This document outlines expectations for investigating deviations and out-of-specification results according to regulatory authorities. It discusses how investigations should thoroughly examine what occurred, identify potentially affected batches, determine the root cause, and ensure corrective and preventive actions are implemented and verified. Investigations are expected to have defined processes, thoroughly evaluate impacts on products, and adhere to defined timelines. Simply stating "operator error" is insufficient - the full context and root causes must be examined.
This document outlines expectations for investigating deviations and out-of-specification results according to regulatory authorities. It discusses how investigations should thoroughly examine what occurred, identify potentially affected batches, determine the root cause, and ensure corrective and preventive actions are implemented and verified. Investigations are expected to have defined processes, thoroughly evaluate impacts on products, and adhere to defined timelines. Simply stating "operator error" is insufficient - the full context and root causes must be examined.
This document outlines expectations for investigating deviations and out-of-specification results according to regulatory authorities. It discusses how investigations should thoroughly examine what occurred, identify potentially affected batches, determine the root cause, and ensure corrective and preventive actions are implemented and verified. Investigations are expected to have defined processes, thoroughly evaluate impacts on products, and adhere to defined timelines. Simply stating "operator error" is insufficient - the full context and root causes must be examined.
This document outlines expectations for investigating deviations and out-of-specification results according to regulatory authorities. It discusses how investigations should thoroughly examine what occurred, identify potentially affected batches, determine the root cause, and ensure corrective and preventive actions are implemented and verified. Investigations are expected to have defined processes, thoroughly evaluate impacts on products, and adhere to defined timelines. Simply stating "operator error" is insufficient - the full context and root causes must be examined.
The presentation discusses legal requirements for investigating deviations and out-of-specification results according to EU and US regulations. It also outlines the key steps that must be included in any investigation and factors considered in determining whether a batch with an out-of-specification result can be released.
EU and US regulations require that all deviations and out-of-specification results be thoroughly investigated and documented. Investigations must identify the root cause, consider the impact on other batches, and result in corrective and preventive actions.
An investigation must follow a pre-established plan and be documented in a report. The investigation report forms the basis for a release decision and must evaluate the potential health risks, identify affected batches, and determine appropriate corrective actions.
J rgen Mhlitz Slide 1 District Government of Swabia
Deviation and Out of Specification Handling Dr. J rgen Mhlitz GMP Inspector District Government of Swabia Fronhof 10 D-86152 Augsburg Germany APV Training Course GMP Requirements J une,10th to11th 2004 Istanbul, Turkey 6/13/2004 Failure Investigations, Inspectors Expectations Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 3 District Government of Swabia Topics to be Covered Legal background Expected Content of Deviation Report Where Companies Have Difficulty Example Citations Summary References Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 4 District Government of Swabia Governing Authority, EU Commission Directive 2003/94EC (replaces 91/356/EEC) All process deviations and product defects shall be documented and thoroughly investigated (Article 10, Production) Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 5 District Government of Swabia Governing Authority, EU EC Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice, Chapter 5 (5.15) Any deviations from instructions or procedures should be avoided as far as possible. If a deviation occurs, it should be approved in writing by a competent person Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 6 District Government of Swabia Governing Authority, US 21 CFR 211.192 and Multiple Other Provisions within 211 Any unexplained discrepancyshall be thoroughly investigatedThe investigation shall extend to other batches that can have been associated with the specific failure or discrepancy. A written record of the investigation shall be made and shall include the conclusions and follow-up. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 7 District Government of Swabia Governing Authority ICHQ7A, GMPs for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Any deviation from established procedures should be documented and explained. Critical deviations should be investigated, and the investigation and its conclusions should be documented. All deviation, investigation and OOS reports should be reviewed as part of the batch record review before the batch is released. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 8 District Government of Swabia U.S. Legal Opinion United States v Barr Laboratories, Inc. 1993 Described Requirements for Investigations Specifies Content of Failure Report; Requires Listing and Evaluation of Lots Potentially Affected; Elements of Thoroughness Vary Depending on Nature and Impact of the Event; Defines Promptly as 30 days from Event Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 9 District Government of Swabia Linkage of Systems EVENT Investigation Corrective Action Preventive Action Root Cause Identify All Lots Consider All Possibilities Product Impact Lot Disposition Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 10 District Government of Swabia Definition of Deviation Departure from Written Instructions, Unexpected Event, Departure from cGMP; Identify Exempted Incidents, Generally Documentation Multiple Systems Can be Problematic Create Confusion and Difficult to Track Minimize Notes or Comments Many Should be Deviations with Abbreviated Investigations Scope and Definition Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 11 District Government of Swabia Scope and Definition Purpose of Investigations Identify Correct Evaluate Product Impact / Disposition Prevent Similar Events from Happening in the Future; The Deviation Event is the Initiating Feature of the CAPA Program Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 12 District Government of Swabia Content of Investigation Report Reason for the Investigation What Event or Finding Prompted Investigation How and When Identified Remember to Consider Tracking / Trending Evaluation Consider Related Activities, Think Global Describe What Happened When Where What Immediate Actions Were Taken Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 13 District Government of Swabia Content of Investigation Report Identify Other Batches Potentially Affected Justify Selection Remember Distributed Lots Identify Root Cause, Where Possible Why, Why, Why Document Factors Considered Ensure Data Support Conclusions Avoid Conjecture Often a Multi-Disciplinary Exercise Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 14 District Government of Swabia Content of Investigation Report Identify Corrective Actions Resist: Operator Error Corrected with Retraining May Include Additional Monitoring / Assessment Implementation Must be Timely Identify Preventive Actions Success Depends on Adequate Identification of Root Cause Interim Solution May Include Additional Monitoring Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 15 District Government of Swabia Content of Investigation Report Evaluate Product Impact / Disposition Additional Testing / Results Justify Accept / Reject Criteria Justify if Differences in Lot Disposition Remember to Consider Tox Evaluation Provide Follow-up to Assure Effectiveness Does Preventive Action Provide a Durable Fix What are Criteria for Durable Fix Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 16 District Government of Swabia Where are the Deficiencies? Lack of Documented Investigation Incomplete Investigation Factors Not Considered / Documented Associated Lots Not Identified / Evaluated Root Cause Not Established or Justified Conclusions Not Supported by Data Timelines Not Followed, Not Extended Corrective / Preventive Actions Not Implemented, Tracked or Completed Effectiveness Not Verified Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 17 District Government of Swabia Operator Error is Not Specific Operator Action Inattention to Detail Verbal or Written Communication Problem Operator Monitoring Multiple Processes Operator Training: Not Trained on Procedure Not Trained on Current Version of Procedure Insufficient Practice or Experience Inadequate Content in Training Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 18 District Government of Swabia Operator Error Management System Inadequate Administrative Control Work Organization / Planning Deficiency Inadequate Supervision Improper Resource Allocation Information Not Adequately Defined, Disseminated or Enforced Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 19 District Government of Swabia Equipment Equipment Failure Calibration Not Current Multiple Work Order(s) Addressing Same Issue Didnt Correct Problem Preventive Maintenance Not Current Out of Tolerance Equipment Not Operated According to Validated Procedure Defective Part Improper Part No IQ/OQ or Inadequate IQ/OQ Electrical Power Failure or Surge Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 20 District Government of Swabia Summary of Inspector Expectations Implement and Follow an Adequate Procedure Perform and Document Thorough Investigations and Testing Commensurate with Event and Potential Impact Adhere to Time Limits Identify Other Possibly Affected Lots Evaluate Impact on Product Implement and Evaluate Corrective / Preventive Actions Quality Unit to Review and Approve Report and Disposition Product Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 21 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results Expectations of Monitoring Authorities Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 22 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results Definition of OOS-Results Importance of OOS-Results and drug legislation Expectations of the monitoring authority Content of an OOS SOP Frequently asked questions Surveillance of the release decision Summary Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 23 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results Definition Definition of OOS-Result Test results, laying outside of the specifications, are OOS-Results. Specifications cover a tolerance area with limits, in which the result to be determined should be. These limits may be numerical without dimensions as well as numerical with dimensions. Also terms like complies, not more than, more or less colored than or other terms from official test procedures are allowed limits. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 24 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results Specifications may be fixed in or may be diverted from: official pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur., DAB, - any other national pharmacopoeia of an EC member state or those from third countries, e.g. USP) registration files old registration documentation standard marketing authorization documentation any other product- or sample specific documentation Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 25 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: Scope 1 Scope 1 Investigations of "OOS-results" have to be done in cases of batch release testing and testing of excipients . API, excipients in-process control final product ? Is an investigation of IPC OOS results really necessary? Will those IPC data be transferred to batch release certificates? If yes, IPC-testing has to be covered by OOS procedures. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 26 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: Scope 2 Scope 2 Are there other domains that require an investigation in case of OOS results? - Stability studies on marketed batches of finished products and or active pharmaceutical ingredients, ongoing / follow up stability (no stress tests) -Previous released batch used as reference sample in an OOS investigation showing OOS or suspect results -Batches for clinical trails OOS-investigation is necessary Recall of the potentially defective product may be indicated Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 27 District Government of Swabia Example Example: Reference sample with suspect results Assay: 93,5 % Mixed sample of batch No. 015 (beginning, middle and of production) 93,7 % first retest OOS-investigation: no obvious laboratory failure no failure in sampling, sample transport and storage no conspicuous remarks in the batch protocol 2. Retest of batch No. 15, using batch No. 14 as a reference sample with known content (batch No. 014, assay of batch release testing: 96,8 % ): Results of the 2. retest: batch 015: 97,4 % in spec batch 014: 101,2 % in spec ???? Obvious laboratory failure? Batch release of batch No. 15? Further investigation necessary! Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 28 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:Written procedures What is expected by the inspectorate? A QA-system with written procedures for e.g.: Equipment: maintenance, calibration, documentation Reference materials: CRS, in-house standards, Sampling Testing: sample preparation sample sequence calculations acceptance criteria Trends Release decision ... OOS-Results Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 29 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: SOP on Sampling SOP on sampling The amount of the sample taken should be sufficient for the initial test sequence investigation confirmation of the OOS-results retain sample A lack of sample material is not a suitable reason for resampling during an OOS investigation Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 30 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: Testing Testing: Sample preparation one or more sample preparations per sample sequence Sample sequence number of standard preparations and injections number of sample preparations and injections quality control samples Calculation of the result definition of result, formula, average Acceptance criteria for the sample sequence Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 31 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:OOS-SOP 1 Content and possible structure of an OOS SOP Definitions Competent persons to identify an OOS result Investigation of reasons and conformation of OOS-results: Laboratory level Technician/analyst: checklist, obvious laboratory failure? Head of laboratory: checklist, non obvious laboratory failure? Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 32 District Government of Swabia Raw data check Written comment of the head of the laboratory: Due to an instrument error the integration with the lowest standard is a little bit exotic. The observed phenomena has no impact on the analytical results. OOS-Results: example Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 33 District Government of Swabia Raw data check 0,2 - 16 g/ml y= -14632 + 227450x r= 0,9995345 . 0,1 - 20 g/ml y= -6991 + 323632x + -5976x r= 0,9999591 HPLC/DAD calibration curves day to day identical standard material and method same concentration no comments OOS-Results: example Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 34 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: OOS-SOP 2 General proceedings for OOS investigations: Number of reanalysis (same sample preparation) Number of retests (new sample preparations) Prolonged sample sequence Inclusion of a reference sample? Statistic; average, out layers? Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 35 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: OOS-SOP 3 Level of failure investigation: Laboratory internally Sampling, sample transport and storage Batch record review, production Production process regulations for cooperation between all involved departments Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 36 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: OOS-SOP 4 Documentation of all OOS investigations and their reports Evaluation of all OOS-results and investigations Accumulation of OOS-results for some methods? Accumulation of OOS-results for some products? Accumulation of OOS-results for employees? Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 37 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: OOS-SOP 5 Timetable for the investigation inside the laboratory sampling production report / decision 0 - 7 2 - 10 2 - 21 - 30 days Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 38 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: OOS-SOP 6 Report after the investigation with establishment for release, non release or other decision (e.g. reworking) Follow up? Change Control? Flow chart / decision tree with unequivocal decisions: release or quarantining Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 39 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results Expectation of the monitoring authority Quality control unit / qualified person of firm Mustermann: A sample for which an OOS-result is confirmed, will be complaint and the corresponding batch of the API, excipient or finished product is quarantined. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 40 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ Frequently asked questions Are there specifications of a first and second level? Specifications of new registered products / older registrations Specifications of products with chemical APIs / herbal medicines Determination of physical parameter (pH, hardness) / HPLC- assay Safety relevant specifications / process-technical specifications Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 41 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ 3AQ11a Specifications and Control Tests on the Finished Product 1 "The aim of the application dossier for a marketing authorization is to set the quality level of the medicinal product as intended for marketing. It establishes specifications, i.e. qualitative and quantitative characteristics, with test procedures and acceptance limits, with which the medicinal product must comply during its intended shelf life. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 42 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ 3AQ11a Specifications and Control Tests on the Finished Product 2 1.4.1 In the marketing authorization dossier, it must be shown that the manufacturing process used in compliance with GMP is capable of producing the finished product consistently in compliance with the specifications chosen; 1.4.2 Routine tests and periodic tests Different types of tests may exist: a) tests to be carried out batch by batch on the finished product ... or bulk Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 43 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ 3AQ11a Specifications and Control Tests on the Finished Product 3 b) tests ... on intermediate products or in-process controls will contribute a greater guarantee of finished product compliance than their performance on the finished product or on the bulk product; c) periodic tests ... (e.g. microbiological quality); d) tests whose performance on the finished product or possibly on the bulk product at manufacture can be replaced by the verification of another highly dependent specification (for example replacement of the test for uniformity of mass with the test for uniformity of content); Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 44 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ 3AQ11a Specifications and Control Tests on the Finished Product 4 e) tests which are not carried out routinely once the guarantees of compliance are furnished by the manufacturer; these specific cases are exceptional (e.g. identification of colorants); f ) tests corresponding to critical points in the manufacturing process to be monitored particularly during the first n production batches and temporarily in the course of any substantial modification (for example changing the manufacturing site, materials, etc.). Subsequently, as a function of acquired experience and especially validation of the production process, their batch by batch performance can be omitted (e.g. residual solvents). Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 45 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ CPMP/QWP/155/96 Note for Guidance on Development Pharmaceutics "Properly conducted development studies should ensure that relevant release and shelf life specifications are applied in order that the desired characteristics of the product can consistently be met at release, and throughout shelf life." Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 46 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:FAQ Does the competent person has the liberty to interpret the given specifications? Development marketing in life phase authorization Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 47 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: Release decision 1 Monitoring of the release decision Regulation on pharmaceutical entrepreneurs (PharmBetrV), based on the German drug law 6 (2) PharmBetrV: Testing ... has to be done in compliance with the specifications and limits established in the in the marketing authorization dossier. 7 (2) PharmBetrV: Finished goods and excipients, not full filling the requirements have to be labeled, quarantined, destroyed, resend or reworked Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 48 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: Release decision 2 During routine GMP-inspections the competent authority has to ensure, that the all legal requirement during production and release of a batch are met. Release of a batch, not full filling all specification, has to be complaint by the competent authority. "Specifications are critical quality standards that are proposed and justified by the manufacturer and approved by regulatory authorities as conditions of approval. (ICH-Topic Q 6 A Specifications) " It is not a task of the monitoring authority to evaluate the deviation from the approved specifications like a second-class licensing authority. Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 49 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results: Release decision 3 The evaluation of the health risk is done in cooperation between monitoring and regulatory authority. Based on that evaluation the proper and indicated corrective action will be enforced by the monitoring authority. OOS-result ... batch relased medicinal product with significantly reduced quality? ( 8, 96 AMG, 1 year imprisonment). OOS-result batch released serious medicinal product with potential risk for the consumer health? ( 5, 95 AMG, 3 J ahre) Dr. J rgen Mhlitz Slide 50 District Government of Swabia OOS-Results:Summary Every OOS-result in case of release relevant specifications requires an investigation. The investigation has to follow a pre established investigation plan. The investigation has to be summarized in a report . The report is the basis for a release decision. All reports have to be documented and evaluated. If necessary and possible preventative/corrective action has to be taken.