complete, non-project related edition
Basis VGB 4
Revision b, Condition-Date: January 20, 1999
Identification System for Power Plants
Function key
Equipment unit key
Component key
Proj.-Code. UA Contents Code Consec. No. UNID Index
ZEN000 DA01 383 970404 1 000 822 159 b
KWU OI42 31.07.98
Tel. +49 (0)69/807-2078
Identification System for Power Plants
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KWU OI42 31.07.98
Tel. +49 (0)69/807-2078
Identification System for Power Plants
Change notification No. 1
Revision a of 31.07.98
To update your KKS Manual you find the revised pages in the Intranet:
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Identification System for Power
General view Function key
2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
C Instrumentation and control equipment
D Instrumentation and control equipment
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
F Handling of nuclear equipment
G Water supply and disposal
H Conventional heat generation
J Nuclear heat generation
K Reactor auxiliary systems
L Steam, water, gas cycles
M Main machine sets
N Process energy supply for external users (e. g. district heating)
P Cooling water systems
Q Auxiliary systems
R Gas generation and treatment
S Ancillary systems
U Structures
W Renewable energy plants
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
Z Workshop and office equipment
Page 1 of 1 12. Sep. 01 Printout date:
Identification System for Power
Function key : A
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AB > 420 kV systems
AC 380 - (420) kV systems
AD 220 - (245) kV systems
AE 110 - (150) kV systems
AF 60 - (72) kV systems
AG 45 - (50) kV systems
AH 30 - (35) kV systems
AJ 20 - (25) kV systems
AK 10 - (15) kV systems
AL 6 - (5) kV systems
AM 1 - 3 kV systems
AN < 1 kV systems
AP Control consoles
AQ Measuring and metering equipment
AR Protection equipment
AS Decentralized panels and cabinets
AT Transformer equipment
AU Open-loop control, checkback and auxiliary equipment
AV Marshalling racks
AW Instrument panels
AX Central equipment
AY Communication equipment
Page A1 of A1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AB > 420 kV systems
Page AB1 of AB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AC 380 - (420) kV systems
Page AC1 of AC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AD 220 - (245) kV systems
Page AD1 of AD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AE 110 - (150) kV systems
Page AE1 of AE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AF 60 - (72) kV systems
Page AF1 of AF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AG 45 - (50) kV systems
Page AG1 of AG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AH 30 - (35) kV systems
Page AH1 of AH1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AJ 20 - (25) kV systems
Page AJ1 of AJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AK 10 - (15) kV systems
Page AK1 of AK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AL 6 - (5) kV systems
Page AL1 of AL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AM 1 - 3 kV systems
Page AM1 of AM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AN < 1 kV systems
ANA Low voltage switchgear 500-1000 V, AC
ANB Low voltage switchgear 500-1000 V, AC
ANC Low voltage switchgear 500-1000 V, AC
ANE Low voltage switchgear 380/220 V, AC
ANF Low voltage switchgear 380/220 V, AC
ANG Low voltage switchgear 380/220 V, AC
ANH Low voltage switchgear 380/220 V, AC
ANK DC switchgear 220/110 V
ANL DC switchgear 220/110 V
ANM DC switchgear 220/110 V
ANN DC switchgear 220/110 V
ANQ DC switchgear 60/48 V
ANR DC switchgear 60/48 V
ANS DC switchgear 60/48 V
ANU DC switchgear 24/12 V
ANV DC switchgear 24/12 V
ANW DC switchgear 24/12 V
Page AN1 of AN1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AP Control consoles
Page AP1 of AP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AQ Measuring and metering equipment
Page AQ1 of AQ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AR Protection equipment
Page AR1 of AR1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AS Decentralized panels and cabinets
ASA Circuit breaker appurtenances
ASB Multiplication, conversion, decoupling
ASC Transducer appurtenances
ASD Compressed air, hydraulics
ASJ Automated controls, closed-loop control
ASL Grid simulation, voltage group selection
ASM Measuring equipment
ASN Auxiliary power supply
ASP Recording
ASQ Metering
ASR Protection
ASS Synchronization
AST Transformation
ASU Panels and cabinets for auxiliary equipment
ASV Group, intermediate and general terminal blocks
ASW Indication, manual operation, monitoring
ASX Alarm annunciation
Page AS1 of AS1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AT Transformer equipment
Page AT1 of AT1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AU Open-loop control, checkback and auxiliary equipment
Page AU1 of AU1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AV Marshalling racks
Page AV1 of AV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AW Instrument panels
Page AW1 of AW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AX Central equipment
Page AX1 of AX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : AY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Grid and distribution systems
AY Communication equipment
AYA Telephone system (PABX)
AYB Control console telephone system
AYC Alarm system (acoustic)
AYD Alarm system (optical)
AYE Fire alarm system
AYF Clock system
AYG Remote control system
AYH Telemetry system
AYJ Remote metering system
AYK HF carrier telephone system
AYL Staff paging system, wireless
AYM Staff paging system, inductive
AYN Staff paging system, hardwired
AYP Optical monitoring system
AYQ General gas detection system (if not assigned to specific system)
AYS Radiotelephone system
Page AY1 of AY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : B
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BA Power transmission
BB Medium-voltage distribution boards and transformers, normal system
BC Medium-voltage distribution boards and transformers, general-purpose
BD Medium-voltage emergency distribution boards and transformers, (diesel)
emergency power system 1
BF Low-voltage main distribution boards and transformers, normal system
BG Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in addition to
*BF*, *BH*, *BJ*, *BK* and *BL*)
BH Low-voltage main distribution boards and transformers, general-purpose
BJ Low-voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, normal system
BK Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in addition to
*BF*, *BG*, *BH*, *BJ* and *BL*)
BL Low-voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, general-purpose (local
BM Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel) emergency power
system 1
BN Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel) emergency power
system 2 (protection against external impact)
BP Power installations for variable-speed drives (e. g. for feedwater pump, excitation
equipment, not power adjusters in switchgear)
BR Low-voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BT Battery systems
BU DC distribution boards, normal system
BV DC distribution boards, emergency power system 1
BW DC distribution boards, emergency power system 2 (protection against external
BX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BY Control and protection equipment
Page B1 of B1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BA Power transmission
BAA Generator leads
from excl. generator bushings, incl. current and voltage transformers,
cooling and ventilation systems
to excl. generator transformer low side bushings or
to excl. auxiliary power transformer high side bushings
BAB Foundation cabinets
BAC Generator circuit breaker, also commutating pole circuit breaker, incl. cooling
BAT Generator transformers, including cooling system
BAU Earthing and lightning protection systems
BAX Control air supply system
BAY Control and protection equipment
Page BA1 of BA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BB Medium-voltage distribution boards and transformers, normal system
BBA MV distribution board
BBB MV distribution board
BBC MV distribution board
BBD MV distribution board
BBE MV distribution board
BBF MV distribution board
BBG MV distribution board
BBH MV distribution board
BBJ MV distribution board
BBK MV distribution board
BBL MV distribution board
BBM MV distribution board
BBN MV distribution board
BBP MV distribution board
BBQ MV distribution board
BBR MV distribution board
BBS MV distribution board
BBT MV auxiliary power transformers
BBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BBY Control and protection equipment
Page BB1 of BB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BC Medium-voltage distribution boards and transformers, general-purpose
BCA MV start-up distribution board
BCB MV start-up distribution board
BCC MV start-up distribution board
BCD MV start-up distribution board
BCE MV start-up distribution board
BCF MV start-up distribution board
BCG MV start-up distribution board
BCH MV start-up distribution board
BCJ MV start-up distribution board
BCK MV start-up distribution board
BCL MV start-up distribution board
BCM MV start-up distribution board
BCN MV start-up distribution board
BCP MV start-up distribution board
BCQ MV start-up distribution board
BCR MV start-up distribution board
BCS MV start-up distribution board
BCT Start-up, offsite, general-purpose transformers
BCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BCY Control and protection equipment
Page BC1 of BC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BD Medium-voltage emergency distribution boards and transformers, (diesel)
emergency power system 1
BDA MV emergency distribution board
BDB MV emergency distribution board
BDC MV emergency distribution board
BDD MV emergency distribution board
BDE MV emergency distribution board
BDF MV emergency distribution board
BDG MV emergency distribution board
BDH MV emergency distribution board
BDJ MV emergency distribution board
BDK MV emergency distribution board
BDL MV emergency distribution board
BDM MV emergency distribution board
BDN MV emergency distribution board
BDP MV emergency distribution board
BDQ MV emergency distribution board
BDR MV emergency distribution board
BDS MV emergency distribution board
BDT MV transformator
BDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BDY Control and protection equipment
Page BD1 of BD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BF Low-voltage main distribution boards and transformers, normal system
BFA LV main distribution board
BFB LV main distribution board
BFC LV main distribution board
BFD LV main distribution board
BFE LV main distribution board
BFF LV main distribution board
BFG LV main distribution board
BFH LV main distribution board
BFJ LV main distribution board
BFK LV main distribution board
BFL LV main distribution board
BFM LV main distribution board
BFN LV main distribution board
BFP LV main distribution board
BFQ LV main distribution board
BFR LV main distribution board
BFS LV main distribution board
BFT LV auxiliary power transformer
BFU LV auxiliary power transformer
BFV LV auxiliary power transformer
BFW LV auxiliary power transformer
BFX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BFY Control and protection equipment
Page BF1 of BF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BG Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in addition to
*BF*, *BH*, *BJ*, *BK* and *BL*)
BGA LV distribution board
BGB LV distribution board
BGC LV distribution board
BGD LV distribution board
BGE LV distribution board
BGF LV distribution board
BGG LV distribution board
BGH LV distribution board
BGJ LV distribution board
BGK LV distribution board
BGL LV distribution board
BGM LV distribution board
BGN LV distribution board
BGP LV distribution board
BGQ LV distribution board
BGR LV distribution board
BGS LV distribution board
BGT LV auxiliary power transformer
BGU LV auxiliary power transformer
BGV LV auxiliary power transformer
BGW LV auxiliary power transformer
BGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BGY Control and protection equipment
Page BG1 of BG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BH Low-voltage main distribution boards and transformers, general-purpose
BHA LV main distribution board
BHB LV main distribution board
BHC LV main distribution board
BHD LV main distribution board
BHE LV main distribution board
BHF LV main distribution board
BHG LV main distribution board
BHH LV main distribution board
BHJ LV main distribution board
BHK LV main distribution board
BHL LV main distribution board
BHM LV main distribution board
BHN LV main distribution board
BHP LV main distribution board
BHQ LV main distribution board
BHR LV main distribution board
BHS LV main distribution board
BHT LV auxiliary power transformer
BHU LV auxiliary power transformer
BHV LV auxiliary power transformer
BHW LV auxiliary power transformer
BHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BHY Control and protection equipment
Page BH1 of BH1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BJ Low-voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, normal system
BJA LV sudistribution board
BJB LV sudistribution board
BJC LV sudistribution board
BJD LV sudistribution board
BJE LV sudistribution board
BJF LV sudistribution board
BJG LV sudistribution board
BJH LV sudistribution board
BJJ LV sudistribution board
BJK LV sudistribution board
BJL LV sudistribution board
BJM LV sudistribution board
BJN LV sudistribution board
BJP LV sudistribution board
BJQ LV sudistribution board
BJR LV sudistribution board
BJS LV sudistribution board
BJT LV auxiliary power transformer
BJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BJY Control and protection equipment
Page BJ1 of BJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BK Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (may be used in addition to
*BF*, *BG*, *BH*, *BJ* and *BL*)
BKA LV distribution board
BKB LV distribution board
BKC LV distribution board
BKD LV distribution board
BKE LV distribution board
BKF LV distribution board
BKG LV distribution board
BKH LV distribution board
BKJ LV distribution board
BKK LV distribution board
BKL LV distribution board
BKM LV distribution board
BKN LV distribution board
BKP LV distribution board
BKQ LV distribution board
BKR LV distribution board
BKS LV distribution board
BKT LV auxiliary power transformer
BKU LV auxiliary power transformer
BKV LV auxiliary power transformer
BKW LV auxiliary power transformer
BKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BKY Control and protection equipment
Page BK1 of BK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BL Low-voltage subdistribution boards and transformers, general-purpose (local
BLA LV subdistribution board
BLB LV subdistribution board
BLC LV subdistribution board
BLD LV subdistribution board
BLE LV subdistribution board
BLF LV subdistribution board
BLG LV subdistribution board
BLH LV subdistribution board
BLJ LV subdistribution board
BLK LV subdistribution board
BLL LV subdistribution board
BLM LV subdistribution board
BLN LV subdistribution board
BLP LV subdistribution board
BLQ LV subdistribution board
BLR LV subdistribution board
BLS LV subdistribution board
BLT LV auxiliary power transformer
BLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BLY Control and protection equipment
Page BL1 of BL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BM Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel) emergency power
system 1
BMA LV emergency distribution board
BMB LV emergency distribution board
BMC LV emergency distribution board
BMD LV emergency distribution board
BME LV emergency distribution board
BMF LV emergency distribution board
BMG LV emergency distribution board
BMH LV emergency distribution board
BMJ LV emergency distribution board
BMK LV emergency distribution board
BML LV emergency distribution board
BMM LV emergency distribution board
BMN LV emergency distribution board
BMP LV emergency distribution board
BMQ LV emergency distribution board
BMR LV emergency distribution board
BMS LV emergency distribution board
BMT LV auxiliary power transformer
BMU LV auxiliary power transformer
BMV LV auxiliary power transformer
BMW LV auxiliary power transformer
BMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BMY Control and protection equipment
Page BM1 of BM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BN Low-voltage distribution boards and transformers, (diesel) emergency power
system 2 (protection against external impact)
BNA LV distribution board
BNB LV distribution board
BNC LV distribution board
BND LV distribution board
BNE LV distribution board
BNF LV distribution board
BNG LV distribution board
BNH LV distribution board
BNJ LV distribution board
BNK LV distribution board
BNL LV distribution board
BNM LV distribution board
BNN LV distribution board
BNP LV distribution board
BNQ LV distribution board
BNR LV distribution board
BNS LV distribution board
BNT LV auxiliary power transformer
BNU LV auxiliary power transformer
BNV LV auxiliary power transformer
BNW LV auxiliary power transformer
BNX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BNY Control and protection equipment
Page BN1 of BN1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BP Power installations for variable-speed drives (e. g. for feedwater pump, excitation
equipment, not power adjusters in switchgear)
BPA Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPB Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPC Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPD Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPE Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPF Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPG Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPH Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPJ Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPK Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPL Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPM Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPN Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPP Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPQ Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPR Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPS Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPT Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPU Power installations for variable-speed drives
BPX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BPY Control and protection equipment
Page BP1 of BP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BR Low-voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRA LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRB LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRC LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRD LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRE LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRF LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRG LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRH LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRJ LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRK LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRL LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRM LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRN LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRP LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRQ LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRR LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRS LV distribution board, uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRT Converter (rotary)
BRU Converter (static), inverter
BRV Emergency power generating equipment (if not under *X* = Heavy Machinery)
BRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BRY Control and protection equipment
Page BR1 of BR1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BT Battery systems
BTA Batteries
BTB Batteries
BTC Batteries
BTD Batteries
BTE Batteries
BTF Batteries
BTG Batteries
BTH Batteries
BTJ Batteries
BTK Batteries
BTL Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTM Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTN Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTP Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTQ Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTR Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTS Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTT Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTU Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTV Rectifiers, battery chargers
BTW Common equipment
BTX Common equipment
BTY Common equipment
BTZ Common equipment
Page BT1 of BT1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BU DC distribution boards, normal system
BUA DC distribution board
BUB DC distribution board
BUC DC distribution board
BUD DC distribution board
BUE DC distribution board
BUF DC distribution board
BUG DC distribution board
BUH DC distribution board
BUJ DC distribution board
BUK DC distribution board
BUL DC distribution board
BUM DC distribution board
BUN DC distribution board
BUP DC distribution board
BUQ DC distribution board
BUR DC distribution board
BUS DC distribution board
BUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BUY Control and protection equipment
Page BU1 of BU1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BV DC distribution boards, emergency power system 1
BVA DC distribution board
BVB DC distribution board
BVC DC distribution board
BVD DC distribution board
BVE DC distribution board
BVF DC distribution board
BVG DC distribution board
BVH DC distribution board
BVJ DC distribution board
BVK DC distribution board
BVL DC distribution board
BVM DC distribution board
BVN DC distribution board
BVP DC distribution board
BVQ DC distribution board
BVR DC distribution board
BVS DC distribution board
BVX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BVY Control and protection equipment
Page BV1 of BV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BW DC distribution boards, emergency power system 2 (protection against external
BWA DC distribution board
BWB DC distribution board
BWC DC distribution board
BWD DC distribution board
BWE DC distribution board
BWF DC distribution board
BWG DC distribution board
BWH DC distribution board
BWJ DC distribution board
BWK DC distribution board
BWL DC distribution board
BWM DC distribution board
BWN DC distribution board
BWP DC distribution board
BWQ DC distribution board
BWR DC distribution board
BWS DC distribution board
BWX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BWY Control and protection equipment
Page BW1 of BW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
BXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page BX1 of BX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : BY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
BY Control and protection equipment
BYA Control and protection equipment
BYB Control and protection equipment
BYC Control and protection equipment
BYD Control and protection equipment
BYE Control and protection equipment
BYF Control and protection equipment
BYG Control and protection equipment
BYH Control and protection equipment
BYJ Control and protection equipment
BYK Control and protection equipment
BYL Control and protection equipment
BYM Control and protection equipment
BYN Control and protection equipment
BYP Control and protection equipment
BYQ Control and protection equipment
BYR Control and protection equipment
BYS Control and protection equipment
BYT Control and protection equipment
BYU Control and protection equipment
Page BY1 of BY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : C
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CA Protective interlocks
CB Functional group control, subloop control
CC Binary signal conditioning
CD Drive control interface
CE Annunciation
CF Measurement, recording
CG Closed-loop control (excl. power section)
CH Protection (excl. reactor protection)
CJ Unit coordination level
CK Process computer system
CL Reactor protection
CR Programmable process control systems and associated cabinets
CU Closed-loop control (power section)
CV Marshalling racks
CW Control rooms
CX Local control stations (e. g. for solid fuel supply system, ash removal system,
cooling water system, diesel engine plant, monitoring of generator cooling,
emergency control station)
CY Communication equipment
Page C1 of C1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CA Protective interlocks
CAA Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAB Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAC Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAD Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAE Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAF Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAG Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAH Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAJ Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAK Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAL Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAM Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAN Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAP Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAQ Cabinets for protective interlocks
CAR Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAS Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAT Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAU Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAV Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAW Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAX Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CAY Cabinets for protective interlocks, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
Page CA1 of CA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CB Functional group control, subloop control
CBA Cabinets for functional group control
CBB Cabinets for functional group control
CBC Cabinets for functional group control
CBD Cabinets for functional group control
CBE Cabinets for functional group control
CBF Cabinets for functional group control
CBG Cabinets for functional group control
CBH Cabinets for functional group control
CBJ Cabinets for functional group control
CBK Cabinets for functional group control
CBL Cabinets for functional group control
CBM Cabinets for functional group control
CBN Cabinets for functional group control
CBP Cabinets for synchronization
CBQ Cabinets for auxiliary power changeover
CBR Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBS Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBT Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBU Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBV Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBW Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBX Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CBY Cabinets for functional group control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
Page CB1 of CB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CC Binary signal conditioning
CCA Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCB Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCC Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCD Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCE Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCF Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCG Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCH Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCJ Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCK Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCL Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCM Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCN Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCP Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCQ Cabinets for binary signal conditioning
CCR Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCS Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCT Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCU Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCV Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCW Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCX Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CCY Cabinets for binary signal conditioning, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
Page CC1 of CC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CD Drive control interface
CDA Cabinets for drive control interface
CDB Cabinets for drive control interface
CDC Cabinets for drive control interface
CDD Cabinets for drive control interface
CDE Cabinets for drive control interface
CDF Cabinets for drive control interface
CDG Cabinets for drive control interface
CDH Cabinets for drive control interface
CDJ Cabinets for drive control interface
CDK Cabinets for drive control interface
CDL Cabinets for drive control interface
CDM Cabinets for drive control interface
CDN Cabinets for drive control interface
CDP Cabinets for drive control interface
CDQ Cabinets for drive control interface
CDR Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDS Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDT Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDU Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDV Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDW Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDX Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CDY Cabinets for drive control interface, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
Page CD1 of CD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CE Annunciation
CEA Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEB Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEC Cabinets for annunciation systems
CED Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEE Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEF Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEG Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEH Cabinets for annunciation systems
CEJ Fault recording
CEK Fault recording
CEL Fault recording
CEM Fault recording
CEN Fault recording
CEP Fault recording
CEQ Fault recording
CER Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CES Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CET Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CEU Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CEV Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CEW Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CEX Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
CEY Cabinets for annunciation systems, installation in the secured area (of nuclear
power plant)
Page CE1 of CE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CF Measurement, recording
CFA Cabinets for measurement
CFB Cabinets for measurement
CFC Cabinets for measurement
CFD Cabinets for measurement
CFE Cabinets for measurement
CFF Cabinets for measurement
CFG Cabinets for reactor instrumentation
CFH Cabinets for reactor instrumentation
CFJ Cabinets for reactor instrumentation
CFK Cabinets for reactor instrumentation
CFL Cabinets for radiation measurement
CFM Cabinets for radiation measurement
CFN Cabinets for radiation measurement
CFP Cabinets for radiation measurement
CFQ Cabinets for recording (meters, pen recorders)
CFR Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFS Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFT Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFU Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFV Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFW Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFX Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CFY Cabinets for measurement, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
Page CF1 of CF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CG Closed-loop control (excl. power section)
CGA Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGB Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGC Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGD Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGE Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGF Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGG Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGH Cabinets for closed-loop control
CGJ Cabinets for reactor control
CGK Cabinets for reactor control
CGL Cabinets for reactor control
CGM Cabinets for reactor control
CGN Cabinets for reactor control
CGP Cabinets for reactor control
CGQ Cabinets for reactor control
CGR Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGS Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGT Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGU Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGV Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGW Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGX Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CGY Cabinets for closed-loop control, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
Page CG1 of CG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CH Protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHA Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
CHB Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
CHC Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
CHD Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
CHE Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHF Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHG Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHH Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHJ Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHK Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHL Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHM Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHN Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHP Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHQ Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHR Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHS Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHT Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHU Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHV Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHW Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHX Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHY Cabinets for protection (excl. reactor protection)
Page CH1 of CH1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CJ Unit coordination level
CJA Unit control system (including cabinets)
CJD Start-up control, setpoint control (unit) (incl. cabinets)
CJF Boiler control system (incl. cabinets)
CJJ Instrumentation and control cabinets for steam turbine set
CJK Instrumentation and control cabinets for steam turbine set
CJL Instrumentation and control cabinets for steam turbine set
CJM Instrumentation and control cabinets for steam turbine set
CJN Instrumentation and control cabinets for steam turbine set
CJP Instrumentation and control cabinets for gas turbine set
CJQ Instrumentation and control cabinets for gas turbine set
CJR Instrumentation and control cabinets for gas turbine set
CJS Instrumentation and control cabinets for gas turbine set
CJT Instrumentation and control cabinets for gas turbine set
CJU Instrumentation and control cabinets for other main and heavy machinery
CJV Instrumentation and control cabinets for other main and heavy machinery
CJW Instrumentation and control cabinets for other main and heavy machinery
CJX Instrumentation and control cabinets for other main and heavy machinery
CJY Instrumentation and control cabinets for other main and heavy machinery
Page CJ1 of CJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CK Process computer system
CKA Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKB Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKC Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKD Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKE Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKF Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKG Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKH Online supervisory and diagnostic computer
CKJ Access control computer
CKK Access control computer
CKL Access control computer
CKM Access control computer
CKN Process computer system
CKP Process computer system
CKQ Process computer system
CKR Process computer system
CKS Process computer system
CKT Process computer system
CKU Process computer system
CKV Process computer system
CKW Process computer system
CKX Process computer system
CKY Process computer system
Page CK1 of CK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CL Reactor protection
CLA Cabinets for reactor protection
CLB Cabinets for reactor protection
CLC Cabinets for reactor protection
CLD Cabinets for reactor protection
CLE Cabinets for reactor protection
CLF Cabinets for reactor protection
CLG Cabinets for reactor protection
CLH Cabinets for reactor protection
CLJ Cabinets for reactor protection
CLK Cabinets for reactor protection
CLL Cabinets for reactor protection
CLM Cabinets for reactor protection
CLN Cabinets for reactor protection
CLP Cabinets for reactor protection
CLQ Cabinets for reactor protection
CLR Cabinets for reactor protection
CLS Cabinets for reactor protection
CLT Cabinets for reactor protection
CLU Cabinets for reactor protection
CLV Cabinets for reactor protection
CLW Cabinets for reactor protection
CLX Cabinets for reactor protection
CLY Cabinets for reactor protection
Page CL1 of CL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CR Programmable process control systems and associated cabinets
CRA Cabinets for automation systems, e. g. unit control level, function unit 1
CRB Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 2
CRC Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 3
CRD Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 4
CRE Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 5
CRF Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 6
CRG Cabinets for automation systems, function unit 7
CRK Cabinets for automation systems, e. g. several function units
CRN Automation systems, e. g. operational
CRP Automation systems, e. g. fail-safe
CRQ Automation systems, e. g. AS620-T
CRR Communications systems, e. g. terminal bus system
CRS Communications systems, e. g. plant bus system
CRT Communications systems, e. g. field bus system
CRU Process control and information system, e. g. OM650
CRV Configuring system, e. g. ES680
CRW Diagnostics system, e. g. DS670
CRY Common superordinate systems
Page CR1 of CR1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CU Closed-loop control (power section)
CUA Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 1
CUB Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 2
CUC Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 3
CUD Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 4
CUE Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 5
CUF Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 6
CUG Cabinets for power adjuster 400V AC, e. g. function unit 7
CUH Cabinets for power adjuster
CUJ Cabinets for power adjuster
CUK Cabinets for power adjuster
CUL Cabinets for interposing relays for 24 V DC solenoid valves
CUM Cabinets for power supply of hardwired control room
CUN Cabinets for 24 V DC fuses
CUP Cabinets for 230 V DC fuses
CUQ Cabinets for power adjuster
CUR Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUS Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUT Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUU Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUV Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUW Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUX Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
CUY Cabinets for power adjuster, installation in the secured area (of nuclear power
Page CU1 of CU1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CV Marshalling racks
CVA Marshalling racks
CVB Marshalling racks
CVC Marshalling racks
CVD Marshalling racks
CVE Marshalling racks
CVF Marshalling racks
CVG Marshalling racks
CVH Marshalling racks
CVJ Marshalling racks
CVK Marshalling racks
CVL Marshalling racks
CVM Marshalling racks
CVN Marshalling racks
CVP Marshalling racks
CVQ Marshalling racks
CVR Marshalling racks
CVS Marshalling racks
CVT Marshalling racks
CVU Marshalling racks
CVV Marshalling racks
CVW Marshalling racks
CVX Marshalling racks
CVY Marshalling racks
Page CV1 of CV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CW Control rooms
CWA Main control consoles
CWB Main control consoles
CWC Main control consoles
CWD Main control consoles
CWE Main control consoles
CWF Main control panels
CWG Main control panels
CWH Main control panels
CWJ Main control panels
CWK Main control panels
CWL Main control panels
CWM Main control panels
CWN Main control panels
CWP Main control panels
CWQ Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWR Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWS Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWT Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWU Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWV Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWW Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWX Consoles and panels in control rooms
CWY Consoles and panels in control rooms
Page CW1 of CW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CX Local control stations (e. g. for solid fuel supply system, ash removal system,
cooling water system, diesel engine plant, monitoring of generator cooling,
emergency control station)
CXA Local control station
CXB Local control station
CXC Local control station
CXD Local control station
CXE Local control station
CXF Local control station
CXG Local control station
CXH Local control station
CXJ Local control station
CXK Local control station
CXL Local control station
CXM Local control station
CXN Local control station
CXP Local control station
CXQ Local control station
CXR Local control station
CXS Local control station
CXT Local control station
CXU Local control station
CXV Local control station
CXW Local control station
CXX Local control station
CXY Local control station
Page CX1 of CX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : CY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Instrumentation and control equipment
CY Communication equipment
CYA Telephone system (PABX)
CYB Control console telephone system
CYC Alarm system (acoustic)
CYD Alarm system (optical)
CYE Fire alarm system
CYF Clock system
CYG Remote control system
CYH Telemetry system
CYJ Remote metering system
CYK HF carrier telephone system
CYL Staff paging system, wireless
CYM Staff paging system, inductive
CYN Staff paging system, hardwired
CYP Optical monitoring system (Plant TV system)
CYQ General gas detection system (if not assigned to specific system)
CYR Pneumatic tube conveyor
CYS Radiotelephone system
CYY Telephone system for commissioning
Page CY1 of CY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : D
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
D Instrumentation and control equipment
DA Instrumentation and control equipment
DB Instrumentation and control equipment
DC Instrumentation and control equipment
DD Instrumentation and control equipment
DE Instrumentation and control equipment
DF Instrumentation and control equipment
DG Instrumentation and control equipment
DH Instrumentation and control equipment
DJ Instrumentation and control equipment
DK Instrumentation and control equipment
DL Instrumentation and control equipment
DM Instrumentation and control equipment
DN Instrumentation and control equipment
DP Instrumentation and control equipment
DQ Instrumentation and control equipment
DR Instrumentation and control equipment
DS Instrumentation and control equipment
DT Instrumentation and control equipment
DU Instrumentation and control equipment
DV Instrumentation and control equipment
DW Instrumentation and control equipment
DX Instrumentation and control equipment
DY Instrumentation and control equipment
DZ Instrumentation and control equipment
Page D1 of D1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : E
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EA Unloading and storage of solid fuels
EB Mechanical treatment of solid fuels (also for gas generation and treatment)
(crushing, mixing, drying etc.)
EC Distribution of solid fuels
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other systems
ED Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal (e. g. desulfurization
EE Conversion of solid fuels (gas generation and treatment see function key *R*)
EG Supply of liquid fuels
EH Chemical treatment of liquid fuels incl. residues removal
EK Supply of gaseous fuels
EL Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
EM Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EN Supply of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel types)
EP Treatment of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel types)
EQ Conversion of other fuels (only for combiations of different fuel types)
ER Ignition fuel supply
ET Ash and slag removal system (from excl. removal equipment)
EU Treatment and transport system for combustion, fuel treatment, fuel conversion,
flue gas cleaning, gas generation residues
EV Lubricant supply system
EW Sealing fluid supply system
EX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EY Control and protection equipment
Page E1 of E1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EA Unloading and storage of solid fuels
EAA Ship unloading system
from incl. unloading equipment
to excl. transport or storage plant
EAB Rail wagon and truck unloading bay
from incl. unloading equipment
to excl. transport or storage plant
EAC Transport system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. storage incl. internal transport system
within unloading and storage plant
to excl. stacker
EAD Stacking system
from excl. transport system
to excl. storage plant
EAE Bunker system, storage area (stockyard)
from excl. unloading equipment or transport system
to excl. transport or bucket wheel or reclaimer or stacking system
EAF Bucket wheel system, reclaimer system
from excl. bunker system or stockyard
to excl. transport system
EAT Weighing equipment
EAU Sampling equipment
EAV Lubricant supply system
EAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EAY Control and protection equipment
Page EA1 of EA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EB Mechanical treatment of solid fuels (also for gas generation and treatment)
(crushing, mixing, drying etc.)
EBA Transport system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into treatment or mixing system
EBB Mixing system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBC Crushing system, pulverizing system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBD Screening system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBE Separator system and discharge equipment thereof
unless not structural part of one of the former systems
(*EBA* to *EBD)
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBF Temporary storage system for milled raw coal
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBG Predrying system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBH Main drying system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBJ Dried coal transport system incl. aftercooling
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBK Dried coal temporary storage system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBL Vapor compressor system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBM Exhaust system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
EBR Residues removal system
EBT Weighing equipment
EBU Sampling equipment
EBV Lubricant supply system
Page EB1 of EB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
EBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EBY Control and protection equipment
Page EB2 of EB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EC Distribution of solid fuels
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other systems
ECA Distribution of solid fuels
ECB Distribution of solid fuels
ECC Distribution of solid fuels
ECD Distribution of solid fuels
ECE Distribution of solid fuels
ECF Distribution of solid fuels
ECG Distribution of solid fuels
ECH Distribution of solid fuels
ECJ Distribution of solid fuels
ECK Distribution of solid fuels
ECL Distribution of solid fuels
ECM Distribution of solid fuels
ECN Distribution of solid fuels
ECP Distribution of solid fuels
ECQ Distribution of solid fuels
ECR Distribution of solid fuels
ECS Distribution of solid fuels
ECT Weighing equipment
ECU Sampling equipment
ECX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
ECY Control and protection equipment
Page EC1 of EC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : ED
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
ED Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal (e. g. desulfurization
EDA Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDB Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDC Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDD Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDE Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDF Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDG Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDH Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDJ Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDK Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDL Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDM Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDN Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDP Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDQ Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDR Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDS Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDT Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDU Chemical treatment of solid fuels incl. residues removal
EDV Lubricant supply system
EDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EDY Control and protection equipment
Page ED1 of ED1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EE Conversion of solid fuels (gas generation and treatment see function key *R*)
EEA Conversion of solid fuels
EEB Conversion of solid fuels
EEC Conversion of solid fuels
EED Conversion of solid fuels
EEE Conversion of solid fuels
EEF Conversion of solid fuels
EEG Conversion of solid fuels
EEH Conversion of solid fuels
EEJ Conversion of solid fuels
EEK Conversion of solid fuels
EEL Conversion of solid fuels
EEM Conversion of solid fuels
EEN Conversion of solid fuels
EEP Conversion of solid fuels
EEQ Conversion of solid fuels
EER Conversion of solid fuels
EES Conversion of solid fuels
EET Conversion of solid fuels
EEU Conversion of solid fuels
EEV Lubricant supply system
EEX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EEY Control and protection equipment
Page EE1 of EE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EG Supply of liquid fuels
EGA Receiving equipment incl. pipeline
from excl. receiving point
to excl. tank, incl. pump
EGB Tank farm
from incl. tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet
EGC Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
EGD Piping system
from excl. tank outlet
to excl. temporary storage system or branch to user
EGR Residues removal system
EGT Heating medium system
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
EGV Lubricant supply system
EGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EGY Control and protection equipment
Page EG1 of EG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EH Chemical treatment of liquid fuels incl. residues removal
EHA Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHB Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHC Additive dosing system
EHD Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHE Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHF Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHG Chemical treatment of light fuel oil
EHH Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHJ Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHK Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHL Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHM Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHN Chemical treatment of heavy fuel oil
EHP Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHQ Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHR Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHS Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHT Heating medium system
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
EHU Chemical treatment of liquid fuels
EHV Lubricant supply system
EHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EHY Control and protection equipment
Page EH1 of EH1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EK Supply of gaseous fuels
EKA Receiving equipment incl. pipeline
from excl. receiving point
to incl. inlet to other system
EKB Moisture separation system
from incl. moisture separator inlet
to incl. moisture separator outlet
EKC Heating system
from incl. heater inlet
to incl. heater outlet
EKD Main reducing station, expansion turbine
from incl. main reducing station inlet, expansion turbine inlet
to incl. main reducing station outlet, expansion turbine outlet
EKE Mechanical cleaning, scrubbing
from incl. inlet of mechanical cleaning, scrubbing system
to incl. outlet mechanical cleaning, scrubbing system
EKF Storage system
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet
EKG Piping system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. branch to user
EKH Main pressure boosting system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
EKR Residues removal system
EKT Heating medium system
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
EKV Lubricant supply system
EKW Sealing fluid supply system
EKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EKY Control and protection equipment
Page EK1 of EK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EL Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELA Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELB Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELC Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELD Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELE Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELF Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELG Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELH Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELJ Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELK Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELL Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELM Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELN Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELP Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELQ Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELR Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELS Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELT Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELU Chemical treatment of gaseous fuels incl. residues removal
ELV Lubricant supply system
ELW Sealing fluid supply system
ELX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
ELY Control and protection equipment
Page EL1 of EL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EM Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMA Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMB Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMC Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMD Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EME Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMF Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMG Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMH Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMJ Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMK Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EML Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMM Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMN Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMP Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMQ Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMR Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMS Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMT Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMU Supply and treatment of fluxing agents
EMV Lubricant supply system
EMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EMY Control and protection equipment
Page EM1 of EM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EN Supply of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel types)
ENA Receiving equipment incl. pipeline
from excl. receiving point
to excl. tank, incl. pump
ENB Tank farm
from incl. tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet
ENC Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
END Piping system
from excl. tank outlet
to excl. temporary storage system or branch to user
ENR Residues removal system
ENT Heating medium system
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
ENV Lubricant supply system
ENX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
ENY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : EP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EP Treatment of other fuels (only for combinations of different fuel types)
EPC Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
EPG Physical treatment of light fuel oil
EPN Physical treatment of heavy fuel oil
EPT Heating medium system
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
EPV Lubricant supply system
EPX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EPY Control and protection equipment
Page EP1 of EP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EQ Conversion of other fuels (only for combiations of different fuel types)
EQA Conversion of other fuels
EQB Conversion of other fuels
EQC Conversion of other fuels
EQD Conversion of other fuels
EQE Conversion of other fuels
EQF Conversion of other fuels
EQG Conversion of other fuels
EQH Conversion of other fuels
EQJ Conversion of other fuels
EQK Conversion of other fuels
EQL Conversion of other fuels
EQM Conversion of other fuels
EQN Conversion of other fuels
EQP Conversion of other fuels
EQQ Conversion of other fuels
EQR Conversion of other fuels
EQS Conversion of other fuels
EQT Conversion of other fuels
EQU Conversion of other fuels
EQV Lubricant supply system
EQX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EQY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : ER
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
ER Ignition fuel supply
ERA Pulverized coal supply system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. branch to boiler or
to excl. other users
ERB Oil supply system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. branch to boiler or
to excl. other users
ERC Gas supply system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. branch to boiler or
to excl. other users
ERV Lubricant supply system
ERX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
ERY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : ET
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
ET Ash and slag removal system (from excl. removal equipment)
ETA Wet ash conveying system
from excl. removal equipment or
from excl. receiving point
to excl. storage facility or
to excl. discharge into other system
ETB Storage or settling pond for wet ash
from excl. receiving point
to incl. removal equipment
ETC Wet ash dredger
from excl. receiving point
to excl. discharge into other system
ETD Conveying system for granulate
from excl. removal equipment
to excl. storage facility or
to excl. discharge into other system
ETE Storage system for granulate
from excl. receiving point
to incl. removal equipment
ETG Conveying system for dry ash
from excl. removal equipment (boiler, electrostatic precipitator)
to excl. storage facilities or
to excl. discharge into other system
ETH Storage system for dry ash
from excl. receiving point
to incl. removal equipment
ETK Common conveying system for wet and dry ash
from excl. receiving point
to excl. storage facility or
to excl. discharge into other system
ETL Common storage system for wet and dry ash
from excl. receiving point
to incl. removal equipment
ETM Settling plant for wet and dry ash
from excl. receiving point from conveying system
to excl. pit or
to excl. discharge into other system
ETN Forwarding, distribution, recovery and disposal systems for flushing and ash water
from excl. inlet or
from incl. branch
to excl. inlet to other system
ETP Generation and distribution systems for carrier air
from excl. branch or
from incl. compressor system
to excl. inlet to conveying system
ETV Lubricant supply system
ETX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : ET
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
ETY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : EU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EU Treatment and transport system for combustion, fuel treatment, fuel conversion,
flue gas cleaning, gas generation residues
EUA Treatment system for fuel treatment residues
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUB Treatment system for fuel conversion residues
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUC Treatment system for fuel combustion residues
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUD Treatment system for flue gas cleaning residues
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUE Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUF Treatment system for fuel treatment residues
only if *EUA* is not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUG Treatment system for fuel treatment residues
only if *EUA* and *EUF* are not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUH Treatment system for fuel conversion residues
only if *EUB* is not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUJ Treatment system for fuel conversion residues
only if *EUB* and *EUH* are not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUK Treatment system for fuel combustion residues
only if *EUC* is not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUL Treatment system for fuel combustion residues
only if *EUC* and *EUK* are not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUM Treatment system for flue gas cleaning residues
only if *EUD* is not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
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Identification System for Power
Function key : EU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
EUN Treatment system for flue gas cleaning residues
only if *EUD* and *EUM* are not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUP Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues
only if *EUE* is not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUQ Treatment system for gas generation and treatment residues
only if *EUE* and *EUP* are not sufficient for identification
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
EUV Lubricant supply system
EUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EUY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : EV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EV Lubricant supply system
EVA Lubricant supply system
EVB Lubricant supply system
EVC Lubricant supply system
EVD Lubricant supply system
EVE Lubricant supply system
EVF Lubricant supply system
EVG Lubricant supply system
EVH Lubricant supply system
EVJ Lubricant supply system
EVK Lubricant supply system
EVL Lubricant supply system
EVM Lubricant supply system
EVN Lubricant supply system
EVP Lubricant supply system
EVQ Lubricant supply system
EVR Lubricant supply system
EVS Lubricant supply system
EVT Lubricant supply system
EVU Lubricant supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : EW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EW Sealing fluid supply system
EWA Sealing fluid supply system
EWB Sealing fluid supply system
EWC Sealing fluid supply system
EWD Sealing fluid supply system
EWE Sealing fluid supply system
EWF Sealing fluid supply system
EWG Sealing fluid supply system
EWH Sealing fluid supply system
EWJ Sealing fluid supply system
EWK Sealing fluid supply system
EWL Sealing fluid supply system
EWM Sealing fluid supply system
EWN Sealing fluid supply system
EWP Sealing fluid supply system
EWQ Sealing fluid supply system
EWR Sealing fluid supply system
EWS Sealing fluid supply system
EWT Sealing fluid supply system
EWU Sealing fluid supply system
Page EW1 of EW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
EXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page EX1 of EX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : EY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
EY Control and protection equipment
EYA Control and protection equipment
EYB Control and protection equipment
EYC Control and protection equipment
EYD Control and protection equipment
EYE Control and protection equipment
EYF Control and protection equipment
EYG Control and protection equipment
EYH Control and protection equipment
EYJ Control and protection equipment
EYK Control and protection equipment
EYL Control and protection equipment
EYM Control and protection equipment
EYN Control and protection equipment
EYP Control and protection equipment
EYQ Control and protection equipment
EYR Control and protection equipment
EYS Control and protection equipment
EYT Control and protection equipment
EYU Control and protection equipment
Page EY1 of EY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : F
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FA Storage of fuel assemblies (also includes breeder and reflector assemblies) and
other radioactive components
FB Handling of fuel assemblies (also includes breeder and reflector assemblies) and
other reactor core internals
FC Refueling and transport equipment for fuel assemblies (also includes breeder and
reflector assemblies) and other reactor core internals
FJ Erection and in-service inspection equipment
FK Decontamination equipment (excluding cleaning equipment for fuel assemblies
store *FAM* and fuel assemblies *FBC*)
FV Lubricant supply system
FW Sealing fluid supply system
FX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FY Control and protection equipment
Page F1 of F1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FA Storage of fuel assemblies (also includes breeder and reflector assemblies) and
other radioactive components
FAA New fuel assemblies store
to accommodate fuel assemblies and other radioactive components,
associated tools for storage and, where applicable,
lining and support structure, leakage monitoring equipment
and internals
FAB Irradiated fuel assemblies store (fuel pool)
to accommodate fuel assemblies and other radioactive components,
associated tools for storage and, where applicable,
lining and support structure, leakage monitoring equipment
and internals
FAC Irradiated breeder assemblies store (not internal store)
to accommodate breeder assemblies and the associated tools
for storage and, where applicable, manipulation
lining and support structure, leakage monitoring equipment
and internals
FAD Additional fuel assemblies store
FAE Reactor well equipment
lining and support structure, leakage monitoring equipment
and internals
FAF Setdown area equipment
temporary storage of reactor internals
lining and support structure, leakage monitoring equipment
and internals
FAH Reusable activated components store
FAK Fuel assemblies store cooling system (also fuel pool cooling system)
to remove heat from the fuel assemblies store Task:
FAL Fuel assemblies store coolant cleaning system (also fuel pool cleaning system)
to remove contaminants from the fuel assemblies store
FAM Fuel assemblies store cleaning system
to remove contaminants from the fuel assemblies store Task:
FAN Emergency fuel assemblies store cooling system
to remove heat from the fuel assemblies store in emergencies Task:
FAR Dedicated blanket gas system for fuel assemblies store
to protect fuel assemblies against oxidation Task:
FAT Heating, cooling, flushing distribution system (also evacuation)
FAV Lubricant supply system
FAW Sealing fluid supply system
FAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FAY Control and protection equipment
Page FA1 of FA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FB Handling of fuel assemblies (also includes breeder and reflector assemblies) and
other reactor core internals
FBA Fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals testing equipment
to establish the condition of reactor core internals Task:
FBB Fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals repair equipment
to repair reactor core internals Task:
FBC Fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals cleaning equipment
to clean reactor core internals (for decontamination equipment see *FK*) Task:
FBD Size reduction equipment for fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals,
excl. components classified under *J..*
FBT Heating, cooling, flushing distribution system (also evacuation)
FBV Lubricant supply system
FBW Sealing fluid supply system
FBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FBY Control and protection equipment
Page FB1 of FB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FC Refueling and transport equipment for fuel assemblies (also includes breeder and
reflector assemblies) and other reactor core internals
FCA Charge and discharge equipment
to insert fuel absorber assemblies and similar components
into and to remove same from the reactor core with the aid
of a carrier fluid
FCB Refueling equipment at reactor
to exchange and reshuffle fuel assemblies and other reactor
core internals
FCC Reshuffling equipment for reactor core internals
only if separate from *FCA* and *FCB*
to reshuffle fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals
FCD Refueling equipment in store for fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals
to manipulate fuel assemblies and other reactor core
internals within the store
FCF Fuel transfer equipment
to enable transfer between compartments subject to different
operating conditions, only for fuel assemblies and other
reactor core internals
FCJ Transport equipment
to transfer fuel assemblies and other reactor core internals
between different stores
equipment for the transport of fuel assemblies and other
reactor core internals between different stores
FCL Pressurizing and cooling system for fuel assemblies transport equipment
FCT Heating, cooling, flushing distribution system (also evacuation)
FCV Lubricant supply system
FCW Sealing fluid supply system
FCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FCY Control and protection equipment
Page FC1 of FC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FJ Erection and in-service inspection equipment
FJA Tools and erection equipment for the reactor pressure vessel and closure head
FJB Tools and erection equipment for reactor pressure vessel internals
FJC In-service inspection equipment for the reactor pressure vessel and closure head
FJE Tools and erection equipment for reactor coolant system components
FJF In-service inspection equipment for reactor coolant system components
FJM Equipment for reactor containment
FJN Handling equipment for sodium-wetted parts
FJP Washing and decontamination equipment
FJQ Hot cell equipment
Page FJ1 of FJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FK Decontamination equipment (excluding cleaning equipment for fuel assemblies
store *FAM* and fuel assemblies *FBC*)
FKA Decontamination equipment for primary system components
FKB Decontamination equipment for spent fuel shipping cask
FKE Decontamination equipment for apparatus and vessels
FKJ Decontamination equipment for fabrics
FKK Decontamination equipment for machine components
FKN Mobile decontamination equipment
FKT Heating, cooling, flushing distribution system (also evacuation)
FKV Lubricant supply system
FKW Sealing fluid supply system
FKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FKY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : FV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FV Lubricant supply system
FVA Lubricant supply system
FVB Lubricant supply system
FVC Lubricant supply system
FVD Lubricant supply system
FVE Lubricant supply system
FVF Lubricant supply system
FVG Lubricant supply system
FVH Lubricant supply system
FVJ Lubricant supply system
FVK Lubricant supply system
FVL Lubricant supply system
FVM Lubricant supply system
FVN Lubricant supply system
FVP Lubricant supply system
FVQ Lubricant supply system
FVR Lubricant supply system
FVS Lubricant supply system
FVT Lubricant supply system
FVU Lubricant supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : FW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FW Sealing fluid supply system
FWA Sealing fluid supply system
FWB Sealing fluid supply system
FWC Sealing fluid supply system
FWD Sealing fluid supply system
FWE Sealing fluid supply system
FWF Sealing fluid supply system
FWG Sealing fluid supply system
FWH Sealing fluid supply system
FWJ Sealing fluid supply system
FWK Sealing fluid supply system
FWL Sealing fluid supply system
FWM Sealing fluid supply system
FWN Sealing fluid supply system
FWP Sealing fluid supply system
FWQ Sealing fluid supply system
FWR Sealing fluid supply system
FWS Sealing fluid supply system
FWT Sealing fluid supply system
FWU Sealing fluid supply system
Page FW1 of FW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
FXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page FX1 of FX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : FY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Handling of nuclear equipment
FY Control and protection equipment
FYA Control and protection equipment
FYB Control and protection equipment
FYC Control and protection equipment
FYD Control and protection equipment
FYE Control and protection equipment
FYF Control and protection equipment
FYG Control and protection equipment
FYH Control and protection equipment
FYJ Control and protection equipment
FYK Control and protection equipment
FYL Control and protection equipment
FYM Control and protection equipment
FYN Control and protection equipment
FYP Control and protection equipment
FYQ Control and protection equipment
FYR Control and protection equipment
FYS Control and protection equipment
FYT Control and protection equipment
FYU Control and protection equipment
Page FY1 of FY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : G
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GA Raw water supply
GB Treatment system (carbonate hardness removal) incl. cooling tower make-up
water treatment system
GC Treatment system (demineralization)
GD Treatment system (others), blowdown demineralizing system
GH Distribution systems (not drinking water)
GK Drinking water supply
GM Plant drainage system
GN Plant drains treatment system
GQ Domestic waste water collection and drainage systems
GR Domestic waste water treatment system
GT Water recovery from waste water
GU Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
GV Lubricant supply system
GW Sealing fluid supply system
GX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GY Control and protection equipment
Page G1 of G1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GA Raw water supply
GAA Extraction, mechanical cleaning
from incl. intake
to incl. mechanical cleaning system outlet
GAC Piping and channel system
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
GAD Storage system
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet, incl. intake and outfall
GAF Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GAV Lubricant supply system
GAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GAY Control and protection equipment
Page GA1 of GA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GB Treatment system (carbonate hardness removal) incl. cooling tower make-up
water treatment system
GBB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
GBC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
GBD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
GBE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GBF Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet or
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or auxiliary fluid supply
system upstream of ion exchanger
GBG Evaporation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
GBH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of vapour condenser
GBJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
GBK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GBL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. inlet storage system
to excl. outlet storage system incl. intake and outfall
GBN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
Page GB1 of GB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GBP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
GBQ Injection system for main fluid (for hardness stablization)
from incl. injection equipment
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GBR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
GBS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
GBT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
GBV Lubricant supply system
GBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GBY Control and protection equipment
Page GB2 of GB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GC Treatment system (demineralization)
GCB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
GCC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
GCD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
GCE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GCF Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of ion exchanger
GCG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
GCH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of vapour condenser
GCJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
GCK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GCL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. inlet storage system
to incl. outlet storage system incl. intake and outfall
GCN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
Page GC1 of GC2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GCP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
GCQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GCR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
GCS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
GCT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling and flushing fluid generation equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
GCV Lubricant supply system
GCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GCY Control and protection equipment
Page GC2 of GC2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GD Treatment system (others), blowdown demineralizing system
GDB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
GDC Aearation, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
GDD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
GDE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GDF Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet or
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of ion exchanger
GDG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
GDH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of vapour condenser
GDJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
GDK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GDL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. inlet storage system
to incl. outlet storage system incl. intake and outfall
GDN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
Page GD1 of GD2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GDP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
GDQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GDR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
GDS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
GDT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
GDV Lubricant supply system
GDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GDY Control and protection equipment
Page GD2 of GD2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GH Distribution systems (not drinking water)
GHB Distribution system after treatment (carbonate hardness removal)
to excl. inlet to other system Limit:
GHC Distribution system after treatment (demineralization) (demineralized water
supply system)
to excl. inlet to other system Limit:
GHD Distribution system after treatment (others) (stand-by water supply)
to excl. inlet to other system Limit:
GHE Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHF Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHG Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHH Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHJ Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHK Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHL Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHM Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHN Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHP Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHQ Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHR Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHS Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHT Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHU Distribution system (not drinking water)
GHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GHY Control and protection equipment
Page GH1 of GH1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GK Drinking water supply
GKA Receiving point
GKB Storage, forwarding, distribution system
GKC Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKD Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKE Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKF Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKG Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKH Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKJ Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKK Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKL Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKM Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKN Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKP Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKQ Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKR Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKS Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKT Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKU Drinking water supply (e. g. assigned to structures)
GKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GKY Control and protection equipment
Page GK1 of GK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GM Plant drainage system
GMA Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMB Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMC Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMD Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GME Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMF Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMG Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMH Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMJ Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMK Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GML Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMM Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMN Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMP Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMQ Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMR Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMS Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMT Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMU Plant drainage system (e. g. assigned to structures)
GMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GMY Control and protection equipment
Page GM1 of GM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GN Plant drains treatment system
GNB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
GNC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
GND Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
GNE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GNF Ion exchange system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of ion exchanger
GNG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
GNH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of
vapour condenser
GNJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
GNK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GNL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. inlet storage system
to incl. outlet storage system incl. intake and outfall
GNN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
Page GN1 of GN2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GNP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
GNQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GNR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
GNS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
GNT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
GNV Lubricant supply system
GNX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GNY Control and protection equipment
Page GN2 of GN2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GQ Domestic waste water collection and drainage systems
GQA Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQB Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQC Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQD Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQE Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQF Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQG Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQH Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQJ Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQK Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQL Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQM Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQN Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQP Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQQ Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQR Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQS Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQT Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQU Domestic waste water collection and drainage system (e. g. assigned to
GQX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page GQ1 of GQ2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GQY Control and protection equipment
Page GQ2 of GQ2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GR Domestic waste water treatment system
GRB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
GRC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
GRD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
GRE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GRF Ion exchange system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet or
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of ion exchanger
GRG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
GRH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of vapour condenser
GRJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
GRK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GRL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. inlet storage system
to incl. outlet storage system incl. intake and outfall
GRN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
Page GR1 of GR2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GRP Regeneration,flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
GRQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
GRR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
GRS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
GRT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
GRV Lubricant supply system
GRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GRY Control and protection equipment
Page GR2 of GR2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GT Water recovery from waste water
GTA Water recovery from waste water
GTB Water recovery from waste water
GTC Water recovery from waste water
GTD Water recovery from waste water
GTE Water recovery from waste water
GTF Water recovery from waste water
GTG Water recovery from waste water
GTH Water recovery from waste water
GTJ Water recovery from waste water
GTK Water recovery from waste water
GTL Water recovery from waste water
GTM Water recovery from waste water
GTN Water recovery from waste water
GTP Water recovery from waste water
GTQ Water recovery from waste water
GTR Water recovery from waste water
GTS Water recovery from waste water
GTT Water recovery from waste water
GTU Water recovery from waste water
GTX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GTY Control and protection equipment
Page GT1 of GT1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GU Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
GUA Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUB Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUC Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUD Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUE Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUF Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUG Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUH Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUJ Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUK Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUL Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUM Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUN Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUP Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUQ Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUR Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUS Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUT Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUU Rainwater collection and drainage systems incl. treatment system
(e. g. assigned to structures)
GUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : GU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
GUY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : GV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GV Lubricant supply system
GVA Lubricant supply system
GVB Lubricant supply system
GVC Lubricant supply system
GVD Lubricant supply system
GVE Lubricant supply system
GVF Lubricant supply system
GVG Lubricant supply system
GVH Lubricant supply system
GVJ Lubricant supply system
GVK Lubricant supply system
GVL Lubricant supply system
GVM Lubricant supply system
GVN Lubricant supply system
GVP Lubricant supply system
GVQ Lubricant supply system
GVR Lubricant supply system
GVS Lubricant supply system
GVT Lubricant supply system
GVU Lubricant supply system
Page GV1 of GV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GW Sealing fluid supply system
GWA Sealing fluid supply system
GWB Sealing fluid supply system
GWC Sealing fluid supply system
GWD Sealing fluid supply system
GWE Sealing fluid supply system
GWF Sealing fluid supply system
GWG Sealing fluid supply system
GWH Sealing fluid supply system
GWJ Sealing fluid supply system
GWK Sealing fluid supply system
GWL Sealing fluid supply system
GWM Sealing fluid supply system
GWN Sealing fluid supply system
GWP Sealing fluid supply system
GWQ Sealing fluid supply system
GWR Sealing fluid supply system
GWS Sealing fluid supply system
GWT Sealing fluid supply system
GWU Sealing fluid supply system
Page GW1 of GW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
GXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page GX1 of GX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : GY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Water supply and disposal
GY Control and protection equipment
GYA Control and protection equipment
GYB Control and protection equipment
GYC Control and protection equipment
GYD Control and protection equipment
GYE Control and protection equipment
GYF Control and protection equipment
GYG Control and protection equipment
GYH Control and protection equipment
GYJ Control and protection equipment
GYK Control and protection equipment
GYL Control and protection equipment
GYM Control and protection equipment
GYN Control and protection equipment
GYP Control and protection equipment
GYQ Control and protection equipment
GYR Control and protection equipment
GYS Control and protection equipment
GYT Control and protection equipment
GYU Control and protection equipment
Page GY1 of GY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : H
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HA Pressure system, feedwater and steam sections
HB Support structure, enclosure, steam generator interior
HC Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning equipment
HD Ash and slag removal, particulate removal
HF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system
HH Main firing system (electric-powered as well)
HJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
HL Combustion air system (primary air, secondary air)
HM Gas heating system (for closed cycle)
HN Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas treatment)
HR Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, adsorptive process b
HS Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, catalytic process
(e. g. DENOX)
HT Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, absorptive process
(e. g. flue gas desulfurization plants)
HU Flue gas reheating system
HV Lubricant supply system
HW Sealing fluid supply system
HX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HY Control and protection equipment
Page H1 of H1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HA Pressure system, feedwater and steam sections
HAA LP part-flow feed heating system (flue-gas-heated)
from incl. LP part-flow feed heating system inlet
to incl. LP part-flow feed heating system outlet
HAB HP part-flow feed heating system (flue-gas-heated)
from incl. HP part-flow feed heating system inlet
to incl. HP part-flow feed heating system outlet
HAC Economizer system
from incl. oiler inlet header
to excl. evaporator inlet incl. control and
auxiliary heat transfer surfaces
HAD Evaporator system
from incl. evaporator system inlet
to incl. evaporator system outlet and
to incl. water/steam separator and water collecting vessel
HAG Circulation system
from excl. water/steam separator and water collecting vessel
to excl. inlet to heat transfer surface system
(removal systems are classified under *L..*) or
to excl. feedwater system
HAH HP superheater system
from excl. evaporator system outlet
to incl. boiler outlet header
HAJ Reheat system
from incl. reheater inlet header
to incl. reheater outlet header
HAK Secondary reheat system
from incl. second reheater inlet header
to incl. second reheater outlet header
HAM Triflux system
from incl. triflux system inlet
to incl. triflux system outlet
HAN Pressure system drainage and venting systems
from incl. collecting point or
from excl. final drain/vent valve
to excl. discharge into other system
HAV Lubricant supply system
HAW Sealing fluid supply system
HAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HAY Control and protection equipment
Page HA1 of HA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HB Support structure, enclosure, steam generator interior
HBA Frame incl. foundations
HBB Enclosures
HBC Brick linings incl. insulating brickwork
HBD Platforms, stairways
HBE Pressure vessel (supercharged boiler)
HBK Steam generator interior
from excl. furnace
to excl. flue gas exhaust
Page HB1 of HB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HC Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning equipment
HCA Air sootblowing system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
HCB Steam sootblowing system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
HCC Water sootblowing system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
HCD Flushing equipment
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
HCE Rapping gear
HCF Shot cleaning system
HCG Soundwave system
HCV Lubricant supply system
HCW Sealing fluid supply system
HCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HCY Control and protection equipment
Page HC1 of HC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HD Ash and slag removal, particulate removal
HDA Furnace ash removal, furnace slag removal, bed ash removal
from incl. removal equipment
to excl. discharge into disposal system or
to incl. pressure vessel outlet or
to excl. ash return system
HDB Bed ash return system
from excl. furnace outlet or
from excl. bed ash removal outlet
to excl. furnace inlet
HDC Ash return system incl. temporary storage
from incl. removal equipment for heat recovery surfaces or
from excl. *HDD*, *HDE*, *HDF*
to excl. ash disposal system *ETG* or
to excl. inlet to other system
HDD Mechanical dust handling and return system
from excl. flue gas duct inlet
to excl. flue gas duct outlet or
to excl. discharge to other system
HDE Electrostatic precipitator and return system
from excl. flue gas duct inlet
to excl. flue gas duct outlet or
to excl. discharge to other system
HDF Cyclone dust removal and return system
from excl. flue gas duct inlet
to excl. flue gas duct outlet or
to excl. discharge to other system
HDT Fluid supply system for ash, slag and dust moistening
from excl. intake
to excl. user
HDU Carrier air supply system
from excl. branch off or
from incl. compressor system
to excl. inlet to carrier air system
HDV Lubricant supply system
HDW Sealing fluid supply system
HDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HDY Control and protection equipment
Page HD1 of HD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system
HFA Bunker for pulverizing system
from excl. receiving point
to incl. outlet
HFB Feeder system
from excl. bunker outlet
to excl. oversize reject shaft or pulverizing system
HFC Pulverizing system (incl. classifier)
from incl. pulverizing system inlet
to excl. pulverized coal line
HFD Flue gas return system
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. pulverizing system
HFE Mill air system, carrier air system
from incl. air inlet or
from excl. branch off *HLA*
to excl. downcomer shaft or
to excl. pulverizing system or
to excl. flue gas recirculation system
HFF Vapour/exhaust gas system
from excl. separation equipment
to excl. other system
HFG Pulverized coal temporary storage bunker after central pulverizing system
(indirect firing)
from excl. pulverizing system outlet
to incl. temporary storage bunker outlet, incl. rotary vane feeder
HFV Lubricant supply system
HFW Sealing fluid supply system
HFX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HFY Control and protection equipment
Page HF1 of HF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HH Main firing system (electric-powered as well)
HHA Main burners
from incl. respective fuel-side and air-side burner inlet Limit:
HHB Retarded combustion grate
from incl. retarded combustion grate inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
HHC Grate combustion system
from incl. fuel receiving point or
from incl. grate combustion inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
HHD Other burner equipment (e. g. vapour burner, flue dust burner)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HHE Pulverized coal bin, forwarding and distribution system
from excl. pulverizing system outlet or
from excl. pulverized coal bin outlet after central pulverizing system
(indirect feed) *HFG* or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. main burner equipment
HHF Oil temporary storage, pump and distribution system
from excl. branch off main supply line or
from incl. temporary storage tank
to excl. main burner equipment
HHG Gas pressure reduction, distribution system
from excl. branch off main supply line
to excl. main burner equipment
HHH Temporary storage, forwarding and distribution system for other fuels, fluid 1
HHJ Temporary storage, forwarding and distribution system for other fuels, fluid 2
HHK Temporary storage, forwarding and distribution system for other fuels, fluid 3
HHL Combustion air supply system
from incl. branch off ducting system (*HLA*)
to excl. user
HHM Atomizer medium supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HHN Atomizer medium supply system (air)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HHP Coolant supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HHQ Coolant supply system (air)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
Page HH1 of HH2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
HHR Purging medium supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HHS Purging medium supply system (air)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HHT Heating medium supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
HHU Heating medium supply system (hot water)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
HHV Lubricant supply system
HHW Sealing fluid supply system
HHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HHY Control and protection equipment
HHZ Electric heating system
Page HH2 of HH2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
HJA Ignition burners
from incl. resp. fuel-side and air-side burner inlet Limit:
HJE Pulverized coal bin, forwarding and distribution system
from excl. pulverizing system outlet or
from excl. pulverized coal temporary storage bunker outlet
(if central pulverizing system,* HFG*) or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. ignition burner equipment
HJF Oil temporary storage, pump and distribution system
from excl. branch off main supply line or
from incl. temporary storage tank
to excl. ignition burner equipment
HJG Gas pressure reduction, distribution system
from excl. branch off main supply line
to excl. lignition burner equipment
HJL Combustion air supply system
from incl. branch off ducting system (*HLA*) or
from incl. air inlet, incl. fan
to excl. user
HJM Atomizer medium supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HJN Atomizer medium supply system (air)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HJP Cooling supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HJQ Cooling supply system (air)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HJR Purging medium supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HJS Purging medium supply system (air)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user
HJT Heating medium supply system (steam)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
HJU Heating medium supply system (hot water)
from excl. branch off supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
to excl. inlet to other system
Page HJ1 of HJ2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
HJV Lubricant supply system
HJW Sealing fluid supply system
HJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HJY Control and protection equipment
Page HJ2 of HJ2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HL Combustion air system (primary air, secondary air)
HLA Ducting system
from incl. air inlet
to excl. branch off firing system or mill air system,
carrier air system or
to excl. branch to *HFE*, excl. fan system, air heater system
and gas turbine exhaust gas system
HLB Fan system, forced-draught fan system
from incl. fan system inlet
to excl. fan system outlet
HLC External air heating system (not flue-gas-heated)
from incl. heater inlet
to incl. heater outlet
HLD Air heating system (flue-gas-heated)
from incl. heater inlet
to incl. heater outlet
HLU Air pressure relief system
to relief pressure in air system Task:
HLV Lubricant supply system
HLW Sealing fluid supply system
HLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HLY Control and protection equipment
Page HL1 of HL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HM Gas heating system (for closed cycle)
HMA Primary heater (primary convection section)
from incl. cold gas inlet header or
from excl. heat exchanger cold gas outlet
to incl. primary heater outlet or
to excl. mixing header inlet
HMB Radiation section
from incl. mixing header inlet
to incl. radiation section outlet or
to excl. secondary heater inlet header
HMC Secondary heater (second convection section)
from incl. inlet header
to incl. hot gas outlet header
HMD Reheat system
from incl. reheater inlet header
to incl. reheater outlet header
HMV Lubricant supply system
HMW Sealing fluid supply system
HMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HMY Control and protection equipment
Page HM1 of HM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HN Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas treatment)
HNA Ducting system
from excl. boiler outlet or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. smoke stack, excl. air heater, flue gas dust handling system,
induced-draught fan system, gas scrubber system,
chemical flue gas treatment system
HNC Induced-draught fan system
from incl. induced-draught fan system inlet
to incl. induced-draught fan system outlet
HNE Smoke stack system (chimney)
from incl. inlet Limit:
HNF Flue gas recirculation system
from excl. branch off main flue gas exhaust system
to excl. inlet to other system, incl. fan system
HNU Flue gas pressure relief system
to relief pressure in flue gas system Task:
HNV Lubricant supply system
HNW Sealing fluid supply system
HNX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HNY Control and protection equipment
Page HN1 of HN1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 20.01.99
H Conventional heat generation
HR Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, adsorptive process b
HRA Flue gas ducting system within *HR.*
from excl. *HNA*
to excl. inlet to *HNA*
HRB Flue gas-side heat exchanger
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HRC Flue gas fan system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HRD Adsorption system (reactor)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HRE Flue gas-side cleaning equipment
from excl. branch off supply system
HRH Residues separation
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HRJ Fresh coke supply incl. storage
from excl. receiving point
to excl. fresh coke distribution system or
to excl. fresh coke treatment
HRK Fresh coke treatment and distribution
from excl. fresh coke supply
to excl. reactor
HRL Water supply and disposal system b
HRM Coke removal system
from excl. reactor
to excl. spent coke handling or
to excl. spent coke treatment
HRN Spent coke handling incl. storage
from excl. coke removal or
from excl. spent coke treatment
to incl. discharge
HRP Spent coke treatment and disposal
from excl. spent coke handling
to excl. spent coke handling or
to incl. discharge
HRQ Dust extraction and disposal
from incl. inlet
to incl. discharge
HRR Inerting system
from incl. storage
to excl. inlet to other system
Page HR1 of HR2 19. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 20.01.99
HRV Lubricant supply system
HRW Sealing fluid supply system
HRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HRY Control and protection equipment
Page HR2 of HR2 19. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HS Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, catalytic process
(e. g. DENOX)
HSA Flue gas ducting system within *HS.*
from excl. *HNA*
to incl. evaporator system outlet and
to excl. inlet to *HNA*
HSB Flue gas-side heat exchanger, gas heater (not *HU.*)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HSC Flue gas fan system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HSD Reactor (reduction)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HSE Converter (oxidation)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HSF Flue gas-side cleaning equipment for reactor
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
HSG Reduction agent dilution system
from excl. outlet of other system or
from incl. supply system
to excl. reduction agent treatment system
HSH (Residues) separator
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HSJ Reduction agent supply system incl. storage
HSK Reduction agent treatment and distribution system
from excl. reduction agent supply
to incl. reduction agent injection incl. coolant inlet
HSL Water supply and disposal system
HSM Chemicals and additives supply system
HSN Drainage systems
water collecting, storage, return Task:
HSP Flyash collecting system (incl. filtering) and removal system
from incl. separator/filter or
from excl. flue gas ducting system
to excl. inlet to disposal system
HSQ Sprinkler system incl. drainage
from incl. inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
HSR Oxidizing agent treatment and distribution system
from excl. outlet converter
to excl. inlet converter
Page HS1 of HS2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
HSS (Residues) forwarding, storage, loading system
from excl. outlet residues separator Limit:
HST Flushing fluid system incl. supply
flushing of reducing agent systems Task:
HSU Heating fluid system
from excl. heating fluid supply
to excl. evaporator inlet
from excl. evaporator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
HSV Lubricant supply system
HSW Sealing fluid supply system
HSX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HSY Control and protection equipment
Page HS2 of HS2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HT Chemical flue gas treatment system incl. residues removal, absorptive process
(e. g. flue gas desulfurization plants)
HTA Flue gas ducting system within *HT.*
from excl. *HNA*
to excl. inlet to *HNA*
HTB Flue gas-side heat exchanger, gas heater (not *HU.*)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HTC Flue gas fan system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HTD Flue gas scrubbing system
from incl. flue gas inlet
to incl. moisture separator outlet
HTE Flue gas cleaning and filtering system
HTF Absorption cycle
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HTG Oxidation system incl. supply system
to excl. user or scrubber Limit:
HTH Flue gas cooling system
from incl. inlet flue gas cooler incl. heat dissipation system
without second heat sink
to incl. outlet flue gas cooler
HTJ Absorbent supply system incl. storage system
to excl. mashing (*HTK*) Limit:
HTK Absorbent preparation and distribution system
from incl. mashing, slaking
to excl. user or scrubber
HTL Piping system for discharge of solids incl. water removal and return excl.
thickening and solids dewatering systems
HTM Thickening and solids dewatering system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
HTN Solids drying, compacting system
HTP (Solids/ product) forwarding, storage, loading system
HTQ Water supply and disposal system
HTS Chemicals and additives supply system
HTT Drainage systems
water collecting, storage, return Task:
HTV Lubricant supply system
HTW Sealing fluid supply system
Page HT1 of HT2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
HTX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HTY Control and protection equipment
Page HT2 of HT2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HU Flue gas reheating system
HUA Flue gas reheating system
HUB Flue gas reheating system
HUC Flue gas reheating system
HUD Flue gas reheating system
HUE Flue gas reheating system
HUF Flue gas reheating system
HUG Flue gas reheating system
HUH Flue gas reheating system
HUJ Flue gas reheating system
HUK Flue gas reheating system
HUL Flue gas reheating system
HUM Flue gas reheating system
HUN Flue gas reheating system
HUP Flue gas reheating system
HUQ Flue gas reheating system
HUR Flue gas reheating system
HUS Flue gas reheating system
HUT Flue gas reheating system
HUU Flue gas reheating system
HUV Lubricant supply system
HUW Sealing fluid supply system
HUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HUY Control and protection equipment
Page HU1 of HU1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HV Lubricant supply system
HVA Lubricant supply system
HVB Lubricant supply system
HVC Lubricant supply system
HVD Lubricant supply system
HVE Lubricant supply system
HVF Lubricant supply system
HVG Lubricant supply system
HVH Lubricant supply system
HVJ Lubricant supply system
HVK Lubricant supply system
HVL Lubricant supply system
HVM Lubricant supply system
HVN Lubricant supply system
HVP Lubricant supply system
HVQ Lubricant supply system
HVR Lubricant supply system
HVS Lubricant supply system
HVT Lubricant supply system
HVU Lubricant supply system
Page HV1 of HV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HW Sealing fluid supply system
HWA Sealing fluid supply system
HWB Sealing fluid supply system
HWC Sealing fluid supply system
HWD Sealing fluid supply system
HWE Sealing fluid supply system
HWF Sealing fluid supply system
HWG Sealing fluid supply system
HWH Sealing fluid supply system
HWJ Sealing fluid supply system
HWK Sealing fluid supply system
HWL Sealing fluid supply system
HWM Sealing fluid supply system
HWN Sealing fluid supply system
HWP Sealing fluid supply system
HWQ Sealing fluid supply system
HWR Sealing fluid supply system
HWS Sealing fluid supply system
HWT Sealing fluid supply system
HWU Sealing fluid supply system
Page HW1 of HW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
HXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page HX1 of HX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : HY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Conventional heat generation
HY Control and protection equipment
HYA Control and protection equipment
HYB Control and protection equipment
HYC Control and protection equipment
HYD Control and protection equipment
HYE Control and protection equipment
HYF Control and protection equipment
HYG Control and protection equipment
HYH Control and protection equipment
HYJ Control and protection equipment
HYK Control and protection equipment
HYL Control and protection equipment
HYM Control and protection equipment
HYN Control and protection equipment
HYP Control and protection equipment
HYQ Control and protection equipment
HYR Control and protection equipment
HYS Control and protection equipment
HYT Control and protection equipment
HYU Control and protection equipment
Page HY1 of HY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : J
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JA Reactor system
JB Reactor vessel internals (use *JB* only if *JAC *is not sufficient for identification)
JD Reactor control and shutdown equipment
JE Reactor coolant system
JF Moderator system
JG Secondary coolant system (applicable only to three-cycle plants)
JK Reactor core with appurtenances
energy conversion
components to be removed during refueling
JM Containment and internals
JN Residual heat removal systems for reactor coolant system
JR Reactor protection system
to detect and identify accident conditions and
to actuate protective actions to contain and control accidents
JS Reactor control system
to control reactor state variables in normal operation Task:
JT Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JV Lubricant supply system
JW Sealing fluid supply system
JX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JY Control and protection equipment (other than *JR*, *JS*, *JT*)
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JA Reactor system
JAA Reactor pressure vessel
reactor pressure vessel including nozzles and
parts welded directly to the vessel
JAB Reactor pressure vessel closure head (use only if *JAA* is not sufficient for
includes flanges, seals and bolts;
for rotating plugs incl. drives
JAC Reactor pressure vessel internals (code reactor vessel internals under *JB* if
*JAC* not sufficient for identification)
JAD Reactor vessel liner
liner anchor; for liners with attachment-welded piping:
to excl. liner cooling system
JAE Liner cooling system
connection to liner cooling system or header thereof;
otherwise incl. piping
to remove heat from the liner
JAF Reactor vessel prestressing equipment
to maintain and monitor tension of prestressing cables
of reactor pressure vessel
JAG Reactor internal insulation
associated fasterners, incl. closure head insulation Limit:
JAH Reactor external insulation
associated fasterners, incl. closure head insulation Limit:
JAJ Reactor vessel cooling system (only if separate from liner cooling system)
to remove heat from reactor vessel wall Task:
JAT Leak-off system and leakage detection system
JAV Lubricant supply system
JAW Sealing fluid supply system
JAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JAY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JB Reactor vessel internals (use *JB* only if *JAC *is not sufficient for identification)
JBA Reactor vessel internals
JBB Reactor vessel internals
JBC Reactor vessel internals
JBD Reactor vessel internals
JBE Reactor vessel internals
JBF Reactor vessel internals
JBG Reactor vessel internals
JBH Reactor vessel internals
JBJ Reactor vessel internals
JBK Reactor vessel internals
JBL Reactor vessel internals
JBM Reactor vessel internals
JBN Reactor vessel internals
JBP Reactor vessel internals
JBQ Reactor vessel internals
JBR Reactor vessel internals
JBS Reactor vessel internals
JBT Reactor vessel internals
JBU Reactor vessel internals
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JD Reactor control and shutdown equipment
JDA Control rod drive mechanism (control drive)
coupling to control assembly; connectors to power supply
to move control assemblies
components that have to be removed when the reactor vessel
is opened up. Guide components welded onto the reactor vessel
to be identified under *JAC*.
JDC Mechanical control equipment for coolant flow rate
to control coolant flow rate during operation Task:
JDE Solid neutron absorber shutdown system
to render and maintain the reactor core subcritical Task:
JDH Liquid neutron absorber shutdown system (extra borating system)
to render and maintain the reactor core subcritical Task:
JDJ 2nd backup liquid neutron absorber shutdown system (boron shutdown system)
to render and maintain the reactor core subcritical during
specific transients
JDK Emergency shutdown system
to render and maintain the reactor core subcritical in case
of emergencies
JDM Gaseous neutron absorber shutdown system
to render and maintain the reactor core subcritical Task:
JDP Power supply for shutdown system
JDT Leak-off collecting system
JDV Lubricant supply system
JDW Sealing fluid supply system
JDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JDY Control and protection equipment
Page JD1 of JD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : JE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JE Reactor coolant system
JEA Reactor coolant heat exchanger (in dual-cycle plants: steam generation system)
on primary and secondary sides
from incl. inlet heat exchanger
to incl. outlet
JEB Reactor coolant circulation pump system
from incl. suction nozzle
to incl. discharge nozzle
If circulation pumps inside the reactor vessel:
to excl. connection flange on reactor vessel
JEC Reactor coolant piping system (not at direct-cycle plants)
from excl. reactor coolant heat exchanger
to excl. reactor coolant pumps
from excl. reactor coolant pump outlet
to excl. reactor pressure vessel
from excl. reactor pressure vessel
to excl. reactor coolant heat exchanger
JEF Reactor coolant pressurizing system
In dual-cycle plants:
from excl. reactor coolant piping system
to incl. relief and safety valves
JEG Reactor coolant pressure relief system (at direct-cycle plants see *LBK*)
In dual-cycle plants:
from excl. relief and safety valves
to incl. relief tank and the associated recirculation cooling equipment
In direct-cycle plants:
from excl. reactor pressure vessel
to excl. pressure suppression system
to relieve impermissble pressures in the reactor coolant system
JET Reactor coolant leak-off system
JEV Lubricant supply system
JEW Sealing fluid supply system
JEX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JEY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JF Moderator system
JFA Moderator heat exchanger
on primary and secondary sides
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
JFB Moderator circulation system
from incl. inlet nozzle
to incl. outlet nozzle
JFC Moderator piping system
from excl. moderator heat exchanger
to excl. moderator circulating system
from excl. moderator circulating system
to excl. moderator tank
from incl. reactor pressure vessel
to excl. moderator heat exchanger
JFD Moderator tank
to surround the reactor core with moderator. If enclosed in
the reactor pressure vessel: identification under reactor
pressure vessel internals.
JFF Moderator pressurizing system
from excl. moderator piping system
to incl. relief and safety valves
JFG Moderator pressure relief system
from excl. relief and safety valves
to incl. recirculation cooling system
to relieve impermissible pressures in the moderator system
JFT Moderator leak-off system
JFV Lubricant supply system
JFW Sealing fluid supply system
JFX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JFY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JG Secondary coolant system (applicable only to three-cycle plants)
JGA Secondary coolant heat exchanger (steam generation system)
on primary and secondary sides
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
JGB Secondary coolant circulation system
from incl. inlet nozzle
to incl. outlet nozzle
JGC Secondary coolant piping system
excl. circulation system and heat exchangers Limit:
JGF Secondary coolant pressurizing system
from excl. secondary coolant piping system
to incl. relief and safety valves
JGG Secondary coolant pressure relief system
from excl. safety valve
to incl. transfer point
to relief impermissible pressures in the secondary coolant
JGT Secondary coolant leak-off system
JGV Lubricant supply system
JGW Sealing fluid supply system
JGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JGY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JK Reactor core with appurtenances
energy conversion
components to be removed during refueling
JKA Reactor core
JKB Reactor core
JKC Reactor core
JKD Reactor core
JKE Reactor core
JKF Reactor core
JKG Reactor core
JKH Reactor core
JKJ Reactor core
JKK Reactor core
JKL Reactor core
JKM Reactor core
JKN Reactor core
JKP Reactor core
JKQ Aeroball system
to measure the flux distribution in the core by means of
mobile, activatable probes
JKS In-core instrumentation system
to measure temperature and neutron flux in the core Task:
JKT Ex-core instrumentation system
to measure temperature and neutron flux outside the core Task:
JKU Failed fuel assemblies detection system
to detect leaks in fuel assemblies cladding tubes Task:
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JM Containment and internals
JMA Containment
to retain activity released from the reactor coolant system Task:
JMC Annulus leak-off system
controlled removal of leakages from the containment Task:
JME Equipment airlock
weld between airlock enclosure and containment
passage from compartments within the containment to the
exterior whilst maintaining the various operating conditions
JMF Personnel airlock (motor-operated)
weld between airlock enclosure and containment
passage from compartments within the containment to the
exterior whilst maintaining the various operating conditions
JMG Emergency airlock (hand-operated)
weld between airlock enclosure and containment
passage from compartments within the containment to the
exterior whilst maintaining the various operating conditions
JMH Construction opening
weld between construction opening and containment
passage from compartments within the containment to the
JMJ Structural components inside containment (for point of installation coding only)
JMK Piping penetration (for point of installation coding only)
JML Cable penetration (for point of installation coding only)
JMM Leakage monitoring and leak-off system
detection and controlled removal of leakages through
penetrations and other points
JMN Containment spray system
from incl. storage tank
to incl. nozzle outlet
to reduce pressure in containment
JMP Pressure suppression system
to limit pressure build-up in containment by condensation
suppression chamber incl. steam vent pipes, excl. parts in
common with the containment
JMT Hydrogen reduction system (if separate from *JMU*)
to reduce hydrogen concentration inside containment Task:
JMU Hydrogen monitoring system (also reduction and mixing if only one system)
to measure hydrogen concentration in the containment atmosphere Task:
JMV Lubricant supply system
JMW Sealing fluid supply system
JMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JMY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
JMZ Hydrogen mixing system (if separate from *JMU*)
to mix containment atmosphere Task:
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JN Residual heat removal systems for reactor coolant system
JNA Residual heat removal system
to remove residual heat from shutdown reactor core Task:
JNB Emergency residual heat removal system
to remove residual heat from shutdown reactor core in case
of emergencies
JND HP safety injection system (if separate from *JNA*)
connection to reactor coolant system
to compensate small and medium size loss of coolant
JNG LP safety injection system (if separate from *JNA*), core flooding system
connection to reactor coolant system
to flood the reactor core in the event of large loss of coolant
JNK Borated water storage system
to provide borated water for residual heat removal purposes Task:
JNP Function testing system
function testing of residual heat removal system during
JNV Lubricant supply system
JNW Sealing fluid supply system
JNX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JNY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JR Reactor protection system
to detect and identify accident conditions and
to actuate protective actions to contain and control accidents
JRA Reactor protection system
JRB Reactor protection system
JRC Reactor protection system
JRD Reactor protection system
JRE Reactor protection system
JRF Reactor protection system
JRG Reactor protection system
JRH Reactor protection system
JRJ Reactor protection system
JRK Reactor protection system
JRL Reactor protection system
JRM Reactor protection system
JRN Reactor protection system
JRP Reactor protection system
JRQ Reactor protection system
JRR Reactor protection system
JRS Reactor protection system
JRT Reactor protection system
JRU Reactor protection system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JS Reactor control system
to control reactor state variables in normal operation Task:
JSA Reactor control system
JSB Reactor control system
JSC Reactor control system
JSD Reactor control system
JSE Reactor control system
JSF Reactor control system
JSG Reactor control system
JSH Reactor control system
JSJ Reactor control system
JSK Reactor control system
JSL Reactor control system
JSM Reactor control system
JSN Reactor control system
JSP Reactor control system
JSQ Reactor control system
JSR Reactor control system
JSS Reactor control system
JST Reactor control system
JSU Reactor control system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JT Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTA Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTB Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTC Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTD Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTE Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTF Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTG Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTH Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTJ Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTK Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTL Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTM Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTN Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTP Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTQ Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTR Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTS Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTT Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
JTU Reactor operational, protective and status limitation system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JV Lubricant supply system
JVA Lubricant supply system
JVB Lubricant supply system
JVC Lubricant supply system
JVD Lubricant supply system
JVE Lubricant supply system
JVF Lubricant supply system
JVG Lubricant supply system
JVH Lubricant supply system
JVJ Lubricant supply system
JVK Lubricant supply system
JVL Lubricant supply system
JVM Lubricant supply system
JVN Lubricant supply system
JVP Lubricant supply system
JVQ Lubricant supply system
JVR Lubricant supply system
JVS Lubricant supply system
JVT Lubricant supply system
JVU Lubricant supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JW Sealing fluid supply system
JWA Sealing fluid supply system
JWB Sealing fluid supply system
JWC Sealing fluid supply system
JWD Sealing fluid supply system
JWE Sealing fluid supply system
JWF Sealing fluid supply system
JWG Sealing fluid supply system
JWH Sealing fluid supply system
JWJ Sealing fluid supply system
JWK Sealing fluid supply system
JWL Sealing fluid supply system
JWM Sealing fluid supply system
JWN Sealing fluid supply system
JWP Sealing fluid supply system
JWQ Sealing fluid supply system
JWR Sealing fluid supply system
JWS Sealing fluid supply system
JWT Sealing fluid supply system
JWU Sealing fluid supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
JXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : JY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear heat generation
JY Control and protection equipment (other than *JR*, *JS*, *JT*)
JYF Loose parts monitoring system
to detect loose and circulating parts by measurement of
structure-borne noise
JYG Vibration monitoring system
to measure and monitor operational vibrations Task:
JYH Leakage monitoring system
JYK Radioactivity monitoring system
JYL Fatigue monitoring system for components as separate system
to record and process operational data for the purpose of
fatigue monitoring
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Identification System for Power
Function key : K
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KA Component cooling systems
KB Coolant treatment
KH Nuclear heat tracing systems (not electric)
external heating to keep systems at operating temperature Task:
KJ Nuclear refrigerant systems
KL Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) system in controlled areas and
exclusion areas
KP Radioactive waste processing
KR Nuclear gas supply and disposal (see *SE* for welding blanket gas systems)
KT Nuclear collecting and disposal systems (also venting systems)
from incl. cheader
to excl. radioactive waste processing or coolant
treatment systems
controlled collection and disposal of fluids
KU Nuclear sampling systems
to extract and supply samples of fluids for measurement
KV Lubricant supply system
KW Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
from incl. storage tank
to excl. fed system
to supply fluids for sealing and flushing
KX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KY Control and protection equipment
Page K1 of K1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KA Component cooling systems
KAA Component cooling system for safety-related cooling loads
from excl. heat exchanger and
to excl. heat exchanger in system to be cooled
to absorb and remove waste heat in a separate cooling circuit,
to prevent transfer of radioactivity to other cooling circuits
KAB Component cooling system for process-related cooling loads
from excl. heat exchanger and
to excl. heat exchanger in system to be cooled
to absorb and remove waste heat in a separate cooling circuit,
to prevent transfer of radioactivity to other cooling circuits
KAC Component cooling system for fuel pool cooler
from excl. heat exchanger and
to excl. heat exchanger in system to be cooled
to absorb and remove waste heat in a separate cooling circuit,
to prevent transfer of radioactivity to other cooling circuits
KAD Emergency component cooling system
from excl. heat exchanger and
to excl. heat exchanger in system to be cooled
to absorb and remove waste heat in case of emergencies in a
separate cooling circuit, to prevent transfer of radioactivity
to other cooling circuits
KAV Lubricant supply system
KAW Sealing fluid supply system
KAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KAY Control and protection equipment
Page KA1 of KA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KB Coolant treatment
KBA Level and volume control system
In reactor with set liquid level: to maintain liquid level.
In reactor without set liquid level: to compensate volume.
KBB Coolant supply system
from incl. storage tank
to excl. fed system
to store and inject process-grade coolant
KBC Boric acid and demineralized water control system
from incl. demineralized water tank and
from incl. boric acid storage tank
to excl. connection to fed system
KBD Chemical control system
from incl. chemical mixing tank
to excl. fed system
to condition coolant
KBE Coolant purification system
to limit coolant impurities in the coolant system Task:
KBF Coolant treatment system (also evaporation)
KBG Coolant degasification, drying system
KBH Coolant purification regenerating system
KBJ Tritium extraction system
KBK Secondary coolant purification system (applicable only to three-cycle plants)
KBL D2O/H2O purification system
KBM D2O upgrading and distribution system
KBV Lubricant supply system
KBW Sealing fluid supply system
KBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KBY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : KH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KH Nuclear heat tracing systems (not electric)
external heating to keep systems at operating temperature Task:
KHA Heat tracing system for reactor coolant system
KHB Heat tracing system for secondary coolant system
KHC Heat tracing system for other systems
KHW Sealing fluid supply system
KHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KHY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : KJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KJ Nuclear refrigerant systems
KJA Low temperature system for coolant treatment
to supply refrigerants below 0 C for coolant treatment Task:
KJB Low temperature system for gaseous radioactive waste processing
to supply refrigerants below 0 C for gaseous radioactive
waste processing
KJL Chilled water system for coolant treatment
to supply water at about 0 C for coolant treatment Task:
KJM Chilled water system for gaseous radioactive waste processing
to supply water at about 0 C for gaseous radioactive
waste processing
KJN Chilled water system for back-up coolers
to supply water at a lower temperature than that in the
component cooling system
KJP Chilled water system for back-up coolers
KJQ Chilled water system for back-up coolers
KJW Sealing fluid supply system
KJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KJY Control and protection equipment
Page KJ1 of KJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KL Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) system in controlled areas and
exclusion areas
KLA Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLB Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLC Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLD Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLE Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLF Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLG Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLH Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLJ Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLK Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLL Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLM Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLN Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLP Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLQ Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLR Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLS Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLT Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLU Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems
KLV Lubricant supply system
KLW Sealing fluid supply system
KLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KLY Control and protection equipment
Page KL1 of KL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KP Radioactive waste processing
KPA Solid radioactive waste processing system
KPB Solid radioactive waste processing system
KPC Solid radioactive waste processing system
KPD Solid radioactive waste processing system
KPE Solid radioactive waste storage system
KPF Liquid radioactive waste processing system
KPG Liquid radioactive waste processing system
KPH Liquid radioactive waste processing system
KPJ Liquid radioactive waste processing system
KPK Liquid radioactive waste storage system
KPL Gaseous radioactive waste processing system
KPM Gaseous radioactive waste processing system
KPN Gaseous radioactive waste processing system
KPP Gaseous radioactive waste processing system
KPQ Gaseous radioactive waste storage system
KPV Lubricant supply system
KPW Sealing fluid supply system
KPX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KPY Control and protection equipment
Page KP1 of KP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KR Nuclear gas supply and disposal (see *SE* for welding blanket gas systems)
KRA Blanket gas supply
KRB Blanket gas supply
KRC Blanket gas supply
KRJ Inert gas supply
KRK Inert gas supply
KRL Inert gas supply
KRP Gas supply
KRQ Gas supply
KRR Gas supply
KRV Lubricant supply system
KRW Sealing fluid supply system
KRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KRY Control and protection equipment
Page KR1 of KR1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KT Nuclear collecting and disposal systems (also venting systems)
from incl. cheader
to excl. radioactive waste processing or coolant
treatment systems
controlled collection and disposal of fluids
KTA Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTB Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTC Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTD Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTE Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTF Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTG Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTH Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTJ Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTK Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTL Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTM Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTN Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTP Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTQ Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTR Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTS Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTT Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTU Collecting systems for disposal (drained and vented fluids)
KTX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KTY Control and protection equipment
Page KT1 of KT1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KU Nuclear sampling systems
to extract and supply samples of fluids for measurement
KUA Sampling system (liquid)
KUB Sampling system (liquid)
KUC Sampling system (liquid)
KUD Sampling system (liquid)
KUE Sampling system (liquid)
KUF Sampling system (gaseous)
KUG Sampling system (gaseous)
KUH Sampling system (gaseous)
KUJ Sampling system (gaseous)
KUK Sampling system (gaseous)
KUL Fault sampling system
to extract samples after reactor fault out of the reactor
KUM Fault sampling system
to extract samples after reactor fault out of the reactor
KUN Fault sampling system
to extract samples after reactor fault out of the reactor
KUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KUY Control and protection equipment
Page KU1 of KU1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KV Lubricant supply system
KVA Lubricant supply system
KVB Lubricant supply system
KVC Lubricant supply system
KVD Lubricant supply system
KVE Lubricant supply system
KVF Lubricant supply system
KVG Lubricant supply system
KVH Lubricant supply system
KVJ Lubricant supply system
KVK Lubricant supply system
KVL Lubricant supply system
KVM Lubricant supply system
KVN Lubricant supply system
KVP Lubricant supply system
KVQ Lubricant supply system
KVR Lubricant supply system
KVS Lubricant supply system
KVT Lubricant supply system
KVU Lubricant supply system
Page KV1 of KV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KW Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
from incl. storage tank
to excl. fed system
to supply fluids for sealing and flushing
KWA Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWB Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWC Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWD Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWE Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWF Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWG Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWH Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWJ Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWK Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWL Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWM Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWN Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWP Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWQ Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWR Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWS Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWT Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWU Nuclear sealing and flushing fluid supply system
KWX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KWY Control and protection equipment
Page KW1 of KW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
KXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page KX1 of KX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : KY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Reactor auxiliary systems
KY Control and protection equipment
KYA Control and protection equipment
KYB Control and protection equipment
KYC Control and protection equipment
KYD Control and protection equipment
KYE Control and protection equipment
KYF Control and protection equipment
KYG Control and protection equipment
KYH Control and protection equipment
KYJ Control and protection equipment
KYK Control and protection equipment
KYL Control and protection equipment
KYM Control and protection equipment
KYN Control and protection equipment
KYP Control and protection equipment
KYQ Control and protection equipment
KYR Control and protection equipment
KYS Control and protection equipment
KYT Control and protection equipment
KYU Control and protection equipment
Page KY1 of KY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : L
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LA Feedwater system
LB Steam system
LC Condensate system
LD Condensate polishing plant
LF Common installations for steam, water, gas cycles
LK Gas system (closed cycle)
LL Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LN Water impounding works for hydroelectric power plant
LP Intake system, upperwater system for hydroelectric power plant
LQ Tail-race system, underwater system for hydroelectric power plant
LS Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LV Lubricant supply system
LW Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LY Control and protection equipment
Page L1 of L1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LA Feedwater system
LAA Storage, deaeration (incl. feedwater tank)
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment and
vapour condenser
LAB Feedwater piping system (excl. feedwater pump and feedwater heating system)
from excl. feedwater tank outlet
to excl. boiler inlet header or heat exchanger
LAC Feedwater pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
LAD HP feedwater heating system
from incl. respective feed heater inlet
to incl. respective feed heater outlet incl. desuperheater
and cooler
LAE HP desuperheating spray system
from excl. branch off feedwater piping system
to excl. user
LAF IP desuperheating spray system
from excl. pump system discharge nozzle or
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
LAH Start-up and shutdown piping system
from excl. outlet of or branch off feedwater system
to excl. feedwater piping system or other system
LAJ Start-up and shutdown pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
LAR Emergency feedwater piping system incl. storage (excl. emergency feedwater
pump system)
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. feedwater piping system inlet
LAS Emergency feedwater pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
LAT Back-up emergency feedwater system
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. feedwater piping system inlet
LAV Lubricant supply system
LAW Feedwater sealing water system
LAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LAY Control and protection equipment
Page LA1 of LA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LB Steam system
LBA Main steam piping system
from excl. boiler outlet or
from excl. heat exchanger
to excl. turbine main stop valve or HP reducing station
or turbine bypass or other user (system)
LBB Hot reheat piping system
from excl. reheater or moisture separator/reheater outlet
to excl. intercept valve or turbine inlet or turbine bypass
or other user (system)
LBC Cold reheat piping system
from excl. turbine outlet or high pressure reducing station
to excl. reheater inlet excl. moisture separator or
user (system)
LBD Extraction piping system
from excl. branch off crossover line
to excl. user (system)
LBE Back-pressure piping system
from excl. turbine outlet
to excl. user (system)
LBF Overpressure suppression and safety device incl. injection and hydraulic station
for safety function
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
LBG Auxiliary steam piping system
from excl. receiving point from other system
to excl. user (system)
LBH Start-up steam system, shutdown steam system
from excl. boiler outlet or
from excl. branch off main steam line, incl. start-up condenser or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other systems
LBJ Moisture separator/reheater (MSR)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
LBK Main steam safety/relief system inside reactor containment for single-cycle plants
from excl. main steam piping system
to excl. pressure suppression system
pressure limitation in main steam piping system *LBA*
LBQ Extraction steam piping system for HP feedwater heating
from excl. turbine outlet or branch off other system
to excl. feedwater heating system or user (system)
LBR Piping system for branch or auxiliary turbine
from excl. branch off main turbine or
from excl. branch off other system or
from excl. branch or auxiliary turbine outlet
to excl. branch or auxiliary turbine isolating valve or
to excl. inlet to other system
Page LB1 of LB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
LBS Extraction steam piping system for LP feedwater heating (main condensate)
from excl. turbine outlet or branch off other system
to excl. LP feedwater heating system ot deaerator or
user (system)
LBT Emergency condensing system
from excl. steam generator outlet or
from excl. branch off main steam piping system incl. condenser
to excl. inlet to other system
LBU Common dump line
LBV Lubricant supply system
LBW Sealing steam system
LBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LBY Control and protection equipment
Page LB2 of LB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LC Condensate system
LCA Main condensate piping system (excl. main condensate pump system, LP
feedwater heating system, condensate polishing plant)
from excl. condenser outlet
to excl. deaerator inlet or
to excl. feedwater pump system (in plants without
feedwater tank)
LCB Main condensate pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
LCC Main condensate heating system
from incl. heater inlet
to incl. heater outlet incl.desuperheater and cooler
LCE Condensate desuperheating spray system
from excl. branch off main condensate piping system or
from excl. branch off branch turbine condensate piping system
to excl. user
LCF Branch turbine condensate piping system
from excl. condenser outlet
to excl. inlet to other system, excl. branch turbine condensate pump system
LCG Branch turbine condensate pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
LCH HP heater drains system
from excl. heater outlet
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCJ LP heater drains system
from excl. heater outlet
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCL Steam generator drains system
from excl. branch off pressure system or
from incl. start-up flash tank
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCM Clean drains system (collecting and return system)
from incl. collecting tank or
from excl. final drain valve or
from excl. inlet from other collecting system
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCN Auxiliary steam condensate system (collecting and return system)
from excl. (steam) user
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCP Standby condensate system, incl. storage and pump system
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCQ Steam generator blowdown system
from excl. steam generator outlet
from incl. blowdown flash tank (caustic flash tank)
to excl. inlet to other systems
Page LC1 of LC2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
LCR Standby condensate distribution system
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCS Reheater drains system (moisture separator/reheater)
from excl. reheater
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCT Moisture separator drains system (moisture separator/reheater)
from excl. moisture separator
to excl. inlet to other systems
LCV Lubricant supply system
LCW Sealing and cooling drains system
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user, incl. recirculation
LCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LCY Control and protection equipment
Page LC2 of LC2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LD Condensate polishing plant
LDA Fluid treatment extraction system (if not part of another system)
from excl. fluid treatment system outlet
to excl. inlet into other system
LDB Filtering, mechanical cleaning
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
LDC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
LDD Electromagnetic polishing system
from incl. electromagnetic polishing system inlet
to incl. electromagnetic polishing system outlet
LDE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
LDF Ion exchange, reverse osmosis system (e. g. demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet
to incl. ion exchanger outlet
LDG Evaporation system (e. g. demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
LDH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet, incl. warm-up equipment of
vapour condenser
LDJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
LDK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
LDL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet, incl. intake and
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Identification System for Power
Function key : LD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
LDN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
LDP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regeneration, flushing equipment
LDQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
LDR Flushing water and residues removal system incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
LDS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
LDT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
LDV Lubricant supply system
LDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LDY Control and protection equipment
Page LD2 of LD2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LF Common installations for steam, water, gas cycles
LFC Common drain and vent systems
LFG Secondary-side steam generator tubesheet lancing system
from excl. primary coolant heat exchanger outlet
to excl. primary coolant heat exchanger inlet
LFJ Steam generator layup system
LFN Proportioning system for feedwater, condensate system, incl. proportioning in
boiler and turbine area
Page LF1 of LF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LK Gas system (closed cycle)
LKA Storage system
from excl. receiving point from gas supply system
to excl. piping system inlet
LKB Piping system
from excl. gas heater outlet
to excl. gas heater inlet, excl. turbine, compressor,
preheater, cooler
LKC Compressor system (if separate from gas turbine)
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
LKD Preheating system
from incl. preheater inlet
to incl. preheater outlet
LKE Precooling system
from incl. precooler inlet
to incl. precooler outlet
LKF Intercooling system
from incl. intercooler inlet
to incl. intercooler outlet
LKG Pressurizing system
from incl. pressurizing system inlet
to excl. discharge into piping system
LKV Lubricant supply system
LKW Sealing fluid supply system
LKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LKY Control and protection equipment
Page LK1 of LK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LL Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLA Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLB Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLC Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLD Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLE Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLF Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLG Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLH Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLJ Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLK Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLL Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLM Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLN Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLP Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLQ Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLR Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLS Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLT Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLU Gas cleaning system (only for closed cycle)
LLW Sealing fluid supply system
LLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LLY Control and protection equipment
Page LL1 of LL1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LN Water impounding works for hydroelectric power plant
LNA Head and tail race system, storage system
from incl. water intake incl. transfer conduit and pump system
to excl. dam (incl. measuring equipment) or
to excl. headwater piping system or
to excl. headrace system
LNB Trash rack, trash/fish barrier
to excl. inlet to other system Limit:
LNC Dam, weir system
from incl. foundation
to incl. crest, incl. inspection and instrumentation equipment
Weir system:
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet to other system
LND Spillway
LNE Drainage system
LNF Pump system
pumping of the water within the head and tail race system Task:
LNV Lubricant supply system
LNW Sealing fluid supply system
LNX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LNY Control and protection equipment
Page LN1 of LN1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LP Intake system, upperwater system for hydroelectric power plant
LPA Rake and rake cleaning system
separate out and collect floating matter from headrace Task:
LPB Isolating equipment
from incl. isolating equipment inlet
to incl. outlet to other system
LPC Piping and penstock system
from incl. receiving point
to incl. discharge into turbine system, incl.
connecting piping for pump system
LPE Surge tank
LPV Lubricant supply system
LPW Sealing fluid supply system
LPX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LPY Control and protection equipment
Page LP1 of LP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LQ Tail-race system, underwater system for hydroelectric power plant
LQA Underwater piping and culvert system
from excl. main machine set *ME.*, *MF.*, *MG.* inlet
to incl. outlet to other system
LQB Surge tank
LQC Isolating equipment
from incl. isolating equipment inlet
to incl. outlet to other system
LQE Rake and rake cleaning system for pumped-storage operation
separate out and collect floating matter from tailrace Task:
LQV Lubricant supply system
LQW Sealing fluid supply system
LQX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LQY Control and protection equipment
Page LQ1 of LQ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LS Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSA Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSB Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSC Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSD Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSE Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSF Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSG Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSH Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSJ Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSK Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSL Drainage system
LSM Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSN Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSP Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSQ Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSR Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSS Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LST Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
LSU Common installations for hydroelectric power plant
Page LS1 of LS1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LV Lubricant supply system
LVA Lubricant supply system
LVB Lubricant supply system
LVC Lubricant supply system
LVD Lubricant supply system
LVE Lubricant supply system
LVF Lubricant supply system
LVG Lubricant supply system
LVH Lubricant supply system
LVJ Lubricant supply system
LVK Lubricant supply system
LVL Lubricant supply system
LVM Lubricant supply system
LVN Lubricant supply system
LVP Lubricant supply system
LVQ Lubricant supply system
LVR Lubricant supply system
LVS Lubricant supply system
LVT Lubricant supply system
LVU Lubricant supply system
Page LV1 of LV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LW Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWA Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWB Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWC Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWD Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWE Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWF Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWG Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWH Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWJ Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWK Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWL Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWM Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWN Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWP Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWQ Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWR Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWS Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWT Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
LWU Sealing fluid supply system for steam, water, gas cycles
Page LW1 of LW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
LXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page LX1 of LX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : LY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
L Steam, water, gas cycles
LY Control and protection equipment
LYA Control and protection equipment
LYB Control and protection equipment
LYC Control and protection equipment
LYD Control and protection equipment
LYE Control and protection equipment
LYF Control and protection equipment
LYG Control and protection equipment
LYH Control and protection equipment
LYJ Control and protection equipment
LYK Control and protection equipment
LYL Control and protection equipment
LYM Control and protection equipment
LYN Control and protection equipment
LYP Control and protection equipment
LYQ Control and protection equipment
LYR Control and protection equipment
LYS Control and protection equipment
LYT Control and protection equipment
LYU Control and protection equipment
Page LY1 of LY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : M
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MA Steam turbine plant
MB Gas turbine plant
MD Wind turbine plant
ME Hydraulic turbine plant
MF Pumping turbine plant in pumped-storage power plants
MG Pumped-storage plant
MJ Diesel engine plant
MK Generator plant
ML Electro-motive plant (incl. motor generator)
MM Compressor plant
MP Common installations for main machine sets
MR Gas engine plant
MV Lubricant supply system
MW Sealing fluid supply system
MX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MY Control and protection equipment
Page M1 of M1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MA Steam turbine plant
MAA HP turbine
from incl. steam admission (main stop valve) or combined
main stop and control valve
to incl. automatic/non-automatic extraction and exhaust
nozzles and
to incl. the interfaces with other turbine-internal systems
MAB IP turbine
from incl. crossover line, incl. control element or
from incl. intercept valve
to incl. automatic/non-automatic extraction and
exhaust nozzles and
to incl. the interfaces with other turbine-internal systems
MAC LP turbine
from incl. crossover line, incl. control element or
from incl. intercept valve or steam inlet nozzle
(in reheat system without intercept valve)
to incl. automatic/non-automatic extraction and
exhaust nozzles and
to incl. the interfaces with other turbine-internal systems
MAD Bearings
MAG Condensing system
from incl. condenser neck or inlet nozzle
to incl. condenser outlet nozzle, incl. connected flash
tanks, incl. instrumentation equipment associated
with condenser
MAH Motive water system (if separate from *MAJ*)
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. water-operated air ejector inlet
MAJ Air removal system
from excl. condenser outlet
to excl. inlet atmosphere
MAK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine, incl. turning gear
MAL Drain and vent systems
from incl. collector point or
from incl. final drain
to excl. discharge into other system
MAM Leak-off steam system
from excl. branch off seal leak-off
to excl. discharge into other system
MAN Turbine bypass station, incl. desuperheating spray system
from incl. bypass valve and
from incl. desuperheating spray valve
to incl. steam inlet to condenser
MAP LP turbine bypass
from excl. bypass valve and
from excl. branch off steam system
to excl. condenser
Page MA1 of MA2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
MAQ Vent system (if separate from *MAL*)
from incl. venting point
to excl. discharge into other system
MAV Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or common lubricant
and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off lubricant supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
MAW Sealing, heating and cooling steam system
from excl. branch
to excl. casing nozzle of seal steam user and leak-off
to excl. condenser or
to incl. gland steam condenser or
to excl. heating/cooling steam user
MAX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MAY Electrical control and protection equipment
Page MA2 of MA2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MB Gas turbine plant
MBA Turbine, compressor rotor with common casing
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
from incl. turbine inlet
to incl. turbine outlet, incl. exhaust gas diffuser
MBB Turbine casing and rotor
from incl. turbine inlet
to incl. turbine outlet, incl. exhaust gas diffuser
MBC Compressor casing and rotor
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
MBD Bearings
MBE Coolant system for gas turbine plant
from excl. branch off coolant
to excl. user
MBH Cooling and sealing gas system
from incl. extraction point
to excl. user and
from excl. user, incl. leak-off
to incl. inlet to other system
MBJ Start-up unit
MBK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine, incl. turning gear,
barring gear
MBL Intake air, cold gas system (open cycle)
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. compressor inlet or
to incl. exhaust gas heat exchanger, excl. compressor
MBM Combustion chamber (gas heating, combustion)
from incl. cold gas, fuel inlet
to incl. hot gas outlet
MBN Fuel supply system (liquid)
from excl. branch off main supply line or
from incl. temporary (day) tank
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. motive gas generating unit, incl. fuel return system
MBP Fuel supply system (gaseous)
from excl. branch off main supply line
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. motive gas generating unit
MBQ Ignition fuel supply system (if separate)
from excl. branch off main supply line or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. motive gas generating unit
Page MB1 of MB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
MBR Exhaust gas system (open cycle)
from excl. combustion chamber or
from excl. exhaust gas diffuser
to excl. discharge into atmosphere, excl. turbine or
to excl. inlet to other system (e. g. combustion air system)
MBS Storage system
to excl. connection to main system and
from excl. connection to main system
MBT Motive gas generator unit, incl. combustion chamber
from incl. air/fuel inlet
to incl. motive gas outlet of motive gas generating unit
MBU Additive system
from incl. supply
to incl. injection
MBV Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
MBW Sealing oil supply system
from incl. dedicated seal oil tank or
from excl. seal oil pump suction line
to excl. user and
from excl. user
MBX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MBY Electrical control and protection equipment
MBZ Lubricant and control fluid treatment system
Page MB2 of MB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MD Wind turbine plant
MDA Rotor (incl. hub)
MDB Blade pitch regulating system
MDD Rotor bearings
MDK Transmission gear (gearbox, propeller shaft, brake)
MDL Yaw control system
MDV Lubricant supply system
MDX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MDY Electrical control and protection equipment
Page MD1 of MD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : ME
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
ME Hydraulic turbine plant
MEA Turbine (casing, shaft, runner, draft tube etc.)
from excl. turbine inlet or
from excl. isolating valve
to incl. turbine outlet or
to excl. isolating valve
MEB Isolating valve
to isolate headwater from turbine *MEA* and/or
to control headwater flow to turbine *MEA*
MED Bearings
MEG Stabilizing air system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. outlet to turbine
MEK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine
MEL Water depression air supply system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. outlet to turbine
MES Shaft gland cooling water system
MEV Lubricant supply system
from incl. lubricant tank
to excl. user and
from excl. user
MEW Sealing water supply system
from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
MEX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MEY Electrical control and protection equipment
Page ME1 of ME1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MF Pumping turbine plant in pumped-storage power plants
MFA Pumping turbine, pump and turbine as integral unit
from excl. connection to pumping turbine or
from excl. isolating valve
to incl. connection to pumping turbine or
to excl. isolating valve
An integral unit that at different times fulfils the task of
a prime mover (turbine) resp. a driven machine (pump)
MFB Isolating valve
to isolate water from pumping turbine *MFA* and/or
to control water flow to pumping turbine *MFA*
MFD Bearings
MFG Stabilizing air system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. inlet to turbine
MFK Transmission gear between motor generator set and pumping turbine a
MFL Water depression air supply system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. inlet to pumping turbine
MFM Start-up unit
MFS Shaft gland cooling water system
MFV Lubricant supply system
from incl. lubricant tank
to excl. user and
from excl. user
MFW Sealing water supply system
from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
MFX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MFY Electrical control and protection equipment
Page MF1 of MF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MG Pumped-storage plant
MGA Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.)
from excl. storage pump inlet or
from excl. isolating valve
to incl. storage pump outlet or
to excl. isolating valve
MGB Isolating valve
to isolate water from storage pump *MGA* and/or
to control water flow to storage pump *MGA*
MGD Bearings
MGK Transmission gear between motor generator set and storage pump a
MGL Water depression air supply system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. inlet to storage pump
MGM Start-up unit
MGS Shaft gland cooling water system
MGV Lubricant supply system
from incl. lubricant tank
to excl. user and
from excl. user
MGW Sealing water supply system
from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
MGX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
MGY Electrical control and protection equipment
Page MG1 of MG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MJ Diesel engine plant
MJA Engine
from incl. fuel injection nozzle inlet or
from incl. air intake nozzles or
from incl. cooling water inlet nozzles
to incl. exhaust nozzle outlet or
to incl. cooling water nozzle outlet,
incl. engine-internal systems
MJB Turbocharger, blower
from incl. turbocharger or blower inlet
to incl. turbocharger or blower outlet
MJG Liquid cooling system
from excl. engine cooling water nozzle outlet or
from incl. turbocharger air cooling system inlet
to excl. engine cooling water nozzle inlet or
to incl. turbocharger air cooler outlet
MJH Air intercooling system
from incl. intercooler inlet
to incl. intercooler outlet
to excl. outlet to other cooling systems
MJK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine
MJN Fuel systems
from incl. temporary (day) tank or
from excl. branch off piping system
to excl. fuel injection nozzle inlet
MJP Start-up unit (incl. flywheel)
MJQ Air intake system
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. turbocharger or
to excl. engine air intake nozzles
MJR Exhaust gas system
from excl. engine exhaust nozzle outlet
to excl. discharge into atmosphere
MJV Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or common lubricant and
control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user
from excl. user
MJW Sealing fluid supply system
MJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MJY Control and protection equipment
Page MJ1 of MJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MK Generator plant
MKA Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and all integral cooling equipment
to incl. generator bushing Limit:
MKB Generator exciter set, including set with electrical breaking system (use only if
*MKC* is not sufficient for identification)
MKC Generator exciter set, including set with electrical breaking system, complete
(10 auxiliary excitation, 20 main excitation unit)
MKD Bearings
MKF Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for cooling oil see *MKU*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to liquid coolant
MKG Stator/rotor hydrogen (H2) cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for nitrogen / carbon dioxyde cooling see *MKH*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to hydrogen coolant
MKH Stator/rotor nitrogen (N2) / carbon dioxyde (CO2) cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system
for other gas cooling see *MKG*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to nitrogen / carbon
dioxyde coolant
MKJ Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other gas cooling see *MKG* and *MKH*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to air coolant
MKQ Exhaust gas system (if separate from *MKG* and *MKH*)
MKU Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other liquid cooling see *MKF*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to cooling oil
MKV Lubricant supply system (if separate system for generator)
MKW Sealing oil system, incl. supply and treatment
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet and
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. stator inlet
MKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : MK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
MKY Control and protection equipment
Page MK2 of MK2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : ML
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
ML Electro-motive plant (incl. motor generator)
MLA Motor frame, motor generator frame, incl. stator, rotor and all integral cooling
to incl. motor or generator bushing Limit:
MLC Exciter set
MLD Bearings
MLF Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for cooling oil see *MLU*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
MLG Stator/rotor gas cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for nitrogen cooling see *MLH*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
MLH Stator/rotor nitrogen cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other gas cooling see *MLG*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
MLQ Exhaust gas system (if separate from *MLG* and *MLH*)
MLU Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other liquid cooling see *MLF*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
MLV Lubricant supply system (if separate system for electro-motive units)
MLW Sealing oil system, incl. supply and treatment
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet or
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. stator inlet
MLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MLY Control and protection equipment
Page ML1 of ML1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MM Compressor plant
MMA Compressor incl. internal systems
from incl. air, cooling fluid inlet
to incl. air, cooling fluid outlet
MMC Air intake piping system
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. compressor inlet
MMD Bearings
MME Intercooling system
MMF Aftercooling system
MMG Final cooling system
MMH Discharge piping system
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
MMV Lubricant supply system
MMW Sealing fluid supply system
MMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MMY Control and protection equipment
Page MM1 of MM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MP Common installations for main machine sets
MPA Foundation
MPB Sheating
MPG Frame, support structure
MPR Forced cooling system
MPS Drying and layup system
Page MP1 of MP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MR Gas engine plant
MRA Gas engine plant
MRB Gas engine plant
MRC Gas engine plant
MRD Gas engine plant
MRE Gas engine plant
MRF Gas engine plant
MRG Gas engine plant
MRH Gas engine plant
MRJ Gas engine plant
MRK Gas engine plant
MRL Gas engine plant
MRM Gas engine plant
MRN Gas engine plant
MRP Gas engine plant
MRQ Gas engine plant
MRR Gas engine plant
MRS Gas engine plant
MRT Gas engine plant
MRU Gas engine plant
MRV Lubricant supply system
MRW Sealing fluid supply system
MRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MRY Control and protection equipment
Page MR1 of MR1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MV Lubricant supply system
MVA Lubricant supply system
MVB Lubricant supply system
MVC Lubricant supply system
MVD Lubricant supply system
MVE Lubricant supply system
MVF Lubricant supply system
MVG Lubricant supply system
MVH Lubricant supply system
MVJ Lubricant supply system
MVK Lubricant supply system
MVL Lubricant supply system
MVM Lubricant supply system
MVN Lubricant supply system
MVP Lubricant supply system
MVQ Lubricant supply system
MVR Lubricant supply system
MVS Lubricant supply system
MVT Lubricant supply system
MVU Lubricant supply system
Page MV1 of MV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MW Sealing fluid supply system
MWA Sealing fluid supply system
MWB Sealing fluid supply system
MWC Sealing fluid supply system
MWD Sealing fluid supply system
MWE Sealing fluid supply system
MWF Sealing fluid supply system
MWG Sealing fluid supply system
MWH Sealing fluid supply system
MWJ Sealing fluid supply system
MWK Sealing fluid supply system
MWL Sealing fluid supply system
MWM Sealing fluid supply system
MWN Sealing fluid supply system
MWP Sealing fluid supply system
MWQ Sealing fluid supply system
MWR Sealing fluid supply system
MWS Sealing fluid supply system
MWT Sealing fluid supply system
MWU Sealing fluid supply system
Page MW1 of MW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
MXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page MX1 of MX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : MY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Main machine sets
MY Control and protection equipment
MYA Control and protection equipment
MYB Control and protection equipment
MYC Control and protection equipment
MYD Control and protection equipment
MYE Control and protection equipment
MYF Control and protection equipment
MYG Control and protection equipment
MYH Control and protection equipment
MYJ Control and protection equipment
MYK Control and protection equipment
MYL Control and protection equipment
MYM Control and protection equipment
MYN Control and protection equipment
MYP Control and protection equipment
MYQ Control and protection equipment
MYR Control and protection equipment
MYS Control and protection equipment
MYT Control and protection equipment
MYU Control and protection equipment
Page MY1 of MY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : N
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
N Process energy supply for external users (e. g. district heating)
NA Process steam system (incl. condensate return)
ND Process hot water system
NG Process air system
NK Process gas system
Page N1 of N1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : NA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
N Process energy supply for external users (e. g. district heating)
NA Process steam system (incl. condensate return)
NAA Piping system (steam)
NAB Piping system (condensate)
NAD Process heat transmission system
from incl. heat exchanger inlet
to incl. heat exchanger outlet
NAE Piping system (steam) (only to be used if *NAA* is not sufficient for identification)
NAF Piping system (steam) (only to be used if *NAA* is not sufficient for identification)
NAG Piping system (steam) (only to be used if *NAA* is not sufficient for identification)
NAH Piping system (steam) (only to be used if *NAA* is not sufficient for identification)
NAJ Piping system (steam) (only to be used if *NAA* is not sufficient for identification)
NAK Piping system (condensate) (only to be used if *NAB* is not sufficient for
NAL Piping system (condensate) (only to be used if *NAB* is not sufficient for
NAM Piping system (condensate) (only to be used if *NAB* is not sufficient for
NAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
NAY Control and protection equipment
Page NA1 of NA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : ND
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
N Process energy supply for external users (e. g. district heating)
ND Process hot water system
NDA Piping system (forward)
NDB Piping system (return)
NDC Process hot water pump system
NDD Process heat transfer
from incl. heat exchanger inlet
to incl. heat exchanger outlet
NDE Hot water storage system
from incl. tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet
NDF Distribution system
NDG Distribution system
NDH Distribution system
NDJ Distribution system
NDK Pressurizing system
NDV Lubricant supply system
NDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
NDY Control and protection equipment
Page ND1 of ND1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : NG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
N Process energy supply for external users (e. g. district heating)
NG Process air system
NGB Piping system
NGC Forwarding system
NGW Sealing fluid supply system
NGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
NGY Control and protection equipment
Page NG1 of NG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : NK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
N Process energy supply for external users (e. g. district heating)
NK Process gas system
NKB Piping system
NKW Sealing fluid supply system
NKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
NKY Control and protection equipment
Page NK1 of NK1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : P
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PA Circulating (main cooling) water system
PB Circulating (main cooling) water treatment system
PC Service (secondary cooling) water system for conventional area
PD Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system, conventional area
PE Service (secondary cooling) water system for secured area
PF Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system for secured area
PG Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PH Closed cooling water treatment system for conventional area
PJ Closed cooling water system for secured area
PK Closed cooling water treatment system for secured area
PM Closed cooling water system for transformers (if separate closed cooling water
PS Cooling tower blowdown system (if separate from *PAB*)
PU Common equipment for cooling water systems
PV Lubricant supply system
PW Sealing fluid supply system
PX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PY Control and protection equipment
Page P1 of P1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PA Circulating (main cooling) water system
PAA Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct cooling
from incl. intake system
to incl. mechanical cleaning system outlet
PAB Circulating (main cooling) water piping and culvert system
from excl. outlet of circulating (main cooling) water
extraction system (excl. any user)
to incl. outfall in direct cooling system or
from excl. cooling tower outlet
to excl. cooling tower inlet in recirculation cooling
PAC Circulating (main cooling) water pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PAD Recirculating cooling system, outfall cooling system
from incl. hot water riser
to incl. basin outlet
PAE Cooling tower pump system (if separate)
PAH Condenser cleaning system, incl. all appurtenances
PAR Make-up water piping system
from excl. intake
to excl. inlet to other system
PAS Make-up water pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PAV Lubricant supply system
PAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PAY Control and protection equipment
Page PA1 of PA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PB Circulating (main cooling) water treatment system
PBA Discharge from fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from excl. fluid treatment system outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
PBB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
PBC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
PBD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
PBE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid dosing equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PBF Ion exchange system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet and
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of ion
PBG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralisation)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
PBH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of vapour
PBJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
PBK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PBL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet incl. intake and outfall
Page PB1 of PB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
PBN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
PBP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system
and flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
PBQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PBR Flushing water and residues removal system, incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
PBS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
PBT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation
equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
PBV Lubricant supply system
PBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PBY Control and protection equipment
Page PB2 of PB2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PC Service (secondary cooling) water system for conventional area
PCA Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct cooling
from incl. intake system
to incl. mechanical cleaning system outlet
PCB Piping and culvert system
from excl. outlet of service (secondary cooling) water extraction system or
from excl. branch off circulating water system
to excl. inlet to other system, excl. respective user and
from excl. make-up water treatment and distribution system
PCC Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PCD Recirculation cooling system, outfall cooling system
from incl. hot water riser
to incl. basin outlet
PCH Heat exchanger cleaning system
PCM Service (secondary cooling) water system for generator, motor generator cooling
from excl. branch off *PCB*
to excl. generator cooler and
from excl. generator cooler
to excl. inlet to *PCB* or other systems
PCV Lubricant supply system
PCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PCY Control and protection equipment
Page PC1 of PC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PD Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system, conventional area
PDA Discharge from fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from excl. fluid treatment system outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
PDB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
PDC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
PDD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
PDE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PDF Ion exchange system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet and
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of
ion exchanger
PDG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
PDH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of
vapour condenser
PDJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
PDK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PDL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet incl. intake and outfall
Page PD1 of PD2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
PDN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
PDP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system
and flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
PDQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PDR Flushing water and residues removal system, incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
PDS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
PDT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation
equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
PDV Lubricant supply system
PDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PDY Control and protection equipment
Page PD2 of PD2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PE Service (secondary cooling) water system for secured area
PEA Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct cooling
from incl. intake works
to incl. mechanical cleaning system outlet
PEB Piping and culvert system
from excl. outlet of service (secondary cooling) water
extraction system or
from excl. cooling tower outlet with surge pond and return
to excl. inlet to other system, excl. respective user and
from excl. make-up water treatment and distribution system
PEC Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PED Recirculation cooling system, outfall cooling system
from incl. hot water riser
to incl. basin outlet
PEH Secured component cooler cleaning system
PEV Lubricant supply system
PEX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PEY Control and protection equipment
Page PE1 of PE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PF Service (secondary cooling) water treatment system for secured area
PFA Discharge from fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from excl. fluid treatment system outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
PFB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
PFC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
PFD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
PFE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid dosing equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PFF Ion exchange system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet and
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of
ion exchanger
PFG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
PFH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet incl. warm-up equipment of
vapour condenser
PFJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
PFK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PFL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet incl. intake and outfall
Page PF1 of PF2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
PFN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
PFP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system
and flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
PFQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PFR Flushing water and residues removal system, incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
PFS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
PFT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation
equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
PFV Lubricant supply system
PFX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PFY Control and protection equipment
Page PF2 of PF2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PG Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGA Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGB Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGC Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGD Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGE Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGF Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGG Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGH Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGJ Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGK Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGL Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGM Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGN Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGP Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGQ Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGR Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGS Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGT Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGU Closed cooling water system for conventional area
PGV Lubricant supply system
PGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PGY Control and protection equipment
Page PG1 of PG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PH Closed cooling water treatment system for conventional area
PHA Discharge from fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from excl. fluid treatment system outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
PHB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
PHC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmospere or
from incl. gas supply
PHD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
PHE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PHF Ion exchangesystem (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet and
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of
ion exchanger
PHG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
PHH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet, incl. warm-up equipment of
vapour condenser
PHJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
PHK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PHL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet, incl. intake and outfall
Page PH1 of PH2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
PHN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
PHP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
PHQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PHR Flushing water and residues removal system, incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
PHS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
PHT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation
equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
PHV Lubricant supply system
PHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PHY Control and protection equipment
Page PH2 of PH2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PJ Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJA Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJB Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJC Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJD Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJE Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJF Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJG Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJH Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJJ Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJK Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJL Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJM Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJN Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJP Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJQ Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJR Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJS Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJT Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJU Closed cooling water system for secured area
PJV Lubricant supply system
PJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PJY Control and protection equipment
Page PJ1 of PJ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PK Closed cooling water treatment system for secured area
PKA Discharge from fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from excl. fluid treatment system outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
PKB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
from incl. separation equipment inlet
to incl. separation equipment outlet
PKC Aeration, gas injection system
from excl. atmosphere or
from incl. gas supply
PKD Precipitation system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. precipitation equipment inlet
to incl. precipitation equipment outlet
PKE Acid proportioning system (e. g. for carbonate hardness removal)
from incl. acid proportioning equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PKF Ion exchange system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. ion exchanger inlet and
from incl. isolating valve of chemicals supply system or
auxiliary fluid supply system upstream of
ion exchanger
PKG Evaporation system (e. g. for demineralization)
from incl. feedwater inlet
to incl. steam outlet and
from incl. heating steam inlet
to incl. condensate outlet
PKH Deaeration, drying system
from incl. deaerator or tank inlet
to incl. tank outlet, incl. warm-up equipment of
vapour condenser
PKJ Preheating, cooling system
from incl. preheater or cooler inlet
to incl. preheater or cooler outlet
PKK Piping system, temporary storage system, pump system for main fluid
Piping system:
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
to incl. fluid treatment system outlet
Temporary storage system:
from incl. temporary storage system inlet
to incl. temporary storage system outlet
Pump system:
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PKL Storage system outside fluid treatment system (if not part of another system)
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet, incl. intake and outfall
Page PK1 of PK2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
PKN Chemicals supply system
from incl. intake or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. discharge into other system
PKP Regeneration, flushing equipment
from incl. system inlet
to excl. inlet to other system
from excl. chemicals or auxiliary fluid supply system and
flushing air supply system
to incl. regenerating, flushing equipment
PKQ Injection system for main fluid
from incl. injection equipment or
from excl. branch off chemicals supply system
to excl. inlet to other system
PKR Flushing water and residues removal system, incl. neutralization
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into disposal system
PKS Sludge thickening system
from excl. outlet of respective system
to excl. discharge into other system
PKT Heating, cooling and flushing fluid distribution system
from incl. heating, cooling, flushing fluid generation
equipment or
from excl. branch off heating, cooling, flushing fluid
supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
PKV Lubricant supply system
PKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PKY Control and protection equipment
Page PK2 of PK2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PM Closed cooling water system for transformers (if separate closed cooling water
PMA Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMB Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMC Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMD Closed cooling water system for transformers
PME Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMF Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMG Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMH Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMJ Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMK Closed cooling water system for transformers
PML Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMM Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMN Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMP Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMQ Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMR Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMS Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMT Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMU Closed cooling water system for transformers
PMV Lubricant supply system
PMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PMY Control and protection equipment
Page PM1 of PM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PS Cooling tower blowdown system (if separate from *PAB*)
PSA Cooling tower blowdown system
PSB Cooling tower blowdown system
PSC Cooling tower blowdown system
PSD Cooling tower blowdown system
PSE Cooling tower blowdown system
PSF Cooling tower blowdown system
PSG Cooling tower blowdown system
PSH Cooling tower blowdown system
PSJ Cooling tower blowdown system
PSK Cooling tower blowdown system
PSL Cooling tower blowdown system
PSM Cooling tower blowdown system
PSN Cooling tower blowdown system
PSP Cooling tower blowdown system
PSQ Cooling tower blowdown system
PSR Cooling tower blowdown system
PSS Cooling tower blowdown system
PST Cooling tower blowdown system
PSU Cooling tower blowdown system
PSV Lubricant supply system
PSX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PSY Control and protection equipment
Page PS1 of PS1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PU Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUA Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUB Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUC Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUD Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUE Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUF Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUG Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUH Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUJ Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUK Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUL Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUM Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUN Proportioning equipment
PUP Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUQ Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUR Impressed current cathodic protection for mechanical equipment within the
cooling water system
PUS Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUT Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUU Common equipment for cooling water systems
Page PU1 of PU1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PV Lubricant supply system
PVA Lubricant supply system
PVB Lubricant supply system
PVC Lubricant supply system
PVD Lubricant supply system
PVE Lubricant supply system
PVF Lubricant supply system
PVG Lubricant supply system
PVH Lubricant supply system
PVJ Lubricant supply system
PVK Lubricant supply system
PVL Lubricant supply system
PVM Lubricant supply system
PVN Lubricant supply system
PVP Lubricant supply system
PVQ Lubricant supply system
PVR Lubricant supply system
PVS Lubricant supply system
PVT Lubricant supply system
PVU Lubricant supply system
Page PV1 of PV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PW Sealing fluid supply system
PWA Sealing fluid supply system
PWB Sealing fluid supply system
PWC Sealing fluid supply system
PWD Sealing fluid supply system
PWE Sealing fluid supply system
PWF Sealing fluid supply system
PWG Sealing fluid supply system
PWH Sealing fluid supply system
PWJ Sealing fluid supply system
PWK Sealing fluid supply system
PWL Sealing fluid supply system
PWM Sealing fluid supply system
PWN Sealing fluid supply system
PWP Sealing fluid supply system
PWQ Sealing fluid supply system
PWR Sealing fluid supply system
PWS Sealing fluid supply system
PWT Sealing fluid supply system
PWU Sealing fluid supply system
Page PW1 of PW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
PXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page PX1 of PX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : PY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
P Cooling water systems
PY Control and protection equipment
PYA Control and protection equipment
PYB Control and protection equipment
PYC Control and protection equipment
PYD Control and protection equipment
PYE Control and protection equipment
PYF Control and protection equipment
PYG Control and protection equipment
PYH Control and protection equipment
PYJ Control and protection equipment
PYK Control and protection equipment
PYL Control and protection equipment
PYM Control and protection equipment
PYN Control and protection equipment
PYP Control and protection equipment
PYQ Control and protection equipment
PYR Control and protection equipment
PYS Control and protection equipment
PYT Control and protection equipment
PYU Control and protection equipment
Page PY1 of PY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : Q
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QC Central chemicals supply
QE General compressed air and carrier air supply
QF General control air supply
QG Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QH Auxiliary steam generating system
QJ Central gas supply, also inert gas (see *SE* for welding blanket gas supply
systems, see *MK*, *ML*, *XK*, *XL* for central gas supply systems for main
and heavy machinery)
QK Chilled water systems for conventional area
QL Feedwater, steam, condensate cycle of auxiliary steam generating and
distribution system
QM Air humidifying system
QS Central oil supply and disposal system (for systems assignable to more than one
QU Sampling systems for conventional area
Page Q1 of Q1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : QC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QC Central chemicals supply
QCA Central chemicals supply
QCB Central chemicals supply
QCC Central chemicals supply
QCD Central chemicals supply
QCE Central chemicals supply
QCF Central chemicals supply
QCG Central chemicals supply
QCH Central chemicals supply
QCJ Central chemicals supply
QCK Central chemicals supply
QCL Central chemicals supply
QCM Central chemicals supply
QCN Central chemicals supply
QCP Central chemicals supply
QCQ Central chemicals supply
QCR Central chemicals supply
QCS Central chemicals supply
QCT Central chemicals supply
QCU Central chemicals supply
QCV Lubricant supply system
QCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QCY Control and protection equipment
Page QC1 of QC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : QE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QE General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEA Central compressed air and carrier air generation system
QEB Central compressed air and carrier air distribution system
QEC General compressed air and carrier air supply
QED General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEE General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEF General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEG General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEH General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEJ General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEK General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEL General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEM General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEN General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEP General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEQ General compressed air and carrier air supply
QER General compressed air and carrier air supply
QES General compressed air and carrier air supply
QET General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEU General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEV Lubricant supply system
QEW Sealing fluid supply system
QEX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QEY Control and protection equipment
Page QE1 of QE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : QF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QF General control air supply
QFA Central control air generation system
QFB Central control air distribution system
QFC General control air supply
QFD General control air supply
QFE General control air supply
QFF General control air supply
QFG General control air supply
QFH General control air supply
QFJ General control air supply
QFK General control air supply
QFL General control air supply
QFM General control air supply
QFN General control air supply
QFP General control air supply
QFQ General control air supply
QFR General control air supply
QFS General control air supply
QFT General control air supply
QFU General control air supply
QFV Lubricant supply system
QFW Sealing fluid supply system
QFX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QFY Control and protection equipment
Page QF1 of QF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : QG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QG Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGA Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGB Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGC Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGD Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGE Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGF Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGG Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGH Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGJ Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGK Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGL Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGM Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGN Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGP Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGQ Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGR Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGS Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGT Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGU Central gas supply for closed gas cycles (as working fluid)
QGV Lubricant supply system
QGW Sealing fluid supply system
QGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QGY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QH Auxiliary steam generating system
QHA Pressure system
QHB Support structure, enclosure, steam generator interior
QHC Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning equipment
QHD Ash and slag removal
QHE Blowdown system, flash drain system
QHF Bunker, feeder and pulverizing system
QHG Boiler water circulation system (also for electrode steam boiler)
QHH Main firing system (electric-powered as well)
QHJ Ignition firing equipment (if separate)
QHL Combustion air system (primary air, secondary air)
QHM Gas heating system (for closed cycle)
QHN Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas treatment)
QHP Mechanical dust handling system
QHQ Electrostatic precipitator
QHR Chemical flue gas treatment system, incl. residues removal, adsorptive process
QHS Chemical flue gas treatment system, incl. residues removal, catalytic process
QHT Chemical flue gas treatment system, incl. residues removal, absorptive process
QHU Flue gas reheating system
QHV Lubricant supply system
QHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QHY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QJ Central gas supply, also inert gas (see *SE* for welding blanket gas supply
systems, see *MK*, *ML*, *XK*, *XL* for central gas supply systems for main
and heavy machinery)
QJA Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJB Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJC Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJD Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJE Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJF Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJG Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJH Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJJ Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJK Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJL Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJM Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJN Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJP Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJQ Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJR Central gas supply, also inert gas
QJV Lubricant supply system
QJW Sealing fluid supply system
QJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QJY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QK Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKA Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKB Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKC Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKD Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKE Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKF Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKG Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKH Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKJ Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKK Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKL Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKM Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKN Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKP Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKQ Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKR Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKS Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKT Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKU Chilled water systems for conventional area
QKV Lubricant supply system
QKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QKY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QL Feedwater, steam, condensate cycle of auxiliary steam generating and
distribution system
QLA Feedwater system
QLB Steam system
QLC Condensate system
QLD Condensate polishing plant
QLF Common equipment for auxiliary steam generation and distribution systems
QLV Lubricant supply system
QLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QLY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QM Air humidifying system
QMA Air humidifying system
QMB Air humidifying system
QMC Air humidifying system
QMD Air humidifying system
QME Air humidifying system
QMF Air humidifying system
QMG Air humidifying system
QMH Air humidifying system
QMJ Air humidifying system
QMK Air humidifying system
QML Air humidifying system
QMM Air humidifying system
QMN Air humidifying system
QMP Air humidifying system
QMQ Air humidifying system
QMR Air humidifying system
QMS Air humidifying system
QMT Air humidifying system
QMU Air humidifying system
QMV Lubricant supply system
QMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QMY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QS Central oil supply and disposal system (for systems assignable to more than one
QSA Central oil supply and disposal system
QSB Central oil supply and disposal system
QSC Central oil supply and disposal system
QSD Central oil supply and disposal system
QSE Central oil supply and disposal system
QSF Central oil supply and disposal system
QSG Central oil supply and disposal system
QSH Central oil supply and disposal system
QSJ Central oil supply and disposal system
QSK Central oil supply and disposal system
QSL Central oil supply and disposal system
QSM Central oil supply and disposal system
QSN Central oil supply and disposal system
QSP Central oil supply and disposal system
QSQ Central oil supply and disposal system
QSR Central oil supply and disposal system
QSS Central oil supply and disposal system
QST Central oil supply and disposal system
QSU Central oil supply and disposal system
QSV Lubricant supply system
QSX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QSY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : QU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Auxiliary systems
QU Sampling systems for conventional area
QUA Sampling systems for conventional area
QUB Sampling systems for conventional area
QUC Sampling systems for conventional area
QUD Sampling systems for conventional area
QUE Sampling systems for conventional area
QUF Sampling systems for conventional area
QUG Sampling systems for conventional area
QUH Sampling systems for conventional area
QUJ Sampling systems for conventional area
QUK Sampling systems for conventional area
QUL Sampling systems for conventional area
QUM Sampling systems for conventional area
QUN Sampling systems for conventional area
QUP Sampling systems for conventional area
QUQ Sampling systems for conventional area
QUR Sampling systems for conventional area
QUS Sampling systems for conventional area
QUT Sampling systems for conventional area
QUU Sampling systems for conventional area
QUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
QUY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : R
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RA Gas generation
RB Support structure
RC Feedstock systems
RD Discharge systems for gasification residues
RE Gasifying agent generation and distribution
RG Main gas cooling systems (if not *RA*)
RH Main gas piping systems, storage, compression, expansion
RJ Main gas precipitator
RK Main gas clean-up (not *RJ*) including regeneration
RL Acid gas, including treatment systems
RM Gas recycle, storage and compression systems
RN Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RP Inert gas, including recovery systems
RS Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
RT Waste water collection and drainage systems
RU Waste water treatment systems
RV Lubricant supply systems
RW Sealing fluid supply systems
RX Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RY Control and protection equipment
RZ Injection and proportioning systems
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RA Gas generation
RAA Gas generator
from incl. fuel, ignition fuel and fluxing agent inlet or
from excl. burner and nozzle system
to excl. removal system or
to excl. solids separator and reycle system or
to excl. gas generator quench gas section or
to incl. main gas outlet
RAB Gas generator interior
RAC Gas generator internals
RAD Lining and refractory brickwork
RAE Cooling system
from incl. gas generator cooling system inlet
to incl. gas generator cooling system outlet
RAF Solids separator and recycle system
from excl. gas generator outlet
to excl. gas generator inlet
to incl. main gas outlet
RAG Gas generator quench gas section
from incl. quench gas section inlet
to incl. quench gas section outlet
RAH Main burner system
from excl. feedstock system or
from excl. gasifying agent generation and distribution system
to excl. gas generator interior
RAJ Pilot burner system
from excl. pilot burner fuel storage and distribution system or
from excl. gasifying agent generation and distribution system
to excl. gas generator interior
RAK Gas generator ignition and standby burner system incl. combustion air system
from excl. ignition fuel storage and distribution system or
from incl. combustion air inlet
to excl. gas generator interior
RAL Ignition and standby hot gas generation and feed system incl. combustion air
from excl. ignition fuel storage and distribution system or
from incl. combustion air inlet
to excl. gas generator interior
RAM Separate gasifying agent injection system
from excl. gasifying agent generation and distribution system
to excl. gas generator interior
RAN Injection from gas recycle system
from excl. gas recycle system
to excl. gas generator interior
RAP Gas condensate injection system
from excl. gas recycle system for gas condensate
to excl. gas generator interior
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RAQ Injection system for other feedstock
from excl. other feedstock system
to excl. gas generator interior
RAR Fluxing agent injection system
from excl. feed system for fluxing agents
to excl. gas generator interior
RAS Filter cleaning system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
RAT Fluidizing air injection system
from excl. fluidizing gas piping system
to excl. gas generator interior
RAV Lubricant supply system
RAW Sealing fluid supply system
RAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RAY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RB Support structure
RBA Frame including foundations
RBB Enclosures, insulations
RBD Platforms and stairways
RBE Support structure (available for use as process demands)
RBF Support structure (available for use as process demands)
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RC Feedstock systems
RCA Fuel storage bunker, hopper (atmospheric pressure)
from excl. receiving point
to excl. distribution and transport system (atmospheric pressure)
RCB Distribution and transport system (atmospheric pressure)
from excl. fuel storage bunker, hopper outlet
to excl. pulverizing and mixing system (slurry) or
to excl. air lock system, slurry pump system
RCC Pulverizing and mixing system (slurry)
from excl. distribution and transport system (atmospheric pressure)
to excl. airlock system, slurry pump system
RCE Airlock system, slurry pump system
from excl. distribution and transport system (atmospheric pressure) or
from excl. pulverizing and mixing system (slurry)
to excl. fuel hopper (pressurized)
RCF Fuel storage bunker, container (pressurized)
from excl. airlock system, slurry pump system
to excl. distribution and transport system (pressurized)
RCG Distribution and transport system (pressurized)
from excl. fuel hopper (pressurized)
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. main burner system
RCJ Ignition fuel storage and distribution system
from excl. ignition fuel supply system
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. gas generator ignition and standby burner system or
to excl. ignition and standby hot gas generation and
feed system or
to excl. feedstock system
RCK Pilot burner fuel storage and distribution system
from excl. fuel supply system
to excl. pilot burner system
RCL Proportioning system for other feedstock
from excl. supply system
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. feedstock system
RCM Proportioning system for fluxing agents
from excl. supply system
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. feed system for fluxing agents
RCS Filter cleaning system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
RCV Lubricant supply system
RCW Sealing fluid supply system
RCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RCY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RD Discharge systems for gasification residues
RDA Collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized) (system 1)
from excl. receiving point
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. pressure relief system
RDB Pressure relief system (system 1)
from excl. collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized)
to excl. collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure)
RDC Collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure) (system 1)
from excl. pressure relief system
to excl. transport and treatment system for fuel
conversion residues or
to excl. feedstock system
RDE Collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized) (system 2)
from excl. receiving point
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. pressure relief system
RDF Pressure relief system (system 2)
from excl. collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized)
to excl. collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure)
RDG Collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure) (system 2)
from excl. pressure relief system
to excl. transport and treatment system for fuel
conversion residues or
to excl. feedstock system
RDJ Collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized) (system 3)
from excl. receiving point
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. pressure relief system
RDK Pressure relief system (system 3)
from excl. collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized)
to excl. collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure)
RDL Collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure) (system 3)
from excl. pressure relief system
to excl. transport and treatment system for fuel
conversion residues or
to excl. feedstock system
RDN Collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized) (system 4)
from excl. receiving point
to excl. gas generator or
to excl. pressure relief system
RDP Pressure relief system (system 4)
from excl. collection, transport and treatment system (pressurized)
to excl. collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure)
RDQ Collection, transport and treatment system (atmospheric pressure) (system 4)
from excl. pressure relief system
to excl. transport and treatment system for fuel
conversion residues or
to excl. feedstock system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RDS Filter cleaning system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
RDV Lubricant supply system
RDW Sealing fluid supply system
RDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RDY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RE Gasifying agent generation and distribution
REA Air (gasifying agent) compression and supercompression system
from excl. atmosphere or
from excl. compressor casing outlet of gas turbine
to excl. compressed air distribution system or
to excl. gasifying agent heater
REB Gasifying agent heater (other than *RGC*)
from incl. preheater inlet
to incl. preheater outlet or
to incl. preheater outlet incl. desuperheater
REC Compressed air distribution system (incl. oxygen-enriched air)
from excl. air (gasifying agent) compression and
supercompression system outlet or
from excl. oxygen piping system (pressurized) or
from excl. other system
to excl. other system or
to excl. main burner system or
to excl. pilot burner system or
to excl. separate gasifying agent injection system
REE Air compression and supercompression system upstream of air separation plant
from excl. atmosphere or
from excl. compressor casing outlet of gas turbine
to incl. air compression and supercompression system
outlet upstream of air separation plant
REF Air separation plant
from excl. air (gasifying agent) compression and supercompression
system outlet upstream of air separation plant
to excl. oxygen piping system (pressurized) or
to excl. oxygen compression and supercompression system or
to excl. liquid oxygen discharge system or
to excl. discharge system for other gases (inert gases)
from air separation plant or
to excl. liquid nitrogen discharge system or
to excl. inert gas, including recovery system or
to excl. nitrogen piping system (*RPG*)
REG Oxygen compression and supercompression system
from incl. oxygen compression and supercompression system inlet
to incl. oxygen compression and supercompression system outlet
REH Oxygen piping system (pressurized)
from excl. air separation plant or
from excl. oxygen compression and supercompression system or
from excl. other system
to excl. other system or
to excl. main burner system or
to excl. pilot burner system or
to excl. separate gasifying agent injection system
REJ Liquid oxygen outlet system
from excl. air separation plant
to excl. oxygen piping system (pressurized) or
to excl. other system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
REK Discharge system for other gases from air separation plant (inert gases)
from excl. air separation plant
to incl. dispatch facility or
to excl. other system
REL Liquid nitrogen discharge system
from excl. air separation plant
to excl. inert gas, including recovery system or
to excl. other system or
to incl. dispatch facility
REP External oxygen supply system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. oxygen compression and supercompression system or
to excl. oxygen piping system (pressurized)
RER Gasifying steam system
from excl. water/steam system or
from excl. other system
to excl. main burner system or
to excl. pilot burner system or
to excl. separate gasifying agent injection system
REV Lubricant supply system
REW Sealing fluid supply system
REX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
REY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RG Main gas cooling systems (if not *RA*)
RGA Indirect heat transfer to water/steam cycle
from incl. main gas inlet or
from incl. water/steam inlet
to incl. main gas outlet or
to incl. water/steam outlet or
to incl. gas condensate outlet
RGB Indirect heat transfer to gas
from incl. main gas inlet or
from incl. gas recycle system inlet or
from incl. inert gas inlet
to incl. main gas outlet or
to incl. gas recycle system outlet or
to incl. inert gas outlet or
to incl. gas condensate outlet
RGC Indirect heat transfer to gasifying agent
from incl. main gas inlet or
from incl. gasifying agent inlet
to incl. main gas outlet or
to incl. gasifying agent outlet or
to incl. gas condensate outlet
RGD Indirect heat transfer to combustion air
from incl. main gas inlet or
from incl. combustion air inlet
to incl. main gas outlet or
to incl. combustion air outlet or
to incl. gas condensate outlet
RGE Indirect heat transfer to cooling water
from incl. main gas inlet or
from incl. cooling water inlet
to incl. main gas outlet or
to incl. cooling water outlet or
to incl. gas condensate outlet
RGJ Direct heat transfer (quench) to gas
from incl. main gas inlet or
from incl. coolant inlet
from excl. coolant supply line
to incl. main gas outlet
RGK Direct heat transfer (quench, saturation) to steam
RGL Direct heat transfer (quench, saturation) to water
RGM Direct heat transfer (quench) to other fluids
RGS Filter cleaning system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
RGV Lubricant supply system
RGW Sealing fluid supply system
RGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RGY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RGZ Injection and proportioning system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RH Main gas piping systems, storage, compression, expansion
RHA Main gas piping system
from excl. other system
to excl. other system
RHE Humidification system
from excl. main gas piping system or
from excl. water/steam cycle or
from excl. collection, storage and recycle system for gas condensate
to excl. main gas piping system or
to excl. water/steam cycle or
to excl. collection, storage and recycle system for gas condensate
RHF Conditioning system 1
from excl. branch off supply system or
from incl. unloading facility
RHG Conditioning system 2
from excl. branch off supply system or
from incl. unloading facility
RHK Gas storage system
from excl. main gas piping system or
from excl. gas compression system
to excl. main gas piping system or
to excl. gas pressure reducing system
RHM Gas compression system
from excl. main gas piping system
to excl. main gas piping system or
to excl. gas storage system or
to excl. gas recycle system
RHN Gas pressure reducing system
from excl. main gas piping system or
from excl. gas storage system
to excl. main gas piping system or
to excl. other system
RHP Flare system 1
from excl. main gas piping system
to incl. flare system outlet
RHQ Flare system 2
from excl. main gas piping system
to incl. flare system outlet
RHS Filter cleaning system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
RHV Lubricant supply system
RHW Sealing fluid supply system
RHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RHY Control and protection equipment
RHZ Injection and proportioning system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RJ Main gas precipitator
RJA Cartridge filter system
from incl. cartridge filter inlet
from excl. filter cleaning system
to incl. cartridge filter outlet
to excl. gasification residues removal system
RJB Cyclone filter system
from incl. cyclone filter inlet
from excl. filter cleaning system
to incl. cyclone filter outlet
to excl. gasification residues removal system
RJC Bag filter system
from incl. bag filter inlet
from excl. filter cleaning system
to incl. bag filter outlet
to excl. gasification residues removal system
RJD Packed-bed filter system
from incl. packed-bed filter inlet
from excl. filter cleaning system
to incl. packed-bed filter outlet
to excl. gasification residues removal system
RJE Electrostatic precipitator system
from incl. electrostatic precipitator inlet
from excl. filter cleaning system
to incl. electrostatic precipitator outlet
to excl. gasification residues removal system
RJS Filter cleaning system
from excl. branch off supply system Limit:
RJV Lubricant supply system
RJW Sealing fluid supply system
RJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RJY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RK Main gas clean-up (not *RJ*) including regeneration
RKA Scrubber system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKB Conversion system including hydrolysis
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKC Gas purification system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKG Scrubber regeneration system 1
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKH Scrubber regeneration system 2
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKJ Scrubber regeneration system 3
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKL Regeneration system 1 for purification system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKM Regeneration system 2 for purification system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKN Regeneration system 3 for purification system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKQ Refrigeration system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RKV Lubricant supply system
RKW Sealing fluid supply system
RKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RKY Control and protection equipment
RKZ Injection and proportioning system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RL Acid gas, including treatment systems
RLA Thermal treatment (Claus process)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLB Catalytic treatment (Claus process)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLE Absorber, wet oxidation system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLH Thermal treatment (tail gas)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLJ Catalytic treatment (tail gas)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLK Absorption treatment (tail gas)
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLN Sulphur treatment system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLP Sulphur forwarding and storage system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLR Sulphuric acid system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLS Sulphuric acid storage system
from incl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RLW Sealing fluid supply system
RLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RLY Control and protection equipment
RLZ Injection and proportioning system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RM Gas recycle, storage and compression systems
RMA Quench gas piping system
from excl. main gas piping system or
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. direct heat transfer (quench) to gas or
to excl. gas generator quench gas section
RMB Piping system for expanded gas (not from airlock system)
from excl. pressure reducing valve
to excl. other system (excl. quench gas compressor)
RMC Acid gas piping system
from excl. regeneration system
to excl. acid gas, incl. treatment system
RMD Fluidizing gas piping system
from excl. main gas piping system
to excl. fluidizing air injection system or
to excl. load system (excl. fluidizing gas compressor)
RME Airlock gas piping system (not inert gas)
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. airlocks (excl. airlock gas compressor)
RMF Other gas piping system
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. other system
RMH Storage system 1
from excl. store inlet
to excl. other gas piping system
RMJ Storage system 2
from excl. store inlet
to excl. other gas piping system
RMM Quench gas compressor system
from incl. compressor system inlet
to incl. compressor system outlet
RMN Expanded gas compressor system
from incl. compressor system inlet
to incl. compressor system outlet
RMP Acid gas compressor system
from incl. compressor system inlet
to incl. compressor system outlet
RMQ Fluidizing gas compressor system
from incl. compressor system inlet
to incl. compressor system outlet
RMR Airlock gas compressor system (not inert gas)
from incl. compressor system inlet
to incl. compressor system outlet
RMS Compressor system for other gases
from incl. compressor system inlet
to incl. compressor system outlet
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RMV Lubricant supply system
RMW Sealing fluid supply system
RMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RMY Control and protection equipment
RMZ Injection and proportioning system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : RN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RN Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNA Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNB Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNC Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RND Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNE Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNF Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNG Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNH Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNJ Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNK Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNL Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNM Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNN Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNP Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNQ Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNR Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNS Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNT Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNU Collection, storage and recycle systems for gas condensate
RNV Lubricant supply system
RNW Sealing fluid supply system
RNX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RNY Control and protection equipment
Page RN1 of RN1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RP Inert gas, including recovery systems
RPA Inert gas generation by air fractionation
from excl. atmosphere
to incl. inert gas distribution system inlet
RPB Inert gas generation by molecular sieving
from excl. atmosphere
to incl. inert gas distribution system inlet
RPC Inert gas generation by combustion
from excl. atmosphere
to incl. inert gas distribution system inlet
RPG Nitrogen piping system for addition ahead of burner gas turbine
from excl. air separation plant outlet or
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. compressor inlet or
to excl. combustion chamber inlet
RPH Supercompression of nitrogen from *RPG*
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
RPJ Inert gas distribution system including storage system
from excl. inert gas generator outlet or
from excl. air separation plant *REF* outlet or
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. compressor inlet or
to excl. inert gas load system inlet
RPK Inert gas distribution system including storage system
from excl. inert gas generator outlet or
from excl. air separation plant *REF* outlet or
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. compressor inlet or
to excl. inert gas load system inlet
RPL Inert gas distribution system including storage system
from excl. inert gas generator outlet or
from excl. air separation plant *REF* outlet or
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. compressor inlet or
to excl. inert gas load system inlet
RPM Inert gas distribution system including storage system
from excl. inert gas generator outlet or
from excl. air separation plant *REF* outlet or
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. compressor inlet or
to excl. inert gas load system inlet
RPN Inert gas distribution system including storage system
from excl. inert gas generator outlet or
from excl. air separation plant *REF* outlet or
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. compressor inlet or
to excl. inert gas load system inlet
Page RP1 of RP2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RPP Inert gas compressor system
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
RPQ Inert gas compressor system
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
RPR Inert gas compressor system
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
RPS Inert gas compressor system
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
RPW Sealing fluid supply system
RPX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RPY Control and protection equipment
Page RP2 of RP2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RS Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
RSA Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSB Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSC Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSD Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSE Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSF Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSG Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
Page RS1 of RS3 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RSH Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSJ Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSK Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSL Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSM Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSN Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSP Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
Page RS2 of RS3 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RS
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RSQ Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSR Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSS Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RST Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSU Supply and removal systems for water, steam and condensate
The following applies to supply systems :
from excl. branch off other system
to excl. user
The following applies to removal systems :
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RSV Lubricant supply system
RSW Sealing fluid supply system
RSX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RSY Control and protection equipment
RSZ Injection and proportioning system
Page RS3 of RS3 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RT Waste water collection and drainage systems
RTA Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTB Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTC Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTD Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTE Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTF Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTG Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTH Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTJ Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTK Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTL Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTM Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTN Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTP Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTQ Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
Page RT1 of RT2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RTR Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTS Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTT Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTU Waste water collection and drainage systems
from excl. producer
to excl. discharge into other system
RTV Lubricant supply system
RTW Sealing fluid supply system
RTX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RTY Control and protection equipment
RTZ Injection and proportioning system
Page RT2 of RT2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RU Waste water treatment systems
RUA Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUB Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUC Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUD Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUE Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUF Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUG Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUJ Processing material system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge
RUK Processing material system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge
RUL Processing material system
from incl. receiving point
to excl. discharge
RUM Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUN Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUP Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUQ Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
RUR Waste water treatment system
from excl. inlet
to incl. outlet
Page RU1 of RU2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
RUS Residues treatment and removal system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. discharge
RUT Residues treatment and removal system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. discharge
RUU Residues treatment and removal system
from excl. receiving point
to excl. discharge
RUV Lubricant supply system
RUW Sealing fluid supply system
RUX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
RUY Control and protection equipment
RUZ Injection and proportioning system
Page RU2 of RU2 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RV Lubricant supply systems
RVA Lubricant supply systems
RVB Lubricant supply systems
RVC Lubricant supply systems
RVD Lubricant supply systems
RVE Lubricant supply systems
RVF Lubricant supply systems
RVG Lubricant supply systems
RVH Lubricant supply systems
RVJ Lubricant supply systems
RVK Lubricant supply systems
RVL Lubricant supply systems
RVM Lubricant supply systems
RVN Lubricant supply systems
RVP Lubricant supply systems
RVQ Lubricant supply systems
RVR Lubricant supply systems
RVS Lubricant supply systems
RVT Lubricant supply systems
RVU Lubricant supply systems
Page RV1 of RV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RW Sealing fluid supply systems
RWA Sealing fluid supply systems
RWB Sealing fluid supply systems
RWC Sealing fluid supply systems
RWD Sealing fluid supply systems
RWE Sealing fluid supply systems
RWF Sealing fluid supply systems
RWG Sealing fluid supply systems
RWH Sealing fluid supply systems
RWJ Sealing fluid supply systems
RWK Sealing fluid supply systems
RWL Sealing fluid supply systems
RWM Sealing fluid supply systems
RWN Sealing fluid supply systems
RWP Sealing fluid supply systems
RWQ Sealing fluid supply systems
RWR Sealing fluid supply systems
RWS Sealing fluid supply systems
RWT Sealing fluid supply systems
RWU Sealing fluid supply systems
Page RW1 of RW1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RX Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXA Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXB Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXC Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXD Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXE Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXF Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXG Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXH Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXJ Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXK Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXL Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXM Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXN Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXP Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXQ Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXR Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXS Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXT Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
RXU Fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment
Page RX1 of RX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RY Control and protection equipment
RYA Control and protection equipment
RYB Control and protection equipment
RYC Control and protection equipment
RYD Control and protection equipment
RYE Control and protection equipment
RYF Control and protection equipment
RYG Control and protection equipment
RYH Control and protection equipment
RYJ Control and protection equipment
RYK Control and protection equipment
RYL Control and protection equipment
RYM Control and protection equipment
RYN Control and protection equipment
RYP Control and protection equipment
RYQ Control and protection equipment
RYR Control and protection equipment
RYS Control and protection equipment
RYT Control and protection equipment
RYU Control and protection equipment
Page RY1 of RY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : RZ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
R Gas generation and treatment
RZ Injection and proportioning systems
RZA Injection and proportioning systems
RZB Injection and proportioning systems
RZC Injection and proportioning systems
RZD Injection and proportioning systems
RZE Injection and proportioning systems
RZF Injection and proportioning systems
RZG Injection and proportioning systems
RZH Injection and proportioning systems
RZJ Injection and proportioning systems
RZK Injection and proportioning systems
RZL Injection and proportioning systems
RZM Injection and proportioning systems
RZN Injection and proportioning systems
RZP Injection and proportioning systems
RZQ Injection and proportioning systems
RZR Injection and proportioning systems
RZS Injection and proportioning systems
RZT Injection and proportioning systems
RZU Injection and proportioning systems
Page RZ1 of RZ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : S
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SA Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SB Space heating systems
SC Stationary compressed air supplies
SD Stationary cleaning systems (see *FK.* for decontamination systems)
SE Stationary welding gas systems
SF Heating and fuel gas systems
SG Stationary fire protection systems
SH Waterway facilities
SM Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SN Elevators
SP Railway installations
SQ Road installations
SR Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities inside controlled area
ST Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities outside controlled
Page S1 of S1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SA Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAA Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAB Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAC Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAD Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAE Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAF Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAG Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAH Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAJ Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAK Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAL Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAM Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAN Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAP Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAQ Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAR Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAS Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAT Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAU Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAV Lubricant supply system
SAX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SAY Control and protection equipment
Page SA1 of SA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SB Space heating systems
SBA Space heating systems
SBB Space heating systems
SBC Space heating systems
SBD Space heating systems
SBE Space heating systems
SBF Space heating systems
SBG Space heating systems
SBH Space heating systems
SBJ Space heating systems
SBK Space heating systems
SBL Space heating systems
SBM Space heating systems
SBN Space heating systems
SBP Space heating systems
SBQ Space heating systems
SBR Space heating systems
SBS Space heating systems
SBT Space heating systems
SBU Space heating systems
SBX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SBY Control and protection equipment
Page SB1 of SB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SC Stationary compressed air supplies
SCA Compressed air generation system
SCB Compressed air distribution system
SCC Stationary compressed air supplies
SCD Stationary compressed air supplies
SCE Stationary compressed air supplies
SCF Stationary compressed air supplies
SCG Stationary compressed air supplies
SCH Stationary compressed air supplies
SCJ Stationary compressed air supplies
SCK Stationary compressed air supplies
SCL Stationary compressed air supplies
SCM Stationary compressed air supplies
SCN Stationary compressed air supplies
SCP Stationary compressed air supplies
SCQ Stationary compressed air supplies
SCR Stationary compressed air supplies
SCS Stationary compressed air supplies
SCT Stationary compressed air supplies
SCU Stationary compressed air supplies
SCV Lubricant supply system
SCX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SCY Control and protection equipment
Page SC1 of SC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SD
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SD Stationary cleaning systems (see *FK.* for decontamination systems)
SDA Stationary cleaning systems
SDB Stationary cleaning systems
SDC Stationary cleaning systems
SDD Stationary cleaning systems
SDE Stationary cleaning systems
SDF Stationary cleaning systems
SDG Stationary cleaning systems
SDH Stationary cleaning systems
SDJ Stationary cleaning systems
SDK Stationary cleaning systems
SDL Stationary cleaning systems
SDM Stationary cleaning systems
SDN Stationary cleaning systems
SDP Stationary cleaning systems
SDQ Stationary cleaning systems
SDR Stationary cleaning systems
SDS Stationary cleaning systems
SDT Stationary cleaning systems
SDU Stationary cleaning systems
SDX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SDY Control and protection equipment
Page SD1 of SD1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SE Stationary welding gas systems
SEA Stationary welding gas systems
SEB Stationary welding gas systems
SEC Stationary welding gas systems
SED Stationary welding gas systems
SEE Stationary welding gas systems
SEF Stationary welding gas systems
SEG Stationary welding gas systems
SEH Stationary welding gas systems
SEJ Stationary welding gas systems
SEK Stationary welding gas systems
SEL Stationary welding gas systems
SEM Stationary welding gas systems
SEN Stationary welding gas systems
SEP Stationary welding gas systems
SEQ Stationary welding gas systems
SER Stationary welding gas systems
SES Stationary welding gas systems
SET Stationary welding gas systems
SEU Stationary welding gas systems
Page SE1 of SE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SF Heating and fuel gas systems
SFA Heating and fuel gas systems
SFB Heating and fuel gas systems
SFC Heating and fuel gas systems
SFD Heating and fuel gas systems
SFE Heating and fuel gas systems
SFF Heating and fuel gas systems
SFG Heating and fuel gas systems
SFH Heating and fuel gas systems
SFJ Heating and fuel gas systems
SFK Heating and fuel gas systems
SFL Heating and fuel gas systems
SFM Heating and fuel gas systems
SFN Heating and fuel gas systems
SFP Heating and fuel gas systems
SFQ Heating and fuel gas systems
SFR Heating and fuel gas systems
SFS Heating and fuel gas systems
SFT Heating and fuel gas systems
SFU Heating and fuel gas systems
SFY Control and protection equipment
Page SF1 of SF1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SG Stationary fire protection systems
SGA Fire water system, conventional area
SGB Fire water system, nuclear area
SGC Spray deluge systems, conventional area
SGD Spray deluge systems, nuclear area
SGE Sprinkler systems
SGF Foam fire-fighting systems
SGG Tank roof, tank shell cooling systems
SGJ CO2 fire-fighting systems
SGK Halon fire-fighting systems
SGL Powder fire-fighting systems
SGM Inergen fire-fighting systems
SGV Lubricant supply system
SGX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SGY Control and protection equipment
Page SG1 of SG1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SH Waterway facilities
SHA Intake system (upper pound)
to excl. lock chamber gate (upstream) Limit:
SHB Lock chamber incl. chamber filling and emptying system
SHC Lock chamber gate (upstream)
SHD Lock chamber gate (intermediate)
SHE Lock chamber gate (downstream)
SHF Discharge system (lower pound)
from excl. lock chamber gate (downstream) Limit:
SHJ Anti-icing system
SHK Ship impact system
SHL Leakage drain system
SHM Draining system
SHS Minimum water system
SHT Fish ladder
SHU Raft canal
SHV Lubricant supply system
SHW Sealing fluid supply system
SHX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SHY Control and protection equipment
Page SH1 of SH1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SM Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMA Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMB Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMC Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMD Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SME Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMF Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMG Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMH Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMJ Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMK Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SML Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMM Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMN Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMP Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMQ Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMR Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMS Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMT Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMU Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying appliances
SMX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
SMY Control and protection equipment
Page SM1 of SM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SN Elevators
SNA Elevators
SNB Elevators
SNC Elevators
SND Elevators
SNE Elevators
SNF Elevators
SNG Elevators
SNH Elevators
SNJ Elevators
SNK Elevators
SNL Elevators
SNM Elevators
SNN Elevators
SNP Elevators
SNQ Elevators
SNR Elevators
SNS Elevators
SNT Elevators
SNU Elevators
SNY Control and protection equipment
Page SN1 of SN1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SP Railway installations
SPA Railway installations
SPB Railway installations
SPC Railway installations
SPD Railway installations
SPE Railway installations
SPF Railway installations
SPG Railway installations
SPH Railway installations
SPJ Railway installations
SPK Railway installations
SPL Railway installations
SPM Railway installations
SPN Railway installations
SPP Railway installations
SPQ Railway installations
SPR Railway installations
SPS Railway installations
SPT Railway installations
SPU Railway installations
SPY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : SQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SQ Road installations
SQA Road installations
SQB Road installations
SQC Road installations
SQD Road installations
SQE Road installations
SQF Road installations
SQG Road installations
SQH Road installations
SQJ Road installations
SQK Road installations
SQL Road installations
SQM Road installations
SQN Road installations
SQP Road installations
SQQ Road installations
SQR Road installations
SQS Road installations
SQT Road installations
SQU Road installations
SQY Control and protection equipment
Page SQ1 of SQ1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : SR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
SR Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities inside controlled area
SRA Hot workshop equipment
SRC Maintenance areas in controlled area
SRG Hot laboratory equipment
SRH Health physics laboratory equipment
SRP Staff amenities in controlled area
SRY Control and protection equipment
Page SR1 of SR1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : ST
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
S Ancillary systems
ST Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities outside controlled
STA Workshop equipment outside controlled area
STC Maintenance areas outside controlled area
STE Stores and filling station equipment
STG Laboratory equipment
STP Staff amenities
STY Control and protection equipment
Page ST1 of ST1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : U
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UA Structures for grid and distribution systems
UB Structures for power transmission and auxiliary power supply
UC Structures for instrumentation and control
UE Structures for conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
UF Structures for the handling of nuclear equipment
UG Structures for water supply and disposal
UH Structures for conventional heat generation
UJ Structures for nuclear heat generation
UK Structures for reactor auxiliary systems
UL Structures for steam-, water-, gas-cycles
UM Structures for main machine sets
UN Structures for process energy supply
UP Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e. g. circulating water intake)
UQ Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e. g. circulating water pumps
and outfall)
UR Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e. g. recirculation cooling)
US Structures for ancillary systems
UT Structures for auxiliary systems
UU Shaft structures
UV Structures for chemical flue gas treatment incl. residues removal (for *HR.*,
*HS.*, *HT.*)
UX Structures for external systems (power plant-specific)
UY General service structures
UZ Structures for transport, traffic, fencing, gardens and other purposes
Page U1 of U1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UA Structures for grid and distribution systems
UAA Switchyard structure
UAB Grid systems switchgear building
UAC Grid systems control building
UAE Structure for pneumatic control system
UAG Structure for transformers
UAH Structure for supports and equipment
UAX Special structure (plant-specific)
UAY Bridge structure
UAZ Ducting structure
Page UA1 of UA1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UB Structures for power transmission and auxiliary power supply
UBA Switchgear building
UBC Structure for offsite system transformers
UBD Structure for low-voltage auxiliary power transformers
UBE Structure for medium-voltage auxiliary power transformers
UBF Structure for generator transformers
UBG Structure for start-up transformers
UBH Structure for oil collecting pits
UBJ Structure for transformer tracks
UBK Transformer assembly building
UBL Structure for busbars
UBM Structure for transformer cooling systems
UBN Structure for emergency power generating sets (without central water chiller)
UBP Emergency power generating and central water chiller building
UBQ Structure for emergency power generator fuel supply system
UBX Special structure (plant-specific)
UBY Bridge structure
UBZ Ducting structure
Page UB1 of UB1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UC
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UC Structures for instrumentation and control
UCA Unit control room building
UCB Control station building
UCL Structure for measuring equipment
UCP Cooling water monitoring structure
UCX Special structure (plant-specific)
UCY Bridge structure
UCZ Ducting structure
Page UC1 of UC1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UE Structures for conventional fuel supply and residues disposal
UEA Structure for unloading of solid fuels
UEB Structure for storage of solid fuels
UED Structure for transport of solid fuels
UEE Structure for treatment of solid fuels
UEF Structure for transfer (e. g. junction tower)
UEG Structure for conversion of solid fuels
UEH Structure for unloading and reception of liquid fuels
UEJ Structure for storage of liquid fuels
UEL Structure for forwarding of liquid fuels (e. g. pump house)
UEM Structure for treatment and handling of liquid fuels
UEN Structure for transfer, conversion, storage of gaseous fuels
UER Structure for forwarding of gaseous fuels
UET Structure for ash storage
UEU Structure for ash transport
UEV Structure for ash settling pond
UEW Structure for combustion residues handling
UEX Special structure (plant-specific)
UEY Bridge structure
UEZ Ducting structure
Page UE1 of UE1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UF
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UF Structures for the handling of nuclear equipment
UFA Fuel pool building
UFB Fuel handling building
UFC Fuel storage building
UFJ Structure for hot cell
UFX Special structure (plant-specific)
UFY Bridge structure
UFZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UG Structures for water supply and disposal
UGA Structure for raw water supply
UGD Structure for demineralization system
UGE Structure for neutralization system
UGF Structure for fire water supply
UGG Structure for drinking water supply
UGH Structure for rainwater
UGJ Structure for cooling tower make-up water treatment
UGK Flocculant mixing chamber
UGL Flocculator structure, flocculator
UGN Treated water basin
UGP Sludge thickener
UGQ Sludge dewatering building
UGR Sludge storage structure
UGU Structure for effluent disposal
UGV Structure for sewerage plant
UGX Special structure (plant-specific)
UGY Bridge structure
UGZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UH
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UH Structures for conventional heat generation
UHA Steam generator enclosure, steam generator building (boiler house)
UHF Bunker bay
UHL Structure for boiler compressed air supply
UHN Smoke stack, incl. structure for flue gas circulation (e. g. for induced draft fan)
UHQ Structure for flue gas filtering system
UHU Structure for flue gas reheating system
UHV Structure for combustion air circulation (e. g. for forced draft fan)
UHW Boiler blowdown structure
UHX Special structure (plant-specific)
UHY Bridge structure
UHZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UJ Structures for nuclear heat generation
UJA Reactor building, containment interior (when separate from *UJB*)
UJB Reactor building annulus (when separate from *UJA*)
UJC Heat exchanger building (not for light water reactors)
UJD Steam generator building (not for light water reactors)
UJE Main steam and feedwater valve compartment
UJF Equipment air lock enclosure
UJG Gantry (reactor building)
UJX Special structure (plant-specific)
UJY Bridge structure
UJZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UK Structures for reactor auxiliary systems
UKA Reactor auxiliary building
UKB Reactor ancillary systems building (e. g. for BWR plants)
UKC Nuclear services building (not for light water reactors)
UKD Emergency standby structure (not for light water reactors)
UKH Structure for air exhaust (vent stack)
UKJ Tritium extraction system building
UKS Radioactive waste processing building
UKT Structure for radioactive waste storage
UKX Special structure (plant-specific)
UKY Bridge structure
UKZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UL Structures for steam-, water-, gas-cycles
ULA Feedwater pump house
ULB Emergency feed building
ULC Structure for condensate system
ULD Structure for condensate polishing plant (if separate)
ULE Structure for emergency supply systems (if separate)
ULN Structure for hydroelectric power plant water impounding works
ULP Structure for hydroelectric power plant intake systems
ULQ Structure for hydroelectric power plant tail-race systems
ULX Special structure (plant-specific)
ULY Bridge structure
ULZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UM
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UM Structures for main machine sets
UMA Steam turbine building
UMB Gas turbine building
UMC Gas and steam turbine building (tandem arrangement)
UME Hydraulic turbine building
UMG Pumped storage turbine building
UMJ Diesel engine building
UMM Compressor system building
UMR Gas engine plant building
UMX Special structure (plant-specific)
UMY Bridge structure
UMZ Ducting structure
Page UM1 of UM1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UN
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UN Structures for process energy supply
UNX Special structure (plant-specific)
UNY Bridge structure
UNZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UP Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e. g. circulating water intake)
UPA Circulating (cooling) water intake culvert
UPB Service (secondary cooling) water intake culvert
UPC Circulating (cooling) water intake structure
UPD Service (secondary cooling) water intake structure
UPH Circulating (cooling) water treatment structure
UPJ Service (secondary cooling) water treatment structure
UPN Circulating (cooling) water inlet culvert
UPP Service (secondary cooling) water inlet culvert
UPQ Biocide treatment building
UPS Debris trough
UPT Screen wash water cleaning structure
UPX Special structure (plant-specific)
UPY Bridge structure
UPZ Ducting structure
Page UP1 of UP1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UQ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UQ Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e. g. circulating water pumps
and outfall)
UQA Circulating (cooling) water pump building
UQB Service (secondary cooling) water pump building
UQG Circulating (cooling) water overflow structure, surge tank
UQH Screen wash water discharge culvert
UQJ Circulating (cooling) water seal pit, incl. circulating (cooling) water aeration
UQK Circulating (cooling) water venting structure
UQL Service (secondary cooling) water surge pond
UQM Service (secondary cooling) water collecting pond
UQN Circulating (cooling) water outfall culvert
UQP Service (secondary cooling) water outfall culvert
UQQ Circulating (cooling) water outfall structure
UQR Service (secondary cooling) water outfall structure
UQS Circulating (cooling) water discharge culvert
UQT Service (secondary cooling) water discharge culvert
UQU Circulating (cooling) water spillway structure, incl. circulating (cooling) water
aeration structure
UQV Structure for artificial circulating (cooling) water aeration
UQW Routing structure for circulating (cooling) water discharge
UQX Special structure (plant-specific)
UQY Bridge structure
UQZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UR Structures for circulating (cooling) water systems (e. g. recirculation cooling)
URA Cooling tower structure (circulating/main cooling water)
URB Cooling tower structure (service/secondary cooling water)
URD Cooling tower pump building (circulating/main cooling water)
URE Cooling tower pump building (service/secondary cooling water)
URG Cooling tower connecting structure
URH Cooling tower outlet structure
URJ Cooling tower outfall culvert
URK Cooling tower return structure
URL Cooling tower return culvert
URM Circulating (cooling) water distribution building
URN Cooling tower bypass structure
URP Cooling tower blowdown structure
URQ Cooling tower blowdown culvert
URX Special structure (plant-specific)
URY Bridge structure
URZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : US
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
US Structures for ancillary systems
USA Structure for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
USB Structure for space heating systems
USC Structure for stationary compressed air supply system
USG Fire pump house
USH Structure for waterway facilities
USR Structure for conventional waste treatment
UST Workshop and stores building
USU Consumables storage building
USV Laboratory building
USX Special structure (plant-specific)
USY Bridge structure
USZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UT Structures for auxiliary systems
UTA Supply systems building
UTB Central water chiller building, conventional area
UTC Central water chiller building, nuclear area
UTF Compressed air system building
UTG Central gas supply systems building (no fuel supply)
UTH Auxiliary steam generator building
UTJ Smoke stack
UTS Chemical storage tank pit
UTX Special structure (plant-specific)
UTY Bridge structure
UTZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UU
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UU Shaft structures
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UV Structures for chemical flue gas treatment incl. residues removal (for *HR.*,
*HS.*, *HT.*)
UVA Structure for flue gas-side heat exchanger
UVB Structure for flue gas fan system
UVC Structure for flue gas scrubber, reactor
UVD Structure for adsorbent/absorbent circuit
UVE Structure for reagent supply, incl. preparation/treatment, storage, forwarding
UVF Structure for thickening and solids dewatering, solids drying and compacting
UVG Structure for chemical flue gas treatment
UVH Structure for (solids/product) forwarding, storage, loading
UVM Structure for catalyst handling and storage
UVX Special structure (plant-specific)
UVY Bridge structure
UVZ Ducting structure
Page UV1 of UV1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UX Structures for external systems (power plant-specific)
UXA Structure for seawater desalination plant
UXX Special structure (plant-specific)
UXY Bridge structure
UXZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : UY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UY General service structures
UYA Office and staff amenities building
UYB Staff amenities building
UYC Administration building
UYD Canteen
UYE Gate house
UYF Security gate house
UYG Information center
UYH Training facilities
UYJ Medical center
UYN Railway engine shed
UYP Fire station
UYQ Garage
UYR Automobile workshop
UYS Filling station
UYX Special structure (plant-specific)
UYY Bridge structure
UYZ Ducting structure
Page UY1 of UY1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : UZ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
U Structures
UZ Structures for transport, traffic, fencing, gardens and other purposes
UZA Works roadways, paths, incl. associated structures
UZC Yards
UZD Parking areas, incl. associated structures
UZE Railway structures
UZF Lifting gear structures
UZJ Fencing and gates
UZK Gardens, incl. structures
UZL Noise abatement structures
UZM Protective structures against external impact (EI)
UZN Structure for flood protection
UZP Structure for bank/shoreline stabilization
UZQ Structure for river regulation
UZR Jetty, quay
UZS Breakwaters
UZT Outdoor area, plots of land and land rights
UZU Site security structure
UZW Residential buildings, residential area
UZX Special structure (plant-specific), scrap yard
UZY Bridge structure
UZZ Ducting structure
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Identification System for Power
Function key : W
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
W Renewable energy plants
WA Solar system (for coordinates)
WB Solar system (for coordinates)
WC Solar system (for coordinates)
WD Solar system (for coordinates)
WE Solar system (for coordinates)
WF Solar system (for coordinates)
WG Solar system (for coordinates)
WH Solar system (for coordinates)
WJ Solar system (for coordinates)
WK Solar system (for coordinates)
WL Solar system (for coordinates)
WM Solar system (for coordinates)
WN Solar system (for coordinates)
WP Solar system (for coordinates)
WQ Solar system (for coordinates)
WR Solar system (for coordinates)
WS Solar system (for coordinates)
WT Solar heating system
WV Lubricant supply system
WW Sealing fluid supply system
WX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WY Control and protection equipment
Page W1 of W1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : WT
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
W Renewable energy plants
WT Solar heating system
WTA Solar heating system
WTB Solar heating system
WTC Solar heating system
WTD Solar heating system
WTE Solar heating system
WTF Solar heating system
WTG Solar heating system
WTH Solar heating system
WTJ Solar heating system
WTK Solar heating system
WTL Solar heating system
WTM Solar heating system
WTN Solar heating system
WTP Solar heating system
WTQ Solar heating system
WTR Solar heating system
WTS Solar heating system
WTT Solar heating system
WTU Solar heating system
WTX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WTY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : WV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
W Renewable energy plants
WV Lubricant supply system
WVA Lubricant supply system
WVB Lubricant supply system
WVC Lubricant supply system
WVD Lubricant supply system
WVE Lubricant supply system
WVF Lubricant supply system
WVG Lubricant supply system
WVH Lubricant supply system
WVJ Lubricant supply system
WVK Lubricant supply system
WVL Lubricant supply system
WVM Lubricant supply system
WVN Lubricant supply system
WVP Lubricant supply system
WVQ Lubricant supply system
WVR Lubricant supply system
WVS Lubricant supply system
WVT Lubricant supply system
WVU Lubricant supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : WW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
W Renewable energy plants
WW Sealing fluid supply system
WWA Sealing fluid supply system
WWB Sealing fluid supply system
WWC Sealing fluid supply system
WWD Sealing fluid supply system
WWE Sealing fluid supply system
WWF Sealing fluid supply system
WWG Sealing fluid supply system
WWH Sealing fluid supply system
WWJ Sealing fluid supply system
WWK Sealing fluid supply system
WWL Sealing fluid supply system
WWM Sealing fluid supply system
WWN Sealing fluid supply system
WWP Sealing fluid supply system
WWQ Sealing fluid supply system
WWR Sealing fluid supply system
WWS Sealing fluid supply system
WWT Sealing fluid supply system
WWU Sealing fluid supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : WX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
W Renewable energy plants
WX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
WXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : WY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
W Renewable energy plants
WY Control and protection equipment
WYA Control and protection equipment
WYB Control and protection equipment
WYC Control and protection equipment
WYD Control and protection equipment
WYE Control and protection equipment
WYF Control and protection equipment
WYG Control and protection equipment
WYH Control and protection equipment
WYJ Control and protection equipment
WYK Control and protection equipment
WYL Control and protection equipment
WYM Control and protection equipment
WYN Control and protection equipment
WYP Control and protection equipment
WYQ Control and protection equipment
WYR Control and protection equipment
WYS Control and protection equipment
WYT Control and protection equipment
WYU Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : X
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XA Steam turbuine plant
XB Gas turbine plant
XE Hydraulic turbine plant
XG Pumped-storage plant a
XJ Diesel engine plant
XK Generator plant
XL Electro-motive plant (incl. motor generator)
XP Common installations for heavy machinery
XR Gas engine plant
XV Lubricant supply system
XW Sealing fluid supply system
XX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XA Steam turbuine plant
XAA HP turbine
from incl. steam admission (main stop valve) or combined
main stop and control valve
to incl. automatic/non-automatic extraction and exhaust
nozzles and
to incl. the interfaces with other turbine internal systems
XAB IP turbine
from incl. crossover line, incl. control element or
from incl. intercept valve
to incl. automatic/non-automatic extraction and exhaust
nozzles and
to incl. the interfaces with other turbine internal systems
XAC LP turbine
from incl. crossover line, incl. control element or
from incl. intercept valve or steam inlet nozzle
(in reheat system without intercept valve)
to incl. automatic/non-automatic extraction and exhaust
nozzles and
to incl. the interfaces with other turbine
XAD Bearings
XAG Condensing system
from incl. condenser neck or inlet nozzle
to incl. condenser outlet nozzle, incl. connected flash
tanks, incl. instrumentation equipment associated
with condenser
XAH Motive water system (if separate from *XAJ*)
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. water-operated air ejector inlet
XAJ Air removal system
from excl. condenser outlet
to excl. atmosphere
XAK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine, incl. turning gear
XAL Drain and vent systems
from incl. collector point or
from incl. final drain
to excl. discharge into other system
XAM Leak-off steam system
from excl. branch from seal leak-off
to excl. discharge into other system
XAN Turbine bypass station, incl. desuperheating spray system
from incl. bypass valve and
from incl. desuperheating spray valve
to incl. steam inlet to condenser
XAP LP turbine bypass
from excl. bypass valve and
from excl. branch off steam system
to excl. condenser
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XA
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
XAQ Vent system (if separate from *XAL*)
from incl. venting point
to excl. discharge into other system
XAV Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or common lubricant
and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off lubricant fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
XAW Sealing, heating and cooling steam system
from excl. branch
to excl. casing nozzle of steam user and leak-off
to excl. condenser or
to incl. gland steam condenser or
to excl. heating/cooling steam user
XAX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
XAY Electrical control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XB Gas turbine plant
XBA Turbine, compressor rotor with common casing
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
from incl. turbine inlet
to incl. turbine outlet, incl. exhaust gas diffuser
XBB Turbine casing and rotor
from incl. turbine inlet
to incl. turbine outlet, incl. exhaust gas diffuser
XBC Compressor casing and rotor
from incl. compressor inlet
to incl. compressor outlet
XBD Bearings
XBH Cooling and sealing gas system
from incl. extraction point
to excl. user and
from excl. user, incl. leak-off
to incl. inlet to other system
XBJ Start-up unit
XBK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine, incl. turning gear,
barring gear
XBL Intake air, cold gas system (open cycle)
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. compressor inlet or
to incl. exhaust gas heat exchanger, excl. compressor
XBM Combustion chamber (gas heating, combustion)
from incl. cold gas, fuel inlet
to incl. hot gas outlet
XBN Fuel supply system (liquid)
from excl. branch off main supply line or
from incl. temporary (day) tank
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. motive gas generating unit, incl. fuel return system
XBP Fuel supply system (gaseous)
from excl. branch off main supply line
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. motive gas generating unit
XBQ Ignition fuel supply system (if separate)
from excl. branch off main supply line or
from incl. storage tank
to excl. combustion chamber or
to excl. motive gas generating unit
XBR Exhaust gas system (open cycle)
from excl. combustion chamber or
from excl. exhaust gas diffuser
to excl. discharge into atmosphere, excl. turbine, or
to excl. inlet to other system (e. g. combustion air system)
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XB
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
XBS Storage system
to excl. connection to main system and
from excl. connection to main system
XBT Motive gas generator unit, incl. combustion chamber
from incl. air/fuel inlet
to incl. motive gas outlet of motive gas generating unit
XBU Additive system
from incl. supply
to incl. injection
XBV Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or common lubricant
and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
XBW Seal oil supply
from incl. dedicated sealing oil tank or
from excl. sealing oil pump suction line
to excl. user and
from excl. user
XBX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
XBY Electrical control and protection equipment
XBZ Lubricant and control fluid treatment system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XE
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XE Hydraulic turbine plant
XEA Turbine (casing, shaft, runner, draft tube etc.)
from excl. turbine inlet or
from excl. isolating valve
to incl. turbine outlet or
to excl. isolating valve
XEB Isolating valve
to isolate headwater from turbine *XEA* and/or
to control headwater flow to turbine *XEA*
XED Bearings
XEG Stabilizing air system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. outlet to turbine
XEK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine
XEL Water depression air supply system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. outlet to turbine
XES Shaft gland cooling water system
XEV Lubricant supply system
from incl. lubricant tank
to excl. user and
from excl. user
XEW Sealing water supply system
from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
XEX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system
XEY Electrical control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XG
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 31.07.98
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XG Pumped-storage plant a
XGA Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.)
from excl. storage pump inlet or
from excl. isolating valve
to incl. storage pump outlet or
to excl. isolating valve
XGB Isolating valve
to isolate water from storage pump *XGA* and/or
to control water flow to storage pump *XGA*
XGD Bearings a
XGK Transmission gear between motor generator set and storage pump a
XGL Water depression air supply system
from incl. air compressor
to incl. inlet to storage pump
XGM Start-up unit a
XGS Shaft gland cooling water system a
XGV Lubricant supply system
from incl. lubricant tank
to excl. user and
from excl. user
XGW Sealing water supply system
from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
XGX Non-electric control and protection equipment, incl. fluid supply system a
XGY Electrical control and protection equipment a
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XJ
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XJ Diesel engine plant
XJA Engine
from incl. fuel injection nozzle inlet or
from incl. air intake nozzles or
from incl. cooling water inlet nozzles
to incl. exhaust nozzle outlet or
to incl. cooling water nozzle outlet,
incl. engine-internal systems
XJB Turbocharger, blower
from incl. turbocharger or blower inlet
to incl. turbocharger or blower outlet
XJG Liquid cooling system
from excl. engine cooling water nozzle outlet or
from incl. turbocharger air cooling system inlet
to excl. engine cooling water nozzle inlet or
to incl. turbocharger air cooler outlet
XJH Air intercooling system
from incl. intercooler inlet
to incl. intercooler outlet
to excl. outlet to other cooling systems
XJK Transmission gear between prime mover and driven machine
XJN Fuel systems
from incl. temporary (day) tank or
from excl. branch off piping system
to excl. fuel injection nozzle inlet
XJP Start-up unit, (incl. flywheel)
XJQ Air intake system
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. turbocharger or
to excl. engine air intake nozzles
XJR Exhaust gas system
from excl. engine exhaust nozzle outlet
to excl. discharge to atmosphere
XJV Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or common lubricant
and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user and
from excl. user
XJW Sealing fluid supply system
XJX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XJY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XK
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XK Generator plant
XKA Generator frame, incl. stator, rotor and all integral cooling equipment
to incl. generator bushing Limit:
XKB Generator exciter set, including set with electrical braking system (use only if
*XKC* is not sufficient for identification)
XKC Generator exciter set, including set with electrical braking system
XKD Bearings
XKF Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for cooling oil see *XKU*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to liquid coolant
XKG Stator/rotor hydrogen (H2) cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for nitrogen / carbon dioxyde cooling see *XKH*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to hydrogen coolant
XKH Stator/rotor nitrogen (N2) / carbon dioxyde (CO2) cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system
for other gas cooling see *XKG*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to nitrogen / carbon
dioxyde coolant
XKJ Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other gas cooling see *XKG* and *XKH*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to air coolant
XKQ Exhaust gas system (if separate from *XKG* and *XKH*)
XKU Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other liquid cooling see *XKF*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to cooling oil
XKV Lubricant supply system (if separate system for generator)
XKW Sealing oil system, incl. supply and treatment
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet and
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. stator inlet
XKX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XKY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XL
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XL Electro-motive plant (incl. motor generator)
XLA Motor frame, motor generator frame, incl. stator, rotor and all integral cooling
to incl. motor or generator bushing Limit:
XLC Exciter set
XLD Bearings
XLF Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for cooling oil see *XLU*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
XLG Stator/rotor gas cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for nitrogen cooling see *XLH*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
XLH Stator/rotor nitrogen cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other gas cooling see *XLG*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
XLQ Exhaust gas system (if separate from *XLG* and *XLH*)
XLU Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant supply system
for other liquid cooling see *XLF*
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to coolant
XLV Lubricant supply system (if separate system for electro-motive units)
XLW Sealing oil system, incl. supply and treatment
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet and
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. stator inlet
XLX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XLY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XP
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XP Common installations for heavy machinery
XPA Foundations
XPB Sheating
XPG Frame, support structure
XPR Forced cooling system
XPS Drying and layup system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XR
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XR Gas engine plant
XRA Gas engine plant
XRB Gas engine plant
XRC Gas engine plant
XRD Gas engine plant
XRE Gas engine plant
XRF Gas engine plant
XRG Gas engine plant
XRH Gas engine plant
XRJ Gas engine plant
XRK Gas engine plant
XRL Gas engine plant
XRM Gas engine plant
XRN Gas engine plant
XRP Gas engine plant
XRQ Gas engine plant
XRR Gas engine plant
XRS Gas engine plant
XRT Gas engine plant
XRU Gas engine plant
XRV Lubricant supply system
XRW Sealing fluid supply system
XRX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XRY Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XV
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XV Lubricant supply system
XVA Lubricant supply system
XVB Lubricant supply system
XVC Lubricant supply system
XVD Lubricant supply system
XVE Lubricant supply system
XVF Lubricant supply system
XVG Lubricant supply system
XVH Lubricant supply system
XVJ Lubricant supply system
XVK Lubricant supply system
XVL Lubricant supply system
XVM Lubricant supply system
XVN Lubricant supply system
XVP Lubricant supply system
XVQ Lubricant supply system
XVR Lubricant supply system
XVS Lubricant supply system
XVT Lubricant supply system
XVU Lubricant supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XW
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XW Sealing fluid supply system
XWA Sealing fluid supply system
XWB Sealing fluid supply system
XWC Sealing fluid supply system
XWD Sealing fluid supply system
XWE Sealing fluid supply system
XWF Sealing fluid supply system
XWG Sealing fluid supply system
XWH Sealing fluid supply system
XWJ Sealing fluid supply system
XWK Sealing fluid supply system
XWL Sealing fluid supply system
XWM Sealing fluid supply system
XWN Sealing fluid supply system
XWP Sealing fluid supply system
XWQ Sealing fluid supply system
XWR Sealing fluid supply system
XWS Sealing fluid supply system
XWT Sealing fluid supply system
XWU Sealing fluid supply system
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Identification System for Power
Function key : XX
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XX Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXA Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXB Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXC Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXD Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXE Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXF Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXG Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXH Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXJ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXK Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXL Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXM Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXN Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXP Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXQ Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXR Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXS Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXT Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
XXU Fluid supply system for control and protection equipment
Page XX1 of XX1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Function key : XY
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
XY Control and protection equipment
XYA Control and protection equipment
XYB Control and protection equipment
XYC Control and protection equipment
XYD Control and protection equipment
XYE Control and protection equipment
XYF Control and protection equipment
XYG Control and protection equipment
XYH Control and protection equipment
XYJ Control and protection equipment
XYK Control and protection equipment
XYL Control and protection equipment
XYM Control and protection equipment
XYN Control and protection equipment
XYP Control and protection equipment
XYQ Control and protection equipment
XYR Control and protection equipment
XYS Control and protection equipment
XYT Control and protection equipment
XYU Control and protection equipment
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Identification System for Power
Function key : Z
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Z Workshop and office equipment
Page Z1 of Z1 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
General view Equipment unit
2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Mechanical equipment
B Mechanical equipment
C Direct measuring circuits
D Closed loop control circuits
E Analog and binary signal conditioning
F Indirect measuring circuits (gated, corrected, suppressed, calculated)
G Electrical equipment
H Subassemblies of main and heavy machinery
J Nuclear assemblies
Page 1 of 1 12. Sep. 01 Printout date:
Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
A Mechanical equipment
AA Valves, dampers, etc., incl. actuators, also manual, rupture disk equipment
AB Isolating elements, air locks
AC Heat exchangers, heat transfer surfaces
AE Turning, driving, lifting and slewing gear (also manipulators)
AF Continuous conveyors, feeders (escalators)
AG Generator units
AH Heating, cooling and air conditioning units
AJ Size reduction equipment, only as part of process
AK Compacting and packaging equipment, only as part of process
AM Mixers, agitators
AN Compressor units, fans
AP Pump units
AS Adjusting and tensioning equipment for non-electrical variables
AT Cleaning, drying, filtering and separating equipment, excl. *BT*
AU Braking, gearbox, coupling equipment, non-electrical converters
AV Combustion equipment
AW Stationary tooling, treatment equipment
AX Test and monitoring equipment for plant maintenance
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Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
B Mechanical equipment
BB Storage equipment (vessels, tanks)
BE Shafts (for erection and maintenance only)
BF Foundations
BN Jet pumps, ejectors, injectors
BP Flow restrictors, limiters, orifices (not metering orifices)
BQ Hangers, supports, racks, piping penetrations
BR Piping, ductwork, chutes
BS Silencers
BT Flue gas catalytic converter modules
BU Insulation, sheathing
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Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
C Direct measuring circuits
CB Radiation variables, e. g. thermal radiation, flame monitoring (other than *CR* and
CD Density
CE Electrical variables (e. g. current, voltage, power, electr. frequency)
CF Flow, rate
CG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
CH Manual input (as manually operated sensor) (e. g. fire detector)
CJ Power (mechanical, thermal)
CK Time
CL Level (also for dividing line)
CM Moisture, humidity
CP Pressure
CQ Quality variables (analysis, material properties other than *CD*, *CM*, *CV*)
CR Radiation variables
CS Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
CT Temperature
CU Combined and other variables
CV Viscosity
CW Weight, mass
CY Vibration, expansion
Page 3 of 9 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
D Closed loop control circuits
DB Radiation variables, e. g. thermal radiation, flame monitoring (other than *DR* and
DD Density
DE Electrical variables (e. g. current, voltage, power, electr. frequency)
DF Flow, rate
DG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
DJ Power (mechanical, thermal)
DK Time
DL Level (also for dividing line)
DM Moisture, humidity
DP Pressure
DQ Quality variables (analysis, material properties other than *DD*, *DM*, *DV*)
DR Radiation variables
DS Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
DT Temperature
DU Combined and other variables
DV Viscosity
DW Weight, mass
DY Vibration, expansion
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Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
E Analog and binary signal conditioning
EA Open loop control, unit control
EB Open loop control, group control
EC Open loop control, subgroup control
EE Open loop control, subloop control, equipment unit changeover
EG Alarm, annunciation, alarm logics
EH Alarm, annunciation, hard-wired alarm annunciation system
EJ Alarm, annunciation, visualization of operation and monitoring displays
EK Alarm, annunciation, alarm logics
EM Process computer, access control
EN Process computer, status-display computer, criterion display
EP Process computer, supervisory computer
EQ Process computer, internal automation (signal processing)
ES Process computer, internal automation (signal conditioning)
EU Combined analog and binary signal conditioning
EV Signal transmission, bus coupling
EY Protection, protective logics, priority, non-equipment-unit-related
EZ Protection, equipment unit protection (superordinate equipment unit protection)
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Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
F Indirect measuring circuits (gated, corrected, suppressed, calculated)
FB Radiation variables, e. g. thermal radiation, flame monitoring (other than *FR* and
FD Density
FE Electrical variables (e. g. electr. efficiency, power)
FF Flow, rate
FG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
FJ Power (mechanical, thermal)
FK Time
FL Level (also for dividing line)
FM Moisture, humidity
FP Pressure
FQ Quality variables (analysis, material properties other than *FD*, *FM*, *FV*)
FR Radiation variables
FS Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
FT Temperature
FU Combined and other variables
FV Viscosity
FW Weight, mass
FY Vibration, expansion
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Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
G Electrical equipment
GA Junction boxes for analog measured data
GB Junction boxes for binary signals
GC Junction boxes for analog safety I&C (SILT) measured data
GD Junction boxes for power cables > 1 kV
GE Junction boxes for power cables < 1 kV
GF Junction boxes for operational I&C (BELT) measured data
GG Junction boxes for thermocouples
GH Electrical and instrumentation and control installation units (e. g. cubicles, boxes)
GJ Processing and storage equipment for process computers and automation
systems (automation equipment and servers, etc.)
GK Information display and operator control equipment for process computers and
automation systems (keyboards, monitors, printers)
GM Junction boxes for light-current systems of national telecommunications services
GN Networking equipment (bus couplers and optic transceivers, etc.)
GP Subdistribution/junction boxes for lighting
GQ Subdistribution/junction boxes for power sockets
GR DC generating equipment, batteries
GS Switchgear equipment if not identified under process equipment
GT Transformer equipment
GU Converter equipment
GV Structure-related earthing and lightning protection equipment, surge arrestors
GW Cabinet power supply equipment
GX Actuating equipment for electrical variables
GY Junction boxes for light-current systems (not of national telecommunications
GZ Hangers, supports and racks for electrical and instrumentation and control
Page 7 of 9 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
H Subassemblies of main and heavy machinery
HA Machine stationary assembly
HB Machine rotating assembly
HD Bearing assembly
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Identification System for Power
Equipment unit key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
J Nuclear assemblies
JA Absorber assemblies
JB Fuel assemblies (also includes block-type, cluster-type and spherical fuel
JC Breeder assemblies
JD Flow restrictors (assemblies)
JE Burnable absorber assemblies
JF Reflector assemblies
JG Plenum assemblies
JM Moderator assemblies
JN Neutron sources
JS Shielding equipment
JZ Special assemblies
Page 9 of 9 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
General view Component key
2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
- Electrical components
K Mechanical components
M Mechanical components
Q Instrumentation and control components (non-electrical)
X Signal origins
Y Signal applications
Page 1 of 1 12. Sep. 01 Printout date:
Identification System for Power
Component key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
- Electrical components
-A Assemblies and subassemblies
-B Transducers for non-electrical to electrical variables and vice-versa
-C Capacitors
-D Binary elements, delay devices, memory devices
-E Special components
-F Protective devices
-G Generators, power supplies
-H Signalling devices
-K Relays, contactors
-L Inductors
-M Motors
-N Amplifiers, controllers
-P Measuring instruments, testing equipment
-Q Power switchgear
-R Resistors
-S Switches, selectors
-T Transformers
-U Modulators, convertors from electrical to other electrical variables
-V Tubes, semiconductors
-W Transmission paths, waveguides, aerials
-X Terminals, plugs, sockets
-Y Electrical positioners, e. g. solenoids (not motors)
-Z Terminations, balancing equipment, filters, limiters, cable terminations,
equalizers, hybrid transformers
Page 1 of 6 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Component key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
K Mechanical components
KA Gate valves, globe valves, dampers, cocks, rupture disks, orifices
KB Gates, doors, dam boards
KC Heat exchangers, coolers
KD Vessels/tanks, pools, surge tanks (fluid systems)
KE Turning, driving, lifting and slewing gear
KF Continuous conveyors, feeders
KJ Size reduction machines
KK Compacting, packaging machines
KM Mixers, agitators
KN Compressors, blowers, fans
KP Pumps
KT Cleaning machines, dryers, separators, filters
KV Burners, grates
KW Stationary tooling and treatment machines for maintenance
Page 2 of 6 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Component key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
M Mechanical components
MB Brakes
MF Foundations
MG Gearboxes
MK Clutches, couplings
MM Engines, not electrical
MR Piping components, ductwork components
MS Positioners, not electrical
MT Turbines
MU Transmission gear, non electrical, converters and boosters other than couplings
and gearboxes
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Identification System for Power
Component key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Q Instrumentation and control components (non-electrical)
QA Enclosures (for I&C component protection only)
QB Sensors if not structurally integral with *QP*, metering orifices
QH Signalling devices
QN Controllers, flybolt governor
QP Measuring instruments, testing equipment
QR Instrument piping
QS Condensation chambers (datum reservoir) in measuring circuits
QT Thermowells and pockets for protection of sensors
Page 4 of 6 14. Mrz. 01 Printout date
Identification System for Power
Component key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
X Signal origins
XA Functional group control/subloop control
XB Control interface
XC Closed-loop control
XD Reactor protection, signals in binary signal processing section
XE Reactor protection, signals in analog and binary sections
XF Priority control
XG Binary process signals conditioned by binary signal conditioning modules
XH Binary limit signals derived from analog process signals
XJ Signals from non-standard areas (e. g. black box, dedicated I&C)
XK Equipment unit/component protection
XL Control room and control stations, signals not assigned to specific control
systems (e. g. control interface tiles)
XM Alarm signals
XN Status-display computer/criterion display
XP Supervisory computer (process computer)
XQ Analog signals
XR Priority control and limitation function (controls other than *XC* and *XT*,*YC*
and *YT*)
XS Functional group control step signals
XT Turbine generator I&C, binary signals
XU Non-floating dynamic alarm signals
XW Hardwired alarm annunciation system
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Identification System for Power
Component key
KKS 2 nd complete, non-project related edition
Condition-Date: 04.04.97
Y Signal applications
YA Functional group control/subloop control
YB Control interface
YC Closed-loop control
YD Reactor protection, signals in binary signal processing section
YE Reactor protection, signals in analog and binary sections
YF Priority control
YJ Signals from non-standard areas (e. g. black box, dedicated I&C)
YL Control room and control stations, signals not assigned to specific control
systems (e. g. control interface tiles)
YN Status-display computer/criterion display
YP Supervisory computer (process computer)
YQ Analog signals
YR Priority control and limitation function (controls other than *XC* and *XT*,*YC*
and *YT*)
YT Turbine generator I&C, binary signals
YV Signal gating (protective logic, alarm logic, etc.)
YW Hardwired alarm annunciation system
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