Jeremiah's Book

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1 The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah
of the !riests that were in Anathoth in the land
of Ben"amin#
2 To whom the word of the $OR% &ame in
the da's of Josiah the son of Amon kin( of
J)dah in the thirteenth 'ear of his rei(n*
3 It &ame also in the da's of Jehoiakim the
son of Josiah kin( of J)dah )nto the end of
the ele+enth 'ear of ,edekiah the son of
Josiah kin( of J)dah )nto the &arr'in( awa'
of Jer)salem &a!ti+e in the fifth month*
4 Then the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
me sa'in(
5 Before I formed thee in the -ell' I knew
thee. and -efore tho) &amest forth o)t of the
wom- I san&tified thee and I ordained thee a
!ro!het )nto the nations*
6 Then said I Ah $ord /O%0 -ehold I
&annot s!eak# for I am a &hild*
7 1 B)t the $OR% said )nto me 2a' not I
am a &hild# for tho) shalt (o to all that I shall
send thee and whatsoe+er I &ommand thee
tho) shalt s!eak*
8 Be not afraid of their fa&es# for I am with
thee to deli+er thee saith the $OR%*
9 Then the $OR% !)t forth his hand and
to)&hed m' mo)th* And the $OR% said )nto
me Behold I ha+e !)t m' words in th'
10 2ee I ha+e this da' set thee o+er the
nations and o+er the kin(doms to root o)t
and to !)ll down and to destro' and to throw
down to -)ild and to !lant*
11 1 Moreo+er the word of the $OR% &ame
)nto me sa'in( Jeremiah what seest tho)3
And I said I see a rod of an almond tree*
12 Then said the $OR% )nto me Tho) hast
well seen# for I will hasten m' word to
!erform it*
13 And the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
me the se&ond time sa'in( 4hat seest tho)3
And I said I see a seethin( !ot. and the fa&e
thereof is toward the north*
14 Then the $OR% said )nto me O)t of the
north an e+il shall -reak forth )!on all the
inha-itants of the land*
15 For lo I will &all all the families of the
kin(doms of the north saith the $OR%. and
the' shall &ome and the' shall set e+er' one
his throne at the enterin( of the (ates of
Jer)salem and a(ainst all the walls thereof
ro)nd a-o)t and a(ainst all the &ities of
16 And I will )tter m' ")d(ments a(ainst
them to)&hin( all their wi&kedness who ha+e
forsaken me and ha+e -)rned in&ense )nto
other (ods and worshi!!ed the works of their
own hands*
17 1 Tho) therefore (ird )! th' loins and
arise and s!eak )nto them all that I &ommand
thee# -e not disma'ed at their fa&es lest I
&onfo)nd thee -efore them*
18 For -ehold I ha+e made thee this da' a
defen&ed &it' and an iron !illar and -rasen
walls a(ainst the whole land a(ainst the kin(s
of J)dah a(ainst the !rin&es thereof a(ainst
the !riests thereof and a(ainst the !eo!le of
the land*
19 And the' shall fi(ht a(ainst thee. -)t the'
shall not !re+ail a(ainst thee. for I am with
thee saith the $OR% to deli+er thee*
1 Moreo+er the word of the $OR% &ame to
me sa'in(
2 /o and &r' in the ears of Jer)salem
sa'in( Th)s saith the $OR%. I remem-er
thee the kindness of th' 'o)th the lo+e of
thine es!o)sals when tho) wentest after me in
the wilderness in a land that was not sown*
3 Israel was holiness )nto the $OR% and
the firstfr)its of his in&rease# all that de+o)r
him shall offend. e+il shall &ome )!on them
saith the $OR%*
4 Hear 'e the word of the $OR% O ho)se
of Ja&o- and all the families of the ho)se of
5 1 Th)s saith the $OR% 4hat ini6)it'
ha+e 'o)r fathers fo)nd in me that the' are
(one far from me and ha+e walked after
+anit' and are -e&ome +ain3
6 7either said the' 4here is the $OR% that
-ro)(ht )s )! o)t of the land of E('!t that led
)s thro)(h the wilderness thro)(h a land of
deserts and of !its thro)(h a land of dro)(ht
and of the shadow of death thro)(h a land
that no man !assed thro)(h and where no
man dwelt3
7 And I -ro)(ht 'o) into a !lentif)l &o)ntr'
to eat the fr)it thereof and the (oodness
thereof. -)t when 'e entered 'e defiled m'
land and made mine herita(e an a-omination*
8 The !riests said not 4here is the $OR%3
and the' that handle the law knew me not# the
!astors also trans(ressed a(ainst me and the
!ro!hets !ro!hesied -' Baal and walked after
things that do not !rofit*
9 1 4herefore I will 'et !lead with 'o)
saith the $OR% and with 'o)r &hildren8s
&hildren will I !lead*
10 For !ass o+er the isles of Chittim and
see. and send )nto Kedar and &onsider
dili(entl' and see if there -e s)&h a thin(*
11 Hath a nation &han(ed their (ods whi&h
are 'et no (ods3 -)t m' !eo!le ha+e &han(ed
their (lor' for that which doth not !rofit*
12 Be astonished O 'e hea+ens at this and
-e horri-l' afraid -e 'e +er' desolate saith
the $OR%*
13 For m' !eo!le ha+e &ommitted two e+ils.
the' ha+e forsaken me the fo)ntain of li+in(
waters and hewed them o)t &isterns -roken
&isterns that &an hold no water*
14 1 Is Israel a ser+ant3 is he a home-orn
slave3 wh' is he s!oiled3
15 The 'o)n( lions roared )!on him and
'elled and the' made his land waste# his &ities
are -)rned witho)t inha-itant*
16 Also the &hildren of 7o!h and Taha!anes
ha+e -roken the &rown of th' head*
17 Hast tho) not !ro&)red this )nto th'self
in that tho) hast forsaken the $OR% th' /od
when he led thee -' the wa'3
18 And now what hast tho) to do in the wa'
of E('!t to drink the waters of 2ihor3 or what
hast tho) to do in the wa' of Ass'ria to drink
the waters of the ri+er3
19 Thine own wi&kedness shall &orre&t thee
and th' -a&kslidin(s shall re!ro+e thee# know
therefore and see that it is an e+il thing and
-itter that tho) hast forsaken the $OR% th'
/od and that m' fear is not in thee saith the
$ord /O% of hosts*
20 1 For of old time I ha+e -roken th' 'oke
and -)rst th' -ands. and tho) saidst I will not
trans(ress. when )!on e+er' hi(h hill and
)nder e+er' (reen tree tho) wanderest !la'in(
the harlot*
21 9et I had !lanted thee a no-le +ine
wholl' a ri(ht seed# how then art tho) t)rned
into the de(enerate !lant of a stran(e +ine )nto
22 For tho)(h tho) wash thee with nitre and
take thee m)&h so!e yet thine ini6)it' is
marked -efore me saith the $ord /O%*
23 How &anst tho) sa' I am not !oll)ted I
ha+e not (one after Baalim3 see th' wa' in the
+alle' know what tho) hast done# thou art a
swift dromedar' tra+ersin( her wa's.
24 A wild ass )sed to the wilderness that
sn)ffeth )! the wind at her !leas)re. in her
o&&asion who &an t)rn her awa'3 all the' that
seek her will not wear' themsel+es. in her
month the' shall find her*
25 4ithhold th' foot from -ein( )nshod
and th' throat from thirst# -)t tho) saidst
There is no ho!e# no. for I ha+e lo+ed
stran(ers and after them will I (o*
26 As the thief is ashamed when he is fo)nd
so is the ho)se of Israel ashamed. the' their
kin(s their !rin&es and their !riests and their
27 2a'in( to a sto&k Tho) art m' father.
and to a stone Tho) hast -ro)(ht me forth# for
the' ha+e t)rned their -a&k )nto me and not
their fa&e# -)t in the time of their tro)-le the'
will sa' Arise and sa+e )s*
28 B)t where are th' (ods that tho) hast
made thee3 let them arise if the' &an sa+e
thee in the time of th' tro)-le# for according
to the n)m-er of th' &ities are th' (ods O
29 4herefore will 'e !lead with me3 'e all
ha+e trans(ressed a(ainst me saith the $OR%*
30 In +ain ha+e I smitten 'o)r &hildren. the'
re&ei+ed no &orre&tion# 'o)r own sword hath
de+o)red 'o)r !ro!hets like a destro'in( lion*
31 1 O (eneration see 'e the word of the
$OR%* Ha+e I -een a wilderness )nto Israel3
a land of darkness3 wherefore sa' m' !eo!le
4e are lords. we will &ome no more )nto
32 Can a maid for(et her ornaments or a
-ride her attire3 'et m' !eo!le ha+e for(otten
me da's witho)t n)m-er*
33 4h' trimmest tho) th' wa' to seek lo+e3
therefore hast tho) also ta)(ht the wi&ked ones
th' wa's*
34 Also in th' skirts is fo)nd the -lood of
the so)ls of the !oor inno&ents# I ha+e not
fo)nd it -' se&ret sear&h -)t )!on all these*
35 9et tho) sa'est Be&a)se I am inno&ent
s)rel' his an(er shall t)rn from me* Behold I
will !lead with thee -e&a)se tho) sa'est I
ha+e not sinned*
36 4h' (addest tho) a-o)t so m)&h to
&han(e th' wa'3 tho) also shalt -e ashamed of
E('!t as tho) wast ashamed of Ass'ria*
37 9ea tho) shalt (o forth from him and
thine hands )!on thine head# for the $OR%
hath re"e&ted th' &onfiden&es and tho) shalt
not !ros!er in them*
1 The' sa' If a man !)t awa' his wife and
she (o from him and -e&ome another man8s
shall he ret)rn )nto her a(ain3 shall not that
land -e (reatl' !oll)ted3 -)t tho) hast !la'ed
the harlot with man' lo+ers. 'et ret)rn a(ain
to me saith the $OR%*
2 $ift )! thine e'es )nto the hi(h !la&es and
see where tho) hast not -een lien with* In the
wa's hast tho) sat for them as the Ara-ian in
the wilderness. and tho) hast !oll)ted the land
with th' whoredoms and with th' wi&kedness*
3 Therefore the showers ha+e -een
withholden and there hath -een no latter rain.
and tho) hadst a whore8s forehead tho)
ref)sedst to -e ashamed*
4 4ilt tho) not from this time &r' )nto me
M' father tho) art the ()ide of m' 'o)th3
5 4ill he reser+e his anger for e+er3 will he
kee! it to the end3 Behold tho) hast s!oken
and done e+il thin(s as tho) &o)ldest*
6 1 The $OR% said also )nto me in the da's
of Josiah the kin( Hast tho) seen that whi&h
-a&kslidin( Israel hath done3 she is (one )!
)!on e+er' hi(h mo)ntain and )nder e+er'
(reen tree and there hath !la'ed the harlot*
7 And I said after she had done all these
things T)rn tho) )nto me* B)t she ret)rned
not* And her trea&hero)s sister J)dah saw it*
8 And I saw when for all the &a)ses
where-' -a&kslidin( Israel &ommitted
ad)lter' I had !)t her awa' and (i+en her a
-ill of di+or&e. 'et her trea&hero)s sister J)dah
feared not -)t went and !la'ed the harlot also*
9 And it &ame to !ass thro)(h the li(htness
of her whoredom that she defiled the land
and &ommitted ad)lter' with stones and with
10 And 'et for all this her trea&hero)s sister
J)dah hath not t)rned )nto me with her whole
heart -)t fei(nedl' saith the $OR%*
11 And the $OR% said )nto me The
-a&kslidin( Israel hath ")stified herself more
than trea&hero)s J)dah*
12 1 /o and !ro&laim these words toward
the north and sa' Ret)rn tho) -a&kslidin(
Israel saith the $OR%. and I will not &a)se
mine an(er to fall )!on 'o)# for I am mer&if)l
saith the $OR% and I will not kee! anger for
13 Onl' a&knowled(e thine ini6)it' that
tho) hast trans(ressed a(ainst the $OR% th'
/od and hast s&attered th' wa's to the
stran(ers )nder e+er' (reen tree and 'e ha+e
not o-e'ed m' +oi&e saith the $OR%*
14 T)rn O -a&kslidin( &hildren saith the
$OR%. for I am married )nto 'o)# and I will
take 'o) one of a &it' and two of a famil' and
I will -rin( 'o) to ,ion#
15 And I will (i+e 'o) !astors a&&ordin( to
mine heart whi&h shall feed 'o) with
knowled(e and )nderstandin(*
16 And it shall &ome to !ass when 'e -e
m)lti!lied and in&reased in the land in those
da's saith the $OR% the' shall sa' no more
The ark of the &o+enant of the $OR%# neither
shall it &ome to mind# neither shall the'
remem-er it. neither shall the' +isit it. neither
shall that -e done an' more*
17 At that time the' shall &all Jer)salem the
throne of the $OR%. and all the nations shall
-e (athered )nto it to the name of the $OR%
to Jer)salem# neither shall the' walk an' more
after the ima(ination of their e+il heart*
18 In those da's the ho)se of J)dah shall
walk with the ho)se of Israel and the' shall
&ome to(ether o)t of the land of the north to
the land that I ha+e (i+en for an inheritan&e
)nto 'o)r fathers*
19 B)t I said How shall I !)t thee amon(
the &hildren and (i+e thee a !leasant land a
(oodl' herita(e of the hosts of nations3 and I
said Tho) shalt &all me M' father. and shalt
not t)rn awa' from me*
20 1 2)rel' as a wife trea&hero)sl'
de!arteth from her h)s-and so ha+e 'e dealt
trea&hero)sl' with me O ho)se of Israel saith
the $OR%*
21 A +oi&e was heard )!on the hi(h !la&es
wee!in( and s)!!li&ations of the &hildren of
Israel# for the' ha+e !er+erted their wa' and
the' ha+e for(otten the $OR% their /od*
22 Ret)rn 'e -a&kslidin( &hildren and I
will heal 'o)r -a&kslidin(s* Behold we &ome
)nto thee. for tho) art the $OR% o)r /od*
23 Tr)l' in +ain is salvation hoped for from
the hills and from the m)ltit)de of mo)ntains#
tr)l' in the $OR% o)r /od is the sal+ation of
24 For shame hath de+o)red the la-o)r of
o)r fathers from o)r 'o)th. their flo&ks and
their herds their sons and their da)(hters*
25 4e lie down in o)r shame and o)r
&onf)sion &o+ereth )s# for we ha+e sinned
a(ainst the $OR% o)r /od we and o)r
fathers from o)r 'o)th e+en )nto this da' and
ha+e not o-e'ed the +oi&e of the $OR% o)r
1 If tho) wilt ret)rn O Israel saith the
$OR% ret)rn )nto me# and if tho) wilt !)t
awa' thine a-ominations o)t of m' si(ht then
shalt tho) not remo+e*
2 And tho) shalt swear The $OR% li+eth in
tr)th in ")d(ment and in ri(hteo)sness. and
the nations shall -less themsel+es in him and
in him shall the' (lor'*
3 1 For th)s saith the $OR% to the men of
J)dah and Jer)salem Break )! 'o)r fallow
(ro)nd and sow not amon( thorns*
4 Cir&)m&ise 'o)rsel+es to the $OR% and
take awa' the foreskins of 'o)r heart 'e men
of J)dah and inha-itants of Jer)salem# lest m'
f)r' &ome forth like fire and -)rn that none
&an 6)en&h it -e&a)se of the e+il of 'o)r
5 %e&lare 'e in J)dah and !)-lish in
Jer)salem. and sa' Blow 'e the tr)m!et in the
land# &r' (ather to(ether and sa' Assem-le
'o)rsel+es and let )s (o into the defen&ed
6 2et )! the standard toward ,ion# retire
sta' not# for I will -rin( e+il from the north
and a (reat destr)&tion*
7 The lion is &ome )! from his thi&ket and
the destro'er of the /entiles is on his wa'. he
is (one forth from his !la&e to make th' land
desolate. and th' &ities shall -e laid waste
witho)t an inha-itant*
8 For this (ird 'o) with sa&k&loth lament
and howl# for the fier&e an(er of the $OR% is
not t)rned -a&k from )s*
9 And it shall &ome to !ass at that da' saith
the $OR% that the heart of the kin( shall
!erish and the heart of the !rin&es. and the
!riests shall -e astonished and the !ro!hets
shall wonder*
10 Then said I Ah $ord /O%0 s)rel' tho)
hast (reatl' de&ei+ed this !eo!le and
Jer)salem sa'in( 9e shall ha+e !ea&e.
whereas the sword rea&heth )nto the so)l*
11 At that time shall it -e said to this !eo!le
and to Jer)salem A dr' wind of the hi(h
!la&es in the wilderness toward the da)(hter
of m' !eo!le not to fan nor to &leanse
12 Even a f)ll wind from those places shall
&ome )nto me# now also will I (i+e senten&e
a(ainst them*
13 Behold he shall &ome )! as &lo)ds and
his &hariots shall be as a whirlwind# his horses
are swifter than ea(les* 4oe )nto )s0 for we
are s!oiled*
14 O Jer)salem wash thine heart from
wi&kedness that tho) ma'est -e sa+ed* How
lon( shall th' +ain tho)(hts lod(e within thee3
15 For a +oi&e de&lareth from %an and
!)-lisheth affli&tion from mo)nt E!hraim*
16 Make 'e mention to the nations. -ehold
!)-lish a(ainst Jer)salem that wat&hers &ome
from a far &o)ntr' and (i+e o)t their +oi&e
a(ainst the &ities of J)dah*
17 As kee!ers of a field are the' a(ainst her
ro)nd a-o)t. -e&a)se she hath -een re-ellio)s
a(ainst me saith the $OR%*
18 Th' wa' and th' doin(s ha+e !ro&)red
these things )nto thee. this is th' wi&kedness
-e&a)se it is -itter -e&a)se it rea&heth )nto
thine heart*
19 1 M' -owels m' -owels0 I am !ained at
m' +er' heart. m' heart maketh a noise in me.
I &annot hold m' !ea&e -e&a)se tho) hast
heard O m' so)l the so)nd of the tr)m!et
the alarm of war*
20 %estr)&tion )!on destr)&tion is &ried. for
the whole land is s!oiled# s)ddenl' are m'
tents s!oiled and m' &)rtains in a moment*
21 How lon( shall I see the standard and
hear the so)nd of the tr)m!et3
22 For m' !eo!le is foolish the' ha+e not
known me. the' are sottish &hildren and the'
ha+e none )nderstandin(# the' are wise to do
e+il -)t to do (ood the' ha+e no knowled(e*
23 I -eheld the earth and lo it was witho)t
form and +oid. and the hea+ens and the' had
no li(ht*
24 I -eheld the mo)ntains and lo the'
trem-led and all the hills mo+ed li(htl'*
25 I -eheld and lo there was no man and
all the -irds of the hea+ens were fled*
26 I -eheld and lo the fr)itf)l !la&e was a
wilderness and all the &ities thereof were
-roken down at the !resen&e of the $OR%
and -' his fier&e an(er*
27 For th)s hath the $OR% said The whole
land shall -e desolate. 'et will I not make a
f)ll end*
28 For this shall the earth mo)rn and the
hea+ens a-o+e -e -la&k# -e&a)se I ha+e
s!oken it I ha+e !)r!osed it and will not
re!ent neither will I t)rn -a&k from it*
29 The whole &it' shall flee for the noise of
the horsemen and -owmen. the' shall (o into
thi&kets and &lim- )! )!on the ro&ks# e+er'
&it' shall be forsaken and not a man dwell
30 And when tho) art s!oiled what wilt
tho) do3 Tho)(h tho) &lothest th'self with
&rimson tho)(h tho) de&kest thee with
ornaments of (old tho)(h tho) rentest th'
fa&e with !aintin( in +ain shalt tho) make
th'self fair. thy lo+ers will des!ise thee the'
will seek th' life*
31 For I ha+e heard a +oi&e as of a woman
in tra+ail and the an()ish as of her that
-rin(eth forth her first &hild the +oi&e of the
da)(hter of ,ion that -ewaileth herself that
s!readeth her hands saying 4oe is me now0
for m' so)l is wearied -e&a)se of m)rderers*
1 R)n 'e to and fro thro)(h the streets of
Jer)salem and see now and know and seek in
the -road !la&es thereof if 'e &an find a man
if there -e any that e=e&)teth ")d(ment that
seeketh the tr)th. and I will !ardon it*
2 And tho)(h the' sa' The $OR% li+eth.
s)rel' the' swear falsel'*
3 O $OR% are not thine e'es )!on the
tr)th3 tho) hast stri&ken them -)t the' ha+e
not (rie+ed. tho) hast &ons)med them but
the' ha+e ref)sed to re&ei+e &orre&tion# the'
ha+e made their fa&es harder than a ro&k. the'
ha+e ref)sed to ret)rn*
4 Therefore I said 2)rel' these are !oor.
the' are foolish# for the' know not the wa' of
the $OR% nor the ")d(ment of their /od*
5 I will (et me )nto the (reat men and will
s!eak )nto them. for the' ha+e known the wa'
of the $OR% and the ")d(ment of their /od#
-)t these ha+e alto(ether -roken the 'oke and
-)rst the -onds*
6 4herefore a lion o)t of the forest shall
sla' them and a wolf of the e+enin(s shall
s!oil them a leo!ard shall wat&h o+er their
&ities# e+er' one that (oeth o)t then&e shall -e
torn in !ie&es# -e&a)se their trans(ressions are
man' and their -a&kslidin(s are in&reased*
7 1 How shall I !ardon thee for this3 th'
&hildren ha+e forsaken me and sworn -' them
that are no (ods# when I had fed them to the
f)ll the' then &ommitted ad)lter' and
assem-led themsel+es -' troo!s in the harlots8
8 The' were as fed horses in the mornin(#
e+er' one nei(hed after his nei(h-o)r8s wife*
9 2hall I not +isit for these things3 saith the
$OR%# and shall not m' so)l -e a+en(ed on
s)&h a nation as this3
10 1 /o 'e )! )!on her walls and destro'.
-)t make not a f)ll end# take awa' her
-attlements. for the' are not the $OR%82*
11 For the ho)se of Israel and the ho)se of
J)dah ha+e dealt +er' trea&hero)sl' a(ainst
me saith the $OR%*
12 The' ha+e -elied the $OR% and said It
is not he. neither shall e+il &ome )!on )s.
neither shall we see sword nor famine#
13 And the !ro!hets shall -e&ome wind and
the word is not in them# th)s shall it -e done
)nto them*
14 4herefore th)s saith the $OR% /od of
hosts Be&a)se 'e s!eak this word -ehold I
will make m' words in th' mo)th fire and
this !eo!le wood and it shall de+o)r them*
15 $o I will -rin( a nation )!on 'o) from
far O ho)se of Israel saith the $OR%# it is a
mi(ht' nation it is an an&ient nation a nation
whose lan()a(e tho) knowest not neither
)nderstandest what the' sa'*
16 Their 6)i+er is as an o!en se!)l&hre the'
are all mi(ht' men*
17 And the' shall eat )! thine har+est and
th' -read which th' sons and th' da)(hters
sho)ld eat# the' shall eat )! th' flo&ks and
thine herds# the' shall eat )! th' +ines and th'
fi( trees# the' shall im!o+erish th' fen&ed
&ities wherein tho) tr)stedst with the sword*
18 7e+ertheless in those da's saith the
$OR% I will not make a f)ll end with 'o)*
19 1 And it shall &ome to !ass when 'e shall
sa' 4herefore doeth the $OR% o)r /od all
these things )nto )s3 then shalt tho) answer
them $ike as 'e ha+e forsaken me and ser+ed
stran(e (ods in 'o)r land so shall 'e ser+e
stran(ers in a land that is not 'o)r8s*
20 %e&lare this in the ho)se of Ja&o- and
!)-lish it in J)dah sa'in(
21 Hear now this O foolish !eo!le and
witho)t )nderstandin(. whi&h ha+e e'es and
see not. whi&h ha+e ears and hear not#
22 Fear 'e not me3 saith the $OR%# will 'e
not trem-le at m' !resen&e whi&h ha+e !la&ed
the sand for the -o)nd of the sea -' a
!er!et)al de&ree that it &annot !ass it# and
tho)(h the wa+es thereof toss themsel+es 'et
&an the' not !re+ail. tho)(h the' roar 'et &an
the' not !ass o+er it3
23 B)t this !eo!le hath a re+oltin( and a
re-ellio)s heart. the' are re+olted and (one*
24 7either sa' the' in their heart $et )s
now fear the $OR% o)r /od that (i+eth rain
-oth the former and the latter in his season# he
reser+eth )nto )s the a!!ointed weeks of the
25 1 9o)r ini6)ities ha+e t)rned awa' these
things and 'o)r sins ha+e withholden (ood
things from 'o)*
26 For amon( m' !eo!le are fo)nd wi&ked
men# the' la' wait as he that setteth snares.
the' set a tra! the' &at&h men*
27 As a &a(e is f)ll of -irds so are their
ho)ses f)ll of de&eit# therefore the' are
-e&ome (reat and wa=en ri&h*
28 The' are wa=en fat the' shine# 'ea the'
o+er!ass the deeds of the wi&ked# the' ")d(e
not the &a)se the &a)se of the fatherless 'et
the' !ros!er. and the ri(ht of the need' do
the' not ")d(e*
29 2hall I not +isit for these things3 saith the
$OR%# shall not m' so)l -e a+en(ed on s)&h
a nation as this3
30 1 A wonderf)l and horri-le thin( is
&ommitted in the land.
31 The !ro!hets !ro!hes' falsel' and the
!riests -ear r)le -' their means. and m'
!eo!le lo+e to have it so# and what will 'e do
in the end thereof3
1 O 'e &hildren of Ben"amin (ather
'o)rsel+es to flee o)t of the midst of
Jer)salem and -low the tr)m!et in Tekoa and
set )! a si(n of fire in Beth?ha&&erem# for e+il
a!!eareth o)t of the north and (reat
2 I ha+e likened the da)(hter of ,ion to a
&omel' and deli&ate woman*
3 The she!herds with their flo&ks shall &ome
)nto her. the' shall !it&h their tents a(ainst
her ro)nd a-o)t. the' shall feed e+er' one in
his !la&e*
4 Pre!are 'e war a(ainst her. arise and let
)s (o )! at noon* 4oe )nto )s0 for the da'
(oeth awa' for the shadows of the e+enin( are
stret&hed o)t*
5 Arise and let )s (o -' ni(ht and let )s
destro' her !ala&es*
6 1 For th)s hath the $OR% of hosts said
Hew 'e down trees and &ast a mo)nt a(ainst
Jer)salem# this is the &it' to -e +isited. she is
wholl' o!!ression in the midst of her*
7 As a fo)ntain &asteth o)t her waters so she
&asteth o)t her wi&kedness# +iolen&e and s!oil
is heard in her. -efore me &ontin)all' is (rief
and wo)nds*
8 Be tho) instr)&ted O Jer)salem lest m'
so)l de!art from thee. lest I make thee
desolate a land not inha-ited*
9 1 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts The'
shall thro)(hl' (lean the remnant of Israel as a
+ine# t)rn -a&k thine hand as a (ra!e(atherer
into the -askets*
10 To whom shall I s!eak and (i+e warnin(
that the' ma' hear3 -ehold their ear is
)n&ir&)m&ised and the' &annot hearken#
-ehold the word of the $OR% is )nto them a
re!roa&h. the' ha+e no deli(ht in it*
11 Therefore I am f)ll of the f)r' of the
$OR%. I am wear' with holdin( in# I will
!o)r it o)t )!on the &hildren a-road and )!on
the assem-l' of 'o)n( men to(ether# for e+en
the h)s-and with the wife shall -e taken the
a(ed with him that is f)ll of da's*
12 And their ho)ses shall -e t)rned )nto
others with their fields and wi+es to(ether# for
I will stret&h o)t m' hand )!on the inha-itants
of the land saith the $OR%*
13 For from the least of them e+en )nto the
(reatest of them e+er' one is (i+en to
&o+eto)sness. and from the !ro!het e+en )nto
the !riest e+er' one dealeth falsel'*
14 The' ha+e healed also the h)rt of the
daughter of m' !eo!le sli(htl' sa'in( Pea&e
!ea&e. when there is no !ea&e*
15 4ere the' ashamed when the' had
&ommitted a-omination3 na' the' were not at
all ashamed neither &o)ld the' -l)sh#
therefore the' shall fall amon( them that fall#
at the time that I +isit them the' shall -e &ast
down saith the $OR%*
16 Th)s saith the $OR% 2tand 'e in the
wa's and see and ask for the old !aths where
is the (ood wa' and walk therein and 'e shall
find rest for 'o)r so)ls* B)t the' said 4e will
not walk therein*
17 Also I set wat&hmen o+er 'o) saying
Hearken to the so)nd of the tr)m!et* B)t the'
said 4e will not hearken*
18 1 Therefore hear 'e nations and know O
&on(re(ation what is amon( them*
19 Hear O earth# -ehold I will -rin( e+il
)!on this !eo!le even the fr)it of their
tho)(hts -e&a)se the' ha+e not hearkened
)nto m' words nor to m' law -)t re"e&ted it*
20 To what !)r!ose &ometh there to me
in&ense from 2he-a and the sweet &ane from a
far &o)ntr'3 'o)r -)rnt offerin(s are not
a&&e!ta-le nor 'o)r sa&rifi&es sweet )nto me*
21 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% Behold I
will la' st)m-lin(-lo&ks -efore this !eo!le
and the fathers and the sons to(ether shall fall
)!on them. the nei(h-o)r and his friend shall
22 Th)s saith the $OR% Behold a !eo!le
&ometh from the north &o)ntr' and a (reat
nation shall -e raised from the sides of the
23 The' shall la' hold on -ow and s!ear.
the' are &r)el and ha+e no mer&'. their +oi&e
roareth like the sea. and the' ride )!on horses
set in arra' as men for war a(ainst thee O
da)(hter of ,ion*
24 4e ha+e heard the fame thereof# o)r
hands wa= fee-le# an()ish hath taken hold of
)s and !ain as of a woman in tra+ail*
25 /o not forth into the field nor walk -'
the wa'. for the sword of the enem' and fear
is on e+er' side*
26 1 O da)(hter of m' !eo!le (ird thee
with sa&k&loth and wallow th'self in ashes#
make thee mo)rnin( as for an onl' son most
-itter lamentation# for the s!oiler shall
s)ddenl' &ome )!on )s*
27 I ha+e set thee for a tower and a fortress
amon( m' !eo!le that tho) ma'est know and
tr' their wa'*
28 The' are all (rie+o)s re+olters walkin(
with slanders# they are -rass and iron. the' are
all &orr)!ters*
29 The -ellows are -)rned the lead is
&ons)med of the fire. the fo)nder melteth in
+ain# for the wi&ked are not !l)&ked awa'*
30 Re!ro-ate sil+er shall men &all them
-e&a)se the $OR% hath re"e&ted them*
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah from the
$OR% sa'in(
2 2tand in the (ate of the $OR%82 ho)se
and !ro&laim there this word and sa' Hear
the word of the $OR% all ye of J)dah that
enter in at these (ates to worshi! the $OR%*
3 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel Amend 'o)r wa's and 'o)r doin(s and
I will &a)se 'o) to dwell in this !la&e*
4 Tr)st 'e not in l'in( words sa'in( The
tem!le of the $OR% The tem!le of the
$OR% The tem!le of the $OR% are these*
5 For if 'e thro)(hl' amend 'o)r wa's and
'o)r doin(s. if 'e thro)(hl' e=e&)te ")d(ment
-etween a man and his nei(h-o)r.
6 If 'e o!!ress not the stran(er the
fatherless and the widow and shed not
inno&ent -lood in this !la&e neither walk after
other (ods to 'o)r h)rt#
7 Then will I &a)se 'o) to dwell in this
!la&e in the land that I (a+e to 'o)r fathers
for e+er and e+er*
8 1 Behold 'e tr)st in l'in( words that
&annot !rofit*
9 4ill 'e steal m)rder and &ommit
ad)lter' and swear falsel' and -)rn in&ense
)nto Baal and walk after other (ods whom 'e
know not.
10 And &ome and stand -efore me in this
ho)se whi&h is &alled -' m' name and sa'
4e are deli+ered to do all these a-ominations3
11 Is this ho)se whi&h is &alled -' m'
name -e&ome a den of ro--ers in 'o)r e'es3
Behold e+en I ha+e seen it saith the $OR%*
12 B)t (o 'e now )nto m' !la&e whi&h was
in 2hiloh where I set m' name at the first and
see what I did to it for the wi&kedness of m'
!eo!le Israel*
13 And now -e&a)se 'e ha+e done all these
works saith the $OR% and I s!ake )nto 'o)
risin( )! earl' and s!eakin( -)t 'e heard not.
and I &alled 'o) -)t 'e answered not.
14 Therefore will I do )nto this ho)se
whi&h is &alled -' m' name wherein 'e tr)st
and )nto the !la&e whi&h I (a+e to 'o) and to
'o)r fathers as I ha+e done to 2hiloh*
15 And I will &ast 'o) o)t of m' si(ht as I
ha+e &ast o)t all 'o)r -rethren even the whole
seed of E!hraim*
16 Therefore !ra' not tho) for this !eo!le
neither lift )! &r' nor !ra'er for them neither
make inter&ession to me# for I will not hear
17 1 2eest tho) not what the' do in the &ities
of J)dah and in the streets of Jer)salem3
18 The &hildren (ather wood and the fathers
kindle the fire and the women knead their
do)(h to make &akes to the 6)een of hea+en
and to !o)r o)t drink offerin(s )nto other
(ods that the' ma' !ro+oke me to an(er*
19 %o the' !ro+oke me to an(er3 saith the
$OR%# do they not provoke themsel+es to the
&onf)sion of their own fa&es3
20 Therefore th)s saith the $ord /O%.
Behold mine an(er and m' f)r' shall -e
!o)red o)t )!on this !la&e )!on man and
)!on -east and )!on the trees of the field and
)!on the fr)it of the (ro)nd. and it shall -)rn
and shall not -e 6)en&hed*
21 1 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od
of Israel. P)t 'o)r -)rnt offerin(s )nto 'o)r
sa&rifi&es and eat flesh*
22 For I s!ake not )nto 'o)r fathers nor
&ommanded them in the da' that I -ro)(ht
them o)t of the land of E('!t &on&ernin(
-)rnt offerin(s or sa&rifi&es#
23 B)t this thin( &ommanded I them
sa'in( O-e' m' +oi&e and I will -e 'o)r
/od and 'e shall -e m' !eo!le# and walk 'e
in all the wa's that I ha+e &ommanded 'o)
that it ma' -e well )nto 'o)*
24 B)t the' hearkened not nor in&lined their
ear -)t walked in the &o)nsels and in the
ima(ination of their e+il heart and went
-a&kward and not forward*
25 2in&e the da' that 'o)r fathers &ame forth
o)t of the land of E('!t )nto this da' I ha+e
e+en sent )nto 'o) all m' ser+ants the
!ro!hets dail' risin( )! earl' and sendin(
26 9et the' hearkened not )nto me nor
in&lined their ear -)t hardened their ne&k#
the' did worse than their fathers*
27 Therefore tho) shalt s!eak all these
words )nto them. -)t the' will not hearken to
thee# tho) shalt also &all )nto them. -)t the'
will not answer thee*
28 B)t tho) shalt sa' )nto them This is a
nation that o-e'eth not the +oi&e of the $OR%
their /od nor re&ei+eth &orre&tion# tr)th is
!erished and is &)t off from their mo)th*
29 1 C)t off thine hair O Jerusalem and
&ast it awa' and take )! a lamentation on hi(h
!la&es. for the $OR% hath re"e&ted and
forsaken the (eneration of his wrath*
30 For the &hildren of J)dah ha+e done e+il
in m' si(ht saith the $OR%# the' ha+e set
their a-ominations in the ho)se whi&h is &alled
-' m' name to !oll)te it*
31 And the' ha+e -)ilt the hi(h !la&es of
To!het whi&h is in the +alle' of the son of
Hinnom to -)rn their sons and their da)(hters
in the fire. whi&h I &ommanded them not
neither &ame it into m' heart*
32 1 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome saith
the $OR% that it shall no more -e &alled
To!het nor the +alle' of the son of Hinnom
-)t the +alle' of sla)(hter# for the' shall -)r'
in To!het till there -e no !la&e*
33 And the &ar&ases of this !eo!le shall -e
meat for the fowls of the hea+en and for the
-easts of the earth. and none shall fra' them
34 Then will I &a)se to &ease from the &ities
of J)dah and from the streets of Jer)salem
the +oi&e of mirth and the +oi&e of (ladness
the +oi&e of the -ride(room and the +oi&e of
the -ride# for the land shall -e desolate*
1 At that time saith the $OR% the' shall
-rin( o)t the -ones of the kin(s of J)dah and
the -ones of his !rin&es and the -ones of the
!riests and the -ones of the !ro!hets and the
-ones of the inha-itants of Jer)salem o)t of
their (ra+es#
2 And the' shall s!read them -efore the s)n
and the moon and all the host of hea+en
whom the' ha+e lo+ed and whom the' ha+e
ser+ed and after whom the' ha+e walked and
whom the' ha+e so)(ht and whom the' ha+e
worshi!!ed# the' shall not -e (athered nor -e
-)ried. the' shall -e for d)n( )!on the fa&e of
the earth*
3 And death shall -e &hosen rather than life
-' all the resid)e of them that remain of this
e+il famil' whi&h remain in all the !la&es
whither I ha+e dri+en them saith the $OR% of
4 1 Moreo+er tho) shalt sa' )nto them Th)s
saith the $OR%. 2hall the' fall and not arise3
shall he t)rn awa' and not ret)rn3
5 4h' then is this !eo!le of Jer)salem
slidden -a&k -' a !er!et)al -a&kslidin(3 the'
hold fast de&eit the' ref)se to ret)rn*
6 I hearkened and heard but the' s!ake not
ari(ht# no man re!ented him of his
wi&kedness sa'in( 4hat ha+e I done3 e+er'
one t)rned to his &o)rse as the horse r)sheth
into the -attle*
7 9ea the stork in the hea+en knoweth her
a!!ointed times. and the t)rtle and the &rane
and the swallow o-ser+e the time of their
&omin(. -)t m' !eo!le know not the ")d(ment
of the $OR%*
8 How do 'e sa' 4e are wise and the law
of the $OR% is with )s3 $o &ertainl' in +ain
made he it. the !en of the s&ri-es is in +ain*
9 The wise men are ashamed the' are
disma'ed and taken# lo the' ha+e re"e&ted the
word of the $OR%. and what wisdom is in
10 Therefore will I (i+e their wi+es )nto
others and their fields to them that shall
inherit them# for e+er' one from the least e+en
)nto the (reatest is (i+en to &o+eto)sness
from the !ro!het e+en )nto the !riest e+er'
one dealeth falsel'*
11 For the' ha+e healed the h)rt of the
da)(hter of m' !eo!le sli(htl' sa'in( Pea&e
!ea&e. when there is no !ea&e*
12 4ere the' ashamed when the' had
&ommitted a-omination3 na' the' were not at
all ashamed neither &o)ld the' -l)sh#
therefore shall the' fall amon( them that fall#
in the time of their +isitation the' shall -e &ast
down saith the $OR%*
13 1 I will s)rel' &ons)me them saith the
$OR%# there shall be no (ra!es on the +ine
nor fi(s on the fi( tree and the leaf shall fade.
and the things that I ha+e (i+en them shall
!ass awa' from them*
14 4h' do we sit still3 assem-le 'o)rsel+es
and let )s enter into the defen&ed &ities and let
)s -e silent there# for the $OR% o)r /od hath
!)t )s to silen&e and (i+en )s water of (all to
drink -e&a)se we ha+e sinned a(ainst the
15 4e looked for !ea&e -)t no (ood came;
and for a time of health and -ehold tro)-le0
16 The snortin( of his horses was heard
from %an# the whole land trem-led at the
so)nd of the nei(hin( of his stron( ones. for
the' are &ome and ha+e de+o)red the land
and all that is in it. the &it' and those that
dwell therein*
17 For -ehold I will send ser!ents
&o&katri&es amon( 'o) whi&h will not be
&harmed and the' shall -ite 'o) saith the
18 1 When I wo)ld &omfort m'self a(ainst
sorrow m' heart is faint in me*
19 Behold the +oi&e of the &r' of the
da)(hter of m' !eo!le -e&a)se of them that
dwell in a far &o)ntr'# Is not the $OR% in
,ion3 is not her kin( in her3 4h' ha+e the'
!ro+oked me to an(er with their (ra+en
ima(es and with stran(e +anities3
20 The har+est is !ast the s)mmer is ended
and we are not sa+ed*
21 For the h)rt of the da)(hter of m' !eo!le
am I h)rt. I am -la&k. astonishment hath taken
hold on me*
22 Is there no -alm in /ilead. is there no
!h'si&ian there3 wh' then is not the health of
the da)(hter of m' !eo!le re&o+ered3
1 Oh that m' head were waters and mine
e'es a fo)ntain of tears that I mi(ht wee! da'
and ni(ht for the slain of the da)(hter of m'
2 Oh that I had in the wilderness a lod(in(
!la&e of wa'farin( men. that I mi(ht lea+e m'
!eo!le and (o from them0 for the' be all
ad)lterers an assem-l' of trea&hero)s men*
3 And the' -end their ton()es like their -ow
for lies# -)t the' are not +aliant for the tr)th
)!on the earth. for the' !ro&eed from e+il to
e+il and the' know not me saith the $OR%*
4 Take 'e heed e+er' one of his nei(h-o)r
and tr)st 'e not in an' -rother# for e+er'
-rother will )tterl' s)!!lant and e+er'
nei(h-o)r will walk with slanders*
5 And the' will de&ei+e e+er' one his
nei(h-o)r and will not s!eak the tr)th# the'
ha+e ta)(ht their ton()e to s!eak lies and
wear' themsel+es to &ommit ini6)it'*
6 Thine ha-itation is in the midst of de&eit.
thro)(h de&eit the' ref)se to know me saith
the $OR%*
7 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
Behold I will melt them and tr' them. for
how shall I do for the da)(hter of m' !eo!le3
8 Their ton()e is as an arrow shot o)t. it
s!eaketh de&eit# one s!eaketh !ea&ea-l' to his
nei(h-o)r with his mo)th -)t in heart he
la'eth his wait*
9 1 2hall I not +isit them for these things3
saith the $OR%# shall not m' so)l -e a+en(ed
on s)&h a nation as this3
10 For the mo)ntains will I take )! a
wee!in( and wailin( and for the ha-itations
of the wilderness a lamentation -e&a)se the'
are -)rned )! so that none &an !ass thro)(h
them. neither &an men hear the +oi&e of the
&attle. -oth the fowl of the hea+ens and the
-east are fled. the' are (one*
11 And I will make Jer)salem hea!s and a
den of dra(ons. and I will make the &ities of
J)dah desolate witho)t an inha-itant*
12 1 4ho is the wise man that ma'
)nderstand this3 and who is he to whom the
mo)th of the $OR% hath s!oken that he ma'
de&lare it for what the land !erisheth and is
-)rned )! like a wilderness that none !asseth
13 And the $OR% saith Be&a)se the' ha+e
forsaken m' law whi&h I set -efore them and
ha+e not o-e'ed m' +oi&e neither walked
14 B)t ha+e walked after the ima(ination of
their own heart and after Baalim whi&h their
fathers ta)(ht them#
15 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
the /od of Israel. Behold I will feed them
even this !eo!le with wormwood and (i+e
them water of (all to drink*
16 I will s&atter them also amon( the
heathen whom neither the' nor their fathers
ha+e known# and I will send a sword after
them till I ha+e &ons)med them*
17 1 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
Consider 'e and &all for the mo)rnin(
women that the' ma' &ome. and send for
&)nnin( women that the' ma' &ome#
18 And let them make haste and take )! a
wailin( for )s that o)r e'es ma' r)n down
with tears and o)r e'elids ()sh o)t with
19 For a +oi&e of wailin( is heard o)t of
,ion How are we s!oiled0 we are (reatl'
&onfo)nded -e&a)se we ha+e forsaken the
land -e&a)se o)r dwellin(s ha+e &ast us o)t*
20 9et hear the word of the $OR% O 'e
women and let 'o)r ear re&ei+e the word of
his mo)th and tea&h 'o)r da)(hters wailin(
and e+er' one her nei(h-o)r lamentation*
21 For death is &ome )! into o)r windows
and is entered into o)r !ala&es to &)t off the
&hildren from witho)t and the 'o)n( men
from the streets*
22 2!eak Th)s saith the $OR% E+en the
&ar&ases of men shall fall as d)n( )!on the
o!en field and as the handf)l after the
har+estman and none shall (ather them*
23 1 Th)s saith the $OR% $et not the wise
man (lor' in his wisdom neither let the
mi(ht' man (lor' in his mi(ht let not the ri&h
man (lor' in his ri&hes#
24 B)t let him that (lorieth (lor' in this that
he )nderstandeth and knoweth me that I am
the $OR% whi&h e=er&ise lo+in(kindness
")d(ment and ri(hteo)sness in the earth# for
in these things I deli(ht saith the $OR%*
25 1 Behold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that I will !)nish all them which are
&ir&)m&ised with the )n&ir&)m&ised.
26 E('!t and J)dah and Edom and the
&hildren of Ammon and Moa- and all that
are in the )tmost &orners that dwell in the
wilderness# for all these nations are
)n&ir&)m&ised and all the ho)se of Israel are
)n&ir&)m&ised in the heart*
1 Hear 'e the word whi&h the $OR%
s!eaketh )nto 'o) O ho)se of Israel#
2 Th)s saith the $OR% $earn not the wa'
of the heathen and -e not disma'ed at the
si(ns of hea+en. for the heathen are disma'ed
at them*
3 For the &)stoms of the !eo!le are +ain# for
one &)tteth a tree o)t of the forest the work of
the hands of the workman with the a=e*
4 The' de&k it with sil+er and with (old.
the' fasten it with nails and with hammers
that it mo+e not*
5 The' are )!ri(ht as the !alm tree -)t
s!eak not# the' m)st needs -e -orne -e&a)se
the' &annot (o* Be not afraid of them. for the'
&annot do e+il neither also is it in them to do
6 Forasm)&h as there is none like )nto thee
O $OR%. tho) art (reat and th' name is (reat
in mi(ht*
7 4ho wo)ld not fear thee O Kin( of
nations3 for to thee doth it a!!ertain#
forasm)&h as amon( all the wise men of the
nations and in all their kin(doms there is
none like )nto thee*
8 B)t the' are alto(ether -r)tish and foolish#
the sto&k is a do&trine of +anities*
9 2il+er s!read into !lates is -ro)(ht from
Tarshish and (old from D!haE the work of
the workman and of the hands of the fo)nder#
-l)e and !)r!le is their &lothin(# the' are all
the work of &)nnin( men*
10 B)t the $OR% is the tr)e /od he is the
li+in( /od and an e+erlastin( kin(# at his
wrath the earth shall trem-le and the nations
shall not -e a-le to a-ide his indi(nation*
11 Th)s shall 'e sa' )nto them The (ods
that ha+e not made the hea+ens and the earth
even the' shall !erish from the earth and from
)nder these hea+ens*
12 He hath made the earth -' his !ower he
hath esta-lished the world -' his wisdom and
hath stret&hed o)t the hea+ens -' his
13 4hen he )ttereth his +oi&e there is a
m)ltit)de of waters in the hea+ens and he
&a)seth the +a!o)rs to as&end from the ends of
the earth. he maketh li(htnin(s with rain and
-rin(eth forth the wind o)t of his treas)res*
14 E+er' man is -r)tish in his knowled(e#
e+er' fo)nder is &onfo)nded -' the (ra+en
ima(e# for his molten ima(e is falsehood and
there is no -reath in them*
15 The' are +anit' and the work of errors#
in the time of their +isitation the' shall !erish*
16 The !ortion of Ja&o- is not like them# for
he is the former of all things. and Israel is the
rod of his inheritan&e# The $OR% of hosts is
his name*
17 1 /ather )! th' wares o)t of the land O
inha-itant of the fortress*
18 For th)s saith the $OR% Behold I will
slin( o)t the inha-itants of the land at this
on&e and will distress them that the' ma'
find it so*
19 1 4oe is me for m' h)rt0 m' wo)nd is
(rie+o)s# -)t I said Tr)l' this is a (rief and I
m)st -ear it*
20 M' ta-erna&le is s!oiled and all m'
&ords are -roken# m' &hildren are (one forth
of me and the' are not# there is none to
stret&h forth m' tent an' more and to set )!
m' &)rtains*
21 For the !astors are -e&ome -r)tish and
ha+e not so)(ht the $OR%# therefore the'
shall not !ros!er and all their flo&ks shall -e
22 Behold the noise of the -r)it is &ome
and a (reat &ommotion o)t of the north
&o)ntr' to make the &ities of J)dah desolate
and a den of dra(ons*
23 1 O $OR% I know that the wa' of man
is not in himself# it is not in man that walketh
to dire&t his ste!s*
24 O $OR% &orre&t me -)t with ")d(ment.
not in thine an(er lest tho) -rin( me to
25 Po)r o)t th' f)r' )!on the heathen that
know thee not and )!on the families that &all
not on th' name# for the' ha+e eaten )! Ja&o-
and de+o)red him and &ons)med him and
ha+e made his ha-itation desolate*
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah from the
$OR% sa'in(
2 Hear 'e the words of this &o+enant and
s!eak )nto the men of J)dah and to the
inha-itants of Jer)salem.
3 And sa' tho) )nto them Th)s saith the
$OR% /od of Israel. C)rsed be the man that
o-e'eth not the words of this &o+enant
4 4hi&h I &ommanded 'o)r fathers in the
da' that I -ro)(ht them forth o)t of the land of
E('!t from the iron f)rna&e sa'in( O-e' m'
+oi&e and do them a&&ordin( to all whi&h I
&ommand 'o)# so shall 'e -e m' !eo!le and I
will -e 'o)r /od#
5 That I ma' !erform the oath whi&h I ha+e
sworn )nto 'o)r fathers to (i+e them a land
flowin( with milk and hone' as it is this da'*
Then answered I and said 2o -e it O $OR%*
6 Then the $OR% said )nto me Pro&laim all
these words in the &ities of J)dah and in the
streets of Jer)salem sa'in( Hear 'e the words
of this &o+enant and do them*
7 For I earnestl' !rotested )nto 'o)r fathers
in the da' that I -ro)(ht them )! o)t of the
land of E('!t even )nto this da' risin( earl'
and !rotestin( sa'in( O-e' m' +oi&e*
8 9et the' o-e'ed not nor in&lined their ear
-)t walked e+er' one in the ima(ination of
their e+il heart# therefore I will -rin( )!on
them all the words of this &o+enant whi&h I
&ommanded them to do. -)t the' did them not*
9 And the $OR% said )nto me A &ons!ira&'
is fo)nd amon( the men of J)dah and amon(
the inha-itants of Jer)salem*
10 The' are t)rned -a&k to the ini6)ities of
their forefathers whi&h ref)sed to hear m'
words. and the' went after other (ods to ser+e
them# the ho)se of Israel and the ho)se of
J)dah ha+e -roken m' &o+enant whi&h I made
with their fathers*
11 1 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% Behold
I will -rin( e+il )!on them whi&h the' shall
not -e a-le to es&a!e. and tho)(h the' shall
&r' )nto me I will not hearken )nto them*
12 Then shall the &ities of J)dah and
inha-itants of Jer)salem (o and &r' )nto the
(ods )nto whom the' offer in&ense# -)t the'
shall not sa+e them at all in the time of their
13 For according to the n)m-er of th' &ities
were th' (ods O J)dah. and according to the
n)m-er of the streets of Jer)salem ha+e 'e set
)! altars to that shamef)l thin( even altars to
-)rn in&ense )nto Baal*
14 Therefore !ra' not tho) for this !eo!le
neither lift )! a &r' or !ra'er for them# for I
will not hear them in the time that the' &r'
)nto me for their tro)-le*
15 4hat hath m' -elo+ed to do in mine
ho)se seeing she hath wro)(ht lewdness with
man' and the hol' flesh is !assed from thee3
when tho) doest e+il then tho) re"oi&est*
16 The $OR% &alled th' name A (reen
oli+e tree fair and of (oodl' fr)it# with the
noise of a (reat t)m)lt he hath kindled fire
)!on it and the -ran&hes of it are -roken*
17 For the $OR% of hosts that !lanted thee
hath !rono)n&ed e+il a(ainst thee for the e+il
of the ho)se of Israel and of the ho)se of
J)dah whi&h the' ha+e done a(ainst
themsel+es to !ro+oke me to an(er in offerin(
in&ense )nto Baal*
18 1 And the $OR% hath (i+en me
knowled(e of it and I know it# then tho)
shewedst me their doin(s*
19 B)t I was like a lam- or an o= that is
-ro)(ht to the sla)(hter. and I knew not that
the' had de+ised de+i&es a(ainst me saying
$et )s destro' the tree with the fr)it thereof
and let )s &)t him off from the land of the
li+in( that his name ma' -e no more
20 B)t O $OR% of hosts that ")d(est
ri(hteo)sl' that triest the reins and the heart
let me see th' +en(ean&e on them# for )nto
thee ha+e I re+ealed m' &a)se*
21 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of the
men of Anathoth that seek th' life sa'in(
Pro!hes' not in the name of the $OR% that
tho) die not -' o)r hand#
22 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
Behold I will !)nish them# the 'o)n( men
shall die -' the sword. their sons and their
da)(hters shall die -' famine#
23 And there shall -e no remnant of them#
for I will -rin( e+il )!on the men of Anathoth
even the 'ear of their +isitation*
1 Ri(hteo)s art tho) O $OR% when I
!lead with thee# 'et let me talk with thee of
thy ")d(ments# 4herefore doth the wa' of the
wi&ked !ros!er3 wherefore are all the' ha!!'
that deal +er' trea&hero)sl'3
2 Tho) hast !lanted them 'ea the' ha+e
taken root# the' (row 'ea the' -rin( forth
fr)it# tho) art near in their mo)th and far
from their reins*
3 B)t tho) O $OR% knowest me# tho) hast
seen me and tried mine heart toward thee# !)ll
them o)t like shee! for the sla)(hter and
!re!are them for the da' of sla)(hter*
4 How lon( shall the land mo)rn and the
her-s of e+er' field wither for the wi&kedness
of them that dwell therein3 the -easts are
&ons)med and the -irds. -e&a)se the' said
He shall not see o)r last end*
5 1 If tho) hast r)n with the footmen and
the' ha+e wearied thee then how &anst tho)
&ontend with horses3 and if in the land of
!ea&e wherein tho) tr)stedst they wearied
thee then how wilt tho) do in the swellin( of
6 For e+en th' -rethren and the ho)se of th'
father e+en the' ha+e dealt trea&hero)sl' with
thee. 'ea the' ha+e &alled a m)ltit)de after
thee# -elie+e them not tho)(h the' s!eak fair
words )nto thee*
7 1 I ha+e forsaken mine ho)se I ha+e left
mine herita(e. I ha+e (i+en the dearl' -elo+ed
of m' so)l into the hand of her enemies*
8 Mine herita(e is )nto me as a lion in the
forest. it &rieth o)t a(ainst me# therefore ha+e
I hated it*
9 Mine herita(e is )nto me as a s!e&kled
-ird the -irds ro)nd a-o)t are a(ainst her.
&ome 'e assem-le all the -easts of the field
&ome to de+o)r*
10 Man' !astors ha+e destro'ed m'
+ine'ard the' ha+e trodden m' !ortion )nder
foot the' ha+e made m' !leasant !ortion a
desolate wilderness*
11 The' ha+e made it desolate and being
desolate it mo)rneth )nto me. the whole land
is made desolate -e&a)se no man la'eth it to
12 The s!oilers are &ome )!on all hi(h
!la&es thro)(h the wilderness# for the sword
of the $OR% shall de+o)r from the one end of
the land e+en to the other end of the land# no
flesh shall ha+e !ea&e*
13 The' ha+e sown wheat -)t shall rea!
thorns# the' ha+e !)t themsel+es to !ain but
shall not !rofit# and the' shall -e ashamed of
'o)r re+en)es -e&a)se of the fier&e an(er of
the $OR%*
14 1 Th)s saith the $OR% a(ainst all mine
e+il nei(h-o)rs that to)&h the inheritan&e
whi&h I ha+e &a)sed m' !eo!le Israel to
inherit. Behold I will !l)&k them o)t of their
land and !l)&k o)t the ho)se of J)dah from
amon( them*
15 And it shall &ome to !ass after that I
ha+e !l)&ked them o)t I will ret)rn and ha+e
&om!assion on them and will -rin( them
a(ain e+er' man to his herita(e and e+er'
man to his land*
16 And it shall &ome to !ass if the' will
dili(entl' learn the wa's of m' !eo!le to
swear -' m' name The $OR% li+eth. as the'
ta)(ht m' !eo!le to swear -' Baal. then shall
the' -e -)ilt in the midst of m' !eo!le*
17 B)t if the' will not o-e' I will )tterl'
!l)&k )! and destro' that nation saith the
1 Th)s saith the $OR% )nto me /o and (et
thee a linen (irdle and !)t it )!on th' loins
and !)t it not in water*
2 2o I (ot a (irdle a&&ordin( to the word of
the $OR% and !)t it on m' loins*
3 And the word of the $OR% &ame )nto me
the se&ond time sa'in(
4 Take the (irdle that tho) hast (ot whi&h is
)!on th' loins and arise (o to E)!hrates and
hide it there in a hole of the ro&k*
5 2o I went and hid it -' E)!hrates as the
$OR% &ommanded me*
6 And it &ame to !ass after man' da's that
the $OR% said )nto me Arise (o to
E)!hrates and take the (irdle from then&e
whi&h I &ommanded thee to hide there*
7 Then I went to E)!hrates and di((ed and
took the (irdle from the !la&e where I had hid
it# and -ehold the (irdle was marred it was
!rofita-le for nothin(*
8 Then the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
me sa'in(
9 Th)s saith the $OR% After this manner
will I mar the !ride of J)dah and the (reat
!ride of Jer)salem*
10 This e+il !eo!le whi&h ref)se to hear m'
words whi&h walk in the ima(ination of their
heart and walk after other (ods to ser+e them
and to worshi! them shall e+en -e as this
(irdle whi&h is (ood for nothin(*
11 For as the (irdle &lea+eth to the loins of a
man so ha+e I &a)sed to &lea+e )nto me the
whole ho)se of Israel and the whole ho)se of
J)dah saith the $OR%. that the' mi(ht -e
)nto me for a !eo!le and for a name and for
a !raise and for a (lor'# -)t the' wo)ld not
12 1 Therefore tho) shalt s!eak )nto them
this word. Th)s saith the $OR% /od of Israel
E+er' -ottle shall -e filled with wine# and the'
shall sa' )nto thee %o we not &ertainl' know
that e+er' -ottle shall -e filled with wine3
13 Then shalt tho) sa' )nto them Th)s saith
the $OR% Behold I will fill all the
inha-itants of this land e+en the kin(s that sit
)!on %a+id8s throne and the !riests and the
!ro!hets and all the inha-itants of Jer)salem
with dr)nkenness*
14 And I will dash them one a(ainst another
e+en the fathers and the sons to(ether saith
the $OR%# I will not !it' nor s!are nor ha+e
mer&' -)t destro' them*
15 1 Hear 'e and (i+e ear. -e not !ro)d# for
the $OR% hath s!oken*
16 /i+e (lor' to the $OR% 'o)r /od
-efore he &a)se darkness and -efore 'o)r feet
st)m-le )!on the dark mo)ntains and while
'e look for li(ht he t)rn it into the shadow of
death and make it (ross darkness*
17 B)t if 'e will not hear it m' so)l shall
wee! in se&ret !la&es for your !ride. and mine
e'e shall wee! sore and r)n down with tears
-e&a)se the $OR%82 flo&k is &arried awa'
18 2a' )nto the kin( and to the 6)een
H)m-le 'o)rsel+es sit down# for 'o)r
!rin&i!alities shall &ome down even the &rown
of 'o)r (lor'*
19 The &ities of the so)th shall -e sh)t )!
and none shall o!en them# J)dah shall -e
&arried awa' &a!ti+e all of it it shall -e
wholl' &arried awa' &a!ti+e*
20 $ift )! 'o)r e'es and -ehold them that
&ome from the north# where is the flo&k that
was (i+en thee th' -ea)tif)l flo&k3
21 4hat wilt tho) sa' when he shall !)nish
thee3 for tho) hast ta)(ht them to be &a!tains
and as &hief o+er thee# shall not sorrows take
thee as a woman in tra+ail3
22 1 And if tho) sa' in thine heart
4herefore &ome these thin(s )!on me3 For
the (reatness of thine ini6)it' are th' skirts
dis&o+ered and th' heels made -are*
23 Can the Ethio!ian &han(e his skin or the
leo!ard his s!ots3 then ma' 'e also do (ood
that are a&&)stomed to do e+il*
24 Therefore will I s&atter them as the
st)--le that !asseth awa' -' the wind of the
25 This is th' lot the !ortion of th'
meas)res from me saith the $OR%. -e&a)se
tho) hast for(otten me and tr)sted in
26 Therefore will I dis&o+er th' skirts )!on
th' fa&e that th' shame ma' a!!ear*
27 I ha+e seen thine ad)lteries and th'
nei(hin(s the lewdness of th' whoredom and
thine a-ominations on the hills in the fields*
4oe )nto thee O Jer)salem0 wilt tho) not -e
made &lean3 when shall it on&e be3
1 The word of the $OR% that &ame to
Jeremiah &on&ernin( the dearth*
2 J)dah mo)rneth and the (ates thereof
lan()ish. the' are -la&k )nto the (ro)nd. and
the &r' of Jer)salem is (one )!*
3 And their no-les ha+e sent their little ones
to the waters# the' &ame to the !its and fo)nd
no water. the' ret)rned with their +essels
em!t'. the' were ashamed and &onfo)nded
and &o+ered their heads*
4 Be&a)se the (ro)nd is &ha!t for there was
no rain in the earth the !lowmen were
ashamed the' &o+ered their heads*
5 9ea the hind also &al+ed in the field and
forsook it -e&a)se there was no (rass*
6 And the wild asses did stand in the hi(h
!la&es the' sn)ffed )! the wind like dra(ons.
their e'es did fail -e&a)se there was no (rass*
7 1 O $OR% tho)(h o)r ini6)ities testif'
a(ainst )s do tho) it for th' name8s sake# for
o)r -a&kslidin(s are man'. we ha+e sinned
a(ainst thee*
8 O the ho!e of Israel the sa+io)r thereof in
time of tro)-le wh' sho)ldest tho) -e as a
stran(er in the land and as a wa'farin( man
that t)rneth aside to tarr' for a ni(ht3
9 4h' sho)ldest tho) -e as a man astonied
as a mi(ht' man that &annot sa+e3 'et tho) O
$OR% art in the midst of )s and we are
&alled -' th' name. lea+e )s not*
10 1 Th)s saith the $OR% )nto this !eo!le
Th)s ha+e the' lo+ed to wander the' ha+e not
refrained their feet therefore the $OR% doth
not a&&e!t them. he will now remem-er their
ini6)it' and +isit their sins*
11 Then said the $OR% )nto me Pra' not
for this !eo!le for their (ood*
12 4hen the' fast I will not hear their &r'.
and when the' offer -)rnt offerin( and an
o-lation I will not a&&e!t them# -)t I will
&ons)me them -' the sword and -' the
famine and -' the !estilen&e*
13 1 Then said I Ah $ord /O%0 -ehold the
!ro!hets sa' )nto them 9e shall not see the
sword neither shall 'e ha+e famine. -)t I will
(i+e 'o) ass)red !ea&e in this !la&e*
14 Then the $OR% said )nto me The
!ro!hets !ro!hes' lies in m' name# I sent
them not neither ha+e I &ommanded them
neither s!ake )nto them# the' !ro!hes' )nto
'o) a false +ision and di+ination and a thin(
of no)(ht and the de&eit of their heart*
15 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%
&on&ernin( the !ro!hets that !ro!hes' in m'
name and I sent them not 'et the' sa' 2word
and famine shall not -e in this land. B' sword
and famine shall those !ro!hets -e &ons)med*
16 And the !eo!le to whom the' !ro!hes'
shall -e &ast o)t in the streets of Jer)salem
-e&a)se of the famine and the sword. and the'
shall ha+e none to -)r' them them their
wi+es nor their sons nor their da)(hters# for I
will !o)r their wi&kedness )!on them*
17 1 Therefore tho) shalt sa' this word )nto
them. $et mine e'es r)n down with tears ni(ht
and da' and let them not &ease# for the +ir(in
da)(hter of m' !eo!le is -roken with a (reat
-rea&h with a +er' (rie+o)s -low*
18 If I (o forth into the field then -ehold the
slain with the sword0 and if I enter into the
&it' then -ehold them that are si&k with
famine0 'ea -oth the !ro!het and the !riest (o
a-o)t into a land that the' know not*
19 Hast tho) )tterl' re"e&ted J)dah3 hath th'
so)l lothed ,ion3 wh' hast tho) smitten )s
and there is no healin( for )s3 we looked for
!ea&e and there is no (ood. and for the time
of healin( and -ehold tro)-le0
20 4e a&knowled(e O $OR% o)r
wi&kedness and the ini6)it' of o)r fathers# for
we ha+e sinned a(ainst thee*
21 %o not a-hor us for th' name8s sake do
not dis(ra&e the throne of th' (lor'#
remem-er -reak not th' &o+enant with )s*
22 Are there any amon( the +anities of the
/entiles that &an &a)se rain3 or &an the
hea+ens (i+e showers3 art not tho) he O
$OR% o)r /od3 therefore we will wait )!on
thee# for tho) hast made all these things*
1 Then said the $OR% )nto me Tho)(h
Moses and 2am)el stood -efore me yet m'
mind could not be toward this !eo!le# &ast
them o)t of m' si(ht and let them (o forth*
2 And it shall &ome to !ass if the' sa' )nto
thee 4hither shall we (o forth3 then tho)
shalt tell them Th)s saith the $OR%. 2)&h as
are for death to death. and s)&h as are for the
sword to the sword. and s)&h as are for the
famine to the famine. and s)&h as are for the
&a!ti+it' to the &a!ti+it'*
3 And I will a!!oint o+er them fo)r kinds
saith the $OR%# the sword to sla' and the
do(s to tear and the fowls of the hea+en and
the -easts of the earth to de+o)r and destro'*
4 And I will &a)se them to -e remo+ed into
all kin(doms of the earth -e&a)se of
Manasseh the son of HeEekiah kin( of J)dah
for that whi&h he did in Jer)salem*
5 For who shall ha+e !it' )!on thee O
Jer)salem3 or who shall -emoan thee3 or who
shall (o aside to ask how tho) doest3
6 Tho) hast forsaken me saith the $OR%
tho) art (one -a&kward# therefore will I
stret&h o)t m' hand a(ainst thee and destro'
thee. I am wear' with re!entin(*
7 And I will fan them with a fan in the (ates
of the land. I will -erea+e them of &hildren I
will destro' m' !eo!le since the' ret)rn not
from their wa's*
8 Their widows are in&reased to me a-o+e
the sand of the seas# I ha+e -ro)(ht )!on them
a(ainst the mother of the 'o)n( men a s!oiler
at noonda'# I ha+e &a)sed him to fall )!on it
s)ddenl' and terrors )!on the &it'*
9 2he that hath -orne se+en lan()isheth# she
hath (i+en )! the (host. her s)n is (one down
while it was 'et da'# she hath -een ashamed
and &onfo)nded# and the resid)e of them will I
deli+er to the sword -efore their enemies saith
the $OR%*
10 1 4oe is me m' mother that tho) hast
-orne me a man of strife and a man of
&ontention to the whole earth0 I ha+e neither
lent on )s)r' nor men ha+e lent to me on
)s)r'. yet e+er' one of them doth &)rse me*
11 The $OR% said Feril' it shall -e well
with th' remnant. +eril' I will &a)se the
enem' to entreat thee well in the time of e+il
and in the time of affli&tion*
12 2hall iron -reak the northern iron and the
13 Th' s)-stan&e and th' treas)res will I
(i+e to the s!oil witho)t !ri&e and that for all
th' sins e+en in all th' -orders*
14 And I will make thee to !ass with thine
enemies into a land which tho) knowest not#
for a fire is kindled in mine an(er which shall
-)rn )!on 'o)*
15 1 O $OR% tho) knowest# remem-er me
and +isit me and re+en(e me of m'
!erse&)tors. take me not awa' in th'
lon(s)fferin(# know that for th' sake I ha+e
s)ffered re-)ke*
16 Th' words were fo)nd and I did eat
them. and th' word was )nto me the "o' and
re"oi&in( of mine heart# for I am &alled -' th'
name O $OR% /od of hosts*
17 I sat not in the assem-l' of the mo&kers
nor re"oi&ed. I sat alone -e&a)se of th' hand#
for tho) hast filled me with indi(nation*
18 4h' is m' !ain !er!et)al and m'
wo)nd in&)ra-le which ref)seth to -e healed3
wilt tho) -e alto(ether )nto me as a liar and
as waters that fail3
19 1 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% If tho)
ret)rn then will I -rin( thee a(ain and tho)
shalt stand -efore me# and if tho) take forth
the !re&io)s from the +ile tho) shalt -e as m'
mo)th# let them ret)rn )nto thee. -)t ret)rn
not tho) )nto them*
20 And I will make thee )nto this !eo!le a
fen&ed -rasen wall# and the' shall fi(ht a(ainst
thee -)t the' shall not !re+ail a(ainst thee# for
I am with thee to sa+e thee and to deli+er thee
saith the $OR%*
21 And I will deli+er thee o)t of the hand of
the wi&ked and I will redeem thee o)t of the
hand of the terri-le*
1 The word of the $OR% &ame also )nto
me sa'in(
2 Tho) shalt not take thee a wife neither
shalt tho) ha+e sons or da)(hters in this !la&e*
3 For th)s saith the $OR% &on&ernin( the
sons and &on&ernin( the da)(hters that are
-orn in this !la&e and &on&ernin( their
mothers that -are them and &on&ernin( their
fathers that -e(at them in this land.
4 The' shall die of (rie+o)s deaths. the'
shall not -e lamented. neither shall the' -e
-)ried. but the' shall -e as d)n( )!on the fa&e
of the earth# and the' shall -e &ons)med -'
the sword and -' famine. and their &ar&ases
shall -e meat for the fowls of hea+en and for
the -easts of the earth*
5 For th)s saith the $OR% Enter not into
the ho)se of mo)rnin( neither (o to lament
nor -emoan them# for I ha+e taken awa' m'
!ea&e from this !eo!le saith the $OR% even
lo+in(kindness and mer&ies*
6 Both the (reat and the small shall die in
this land# the' shall not -e -)ried neither shall
men lament for them nor &)t themsel+es nor
make themsel+es -ald for them#
7 7either shall men tear themselves for them
in mo)rnin( to &omfort them for the dead.
neither shall men (i+e them the &)! of
&onsolation to drink for their father or for their
8 Tho) shalt not also (o into the ho)se of
feastin( to sit with them to eat and to drink*
9 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od
of Israel. Behold I will &a)se to &ease o)t of
this !la&e in 'o)r e'es and in 'o)r da's the
+oi&e of mirth and the +oi&e of (ladness the
+oi&e of the -ride(room and the +oi&e of the
10 1 And it shall &ome to !ass when tho)
shalt shew this !eo!le all these words and
the' shall sa' )nto thee 4herefore hath the
$OR% !rono)n&ed all this (reat e+il a(ainst
)s3 or what is o)r ini6)it'3 or what is o)r sin
that we ha+e &ommitted a(ainst the $OR% o)r
11 Then shalt tho) sa' )nto them Be&a)se
'o)r fathers ha+e forsaken me saith the
$OR% and ha+e walked after other (ods and
ha+e ser+ed them and ha+e worshi!!ed them
and ha+e forsaken me and ha+e not ke!t m'
12 And 'e ha+e done worse than 'o)r
fathers. for -ehold 'e walk e+er' one after
the ima(ination of his e+il heart that the' ma'
not hearken )nto me#
13 Therefore will I &ast 'o) o)t of this land
into a land that 'e know not neither 'e nor
'o)r fathers. and there shall 'e ser+e other
(ods da' and ni(ht. where I will not shew 'o)
14 1 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome saith
the $OR% that it shall no more -e said The
$OR% li+eth that -ro)(ht )! the &hildren of
Israel o)t of the land of E('!t.
15 B)t The $OR% li+eth that -ro)(ht )!
the &hildren of Israel from the land of the
north and from all the lands whither he had
dri+en them# and I will -rin( them a(ain into
their land that I (a+e )nto their fathers*
16 1 Behold I will send for man' fishers
saith the $OR% and the' shall fish them. and
after will I send for man' h)nters and the'
shall h)nt them from e+er' mo)ntain and
from e+er' hill and o)t of the holes of the
17 For mine e'es are )!on all their wa's#
the' are not hid from m' fa&e neither is their
ini6)it' hid from mine e'es*
18 And first I will re&om!ense their ini6)it'
and their sin do)-le. -e&a)se the' ha+e defiled
m' land the' ha+e filled mine inheritan&e
with the &ar&ases of their detesta-le and
a-omina-le thin(s*
19 O $OR% m' stren(th and m' fortress
and m' ref)(e in the da' of affli&tion the
/entiles shall &ome )nto thee from the ends of
the earth and shall sa' 2)rel' o)r fathers
ha+e inherited lies +anit' and things wherein
there is no !rofit*
20 2hall a man make (ods )nto himself and
the' are no (ods3
21 Therefore -ehold I will this on&e &a)se
them to know I will &a)se them to know mine
hand and m' mi(ht. and the' shall know that
m' name is The $OR%*
1 The sin of J)dah is written with a !en of
iron and with the !oint of a diamond# it is
(ra+en )!on the ta-le of their heart and )!on
the horns of 'o)r altars.
2 4hilst their &hildren remem-er their altars
and their (ro+es -' the (reen trees )!on the
hi(h hills*
3 O m' mo)ntain in the field I will (i+e th'
s)-stan&e and all th' treas)res to the s!oil
and th' hi(h !la&es for sin thro)(ho)t all th'
4 And tho) e+en th'self shalt dis&ontin)e
from thine herita(e that I (a+e thee. and I will
&a)se thee to ser+e thine enemies in the land
whi&h tho) knowest not# for 'e ha+e kindled a
fire in mine an(er which shall -)rn for e+er*
5 1 Th)s saith the $OR%. C)rsed be the
man that tr)steth in man and maketh flesh his
arm and whose heart de!arteth from the
6 For he shall -e like the heath in the desert
and shall not see when (ood &ometh. -)t shall
inha-it the !ar&hed !la&es in the wilderness
in a salt land and not inha-ited*
7 Blessed is the man that tr)steth in the
$OR% and whose ho!e the $OR% is*
8 For he shall -e as a tree !lanted -' the
waters and that s!readeth o)t her roots -' the
ri+er and shall not see when heat &ometh -)t
her leaf shall -e (reen. and shall not -e &aref)l
in the 'ear of dro)(ht neither shall &ease from
'ieldin( fr)it*
9 1 The heart is de&eitf)l a-o+e all things
and des!eratel' wi&ked# who &an know it3
10 I the $OR% sear&h the heart I tr' the
reins e+en to (i+e e+er' man a&&ordin( to his
wa's and a&&ordin( to the fr)it of his doin(s*
11 As the !artrid(e sitteth on eggs and
hat&heth them not. so he that (etteth ri&hes
and not -' ri(ht shall lea+e them in the midst
of his da's and at his end shall -e a fool*
12 1 A (lorio)s hi(h throne from the
-e(innin( is the !la&e of o)r san&t)ar'*
13 O $OR% the ho!e of Israel all that
forsake thee shall -e ashamed and the' that
de!art from me shall -e written in the earth
-e&a)se the' ha+e forsaken the $OR% the
fo)ntain of li+in( waters*
14 Heal me O $OR% and I shall -e healed.
sa+e me and I shall -e sa+ed# for tho) art m'
15 1 Behold the' sa' )nto me 4here is the
word of the $OR%3 let it &ome now*
16 As for me I ha+e not hastened from
being a !astor to follow thee# neither ha+e I
desired the woef)l da'. tho) knowest# that
whi&h &ame o)t of m' li!s was right -efore
17 Be not a terror )nto me# tho) art m'
ho!e in the da' of e+il*
18 $et them -e &onfo)nded that !erse&)te
me -)t let not me -e &onfo)nded# let them -e
disma'ed -)t let not me -e disma'ed# -rin(
)!on them the da' of e+il and destro' them
with do)-le destr)&tion*
19 1 Th)s said the $OR% )nto me. /o and
stand in the (ate of the &hildren of the !eo!le
where-' the kin(s of J)dah &ome in and -'
the whi&h the' (o o)t and in all the (ates of
20 And sa' )nto them Hear 'e the word of
the $OR% 'e kin(s of J)dah and all J)dah
and all the inha-itants of Jer)salem that enter
in -' these (ates#
21 Th)s saith the $OR%. Take heed to
'o)rsel+es and -ear no -)rden on the sa--ath
da' nor -rin( it in -' the (ates of Jer)salem.
22 7either &arr' forth a -)rden o)t of 'o)r
ho)ses on the sa--ath da' neither do 'e an'
work -)t hallow 'e the sa--ath da' as I
&ommanded 'o)r fathers*
23 B)t the' o-e'ed not neither in&lined
their ear -)t made their ne&k stiff that the'
mi(ht not hear nor re&ei+e instr)&tion*
24 And it shall &ome to !ass if 'e dili(entl'
hearken )nto me saith the $OR% to -rin( in
no -)rden thro)(h the (ates of this &it' on the
sa--ath da' -)t hallow the sa--ath da' to do
no work therein.
25 Then shall there enter into the (ates of
this &it' kin(s and !rin&es sittin( )!on the
throne of %a+id ridin( in &hariots and on
horses the' and their !rin&es the men of
J)dah and the inha-itants of Jer)salem# and
this &it' shall remain for e+er*
26 And the' shall &ome from the &ities of
J)dah and from the !la&es a-o)t Jer)salem
and from the land of Ben"amin and from the
!lain and from the mo)ntains and from the
so)th -rin(in( -)rnt offerin(s and sa&rifi&es
and meat offerin(s and in&ense and -rin(in(
sa&rifi&es of !raise )nto the ho)se of the
27 B)t if 'e will not hearken )nto me to
hallow the sa--ath da' and not to -ear a
-)rden e+en enterin( in at the (ates of
Jer)salem on the sa--ath da'. then will I
kindle a fire in the (ates thereof and it shall
de+o)r the !ala&es of Jer)salem and it shall
not -e 6)en&hed*
1 The word whi&h &ame to Jeremiah from
the $OR% sa'in(
2 Arise and (o down to the !otter8s ho)se
and there I will &a)se thee to hear m' words*
3 Then I went down to the !otter8s ho)se
and -ehold he wro)(ht a work on the wheels*
4 And the +essel that he made of &la' was
marred in the hand of the !otter# so he made it
a(ain another +essel as seemed (ood to the
!otter to make it*
5 Then the word of the $OR% &ame to me
6 O ho)se of Israel &annot I do with 'o) as
this !otter3 saith the $OR%* Behold as the
&la' is in the !otter8s hand so are 'e in mine
hand O ho)se of Israel*
7 At what instant I shall s!eak &on&ernin( a
nation and &on&ernin( a kin(dom to !l)&k
)! and to !)ll down and to destro' it.
8 If that nation a(ainst whom I ha+e
!rono)n&ed t)rn from their e+il I will re!ent
of the e+il that I tho)(ht to do )nto them*
9 And at what instant I shall s!eak
&on&ernin( a nation and &on&ernin( a
kin(dom to -)ild and to !lant it.
10 If it do e+il in m' si(ht that it o-e' not
m' +oi&e then I will re!ent of the (ood
wherewith I said I wo)ld -enefit them*
11 1 7ow therefore (o to s!eak to the men
of J)dah and to the inha-itants of Jer)salem
sa'in( Th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I frame
e+il a(ainst 'o) and de+ise a de+i&e a(ainst
'o)# ret)rn 'e now e+er' one from his e+il
wa' and make 'o)r wa's and 'o)r doin(s
12 And the' said There is no ho!e# -)t we
will walk after o)r own de+i&es and we will
e+er' one do the ima(ination of his e+il heart*
13 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%. Ask 'e
now amon( the heathen who hath heard s)&h
thin(s# the +ir(in of Israel hath done a +er'
horri-le thin(*
14 4ill a man lea+e the snow of $e-anon
which cometh from the ro&k of the field3 or
shall the &old flowin( waters that &ome from
another !la&e -e forsaken3
15 Be&a)se m' !eo!le hath for(otten me
the' ha+e -)rned in&ense to +anit' and the'
ha+e &a)sed them to st)m-le in their wa's
from the an&ient !aths to walk in !aths in a
wa' not &ast )!.
16 To make their land desolate and a
!er!et)al hissin(. e+er' one that !asseth
there-' shall -e astonished and wa( his head*
17 I will s&atter them as with an east wind
-efore the enem'. I will shew them the -a&k
and not the fa&e in the da' of their &alamit'*
18 1 Then said the' Come and let )s de+ise
de+i&es a(ainst Jeremiah. for the law shall not
!erish from the !riest nor &o)nsel from the
wise nor the word from the !ro!het* Come
and let )s smite him with the ton()e and let
)s not (i+e heed to an' of his words*
19 /i+e heed to me O $OR% and hearken
to the +oi&e of them that &ontend with me*
20 2hall e+il -e re&om!ensed for (ood3 for
the' ha+e di((ed a !it for m' so)l* Remem-er
that I stood -efore thee to s!eak (ood for
them and to t)rn awa' th' wrath from them*
21 Therefore deli+er )! their &hildren to the
famine and !o)r o)t their blood -' the for&e
of the sword. and let their wi+es -e -erea+ed
of their &hildren and be widows. and let their
men -e !)t to death. let their 'o)n( men be
slain -' the sword in -attle*
22 $et a &r' -e heard from their ho)ses
when tho) shalt -rin( a troo! s)ddenl' )!on
them# for the' ha+e di((ed a !it to take me
and hid snares for m' feet*
23 9et $OR% tho) knowest all their
&o)nsel a(ainst me to sla' me# for(i+e not
their ini6)it' neither -lot o)t their sin from
th' si(ht -)t let them -e o+erthrown -efore
thee. deal thus with them in the time of thine
1 Th)s saith the $OR% /o and (et a
!otter8s earthen -ottle and take of the an&ients
of the !eo!le and of the an&ients of the
2 And (o forth )nto the +alle' of the son of
Hinnom whi&h is -' the entr' of the east (ate
and !ro&laim there the words that I shall tell
3 And sa' Hear 'e the word of the $OR%
O kin(s of J)dah and inha-itants of
Jer)salem. Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. Behold I will -rin( e+il )!on
this !la&e the whi&h whosoe+er heareth his
ears shall tin(le*
4 Be&a)se the' ha+e forsaken me and ha+e
estran(ed this !la&e and ha+e -)rned in&ense
in it )nto other (ods whom neither the' nor
their fathers ha+e known nor the kin(s of
J)dah and ha+e filled this !la&e with the
-lood of inno&ents.
5 The' ha+e -)ilt also the hi(h !la&es of
Baal to -)rn their sons with fire for -)rnt
offerin(s )nto Baal whi&h I &ommanded not
nor s!ake it neither &ame it into m' mind#
6 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that this !la&e shall no more -e &alled
To!het nor The +alle' of the son of Hinnom
-)t The +alle' of sla)(hter*
7 And I will make +oid the &o)nsel of J)dah
and Jer)salem in this !la&e. and I will &a)se
them to fall -' the sword -efore their enemies
and -' the hands of them that seek their li+es#
and their &ar&ases will I (i+e to -e meat for the
fowls of the hea+en and for the -easts of the
8 And I will make this &it' desolate and an
hissin(. e+er' one that !asseth there-' shall -e
astonished and hiss -e&a)se of all the !la()es
9 And I will &a)se them to eat the flesh of
their sons and the flesh of their da)(hters and
the' shall eat e+er' one the flesh of his friend
in the sie(e and straitness wherewith their
enemies and the' that seek their li+es shall
straiten them*
10 Then shalt tho) -reak the -ottle in the
si(ht of the men that (o with thee
11 And shalt sa' )nto them Th)s saith the
$OR% of hosts. E+en so will I -reak this
!eo!le and this &it' as one -reaketh a !otter8s
+essel that &annot -e made whole a(ain# and
the' shall -)r' them in To!het till there be no
!la&e to -)r'*
12 Th)s will I do )nto this !la&e saith the
$OR% and to the inha-itants thereof and
even make this &it' as To!het#
13 And the ho)ses of Jer)salem and the
ho)ses of the kin(s of J)dah shall -e defiled
as the !la&e of To!het -e&a)se of all the
ho)ses )!on whose roofs the' ha+e -)rned
in&ense )nto all the host of hea+en and ha+e
!o)red o)t drink offerin(s )nto other (ods*
14 Then &ame Jeremiah from To!het
whither the $OR% had sent him to !ro!hes'.
and he stood in the &o)rt of the $OR%82
ho)se. and said to all the !eo!le
15 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel. Behold I will -rin( )!on this &it' and
)!on all her towns all the e+il that I ha+e
!rono)n&ed a(ainst it -e&a)se the' ha+e
hardened their ne&ks that the' mi(ht not hear
m' words*
1 7ow Pash)r the son of Immer the !riest
who was also &hief (o+ernor in the ho)se of
the $OR% heard that Jeremiah !ro!hesied
these thin(s*
2 Then Pash)r smote Jeremiah the !ro!het
and !)t him in the sto&ks that were in the hi(h
(ate of Ben"amin whi&h was -' the ho)se of
the $OR%*
3 And it &ame to !ass on the morrow that
Pash)r -ro)(ht forth Jeremiah o)t of the
sto&ks* Then said Jeremiah )nto him The
$OR% hath not &alled th' name Pash)r -)t
4 For th)s saith the $OR% Behold I will
make thee a terror to th'self and to all th'
friends# and the' shall fall -' the sword of
their enemies and thine e'es shall -ehold it#
and I will (i+e all J)dah into the hand of the
kin( of Ba-'lon and he shall &arr' them
&a!ti+e into Ba-'lon and shall sla' them with
the sword*
5 Moreo+er I will deli+er all the stren(th of
this &it' and all the la-o)rs thereof and all the
!re&io)s thin(s thereof and all the treas)res of
the kin(s of J)dah will I (i+e into the hand of
their enemies whi&h shall s!oil them and take
them and &arr' them to Ba-'lon*
6 And tho) Pash)r and all that dwell in
thine ho)se shall (o into &a!ti+it'# and tho)
shalt &ome to Ba-'lon and there tho) shalt
die and shalt -e -)ried there tho) and all th'
friends to whom tho) hast !ro!hesied lies*
7 1 O $OR% tho) hast de&ei+ed me and I
was de&ei+ed# tho) art stron(er than I and
hast !re+ailed# I am in derision dail' e+er'
one mo&keth me*
8 For sin&e I s!ake I &ried o)t I &ried
+iolen&e and s!oil. -e&a)se the word of the
$OR% was made a re!roa&h )nto me and a
derision dail'*
9 Then I said I will not make mention of
him nor s!eak an' more in his name* B)t his
word was in mine heart as a -)rnin( fire sh)t
)! in m' -ones and I was wear' with
for-earin( and I &o)ld not stay*
10 1 For I heard the defamin( of man' fear
on e+er' side* Re!ort say they and we will
re!ort it* All m' familiars wat&hed for m'
haltin( saying Perad+ent)re he will -e
enti&ed and we shall !re+ail a(ainst him and
we shall take o)r re+en(e on him*
11 B)t the $OR% is with me as a mi(ht'
terri-le one# therefore m' !erse&)tors shall
st)m-le and the' shall not !re+ail# the' shall
-e (reatl' ashamed. for the' shall not !ros!er#
their e+erlastin( &onf)sion shall ne+er -e
12 B)t O $OR% of hosts that triest the
ri(hteo)s and seest the reins and the heart let
me see th' +en(ean&e on them# for )nto thee
ha+e I o!ened m' &a)se*
13 2in( )nto the $OR% !raise 'e the
$OR%# for he hath deli+ered the so)l of the
!oor from the hand of e+ildoers*
14 1 C)rsed be the da' wherein I was -orn#
let not the da' wherein m' mother -are me -e
15 C)rsed be the man who -ro)(ht tidin(s
to m' father sa'in( A man &hild is -orn )nto
thee. makin( him +er' (lad*
16 And let that man -e as the &ities whi&h
the $OR% o+erthrew and re!ented not# and
let him hear the &r' in the mornin( and the
sho)tin( at noontide.
17 Be&a)se he slew me not from the wom-.
or that m' mother mi(ht ha+e -een m' (ra+e
and her wom- to be alwa's (reat with me*
18 4herefore &ame I forth o)t of the wom-
to see la-o)r and sorrow that m' da's sho)ld
-e &ons)med with shame3
1 The word whi&h &ame )nto Jeremiah from
the $OR% when kin( ,edekiah sent )nto him
Pash)r the son of Mel&hiah and ,e!haniah
the son of Maaseiah the !riest sa'in(
2 En6)ire I !ra' thee of the $OR% for )s.
for 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon maketh
war a(ainst )s. if so -e that the $OR% will
deal with )s a&&ordin( to all his wondro)s
works that he ma' (o )! from )s*
3 1 Then said Jeremiah )nto them Th)s
shall 'e sa' to ,edekiah#
4 Th)s saith the $OR% /od of Israel.
Behold I will t)rn -a&k the wea!ons of war
that are in 'o)r hands wherewith 'e fi(ht
a(ainst the kin( of Ba-'lon and against the
Chaldeans whi&h -esie(e 'o) witho)t the
walls and I will assem-le them into the midst
of this &it'*
5 And I m'self will fi(ht a(ainst 'o) with an
o)tstret&hed hand and with a stron( arm e+en
in an(er and in f)r' and in (reat wrath*
6 And I will smite the inha-itants of this
&it' -oth man and -east# the' shall die of a
(reat !estilen&e*
7 And afterward saith the $OR% I will
deli+er ,edekiah kin( of J)dah and his
ser+ants and the !eo!le and s)&h as are left in
this &it' from the !estilen&e from the sword
and from the famine into the hand of
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon and into the
hand of their enemies and into the hand of
those that seek their life# and he shall smite
them with the ed(e of the sword. he shall not
s!are them neither ha+e !it' nor ha+e mer&'*
8 1 And )nto this !eo!le tho) shalt sa' Th)s
saith the $OR%. Behold I set -efore 'o) the
wa' of life and the wa' of death*
9 He that a-ideth in this &it' shall die -' the
sword and -' the famine and -' the
!estilen&e# -)t he that (oeth o)t and falleth to
the Chaldeans that -esie(e 'o) he shall li+e
and his life shall -e )nto him for a !re'*
10 For I ha+e set m' fa&e a(ainst this &it'
for e+il and not for (ood saith the $OR%# it
shall -e (i+en into the hand of the kin( of
Ba-'lon and he shall -)rn it with fire*
11 1 And to)&hin( the ho)se of the kin( of
J)dah say Hear 'e the word of the $OR%.
12 O ho)se of %a+id th)s saith the $OR%.
E=e&)te ")d(ment in the mornin( and deli+er
him that is s!oiled o)t of the hand of the
o!!ressor lest m' f)r' (o o)t like fire and
-)rn that none &an 6)en&h it -e&a)se of the
e+il of 'o)r doin(s*
13 Behold I am a(ainst thee O inha-itant of
the +alle' and ro&k of the !lain saith the
$OR%. whi&h sa' 4ho shall &ome down
a(ainst )s3 or who shall enter into o)r
14 B)t I will !)nish 'o) a&&ordin( to the
fr)it of 'o)r doin(s saith the $OR%# and I
will kindle a fire in the forest thereof and it
shall de+o)r all thin(s ro)nd a-o)t it*
1 Th)s saith the $OR%. /o down to the
ho)se of the kin( of J)dah and s!eak there
this word
2 And sa' Hear the word of the $OR% O
kin( of J)dah that sittest )!on the throne of
%a+id tho) and th' ser+ants and th' !eo!le
that enter in -' these (ates#
3 Th)s saith the $OR%. E=e&)te 'e
")d(ment and ri(hteo)sness and deli+er the
s!oiled o)t of the hand of the o!!ressor# and
do no wron( do no +iolen&e to the stran(er
the fatherless nor the widow neither shed
inno&ent -lood in this !la&e*
4 For if 'e do this thin( indeed then shall
there enter in -' the (ates of this ho)se kin(s
sittin( )!on the throne of %a+id ridin( in
&hariots and on horses he and his ser+ants
and his !eo!le*
5 B)t if 'e will not hear these words I swear
-' m'self saith the $OR% that this ho)se
shall -e&ome a desolation*
6 For th)s saith the $OR% )nto the kin(8s
ho)se of J)dah. Tho) art /ilead )nto me and
the head of $e-anon# yet s)rel' I will make
thee a wilderness and &ities which are not
7 And I will !re!are destro'ers a(ainst thee
e+er' one with his wea!ons# and the' shall &)t
down th' &hoi&e &edars and &ast them into the
8 And man' nations shall !ass -' this &it'
and the' shall sa' e+er' man to his nei(h-o)r
4herefore hath the $OR% done th)s )nto this
(reat &it'3
9 Then the' shall answer Be&a)se the' ha+e
forsaken the &o+enant of the $OR% their /od
and worshi!!ed other (ods and ser+ed them*
10 1 4ee! 'e not for the dead neither
-emoan him# but wee! sore for him that (oeth
awa'# for he shall ret)rn no more nor see his
nati+e &o)ntr'*
11 For th)s saith the $OR% to)&hin(
2hall)m the son of Josiah kin( of J)dah
whi&h rei(ned instead of Josiah his father
whi&h went forth o)t of this !la&e. He shall
not ret)rn thither an' more#
12 B)t he shall die in the !la&e whither the'
ha+e led him &a!ti+e and shall see this land
no more*
13 1 4oe )nto him that -)ildeth his ho)se
-' )nri(hteo)sness and his &ham-ers -'
wron(. that )seth his nei(h-o)r8s ser+i&e
witho)t wa(es and (i+eth him not for his
14 That saith I will -)ild me a wide ho)se
and lar(e &ham-ers and &)tteth him o)t
windows. and it is &ieled with &edar and
!ainted with +ermilion*
15 2halt tho) rei(n -e&a)se tho) &losest
thyself in &edar3 did not th' father eat and
drink and do ")d(ment and ")sti&e and then it
was well with him3
16 He ")d(ed the &a)se of the !oor and
need'. then it was well with him: was not this
to know me3 saith the $OR%*
17 B)t thine e'es and thine heart are not -)t
for th' &o+eto)sness and for to shed inno&ent
-lood and for o!!ression and for +iolen&e to
do it*
18 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%
&on&ernin( Jehoiakim the son of Josiah kin(
of J)dah. The' shall not lament for him
saying Ah m' -rother0 or Ah sister0 the' shall
not lament for him saying Ah lord0 or Ah his
19 He shall -e -)ried with the -)rial of an
ass drawn and &ast forth -e'ond the (ates of
20 1 /o )! to $e-anon and &r'. and lift )!
th' +oi&e in Bashan and &r' from the
!assa(es# for all th' lo+ers are destro'ed*
21 I s!ake )nto thee in th' !ros!erit'. but
tho) saidst I will not hear* This hath been th'
manner from th' 'o)th that tho) o-e'edst not
m' +oi&e*
22 The wind shall eat )! all th' !astors and
th' lo+ers shall (o into &a!ti+it'# s)rel' then
shalt tho) -e ashamed and &onfo)nded for all
th' wi&kedness*
23 O inha-itant of $e-anon that makest th'
nest in the &edars how (ra&io)s shalt tho) -e
when !an(s &ome )!on thee the !ain as of a
woman in tra+ail0
24 As I li+e saith the $OR% tho)(h Coniah
the son of Jehoiakim kin( of J)dah were the
si(net )!on m' ri(ht hand 'et wo)ld I !l)&k
thee then&e.
25 And I will (i+e thee into the hand of them
that seek th' life and into the hand of them
whose fa&e tho) fearest e+en into the hand of
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon and into the
hand of the Chaldeans*
26 And I will &ast thee o)t and th' mother
that -are thee into another &o)ntr' where 'e
were not -orn. and there shall 'e die*
27 B)t to the land where)nto the' desire to
ret)rn thither shall the' not ret)rn*
28 Is this man Coniah a des!ised -roken
idol3 is he a +essel wherein is no !leas)re3
wherefore are the' &ast o)t he and his seed
and are &ast into a land whi&h the' know not3
29 O earth earth earth hear the word of the
30 Th)s saith the $OR% 4rite 'e this man
&hildless a man that shall not !ros!er in his
da's# for no man of his seed shall !ros!er
sittin( )!on the throne of %a+id and r)lin(
an' more in J)dah*
1 4oe -e )nto the !astors that destro' and
s&atter the shee! of m' !ast)re0 saith the
2 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% /od of
Israel a(ainst the !astors that feed m' !eo!le.
9e ha+e s&attered m' flo&k and dri+en them
awa' and ha+e not +isited them# -ehold I will
+isit )!on 'o) the e+il of 'o)r doin(s saith
the $OR%*
3 And I will (ather the remnant of m' flo&k
o)t of all &o)ntries whither I ha+e dri+en
them and will -rin( them a(ain to their folds.
and the' shall -e fr)itf)l and in&rease*
4 And I will set )! she!herds o+er them
whi&h shall feed them# and the' shall fear no
more nor -e disma'ed neither shall the' -e
la&kin( saith the $OR%*
5 1 Behold the da's &ome saith the $OR%
that I will raise )nto %a+id a ri(hteo)s Bran&h
and a Kin( shall rei(n and !ros!er and shall
e=e&)te ")d(ment and ")sti&e in the earth*
6 In his da's J)dah shall -e sa+ed and Israel
shall dwell safel'# and this is his name
where-' he shall -e &alled THE $OR% ODR
7 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that the' shall no more sa' The
$OR% li+eth whi&h -ro)(ht )! the &hildren
of Israel o)t of the land of E('!t.
8 B)t The $OR% li+eth whi&h -ro)(ht )!
and whi&h led the seed of the ho)se of Israel
o)t of the north &o)ntr' and from all &o)ntries
whither I had dri+en them. and the' shall
dwell in their own land*
9 1 Mine heart within me is -roken -e&a)se
of the !ro!hets. all m' -ones shake. I am like
a dr)nken man and like a man whom wine
hath o+er&ome -e&a)se of the $OR% and
-e&a)se of the words of his holiness*
10 For the land is f)ll of ad)lterers. for
-e&a)se of swearin( the land mo)rneth. the
!leasant !la&es of the wilderness are dried )!
and their &o)rse is e+il and their for&e is not
11 For -oth !ro!het and !riest are !rofane.
'ea in m' ho)se ha+e I fo)nd their
wi&kedness saith the $OR%*
12 4herefore their wa' shall -e )nto them
as sli!!er' ways in the darkness# the' shall -e
dri+en on and fall therein# for I will -rin( e+il
)!on them even the 'ear of their +isitation
saith the $OR%*
13 And I ha+e seen foll' in the !ro!hets of
2amaria. the' !ro!hesied in Baal and &a)sed
m' !eo!le Israel to err*
14 I ha+e seen also in the !ro!hets of
Jer)salem an horri-le thin(# the' &ommit
ad)lter' and walk in lies# the' stren(then also
the hands of e+ildoers that none doth ret)rn
from his wi&kedness# the' are all of them )nto
me as 2odom and the inha-itants thereof as
15 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
&on&ernin( the !ro!hets. Behold I will feed
them with wormwood and make them drink
the water of (all# for from the !ro!hets of
Jer)salem is !rofaneness (one forth into all
the land*
16 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts Hearken
not )nto the words of the !ro!hets that
!ro!hes' )nto 'o)# the' make 'o) +ain# the'
s!eak a +ision of their own heart and not o)t
of the mo)th of the $OR%*
17 The' sa' still )nto them that des!ise me
The $OR% hath said 9e shall ha+e !ea&e. and
the' sa' )nto e+er' one that walketh after the
ima(ination of his own heart 7o e+il shall
&ome )!on 'o)*
18 For who hath stood in the &o)nsel of the
$OR% and hath !er&ei+ed and heard his
word3 who hath marked his word and heard
19 Behold a whirlwind of the $OR% is
(one forth in f)r' e+en a (rie+o)s whirlwind#
it shall fall (rie+o)sl' )!on the head of the
20 The an(er of the $OR% shall not ret)rn
)ntil he ha+e e=e&)ted and till he ha+e
!erformed the tho)(hts of his heart# in the
latter da's 'e shall &onsider it !erfe&tl'*
21 I ha+e not sent these !ro!hets 'et the'
ran# I ha+e not s!oken to them 'et the'
22 B)t if the' had stood in m' &o)nsel and
had &a)sed m' !eo!le to hear m' words then
the' sho)ld ha+e t)rned them from their e+il
wa' and from the e+il of their doin(s*
23 Am I a /od at hand saith the $OR% and
not a /od afar off3
24 Can an' hide himself in se&ret !la&es that
I shall not see him3 saith the $OR%* %o not I
fill hea+en and earth3 saith the $OR%*
25 I ha+e heard what the !ro!hets said that
!ro!hes' lies in m' name sa'in( I ha+e
dreamed I ha+e dreamed*
26 How lon( shall this -e in the heart of the
!ro!hets that !ro!hes' lies3 'ea they are
!ro!hets of the de&eit of their own heart.
27 4hi&h think to &a)se m' !eo!le to for(et
m' name -' their dreams whi&h the' tell
e+er' man to his nei(h-o)r as their fathers
ha+e for(otten m' name for Baal*
28 The !ro!het that hath a dream let him
tell a dream. and he that hath m' word let him
s!eak m' word faithf)ll'* 4hat is the &haff to
the wheat3 saith the $OR%*
29 Is not m' word like as a fire3 saith the
$OR%. and like a hammer that -reaketh the
ro&k in !ie&es3
30 Therefore -ehold I am a(ainst the
!ro!hets saith the $OR% that steal m' words
e+er' one from his nei(h-o)r*
31 Behold I am a(ainst the !ro!hets saith
the $OR% that )se their ton()es and sa' He
32 Behold I am a(ainst them that !ro!hes'
false dreams saith the $OR% and do tell
them and &a)se m' !eo!le to err -' their lies
and -' their li(htness. 'et I sent them not nor
&ommanded them# therefore the' shall not
!rofit this !eo!le at all saith the $OR%*
33 1 And when this !eo!le or the !ro!het
or a !riest shall ask thee sa'in( 4hat is the
-)rden of the $OR%3 tho) shalt then sa' )nto
them 4hat -)rden3 I will e+en forsake 'o)
saith the $OR%*
34 And as for the !ro!het and the !riest
and the !eo!le that shall sa' The -)rden of
the $OR% I will e+en !)nish that man and his
35 Th)s shall 'e sa' e+er' one to his
nei(h-o)r and e+er' one to his -rother 4hat
hath the $OR% answered3 and 4hat hath the
$OR% s!oken3
36 And the -)rden of the $OR% shall 'e
mention no more# for e+er' man8s word shall
-e his -)rden. for 'e ha+e !er+erted the words
of the li+in( /od of the $OR% of hosts o)r
37 Th)s shalt tho) sa' to the !ro!het 4hat
hath the $OR% answered thee3 and 4hat
hath the $OR% s!oken3
38 B)t sin&e 'e sa' The -)rden of the
$OR%. therefore th)s saith the $OR%.
Be&a)se 'e sa' this word The -)rden of the
$OR% and I ha+e sent )nto 'o) sa'in( 9e
shall not sa' The -)rden of the $OR%.
39 Therefore -ehold I e+en I will )tterl'
for(et 'o) and I will forsake 'o) and the &it'
that I (a+e 'o) and 'o)r fathers and cast you
o)t of m' !resen&e#
40 And I will -rin( an e+erlastin( re!roa&h
)!on 'o) and a !er!et)al shame whi&h shall
not -e for(otten*
1 The $OR% shewed me and -ehold two
-askets of fi(s were set -efore the tem!le of
the $OR% after that 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of
Ba-'lon had &arried awa' &a!ti+e Je&oniah
the son of Jehoiakim kin( of J)dah and the
!rin&es of J)dah with the &ar!enters and
smiths from Jer)salem and had -ro)(ht them
to Ba-'lon*
2 One -asket had +er' (ood fi(s even like
the fi(s that are first ri!e# and the other -asket
had +er' na)(ht' fi(s whi&h &o)ld not -e
eaten the' were so -ad*
3 Then said the $OR% )nto me 4hat seest
tho) Jeremiah3 And I said Fi(s. the (ood
fi(s +er' (ood. and the e+il +er' e+il that
&annot -e eaten the' are so e+il*
4 1 A(ain the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
me sa'in(
5 Th)s saith the $OR% the /od of Israel.
$ike these (ood fi(s so will I a&knowled(e
them that are &arried awa' &a!ti+e of J)dah
whom I ha+e sent o)t of this !la&e into the
land of the Chaldeans for their (ood*
6 For I will set mine e'es )!on them for
(ood and I will -rin( them a(ain to this land#
and I will -)ild them and not !)ll them down.
and I will !lant them and not !l)&k them )!*
7 And I will (i+e them an heart to know me
that I am the $OR%# and the' shall -e m'
!eo!le and I will -e their /od# for the' shall
ret)rn )nto me with their whole heart*
8 1 And as the e+il fi(s whi&h &annot -e
eaten the' are so e+il. s)rel' th)s saith the
$OR% 2o will I (i+e ,edekiah the kin( of
J)dah and his !rin&es and the resid)e of
Jer)salem that remain in this land and them
that dwell in the land of E('!t#
9 And I will deli+er them to -e remo+ed into
all the kin(doms of the earth for their h)rt to
be a re!roa&h and a !ro+er- a ta)nt and a
&)rse in all !la&es whither I shall dri+e them*
10 And I will send the sword the famine
and the !estilen&e amon( them till the' -e
&ons)med from off the land that I (a+e )nto
them and to their fathers*
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah
&on&ernin( all the !eo!le of J)dah in the
fo)rth 'ear of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah
kin( of J)dah that was the first 'ear of
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon.
2 The whi&h Jeremiah the !ro!het s!ake
)nto all the !eo!le of J)dah and to all the
inha-itants of Jer)salem sa'in(
3 From the thirteenth 'ear of Josiah the son
of Amon kin( of J)dah e+en )nto this da'
that is the three and twentieth 'ear the word
of the $OR% hath &ome )nto me and I ha+e
s!oken )nto 'o) risin( earl' and s!eakin(.
-)t 'e ha+e not hearkened*
4 And the $OR% hath sent )nto 'o) all his
ser+ants the !ro!hets risin( earl' and sendin(
them. -)t 'e ha+e not hearkened nor in&lined
'o)r ear to hear*
5 The' said T)rn 'e a(ain now e+er' one
from his e+il wa' and from the e+il of 'o)r
doin(s and dwell in the land that the $OR%
hath (i+en )nto 'o) and to 'o)r fathers for
e+er and e+er#
6 And (o not after other (ods to ser+e them
and to worshi! them and !ro+oke me not to
an(er with the works of 'o)r hands. and I will
do 'o) no h)rt*
7 9et 'e ha+e not hearkened )nto me saith
the $OR%. that 'e mi(ht !ro+oke me to an(er
with the works of 'o)r hands to 'o)r own
8 1 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts.
Be&a)se 'e ha+e not heard m' words
9 Behold I will send and take all the
families of the north saith the $OR% and
7e-)&hadreEEar the kin( of Ba-'lon m'
ser+ant and will -rin( them a(ainst this land
and a(ainst the inha-itants thereof and a(ainst
all these nations ro)nd a-o)t and will )tterl'
destro' them and make them an astonishment
and an hissin( and !er!et)al desolations*
10 Moreo+er I will take from them the +oi&e
of mirth and the +oi&e of (ladness the +oi&e
of the -ride(room and the +oi&e of the -ride
the so)nd of the millstones and the li(ht of
the &andle*
11 And this whole land shall -e a desolation
and an astonishment. and these nations shall
ser+e the kin( of Ba-'lon se+ent' 'ears*
12 1 And it shall &ome to !ass when se+ent'
'ears are a&&om!lished that I will !)nish the
kin( of Ba-'lon and that nation saith the
$OR% for their ini6)it' and the land of the
Chaldeans and will make it !er!et)al
13 And I will -rin( )!on that land all m'
words whi&h I ha+e !rono)n&ed a(ainst it
even all that is written in this -ook whi&h
Jeremiah hath !ro!hesied a(ainst all the
14 For man' nations and (reat kin(s shall
ser+e themsel+es of them also# and I will
re&om!ense them a&&ordin( to their deeds and
a&&ordin( to the works of their own hands*
15 1 For th)s saith the $OR% /od of Israel
)nto me. Take the wine &)! of this f)r' at m'
hand and &a)se all the nations to whom I
send thee to drink it*
16 And the' shall drink and -e mo+ed and
-e mad -e&a)se of the sword that I will send
amon( them*
17 Then took I the &)! at the $OR%82 hand
and made all the nations to drink )nto whom
the $OR% had sent me#
18 o wit Jer)salem and the &ities of J)dah
and the kin(s thereof and the !rin&es thereof
to make them a desolation an astonishment
an hissin( and a &)rse. as it is this da'.
19 Pharaoh kin( of E('!t and his ser+ants
and his !rin&es and all his !eo!le.
20 And all the min(led !eo!le and all the
kin(s of the land of DE and all the kin(s of
the land of the Philistines and Ashkelon and
AEEah and Ekron and the remnant of Ashdod
21 Edom and Moa- and the &hildren of
22 And all the kin(s of T'r)s and all the
kin(s of ,idon and the kin(s of the isles
whi&h are -e'ond the sea
23 %edan and Tema and B)E and all that
are in the )tmost &orners
24 And all the kin(s of Ara-ia and all the
kin(s of the min(led !eo!le that dwell in the
25 And all the kin(s of ,imri and all the
kin(s of Elam and all the kin(s of the Medes
26 And all the kin(s of the north far and
near one with another and all the kin(doms
of the world whi&h are )!on the fa&e of the
earth# and the kin( of 2hesha&h shall drink
after them*
27 Therefore tho) shalt sa' )nto them Th)s
saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of Israel.
%rink 'e and -e dr)nken and s!)e and fall
and rise no more -e&a)se of the sword whi&h
I will send amon( 'o)*
28 And it shall -e if the' ref)se to take the
&)! at thine hand to drink then shalt tho) sa'
)nto them Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts. 9e
shall &ertainl' drink*
29 For lo I -e(in to -rin( e+il on the &it'
whi&h is &alled -' m' name and sho)ld 'e -e
)tterl' )n!)nished3 9e shall not -e
)n!)nished# for I will &all for a sword )!on all
the inha-itants of the earth saith the $OR% of
30 Therefore !ro!hes' tho) a(ainst them all
these words and sa' )nto them The $OR%
shall roar from on hi(h and )tter his +oi&e
from his hol' ha-itation. he shall mi(htil' roar
)!on his ha-itation. he shall (i+e a sho)t as
the' that tread the grapes a(ainst all the
inha-itants of the earth*
31 A noise shall &ome even to the ends of the
earth. for the $OR% hath a &ontro+ers' with
the nations he will !lead with all flesh. he will
(i+e them that are wi&ked to the sword saith
the $OR%*
32 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts Behold
e+il shall (o forth from nation to nation and a
(reat whirlwind shall -e raised )! from the
&oasts of the earth*
33 And the slain of the $OR% shall -e at
that da' from one end of the earth e+en )nto
the other end of the earth# the' shall not -e
lamented neither (athered nor -)ried. the'
shall -e d)n( )!on the (ro)nd*
34 1 Howl 'e she!herds and &r'. and
wallow 'o)rsel+es in the ashes 'e !rin&i!al of
the flo&k# for the da's of 'o)r sla)(hter and of
'o)r dis!ersions are a&&om!lished. and 'e
shall fall like a !leasant +essel*
35 And the she!herds shall ha+e no wa' to
flee nor the !rin&i!al of the flo&k to es&a!e*
36 A +oi&e of the &r' of the she!herds and
an howlin( of the !rin&i!al of the flo&k shall
be heard# for the $OR% hath s!oiled their
37 And the !ea&ea-le ha-itations are &)t
down -e&a)se of the fier&e an(er of the
38 He hath forsaken his &o+ert as the lion#
for their land is desolate -e&a)se of the
fier&eness of the o!!ressor and -e&a)se of his
fier&e an(er*
1 In the -e(innin( of the rei(n of Jehoiakim
the son of Josiah kin( of J)dah &ame this word
from the $OR% sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR%. 2tand in the &o)rt
of the $OR%82 ho)se and s!eak )nto all the
&ities of J)dah whi&h &ome to worshi! in the
$OR%82 ho)se all the words that I &ommand
thee to s!eak )nto them. diminish not a word#
3 If so -e the' will hearken and t)rn e+er'
man from his e+il wa' that I ma' re!ent me of
the e+il whi&h I !)r!ose to do )nto them
-e&a)se of the e+il of their doin(s*
4 And tho) shalt sa' )nto them Th)s saith
the $OR%. If 'e will not hearken to me to
walk in m' law whi&h I ha+e set -efore 'o)
5 To hearken to the words of m' ser+ants the
!ro!hets whom I sent )nto 'o) -oth risin( )!
earl' and sendin( them -)t 'e ha+e not
6 Then will I make this ho)se like 2hiloh
and will make this &it' a &)rse to all the
nations of the earth*
7 2o the !riests and the !ro!hets and all the
!eo!le heard Jeremiah s!eakin( these words
in the ho)se of the $OR%*
8 1 7ow it &ame to !ass when Jeremiah had
made an end of s!eakin( all that the $OR%
had &ommanded him to s!eak )nto all the
!eo!le that the !riests and the !ro!hets and all
the !eo!le took him sa'in( Tho) shalt s)rel'
9 4h' hast tho) !ro!hesied in the name of
the $OR% sa'in( This ho)se shall -e like
2hiloh and this &it' shall -e desolate witho)t
an inha-itant3 And all the !eo!le were
(athered a(ainst Jeremiah in the ho)se of the
10 1 4hen the !rin&es of J)dah heard these
thin(s then the' &ame )! from the kin(8s
ho)se )nto the ho)se of the $OR% and sat
down in the entr' of the new (ate of the
$OR%82 house*
11 Then s!ake the !riests and the !ro!hets
)nto the !rin&es and to all the !eo!le sa'in(
This man is worth' to die. for he hath
!ro!hesied a(ainst this &it' as 'e ha+e heard
with 'o)r ears*
12 1 Then s!ake Jeremiah )nto all the
!rin&es and to all the !eo!le sa'in( The
$OR% sent me to !ro!hes' a(ainst this ho)se
and a(ainst this &it' all the words that 'e ha+e
13 Therefore now amend 'o)r wa's and
'o)r doin(s and o-e' the +oi&e of the $OR%
'o)r /od. and the $OR% will re!ent him of
the e+il that he hath !rono)n&ed a(ainst 'o)*
14 As for me -ehold I am in 'o)r hand# do
with me as seemeth (ood and meet )nto 'o)*
15 B)t know 'e for &ertain that if 'e !)t me
to death 'e shall s)rel' -rin( inno&ent -lood
)!on 'o)rsel+es and )!on this &it' and )!on
the inha-itants thereof# for of a tr)th the
$OR% hath sent me )nto 'o) to s!eak all
these words in 'o)r ears*
16 1 Then said the !rin&es and all the !eo!le
)nto the !riests and to the !ro!hets. This man
is not worth' to die# for he hath s!oken to )s
in the name of the $OR% o)r /od*
17 Then rose )! &ertain of the elders of the
land and s!ake to all the assem-l' of the
!eo!le sa'in(
18 Mi&ah the Morasthite !ro!hesied in the
da's of HeEekiah kin( of J)dah and s!ake to
all the !eo!le of J)dah sa'in( Th)s saith the
$OR% of hosts. ,ion shall -e !lowed like a
field and Jer)salem shall -e&ome hea!s and
the mo)ntain of the ho)se as the hi(h !la&es of
a forest*
19 %id HeEekiah kin( of J)dah and all J)dah
!)t him at all to death3 did he not fear the
$OR% and -eso)(ht the $OR% and the
$OR% re!ented him of the e+il whi&h he had
!rono)n&ed a(ainst them3 Th)s mi(ht we
!ro&)re (reat e+il a(ainst o)r so)ls*
20 And there was also a man that !ro!hesied
in the name of the $OR% Dri"ah the son of
2hemaiah of Kir"ath?"earim who !ro!hesied
a(ainst this &it' and a(ainst this land
a&&ordin( to all the words of Jeremiah#
21 And when Jehoiakim the kin( with all
his mi(ht' men and all the !rin&es heard his
words the kin( so)(ht to !)t him to death# -)t
when Dri"ah heard it he was afraid and fled
and went into E('!t.
22 And Jehoiakim the kin( sent men into
E('!t namely Elnathan the son of A&h-or
and certain men with him into E('!t*
23 And the' fet&hed forth Dri"ah o)t of
E('!t and -ro)(ht him )nto Jehoiakim the
kin(. who slew him with the sword and &ast
his dead -od' into the (ra+es of the &ommon
24 7e+ertheless the hand of Ahikam the son
of 2ha!han was with Jeremiah that the'
sho)ld not (i+e him into the hand of the
!eo!le to !)t him to death*
1 In the -e(innin( of the rei(n of Jehoiakim
the son of Josiah kin( of J)dah &ame this word
)nto Jeremiah from the $OR% sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR% to me. Make thee
-onds and 'okes and !)t them )!on th' ne&k
3 And send them to the kin( of Edom and to
the kin( of Moa- and to the kin( of the
Ammonites and to the kin( of T'r)s and to
the kin( of ,idon -' the hand of the
messen(ers whi&h &ome to Jer)salem )nto
,edekiah kin( of J)dah.
4 And &ommand them to sa' )nto their
masters Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. Th)s shall 'e sa' )nto 'o)r
5 I ha+e made the earth the man and the
-east that are )!on the (ro)nd -' m' (reat
!ower and -' m' o)tstret&hed arm and ha+e
(i+en it )nto whom it seemed meet )nto me*
6 And now ha+e I (i+en all these lands into
the hand of 7e-)&hadneEEar the kin( of
Ba-'lon m' ser+ant. and the -easts of the
field ha+e I (i+en him also to ser+e him*
7 And all nations shall ser+e him and his
son and his son8s son )ntil the +er' time of
his land &ome# and then man' nations and
(reat kin(s shall ser+e themsel+es of him*
8 And it shall &ome to !ass that the nation
and kin(dom whi&h will not ser+e the same
7e-)&hadneEEar the kin( of Ba-'lon and that
will not !)t their ne&k )nder the 'oke of the
kin( of Ba-'lon that nation will I !)nish
saith the $OR% with the sword and with the
famine and with the !estilen&e )ntil I ha+e
&ons)med them -' his hand*
9 Therefore hearken not 'e to 'o)r !ro!hets
nor to 'o)r di+iners nor to 'o)r dreamers nor
to 'o)r en&hanters nor to 'o)r sor&erers
whi&h s!eak )nto 'o) sa'in( 9e shall not
ser+e the kin( of Ba-'lon#
10 For the' !ro!hes' a lie )nto 'o) to
remo+e 'o) far from 'o)r land. and that I
sho)ld dri+e 'o) o)t and 'e sho)ld !erish*
11 B)t the nations that -rin( their ne&k
)nder the 'oke of the kin( of Ba-'lon and
ser+e him those will I let remain still in their
own land saith the $OR%. and the' shall till
it and dwell therein*
12 1 I s!ake also to ,edekiah kin( of J)dah
a&&ordin( to all these words sa'in( Brin(
'o)r ne&ks )nder the 'oke of the kin( of
Ba-'lon and ser+e him and his !eo!le and
13 4h' will 'e die tho) and th' !eo!le -'
the sword -' the famine and -' the
!estilen&e as the $OR% hath s!oken a(ainst
the nation that will not ser+e the kin( of
14 Therefore hearken not )nto the words of
the !ro!hets that s!eak )nto 'o) sa'in( 9e
shall not ser+e the kin( of Ba-'lon# for the'
!ro!hes' a lie )nto 'o)*
15 For I ha+e not sent them saith the
$OR% 'et the' !ro!hes' a lie in m' name.
that I mi(ht dri+e 'o) o)t and that 'e mi(ht
!erish 'e and the !ro!hets that !ro!hes' )nto
16 Also I s!ake to the !riests and to all this
!eo!le sa'in( Th)s saith the $OR%. Hearken
not to the words of 'o)r !ro!hets that
!ro!hes' )nto 'o) sa'in( Behold the +essels
of the $OR%82 ho)se shall now shortl' -e
-ro)(ht a(ain from Ba-'lon# for the'
!ro!hes' a lie )nto 'o)*
17 Hearken not )nto them. ser+e the kin( of
Ba-'lon and li+e# wherefore sho)ld this &it'
-e laid waste3
18 B)t if the' be !ro!hets and if the word
of the $OR% -e with them let them now
make inter&ession to the $OR% of hosts that
the +essels whi&h are left in the ho)se of the
$OR% and in the ho)se of the kin( of J)dah
and at Jer)salem (o not to Ba-'lon*
19 1 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
&on&ernin( the !illars and &on&ernin( the sea
and &on&ernin( the -ases and &on&ernin( the
resid)e of the +essels that remain in this &it'
20 4hi&h 7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of Ba-'lon
took not when he &arried awa' &a!ti+e
Je&oniah the son of Jehoiakim kin( of J)dah
from Jer)salem to Ba-'lon and all the no-les
of J)dah and Jer)salem.
21 9ea th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel &on&ernin( the +essels that
remain in the ho)se of the $OR% and in the
ho)se of the kin( of J)dah and of Jer)salem.
22 The' shall -e &arried to Ba-'lon and
there shall the' -e )ntil the da' that I +isit
them saith the $OR%. then will I -rin( them
)! and restore them to this !la&e*
1 And it &ame to !ass the same 'ear in the
-e(innin( of the rei(n of ,edekiah kin( of
J)dah in the fo)rth 'ear and in the fifth
month that Hananiah the son of AE)r the
!ro!het whi&h was of /i-eon s!ake )nto me
in the ho)se of the $OR% in the !resen&e of
the !riests and of all the !eo!le sa'in(
2 Th)s s!eaketh the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel sa'in( I ha+e -roken the 'oke
of the kin( of Ba-'lon*
3 4ithin two f)ll 'ears will I -rin( a(ain
into this !la&e all the +essels of the $OR%82
ho)se that 7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of Ba-'lon
took awa' from this !la&e and &arried them to
4 And I will -rin( a(ain to this !la&e
Je&oniah the son of Jehoiakim kin( of J)dah
with all the &a!ti+es of J)dah that went into
Ba-'lon saith the $OR%# for I will -reak the
'oke of the kin( of Ba-'lon*
5 Then the !ro!het Jeremiah said )nto the
!ro!het Hananiah in the !resen&e of the
!riests and in the !resen&e of all the !eo!le
that stood in the ho)se of the $OR%
6 E+en the !ro!het Jeremiah said Amen# the
$OR% do so# the $OR% !erform th' words
whi&h tho) hast !ro!hesied to -rin( a(ain the
+essels of the $OR%82 ho)se and all that is
&arried awa' &a!ti+e from Ba-'lon into this
7 7e+ertheless hear tho) now this word that
I s!eak in thine ears and in the ears of all the
8 The !ro!hets that ha+e -een -efore me and
-efore thee of old !ro!hesied -oth a(ainst
man' &o)ntries and a(ainst (reat kin(doms
of war and of e+il and of !estilen&e*
9 The !ro!het whi&h !ro!hesieth of !ea&e
when the word of the !ro!het shall &ome to
!ass then shall the !ro!het -e known that the
$OR% hath tr)l' sent him*
10 Then Hananiah the !ro!het took the 'oke
from off the !ro!het Jeremiah8s ne&k and
-rake it*
11 And Hananiah s!ake in the !resen&e of
all the !eo!le sa'in( Th)s saith the $OR%.
E+en so will I -reak the 'oke of
7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of Ba-'lon from the
ne&k of all nations within the s!a&e of two f)ll
'ears* And the !ro!het Jeremiah went his wa'*
12 Then the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
Jeremiah the prophet after that Hananiah the
!ro!het had -roken the 'oke from off the ne&k
of the !ro!het Jeremiah sa'in(
13 /o and tell Hananiah sa'in( Th)s saith
the $OR%. Tho) hast -roken the 'okes of
wood. -)t tho) shalt make for them 'okes of
14 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. I ha+e !)t a 'oke of iron )!on
the ne&k of all these nations that the' ma'
ser+e 7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of Ba-'lon. and
the' shall ser+e him# and I ha+e (i+en him the
-easts of the field also*
15 Then said the !ro!het Jeremiah )nto
Hananiah the !ro!het Hear now Hananiah.
The $OR% hath not sent thee. -)t tho) makest
this !eo!le to tr)st in a lie*
16 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I
will &ast thee from off the fa&e of the earth#
this 'ear tho) shalt die -e&a)se tho) hast
ta)(ht re-ellion a(ainst the $OR%*
17 2o Hananiah the !ro!het died the same
'ear in the se+enth month*
1 7ow these are the words of the letter that
Jeremiah the !ro!het sent from Jer)salem )nto
the resid)e of the elders whi&h were &arried
awa' &a!ti+es and to the !riests and to the
!ro!hets and to all the !eo!le whom
7e-)&hadneEEar had &arried awa' &a!ti+e
from Jer)salem to Ba-'lon.
2 GAfter that Je&oniah the kin( and the
6)een and the e)n)&hs the !rin&es of J)dah
and Jer)salem and the &ar!enters and the
smiths were de!arted from Jer)salem.H
3 B' the hand of Elasah the son of 2ha!han
and /emariah the son of Hilkiah Gwhom
,edekiah kin( of J)dah sent )nto Ba-'lon to
7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of Ba-'lonH sa'in(
4 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel )nto all that are &arried awa' &a!ti+es
whom I ha+e &a)sed to -e &arried awa' from
Jer)salem )nto Ba-'lon.
5 1 B)ild 'e ho)ses and dwell in them. and
!lant (ardens and eat the fr)it of them.
6 Take 'e wi+es and -e(et sons and
da)(hters. and take wi+es for 'o)r sons and
(i+e 'o)r da)(hters to h)s-ands that the'
ma' -ear sons and da)(hters. that 'e ma' -e
in&reased there and not diminished*
7 And seek the !ea&e of the &it' whither I
ha+e &a)sed 'o) to -e &arried awa' &a!ti+es
and !ra' )nto the $OR% for it# for in the
!ea&e thereof shall 'e ha+e !ea&e*
8 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od
of Israel. $et not 'o)r !ro!hets and 'o)r
di+iners that be in the midst of 'o) de&ei+e
'o) neither hearken to 'o)r dreams whi&h 'e
&a)se to -e dreamed*
9 For the' !ro!hes' falsel' )nto 'o) in m'
name# I ha+e not sent them saith the $OR%*
10 1 For th)s saith the $OR% That after
se+ent' 'ears -e a&&om!lished at Ba-'lon I
will +isit 'o) and !erform m' (ood word
toward 'o) in &a)sin( 'o) to ret)rn to this
11 For I know the tho)(hts that I think
toward 'o) saith the $OR% tho)(hts of
!ea&e and not of e+il to (i+e 'o) an e=!e&ted
12 1 Then shall 'e &all )!on me and 'e
shall (o and !ra' )nto me and I will hearken
)nto 'o)*
13 And 'e shall seek me and find me when
'e shall sear&h for me with all 'o)r heart*
14 And I will -e fo)nd of 'o) saith the
$OR%# and I will t)rn awa' 'o)r &a!ti+it'
and I will (ather 'o) from all the nations and
from all the !la&es whither I ha+e dri+en 'o)
saith the $OR%. and I will -rin( 'o) a(ain
into the !la&e when&e I &a)sed 'o) to -e
&arried awa' &a!ti+e*
15 1 Be&a)se 'e ha+e said The $OR% hath
raised )s )! !ro!hets in Ba-'lon.
16 !now that th)s saith the $OR% of the
kin( that sitteth )!on the throne of %a+id and
of all the !eo!le that dwelleth in this &it' and
of 'o)r -rethren that are not (one forth with
'o) into &a!ti+it'.
17 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts. Behold I
will send )!on them the sword the famine
and the !estilen&e and will make them like
+ile fi(s that &annot -e eaten the' are so e+il*
18 And I will !erse&)te them with the
sword with the famine and with the
!estilen&e and will deli+er them to -e
remo+ed to all the kin(doms of the earth to -e
a &)rse and an astonishment and an hissin(
and a re!roa&h amon( all the nations whither
I ha+e dri+en them#
19 Be&a)se the' ha+e not hearkened to m'
words saith the $OR% whi&h I sent )nto
them -' m' ser+ants the !ro!hets risin( )!
earl' and sendin( them. -)t 'e wo)ld not hear
saith the $OR%*
20 1 Hear 'e therefore the word of the
$OR% all 'e of the &a!ti+it' whom I ha+e
sent from Jer)salem to Ba-'lon#
21 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel of Aha- the son of Kolaiah and of
,edekiah the son of Maaseiah whi&h
!ro!hes' a lie )nto 'o) in m' name. Behold I
will deli+er them into the hand of
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon. and he shall
sla' them -efore 'o)r e'es.
22 And of them shall -e taken )! a &)rse -'
all the &a!ti+it' of J)dah whi&h are in
Ba-'lon sa'in( The $OR% make thee like
,edekiah and like Aha- whom the kin( of
Ba-'lon roasted in the fire.
23 Be&a)se the' ha+e &ommitted +illan' in
Israel and ha+e &ommitted ad)lter' with their
nei(h-o)rs8 wi+es and ha+e s!oken l'in(
words in m' name whi&h I ha+e not
&ommanded them. e+en I know and am a
witness saith the $OR%*
24 1 hus shalt tho) also s!eak to 2hemaiah
the 7ehelamite sa'in(
25 Th)s s!eaketh the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel sa'in( Be&a)se tho) hast sent
letters in th' name )nto all the !eo!le that are
at Jer)salem and to ,e!haniah the son of
Maaseiah the !riest and to all the !riests
26 The $OR% hath made thee !riest in the
stead of Jehoiada the !riest that 'e sho)ld -e
offi&ers in the ho)se of the $OR% for e+er'
man that is mad and maketh himself a
!ro!het that tho) sho)ldest !)t him in !rison
and in the sto&ks*
27 7ow therefore wh' hast tho) not
re!ro+ed Jeremiah of Anathoth whi&h maketh
himself a !ro!het to 'o)3
28 For therefore he sent )nto )s in Ba-'lon
sa'in( This captivity is lon(# -)ild 'e ho)ses
and dwell in them. and !lant (ardens and eat
the fr)it of them*
29 And ,e!haniah the !riest read this letter
in the ears of Jeremiah the !ro!het*
30 1 Then &ame the word of the $OR% )nto
Jeremiah sa'in(
31 2end to all them of the &a!ti+it' sa'in(
Th)s saith the $OR% &on&ernin( 2hemaiah
the 7ehelamite. Be&a)se that 2hemaiah hath
!ro!hesied )nto 'o) and I sent him not and
he &a)sed 'o) to tr)st in a lie#
32 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I
will !)nish 2hemaiah the 7ehelamite and his
seed# he shall not ha+e a man to dwell amon(
this !eo!le. neither shall he -ehold the (ood
that I will do for m' !eo!le saith the $OR%.
-e&a)se he hath ta)(ht re-ellion a(ainst the
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah from the
$OR% sa'in(
2 Th)s s!eaketh the $OR% /od of Israel
sa'in( 4rite thee all the words that I ha+e
s!oken )nto thee in a -ook*
3 For lo the da's &ome saith the $OR%
that I will -rin( a(ain the &a!ti+it' of m'
!eo!le Israel and J)dah saith the $OR%# and I
will &a)se them to ret)rn to the land that I
(a+e to their fathers and the' shall !ossess it*
4 1 And these are the words that the $OR%
s!ake &on&ernin( Israel and &on&ernin( J)dah*
5 For th)s saith the $OR%. 4e ha+e heard a
+oi&e of trem-lin( of fear and not of !ea&e*
6 Ask 'e now and see whether a man doth
tra+ail with &hild3 wherefore do I see e+er'
man with his hands on his loins as a woman
in tra+ail and all fa&es are t)rned into
7 Alas0 for that da' is (reat so that none is
like it# it is e+en the time of Ja&o-8s tro)-le.
-)t he shall -e sa+ed o)t of it*
8 For it shall &ome to !ass in that da' saith
the $OR% of hosts that I will -reak his 'oke
from off th' ne&k and will -)rst th' -onds
and stran(ers shall no more ser+e themsel+es
of him#
9 B)t the' shall ser+e the $OR% their /od
and %a+id their kin( whom I will raise )!
)nto them*
10 1 Therefore fear tho) not O m' ser+ant
Ja&o- saith the $OR%. neither -e disma'ed
O Israel# for lo I will sa+e thee from afar and
th' seed from the land of their &a!ti+it'. and
Ja&o- shall ret)rn and shall -e in rest and -e
6)iet and none shall make him afraid*
11 For I am with thee saith the $OR% to
sa+e thee# tho)(h I make a f)ll end of all
nations whither I ha+e s&attered thee 'et will I
not make a f)ll end of thee# -)t I will &orre&t
thee in meas)re and will not lea+e thee
alto(ether )n!)nished*
12 For th)s saith the $OR% Th' -r)ise is
in&)ra-le and th' wo)nd is (rie+o)s*
13 here is none to !lead th' &a)se that
tho) ma'est -e -o)nd )!# tho) hast no healin(
14 All th' lo+ers ha+e for(otten thee. the'
seek thee not. for I ha+e wo)nded thee with
the wo)nd of an enem' with the &hastisement
of a &r)el one for the m)ltit)de of thine
ini6)it'. because th' sins were in&reased*
15 4h' &riest tho) for thine affli&tion3 th'
sorrow is in&)ra-le for the m)ltit)de of thine
ini6)it'# because th' sins were in&reased I
ha+e done these thin(s )nto thee*
16 Therefore all the' that de+o)r thee shall
-e de+o)red. and all thine ad+ersaries e+er'
one of them shall (o into &a!ti+it'. and the'
that s!oil thee shall -e a s!oil and all that !re'
)!on thee will I (i+e for a !re'*
17 For I will restore health )nto thee and I
will heal thee of th' wo)nds saith the $OR%.
-e&a)se the' &alled thee an O)t&ast saying
This is ,ion whom no man seeketh after*
18 1 Th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I will
-rin( a(ain the &a!ti+it' of Ja&o-8s tents and
ha+e mer&' on his dwellin(!la&es. and the &it'
shall -e -)ilded )!on her own hea! and the
!ala&e shall remain after the manner thereof*
19 And o)t of them shall !ro&eed
thanks(i+in( and the +oi&e of them that make
merr'# and I will m)lti!l' them and the' shall
not -e few. I will also (lorif' them and the'
shall not -e small*
20 Their &hildren also shall -e as aforetime
and their &on(re(ation shall -e esta-lished
-efore me and I will !)nish all that o!!ress
21 And their no-les shall -e of themsel+es
and their (o+ernor shall !ro&eed from the
midst of them. and I will &a)se him to draw
near and he shall a!!roa&h )nto me# for who
is this that en(a(ed his heart to a!!roa&h )nto
me3 saith the $OR%*
22 And 'e shall -e m' !eo!le and I will -e
'o)r /od*
23 Behold the whirlwind of the $OR%
(oeth forth with f)r' a &ontin)in( whirlwind#
it shall fall with !ain )!on the head of the
24 The fier&e an(er of the $OR% shall not
ret)rn )ntil he ha+e done it and )ntil he ha+e
!erformed the intents of his heart# in the latter
da's 'e shall &onsider it*
1 At the same time saith the $OR% will I
-e the /od of all the families of Israel and
the' shall -e m' !eo!le*
2 Th)s saith the $OR% The !eo!le which
were left of the sword fo)nd (ra&e in the
wilderness. even Israel when I went to &a)se
him to rest*
3 The $OR% hath a!!eared of old )nto me
saying 9ea I ha+e lo+ed thee with an
e+erlastin( lo+e# therefore with
lo+in(kindness ha+e I drawn thee*
4 A(ain I will -)ild thee and tho) shalt -e
-)ilt O +ir(in of Israel# tho) shalt a(ain -e
adorned with th' ta-rets and shalt (o forth in
the dan&es of them that make merr'*
5 Tho) shalt 'et !lant +ines )!on the
mo)ntains of 2amaria# the !lanters shall !lant
and shall eat them as &ommon thin(s*
6 For there shall -e a da' that the wat&hmen
)!on the mo)nt E!hraim shall &r' Arise 'e
and let )s (o )! to ,ion )nto the $OR% o)r
7 For th)s saith the $OR%. 2in( with
(ladness for Ja&o- and sho)t amon( the &hief
of the nations# !)-lish 'e !raise 'e and sa'
O $OR% sa+e th' !eo!le the remnant of
8 Behold I will -rin( them from the north
&o)ntr' and (ather them from the &oasts of
the earth and with them the -lind and the
lame the woman with &hild and her that
tra+aileth with &hild to(ether# a (reat &om!an'
shall ret)rn thither*
9 The' shall &ome with wee!in( and with
s)!!li&ations will I lead them# I will &a)se
them to walk -' the ri+ers of waters in a
strai(ht wa' wherein the' shall not st)m-le#
for I am a father to Israel and E!hraim is m'
10 1 Hear the word of the $OR% O 'e
nations and de&lare it in the isles afar off and
sa' He that s&attered Israel will (ather him
and kee! him as a she!herd doth his flo&k*
11 For the $OR% hath redeemed Ja&o- and
ransomed him from the hand of him that was
stron(er than he*
12 Therefore the' shall &ome and sin( in the
hei(ht of ,ion and shall flow to(ether to the
(oodness of the $OR% for wheat and for
wine and for oil and for the 'o)n( of the
flo&k and of the herd# and their so)l shall -e as
a watered (arden. and the' shall not sorrow
an' more at all*
13 Then shall the +ir(in re"oi&e in the dan&e
-oth 'o)n( men and old to(ether# for I will
t)rn their mo)rnin( into "o' and will &omfort
them and make them re"oi&e from their
14 And I will satiate the so)l of the !riests
with fatness and m' !eo!le shall -e satisfied
with m' (oodness saith the $OR%*
15 1 Th)s saith the $OR%. A +oi&e was
heard in Ramah lamentation and -itter
wee!in(. Rahel wee!in( for her &hildren
ref)sed to -e &omforted for her &hildren
-e&a)se the' were not*
16 Th)s saith the $OR%. Refrain th' +oi&e
from wee!in( and thine e'es from tears# for
th' work shall -e rewarded saith the $OR%.
and the' shall &ome a(ain from the land of the
17 And there is ho!e in thine end saith the
$OR% that th' &hildren shall &ome a(ain to
their own -order*
18 1 I ha+e s)rel' heard E!hraim -emoanin(
himself thus. Tho) hast &hastised me and I
was &hastised as a -)llo&k )na&&)stomed to
the yoke# t)rn tho) me and I shall -e t)rned.
for tho) art the $OR% m' /od*
19 2)rel' after that I was t)rned I re!ented.
and after that I was instr)&ted I smote )!on
my thi(h# I was ashamed 'ea e+en
&onfo)nded -e&a)se I did -ear the re!roa&h of
m' 'o)th*
20 Is E!hraim m' dear son3 is he a !leasant
&hild3 for sin&e I s!ake a(ainst him I do
earnestl' remem-er him still# therefore m'
-owels are tro)-led for him. I will s)rel' ha+e
mer&' )!on him saith the $OR%*
21 1 2et thee )! wa'marks make thee hi(h
hea!s# set thine heart toward the hi(hwa'
even the wa' which tho) wentest# t)rn a(ain
O +ir(in of Israel t)rn a(ain to these th'
22 How lon( wilt tho) (o a-o)t O tho)
-a&kslidin( da)(hter3 for the $OR% hath
&reated a new thin( in the earth A woman
shall &om!ass a man*
23 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel. As 'et the' shall )se this s!ee&h in the
land of J)dah and in the &ities thereof when I
shall -rin( a(ain their &a!ti+it'. The $OR%
-less thee O ha-itation of ")sti&e and
mo)ntain of holiness*
24 And there shall dwell in J)dah itself and
in all the &ities thereof to(ether h)s-andmen
and the' that (o forth with flo&ks*
25 For I ha+e satiated the wear' so)l and I
ha+e re!lenished e+er' sorrowf)l so)l*
26 D!on this I awaked and -eheld. and m'
slee! was sweet )nto me*
27 1 Behold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that I will sow the ho)se of Israel and
the ho)se of J)dah with the seed of man and
with the seed of -east*
28 And it shall &ome to !ass that like as I
ha+e wat&hed o+er them to !l)&k )! and to
-reak down and to throw down and to
destro' and to affli&t. so will I wat&h o+er
them to -)ild and to !lant saith the $OR%*
29 In those da's the' shall sa' no more The
fathers ha+e eaten a so)r (ra!e and the
&hildren8s teeth are set on ed(e*
30 B)t e+er' one shall die for his own
ini6)it'# e+er' man that eateth the so)r (ra!e
his teeth shall -e set on ed(e*
31 1 Behold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that I will make a new &o+enant with
the ho)se of Israel and with the ho)se of
32 7ot a&&ordin( to the &o+enant that I
made with their fathers in the da' that I took
them -' the hand to -rin( them o)t of the land
of E('!t. whi&h m' &o+enant the' -rake
altho)(h I was an h)s-and )nto them saith the
33 B)t this shall be the &o+enant that I will
make with the ho)se of Israel. After those
da's saith the $OR% I will !)t m' law in
their inward !arts and write it in their hearts.
and will -e their /od and the' shall -e m'
34 And the' shall tea&h no more e+er' man
his nei(h-o)r and e+er' man his -rother
sa'in( Know the $OR%# for the' shall all
know me from the least of them )nto the
(reatest of them saith the $OR%# for I will
for(i+e their ini6)it' and I will remem-er
their sin no more*
35 1 Th)s saith the $OR% whi&h (i+eth the
s)n for a li(ht -' da' and the ordinan&es of
the moon and of the stars for a li(ht -' ni(ht
whi&h di+ideth the sea when the wa+es thereof
roar. The $OR% of hosts is his name#
36 If those ordinan&es de!art from -efore
me saith the $OR% then the seed of Israel
also shall &ease from -ein( a nation -efore me
for e+er*
37 Th)s saith the $OR%. If hea+en a-o+e
&an -e meas)red and the fo)ndations of the
earth sear&hed o)t -eneath I will also &ast off
all the seed of Israel for all that the' ha+e
done saith the $OR%*
38 1 Behold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that the &it' shall -e -)ilt to the
$OR% from the tower of Hananeel )nto the
(ate of the &orner*
39 And the meas)rin( line shall 'et (o forth
o+er a(ainst it )!on the hill /are- and shall
&om!ass a-o)t to /oath*
40 And the whole +alle' of the dead -odies
and of the ashes and all the fields )nto the
-rook of Kidron )nto the &orner of the horse
(ate toward the east shall be hol' )nto the
$OR%. it shall not -e !l)&ked )! nor thrown
down an' more for e+er*
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah from the
$OR% in the tenth 'ear of ,edekiah kin( of
J)dah whi&h was the ei(hteenth 'ear of
2 For then the kin( of Ba-'lon8s arm'
-esie(ed Jer)salem# and Jeremiah the !ro!het
was sh)t )! in the &o)rt of the !rison whi&h
was in the kin( of J)dah8s ho)se*
3 For ,edekiah kin( of J)dah had sh)t him
)! sa'in( 4herefore dost tho) !ro!hes' and
sa' Th)s saith the $OR% Behold I will (i+e
this &it' into the hand of the kin( of Ba-'lon
and he shall take it.
4 And ,edekiah kin( of J)dah shall not
es&a!e o)t of the hand of the Chaldeans -)t
shall s)rel' -e deli+ered into the hand of the
kin( of Ba-'lon and shall s!eak with him
mo)th to mo)th and his e'es shall -ehold his
5 And he shall lead ,edekiah to Ba-'lon
and there shall he -e )ntil I +isit him saith the
$OR%# tho)(h 'e fi(ht with the Chaldeans 'e
shall not !ros!er*
6 1 And Jeremiah said The word of the
$OR% &ame )nto me sa'in(
7 Behold Hanameel the son of 2hall)m
thine )n&le shall &ome )nto thee sa'in( B)'
thee m' field that is in Anathoth# for the ri(ht
of redem!tion is thine to -)' it*
8 2o Hanameel mine )n&le8s son &ame to me
in the &o)rt of the !rison a&&ordin( to the
word of the $OR% and said )nto me B)' m'
field I !ra' thee that is in Anathoth whi&h is
in the &o)ntr' of Ben"amin# for the ri(ht of
inheritan&e is thine and the redem!tion is
thine. -)' it for th'self* Then I knew that this
was the word of the $OR%*
9 And I -o)(ht the field of Hanameel m'
)n&le8s son that was in Anathoth and wei(hed
him the mone' even se+enteen shekels of
10 And I s)-s&ri-ed the e+iden&e and sealed
it and took witnesses and wei(hed him the
mone' in the -alan&es*
11 2o I took the e+iden&e of the !)r&hase
both that whi&h was sealed according to the
law and &)stom and that whi&h was o!en#
12 And I (a+e the e+iden&e of the !)r&hase
)nto Bar)&h the son of 7eriah the son of
Maaseiah in the si(ht of Hanameel mine
)n&le8s son and in the !resen&e of the
witnesses that s)-s&ri-ed the -ook of the
!)r&hase -efore all the Jews that sat in the
&o)rt of the !rison*
13 1 And I &har(ed Bar)&h -efore them
14 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel. Take these e+iden&es this e+iden&e of
the !)r&hase -oth whi&h is sealed and this
e+iden&e whi&h is o!en. and !)t them in an
earthen +essel that the' ma' &ontin)e man'
15 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. Ho)ses and fields and +ine'ards
shall -e !ossessed a(ain in this land*
16 1 7ow when I had deli+ered the e+iden&e
of the !)r&hase )nto Bar)&h the son of 7eriah
I !ra'ed )nto the $OR% sa'in(
17 Ah $ord /O%0 -ehold tho) hast made
the hea+en and the earth -' th' (reat !ower
and stret&hed o)t arm and there is nothin( too
hard for thee#
18 Tho) shewest lo+in(kindness )nto
tho)sands and re&om!ensest the ini6)it' of
the fathers into the -osom of their &hildren
after them# the /reat the Mi(ht' /od the
$OR% of hosts is his name
19 /reat in &o)nsel and mi(ht' in work# for
thine e'es are o!en )!on all the wa's of the
sons of men# to (i+e e+er' one a&&ordin( to
his wa's and a&&ordin( to the fr)it of his
20 4hi&h hast set si(ns and wonders in the
land of E('!t even )nto this da' and in
Israel and amon( other men. and hast made
thee a name as at this da'.
21 And hast -ro)(ht forth th' !eo!le Israel
o)t of the land of E('!t with si(ns and with
wonders and with a stron( hand and with a
stret&hed o)t arm and with (reat terror.
22 And hast (i+en them this land whi&h
tho) didst swear to their fathers to (i+e them
a land flowin( with milk and hone'.
23 And the' &ame in and !ossessed it. -)t
the' o-e'ed not th' +oi&e neither walked in
th' law. the' ha+e done nothin( of all that
tho) &ommandedst them to do# therefore tho)
hast &a)sed all this e+il to &ome )!on them#
24 Behold the mo)nts the' are &ome )nto
the &it' to take it. and the &it' is (i+en into the
hand of the Chaldeans that fi(ht a(ainst it
-e&a)se of the sword and of the famine and
of the !estilen&e# and what tho) hast s!oken is
&ome to !ass. and -ehold tho) seest it*
25 And tho) hast said )nto me O $ord
/O% B)' thee the field for mone' and take
witnesses. for the &it' is (i+en into the hand of
the Chaldeans*
26 1 Then &ame the word of the $OR% )nto
Jeremiah sa'in(
27 Behold I am the $OR% the /od of all
flesh# is there an' thin( too hard for me3
28 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I
will (i+e this &it' into the hand of the
Chaldeans and into the hand of
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon and he shall
take it#
29 And the Chaldeans that fi(ht a(ainst this
&it' shall &ome and set fire on this &it' and
-)rn it with the ho)ses )!on whose roofs the'
ha+e offered in&ense )nto Baal and !o)red
o)t drink offerin(s )nto other (ods to !ro+oke
me to an(er*
30 For the &hildren of Israel and the &hildren
of J)dah ha+e onl' done e+il -efore me from
their 'o)th# for the &hildren of Israel ha+e onl'
!ro+oked me to an(er with the work of their
hands saith the $OR%*
31 For this &it' hath -een to me as a
!ro+o&ation of mine an(er and of m' f)r'
from the da' that the' -)ilt it e+en )nto this
da'. that I sho)ld remo+e it from -efore m'
32 Be&a)se of all the e+il of the &hildren of
Israel and of the &hildren of J)dah whi&h the'
ha+e done to !ro+oke me to an(er the' their
kin(s their !rin&es their !riests and their
!ro!hets and the men of J)dah and the
inha-itants of Jer)salem*
33 And the' ha+e t)rned )nto me the -a&k
and not the fa&e# tho)(h I ta)(ht them risin(
)! earl' and tea&hin( them 'et the' ha+e not
hearkened to re&ei+e instr)&tion*
34 B)t the' set their a-ominations in the
ho)se whi&h is &alled -' m' name to defile
35 And the' -)ilt the hi(h !la&es of Baal
whi&h are in the +alle' of the son of Hinnom
to &a)se their sons and their da)(hters to !ass
thro)(h the fire )nto Mole&h. whi&h I
&ommanded them not neither &ame it into m'
mind that the' sho)ld do this a-omination to
&a)se J)dah to sin*
36 1 And now therefore th)s saith the
$OR% the /od of Israel &on&ernin( this &it'
whereof 'e sa' It shall -e deli+ered into the
hand of the kin( of Ba-'lon -' the sword and
-' the famine and -' the !estilen&e.
37 Behold I will (ather them o)t of all
&o)ntries whither I ha+e dri+en them in mine
an(er and in m' f)r' and in (reat wrath. and
I will -rin( them a(ain )nto this !la&e and I
will &a)se them to dwell safel'#
38 And the' shall -e m' !eo!le and I will
-e their /od#
39 And I will (i+e them one heart and one
wa' that the' ma' fear me for e+er for the
(ood of them and of their &hildren after them#
40 And I will make an e+erlastin( &o+enant
with them that I will not t)rn awa' from
them to do them (ood. -)t I will !)t m' fear
in their hearts that the' shall not de!art from
41 9ea I will re"oi&e o+er them to do them
(ood and I will !lant them in this land
ass)redl' with m' whole heart and with m'
whole so)l*
42 For th)s saith the $OR%. $ike as I ha+e
-ro)(ht all this (reat e+il )!on this !eo!le so
will I -rin( )!on them all the (ood that I ha+e
!romised them*
43 And fields shall -e -o)(ht in this land
whereof 'e sa' It is desolate witho)t man or
-east. it is (i+en into the hand of the
44 Men shall -)' fields for mone' and
s)-s&ri-e e+iden&es and seal them and take
witnesses in the land of Ben"amin and in the
!la&es a-o)t Jer)salem and in the &ities of
J)dah and in the &ities of the mo)ntains and
in the &ities of the +alle' and in the &ities of
the so)th# for I will &a)se their &a!ti+it' to
ret)rn saith the $OR%*
1 Moreo+er the word of the $OR% &ame
)nto Jeremiah the se&ond time while he was
'et sh)t )! in the &o)rt of the !rison sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR% the maker thereof
the $OR% that formed it to esta-lish it. the
$OR% is his name.
3 Call )nto me and I will answer thee and
shew thee (reat and mi(ht' thin(s whi&h tho)
knowest not*
4 For th)s saith the $OR% the /od of
Israel &on&ernin( the ho)ses of this &it' and
&on&ernin( the ho)ses of the kin(s of J)dah
whi&h are thrown down -' the mo)nts and -'
the sword.
5 The' &ome to fi(ht with the Chaldeans
-)t it is to fill them with the dead -odies of
men whom I ha+e slain in mine an(er and in
m' f)r' and for all whose wi&kedness I ha+e
hid m' fa&e from this &it'*
6 Behold I will -rin( it health and &)re and
I will &)re them and will re+eal )nto them the
a-)ndan&e of !ea&e and tr)th*
7 And I will &a)se the &a!ti+it' of J)dah and
the &a!ti+it' of Israel to ret)rn and will -)ild
them as at the first*
8 And I will &leanse them from all their
ini6)it' where-' the' ha+e sinned a(ainst me.
and I will !ardon all their ini6)ities where-'
the' ha+e sinned and where-' the' ha+e
trans(ressed a(ainst me*
9 1 And it shall -e to me a name of "o' a
!raise and an hono)r -efore all the nations of
the earth whi&h shall hear all the (ood that I
do )nto them# and the' shall fear and trem-le
for all the (oodness and for all the !ros!erit'
that I !ro&)re )nto it*
10 Th)s saith the $OR%. A(ain there shall
-e heard in this !la&e whi&h 'e sa' shall be
desolate witho)t man and witho)t -east even
in the &ities of J)dah and in the streets of
Jer)salem that are desolate witho)t man and
witho)t inha-itant and witho)t -east
11 The +oi&e of "o' and the +oi&e of
(ladness the +oi&e of the -ride(room and the
+oi&e of the -ride the +oi&e of them that shall
sa' Praise the $OR% of hosts# for the $OR%
is (ood. for his mer&' endureth for e+er# and
of them that shall -rin( the sa&rifi&e of !raise
into the ho)se of the $OR%* For I will &a)se
to ret)rn the &a!ti+it' of the land as at the
first saith the $OR%*
12 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts. A(ain in
this !la&e whi&h is desolate witho)t man and
witho)t -east and in all the &ities thereof
shall -e an ha-itation of she!herds &a)sin(
their flo&ks to lie down*
13 In the &ities of the mo)ntains in the &ities
of the +ale and in the &ities of the so)th and
in the land of Ben"amin and in the !la&es
a-o)t Jer)salem and in the &ities of J)dah
shall the flo&ks !ass a(ain )nder the hands of
him that telleth them saith the $OR%*
14 Behold the da's &ome saith the $OR%
that I will !erform that (ood thin( whi&h I
ha+e !romised )nto the ho)se of Israel and to
the ho)se of J)dah*
15 1 In those da's and at that time will I
&a)se the Bran&h of ri(hteo)sness to (row )!
)nto %a+id. and he shall e=e&)te ")d(ment and
ri(hteo)sness in the land*
16 In those da's shall J)dah -e sa+ed and
Jer)salem shall dwell safel'# and this is the
name wherewith she shall -e &alled The
$OR% o)r ri(hteo)sness*
17 1 For th)s saith the $OR%. %a+id shall
ne+er want a man to sit )!on the throne of the
ho)se of Israel.
18 7either shall the !riests the $e+ites want
a man -efore me to offer -)rnt offerin(s and
to kindle meat offerin(s and to do sa&rifi&e
19 1 And the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
Jeremiah sa'in(
20 Th)s saith the $OR%. If 'e &an -reak m'
&o+enant of the da' and m' &o+enant of the
ni(ht and that there sho)ld not -e da' and
ni(ht in their season.
21 hen ma' also m' &o+enant -e -roken
with %a+id m' ser+ant that he sho)ld not
ha+e a son to rei(n )!on his throne. and with
the $e+ites the !riests m' ministers*
22 As the host of hea+en &annot -e
n)m-ered neither the sand of the sea
meas)red# so will I m)lti!l' the seed of %a+id
m' ser+ant and the $e+ites that minister )nto
23 Moreo+er the word of the $OR% &ame to
Jeremiah sa'in(
24 Considerest tho) not what this !eo!le
ha+e s!oken sa'in( The two families whi&h
the $OR% hath &hosen he hath e+en &ast them
off3 th)s the' ha+e des!ised m' !eo!le that
the' sho)ld -e no more a nation -efore them*
25 Th)s saith the $OR%. If m' &o+enant be
not with da' and ni(ht and if I ha+e not
a!!ointed the ordinan&es of hea+en and earth.
26 Then will I &ast awa' the seed of Ja&o-
and %a+id m' ser+ant so that I will not take
any of his seed to be r)lers o+er the seed of
A-raham Isaa& and Ja&o-# for I will &a)se
their &a!ti+it' to ret)rn and ha+e mer&' on
1 The word whi&h &ame )nto Jeremiah from
the $OR% when 7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of
Ba-'lon and all his arm' and all the
kin(doms of the earth of his dominion and all
the !eo!le fo)(ht a(ainst Jer)salem and
a(ainst all the &ities thereof sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR% the /od of Israel.
/o and s!eak to ,edekiah kin( of J)dah and
tell him Th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I will
(i+e this &it' into the hand of the kin( of
Ba-'lon and he shall -)rn it with fire#
3 And tho) shalt not es&a!e o)t of his hand
-)t shalt s)rel' -e taken and deli+ered into
his hand. and thine e'es shall -ehold the e'es
of the kin( of Ba-'lon and he shall s!eak
with thee mo)th to mo)th and tho) shalt (o to
4 9et hear the word of the $OR% O
,edekiah kin( of J)dah. Th)s saith the $OR%
of thee Tho) shalt not die -' the sword#
5 "ut tho) shalt die in !ea&e# and with the
-)rnin(s of th' fathers the former kin(s
whi&h were -efore thee so shall the' -)rn
odours for thee. and the' will lament thee
saying Ah lord0 for I ha+e !rono)n&ed the
word saith the $OR%*
6 Then Jeremiah the !ro!het s!ake all these
words )nto ,edekiah kin( of J)dah in
7 4hen the kin( of Ba-'lon8s arm' fo)(ht
a(ainst Jer)salem and a(ainst all the &ities of
J)dah that were left a(ainst $a&hish and
a(ainst AEekah# for these defen&ed &ities
remained of the &ities of J)dah*
8 1 his is the word that &ame )nto Jeremiah
from the $OR% after that the kin( ,edekiah
had made a &o+enant with all the !eo!le whi&h
were at Jer)salem to !ro&laim li-ert' )nto
9 That e+er' man sho)ld let his manser+ant
and e+er' man his maidser+ant being an
He-rew or an He-rewess (o free. that none
sho)ld ser+e himself of them to wit of a Jew
his -rother*
10 7ow when all the !rin&es and all the
!eo!le whi&h had entered into the &o+enant
heard that e+er' one sho)ld let his
manser+ant and e+er' one his maidser+ant (o
free that none sho)ld ser+e themsel+es of
them an' more then the' o-e'ed and let
them (o*
11 B)t afterward the' t)rned and &a)sed the
ser+ants and the handmaids whom the' had
let (o free to ret)rn and -ro)(ht them into
s)-"e&tion for ser+ants and for handmaids*
12 1 Therefore the word of the $OR% &ame
to Jeremiah from the $OR% sa'in(
13 Th)s saith the $OR% the /od of Israel. I
made a &o+enant with 'o)r fathers in the da'
that I -ro)(ht them forth o)t of the land of
E('!t o)t of the ho)se of -ondmen sa'in(
14 At the end of se+en 'ears let 'e (o e+er'
man his -rother an He-rew whi&h hath -een
sold )nto thee. and when he hath ser+ed thee
si= 'ears tho) shalt let him (o free from thee#
-)t 'o)r fathers hearkened not )nto me
neither in&lined their ear*
15 And 'e were now t)rned and had done
ri(ht in m' si(ht in !ro&laimin( li-ert' e+er'
man to his nei(h-o)r. and 'e had made a
&o+enant -efore me in the ho)se whi&h is
&alled -' m' name#
16 B)t 'e t)rned and !oll)ted m' name and
&a)sed e+er' man his ser+ant and e+er' man
his handmaid whom 'e had set at li-ert' at
their !leas)re to ret)rn and -ro)(ht them into
s)-"e&tion to -e )nto 'o) for ser+ants and for
17 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%. 9e ha+e
not hearkened )nto me in !ro&laimin( li-ert'
e+er' one to his -rother and e+er' man to his
nei(h-o)r# -ehold I !ro&laim a li-ert' for
'o) saith the $OR% to the sword to the
!estilen&e and to the famine. and I will make
'o) to -e remo+ed into all the kin(doms of the
18 And I will (i+e the men that ha+e
trans(ressed m' &o+enant whi&h ha+e not
!erformed the words of the &o+enant whi&h
the' had made -efore me when the' &)t the
&alf in twain and !assed -etween the !arts
19 The !rin&es of J)dah and the !rin&es of
Jer)salem the e)n)&hs and the !riests and all
the !eo!le of the land whi&h !assed -etween
the !arts of the &alf.
20 I will e+en (i+e them into the hand of
their enemies and into the hand of them that
seek their life# and their dead -odies shall -e
for meat )nto the fowls of the hea+en and to
the -easts of the earth*
21 And ,edekiah kin( of J)dah and his
!rin&es will I (i+e into the hand of their
enemies and into the hand of them that seek
their life and into the hand of the kin( of
Ba-'lon8s arm' whi&h are (one )! from 'o)*
22 Behold I will &ommand saith the
$OR% and &a)se them to ret)rn to this &it'.
and the' shall fi(ht a(ainst it and take it and
-)rn it with fire# and I will make the &ities of
J)dah a desolation witho)t an inha-itant*
1 The word whi&h &ame )nto Jeremiah from
the $OR% in the da's of Jehoiakim the son of
Josiah kin( of J)dah sa'in(
2 /o )nto the ho)se of the Re&ha-ites and
s!eak )nto them and -rin( them into the
ho)se of the $OR% into one of the &ham-ers
and (i+e them wine to drink*
3 Then I took JaaEaniah the son of Jeremiah
the son of Ha-aEiniah and his -rethren and
all his sons and the whole ho)se of the
4 And I -ro)(ht them into the ho)se of the
$OR% into the &ham-er of the sons of Hanan
the son of I(daliah a man of /od whi&h was
-' the &ham-er of the !rin&es whi&h was
a-o+e the &ham-er of Maaseiah the son of
2hall)m the kee!er of the door#
5 And I set -efore the sons of the ho)se of
the Re&ha-ites !ots f)ll of wine and &)!s and
I said )nto them %rink 'e wine*
6 B)t the' said 4e will drink no wine# for
Jonada- the son of Re&ha- o)r father
&ommanded )s sa'in( 9e shall drink no
wine neither ye nor 'o)r sons for e+er#
7 7either shall 'e -)ild ho)se nor sow seed
nor !lant +ine'ard nor ha+e any# -)t all 'o)r
da's 'e shall dwell in tents. that 'e ma' li+e
man' da's in the land where 'e be stran(ers*
8 Th)s ha+e we o-e'ed the +oi&e of Jonada-
the son of Re&ha- o)r father in all that he hath
&har(ed )s to drink no wine all o)r da's we
o)r wi+es o)r sons nor o)r da)(hters.
9 7or to -)ild ho)ses for )s to dwell in#
neither ha+e we +ine'ard nor field nor seed#
10 B)t we ha+e dwelt in tents and ha+e
o-e'ed and done a&&ordin( to all that Jonada-
o)r father &ommanded )s*
11 B)t it &ame to !ass when
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon &ame )! into
the land that we said Come and let )s (o to
Jer)salem for fear of the arm' of the
Chaldeans and for fear of the arm' of the
2'rians# so we dwell at Jer)salem*
12 1 Then &ame the word of the $OR% )nto
Jeremiah sa'in(
13 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel. /o and tell the men of J)dah and the
inha-itants of Jer)salem 4ill 'e not re&ei+e
instr)&tion to hearken to m' words3 saith the
14 The words of Jonada- the son of Re&ha-
that he &ommanded his sons not to drink wine
are !erformed. for )nto this da' the' drink
none -)t o-e' their father8s &ommandment#
notwithstandin( I ha+e s!oken )nto 'o)
risin( earl' and s!eakin(. -)t 'e hearkened
not )nto me*
15 I ha+e sent also )nto 'o) all m' ser+ants
the !ro!hets risin( )! earl' and sendin( them
sa'in( Ret)rn 'e now e+er' man from his
e+il wa' and amend 'o)r doin(s and (o not
after other (ods to ser+e them and 'e shall
dwell in the land whi&h I ha+e (i+en to 'o)
and to 'o)r fathers# -)t 'e ha+e not in&lined
'o)r ear nor hearkened )nto me*
16 Be&a)se the sons of Jonada- the son of
Re&ha- ha+e !erformed the &ommandment of
their father whi&h he &ommanded them. -)t
this !eo!le hath not hearkened )nto me#
17 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% /od of
hosts the /od of Israel. Behold I will -rin(
)!on J)dah and )!on all the inha-itants of
Jer)salem all the e+il that I ha+e !rono)n&ed
a(ainst them# -e&a)se I ha+e s!oken )nto
them -)t the' ha+e not heard. and I ha+e
&alled )nto them -)t the' ha+e not answered*
18 1 And Jeremiah said )nto the ho)se of the
Re&ha-ites Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. Be&a)se 'e ha+e o-e'ed the
&ommandment of Jonada- 'o)r father and
ke!t all his !re&e!ts and done a&&ordin( )nto
all that he hath &ommanded 'o)#
19 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
the /od of Israel. Jonada- the son of Re&ha-
shall not want a man to stand -efore me for
1 And it &ame to !ass in the fo)rth 'ear of
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah kin( of J)dah
that this word &ame )nto Jeremiah from the
$OR% sa'in(
2 Take thee a roll of a -ook and write
therein all the words that I ha+e s!oken )nto
thee a(ainst Israel and a(ainst J)dah and
a(ainst all the nations from the da' I s!ake
)nto thee from the da's of Josiah e+en )nto
this da'*
3 It ma' -e that the ho)se of J)dah will hear
all the e+il whi&h I !)r!ose to do )nto them.
that the' ma' ret)rn e+er' man from his e+il
wa'. that I ma' for(i+e their ini6)it' and their
4 Then Jeremiah &alled Bar)&h the son of
7eriah# and Bar)&h wrote from the mo)th of
Jeremiah all the words of the $OR% whi&h he
had s!oken )nto him )!on a roll of a -ook*
5 And Jeremiah &ommanded Bar)&h sa'in(
I am sh)t )!. I &annot (o into the ho)se of the
6 Therefore (o tho) and read in the roll
whi&h tho) hast written from m' mo)th the
words of the $OR% in the ears of the !eo!le
in the $OR%82 ho)se )!on the fastin( da'#
and also tho) shalt read them in the ears of all
J)dah that &ome o)t of their &ities*
7 It ma' -e the' will !resent their
s)!!li&ation -efore the $OR% and will ret)rn
e+er' one from his e+il wa'# for (reat is the
an(er and the f)r' that the $OR% hath
!rono)n&ed a(ainst this !eo!le*
8 And Bar)&h the son of 7eriah did
a&&ordin( to all that Jeremiah the !ro!het
&ommanded him readin( in the -ook the
words of the $OR% in the $OR%82 ho)se*
9 And it &ame to !ass in the fifth 'ear of
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah kin( of J)dah in
the ninth month that the' !ro&laimed a fast
-efore the $OR% to all the !eo!le in
Jer)salem and to all the !eo!le that &ame
from the &ities of J)dah )nto Jer)salem*
10 Then read Bar)&h in the -ook the words
of Jeremiah in the ho)se of the $OR% in the
&ham-er of /emariah the son of 2ha!han the
s&ri-e in the hi(her &o)rt at the entr' of the
new (ate of the $OR%82 ho)se in the ears of
all the !eo!le*
11 1 4hen Mi&haiah the son of /emariah
the son of 2ha!han had heard o)t of the -ook
all the words of the $OR%
12 Then he went down into the kin(8s ho)se
into the s&ri-e8s &ham-er# and lo all the
!rin&es sat there even Elishama the s&ri-e
and %elaiah the son of 2hemaiah and
Elnathan the son of A&h-or and /emariah the
son of 2ha!han and ,edekiah the son of
Hananiah and all the !rin&es*
13 Then Mi&haiah de&lared )nto them all the
words that he had heard when Bar)&h read the
-ook in the ears of the !eo!le*
14 Therefore all the !rin&es sent Jeh)di the
son of 7ethaniah the son of 2helemiah the
son of C)shi )nto Bar)&h sa'in( Take in
thine hand the roll wherein tho) hast read in
the ears of the !eo!le and &ome* 2o Bar)&h
the son of 7eriah took the roll in his hand and
&ame )nto them*
15 And the' said )nto him 2it down now
and read it in o)r ears* 2o Bar)&h read it in
their ears*
16 7ow it &ame to !ass when the' had
heard all the words the' were afraid -oth one
and other and said )nto Bar)&h 4e will
s)rel' tell the kin( of all these words*
17 And the' asked Bar)&h sa'in( Tell )s
now How didst tho) write all these words at
his mo)th3
18 Then Bar)&h answered them He
!rono)n&ed all these words )nto me with his
mo)th and I wrote them with ink in the -ook*
19 Then said the !rin&es )nto Bar)&h /o
hide thee tho) and Jeremiah. and let no man
know where 'e -e*
20 1 And the' went in to the kin( into the
&o)rt -)t the' laid )! the roll in the &ham-er
of Elishama the s&ri-e and told all the words
in the ears of the kin(*
21 2o the kin( sent Jeh)di to fet&h the roll#
and he took it o)t of Elishama the s&ri-e8s
&ham-er* And Jeh)di read it in the ears of the
kin( and in the ears of all the !rin&es whi&h
stood -eside the kin(*
22 7ow the kin( sat in the winterho)se in
the ninth month# and there was a fire on the
hearth -)rnin( -efore him*
23 And it &ame to !ass that when Jeh)di
had read three or fo)r lea+es he &)t it with the
!enknife and &ast it into the fire that was on
the hearth )ntil all the roll was &ons)med in
the fire that was on the hearth*
24 9et the' were not afraid nor rent their
(arments neither the kin( nor an' of his
ser+ants that heard all these words*
25 7e+ertheless Elnathan and %elaiah and
/emariah had made inter&ession to the kin(
that he wo)ld not -)rn the roll# -)t he wo)ld
not hear them*
26 B)t the kin( &ommanded Jerahmeel the
son of Hammele&h and 2eraiah the son of
AEriel and 2helemiah the son of A-deel to
take Bar)&h the s&ri-e and Jeremiah the
!ro!het# -)t the $OR% hid them*
27 1 Then the word of the $OR% &ame to
Jeremiah after that the kin( had -)rned the
roll and the words whi&h Bar)&h wrote at the
mo)th of Jeremiah sa'in(
28 Take thee a(ain another roll and write in
it all the former words that were in the first
roll whi&h Jehoiakim the kin( of J)dah hath
29 And tho) shalt sa' to Jehoiakim kin( of
J)dah Th)s saith the $OR%. Tho) hast
-)rned this roll sa'in( 4h' hast tho) written
therein sa'in( The kin( of Ba-'lon shall
&ertainl' &ome and destro' this land and shall
&a)se to &ease from then&e man and -east3
30 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of
Jehoiakim kin( of J)dah. He shall ha+e none
to sit )!on the throne of %a+id# and his dead
-od' shall -e &ast o)t in the da' to the heat
and in the ni(ht to the frost*
31 And I will !)nish him and his seed and
his ser+ants for their ini6)it'. and I will -rin(
)!on them and )!on the inha-itants of
Jer)salem and )!on the men of J)dah all the
e+il that I ha+e !rono)n&ed a(ainst them. -)t
the' hearkened not*
32 1 Then took Jeremiah another roll and
(a+e it to Bar)&h the s&ri-e the son of 7eriah.
who wrote therein from the mo)th of Jeremiah
all the words of the -ook whi&h Jehoiakim
kin( of J)dah had -)rned in the fire# and there
were added -esides )nto them man' like
1 And kin( ,edekiah the son of Josiah
rei(ned instead of Coniah the son of
Jehoiakim whom 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of
Ba-'lon made kin( in the land of J)dah*
2 B)t neither he nor his ser+ants nor the
!eo!le of the land did hearken )nto the words
of the $OR% whi&h he s!ake -' the !ro!het
3 And ,edekiah the kin( sent Jeh)&al the
son of 2helemiah and ,e!haniah the son of
Maaseiah the !riest to the !ro!het Jeremiah
sa'in( Pra' now )nto the $OR% o)r /od for
4 7ow Jeremiah &ame in and went o)t
amon( the !eo!le# for the' had not !)t him
into !rison*
5 Then Pharaoh8s arm' was &ome forth o)t
of E('!t# and when the Chaldeans that
-esie(ed Jer)salem heard tidin(s of them the'
de!arted from Jer)salem*
6 1 Then &ame the word of the $OR% )nto
the !ro!het Jeremiah sa'in(
7 Th)s saith the $OR% the /od of Israel.
Th)s shall 'e sa' to the kin( of J)dah that
sent 'o) )nto me to en6)ire of me. Behold
Pharaoh8s arm' whi&h is &ome forth to hel!
'o) shall ret)rn to E('!t into their own land*
8 And the Chaldeans shall &ome a(ain and
fi(ht a(ainst this &it' and take it and -)rn it
with fire*
9 Th)s saith the $OR%. %e&ei+e not
'o)rsel+es sa'in( The Chaldeans shall s)rel'
de!art from )s# for the' shall not de!art*
10 For tho)(h 'e had smitten the whole
arm' of the Chaldeans that fi(ht a(ainst 'o)
and there remained but wo)nded men amon(
them yet sho)ld the' rise )! e+er' man in his
tent and -)rn this &it' with fire*
11 1 And it &ame to !ass that when the arm'
of the Chaldeans was -roken )! from
Jer)salem for fear of Pharaoh8s arm'
12 Then Jeremiah went forth o)t of
Jer)salem to (o into the land of Ben"amin to
se!arate himself then&e in the midst of the
13 And when he was in the (ate of
Ben"amin a &a!tain of the ward was there
whose name was Iri"ah the son of 2helemiah
the son of Hananiah. and he took Jeremiah the
!ro!het sa'in( Tho) fallest awa' to the
14 Then said Jeremiah It is false. I fall not
awa' to the Chaldeans* B)t he hearkened not
to him# so Iri"ah took Jeremiah and -ro)(ht
him to the !rin&es*
15 4herefore the !rin&es were wroth with
Jeremiah and smote him and !)t him in
!rison in the ho)se of Jonathan the s&ri-e# for
the' had made that the !rison*
16 1 4hen Jeremiah was entered into the
d)n(eon and into the &a-ins and Jeremiah
had remained there man' da's.
17 Then ,edekiah the kin( sent and took
him o)t# and the kin( asked him se&retl' in his
ho)se and said Is there any word from the
$OR%3 And Jeremiah said There is# for said
he tho) shalt -e deli+ered into the hand of the
kin( of Ba-'lon*
18 Moreo+er Jeremiah said )nto kin(
,edekiah 4hat ha+e I offended a(ainst thee
or a(ainst th' ser+ants or a(ainst this !eo!le
that 'e ha+e !)t me in !rison3
19 4here are now 'o)r !ro!hets whi&h
!ro!hesied )nto 'o) sa'in( The kin( of
Ba-'lon shall not &ome a(ainst 'o) nor
a(ainst this land3
20 Therefore hear now I !ra' thee O m'
lord the kin(# let m' s)!!li&ation I !ra' thee
-e a&&e!ted -efore thee. that tho) &a)se me
not to ret)rn to the ho)se of Jonathan the
s&ri-e lest I die there*
21 Then ,edekiah the kin( &ommanded that
the' sho)ld &ommit Jeremiah into the &o)rt of
the !rison and that the' sho)ld (i+e him dail'
a !ie&e of -read o)t of the -akers8 street )ntil
all the -read in the &it' were s!ent* Th)s
Jeremiah remained in the &o)rt of the !rison*
1 Then 2he!hatiah the son of Mattan and
/edaliah the son of Pash)r and J)&al the son
of 2helemiah and Pash)r the son of Mal&hiah
heard the words that Jeremiah had s!oken )nto
all the !eo!le sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR% He that remaineth
in this &it' shall die -' the sword -' the
famine and -' the !estilen&e# -)t he that
(oeth forth to the Chaldeans shall li+e. for he
shall ha+e his life for a !re' and shall li+e*
3 Th)s saith the $OR% This &it' shall
s)rel' -e (i+en into the hand of the kin( of
Ba-'lon8s arm' whi&h shall take it*
4 Therefore the !rin&es said )nto the kin(
4e -esee&h thee let this man -e !)t to death#
for th)s he weakeneth the hands of the men of
war that remain in this &it' and the hands of
all the !eo!le in s!eakin( s)&h words )nto
them# for this man seeketh not the welfare of
this !eo!le -)t the h)rt*
5 Then ,edekiah the kin( said Behold he is
in 'o)r hand# for the kin( is not he that &an do
any thin( a(ainst 'o)*
6 Then took the' Jeremiah and &ast him
into the d)n(eon of Mal&hiah the son of
Hammele&h that was in the &o)rt of the
!rison# and the' let down Jeremiah with &ords*
And in the d)n(eon there was no water -)t
mire# so Jeremiah s)nk in the mire*
7 1 7ow when E-ed?mele&h the Ethio!ian
one of the e)n)&hs whi&h was in the kin(8s
ho)se heard that the' had !)t Jeremiah in the
d)n(eon. the kin( then sittin( in the (ate of
8 E-ed?mele&h went forth o)t of the kin(8s
ho)se and s!ake to the kin( sa'in(
9 M' lord the kin( these men ha+e done
e+il in all that the' ha+e done to Jeremiah the
!ro!het whom the' ha+e &ast into the
d)n(eon. and he is like to die for h)n(er in the
!la&e where he is# for there is no more -read
in the &it'*
10 Then the kin( &ommanded E-ed?mele&h
the Ethio!ian sa'in( Take from hen&e thirt'
men with thee and take )! Jeremiah the
!ro!het o)t of the d)n(eon -efore he die*
11 2o E-ed?mele&h took the men with him
and went into the ho)se of the kin( )nder the
treas)r' and took then&e old &ast &lo)ts and
old rotten ra(s and let them down -' &ords
into the d)n(eon to Jeremiah*
12 And E-ed?mele&h the Ethio!ian said )nto
Jeremiah P)t now these old &ast &lo)ts and
rotten ra(s )nder thine armholes )nder the
&ords* And Jeremiah did so*
13 2o the' drew )! Jeremiah with &ords
and took him )! o)t of the d)n(eon# and
Jeremiah remained in the &o)rt of the !rison*
14 1 Then ,edekiah the kin( sent and took
Jeremiah the !ro!het )nto him into the third
entr' that is in the ho)se of the $OR%# and the
kin( said )nto Jeremiah I will ask thee a
thin(. hide nothin( from me*
15 Then Jeremiah said )nto ,edekiah If I
de&lare it )nto thee wilt tho) not s)rel' !)t
me to death3 and if I (i+e thee &o)nsel wilt
tho) not hearken )nto me3
16 2o ,edekiah the kin( sware se&retl' )nto
Jeremiah sa'in( As the $OR% li+eth that
made )s this so)l I will not !)t thee to death
neither will I (i+e thee into the hand of these
men that seek th' life*
17 Then said Jeremiah )nto ,edekiah Th)s
saith the $OR% the /od of hosts the /od of
Israel. If tho) wilt ass)redl' (o forth )nto the
kin( of Ba-'lon8s !rin&es then th' so)l shall
li+e and this &it' shall not -e -)rned with fire.
and tho) shalt li+e and thine ho)se#
18 B)t if tho) wilt not (o forth to the kin( of
Ba-'lon8s !rin&es then shall this &it' -e (i+en
into the hand of the Chaldeans and the' shall
-)rn it with fire and tho) shalt not es&a!e o)t
of their hand*
19 And ,edekiah the kin( said )nto
Jeremiah I am afraid of the Jews that are
fallen to the Chaldeans lest the' deli+er me
into their hand and the' mo&k me*
20 B)t Jeremiah said The' shall not deli+er
thee* O-e' I -esee&h thee the +oi&e of the
$OR% whi&h I s!eak )nto thee# so it shall -e
well )nto thee and th' so)l shall li+e*
21 B)t if tho) ref)se to (o forth this is the
word that the $OR% hath shewed me#
22 And -ehold all the women that are left
in the kin( of J)dah8s ho)se shall be -ro)(ht
forth to the kin( of Ba-'lon8s !rin&es and
those women shall sa' Th' friends ha+e set
thee on and ha+e !re+ailed a(ainst thee# th'
feet are s)nk in the mire and the' are t)rned
awa' -a&k*
23 2o the' shall -rin( o)t all th' wi+es and
th' &hildren to the Chaldeans# and tho) shalt
not es&a!e o)t of their hand -)t shalt -e taken
-' the hand of the kin( of Ba-'lon# and tho)
shalt &a)se this &it' to -e -)rned with fire*
24 1 Then said ,edekiah )nto Jeremiah $et
no man know of these words and tho) shalt
not die*
25 B)t if the !rin&es hear that I ha+e talked
with thee and the' &ome )nto thee and sa'
)nto thee %e&lare )nto )s now what tho) hast
said )nto the kin( hide it not from )s and we
will not !)t thee to death. also what the kin(
said )nto thee#
26 Then tho) shalt sa' )nto them I
!resented m' s)!!li&ation -efore the kin( that
he wo)ld not &a)se me to ret)rn to Jonathan8s
ho)se to die there*
27 Then &ame all the !rin&es )nto Jeremiah
and asked him# and he told them a&&ordin( to
all these words that the kin( had &ommanded*
2o the' left off s!eakin( with him. for the
matter was not !er&ei+ed*
28 2o Jeremiah a-ode in the &o)rt of the
!rison )ntil the da' that Jer)salem was taken#
and he was there when Jer)salem was taken*
1 In the ninth 'ear of ,edekiah kin( of
J)dah in the tenth month &ame
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon and all his
arm' a(ainst Jer)salem and the' -esie(ed it*
2 And in the ele+enth 'ear of ,edekiah in
the fo)rth month the ninth day of the month
the &it' was -roken )!*
3 And all the !rin&es of the kin( of Ba-'lon
&ame in and sat in the middle (ate even
7er(al?shareEer 2am(ar?ne-o 2arse&him
Ra-?saris 7er(al?shareEer Ra-?ma( with all
the resid)e of the !rin&es of the kin( of
4 1 And it &ame to !ass that when ,edekiah
the kin( of J)dah saw them and all the men of
war then the' fled and went forth o)t of the
&it' -' ni(ht -' the wa' of the kin(8s (arden
-' the (ate -etwi=t the two walls# and he went
o)t the wa' of the !lain*
5 B)t the Chaldeans8 arm' !)rs)ed after
them and o+ertook ,edekiah in the !lains of
Jeri&ho# and when the' had taken him the'
-ro)(ht him )! to 7e-)&hadneEEar kin( of
Ba-'lon to Ri-lah in the land of Hamath
where he (a+e ")d(ment )!on him*
6 Then the kin( of Ba-'lon slew the sons of
,edekiah in Ri-lah -efore his e'es# also the
kin( of Ba-'lon slew all the no-les of J)dah*
7 Moreo+er he !)t o)t ,edekiah8s e'es and
-o)nd him with &hains to &arr' him to
8 1 And the Chaldeans -)rned the kin(8s
ho)se and the ho)ses of the !eo!le with fire
and -rake down the walls of Jer)salem*
9 Then 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the
()ard &arried awa' &a!ti+e into Ba-'lon the
remnant of the !eo!le that remained in the
&it' and those that fell awa' that fell to him
with the rest of the !eo!le that remained*
10 B)t 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the
()ard left of the !oor of the !eo!le whi&h had
nothin( in the land of J)dah and (a+e them
+ine'ards and fields at the same time*
11 1 7ow 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon
(a+e &har(e &on&ernin( Jeremiah to 7e-)Ear?
adan the &a!tain of the ()ard sa'in(
12 Take him and look well to him and do
him no harm. -)t do )nto him e+en as he shall
sa' )nto thee*
13 2o 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the ()ard
sent and 7e-)shas-an Ra-?saris and 7er(al?
shareEer Ra-?ma( and all the kin( of
Ba-'lon8s !rin&es.
14 E+en the' sent and took Jeremiah o)t of
the &o)rt of the !rison and &ommitted him
)nto /edaliah the son of Ahikam the son of
2ha!han that he sho)ld &arr' him home# so he
dwelt amon( the !eo!le*
15 1 7ow the word of the $OR% &ame )nto
Jeremiah while he was sh)t )! in the &o)rt of
the !rison sa'in(
16 /o and s!eak to E-ed?mele&h the
Ethio!ian sa'in( Th)s saith the $OR% of
hosts the /od of Israel. Behold I will -rin(
m' words )!on this &it' for e+il and not for
(ood. and the' shall -e accomplished in that
da' -efore thee*
17 B)t I will deli+er thee in that da' saith
the $OR%# and tho) shalt not -e (i+en into the
hand of the men of whom tho) art afraid*
18 For I will s)rel' deli+er thee and tho)
shalt not fall -' the sword -)t th' life shall -e
for a !re' )nto thee# -e&a)se tho) hast !)t th'
tr)st in me saith the $OR%*
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah from the
$OR% after that 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of
the ()ard had let him (o from Ramah when
he had taken him -ein( -o)nd in &hains
amon( all that were &arried awa' &a!ti+e of
Jer)salem and J)dah whi&h were &arried awa'
&a!ti+e )nto Ba-'lon*
2 And the &a!tain of the ()ard took
Jeremiah and said )nto him The $OR% th'
/od hath !rono)n&ed this e+il )!on this !la&e*
3 7ow the $OR% hath -ro)(ht it and done
a&&ordin( as he hath said# -e&a)se 'e ha+e
sinned a(ainst the $OR% and ha+e not
o-e'ed his +oi&e therefore this thin( is &ome
)!on 'o)*
4 And now -ehold I loose thee this da'
from the &hains whi&h were )!on thine hand*
If it seem (ood )nto thee to &ome with me into
Ba-'lon &ome. and I will look well )nto thee#
-)t if it seem ill )nto thee to &ome with me
into Ba-'lon for-ear# -ehold all the land is
-efore thee# whither it seemeth (ood and
&on+enient for thee to (o thither (o*
5 7ow while he was not 'et (one -a&k he
said /o -a&k also to /edaliah the son of
Ahikam the son of 2ha!han whom the kin( of
Ba-'lon hath made (o+ernor o+er the &ities of
J)dah and dwell with him amon( the !eo!le#
or (o wheresoe+er it seemeth &on+enient )nto
thee to (o* 2o the &a!tain of the ()ard (a+e
him +i&t)als and a reward and let him (o*
6 Then went Jeremiah )nto /edaliah the son
of Ahikam to MiE!ah. and dwelt with him
amon( the !eo!le that were left in the land*
7 1 7ow when all the &a!tains of the for&es
whi&h were in the fields even the' and their
men heard that the kin( of Ba-'lon had made
/edaliah the son of Ahikam (o+ernor in the
land and had &ommitted )nto him men and
women and &hildren and of the !oor of the
land of them that were not &arried awa'
&a!ti+e to Ba-'lon.
8 Then the' &ame to /edaliah to MiE!ah
e+en Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah and
Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah and
2eraiah the son of Tanh)meth and the sons of
E!hai the 7eto!hathite and JeEaniah the son
of a Maa&hathite the' and their men*
9 And /edaliah the son of Ahikam the son
of 2ha!han sware )nto them and to their men
sa'in( Fear not to ser+e the Chaldeans# dwell
in the land and ser+e the kin( of Ba-'lon and
it shall -e well with 'o)*
10 As for me -ehold I will dwell at MiE!ah
to ser+e the Chaldeans whi&h will &ome )nto
)s# -)t 'e (ather 'e wine and s)mmer fr)its
and oil and !)t them in 'o)r +essels and
dwell in 'o)r &ities that 'e ha+e taken*
11 $ikewise when all the Jews that were in
Moa- and amon( the Ammonites and in
Edom and that were in all the &o)ntries heard
that the kin( of Ba-'lon had left a remnant of
J)dah and that he had set o+er them /edaliah
the son of Ahikam the son of 2ha!han.
12 E+en all the Jews ret)rned o)t of all
!la&es whither the' were dri+en and &ame to
the land of J)dah to /edaliah )nto MiE!ah
and (athered wine and s)mmer fr)its +er'
13 1 Moreo+er Johanan the son of Kareah
and all the &a!tains of the for&es that were in
the fields &ame to /edaliah to MiE!ah
14 And said )nto him %ost tho) &ertainl'
know that Baalis the kin( of the Ammonites
hath sent Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah to sla'
thee3 B)t /edaliah the son of Ahikam
-elie+ed them not*
15 Then Johanan the son of Kareah s!ake to
/edaliah in MiE!ah se&retl' sa'in( $et me
(o I !ra' thee and I will sla' Ishmael the son
of 7ethaniah and no man shall know it#
wherefore sho)ld he sla' thee that all the
Jews whi&h are (athered )nto thee sho)ld -e
s&attered and the remnant in J)dah !erish3
16 B)t /edaliah the son of Ahikam said
)nto Johanan the son of Kareah Tho) shalt
not do this thin(# for tho) s!eakest falsel' of
1 7ow it &ame to !ass in the se+enth month
that Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah the son of
Elishama of the seed ro'al and the !rin&es of
the kin( e+en ten men with him &ame )nto
/edaliah the son of Ahikam to MiE!ah. and
there the' did eat -read to(ether in MiE!ah*
2 Then arose Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah
and the ten men that were with him and smote
/edaliah the son of Ahikam the son of
2ha!han with the sword and slew him whom
the kin( of Ba-'lon had made (o+ernor o+er
the land*
3 Ishmael also slew all the Jews that were
with him even with /edaliah at MiE!ah and
the Chaldeans that were fo)nd there and the
men of war*
4 And it &ame to !ass the se&ond da' after
he had slain /edaliah and no man knew it
5 That there &ame &ertain from 2he&hem
from 2hiloh and from 2amaria even
fo)rs&ore men ha+in( their -eards sha+en
and their &lothes rent and ha+in( &)t
themsel+es with offerin(s and in&ense in their
hand to -rin( them to the ho)se of the $OR%*
6 And Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah went
forth from MiE!ah to meet them wee!in( all
alon( as he went# and it &ame to !ass as he
met them he said )nto them Come to
/edaliah the son of Ahikam*
7 And it was so when the' &ame into the
midst of the &it' that Ishmael the son of
7ethaniah slew them and cast them into the
midst of the !it he and the men that were
with him*
8 B)t ten men were fo)nd amon( them that
said )nto Ishmael 2la' )s not# for we ha+e
treas)res in the field of wheat and of -arle'
and of oil and of hone'* 2o he for-are and
slew them not amon( their -rethren*
9 7ow the !it wherein Ishmael had &ast all
the dead -odies of the men whom he had slain
-e&a)se of /edaliah was it whi&h Asa the
kin( had made for fear of Baasha kin( of
Israel# and Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah filled
it with them that were slain*
10 Then Ishmael &arried awa' &a!ti+e all the
resid)e of the !eo!le that were in MiE!ah
even the kin(8s da)(hters and all the !eo!le
that remained in MiE!ah whom 7e-)Ear?adan
the &a!tain of the ()ard had &ommitted to
/edaliah the son of Ahikam# and Ishmael the
son of 7ethaniah &arried them awa' &a!ti+e
and de!arted to (o o+er to the Ammonites*
11 1 B)t when Johanan the son of Kareah
and all the &a!tains of the for&es that were
with him heard of all the e+il that Ishmael the
son of 7ethaniah had done
12 Then the' took all the men and went to
fi(ht with Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah and
fo)nd him -' the (reat waters that are in
13 7ow it &ame to !ass that when all the
!eo!le whi&h were with Ishmael saw Johanan
the son of Kareah and all the &a!tains of the
for&es that were with him then the' were (lad*
14 2o all the !eo!le that Ishmael had &arried
awa' &a!ti+e from MiE!ah &ast a-o)t and
ret)rned and went )nto Johanan the son of
15 B)t Ishmael the son of 7ethaniah
es&a!ed from Johanan with ei(ht men and
went to the Ammonites*
16 Then took Johanan the son of Kareah
and all the &a!tains of the for&es that were
with him all the remnant of the !eo!le whom
he had re&o+ered from Ishmael the son of
7ethaniah from MiE!ah after that he had
slain /edaliah the son of Ahikam even mi(ht'
men of war and the women and the &hildren
and the e)n)&hs whom he had -ro)(ht a(ain
from /i-eon#
17 And the' de!arted and dwelt in the
ha-itation of Chimham whi&h is -' Beth?
lehem to (o to enter into E('!t
18 Be&a)se of the Chaldeans# for the' were
afraid of them -e&a)se Ishmael the son of
7ethaniah had slain /edaliah the son of
Ahikam whom the kin( of Ba-'lon made
(o+ernor in the land*
1 Then all the &a!tains of the for&es and
Johanan the son of Kareah and JeEaniah the
son of Hoshaiah and all the !eo!le from the
least e+en )nto the (reatest &ame near
2 And said )nto Jeremiah the !ro!het $et
we -esee&h thee o)r s)!!li&ation -e a&&e!ted
-efore thee and !ra' for )s )nto the $OR%
th' /od even for all this remnant. Gfor we are
left but a few of man' as thine e'es do -ehold
3 That the $OR% th' /od ma' shew )s the
wa' wherein we ma' walk and the thin( that
we ma' do*
4 Then Jeremiah the !ro!het said )nto them
I ha+e heard you. -ehold I will !ra' )nto the
$OR% 'o)r /od a&&ordin( to 'o)r words. and
it shall &ome to !ass that whatsoe+er thin( the
$OR% shall answer 'o) I will de&lare it )nto
'o). I will kee! nothin( -a&k from 'o)*
5 Then the' said to Jeremiah The $OR% -e
a tr)e and faithf)l witness -etween )s if we
do not e+en a&&ordin( to all thin(s for the
whi&h the $OR% th' /od shall send thee to
6 4hether it be (ood or whether it be e+il
we will o-e' the +oi&e of the $OR% o)r /od
to whom we send thee. that it ma' -e well
with )s when we o-e' the +oi&e of the $OR%
o)r /od*
7 1 And it &ame to !ass after ten da's that
the word of the $OR% &ame )nto Jeremiah*
8 Then &alled he Johanan the son of Kareah
and all the &a!tains of the for&es whi&h were
with him and all the !eo!le from the least
e+en to the (reatest
9 And said )nto them Th)s saith the $OR%
the /od of Israel )nto whom 'e sent me to
!resent 'o)r s)!!li&ation -efore him.
10 If 'e will still a-ide in this land then will
I -)ild 'o) and not !)ll you down and I will
!lant 'o) and not !l)&k you )!# for I re!ent
me of the e+il that I ha+e done )nto 'o)*
11 Be not afraid of the kin( of Ba-'lon of
whom 'e are afraid. -e not afraid of him saith
the $OR%# for I am with 'o) to sa+e 'o) and
to deli+er 'o) from his hand*
12 And I will shew mer&ies )nto 'o) that he
ma' ha+e mer&' )!on 'o) and &a)se 'o) to
ret)rn to 'o)r own land*
13 1 B)t if 'e sa' 4e will not dwell in this
land neither o-e' the +oi&e of the $OR% 'o)r
14 2a'in( 7o. -)t we will (o into the land
of E('!t where we shall see no war nor hear
the so)nd of the tr)m!et nor ha+e h)n(er of
-read. and there will we dwell#
15 And now therefore hear the word of the
$OR% 'e remnant of J)dah. Th)s saith the
$OR% of hosts the /od of Israel. If 'e wholl'
set 'o)r fa&es to enter into E('!t and (o to
so"o)rn there.
16 Then it shall &ome to !ass that the
sword whi&h 'e feared shall o+ertake 'o)
there in the land of E('!t and the famine
whereof 'e were afraid shall follow &lose
after 'o) there in E('!t. and there 'e shall die*
17 2o shall it -e with all the men that set
their fa&es to (o into E('!t to so"o)rn there.
the' shall die -' the sword -' the famine and
-' the !estilen&e# and none of them shall
remain or es&a!e from the e+il that I will -rin(
)!on them*
18 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. As mine an(er and m' f)r' hath
-een !o)red forth )!on the inha-itants of
Jer)salem. so shall m' f)r' -e !o)red forth
)!on 'o) when 'e shall enter into E('!t# and
'e shall -e an e=e&ration and an astonishment
and a &)rse and a re!roa&h. and 'e shall see
this !la&e no more*
19 1 The $OR% hath said &on&ernin( 'o) O
'e remnant of J)dah. /o 'e not into E('!t#
know &ertainl' that I ha+e admonished 'o)
this da'*
20 For 'e dissem-led in 'o)r hearts when
'e sent me )nto the $OR% 'o)r /od sa'in(
Pra' for )s )nto the $OR% o)r /od. and
a&&ordin( )nto all that the $OR% o)r /od
shall sa' so de&lare )nto )s and we will do it*
21 And now I ha+e this da' de&lared it to
'o). -)t 'e ha+e not o-e'ed the +oi&e of the
$OR% 'o)r /od nor an' thing for the whi&h
he hath sent me )nto 'o)*
22 7ow therefore know &ertainl' that 'e
shall die -' the sword -' the famine and -'
the !estilen&e in the !la&e whither 'e desire to
(o and to so"o)rn*
1 And it &ame to !ass that when Jeremiah
had made an end of s!eakin( )nto all the
!eo!le all the words of the $OR% their /od
for whi&h the $OR% their /od had sent him to
them even all these words
2 Then s!ake AEariah the son of Hoshaiah
and Johanan the son of Kareah and all the
!ro)d men sa'in( )nto Jeremiah Tho)
s!eakest falsel'# the $OR% o)r /od hath not
sent thee to sa' /o not into E('!t to so"o)rn
3 B)t Bar)&h the son of 7eriah setteth thee
on a(ainst )s for to deli+er )s into the hand of
the Chaldeans that the' mi(ht !)t )s to death
and &arr' )s awa' &a!ti+es into Ba-'lon*
4 2o Johanan the son of Kareah and all the
&a!tains of the for&es and all the !eo!le
o-e'ed not the +oi&e of the $OR% to dwell in
the land of J)dah*
5 B)t Johanan the son of Kareah and all the
&a!tains of the for&es took all the remnant of
J)dah that were ret)rned from all nations
whither the' had -een dri+en to dwell in the
land of J)dah.
6 Even men and women and &hildren and
the kin(8s da)(hters and e+er' !erson that
7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the ()ard had left
with /edaliah the son of Ahikam the son of
2ha!han and Jeremiah the !ro!het and
Bar)&h the son of 7eriah*
7 2o the' &ame into the land of E('!t# for
the' o-e'ed not the +oi&e of the $OR%# th)s
&ame the' even to Tah!anhes*
8 1 Then &ame the word of the $OR% )nto
Jeremiah in Tah!anhes sa'in(
9 Take (reat stones in thine hand and hide
them in the &la' in the -ri&kkiln whi&h is at
the entr' of Pharaoh8s ho)se in Tah!anhes in
the si(ht of the men of J)dah.
10 And sa' )nto them Th)s saith the $OR%
of hosts the /od of Israel. Behold I will send
and take 7e-)&hadreEEar the kin( of Ba-'lon
m' ser+ant and will set his throne )!on these
stones that I ha+e hid. and he shall s!read his
ro'al !a+ilion o+er them*
11 And when he &ometh he shall smite the
land of E('!t and deliver s)&h as are for
death to death. and s)&h as are for &a!ti+it' to
&a!ti+it'. and s)&h as are for the sword to the
12 And I will kindle a fire in the ho)ses of
the (ods of E('!t. and he shall -)rn them and
&arr' them awa' &a!ti+es# and he shall arra'
himself with the land of E('!t as a she!herd
!)tteth on his (arment. and he shall (o forth
from then&e in !ea&e*
13 He shall -reak also the ima(es of Beth?
shemesh that is in the land of E('!t. and the
ho)ses of the (ods of the E('!tians shall he
-)rn with fire*
1 The word that &ame to Jeremiah
&on&ernin( all the Jews whi&h dwell in the
land of E('!t whi&h dwell at Mi(dol and at
Tah!anhes and at 7o!h and in the &o)ntr' of
Pathros sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel. 9e ha+e seen all the e+il that I ha+e
-ro)(ht )!on Jer)salem and )!on all the
&ities of J)dah. and -ehold this da' the' are
a desolation and no man dwelleth therein
3 Be&a)se of their wi&kedness whi&h the'
ha+e &ommitted to !ro+oke me to an(er in
that the' went to -)rn in&ense and to ser+e
other (ods whom the' knew not neither the'
'e nor 'o)r fathers*
4 How-eit I sent )nto 'o) all m' ser+ants
the !ro!hets risin( earl' and sendin( them
sa'in( Oh do not this a-omina-le thin( that I
5 B)t the' hearkened not nor in&lined their
ear to t)rn from their wi&kedness to -)rn no
in&ense )nto other (ods*
6 4herefore m' f)r' and mine an(er was
!o)red forth and was kindled in the &ities of
J)dah and in the streets of Jer)salem. and the'
are wasted and desolate as at this da'*
7 Therefore now th)s saith the $OR% the
/od of hosts the /od of Israel. 4herefore
&ommit 'e this (reat e+il a(ainst 'o)r so)ls to
&)t off from 'o) man and woman &hild and
s)&klin( o)t of J)dah to lea+e 'o) none to
8 In that 'e !ro+oke me )nto wrath with the
works of 'o)r hands -)rnin( in&ense )nto
other (ods in the land of E('!t whither 'e -e
(one to dwell that 'e mi(ht &)t 'o)rsel+es
off and that 'e mi(ht -e a &)rse and a
re!roa&h amon( all the nations of the earth3
9 Ha+e 'e for(otten the wi&kedness of 'o)r
fathers and the wi&kedness of the kin(s of
J)dah and the wi&kedness of their wi+es and
'o)r own wi&kedness and the wi&kedness of
'o)r wi+es whi&h the' ha+e &ommitted in the
land of J)dah and in the streets of Jer)salem3
10 The' are not h)m-led even )nto this da'
neither ha+e the' feared nor walked in m'
law nor in m' stat)tes that I set -efore 'o)
and -efore 'o)r fathers*
11 1 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
the /od of Israel. Behold I will set m' fa&e
a(ainst 'o) for e+il and to &)t off all J)dah*
12 And I will take the remnant of J)dah that
ha+e set their fa&es to (o into the land of
E('!t to so"o)rn there and the' shall all -e
&ons)med and fall in the land of E('!t. the'
shall even -e &ons)med -' the sword and -'
the famine# the' shall die from the least e+en
)nto the (reatest -' the sword and -' the
famine# and the' shall -e an e=e&ration and
an astonishment and a &)rse and a re!roa&h*
13 For I will !)nish them that dwell in the
land of E('!t as I ha+e !)nished Jer)salem
-' the sword -' the famine and -' the
14 2o that none of the remnant of J)dah
whi&h are (one into the land of E('!t to
so"o)rn there shall es&a!e or remain that the'
sho)ld ret)rn into the land of J)dah to the
whi&h the' ha+e a desire to ret)rn to dwell
there# for none shall ret)rn -)t s)&h as shall
15 1 Then all the men whi&h knew that their
wi+es had -)rned in&ense )nto other (ods and
all the women that stood -' a (reat m)ltit)de
e+en all the !eo!le that dwelt in the land of
E('!t in Pathros answered Jeremiah sa'in(
16 As for the word that tho) hast s!oken
)nto )s in the name of the $OR% we will not
hearken )nto thee*
17 B)t we will &ertainl' do whatsoe+er
thin( (oeth forth o)t of o)r own mo)th to
-)rn in&ense )nto the 6)een of hea+en and to
!o)r o)t drink offerin(s )nto her as we ha+e
done we and o)r fathers o)r kin(s and o)r
!rin&es in the &ities of J)dah and in the
streets of Jer)salem# for then had we !lent' of
+i&t)als and were well and saw no e+il*
18 B)t sin&e we left off to -)rn in&ense to
the 6)een of hea+en and to !o)r o)t drink
offerin(s )nto her we ha+e wanted all things
and ha+e -een &ons)med -' the sword and -'
the famine*
19 And when we -)rned in&ense to the
6)een of hea+en and !o)red o)t drink
offerin(s )nto her did we make her &akes to
worshi! her and !o)r o)t drink offerin(s )nto
her witho)t o)r men3
20 1 Then Jeremiah said )nto all the !eo!le
to the men and to the women and to all the
!eo!le whi&h had (i+en him that answer
21 The in&ense that 'e -)rned in the &ities of
J)dah and in the streets of Jer)salem 'e and
'o)r fathers 'o)r kin(s and 'o)r !rin&es and
the !eo!le of the land did not the $OR%
remem-er them and &ame it not into his
22 2o that the $OR% &o)ld no lon(er -ear
-e&a)se of the e+il of 'o)r doin(s and
-e&a)se of the a-ominations whi&h 'e ha+e
&ommitted. therefore is 'o)r land a desolation
and an astonishment and a &)rse witho)t an
inha-itant as at this da'*
23 Be&a)se 'e ha+e -)rned in&ense and
-e&a)se 'e ha+e sinned a(ainst the $OR%
and ha+e not o-e'ed the +oi&e of the $OR%
nor walked in his law nor in his stat)tes nor
in his testimonies. therefore this e+il is
ha!!ened )nto 'o) as at this da'*
24 Moreo+er Jeremiah said )nto all the
!eo!le and to all the women Hear the word
of the $OR% all J)dah that are in the land of
25 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the /od of
Israel sa'in(. 9e and 'o)r wi+es ha+e -oth
s!oken with 'o)r mo)ths and f)lfilled with
'o)r hand sa'in( 4e will s)rel' !erform o)r
+ows that we ha+e +owed to -)rn in&ense to
the 6)een of hea+en and to !o)r o)t drink
offerin(s )nto her# 'e will s)rel' a&&om!lish
'o)r +ows and s)rel' !erform 'o)r +ows*
26 Therefore hear 'e the word of the $OR%
all J)dah that dwell in the land of E('!t.
Behold I ha+e sworn -' m' (reat name saith
the $OR% that m' name shall no more -e
named in the mo)th of an' man of J)dah in all
the land of E('!t sa'in( The $ord /O%
27 Behold I will wat&h o+er them for e+il
and not for (ood# and all the men of J)dah that
are in the land of E('!t shall -e &ons)med -'
the sword and -' the famine )ntil there -e an
end of them*
28 9et a small n)m-er that es&a!e the sword
shall ret)rn o)t of the land of E('!t into the
land of J)dah and all the remnant of J)dah
that are (one into the land of E('!t to so"o)rn
there shall know whose words shall stand
mine or their8s*
29 1 And this shall be a si(n )nto 'o) saith
the $OR% that I will !)nish 'o) in this !la&e
that 'e ma' know that m' words shall s)rel'
stand a(ainst 'o) for e+il#
30 Th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I will (i+e
Pharaoh?ho!hra kin( of E('!t into the hand of
his enemies and into the hand of them that
seek his life. as I (a+e ,edekiah kin( of J)dah
into the hand of 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of
Ba-'lon his enem' and that so)(ht his life*
1 The word that Jeremiah the !ro!het s!ake
)nto Bar)&h the son of 7eriah when he had
written these words in a -ook at the mo)th of
Jeremiah in the fo)rth 'ear of Jehoiakim the
son of Josiah kin( of J)dah sa'in(
2 Th)s saith the $OR% the /od of Israel
)nto thee O Bar)&h.
3 Tho) didst sa' 4oe is me now0 for the
$OR% hath added (rief to m' sorrow. I
fainted in m' si(hin( and I find no rest*
4 1 Th)s shalt tho) sa' )nto him The
$OR% saith th)s. Behold that whi&h I ha+e
-)ilt will I -reak down and that whi&h I ha+e
!lanted I will !l)&k )! e+en this whole land*
5 And seekest tho) (reat thin(s for th'self3
seek them not# for -ehold I will -rin( e+il
)!on all flesh saith the $OR%# -)t th' life
will I (i+e )nto thee for a !re' in all !la&es
whither tho) (oest*
1 The word of the $OR% whi&h &ame to
Jeremiah the !ro!het a(ainst the /entiles.
2 A(ainst E('!t a(ainst the arm' of
Pharaoh?ne&ho kin( of E('!t whi&h was -'
the ri+er E)!hrates in Car&hemish whi&h
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon smote in the
fo)rth 'ear of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah
kin( of J)dah*
3 Order 'e the -)&kler and shield and draw
near to -attle*
4 Harness the horses. and (et )! 'e
horsemen and stand forth with your helmets.
f)r-ish the s!ears and !)t on the -ri(andines*
5 4herefore ha+e I seen them disma'ed and
t)rned awa' -a&k3 and their mi(ht' ones are
-eaten down and are fled a!a&e and look not
-a&k# for fear was ro)nd a-o)t saith the
6 $et not the swift flee awa' nor the mi(ht'
man es&a!e. the' shall st)m-le and fall
toward the north -' the ri+er E)!hrates*
7 4ho is this that &ometh )! as a flood
whose waters are mo+ed as the ri+ers3
8 E('!t riseth )! like a flood and his waters
are mo+ed like the ri+ers. and he saith I will
(o )! and will &o+er the earth. I will destro'
the &it' and the inha-itants thereof*
9 Come )! 'e horses. and ra(e 'e &hariots.
and let the mi(ht' men &ome forth. the
Ethio!ians and the $i-'ans that handle the
shield. and the $'dians that handle and -end
the -ow*
10 For this is the da' of the $ord /O% of
hosts a da' of +en(ean&e that he ma' a+en(e
him of his ad+ersaries# and the sword shall
de+o)r and it shall -e satiate and made dr)nk
with their -lood# for the $ord /O% of hosts
hath a sa&rifi&e in the north &o)ntr' -' the
ri+er E)!hrates*
11 /o )! into /ilead and take -alm O
+ir(in the da)(hter of E('!t# in +ain shalt
tho) )se man' medi&ines. for tho) shalt not -e
12 The nations ha+e heard of th' shame and
th' &r' hath filled the land# for the mi(ht'
man hath st)m-led a(ainst the mi(ht' and
the' are fallen -oth to(ether*
13 1 The word that the $OR% s!ake to
Jeremiah the !ro!het how 7e-)&hadreEEar
kin( of Ba-'lon sho)ld &ome and smite the
land of E('!t*
14 %e&lare 'e in E('!t and !)-lish in
Mi(dol and !)-lish in 7o!h and in
Tah!anhes# sa' 'e 2tand fast and !re!are
thee. for the sword shall de+o)r ro)nd a-o)t
15 4h' are th' +aliant men swe!t awa'3
the' stood not -e&a)se the $OR% did dri+e
16 He made man' to fall 'ea one fell )!on
another# and the' said Arise and let )s (o
a(ain to o)r own !eo!le and to the land of o)r
nati+it' from the o!!ressin( sword*
17 The' did &r' there Pharaoh kin( of
E('!t is but a noise. he hath !assed the time
18 As I li+e saith the Kin( whose name is
the $OR% of hosts 2)rel' as Ta-or is amon(
the mo)ntains and as Carmel -' the sea so
shall he &ome*
19 O tho) da)(hter dwellin( in E('!t
f)rnish th'self to (o into &a!ti+it'# for 7o!h
shall -e waste and desolate witho)t an
20 E('!t is like a +er' fair heifer but
destr)&tion &ometh. it &ometh o)t of the north*
21 Also her hired men are in the midst of
her like fatted -)llo&ks. for the' also are
t)rned -a&k and are fled awa' to(ether# the'
did not stand -e&a)se the da' of their
&alamit' was &ome )!on them and the time of
their +isitation*
22 The +oi&e thereof shall (o like a ser!ent.
for the' shall mar&h with an arm' and &ome
a(ainst her with a=es as hewers of wood*
23 The' shall &)t down her forest saith the
$OR% tho)(h it &annot -e sear&hed. -e&a)se
the' are more than the (rassho!!ers and are
24 The da)(hter of E('!t shall -e
&onfo)nded. she shall -e deli+ered into the
hand of the !eo!le of the north*
25 The $OR% of hosts the /od of Israel
saith. Behold I will !)nish the m)ltit)de of
7o and Pharaoh and E('!t with their (ods
and their kin(s. e+en Pharaoh and all them
that tr)st in him#
26 And I will deli+er them into the hand of
those that seek their li+es and into the hand of
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon and into the
hand of his ser+ants# and afterward it shall -e
inha-ited as in the da's of old saith the
27 1 B)t fear not tho) O m' ser+ant Ja&o-
and -e not disma'ed O Israel# for -ehold I
will sa+e thee from afar off and th' seed from
the land of their &a!ti+it'. and Ja&o- shall
ret)rn and -e in rest and at ease and none
shall make him afraid*
28 Fear tho) not O Ja&o- m' ser+ant saith
the $OR%# for I am with thee. for I will make
a f)ll end of all the nations whither I ha+e
dri+en thee# -)t I will not make a f)ll end of
thee -)t &orre&t thee in meas)re. 'et will I not
lea+e thee wholl' )n!)nished*
1 The word of the $OR% that &ame to
Jeremiah the !ro!het a(ainst the Philistines
-efore that Pharaoh smote /aEa*
2 Th)s saith the $OR%. Behold waters rise
)! o)t of the north and shall -e an
o+erflowin( flood and shall o+erflow the
land and all that is therein. the &it' and them
that dwell therein# then the men shall &r' and
all the inha-itants of the land shall howl*
3 At the noise of the stam!in( of the hoofs
of his stron( horses at the r)shin( of his
&hariots and at the r)m-lin( of his wheels
the fathers shall not look -a&k to their &hildren
for fee-leness of hands.
4 Be&a)se of the da' that &ometh to s!oil all
the Philistines and to &)t off from T'r)s and
,idon e+er' hel!er that remaineth# for the
$OR% will s!oil the Philistines the remnant
of the &o)ntr' of Ca!htor*
5 Baldness is &ome )!on /aEa. Ashkelon is
&)t off with the remnant of their +alle'# how
lon( wilt tho) &)t th'self3
6 O tho) sword of the $OR% how lon( will
it be ere tho) -e 6)iet3 !)t )! th'self into th'
s&a--ard rest and -e still*
7 How &an it -e 6)iet seein( the $OR%
hath (i+en it a &har(e a(ainst Ashkelon and
a(ainst the sea shore3 there hath he a!!ointed
1 A(ainst Moa- th)s saith the $OR% of
hosts the /od of Israel. 4oe )nto 7e-o0 for it
is s!oiled# Kiriathaim is &onfo)nded and
taken# Mis(a- is &onfo)nded and disma'ed*
2 here shall be no more !raise of Moa-# in
Hesh-on the' ha+e de+ised e+il a(ainst it.
&ome and let )s &)t it off from being a nation*
Also tho) shalt -e &)t down O Madmen. the
sword shall !)rs)e thee*
3 A +oi&e of &r'in( shall be from Horonaim
s!oilin( and (reat destr)&tion*
4 Moa- is destro'ed. her little ones ha+e
&a)sed a &r' to -e heard*
5 For in the (oin( )! of $)hith &ontin)al
wee!in( shall (o )!. for in the (oin( down of
Horonaim the enemies ha+e heard a &r' of
6 Flee sa+e 'o)r li+es and -e like the heath
in the wilderness*
7 1 For -e&a)se tho) hast tr)sted in th'
works and in th' treas)res tho) shalt also -e
taken# and Chemosh shall (o forth into
&a!ti+it' with his !riests and his !rin&es
8 And the s!oiler shall &ome )!on e+er'
&it' and no &it' shall es&a!e# the +alle' also
shall !erish and the !lain shall -e destro'ed
as the $OR% hath s!oken*
9 /i+e win(s )nto Moa- that it ma' flee
and (et awa'# for the &ities thereof shall -e
desolate witho)t an' to dwell therein*
10 C)rsed be he that doeth the work of the
$OR% de&eitf)ll' and &)rsed be he that
kee!eth -a&k his sword from -lood*
11 1 Moa- hath -een at ease from his 'o)th
and he hath settled on his lees and hath not
-een em!tied from +essel to +essel neither
hath he (one into &a!ti+it'# therefore his taste
remained in him and his s&ent is not &han(ed*
12 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome saith
the $OR% that I will send )nto him
wanderers that shall &a)se him to wander and
shall em!t' his +essels and -reak their -ottles*
13 And Moa- shall -e ashamed of Chemosh
as the ho)se of Israel was ashamed of Beth?el
their &onfiden&e*
14 1 How sa' 'e 4e are mi(ht' and stron(
men for the war3
15 Moa- is s!oiled and (one )! out of her
&ities and his &hosen 'o)n( men are (one
down to the sla)(hter saith the Kin( whose
name is the $OR% of hosts*
16 The &alamit' of Moa- is near to &ome
and his affli&tion hasteth fast*
17 All 'e that are a-o)t him -emoan him.
and all 'e that know his name sa' How is the
stron( staff -roken and the -ea)tif)l rod0
18 Tho) da)(hter that dost inha-it %i-on
&ome down from thy (lor' and sit in thirst. for
the s!oiler of Moa- shall &ome )!on thee and
he shall destro' th' stron( holds*
19 O inha-itant of Aroer stand -' the wa'
and es!'. ask him that fleeth and her that
es&a!eth and sa' 4hat is done3
20 Moa- is &onfo)nded. for it is -roken
down# howl and &r'. tell 'e it in Arnon that
Moa- is s!oiled
21 And ")d(ment is &ome )!on the !lain
&o)ntr'. )!on Holon and )!on JahaEah and
)!on Me!haath
22 And )!on %i-on and )!on 7e-o and
)!on Beth?di-lathaim
23 And )!on Kiriathaim and )!on Beth?
(am)l and )!on Beth?meon
24 And )!on Kerioth and )!on BoErah and
)!on all the &ities of the land of Moa- far or
25 The horn of Moa- is &)t off and his arm
is -roken saith the $OR%*
26 1 Make 'e him dr)nken# for he ma(nified
himself a(ainst the $OR%# Moa- also shall
wallow in his +omit and he also shall -e in
27 For was not Israel a derision )nto thee3
was he fo)nd amon( thie+es3 for sin&e tho)
s!akest of him tho) ski!!edst for "o'*
28 O 'e that dwell in Moa- lea+e the &ities
and dwell in the ro&k and -e like the do+e
that maketh her nest in the sides of the hole8s
29 4e ha+e heard the !ride of Moa- Ghe is
e=&eedin( !ro)dH his loftiness and his
arro(an&' and his !ride and the ha)(htiness
of his heart*
30 I know his wrath saith the $OR%. -)t it
shall not be so. his lies shall not so effe&t it*
31 Therefore will I howl for Moa- and I
will &r' o)t for all Moa-. mine heart shall
mo)rn for the men of Kir?heres*
32 O +ine of 2i-mah I will wee! for thee
with the wee!in( of JaEer# th' !lants are (one
o+er the sea the' rea&h even to the sea of
JaEer# the s!oiler is fallen )!on th' s)mmer
fr)its and )!on th' +inta(e*
33 And "o' and (ladness is taken from the
!lentif)l field and from the land of Moa-. and
I ha+e &a)sed wine to fail from the
wine!resses# none shall tread with sho)tin(.
their sho)tin( shall be no sho)tin(*
34 From the &r' of Hesh-on even )nto
Elealeh and even )nto JahaE ha+e the'
)ttered their +oi&e from ,oar even )nto
Horonaim as an heifer of three 'ears old# for
the waters also of 7imrim shall -e desolate*
35 Moreo+er I will &a)se to &ease in Moa-
saith the $OR% him that offereth in the hi(h
!la&es and him that -)rneth in&ense to his
36 Therefore mine heart shall so)nd for
Moa- like !i!es and mine heart shall so)nd
like !i!es for the men of Kir?heres# -e&a)se
the ri&hes that he hath (otten are !erished*
37 For e+er' head shall be -ald and e+er'
-eard &li!!ed# )!on all the hands shall be
&)ttin(s and )!on the loins sa&k&loth*
38 here shall be lamentation (enerall'
)!on all the ho)seto!s of Moa- and in the
streets thereof# for I ha+e -roken Moa- like a
+essel wherein is no !leas)re saith the $OR%*
39 The' shall howl saying How is it -roken
down0 how hath Moa- t)rned the -a&k with
shame0 so shall Moa- -e a derision and a
disma'in( to all them a-o)t him*
40 For th)s saith the $OR%. Behold he
shall fl' as an ea(le and shall s!read his
win(s o+er Moa-*
41 Kerioth is taken and the stron( holds are
s)r!rised and the mi(ht' men8s hearts in
Moa- at that da' shall -e as the heart of a
woman in her !an(s*
42 And Moa- shall -e destro'ed from being
a !eo!le -e&a)se he hath ma(nified himself
a(ainst the $OR%*
43 Fear and the !it and the snare shall be
)!on thee O inha-itant of Moa- saith the
44 He that fleeth from the fear shall fall into
the !it. and he that (etteth )! o)t of the !it
shall -e taken in the snare# for I will -rin(
)!on it even )!on Moa- the 'ear of their
+isitation saith the $OR%*
45 The' that fled stood )nder the shadow of
Hesh-on -e&a)se of the for&e# -)t a fire shall
&ome forth o)t of Hesh-on and a flame from
the midst of 2ihon and shall de+o)r the &orner
of Moa- and the &rown of the head of the
t)m)lt)o)s ones*
46 4oe -e )nto thee O Moa-0 the !eo!le of
Chemosh !erisheth# for th' sons are taken
&a!ti+es and th' da)(hters &a!ti+es*
47 1 9et will I -rin( a(ain the &a!ti+it' of
Moa- in the latter da's saith the $OR%* Th)s
far is the ")d(ment of Moa-*
1 Con&ernin( the Ammonites th)s saith the
$OR%. Hath Israel no sons3 hath he no heir3
wh' then doth their kin( inherit /ad and his
!eo!le dwell in his &ities3
2 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome saith the
$OR% that I will &a)se an alarm of war to -e
heard in Ra--ah of the Ammonites. and it
shall -e a desolate hea! and her da)(hters
shall -e -)rned with fire# then shall Israel -e
heir )nto them that were his heirs saith the
3 Howl O Hesh-on for Ai is s!oiled# &r'
'e da)(hters of Ra--ah (ird 'o) with
sa&k&loth. lament and r)n to and fro -' the
hed(es. for their kin( shall (o into &a!ti+it'
and his !riests and his !rin&es to(ether*
4 4herefore (loriest tho) in the +alle's th'
flowin( +alle' O -a&kslidin( da)(hter3 that
tr)sted in her treas)res saying 4ho shall
&ome )nto me3
5 Behold I will -rin( a fear )!on thee saith
the $ord /O% of hosts from all those that -e
a-o)t thee. and 'e shall -e dri+en o)t e+er'
man ri(ht forth. and none shall (ather )! him
that wandereth*
6 And afterward I will -rin( a(ain the
&a!ti+it' of the &hildren of Ammon saith the
7 1 Con&ernin( Edom th)s saith the $OR%
of hosts. Is wisdom no more in Teman3 is
&o)nsel !erished from the !r)dent3 is their
wisdom +anished3
8 Flee 'e t)rn -a&k dwell dee! O
inha-itants of %edan. for I will -rin( the
&alamit' of Esa) )!on him the time that I will
+isit him*
9 If (ra!e(atherers &ome to thee wo)ld the'
not lea+e some (leanin( (ra!es3 if thie+es -'
ni(ht the' will destro' till the' ha+e eno)(h*
10 B)t I ha+e made Esa) -are I ha+e
)n&o+ered his se&ret !la&es and he shall not
-e a-le to hide himself# his seed is s!oiled
and his -rethren and his nei(h-o)rs and he is
11 $ea+e th' fatherless &hildren I will
!reser+e them ali+e. and let th' widows tr)st
in me*
12 For th)s saith the $OR%. Behold the'
whose ")d(ment was not to drink of the &)!
ha+e ass)redl' dr)nken. and art tho) he that
shall alto(ether (o )n!)nished3 tho) shalt not
(o )n!)nished -)t tho) shalt s)rel' drink of
13 For I ha+e sworn -' m'self saith the
$OR% that BoErah shall -e&ome a desolation
a re!roa&h a waste and a &)rse. and all the
&ities thereof shall -e !er!et)al wastes*
14 I ha+e heard a r)mo)r from the $OR%
and an am-assador is sent )nto the heathen
saying /ather 'e to(ether and &ome a(ainst
her and rise )! to the -attle*
15 For lo I will make thee small amon( the
heathen and des!ised amon( men*
16 Th' terri-leness hath de&ei+ed thee and
the !ride of thine heart O tho) that dwellest in
the &lefts of the ro&k that holdest the hei(ht of
the hill# tho)(h tho) sho)ldest make th' nest
as hi(h as the ea(le I will -rin( thee down
from then&e saith the $OR%*
17 Also Edom shall -e a desolation# e+er'
one that (oeth -' it shall -e astonished and
shall hiss at all the !la()es thereof*
18 As in the o+erthrow of 2odom and
/omorrah and the nei(h-o)r cities thereof
saith the $OR% no man shall a-ide there
neither shall a son of man dwell in it*
19 Behold he shall &ome )! like a lion from
the swellin( of Jordan a(ainst the ha-itation of
the stron(# -)t I will s)ddenl' make him r)n
awa' from her# and who is a &hosen man# that
I ma' a!!oint o+er her3 for who is like me3
and who will a!!oint me the time3 and who is
that she!herd that will stand -efore me3
20 Therefore hear the &o)nsel of the $OR%
that he hath taken a(ainst Edom. and his
!)r!oses that he hath !)r!osed a(ainst the
inha-itants of Teman# 2)rel' the least of the
flo&k shall draw them o)t# s)rel' he shall
make their ha-itations desolate with them*
21 The earth is mo+ed at the noise of their
fall at the &r' the noise thereof was heard in
the Red sea*
22 Behold he shall &ome )! and fl' as the
ea(le and s!read his win(s o+er BoErah# and
at that da' shall the heart of the mi(ht' men of
Edom -e as the heart of a woman in her !an(s*
23 1 Con&ernin( %amas&)s* Hamath is
&onfo)nded and Ar!ad# for the' ha+e heard
e+il tidin(s# the' are fainthearted. there is
sorrow on the sea. it &annot -e 6)iet*
24 %amas&)s is wa=ed fee-le and t)rneth
herself to flee and fear hath seiEed on her#
an()ish and sorrows ha+e taken her as a
woman in tra+ail*
25 How is the &it' of !raise not left the &it'
of m' "o'0
26 Therefore her 'o)n( men shall fall in her
streets and all the men of war shall -e &)t off
in that da' saith the $OR% of hosts*
27 And I will kindle a fire in the wall of
%amas&)s and it shall &ons)me the !ala&es of
28 1 Con&ernin( Kedar and &on&ernin( the
kin(doms of HaEor whi&h 7e-)&hadreEEar
kin( of Ba-'lon shall smite th)s saith the
$OR%. Arise 'e (o )! to Kedar and s!oil the
men of the east*
29 Their tents and their flo&ks shall the'
take awa'# the' shall take to themsel+es their
&)rtains and all their +essels and their
&amels. and the' shall &r' )nto them Fear is
on e+er' side*
30 1 Flee (et 'o) far off dwell dee! O 'e
inha-itants of HaEor saith the $OR%. for
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon hath taken
&o)nsel a(ainst 'o) and hath &on&ei+ed a
!)r!ose a(ainst 'o)*
31 Arise (et 'o) )! )nto the wealth' nation
that dwelleth witho)t &are saith the $OR%
whi&h ha+e neither (ates nor -ars which dwell
32 And their &amels shall -e a -oot' and the
m)ltit)de of their &attle a s!oil# and I will
s&atter into all winds them that are in the
)tmost &orners. and I will -rin( their &alamit'
from all sides thereof saith the $OR%*
33 And HaEor shall -e a dwellin( for
dra(ons and a desolation for e+er# there shall
no man a-ide there nor any son of man dwell
in it*
34 1 The word of the $OR% that &ame to
Jeremiah the !ro!het a(ainst Elam in the
-e(innin( of the rei(n of ,edekiah kin( of
J)dah sa'in(
35 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts. Behold I
will -reak the -ow of Elam the &hief of their
36 And )!on Elam will I -rin( the fo)r
winds from the fo)r 6)arters of hea+en and
will s&atter them toward all those winds. and
there shall -e no nation whither the o)t&asts of
Elam shall not &ome*
37 For I will &a)se Elam to -e disma'ed
-efore their enemies and -efore them that
seek their life# and I will -rin( e+il )!on them
even m' fier&e an(er saith the $OR%. and I
will send the sword after them till I ha+e
&ons)med them#
38 And I will set m' throne in Elam and
will destro' from then&e the kin( and the
!rin&es saith the $OR%*
39 1 B)t it shall &ome to !ass in the latter
da's that I will -rin( a(ain the &a!ti+it' of
Elam saith the $OR%*
1 The word that the $OR% s!ake a(ainst
Ba-'lon and a(ainst the land of the Chaldeans
-' Jeremiah the !ro!het*
2 %e&lare 'e amon( the nations and
!)-lish and set )! a standard. !)-lish and
&on&eal not# sa' Ba-'lon is taken Bel is
&onfo)nded Meroda&h is -roken in !ie&es. her
idols are &onfo)nded her ima(es are -roken in
3 For o)t of the north there &ometh )! a
nation a(ainst her whi&h shall make her land
desolate and none shall dwell therein# the'
shall remo+e the' shall de!art -oth man and
4 1 In those da's and in that time saith the
$OR% the &hildren of Israel shall &ome the'
and the &hildren of J)dah to(ether (oin( and
wee!in(# the' shall (o and seek the $OR%
their /od*
5 The' shall ask the wa' to ,ion with their
fa&es thitherward saying Come and let )s
"oin o)rsel+es to the $OR% in a !er!et)al
&o+enant that shall not -e for(otten*
6 M' !eo!le hath -een lost shee!# their
she!herds ha+e &a)sed them to (o astra' the'
ha+e t)rned them awa' on the mo)ntains# the'
ha+e (one from mo)ntain to hill the' ha+e
for(otten their restin(!la&e*
7 All that fo)nd them ha+e de+o)red them#
and their ad+ersaries said 4e offend not
-e&a)se the' ha+e sinned a(ainst the $OR%
the ha-itation of ")sti&e e+en the $OR% the
ho!e of their fathers*
8 Remo+e o)t of the midst of Ba-'lon and
(o forth o)t of the land of the Chaldeans and
-e as the he (oats -efore the flo&ks*
9 1 For lo I will raise and &a)se to &ome )!
a(ainst Ba-'lon an assem-l' of (reat nations
from the north &o)ntr'# and the' shall set
themsel+es in arra' a(ainst her. from then&e
she shall -e taken# their arrows shall be as of a
mi(ht' e=!ert man. none shall ret)rn in +ain*
10 And Chaldea shall -e a s!oil# all that
s!oil her shall -e satisfied saith the $OR%*
11 Be&a)se 'e were (lad -e&a)se 'e
re"oi&ed O 'e destro'ers of mine herita(e
-e&a)se 'e are (rown fat as the heifer at (rass
and -ellow as -)lls.
12 9o)r mother shall -e sore &onfo)nded.
she that -are 'o) shall -e ashamed# -ehold
the hindermost of the nations shall be a
wilderness a dr' land and a desert*
13 Be&a)se of the wrath of the $OR% it
shall not -e inha-ited -)t it shall -e wholl'
desolate# e+er' one that (oeth -' Ba-'lon
shall -e astonished and hiss at all her !la()es*
14 P)t 'o)rsel+es in arra' a(ainst Ba-'lon
ro)nd a-o)t# all 'e that -end the -ow shoot at
her s!are no arrows# for she hath sinned
a(ainst the $OR%*
15 2ho)t a(ainst her ro)nd a-o)t# she hath
(i+en her hand# her fo)ndations are fallen her
walls are thrown down# for it is the +en(ean&e
of the $OR%# take +en(ean&e )!on her. as she
hath done do )nto her*
16 C)t off the sower from Ba-'lon and him
that handleth the si&kle in the time of har+est#
for fear of the o!!ressin( sword the' shall t)rn
e+er' one to his !eo!le and the' shall flee
e+er' one to his own land*
17 1 Israel is a s&attered shee!. the lions
ha+e dri+en him awa'# first the kin( of Ass'ria
hath de+o)red him. and last this
7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon hath -roken
his -ones*
18 Therefore th)s saith the $OR% of hosts
the /od of Israel. Behold I will !)nish the
kin( of Ba-'lon and his land as I ha+e
!)nished the kin( of Ass'ria*
19 And I will -rin( Israel a(ain to his
ha-itation and he shall feed on Carmel and
Bashan and his so)l shall -e satisfied )!on
mo)nt E!hraim and /ilead*
20 In those da's and in that time saith the
$OR% the ini6)it' of Israel shall -e so)(ht
for and there shall be none. and the sins of
J)dah and the' shall not -e fo)nd# for I will
!ardon them whom I reser+e*
21 1 /o )! a(ainst the land of Merathaim
even a(ainst it and a(ainst the inha-itants of
Pekod# waste and )tterl' destro' after them
saith the $OR% and do a&&ordin( to all that I
ha+e &ommanded thee*
22 A so)nd of -attle is in the land and of
(reat destr)&tion*
23 How is the hammer of the whole earth
&)t as)nder and -roken0 how is Ba-'lon
-e&ome a desolation amon( the nations0
24 I ha+e laid a snare for thee and tho) art
also taken O Ba-'lon and tho) wast not
aware# tho) art fo)nd and also &a)(ht
-e&a)se tho) hast stri+en a(ainst the $OR%*
25 The $OR% hath o!ened his armo)r' and
hath -ro)(ht forth the wea!ons of his
indi(nation# for this is the work of the $ord
/O% of hosts in the land of the Chaldeans*
26 Come a(ainst her from the )tmost -order
o!en her storeho)ses# &ast her )! as hea!s and
destro' her )tterl'# let nothin( of her -e left*
27 2la' all her -)llo&ks. let them (o down to
the sla)(hter# woe )nto them0 for their da' is
&ome the time of their +isitation*
28 The +oi&e of them that flee and es&a!e
o)t of the land of Ba-'lon to de&lare in ,ion
the +en(ean&e of the $OR% o)r /od the
+en(ean&e of his tem!le*
29 Call to(ether the ar&hers a(ainst
Ba-'lon# all 'e that -end the -ow &am!
a(ainst it ro)nd a-o)t. let none thereof es&a!e#
re&om!ense her a&&ordin( to her work.
a&&ordin( to all that she hath done do )nto
her# for she hath -een !ro)d a(ainst the
$OR% a(ainst the Hol' One of Israel*
30 Therefore shall her 'o)n( men fall in the
streets and all her men of war shall -e &)t off
in that da' saith the $OR%*
31 Behold I am a(ainst thee O thou most
!ro)d saith the $ord /O% of hosts# for th'
da' is &ome the time that I will +isit thee*
32 And the most !ro)d shall st)m-le and
fall and none shall raise him )!# and I will
kindle a fire in his &ities and it shall de+o)r all
ro)nd a-o)t him*
33 1 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts. The
&hildren of Israel and the &hildren of J)dah
were o!!ressed to(ether# and all that took
them &a!ti+es held them fast. the' ref)sed to
let them (o*
34 Their Redeemer is stron(. the $OR% of
hosts is his name# he shall thro)(hl' !lead
their &a)se that he ma' (i+e rest to the land
and dis6)iet the inha-itants of Ba-'lon*
35 1 A sword is )!on the Chaldeans saith
the $OR% and )!on the inha-itants of
Ba-'lon and )!on her !rin&es and )!on her
wise men*
36 A sword is )!on the liars. and the' shall
dote# a sword is )!on her mi(ht' men. and
the' shall -e disma'ed*
37 A sword is )!on their horses and )!on
their &hariots and )!on all the min(led !eo!le
that are in the midst of her. and the' shall
-e&ome as women# a sword is )!on her
treas)res. and the' shall -e ro--ed*
38 A dro)(ht is )!on her waters. and the'
shall -e dried )!# for it is the land of (ra+en
ima(es and the' are mad )!on their idols*
39 Therefore the wild -easts of the desert
with the wild -easts of the islands shall dwell
there and the owls shall dwell therein# and it
shall -e no more inha-ited for e+er. neither
shall it -e dwelt in from (eneration to
40 As /od o+erthrew 2odom and /omorrah
and the nei(h-o)r cities thereof saith the
$OR%. so shall no man a-ide there neither
shall an' son of man dwell therein*
41 Behold a !eo!le shall &ome from the
north and a (reat nation and man' kin(s shall
-e raised )! from the &oasts of the earth*
42 The' shall hold the -ow and the lan&e#
the' are &r)el and will not shew mer&'# their
+oi&e shall roar like the sea and the' shall ride
)!on horses every one !)t in arra' like a man
to the -attle a(ainst thee O da)(hter of
43 The kin( of Ba-'lon hath heard the
re!ort of them and his hands wa=ed fee-le#
an()ish took hold of him and !an(s as of a
woman in tra+ail*
44 Behold he shall &ome )! like a lion from
the swellin( of Jordan )nto the ha-itation of
the stron(# -)t I will make them s)ddenl' r)n
awa' from her# and who is a &hosen man# that
I ma' a!!oint o+er her3 for who is like me3
and who will a!!oint me the time3 and who is
that she!herd that will stand -efore me3
45 Therefore hear 'e the &o)nsel of the
$OR% that he hath taken a(ainst Ba-'lon.
and his !)r!oses that he hath !)r!osed
a(ainst the land of the Chaldeans# 2)rel' the
least of the flo&k shall draw them o)t# s)rel'
he shall make their ha-itation desolate with
46 At the noise of the takin( of Ba-'lon the
earth is mo+ed and the &r' is heard amon( the
1 Th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I will raise
)! a(ainst Ba-'lon and a(ainst them that
dwell in the midst of them that rise )! a(ainst
me a destro'in( wind.
2 And will send )nto Ba-'lon fanners that
shall fan her and shall em!t' her land# for in
the da' of tro)-le the' shall -e a(ainst her
ro)nd a-o)t*
3 A(ainst him that -endeth let the ar&her
-end his -ow and a(ainst him that lifteth
himself )! in his -ri(andine# and s!are 'e not
her 'o)n( men. destro' 'e )tterl' all her host*
4 Th)s the slain shall fall in the land of the
Chaldeans and they that are thr)st thro)(h in
her streets*
5 For Israel hath not been forsaken nor
J)dah of his /od of the $OR% of hosts.
tho)(h their land was filled with sin a(ainst
the Hol' One of Israel*
6 Flee o)t of the midst of Ba-'lon and
deli+er e+er' man his so)l# -e not &)t off in
her ini6)it'. for this is the time of the $OR%82
+en(ean&e. he will render )nto her a
7 Ba-'lon hath been a (olden &)! in the
$OR%82 hand that made all the earth
dr)nken# the nations ha+e dr)nken of her
wine. therefore the nations are mad*
8 Ba-'lon is s)ddenl' fallen and destro'ed#
howl for her. take -alm for her !ain if so -e
she ma' -e healed*
9 4e wo)ld ha+e healed Ba-'lon -)t she is
not healed# forsake her and let )s (o e+er'
one into his own &o)ntr'# for her ")d(ment
rea&heth )nto hea+en and is lifted )! even to
the skies*
10 The $OR% hath -ro)(ht forth o)r
ri(hteo)sness# &ome and let )s de&lare in ,ion
the work of the $OR% o)r /od*
11 Make -ri(ht the arrows. (ather the
shields# the $OR% hath raised )! the s!irit of
the kin(s of the Medes# for his de+i&e is
a(ainst Ba-'lon to destro' it. -e&a)se it is the
+en(ean&e of the $OR% the +en(ean&e of his
12 2et )! the standard )!on the walls of
Ba-'lon make the wat&h stron( set )! the
wat&hmen !re!are the am-)shes# for the
$OR% hath -oth de+ised and done that whi&h
he s!ake a(ainst the inha-itants of Ba-'lon*
13 O tho) that dwellest )!on man' waters
a-)ndant in treas)res thine end is &ome and
the meas)re of th' &o+eto)sness*
14 The $OR% of hosts hath sworn -'
himself saying 2)rel' I will fill thee with
men as with &ater!illers. and the' shall lift )!
a sho)t a(ainst thee*
15 He hath made the earth -' his !ower he
hath esta-lished the world -' his wisdom and
hath stret&hed o)t the hea+en -' his
16 4hen he )ttereth his +oi&e there is a
m)ltit)de of waters in the hea+ens. and he
&a)seth the +a!o)rs to as&end from the ends of
the earth# he maketh li(htnin(s with rain and
-rin(eth forth the wind o)t of his treas)res*
17 E+er' man is -r)tish -' his knowled(e.
e+er' fo)nder is &onfo)nded -' the (ra+en
ima(e# for his molten ima(e is falsehood and
there is no -reath in them*
18 The' are +anit' the work of errors# in the
time of their +isitation the' shall !erish*
19 The !ortion of Ja&o- is not like them. for
he is the former of all thin(s# and Israel is the
rod of his inheritan&e# the $OR% of hosts is
his name*
20 Tho) art m' -attle a=e and wea!ons of
war# for with thee will I -reak in !ie&es the
nations and with thee will I destro'
21 And with thee will I -reak in !ie&es the
horse and his rider. and with thee will I -reak
in !ie&es the &hariot and his rider.
22 4ith thee also will I -reak in !ie&es man
and woman. and with thee will I -reak in
!ie&es old and 'o)n(. and with thee will I
-reak in !ie&es the 'o)n( man and the maid.
23 I will also -reak in !ie&es with thee the
she!herd and his flo&k. and with thee will I
-reak in !ie&es the h)s-andman and his 'oke
of o=en. and with thee will I -reak in !ie&es
&a!tains and r)lers*
24 And I will render )nto Ba-'lon and to all
the inha-itants of Chaldea all their e+il that
the' ha+e done in ,ion in 'o)r si(ht saith the
25 Behold I am a(ainst thee O destro'in(
mo)ntain saith the $OR% whi&h destro'est
all the earth# and I will stret&h o)t mine hand
)!on thee and roll thee down from the ro&ks
and will make thee a -)rnt mo)ntain*
26 And the' shall not take of thee a stone for
a &orner nor a stone for fo)ndations. -)t tho)
shalt -e desolate for e+er saith the $OR%*
27 2et 'e )! a standard in the land -low the
tr)m!et amon( the nations !re!are the nations
a(ainst her &all to(ether a(ainst her the
kin(doms of Ararat Minni and Ash&henaE.
a!!oint a &a!tain a(ainst her. &a)se the horses
to &ome )! as the ro)(h &ater!illers*
28 Pre!are a(ainst her the nations with the
kin(s of the Medes the &a!tains thereof and
all the r)lers thereof and all the land of his
29 And the land shall trem-le and sorrow#
for e+er' !)r!ose of the $OR% shall -e
!erformed a(ainst Ba-'lon to make the land
of Ba-'lon a desolation witho)t an inha-itant*
30 The mi(ht' men of Ba-'lon ha+e for-orn
to fi(ht the' ha+e remained in their holds#
their mi(ht hath failed. the' -e&ame as
women# the' ha+e -)rned her dwellin(!la&es.
her -ars are -roken*
31 One !ost shall r)n to meet another and
one messen(er to meet another to shew the
kin( of Ba-'lon that his &it' is taken at one
32 And that the !assa(es are sto!!ed and
the reeds the' ha+e -)rned with fire and the
men of war are affri(hted*
33 For th)s saith the $OR% of hosts the
/od of Israel. The da)(hter of Ba-'lon is like
a threshin(floor it is time to thresh her# 'et a
little while and the time of her har+est shall
34 7e-)&hadreEEar the kin( of Ba-'lon hath
de+o)red me he hath &r)shed me he hath
made me an em!t' +essel he hath swallowed
me )! like a dra(on he hath filled his -ell'
with m' deli&ates he hath &ast me o)t*
35 The +iolen&e done to me and to m' flesh
be )!on Ba-'lon shall the inha-itant of ,ion
sa'. and m' -lood )!on the inha-itants of
Chaldea shall Jer)salem sa'*
36 Therefore th)s saith the $OR%. Behold I
will !lead th' &a)se and take +en(ean&e for
thee. and I will dr' )! her sea and make her
s!rin(s dr'*
37 And Ba-'lon shall -e&ome hea!s a
dwellin(!la&e for dra(ons an astonishment
and an hissin( witho)t an inha-itant*
38 The' shall roar to(ether like lions# the'
shall 'ell as lions8 whel!s*
39 In their heat I will make their feasts and
I will make them dr)nken that the' ma'
re"oi&e and slee! a !er!et)al slee! and not
wake saith the $OR%*
40 I will -rin( them down like lam-s to the
sla)(hter like rams with he (oats*
41 How is 2hesha&h taken0 and how is the
!raise of the whole earth s)r!rised0 how is
Ba-'lon -e&ome an astonishment amon( the
42 The sea is &ome )! )!on Ba-'lon# she is
&o+ered with the m)ltit)de of the wa+es
43 Her &ities are a desolation a dr' land
and a wilderness a land wherein no man
dwelleth neither doth any son of man !ass
44 And I will !)nish Bel in Ba-'lon and I
will -rin( forth o)t of his mo)th that whi&h he
hath swallowed )!# and the nations shall not
flow to(ether an' more )nto him# 'ea the
wall of Ba-'lon shall fall*
45 M' !eo!le (o 'e o)t of the midst of her
and deli+er 'e e+er' man his so)l from the
fier&e an(er of the $OR%*
46 And lest 'o)r heart faint and 'e fear for
the r)mo)r that shall -e heard in the land. a
r)mo)r shall -oth &ome one 'ear and after
that in another 'ear shall come a r)mo)r and
+iolen&e in the land r)ler a(ainst r)ler*
47 Therefore -ehold the da's &ome that I
will do ")d(ment )!on the (ra+en ima(es of
Ba-'lon# and her whole land shall -e
&onfo)nded and all her slain shall fall in the
midst of her*
48 Then the hea+en and the earth and all
that is therein shall sin( for Ba-'lon# for the
s!oilers shall &ome )nto her from the north
saith the $OR%*
49 As Ba-'lon hath caused the slain of
Israel to fall so at Ba-'lon shall fall the slain
of all the earth*
50 9e that ha+e es&a!ed the sword (o awa'
stand not still# remem-er the $OR% afar off
and let Jer)salem &ome into 'o)r mind*
51 4e are &onfo)nded -e&a)se we ha+e
heard re!roa&h# shame hath &o+ered o)r fa&es#
for stran(ers are &ome into the san&t)aries of
the $OR%82 ho)se*
52 4herefore -ehold the da's &ome saith
the $OR% that I will do ")d(ment )!on her
(ra+en ima(es# and thro)(h all her land the
wo)nded shall (roan*
53 Tho)(h Ba-'lon sho)ld mo)nt )! to
hea+en and tho)(h she sho)ld fortif' the
hei(ht of her stren(th yet from me shall
s!oilers &ome )nto her saith the $OR%*
54 A so)nd of a &r' cometh from Ba-'lon
and (reat destr)&tion from the land of the
55 Be&a)se the $OR% hath s!oiled
Ba-'lon and destro'ed o)t of her the (reat
+oi&e. when her wa+es do roar like (reat
waters a noise of their +oi&e is )ttered#
56 Be&a)se the s!oiler is &ome )!on her
even )!on Ba-'lon and her mi(ht' men are
taken e+er' one of their -ows is -roken# for
the $OR% /od of re&om!en&es shall s)rel'
57 And I will make dr)nk her !rin&es and
her wise men her &a!tains and her r)lers and
her mi(ht' men# and the' shall slee! a
!er!et)al slee! and not wake saith the Kin(
whose name is the $OR% of hosts*
58 Th)s saith the $OR% of hosts. The -road
walls of Ba-'lon shall -e )tterl' -roken and
her hi(h (ates shall -e -)rned with fire. and
the !eo!le shall la-o)r in +ain and the folk in
the fire and the' shall -e wear'*
59 1 The word whi&h Jeremiah the !ro!het
&ommanded 2eraiah the son of 7eriah the son
of Maaseiah when he went with ,edekiah the
kin( of J)dah into Ba-'lon in the fo)rth 'ear
of his rei(n* And this 2eraiah was a 6)iet
60 2o Jeremiah wrote in a -ook all the e+il
that sho)ld &ome )!on Ba-'lon even all these
words that are written a(ainst Ba-'lon*
61 And Jeremiah said to 2eraiah 4hen tho)
&omest to Ba-'lon and shalt see and shalt
read all these words.
62 Then shalt tho) sa' O $OR% tho) hast
s!oken a(ainst this !la&e to &)t it off that
none shall remain in it neither man nor -east
-)t that it shall -e desolate for e+er*
63 And it shall -e when tho) hast made an
end of readin( this -ook that tho) shalt -ind a
stone to it and &ast it into the midst of
64 And tho) shalt sa' Th)s shall Ba-'lon
sink and shall not rise from the e+il that I will
-rin( )!on her# and the' shall -e wear'* Th)s
far are the words of Jeremiah*
1 ,edekiah was one and twent' 'ears old
when he -e(an to rei(n and he rei(ned ele+en
'ears in Jer)salem* And his mother8s name
was Ham)tal the da)(hter of Jeremiah of
2 And he did that which was e+il in the e'es
of the $OR% a&&ordin( to all that Jehoiakim
had done*
3 For thro)(h the an(er of the $OR% it
&ame to !ass in Jer)salem and J)dah till he
had &ast them o)t from his !resen&e that
,edekiah re-elled a(ainst the kin( of Ba-'lon*
4 1 And it &ame to !ass in the ninth 'ear of
his rei(n in the tenth month in the tenth day
of the month that 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of
Ba-'lon &ame he and all his arm' a(ainst
Jer)salem and !it&hed a(ainst it and -)ilt
forts a(ainst it ro)nd a-o)t*
5 2o the &it' was -esie(ed )nto the ele+enth
'ear of kin( ,edekiah*
6 And in the fo)rth month in the ninth day
of the month the famine was sore in the &it'
so that there was no -read for the !eo!le of the
7 Then the &it' was -roken )! and all the
men of war fled and went forth o)t of the &it'
-' ni(ht -' the wa' of the (ate -etween the
two walls whi&h was -' the kin(8s (arden.
Gnow the Chaldeans were -' the &it' ro)nd
a-o)t#H and the' went -' the wa' of the !lain*
8 1 B)t the arm' of the Chaldeans !)rs)ed
after the kin( and o+ertook ,edekiah in the
!lains of Jeri&ho. and all his arm' was
s&attered from him*
9 Then the' took the kin( and &arried him
)! )nto the kin( of Ba-'lon to Ri-lah in the
land of Hamath. where he (a+e ")d(ment
)!on him*
10 And the kin( of Ba-'lon slew the sons of
,edekiah -efore his e'es# he slew also all the
!rin&es of J)dah in Ri-lah*
11 Then he !)t o)t the e'es of ,edekiah.
and the kin( of Ba-'lon -o)nd him in &hains
and &arried him to Ba-'lon and !)t him in
!rison till the da' of his death*
12 1 7ow in the fifth month in the tenth day
of the month whi&h was the nineteenth 'ear
of 7e-)&hadreEEar kin( of Ba-'lon &ame
7e-)Ear?adan &a!tain of the ()ard which
ser+ed the kin( of Ba-'lon into Jer)salem
13 And -)rned the ho)se of the $OR% and
the kin(8s ho)se. and all the ho)ses of
Jer)salem and all the ho)ses of the (reat men
-)rned he with fire#
14 And all the arm' of the Chaldeans that
were with the &a!tain of the ()ard -rake
down all the walls of Jer)salem ro)nd a-o)t*
15 Then 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the
()ard &arried awa' &a!ti+e certain of the !oor
of the !eo!le and the resid)e of the !eo!le
that remained in the &it' and those that fell
awa' that fell to the kin( of Ba-'lon and the
rest of the m)ltit)de*
16 B)t 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the
()ard left certain of the !oor of the land for
+inedressers and for h)s-andmen*
17 Also the !illars of -rass that were in the
ho)se of the $OR% and the -ases and the
-rasen sea that was in the ho)se of the $OR%
the Chaldeans -rake and &arried all the -rass
of them to Ba-'lon*
18 The &aldrons also and the sho+els and
the sn)ffers and the -owls and the s!oons
and all the +essels of -rass wherewith the'
ministered took the' awa'*
19 And the -asons and the fire!ans and the
-owls and the &aldrons and the &andlesti&ks
and the s!oons and the &)!s. that whi&h was
of (old in (old and that whi&h was of sil+er
in sil+er took the &a!tain of the ()ard awa'*
20 The two !illars one sea and twel+e
-rasen -)lls that were )nder the -ases whi&h
kin( 2olomon had made in the ho)se of the
$OR%# the -rass of all these +essels was
witho)t wei(ht*
21 And concerning the !illars the hei(ht of
one !illar was ei(hteen &)-its. and a fillet of
twel+e &)-its did &om!ass it. and the thi&kness
thereof was fo)r fin(ers# it was hollow*
22 And a &ha!iter of -rass was )!on it. and
the hei(ht of one &ha!iter was fi+e &)-its with
network and !ome(ranates )!on the &ha!iters
ro)nd a-o)t all of -rass* The se&ond !illar
also and the !ome(ranates were like )nto
23 And there were ninet' and si=
!ome(ranates on a side. and all the
!ome(ranates )!on the network were an
h)ndred ro)nd a-o)t*
24 1 And the &a!tain of the ()ard took
2eraiah the &hief !riest and ,e!haniah the
se&ond !riest and the three kee!ers of the
25 He took also o)t of the &it' an e)n)&h
whi&h had the &har(e of the men of war. and
se+en men of them that were near the kin(8s
!erson whi&h were fo)nd in the &it'. and the
!rin&i!al s&ri-e of the host who m)stered the
!eo!le of the land. and threes&ore men of the
!eo!le of the land that were fo)nd in the
midst of the &it'*
26 2o 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of the ()ard
took them and -ro)(ht them to the kin( of
Ba-'lon to Ri-lah*
27 And the kin( of Ba-'lon smote them and
!)t them to death in Ri-lah in the land of
Hamath* Th)s J)dah was &arried awa' &a!ti+e
o)t of his own land*
28 This is the !eo!le whom 7e-)&hadreEEar
&arried awa' &a!ti+e# in the se+enth 'ear three
tho)sand Jews and three and twent'#
29 In the ei(hteenth 'ear of 7e-)&hadreEEar
he &arried awa' &a!ti+e from Jer)salem ei(ht
h)ndred thirt' and two !ersons#
30 In the three and twentieth 'ear of
7e-)&hadreEEar 7e-)Ear?adan the &a!tain of
the ()ard &arried awa' &a!ti+e of the Jews
se+en h)ndred fort' and fi+e !ersons# all the
!ersons were fo)r tho)sand and si= h)ndred*
31 1 And it &ame to !ass in the se+en and
thirtieth 'ear of the &a!ti+it' of Jehoia&hin
kin( of J)dah in the twelfth month in the fi+e
and twentieth day of the month that E+il?
meroda&h kin( of Ba-'lon in the first 'ear of
his rei(n lifted )! the head of Jehoia&hin kin(
of J)dah and -ro)(ht him forth o)t of !rison
32 And s!ake kindl' )nto him and set his
throne a-o+e the throne of the kin(s that were
with him in Ba-'lon
33 And &han(ed his !rison (arments# and he
did &ontin)all' eat -read -efore him all the
da's of his life*
34 And for his diet there was a &ontin)al
diet (i+en him of the kin( of Ba-'lon e+er'
da' a !ortion )ntil the da' of his death all the
da's of his life*

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