaciice;

\2"" "#)1+- RkR% feaiuiing ile piogiamme designei and lis wife
demonsiiaiing ile full New Insiglis piogiamme of iliiieen life coacling

H-# 9#: ;)%.1-+% ".=# 4($4-.)1 %3%+#Dm. Tlis compiises ile full sei of
siiuciuied coacling and clieni session noies foi all iliiieen sessions -
and beyond;

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page ((

S >R 7ON :.+- $ ,$/.#+3 (= /#%(2/4#% including coacling session
noies and clieni feedbacl foims in eleciionic foimai.

Y"8 )"#$ 9"1+ 'A1 <%"$%&==1 '&41 '" ?"=7)1'1M

Because ilis is a self-paced Piogiamme a loi will depend on you and ile
numbei of louis you can allocaie io ii eacl weel.

In oui expeiience, laving woiled wiil boil 'laies' and 'ioiioises', you can
geneially expeci io iale somewleie heween nne onJ jjeen monhs io
compleie ceiiificaiion, including siudy of ile ileoiy, piaciice coacling and
assessmeni iequiiemenis.

Howevei, ilis is jusi a guide. Remembei ilai you sei youi own agenda. We
allow a geneious cap of a full two yeors foi you io compleie ile iequiiemenis,
so you lave pleniy of iime on land.

KA1# 9"1+ 'A1 <%"$%&==1 +'&%'M

We don'i lave 'iniales' lile mosi oilei
insiiiuies. Wiil New Insiglis you can
iegisiei]eniol and siaii wbenever it suits you.

Youi couise maieiial will be deliveied by
couiiei, io youi dooi, noimally wiilin a
weel of you iegisieiing.

Y"8 9"1+ E18 F#+*$A'+ &++1++ *'+ '%&*#11+M

As a iiainee you would, foi ceiiificaiion puiposes, be iequiied io:

Demonsiiaie a sound lnowledge of ile slills iiaining ileoiy (wlicl is
ieviewed iliougl vaiious self-iesi assignmenis and an exam).

Sign ile New Insiglis code of eilics declaiaiion commiiiing you io abide
by sound eilical piaciices in youi coacling.

Undeiiale ai leasi o louis of diieci one-on piaciice coacling, using ile
New Insiglis life coacling sysiem. Youi piogiess is assessed iliougl ile
feedbacl foims ilai you aie iequiied io submii fiom youi piaciice

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (

KA&' 4*#9 "; ?1%'*;*?&'1 9"1+ E18 F#+*$A'+ *++(1M

You will ieceive a piofessional Certificote of Completion in ile posi. Tlis will
deiail all of youi majoi accomplislmenis on ile iiaining jouiney.

Once ceiiified you will qualify io use ile designaiion New lnsiqbts CertifieJ
life Coocb and ile blue coacl ideniifiei slown leie, on youi emails, websiie
and oilei maileiing maieiial.

KA&' *+ 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1 !"&?A 3%&*#*#$ 6V+'1=! 'A&'/+
L11# %1;1%%19 '" *# 'A*+ %17"%'M

Wlen you eniol wiil New Insiglis you gei immediaie access io a pioven,
siiuciuied, _aX%#%%.() 4($4-.)1 0/(1/$DD#F compleie wiil all ile coacling
and clieni session noies, ilai you can use io foim ile basis of youi coacling.

Tlis well-ieseaicled piogiamme, unique io New Insiglis, is specially designed
io lelp you iale youi clienis fiom wleie iley aie io wleie iley ieally wani io
be in ileii lives.

We iecommend iunning sessions eveiy iwo weels. In ilai way ile i-session
piogiamme will iale six monils io compleie wiil youi clienis. Tlai's enougl
iime io biing aboui a significani iiansfoimaiion in ileii lives !

Lei's iale a veiy biief lool ai wlai ile sysiem includes:

Tle coacling piogiamme siaiis wiil an n Jeph look o he clen's lje and
ley aieas in wlicl le oi sle wanis io effeci clange.
"Ij somehnq s worh Jonq,
's worh Jonq properly."

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (6

You'll lelp youi clieni io creoe nsprnq qools using ile Life Wleel and oui
unique and pioven 'SMERTIE' goal-cieaiing appioacl.

You clieni is ilen ialen iliougl a simple yei poweiful piocess ilai encouiages
lim oi lei io focus on hreoknq he qool Jown no smoll seps - 'mini'
goals oi milesiones. Tlis exeicise iapidly boosis youi clieni's confidence in lis
oi lei own abiliiy io aclieve ile goals.

Tle nexi siep is io lelp youi clieni 'uncover' hose helejs ho ore no
servnq hm or her and siaii ile piocess of ieplacing ilose limiiing beliefs
wiil wondeiful, new empoweiing beliefs.

Dealing wiil youi clieni's personol volue sysem and biinging aboui
alignmeni wiil ile goal ilai youi clieni wanis io aclieve, is wlai ile nexi
session is aboui.

In ile following session you will lelp youi clieni uncovei ile rules he or she
hos se jor experencnq he volues iley aie aiiiacied io. Tlen you will
explain low youi clieni can adapi lis oi lei iules io become moie compaiible
wiil ile lives iley desiie.

We ilen iniioduce ile concepi of
The Sx Humon NeeJs.

In ilis session we demonsiiaie
wly ii's impoiiani io ensuie ilai
youi clieni's moie basic needs aie
in balance befoie le oi sle can
focus on ile liglei needs of
'giowil' and 'coniiibuiion'.

No coacling sysiem would be compleie wiiloui a session on he mporonce
oj communcoon and ile concepis of piojeciion, filieiing and inieipieiaiion
on ile clieni's abiliiy io ielaie io oileis in ile mosi effeciive way possible.

Nexi comes personol responshly and low by moving away fiom jusiifying
and blaming belavioui, in favoui of ialing full peisonal iesponsibiliiy, youi
clieni can feel libeiaied and empoweied.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (y

In ile nexi session you will impaii io youi clieni a ieclnique foi applying a
cleor onJ holonceJ mnJ io dealing wiil issues ilai may, in ile pasi, lave
luii lim oi lei badly.

Ai ile moie advanced siage of ile coacling piogiamme, iis iime io iale youi
clieni bacl io who he or she hos ocheveJ and io lelp youi clieni lool
foiwaid io wlai le oi sle iiuly wanis fiom life in ile fuiuie.

If and wlen youi clieni is ieady you ilen assisi lim oi lei io gei in ioucl wiil
ileii "Ije's Purpose", ciiiical foi leading a lappy and fulfilling life.

Tle coacling piogiamme ends wiil a wondeiful celehroon sesson wleie
you celebiaie youi clieni's aclievemenis, peisonal giowil and developmeni.

"Ths s o smple, ye heoujully
conceveJ coochnq sysem
ho consues
o powerjul sx monh proqromme
jor personol ronsjormoon"

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (S

KA&' ;"%= "; &??%19*'&'*"# 9"1+ 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1 !"&?A
3%&*#*#$ &#9 !1%'*;*?&'*"# <%"$%&==1 ?&%%VM

Oui piogiamme caiiies foimal acciediiaiion by ile CPD Siandaids Office, a
UK based, inieinaiional, independeni acciediiaiion boaid ilai acciediis ligl
qualiiy iiaining and leaining couises and aciiviiies.

Tle CPD Siandaids Office is oveiseen by an Expeii Advisoiy Boaid compiising
piofessional expeiis diawn fiom academia, employeis and piofessional bodies
and woils wiil ile suppoii of an incieasing numbei of piofessional bodies,
univeisiiies and employeis.

D" V"( ";;1% &#V $(&%&#'11+ 8*'A 'A1 <%"$%&==1M

Yes, indeed.

We'ie confideni ilai you'll be compleiely deliglied wiil ile New Insiglis Life
Coacl Tiaining and Ceiiificaiion Piogiamme foi lome siudy bui we don'i
wani you io iisl spending youi laid eained money on someiling ilai you may
subsequenily feel is noi iigli foi you - foi wlaievei ieason.

So leie's oui Proqromme Sotisfoction Guorontee:

Fiom ile daie you iegisiei and youi oidei is piocessed, you gei a full iliiiy days wiilin
wlicl io lave a good lool ovei ile piogiamme maieiial.

If, ai any iime duiing ilai peiiod, you decide, foi wlaievei ieason,
ilai ilis Piogiamme is noi foi you, simply lei us lnow by email.

You'll need io send ile piogiamme maieiial bacl io New Insiglis
(ai youi expense and in excelleni, ie-usable oidei) ai ile addiess
ilai we will supply io you.

Tlen we'll send you a iefund of youi upfioni paymeni and cancel
any iecuiiing paymeni aiiangemeni you may lave enieied inio wiil us.

A small adminisiiaiive fee (.% of invoice) will be deducied io covei ile oiiginal cosis
of couiiei deliveiy and subsequeni inspeciion and iepaclaging of ile maieiial ieiuined.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (q

KA&' ;11+ 9" V"( ?A&%$1 ;"% 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1 !"&?A
3%&*#*#$ &#9 !1%'*;*?&'*"# <%"$%&==1M

Tle fees foi ile ceiiificaiion piogiamme aie slown in ile iable ilai follows.

Tle iegisiiaiion fee lisied as ile 'Toial fee payable' is an all-inclusive amouni,
piovided you ieside wiilin ile UK oi Euiopean Union. Tleie aie no fuiilei
VAT, paclaging oi slipping claiges io pay.

Alilougl ile iable was coiieci ai ile iime ilis iepoii was piinied, we
iecommend you clecl ile veiy laiesi fee iable on ile New Insiglis websiie ai
ile following URL:


KA&' 7&V=1#' "7'*"#+ 9" V"( ";;1%M

You can secuie oui besi iaie by maling a single upfioni paymeni.

Alieinaiively, you can cloose fiom oui convenieni six, iwelve and eiglieen
monil Easy-Pay-Plans (E-P-P). Tlese incoipoiaie a ceiiain adminisiiaiive
piemium wlicl depends on ile duiaiion of paybacl selecied.

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page o

T.)1"# !$3D#)+

If you piefei io iale advaniage of ile single paymeni iaie, we offei you iwo
ways io pay:

By EFT (Eleciionic Funds Tiansfei) diiecily inio oui banl accouni;

Online paymeni by ciedii caid using PayPal.


If you piefei io iale advaniage of one of oui iliee Easy-Pay-Plans ilen ilis
seivice is offeied io you exclusively iliougl PayPal and iis iecuiiing billing

Wlen you iegisiei, you will be debiied foi ile amouni of ile upfioni paymeni
lisied in ile iable above. Eacl monil ileieafiei, foi youi closen peiiod (eiilei
six, iwelve oi eiglieen monils) PayPal will debii youi caid wiil ile amouni
slown undei 'iecuiiing paymeni'.

KA&' *; F )*01 "('+*91 "; 'A1 `(%"71&# Z#*"#M

If you live ouiside of ile EU a slipping piemium (and possibly oilei claiges)
will be payable. Please email us foi a quoie.

"Invesnq n yourselj s he hes
nvesmen you wll ever moke.

I wll no only mprove your lje,
wll mprove he lves oj oll hose
orounJ you."

- Robin Slaima
(Auiloi of Tbe Monk wbo solJ bis Ferrori)

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page i

KAV +A"()9 F ?A""+1 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1 !"&?A 3%&*#*#$ &#9
!1%'*;*?&'*"# <%"$%&==1 "01% "'A1% ?"(%+1+ "(' 'A1%1M

If you aie seiious aboui becoming a ieally good life coacl and iunning a
successful piaciice you slould seiiously considei ile New Insiglis Life Coacl
Tiaining and Ceiiificaiion Piogiamme.

Heie aie ten qooJ reosons wly:

(i) We've been esiablisled since :oo in ile UK and since :ooy in Souil
Afiica. We've been aiound, we've pioduced gieai iesulis and we'ie
leie io siay!

(:) We focus solely on life coacling and life coacl iiaining. Noiling else.
Ii's oui passion and we believe we'ie good ai ii!

() Oui lome based iiaining Piogiamme is buili aiound you. We designed
and iefined ile piogiamme io suii people wlo alieady lead busy lives.
Tleie's no need io iiavel oi aiiend any woilslops oi seminais. Siudy
and piaciice in youi own iime and sei youi own agenda.

(() Oui iiaining Piogiamme is amongsi ile besi in ile business. Ii's
compielensive and iigoious, yei easy io undeisiand and apply. Yei ii
iemains ielaiively veiy affoidable.

() Oui Piogiamme is inieinaiionally and independenily acciediied - ile
mail of ligl qualiiy iiaining.

(6) We piovide you wiil subsianiial suppoii io plan, esiablisl and mailei
youi piaciice iliougl a seiies of excelleni business suppoii manuals.

(y) You ieceive exiensive piogiamme maieiial - in boil wiiiien and
eleciionic foimai - ilai iemains youis io leep as an excelleni ongoing
iefeience souice boil duiing and afiei ceiiificaiion.

(S) Included wiil ile Piogiamme is access io a pioven, siiuciuied, i-
session coacling sysiem wiil exiensive coacling and clieni noies. Tlis
will ensuie ilai you 'lii ile giound iunning' wlen you siaii coacling.

(q) Considei eveiyiling we offei and you'll see ilai ii is mucl moie ilan
iiaining. Ii iepiesenis one of ile besi lome based business
oppoiiuniiies, wiil an ouisianding poieniial ieiuin on invesimeni.

(io) We love people and we'll piovide you wiil loyal suppoii foi as long as
you aie associaied wiil us!

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page :

^O F+ 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+
:*;1 !"&?A*#$ JXJ ?"(%+1
%*$A' ;"% =1M

KA&' *+ 'A1 &*= "; 'A*+ ?"(%+1M

New Insiglis Life Coacling ioi is a sloii bui effeciive
lome siudy couise foi ilose wlo wani io gain a good
giounding in life coacling as a siep iowaids deciding
wleilei io invesi in piofessional ceiiificaiion iiaining.

Tle objeciives of ilis couise aie io:

piovide a sound foundaiion in life coacling; and

piovide a decision suppoii iool foi ilose wlo
need assisiance wiil deciding on wleilei io
puisue life coacling as a caieei.

I%1 'A1%1 &#V 7%1b%1c(*%1=1#'+ '" 1#%") ;"% 'A*+ ?"(%+1M

No. Tleie aie no pieiequisiies foi ilis couise.

F+ 'A*+ ?"(%+1 & 7%1%1c(*+*'1 ;"% 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1 !"&?A
3%&*#*#$ &#9 !1%'*;*?&'*"# <%"$%&==1M


You slould considei ilis couise if you wani io lnow moie aboui life coacling,
and wleilei ii would be a good caieei fii foi you, befoie you male ile decision
io embail on ceiiificaiion iiaining.

KA&' *+ *#?)(919 *# 'A*+ ?"(%+1M

New Insiglis Life Coacling ioi consisis of iliee easy-io-iead, infoimaiion-
pacled Modules. Tlese include numeious ilougli piovoling ideas, examples

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page

and piaciical exeicises. Tle manuals aie plysically deliveied io you in piinied
foim and can be lepi as a landy and peimaneni iefeience guide.

N('2"# O)# ] Ije Coochnq . ExploneJ will lelp you undeisiand:

Wlai life coacling is;
How ii diffeis fiom oilei foims of coacling;
Wly ii is sucl a fascinaiing and iewaiding caieei;
Wlai lies ai ile leaii of life coacling;
Wlai ii's ieally lile io be a life coacl; and
Wlai ii iales io be successful.

N('2"# H:( ] Ije Coochnq . Sklls onJ Procce is designed io impaii:

A ligl level oveiview of ile life coacling slills, iools, ieclniques and
concepis ilai a iiainee life coacl can expeci io siudy and piaciice;

Insiglis inio youi own life and wlai males you iicl;

A glimpse of ile iiue powei of life coacling.

N('2"# H-/## ] Ije Coochnq . AnJ You aims io suppoii you in:

Geiiing ieal claiiiy on wlai you wani fiom life;

Tesiing low well suiied you aie io a caieei in life coacling;

Oveicoming ineiiia and dealing wiil youi 'wlai ifs';

Developing a peisonal plan of aciion io licl-siaii youi life coacling

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page (

Y"8 )"#$ 9"1+ 'A*+ ?"(%+1 '&41 &#9 8A1# ?&# F +'&%'M

You can iegisiei]eniol foi ile couise wbenever it suits you.

Tle couise maieiial will be deliveied io you by couiiei. You can siaii jusi as
soon as you ieceive ile maieiial - oi wlenevei ii suiis you ileieafiei!

You can geneially expeci io iale beiween iliee weels and iliee monils io
compleie ilis couise depending on ile iime you allocaie io siudying ile
maieiial and compleiing ile assessmeni iequiiemenis.

To qualify foi aclnowledgemeni of compleiion, you musi compleie ile couise
wiilin six monils of iegisieiing foi ii. New Insiglis suppoii will lapse afiei ilis

Y"8 9"1+ E18 F#+*$A'+ &++1++ *'+ :! JXJ +'(91#'+M

Tleie aie iwo mini-assignmenis io be compleied ai ile end of Modules One
and Two wiil a sloii exam io be compleied afiei Module Tliee.

Tle assignmenis and ile exam (wlicl geis emailed io you) can be compleied
fiom youi lome oi place of woil. Tleie is no need iiavel anywleie.

D" V"( *++(1 & ?1%'*;*?&'1 "# ?"=7)1'*"#M


An aiiiaciive ceiiificaie, in PDF foimai, will be emailed io you afiei successful
compleiion of all ile iequiiemenis of ile couise wiilin ile siipulaied
maximum peiiod of six monils fiom iegisiiaiion.

D" V"( ";;1% &#V *#?1#'*01 ;"% (7$%&9*#$ '" 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+
:*;1 !"&?A 3%&*#*#$ &#9 !1%'*;*?&'*"# <%"$%&==1 &;'1%


You musi compleie ile couise wiilin ile peiiod allowed. If you ilen iegisiei
foi ile New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining and Ceiiificaiion Piogiamme wiilin

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page

iliee monils of compleiing ile couise, we will offei you a discouni on ile
ceiiificaiion piogiamme equivaleni io o% of ile Life Coacling ioi couise fee!

KA&' &%1 'A1 ;11+ ;"% E18 F#+*$A'+ :*;1 !"&?A*#$ JXJM

Tle couise fees slown below weie coiieci ai ile iime ilis iepoii was piinied.
Tle laiesi couise fees can be found on ile New Insiglis websiie ai ilis URL:


H(+$" 4(2/%# =##F .)4"2'.)1 '#".,#/3 .) +-# ?@I n_`h8ii

Foi couiiei deliveiy ouiside ile UK bui wiilin ile EU: ADD ci.oo

KA&' *; F )*01 "('+*91 'A1 `(%"71&# Z#*"#M

Please email us foi a quoie.

KA&' 7&V=1#' "7'*"#+ 9" V"( ";;1%M

You can cloose io pay ile ioial amouni (couise fee plus deliveiy piemium if
applicable) eiilei upfioni, oi in insialmenis iliougl oui Easy-Pay-Plan:

?0=/()+ paymeni can be made by eiilei:

Eleciionic Funds Tiansfei (EFT); oi
Ciedii]Debii caid using PayPal!;

G$%3X!$3X!"$) (E-P-P):

You can pay in iliee equal monilly insialmenis wiil youi ciedii]debii caid
using ile PayPal! iecuiiing billing faciliiy.
Tleie is no addiiional
adminisiiaiion fee
payable foi ilis

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page 6

RO Y"8 D" F U1$*+'1%_`#%")
;"% 3%&*#*#$M

Y"8 9" F 1#%") ;"% 'A1 E18 F#+*$A'+ ?1%'*;*?&'*"# '%&*#*#$
7%"$%&==1 "% *#'%"9(?'"%V ?"(%+1M

Please follow ilese simple sieps !

THG! O9GI k.%.+ (2/ :#5%.+#

Boil ilese URLs will diieci you io ile same websiie.

Oui couise fees and paymeni opiions aie ievised fiom iime io iime. We iiy io
ensuie ilai oui iepoii coniains ile laiesi infoimaiion bui ii is always advisable
io visii oui websiie io confiim ilis.

THG! HQOI ?%# +-# D#)2 5$/ +( )$,.1$+#

Tleie's a wealil of infoimaiion on ile websiie. Please use ile veiiical menu
bor on ile lefi land side of ile websiie io navigaie io wleie you wani io be.

You can see an exiiaci fiom ile menu bai on ile nexi page (please noie, ile
design may clange somewlai fiom iime io iime):

New Insiglis Life Coacl Tiaining. All Riglis Reseived Page y

Lool foi ile menu seciion mailed 'O2/ >#/+.=.4$+.() !/(1/$DD#'
(oi 'O2/ ;)+/('24+(/3 >(2/%#' if you piefei io go ilai iouie).

THG! HA7GGI >".4C () c7GU;THG7o G97O<*

Wlen you'ie ieady, clicl on ilis menu buiion and follow ile insiiuciions

SH S9P H;NGI >()+$4+ 2% =(/ $%%.%+$)4#

If you need assisiance wiil iegisieiing oi if you lave any quesiions ilai laven'i
been answeied in ilis iepoii, please don'i lesiiaie io coniaci us. You can use
ile Coniaci Us buiion in ile websiie menu bai oi you can use ile deiails
piovided below:


H#"#0-()#I oS( ii6 :y
(+(( S( ii6 :y fiom ouiside ile UK)

\$WI oS6 :qq io(o

\$4#5((CI liip:]]]newinsiglis
Clicl leie io leain moie aboui ile
New Insiglis <.=# >($4- H/$.).)1 p
>#/+.=.4$+.() !/(1/$DD# j<>H!Z8

Clicl leie io find oui moie aboui ile
independeni, inieinaiional
$44/#'.+$+.() of ilis Piogiamme.

Clicl leie io find oui aboui ile LCTP
couise =##% $)' +-# 0$3D#)+
(0+.()% available io you.

Clicl leie io /#1.%+#/o#)/(" =(/ +-#

Clicl leie io leain moie aboui ile
New Insiglis <.=# >($4-.)1 _i_
j<>_i_Z .)+/('24+(/3 4(2/%# and]oi
io /#1.%+#/o#)/(" =(/ +-.% 4(2/%#8

L3861 New Marketing Brochure cover UK.pdf 1 2014/06/30 3:45 PM

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