The Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
The Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
The Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ
A poignant depiction of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus was put up by the
parishioners of St Peters Parish and St Francis Parish, Melaka as a prelude to Holy Week !ent was a
ti"e of preparation for the whole tea" to take stock and to co"e up close to the #WH$ of Jesus death
%he parishioners, including the youth and children, responded enthusiastically to yet another call
to ser&e albeit catechi'ing through acting in the $ear of Faith (t is a re"arkable gathering of "any talents
) fro" the narrators and actors to the choir co"prising "e"bers fro" both churches %he procure"ent
of the right kind of "usic and costu"es, directing, stage "anage"ent and lighting re*uired "uch
inspirational and technical e+pertise Such is a co"ing together of ,ods gifts to each to "ake the whole
play a resounding success (t was not -ust "ere acti&ity for those who participated Many were &isibly
"o&ed by the depth of Jesus action in doing the will of the Father
%he play opened with a re.enact"ent of the !ast Supper followed by the agony in the garden of
,ethse"ane Seeing Jesus in agony rather than -ust reading about it "akes one share the utter despair
that He felt As !ianne Hendriks, a choir "e"ber, co""ented /(t gi&es the reading "ore depth of
"eaning0 (t brings to "ind that Jesus is hu"an like us and is capable of feeling the pain of knowing what
lies ahead (t brings us to another di"ension of the e+tent of His suffering and yet He is still obedient, /1
%hy will be done0
%hose who ca"e to watch were transported back in ti"e and "ade to feel the despair and re"orse
felt by Judas and Peter in the betrayal and denial of Jesus (t also showed how hardened the Jewish crowd
was Seeing Judas re"orse at betraying innocent blood and his unti"ely end bring to "ind the despair he
felt at ha&ing done a gra&e wrong What was "ore co"pelling was the sight of hi" hanging as he turned
his re"orse into action not being able to say #sorry Peters reali'ation of his denial and his re"orse,
o&erlain by sorrow, was con&incingly acted out and there was no doubt that the audience was "o&ed
%here was a shocked silence as they witnessed the scourging and the tor"ented cries of Jesus
touched a chord in "any and so"e could not help but shed a tear Angela %heseira, a catechu"en to be
bapti'ed this 2aster, and 3le"entine broke down and cried As we watch, we ask oursel&es /!ord, !ord,
what ha&e we done to you4 Forgi&e us !ord as you forga&e those who had done this to you0
Jesus stu"bling under the weight of the hea&y cross followed by His tearful "other, the wo"en
and the crowd caused "any in the audience to be &isibly "o&ed and so"e, like %eresa Fong, could not
help but broke down in tears %he sight of Peter filled with a deep sadness and despair of not being able to
help his "aster as Jesus was led away carrying His cross brought into focus, for those watching, the
un-ustified conde"nation and torture of an innocent "an
Jesus crucifi+ion and death, the taking down of His body, the procession to the to"b and Marys
anguish and pain was "ade real that which had always been read and left at the di"ension of words %he
whole play brought into sharp focus the reality that happened 5666 years ago (t re&ealed the i""ensity
of the suffering and death of an innocent "an, the #why of it deeply ingrained in it As Father Michael
Mannayaga" said in his speech at the end of the play, /7ra"a is "ore effecti&e in telling the story of
(t re"inds us of the words of the Psal"8 /9ecall the wondrous deeds he has done0 :Psal" ;6<8<=
%he play ser&ed as a re"inder to us lest we forget what He had done %he re.enact"ent of the !ast Supper,
the agony in the garden, being dragged before the High Priest, Pilate and the -eering crowd, His walk to
3al&ary and His death, shows up.front, / He did this for "e19e"e"ber0 %he choir put it succinctly as
they sang #1 if that isnt !>?21@
As we "o&e into Holy Week, on listening to the 9eadings at the 2ucharistic 3elebration for Pal"
Sunday and the 3elebration of the !ords Passion on ,ood Friday, we will inad&ertently flash back to the
scenes of the play and connect with what is read "ore &i&idly
Written by,
!ynn $eow