BOD Full Report
BOD Full Report
BOD Full Report
= 108 mg/L
Sample of 10ml wastewater : BOD
,mg/L =
) 300 10 (
73 . 6 26 . 10
= 105.9 mg/L
7.2 Show all the calculation and state if any of the data needs to thrown out.
BOD = DO initial DO final
1) DO
Blank of 5ml wastewater = 10.55 10.40
= 0.15 the value is less than 0.2 mg/L
The value of BOD is 8.8 mg/L
Data no needs to thrown out
2) DO
Blank of 10ml wastewater = 10.39 10.2
= 0.19 the value is less than 0.2 mg/L
The value of BOD is 5.76 mg/L
Data no needs to thrown out
7.3 The dilution water blank cannot deplete more than 0.2 mg/L. Was this criteria met?
The BOD blank did not show a DO depletion of more than 0.2 mg/L after the five day incubation
period. A drop of more than 0.2 mg/L indicates some type of contamination or calibration error.
So the criterion is met.
7.4 Does you sample shows a toxic effect?
The sample is not showing any toxic effect, it is because the waste water, took from a drainage in
front of the Golf court is not from a toxic source. And the pH value of the sample is nearly neutral
and after our group use 5 mL of wastewater, the value of BOD obtained is slightly higher than
Group 9 which the sample size is 10 mL. It means that the sample doesnt show any toxic effect.
The value of BOD at each group:
Group 8 : wastewater = 5 mL , BOD = 108 mg/L
Group 9 : wastewater = 10 mL , BOD = 105.9 mg/L
7.5 Could you rely on your BOD results? Why?
Yes, because the average BOD result is compared with the effluent standard (DOE, Malaysia).
BOD,mg/L= D
By referring to Sewage/ Effluent Standard (DOE, Malaysia) could you sample be discharge
to river untreated? If not, suggest the associated treatment for BOD removal.
According to the Sewage/Effluent Standard (DOE, Malaysia), the sample cannot be discharge to
the river untreated because the value obtained with 5 ml of wastewater is higher than 50 mg/1.
Question 1
a) Calculate the min / max volume of sample to be added to prepare as estimated BOD.
For example, suppose that estimated BOD of an influent sample is 400mg/L. The D.O. of
saturated dilution water is approximately 8.0mg/L. D.O. depletion to be at least 2.0mg/L after 5
days of incubation and the residual D.O. to be at least 1.0mg/L.
Sample Water, mL = (min/max allowable depletion, mg/L) x (vol of BOD bottle, mL)
Estimated BOD, mg/L
Sample water
, mL = 2 mg/L x 300 mL = 1.5 mL
400 mg/L
Max allowable depletion = (Sat D.O. concentration) (Min residual concentration)
= (8.0 1.0) mg/L
= 7.0 mg/L
Sample water
, mL = 7 mg/L x 300 mL = 5.25 mL
400 /L
b) Why must samples that containing cautic alkalinity or acidity be adjusted before preparing
BOD dilution?
To conduct BOD experiment, the BOD dilution must be natural which range between pH values
of 6.5 to 7.5 because microbes are most active in this range oh pH value.
c) The completed composite samples arrive in the lab at (e.g.). What is the latest day and time
the sample can be started for BOD?
The sample must be prepared not more than 24 hours. If it is begin within 2 hours of collection,
cold storage is unnecessary but, if the test will begin within more than 2 hours, the sample must
keep at or below 4C during compositing.
d) Describe the function of BOD bottles cap and seal water.
BODs seal water was using to ensure that no air bubble is trapped in the bottle that will affect the
characteristics of sample. It is also to prevent further oxygen dissolving in. Otherwise, bottles
cap was using to reduce evaporation of the water seal during evaporation.
Question 2
a) Why must samples that containing residual chlorine be dechlorinated before preparation of
BOD dilutions?
To determine valuable of bacterial source. Chlorine can kill the microbes live and bacteria in
b) What reagents are required to chemically dechlorinate a BOD sample?
Sulphuric acid solution or acetic acid solution, potassium iodide solution, sodium sulphite
c) What must be done to samples, which have been dechlorinated or adjusted for pH
The samples which have been dechlorinated must be seeded with 300mL of BOD water in the
BOD bottle before allows it store in the BOD incubator.
Question 3
a) State the formula to calculate
i) seed correction
Seed correction =
of seed material x volume of sample
ii) BOD
(mg/L) = [(D
) (B
)f] / P
where ;
= DO of diluted sample immediately after preparation, mg/L
= DO of diluted sample after 5 days incubation at 20C, mg/L
P = decimal volumetric fraction of sample used
b) Calculate the seed correction and BOD
(seeded) for the data given as below
of Seed Material 95 mg/L
Dilution #1 mL of seed material 2 mL
mL of sample 100 mL
Start D.O. 7.8 mg/L
Final D.O. 2.9 mg/L
Seed correction =
of seed material x volume of seed material
95 x 2
= 0.633 mg/L< 1.0 mg/L (ok!!!)
(mg/L) = (D
) / P
= (7.8 2.9) / (2/100)
= 245 mg/L
Question 4
a) 30 mL of wastewater are placed in a 300 mL BOD bottle. The sample is diluted to fill the
bottle. The DO concentrations at the beginning and the end of 5-day incubation period are
7.3 mg/L and 1.8 mg/L respectively. What is the BOD?
b) The BOD
of a wastewater was determined to be 250 mg/L. If the reaction coefficient was 0.23
l/d, calculate
i) ultimate BOD,
ii) BOD3 and
iii) BOD remaining at 3 days
= BOD at 8 days = BOD
Question 5
a) What is seeding process in BOD measurement?
Seeding is a process of adding live bacteria and microorganism to a sample. If the samples tested
contain materials which could kill or injure the microorganisms, the condition must be corrected
and healthy active organisms added.
b) Explain preparation of seed material.
y Select a material to be used for seeding which will have a BOD of at least 180 mg/L. This will
help ensure that the seed correction meets the 0.6 mg/L minimum specified in Standard
y Place the material in a suitable container and incubate at 20C for 24-36 hours. Usually, settled
raw domestic sewage prepared in the manner above will have sufficient BOD for use as a seed
material. If not, small quantities of digester supernatant, return activated sludge, or an
acclimated seed material can be used to increase the potency of the seed material used for the
y As an alternative, commercially available seed material may be used. The seed correction
should not exceed 1.0 mg/L BOD; therefore, care should be taken not to use too strong a seed
material for the test.
y The key to a good seed correction is a relatively stable seed material which produces a good
seed correction in every test situation
c) What materials can be used to seed a BOD sample?
Any source of water which can provide a suitable population of organisms can be used, however,
settled raw sewage or commercially prepared seed material are the most common sources.
Question 6
What is the significance of dissolved oxygen?
Dissolved oxygen allows animals to breathe in water and it provides a suitable habitat for the other
animals. Bacteria in the water also use this oxygen to break down animals and plants. The oxygen
level is not very high in most water sources. If the oxygen level is reduced, the animals begin to
die. It is also to maintaining the aquatic life and aesthetic quality of streams and lakes.
Question 7
a) With regard to precision, ten percent duplicate or replicate samples should be run. This
would result in one duplicate sample or one replicate sample being run every ten samples.
Differentiate replicate and duplicate sample.
y Replicates are two or more separate water samples collected in the field from the same site and
depth. Replicates are used to determine the errors involved in sample collection; if there are no
errors in the collection and analysis, and then the difference between two replicate analyses
indicates the natural variability in the water at that location.
y Duplicates are two [or more] lab analyses on the same water sample. Duplicates are used to
determine the % difference between two samples in order to estimate the error involved in the
b) When are DO levels at their highest and their lowest and why?
DO levels are highest if the sample of water is not polluted means there is no toxic and bacterial
effect so in sample of water there is a lot of oxygen demanding wastes is well within self-
purification capacity. Otherwise, the BOD will low which is water sample not have microbes live.
Then DO levels low if sample water not have enough oxygen to dissolve in water that need to all
leaving things.
Extra Discussion
for both of 5ml and 10ml are more than 100 ml/g, which is not in the range of Standard
A and Standard B. Standard A (20mg/l) is the indicator for drinking water while Standard B (50 mg/l) is
the indicator for inland water quality. Hence, we can say that the water sample is quite polluted because
the location of the sample is the UTHM golf field. The golf field area is polluted because usually people
use it to do several types of activities. One of the example is convocation event that will be held every
year. A lot of food stalls and other business spot will be set up there. This make the drain water become
polluted as the users dont handle the waste properly. The organic material come from the food will
consume the oxygen in the water due to the microbes activities. The consequence is the water polluted
and the BOD
reading is high.
The water source at UTHM golf field has been polluted due to the incorrect handling of human
activities as the BOD
reading is out of the Standard A and B. The recommendation to solve the problem
is to apply water treatment to the water source and to prevent incorrect handling of human activities at the
golf field.
[Regulation 8 (1), 8 (2), 8 (3)]
Parameter Unit Standard
Temperature C 40 40
pH Value 6.0 - 9.0 5.5 - 9.0
BODs at 20C mg/1 20 50
COD mg/1 50 100
Suspended Solids mg/1 50 100
Mercury mg/1 0.005 0.005
Cadmium mg/1 0.01 0.02
Chromium, Hexavaient mg/1 0.05 0.05
Arsenic mg/1 0.05 0.10
Cyanide mg/1 0.05 0.10
Lead mg/1 0.10 0.5
Chromium, Trivalent mg/1 0.20 1.0
Copper mg/1 0.20 1.0
Manganese mg/1 0.20 1.0
Nickel mg/1 0.20 1.0
Tin mg/1 0.20 1.0
Zinc mg/1 1.0 1.0
Borom mg/1 1.0 4.0
Iron (Fe) mg/1 1.0 5.0
Phenol mg/1 0.001 1.0
Free Chlorine mg/1 1.0 2.0
Sulphide mg/1 0.50 0.50
Oil and Grease mg/1 Not Detectable 10.0
1) Introduction to Environment Engineering, Third Edition / Davis Cornwell / McGraw Hill
2) Environment Engineering / Gerard Kiely / McGraw Hill