Hassan, Et - Al 2009
Hassan, Et - Al 2009
Hassan, Et - Al 2009
Registered Nurses
An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior
Zeinab M. Hassan, RN, PhD,* Moayad A. Wahsheh, PhD, and Omar S. Hindawi, PhD
Abstract: The purposes of this cross-sectional study were to (a)
determine the relationship between demographic characteristics of
Jordanian registered nurses and theory of planned behavior concepts
and (b) determine the relationships among theory of planned behavior
concepts. One hundred fty registered nurses of 250 were participated.
Handwashing Assessment Instrument that assesses hand hygiene
behavior, attitudes, and beliefs was used in this study.
Independent t tests and correlations were used to test hypotheses.
Signicant and positive correlations were found between intention to
perform hand hygiene and the following variables: beliefs about
outcomes, subjective norm, normative beliefs, and perceived behavioral
control (r = 0.566, 0.444, 0.400, and 0.500), respectively.
Conclusions: Health education programs must be conducted to
encourage hand hygiene behavior among Jordanian registered nurses
who perceived their internal factors (eg, information, skills, and abilities)
and external factors (eg, time, opportunity, and resources) to perform
hand hygiene.
(Infect Dis Clin Pract 2009;17: 150Y156)
nadequate hand hygiene (HH) potentially allows the trans-
mission of microorganisms from patient to patient and from
health care workers (HCWs) to patients, which can lead to the
development of nosocomial infections ( NIs).
infections by denition are infections that are neither present
nor incubating when the patient enters the hospital. They are
caused by microorganisms that constitute an individual_s
personal ora (eg, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli,
Candida albicans) or by exogenous ora, which are usually
acquired by immunosuppressed patients during a prolonged
hospital stay. The effects of NIs vary from discomfort to
prolonged or permanent disability, and in a small proportion of
cases, they may contribute to a patient_s death.
Nosocomial infections or hospital-acquired infections
affect an average of 5% to 10% of patients admitted to acute
care hospitals
and can reach 30% among seriously ill patients.
estimates that the associated annual cost of NIs is $4.5 to
$5.7 billion per year in the United States. Since 1975, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American
Hospital Association have recommended standardized HH
Furthermore, the Association for Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology published HH guidelines in
1995 and 2002.
A review of the literature from 1977 to 1995 focusing on
HH showed a temporal relation between HH practices and the
rates of NI. Six of 7 quasi-experimental hospital-based studies
showed statistically signicant results of decreased NI rates as
a result of improved HH practices.
Despite this established
relationship, compliance with HH among HCWs remains low.
A review of 11 studies conducted between 1981 and 1999 noted
that the level of compliance with basic HH ranged from 16%
to 81%. Of these 11 studies, only 2 noted compliance levels
above 50%.
These 2 studies reported that the results of the
frequency of handwashing before care were 21 (27%) of 79. In
addition, Davenport noted that handwashing did not occur be-
fore resuming care when health care was interrupted for any
reason. Larson et al
reported that only 38% of nursing staff
washed their hands before performing invasive procedures.
Arab countries have very few programs directed toward
infection control, and there are no guidelines or regulations that
encourage such a service in health care institutions.
In Jordan,
which is one of the Arab countries, infection control programs
are not mandatory in the hospitals. Therefore, the data that
describe NIs and factors contributing to NIs in Jordanian hos-
pitals are limited because they are based on very few studies. For
example, one study showed that Methicillin-resistant S. aureus
infections were isolated from 18 (8.8%) of 205 of patients_
A prospective study,
which was conducted for 3
years between 1993 and 1995, reported that overall infection
rates in a Jordanian university hospital were 17.2 per 100
patients in the medical/surgical intensive care unit (ICU), 14.2
to 18.5 per 100 patients in the neurosurgical ICU, and 13.4 to
73.5 per 100 patients in the high-risk nursery. Lack of adherence
to HW behavior increased infection rates in those units.
Finally, a study
published in 2004 showed that during a 1-year
period, 26 inpatients at a university hospital in Amman were
detected with bacteremia (23 cases) and respiratory tract col-
onized with Burkholderia cepacia (3 cases). All cases were
caused by a single epidemic strain of B. cepacia genomovar
It was not possible to determine which aspect of patient
care was associated with these NIs.
Application of Theory of Planned Behavior
and HH
The guiding framework for this study was the Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB). This theory species that human
behavior will, in general, be determined by 3 factors. The rst
factor is attitude, which includes positive and negative aspects of
a specic behavior. The second factor is social inuences or the
subjective norm. The third factor is perceived behavioral control,
which refers to an individual_s belief about his or her ability to
perform particular behaviors (Fig. 1).
According to TPB, intention to perform or not perform a
behavior is the single predictor of a person_s behavior and can be
affected by 3 independent variables: attitude, subjective norm,
and perceived behavioral control. For example, an individual_s
intention to perform physical exercise is affected by his or her
attitude toward physical exercise, his or her perception of what
signicant others would think about exercise, and his or her
150 www.infectdis.com Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice & Volume 17, Number 3, May 2009
From the *Schools of Nursing and Physical Education and Sport Sciences,
Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Reprints: Zeinab M. Hassan, RN, PhD, PO Box 150459, Zarqa 13115,
Jordan. E-mail: hassan_zeinab@yahoo.com.
Copyright * 2009 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 1056-9103
9 Copyright @ 200 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
perception of self-ability to perform physical exercise. Intention
represents the immediate antecedent to behavior.
Subject attitude is a function of an individual_s beliefs that
performing the behavior leads to various outcomes. Attitude is
affected by an individual_s belief about the consequences of this
behavior, which could be positive or negative.
Attitude is
measured either by direct or indirect measures. A direct measure
gives an overall evaluation of the behavior. An indirect measure
contains behavioral belief and outcome evaluation. Behavioral
belief is a belief that behavioral performance is associated with
certain outcomes. The term evaluation refers to the value
attached to the behavioral outcome.
Subjective norm is a perception of social pressures to
perform or not perform a behavior in question.
It is measured
by direct and indirect measures. Direct measure associates an
individual_s belief about whether most people approve or dis-
approve the behavior. An indirect measure includes normative
belief and motivation to comply. Normative belief refers to an
individual_s belief concerning referent people_s approval or dis-
approval of the behavior. Motivation to comply measures the
motivation to do what each referent thinks is appropriate.
According to TPB, perceived behavioral control is deter-
mined by control beliefs concerning the presence or absence of
facilitators and barriers to perform the behavior. It is weighted by
the perceived power to impact each factor of the behavior to
facilitate or inhibit it.
Perceived behavioral control reects
personal beliefs about how easy or difcult it is to perform the
behavior, and it is affected by external and internal factors.
External factors are time availability, money, and social support,
whereas the internal factors are ability, skills, and information.
The Theory of Planned Behavior has been tested with a
variety of health behaviors, such as smoking cessation, automo-
bile safety behavior, exercising behavior, clinical and screening
behavior, HIV/AIDS-related behavior, and oral hygiene behav-
It successfully predicted intention fromperceived behavioral
control and attitude (Fig. 1).
1. What are the relationships between demographic character-
istics of Jordanian registered nurses (JRNs) and TPB
concepts, such as attitude, subjective norm, perceived be-
havioral control, intention in ICUs, and medical surgical
2. What are the relationships among TPB concepts?
Research Design and Sample
Cross sectional design was used in this study, which
was conducted in 2 hospitals in Jordan. The hospitals are the
2 major public hospitals serving the population of Amman,
the capital of Jordan. The hospitals have the following units:
(a) coronary care unit, (b) ICU, (c) surgical ICU, (d) intermediate
care unit, (e) cerebral vascular accident care unit, and (f ) neo-
natal ICU. Throughout the study, all JRNs had access to soap,
running water, and paper towels. Jordanian registered nurses
were selected as participants in this study because they had the
most frequent direct patient contact compared with various
Two hundred fty JRNs of both sexes, with different ex-
perience levels, who provided direct patient care and who
worked at least 1 day per week were invited to participate in the
study. After discussions with the nurse managers, arrangements
were made for the investigator to present information about the
study to the nurses. Information was provided about the nature
of the study, the relationship of this study to nursing practice,
and the potential participant_s role in the study. One hundred
fty JRNs agreed to participate in the study; the response rate
was 60%.
Ethical Considerations
Participants were informed that they could choose to refuse
to participate or could withdraw from the study at any time
before completion of the study. All of the data were treated,
analyzed, and presented as group data. Condentiality of all
information was maintained throughout the study, and no in-
dividual nurse_s performance was identied.
The Handwashing Assessment Instrument (HAI) was used
in this study for the self-report of HH performance. This tool had
been previously modied by O_Boyle et al
to measure many
aspects of HH behavior that might motivate JRNs to comply
with HH guidelines. The researchers obtained permission to use
HAI. The purposes of this instrument were to describe the
theoretical and clinical keystones that increased the motivation
to perform HH and to identify important factors that forced
HCWs to practice HH or not. For example, HAI was used to
measure registered nurse (RN) participants_ attitudes, beliefs,
and intentions toward their future HH behavior.
The rst page
of HAI was designed to obtain relevant demographic informa-
tion about the individual, such as age, sex, years of experiences
in patient care, and unit of assignment.
To avoid respondent fatigue, the items on the HAI
instrument were both positively and negatively worded and
keyed. Avariety of response formats were used in the HAI scale,
such as a 7-point Likert scale and a semantic differential scale. In
the semantic differential technique, the respondent was asked to
rate a given concept on a series of bipolar adjectives, such as
effective-ineffective and good-bad. For example, the handwash-
ing protocol is frustrating and the handwashing protocol is not
The response scales ranged from extremely unlikely to
extremely likely. Then, responses were summed across the bi-
polar scales to make a total score. The responses in the HAI tool
were scored in a way that supported positively worded state-
ments and did not support negatively worded statements. In
positively phrased statements, the answer extremely likely was
FIGURE 1. Theory of Planned Model. Adapted from O_Boyle
et al.
Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice & Volume 17, Number 3, May 2009 Hand Hygiene Behavior
* 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins www.infectdis.com 151
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given a score of 7, which indicated favorable feelings toward
HH. In contrast, if the statement was negatively worded, the
answer extremely likely was given a score of 1, which indicated
unfavorable feelings toward HH.
Items in HAI were placed in 8 sections according to the
concepts of TPB. The various sections of HAI were (a) beliefs
about outcomes, (b) attitude, (c) normative beliefs, (d) subjective
norm, (e) intention, (f ) control beliefs, ( g) perceived behavioral
control, and ( h) self-reported HH. The following is a brief
description of each section:
Beliefs About Outcomes
An indirect measure of attitude was obtained in this section,
which represents the subject_s assessment of the consequences
of HH behavior. The following is an example of one item, which
was designed to measure the subject_s beliefs about the out-
comes of HW protocol: If I regularly follow the hospital_s
handwashing protocol, my patients will have fewer hospital-
acquired infections. Responses were measured on a 7- point
Likert scale, which ranged from extremely unlikely to extremely
A direct measure of attitude toward HH among nurses was
assessed using semantic differential 7-point bipolar scales, with
different end points, such as practical-impractical, convenient-
inconvenient, and necessary-optional.
Normative Beliefs
An indirect measure of subjective norm scores was
obtained by having participants rate normative beliefs about
whether specic other people think that nurses should perform
HW behavior. Normative belief ratings for each source of in-
uence were made on 7-point bipolar scales with end points I
should not to I should.
Subjective Norm
A direct measure of subjective norm was obtained in this
section by one item, which was designed to measure the
subject_s cognitive assessment of the degree to which important
people in their lives supported or encouraged HH. The item was
most people who are important to me think I should follow the
hospital_s handwashing protocol. Ratings were made on a 7-
point scale with end points extremely unlikely to extremely
Perceived Behavioral Control
A direct measure of perceived control was obtained by
summing 2 items, which were measured by 7-point bipolar
scales with end points up to meYnot up to me and under my
controlYnot under my control.
Control Beliefs
The control beliefs section obtained an indirect measure
of perceived behavioral control. Control beliefs measured the
subject_s estimation of the level to which he or she had access to
resources to comply with HH recommendations. For example, I
am condent of my knowledge about the hospital_s handwash-
ing protocol. Responses ranged from extremely unlikely to
extremely likely on a 7-point scale.
A direct measure of intention was obtained on 7-point
bipolar scale with end points extremely unlikely to extremely
likely. This section represented the nurses_ plans to comply with
HH in different situations. It was measured by using 5 items
focusing on whether the nurses would perform HH under the
following situations: (a) when a patient has an infection, ( b)
when the nurses are busy, (c) in routine work, (d) when nurses_
hands are injured or sore, and (e) when the patient is in a crisis
condition. For example, I intend to follow the unit_s handwash-
ing protocol in every situation in which it is indicated HH.
In this section, nurses estimated their rates of HH per-
formance by percentage of time (from 0% to 100%) in 7-patient
situations that match HH indications. For example, what per-
centage of time will you estimate that you wash your hands
before beginning to provide care to the patients: 0%, 10%, 20%,
30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%. Registered
nurses were asked to circle the number that best described their
overall HH compliance rates.
Internal consistency, measured by Cronbach coefcient
alpha, has been reported for some sections of HAI constructs.
For example, the perceived control of HW behavior section
yielded an alpha of 0.68 and for the attitude section yielded an
alpha of 0.91.
The Handwashing Assessment Instrument was
reviewed for construction validity by one of the creators of the
TPB, Icek Aizen.
Data analyses were performed using the Statistical Package
for Social Sciences Windows Release 15.0. All 150 subjects
completed the HAI questionnaire, which provided self-reported
HH data.
Pilot Testing
To assess the psychometric analysis for HAI in Jordan, a
pilot study was conducted in which 35 JRNs participated. The
reliability analysis (alpha) for HAI subscale in this pilot study
was close to the results of O_Boyle and his colleagues
; the
items were internally consistent. The reliability results for HAI
subscales in comparison with the results of O_Boyle and his
were the following: (a) alpha for attitude was equal
to 0.70, whereas the results of O_Boyle and his colleagues
0.83; (b) alpha for normative beliefs was equal to 0.65, whereas
the results of O_Boyle and his colleagues
was 0.89; (c) there
was a single item that measured subjective norm; therefore, no
reliability results were reported in either studies; (d) alpha for
perceived behavioral control was 0.82, whereas the results of
O_Boyle and his colleagues
was 0.63l (e) alpha for intention
was 0.83, which was slightly higher than the result obtained by
O_Boyle and his colleagues
(ie, 0.74); (f ) alpha for beliefs
about outcome was 0.80, whereas O_Boyle and his colleagues
did not report any result for this variable; and (g) alpha for self-
reported was 0.90, which was slightly higher than the result
obtained by O_Boyle and his colleagues
(ie,= 0.87). These data
provide evidence of cross-cultural consistency. The results are
summarized in Table 1.
Demographic Characteristics of RNs and TPB
Concepts by Departments
The rst research question examined the relationships
between demographic characteristics of JRNs (age, sex, and
years of experiences) and TPB concepts (attitude, subjective
norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention) in different
departments, such as medical-surgical wards and ICUs.
Ages of RNs and TPB Concepts by Departments
The ages of RNs who participated in the study (n = 150)
ranged from 20 to 50 years. Based on the median age, the RNs
Hassan et al Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice & Volume 17, Number 3, May 2009
152 www.infectdis.com * 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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were classied into 2 age categories: 25 years or older and
younger than 25 years.
It was hypothesized that that there would be no differences
between the older and younger age groups in their attitudes,
subjective norms, normative beliefs, perceived behavioral con-
trol, and intention toward HH in different departments. Data
from questionnaires were analyzed using independent t tests to
test these hypotheses. The results of analyses revealed that there
was signicant differences among JRNs who are 25 years or
older and younger than 25 years in their intention toward HH
(P = 0.015) in different departments. The results are summarized
in Table 2.
Gender and TPB Concepts by Departments
It was hypothesized that there would be no differences
between male and female JRNs in selected TPB concepts (atti-
tude, subjective norm, normative belief, perceived behavioral
control, and intention) in different departments. Data from
questionnaires were analyzed using independent t test to test this
hypothesis. The results of analysis revealed that there was in-
sufcient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. The results are
summarized in Table 2.
Years of Experience and TPB Concepts
The years of experience of all JRNs who participated in the
study ranged from 6 months to 20 years. Jordanian registered
nurses were classied into 2 experience categories: more than or
equal 5 years and less than 5 years.
It was hypothesized that there would be no differences
between the 2 groups in TPB concepts, such as attitude, sub-
jective norm, normative beliefs, perceived behavioral control,
and intention. Data were analyzed using independent t test to
test this hypothesis. The results revealed no differences between
groups for the following TPB concepts: attitude, subjective
norm, normative beliefs, perceived behavioral control, and in-
tention. The results are summarized in Table 2.
TPB Mean Scores in Medical Surgical Wards
and ICUs
It was hypothesized that there would be no differences
between medical surgical wards and ICUs in the mean scores of
TPB concepts, such as attitude, subjective norms, normative
TABLE 1. Reliability Scale of Handwashing Instrument Among
JRNs (n = 35)
Variables Cronbach Alpha
Beliefs about outcomes 0.80
Attitude 0.70
Subjective norm V*
Normative beliefs 0.65
Intention 0.83
Perceived behavioral control 0.82
Self-report 0.90
*The dashes indicate that the mean and standard deviation were not
TABLE 2. Means, Standard Deviations, and Signicance Level of Differences by Demographic Characteristics of Registered Nurses
and TPB Concepts by Departments
Demographic Characteristics
Age, y Sex
Years of
Experience Department
TPB Q25 G25 Male Female Q5 G5 ICU Floors
Attitude M 22.60 22.40 22.37 22.8 22.7 22.4 19.68 23.8
SD 8.71 8.76 9 8.2 9.6 8.5 7.8 8.8
P 0.886 0.74 0.84 0.006*
Normative beliefs M 11.62 11.25 11.6 11 10.89 11.57 11.02 11.64
SD 5.09 4.79 5.1 4.4 5.3 4.8 3.9 5.3
P 0.640 0.46 0.27 0.47
Perceived behavioral control M 36.75 35.277 35.3 37.2 36.5 35.9 37.77 35.25
SD 8.44 7.35 8.4 7.0 6.9 8.2 7.6 7.9
P 0.254 0.168 0.68 0.07
Intention M 49.48 45.81 47.11 49.01 49.41 47.3 50.45 46.46
SD 9.27 8.944 9.7 8.2 8.7 9.3 7.9 9.7
P 0.015 0.22 0.27 0.01*
Subjective norm M 5.31 5.29 5.28 5.32 5.27 5.31 37.77 35.25
SD 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.4 7.6 7.9
P 0.91 0.88 0.90 0.07
Beliefs about outcomes M 43.34 42.48 42.1 44.5 41.137 43.32 47.16 40.96
SD 9.90 9.24 9.8 8.2 10.2 9.1 8.6 9.3
P 0.585 0.137 0.26 0.000*
Self-report M 52.13 47.611 5.4 5.1 51.72 49.56 47.7 51.03
SD 15.71 15.16 1.41 1.45 15.20 15.69 15.92 15.36
P 0.074 0.131 0.50 0.222
*P e 0.01.
P G 0.05.
Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice & Volume 17, Number 3, May 2009 Hand Hygiene Behavior
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beliefs, perceived behavioral control, and intention. Data that
were completed by 150 participants were analyzed using inde-
pendent t test to test this hypothesis. The results revealed that
the mean score for the attitude, intention, and beliefs about out-
comes were not similar in medical surgical wards and ICUs. The
results are summarized in Table 2.
Relationships Among TPB Concepts
The second research question was BWhat are the relation-
ships among TPB concepts?[ To answer this question, data from
150 JRNs who answered questionnaire and worked in medical
surgical wards and ICUs were used. The correlations and sig-
nicant levels are summarized in Table 3.
Hand hygiene is considered the most important single
procedure for preventing nosocomial infections. Failure to wash
hands or perform HH is a complex problem that may be caused
by a number of external and internal factors. To change HH
behavior, it is helpful to have some understanding of the factors
that inuence this behavior. More studies are needed to identify
which of these factors, alone or in combination, contribute sig-
nicantly to the problem of poor compliance with HH recom-
mendations. With this information about underlying factors
inuencing the decision to practice or not practice HH, the pro-
bability for developing successful interventions to modify this
behavior is heightened.
Demographic Characteristics and TPB Concepts
The rst research question in this study examined the
relationships between demographic characteristics and TPB
concepts, such as attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral
control, and intention. The study results showed that there were
no relationships between sex and years of experiences of JRNs
and TPB concepts (as shown in Table 2). This study supported
the study of Burnett et al,
who reported that there were no
relationships between intentions and demographic characteris-
tics of women who were diagnosed of cervical cancer. Fur-
thermore, Ajzen
indicated that demographic characteristics or
personality have no direct effect on behavior.
Approximately 60% of current RNs are older than 40 years,
whereas the number of RNs younger than 30 years has fallen
since 1988 by nearly 40%. This aging trend is expected to
continue over the next 10 years when more than 40% of the RN
workforce is expected to be older than 50 years.
The study
results showed that age seemed to have inuence on the in-
tension toward HH behavior in Jordan. The current study
showed that the median age for those Jordanian RNs who par-
ticipated in this study was 25 years. This nding contrasts with
the age of RNs who work in the United States, in which the
number of RNs younger than 30 years has decreased by 41%.
TPB and Working Department
Unlike the work of physicians, the work of RNs in hospitals
is rarely organized around disease-specic populations; rather,
patients are generally grouped by age and/or by intensity of
nursing care (eg, pediatric units/adult f loors or intensive care/
general f loors). Nurses who work in ICUs have high workload in
comparison to those nurses on general oors. In fact, multiple
factors inuence the development of NIs in hospital patients:
individual factors (eg, severity of patient illness) care variables
(eg, antibiotic use), and organizational variables (eg, stafng)
can affect NI.
This study showed that there was signicant difference
between JRNs who worked in ICUs in comparison to medical
surgical words in their attitude, intention, and beliefs about the
outcome of performing HH. For example, JRNs who were
working on the oor had a positive attitude toward HH more
than JRNs who were in ICUs. Intention and beliefs about out-
come toward performing HH were higher among JRNs who
were working in ICUs than JRNs who were working on medical
surgical f loors.
A large observational study
was conducted to evaluate
the predictors that affect compliance with HH procedures. There
were 2834 opportunities for HH during the study period, and
the overall compliance to HH protocols was 48%. The HH
compliance rate was found to be 70% in 1248 HH indications
among RNs who worked in ICUs.
Noncompliance was more common in settings where the
need of patient care is the highest. The lowest compliance rate of
TABLE 3. Correlation Matrix of the Concepts in the TPB Applied to HH Behavior Among RNs (n = 150)
Beliefs About
Outcomes Attitude
Perceived Behavioral
Control Intention Self-Report
Beliefs about
Attitude r = 0.260 1
P = 0.001*
Normative beliefs r = 0.368 r = 0.067 1
P = 0.000* P = 0.413
Subjective norm r = 0.426 r = 0.097 r = 0.479 1
P = 0.000* P = 0.23 P = 0.000*
Perceived behavioral
r = 0.499 r = 0.016 r = 0.378 r = 0.372 1
P = 0.000* P = 0.841 P = 0.000* P = 0.000*
Intention r = 0.566 r = 0.150 r = 0.400 r = 0.444 r = 0.500 1
P = 0.000* P = 0.066 P = 0.000* P = 0.000* P = 0.000*
Self-report r = 0.255 r = 0.120 r = 0.117 r = 0.110 r = 0.203 r = 0.316 1
P = 0.002* P = 0.143 P = 0.152 P = 0.177 P = 0.013 P = 0.000*
*P G 0.01.
P G 0.05.
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154 www.infectdis.com * 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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36% occurred in places such as ICUs where the indications for
HH occur more frequently because the transmission of micro-
organisms is more likely (eg, before intravenous care, 39%;
before respiratory care, 18%; between a dirty and clean body
site, 11%; after contact with body uid, 63%; and after wound
care, 58%). In general, compliance with HH became worse when
the requirement for hand cleaning was higher.
TPB Concepts
The second research question examined the relationships
among TPB concepts. Pearson correlations were computed to
explore the relationships among all TPB variables (ie, attitude,
subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention, as
shown in Table 3).
Godin and Kok
reviewed 56 publications with 87 health-
related applications based on TPB. This review revealed that the
attitudes toward the action and perceived behavioral control were
the most signicant variables for intention. The overall average
correlations between intention and other TPB variables (attitude,
subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) were 0.46,
0.34, and 0.46, respectively. For example, a study used TPB as a
framework to investigate 104 homeless people_s participation in
outreach service programs. Attitude was the dominant predictor
of behavioral intentions, and intention and perceived behavioral
control were predictive of behavior.
This study showed a signicant correlation between atti-
tude and beliefs about outcomes (r = 0.264, P = 0.001). This
result supported a study
that examined the power of attitude,
social norm, perceived control, and underlying beliefs in 11- to
15-year-olds_ breakfast choices of milk with different fat content
and high-ber bread. More than 1700 students in the fth,
seventh, and ninth grades were asked to complete a question-
naire based on TPB. The results indicated that consumption of
milk and high-ber bread was predicted by intention. In addi-
tion, perception of the parents_ consumption (norms) of the
specic food played an important role. It was also found that
attitude concerning the consumption of milk and high-ber
bread was inuenced by beliefs about health aspects.
On the other hand, the results of this study contradicted
several researchers who reported a signicant relationship be-
tween attitudes and intention. For example, TPB was used to
predict students_ intentions to apply to graduate school and ap-
plication behaviors from their attitudes, subjective norms, and
perceived behavioral control. Sixty students aged 20 to 24+
years participated in this study. The single predictor variable of
intentions in this study was the students_ attitudes about grad-
uate school and how graduate school could be helpful for their
future careers. Perceived behavioral control was also a sig-
nicant predictor of actual application behaviors.
Other signicant positive correlations found in this study
were between intention and the following variables: beliefs
about outcomes, subjective norm, normative beliefs, and per-
ceived behavioral control (r = 0.566, r = 0.444, r = 0.400 and r =
0.500, respectively). The signicant correlations between inten-
tion and other variables, such as perceived behavioral control
and subjective norm concurred with the result reported by
Backman et al,
who mentioned that intention to eat a healthful
diet was inuenced most by attitude and then by perceived
behavioral control and subjective norm. Furthermore, Bogers
et al
found that perceived behavioral control was the strongest
predictor of intentions.
A prospective design was used to evaluate TPB for under-
standing exercise motivation and behavior in 37 bone marrow
transplantation patients. On admittance to the hospital, partici-
pants completed a baseline questionnaire that assessed the TPB
concepts and then monitored the frequency and duration of
exercise during their hospitalization. Intention and perceived
behavioral control explained 36% of the variance in exercise
behavior. Moreover, attitudes and perceived behavioral control
explained 68% of the variance in exercise intentions.
The Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a framework
for understanding exercise intention and behavior during and
after phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation. Fifty-seven men and 24
women participated in this study. This study indicated that
attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control ex-
plained 38% of the variance in exercise intention. Intention
explained 23% of the variance in exercise adherence. At post-
rehabilitation follow-up, attitude, subjective norm, and per-
ceived behavioral control explained 51% of the variance in
exercise intention, whereas intention explained 23% of the
variance in exercise adherence.
Perceived behavioral control in this study signicantly
associated with the following variables: beliefs about outcomes,
normative beliefs, subjective norm, and intention (r = 0.499, r =
0.378, r = 0.372 and r = 0.500, respectively). The results of this
study supported a study
that was conducted to investigate
Tanzanian teachers_ intention to give dietary advice using TPB.
A questionnaire survey was distributed to 232 primary school
teachers. The results indicated that dietary advice intentions
were primarily directed by perceived behavioral control in both
Another study
showed the effect of perceived behavioral
control on intention. The Theory of Planned Behavior was used
to examine age differences in beliefs regarding breast cancer and
intentions to seek medical care for symptoms. A sample of 546
women (aged 16 years and older) completed a postal question-
naire. The results of the study of Grunfeld and his colleagues
showed that women aged 35 to 54 years had negative attitudes
toward seeking medical help for breast cancer symptoms, and a
negative belief in one_s ability to seek help (perceived be-
havioral control) was a predictor of intention not to seek help.
Other signicant correlations were found in the current
study between normative beliefs and the following variables:
beliefs about outcomes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral
control, and intention (r = 0.368, r = 0.479, r = 0.378, and r =
0.400, respectively).
The subjective norm variable was measured in this study by
direct measure by using participants_ cognitive assessment of the
degree to which important people in RNs lives supported or
encouraged HH. The current study showed signicant correla-
tions between the subjective norm and the following variables:
perceived behavioral control and intention (r = 0.372 and r =
0.444, respectively). These results were concurred with the
results reported by Aminzadeh and Edwards.
The Theory of
Planned Behavior was used to investigate how to enhance the
acceptance of mobility aids. Their study was designed to ex-
amine the factors linked to cane use among community-dwelling
older adults. Data were collected in a cross-sectional survey of
106 community-residing older adults (aged 65+ years). The re-
sults indicated that subjective norms, attitudes, and age were key
variables associated with cane use in this sample.
Implication for Nursing Practice
There is an urgent need to develop an effective intervention
infection program that is based on TPB to encourage JRNs to
perform HH. The methods that were used in this study are
important steps toward adding insights to a limited body of re-
search in the area of infectious diseases in developing countries,
especially nosocomial infections and HH. Further research is
needed to gain a deeper understanding of this problem. In
Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice & Volume 17, Number 3, May 2009 Hand Hygiene Behavior
* 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins www.infectdis.com 155
9 Copyright @ 200 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
addition to TPB, exploring other theoretical frameworks to
identify variables that may be related to HH among direct patient
care may introduce new challenges that need to be investigated.
The results of the study conrmed the following: (a) the
results were consistent with Wambach (1997) who indicated that
a signicant relationship between the variables of TPB and the
intention was more likely than a signicant relationship between
TPB variables and the behavior of interest; ( b) Jordanian RNs
perceived their internal factors (eg, information, skills, and abili-
ties) and external factors (eg, time, opportunity, and resources)
to perform HH; (c) younger RNs perform HH more than elderly,
which could be explained as curriculum effect; (d) performance
HH on oors is more than in ICUs; and (e) Jordanian RNs
perceived that others viewed the action of HH as a favorable
Limitations of the Study
The subjects were volunteers from 2 institutions in Jordan
so that the ndings can be generalized only to similar health
care settings.
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