Biodiesel in A COFR

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Process intensication of biodiesel production

using a continuous oscillatory ow reactor

Adam P Harvey,* Malcolm R Mackley and Thomas Seliger

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, UK
Abstract: Oscillatory ow reactors (OFRs) are a novel type of continuous reactor, consisting of tubes
containing equally spaced orice plate bafes. An oscillatory motion is superimposed upon the net ow
of the process uid, creating ow patterns conducive to efcient heat and mass transfer, whilst
maintaining plug ow. Unlike conventional plug ow reactors, where a minimum Reynolds number
must be maintained, the degree of mixing is independent of the net ow, allowing long residence times
to be achieved in a reactor of greatly reduced length-to-diameter ratio. Many long residence time
processes are currently performed in batch, as conventional designs of plug ow reactor prove to be
impractical due to their high length-to-diameter ratios, which lead to problems such as high capital
cost, large footprint, high pumping costs and, also control is difcult. The OFRallows these processes
to be converted to continuous, thereby intensifying the process. The transesterication of various
natural oils to form biodiesel is a long reaction, usually performed in batch. Conversion to
continuous processing should improve the economics of the process, as the improved mixing should
generate a better product (rendering the downstream separation processes easier), at lower residence
time (reduction in reactor volume). These improvements can decrease the price of biodiesel, making
it a more realistic competitor to petrodiesel. This paper shows that it is feasible to perform this
reaction in an OFR at a lower residence time. The reaction was performed in a pilot-scale plant, using
rapeseed oil and methanol as the feedstocks, and NaOH as the catalyst.
# 2003 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: oscillatory ow; biodiesel; process intensication
D Diameter (m)
f Frequency (Hz)
m Viscosity (kgm
r Density (kgm
Net ow Reynolds number
Oscillatory Reynolds number
Str Strouhal number
v Velocity (m s
Centre-to-peak amplitude
y Velocity ratio
It was observed
that oscillatory ows through
geometries in which a surface was presented trans-
versely to the ow could produce uniform and efcient
mixing patterns. The optimal geometry for uniform
mixing of uid within a tube was found to be equally
spaced orice plates 1.5 tube diameters apart of 0.25
fractional open cross-sectional area.
In the resultant oscillatory ow reactor, each bafe
essentially behaves as a stirred tank, hence, if there are
enough bafes in series, a good approximation to plug
ow can be achieved. It has been shown
that the
residence time distribution depends upon the interac-
tion of the net and imposed oscillatory ows. The
dimensionless groups used to characterise the reactors
Figure 1. The oscillatory ow reactor.
(Received 11 June 2002; accepted 18 August 2002)
* Correspondence to: Adam P Harvey, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, New Museums Site, Pembroke Street,
Cambridge CB2 3RA, UK

Paper presented at the Process Innovation and Process Intensication Conference, 813 September 2002, Edinburgh, UK
Contract/grant sponsor: EPSRC
# 2003 Society of Chemical Industry. J Chem Technol Biotechnol 02682575/2003/$30.00 338
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology J Chem Technol Biotechnol 78:338341 (online: 2003)
DOI: 10.1002/jctb.782
behaviour are as follows:
Net flow Reynolds number: Re


Oscillatory Reynolds number: Re


Velocity ratio:
Strouhal number: Str
where r is the uid density, v, the net ow velocity, D,
the tube diameter, m, the viscosity, f, the oscillation
frequency and x
, the centre-to-peak amplitude. It was
shown that, if a velocity ratio of between approxi-
mately 4 and 10 were maintained, then a good
approximation to plug ow would be achieved. This
can be achieved along with heat transfer
and mass
transfer enhancement.
The OFR potentially has a number of niche
applications, but we are most interested in its ability
to perform long reactions in reactors of greatly
reduced length-to-diameter ratio. This is possible
because, unlike conventional PFRs, the mixing is no
longer directly dependent upon the Reynolds number
of the net ow through the reactor, but is instead
principally dependent upon the oscillation conditions.
The requirement for high velocities in conventional
PFRs to achieve Reynolds numbers which are high
enough for turbulence inescapably leads to designs of
reactor which are long and thin and are often
impractical. Hence, the OFR allows many long batch
processes to be converted to more efcient continuous
processes, where this was not previously considered
feasible or practical. A number of these processes have
been studied in the OFR already
and shown to be
viable, but this paper is concerned with a new process
for the OFR: the production of biodiesel. Biodiesel
refers to methyl or ethyl esters produced by trans-
esterifying the triglycerides that constitute most
natural oils and fats. Equation (5) shows the conver-
sion of triglycerides to methyl esters (biodiesel).
Triglyceride Methanol

Diglyceride Methyl Ester
Diglyceride Methanol

Monoglyceride Methyl Ester
Monoglyceride Methanol

Glycerol Methyl Ester
Overall: Triglyceride 3 Methanol

Glycerol 3 Methyl Ester
The molecules produced are typically of chain length
1622, and are thus suitable for use in modern diesel
engines The raw oils and fats themselves cannot be
used in a modern diesel engine, as their viscosity is too
high, but biodiesel can be used directly as a replace-
ment for diesel, as its viscosity is a factor of at least 6
lower than the feed vegetable oil. The same distribu-
tion infrastructure can be used for both fuels and they
can be blended together in any ratio.
As biodiesel comes from renewable sources, it is
considered to be CO
-neutral. Hence it does not add
to global warming. Using biodiesel rather than crude
oil-derived diesel is not only good for the environment
in terms of its effect on CO
, but also directly on air
quality, as biodiesel is a cleaner fuel than fossil fuel-
derived diesel, generating lower emissions of hydro-
carbons, particulates and carbon monoxide.
positive effect of biodiesel use, is that the wear on
engines is reduced, due to the greater lubricity of
Indeed many countries are introducing 2%
biodiesel blends, precisely for the improved lubri-
often to replace the lubricating effect of sulfur
compounds in low-sulfur diesel fuels.
Currently, the price of biodiesel derived from fresh
rapeseed oil in the UK is signicantly higher than the
price of crude oil-derived diesel, but there are other
economic factors to be taken into account, including
the use of waste oil as a feedstock, greater indepen-
dence and exibility of fuel supply, particularly for
nations which do not have large enough fossil fuel
resources, and the long term increase in the price of oil
as stocks diminish.
The reactor consisted of two vertically positioned
jacketed QVF tubes of 1.5m length and 25mm
internal diameter, connected at the top by an inverted
QVF U-tube, tted with a manually operated purge
valve. The overall internal volume of the reactor was
. Reactor temperature was maintained by a
Haake F6/B5 heater/circulator unit. The feeds were
pumped from the feed vessels using a twin-headed
positive-displacement metering pump. Temperatures
were maintained in the feed vessels and supply lines by
Eurotherm temperature controllers, regulating the
outputs to the hotplates beneath the feed vessels, and
the heating tapes around the supply lines respectively.
The uid oscillation was provided a nutating cam
arrangement. This unit is well suited for use in the
laboratory, as it allows full, instant control of both the
amplitude (017mm), controlled by the translational
motor, and the frequency (0.212Hz), controlled by
the rotational speed of the camshaft. The owsheet is
shown in Fig 2.
The molar ratio of methanol to rapeseed oil used was
maintained at 1.5 (a volumetric ratio of 0.2, due to the
higher molar density of methanol). It was necessary to
use an excess of methanol to move the equilibrium of
the reaction to the product side. Solid 98.62% pure
NaOH (32.4g) was dissolved in eachdm
of the
99.99% pure methanol feed. It was important to
J Chem Technol Biotechnol 78:338341 (online: 2003) 339
Process intensication of biodiesel production
minimise the amount of water present as it would
effectively be a poison to the reaction, by opening up
other reaction pathways, particularly saponication
reactions. The NaOH was mixed with the methanol
before each experiment for at least 1h at 40C in the
feed vessel. The feed vessel temperature would ideally
be reaction temperature (usually 50 or 60C) to reduce
the heating duty required between the feed vessel and
the reactor, thereby guaranteeing that the system was
isothermal, but this would lead to too great an
evaporative loss of methanol, which would change the
NaOH/methanol ratio, as well as being unsafe. The
rapeseed oil, as it was far less volatile, was kept at 60C
inits feed vessel. The mainfeedstock was pure rapeseed
oil, but a waste oil feedstock was also investigated.
All product samples were immediately quenched by
being placed in an ice-bath to prevent further reaction
as the product settled. Before all analyses the product
was allowed to settle overnight.
The main parameters of interest in this initial series
of experimental runs were the temperature and
residence time. These were varied within the ranges
2070C and 1030min respectively. All other vari-
ables such as molar ratio and amount of catalyst were
kept constant.
The product qualities that could be quantied in-
house were viscosity, density, pH and the volume
fraction of glycerol, but these measurements were not
sufcient to determine the quality of the biodiesel.
Hence, the samples were sent to a commercial
laboratory for cetane number, glyceride and cold lter
pour point (CFPP) analysis.
The viscosities of all samples, from both fresh and
waste oil, were found to be in the range 3.5
, which satises DIN 51606, the German
standard for biodiesel, and all other standards. The
densities were also satisfactory (range: 0.875
). The volume fractions (at 0.80) of
glycerol were all consistent with the desired high
degree of conversion (although the degree of error, at
5%, was relatively large). pH readings were also
consistent with those expected.
The top fraction of
the product, the biodiesel itself, was extremely clear
after settling, which is also a good indicator of the
purity of the product.
Although the viscosity measurements are as desired,
viscosity itself does not give insight into the composi-
tion of the biodiesel. Viscosity itself is not proof that
the biodiesel is a suitable fuel, therefore further tests
were performed. A subset of samples was analysed
externally by ITS laboratories for cetane number and
glycerides to investigate the effects of temperature and
residence time on the conversion (see Table 1).
Figure 2. Biodiesel production in the
OFR: ow diagram.
Figure 3. Viscosity of a typical rapeseed oil and biodiesel products versus
340 J Chem Technol Biotechnol 78:338341 (online: 2003)
AP Harvey, MR Mackley, T Seliger
Cetane numbers can be seen to increase with
increasing residence time and temperature, indicating
that the degree of conversion increases with these
parameters. The value of 45 achieved at 50C and
30min residence time would render the sample
acceptable by the ASTM standard, although not by
the DIN (requires a cetane number of 49). All samples
would pass the current UK scal standard, but this
will be superseded by a European standard in the next
few years, which will probably be similar to DIN
It is clear that a residence time of 10min at 50C
does not produce the conversion required, as un-
reacted triglyceride remains in the product, and the
level of diglyceride is high. Even so, this sample, as all
others, meets the German standard DIN 51606 for all
glycerides. All other samples contain negligible
amounts of triglyceride and diglyceride. That the
monoglyceride is relatively high in all these samples
is to be expected from transesterication kinetic
In these data, as the settling period was similar for all
samples the free glycerol content is indicative of the
degree of conversion, and can be seen to follow the
same trends as the cetane number (increases with
temperature and residence time). The free glycerol
reading can be lowered to an acceptable value by
allowing the product to settle for a longer period, but
in a fully continuous plant a faster method would be
required. This part of the process is currently being
The samples were also analysed for Cold Filter
Plugging Point (CFPP), and were all found to be in the
range10 to 11C, which is usually acceptable in
the UK (seasonal and geographical dependence). The
value of c, at around 18, although meaning that the
reactor was equivalent to eight tanks-in-series, was
strictly too high, but was limited by the size restrictions
of the reactor itself. Hence, the lowest practicable
value of c was used. A Re
of typically 700 was
required for good mixing to be achieved. Further
experiments will use a reactor of greater L/D ratio to
allow c to be in the desired range, thereby possibly
lowering the required residence times further.
Overall it has been demonstrated that the OFR is
suitable for the transesterication of vegetable oil to
biodiesel. A suitable conversion can be achieved in a
residence time substantially lower than that of batch
processes. The optimisation of the reaction conditions
is on going.
Further advantages of producing biodiesel in the
OFR should be realised when a heterogeneous catalyst
is used, as the OFR has been shown
to be ideal for
suspending particles of solid catalyst or polymer
supported catalyst.
The authors acknowledge the support of the EPSRC
in funding this project.
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Table 1. Analysis of biodiesel samples
( C)
Residence time
50 10 42.0 0.34 0.15 0.42 0.16
50 15 43.4 0.00 0.02 0.37 0.25
50 30 45.3 0.00 0.01 0.40 0.46
60 10 43.3 0.00 0.02 0.37 0.28
60 15 44.6 0.00 0.02 0.39 0.37
DIN 51606 49.0 0.40 0.40 0.80 0.02
J Chem Technol Biotechnol 78:338341 (online: 2003) 341
Process intensication of biodiesel production

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