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335 ISSN 1744-666X 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd
Drug Prole
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common arthri-
tis worldwide, affecting millions of people and
causing the WHO to designate 20002010 the
Bone and Joint Decade because of its effect on
global wellness [1]. This disease is characterized
by joint cartilage degradation, bone remodel-
ing and synovitis, with the hip and knee being
the most commonly involved joints. Aficted
individuals suffer joint pain, loss of function
and inability to perform routine daily activi-
ties. OA has been linked with poor quality of
life outcomes due to its effect on daily activi-
ties [2]. Indeed, musculoskeletal conditions have
been associated with poorer quality of life para-
meters than other chronic medical conditions,
primarily as a result of physical impairment,
disability and lower life satisfaction [3]. Due to
the signicant and widespread impact of OA
on individual pain and functioning, as well
as on the global healthcare system in terms of
costs and services, additional therapies to con-
trol, abate or halt disease progression are ongo-
ing. A therapy that can accomplish these goals
with few adverse effects and contra indications
or interactions, which is readily available and
economically priced, would be a welcome
adjunct to the list of therapeutic interventions
available to sufferers.
The US 2005 National Health Survey esti-
mated that 47.8 million people were affected
by OA and expected an increase to 67 million
by 2030, with more than 50% of the OA cases
predicted to be among those older than 65 years
of age. Approximately 1.31.75 million people
in England and Wales have OA and in France
approximately 6 million new cases are diagnosed
every year [4].
The diagnosis of OA is primarily a clinical
one based on history and physical examination
ndings. The need for radiographic ndings
to conrm the diagnosis is not necessary since
the degree of pain does not correlate with the
severity of disease radiographically, particularly
in the early stages of the disease [5]. There are
established radiologic guidelines that can assist
with diagnosis if needed. While the hip and
knee joints are most commonly involved, the
shoulders, hands and back are also frequently
affected. Those aficted with this condition
present with pain, morning stiffness of less than
Beth Anne Fox
Mary M Stephens
Department of Family Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, Kingsport,
TN 37660, USA

Author for correspondence:

Tel.: +1 423 245 9623
Fax: +1 423 245 9631
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent arthritis in the world with increasing numbers of people
expected to acquire the disease as the population ages. Therapies commonly used to manage
the disease have limited efcacy and some carry signicant risks. Current data suggest that the
anti-inammatory cytokine IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) can alter the inammatory response
and cartilage erosion present in OA. Intra-articular gene expression of IL-1Ra has shown promising
results in animal models to provide symptomatic improvement and minimize osteoarthritic
changes. Orthogen AG (Dusseldorf, Germany) has developed a method to produce an autologous
conditioned serum (ACS) rich in IL-1Ra marketed as Orthokine

. Study participants treated with

ACS have improved pain and function; however, these results are preliminary and need
conrmation. If ongoing trials prove that ACS can retard cartilage degeneration and reduce
inammation, the management of OA would be dramatically altered, perhaps providing a
mechanism to prevent the disease or at least its progression.
KEYWORDS: autologous conditioned serum IL-1 receptor antagonist Orthokine

Treatment of knee
osteoarthritis with

autologous conditioned serum
Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 6(3), 335345 (2010)



336 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 6(3), (2010)
Fox & Stephens Drug Prole
an hour with progressive improvement during the day, and dis-
ability due to loss of function and an inability to perform routine
daily activities.
The greatest risk factor for OA is aging. In 2000, an esti-
mated 9.6% of men and 18% of women over 60 years of age
had symptom atic OA [1]. With age being the greatest risk factor
for acquiring OA, the burden of disease will only increase as the
population ages. In the USA, if current trends persist, by 2050
approximately 25 million people will suffer signicant daily activ-
ity limitations as a result of OA [6]. By 2050, those over 60 years of
age are estimated to represent approximately 33% of the popula-
tion in Europe and approximately 27% in North America. The
greatest growth will be seen in those 80 years of age and above,
with a greater than 100% increase anticipated by 2050 [7,8].
A substantial part of the workforce will also be affected, with a
third of the cases of OA affecting those between 45 and 64 years
of age. Approximately 25% of persons over the age of 55 years
experience knee pain most days of the month [9]. During a 2-week
period, workers in the USA aged 4065 years experiencing pain
related to OA had more lost wages and time off work than workers
without exacerbations. These costs were estimated at over US$7
billion per year. Approximately 66% of this amount was attributed
to only 38% of the surveyed workforce [10]. Other costs related to
the disorder are direct costs attributable to hospital and outpatient
visits, medications, home health services and assistive devices [11].
There are some modiable and nonmodiable risk factors for
OA. Under the age of 45 years, the risk of OA is more common in
men. The risk rises and is more common in women after 55 years
of age. It is more likely to affect those with obesity, advancing age,
sports interests such as running, prior joint injuries, particular
employment histories, especially farming, and those with a genetic
predisposition [1].
Osteoarthritis patterns vary along ethnic and cultural lines.
Black people from Jamaica, South Africa, Nigeria and Liberia,
as well as Asians, have a lower hip OA prevalence compared with
Europeans. In some Native American populations, particularly
the Blackfoot and the Pima nations, there is less OA despite a
generally heavier body habitus compared with white people [12].
In the Beijing Osteoarthritis Study, it was postulated that greater
knee height as measured at 90 in a sitting position in persons over
60 years of age correlated with more severe knee pain as a result
of mechanical forces exerted along the cartilaginous surfaces. In
this mixed gender group, more knee pain was observed in persons
with higher knee height, especially in women [13].
Single joint OA, although unusual, does exist; however, when
multiple joints are affected, everyday activities such as ambulation
become more difcult to perform as a result of the pain, swelling
and stiffness associated with the disease, resulting in poorer qual-
ity of life outcomes [2]. Persons with single disease of the knee or
foot were 14-times more likely to experience functional disability
than those without knee disease. Notably, those who had multiple
joint disease (hip, knee, feet and back) were 60-times more likely
to experience difculties with standing and walking [2]. Chronic
diseases in general result in impaired functioning across various
physical, mental and psychosocial parameters. Psychological and
behavioral coping methods impact pain perception in knee OA and
signicantly impact disability [14]. Musculoskeletal conditions have
been linked to poorer quality of life parameters than cardio vascular,
neurologic, endocrine and renal diseases, primarily as a result of
physical impairment, disability and poorer life satisfaction [3].
Osteoarthritis not only affects the sufferer but also has a sig-
nicant impact on healthcare costs, employer costs and job per-
formance. These are divided into direct and indirect costs. Direct
costs attributable to arthritis include hospital and outpatient vis-
its, pharmaceuticals, home health services and assistive devices.
In 7579-year-olds with OA, prescription drug costs were 102%
higher than a similar cohort without the disease and their out-
patient visits were more than doubled [11]. Similar high costs were
noted in this earlier trial for persons with a diagnosis of OA with
increases seen in the areas of diagnostic testing, physician visits
and other direct medical costs. Prescriptions were substantially
more signicant in those with OA than in those without this
diagnosis [15]. Indirect costs include lost wages and work absences.
A community-based study in Ontario, Canada found similar
in direct costs resulting from lost wages and inability to perform
activities of daily living as identied in the USA; however, addi-
tional costs identied were for informal caregivers, primarily in
those with other comorbidities and more severe OA. Incorporation
of the value of these informal caregivers signicantly increases the
economic burden of the disease [16]. In Ontario, the estimated
total annual cost per person living with OA was approximately
US$5700 from May 1999 to May 2000. This was divided into
US$3952 annually as direct costs, with 39% being for prescription
drugs and US$1760 per year as indirect costs with 4% being time
lost from work [17]. Similar results were reported by the CDC when
they explored both national and state-specic direct and indirect
costs of OA in 2003 and discovered that these totaled US$128
billion dollars or US$1752 per person of direct costs and US$1590
per person of lost wages among working adults [18].
Market overview
Osteoarthritis affects all aspects of life for each person with the
disease. There is chronic pain with intermittent acute exacer-
bations, reduced function, disability and reduced quality of life.
For those employed, there are lost wages and absenteeism due to the
acute exacerbations of the disease. As the population ages globally,
healthcare costs will escalate. With pain being the most prevalent
and limiting factor, most current therapy choices attempt to reduce
pain, improve function and reduce exacerbations. Individual joint
OA substantially impacts pain and function but this is magnied
when multiple joints are involved; therefore, those therapies that
address multiple joints would be expected to have the greatest
impact. Current recommendations for management of OA are
based on available evidence and expert opinion.
Both the European League against Rheumatism and the
Osteoarthritis Research Society International convened an expert
review committee and developed guidelines for the manage ment of
hip and knee OA. Each recommends a combination of nonpharma-
cological and pharmacological modalities. Both committees agree
that education, exercise and knee bracing are nonpharmacological


Drug Prole Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with Orthokine

-derived autologous conditioned serum

options proven to assist with personal manage ment of the disease.
Weight loss is recommended for those patients with hip or knee
OA who are overweight. In addition, each guideline recommends
acetaminophen as the initial drug therapy and the preferred long-
term oral analgesic if the medication is tolerated and effectively
controls the pain [1921]. However, concerns regarding acetamino-
phen and potential hepatotoxicity at current therapeutic dosages
seriously impact its chronic use [22].
Nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs and selective cyclo-
oxygenase-2 inhibitors taken orally or applied topically are
recommended for those patients who are unresponsive to acet-
aminophen. Unfortunately, these medications taken orally can
precipitate severe adverse events such as gastrointestinal hemor-
rhage in some patients or can be contraindicated in others, leaving
few choices to control pain and suffering. Intra-articular injec-
tions of steroids have demonstrated a reduction in pain from 14
weeks postinjection, especially if triamcinolone is used; however,
there are no head-to-head studies to recommend a particular
steroid preparation. It is not considered a long-term treatment
option [1921,23].
Intra-articular injections of hyaluronate (HA) may be consid-
ered in patients who have been unresponsive to nonpharmaco-
logical or drug therapy. However, recent reviews of the literature
reveal contradictory evidence regarding its effectiveness and have
questioned the long-term efcacy of this therapy to alter the pro-
gression of the disease [19,20]. HA has a similar onset of action
for reduction of pain as intra-articular steroids but there is sus-
tained improvement at 1426 weeks. Neither steroids nor HA
demonstrated effectiveness at 1 year [23].
Many studies have examined the effectiveness of glucosamine
and/or chondroitin sulfate to improve pain and function in knee
OA. In general, glucosamine therapy has failed to demonstrate
consistent improvement in the pain, function, and stiffness asso-
ciated with OA, with many trials demonstrating manufacturer
bias [24]. Indeed, there seems to be little evidence to support the
use of glucosamine hydrochloride [25], however, there is some
evidence supporting the use of glucosamine sulfate in combina-
tion with chondroitin sulfate to improve pain and function, with
some trials also suggesting a chondroprotective effect. Generally,
glucosamine and chondroitin are well tolerated with minimal
side effects that primarily consist of gastrointestinal upset [21,26].
Narcotics can help to control pain but should be limited to those
with severe pain that cannot be controlled with other therapeutic
options. There is insufcient evidence for chronic narcotics in the
management of the pain and disability of knee OA; however, they
are widely used in clinical practice when either non-steroidal anti-
inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen are ineffective
or contraindicated. There is evidence that the use of opioids can
reduce the amount of NSAIDs required. Total knee arthroplasty
is available for those with refractory pain and markedly reduced
function despite a combination of medications and nonpharma-
cological therapies. This is especially true for patients with reduc-
tions in health-related quality of life parameters [1921]. As new
information regarding the pathophysiology of OA is emerging,
biochemical therapies are dominating current research.
Knee OA is a degenerative disease that ultimately leads to joint
destruction. The pathophysiology of the disease is probably
multi factorial, encompassing mechanical stresses, genetics and
an imbalance between anabolic and catabolic mechanisms and
inammatory mediators. As the disease progresses, there is car-
tilage erosion and synovial inammation [27]. Chondrocytes and
synovial cells produce increased levels of proinammatory cyto-
kines, particularly IL-1 and TNF-a, which increase catabolic
activity and reduce collagen synthesis, ultimately resulting in
the destruction of articular cartilage. IL-1b is the predominant
cytokine produced and with TNF-a stimulates the production of
additional cytokines, namely IL-6 and IL-8 [28]. IL-1b stimulates
chondrocytes to produce inducible nitric oxide synthase, cycloox-
ygenase type 2 and type 2 phospholipase A, resulting in the pro-
duction of nitric oxide, prostaglandin-E2 and platelet-activating
factor. These mediators promote articular cartilage degradation
as seen in OA by inhibiting proteoglycan and collagen synthesis
and activating matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Nitric oxide
has been implicated in chondrocyte apoptosis and MMPs cleave
collagen [2931]. MMP-13 is abundant in OA and, therefore, may
play a more important role in OA due to its preferential degra-
dation of Type II collagen. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase
with thrombospondin motifs are responsible for the degradation
of cartilage proteoglycan, aggrecan, which is a major component
of cartilage, giving elasticity and compressibility to the matrix.
Loss of aggrecan impairs the weight-bearing function of the car-
tilage. Two forms of degraded aggrecan have been discovered in
the synovial uid of patients with OA [30,32]. Anti-inammatory
or inhibitory cytokines normally produced include IL-4, IL-10,
IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) and interferon [33].
As previously mentioned, IL-1b is the predominant cytokine
produced and is synthesized as a 31-kDa precursor and con-
verted by IL-1b-converting enzyme (also known as caspase-1)
to the mature 17.7-kDa active form. IL-1 mediates its activity
by afnity to two receptors, type I and type II. The type I
receptor has a higher afnity to IL-1a while the type II recep-
tor has a higher attraction for IL-1b. The IL-1 receptor type
II lacks a cytoplasmic domain and binds IL-1 but no signal
is transmitted. This is termed a decoy receptor. In addition,
IL-1 receptor type II preferentially binds IL-1b and prevents it
from binding to the functional type I receptor and the acces-
sory protein [31]. Interestingly, there are a larger number of type
I IL-1 receptors in the chondrocytes and synovial cells in OA,
thereby explaining the increased sensitivity of these cells to IL-1.
TNF-a, although less potent and present in smaller quanti-
ties, is believed to play a pivotal role in matrix degradation and
synovitis. The precursor protein has 76 amino acids with cleav-
age by a TNF-a-converting enzyme, resulting in the 17-kDa
secreted protein. IL-6 and IL-8 are believed to be involved in
the pathological process of OA. The function of IL-6 is not fully
known. It may increase inammatory cells in the synovium,
stimulate the propagation of chondrocyte tissue and increase the
production of MMPs. IL-6 may also stimulate the production of
IL-1Ra and activate NF-kb [34]. IL-8 exerts its effects primarily



338 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 6(3), (2010)
Fox & Stephens Drug Prole
on neutrophils, resulting in their movement and production
of oxygen free radicals like nitric oxide. IL-8 may also play an
important role in acute inammation [27,35].
Anti-inammatory cytokines are also present in abundance in
the synovial membrane, synovial uid and cartilage in patients
with OA. Examples include IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13. Important
properties of these cytokines are the reduction of IL-1b, TNF-a
and MMPs, and the increased production of IL-1Ra [27]. IL-1Ra
was rst reported in 1985 and was discovered in human macro-
phages cultured on IgG and eventually in macrophages in the
synovium in OA [24]. The human IL-1Ra gene was mapped to
band q14-q21 in the long arm of chromosome 2. Three structural
variants have been identied: a 17-kDa form secreted from mono-
cytes (sIL-1Ra); an 18-kDa form that remains in the cytoplasm
of keratino cytes (icIL-1Ra); and a 16-kDa form discovered intra-
cellularly in neutrophils, monocytes and hepatocytes [36]. Later,
the IL-1Ra genome was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli
producing the 18-kDa molecule. An identical IL-1Ra protein
was made by stimulation of human monocytes with granulocyte
colony -stimulating factor [35,37,38]. As the factors responsible for
the development of OA become well understood, thera peutic
agents targeting aspects of the pathophysiological pathways have
attracted particular interest. Such areas of interest include the
inhibition of cytokines, particularly IL-1b, which seems to be
the principal cytokine responsible for the inammatory changes
found in OA, and the MMPs, which play a role in the degradation
of the cartilage matrix.
Introduction to the drug
Since intravenous, intramuscular and oral routes of medication
delivery offer poor access to joints and risk systemic effects, intra-
articular delivery has become a targeted method of medication
delivery in therapeutic research for knee OA. Gene expression
of IL-1Ra has been an area of interest in treating OA as a means
to circumvent the short half-life of recombinant IL-1Ra directly
injected into affected joints [39,40]. Intra-articular gene expres-
sion of IL-1Ra was rst successfully transferred via synovial cells
into normal rabbit joints [41]. Subsequently, additional studies
have focused on the efcacy of IL-1Ra on structural changes and
production of IL-1Ra at selected joints in animal models. One
study used a plasmid vector to introduce canine IL-1Ra into sur-
gically induced menisectomies in rabbit knees and another used
an adenoviral vector to transfer equine IL-1Ra into horses with
osteochondral defects representative of human OA. In both stud-
ies arthritic changes were markedly minimized, horse lameness
was improved and IL-1Ra levels were augmented for approxi-
mately 4 weeks after the intra-articular injections [42,43]. Two
other animal OA model experiments utilized ex vivo delivery of
human IL-1Ra via autologous synovial cells. Cells were cultured
and genetically modied by a retrovirus and reintroduced into
the animal OA models, one in rabbits and the other in dogs. Gene
expression of IL-1Ra was present 14 days after implantation in
the rabbits along with reduced cartilage severity and degrada-
tion, with similar results in the surgically induced canine OA
model [44,45].
Human recombinant interleukin receptor antagonist (IL-1ra)
is structurally related to IL-1b and IL-1a and weighs 18 kDa [28].
It is currently approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Chevalier et al. performed two studies utilizing IL-1ra [46,47]. The
rst was to determine its safety and the second sought to deter-
mine its efcacy in symptomatic knee OA. There were no adverse
events in either study; however, there was also no signicant clini-
cal improvement in OA symptoms. Pharmacokinetic data revealed
that IL-1ra has a half-life of approximately 4 h after intra-articular
injection [46,47]. Previous methods for induction of IL-1Ra are con-
sidered too laborious and time intensive to be used therapeutically;
however, the potential benets of IL-1Ra to alter progression of OA
by neutralizing proinammatoy cytokines remains under investi-
gation. This theoretical benet led to the development of a novel
method of producing an endogenous source of IL-1Ra, autologous
conditioned serum (ACS), marketed as Orthokine

AG, Dusseldorf, Germany). It is also referred to as IL-1Ra protein,
especially when used in the management of equine OA. Orthokine
is the medical device (syringe) used to produce the ACS containing
anti-inammatory cytokines, particularly IL-1Ra.
The method for production of ACS by Orthokine is the same for
horses and humans. The following is the method as described by
Meijer et al. [48]. First, 5060 ml of blood is collected into spe-
cial syringes containing 200 medical-grade glass beads. The glass
beads are washed with distilled water and the surface of the beads
incubated with chromium sulfate for 5 min. The beads are washed
again with distilled water until the pH is equal to that of distilled
water. Sterilization occurs by autoclaving or g-radiation. The whole-
blood syringes are incubated aseptically at 37C with 5% CO
24 h and then centrifuged for 10 min. From the syringes, 10 ml
of serum is removed and stored at -20C. After this process the
serum is injected into the affected joint of the patient. A cell-sur-
face interaction stimulates monocytes to generate cytokines. Meijer
et al. measured the cytokine content of the serum and screened
it for contaminants and infectious diseases such as hepatitis and
syphilis [48]. Via this method, they found no signicant increase
in the proinammatory cytokines IL-1b or TNF-a; however, anti-
inammatory cytokines IL-4, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-1Ra were recov-
ered starting at 30 min. Multiple growth factors such as TGF-b,
insulin-like growth factor 1 and PDGF were also recovered [49,50].
At 24 h, Meijer et al. demonstrated a signicant increase in levels
of IL-4 from 8.1 2.1 pg/ml (time 0 h) to 17.2 2.8 pg/ml, while
IL-10 increased from 4.1 1.1 pg/ml to 8.9 1.2 pg/ml; thus, both
increased by a factor of 2. However, IL-1Ra increased by a factor of
140, as indicated by levels of 73 8 pg/ml at 0 h which increased to
levels of 10254 165 pg/ml at 24 h. Only serum proteins, glucose
and potassium levels were measured before and after incubation
as a means of evaluating blood cell integrity. Serum protein levels
were unchanged. Glucose was reduced by a third from 94 6 to
35 3.9 mg/dl. This was believed to indicate ongoing cellular
metabolic activity and cell survival. Potassium levels increased from
4.4 0.094 mmol/l to 8.6 0.62 mmol/l. This indicated a moder-
ate degree of hemolysis and was felt to be a typical nding after


Drug Prole Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with Orthokine

-derived autologous conditioned serum

incubation at 37C [48]. ACS may not only act via the induction of
anti-inammatory cytokines, IL-1Ra, but also via the induction
of growth factors. ACS has been shown to accelerate the healing
of muscle tissue after trauma in animal models and in professional
sports athletes [51,52].
Pharmacodynamics & pharmacokinetics/metabolism
There is no information available specically for Orthokine-
produced ACS in the areas of pharmacodynamics or pharmaco-
kinetics of the product since its foundation is venous blood taken
from the future recipient of the prepared serum and contains nor-
mally occurring biological products. This was conrmed via com-
munication with Orthogen AG. No studies could be located that
determined the elimination of ACS after intra-articular injection,
only that of human recombinant IL-1ra, as noted previously.
Clinical efcacy
Animal studies
Studies have been conducted in equine and human OA models.
Two small studies in equine OA models using IL-1Ra revealed
clinical improvement as evidenced by improved lameness when
compared with placebo and increased levels of IL-1Ra as assessed
by mouse IL-1Ra antibody but not when assessed by human
IL-1Ra antibody [53,54]. One study of 16 horses with surgically
induced unilateral mid-carpal joint OA demonstrated improve-
ment in synovial hyperplasia at 70 days in the ACS treatment
group compared with the saline group. Either 6 ml of ACS or
saline was injected into the affected joint on days 14, 21, 28 and
35. On day 14, an exercise program of 5 days per week for the
remaining 8 weeks of the study was initiated. There were no
observed adverse events. Interestingly, in this study, no measur-
able levels of IL-1Ra were found in the prepared ACS assessed by
human IL-1Ra antibody as has been reported in other studies [53].
In a similar study involving 16 horses divided equally into ACS
and saline groups, OA was unilaterally surgically induced in a
middle carpal joint. On day 7, blood was obtained from each
horse and ACS prepared according to the manufacturers instruc-
tions. On days 14, 21, 28 and 35, 6 ml of the prepared serum or
saline was injected into the affected joint and all were exercised on
treadmills 5 days per week for 8 weeks starting on day 15. There
was a signicant reduction in lameness and reduced osteochondral
erosion and synovial hyperplasia in the ACS-treated group. In
this study, there was a signicant increase in IL-1Ra in the ACS-
treated joints when assayed by mouse IL-1Ra antibody, but not
human IL-1Ra antibody. No adverse events were reported [54].
A larger equine study enrolled 262 horses with resistant OA that
had previously been treated with HA or glucocorticoids in the
affected joints. The horses were given two or three injections of
2 ml of ACS separated by 812 days. Different joints were treated in
this study. Treatment joints and numbers were as follows: 110 cofn
joints, 87 fetlock joints, 26 carpal joints, 33 hock joints and six hip
joints. Either elimination of or improvement in lameness was seen
in 221 of the 262 horses in the study 6 weeks after treatment. At
12 weeks, 178 horses still had no evidence of lameness. No adverse
events or reactions were recorded after any of the injections [55]. A
smaller study of 20 horses unresponsive to HA or cortisone therapy
produced similar results, with 17 out of 20 returning to full activity
3 months after ACS treatment [56]. These favorable results in the
management of equine OA led to trials in humans.
Human studies
Owing to the autologous nature of the procedure, no specic Phase
trials have been completed. This was conrmed by communication
with the manufacturer. However, two human trials were located
that evaluated the efcacy of ACS in symptomatic OA of the knee
utilizing Orthokine. The method for adminis tration of ACS was the
same in each trial and as recommended by the manufacturer. The
study knee was cleansed with alcohol and draped in a sterile fashion.
A 21-gauge needle was placed supero-laterally and the synovial uid
removed. The needle was left in place and 2 ml of Orthokine-derived
ACS was injected through a 22-m pore sterile lter [57,58].
The rst prospective study to evaluate the efcacy of ACS pro-
duced by this syringe was placebo-controlled and patient-and
observer-blinded with an intention-to-treat ana lysis. The study is
known as the German Orthokine Osteoarthritis Trial (GOAT).
Outcomes were measured using the Western Ontario and
McMaster Universities (WOMAC) Index, the visual analogue scale
(VAS) self-assessment for pain, global patient assessment and the
SF-8 Health Survey Questionnaire. The WOMAC is a 24-ques-
tion validated survey assessing pain, function and mobility. The
global patient assessment incorporates pain, function, emotional
effects of disease and physician assessment sections. The study was
designed to detect a 20% change in the WOMAC between ACS
and HA and between HA and saline. Participants were recruited
from ve orthopedic clinics between October 2003 and July 2004.
Key inclusion criteria were as follows: at least 30 years of age, will-
ing to discontinue all analgesics for 6 months, a clinical diagnosis
of OA for at least 3 months along with Grade 23 radiographic OA
as determined by KellgrenLawrence criteria and a VAS score of at
least 50 mm. Participants could have had previous surgical inter-
vention on the affected knee if at least 3 months had elapsed prior to
injections starting. Those with Grade IV OA were excluded, along
with women who were pregnant or lactating and those with other
arthropathies, cancer, abnormal laboratory values and a history of
substance abuse. There were 464 patients screened for inclusion
with 65 excluded for not meeting one of the inclusion criteria of
at least 50 on a 100-mm VAS. Only 376 patients were eligible for
randomization into one of three intention-to-treat groups: an ACS
treatment group, a HA treatment group or a saline group [57].
A 3-week washout period for all analgesics started on the day of
inclusion. Only acetaminophen could be used as rescue medica-
tion. No NSAIDs were allowed. The observer was blinded to the
treatment group, although the physician administering the intra-
articular injections was not. All participants had 50 ml of venous
blood withdrawn. The blood of those in the HA or saline group
was discarded. The blood of those in the ACS group was prepared
for injection by Orthogen as described previously and screened
for hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis. All participants saw a
physician twice per week for 3 weeks. The saline and HA groups
received one intra-articular injection in the affected knee each week



340 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 6(3), (2010)
Fox & Stephens Drug Prole
and topical heparin-natrium cream was applied on the second visit
of the week, while the ACS group received two injections per week
for 3 consecutive weeks. Outcome assessments were performed at
baseline and then at weeks 7, 13 and 26. Those in the ACS group
performed better in all WOMAC subscales (p < 0.001) than those
in the HA or saline groups, with no differences between the saline
and HA groups. The VAS scores were lowest in the ACS group
with at least a 50% improvement at week 26 (p < 0.001) but were
also signicantly reduced in the HA and saline groups, although
by lesser amounts, at 32 and 33%, respectively. In the SF-8 health
survey, the ACS group had demonstrated the greatest improvement
compared with either control group (p < 0.001). There were no dif-
ferences in use of rescue medications among the study groups and
adverse events were limited to local reactions in all groups. None of
the reactions in the ACS group required intervention. Of note for
this study, 60% of the participants had undergone previous knee
surgery. This 6-month study concluded that ACS was an effective
alternative therapy for the improvement of pain and function in
symptomatic knee OA; however, the results are preliminary and
require conrmation. The results should be considered in light of
the differences in the treatment arms. The ACS group received
two injections per week while the HA and saline groups received
only one. This trial was not designed to evaluate any disease- or
structure-modifying effect of ACS [57].
At 2 years, 310 of the 345 patients in this trial were traced and re-
evaluated by a blinded observer. A total of 122 of these patients had
sought other treatments such as surgery, medications or injections.
Statistically signicant differences for the ACS group over the HA
and saline groups persisted past the initial 6-month study in all
outcome parameters. For instance, WOMAC declined from 124 at
baseline in the ACS group to 58 at 2 years. The WOMAC was 88
and 84, respectively, for HA and saline. The VAS for ACS was 30
out of a scale of 100 from an average of 70 in the initial study. Pain
scores were 39 and 37 for the HA and saline groups, respectively.
Notably, the effects seen in the HA and saline groups also persisted
for the additional 18 months [59]. Another randomized controlled
trial (RCT) compared Orthokine-produced ACS with a saline con-
trol [58]. A total of 182 patients were enrolled from February 2004
to August 2005, however, 16 were excluded prior to injection. An
additional 14 patients were excluded from ana lysis due to adverse
events or protocol violations; therefore, an intention-to-treat ana-
lysis was not undertaken in this trial. The primary end point of
this trial was a 30% improvement in the WOMAC Index. In addi-
tion, patients were asked to complete the VAS for pain, the Knee
Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and the Knee
Society Clinical Rating System (KSCRS) at baseline and at 3, 6
and 12 months after injections. The validated KOOS and KSCRS
cover pain, other disease symptoms, function, sport and recreation,
and a range of motion parameters. This trial was conducted over
30 months at seven sites in The Netherlands. Participants were
enrolled from orthopedic ofces, and all participants were older
than 18 years with clinical evidence of OA and radiographic evi-
dence of OA by the KellgrenLawrence index. Some exclusion cri-
teria included other arthropathies, history of or current infectious
diseases, vascular or neurologic disorders, surgical or intra-articular
therapies within 6 months, coagulopathies and severe (Grade IV)
OA. All participants were subjected to the withdrawal of 50 ml
of venous blood and screened for hepatitis A and B and HIV.
After testing negative, the blood was prepared by the Orthogen
laboratory via the previously described Orthokine method and
returned for use after 1421 days in 2 ml vials at -20C. A series
of six injections were given over 3 weeks on days 0, 3, 7, 10, 14
and 21. This same schedule was used for those in the control arm.
The procedure for intra-articular injection of saline and ACS were
identical. Rescue medications were limited to acetaminophen up to
4 mg/day; however, 13 patients were placed into an NSAID group
in which these additional rescue medications were permitted. The
type and amount of NSAIDs was not specied. All rescue medica-
tions were to be discontinued 1 week before the scheduled follow-
up evaluation. The primary outcome measure of 30% reduction
in the WOMAC Index was not reached. Interestingly, both the
ACS and saline arms had signicant improvements in all outcome
measures (p < 0.001); however, the ACS group scores were con-
sistently higher, although they did not reach signicance. There
was statistically signicant improvement identied in the KOOS
symptomatology (p = 0.002) and the KOOS sport measured over
time (p = 0.042) compared with the saline treatment group. There
were statistically signicant differences identied in a secondary
data ana lysis of those allowed NSAIDS while receiving ACS treat-
ment in the KOOS sport parameters (p = 0.011) and the physician
section of the KSCRS (p = 0.005). Adverse events were relatively
equal between both groups. Although clinical improvement in
OA symptoms with Orthokine-derived ACS was suggested in this
trial, the primary outcome measure was not met. The clinical
relevance of these results is uncertain. Of particular concern is the
lack of intention-to-treat ana lysis, the unexplained use of NSAIDs
in a small group of participants, and the inuence of NSAIDs
on the results noted in the Orthokine plus NSAID group. The
chondroprotective effect of ACS was not evaluated in this RCT [58].
Safety & tolerability
The available data regarding the safety and tolerability of ACS
produced by the Orthokine method was acquired from the two
studies by Baltzer et al. and Yang et al. [57,58]. During these trials,
reactions were localized to the injection joint and were primarily
mild-to-moderate in nature. No infections occurred in any of the
three groups in the GOAT trial (the ACS, HA or saline group).
The only adverse reactions in the ACS group were pain and pres-
sure associated with the injection and all improved within 24 h and
required no further intervention [57]. There were 219 adverse events
reported in the RCT by Yang et al. [58]. These were primarily local
reactions and most were associated with an increase in joint pain
during the procedure. A total of 162 events were knee related. These
were described as pain, swelling and local irritation. There were
two serious adverse drug events that occurred in the ACS study
participants. One patient developed septic arthritis; this event was
attributed to the injection procedure rather than the study sample
because the ACS was administered via a 0.22-m sterile lter and
there was no microbiological evidence of bacterial contamination
of the serum prior to administration. Another patient in the ACS


Drug Prole Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with Orthokine

-derived autologous conditioned serum

study group developed a recurrent severe inammatory reaction
demonstrated by pain, swelling and increased warmth within
hours after three injections, which necessitated withdrawal. Other
musculoskeletal adverse events included other joint pain such as
hip or shoulder pain, back pain, and systemic events such as inu-
enza, headache and pneumonia. No details were provided regard-
ing the duration of symptoms. Notably, there were no statistically
signicant differences between the ACS and saline groups except
that there was more back pain in the saline group (p = 0.009) [58].
The cost of the procedure depends upon the number of syringes
used during the procedure and the number of injections. Usually
three to six injections are used. There is no xed reimbursement
for this procedure, therefore charges may vary by physician. The
cost is approximately US$6751350 for three and six injections,
respectively, at the current exchange rate from Euros to Dollars.
These pricing schemes were supplied by Orthogen AG.
Regulatory status
The biologic preparation of ACS produced via the Orthokine
method has been available for clinical use since 1998 and marketed
by Orthogen AG, a biopharmaceutical group of companies. The
European Commission approved the medical device in February
2006, and it later became available to clinicians in Australia and
some Asian countries. Application was also apparently made to
the US FDA in 2006 but remains under investigation and to
this date has not received approval in the USA. Because the use
of ACS falls within the physician scope of practice, it does not
require drug approval, but rather the syringe requires approval for
distribution [101,102]. Orthogen AG has recently received clearance
concerning athletic doping. Reportedly, athletes must declare
use of the Orhtokine method but no prior approval is required.
Osteoarthritis is a common problem that is increasing in preva-
lence. Current therapies are costly and many are only marginally
effective. Inadequately treated disease leads to poor quality of life
and adversely impacts the work force. This new therapy seems
generally safe and may be an effective alternative for clinicians to
consider depending on cost and availability of processing; how-
ever, the results and effectiveness of this product remain uncon-
rmed. More data are required before it can be recommended.
The chondroprotective effect of this product needs to be studied.
Expert commentary
Patients with OA suffer pain, reduced quality of life and functional
impairment. The disease has a signicant economic impact. Past
research and recommended treatment options have focused primar-
ily on pain relief based on the premise that OA was a wear and
tear degenerative process, with a perceived inability to really alter
the course of the disease. In fact, most of the therapies currently
recommended for management of the symptoms lack support-
ing evidence and much is based on expert opinion. As more and
improved therapies have been investigated, the theories regarding
the pathophysiology of OA have evolved. It likely has a multifactorial
etiology; therefore, combination therapy targeting different mecha-
nisms is most advantageous. This includes pharmaceutical medi-
cations, assistive devices and bracing, exercise and conditioning,
weight control, patient education and behavioral modication.
Current research suggests that OA has many similarities to
an inammatory arthritis, along with the degenerative changes
to the synovium and cartilage erosion. Inammatory mediators
produced by chondrocytes and synovial cells reduce cartilage
synthesis and increase its degradation. As the disease advances,
proinammatory cytokine production exceeds the production of
anti-inammatory cytokines and results in an imbalance of the
catabolic and anabolic steady state. Therapies aimed at reducing
the effects or production of the proinammatory cytokines could
greatly alter the course of the disease. One proposed therapy is
ACS produced by the Orthokine method. An advantage of this
method is that it is convenient and produced from the blood of
the recipient. This potentially limits adverse events. It is delivered
intra-articularly, which places the therapy at an affected joint and
has shown efcacy in managing the clinical signs and symptoms
of single-joint OA, particularly pain and function. There appear
to be additional benets from ACS besides the increase in anti-
inammatory cytokines, although these are yet to be determined.
Despite promising early results in humans and successful utiliza-
tion in veterinary medicine to treat equine OA in Europe, these
results are preliminary and require conrmation. Because of this,
it is unlikely that ACS will soon enjoy widespread acceptance
and utilization in the USA. It will most likely be relegated to
those patients that have failed more conventional therapies and are
not candidates for surgical intervention. The imbalance in cyto-
kine production, the cartilage destruction and the accompanying
signs of inammation have caused the emergence of a new area of
research in OA, namely gene therapy. Therapies and interventions
that retard cartilage erosion or replace damage cartilage will be
the focus of future research. Orthokine-derived ACS could pro-
vide an immediately available method of providing cost-effective
IL-1Ra with low risk for those with knee OA, providing pain
control, improved function and the potential to retard the carti-
lage destruction. More studies are needed utilizing this method
for producing ACS to evaluate its effectiveness in OA. Ideally,
strategies aimed at prevention would be superior.
Five-year view
There currently is no cure for OA but great strides have been made
in attaining a greater understanding of the pathophysiology of the
disease. There has been extensive work performed evaluating the
biochemical mechanisms of the chondrocyte, its differentiation
and apoptosis [60]. This has led to extensive research targeting the
inammatory response in OA and its structural modications.
There are ongoing trials evaluating therapies that attack inamma-
tion. One such medication under investigation is diacerein, whose
active metabolite rhein is an IL-1 inhibitor. Diacerein in doses of
50 mg twice daily has been shown to produce a signicant reduc-
tion in joint space width (0.5 mm) over a 3-year period in patients
with hip OA. Lengthier studies will be needed to determine if



342 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 6(3), (2010)
Fox & Stephens Drug Prole
this result is reproducible in knee OA. In another study utiliz-
ing diacerein, a dose of 100 mg per day signicantly improved
pain with motion when compared with placebo [61]. However, a
Cochrane systematic review found that diacerein use resulted in
small improvements in pain and slowed the progression of hip OA
but not knee OA [62]. This could become a helpful add-on therapy
for those requiring incremental interventions to control symptoms
but more studies are required to determine its effectiveness.
Another area of interest is antibiotics with anti-inammatory
action. Laboratory studies suggest that doxycycline may inhibit
MMPs and reduce the production of IL-1 and IL-6 in chondro-
cytes harvested from human articular cartilage [61]. A large RCT
recently completed and sponsored by the NIH found that doxy-
cycline signicantly slowed the rate of radiographically-deter-
mined joint space narrowing in established knee OA at 30 months
but had no effect on the contralateral knee, suggesting that some
other pathomechanism is at work there [63]. A Cochrane system-
atic review found no evidence to support its use as a disease-
modifying agent in hip or knee OA [64]. Additional research into
this and other medications that possess anti-inammatory activity
and potentially have fewer serious adverse events is expected.
Gene therapy remains an area of interest with its success in other
inammatory arthropathies and the nding that osteogenesis is
amenable to gene therapy. Additional trials are ongoing evaluat-
ing the delivery and effectiveness of anti-inammatory cytokines
and determining which genes are most appropriate, how to deliver
them and by what method. The use of growth factors, specically
TGF-b, in OA is currently undergoing clinical trials [65]. TGF-b
has been shown to be crucial to cartilage repair and its reduction
or absence results in changes consistent with OA; therefore, it is
being recognized as a potential therapy for repair or prevention of
cartilage damage [66,67]. There is a Phase I trial currently underway
in the USA using a TGF-b product developed by TissueGene,
Inc. (MD, USA). A similar trial has been completed by Kolon
Life Sciences, a subsidiary of Kolon, a biochemical company in
Korea, in cooperation with TissueGene, Inc. A total of 12 patients
with Grade IV knee OA in Korea and four in the USA have been
treated with TGF-b inserted into human articular chondrocytes
via a retroviral vector. TGF-b is transferred into the affected joint
by direct intra-articular injection. The effect of using allogenic cells
for gene transfer on the trial outcome has yet to be determined.
Reportedly, there have been no adverse events in these initial tri-
als and a Phase II trial has begun in Korea. The primary outcome
measured in this study will be symptomatic improvement in OA
symptoms, with a secondary outcome of cartilage regeneration
evaluated by MRI [65,103,104]. The results of the initial Phase I trials
should be published soon.
Matrix metalloproteinases have frequently been considered
for the treatment of OA. Severe dose-dependent musculoskeletal
side effects (MSS) have limited their utility in humans. These
side effects were thought to be the result of nonselective inhibi-
tion. MMP-13 was targeted since it is specically expressed in
the cartilage of human OA and readily cleaves type II collagen.
An MMP-13 inhibitor has shown promise as a disease -modifying
agent in the treatment of OA in one animal model of OA [68].
Baragi et al. performed selective assays utilizing bovine and human
articular cartilage incubated with IL-1a and oncostatin M for
11 and 21 days, respectively. Type I and II collagen degradation
markers, the carboxyl-terminus cleaved by collagenase, were
measured in these cultures by the C1,2C assay. A rat model of
monoiodoacetate-induced OA was used to evaluate the effects of
MMP-13 inhibition on pain reduction and inhibition of cartilage
degradation. In addition, surgically induced OA (full thickness cut
of medial meniscus) in rats was used to evaluate the chondropro-
tective effects of a MMP-13 inhibitor. This same rat model was
used to assess the MSS of MMP inhibitors. A selective MMP-13
inhibitor was identied termed ALS 1-0635 and evaluated with
ilomastat, a nonspecic MMP inhibitor, as a positive control
and a saline control. The results from this study are promising.
ALS 1-0635 inhibited bovine cartilage degradation in a dose-
dependent manner at 48.7% at 500 nM and 87.1% at 5000 nM,
compared with 96.8% at 50 nM ilomastat. Similar results were
obtained in human cartilage cultures: 62.8% at 500 nM and
78.3% at 5000 nM compared with 88.6% at 50 nM ilomastat.
Scores from two blinded observers found that ALS 1-0635 signi-
cantly reduced cartilage damage in monoiodoacetate-induced OA
at 41% (p < 0.05) in rats given 30 mg/kg administered twice daily.
The actual cartilage damage area was also signicantly reduced at
48% (p < 0.05). ALS 1-0635 also appeared to reduce joint pain
as evidenced by improvement in ability to bear weight on the
affected knee joint (p 0.05). Doses of ALS 1-0635 of 1, 10, 30
and 60 mg/kg twice daily resulted in a dose-dependent reduction
in cartilage degradation scores, with consistent benecial effects
noted at the 60 mg/kg dose (p < 0.05). Of special note, none of
the rats evaluated for MSS given 100 mg/kg/day of ALS 1-0635
exhibited any clinical signs or microscopic tissue changes char-
acteristic of MSS. This study describes a novel MMP inhibitor
that demonstrates selectivity and appears to be chondroprotec-
tive, improves joint pain and reduces cartilage degradation [68].
Ongoing research is expected with this MMP-13 inhibitor and
in the area of MMP inhibitors in general.
Information resources
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin
Arthritis Foundation:
Orthogen AG:
TissueGene Inc.:
Financial & competing interests disclosure
The authors have no relevant afliations or nancial involvement with any
organization or entity with a nancial interest in or nancial conict with
the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
Writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript. The
authors would like to thank Ivy Click for her assistance in preparation of
the manuscript for submission.


Drug Prole Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with Orthokine

-derived autologous conditioned serum

Papers of special note have been highlighted as:
of interest
1 Woolf AD, Peger B. Burden of major
musculoskeletal conditions. Bull. World
Health Organ. 81, 646656 (2003).
2 Keenan AM, Tennant A, Fear J et al.
Impact of multiple joint problems on daily
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3 Sprangers MA, de Regt EB, Andries F
et al. Which chronic conditions are
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4 Reginster J-Y. The prevalence and burden
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9 Felson DT. Clinical practice: osteoarthritis
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Review of the cytokine-mediated
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Key issues
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects millions of people worldwide, and many current therapies are costly and only marginally effective.
The pathomechanism of OA is multifactorial, involving inammatory mediators and resulting in cartilage erosion and
synovial inammation.
Some current research is focused on the use of anti-inammatory cytokines, particularly IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), delivered
intra-articularly via gene therapy and autologous methods.
Currently, Orthokine

(Orthogen AG, Dusseldorf, Germany) is the only method currently available to produce autologous conditioned
serum that is rich in the anti-inammatory cytokine IL-1Ra.
Current clinical data demonstrate that Orthokine-derived autologous conditioned serum improves pain and function and could be an
effective adjunct for those unresponsive to traditional therapies; however, results are only preliminary and need conrmation.
If chondroprotection and cartilage regeneration can be conrmed in human trials, Orthokine could become an effective alternative in
the prevention and management of OA. To date, there are no studies investigating these effects.



344 Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 6(3), (2010)
Fox & Stephens Drug Prole
28 Pelletier JP, McCollum R, Cloutier JM,
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Review of IL-1 receptor antagonist and
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et al. Safety study of intra-articular
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47 Chevalier X, Gopille P, Beaulieu AD et al.
Intraarticular injection of anakinra in
osteoarthritis of the knee: a multicenter,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-
controlled study. Arthritis Rheum. 61(3),
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48 Meijer H, Reinecke J, Becker C, Tholen G,
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physico-chemical induction. Inamm. Res.
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Detailed description of the manufacture
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49 Evans CH. Novel biological approaches to
the intra-articular treatment of osteoarthritis.
BioDrugs 19(6), 355362 (2005).
50 Wehling P, Moser C, Frisbee D et al.
Autologous conditioned serum in the
treatment of orthopedic diseases: the
orthokine therapy. BioDrugs 21(5),
323332 (2007).
Review of ACS and current
orthopedic uses.
51 Wright-Carpenter T, Opolon P, Appell HJ,
Meijer H, Wehling P, Mir LM. Treatment of
muscle injuries by local administration of
autologous conditioned serum: animal
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52 Wright-Carpenter T, Klein P,
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53 Frisbee DD, Kawcak CE,
McIlwraith CW. Evaluation of autologous
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Proc. Lame. Perform. Horse 51, 374375
54 Frisbee DD, Kawcak CE, Werpy NM,
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autologous conditioned serum in horses
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56 Osterdahl J. Evaluation of autologous
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57 Baltzer AW, Moser C, Jansen SA,
Krauspe R. Autologous conditioned serum
(Orthokine) is an effective treatment for
knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage
17, 152160 (2009).
Prospective trial of ACS in humans.
58 Yang KGA, Raijmakers NJH,
van Arkel ERA et al. Autologous
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist improves
function and symptoms in osteoarthritis
when compared to placebo in a
prospective randomized controlled trial.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage 16, 498505
Prospective trial of ACS in humans.
59 Moser C, Baltzer AW, Jansen SA,
Krauspe R. Efcacy of autologous
conditioned serum (ACS-Orthokine) in
osteoarthritis of the knee at two year
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